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Massachusetts State Seal, Charles D. Baker, Governor Karyn E.

Polito, Lieutenant Governor Stephanie Pollack, Secretary & CEO, Jonathan L. Gulliver, Highway Administrator, MassDOT Highway Division Logo

May 1, 2020

Glenda Velez
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – Region 1
5 Post Office Square – OEP06-01
Boston, MA 02109-3912

RE: NPDES Phase II Small MS4 General Permit

EPA Permit Number MA043025
Massachusetts Department of Transportation Permit Year 17 Annual Report

Dear Ms. Velez,

Please find enclosed the Permit Year 17 Annual Report, signed by the Administrator Johnathan L. Gulliver.
The annual report summarizes the Massachusetts Department of Transportation’s activities between April
2019 and March 2020 towards meeting the measurable goals outlined in the NPDES Phase II Notice of
Intent (NOI), which was submitted to your office in July 2003, and most recently revised on January 11,
2008. Please feel free to contact Henry Barbaro, Supervisor of Stormwater Management, at (857)368-8788
or, if you have any questions or require further information.


David White
Acting Director, Environmental Services
MassDOT Highway Division

Enclosures: NPDES Phase II Small MS4 General Permit Annual Report – Year 17

Cc: Laura Schifman

Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
One Winter Street – 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02108

Ten Park Plaza, Suite 4160, Boston, MA 02116

Tel: 857-368-4636, TTY: 857-368-0655
NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17


The Massachusetts Department of Transportation – Highway Division (MassDOT) has

completed the required self-assessment and has determined itself to be in full compliance with
the conditions of the Massachusetts MS4 permit, pursuant to the United States Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General
Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems.
MassDOT has spent significant time, effort and funds focusing on the potential impacts of
stormwater from its roads and properties this year. MassDOT has advanced its stormwater
program in Permit Year 17 through implementation of the Impaired Waters Program (IWP),
educating its staff, conducting public outreach at numerous seminars, and continuing a pilot
stormwater inspection program.

The MassDOT Environmental Services Stormwater Unit presently consists of three

environmental scientists who focus on stormwater management across the Commonwealth (a
third stormwater scientist was hired in Summer 2019). The Stormwater Unit reviews the
proposed drainage/stormwater management system improvements for all programmed
(planned) projects, identifies programmed projects that would benefit from the implementation
of structural stormwater BMPs, ensures effective BMPs are designed, and implements the IWP.
Additionally, the Stormwater Unit works to expand its BMP and drainage inventory, and
promote inspection and maintenance practices. In Permit Year 17, the Stormwater Unit hired
two co-op students (one six-month internship each) which increased the overall capabilities of
the Unit.

MassDOT, with consultant support, has continued to implement the IWP to address discharges
of highway runoff to impaired waters as part of its compliance with the MS4 general permit,
and has completed a significant number of water quality treatment projects. MassDOT’s IWP
includes two components: the Retrofit Initiative and the Programmed Projects Initiative.
Through the Retrofit Initiative, MassDOT identifies locations that warrant adding after-the-fact
stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) along existing roadways; and through the
Programmed Projects Initiative, MassDOT incorporates stormwater BMPs into programmed
highway projects. The latter project types have the advantage of being more holistically
integrated into highway drainage systems, which often provides more effective stormwater

MassDOT’s 2010 IWP commitment to Federal court and EPA regarding IWP assessments of
impaired waters potentially receiving MassDOT stormwater runoff was fulfilled in Permit Year
13. Overall, 826 water bodies were assessed, 142 more than the 684 required under the EPA
Enforcement Order. These additional assessments illustrate MassDOT’s commitment to
manage and treat runoff from its highways as the opportunities arise.

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

This year, MassDOT employed five consultant firms to design retrofit BMPs where warranted.
There are currently 15 stormwater BMP retrofit projects in various stages of design. These
projects include the design of a broad range of vegetated and subsurface stormwater infiltration
BMPs. BMPs included in final designs this year are estimated to remove 41.3 acres of effective
impervious cover (EIC) and 26.9 lbs/yr of phosphorus from the watersheds. 19 projects are
currently under construction and 85 have been completed since the program began in 2010. A
summary of the IWP is included in BMPs 7R and 7U, along with Appendix D of this report.

In order to alert designers working on projects that potentially impact impaired waters, and to
capture information regarding stormwater improvements incorporated into highway designs,
MassDOT developed a water quality data form (WQDF) which is submitted by design
consultants at the 25% and 75% design stages.

MassDOT continues to follow up on potential illicit connections identified along its drainage
systems while working on a more targeted and efficient Illicit Discharge Detection and
Elimination (IDDE) program, although the isolated and controlled nature of MassDOT’s
roadway network results in a very low probability for illicit connections. As part of the process
of developing the Draft TS4 permit, EPA is working with MassDOT to prioritize areas that
have a greater potential for illicit drainage connections throughout the State, i.e., where there is
a higher probability of discovering illicit connections during targeted site investigations.

MassDOT continued the review of Appendix A (IDDE Status) and Appendix B (Status of
Drainage Tie- In Permits) that have been submitted in previous Annual Reports. This included
revising the tables, including more specific information on the Property Owner and Action
Items. Additionally, each District was contacted to determine if any of the drainage tie-ins were
issued permits.

The Drainage Tie-In Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), issued in 2012, has been utilized
this past year to regulate property owners with existing or proposed drainage conveyances tied
into MassDOT’s system. This mechanism has advanced the objectives of the IDDE program
by identifying unauthorized pipe outfalls (e.g., from basement sump pumps) that otherwise
would not be detected by using dry- weather flow inspections. When MassDOT identifies such
a stormwater connection into MassDOT’s drainage system, the respective property owner is
contacted with a Notice of Violation (NOV) letter informing them that they can either apply
for a Tie-in Permit or remove their connection. A generic NOV letter is included in Appendix

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

According to the 25% forms submitted in Permit Year 17, MassDOT proposed projects would
discharge to 59 receiving water body segments. Of these segments, 48 had water quality
impairments, 16 of which specifically had a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) report. The
75% forms documented a total of 61 stormwater BMPs (existing and proposed) and at least
1,627 proposed deep sump catch basins. Additionally, sensitive site design elements for these
projects were documented and included measures such as preserving existing vegetation, natural
drainage patterns, and riparian buffers; minimizing disturbance to wetland resource areas;
promoting sheet flow to vegetated areas; and reducing existing impervious cover. Information
collected in WQDFs during Permit Year 17 is included in Appendix E.

MassDOT has found that alerting designers early about impaired waters is an effective way to
make sure they include the appropriate stormwater features to address the impairment. In
addition, by capturing BMP design information at the 75% design stage, MassDOT can readily
build its database of stormwater BMPs which has a variety of applications (e.g., asset
management). MassDOT has updated the WQDF for Permit Year 17. This update includes a
BMP pollutant estimator tool and allows MassDOT to track pollutant removal and EIC
reduction from each BMP proposed.

MassDOT has developed the IWP geospatial database to track the many structural BMPs being
designed and constructed, as well as the status of water body assessments. As the assessment
portion of the IWP has been fulfilled, BMP data has been transferred to MassDOT’s Stormwater
Asset Database. In addition to BMPs, this database includes information on stormwater discharge
points, inlets, manholes, pipes, and small culverts. WQDF information (e.g., stormwater BMPs)
is used to populate the Stormwater Asset Database.

The Stormwater Asset Database is an integral part of MassDOT’s Asset Management Initiative
to collect location and condition data on all assets statewide. During Permit Year 1, all structures
along MassDOT roadways (inlets and manholes) were collected using Light Detection and
Ranging (LiDAR) and high-quality imagery as part of MassDOT’s Asset Management Initiative.
In Permit Year 17, those data were refined by collecting additional structures on ramps that were
not collected in the original LiDAR survey. Data on small culverts (under 10 feet in diameter)
were also collected.

MassDOT conducted a robust training and outreach effort in Permit Year 17 including
presentations on MassDOT’s stormwater program at various meetings and trainings,
participation in national research studies and workshops, and internal staff training.
MassDOT’s stormwater program continues to be at the cutting edge of stormwater
management for regional state DOTs, and presentations from MassDOT are sought out by
conference organizers in the area.

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

MassDOT continues to promote pollution prevention and good housekeeping initiatives.

Approximately 47,102 bags of litter were collected along MassDOT roadways during Permit
Year 17. Salt material usage, anti-icing equipment upgrades, and training for snow and ice
contractors continued to be a focus for MassDOT with the objective of reducing the amount of
deicing materials used and effective storage of materials.

MassDOT additionally advanced the update of their Stormwater Handbook during Permit Year
17. The Handbook, to be known as the “Stormwater Design Guide”, has been significantly
revised to ensure MassDOT projects comply with federal and state regulations, as well as
MassDOT policies. Major updates include discussion on the Impaired Waters Program and
WQDF, refined BMP typical designs, guidance, and pollutant credits, a focus on BMP selection
and low impact development, and a section on BMP inspection and maintenance. MassDOT
plans to secure MassDEP’s and EPA’s ratification of the Stormwater Design Guide during Permit
Year 18.

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Part III. Summary of Minimum Control Measures

The BMPs included in MassDOT’s Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) are summarized in each of the Minimum Control Measure
sections below.

1. Public Education and Outreach

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2020/ 2021
Description Dept./Person Name
1A MassDOT MTAP Facilitate one training program Because this training is for MassDOT staff and BMP Revised.
Revised Training related to stormwater and /or snow contractors, this BMP is reported under 6B-1
Assistance and ice control as a means of (Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping).
Program (MTAP) reducing source pollution.
Document attendance numbers.

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2020/ 2021
Description Dept./Person Name
1B Baystate Roads Baystate Roads Provide one training program for Approximately 44 classes were held throughout Provide one training program for
MassDOT employees and one for the permit year providing training on snow and municipal DPW snowplow drivers
municipal DPW snowplow drivers ice operations and source pollution reduction. related to snow and ice control as a
related to snow and ice control as a Attendees included municipal DPW snowplow means of reducing source pollution.
means of reducing source drivers and there were approximately 1,600 Document attendance numbers.
pollution. Document attendance attendees in total. Topics covered included:
numbers. - Current vendor contract
- Anti-icing
- Department operations
- Salt and environmental considerations
- Drainage systems
Additionally, 52 trainings on various topics
were provided by Baystate Roads, which is
partially funded by MassDOT. The trainings
included the following and a total of
approximately 1,019 people attended. A full list
of trainings is included in Appendix M.
- Highway construction/surveying
- How to read construction plans
- Basics of a good road
- Advanced Complete Streets 201
- Snow and Ice Operations
- Spreader Calibration
- All About Liquid Deicers
- Asphalt Project Estimating
- Municipal Culvert Assessment
- Trenching & Excavating Safety
- Gravel Roads: When the Dust Settles
- Rivers and Roads Training Tier 2A
- Pavement Preservation

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2020/ 2021
Description Dept./Person Name
IC-1 MassDOT Web IT/Environmental Add Environmental Section web Measurable goal completed in Permit Year 1. Measurable goal complete. Continue
Site page to web site. The MassDOT Environmental Section website to update the website with the most
was updated and reorganized in the summer of updated information.
2014. The updated website is easier to use and MassDOT will be working with the
more streamlined. State of Massachusetts to update the
state-wide website. This will allow an
opportunity to refresh the stormwater
information made available to the
1C-2 MassDOT Web IT/ Environmental Include link for contacting The MassDOT web site includes a link for Measurable goal complete.
Site Highway Department via email. contacting the Highway Division via email.
Review emails and direct to Emails received are reviewed and directed to
appropriate department. the appropriate department.
1C-3 MassDOT Web IT/ Environmental Evaluate web page annually and Stormwater Program Webpage – MassDOT Update the stormwater program
Site revise as necessary. updated the stormwater program webpage in webpage as necessary to reflect the
Spring 2019 to allow the public to access all current status and most recent
related information on the MassDOT documents.
stormwater program. Add the PY17 Annual Report.
The Environmental web page was reviewed and Continue to post updates to the Water
updated. Annual Report 16 was added this year. Quality Data Form and the WQDF
The WQDF Web Map was updated in Permit Web Map. Make stormwater assets
Year 17 and posted to MassDOT’s website. (e.g., catch basins) available as
1D-1 Storm Water Environmental/ Conduct training for MassDOT This BMP is duplicative since stormwater BMP Removed
Removed Training MTAP personnel every two years. training is addressed through the BMP 1A
Workshop Summarize date of meeting, topics program above. The BMP 1D-1 is replaced by
covered, and #of attendees in
annual report. Also include # of the additional commitments made in BMP 1A in
Snow& Ice training classes, and # the January 2008 SWMP.
of “tailgate” meetings.
1D-2 Storm Water Environmental/ Conduct stormwater training This BMP is duplicative since stormwater BMP Removed
Removed Training Baystate Roads workshop for municipal DPW training is addressed through the BMP 1B
Workshop personnel every two years.
program above. The BMP 1D-2 is replaced by
Summarize training programs
similarly to above. the additional commitments made in BMP 1B in
the January 2008 SWMP.

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2020/ 2021
Description Dept./Person Name
1E Educational Construction Section Provide educational seminars for Measurable goal complete in Permit Year 1. Measurable goal complete.
Seminars for CIM CIM members on CGP Permit
members coverage and environmental
compliance in Permit Year 1.
1F MassDOT/ Environmental/ Develop communication BMP Revised – see 1F below BMP Revised
Removed Municipal Tie-In Districts mechanism re: MassDOT drainage
Review Process that discharges to a local MS4.
Develop review process for
addressing those concerns. Notify
other MS4s of process.
1F Revised Post Contact Environmental/ 1) Distribute a flyer with contact 1) Completed in Year 5. 1) Completed in Year 5.
Names for Districts/ GIS names to municipalities during 2) DHD contact names continue to be 2) Continue to maintain contact
Municipal May 2007 Baystate Roads NPDES updated on the web site. Go to names.
Drainage Phase II General Permit seminar.
Concerns on 3) Share drainage inventory
2) Post DHD contact name for each AbouttheDistricts.aspx information as requested.
MassDOT Web district on website for
Site 3) MassDOT continues to refine its Open MassDOT will post additional
municipalities to contact and Data portal, where various data sets are drainage data, such as inlet
maintain link. available for view and download by the data, as they are available.
3) GIS group will develop a public. MassDOT has posted the drainage
program to provide easy to use outfall inventory on this web site at this
access and allow the public to location:
identify a selected area and review https://geo-
the MassDOT owned roads and
outfalls. MassDOT will then _ids=362562c527bb404884dd1608b4bfdb62
review alternatives for alerting
towns and the public to the
availability of this information.

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2020/ 2021
Description Dept./Person Name
1G River and Stream Traffic Operations Maintain signs identifying rivers MassDOT installed 11 signs identifying river MassDOT will continue to install signs
Signs and streams crossed by MassDOT and stream crossings. The locations were in areas identified by MassRiverways
roads, until crossing of all named identified by the MassRiverways Program and Program.
rivers and streams are signposted. installed by MassDOT personnel. The locations
were identified by the MassRiverways Program
and installed by MassDOT personnel. The
locations were identified by the MassRiverways
Program and installed by MassDOT personnel.
One sign was installed along U.S. 1 to identify
the Saugus River. Five signs were installed
along I-95 to identify the Seven Mile River,
Ten Mile River, Wading River, and two
crossings of the Neponset River. Five signs
were installed along I-495 to identify the
Beaver Brook, Mill Pond Brook, River
Meadow Brook, Black Brook, and Concord
1H Anti-litter/ Operations Maintain anti-litter message in the Messages on permanent Variable Message Post anti-litter message on VMBs
Dumping message mix on permanent Boards are restricted to traffic and safety issues. during the weekend of Earth Day and
Messages on Variable Message Boards (VMBs). MassDOT has developed a working group to additional days as conditions allow.
Variable Message address public safety and has identified
Boards roadside litter as a potential safety issue.
Post anti-litter message on VMBs during the
weekend of Earth Day (April 21-24th) and
additional days as conditions allow.
Don’t Trash Mass! – Please Don’t Litter!
1I Anti-litter/ Operations Work with EOEEA’s Think Blue It was determined in Permit Year 7, that the BMP Revised.
Removed Dumping Campaign to identify appropriate Think Blue Campaign was not the right
Literature at brochures for use in Visitor’s program for providing stormwater literature to
Visitors Centers Centers. Distribute literature to the public. The BMP was revised – see 1I
appropriate visitor centers and below.
track number of brochures
distributed annually.

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2020/ 2021
Description Dept./Person Name
1I Highway Operations / Educate the public on the Impaired MassDOT presented certain aspects of the The stormwater program webpage will
Revised Stewardship Environmental Waters Program, proper MassDOT Stormwater Program at various be updated to reflect the current status
Literature stormwater management, and other conferences/meetings throughout the year, as and most recent documents.
environmental stewardship follows – Continue to inform others about
measures. • Merrimack Valley Planning Commission - MassDOT’s various stormwater
August 7, 2019 programs through public outreach.
• Present to MACC Young Professional
Committee on MassDOT Stormwater
Design Standards – November 7, 2019
• MACC Annual Environmental
Conference: MassDOT Environmental
Services Poster – February 29, 2020
Stormwater Program Webpage – MassDOT
updated the stormwater program webpage in
Summer 2014 to allow the public to access all
related information on the MassDOT
stormwater program.
1J New England Environmental Coordinate with New England MassDOT is participating in a New England MassDOT will continue to participate
DOT Meetings DOTs to discuss on-going issues stormwater forum that meets quarterly. The in the NE DOT forum, and
and programs being faced by the meetings are attended by stormwater communicate with other individual
DOTs including wetland management personnel from all six New DOTs as the need develops.
mitigation, stormwater, and erosion England DOTs, and focus on sharing “lessons MassDOT will continue to participate
controls. learned,” best practices, Federal permit in NCHRP research panels as the
compliance, and case studies. The group has opportunities arise.
met three times this Permit Year: 05/17/2019,
07/24/2019, 02/10/2020.
MassDOT’s Stormwater Unit participation in
NCHRP studies was completed this permit
year, as the studies were concluded. The
studies included -- “limitations of the
infiltration approach to stormwater
management in the highway environment;”
“evaluating the effectiveness and cost of using
granulated ferric oxide media in removing
dissolved metals from stormwater runoff;” and
“developing guidance for DOTs on complying
with TMDLs.”

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2020/ 2021
Description Dept./Person Name
1K Storm Water Environmental Fund a full-time stormwater The Environmental Section Stormwater Unit, Continue to fund the Stormwater Unit
Coordinator coordinator position each year. consisting of three environmental scientists, consisting of three environmental
continues to coordinate compliance with the scientists (including a Stormwater
NPDES MS4 stormwater program across the Program Coordinator) as well as two
Commonwealth. They have completed many Co-op students (one for the fall and
tasks under these roles throughout the year. one for spring semesters), as funding
Stormwater staff members also continue to allows, to provide stormwater related
coordinate the Impaired Waters Program assistance.
implementation. They work with consultants to
select appropriate stormwater BMPS as part of
the Retrofit Initiative and Programmed Project
During Permit Year 17, the Stormwater Unit
hired a full-time Stormwater Program
Coordinator as well as two co-ops for 6-month
periods each, one from July to December 2019
and one from January to June 2020 to assist
with general stormwater program
Addn. Environmental Environmental Develop an environmental site data The Water Quality Data Form (WQDF) is MassDOT designers and consultants
Site Data Form form for review by designers with being used for submittal at 25% design and will continue to submit the forms at
Environmental staff at 25% design. 75% design stage to MassDOT by internal 25% and 75% Design Submittals.
Implement on all projects. designers and consultants. Continue to update MassDOT database
This year, MassDOT has received 82 water to accurately track BMP design and
quality data forms; 44 at the 25% design phase pollutant reduction data.
and 38 forms at the 75% design phase. The Continue to educate designers on how
75% forms documented a total of to accurately and comprehensively
61 stormwater BMPs (existing and proposed) complete the WQDF.
and at least 1,627 proposed deep sump catch
basins. Additionally, site sensitive design Develop updated WQDF which allows
measures for these projects were documented. for pollutant load reduction
Appendix E provides more information on data information to be calculated and
collected through the WQDFs in Permit Year uploaded into MassDOT’s Stormwater
17. Asset Database. Post new WQDF and
conduct training sessions on it. For
more details see Appendix D.

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2020/ 2021
Description Dept./Person Name
Addn. Stormwater Environmental MassDOT presented certain aspects of the Continue to present relevant topics at
Related MassDOT Stormwater Program at various conferences.
Presentations conferences/meetings throughout the year, as
follows – MassDOT will conduct trainings on
the updated Water Quality Data Form
• Merrimack Valley Planning Commission -
and on the revised MassDOT
August 7, 2019
Stormwater Handbook once it is
• MACC Young Professional Committee on
ratified and made available.
MassDOT Stormwater Design Standards –
November 7, 2019
• MACC Annual Environmental
Conference: MassDOT Environmental
Services Poster – February 2, 2020
Addn. TRB NCHRP Environmental MassDOT’s Stormwater Unit participation in Continue participation in NCHRP
Committee(s) NCHRP studies was completed this permit study panels, as the opportunities arise.
year, as the studies were concluded. The
studies included -- “limitations of the
infiltration approach to stormwater
management in the highway environment;”
“evaluating the effectiveness and cost of using
granulated ferric oxide media in removing
dissolved metals from stormwater runoff;” and
“developing guidance for DOTs on complying
with TMDLs.”

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2020/ 2021
Description Dept./Person Name
Addn. USGS Environmental The operation of the three bridge-deck Measurable goal complete.
Phosphorus Study monitoring stations on Route 2A in Boston,
Interstate 90 in Weston, and Route 20 in
Quinsigamond continued through September
2016. In total, over 50 composite samples of
bridge-deck runoff were collected at each
station from August 2014 through September
2016. These samples were analyzed for
concentrations of total phosphorus, total
nitrogen, particulate carbon, loss on ignition,
and suspended sediment, including particle size
The final report was prepared which
characterized total nutrients and suspended
sediment concentrations in stormwater runoff
from each bridge location. The Technical
Report is projected was released online by
USGS in May 2018.
Addn. MassDEP Environmental MassDOT was invited by MassDEP to be a Continue to participate in informing
Stormwater member of their Stormwater Advisory and providing inputs as a stakeholder
Management Committee, which has been charged with on proposed changes to MassDEP’s
Advisory revising the Massachusetts Stormwater stormwater regulations and Handbook.
Committee Handbook
Addn. Revision to Environmental Revise and update MassDOT’s The MassDOT Stormwater Unit provided the Provide updates as the opportunities
Project Project Development and Design MassDOT PDDG Project Manager with an arise during the PDDG timeline
Development and Guide to reflect the changes in outline of language changes pertaining to
Design Guide Federal and State stormwater stormwater management.
(PDDG) management regulations and

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2020/ 2021
Description Dept./Person Name
Addn. Engineering Environmental/ Develop an Engineering Directive In December 2019, MassDOT issued the Goal complete.
Directive for Project Design that provides guidance for selecting Engineering Directive to be applied to all
BMPs within the BMP site locations, and for highway projects.
Highway Clear designing and constructing
Zone traversable BMPs within the “clear
zone” of a roadway.

2. Public Involvement and Participation

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
2A Project Related Environmental Continue compliance with federal MassDOT continues to comply with federal and MassDOT will continue to comply
Public and state public notification and state public notification and public participation with federal and state public
Notification and public participation requirements requirements. MassDOT conducted 78 design notification and public participation
Public including but not limited to public hearings and public information meetings requirements.
Participation Wetlands Protection Act, Clean in this permit year. See Appendix F for a full
Requirements Water Act 401 Water Quality list of meetings. This does not include the
Certification, Army Corps of numerous public participation meetings held for
Engineers 404 Permit, and various permit processes throughout the year.
2B Adopt-a- Adopt-a-Highway Continue to support program. MassDOT maintained, repaired, and replaced MassDOT will continue to support
Highway program signs as needed. 750 lane miles are and promote this program.
covered by the Adopt-a-Highway and Sponsor-
a-Highway programs.
2C 511 Operations Maintain 511 System. Revised – see 2C below BMP Removed.
Removed Massachusetts

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
2C Call-In Numbers Operations Maintain Call-In Numbers for Each District and Headquarters has a general Maintain call-in numbers and
Revised for Roadway Roadway Debris call-in number for the public to use to alert providing active responses.
Debris MassDOT of roadway debris. If Headquarter
receives the call, then the information is
forwarded to the appropriate District. The
information is then forwarded to the
Maintenance Department Foreman, who
coordinates with the workers to alleviate the
situation. Contact information can be found
Call-in numbers are listed below.
• Headquarters: (857) 368-4636
• District 1: (413)-637-5700
• District 2: (413) 582-0599
• District 3: (508) 929-3800
• District 4: (781) 641-8300
• District 5: (508) 824-6633
• District 6: (857) 368-6100
MassDOT provides Highway Assistance Patrol
(HAP), an emergency roadway assistance
service, along the most highly traveled roadways
in Massachusetts. HAP patrols 982,000 miles
annually and removes roadway debris when
encountered, in addition to other services.

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
2D-1 MassDOT Web IT/ Environmental Post Storm Water Management The most recent SWMP submitted to EPA EPA has indicated that MassDOT
Site Plan (SWMP) to web site. (December 2009) is posted on MassDOT’s web will receive an individual
site. Transportation specific permit
(TS4) and is not included as a
permittee in the 2016 MA general
permit. MassDOT will continue to
be covered by the 2003 MS4 permit
until EPA issues a MassDOT TS4
permit. MassDOT will prepare a
revised SWMP as part of the TS4
permit compliance, which will be
posted on the website once
2D-2 MassDOT Web IT/ Environmental Post annual reports to the web Annual Reports for Permit Year 1-17 are posted Permit Year 18’s Annual Report
Site site. on the Environmental Section’s web page. will be posted to the Environmental
Section web page for public access
within 30 days of submittal to EPA
and DEP.
2E Complete Environmental Complete survey. Completed survey in Permit Year 3. Measurable goal complete.
Center for
Excellence on
“Strategies &
Approaches to
Complying with
Addn. Participate in Districts Assist with local cleanup efforts, On June 1st, District 1 held its Annual Clean Up Continue to participate in local
local cleanup as appropriate. Day clean-up efforts, as appropriate.
days On July 29th, District 5 Staff removed
approximately 800-1000 illegally dumped tires
on Route 140 in New Bedford.

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
Addn. Tisbury Environmental Provide funding and design efforts The project has been initiated by MassDOT Continue project planning and
Impervious in the implementation of BMPs District 5 for 2024 and 2025 for a total of cooperating with the Environmental
Cover along Beach Street in Tisbury. $1,131,076. MassDOT is in coordination with Protection Agency (EPA) and the
Disconnection the various Tisbury boards and agencies Town of Tisbury.
(ICD) Project including Town Selectmen, Tisbury
Conservation Commission, Martha’s Vineyard
Commission, Tisbury Water Resources Planner,
and Tisbury Waterways Inc.

3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination

BMP ID BMP Description Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
# Dept./Person Name
3A-1 Rest Area Leases Environmental/ Include drainage system submittal Submission of drainage information is a standard Measurable goal complete.
Right-of-Way requirements in all new rest area condition on all new rest area leases.
leases where the site is to be
redeveloped. Summarize in annual
3A -2 Rest Area Leases Environmental/Right- Summarize new rest area leases No new rest area leases were issued during Any new rest area leases will be
of-Way issued each year in the annual Permit Year 17. summarized in the Annual Report.

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID BMP Description Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
# Dept./Person Name
3B-1 Drainage Environmental/ Develop and implement As part of the Impaired Waters Program Retrofit The IWP database will continue to
Inventory Construction/ specification for securing drainage Initiative, MassDOT consultants have continued be updated as retrofit project designs
Planning/ IT Section information from future to improve upon MassDOT’s drainage reach milestones. MassDOT will
construction and redevelopment components electronic inventory. MassDOT has also continue to refine the Water
projects. developed a geospatial database to inventory the Quality Data Form to capture
improvements being identified, designed and information from programmed
installed as part of the program. This database is projects.
submitted at the completion of the project MassDOT is developing methods to
design. update the Stormwater Asset
For programmed projects, the Water Quality Database from construction and
Data Form submitted as part of 75% design maintenance efforts. Various
provides geospatial information on existing and methods will be evaluated including
proposed stormwater improvements thereby using LiDAR data, aerial images,
continuing to develop the database. record design plans, or manual
Additionally, MassDOT has developed a collection in the field during
geospatial Stormwater Asset Database to collect inspection and maintenance
all drainage assets including inlets, pipes, and activities. MassDOT will continue
outlets. Manholes and inlets in the roadway to work towards expanding this
were collected using LiDAR data and added into effort statewide as part of
MassDOT’s Stormwater Asset Database this MassDOT’s larger Asset
permit year. Management Initiative.

3B-2 Drainage Environmental/ IT/ Map drainage discharges within Outfall inventory was completed in Permit Year Continue to maintain outfall
Inventory Districts urbanized areas. By the end of the 5 and is posted on MassDOT’s website at inventory on website. MassDOT
permit term complete inventory of MassDOT has received a number of requests for will work towards collecting
urbanized areas and include information and have been able to respond additional data on drainage assets in
summary of resource areas with relatively quickly. accordance with the Asset
outfalls. Review methods to make Management Imitative.
outfall inventory available to the
public for ease of access.

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID BMP Description Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
# Dept./Person Name
3C-1 Drainage Environmental 1) Issue Drainage Connection 1) Policy issued on June 26, 2006 by the Chief The Drainage Connection policy is
Connection Policy Policy. Engineer. now a formal MassDOT policy and
2) Post copy of policy on 2) Policy posted at: is implemented as necessary.
MassDOT web site.
3) Enforce the provision through 8/03/05/p-06-002.pdf
referrals to the Attorney 3) and 4) See Appendix A for illicit
General office. connection/discharge issues and actions
4) Summarize actions taken in during this permit year.
the annual report.
3C-2 Drainage Tie-In Environmental/ Legal Issue a revised Drainage Tie-In The Drainage Tie-In SOP has been finalized. It The Drainage Tie-In SOP will be
Standard SOP. Annual reports will was officially issued on March 19, 2012. The utilized for tie-in issues and
Operation summarize drainage tie-in permits SOP continues to be utilized for tie-in issues and procedures. MassDOT will also
Procedure (SOP) applications and permits issued. procedures. continue to update Appendix B as
Appendix B summarizes the status of drainage needed.
tie-in permits that have been issued or are still in
the application process as of this permit year.
3D Revised Environmental/ Review twenty discharges each BMP Revised BMP Revised
Removed Illicit Connection Districts permit year for potential illicit
Review connections.

