CDIT 151 Attachment Persona Infant

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CDIT 151 Attachment of Persona Infant

A. Give examples of how Juliette expresses

(infants name)
Anger: She furrows her brows and begins to fuss. She begins to scream and cry. Juliette
also throws her hands in the air if we try to soothe her, as if wanting to be left alone.

Fear: Juliette expresses fear by beginning to give a worry face and making a pout. She
then either runs away or reaches for someone or something comforting.

Joy: Juliette expresses joy by giving a huge smile and even giving a loud sigh or noise on
enthusiasm. She also screams and claps hands depending if it’s something she is really happy

B. Describe a situation when Juliette used “social referencing”:

(infants name)
Social referencing: when an infant/toddler uses another person’s (for example Mom or Dad) reaction to
a situation to form one’s own assessment of it.
One day Juliette’s dad was trying to build her shelves for her room and he was struggling
to get a nail in. Juliette was entertained with her toys beside him. Once Dad got the nail in
and he finished the shelve, he sighed in relief and yelled “yay we did it!” Juliette looked
confused and looked at me and saw me smiling and cheering as well. Her confused faced
changed to a bright smile and she began to cheer with us.

C. Attachment: Describe behaviors by Juliette which indicate

(infants name)
the infant’s level of attachment to the parent: Juliette shows attachment by crying when she isn’t
around parents. She also begins to pout and gets extremely upset. She also looks around to see if she
can find any of us (her parents).

Who is your persona infant attached to? Juliette is really attached to her dad.

Are there other family members, acquaintances, or caregivers to whom the baby is attached? Juliette
also seems pretty attached to her aunt.

D. Stranger anxiety: How does the baby respond to strangers? Juliette likes to be observant. When
she is around new people she doesn’t cry or give any reaction. Instead, she stares and observes
the person long enough until she feels comfortable and then she gives them a bright warm smile.
It sometimes takes her longer to give the stranger a smile.

E. Separation anxiety: How does the baby respond when the mother/father or other primary
caregiver leave. Juliette always seems to cry when her dad goes to work or when she wakes up
from her nap and realizes he isn’t around. She usually stays in a bad mood or is a bit cranky until
she sees him.

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