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Hannah/Student A S21 Tutoring @ Arcada HS

Log Sheet: Student A, 10th grade, Tuesdays 11:30-12:30pm

Date What was talked about or done in this session Next steps/ 
Goals for next time

2/2/2021 We worked on outlining a history paper that she Continue working on her
had to write. The paper was on the timeline of paper and have her rough
World War 2, so we selected some key events we draft completed. 
wanted to focus on in the paper and did some
research. Then we separated the key events into
different paragraphs using the rubric as a guide
and made topic sentences for each paragraph.
Then we discussed possible ideas she could write
in each paragraph. 

2/16/202 We looked through Student A’s grades on infinite Turn in her missing flip book
1 campus and decided to focus on biology because that she has already
she was almost passing biology. We then worked completed. Study for her
on one of her biology assignments and completed biology test on Thursday. 
the worksheet. 

2/23/202 We looked through Student A’s grades and  Turn in e-learning day
1 decided to work on Math. She had a bunch of assignment for
modules that are due this Thursday, so we started government.
working on those to get a good chunk completed.   Work on Government
We then went on to her google classroom to look paper.
at her assignments she will be doing this week
and find any missing assignments.

3/2/2021 We checked in on all of her assignments that she Get prepared for a new
turned in last week and then looked at her grades. trimester.
She was not passing English but had just turned
in a bunch of late assignments so that grade
should go up after the teacher grades everything.
She also just took a test in English that she felt
good about. We then went through all of her
classes in google classrooms to make sure that
she had all her assignments done. She had no
assignments, tests, or projects for the rest of the
week because it’s the last week of the trimester.

3/23 We only had 15 minutes today for tutoring Finish the 2 math
because she forgot about tutoring and was late assignments.
and she still needed to go get lunch. We focused
on geometry where she had 2 missing Next week grab lunch and
assignments and looked over some of the bring it right to our zoom
problems she had. She made a plan to go to her meeting so that we have
geometry teacher during E-period to ask more time. 
questions about the unit they are on because we
did not have enough time to finish the

4/6 Today we worked on a Spanish worksheet. Finish Spanish assignment

Student A read 2 stories and answered questions English assignment
about them. She read the first story aloud to me
and then we worked together to summarize the
text. She then took parts of the text out to answer
her questions. She had just finished reading the
second story when she had to go to her next

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