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID BMP Description Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
# Dept./Person Name
3D Illicit Connection Environmental/ Develop prioritized list for IDDE Past Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Once the areas that warrant IDDE
Revised Review Districts and include in Permit Year 5 (IDDE surveys) have identified few connections investigations are established in the
Annual Report. Release RFR for relative to the funds and time expended required TS4 permit, MassDOT will perform
development and implementation to conduct the surveys. a desktop review to look at the type
of IDDE program for watersheds As part of the process of developing the Draft of DOT owned road(s) (e.g. rural,
on prioritized list. Field review TS4 permit, EPA is working with MassDOT to highway, etc.), and proximity to
complaints/ potential IDDEs prioritize areas that have a greater potential for developed areas, in order to isolate
identified by District personnel, illicit drainage connections throughout the State. the segments of roads and schedule
during the drainage inventory, in In addition to the previous IDDE catchment area their respective IDDE
response to municipal email prioritization ranking system, which looked at investigations.
requesting suspect areas and/ or watershed attributes (pathogen impairments/ MassDOT will proactively address
from public throughout the year. TMDL, public health concerns), MassDOT and complaints/ potential IDDEs
EPA have added roadways-based attributes to identified by District personnel,
further inform the prioritization ranking system. during the Impaired Waters Program
MassDOT actively addresses complaints/ work, in response to municipal
potential IDDEs identified by District personnel, email requesting suspect areas, and/
during the Impaired Waters Program work, in or from public throughout the year.
response to email requesting suspect areas from We will provide a summary of
municipalities or the public throughout the year. IDDE activity in the Annual Report.
A summary of on-going activity is included as
Appendix A of this report.
Appendix B of this report provides a table of
locations where unpermitted connections have
been identified that require MassDOT
stormwater permits. Part of the permitting
process will determine if the flows are
appropriate under the MS4 permit and therefore
not considered illicit.
MassDOT discussed these potential illicit
connections with the appropriate MassDOT
Districts to determine if the connections were
previously permitted or required drainage tie-in

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID BMP Description Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
# Dept./Person Name
3E Resident Engineer Construction Provide training on illicit Action completed in Permit Year 4. MassDOT plans to conduct annual
Illicit Connection connection policy, illicit connection For Permit Year 17, additional RE trainings were trainings on IDDE protocols.
Training identification, and protocol for conducted on the following dates at the
reporting during annual Resident following Districts:
Engineer training seminars.
Summarize # of attendees in annual • District 1: March 12, 2020
report. • District 4: March 3, 2020
• District 5: January 24, 2020
Attendees are about 40 to 60 per District. RE
trainings for the other Districts were cancelled
due to COVID-19. There are plans to have a
virtual training at a later date.
3F Maintenance Staff Environmental Provide training on illicit Action completed in Permit Year 4. MassDOT plans to conduct annual
Illicit Connection connection policy, illicit connection trainings on IDDE protocols.
Training identification, and protocol for
reporting during annual training
seminars for maintenance
Addn. Standard IDDE Environmental/Legal Create a standardized letter to make Measurable goal met in Permit Year 11. Send the standardized NOV letter to
Letter the early stage of the IDDE property owners for any new event
procedure more efficient. The MassDOT has begun to use the Notice of involving illicit and/or unauthorized
letter will alert property owners Violation (NOV) letter for notifying property discharges and connections that tie-
of illicit and/or owners of unpermitted connection violations. in to MassDOT’s drainage system.
unauthorized discharges and Appendix A shows NOV letters which were sent Track letters sent and responses in
connections from their property in Permit Year 17 and the status of follow up. future annual reports.
that tie into MassDOT’s drainage
system. The letter will also
recommend that the property
owners apply for a non-vehicular
access permit in accordance with
the MassDOT Drainage Tie-in

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID BMP Description Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
# Dept./Person Name
Addn. Belmont IDDE Environmental Follow up on potential illicit The Town of Belmont is working on eliminating MassDOT will continue to monitor
follow up connections to MassDOT’s their Illicit Drainage Connections, including the the Town of Belmont’s efforts to
drainage system in Belmont illicit connection that eventually discharges to eliminate the illicit connection
MassDOT’s drainage system. discharging to MassDOT’s drainage
system via a Town of Belmont
Addn. Municipal Data Environmental Collect drainage and sewer A letter to all Massachusetts municipalities was MassDOT will use these data to
Request mapping in GIS from sent in June 2015 requesting their drainage and identify locations where municipal
Massachusetts municipalities. sewer mapping be sent to MassDOT. Drainage drainage systems tie into MassDOT
and sewer mapping has been received from drainage or where municipal sewer
approximately 70 municipalities. No additional systems cross MassDOT drainage
data was received in Permit Year 17. systems. This information will be
used in the effort to prioritize
MassDOT’s IDDE efforts.

4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
4A MassDOT Environmental/ Drainage systems for MassDOT All MassDOT projects will continue to be All MassDOT projects will continue
Department Construction/ Projects roadways will be designed in designed in compliance with the erosion and to be designed in compliance with
Project accordance with Chapter 8 of the sediment control requirements in the design the erosion and sediment control
Development & MHD Highway Design Guide and guide. requirements in the design guide.
Design Guide companion manuals.
4B MA DEP Environmental/ New construction and MassDOT designs continue to comply with the MassDOT designs will continue to
Stormwater Construction/ Projects redevelopment activities will Stormwater Management Policy when projects comply with the Stormwater
Management comply with Massachusetts DEP’s are subject to the WPA or within urbanized Management Policy when projects
Policy Stormwater Standards under the areas. are subject to the WPA or within
Wetlands Protection Act (WPA) urbanized areas.
and Section 401 of the Clean Water

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
4C NPDES Construction 1) File NOIs for new projects MassDOT Districts reported a total of 25 Continue to file NOIs for new
Construction which disturb more than one acre. projects that included submittal of NOIs and projects which disturb more than an
General Permit 2) Summarize NOIs issued to development of SWPPPs for compliance with acre.
MassDOT in annual report. NPDES construction general permit during
Permit Year 17. The permits are listed in
Appendix G.
4D Other State Environmental/ Projects will continue to be The Environmental Section reviews all projects The process of design review and
Environmental Construction/ Projects designed and constructed in at the 25% design stage to determine what pre-construction coordination will
Regulations or accordance with all applicable state environmental permits are required. The District continue.
Policy and federal environmental Environmental Engineer or equivalent District
regulations or policy (e.g., construction staff person attends all pre-
Wetlands Protection Act, 404). construction meetings with the selected
contractor to review permit requirements for the
4E MassDOT Environmental/ Design projects in urbanized areas MassDOT requires that all new construction and MassDOT anticipates that the
Stormwater Construction/ Projects in compliance with the Stormwater redevelopment activities undertaken by revised “Stormwater Design Guide”
Handbook Handbook MassDOT, or by others that are funded in whole will be published in Fall 2020.
or in part by MassDOT, comply with the MassDOT will offer outreach and
Handbook. training on the SDG to internal staff
MassDOT is currently revising the Stormwater and consultants once it is finalized
Handbook to address MassDEP regulatory in concert with the Final TS4
changes, MassDOT policy changes, TMDL Permit. If timelines allow,
requirements, and the requirements of the MassDOT will incorporate any
forthcoming TS4 permit. MassDOT determined MassDEP revisions to their MA
that, given the extent of the changes in its Stormwater Handbook.
Stormwater Program (e.g., Impaired Waters
Program, the use of Water Quality Data Forms,
design and maintenance policies, BMP selection
with an emphasis on pavement disconnection
and stormwater infiltration, BMP inventory and
inspection), that the Handbook needed more of a
re-write than just an update.

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
4F Standard Environmental/ Continue to include erosion and Inclusion of pollution prevention controls is Such controls will continue to be
Specification for Construction/ Projects pollution prevention controls in standard practice for construction contracts included in construction contracts
Highways and construction contracts issued by MassDOT. issued by MassDOT.
Bridges A revised contract item/specification is now
included in each contract which requires a
detailed Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
(SWPPP)/Erosion Control Plan (ECP) for all
projects (except minor projects such as signage,
grass mowing, etc.). Having the contractor
develop the SWPPP and ECP (rather than the
designer) has been accepted by the Conservation
Commissions and DEP on a project by project
In addition, the Stormwater Unit ensures that all
construction contracts include items for sediment
removal and disposal from pipes and drainage
structures within the project area.
4G MassDOT Environmental/ Continue funding the MassDOT Moved to MCM 6 since the focus of the research BMP Removed.
Revised Research Needs Construction Research Needs Program program is no longer construction controls.
4H Pre-Construction District Environmental District Environmental Staff MassDOT reviews the NPDES Construction MassDOT will continue to review
Meeting Review Staff/Construction Review NPDES requirements at the General Permit (CGP) requirements (i.e., the NPDES Construction GP
of NPDES applicable pre-construction SWPPP) with Contractors at the pre-construction requirements with Contractors at the
Construction GP meetings. These meetings include meeting. MassDOT Environmental Engineers pre-construction meeting.
requirements outlining the requirements of the attend all pre-construction meetings which
Construction General Permit and involve environmental permits, not limited to
identify the roles and NPDES. Therefore, erosion control is discussed
responsibilities of MassDOT and at all pre-construction meetings.
the Contractor.
4I Contract Bid Item Construction Section/ Prepare a Contract Bid Item and Measurable goal complete. Measurable goal complete.
and Special Contracts Special Provision for inclusion in
Provision for construction contracts to be
Storm Water advertised for bids which exceed
Pollution the one-acre disturbance threshold.
Prevention Plans

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
4J Field Guide on Construction Section/ Prepare field guide and issue to The guide was issued to resident engineers at Measurable goal complete.
Erosion Chief Engineer Resident Engineers. winter training and was posted online at the Field
Prevention and Operations page in December 2013 found here:
Sediment Control
4K Storm Water Construction Section/ Prepare a SWPPP Guidance for Measurable goal complete in Permit Year 4. Continue use by Contractors on
Pollution Districts Contractors on MassDOT SWPPP bid item which includes an Erosion MassDOT projects.
Prevention Plan construction projects. Implement Control Plan is now included in all contracts
(SWPPP) use of the document on all with over 1 acre of soil disturbance.
Guidance Manual appropriate MassDOT projects.
for Contractors Once contractors begin to use the
document, it may be revised if
necessary to address input received
internally and from agencies.
Ultimately the document will be
converted into a computer program.

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
4L-1 Training Construction Section Conduct annual Erosion Prevention Winter seminars were performed and covered MassDOT will continue training on
and Sediment Control Training for NPDES permitting, erosion and sediment topics similar to those discussed in
MassDOT Construction Personnel. control, dust, noise, landscape, HazMat, and the past.
Summarize # of attendees and Diesel Retrofit Program, as well as Chapter 007
topics covered. – Environmental Compliance and Chapter 200 –
Drainage of the RE Inspection Manual.
For Permit Year 17, RE trainings were
conducted on the following dates at the
following Districts:
• District 1: March 12, 2020
• District 4: March 3, 2020
• District 5: January 24, 2020
Attendees are about 40 to 60 per District. RE
Trainings for the other Districts were cancelled
due to COVID-19. There are plans to have a
virtual training at a later date.
Highway core curriculum classes was held:
• Environmental Permitting- September 23,
• Environmental Coordination for
Construction- January 6, 2020

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
4L-2 Non-Traditional Landscaping Section Develop specifications for non- MassDOT continues to use compost filter tubes MassDOT intends to continue to
Erosion Control traditional erosion controls and as the default for sediment controls. MassDOT is solicit input from the industry on
Specifications evaluate research being conducted now working, with input from the industry, to slope stabilization.
by other state DOTs that can be develop a specification for bonded fiber matrix
accepted by MassDOT Research for late-fall slope stabilization and dormant
and Materials Section. As new seeding.
technologies are developed, review In lieu of conventional loam placement,
and develop specifications for MassDOT uses compost amended topsoil for
additional erosion controls. many of its projects; and, in lieu of haybales,
compost filter tubes. There is variability in the
reliability of the material available.
The spec for bonded fiber matrix with seeding
has been developed and used on a handful of
projects. MassDOT has been using “compost
topsoil,” which is essentially a compost blanket,
for erosion control.
MassDOT just launched its Erosion Prevention
and Sedimentation Control Training program,
which was developed with participation from
DEP as well as from Construction Industries of
Massachusetts and the MA Chapter of the
American Council of Consulting Engineers. As
part of this training MassDOT introduced new
details, along with recently developed
specifications for sediment barriers. In addition,
MassDOT launched a research project with
UMass to evaluate effectiveness of compost-
amended topsoil applications in conjunction with
native seed mixes.
4M Erosion and Construction Section/ Perform field tests of new erosion MassDOT does not perform its own field tests BMP Removed.
Removed Sediment Control Districts/ Landscaping and sediment control materials on any longer but instead relies upon guidance
Field Tests MassDOT projects. Prepare and developed by others.
circulate an internal memo on the
effectiveness of the new measure.
4N Construction Construction Section Issue annual construction bulletins Issued annual construction bulletins to all Issue bulletin in the Fall of 2020
Bulletins to each District regarding Districts in Fall of 2019 regarding erosion regarding stormwater issues.
stormwater issues. control and a related training class, dust,
cofferdams, project schedules, and stabilization.

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
4O Solicit Construction Section/ Maintain MassDOT web site to MassDOT maintained their website to include MassDOT will continue to maintain
Construction IT include contact information for contact information for ongoing construction their website to include contact
Activity ongoing construction activities. activities. MassDOT responded to concerns information for ongoing
Feedback from Respond to concerns submitted in a submitted in a timely manner. construction activities. MassDOT
Public timely manner. will respond to concerns submitted
in a timely manner.
4P Construction Construction Section/ Non-compliance with the CGP and No Notices of Noncompliance (NONs) were MassDOT will continue to address
Runoff Control Districts SWPPP as well as non-compliance submitted to MassDOT for Permit Year 17. non-compliance through monetary
Enforcement with any applicable environmental penalties or deductions or delays in
permits will be addressed through payment, when warranted.
the District Construction personnel
and District Highway Director and
can include monetary penalties,
where included in contracts, and
deductions or delays in payment,
when warranted.
4Q Standard Construction Section MassDOT will prepare and issue a A separate SOP for construction was not No further action warranted.
Practices Memo Standard Practices memo to developed. During Permit Year 4, the District
Construction Engineers on the Construction offices were provided with the
protocol for Illicit Discharge procedures to follow on discovery of any illicit
Detection and Elimination during discharges during construction and provided
construction projects. training to the Residential Engineers (REs).
MassDOT determined a separate SOP was not
4R Contractor Construction Section Modify NPDES SWPPP item to The new SWPPP Item 756 was revised by the MassDOT will continue to add this
Inspector include half day training working group and added online training, and item to contracts.
Training requirement. Provide training will be in new contracts with SWPPP Item.
programs. MassDOT provides annual training and
contractors are required to take training.
Addn. Drainage Environmental/Design Include removal of sediments from MassDOT bid items 227.3 (removal of drainage Continue to include drainage
Structure drainage structures as a standard structure sediments) and 227.31 (removal of structure sediment removal bid
Sediment item on all construction projects drainage pipe sediments) have been included in items in all construction projects.
Removal all MassDOT bid estimates so as to ensure
drainage structures within the project limits are
cleaned after construction is complete, as

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

5. Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/
Description Dept./Person Name 2020
5A-1 MassDOT Environmental Secure DEP ratification for Measurable goal complete for original Handbook. MassDOT anticipates the
Stormwater MassDOT Stormwater MassDOT is currently revising the Stormwater “Stormwater Design Guide” to
Handbook Handbook. Handbook to address MassDEP regulatory changes, be completed in the Fall of
MassDOT policy changes, TMDL requirements, and 2020.
the requirements of the forthcoming TS4 permit. If timelines allow, MassDOT
MassDOT determined that, given the extent of the will incorporate any MassDEP
changes in its Stormwater Program (e.g., Impaired revisions to their MA
Waters Program, the use of Water Quality Data Stormwater Handbook.
Forms, design and maintenance policies, BMP
selection with an emphasis on pavement
disconnection and stormwater infiltration, BMP
inventory and inspection), that the Handbook needed
more of a re-write than just an update.
5A-2 Revise Ch. 4 of Environmental Revise Chapter 4 (selection MassDOT is revising the Stormwater Handbook. MassDOT anticipates the
the MassDOT methodologies) within 9 months MassDOT determined that a rewrite of the entire “Stormwater Design Guide” to
Storm Water of DEP’s SW Policy Handbook Handbook was more appropriate to address the be completed in the Fall of
Handbook update being released. Reissue changes in the DEP Policy, the MassDOT 2020.
MassDOT Handbook to experience gained in implementing the guidelines, If timelines allow, MassDOT
Designers within 1 year of DEP’s and the requirements of the forthcoming TS4 permit. will incorporate any MassDEP
document being released. Therefore, the update has been more extensive and revisions to their MA
the schedule extended. The handbook draft was Stormwater Handbook.
completed and sent to DEP and EPA for review
February 2018.
5A-3 Revise Ch. 5 of Environmental Revise Chapter 5 (BMP toolbox) MassDOT is revising the Stormwater Handbook. MassDOT anticipates the
the MassDOT within nine months of DEP’s SW MassDOT determined that a rewrite of the entire “Stormwater Design Guide” to
Storm Water Policy Handbook update being Handbook was more appropriate to address the be completed in the Fall of
Handbook released. Reissue MassDOT changes in the DEP Policy and the MassDOT 2020.
Handbook to Designers within experience gained in implementing the guidelines. If timelines allow, MassDOT
one year of DEP’s document Therefore, the update has been more extensive and will incorporate any MassDEP
being released. the schedule extended. revisions to their MA
Stormwater Handbook.

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/
Description Dept./Person Name 2020
5B MassDOT Maintenance Continue to implement MassDOT is working on further developing their MassDOT will continue to
Roadway MassDOT maintenance program O&M program for catch basins and stormwater conduct maintenance on its
Maintenance as outlined in the maintenance BMPs which will be included in the future TS4 roadways and further implement
Program schedule and in accordance with permit. MassDOT evaluated current practices this the Interim Plan. MassDOT
TMDL watersheds specific year and developed a draft memo which documents will continue to work with the
agreements. current practices. MassDOT has also developed a appropriate agencies to develop
draft Interim Plan which sets additional measurable next steps to expanding their
goals and is discussing the draft plan with O&M program.
MassDEP. MassDOT has started to implement
those measures.
5C Technology TARP Continue to work with DEP to BMP Revised – see 5C Revised below. BMP Revised.
Removed Acceptance and develop review protocol for
Reciprocity innovative stormwater BMPs.
Partnership Summarize meeting(s) attended
(TARP) and agenda in annual report.
5C Identify Environmental Introduce innovative stormwater MassDOT has been drafting Chapter 4 of the MassDOT anticipates the
Revised Innovative BMPs for MassDOT highway MassDOT Stormwater Handbook. This chapter “Stormwater Design Guide” to
Stormwater projects. identifies highway-specific BMPs that are designed be completed in the Fall of
BMPs and implemented on a site specific basis. New and 2020.
Appropriate for innovative BMPs are being evaluated for inclusion
MassDOT in these chapters.
Projects MassDOT continues to review each project for the
potential to include innovative and low impact
development type BMPs. Reduction of existing
unused pavement and use of porous pavement are
two examples of innovative applications used in
MassDOT projects.
5D Southeast Environmental Conduct a study of the Study completed previously. No further action planned.
Expressway BMP effectiveness of water quality
Effectiveness inlets (WQIs) and catch basins at
Project removing suspended sediments
from highway runoff.

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/
Description Dept./Person Name 2020
5E Highway Runoff Env. Div. Consultant Develop and calibrate MassDOT has initiated collaboration with EPA to MassDOT will incorporate the
Contaminant contaminant loading model develop a load and BMP credit calculator using calculator into MassDOT’s
Model (SELDM). published data from EPA, and results from SELDM WQDF during its
and MassDOT’s long-term continuous simulation implementation of the form
model. The calculator will be included in online and also in a stand-alone
MassDOT’s WQDF and also in a stand-alone excel excel tool for designers as part
tool. of the TS4 Permit. MassDOT
MassDOT continues to work with USGS in the will use the values to estimate
development and use of SELDM. loading and pollutant treatment
for all of its inventoried BMPs
where data is available.
5F BMP Environmental/ Develop BMP Maintenance Changes to BMP 5B narrative now include the No further action.
Removed Maintenance Maintenance Manual to be used as a field manual used as guidance by maintenance staff while
Manual guide by maintenance personnel performing drainage system maintenance.
Provide training on the BMP
Maintenance Manual.
5G Right of Way Environmental Develop and implement a Environmental reviewed 16 Right of Way canvasses The Environmental Section will
Parcel Evaluation program of evaluating parcels in Permit Year 17. All sales, transfers, and leases of continue to review canvasses as
which are candidates for disposal MassDOT properties were approved. Conditions they are presented. The
by MassDOT for their potential were developed for parcels that were determined to emphasis will remain on
in siting stormwater BMPs. potentially impact existing stormwater facilities or keeping parcels of land that are
wetlands. These conditions were made standard for highly suitable for stormwater
all future right-of-way canvass agreements. treatment (as well as wetland
5H-1 Post Construction Commissioner/ Legal/ 1) Develop policy for addressing Illicit Discharge Policy was issued in June 2006. MassDOT’s Environmental
Runoff Environmental unauthorized connections to the Services Section will continue
Failure to comply with the Dept. request will to communicate (where
Enforcement- MassDOT’s drainage system. 2) necessitate further action by the Department either
Illicit Discharge Enforce the provisions through possible) with the property
through the State Attorney General’s office or the owners and move toward
Prohibition referrals to the Attorney General. District.
Policy 3) Summarize actions taken in resolution of the issues.
annual report. There were no referrals to the Attorney General’s The improved Notice of
office during Permit Year 17. Violation (NOV) Letter will be
The standard Notice of Violation (NOV) Letter has used any new event involving
been revised. illicit and/or unauthorized
The IDDE Table in Appendix A has been updated to discharges and connections that
reflect the current status for each case. tie-in to MassDOT’s drainage

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/
Description Dept./Person Name 2020
5H-2 Post Construction Commissioner/ Legal/ Develop permitting process for The Drainage Tie-In SOP is being implemented The Drainage Tie-In SOP will
Runoff Environmental/ adjacent properties which would when necessary. continue to be implemented for
Enforcement- Districts like to tie into MassDOT Appendix B summarizes the status of drainage tie-in tie-in issues and procedures.
Drainage Tie-In drainage system. Implement permits that have been received or are still in the MassDOT will also continue to
Policy program and summarize actions application process as of this permit year. update Appendix B as needed.
taken under program in annual
5H-3 Post Construction Commissioner/ Legal/ Runoff not meeting the NPDES Appendix A lists the known drainage connections MassDOT will continue to take
Runoff Environmental MS4 requirements which is that are potentially unauthorized (although unlikely action when these requirements
Enforcement- reaching the MassDOT MS4 and to be illicit). are not met.
Offsite Pollution is not covered under 5H-1 or 5H-
to MassDOT 2 may be considered trespassing
Drainage System and referred to the AG’s office
by MassDOT counsel at the
DHD’s discretion.
5I Rest Area Environmental/ Right Add language to new lease Measurable goal complete. No action required.
Redevelopment of Way agreements requiring lessees,
to Meet who redevelop or build new
Stormwater buildings on rest area property
Management leased from MassDOT, to meet
Handbook the standards within the Storm
Standards Water Management Handbook
and the SWMP requirements.
5J Transportation Planning/ MPOs Continue to include MPOs continued to include the environmental Continue to include
Evaluation environmental considerations in component in their evaluation procedures. environmental component in
Criteria the funding prioritization Additionally, MassDOT has implemented a new evaluation procedure.
evaluation. project review and prioritization process which
MassDOT’s Stormwater Unit is integrally involved.
See the additional BMP for Project Selection and
Advisory Council on the following pages for more

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/
Description Dept./Person Name 2020
5K Federal Planning Explore opportunities for using MassDOT no longer utilizes TAP funding for the Continue to utilize funding from
Enhancement Federal enhancement funding for Impaired Waters Program. Instead, funding for the STBG for the Impaired
Funding environmental restoration and structural stormwater improvements is received now Waters Program.
pollution abatement projects. through the FHWA Surface Transportation Block
Participate in quarterly Grant (STBG) under Roadway Improvements.
committee meetings. MassDOT has continued to secure funding for the
Impaired Waters Program.
MassDOT has advertised $46,200,000 in stormwater
improvements from Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 9 to
FFY 2019.
MassDOT advertised $3,750,000 in stormwater
improvements in FFY 2020; $3,750,000 in
stormwater improvements in FFY 2021.
Addn. Rest Area Pet Environmental/Office In Permit Year 13, MassDOT completed a study of In Permit Year 18, MassDOT
Waste Program of Real Estate all rest areas within the watershed of a pathogen will continue to explore the
Development impaired water body for installation of pet waste feasibility of installing and
stations (signage, bags, and waste disposal). maintaining pet waste stations at
In MassDOT-owned Service Plazas, those with the Service Plaza tenants along
tenants such as gas stations or food vendors, I-90. MassDOT will work
MassDOT began discussions to delegate the toward consensus to secure
maintenance responsibility of the pet waste stations funding for, and to operate, pet
on the tenants and to include this requirement in waste stations at select
upcoming lease agreements. Leases for service area unmanned rest areas.
tenants were not renewed in Permit Year 17.

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BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/
Description Dept./Person Name 2020
Addn. Project Selection Environmental MassDOT’s Stormwater Unit has become involved MassDOT’s Stormwater Unit
and Advisory in the Project Selection and Advisory Council will continue to have an active
Council (PSAC) (PSAC), which has developed and implemented a role in the PSAC moving
standardized scoring system to effectively evaluate forward.
project merit for the goal of delivering a balanced
Transportation Investment Program. A potential
project is scored based on a wide variety of
attributes, which includes impacts to water quality
and other environmental resources, where a project
will score negatively if water quality impacts are
anticipated or positively for projects that may
improve existing stormwater quality. The inclusion
of MassDOT’s Stormwater Unit in the PSAC
scoring process has provided improved identification
of a potential project’s overall impact to water
quality, therefore allowing the Council to arrive at
more informed decisions on a project’s viability.

6. Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping in Municipal Operations

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
6A-1 Source Control - Project Clean/ Maintain the existing 511 System. Revised – see 6A-1 below. BMP removed.
Removed 511 Operations

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BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
6A-1 Source Control - Operations Maintain Call-In Numbers for Each District and Headquarters has a general call-in The call-in numbers will
Revised Call-In Numbers Roadway Debris number for the public to use to alert MassDOT of continue to be utilized for the
for Roadway roadway debris. If Headquarter receives the call, then public to call in about roadway
Debris the information is forwarded to the appropriate debris.
District. The information is then forwarded to the
Maintenance Department Foreman, who coordinates
with the workers to alleviate the situation. Contact
information can be found at this link:
Call-in numbers are listed below.
• Headquarters: (857) 368-4636
• District 1: (413)-637-5700
• District 2: (413) 582-0599
• District 3: (508) 929-3800
• District 4: (781) 641-8300
• District 5: (508) 824-6633
• District 6: (857) 368-6100
MassDOT provides Highway Assistance Patrol (HAP),
an emergency roadway assistance service, along the
most highly traveled roadways in Massachusetts. HAP
patrols 982,000 miles annually and removes roadway
debris when encountered, as outlined in Appendix L, in
addition to other services.
6A-2 Source Control – Adopt-a-Highway/ Continue to support this program MassDOT continues to support this program. MassDOT will maintain or
Adopt-a-Highway Operations by maintaining signs in areas Approximately 47,102 bags of litter were picked up increase the current level of
where the program is active. statewide. MassDOT continues to maintain, repair, sponsors and increase volunteer
Summarize number of road miles and replace program signs as needed. See Appendix participation.
cleaned. L for a summary of litter programs.

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BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
6A-3 Source Control - Environmental/ Continue to support De-icing and MassDOT continues to support the De-icing and The next Material Usage
Deicing Programs Districts Reduced Salt Areas Programs. Reduced Salt Areas Programs. Two Material Usage Committee meeting will be held
and Reduced Salt Committee meetings were held on June 5, 2019 and in summer 2020.
Areas January 15, 2020 and the discussion topics included:
Winter Severity Index vs. material usage, new areas
of concern, best management practices, ESPR Annual
Report, and anticipated training locations for
2019/2020 season.
6A-4 Source Control – MAP Program/ Continue to provide 22 Highway MassDOT provided 45 Highway Assistance Program MassDOT will continue to
Motorist Operations Emergency Locator Program vans (HAP) vans and/or tow trucks. The HAP vehicles maintain this program.
Assistance and/or tow trucks. cover 34 patrol routes on Massachusetts’ most highly
Program traveled roads and patrols approximately 982,000
(formerly HELP) miles annually.

6A-5 Source Control - Environmental 1) Develop a generic There are currently no active VMPs for MassDOT. MassDOT anticipates the
VMP Vegetation Management While a VMP was developed and is posted on development of a new VMP in
Plan (VMP) which outlines MassDEP’s website the future.
methods of minimizing the ( MassDOT expects very limited
discharge of pollutants way/vmp/massdot-vmp-2014-2018.pdf), this plan spraying statewide- mostly for
related to the storage and has expired. MassDOT does use herbicide for treatment of invasive plants.
application of pesticides, selective control of invasive plant species on its
herbicides, and fertilizers. construction projects, working with regulatory
2) Prepare a Yearly Operational agencies as applicable.
Plan (YOP) by April of each
3) Post YOP on web site within
30 days.
4) Summarize actions taken in
previous year in annual
6A-6 Source Control - Planning Continue participation in MassDOT continues to support this program through: MassDOT will continue to
HOV ridesharing activities through the • Operation of the HOV lanes on I-93 support this program.
duration of the permit term. • The toll discount program on I-90 for HOVs

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BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
6A-7 Source Control - Planning Provide technical assistance and MassDOT continues to utilize Transportation Continue to provide funding for
Alternative funding for bicycling and Alternatives Program (TAP) and Congestion bicycle, walking, and complete
Transportation walking, including on-road and Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) funding to fund streets enhancements across the
off-road improvements, at the bicycle and walking infrastructure improvements as state.
local level. part of the Safe Routes to School Program and other
transportation improvement projects. Continue to update the statewide
pedestrian and bicycle plans.
In Spring 2019, MassDOT Planning released the
Massachusetts Pedestrian Transportation Plan, which
focuses on both improving MassDOT’s pedestrian
infrastructure and provide direction and guidance to
municipalities on best practice in planning and
maintaining pedestrian networks.

In Summer 2019, MassDOT released the

Massachusetts Bicycle Transportation Plan. This
study builds upon emerging trends in statewide
bicycling since its last update in 2008. Core goals of
the Plan include bicycling as a catalyst to unlocking
economic development; better access to public transit
by improving cycling infrastructure to/from transit
nodes; and better connectivity of existing bicycling
infrastructure for both recreation and transportation.
The 2020-2024 Capital Investment Plan has 67
programs that guide specific types of investment. One
program allots $60 million to fund the
implementation of the Bike Plan and the Pedestrian

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
6A-8 Source Control- Highway Design 1) Incorporate safety measures Safety measures are included in all new highway MassDOT will continue to
Highway Safety into all new highway designs. 2) designs including appropriate signage and evolving support this program.
Provide signage to warn of technologies. MassDOT installs and maintains
vehicle hazards including tipping VMBs on select roads to improve driver awareness to
hazards and steep grades. 3) potential safety hazards.
Install variable message boards
(VMBs) on selected roadways to
improve driver awareness. 4)
Include evolving safety
technologies as part of future
highway design projects as they
are developed.
6A-9 Source Control Environmental 1) Maintain an active MassDOT continued the practice of indoor storage of MassDOT will continue
Revised Pollution Prevention Task Force raw materials (oils, chemicals, salt) and monitoring for proper handling
(PPTF) throughout the permit operation/maintenance equipment. Hazardous and management of stormwater
term. 2) Provide summary of materials/hazardous waste are covered either in the polluting materials, solid wastes,
actions taken on each pollution depot garage bays or hazardous waste storage sheds. and industrial waste water.
prevention initiative included in MassDOT continued enforcement of the indoor-only
the SWMP in the annual report. vehicle washing policy; no soap or power washing

All Standard Operating Procedures can be found


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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
6B-1 Employee MTAP/ Baystate Facilitate one training program Snow and ice control classes were conducted in Provide one training program for
Training Roads related to stormwater and /or Permit Year 17 with approximately 1,600 attendees. MassDOT employees (provided
snow and ice control as a means Topics covered included: by MTAP) and one for municipal
of reducing source pollution. DPW snowplow drivers
Document attendance numbers. • Current vendor contract (provided by MTAP/Baystate
• Anti-icing Roads) related to snow and ice
control as a means of reducing
• Department operations source pollution. Document
• Salt and environmental considerations attendance numbers.
• Drainage systems
Additionally, 16 classes were held by Baystate Roads
on snow and ice operations with a total of 440
attendees. Topics included:
• The proper use of salt and liquid anti-icers and the
environmental impacts.
• Pre wetting and pre-treating
• Anti-icing vs. De-icing.
• The use of sand and its environmental impact.
• Equipment calibration, usage specification and
• Snow and ice policy for public review.
• Cost benefit analysis of salt vs. sand.

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BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
6B-2 Employee Environmental Provide annual training to at least Trainings were provided during the winter of MassDOT will again provide
Training 300 maintenance facility 2019/2020 for an estimated 279 maintenance facility annual training to maintenance
personnel regarding good personnel. Training included discussion of the facility personnel regarding good
housekeeping/ spill prevention. following topics: housekeeping practices and spill
• Environmental Awareness Training prevention.
• Solid waste
• Roadside issues
• Storage tanks
• Wetlands protection and compliance
• Record keeping and inspections/audits
• Safe Mowing Operations
• Water quality (including stormwater issues)
• Hazardous materials management
• Hazardous waste management
• Universal waste management
• Traffic Incident Management First Responder
6B-3 Employee Highway Operations Provide annual training to at least MassDOT held 44 training sessions, 25 of which MassDOT will continue to
Training 200 supervisors and drivers were dedicated on MassDOT employees, and 19 of provide training and focus on
annually on the latest on snow which included both MassDOT employees and hired operational efficiency and
and ice removal. contractors who are responsible for applying anti- effectiveness. Topics to discuss
icing/freezing point depressants. Approximately 700 will include material usage data,
state employees and 900 hired operators were trained. technology and cause and effect
of snow & ice operations and
environmentally sensitive areas.
6B-4 Employee Highway Operations Ensure all equipment and vehicle Various MassDOT districts have hosted trainings for MassDOT will provide
Training operators have received training maintenance personnel in Permit Year 17 on the operational, safety, and
on the proper operation of the correct usage of construction and maintenance maintenance training on sweeper
equipment and vehicles they equipment, including but not limited to street training, mower training, and
operate. sweepers, front end loaders, bucket trucks, wood snow and ice equipment training.
chippers, lane closures, safe equipment handling, Training is based on the
safety tailgate training, forklift operation, mowers, District’s needs and requests.
and chainsaw safety.

