Informative Speech Outline

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Alphonso Zanders-Garris

Informative Speech Outline

I. Introduction:
a. Attention Grabber: Have you ever wondered who is responsible for protecting
and maintaining a company’s brand or reputation? No? I thought, so, but that is
okay. That is what I am here for today.
b. Audience Relevance: My name is Alphonso Zanders, and I will be informing you
about the importance of the communications profession, specifically public
relations specialists (PR).
c. Credibility: I am Communications (PR) I have had some experience protecting
an organization in middle school when I was granted a volunteer position as
Junior Ambassador for the Charleston chapter of the American Lung Association.
I also have some experience protecting reputations and brands, as I am a
connoisseur of many different musical artists, and doing it for free for so long and
realizing that there is a field of focus for it, I figured I might as well try and make
some money off of it.
d. Preview: Public relations specialists create and maintain a favorable public image
for an organization, brand, or person they represent. The specialists create media
releases and sometime social media programs to shape the public’s view of their
client and bring awareness of its work and goals.
Transition: You may wonder what jobs are under public relation…

II. Body
a. Main Point I: PR agents wear several hats in the industry
i. In public relations, you will see brand ambassadors, editors, executive
assistants, event coordinators and managers, media directors, publicist,
social media managers, program coordinators, etc.
Transition: What does PR do?
b. Main Point II: PR increases brand credibility
i. Trust is needed for the success of a business or brand, and without it, the
brand puts revenue on the line.
ii. To gain trust between a brand and its soon-to-be customers, a public
relations specialist is hired.
iii. The PR agent works on raising credibility in their industry, increasing
their reputation as well as what they are representing.
Transition: Social media plays an important role in PR. Especially in modern times.

c. Main Point III: PR builds online presence

i. Today we are all connected by the internet, and PR help create a strong
social media presence that is visible to their target audience.
ii. PR agents can find the best networks and influencers to spread messages
to the right people.
iii. Press releases, social media and influencer connections with promo
publishing sites are some ways PR agents use to help their client
strengthen their brand.

III. Conclusion:
a. Signal the End: In other words, …
b. Recap: Public relations is important to businesses, brands, and clients. Public
relations agents are the ones that make it happen. They make sure that brands and
businesses get their point across, all while maintaining a reputation.
c. Memorable Close: I will go further into the field someday.

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