Kunci Jawaban Belah Duren

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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Kelas : VIII A-I
Hari / Tanggal : Maret 2021
Waktu :

A. Complete the conversation by using the words in the box! (lengkapi dialog dengan kata-kata di
dalam kotak)
Man : Where are you?
Woman : I am ..1.. inside. I am ..2… a letter to my friend. I am …3… him
about my life and my new job.
Man : Are you …4… the computer?
Woman : I am not …5… the computer because I like to hand write letters. My hand is getting
tired though.
A. using B. working C. telling D. using E. writing

B. Make the correct present continuous forms based on the verbs in the brackets! (buatlah bentuk
present continuous yang benar berdasarkan kata-kata kerja di dalam kurung)
Nomor 1 sebagai contoh
1. Yonda (play) badminton now. Yonda is playing badminton now.
2. Ashilah and Kerani (make) cakes in the kitchen.
3. The plane (fly) to Semarang.
4. The cat (eat) fresh meat.
5. I (visit) my grandpa right now.
6. Uncle and I (go) to a river to fish.
7. They (not, watch) the football match/in the stadium.
8. … Linda (study) English now?
9. The students (read) some books in the library.
10. Aunt Tina (not, cook) fried rice in the kitchen.

C. Read the following short text and answer the questions! (bacalah dan jawab pertanyaannya!)
It’s a rainy Saturday. It’s raining a lot and Mary and her family are spending the afternoon at
home. Her uncle is visiting them.
Mary and her father are in the living room. Mary is making a draw and her father, Mr. Harris is
suffering the net. They are also talking.
Mary’s older brother, Peter is in his bedroom playing computer games. He is a computer fanatic
and he spends much time playing on the computer. His little brother, Jim is also in the living
room. He is playing with her dinosaurs collection. Sometimes he teases Mary, he is a really
naughty boy.
Mary’s mother, Mrs. Harris, is the kitchen preparing a snack for all of them. She is making some
tea and talking to Mary’s uncles-Lucy and Tom. They are from the nearest town and stopped by to
say hello.
Fluffy, the family cat, is sleeping an the kitchen’s sofa. We can’t see him in the picture, but he is a
true fluffy cat.

1. What day of the week is it?

2. Where is Mary?
3. What is she doing?
4. What is Mr. Harris doing?
5. What is Mrs. Harris doing?
6. What is Fluffy, the cat doing?

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