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BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
6C-1 Maintenance Districts Continue to implement MassDOT continued to maintain the highway system MassDOT will continue to
maintenance schedule outlined in through catch basin cleaning contracts and performed maintain the highway system
Appendix E of the SWMP. street sweeping and drainage system maintenance. through catch basin cleaning
contracts, street sweeping, and
drainage system maintenance.
Daily Field Inspection Reports for District Four are
now completed and stored electronically in the MassDOT will work to develop a
MassDOT Field Operations website. spatial maintenance work order
tracking system to allow for
easier tracking and reporting of
maintenance activities.
6C-2 Maintenance/ Districts 1) MassDOT inspects and MassDOT updated its Facility Environmental MassDOT will post materials to
Material Storage audits maintenance and Handbook in 2011. This handbook includes the public website.
Yards material storage yards using information on hazardous waste, hazardous materials,
the Facility Environmental water quality, inspections, and record keeping for
Handbook in order to MassDOT facilities. The Facility Environmental
maintain environmental Handbook is posted on MassDOT’s public website.
compliance. Additionally, in 2015, MassDOT developed updated
2) Post EMS Manual on facility plans for each specific facility.
MassDOT website for public This year no updates were completed for the
information. Environmental Management System (EMS) Manual.
3) Post generic Facility The manual outlines the organizational structure,
Environmental Handbook on associated responsibilities, and procedures for
website for public integrating environmental objectives in roadway and
information. maintenance facility operations and is posted on the
internal MassDOT web site.
MassDOT has finalized an updated audit checklist
associated with the EMS Manual. See Appendix K
for the most recent audit checklist.

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BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
6C-3 Maintenance Environmental/ 1) Develop work management The Maximo Asset and Maintenance Management Continue using ArcGIS Online to
Record and Data system. System is being used in each of MassDOT’s Districts capture information on catch
Highway Operations basin cleaning and repair through
Management 2) Populate program with as a maintenance work order program.
Work the Asset Management Initiative.
infrastructure information as Provide data from maintenance
Management available. A new mobile spatial asset management system,
System operations in annual report.
3) Implement system and begin VueWorks, has been launched. The first live phase of
to record maintenance the program will target maintenance activities being Continue to implement
activities in these performed on CCTV’s, traffic signals and potholes. stormwater BMP inspection
watersheds. program and identify appropriate
Additionally, drainage cleaning and repair contracts inspectors statewide, train
were issued and included language requiring inspectors, and implement
contractors to report work completed and system program.
condition in a mobile data collection system.
Additionally, MassDOT is
working towards expanding the
VueWorks program to track
drainage inspection activities for
Permit Year 18.
6D Waste Disposal Districts 1) Street sweeping waste will MassDOT and its contractors continue to properly MassDOT and its contractors
be reused in appropriate dispose of waste. In some instances, MassDOT will continue to properly dispose
slope stabilization and road beneficially reused street sweeping materials. of waste and ensure disposal of
work projects in compliance Material removed is summarized below. street sweepings and catch basin
with SOP, when appropriate. • District 1 had 1,260 C.Y. of sweeping materials cleanings are in accordance with
2) Street Sweeping material DEP policy.
which cannot be reused will
• District 2 had 3,200 C.Y roadway of sweeping
be disposed of at landfills as
daily cover. materials removed and approximately 71 C.Y. of
drainage structure waste removed.
3) Waste material from
drainage structures and • District 3 had 2,063 C.Y. of drainage structure waste
stormwater BMPs removed removed.
during maintenance will be • District 4 had 2,875 tons of sweeping materials
disposed of according to removed.
“Reuse and Disposal of • District 5 had 1,300 tons of sweeping materials
Contaminated Soil at removed and 1,217.89 C.Y. of drainage structure
Massachusetts Landfills”
waste removed.
DEP Policy #COMM-97-
001. • District 6 had 1,980 C.Y. of sweeping materials
removed and beneficially reused.

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BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
6E – Good Environmental Evaluate existing Maintenance BMP 6E Good Housekeeping/ Pollution Prevention No further action recommended.
Removed Housekeeping/ Programs to determine additional Program Evaluation has been removed (and the
Pollution or revised activities, which would subsequent BMPs renumbered) since the addition of
Prevention increase effectiveness and BMP 6F through 6O provide a better use of resources
Program usefulness of the programs. with an increased impact on meeting the good
Evaluation housekeeping and pollution prevention minimum
control measure.
6E Catch Basin Environmental/ 1) Provide annual report on Measurable goal is complete. The findings of the MassDOT will continue to
Revised Accumulation Maintenance/ Districts progress each December and Catch Basin Accumulation Project do not support the conduct catch basin inspections
Project include summary in annual need for revising the existing cleaning schedule and using catch basin cleaning
report. SOP for catch basin cleaning. contracts and collection
2) Complete a study of debris In Permit Year 16, MassDOT collected additional information in ArcGIS online.
accumulation in catch basins. data to include in the Stormwater Asset Database. MassDOT will further advance
3) Based on the results of the The data includes structures located on highway the catch basin cleaning studies.
study, revise the existing ramps, small culverts, and newly constructed
cleaning schedule and SOP stormwater BMPs.
for catch basin cleaning. MassDOT has embarked on conducting two, year-
long catch basin sediment accumulation studies; one
in Weymouth and Abington on Route 18 and the
other in Needham and Wellesley on I-95. The goal of
the study is to determine the most appropriate
inspection and cleaning frequencies for catch basins,
which need to be cleaned once the sediment depth
reaches 50% of the sump depth. The study began in
February 2020.
MassDOT conducted inspections on approximately
2,400 catch basins that allowed catch basin cleaning
contractors to collect information on work performed,
condition, and action required on catch basins.

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BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
6F Policy and Environmental MassDOT will continue to at least During the winter season of 2019-2020 MassDOT MassDOT will evaluate the
Program Review biannually evaluate its snow and continued to include Closed Loop Ground Speed effectiveness of the pilot studies
ice control policies and Controller Systems on all material spreaders. This and consider if these tools should
operational programs in order to allows truck operators to maintain a constant be permanently added to the
make adjustments based on data application rate of material on the road without snow and ice control policy. The
and experience, and to respond to having to adjust the valve opening to conform to the overall program will also be
changing conditions. changing speed of the truck which provides a more evaluated annually.
efficient and consistent application of material.
Additionally, MassDOT had pilot studies for loader
scales, GPS/AVL (particularly with cloud-based
material usage reporting), friction meters and mobile
RWIS stations. Over the past 5 years MassDOT has
realized a 25% reduction in material usage due to
updates to the snow and ice policy.
6G Salt Remediation Environmental/Mainte Continue to provide the Salt MassDOT continues to provide the Salt Remediation Continue Salt Remediation
Program nance/ Districts Remediation Program with a Program with a funding level appropriate to quickly Program and continue ISA
funding level appropriate to address salt related complaints. Funding has been funding for the program.
quickly address salt related provided through Interdepartmental Service
complaints. Agreement (ISA) totaling $4.05 million form July
2019 through June 2022.
Unlike private well complaints, which are
investigated and remediated by MassDOT’s Salt
Remediation Program, public water supplies
concerned about elevated levels of sodium and/or
chloride will provide water quality results to
MassDOT for evaluating the effectiveness of snow
and Ice control BMP’s in those areas. Based on the
evaluation, MassDOT will make operational
improvements as needed. An updated version of the
Public Well Supply Matrix is included as Appendix I
of these public water supply complaints.

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BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
6H Clean Well Environmental Provide a continued level of Funding is provided from the Interdepartmental Continue sampling and analysis
Initiative funding that will allow MassDOT Service Agreement from July 2019 to June 2022. of private water supply wells and
to complete up to 20 replacement MassDOT remediated six (6) private wells through where applicable well
wells per year. replacement well installation, water supply treatment, rehabilitation, replacement well,
and/or connection to a public water supply. These water treatment activities and
wells were in following locations: drainage modifications.
- Boxford (1)
- Sturbridge (2)
- Ashby (1)
- Palmer (1)
An updated version of the Public Well Supply Matrix
is included as Appendix I of this annual report to
summarize the current status of each public well
included in the Clean Well Initiative program.

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BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
6I Salt/Sand Highway Operations MassDOT will continue to New salt storage sheds are being constructed in Continue to train our Snow and
Management and replace or repair inadequate salt Medford and Dorchester. Ice personnel to be aware of
Storage storage sheds, as well as cover Numerous improvements were undertaken at existing wetlands in and around our
sand piles and/or move them out facilities to address damaged salt shed doors, roof facilities.
of wetland buffer zones. trusses, and wall panels in order to improve the MassDOT will repair or replace
Review sheds: Increased stability of these structures and to reduce the risk of any damaged sheds.
capacity of some sheds may be salt accidentally escaping into the environment due to Environmentally sensitive areas
justified because salt storage poor management will be considered in the design
needs have grown over time process for new sheds
and/or because the shed is in a
sensitive area and the salt loading MassDOT will work with area
operations call for better supervisors to manage sand
containment. In sensitive areas, supply in all areas.
consideration should be given to
the use of Gambrel style sheds
that provide for the entire
operation to be conducted under
cover to minimize salt spillage
outside of the shed. MassDOT
will continue to prioritize the
identification and selection of
parcels being considered for new
salt storage facilities, considering
operational needs and the
environmental setting.
Review Sand Piles: MassDOT
will strive to locate sand piles
outside wetland buffer zones
whenever space allows.
However, when this is not
possible the department will work
towards storing sand piles under
cover, especially during the non-
winter months. This could be
accomplished by storing sand
within sheds or, more likely,
using a heavy-gauge polyethylene
(Continued on next page)

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BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
6I (cont’d) The tarp could be peeled back
once, before winter operations,
and then covered again at the end
of the season.
Personnel: In October 2006,
MassDOT hired a Director of
Snow & Ice Operations, with over
20 years of experience in winter
operations, to improve salt
management and supervision of
deicing operations.
6J Salt Storage Best Environmental Continue to implement salt MassDOT continued to include environmental Continue to inform Snow and Ice
Management storage in compliance with DEP stewardship in their winter operations class. The personnel of the cause and effects
Practices/ Guidelines on Deicing Chemical classes emphasized the needs to follow the current of winter operations on the
Pollution Storage. Continue to follow SOP’s on slat management and proper material environment.
Prevention MassDOT SOP for the handling. Concepts stressed at trainings included:
Management of Sand and Deicing - Prewetting
Chemicals at MassDOT Facilities. - Pretreating
Continue to follow Facility - Environmental Stewardship
Environmental Handbook
guidelines at maintenance In addition, MassDOT has repaired leaky liquid
facilities. magnesium chloride pumps, valves, and hoses

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BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
6K Snow and Ice - Environmental MassDOT will continue to Anti-icing consists of applying salt in liquid form to MassDOT will work on a method
Equipment expand the use of anti-icing as a roadways before a snowfall event. This prevents ice of quantifying anti-icing
Improvements standard tool for snow and ice from forming on roadways and requires less salt to be activities versus pre-wetting
control. used. The anti-icing program expanded with the activities.
opening of a salt brine production facility in Each District will acquire
Sagamore in 2012 and a second brine production additional liquid tank trucks to
facility in Deerfield in 2019. increase roadway pretreatment
The use of anti-icing has increased. MassDOT prior to winter storm events.
increased the number of anti-icing equipment and the A small number of obsolete tanks
hours the equipment is utilized. Most of the depots will be replaced and a few
across the Commonwealth have access to direct facilities will receive new tanks.
liquid trucks. Interstates are the primary roads This will enhance our Agency’s
targeted followed by all others. ability and directive for all state-
MassDOT has equipped state-owned spreaders in owned and contracted vehicles to
District 3 and hired equipment in select only use pre wetted salt.
environmentally sensitive areas with GPS-AVL
technology, which allows material spreaders to be
reflected on a map and material distribution
parameters can be viewed in real-time and after an
event to examine if practices are consistent with
MassDOT directives and protocols. Prior to 2021,
MassDOT plans to equip all MassDOT-owned
spreaders with this technology. This program
highlights that all contractors are responsible for
material conservation and are held accountable as
business entities and individuals for responsible use
of anti-icing materials.
In addition, MassDOT is utilizing a greater number of
tankers and slurry spreaders statewide. Slurry
spreaders provide a greater saturation level for dry
salt to be applied in a manner that will decrease the
potential for the salt to be scattered to the side of the
road by a material spreader’s spinner and subsequent
passes by vehicular traffic.

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
6L Snow and Ice - Environmental Continue to provide sufficient MassDOT has purchased 10 Vaisala MD-30 mobile MassDOT will continue to
Enhanced funding to use weather roadway condition sensors to be installed on the investigate pavement temperature
Weather forecasting contractor to provide bottom of Area Supervisors' trucks or behind a plow forecasting.
Forecasting up-to-date and local weather blade. These devices measure the height of water/ice,
Information information during snow and ice among other parameters and then quantify the
season. grip/friction in real time on a smartphone installed on
the driver’s windshield. The experienced operators
will be able to use these devices to confirm their own
visual observations and to optimally time material.
The data is visible in real time on Vaisala's Navigator
website and stored so it can be reviewed following a
storm or season.
6M Snow and Ice - Environmental MassDOT will ensure that these MassDOT currently maintains 41 fixed-location sites MassDOT will plan several new
Road Weather stations will be maintained so as and 4 trailer-mounted relocatable ones. Additionally, non-invasive RWIS sites tandem
Information to remain fully functional. the program has been enhanced with upgraded to Intelligent Transportation
System (RWIS) systems statewide and funding is in place for annual System Improvement Projects
maintenance. that are planned in Districts
Three, Four, Five, and Six.

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
6N Snow and Ice Environmental MassDOT will continue to MassDOT – Highway has increased the use of MassDOT will continue to
GEIR - maximize the use of Premix and spreaders statewide with GPS AVL technology. In reduce the quantity of granular
Alternative liquid calcium chloride, as total there are 72 spreaders in areas that have been sodium chloride, develop
Technologies alternative deicers, to reduce the marked as areas to use less sodium chloride due to operation BMPs to reduce the use
quantity of granular sodium their status as sensitive watershed. of sodium chloride, and closely
chloride, and should closely In addition, MassDOT has added non-invasive RWIS monitor reduced salt zones
monitor reduced salt zones during sensors in Sturbridge, Worcester, Auburn, during storms to ensure the
storms to ensure the proper timing Framingham, Cheshire, Blandford Service Area, New proper timing of salt applications
of salt applications and to Bedford, Sagamore, Westport, Bedford, and to minimize the potential for
minimize the potential for overuse Easthampton, Bernardston, I-91, and Route 116 in overuse of deicing chemicals.
of deicing chemicals. addition to existing non-invasive RWIS sensors in There are several Intelligent
Quincy, Newton, and Canton. Transportation System (ITS)
The uses of anti-icing techniques have significantly projects in the design phase
reduced the amount of deicer required to keep the which will give Highway
roads reasonably safe. Operations a chance to expand its
RWIS coverage in Districts 3, 4,
Additionally, MassDOT had added an additional 5 and 6 by including non-
front-end loader scale that measures the tonnage of invasive RWIS installations at
salt placed in material spreader. select sites where ITS will place
new camera poles or permanent
VMS structures.

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
6O Snow and Ice Operations MassDOT has joined Clear Roads Massachusetts Has continued to commit resources MassDOT will continue to
GEIR - Research program and will continue to towards Clear Roads and MassDOT continues to be support, participate, and use the
explore moving forward on other an active member in the Clear Roads program, research and benefits of
projects. Summarize research including participation in Peer Summit Meetings and collaboration with Clear Roads.
performed. phone-based Regional Roundtables with
approximately 35 other cold-weather states. Clear
Roads activities are documented on their website Research continues to assist
MassDOT by bringing the most current practices to
Operations. Recently member states were surveyed
about their switch from sand or sand/salt to straight
salt. Recently member states were surveyed about
their switch from sand or sand/salt to straight salt.
Respondents shared their experience and what they
gained from the change. Some of the benefits
discussed were:Error! Hyperlink
reference not valid.
• Less time required to achieve bare pavement
during and after events
• Lower overtime materials and costs
• Lower application rates allowed for longer vehicle
routes; this translated to reduced equipment and
employee numbers required to do the same work
• Fewer overall facilities or facilities with smaller
actual and environmental footprints were possible
when sand is removed from the winter treatment
• Reduced sand reliance meant fewer sand cause
environmental repercussions and less required
springtime cleanup of sand on the roads,
roadsides, drainage basins, etc.
• MassDOT now only uses sand in a 50/50
sand/salt mix in reduced salt areas on Cape Cod
• Clear Roads also inspired a discussion
surrounding the huge benefits from prewetting
salt before roadway application.

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/2020
Description Dept./Person Name
Addn. MassDOT Environmental/ Continue funding the MassDOT Continued funding the MassDOT Research Needs MassDOT will continue to
Research Needs Construction Research Needs Program. Program. MassDOT participated in NCHRP studies participate in NCHRP studies.
Program concerning limitations of the infiltration approach to
(Previously stormwater management in the highway setting,
indicated as BMP stormwater monitoring programs, innovative
4G but focus of dissolved metals BMPs, and TMDL compliance.
research program
is now for source
control instead of
Addn. Open Graded Environmental Complete Study on Open Graded MassDOT, along with USGS, has initiated a study on The study has proceeded as
Friction Course Friction Course benefits on the water quality benefits of Open Graded Friction scheduled, and stormwater
stormwater treatment Course (OGFC) pavement. The reason for this study sampling will be continued.
is to obtain stormwater treatment credit from
MassDEP for use of this pavement material along a
section of I-95 in Needham and Wellesley.
Stormwater sampling along I-95 in Needham started
in October 2018 and will continue until Fall 2021.
The draft report will be completed by September
2022 and final report will be published by March

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

7. Impaired Waters

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Dept./ Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/ 2020
Description Person Name
7A Wetland Environmental 1) All MassDOT projects will Continued to comply with requirements of MESA and Continued to comply with
Protection Act comply with the WPA and the WPA. requirements of MESA and the
Compliance 2) When potential impacts are
identified, MassDOT will
work with the appropriate
agencies to design the
project to minimize the
7B 401 Water Environmental Massachusetts’s 401 Water Continue to comply with MA 401 Water Quality Continue to comply with MA
Quality Quality certification Certification Regulations. 401 Water Quality Certification
Certification requirements, which include Regulations.
review of the project by MA
Natural Heritage program and US
Fish and Wildlife if endangered
species habitat is mapped in the
project vicinity, will be complied
with whenever they are
7C CE Checklist Environmental Complete a Categorical Exclusion 73 Categorical Exclusion (CE) checklists were Continue to approve Categorical
Checklist for all MassDOT completed and approved for all federally-aided Exclusion Checklists in support
projects that utilize federal funds. projects advertised for construction by MassDOT of MassDOT Highway
during Permit Year 17. All documentation supporting Division’s Construction
MassDOT’s determination of a project meeting the Advertising Program.
definition of a Categorical Exclusion is on file with
Environmental Services Department at MassDOT
Highway Division.

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Dept./ Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/ 2020
Description Person Name
7D Environmental Environmental/ Develop an environmental site The WQDF captures information during programmed Continue to require submittal of
Site Data Form Construction data form for review by designers projects about existing and proposed BMPs identified forms at 25% and 75% design
(Water Quality with Environmental staff at 25% by design consultants and MassDOT designers. The submittals. Report on results in
Data Form - design. Implement on all WQDF is part of 25% (preliminary design) and 75% annual report.
WQDF) projects. design (final design) submittals to MassDOT. The Continue to educate designers on
form requires the designer to document information how to accurately and
about the stormwater system and the receiving water. comprehensively complete the
MassDOT reviewed 82 Water Quality Data Forms (44 WQDF.
25% forms and 38 75% forms). The forms Develop updated WQDF which
documented a total of 61 proposed stormwater BMPs allows for pollutant load
and 1,627 deep sump catch basins. reduction information to be
Additionally, non-structural BMPs implemented for calculated and uploaded into
these projects were documented and included MassDOT’s database. Post new
measures such as street sweeping, protecting sensitive WQDF on MassDOT website
areas, inspection and cleaning of stormwater and conduct training sessions it.
structures, catch basin cleaning, snow removal and See Appendix D for more
deicing controls, and use of sediment and erosion details.
controls during construction. For more information on
the data collected through the WQDF, please see
Appendix E.
7E TMDL Environmental The TMDL Recommendation While MassDOT has developed a more detailed Continue to review draft and
Recommendation Summary Table of the annual program in the Impaired Waters Program to address final TMDL reports and
Summary Table report will be updated annually to TMDLs, they had historically included a table in the implement TMDL recommended
Update reflect the TMDL reports that annual report summarizing all Final TMDLs in the activities when possible.
have been finalized in the state, how they relate to MassDOT and activities
previous permit year and to which have occurred in the watershed that are
include update on activities consistent with the TMDL suggestions. MassDOT
consistent with the has continued to include this table as Appendix J of
recommendations made in the this annual report for consistency with new data
TMDL. regarding activities that occurred this year and
TMDLs that were finalized this permit year.
As part of MassDOT’s commitment under the
Impaired Waters Program and BMP 7R of the
SWMP, MassDOT completed all assessments of
impaired waters with TMDLs. Additional
information is included under BMP 7R of this report
and in Appendix D.

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Dept./ Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/ 2020
Description Person Name
7F – 7Q TMDL Specific See NOI Comply with TMDL recommendations in Comply with TMDL
Recommendation Appendix J. recommendations in Appendix J.
7R TMDL Environmental 1. Assess all TMDL waters 1-4. MassDOT has reviewed all waterbodies on the MassDOT will continue to be an
Revised Watershed (total of 209 covered by final Appendix L-1 list within watersheds with a active participant in developing
Review TMDLs as of April 30, TMDL and has fulfilled their commitment to the TMDLs that impact MassDOT
2010) listed in Appendix L-1 court with its final semi-annual submission to the with EPA and DEP. MassDOT
of the SWMP (revised as of EPA on June 8, 2015. Ongoing projects are will provide public comment on
July 22, 2010), using the summarized in Appendix D. draft TMDLs as appropriate.
process described in BMP MassDOT continues to be an active participant in
7R. The assessments will be As new TMDLs are finalized,
developing TMDLs with EPA and DEP. Appendix J they will be reviewed during
completed over five years, includes a review of final TMDLs and the
beginning June 8, 2010, and future designs of programmed
implementation requirements which are relevant to projects.
20% (or about 41, TMDL MassDOT.
waters) will be assessed each
2. Assess at least 25 water
bodies (both TMDL and
non-TMDL waters) within
the first quarter of the
Impaired Water Program
(BMPs 7U and 7R).
3. Submit annual report to EPA
containing the
documentation described in
Step 6 of BMP 7R.
4. Submit quarterly progress
report to EPA during the first
year of the Impaired Waters
Program (BMP 7U and BMP
7R) and semi-annually
7S Salt Remediation Environmental Continue to provide the Salt Overall ISA Salt Remediation Program budget is $4.4 Continue to address new and
Program Remediation Program with a million from January 2019 through June 2022. We existing salt complaints.
funding level appropriate to secured separate funding in the amount of $290,000
quickly address salt related for a waterline extension in Sturbridge.

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Dept./ Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/ 2020
Description Person Name
7T Review of Environmental 1. Analyze each of the three 1. Task completed in Permit Year 8. All required actions have been
Added Specific Sites for sites identified in the CLF 2. Task completed in Permit Year 8. completed.
Water Quality lawsuit (Charles River
Exceedances in crossings in Bellingham and 3. Task completed in Permit Year 8.
Response to Milford; and North Nashua
Conservation River crossing in Lancaster).
Law Foundation Develop summary report
(CLF) et al. with modeling methodology
Lawsuit and summary of results.
2. For the sites which are
determined to contribute to
the exceedance of water
quality at the stream
crossing, construct BMPs to
address MassDOT related
3. Submit a remedial plan to
the court.

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Dept./ Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/ 2020
Description Person Name
7U Water Quality Environmental 1) Assess all water listed in 1-4 MassDOT submitted assessments to EPA as part Future activities of the Impaired
Revised Impaired Waters Appendix L-1 of the SWMP of its semi-annual submittals for all waters listed Waters Program are summarized
Assessment and (revised as of July 22, 2010) in Appendix L-1 as of its final submission on in Appendix D. MassDOT will
Mitigation Plan using the process described June 8, 2015. continue to develop designs for
in this BMP. BMPs to address impaired
2) Assess at least 25 water waters under the Impaired
bodies (both TMDL and Waters Program.
non-TMDL waters) within
the first quarter of the
Impaired Water Program
(BMPs 7U and 7R).
3) Submit quarterly progress
reports to EPA during the
first year of the Impaired
Waters Program and semi-
annually thereafter.
4) Provide documentation
described in step 6 of BMP
7U in annual reports to the

8A Cultural Cultural Resources Review all projects for impacts to All projects listed in the Construction Advertisement The Cultural Resources Unit will
Resources Department historic properties at the 25% Program for the reporting year were reviewed for continue to review projects for
Review design phase. If a potential impacts to historic properties or archaeological any stormwater impacts to
impact is found, the Department resources. None of the projects reviewed had historic resources at the 25%
works with the designer stormwater impacts to significant archaeological or design stage.
(MassDOT or consultant) and historic resources. Thus, none of these projects
Massachusetts Historical required any stormwater BMP design alterations
Commission to alter the design to based on cultural resources concerns.
mitigate or prevent adverse

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

BMP ID # BMP Responsible Dept./ Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 17 Planned Activities – 2019/ 2020
Description Person Name
Addn. V-Pass Pollutant Environmental/ MassDOT used the supplemental approach on MassDOT will incorporate the
Assessment Consultant multiple Retrofit Initiative designs in Permit Year 17. calculator into MassDOT’s
Simulation for MassDOT, their consultant and EPA have met WQDF and also in a stand-alone
SWMM multiple times to discuss the calibration of the model excel tool. MassDOT will use
to loading values in draft NPDES permits. the values to estimate loading
MassDOT has initiated collaboration with EPA to and pollutant treatment for all of
develop a load and BMP credit calculator using its inventoried BMPs where data
published data from EPA, and results from SELDM is available.
and MassDOT’s V-Pass long-term continuous
simulation model. The calculator will be included in
MassDOT’s WQDF and also in a stand-alone excel
Addn. Programmed Environmental/ MassDOT continues to implement stormwater BMPs MassDOT will continue the
Projects Initiative Consultant in programmed projects that drain to an impaired Programmed Projects Initiative.
water body. The WQDF documented 61 existing and
proposed stormwater BMPs this permit year. Refer to
Appendix D for more detail on the Programmed
Project Initiative and Appendix E for data collected in
WQDFs submitted in PY17.

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Part IV. Summary of Information Collected and Analyzed

All information collected and analyzed this year is summarized in the proceeding tables and narrative.

Part V. Program Outputs & Accomplishments (OPTIONAL)

MassDOT’s accomplishments during the seventeenth permit year are summarized in Part 1- 4 of this
annual report. Additional BMPs that have been added this year have been added to the matrix above
with new “Additional” row, rather than summarized below. Additional accomplishments are described
The MassDOT Environmental Services Stormwater Unit now consists of three environmental scientists
and to focus on stormwater management across the Commonwealth. The Stormwater Unit reviews the
drainage/stormwater management system for all programmed projects, identifies programmed projects
that would benefit from the implementation of structural stormwater BMPs, ensures effective BMPs are
designed, and implements the Impaired Waters Program. Additionally, the Stormwater Unit works to
expand its BMP and drainage inventory, and promote inspection and maintenance practices. In Permit
Year 17, the Stormwater Unit hired two summer interns (part time) and two co-ops (a 6-month
internship program) which increased the overall capacity of the Unit.

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

List of Appendices

Appendix A: IDDE Status Table

Appendix B: Status of Drainage Tie-in Permits
Appendix C: Notice of Violation (NOV) Letter
Appendix D: Impaired Waters Program – Summary of NPDES Permit Year 17
Appendix E: Water Quality Data Forms Submitted in Permit Year 17
Appendix F: Design Public Hearings Table
Appendix G: Active MassDOT Construction NOIs in Permit Year 17
Appendix H: Removed – in development
Appendix I: Public Well Supply Matrix and Salt Remediation Program
Appendix J: TMDL Review Table
Appendix K: Environmental Compliance Audit Checklist
Appendix L: Litter Program Summary
Appendix M: Baystate Roads Trainings
NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Appendix A: IDDE Status Table

IDDE Status Table
Flow Owner
DOT District
Date Location Flow Source Identification Test Results Current Status of Follow up Action Item Contact
2011 454 Patriots Road (Route Not Present District 2 observed a Not Tested In 2012 a letter was sent to the MassDOT Environmetal will District 2 Charlie Perkins
2A) Templeton, MA small pipe exiting this property owner and a phone call follow up with District on (978) 939-1063
property during a was placed in 2013. MassDOT has status of tie-in permit/NOV. (978) 939-8980
maintenance call not received responses to either Confirmation of potential
form of communication. District connection needs to be
staff do not think the flow directly establish on site.
ties into the DOT system.

2014 1 Springfield Street, Unknown Site Survey Not Tested NOV Letter Sent on April 6th, None. Resolved. District 2 Peter Wirth
Chicopee MA 2016. The connection had been (Springfield
permitted through two permits (2- Automotive
2017-0007 and 2-2017-0374). Partners LLC)
They are associated with two
connections coming from 295
Burnett Road and 291 Burnett
Road, respectively.

2015 164 Boston Road, Intermittent Unknown Not tested NOV Letter sent on 10/13/15 MassDOT District 3 will follow District 3 Johnsons
Groton MA 01450 up by contacting the property Restaurant and
owner to reach a resolution. Dairy Bar
Site visit may require since
NOV was sent out in 2015.

2017 1091 Massachusetts Intermittent Discovered when the Not tested Discharge from basement A solution with the property District 3 Anthony Caiozzo
Ave, Lunenburg MA discharge caused pumped through pipe that owner will be developed. Will (617) 312-5189
icing conditions on a discharges at stone wall into require follow-up with District
MassDOT routeway. MassDOT ROW. Pipe needs to be 3 for resolution.
redirected to their property.

2017 117 Putnam Hill Rd, Intermittent Discovered when the Not tested Discharge from basement Due to COVID-19, plans to District 3 None.
Sutton MA discharge caused pumped through a hose that assess site conditions have
icing conditions on a discharges into a small steel been postponed until when
MassDOT roadway. culvert that is directed towards a operation is back to normal.
MassDOT roadway. The hose
needs to stop running to the
culvert and instead seep into their
slope, and the culvert needs to be
2017 210 Mechanic St, Connection Not tested Property is run-down and not Due to COVID-19, plans to District 3 None.
Bellingham MA used much, so no plan is in place assess site conditions have
at the moment. been postponed until when
operation is back to normal.
IDDE Status Table
Flow Owner
DOT District
Date Location Flow Source Identification Test Results Current Status of Follow up Action Item Contact
2010 Rent-A-Tool Trickle District 4 staff Not Tested A permit application was District 4 had conducted a District 4 Rent-A-Tool
777 North Shore Road identified flow submitted to MassDOT in 2010. site visit and observed no (Steve Williams)
(1A), Revere, MA discharging to a Additional information was physical connection to (781) 829-3900
MassDOT catch requested by MassDOT but was MassDOT's system. Resolved.
basin/Follow up Illicit not received. May 2017
Discharge survey observation - rent a- Tool no
longer there. On going
construction work on site. CB
contained silt sack and full of
2007 Dorrance, Inc. Not Present Tie-in identified by Not Tested A letter and permit application A follow-up visit should be District 5 Carl Dorrance
283 West Main Street MassDOT at private was sent to the homeowner in scheduled to confirm tie-in (508) 455-0299
(Route 123) residence September of 2011. In March of still exists and then follow-up
Norton, MA 2013 MassDOT Environmental left with a NOV letter.
a detailed message with the
homeowner regarding the
suspect flow. The permit
application has yet to be
submitted and a return phone call
has not been received.

