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Tourism in Kuwait: How this country is trying to face this difficulty

Tourism is seen as a key pillar of the UAE's policy of economic diversification and a trustworthy
catalyst for growth in GDP. Inbound visitors have more than tripled from 6.4 million in 2006 to
approximately 17 million in 2019 (Al-Fadly, 2020). At present, approximately 90% of Kuwaiti
government revenues stem from oil, an area which has experienced volatility over the last two
years due to over-supply price pressures and the progressive movement towards renewable and
clean sources of energy. This put emphasis even before COVID-19 on the national treasury of
Kuwait. The pandemic came to Kuwait's economy as a double hurdle - with worldwide locks to
address COVID 19 generating an almost overnight drop in demand, oil prices, and local
economic lockdowns.

Figure 1: International Visitor Spending in GCC

In its regions, the Government of Kuwait has identified confirmed COVID-19 cases. Kuwait's
administration has until further notice extended the entry prohibition for non-Kuwaiti foreigners.
For first-grade families of the people of Kuwaiti and domestic workers traveling with them,
exceptions are available. The COVID-19 PCR test is delivered by Kuwait health authorities on
arrival and the next test in quarantine for passengers authorized to arrive in Kuwait. It is also
compulsory to fly within 72 hours of a flight to Kuwait with a negative PCR test result
(Maliszewska et al., 2020).
Passengers who leave Kuwait, must be prepared to travel from their residences to the airport,
holding their flight confirmation and nationality directly from their homes at the possible control
points. Government and private enterprises, banking, finance and building industry, retail shops,
shopping centres, health clubs, lounges, barber shops, spas, restaurants, services, hotels and
tailors are open. The level of crime is very low in Kuwait. The prevalence of violent travel
offences is insignificant. However, at home or in any big city, you would take the same
precautions. A series of measures to reduce the spread of this virus was initiated by the Kuwait
government. Any further screening measures implemented by your local government should be
adhered to. Medical screening will include possible additional health follow-up measures and
limitations. In public, facemasks have to be worn. As a result of an increase in the number of
new cases and hospitalizations, Kuwait announced new limits on 3 February 2021. It is banned
to organize sports and social meetings and activities.
On 20 February 2021 the authorities of Kuwait declared that the entry prohibition for non-
Kuwaiti nationals will continue until further notice, except for immediate family members and
Kuwaiti domestic employees. Passengers arriving from countries identified as high-risk by the
Kuwaiti authorities, including Ireland, were previously announced to be subjected to 14 days of
quarantine in their own expense at a designated facility, organised using the Kuwait mosafer app
before the journey. Passengers from other nations will have to stay at a quarantine station for one
week, and at home for the second week.

 Al-Fadly, A. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 on SMEs and employment. Entrepreneurship
and Sustainability Issues, 8(2), 629.
 Karim, W., Haque, A., Anis, Z., & Ulfy, M. A. (2020). The movement control order
(mco) for covid-19 crisis and its impact on tourism and hospitality sector in
Malaysia. International Tourism and Hospitality Journal, 3(2), 1-7.
 Maliszewska, M., Mattoo, A., & Van Der Mensbrugghe, D. (2020). The potential impact
of COVID-19 on GDP and trade: A preliminary assessment. World Bank Policy
Research Working Paper, (9211).

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