2012 257 Mansfield Avenue Not Present Illicit Discharge Not Tested MassDOT conducted two site Notify the town of Norton of District 5 Norton Estates
(Route 140) Survey visits at this location in 2012 and the connection. Follow-up (508) 285-2901
Norton, MA determined the source of this action will include: Assessing
connection is located off of whether or not permit has
MassDOT property. Property been filed. If not, assess site
owner was contacted by Mr. for any physical tie-in.
George Ayoub in 2012 and was
asked to apply for a permit. No
record of the permit is known at
2012 469 Taunton Avenue Not Present Impaired Waters Site Not Tested This connection was found during A follow up visit will be District 5 Mark Chandley
(Route 44) Visit an Impaired Waters Site visit in conducted to determine the (Country Kitchen)
Seekonk, MA 2012. No flow was present and source of this flow. If flow is (508) 336-9807
therefore not tested. present a sample will be
collected and tested to
determine the potential
2016 746 Bedford Street Unknown Unknown Not Tested NOV Letter sent on April 16th, Notify the town of East District 5 Michael Foley
(Route 18) East 2016. Awaiting Response from Bridgewater of the potential
Bridgewater the Owner. connection. Follow-up action
will include: site visit to assess
physical connection and
IDDE Status Table
Flow Owner
DOT District
Date Location Flow Source Identification Test Results Current Status of Follow up Action Item Contact
2017 769 Bedford St, East Connection Not tested NOV letter sent to property Follow up with District 5 District 5 Ralph & Susan
Bridgewater MA owner on 5/26/2017. After regarding the plug of illicit tie- Constantine 769
meeting with the property owner, in. Bedford Street
District Five agreed to plug the Realty Trust
drainage tie-in. District 5 last
suggested to plug illicit ti-in.

2016 10 Jessica Lane, Connection Route 18 drainage Not tested NOV letter sent to property Due to COVID-19, plans to District 6 Vo Hoa Minh
Weymouth, MA 02190 project identified this owner 7/15/16; letter crafted assess site conditions have
unauthorized indicating they would plug within been postponed until when
connection 14 days in April 2019 but not sure operation is back to normal.
ever sent - district didn't want to
be responsible for flooding if
plugged and not sure if Henry
ever sent
NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Appendix B: Status of Drainage Tie-in Permits

Status of Drainage Tie-In Permits

DOT District Flow Owner Contact

Permit Date Location Flow Source Identification Test Results Current Status of Follow Up Action Item
Responsibility Information
1-2018-0249 2019 168 Lee Road, Lenox Connection Access is sought to start construction for a Not Tested Permitted None District 1 Chevis Hosea (MRG CRW
(Issued) proposed tunnel under route 20 at the Cranwell Holdings Inc.), 71 South Wacker
Golf Course and Resort, an Miravel Lenox. Tunnel Drive, Chicago
Construction and associated site work including but
not limited to temporary roadways and traffic

1-2019-0272 2019 1613 Cheshire Road, Connection Replace an existing 6 inch sub-drain pipe that has Not Tested Permitted None District 1 Jeffrey Taylor, 27 Garden
(Issued) Cheshire collapsed with a 6 inch corrugated HDPE pipe. Street, Pittsfield, 413-770-1793

1-2019-0198 2019 601 Blandford Road, Connection Connection of 24 inch HDPE pipe also overland flow Not Tested Permitted None District 1 Thibault Delespaul (Sunrise on
(Issued) Russell Blandford Road, LLC), 109 W.
27th Street, 8th Floor, New
York, 860-214-2947

1-2019-0127 2019 457 Hinsdale Road, Connection Replace existing sub drain into existing drop inlet Not Tested Permitted None District 1 Global Construction Services,
(Issued) Dalton and catch basin LLC, P.O. Box 518, Hinsdale

1-2019-0081 2019 Cranwell Resort, Lenox Connection Connection of 12 inch Cement Concrete Pipe into a Not Tested Permitted None District 1 Chevis Hosea (MRG CRW
(Issued) new man hole Holdings Inc.), 71 South Wacker
Drive, Chicago

2-2019-0501 2019 125 Mohawk Trail, Connection Installation of utilities on Miner Street as shown on Not Tested Connection is still being Communicate with District and District 2 Shardool Parmar (Parmar
(Unpermitted - Greenfield site plans. Proposed 60 inch drain relocation from discuessed between Developer to evaluate feasible Properties North, LLC), 239
Reviewing) existing catch basin located within the Mohawk Environmental HQ, District 2, alternatives Russell Street, Hadley, 413-231-
Trail SHLO into an Existing MassDot Drainage and Developer. Developer has 7495
Easement that runs through the property. Proposed not provided any feasible
drainage connection to existing MassDOT pipes alternatives for connections for
the stormwater tie-in.

2-2020-0096 2020 176 West State Street, Connection Proposed connection of a small orifice (4" diameter) Not Tested Connection to be permitted None District 2 Chad Brubaker (Granby DG
(Unpermitted - Granby piped connection from the subject site to an under the State Highway Series LLC), 83 Orchard Hill Park
Reviewing) existing catch basin within the right-of-way. Access Permit System Drive, Leominster, 978-466-
Connection proposed to assist in mitigating 6661
historical groundwater breakout discharging along
shoulder of Route 202.

2-2014-0458 2014 776 North King, Connection Install new 6" storm drain pipe and connect to Not Tested Permitted Environmental HQ reached out District 2 Sharon E. Abbott (Sandri Realty,
(Issued) Northampton MassDOT catch basin. to District 2 to follow up on Inc.), 400 Chapman Street,
permitting. A permit was issed Greenfield, 413-223-1159
in 2014 for the catch basin tie.

2-2015-0521 2015 615 Northampton Intermittent Sediment carried in stormwater during rain events Not Tested Permitted Environmental HQ reached out District 2 Tracey Barclay (David Conti)
(Issued) Street, Holyoke is clogging MassDOT catch basin. to District 2 to follow up on Holyoke Water Works, 413-536-
confirmation of flow. A permit 0442
was issued in 2015 for repair on
water main.
Status of Drainage Tie-In Permits

DOT District Flow Owner Contact

Permit Date Location Flow Source Identification Test Results Current Status of Follow Up Action Item
Responsibility Information
2-2019-0650 2020 3 Main Street, Brimfield Intermittent Application was submitted in order to obtain Not Tested Permitted Check for disconnection within District 2 Chris Johnson (Cumberland
(Issued) approval for the discharge of treated groundwater a year Farms Inc.), 165 Flanders Road,
at the Site. The discharge and dewatering is Westborough, 508-270-4495
necessary to allow for the installation of gasoline
USTs and other subsurface structures at the Site.
The excavation will be dewatered by installing
temporary sump pumps. Pumps will be used so that
collected groundwater from the excavation area can
then be pumped through a carbon filtration system
during excavation activities. The water will then be
pumped through bag filters to remove solids and
then discharged to a catch basin located along the
front of the site.

3-2019-0587 2019 624 Pleasant St, Paxton Connection Drainage line connection from an existing well from Not Tested A Notice of Violation letter was Environmental HQ reached out District 3 Scot Holmes, 624 Pleasant
(Unpermitted - a basement to an existing catch basin located on sent to the property owner. to District 3 to follow up on Street, Paxton, 508-450-7917
Reviewing) Pleasant Street. MassDOT is reviewing the permitting.
permit application. There are a
few alternatives that the home
owner wants to evaluate with

3-2019-0465 2019 601 Blandford Road, Connection Development of 8 depressed loading bays at the Not Tested Connection to be permitted Environmental HQ reached out District 3 Phil Rahaim (Great Northern
(Unpermitted - Russell southwest face of what is currently the building under the State Highway to District 3 to follow up on Dunnage), 291 Westminster St.,
Reviewing) entrance at 100 Simplex Drive, Westminster tax Access Permit System permitting. Fitchburg, 978-874-1004
map 8, lot 10. Stormwater flows to the closed
drainage system that extends under MA Route 2,
southwest of the building. The project location is
currently lawn and driveway. The loading bays add
10,830 sf of impervious area to the site. A sand
filter with sediment forebay was proposed that will
dischrage to MassDOT's closed drainage system.

3-2019-0457 2019 320 Southbridge Rd, Connection Connecting to existing catch basin located at the Not Tested Connection to be permitted Environmental HQ reached out District 3 Karen Nolin, 320 Southbridge
(Unpermitted - Southbridge bottom of the driveway. under the State Highway to District 3 to follow up on Rd, Charlton, 508-215-4252
Reviewing) Access Permit System permitting.

3-2019-0428 2019 4 Sturbridge Road, Connection Griffin Road is being widen and a driveway off Not Tested Connection to be permitted Environmental HQ reached out District 3 Aaron Banford (Bertin
(Unpermitted - Charlton Griffin Road is proposed to close. Tie-in will come under the State Highway to District 3 to follow up on Engineering Associates, Inc.),
Reviewing) from Griffin Road to existind rainage manhole on Access Permit System permitting. 39 Elm Street, Southbridge, 508-
Route 20. 765-0195

3-2019-0460 2019 1170 Pleasant Street, Connection Notice of Violation letter was Property Owner Responded. District 3 Marina Dzyubenko, 1170
(Issued) Worcester sent to the property owner on Disconnected. Pleasant Street, Worcester

Status Unknown - 2012 69 South Main Street Connection Illicit Discharge Survey Natral Water/Tap/Irrigation MassDOT collected and tested Environmental HQ to confirm if District 4 Middleton Golf Course (978-
Unpermitted (Route 114), Middleton the flow located on this District 4 reached out to 774-4075)
property. Middleton Golf Course and
whether or not a tie-in permit
was issued.

4-2019-0242 2019 282 Squire Road, Revere Connection Tie into existing storm drain manhole located at Not Tested Connection to be permitted Environmental HQ reached out District 4 Nicholas Rystrom (Revere
(Unpermitted - Orvis Road and Squire Road under the State Highway to District 4 to follow up on Public Works), 321 Rear
Reviewing) Access Permit System permitting. Charger Street, Revere, 781-
Status of Drainage Tie-In Permits

DOT District Flow Owner Contact

Permit Date Location Flow Source Identification Test Results Current Status of Follow Up Action Item
Responsibility Information
4-2019-0544 2019 247 Chickering Road, Connection A Non-Vehicular Access Permit is sought for the Not Tested Connection to be permitted Environmental HQ reached out District 4 Luke Bouchard (Enterprise Bank
(Unpermitted - North Andover purpose of connecting and discharging stormwater under the State Highway to District 4 to follow up on & Trust Company), 222
Reviewing) from the parcel at 247 Chickering Road (Route Access Permit System permitting. Merrimack Street, Lowell, 978-
125/133) in North Andover, MA to MassDOT’s 656-5586
existing drainage system. The parcel is being re-
developed to include a 3,250 sf bank with drive-
through service. The work involves installation of a
drain manhole and sections of drainage pipe. The
work will be conducted along Chickering Road
between Station 157+87 and 158+47 and will be
coordinated with MassDOT Project #606159

4-2019-0488 2020 207 Cambridge Street, Connection Drainage connection to state highway storm water Not Tested Connection to be permitted Environmental HQ reached out District 4 Mo Santangelo (Federal
(Unpermitted - Burlington collection system. under the State Highway to District 4 to follow up on Investment Trust # 1), 200
Reviewing) Access Permit System permitting. Great Road Suite 253, Bedford,

4-2020-0131 2020 Hale Street, Beverly Connection Drainage tie-in from city of Beverly stormwater Not Tested Connection to be permitted Environmental HQ reached out District 4 Joseph Skomurski (Skomurski
(Unpermitted - connection and sidewalk improvements on Hale under the State Highway to District 4 to follow up on Development, LLC), 107
Reviewing) Street. Access Permit System permitting. Bradstreet Ave, Danvers, 508-

5-2017-0518 2019 1200 Bedford Street, Connection A 12" PVC pipe leading from a detention pond on Not Tested A Notice of Violation letter was None District 5 Matthew McPhail, 164 Shaw
(Issued) Abington the property and connecting to a MassDOT catch sent to the property owner on Ave, Abington, (781) 878-9007
basin on Route 18 (Bedford Street) was discovered January 29, 2014. A permit was
by MassDOT personnel while conducting site issued in 10/26/2016.
investigations as part of a project to widen a section
of that roadway. In addition to that, a 6" HDPE pipe
leading from the detention pond to a different
MassDOT catch basin further north on Route 18 was
also discovered.

5-2017-0033 2017 1400 Bedford Street, Connection A Non-Vehicular Access Permit is sought for the Not Tested Connection to be permitted Environmental HQ reached out District 5 Luke Bouchard (Enterprise Bank
(Issued) Abington purpose of connecting and discharging stormwater under the State Highway to District 4 to follow up on & Trust Company), 222
from the parcel at 247 Chickering Road (Route Access Permit System permitting. Merrimack Street, Lowell, 978-
125/133) in North Andover, MA to MassDOT’s 656-5586
existing drainage system. The parcel is being re-
developed to include a 3,250 sf bank with drive-
through service. The work involves installation of a
drain manhole and sections of drainage pipe. The
work will be conducted along Chickering Road
between Station 157+87 and 158+47 and will be
coordinated with MassDOT Project #606159

5-2018-0693 2018 1 Boston Providence Connection Connection from the Walpole Department of Public Not Tested None None District 5 Maggie Walker (Town of
(Issued) HIghway, Walpole Works to the Coney Street drainage system. Walpole), 135 School Street,
Walpole, 508-660-7300

5-2018-0496 2018 890 South Washington Connection This permit is issued to relocate the State's existing Not Tested None None District 5 Dennis Darveau (Colbea
(Issued) Street drainage line (36" RCP and 24" RCP), located within Enterprises, LLC), 2050
the Grantee's property via an existing easement. Plainfield Pike, Cranston RI, 401-
The existing drainage line will be replaced with a 943-0005
30" ADS pipeline. Additionally, the existing and
proposed stormwater runoff coming from the
owner's property will be treated and tied to the
proposed relocated State drainage line, will flow
through an existing 36” RCP, and then to an existing
MassDOT drainage manhole (DMH) located in the
paved roadway on the easterly side of the roadway.
Status of Drainage Tie-In Permits

DOT District Flow Owner Contact

Permit Date Location Flow Source Identification Test Results Current Status of Follow Up Action Item
Responsibility Information
5-2018-0728 2018 225-241 Bedford Street, Connection Connection from a development into State drainage Not Tested Connection to be permitted Environmental HQ reached out District 5 Anthony Diletizia (Diletizia
(Unpermitted - East Bridgewater system. under the State Highway to District 5 to follow up on Development LLC), 200 Revere
Reviewing) Access Permit System permitting. Street, Canton, 617-828-2312

5-2019-0126 2019 405 Washington Street, Connection Drainage tie-in for the additional stormwater Not Tested None Environmental HQ to followup District 5 Peter OMeara (Cardinal
(Issued) Hanover overflow that will be coming from drainage with District to see what the Cushing Centers), 405
structures on private property and flowing through event the BMP is design to Washington Street, Hanover,
a proposed 12" RCP and then to an existing meet. 781-829-1200
MassDOT drainage manhole. The connection is for
only the excess surface/stormwater runoff that
cannot be treated within property's limit.

5-2019-0221 2019 217 Centre Avenue, Connection Drainage tie-in for the additional stormwater Not Tested None Environmental HQ to followup District 5 Campbell Lewis (Hutton), 736
(Issued) Rockland overflow that will be coming from drainage with District to see what the Cherry Street, Chattanooga, TN,
structures on private property and flowing through event the BMP is design to 423-771-4470
a proposed 12" RCP and then to an existing meet.
MassDOT drainage manhole. The connection is for
only the additional surface/stormwater runoff that
cannot be treated within property's limit.

5-2019-0408 2019 296 Old Oak Street, Connection The proposed redevelopment (the Project) will Not Tested Environmental HQ to assist Environmental HQ to reach out District 5 Jeffrey Bilezikian (D&C Real
(Unpermitted- Pembroke involve the construction of a stand alone medical design plan as it relates to to District to confirm design Estate Trust, CTS Fiduciary LLC
Reviewing) office facility of approximately 5,230 square feet. septic system reconstruction plan relating to septic system Trustee), 231 Willow Street,
The site is currently occupied with a 20,500 sf +/- making sure that there will be reconstruction. Yarmouthport, (508) 375-0005
retail building which will remain on-Site and is no potential overflow into
currently occupied by a Sun & Ski Sports retail store MassDOT Drainage System.
and a vacant storefront. Numerous site
improvements are proposed as part of the Project
including, redesigned parking areas, redesigned
access/egress, storm-water drainage system
improvements, MA DEP Title V septic system
reconstruction, and significant landscaping

5-2019-0670 2019 232 Winthrop Street, Connection Cumberland Farms has an apparent unauthorized Not Tested A Notice of Violation letter was Environmental HQ to followup District 5 Dawn Johnson (Cumberland
(Upermitted- Rehoboth connection to the State Highway Drainage System. sent to the property owner on with District to assess if the Farms Inc.), 165 Flanders Road,
Reviewing) October 9, 2019. The owner permit in 1981 is sufficient in Westborough, 508-270-1431
submitted a drainage authorizing the connection and
connection permit dated May understand the conclusion of
6, 1981 authorizing the the meeting on 12/12/19.
drainage connection of the 3
onsite catch basins to the drain
manhole within Winthrop
Street. A meeting was held on
December 12, 2019.

5-2019-0577 2019 1835 Washington Street, Connection Installation of an 12" RCP drain overflow drain line Not Tested None None District 5 Clint Mattson (Chick-fil-A),
(Issued) Hanover connecting the project site to the DOT drainage 5200 Buffington Road, Atlanta,
system within Washington St via doghouse GA, 404-765-2443
Status of Drainage Tie-In Permits

DOT District Flow Owner Contact

Permit Date Location Flow Source Identification Test Results Current Status of Follow Up Action Item
Responsibility Information
5-2019-0453 2019 694 Main Street, Connection Temporary Dewatering to CB adjacent to 694 Main Not Tested None Currently, permit system stated District 5 Application Contact: Madeline
(Unpermitted- Dennisport Street (Route 28). RTN: 4-00933. This permit that applicant needs to provide Soule (Kleinfelder), One Beacon
Reviewing) request is associated wih discharge treated additional information. Street,Boston, 617-498-4679
groundwater under the auspices of the Environmental HQ to follow up Owner: Former Mobile Service
Remediation General Permit (RGP). Flow rate is on this permit. Station No. 01707, 694 Main
estimated to average 200 gpm, with a max flow rate Street, Dennisport, MA
of 350 gpm. The total water estimated to be
dewatered is 9 million gallons over 4-5 months.

5-2020-0144 2020 3141 Route US 6, The Town of Eastham, as part of its comprehensive Permit requested in March. Environmental HQ to followup District 5 Silvio Genao (Eastham
(Unpermitted- Eastham plan to address poor water quality in Schoolhouse with District to understand the Department of Public Works),
Reviewing) Minister Pond, has hired Horsley Witten Group, Inc. assessment and what will be 555 Old Orchard Road,
and the Association to Preserve Cape Cod to designed. Eastham, 508-240-5973
develop stormwater management designs to better
address polluted runoff entering Minister Pond
from Route 6. Horsley Witten (HW) engineering
staff will conduct a visual inspection of the drainage
system that directs runoff from Route 6 to Minister
Pond. The intent of this visual survey is to
understand the drainage network and the drainage
area to this network.

6-2019-0030 2019 135 Morrissey Blvd, Connection Redevelopment of Boston Globe site. Applicant is Not Tested None None District 6 Todd Fremont-Smith (135
(Issued) Boston applying to get a permit for existing drainage Morrissey Owner LLC c/o
connections into a drainage outfall that lies within a Nordblom Development C), 71
30 foot easement on the site. Also BWSC has Third Ave, Burlington, MA, 781-
requested to tie in additional storm drains from 272-4000
local roads into the outfall pipe.

6-2019-0006 2019 20 Boylston St, Connection New connection tie-in of a new 8" PVC drain pipe Not Tested None None District 6 Boris Kutikov (Kenwood
(Issued) Brookline connecting proposed basement infiltration system Builders), 120 Braintree Street,
to an existing drainage pipe on Boylston Street. Boston, MA, 617-505-1857
NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Appendix C: Notice of Violation (NOV) Letter



CERTIFIED MAIL – RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED # ___________________________

[Contact’s Name]
[City/Town or Business Name, If Applicable]
[Town/City, State, Zip Code]

Notice of Violation

Re: Illicit and/or Unauthorized Drainage Connection or Discharge to MassDOT Drainage System
Located at __________________________________________________________________

Dear ____________________:

The purpose of this Notice of Violation (NOV) is to inform you, as owner of the above-referenced property, of a suspected
connection or discharge to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation’s Highway Division (MassDOT) drainage system
without a properly issued Non-vehicular Access Permit (tie-in permit).

[Description of the site (several sentences), along with details of the suspect connection.]

This is in violation of G.L. c. 81, § 21, regulations found at 720 CMR 13.00, and Standard Operating Procedure No. HMD-02-
2-000 (a copy of which is enclosed). Be aware that MassDOT strictly prohibits illicit and/or unauthorized drainage
connections and discharges. Any such connection or discharge must be either permitted by MassDOT or immediately

You have ninety (90) days from the receipt of this notification to contact the person listed below to indicate whether:
(1) you will apply for a tie-in permit; (2) you will propose a schedule for the removal of the discharge; or (3) you hold a
pre-existing drainage tie-in permiti. Should no response be received, a follow-up site investigation will be performed.
At that time, should an illicit and/or unauthorized connection or discharge be confirmed, the matter will be forwarded
to MassDOT’s Chief Legal Counsel for enforcement in conjunction with the Attorney General’s Office. This may
include fines or penalties of up to $1,000 per day.

Please be aware, however, that applying for a tie-in permit does not guarantee being granted one and an internal review will be
performed in order to determine if the connection or discharge should be permitted.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in resolving this matter. Please contact the District __ Permits Engineer,
_______________, at _______________ at your earliest convenience within the 90-day period.


[District Highway Director’s Signature]

[District Highway Director’s Name]

District __ Highway Director

Attachment: Standard Operating Procedure No. HMD-02-02-2-000 (dated 3/19/2012)

cc: Tracy W. Klay, Deputy General Counsel, MassDOT and MBTA

Henry Barbaro (w/o attachment), MassDOT Environmental Services Section

In the case of a pre-existing permit, MassDOT will consider rescinding the NOV.
NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Appendix D: Impaired Waters Program – Summary of NPDES Permit Year 17

Impaired Waters Program Summary
NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Appendix D
Impaired Waters Program
Summary of NPDES Permit Year 17

May 2020 Page i

Impaired Waters Program Summary
NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................................1

2.0 Retrofit and Programmed Projects Stormwater BMPs .................................................3

2.1 Purpose and Background ....................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Permit Year 17 Progress ........................................................................................................ 4
2.2.1 Design ...................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.2 Construction ............................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Planned Activities for Permit Year 18 .................................................................................... 7
2.3.1 Planning for Regulatory Requirements/IWP Updates ............................................ 7
2.3.2 Design and Construction ......................................................................................... 7

3.0 Design Status of TMDL Watersheds ...............................................................................8

4.0 Data Management and BMP Inspections ........................................................................8

4.1 Data Management and Tracking ............................................................................................ 8
4.2 BMP Inspections and Maintenance ....................................................................................... 9

List of Tables
Table 1 Impaired Waters Program Summary .............................................................................................. 2
Table 2 Design Stage Summary by # of Water Bodies Addressed ............................................................ 5
Table 3 WQDF Summary ............................................................................................................................. 5
Table 4 BMP Pollutant Removal ................................................................................................................... 5
Table 5 Construction Project Summary by # of Water Bodies Addressed ................................................. 6
Table 6 IWP Stormwater Improvement Construction Project Funding ....................................................... 7
Table 7 Project Schedule Summary by # of Water Bodies Addressed ....................................................... 7
Table 8 IWP Stormwater Improvement Construction Project Funding ....................................................... 8
Table 9 Status of Remaining TMDL Water Bodies ...................................................................................... 8
Table 10 Status of Retrofit Projects in Design ........................................................................................... 10
Table 11 Status of Retrofit Projects under Construction............................................................................ 12
Table 12 Summary of Retrofit BMPs under Construction or Constructed (Direct Discharge) ................. 14
Table 13 Summary of Retrofit BMPs under Construction or Constructed (Indirect Discharge) ............... 20

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Attachment A: IWP Project Summary Sheets

Project No. 607561: Drainage Repairs and Improvements Along Sections of Route 110, 113, and I-93
at Merrimack River

Project No. 607479: Shrewsbury, Boylston, and Northborough Maintenance on I-290 at Shirley Street

Project No. 608209: Littleton and Westford Interstate Maintenance and Related Work on I-495 at
Nashoba Brook

Project No. 607560: Chicopee and Holyoke Interstate Maintenance and Related Work on I-391 at
Connecticut River

Project No. 607993: Stormwater Improvements at Various Locations (Routes 2, 9, 12, 2A, 110, 111,
and I-290) (5 Sheets)

Project No. 607995: Rt. 3A and I-495 Stormwater Improvements at Concord River

Project No. 608317: Framingham I-90 at Lake Cochituate, Saxonville Pond, and Unnamed Tributary (3

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Impaired Waters Program Summary
NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

1.0 Introduction

MassDOT’s Impaired Waters Program (IWP) is a robust program addressing roadway stormwater runoff
discharging to impaired waters across the state. MassDOT developed this program as part of our
commitment to improving the quality of stormwater runoff from our highways, compliance with the National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System
(MS4) General Permit, and commitments in the EPA enforcement order letter to MassDOT dated April 22,
2010. “Impaired” water bodies are those listed as Category 4a or 5 in MassDEP’s Integrated List of Waters 1
(referred to as the 303(d) list).

Starting in June 2010 as part of the EPA enforcement order, MassDOT made a five-year commitment to
assess all impaired water body segments that receive (or potentially receive) stormwater runoff from
MassDOT roadways located in urban areas (NPDES permit area). MassDOT completed assessments of all
the 684 water bodies identified as part of that enforcement commitment. In following years, MassDOT
expanded the water bodies list to encompass the additional urban area identified in the 2010 census,
impaired waters listed on the 2012 final 303(d) list, and MassDOT property acquired (e.g., Mass. Turnpike)
since the enforcement as part of our good-faith commitment to improve stormwater runoff quality from our
highways, thereby bringing the final number of assessments completed in the five year time frame to 826.
MassDOT continues to expand upon the areas included in the IWP program as additional waterbodies are
added to the 303(d) list and to address anticipated requirements in MassDOT’s transportation-specific
separate storm sewer system (TS4) permit. This report summarizes the status of the comprehensive
Impaired Waters Program.

Performing a water body assessment includes identifying if runoff from the MassDOT roadways drains to
the water body, whether stormwater is contributing to the impairment, and whether existing Best
Management Practices (BMPs) effectively treat runoff from the roadways. The assessment then sets a
pollutant removal target for the specific receiving water and, if not currently met, MassDOT will design and
construct additional water quality BMPs where site conditions allow.

To most effectively utilize tax dollars, MassDOT implements the construction of BMPs through two
initiatives: Retrofit and Programmed Projects.

Through the Retrofit Initiative, MassDOT proactively identifies locations where installation of BMPs along
existing roadways, as stand-alone projects or coupled with resurfacing projects, will lead to a significant
reduction in water quality impacts from MassDOT’s stormwater runoff. MassDOT has constructed
approximately three-quarters of these retrofit projects and plans to continue the design and construction
expeditiously to advertise the remaining retrofit projects. Funding continues to be allocated for retrofit
construction projects.

Alternatively, MassDOT constructs stormwater BMPs as part of major programmed projects, which are
those projects where significant improvements are planned for a roadway or intersection (e.g., intersection
improvement, highway widening) and MassDOT can include stormwater treatment upgrades. MassDOT’s
Programmed Projects Initiative is implemented for construction projects where roadways discharge to
impaired waters and may also include municipal projects undertaken by MassDOT for local municipalities.

1 MassDEP. Integrated List of Waters & Related Reports. Retrieved from

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Impaired Waters Program Summary
NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

MassDOT evaluates the project area draining to the impaired water body and installs structural stormwater
BMPs to the maximum extent practicable. MassDOT catalogs these improvements through a water quality
data form submitted by designers and populates the associated database so the treatment provided can be
tracked as part of the overall IWP program. In PY17 MassDOT initiated development of a revised water
quality data form (WQDF) to capture additional information, which is discussed in detail later in this report.

Table 1 below provides a summary of the measures for the program overall and this permit year. Because
MassDOT’s IWP is focused on providing needed treatment by waterbody, the table summary is by water
body although often a project will provide treatment to more than one water body (inherent in the linear
nature of our work) and sometimes the treatment measures are broken into more than one project pulling
from retrofit and/or programmed-project funding based on timing, the locations of contributing roadways,
and on the work that MassDOT already has planned. The overall program summary reviews the water body
segments addressed but includes some water body segments multiple times since more than one project is
being constructed to provide treatment. As the program moves forward, the tracking will be at a project level
with the capability of reporting on treatment by water body.

Table 1 Impaired Waters Program Summary

Overall Program Summary
Impaired waters addressed including those with multiple projects 135*
Construction complete 85
Under design/ on-going construction 34
Permit Year 17
In design 15
In construction 19
Construction completed 19
*There are 20 instances where than one project is planned for a single water body.

MassDOT continues to use several different consulting design firms to assist with meeting the aggressive
goals pertaining to design, permitting, and construction oversight of IWP projects.

All of the newly constructed BMPs will have a beneficial impact on runoff from MassDOT roads. An
estimated 41 acres of impervious cover (IC) will be treated by the BMPs that have moved into construction
or have been constructed this past year which, added to the 688 acres in previous years, provides a total of
729 acres of IC treated by BMPs.

In addition to structural BMPs, MassDOT has taken many steps to further strengthen the Impaired Waters
Program this year. Some of these efforts include:

• Maintenance and updating of the IWP geospatial database,

• Continuation of the BMP inspection program,
• Working towards development of an updated WQDF, and
• High-level planning for impaired waters and waters with Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
under the future Transportation Specific Separate Storm Sewer System (TS4) permit.

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Impaired Waters Program Summary
NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

2.0 Retrofit and Programmed Projects Stormwater BMPs

The following is a summary of MassDOT’s actions this year through the Retrofit and Programmed Projects

2.1 Purpose and Background

Retrofit projects (stand-alone or coupled with resurfacing) are projects that target specific locations where
constructing BMPs will provide an improvement in the water quality of stormwater discharges to impaired
water bodies. For retrofit projects moving forward with BMP design, MassDOT assigns the project to one of
the IWP designers under contract. The designer performs a more detailed review of the MassDOT urban
area roads directly draining to the receiving water to identify site constraints (soils, wetlands, utility conflicts,
etc.) that may limit potential BMP locations, and requests survey and geotechnical information as needed.
The designer develops the design of BMPs to meet the target impervious cover or pollutant load reduction
to the maximum extent practicable and prepares permit applications and construction plans for the retrofit
project. Retrofit targets are focused on directly discharging drainage to the receiving water following the
methodology developed by MassDOT for our impaired waters program.

In addition to retrofits, major programmed projects included in the Statewide Transportation Improvement
Plan (STIP) or otherwise included in MassDOT’s program for construction, provide an excellent opportunity
to incorporate stormwater BMPs and provide significant water quality improvements. Unlike retrofit BMPs,
these projects may allow for holistic site planning, where drainage can be redirected, and stormwater
management can be included in the overall plan for the site. Also, major programmed projects allow for the
potential to increase the right-of-way and/or move conflicting utilities. Therefore, MassDOT has included
stormwater BMPs in contracts for planned projects that discharge stormwater runoff to impaired waters
including municipal projects undertaken by MassDOT for local municipalities and projects outside the permit
(e.g., urbanized) area.

MassDOT’s Environmental Section identifies programmed projects discharging to impaired waters through
questions included in water quality data forms (WQDF) submitted as part of the projects 25% design phase,
and then again at the 75% design phase. The form provides designers with general guidance for
implementing BMPs given project type and receiving water body characteristics, gathers water quality and
stormwater improvement data, and conducts data validation. The form solicits specific location information
for each proposed BMP, which allows for simple integration in the IWP geospatial database. The
accompanying web map application allows designers to quickly determine which impaired water body their
project drains to and whether the project lies in a watershed with a TMDL.

Additionally, the WQDF captures documentation regarding sensitive site design elements include measures
such as preserving existing vegetation, natural drainage patterns, and riparian buffers; minimizing
disturbance to wetland resource areas; promoting sheet flow to vegetated areas; and reducing existing
impervious cover.

While BMP data from programmed projects are captured through the WQDF, impaired waters retrofit project
consultants submit their BMP data for retrofit projects directly to MassDOT Environmental as part of the
PS&E submission. However, the retrofit data collection process may be revised for inclusion into the revised
water quality data form (WQDF).

More than one IWP project may occur to address a water body for different reasons. For example, the
extents of a programmed project’s limits may not address the entire MassDOT roadway within the water
body segment, therefore MassDOT develops additional standalone projects to treat the remaining area. On

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Impaired Waters Program Summary
NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

other occasions the shape and configuration of DOT’s discharging area may make multiple projects more
suitable for BMP design.

Funding is provided through a mixture of Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Transportation

Improvements Program (TIP) funds and state funds for stand-alone retrofit projects and programmed
resurfacing projects coupled with the retrofit BMPs.

2.2 Permit Year 17 Progress

MassDOT has completed all impaired waters assessments required for the EPA enforcement and is
continuing to design water quality BMPs that will provide pollutant treatment, while advancing construction
on the BMPs. This year marks ten years since the start of MassDOT’s IWP, and correspondingly, MassDOT
is seeing more projects under construction or where construction is complete than in design. MassDOT has
started development of a next phase of the IWP program to address TS4 permit expected requirements.

2.2.1 Design
Table 3 provides a status summary of design projects. Currently, there are 15 impaired waters with
projects in a variety of stages of design. Existing design projects have progressed through the design stages
and another 15 water bodies have moved from PS&E into construction. During designs this year,
MassDOT’s consultants determined that installation of BMPs associated with five water bodies were
infeasible due to site constraints.

This past year MassDOT Environmental identified three new projects to add to the Impaired Water Program
which address four impaired water bodies. Two of the water bodies (Ten Mile River (MA52-03) and
Fourmile Brook (MA52-10)) were previously identified as needing structural BMPs as part of impaired water
body assessments and this past year MassDOT secured funding to create retrofit projects for these water
bodies. One water body (Lagoon Pond (MA97-11)) is not in urbanized area so was not previously assessed
but is impaired and has been identified for a retrofit project as part of collaboration with the town of Tisbury.
The last project addresses a water body (Taunton River (MA62-04)) which had already gone through the
design process as a single retrofit project but the project needed to be broken into two phases so that a
portion of the BMPs could be completed as a retrofit project and the remainder could be coupled with a
resurfacing project.

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Impaired Waters Program Summary
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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Table 2 Design Stage Summary by # of Water Bodies Addressed

Design Stage Permit Year 16 Permit Year 17
Pre-Design 8 9
Pre-25/75% 2 0
25/75% 2 4
100% 1 2
PS&E 2 17 0
Determined Infeasible 2 5
Moved to Construction -- 15
Total in Design 30 15

Table 10 of this report provides more details on the individual projects and their design progress this year.
Summary sheets in Attachment A highlight the projects that have reached final design and/or are in
construction this year which were not previously included in annual report summaries.

MassDOT’s WQDF captures information regarding projects which should be part of the impaired waters
program and the water quality treatment solutions included in the design. The table below summarizes the
WQDF information received this year about programmed projects.

Table 3 WQDF Summary

25% Design 75% Design Total
Data Forms Received 44 38 82
Stormwater BMPs Identified (Existing and Proposed) N/A 61 61
Deep Sump Catch Basins Identified N/A 1627 1627

As part of the design of the BMPs, MassDOT consultants calculate the pollutant load – effective IC in acres
or phosphorus load if in a phosphorus TMDL watershed - that will be removed by the proposed BMPs,
thereby not reaching the impaired waters. The table below summarizes the pollutant removal for BMPs that
have moved into construction or were constructed this year.

Table 4 BMP Pollutant Removal

Pollutant Type Permit Year 17 Overall Program
Effective IC (acres) 41.3 729
Phosphorus (lbs/yr) 26.9 732

Table 12 provides a more detailed pollutant removal summary of individual BMPs treating stormwater
directly discharging to impaired waters which moved from PS&E to being in construction this year. Table 13

2 Plans, Specifications and Estimate

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

provides a BMP pollutant removal summary of additional BMPs treating indirect discharges to watersheds of
impaired waters on retrofit projects. The pollutant removals are summarized in two different tables since
removal targets were calculated for directly discharging area based on the IWP methodology developed for
the EPA enforcement. The tables do not include projects that were in construction or construction was
completed in previous permit years for simplicity but are tracked in MassDOT’s database.

2.2.2 Construction
Once the designs are complete, projects are advertised and await construction. Table 5 summarizes the
current retrofit construction projects and those where construction has been completed.

Table 5 Construction Project Summary by # of Water Bodies Addressed

Construction Stage Permit Year 16 Permit Year 17 Overall
Construction On-going 24 19 N/A
Construction Completed 4 19 85

Table 11 provides details on the projects currently being constructed.

In order to showcase some of the many improvements that have progressed to advertisement/ construction,
Attachment A includes detailed summary sheets including figures, pollutant removal estimates, and costs for
projects that have reached final design and/or construction this year and had not been highlighted in annual
reports previously. The projects include:

Project No. 607561: Drainage Repairs and Improvements Along Sections of Route 110, 113, and
I-93 at Merrimack River

Project No. 607479: Shrewsbury, Boylston, and Northborough Maintenance on I-290 at Shirley
Street Pond

Project No. 608209: Littleton and Westford Interstate Maintenance and Related Work on I-495 at
Nashoba Brook

Project No. 607560: Chicopee and Holyoke Interstate Maintenance and Related Work on I-391 at
Connecticut River

Project No. 607993: Stormwater Improvements at Various Locations (Routes 2, 9, 12, 2A, 110,
111, and I-290) (5 Sheets)

Project No. 607995: Rt. 3A and I-495 Stormwater Improvements at Concord River

Project No. 608317: Framingham I-90 at Lake Cochituate, Saxonville Pond, and Unnamed
Tributary (3 Sheets)

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Funding to date is summarized below.

Table 6 IWP Stormwater Improvement Construction Project Funding

Federal Fiscal Year FFY9 FFY19 FFY20
(Oct 1st – Sept 31st) through 18

Contract Values ($M) 43.8 2.4 3.8

2.3 Planned Activities for Permit Year 18

MassDOT will continue to implement the Impaired Waters Program in Permit Year 18 to move the many
projects identified with potential and need for BMPs through the design stages, develop bundled
construction projects for advertisement, and finalize construction of BMPs.

2.3.1 Planning for Regulatory Requirements/IWP Updates

MassDOT understands that the impaired waters program will be evolving to address the TMDL and
impaired waters requirements in anticipation of the upcoming TS4 permit. The next phase of the IWP will
focus on metrics and goals to meet TS4 permit requirements such as meeting TMDL pollutant removal
goals and continuing to target impaired waters.
MassDOT is updating their stormwater handbook (to be renamed the MassDOT Stormwater Design
Guide) with the purpose of providing guidance for designers who are developing highway designs that
include stormwater improvements that achieve DEP Wetlands Protection Act compliance while meeting
TS4 permit requirements.

2.3.2 Design and Construction

MassDOT will continue to work with multiple firms under contract to design IWP stormwater BMPs. Table 7
provides the number of impaired water bodies with projects projected to be in design and in construction in
Permit Year 18. MassDOT will advertise and construct BMPs as designs are completed.

Table 7 Project Schedule Summary by # of Water Bodies Addressed

Project Stage Permit Year 17 Permit Year 18
Design 15 13
In Construction /
38 22

One project, which addresses runoff to two impaired water bodies, is currently in the 100% design phase
that is planned to move into the construction phase over the next year.

MassDOT will continue to include stormwater improvements to the maximum extent practicable within
programmed projects, requiring designers to complete WQDFs on projects and capturing stormwater control
information in the IWP database. MassDOT is working on development of a revised WQDF and
accompanying stand-alone BMP credit calculator.

Funding has been allocated based on the remaining IWP construction projects and projected future projects
as indicated in the table below.

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Table 8 IWP Stormwater Improvement Construction Project Funding

Federal Fiscal Year
FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25
(Oct 1st – Sept 31st)

Funding ($M) 3.8 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.3

3.0 Design Status of TMDL Watersheds

As discussed in the final semi-annual submittal to EPA on June 8th, 2015 for MassDOT's Impaired Waters
Program, the EPA enforcement required that “all TMDL waters in urbanized areas to which MassDOT
discharges must have been evaluated to determine if existing BMPs are sufficient and, if not, MassDOT
must have identified additional controls that should be implemented”.

MassDOT had identified each of the TMDL waters in the urbanized areas which potentially included
MassDOT discharges and evaluated the need for additional controls. Table 9 summarizes the waterbodies
where projects to construct these BMPs are currently either under construction or in design. The other
projects have been constructed.

Table 9 Status of Remaining TMDL Water Bodies

June 8, 2015 Submittal Current
Water Water Body Design Ad Date Design Ad
Body ID Name Project Name Status Status Date
MA73-30 Gulliver Creek I-93 Pre-proposal 5/2019 Pre-Design 5/2021
MA84A-03 Merrimack Rt. 110, I-93,113 Pre-proposal 12/2016 In Construction 4/2017
River (Project 607561)
MA82B-04 Assabet River I-290 In Construction* -- Completed 2/2015
(Project 607181) (1/2020)
*This project was mistakenly included in the June 8, 2015 submittal as being in the pre-proposal phase but was actually in the
construction phase at the time and is currently still in construction.

4.0 Data Management and BMP Inspections

In addition to structural BMPs, MassDOT is continuing to improve other programmatic tasks including
updating the IWP geospatial database and performing inspections of constructed BMPs.

4.1 Data Management and Tracking

MassDOT is developing a revised WQDF and accompanying stand-alone BMP credit calculator so
MassDOT can expand on their BMP data collection. The revised WQDF will use a new interface (no longer
Excel) that will allow MassDOT Environmental to more easily provide guidance consistent with the new
MassDOT Stormwater Design Guide and collect data from designers during the 25% and 75% design
phases. The revised WQDF will provide a cleaner workflow for data to be incorporated into the MassDOT
IWP database and also provide a systematic way for MassDOT Environmental to provide feedback and
comments to the designer before data is finalized. The stand-alone BMP credit calculator will allow

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

MassDOT designers to estimate loading and pollutant treatment for proposed BMPs and refine BMP
selection and design to maximize treatment as they go through the design process.

The WQDF will implement a consistent BMP accounting protocol based on EPA’s treatment curve
methodology so BMP treatment credits can be tracked accurately and consistently with the latest
research. MassDOT, through its consultant, has been in discussions with EPA to finalize this methodology
which will be embedded into MassDOT’s revised WQDF and stand-alone BMP credit calculator for
MassDOT designers to help select, size, and calculate the treatment of their BMPs. Currently, updates to
the WQDF are in progress and the revised WQDF is planned to be issued with the new Stormwater Design

MassDOT has continued to maintain and update the IWP geospatial database to track structural BMPs
proposed and constructed by our design consultants. This IWP geospatial database is a powerful tool in the
analysis of MassDOT’s program and future planning/ water quality analysis and will allow MassDOT to
summarize treatment by waterbody for reporting and tracking. The database will also be used to help track
BMP inspections and maintenance data under the next phase of impaired waters work and help kick-start
the BMP asset management program for MassDOT. Currently the BMP datalayer contains approximately
1,400 features.

4.2 BMP Inspections and Maintenance

This past permit year, MassDOT performed BMP inspections to build on the data collection started by the
2018 and 2017 BMP inspection pilot studies. The MassDOT operation and maintenance (O&M) approach
will utilize performance-based maintenance based on inspection of BMPs. Based on the inspection results,
MassDOT will plan for future inspection and maintenance to maintain functionality. In PY17, a total of 99
BMPs were inspected in Districts 4 and 5. These BMPs were a mix of previously inspected BMPs to identify
annual progression of condition and new BMPs. MassDOT is continuing BMP inspections in PY18.

Information collected during the BMP inspections include:

• Overall condition (scale of good to failing)

• Level of erosion
• Vegetative health
• Sediment accumulation
• Trash accumulation
• BMP accessibility
• Standing water
• Emergency spillway condition
• Woody vegetation
• Maintenance action needed (major or minor action for variety of maintenance activities such as
repair structural damage, clean trash and sediment, restore vegetation, structure cleaning, etc.)

The BMP inspections were recorded in MassDOT’s asset management system using MassDOT-created
inspection forms through the ArcGIS Collector application. This data will support the determination of
optimal maintenance frequency for each BMP type.

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Table 10 Status of Retrofit Projects in Design

MassDOT Year 16
Water Project Year 17 Design Estimated Ad
Project Water Body Name Project Name District Design
Body ID Type Status Date
Number Status
Removed –
607566 MA53-01 Runnins River I-195, Rt. 44 at Runnins River Resurfacing 5 PSE* NA
determined infeasible 1
Removed –
607993 MA81-05 Nashua River Route 2 at Nashua River Stand-alone 3 PSE* NA
under review 2
Removed –
607993 MA82125 Lake Cochituate Rt. 9 at Lake Cochituate Middle Basin Stand-alone 3 PSE* NA
under review 3
Removed –
608317 MA82A-26 Sudbury River I-90 at Sudbury River Resurfacing 3 PSE* determined infeasible NA

Removed –
607995 MA83-04 Rogers Brook Rt. 28 at Rogers Stand-alone 4 PSE* determined infeasible NA

609459 MA97-11 Lagoon Pond Tisbury - Drainage Improvements on State Highway Stand-alone 5 NA Pre-Design 2025
608597 MA52-03 Ten Mile River Attleboro - Stormwater Improvements along I-95 Stand-alone 5 NA Pre-Design 6/26/2021
608597 MA52-10 Fourmile Brook Attleboro - Stormwater Improvements along I-95 Stand-alone 5 NA Pre-Design 6//26/2021
Fall River - Stormwater Improvements along I-195, Route
- MA62-04 Taunton River Stand-alone 5 NA Pre-Design 6/29/2024 6
79, Route 28, Route 103 for Taunton River
Fall River - Somerset - Stormwater Improvements along I-
- MA61-06 Mount Hope Bay Stand-alone 5 Pre-Design Pre-Design 10/1/2023
195 at Mount Hope Bay
- MA70-02 Boston Inner Harbor Boston Inner Harbor Stand-alone 6 Pre-Design Pre-Design 6/24/2023
Stormwater Improvements at Various Locations on the
609377 TBD TBD Stand-alone 3 Pre-Design Pre-Design 3/3/2024 7
Charles River
608208 MA73-26 Unquity Brook Interstate Maintenance & Related Work on I-93 Resurfacing 6 Pre-Design Pre-Design 5/15/2021

Removed from resurfacing project because safety concerns in only feasible area for BMPs made construction infeasible
Removed because Route 2 had been recently repaved and constructing BMPs would have impacted pavement. Review is ongoing to see if BMPs can be incorporated into future
resurfacing projects.
Removed due to conflicting ongoing construction within the Route 9/ Route 27 interchange. Review is ongoing to see if BMPs can be incorporated into future resurfacing projects.
Removed from resurfacing project due to high groundwater, presence of ledge, and limited right-of-way site constraints made siting BMPs infeasible.
Removed from project due to limited right-of-way in an urban setting, utilities, and preservation of existing vegetation. Remainder of project has moved on to construction.
This first-phase project, which includes a portion of the BMPs for this waterbody, is currently under construction. This project is the second phase for which MassDOT has secured
funding for advertisement in 2024.
This project is being completed to address expected requirements in the TS4 permit to address Charles River TMDL pollutant removal expectations.
* The overall resurfacing project is at this design stage but during design it was determined that BMPs to this waterbody are infeasible due to site constraints or are postponed.

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

608208 MA73-30 Gulliver Creek Interstate Maintenance & Related Work on I-93 Resurfacing 6 Pre-Design Pre-Design 5/15/2021
MassDOT Year 16
Water Project Year 17 Design Estimated Ad
Project Water Body Name Project Name District Design
Body ID Type Status Date
Number Status
608241 MA41-05 Cady Brook I-90 at Cady Brook Stand-alone 3 25%/75% TBD**
608241 MA42-03 French River I-90 at French River Stand-alone 3 25%/75% TBD**
Canton - Sharon - Foxborough - Norwood - Walpole -
608599 MA73-01 Neponset River Stand-alone 5 25%/75% 11/13/2021
Stormwater Improvements along Route 1, Route 1A & I- 95
608598 MA96050 Crystal Lake Rt. 28 at Crystal Lake Stand-alone 5 25%/75% 6/27/2020

608057 MA51073 Indian Lake Rt. 122A at Indian Lake (Phase II) Stand-alone 3 100% 6/6/2020
608057 MA51-08 Unnamed Tributary I-290, I-90, Rt. 146, Rt. 12 at Unnamed Tributary Stand-alone 3 100% 6/6/2020

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

**These waterbodies are adjacent to Interstate 90. Funding for project along I-90 is allocated from a different state funding source. MassDOT continues to advocate for construction of
these BMPs but funding is not currently available and therefore the advertisement dates are to be determined. Review is ongoing to see if stormwater improvements to these
waterbodies can be incorporated into programmed projects in District 3.

Table 11 Status of Retrofit Projects under Construction

Year 16 Year 17 Estimated Estimated

Project Water Project
Water Body Name Project Name District Construction Construction Construction Construction
Number Body ID Type
Status Status Start Date End Date

607993 MA51-02 Middle River I-290, Rt. 146 at Middle River Stand-alone 3 PSE In Construction 6/6/2019 Summer 2020
607993 MA81-02 North Nashua River Rt. 2 at North Nashua River Stand-alone 3 PSE In Construction 6/6/2019 Summer 2020
607993 MA81046 Fort Pond Rt. 2 and Rt. 70 at Fort Pond Stand-alone 3 PSE In Construction 6/6/2019 Summer 2020
607993 MA81053 Grove Pond Rt. 2A, 110, 111 at Grove Pond Stand-alone 3 PSE In Construction 6/6/2019 Summer 2020
607993 MA82127 Lake Cochituate Rt. 9 at Lake Cochituate South Basin Stand-alone 3 PSE In Construction 6/6/2019 Summer 2020
607995 MA82A-08 Concord River Rt. 3A, I-495 at Concord River Stand-alone 4 PSE In Construction 5/5/2018 Summer 2020
608602 MA62-04 Taunton River I-195, Rt. 79, 24, 103, 138 at Taunton River Stand-alone 5 100% In Construction 1/1/2020 Fall 2020
608602 MA61-05 Quequechan River I-195, Rt. 79, 24, 103, 138 at Taunton River Stand-alone 5 100% In Construction 1/1/2020 Fall 2020
608379 MA72-28 Beaver Brook Rt. 2 at Beaver Brook (Lexington) Stand-alone 4 PSE In Construction 2/1/2019 Fall 2020
608317 MA82020 Lake Cochituate I-90 at Lake Cochituate North Basin Resurfacing 3 PSE In Construction 6/28/2018 Spring 2021
608317 MA82097 Saxonville Pond I-90 at Saxonville Pond Resurfacing 3 PSE In Construction 6/28/2018 Spring 2021
608317 MA82125 Lake Cochituate I-90 at Lake Cochituate Middle Basin Resurfacing 3 PSE In Construction 6/28/2018 Spring 2021
608317 MA82A-22 Unnamed Tributary I-90 at Cochituate Brook Resurfacing 3 PSE In Construction 6/28/2018 Spring 2021
607560 MA34-05 Connecticut River Chicopee Holyoke Interstate Maintenance Resurfacing 2 PSE In Construction 9/6/2019 Summer 2021
607479 MA51105 Mill Pond Shrewsbury/Boylston/Northborough Maintenance Resurfacing 3 In Construction In Construction 2/17/2017 Fall 2020
607479 MA51125 Lake Quinsigamond Shrewsbury/Boylston/Northborough Maintenance Resurfacing 3 In Construction In Construction 2/17/2017 Fall 2020
607479 MA51196 Shirley Street Pond Shrewsbury/Boylston/Northborough Maintenance Resurfacing 3 In Construction In Construction 2/17/2017 Fall 2020
607479 MA82B-03 Assabet River Shrewsbury/Boylston/Northborough Maintenance Resurfacing 3 In Construction In Construction 2/17/2017 Fall 2020
Littleton-Westford-Interstate Maintenance and Related
608209 MA82B-14 Nashoba Brook Resurfacing 3 In Construction In Construction 1/9/2019 Fall 2021
Work on I-495
607176 MA82B-02 Assabet River Rt. 9 at Assabet River Stand-alone 3 In Construction Completed 3/16/2017 3/16/2019
608394 MA41057 Pistol Pond I-84, I-90, And Route 20 at Pistol Pond Stand-alone 3 In Construction Completed 9/6/2018 5/4/2019

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Year 16 Year 17 Estimated Estimated

Project Water Project
Water Body Name Project Name District Construction Construction Construction Construction
Number Body ID Type
Status Status Start Date End Date
607563 MA95115 Parker Mills Pond Wareham Rochester Middleboro Interstate Maintenance Resurfacing 5 In Construction Completed 9/7/2017 6/14/2019
607992 MA82A-07 Concord River Rt. 3 at Concord River Stand-alone 4 In Construction Completed 12/21/2017 6/24/2019
607992 MA83-17 Shawsheen River Rt. 3, 3A at Shawsheen River Stand-alone 4 In Construction Completed 12/21/2017 6/24/2019
607992 MA83-18 Shawsheen River I-93 at Shawsheen River Stand-alone 4 In Construction Completed 12/21/2017 6/24/2019
606176 MA62-47 Wading River I-495 at Wading River Resurfacing 5 In Construction Completed 7/19/2016 7/15/2018
606176 MA72092 Lake Pearl Foxborough Plainville Wrentham Maintenance Resurfacing 5 In Construction Completed 7/19/2016 7/15/2018
606176 MA72-14 Mine Brook I-495 at Mine Brook, Phase II Resurfacing 3 In Construction Completed 7/19/2016 7/15/2018
608217 MA82A-16 Unnamed Tributary Rt. 20 at Hager Road Stand-alone 3 In Construction Completed 1/25/2018 7/24/2018
605588 MA51-08 Unnamed Tributary I-190 at Indian Lake Resurfacing 3 In Construction Completed 4/21/2016 8/2019
606290 MA51039 Dorothy Pond I-90 at Dorothy Pond Resurfacing 3 In Construction Completed 8/16/2018 8/28/2019
607181 MA82B-04 Assabet River I-290 at Assabet River Resurfacing 3 In Construction Completed 8/28/2015 9/13/2019
608201 MA96-51 Muddy Creek Dennis Harwich Brewster Orleans Resurfacing Resurfacing 5 In Construction Completed 1/10/2018 11/10/2019
608201 MA96-70 Areys Pond Dennis Harwich Brewster Orleans Resurfacing Resurfacing 5 In Construction Completed 1/10/2018 11/10/2019
608201 MA96-77 Pleasant Bay Dennis Harwich Brewster Orleans Resurfacing Resurfacing 5 In Construction Completed 1/10/2018 11/10/2019
608201 MA96-88 Cedar Pond Dennis Harwich Brewster Orleans Resurfacing Resurfacing 5 In Construction Completed 1/10/2018 11/10/2019
605592 MA41-02 Quinebaug River I-84 at Quinebaug River Resurfacing 3 In Construction Completed 2/2/2017 11/15/2019
607561 MA84A-03 Merrimack River Rt. 110, I-93, and 113 at Merrimack River Resurfacing 5 In Construction Completed 1213/2017 3/20/2020

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

This table provides a BMP pollutant removal detailed summary of BMPs treating direct discharges to
watersheds of impaired waters. The table does not include projects where construction was completed in
previous permit years for simplicity but are tracked in MassDOT’s database.

Table 12 Summary of Retrofit BMPs under Construction or Constructed (Direct Discharge)

Blackstone Watershed

Waterbody Target IC Reduction Target P Reduction

Waterbody Name Direct IC WS (acres)
ID (acres) (lbs/yr)
MA51-02 Middle River 26.1 18.1 N/A
BMP Type BMP IC WS (acres) IC Reduction (acres) P Reduction (lbs/yr)
Bioretention 0.87 0.71 N/A
Total IC Area to Target IC Reduction Total BMP P Reduction
Total No. of BMPs
BMP(s) (acres) (acres) (lbs/yr)
1 0.87 0.71 N/A
Remaining Reduction
to Meet Target

Charles River Watershed

Target IC Reduction Target P Reduction

Waterbody ID Waterbody Name Direct IC WS (acres)
(acres) (lbs/yr)
MA72-28 Beaver Brook 28.3 19.8 22.8
BMP Type BMP IC WS (acres) IC Reduction (acres) P Reduction (lbs/yr)
Infiltration Swale 0.58 0.58 0.82
Infiltration Swale 0.54 0.5 0.73
Infiltration Swale 0.4 0.33 0.44
Infiltration Swale 0.65 0.24 0.55
Infiltration Swale 0.48 0.25 0.44
Infiltration Swale 0.3 0.3 0.42
Infiltration Swale 0.76 0.26 0.49
Infiltration Swale 0.56 0.56 0.84
Infiltration Basin 0.31 0.31 0.51
Infiltration Basin 0.22 0.22 0.36
Bioretention 0.91 0.84 1.22
Total IC Area to Target IC Reduction Total BMP P Reduction
Total No. of BMPs
BMP(s) (acres) (acres) (lbs/yr)
11 5.71 4.39 6.82
Remaining Reduction
to Meet Target

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Concord (SuAsCo) Watershed

Direct IC WS Target IC Target P Reduction

Waterbody ID Waterbody Name
(acres) Reduction (acres) (lbs/yr)
MA82097 Saxonville Pond 8.6 5.8 N/A
BMP IC WS IC Reduction
BMP Type P Reduction (lbs/yr)
(acres) (acres)
Infiltration Swale 0.16 0.16 N/A
Infiltration Swale 0.59 0.59 N/A
Infiltration Swale 0.23 0.12 N/A
Wet Pond 1.95 0.84 N/A
Total IC Area to Total IC Reduction Total BMP P Reduction
Total No. of BMPs
BMP(s) (acres) (acres) (lbs/yr)
4 2.93 1.71 N/A
Remaining Reduction
to Meet Target
Direct IC WS Target IC Target P Reduction
Waterbody ID Waterbody Name
(acres) Reduction (acres) (lbs/yr)
MA82125 Lake Cochituate 20.9 13.8 N/A
BMP IC WS IC Reduction
BMP Type P Reduction (lbs/yr)
(acres) (acres)
Infiltration Swale 3.58 2.39 N/A
Infiltration Swale 2.12 1.94 N/A
Infiltration Swale 1.84 1.55 N/A
Total IC Area to Total IC Reduction Total BMP P Reduction
Total No. of BMPs
BMP(s) (acres) (acres) (lbs/yr)
3 7.54 5.88 N/A
Remaining Reduction
to Meet Target
Direct IC WS Target IC Target P Reduction
Waterbody ID Waterbody Name
(acres) Reduction (acres) (lbs/yr)
MA82127 Lake Cochituate 14 6.2 N/A
BMP IC WS IC Reduction
BMP Type P Reduction (lbs/yr)
(acres) (acres)
Wet Pond 4.68 2.43 N/A
Total IC Area to Total IC Reduction Total BMP P Reduction
Total No. of BMPs
BMP(s) (acres) (acres) (lbs/yr)
1 4.68 2.43 N/A
Remaining Reduction
to Meet Target

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Impaired Waters Program Summary
NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Target IC Reduction Target P Reduction

Waterbody ID Waterbody Name Direct IC WS (acres)
(acres) (lbs/yr)
MA82A-08 Concord River 39.8 26.9 N/A
BMP Type BMP IC WS (acres) IC Reduction (acres) P Reduction (lbs/yr)
Infiltration Basin 0.53 0.5 0.74
Infiltration Basin 1.5 1.5 2.39
Infiltration Basin 0.68 0.68 0.92
Infiltration Basin 0.31 0.31 0.51
Infiltration Swale 1.31 1.31 1.9
Infiltration Swale 0.72 0.72 1.12
1.33 1.25 1.6
Infiltration Structure
Wet Swale 0.78 0.37 0.56
Wet Swale 0.34 0.18 0.31
Total IC Area to Total IC Reduction Total BMP P Reduction
Total No. of BMPs
BMP(s) (acres) (acres) (lbs/yr)
9 7.5 6.82 10.05
Reduction to Meet 20.08
Target IC Reduction Target P Reduction
Waterbody ID Waterbody Name Direct IC WS (acres)
(acres) (lbs/yr)
MA82A-22 Unnamed Tributary 14.4 10.9 N/A
BMP Type BMP IC WS (acres) IC Reduction (acres) P Reduction (lbs/yr)
Infiltration Swale 0.54 0.48 N/A
Infiltration Swale 2.13 0.06 N/A
Infiltration Swale 0.45 0.35 N/A
Infiltration Swale 1.87 0.12 N/A
Infiltration Swale 1.64 1.09 N/A
Infiltration Swale 0.26 0.12 N/A
Infiltration Basin 0.78 0.78 N/A
Infiltration Basin 1.09 1.09 N/A
Total IC Area to Total IC Reduction Total BMP P Reduction
Total No. of BMPs
BMP(s) (acres) (acres) (lbs/yr)
8 8.76 4.09 N/A
Reduction to Meet
Target 6.81

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Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Connecticut Watershed

Direct IC WS Target IC Reduction Target P Reduction

Waterbody ID Waterbody Name
(acres) (acres) (lbs/yr)
MA34-05 Connecticut River 237.8 164.3 N/A
BMP Type BMP IC WS (acres) IC Reduction (acres) P Reduction (lbs/yr)

Infiltration Basin 0.69 0.69 N/A

Extended Detention Basin 1.18 1.18 N/A
Total IC Area to Total IC Reduction Total BMP P Reduction
Total No. of BMPs
BMP(s) (acres) (acres) (lbs/yr)
2 1.87 1.87 N/A
Remaining Reduction to
Meet Target

Mount Hope Bay Watershed

Target IC Reduction Target P Reduction

Waterbody ID Waterbody Name Direct IC WS (acres)
(acres) (lbs/yr)
MA61-05 Quequechan River N/A 10 N/A N/A
IC Reduction
BMP Type BMP IC WS (acres) P Reduction (lbs/yr)
Infiltration Swale 0.26 0.26 N/A
Infiltration Swale 0.04 0.04 N/A
Infiltration Swale 0.08 0.08 N/A
Infiltration Swale 0.36 0.36 N/A
Total IC Area to Total IC Reduction Total BMP P Reduction
Total No. of BMPs
BMP(s) (acres) (acres) (lbs/yr)
0.26 0.26
Remaining Reduction
to Meet Target

10 Impairment on this waterbody was determined to not be due to stormwater therefore no further assessment was done

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NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Nashua Watershed

Target IC Reduction Target P Reduction

Waterbody ID Waterbody Name Direct IC WS (acres)
(acres) (lbs/yr)
MA81-02 North Nashua River 20.6 14.3 N/A
BMP Type BMP IC WS (acres) IC Reduction (acres) P Reduction (lbs/yr)
Infiltration Basin 0.26 0.25 N/A
Total IC Area to Total IC Reduction Total BMP P Reduction
Total No. of BMPs
BMP(s) (acres) (acres) (lbs/yr)
1 0.26 0.25 N/A
Remaining Reduction
to Meet Target
Target IC Reduction Target P Reduction
Waterbody ID Waterbody Name Direct IC WS (acres)
(acres) (lbs/yr)
MA81046 Fort Pond 5 0.9 N/A
BMP Type BMP IC WS (acres) IC Reduction (acres) P Reduction (lbs/yr)
Infiltration Basin 2.98 2.47 N/A
Total IC Area to Total IC Reduction Total BMP P Reduction
Total No. of BMPs
BMP(s) (acres) (acres) (lbs/yr)
1 2.98 2.47 N/A
Remaining Reduction
to Meet Target
Target IC Reduction Target P Reduction
Waterbody ID Waterbody Name Direct IC WS (acres)
(acres) (lbs/yr)
MA81053 Grove Pond 4.6 3 N/A
BMP Type BMP IC WS (acres) IC Reduction (acres) P Reduction (lbs/yr)
Wet Pond 3.88 2.02 N/A
Total IC Area to Total IC Reduction Total BMP P Reduction
Total No. of BMPs
BMP(s) (acres) (acres) (lbs/yr)
1 3.88 2.02 N/A
Remaining Reduction
to Meet Target
Target IC Reduction Target P Reduction
Waterbody ID Waterbody Name Direct IC WS (acres)
(acres) (lbs/yr)
MA82020 Lake Cochituate 11 2.5 N/A
BMP Type BMP IC WS (acres) IC Reduction (acres) P Reduction (lbs/yr)
Infiltration Basin 1.46 1.2 3.54
Infiltration Basin 0.17 0.17 2.13
Infiltration Swale 4.88 2.55 0.34
Total IC Area to Total IC Reduction Total BMP P Reduction
Total No. of BMPs
BMP(s) (acres) (acres) (lbs/yr)
3 6.51 3.92 6.01
Remaining Reduction
to Meet Target

May 2020 Page 18

Impaired Waters Program Summary
NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Taunton Watershed
Target IC Reduction Target P Reduction
Waterbody ID Waterbody Name Direct IC WS (acres)
(acres) (lbs/yr)
MA62-04 Taunton River 96.5 62.5 N/A
BMP Type BMP IC WS (acres) IC Reduction (acres) P Reduction (lbs/yr)
Infiltration Swale 0.14 0.143 N/A
Infiltration Basin 0.51 0.505 N/A
Infiltration Swale 0.24 0.242 N/A
Infiltration Basin 0.46 0.458 N/A
Infiltration Swale 0.11 0.115 N/A
Infiltration Swale 0.13 0.127 N/A
Infiltration Swale 0.16 0.159 N/A
Infiltration Swale 0.06 0.061 N/A
Infiltration Swale 0.06 0.063 N/A
Infiltration Swale 0.10 0.097 N/A
Infiltration Swale 0.13 0.127 N/A
Infiltration Swale 0.21 0.207 N/A
Infiltration Basin 0.48 0.478 N/A
Infiltration Basin 0.53 0.284 N/A
Total IC Area to Total IC Reduction Total BMP P Reduction
Total No. of BMPs
BMP(s) (acres) (acres) (lbs/yr)
0.53 0.284 N/A
Remaining Reduction
to Meet Target

May 2020 Page 19

Impaired Waters Program Summary
NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

This table provides a BMP pollutant removal detailed summary of BMPs treating indirect discharges to
watersheds of impaired waters. The table does not include projects where construction was completed in
previous permit years for simplicity but are tracked in MassDOT’s database.

Table 13 Summary of Retrofit BMPs under Construction or Constructed (Indirect Discharge)

Connecticut Watershed

Direct IC WS Target IC Reduction Target P Reduction

Waterbody ID Waterbody Name
(acres) (acres) (lbs/yr)
MA34-05 Connecticut River 237.8 164.3 N/A
BMP Type BMP IC WS (acres) IC Reduction (acres) P Reduction (lbs/yr)
Infiltration Swale 0.3 0.3 N/A
Infiltration Swale 0.19 0.19 N/A
Infiltration Swale 0.25 0.25 N/A
Infiltration Swale 0.19 0.19 N/A
Total IC Area to Total IC Reduction Total BMP P Reduction
Total No. of BMPs
BMP(s) (acres) (acres) (lbs/yr)
4 0.93 0.93 N/A

Nashua Watershed

Direct IC WS Target IC Reduction Target P Reduction

Waterbody ID Waterbody Name
(acres) (acres) (lbs/yr)
MA82020 Lake Cochituate 11 2.5 N/A
BMP Type BMP IC WS (acres) IC Reduction (acres) P Reduction (lbs/yr)
Infiltration Swale 1.76 0.73 1.08
Infiltration Swale 0.79 0.6 1.54
Infiltration Basin 2.72 1.93 1.47
Total IC Area to Total IC Reduction Total BMP P Reduction
Total No. of BMPs
BMP(s) (acres) (acres) (lbs/yr)
1 5.27 3.26 4.09

May 2020 Page 20

Impaired Waters Program Summary
NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Attachment A: IWP Project Summary Sheets

May 2020 Page 21

Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Resurfacing) Project Initiative

Drainage Repairs and Improvements Along Sections of Route 110, 113, and
I-93 at Merrimack River
MassDOT Project #: 607561 Water Body Name: Merrimack River
Project Towns: Andover and Methuen Water Body ID: MA84A-03
MassDOT District: 4

Project Description:
Sections of MassDOT’s Route 110, I-93, and I-113 in Andover and Methuen directly discharge stormwater to the
Merrimack River (MA84A-03). As part of the Impaired Waters Program, the assessment of Merrimack River
identified water quality impairments and any existing stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) and
identified recommendations for proposed BMPs to provide additional stormwater runoff treatment to meet the
program goal of effective impervious cover (IC) reduction. MassDOT bundled this stormwater retrofit project with
a resurfacing project to efficiently build BMPs to treat runoff to the Merrimack River.

Site Description:
The stormwater improvements, as part of the resurfacing project, are located along I-93 in Andover. Stormwater
from approximately 1,500 feet of I-93 directly discharges to the Merrimack River via stormwater infrastructure (i.e.,
catch basins and outfalls, rocklined channels or paved waterways). South of this portion of the roadway,
stormwater infrastructure discharges drainage to non-impaired stream segments that discharge to wetland areas,
and therefore indirectly drains to the Merrimack River. The drainage area was broken into direct vs indirect
drainage since the targets set as part of the Impaired
Waters Program (IWP) are for directly discharging areas.

Merrimack River is listed on the 2016 Integrated List of

Waters (ILW) as a Category 5 impaired water, indicating
the waterbody requires a (Total Maximum Daily Load)
TMDL. This segment of the Merrimack River is impaired Direct
for Escherichia coli, mercury in fish tissue, PCBs in fish
tissue, and total phosphorus.

Project Goal:
MassDOT’s property which directly discharges to this Indirect
segment of the Merrimack River is comprised of Route 110
(Merrimack Ave), Route 113 (North Lowell Street), Route
110/113/I-93 Rotary, Riverside Drive, and I-93. MassDOT’s
directly discharging area to the Merrimack River is 56.3
acres and no existing BMPs are in place to treat
stormwater runoff from MassDOT properties. In order to
meet the water quality goal, the assessment calculated that
MassDOT will need to reduce its effective IC to 31.5 acres,
which is a reduction of 24.8 acres.

Stormwater Management Improvements:

MassDOT reviewed the directly contributing area for
potential locations to install treatment BMPs and performed
survey of the project area. MassDOT was able to design
one infiltration swale and three infiltration trenches
along I-93 to treat directing discharging area and reduce
the effective impervious cover in this watershed. These
four BMPs are located closest to the Merrimack River on
the figure shown to the right. Additionally, the design
Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Resurfacing) Project Initiative

included five infiltration swales and five infiltration trenches which indirectly discharge to the waterbody.
Table 1 summarizes MassDOT’s directly discharging IC area, targets, and indirect and direct reductions from the
designed BMPs.

Table 1. Summary of Waterbody Targets and Reductions Achieved


Target IC
Directly Target IC Reduction Reduction
Contributing (ac) (direct) (indirect)
IC (ac) (ac) (ac)
56.3 31.5 24.8 0.9 2.3

Site constraints within the highway right-of-way limited the opportunities for installation of additional treatment
BMPs to fully meet the target. Site constraints included heavily forested areas and limited right of way. If
programmed projects are proposed in the watershed that allow for more extensive changes to the drainage
system, MassDOT will review whether additional controls are feasible to meet the target.

The programmed project began construction in the Fall of 2017 and the project was completed in March 2020.
The stormwater improvements have a construction cost of $799,385.
Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Resurfacing) Project Initiative

Shrewsbury, Boylston, and Northborough Maintenance on I-290 at Shirley

Street Pond
MassDOT Project #: 607479 Water Body Name: Shirley Street Pond
Project Town: Shrewsbury Water Body ID: MA51196
MassDOT District: 3

Project Description:
A section of MassDOT’s Interstate 290 (I-290) in Shrewsbury directly discharges stormwater to the Shirley Street
Pond (MA51196). As part of the Impaired Waters Program, the assessment of the Shirley Street Pond identified
water quality impairments, existing stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs), and recommendations for
proposed BMPs to provide additional stormwater runoff treatment to meet the program goal of Total Phosphorus
(TP) reduction. MassDOT bundled this stormwater retrofit project with a resurfacing project to efficiently build
BMPs to treat runoff to the Shirley Street Pond.

Site Description:
The stormwater improvement, as part of the resurfacing project, is located along Route 70 (Main Street) and
Interstate 290 in Shrewsbury. Stormwater from MassDOT’s ramps between I-290 eastbound and Main Street
drains to catch basins which then pipe stormwater north (along Main Street) and outlet runoff directly to the
Shirley Street Pond. Stormwater from ramps between I-290 westbound and Main Street discharges to the inside
cloverleaf of the ramp system and enter an open pipe that connects to the piping system that directly discharges
to the pond. Stormwater collected on the non-ramp portions of I-290 drain to catch basins which are conveyed
through piping systems and outlet at the pond. Stormwater
from the grassy median area is conveyed to direct inlets by a
ditch along the median. These direct inlets are connected to
the same drainage system which discharges to Shirley Street

The Shirley Street Pond is listed on the 2016 Integrated List

of Waters (ILW) as a Category 4A impaired water, indicating
the waterbody Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) has been
completed. The Shirley Street Pond is impaired for aquatic
plants (macrophytes) and nutrient/eutrophication biological
indictors. The pond is covered by the Total Maximum Daily
Loads of Phosphorus for Selected Northern Blackstone

Project Goal:
MassDOT’s property which directly discharges to the Shirley
Street Pond is comprised of I-290 and ramps to and from
Route 70 (Main Street). MassDOT’s directly discharging
impervious area to the Shirley Street Pond is 19.9 acres and
total phosphorus load is 53 lbs/yr and no existing BMPs are
in place to treat stormwater runoff from MassDOT properties.
In order to meet the water quality goal, the assessment
calculated that MassDOT will need to reduce its contribution
to 16 lb/yr which is a load reduction of 37 lbs/yr of total
phosphorus (TP).

Stormwater Management Improvements:

MassDOT reviewed the directly contributing area for potential
locations to install treatment BMPs and performed survey of
Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Resurfacing) Project Initiative

the project area. MassDOT was able to design one infiltration basin along I-290 to reduce the total phosphorus
in this watershed. Table 1 summarizes MassDOT’s contributing TP, targets, and reductions from the designed

Table 1. Summary of Waterbody Targets and Reductions Achieved

MassDOT Target TP
Target TP BMP TP Reduction
contributing Reduction
(lbs/yr) (direct) (ac)
TP (lbs/yr) (lbs/yr)
53 16 37 5.5

Site constraints within MassDOT’s State Highway Layout limited opportunities for implementable stormwater
BMPs that fully meet the target effective IC reduction. Site constraints included limited right of way, limited
access, steep slopes, elevated topography, major utility conflicts, high groundwater, depth of drainage
infrastructure, wetland resource areas, and Zone II wellhead protection areas. If programmed projects are
proposed in the watershed that allow for more extensive changes to the drainage system, MassDOT will review
whether additional controls are feasible to meet the target effective IC reduction.

The programmed project began construction in the Winter of 2016 and is planned for completion in the Fall of
2020. The stormwater improvements have a construction cost of $999,503.
Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Resurfacing) Project Initiative

Littleton and Westford Interstate Maintenace and Related Work on I-495 at

Nashoba Brook
MassDOT Project #: 608209 Water Body Name: Nashoba Brook
Project Towns: Westford, Acton, Concord Water Body ID: MA82B-14
MassDOT District: 3

Project Description:
Several of MassDOT’s roadways, including Route 110, Powers Road, Route 2A, Route 2, and Interstate 495 (I-
495) in the towns of Westford, Concord, and Acton, discharge stormwater into Nashoba Brook (MA82B-14). As
part of the Impaired Waters Program, the assessment of Nashoba Brook identified water quality impairments,
existing stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs), and recommendations for proposed BMPs to provide
additional stormwater runoff treatment to meet the program goal of effective impervious cover (IC) reduction.
MassDOT bundled this stormwater retrofit project with a resurfacing project to efficiently build BMPs to treat runoff
to Nashoba Brook.

Site Description:
The stormwater improvements, as part of the resurfacing project, are located along I-495 in the town of Westford.
Stormwater from I-495 is collected in drainage features and piped to outfalls at the banks of a large wetland
system that surrounds Nashoba Brook. The wetland is
channelized throughout and is culverted under Route 110 and
Interstate 495, which allows for stormwater to easily be
conveyed to Nashoba Brook.

Nashoba Brook is listed in the 2016 Integrated List of Waters

(ILW) as a Category 5 impaired water, indicating the
waterbody requires a TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load).
Nashoba Brook is impaired for Escherichia Coli (E. Coli) and
fish bioassessments.

Project Goal:
MassDOT’s property which directly discharges to Nashoba
Brook is comprised of Route 110, Powers Road, Route 2A,
Route 2, and I-495. MassDOT’s directly discharging IC area to
Nashoba Brook is 30.6 acres and no existing BMPs are in
place to treat stormwater runoff from MassDOT properties. In
order to meet the water quality goal, the assessment
calculated that MassDOT will need to reduce its effective IC
within the directly contributing watershed to 8.5 acres which is
a reduction of 22.1 acres.

Stormwater Management Improvements:

MassDOT reviewed the directly contributing area for potential
locations to install treatment BMPs and performed survey of
the project area. MassDOT was able to design five
Bioretention Basins to reduce the effective impervious cover
in this watershed. Table 1 summarizes MassDOT’s directly
discharging IC area, target reductions, and reductions from the
designed BMPs.
Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Resurfacing) Project Initiative

Table 1. Summary of Waterbody Targets and Reductions Achieved

Directly Target IC Reduction
Target IC (ac)
contributing Reduction (ac) (direct)
IC (ac) (ac)
30.6 8.5 22.1 1.0

Site constraints within the highway right-of-way limited the opportunities for installation of additional treatment
BMPs to fully meet the target. Site constraints included high groundwater, presence of ledge, and steep slopes. If
programmed projects are proposed in the watershed that allow for more extensive changes to the drainage
system, MassDOT will review whether additional controls are feasible to meet the target.

The programmed project began construction in the Winter of 2019 and is planned for completion in the Fall of
2021. The stormwater improvements have a construction cost of $183,443.
Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Resurfacing) Project Initiative

Chicopee and Holyoke Interstate Maintenance and Related Work on I-391 at

Connecticut River
MassDOT Project #: 607560 Water Body Name: Connecticut River

Project Towns: Chicopee, Holyoke, West Springfield, Springfield, Agawam, and Longmeadow
Water Body ID: MA34-05
MassDOT District: 2

Project Description:
Sections of MassDOT’s Route I-391 in Chicopee directly discharge stormwater to a segment of the Connecticut
River (MA34-05). As part of the Impaired Waters Program, the assessment of the Connecticut River identified
water quality impairments, any existing stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs), and recommendations
for proposed BMPs to provide additional stormwater runoff treatment to meet the program goal of effective
impervious cover (IC) reduction. MassDOT bundled this stormwater retrofit project with a resurfacing project to
efficiently build BMPs to treat runoff to the Connecticut River

Site Description:
The stormwater improvements, as part of the resurfacing
project are located along I-391 in the City of Chicopee.
North of I-90 where proposed BMPs are located,
stormwater from I-391 drains to the Connecticut River via
catch basins that are connected to trunklines that convey
stormwater directly to the river. South of I-90 where
proposed BMPs are located, stormwater from I-391 is
collected by catch basins and is then piped to a 42-inch
diameter reinforced concrete pipe that discharges directly
to the river.

This segment of the Connecticut River is listed on the 2016

Integrated List of Waters (ILW) as a Category 5 impaired
water, indicating the waterbody requires a Total Maximum
Daily Load (TMDL). This segment of the Connecticut River
is impaired with Escherichia coli (E. Coli) and PCBs in fish

Project Goal:

MassDOT’s property which directly discharges to the

Connecticut River (MA34-05) is comprised of Route 141,
Easthampton Road ramps, Lyman Street, Cabot Street,
McKinstry Avenue, Route 116, Route 202, Interstate 91,
Interstate 391, Route 5, Interstate 90, Interstate 291, Route
57, Route 159, and River Road. MassDOT’s directly
discharging area to the MA34-05 segment of the
Connecticut River is 237.8 acres and no existing BMPs are
in place to treat stormwater runoff from these MassDOT
properties. In order to meet the water quality goal, the
assessment calculated MassDOT will need to reduce its
effective IC within the directly contributing watershed to
73.5 acres, which is a target reduction of 164.3 acres.
Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Resurfacing) Project Initiative

Stormwater Management Improvements:

MassDOT reviewed the directly contributing area for potential locations to install treatment BMPs and performed
survey of the project area. MassDOT was able to design four Infiltration Swales, one Infiltration Basin, and
one Extended Detention Basin along I-391 to reduce the effective impervious cover in this watershed. Table 1
summarizes MassDOT’s directly discharging area, targets, and reductions from the designed BMPs.

Table 1. Summary of Waterbody Targets and Reductions Achieved

Target IC BMP IC
MassDOT Directly Reduction Reduction
Target IC (ac)
Contributing IC (ac) (ac) (direct)
237.8 73.5 164.3 2.8

Site constraints within the I-391 right-of-way limited the opportunities for installation of additional treatment BMPs
to fully meet the target. Site constraints included poor soils/potentially contaminated soils and high groundwater
which limited the development of additional BMPs. The MA34-05 segment of the Connecticut River is quite large,
and other programmed projects have constructed BMPs which have helped MassDOT move closer to the Target
IC goal of 73.5 acres.

Table 2. Summary of Other BMPs Directly Draining to MA34-05

Other BMP IC
# of Other BMPs Providing
Treatment for Waterbody
29 16.0

MassDOT will continue to look for opportunities for proposed BMPs as programmed projects are proposed in the
watershed that allow for more extensive changes to the drainage system.

Project 607560 began construction in Summer 2019 and is planned for completion in the Summer of 2021. The
stormwater improvements have a construction cost of $315,151.
Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Stand-Alone) Project Initiative

Stormwater Improvements at Various Locations (Routes 2, 9, 12, 2A, 110,

111, and I-290) (Sheet 1 of 5)
MassDOT Project #: 607993 Water Body Names: Middle River
Project City: Worcester Water Body IDs: MA51-02
MassDOT District: 3

Project Description:
Sections of MassDOT’s Interstate 290 (I-290), Route 146, and three bridges (Exeter Street Bridge, Webster
Street Bridge, and Mill Street Bridge) directly discharge to Middle River (MA51-02). As part of the Impaired
Waters Program, the assessment of the Middle River identified water quality impairments, any existing
stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs), and recommendations for proposed BMPs to provide additional
stormwater runoff treatment to meet the program goal of effective impervious cover (IC) reduction.

Site Description:
The project is located along I-290 in Worcester.
Stormwater from I-290 directly discharges to Middle River
via pipe outlets from catch basin along the roadway and
associated ramps.

This segment of the Middle River is listed on the 2016

Integrated List of Waters (ILW) as a Category 5 Impaired
Water, indicating the waterbody requires a Total Maximum
Daily Load (TMDL). Middle River is impaired for debris,
physical substrate habitat alterations, trash, benthic
macroinvertebrates, Escherichia coli (E. coli), metals,
nutrient/eutrophication biological indicators, and turbidity.

Project Goal:
MassDOT’s property which directly discharges to this
segment of the Middle River is 26.1 acres and no existing
BMPs are in place to treat stormwater runoff from
MassDOT properties. In order to meet the water quality
goal, the assessment calculated that MassDOT needs to
reduce its effective IC within the directly contributing
watershed to 8.0 acres, which is a reduction of 18.1 acres.

Stormwater Management Improvements:

MassDOT reviewed the directly contributing area for
potential locations to install treatment BMPs and performed
survey of the project area. MassDOT was able to design
one Bioretention Basin along Interstate 290 to reduce the
IC in this watershed. Table 1 summarizes MassDOT’s
directly discharging area, target IC area, and direct
reductions from the designed BMPs.
Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Stand-Alone) Project Initiative

Table 1. Summary of Waterbody Targets and Reductions Achieved

Target IC BMP IC Reduction
Directly Target IC
Reduction (direct)
contributing (ac)
(ac) (ac)
IC (ac)
26.1 8.0 18.1 0.7

Site constraints within MassDOT’s State Highway Layout limited opportunities for implementable stormwater
BMPs that fully meet the target effective IC reduction. Site constraints included limited right-of-way, limited
access, steep slopes, elevated topography, impacts to abutters, wetland resource areas, and constructability
issues. If programmed projects are proposed in the watershed that allow for more extensive changes to the
drainage system, MassDOT will review whether additional controls are feasible to meet the target effective IC

Project 607993 began construction in the Spring of 2019 and is planned for completion in the Summer of 2020.
The construction cost of this project, which includes stormwater improvements at four other locations, is
approximately $980,000.
Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Stand-Alone) Project Initiative

Stormwater Improvements at Various Locations (Routes 2, 9, 12, 2A, 110,

111, and I-290) (Sheet 2 of 5)
MassDOT Project #: 607993 Water Body Names: North Nashua River
Project Town: Leominster Water Body IDs: MA81-02
MassDOT District: 3

Project Description:
Sections of MassDOT’s Route 2, Route 12 (North Main Street), and various bridges directly discharge to the
MA81-02 segment of the North Nashua River. As part of the Impaired Waters Program, the assessment of the
North Nashua River identified water quality impairments, any existing stormwater Best Management Practices
(BMPs), and recommendations for proposed BMPs to provide additional stormwater runoff treatment to meet the
program goal of effective impervious cover (IC) reduction.

Site Description:
MassDOT’s directly discharging area to the North Nashua River is comprised of sections of Route 2 and
associated bridges. Stormwater from MassDOT’s Route 2 and North Main Street are collected in a series of catch
basins and drainage ditches that are piped to outfalls
directly to the North Nashua River.

The North Nashua River is listed on the 2016 Integrated

List of Waters (ILW) as a Category 5 Impaired Water,
indicating the waterbody requires a Total Maximum Daily
Load (TMDL). The North Nashua River is impaired with
ambient bioassays (Chronic Aquatic Toxicity), benthic
macroinvertebrates, and Escherichia coli (E. coli).

Project Goal:
MassDOT’s property which directly discharges to the
North Nashua River is 20.6 acres and no existing BMPs
are in place to treat stormwater runoff from MassDOT
properties. In order to meet the water quality goal, the
assessment calculated that MassDOT needs to reduce its
effective IC within the directly contributing watershed to
6.3 acres, which is a reduction of 14.3 acres.

Stormwater Management Improvements:

MassDOT reviewed the directly contributing area for
potential locations to install treatment BMPs and
performed survey of the project area. MassDOT was able
to design one Infiltration Basin along Route 2 to reduce
the contributing IC area in the watershed. Table 1
summarizes MassDOT’s directly discharging area, target
IC area, and direct reductions from the designed BMPs.
Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Stand-Alone) Project Initiative

Table 1. Summary of Waterbody Targets and Reductions Achieved

MassDOT Directly Target IC BMP IC Reduction

Target IC
contributing IC Reduction (direct)
(ac) (ac) (ac)

20.6 6.3 14.3 0.25

Site constraints within MassDOT’s State Highway Layout limited opportunities for implementable stormwater
BMPs that fully meet the target effective IC reduction. Site constraints included limited right-of-way, high
groundwater, limited access, steep slopes, elevated topography, wetland resource areas, recent reconstruction of
Route 12 interchange, and constructability issues. If programmed projects are proposed in the watershed that
allow for more extensive changes to the drainage system, MassDOT will review whether additional controls are
feasible to meet the target effective IC reduction.

Project 607993 began construction in the Spring of 2019 and is planned for completion in the Summer of 2020.
The construction cost of this project, which includes stormwater improvements at four other locations, is
approximately $980,000.
Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Stand-Alone) Project Initiative

Stormwater Improvements at Various Locations (Routes 2, 9, 12, 2A, 110,

111, and I-290) (Sheet 3 of 5)
MassDOT Project #: 607993 Water Body Name: Fort Pond
Project Towns/Cities: Lancaster Water Body IDs: MA81046
MassDOT District: 3

Project Description:
Sections of MassDOT’s Route 2 and Route 70 directly discharge stormwater to Fort Pond (MA81046) in
Lancaster. As part of the Impaired Waters Program, the assessment of Fort Pond identified water quality
impairments, any existing stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs), and recommendations for proposed
BMPs to provide additional stormwater runoff treatment to meet the program goal of effective impervious cover
(IC) reduction.

Site Description:
MassDOT’s directly discharging area to Fort Pond is
comprised of a section of Route 2 and its ramps in
Lancaster. Stormwater runoff from MassDOT’s Route 2 is
collected in catch basins along the edge of the road and
drop inlets within the median and along the roadway
shoulders. The flows are then conveyed to one of two
MassDOT stormwater outfalls directly to the pond.

Fort Pond is listed on the 2016 Integrated List of Waters

(ILW) as a Category 5 Impaired Water, indicating the
waterbody requires a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL).
Fort Pond is impaired for dissolved oxygen.

Project Goal:
MassDOT’s property which directly discharges to Fort Pond
is comprised of portions of Route 2 in Lancaster; MassDOT
contributing area is 5.0 acres and no existing BMPs are in
place to treat stormwater runoff from MassDOT properties.
In order to meet the water quality goal, the assessment
calculated that MassDOT needs reduce its effective IC
within the directly contributing watershed to 4.1 acres,
which is a reduction of 0.9 acres.

Stormwater Management Improvements:

MassDOT reviewed the directly contributing area for
potential locations to install treatment BMPs and performed
survey of the project area. MassDOT was able to design
one Infiltration Basin along Route 2 to reduce the
effective impervious cover in this watershed. Table 1
summarizes MassDOT’s directly discharging area, target IC
area, and direct reductions from the designed BMPs.
Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Stand-Alone) Project Initiative

Table 1. Summary of Waterbody Targets and Reductions Achieved

Directly Target IC BMP IC Reduction
Target IC (ac)
contributing Reduction (ac) (direct) (ac)
IC (ac)
5.0 4.1 0.9 2.5

Once this BMP is constructed, MassDOT will have met its Target IC reduction goal of 0.9 acres so there is no
need for additional BMPs. MassDOT is committed to maximizing stormwater treatment where site constraints
allow and therefore construction of this BMP exceeded the treatment target.

Project 607993 began construction in the Spring of 2019 and is planned for completion in the Summer of 2020.
The construction cost of this project, which includes stormwater improvements at four other locations, is
approximately $980,000.
Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Stand-Alone) Project Initiative

Stormwater Improvements at Various Locations (Routes 2, 9, 12, 2A, 110,

111, and I-290) (Sheet 4 of 5)
MassDOT Project #: 607993 Water Body Names: Grove Pond
Project Towns/Cities: Ayer Water Body IDs: MA81053
MassDOT District: 3

Project Description:
Sections of MassDOT’s Route 2A, Route 110, Route 111, Sandy Pond Road, and Barnum Road in Ayer directly
discharge stormwater to Grove Pond (MA81053). As part of the Impaired Waters Program, the assessment of
Grove Pond identified water quality impairments, any existing stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs),
and recommendations for proposed BMPs to provide additional stormwater runoff treatment to meet the program
goal of effective impervious cover (IC) reduction.

Site Description:
MassDOT’s direct discharging area to Grove Pond is comprised of sections of Route 2A/Route110 and the Route
2A/ Route 110/ Route 111 roundabout. Stormwater from MassDOT property is collected by catch basins and
piped to outfalls located northwest and southwest of the roundabout which discharge to two wetlands directly
upstream of Grove Pond. Field verification determined that these
discharges are direct based upon the minimal residence time of
stormwater discharges in the wetlands prior to reaching Grove

Grove Pond is listed on the 2016 Integrated List of Waters (ILW)

as a Category 5 Impaired Water, indicating the waterbody
requires a TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Limit). Grove Pond is
impaired with non-native aquatic plants, macrophytes (aquatic
plants), arsenic, di-sec-octyl phthalate (DEHP), mercury in fish
tissue, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and sediment
bioassay (Chronic Toxicity Freshwater).

Project Goal:
MassDOT’s property which directly discharges to Grove Pond is
comprised of 4.6 acres and no existing BMPs are in place to
treat stormwater runoff from MassDOT properties. In order to
meet the water quality goal, the assessment calculated that
MassDOT needs to reduce its effective IC within the directly
contributing watershed to 1.6 acres, which is a reduction of 3.0

Stormwater Management Improvements:

MassDOT reviewed the directly contributing area for potential
locations to install treatment BMPs and performed survey of the
project area. MassDOT was able to design one Wet Pond along
Route 2A to reduce the effective impervious cover in the
watershed. Table 1 summarizes MassDOT’s directly discharging
area, targets, and direct reductions from the designed BMPs.
Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Stand-Alone) Project Initiative

Table 1. Summary of Waterbody Targets and Reductions Achieved

Target Target BMP IC Reduction
IC IC Reduction (direct)
(ac) (ac) (ac)
IC (ac)
4.6 1.6 3.0 2.0

Site constraints within MassDOT’s State Highway Layout limited opportunities for implementable stormwater
BMPs that fully meet the target effective IC reduction. Site constraints included limited right-of-way, high
groundwater, wetland resource areas, areas of critical environmental concern, and Zone II wellhead protection
areas. If programmed projects are proposed in the watershed that allow for more extensive changes to the
drainage system, MassDOT will review whether additional controls are feasible to meet the target effective IC

Project 607993 began construction in the Spring of 2019 and is planned for completion in the Summer of 2020.
The construction cost of this project, which includes stormwater improvements at four other locations, is
approximately $980,000.
Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Stand-Alone) Project Initiative

Stormwater Improvements at Various Locations (Routes 2, 9, 12, 2A, 110,

111, and I-290) (Sheet 5 of 5)
MassDOT Project #: 607993 Water Body Name: Lake Cochituate (S. Basin)
Project Towns/Cities: Natick Water Body IDs: MA82127
MassDOT District: 3

Project Description:
Sections of MassDOT’s Route 9 and associated Speen Street ramps directly discharge stormwater runoff to the
Lake Cochituate South Basin (MA82127) in Natick. As part of the Impaired Waters Program, the assessment of
Lake Cochituate South Basin identified water quality impairments, existing stormwater Best Management
Practices (BMPs), and recommendations for proposed BMPs to provide additional stormwater runoff treatment to
meet the program goal of effective impervious cover (IC) reduction.

Site Description:
Route 9 and the associated Speen Street ramps in Natick comprise the MassDOT owned property which
discharges stormwater runoff to the Lake Cochituate South Basin. Stormwater from MassDOT’s Route 9 and
Speen Street ramps is collected in catch basins along the
roadway and is piped to an outfall located south of Route 9 at
the crossing of the Lake Cochituate culvert. Prior to runoff being
discharged through the outfall, stormwater passes through an
existing oil and water separator BMP.

Lake Cochituate South Basin is listed on the 2016 Integrated

List of Waters (ILW) as a Category 5 Impaired Water, indicating
the waterbody requires a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL).
The Lake Cochituate South Basin is impaired for Eurasian
Water Milfoil, non-native aquatic plants, dissolved oxygen, and
PCBs in fish tissue.

Project Goal:
MassDOT’s property which directly discharges to the Lake
Cochituate South Basin is 14.0 acres and there is one existing
BMP (an oil and water separator). In order to meet the water
quality goal, the assessment calculated that MassDOT needs to
reduce its effective IC within the directly contributing watershed
to 7.8 acres, which is a reduction of 6.2 acres.

Stormwater Management Improvements:

MassDOT reviewed the directly contributing area for potential
locations to install treatment BMPs and performed survey of the
project area. MassDOT was able to design one Wet Pond along
Route 9 in Natick to reduce the effective impervious cover of the
watershed. Table 1 summarizes MassDOT’s directly
discharging area, targets, and direct reductions from the
designed BMPs.
Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Stand-Alone) Project Initiative

Table 1. Summary of Waterbody Targets and Reductions Achieved

Directly Target IC BMP IC Reduction
Target IC (ac)
contributing Reduction (ac) (direct) (ac)
IC (ac)
14.0 7.8 6.2 2.4

Site constraints within MassDOT’s State Highway Layout limited opportunities for implementable stormwater
BMPs that fully meet the target effective IC reduction. Site constraints included limited right-of-way, high
groundwater, and wetland resource areas. If programmed projects are proposed in the watershed that allow for
more extensive changes to the drainage system, MassDOT will review whether additional controls are feasible to
meet the target effective IC reduction.

Project 607993 began construction in the Spring of 2019 and is planned for completion in the Summer of 2020.
The construction cost of this project, which includes stormwater improvements at four other locations, is
approximately $980,000.
Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Stand-Alone) Project Initiative

Route 3A and I-495 Stormwater Improvements at Concord River

MassDOT Project #: 607995 Water Body Name: Concord River
Project Towns: Chelmsford and Lowell Water Body ID: MA82A-08
MassDOT District: 4

Project Description:
A section of MassDOT’s Route Interstate 495 (I-495) and Route 3A in Chelmsford and Lowell directly discharge
stormwater to Concord River (MA82A-08). As part of the Impaired Waters Program, the assessment of the
Concord River identified water quality impairments, any existing stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs),
and recommendations for proposed BMPs to provide additional stormwater runoff treatment to meet the program
goal of effective impervious cover (IC) reduction.

Site Description:
This stormwater improvements project is located along I-495 in Lowell and Chelmsford. Drainage ditches
paralleling I-495 northbound and southbound are the primary conveyers of stormwater from I-495 directly to the
Concord River. These ditches also collect stormwater runoff from the Carlisle Street Bridge and the Gorham
Street Bridge (Route 3A) which pass over I-495.

This segment of the Concord River is listed on the 2016

Integrated List of Waters (ILW) as a Category 5 impaired
water, indicating the waterbody requires a Total Daily
Maximum Load (TMDL). The Concord River is impaired with
Eurasian Water Milfoil, Non-Native Aquatic Plants, and
Mercury in Fish Tissue.

Project Goal:
MassDOT’s property which directly discharges to the
Concord River is comprised of Route I-495, Route 3A
(Gorham Street), and associated bridges and ramps.
MassDOT’s directly discharging area to Concord River is
39.8 acres and no existing BMPs are in place to treat
stormwater runoff from MassDOT properties. In order to meet
the water quality goal, the assessment calculated MassDOT
will need to reduce its effective IC within the directly
contributing watershed to 26.9 acres, which is a reduction of
12.9 acres.

Stormwater Management Improvements:

MassDOT reviewed the directly contributing area for potential
locations to install treatment BMPs and performed survey of
the project area. MassDOT was able to design two
Infiltration Swales, four Infiltration Basins, two Wet
Swales, and one Subsurface Infiltration System along I-
495 to reduce the effective impervious cover in this
watershed. Table 1 summarizes MassDOT’s directly
discharging area, targets, and direct reductions from the
designed BMPs.
Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Stand-Alone) Project Initiative

Table 1. Summary of Waterbody Targets and Reductions Achieved

MassDOT Directly Target IC BMP IC Reduction

Target IC (ac)
Contributing IC (ac) Reduction (ac) (direct) (ac)
39.8 26.9 12.9 6.8

Site constraints within the highway right-of-way limited the opportunities for installation of additional treatment
BMPs to fully meet the target. Site constraints along I-495 included high groundwater, poor soils, heavily forested
areas, ledge and limited right-of-way. If programmed projects are proposed in the watershed that allow for more
extensive changes to the drainage system, MassDOT will review whether additional controls are feasible to meet
the target.

This stormwater improvements project started construction in Spring 2018 and is expected to be completed in the
Summer of 2020. The construction cost of the project is approximately $1,394,100.
Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Resurfacing) Project Initiative

Framingham I-90 at Lake Cochituate, Saxonville Pond, and Unnamed

Tributary (Sheet 1 of 3)
MassDOT Project #: 608317 Water Body Name: Lake Cochituate (N. and M. Basins)
Project Town: Natick and Wayland Water Body IDs: MA82020 and MA82125
MassDOT District: 3

Project Description:
Sections of MassDOT’s Interstate 90 (I-90) and associated ramps in Natick and Wayland directly discharge to
Lake Cochituate (North and Middle Basins). As part of the Impaired Waters Program, the assessments of Lake
Cochituate (North and Middle Basins) identified water quality impairments, any existing stormwater Best
Management Practices (BMPs), and recommendations for proposed BMPs to provide additional stormwater
runoff treatment to meet the program goal of effective impervious cover (IC) reduction. MassDOT bundled this
stormwater retrofit project with a resurfacing project to efficiently build BMPs to treat runoff to the Lake Cochituate
North and Middle Basins.

Site Description:
The stormwater improvements, as part of the resurfacing
project, are located along I-90 in Natick and Wayland.
Stormwater from MassDOT’s property drains to Lake
Cochituate Middle Basin (MA82125) via grassy swales on the
eastbound shoulder edge. Stormwater from I-90 drains to Lake
Cochituate North Basin (MA82020) via catch basins which
collect sheet flow from the innermost lane and narrow interior

Lake Cochituate (North and Middle Basins) are listed on the

2016 Integrated List of Waters (ILW) as a Category 5 impaired
water, indicating the waterbody requires a Total Maximum
Daily Load (TMDL). Lake Cochituate Middle Basin is impaired
for Eurasian Water Milfoil, dissolved oxygen, Enterococcus,
and PCBs in fish tissue. Lake Cochituate North Basin is
impaired for Eurasian Water Milfoil, dissolved oxygen, and
PCBs in fish tissue.

Project Goals:

MassDOT’s property which directly discharges area to Lake

Cochituate (North and Middle Basins) is comprised of Route 9,
Route 27, and I-90. MassDOT’s directly discharging area to
the Lake Cochituate North Basin is 11.0 acres. MassDOT’s
directly discharging area to the Lake Cochituate Middle Basin
is 20.9 acres. No existing BMPs are in place to treat
stormwater runoff from MassDOT properties. In order to meet
the water quality goal, the assessments calculated MassDOT
needs reduce its effective IC within the directly contributing
watershed of the North Basin to 8.5 acres, which is a reduction
of 2.5 acres, and the Middle Basin to 7.1 acres, which is a
reduction of 13.8 acres.
Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Resurfacing) Project Initiative

Stormwater Management Improvements:

MassDOT reviewed the directly contributing area for potential locations to install treatment BMPs and performed
survey of the project areas. MassDOT was able to design six infiltration swales, and three infiltration basins
along I-90 to reduce the contributing IC in this watershed. Table 1 summarizes MassDOT’s directly discharging
area, targets, and reductions from the designed BMPs.

Table 1. Summary of Waterbody Targets and Reductions Achieved

Target IC BMP IC
Waterbody ID Target IC (ac) Reduction Reduction
Contributing IC
(ac) (direct) (ac)
11.0 8.5 2.5 7.2
(North Basin)
20.9 7.1 13.8 5.9
(Middle Basin)
Once the BMPs to Lake Cochituate North Basin are constructed, MassDOT will have met its Target IC reduction
goal of 0.9 acres so there is no need for additional BMPs to address this waterbody. MassDOT is committed to
maximizing stormwater treatment where site constraints allow and therefore construction of these BMPs
exceeded the treatment target.

For Lake Cochituate Middle Basin, site constraints within the highway right-of-way limited the opportunities for
installation of further treatment BMPs to fully meet the target. Site constraints included high groundwater, poor
soils, ledge, and limited right of way. If programmed projects are proposed in the watershed that allow for more
extensive changes to the drainage system, MassDOT will review whether additional controls are feasible to meet
the target.

This project began construction in Fall 2018 and is planned for completion in the Spring of 2021. The construction
cost of the project, which includes stormwater improvements at two other locations, is approximately $1,915,000.
Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Resurfacing) Project Initiative

Framingham I-90 at Lake Cochituate, Saxonville Pond, and Unnamed

Tributary (Sheet 2 of 3)

MassDOT Project #: 608317 Water Body Name: Saxonville Pond

Project Town: Framingham Water Body ID: MA82097
MassDOT District: 3

Project Description:
A section of MassDOT’s Interstate 90 (I-90) in Framingham directly discharges stormwater runoff to the
Saxonville Pond (MA82097). As part of the Impaired Waters Program, the assessment performed of Saxonville
Pond identified water quality impairments, any existing stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs), and
recommendations for proposed BMPs to provide additional stormwater runoff treatment to meet the program goal
of effective impervious cover (IC) reduction. MassDOT bundled this stormwater retrofit project with a resurfacing
project to efficiently build BMPs to treat runoff to the Saxonville Pond.
Site Description:
The stormwater improvements, as part of the resurfacing project, are located along I-90 in Framingham.
Stormwater from MassDOT’s I-90 drains into Saxonville Pond (MA82097) via drainage ditches which run parallel
to the roadway and by overland sheet flow.

Saxonville Pond is listed on the 2016 Integrated List of

Waters (ILW) as a Category 5 impaired water, indicating the
waterbody requires a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL).
Saxonville Pond is impaired for non-native aquatic plants,
aquatic plants (Macrophytes), and mercury in fish tissue.

Project Goals:

MassDOT’s property which directly discharges to the

Saxonville Pond is comprised of sections of I-90 in
Framingham. MassDOT’s directly discharging area to the
Saxonville Pond is 8.6 acres and no existing BMPs are in
place to treat stormwater runoff from MassDOT properties. In
order to meet the water quality goal, the assessment
calculated MassDOT needs to reduce its effective IC within
the directly contributing watershed to 2.8 acres, which is a
reduction of 5.8 acres.

Stormwater Management Improvements:

MassDOT reviewed the directly contributing area for potential
locations to install treatment BMPs and performed survey of
the project areas. MassDOT was able to design three
infiltration swales and one wet swale along I-90 to reduce
the contributing IC in the watershed. Table 1 summarizes
MassDOT’s directly discharging area, targets, and reductions
from the designed BMPs.
Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Resurfacing) Project Initiative

Table 1. Summary of Waterbody Targets and Reductions Achieved

Target IC BMP Direct IC
Directly Contributing IC Target IC (ac)
Reduction (ac) Reduction (ac)
8.6 2.8 5.8 1.7

Site constraints within the highway right-of-way limited the opportunities for installation of additional treatment
BMPs to fully meet the target. Site constraints included high groundwater, poor soils, ledge, and limited right-of-
way. If programmed projects are proposed in the watershed that allow for more extensive changes to the
drainage system, MassDOT will review whether additional controls are feasible to meet the target.

This project began construction in Fall 2018 and is planned for completion in the Spring of 2021. The construction
cost of the project, which includes stormwater improvements at two other locations, is approximately $1,915,000.
Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Resurfacing) Project Initiative

Framingham I-90 at Lake Cochituate, Saxonville Pond, and Unnamed

Tributary (Sheet 3 of 3)
MassDOT Project #: 608317 Water Body Name: Unnamed Tributary
Project Town: Framingham Water Body ID: MA82A-22
MassDOT District: 3

Project Description:
A section of MassDOT’s Interstate 90 (I-90) in Framingham directly discharges stormwater runoff to the Unnamed
Tributary (MA82A-22). As part of the Impaired Waters Program, the assessment of the Unnamed Tributary
identified water quality impairments, any existing stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs), and identified
recommendations for proposed BMPs to provide additional stormwater runoff treatment to meet the program goal
of effective impervious cover (IC) reduction. MassDOT bundled this stormwater retrofit project with a resurfacing
project to efficiently build BMPs to treat runoff to the Unnamed Tributary.

Site Description:
The stormwater improvements, as part of the resurfacing project, are located along I-90 in Framingham.
Stormwater from MassDOT’s I-90 collects in a combination of grassed and paved drainage ditches that convey
runoff directly to the Unnamed Tributary (MA82A-22). At two locations, the drainage ditches convey stormwater
to headwalls which then pipe stormwater under residential and commercial areas directly to the tributary. At
another section of I-90, runoff flows to a non-impaired stream which flows directly into the tributary. This area is
considered directly discharging due to its proximity and
short time of concentration to Unnamed Tributary.

Unnamed Tributary (MA82A-22) is listed on the 2016

Integrated List of Waters (ILW) as a Category 5 impaired
water, indicating the waterbody requires a Total Maximum
Daily Load (TMDL). The Unnamed Tributary is impaired for
debris, trash, benthic macroinvertebrates, Escherichia coli
(E. coli), and nutrient/eutrophication biological indicators.

Project Goals:

MassDOT’s property which directly discharges to the

Unnamed Tributary is comprised of a portion of I-90 in
Framingham. MassDOT’s directly discharging area to the
Unnamed Tributary is 14.4 acres and no existing BMPs are
in place to treat stormwater runoff from MassDOT
properties. In order to meet the water quality goal, the
assessment calculated MassDOT needs to reduce its
effective IC within the directly contributing watershed to 3.5
acres, which is a target reduction IC of 10.9 acres.

Stormwater Management Improvements:

MassDOT reviewed the directly contributing area for
potential locations to install treatment BMPs and performed
survey of the project areas. MassDOT was able to design
five infiltration swales and two infiltration basins to
reduce the directly contributing IC in the watershed. Table 1
summarizes MassDOT’s directly discharging area, targets,
and reductions from the designed BMPs.
Permit Year 17
Impaired Waters Program Summary
Retrofit (Resurfacing) Project Initiative

Table 1. Summary of Waterbody Targets and Reductions Achieved

Target IC Target IC
Directly Contributing Reduction
(ac) Reduction (ac)
IC (ac) (direct) (ac)
14.4 3.5 10.9 3.0

Site constraints within the highway right-of-way limited the opportunities for installation of further treatment BMPs
to fully meet the target. Site constraints included high groundwater, poor soils, ledge, and limited right of way. If
programmed projects are proposed in the watershed that allow for more extensive changes to the drainage
system, MassDOT will review whether additional controls are feasible to meet the target.

This project began construction in Fall 2018 and is planned for completion in the Spring of 2021. The construction
cost of the project, which includes stormwater improvements at two other locations, is approximately $1,915,000.
NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Appendix E: Water Quality Data Forms Submitted in Permit Year 17

Project Project Type Project Name Project Road Location District Design Firm Contact Contact E-mail Contact Contact Final SW into outside Project located TMDL TMDL TMDL TMDL No. of 303d list WBID #1 WB #1 Name WB #1 Status Impairments WB #1 Final TMDL WBID #2 WB #2 Name WB #2 Status WB #2 Impairments WB #2 TMDL WBID #3 WB #3 WB #3 WB #3 Impairments WB #3 TMDL WB #3 Conceptual WBID #4 WB #4 Name WB #4 Status WB #4 WB #4 WB #4 Conceptual Submittal Date Submitted Name of
Number Person Phone Extension Ownership Organization in WS with Pollutant Pollutant Pollutant Pollutant Waterbodies that Name Status BMPs Impairments TMDL BMPs Type to MassDOT MassDOT
TMDL receive runoff Reviewer

605983 Highway Reconstruction on Route Route 97/West Main Georgetown 4 Bayside Engineering Brian Sullivan bsullivan@baysideengi 7819323201 Municipality Yes No FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 ma91-01 Parker River Impairment (Low flow alterations*) N/A Original 43723 Hung Pham
Reconstruction 97 (West Main Street) Street Not Caused By
from Moulton Street to Pollutant
the Groveland T.L.
606226 Highway WHATELY- Haydenville Road Whately 2 Hoyle, Tanner & Todd M. Clark, 6036695555 Municipality No No FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 MA34056 Mountain Not Impaired N/A N/A Original 43510 Gyujong Yoo
Reconstruction REHABILITATION OF Associates, Inc. PE m Street
(2.1 MILES)
606406 Highway Boston-Reconstruction of Rutherford Avenue Boston 6 Tetra Tech Brian Ackley brian.ackley@tetratec 5087862232 Municipality Yes Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE 4 MA71-03 Mystic River Impaired Sediment Screening Value Bacteria/Pathogens MA72-38 Charles River Impaired (Other flow regime Phosphorus MA70-02 Boston Impaired Enterococcus, Fecal Bacteria/Pathogens Water Quality Swale. MA72-31 Unnamed Impaired (Bottom N/A Water Quality Swale. Original 43315 Hung Pham
Reconstruction Rutherford Avenue, From (Route 99) (Charlestown (Exceedence), Ammonia alterations*), Salinity, Inner Coliform, Other, Deep Sump Catch Tributary Deposits*), Deep Sump Catch
City Square to Sullivan ) (Un-ionized), Fecal Sediment Screening Harbor Oxygen, Dissolved, Basins. Foam/Flocs/Scu Basins.
Square Coliform, Value (Exceedence), PCB in Fish Tissue m/Oil Slicks,
Foam/Flocs/Scum/Oil Chlorophyll-a, (Habitat
Slicks, Other, Oxygen, Combined Assessment
Dissolved, PCB in Fish Biota/Habitat (Streams)*),
Tissue, Petroleum Bioassessments, DDT, Other, Petroleum
Hydrocarbons, Taste and Dissolved oxygen Hydrocarbons,
Odor saturation, Escherichia Polychlorinated
coli, Excess Algal biphenyls,
Growth, Polycyclic
Nutrient/Eutrophicati Aromatic
on Biological Hydrocarbons
Indicators, Oil and (PAHs) (Aquatic
Grease, Oxygen, Ecosystems),
Dissolved, PCB in Fish Sedimentation/Si
Tissue, Phosphorus ltation, Taste and
(Total), Secchi disk Odor
transparency, Taste
and Odor,
Temperature, water

606901 Highway Hinsdale/Peru- Middlefield Road Hinsdale- 1 In House Amer Raza amer.raza@dot.state. 4136375757 MassDOT No No FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 MA21-02 East Branch Impaired Fecal Coliform, PCB in Fish N/A Original 43529 Gyujong Yoo
Reconstruction Reconstruction of Skyline Peru Housatonic Tissue
Trail (Middlefield Road) River
607245 Bridge River Street over MBTA River Street Hyde Park, 6 Gannett Fleming Thomas Daley 7814103930 MassDOT Yes Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 MA73-02 Neponset River Impaired (Debris/Floatables/Trash*) Bacteria/Pathogens Original 43759 Hung Pham
and Amtrak Railroad Boston , DDT, Escherichia coli,
Bridge Replacement Fecal Coliform,
Slicks, Other, Oxygen,
Dissolved, PCB in Fish
Tissue, Turbidity
607432 Highway RESURFACING & RELATED North Main Street Sunderland 2 CHA CONSULTING JOHN JMORGANJR@CHACO 7819825437 Municipality Yes No FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 MA34-04 Connecticut Impaired Escherichia coli, PCB in N/A Original 42843 Hung Pham
Reconstruction WORK ON A SECTION OF (Route 47) MORGAN MPANIES.COM River Fish Tissue

607541 Highway WESTMINSTER- Route 140 (Worcester Westminster 3 Green International Marc Caufield mcaufield@greenintl.c 9789230400 Municipality No Yes FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE 2 MA81161 Wyman Pond Impairment (Non-Native Aquatic N/A MA81146 Wachusett Lake Not Impaired N/A N/A Original 43742 Joseph Yoo
Reconstruction REHABILITATION & BOX Road) Affiliates, Inc. om Not Caused By Plants*)
607542 Other GEORGETOWN - Shared-Use Path Boxford, 4 Stantec John john.hendrickson@sta 7812211000 Municipality Yes Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 MA91-16 Penn Brook Not Impaired N/A N/A Original 43581 Gyujong Yoo
BOXFORD - BORDER TO Georgetown Hendrickson
(ROUTE 97)

607748 Other GEORGETOWN- Shared-Use Path Georgetown 4 Stantec John john.hendrickson@sta 7812211000 Municipality Yes Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 MA91-01 Parker River Impairment (Low flow alterations*) N/A Original 43721 Joseph Yoo
NEWBURY- BORDER TO & Newbury Hendrickson Not Caused By
607759 Intersection INTERSECTION State Route 2, Piper Acton 3 Tetra Tech Beth Parent Beth.Parent@tetratec 5087862263 MassDOT No No FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 MA82B-13 Fort Pond Not Impaired N/A N/A Original 43532 Gyujong Yoo
IMPROVEMENTS AT Road, Taylor Road Brook
607777 Highway Intersection & Signal VFW Parkway, Spring Boston, 6 Nitsch Engineering Jacqueline 8572068672 MassDOT No Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 MA72-07 Charles River Impaired (Fish-Passage Barrier*), Bacteria/Pathogens, Original 43616 Joseph Yoo
Reconstruction Improvements at the VFW Street, Bridge Street Dedham Perkins m (Non-Native Aquatic Phosphorus
Parkway & Spring Street Plants*), (Other flow
regime alterations*), DDT,
Escherichia coli, (Eurasian
Water Milfoil,
Myriophyllum spicatum*),
Fishes Bioassessments,
Biological Indicators, PCB
in Fish Tissue, Phosphorus

607885 Highway Watertown- Mount Auburn Street Watertown 6 WorldTech Kristopher ksurette@worldteche 7819334800 Municipality Yes Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 MA72-36 Charles River Impaired (Fish-Passage Barrier*), Bacteria/Pathogens, Original 43819 Hung Pham
Reconstruction Rehabilitation of Mount (Route 16) Engineering, LLC Surette (Non-Native Aquatic Phosphorus
Auburn Street (Route 16) Plants*), (Other flow
regime alterations*),
Other, Chlorophyll-a, DDT,
Escherichia coli, Fishes
Biological Indicators, Oil
and Grease, Oxygen,
Dissolved, PCB in Fish
Tissue, pH, High,
Phosphorus (Total), Secchi
disk transparency,
Sediment Bioassays --
Acute Toxicity Freshwater

607977 Other LOWELL- PEDESTRIAN NEW PEDESTRIAN LOWELL 4 BL COMPANIES THOMAS TPECHILLO@BLCOMPA 8607601949 Municipality No Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 MA84A-01 Merrimack Impaired Fecal Coliform, Mercury in Bacteria/Pathogens Original 43567 Hung Pham

608230 Highway HOPKINTON- I-495, I-90, Fruit Street Hopkinton, 3 HNTB Joseph Cahill 6175322214 MassDOT Yes No FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE 2 MA82a-11 Whitehall Not Impaired N/A N/A MA82a-01 Sudbury River Not Impaired N/A N/A Original 43763 Hung Pham
Reconstruction WESTBOROUGH- Westboroug Brook

608267 Intersection REHOBOTH- Winthrop Street and Rehoboth 5 CHA John G. Jmorgan@chacompani 7819825437 MassDOT Yes Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 2 MA53-04 Palmer River Impaired (Low flow alterations*), Bacteria/Pathogens MA53-11 Bad Luck Brook Not Impaired N/A N/A Original 43581 Gyujong Yoo
INTERSECTION Anawan Street Morgan, Jr. Fecal Coliform,
IMPROVEMENTS & Nutrient/Eutrophication
RELATED WORK AT Biological Indicators
608325 Resurfacing RAYNHAM- RESURFACING Broadway, Britton, Raynham 5 HNTB Liz Nicol 6175322252 MassDOT No Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 MA62101 Kings Pond Not Impaired N/A N/A Original 43616 Gyujong Yoo
AND RELATED WORK ON Center, Lincoln,
ROUTE 138 Gilmore, Richard,
Sylvain, Carver
608422 Resurfacing Chicopee -West Interstate 90 Chicopee 2 MassDOT In-house Steven Pikul steven.pikul@dot.stat 4135820588 MassDOT Yes No FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE 2 MA34-05 Connecticut Impaired Escherichia coli, PCB in N/A MA36-38 Cooley Brook Not Impaired N/A N/A Original 43549 Gyujong Yoo
Springfield -Interstate /West River Fish Tissue, Total
Maintenance & Related Springfield Suspended Solids (TSS)
Work on I-90 (MM 46.0
to 50.0)

608433 Other SANDWICH- Service Road Sandwich 5 VHB Gene Crouch 6176072783 Municipality Yes Yes TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE 0 Original 43542 Hung Pham
Project Project Type Project Name Project Road Location District Design Firm Contact Contact E-mail Contact Contact Final SW into outside Project located TMDL TMDL TMDL TMDL No. of 303d list WBID #1 WB #1 Name WB #1 Status Impairments WB #1 Final TMDL WBID #2 WB #2 Name WB #2 Status WB #2 Impairments WB #2 TMDL WBID #3 WB #3 WB #3 WB #3 Impairments WB #3 TMDL WB #3 Conceptual WBID #4 WB #4 Name WB #4 Status WB #4 WB #4 WB #4 Conceptual Submittal Date Submitted Name of
Number Person Phone Extension Ownership Organization in WS with Pollutant Pollutant Pollutant Pollutant Waterbodies that Name Status BMPs Impairments TMDL BMPs Type to MassDOT MassDOT
TMDL receive runoff Reviewer

608466 Intersection WEBSTER- INTERSECTION I-395 Ramps (Exit 2), WEBSTER 3 WSP Philip Fusco 4017734199 MassDOT No Yes FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE 2 MA42-10 Mill Brook Not Impaired N/A N/A MA42064 Webster Lake Impairment (Eurasian Water N/A Original 43748 Joseph Yoo
IMPROVEMENTS AT I-395 Route 16 (East Main Not Caused Milfoil, Myriophyllum
RAMPS (EXIT 2) AT ROUTE Street), Sutton Road By Pollutant spicatum*), (Non-
16 (EAST MAIN STREET) Native Aquatic

608536 Resurfacing BELCHERTOWN-GRANBY- Route 202 Belchertown 2 Parsons Daniel Wilk daniel.wilk@parsons.c (617) 449- MassDOT No Yes FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE 3 MA34-23 Weston Brook Impaired Phosphorus (Total) N/A MA34037 Ingraham Brook Impairment (Non-Native Aquatic N/A MA34024 Forge Pond Impaired (Non-Native Aquatic N/A No BMPs are currently Original 43437 Hung Pham
RESURFACING AND and Granby om 1503 Pond Not Caused Plants*) Plants*), proposed as part of this
RELATED WORK ON By Pollutant Nutrient/Eutrophicati project.
ROUTE 202 on Biological
608545 Intersection NEW BEDFORD- Rockdale Avenue, Allen New Bedford 5 CDM Smith Lisa Sherman shermanld@cdmsmith 4014570366 Municipality No Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 MA95-38 Clarks Cove Impaired Fecal Coliform, PCB in Fish Bacteria/Pathogens Original 43448 Gyujong Yoo
INTERSECTION Street .com Tissue

608561 Resurfacing YARMOUTH - Route 6 Yarmouth 5 MassDOT Hung Pham hung.pham@dot.state. 8573688831 MassDOT No Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 MA96-12 Bass River Impaired Estuarine Bioassessments, Bacteria/Pathogens Original 43874 Hung Pham
608563 Other LEOMINSTER - North Main Street Leominster 3 Greenman- Samuel 9785702989 MassDOT Yes Yes FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE 0 Original 43532 Gyujong Yoo
IMPROVEMENTS AT (Route 12), Washington Pedersen, Inc. (GPI) Campbell m
ROUTE 12 (NORTH MAIN Street, Hamilton Street,

608577 Other Improvements on Route 6 Route 6 Swansea 5 Nitsch Engineering Birendra bgurung@nitscheng.c 8572068709 MassDOT No Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 4 MA61-01 Lee River Impaired Fecal Coliform, Bacteria/Pathogens MA61-02 Lee River Impaired (Debris/Floatables/Tra Bacteria/Pathog MA61-07 Mount Impaired Chlorophyll-a, Fecal Bacteria/Pathogens Soil erosion and MA61-06 Mount Hope Bay Impaired Chlorophyll-a, Bacteria/P Soil erosion and Original 43496 Hung Pham
(Grand Army of the Gurung om Nutrient/Eutrophication sh*), Chlorophyll-a, ens Hope Bay Coliform, Fishes sediment controls will Fecal Coliform, athogens sediment controls will
Republic Highway) at Biological Indicators Fecal Coliform, Bioassessments, be implemented before Fishes be implemented before
Gardners Neck Road Nitrogen (Total), Nitrogen (Total), the start of construction Bioassessments, the start of construction
Oxygen, Dissolved, Oxygen, Dissolved, operations and Nitrogen (Total), operations and
Taste and Odor Temperature, water removed following Temperature, removed following
construction and site water construction and site
stabilization. Erosion stabilization. Erosion
controls will consist of controls will consist of
compost filter tubes compost filter tubes
positioned along positioned along
contours and contours and
perpendicular to sheet perpendicular to sheet
or concentrated flow or concentrated flow
and silt sacks installed at and silt sacks installed at
each catch basin. each catch basin.
Stormwater BMP's such Stormwater BMP's such
as deep sump catch as deep sump catch
basins with hooded basins with hooded
outlets are proposed for outlets are proposed for
all new catch basins. The all new catch basins.
proposed drainage will The proposed drainage
tie into the existing will tie into the existing
drainage system. drainage system.

608586 Highway Improvements and Union Street (Route Easthampton 2 VHB Gene Crouch 6176072783 Municipality No No FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE 2 MA34057 Nashawannuck Impaired (Non-Native Aquatic N/A MA34-15 Wilton Brook Impaired (Non-Native Aquatic N/A Original 43503 Gyujong Yoo
Reconstruction Related Work on Union 141) Pond Plants*), Plants*), Aquatic
Street (Route 141) from Nutrient/Eutrophication Plants (Macrophytes)
Payson Avenue to High Biological Indicators,
Street Phosphorus (Total)
608636 Highway DARTMOUTH- CORRIDOR Dartmouth Street and Town of 5 VHB Rick Rhodes 4014572019 Municipality Yes Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 MA95-39 Apponagansett Impaired Fecal Coliform, Nitrogen Bacteria/Pathogens Original 43580 Joseph Yoo
Reconstruction IMPROVEMENTS ON Prospect Street Dartmouth Bay (Total), PCB in Fish Tissue

608637 Bridge ROARING BROOK ROAD Roaring Brook Road Lenox 1 Tetra Tech Brian Ackley brian.ackley@tetratec 5087862232 MassDOT No Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 MA21-04 Housatonic Impaired (Non-Native Aquatic N/A Original 43133 Hung Pham
OVER ROARING BROOK, River Plants*), Fecal Coliform,
LENOX PCB in Fish Tissue,
Polychlorinated biphenyls
608644 Bridge Maynard - Bridge Florida Maynard 3 CME Associate, Inc. Christopher Cwall@cmeengineerin 8602904100 Municipality Yes Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 MA82B-05 Assabet River Impaired (Debris/Floatables/Trash*) Bacteria/Pathogens, Original 43626 Joseph Yoo
Replacement, M-10-006, Wall , (Non-Native Aquatic Phosphorus
Florida Road over Assabet Plants*), Aquatic Plants
River 1144 (Macrophytes), Excess
608647 Bridge Charlemont - Tower Road Charlemont 1 Hoyle, Tanner & Aaron alachance@hoyletann 6034312520 Municipality No No FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 MA33-11 Chickley River Impaired Algal Growth,
Fecal ColiformFecal N/A Original 43402 Hung Pham
Superstructure/Substruct Associates, Inc. Lachance, P.E.
ure Replacement, C-05-
008, Tower Road over
Chickley River. Full Bridge
Replacement Project with
Moderate Approach
608723 Bridge Savoy - Bridge Center Road Savoy 1 Transystems Michael Rieger mjrieger@transystems 8574535483 Municipality No No FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 MA32-07 Westfield River Not Impaired N/A N/A Original 43784 Hung Pham
Superstructure Corporation .com
Replacement, S-06-003,
Center Road over Center
608724 Highway ATHOL- INTERSECTION Crescent Street & Athol 2 CHA, Inc John Morgan JMorgan@chacompani 7819825437 Municipality Yes No FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 ma35-04 Millers River Impaired Fecal Coliform, PCB in Fish N/A Original 43718 Joseph Yoo
Reconstruction IMPROVEMENTS AT Chestnut Hill Avenue Tissue, Phosphorus (Total)

608761 Highway GREENFIELD - Wisdom Way, River Greenfield 2 Fuss & O'Neill Nick Lapointe 4134520445 Municipality Yes Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 MA33-30 Green River Impaired Fecal Coliform N/A Original 43112 Hung Pham
Reconstruction RECONSTRUCTION OF Street, Mill Street
608774 Highway INTERSECTION Kenoza Avenue (Route Haverhill 4 Greenman- Samuel 9785702989 MassDOT No Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 MA84028 Kenoza Lake Impaired Mercury in Fish Tissue N/A Original 43628 Joseph Yoo
Reconstruction RECONSTRUCTION ON 110), Amesbury Road Pedersen, Inc. (GPI) Campbell m
ROUTE 108 (NEWTON (Route 110), Newton
ROAD) AT ROUTE 110 Road (Route 108),
(KENOZA AVENUE AND Victory Avenue,
AMESBURY ROAD) Humphrey Street

608778 Other LOWELL - TEWKSBURY - Route 38 City of 4 Greenman- Samuel 9785702989 MassDOT Yes Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 0 Original 43706 Hung Pham
ROUTE 38 INTERSECTION Lowell, Town Pedersen Inc. (GPI) Campbell m
608785 Other SOUTHBRIDGE- CENTRAL STREET, SOUTHBRID 3 VHB GREG RUSSELL GRUSSELL@VHB.COM 5085132716 Municipality Yes Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 MA41-02 Quinebaug Impaired (Debris/Floatables/Trash*) N/A Original 43718 Hung Pham

608830 Highway Main Street Improvement Main Street South Hadley 2 Tighe & Bond Michael Msantos@tighebond.c 5083046378 Municipality Yes Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 2 MA34-05 Connecticut Impaired Escherichia coli, PCB in N/A MA34-42 Buttery Brook Impaired Escherichia coli N/A Original 43312 Joseph Yoo
Reconstruction Project Santos om River Fish Tissue, Total
Suspended Solids (TSS)
608858 Bridge WESTFORD - BRIDGE Beaver Brook Road Westford 3 TEC, Inc. Jody Trunfio, jtrunfio@theengineeri 9787941792 Municipality No Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 MA84B-02 Beaver Brook Impaired Fecal Coliform, Oxygen, Bacteria/Pathogens Original 43719 Joseph Yoo
BROOK ROAD OVER Suspended Solids (TSS)
014) 1024
608889 Bridge CHARLEMONT- BRIDGE East Oxbow Road Charlemont 1 Patrick Engineering Paul Mulroney pmulroney@patrickco. 6177150674 Municipality No No FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 MA33-02 Deerfield River Not Impaired N/A N/A Original 43776 Joseph Yoo
REPLACEMENT, C-05-042, com

609035 Intersection Framingham- Traffic Edgell Road, Central Framingham 3 VHB Gene Crouch 6176072783 Municipality Yes Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE 1 MA82A-26 Sudbury River Impaired Aquatic N/A Original 43430 Hung Pham
Signal Installation at Edgell Street Macroinvertebrate
Road at Central Street Bioassessments, Mercury
in Fish Tissue
609054 Highway WESTFORD- Boston Road Westford 3 TEC, inc Jonathan jrockwell@theenginee 9787941792 Other Yes Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 MA84B-07 Tadmuck Impaired Escherichia coli N/A Original 43735 Hung Pham
Reconstruction REHABILITATION OF Rockwell Brook
Project Project Type Project Name Project Road Location District Design Firm Contact Contact E-mail Contact Contact Final SW into outside Project located TMDL TMDL TMDL TMDL No. of 303d list WBID #1 WB #1 Name WB #1 Status Impairments WB #1 Final TMDL WBID #2 WB #2 Name WB #2 Status WB #2 Impairments WB #2 TMDL WBID #3 WB #3 WB #3 WB #3 Impairments WB #3 TMDL WB #3 Conceptual WBID #4 WB #4 Name WB #4 Status WB #4 WB #4 WB #4 Conceptual Submittal Date Submitted Name of
Number Person Phone Extension Ownership Organization in WS with Pollutant Pollutant Pollutant Pollutant Waterbodies that Name Status BMPs Impairments TMDL BMPs Type to MassDOT MassDOT
TMDL receive runoff Reviewer

609066 Resurfacing LITTLETON- Foster Street Town of 3 Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. Nicholas 4134520445 Municipality Yes Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 2 MA84038 Mill Pond Impaired Aquatic Plants N/A MA84B-02 Beaver Brook Impaired Fecal Coliform, Bacteria/Pathog Original 43629 Hung Pham
RECONSTRUCTION OF Littleton Lapointe (Macrophytes) Oxygen, Dissolved, ens
FOSTER ST pH, Low, Total
Suspended Solids
4425 (TSS)
609279 Bridge NEWTON - WESTON - Riverside Road and Newton and 6 Greenman- Samuel 9785702989 MassDOT No Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 MA72-07 Charles River Impaired (Fish-Passage Barrier*), Bacteria/Pathogens, Original 43441 Hung Pham
MULTI-USE TRAIL Recreation Road Weston Pedersen, Inc. (GPI) Campbell m (Non-Native Aquatic Phosphorus
CONNECTION, FROM Plants*), (Other flow
RECREATION ROAD TO regime alterations*), DDT,
UPPER CHARLES RIVER Escherichia coli, (Eurasian
RECONSTRUCTION OF Myriophyllum spicatum*),
PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE N-12- Fishes Bioassessments,
078 = W-29-062 Nutrient/Eutrophication
Biological Indicators, PCB
in Fish Tissue, Phosphorus

609411 Highway Roundabout construction Elm Street, Pearl Street, Gardner 3 Nitsch Engineering John Michalak jmichalak@nitscheng.c 5083651038 Municipality Yes No FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 MA35014 Crystal Lake Not Impaired N/A N/A Original 43664
Reconstruction at Elm Street, Pearl Street, Central Street and om
Central Street and Green Green Street

610552 Other FITCHBURG- LEOMINSTER- BIKEWAY, BIKE PATH LEOMINSTER 3 STANTEC JOHN JOHN.HENDRICKSON@ 7812211133 Municipality Yes Yes FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE 2 MA81-13 Monoosnuc Impaired Escherichia coli N/A MA81-02 North Nashua Impaired Ambient Bioassays -- Bacteria/Pathog Original 43819 Hung Pham
CONSTRUCTION (PHASE Toxicity, Aquatic Phosphorus
II) Macroinvertebrate
Escherichia coli
Highway Marlborough-Hudson- I-495 and I-290 Hudson and 3 HNTB Lauren 6175322323 MassDOT No Yes TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 1 MA82B-04 Assabet River Impaired Aquatic Bacteria/Pathogens, Original 43784 Joseph Yoo
Reconstruction Ramp Improvements and Marlborough McDonald m Macroinvertebrate Phosphorus
Related Work at I-495 (SB) Bioassessments, Aquatic
to I-290 (WB) Plants (Macrophytes),
Excess Algal Growth, Fecal
Coliform, Fishes
Bioassessments, Oxygen,
Dissolved, Phosphorus
Project Project Type Project Name Project Road Project District Design Firm Contact Contact E-Mail Contact Contact WPA Change Impacted Impaired Submittal Date MassDOT WBID #1 WB #1 Name WB#1 WB #1 WB #1 WB #1 BMP Notes WBID #2 WB #2 Name WB #2 WB #2 WB #2 WB #2 BMP Notes WBID #3 WB #3 WB #3 WB #3 WB #3 WB #3 BMP Notes WBID #4 WB #4 WB #4 WB #4 WB #4 WB #4 BMP Notes
Number Towns Person Phone Extension Filing Impervious Area Waterbodies Type Submitted Reviewer Status BMPs DSCBs Status BMPs DSCBs Name Status BMPs DSCBs Name Status BMPs DSCBs

400103 Bridge WESTFIELD-BRIDGE US 10/202 Westfield 2 C&C Jarrett 6177331725 Bridge 8217 FALSE Original 6/7/2019 Hung Pham MA32-08 Little River Impaired 0 23 There are right of way contraints at the proposed
REPLACEMENT, W-25- (Southwick Consulting Groccia Exempt discharge locations. The south side of the bridge
006, ROUTE 10/202 Road), City View Engineers, will discharge at the southeast corner of the
(SOUTHWICK ROAD) Road, and Mill LLC bridge. The exisiting slope and available right of
OVER THE LITTLE RIVER Street way does not allow a BMP at this corner. The
water will discharge onto rip rap and flow through
the rip rap for 25 feet before it reaches the river.
The drainage on the north side of the bridge will
be tied into an exisiting drainage system which
discharges onto the embankemnt before it travels
to the river.

604996 Bridge Woburn-Bridge New Boston Woburn 4 VHB Bob Penfield 6176072190 NOI 47739 FALSE Original 6/7/2019 Hung Pham MA71-01 Aberjona River Impaired 2 21 Additional BMP considerations are limited due to
Replacement, W-43-017, Street right-of-way constraints from adjacent parcels and
New Boston Street Over contamination of the surrounding areas from
MBTA previous industrial use.

605032 Highway Hadley - Reconstruction Russell Street Hadley 2 Greenman- Samuel 9785702989 NOI 218219 FALSE Original 11/12/2019 Hung Pham MA34-04 Connecticut Impaired 0 55 Land use along the Route 9 Corridor is dominated MA34-27 Fort River Impaired 0 55.00 Land use along the Route 9 Corridor is dominated by
Reconstruction on Route 9, From Middle (Route 9), Middle Pedersen, Campbell River by auto-oriented commercial retail, offices, auto-oriented commercial retail, offices, lodging, and
Street to Maple / South Street (Route 47), Inc. (GPI) lodging, and public institutional uses interspersed public institutional uses interspersed with single family
Maple Street East Street, with single family residential homes and residential homes and agriculture. The proposes
Maple / South agriculture. The proposed roadway cross-section roadway cross-seciton will require the entire width of
Maple Street will require the entire width of the State Highway the State Highway Layout as well as additional property
Layout as well as additional property takings on takings on both side of Route 9. The implementation of
both sides of Route 9. The implementation of BMPs along Route 9 would require significantly larger
BMPs along Route 9 would require significantly takings and impacts to retail, residential, and historic
larger takings and impacts to retail, residential, properties. The limited availability of right-of-way,
and historic properties. The limited availability of nature of the adjacent developments, lack of available
right-of-way, nature of the adjacent municipal or state owned properties, and proximity to a
developments, lack of available municipal or state variety of wetladn resource areas prevent the
owned properties, and proximity to a variety of installation of BMPs. Pre-development drainage patterns
wetland resource areas prevent the installation of and existing drainage patterns have been retained to the
BMPs. Pre-development drainage patterns and maximum extent practicable. Disturbances to wetland
existing drainage patterns have been retained to reosurce areas have been minimized to the extent
the maximum extent practicable. Disturbances to practicable.
wetland resource areas have been minimized to
the extent practicable.

605347 Bridge Uxbridge - Bridge ST 146 (NB) Uxbridge 3 BETA Group Mark 7812551982 Bridge -971 TRUE Original 2/14/2019 Hung Pham MA51-14 Mumford River Impaired 0 2 Bridge and roadway runnoff will be directed to
Replacement, U-02-041, Inc. Gershman, PE Exempt existing Rte 146 country drainage and two new
ST 146 (NB) Over the deep sump catch basins will be added. Project will
Mumford River restore to existing drainage patterns.

606635 Intersection TAUNTON - Route 24, Route Taunton 5 Stantec Fred Moseley 7812211131 NOI 351155 FALSE Original 6/11/2019 Hung Pham MA62-41 Cotley River Not Impaired 14 450 We note conditions effecting the selection of
INTERCHANGE 140 Consulting BMP's include physical features such as soil
IMPROVEMENTS AT Services conditions, groundwater, land use area
ROUTES 24 & 140, topography. Other items of consideration include
INCLUDING REPLACING T- impacts to existing utilities,aestetics, setback
01-045 AND T-01-046 requirements, right of way, maintenance and
permitting requirements.
605966 Highway LOWELL - VFW Highway & Lowell 4 Greenman- Samuel 9785702989 NOI -4773 TRUE Original 4/15/2019 Hung Pham MA84A-01 Merrimack Impaired 0 92 Much of the project corridor along VFW Highway MA84A-02 Merrimack Impaired 0 92.00 Much of the project corridor along VFW Highway is MA84A-29 Lowell Impaired 0 92 Much of the project corridor MA84A-11 Beaver Impaired 0 92 Much of the project corridor
Reconstruction RECONSTRUCTION & Route 113 Pedersen, Campbell River is currently developed as the UMass Lowell North River currently developed as the UMass Lowell North Campus, Canals along VFW Highway is currently Brook along the VFW Highway is
RELATED WORK ON VFW Inc. (GPI) Campus, High Density & Multi-Family Residential, High Density & Multi-Family Residential, and developed as the UMass Lowell currently developed as the
HIGHWAY and Commercial Properties. The existing and Commercial Properties. The existing and proposed North Campus, High Density & UMass Lowell North Campus,
proposed roadway generally extends to the limits roadway generally extends to the limits of the State Multi-Family Residential, and High Density & Multi-Family
of the State Highway Layout and the project Highway Layout and the project corridor is adjacent to Commercial Properties. The Residential, and Commercial
corridor is adjacent to the Merrimack River. The the Merrimack River. The limited availability of right-of- existing and proposed roadway Properties. The exisitng and
limited availability of right-of-way as well as the way as well as the proximity to resource areas prevents generally extends to the limits proposed roadway generally
proximity to resource areas prevents the the installation of additional BMPs. Pre-development of the State Highway Layout extends to the limits of the
installation of additional BMPs. Pre-development drainage patterns and existing vegetation have been and the project corridor is State Highway Layout and the
drainage patterns and existing vegetation have retained to the maximum extent practicable; adjacent to the Merrimack project corridor is adjacent to
been retained to the maximum extent practicable; disturbances to 100-foot Buffer Zone and 25-foot River. The limited availabiliy of the Merrimack River. The
distrubances to 100-foot Buffer Zone and 25-foot Riverfront Area have been minimized. right-of-way as well as the limited availability of right-of-
Riverfront Area have been minimized. proximity to resource areas way as well as the proximity to
prevents the installation of resource areas prevents the
additional BMPs. Pre- installation of additional BMPs.
development drainage patterns Pre-development drainage
and exisitng vegetation have patterns and exisitng
been retained to the maximum vegetation have been retained
extent practicable; disturbances to the maximum extent
to 100-foot Buffer Zone and 25- practicable; disturbances to
foot Riverfront Area have been 100-foot Buffer Zone and 25-
minimized. foot Riverfront Area have been

606011 Highway DEERFIELD-WHATLEY - Route 10 & Deerfield & 2 Greenman- Samuel 9785702989 RDA 22626 FALSE Original 4/16/2019 Hung Pham MA34-24 Mill River Not Impaired 0 15 The project proposes to adjust or replace existing MA34-36 Bloody Brook Impaired 0 15.00 The project proposes to adjust or replace existing
Reconstruction RESURFACING & RELATED Route 5 Whately Pedersen, Campbell drainage structures and install new drainage drainage structures and install new drainage structures
WORK ON ROUTE 5 & 10, Inc. structures to the extent required as a result of to the extent required as a result of proposing curbing
FROM OLD STATE ROAD proposing curbing and sidewalks in areas where and sidewalks in areas where county drainage currently
TO CONWAY ROAD (1.1 country drainage currently exists. This project is a exists. This project is a reconstruction effort and
MILES) reconstruction effort and proposes roadway proposes roadway resurfacing and minor widening.
resurfacing and minor widening. Factors Factors preventing the installation of additional BMPs
preventing the installation of additional BMPs include topography challenges and the presence of
include topography challenges and the presence wetland resource areas and / or their buffer zones along
of wetland resource areas and / or their buffer the majority of the project, running parallel to the
zones along the majority of the project, running roadway.
parallel to the roadway.

606552 Bridge Northampton- Bridge I-91, US Route 5, Northampto 2 PARSONS Haris Awal 6174491511 NOI 31363 FALSE Original 8/2/2019 Hung Pham MA34-04 Connecticut Impaired 2 30 The site constraints that limit the
Replacement, N-19-059, I- Hockanum Road n CORPORATIO River stormwater/BMP controls include Wetlands,
91 over US Route 5 and N Utility and floodplain on the site. The site is
B&M RR, Bridge located in a FEMA floodplain zone with flood
Replacement, N-19-060, I- elevation 123.00 feet (NGVD 1929). However,
91 over Hockanum Road maximum possible practicable stormwater control
and Improvements to I- and BMP's are installed
91 Interchange

606632 Bridge Hopkinton-Westborough- Fruit Street Hopkinton & 3 HDR Chuck 6173577702 Bridge 5440 TRUE Original 10/2/2017 Hung Pham MA82A-25 Sudbury River Impaired 12 12 There is limited available right-of-way to install
Bridge Replacement, H-23- Westboroug Gregory Exempt BMPs other than deep sump catch basins, with
006=W-24-01, Fruit Street h the addition of retaining walls along the raised
over CSX & Sudbury River roadbed. These retaining walls are being added to
prevent impacts into the adjacent wetlands and
minimize impacts to existing trees beyond the
606718 Intersection NEW BEDFORD - Mount Pleasant New Bedford 5 CDM Smith Eilish Corey 4014570320 None 0 TRUE Original 9/9/2019 Joseph Yoo MA95-11 Paskamanset Not Impaired 0 13 Project area is a limited urban project with site
INTERSECTION Street, Nauset Inc River constraints limiting the use of BMPs.
HATHWAY ROAD, Hathaway Road

606895 Intersection Granby Intersection East State Street, Granby 2 MassDOT Chunxia Feng 4135820555 NOI 43240 FALSE Original 12/6/2019 Hung Pham MA34024 Forge Pond Impaired 0 8 The project will convert the existing intersection MA34-19 Stony Brook Impaired 0 16.00 The project will widen Amherst Street and realign
Improvements @ 2 School Street to a modern roundabout including horizontal Cumberland Farms driveway.
Locations on Route 202: alignment and vertical profile modifications at the
School Street & Five approaches.
607217 Highway EASTON- CORRIDOR Depot Street Easton 5 BETA Group, Darshan 7812551982 155 NOI 93790 FALSE Original 3/8/2019 Gyujong Yoo MA62-35 Hockomock Not Impaired 4 56 This section of the project corridor has extremely MA62-21 Queset Brook Not 0 18.00 This section of the project corridor has extremely limited
Reconstruction IMPROVEMENTS ON (Route 123) Inc. Jhaveri River limited right-of-way and is bounded by wetland Impaired right-of-way and is bounded by wetland resource areas
DEPOT STREET (ROUTE resource areas and private residences. and private residences. Addtionally, soils located in the
123), FROM NEWELL Addtionally, soils located in the project area have project area have low permeability and are prohibitive
CIRCLE TO WASHINGTON low permeability and are prohibitive to the to the installation of infiltration BMPs.
STREET (ROUTE 138) installation of infiltration BMPs.
Project Project Type Project Name Project Road Project District Design Firm Contact Contact E-Mail Contact Contact WPA Change Impacted Impaired Submittal Date MassDOT WBID #1 WB #1 Name WB#1 WB #1 WB #1 WB #1 BMP Notes WBID #2 WB #2 Name WB #2 WB #2 WB #2 WB #2 BMP Notes WBID #3 WB #3 WB #3 WB #3 WB #3 WB #3 BMP Notes WBID #4 WB #4 WB #4 WB #4 WB #4 WB #4 BMP Notes
Number Towns Person Phone Extension Filing Impervious Area Waterbodies Type Submitted Reviewer Status BMPs DSCBs Status BMPs DSCBs Name Status BMPs DSCBs Name Status BMPs DSCBs

607245 Highway Resurfacing/widening and North Main Sunderland 2 CHA John Morgan 7819825437 None 14000 FALSE Original 2/28/2020 Hung Pham MA34-04 Connecticut Impaired 0 23 The existing drainage pattern of primarily
Reconstruction related work on a section Street (Route 47) Consulting, River disconnected impervious area was perpetuated.
of North Main Street Inc. Roadway runoff drains primarily to existing grass
(Route 47) from Route buffers where stomrwater flows to catch basins
116 to Claybrook Drive via shallow swales. Widening/deepening of these
shallow swales was considered but ultimately not
proposed due to concern over earthwork in the
vicinity of many mature trees and the potential for
root damage endangering the long-term health of
the trees.

607328 Highway Adams- Pavement Route 8 Adams 1 VHB Christine 5085132705 NOI -2100 FALSE Original 4/2/2019 Gyujong Yoo MA11-03 Hoosic River Impaired 15 36 The Project consists of reconstruction of an
Reconstruction Rehabilitation & Related Champeau existing roadway that passes through residential
Work on Route 8 areas. Incorporating additional BMPs would have
likely required the acquisition of additional right-
of-way adding to the Project's impact to residents
and adding to the overall cost.

607418 Bridge Millbury - Superstructure I-90 Ramps Millbury 3 WSP R. Lenox 5089807170 None 1256 FALSE Original 8/9/2019 Hung Pham ma51039 Dorothy Pond Impaired 1 4 New catch basins will have deep sump.
Replacement, M-22-038, I- Stormwater will utilize the existing Infiltration
90 Ramps @ Interchange BMPs located in the ramp infields constructed
11 under Project 606290. All stormwater within the
project area contributes to the Blackstone River
Watershed. One (1) BMP within the project limits
discharges outside the project limits as shown

607502 Intersection NORTHAMPTON- King / Summer / Northampto 2 Fuss and Nicholas 4134520445 4425 None -2529 TRUE Original 7/17/2019 Joseph Yoo ma34-04 Connecticut Impaired 2 23 Project is in an almost entire urban area, of which
INTERSECTION North, King / n O'Neill, Inc. Lapointe River approximatly 85% of the disturbed area is
IMPROVEMNETS AT KING Finn, Finn / State impervious. This condition results in no feasible
STREET, NORTH STREET & area to provide passive stormwater BMP's such as
SUMMER STREET AND AT grass swales, detention or infiltration basins, etc.
KING STREET & FINN As such, the project design includes a "road diet"
STREET for which the number of travel lanes are being
reduced to allow for the installation of a new 5'
grass buffer/tree belt on the entire east side of
KIng STreet with the project area and for an
approx. 400' segment of new 5' grass buffer/tree
belt on the west side of King Street. He project
also includes installation of 9 urban rain gardens
(concentrated in two areas) which will collect
runoff directly from the roadway and treat using
soil media and plantings prior to any water
entering the drainage system. details of rain
gardens are provided on plans.

607556 Bridge Auburn - Bridge I-90, Route 12 Town of 3 Louis Berger Ildiko, Juhasz 7817077411 NOI 5880 TRUE Original 7/1/2019 Hung Pham MA51-16 Dark Brook Impaired 1 16 Due to limitations imposed by the steep slopes
Rehabilitation, A-14-046, I- Auburn U.S., Inc., A and substantial existing green infrastructure
90 Interchange 10 Ramp WSP (manmade swales and wetlands in the vicinity)
over Route 12 Company and limited proposed impervious surface,
recharge is not a concern and improvements are
limited. Infiltration is proved by a new infiltration.
In addtion, existing concrete swales are being
replaced with grass swales, and existing drop
inlets are replaced with deep sump catch basins.
The proposed design meet all relevant stormwater

607674 Bridge Bridge Rehabilitation, B- Route 2 Buckland and 1 CME Christopher 8602904100 1144 Bridge 3280 FALSE Hung Pham MA33-02 Deerfield River Not Impaired 1 2 The project incoirporates the installation of BMPs
28-009=C-05-13 Charlemont Associates, Wall Exempt for the treatment of stromwater within the project
Inc. area.
607733 Highway Rehabilitation of Auburn Auburn Street Auburn 3 VHB Inc. Greg Russell 5085132716 NOI 5663 FALSE Original 11/1/2019 Joseph Yoo MA51-16 Dark Brook Impaired 0 24 Due to limited space within the right-of-way in the
Maintenance Street, From Walsh Project corridor, it was not practicable to include
Avenue to Millbury Street additional stormwater BMPs in the design.

607756 Intersection Intersection & Signal US 7 (South Main Great 1 Nitsch John 5083651038 None -2921 FALSE Original 2/18/2019 Gyujong Yoo MA21065 Mansfield Pond Impairment 0 10 Stormwater BMP's include deep sump catch
Improvements on US 7 Street), SR 23 & Barrington Engineering Michalak Not Caused basins are proposed for all new catch basins. The
(South Main Street) at SR SR 41 (Maple By Pollutant proposed drainage will tie into the existing
23 & SR 41 (Maple Avenue) drainage system.
607888 Other Boston- Multi-Use Path Minor Street to Boston 6 HDR Donald 6173577708 None 5520 FALSE Original 4/21/2020 Hung Pham MA72-11 Muddy River Impaired 1 1 The site is a former railroad ROW that is being
Construction on New Maitland Street Engineering Swarce converted to a multi-use path. The narrow
Fenway (Phase I) geometry limits the type of BMPs that can be
constructed. The site is currently barren of
vegetation and will be restored with landscaping
in the non-paved areas.
608027 Other Haverhill - Bradford Rail Route 125, Haverhill 4 Stantec Brandon 6032634655 NOI 11700 FALSE Original 12/6/2019 Hung Pham MA84A-05 Merrimack Impaired 0 2 In accordance with Volume 1 of the Stormwater
Trail Extension, From Railroad Street Rayno River Handbook and 310 CMR 10.05 6 (m), “footpaths,
Route 125 to Railroad bike paths, and other paths for pedestrian and/or
Street non-motorized vehicle access” need to comply
with the Stormwater Management Standards “to
the maximum extent practicable”. As a bikeway
path, and due to limited right-of-way , this project
proposes that stormwater runoff from the trail will
infiltrate naturally along the loam & seed slopes
and grass shoulders. The stormwater runoff from
the bikeway path continues to sheet flow and
ultimately discharges into Merrimack River.

608084 Highway AMHERST - Northampton Amherst 2 Greenman- Samuel 9785702989 RDA 31411 FALSE Original Hung Pham MA34-27 Fort River Impaired 0 54 Within the project area there is limited right-of- MA34-25 Mill River Impaired 0 Within the project area there is limited right-of-way
Reconstruction IMPROVEMENTS & Road (Route 9 & Pedersen, Campbell way availabe for the implementation of BMPs. The available for the implementation of BMPs. The project
RELATED WORK ON 116) Inc. (GPI) project proposes to repair the existing drainage proposes to repair the existing drainage network,
ROUTE 9 & 116, FROM network, remove sediment / debris from existing remove sediment / debris from existing pipes and
UNIVERSITY DRIVE TO pipes and structures, and install new deep sump structures, and install new deep sump catch basins. The
SOUTH PLEASTANT catch basins. The project does not propose new project does not propose new discharges within
STREET (0.8 MILES) discharges within resource areas and will maintain reosurce areas and will maintain existing outfalls.
existing outfalls.

608086 Intersection Avon- Intersection Harrison Avon 5 CHA John Morgan 7817922240 NOI 5980 FALSE Original 5/29/2019 Hung Pham MA62023 Brockton Impairment 0 16 The south side of Harrison Boulevard is in close
Improvements at Boulevard, Pond Jr., PE Reservoir Not Caused proximity to bordering vegetated wetlands. Rock
Harrison Boulevard and Street By Pollutant outcrops and/or ledge are evident in various non-
Pond Street wetland areas of ROW. Areas bordering Pond
Street are sidewalk and private residential or
commercial property. Deep sump catch basins
with oil/water separator hoods are the
recommended BMP.

608142 Other OAK BLUFFS - Beach Road, Oak Bluffs 5 Greenman- Samuel 9785702989 NOI 27024 FALSE Original 2/13/2020 Hung Pham MA97-09 Vineyard Haven Impaired 0 5 The Project proposes to increase impervious cover MA97-11 Lagoon Pond Impaired 0 8.00 The Project proposes to increase impervious cover by
CONSTRUCTION OF A Eastville Avenue, Pedersen, Campbell Harbor by 27, 024 sf. Of this area approximately 26,552 sf 27,024 sf. Of this area approximately 26,552 sf is
SHARED USE PATH County Road Inc. (GPI) is associated with the construction of the associated with the construction of the proposed shared
ALONG BEACH ROAD, proposed shared use path. This area qualifies as a use path. This area qualifies as a foot / bicycle path and,
FROM THE LAGOON foot / bicycle path and, as such, is subject to the as such, is subject to the Stormwater Management
POND BRIDGE Stormwater Management Standards to the Standards to the Maximum Extent Practicable. The path
NORTHERLY TO THE Maximum Extent Practicable. The path will not be will not be sanded or salted during the winter months.
EASTVILLE AVENUE / sanded or salted during the winter months. The The nature / density of the existing residential
COUNTY ROAD nature / density of the existing residential developments, limited right-of-way, and presence of a
INTERSECTON developments, limited right-of-way, and presence number of jurisdictional wetland resource areas adjacent
of a number of jursidicaitonal wetland resource to the Project limits precludes the installation of
areas adjacent to the Project limits preclude the additional Best Management Practices.
installation of additional Best Management
Project Project Type Project Name Project Road Project District Design Firm Contact Contact E-Mail Contact Contact WPA Change Impacted Impaired Submittal Date MassDOT WBID #1 WB #1 Name WB#1 WB #1 WB #1 WB #1 BMP Notes WBID #2 WB #2 Name WB #2 WB #2 WB #2 WB #2 BMP Notes WBID #3 WB #3 WB #3 WB #3 WB #3 WB #3 BMP Notes WBID #4 WB #4 WB #4 WB #4 WB #4 WB #4 BMP Notes
Number Towns Person Phone Extension Filing Impervious Area Waterbodies Type Submitted Reviewer Status BMPs DSCBs Status BMPs DSCBs Name Status BMPs DSCBs Name Status BMPs DSCBs

608229 Highway INTERSECTION & SIGNAL ROUTE 111, ACTON 3 GREENMAN- SAMUEL SCAMPBELL@GPINET.COM 9785702989 NOI 57178 FALSE Original Hung Pham MA82B-13 Fort Pond Not Impaired 0 Land use in the vicinity of the Project varies but is
Reconstruction IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE 27 PEDERSEN, CAMPBELL Brook generally dominated by commercial, retail, and
KELLEY'S CORNER, ROUTE INC. public institutional developments. The proposed
111 (MASSACHUSETTS roadway cross-section will require the majority of
AVENUE) AND ROUTE 27 the State Highway Layout (SHLO) and does not
(MAIN STREET) allow for the implementaiton of BMPs within the
SHLO. There are no municipally / state owned
properties in the Project area that are suitable for
the implementation of BMPs. The implementation
of BMPs would require significant takings and
impacts to the adjacent residential, retail, and
historic properties. These factors preclude the
installation of additional BMPs. Pre-development
drainage patterns and exisitng vegetation have
been retained to the maximum extent practicable.
Disturbances to wetland resource areas have been
minimized to the extent practicable.

608325 Resurfacing Chicopee -West Interstate Route Chicopee, 2 MassDOT In- Steven J. 4135820588 RDA 0 FALSE Original 3/25/2019 Gyujong Yoo MA34-05 Connecticut Impaired 0 0 No structural BMP’s are proposed for this project. MA36-38 Cooley Brook Not 0 0.00 No structural BMP's are proposed for this project. See
Springfield -Interstate 90 West house Pikul River See appendix for additional information about this Impaired appendix for additional information about this water
Maintenance & Related Springfield water body. The scope of the project does not body. The scope of this project does not propose
Work on I-90 (MM 46.0 propose additional impervious surface area. To addional impervious surface area. To maintain the
to 50.0) maintain the current drainage structures, existing current drainage structures, existing will be cleaned
features will be cleaned and/or repaired as and/or repaired as follows: draiange structures will be
follows: drainage structures will be cleaned, cleaned, adjusted and repaired where necessary;
adjusted and repaired where necessary; compost compost filter tubes will be used during construction.
filter tubes will be used during construction.

608347 Intersection Intersection Cabot St. at Beverly 4 WorldTech Kristopher 7819334800 233 None 0 FALSE Original 4/12/2019 Gyujong Yoo MA93-07 Bass River Impaired 0 10 Location 2 (McKay Street at Balch Street) and MA93-08 Bass River Impaired 0 8.00 Location 1 (Essex Bridge at Rantoul, Cabot and Water) is MA93-09 Danvers Impaired 0 8 See description for Water Body MA93-20 Beverly Impaired 0 8 See description for Water Body
Improvements at Three Dodge St., McKay Engineering, Surette Location 3 (Cabot Street at Dodge Street) are a densly populated intersection adjacent to the Essex River #2. Harbor #2.
Locations St. at Balch St., LLC densly populated intersections adjacent to private Bridge. Also, due to the presence of underground
Rantoul St. at residences, businesses, and the Beverly Golf and electric and telephone utilties at the intersection of
Cabot St Tennis parcel (Article 97 land). Rantoul Street and Cabot Street, BMP's are not able to
be implemented at this location.

608375 Intersection INTERSECTION Boston Road Chelmsford 4 Howard Stein Bridget 9788445252 NOI 4500 FALSE Original 2/27/2020 Hung Pham MA82A-10 River Meadow Impaired 1 13 Currently curb gutter and underground drainage
IMPROVEMENTS AT (Route 4), Hudson Myers Brook system collects runoff on site. Country drainage or
BOSTON ROAD AND Concord Road, open detention basins are not feasible drainage
CONCORD ROAD Parker Road, solutions for this site. Note: The first receiving
Rosemary Lane water body is actually Farley Brook. Farley Brook
does not appear in the 2012 or 2016 Integrated
List of Waters. First listed water body downstream
is River Meadow Brook as shown.

608467 Resurfacing Marlborough-Resurfacing Route 20 Marlborough 3 Howard Stein Steven J. 5085007160 NOI 57795 FALSE Original 7/1/2019 Joseph Yoo MA82055 Grist Mill Pond Impaired 3 5 The entire corridor ROW is tightly constrained MA82056 Hager Pond Impaired 0 17.00 Limited right of way and utility conflicts within MA82106 Sudbury Impaired 1 52 Limited right of way, ledge,
and Related Work on Hudson Tyler, P.E. which limits the options for stormwater landscaped areas and outside or roadway due to a Reservoir utility conflicts within
Rout 20 treatment. Also, the soils investigation and concrete slab within the roadway prevent the landscaped areas and outside
geotechnical program eliminated many of the installation of some BMPs. of the roadway due to a
locations being considered for infiltration systems concrete slab under the
due to high seasonal groundwater, ledge and/or roadway, and a high
soil conditions unsuitable for infiltration. groundwater table in places
prevent the installation of some
608473 Resurfacing SOUTH HADLEY - Route 116 South Hadley 2 Chappell Keith Lincoln 8579982577 NOI -13068 TRUE Original 7/19/2019 Joseph Yoo MA34-05 Connecticut Impaired 0 16 The project is mainly a resurfacing project. There
RESURFACING AND (Newton Street) Engineering m River are 16 proposed deed sump catch basins. The new
RELATED WORK ON Associates, deed sump catch basins are being installed at the
ROUTE 116 LLC low areas along the project corridor to help
improve the extraction of stormwater. The current
stormwater system is working properly.

608545 Resurfacing YARMOUTH - Route 6 Yarmouth 5 MassDOT Hung Pham 8573688831 None 0 FALSE Original 2/13/2020 Hung Pham MA96-12 Bass River Impaired 0 0 This is a resurfacing project. Existing Catch Basin
RESURFACING AND and Manholes will be replaced in kind.
608548 Highway Winchendon - Central Street Winchendon 2 Tighe & Alex Fagnand 4138751620 None -2400 TRUE Original 10/7/2019 Hung Pham MA35-01 Millers River Impaired 0 18 The project area is a downtown urban corridor
Reconstruction Improvements & Related (Route 202) Bond, Inc. without available space for bioretention or
Work on Central Street infiltration basins. There are three existing storm
(Route 202), From Front drain systems, each with their own outfall to the
Street to Maple Street Millers River. Treatment will be provided at the
(0.5 Miles) connection point to each system so that all flows
into the new closed drainage system will pass
through catch basins with deep sumps and a
stormwater treatment unit before entering the
existing systems. This will improve the water
quality over the existing conditions, as current
flows reach these outfalls without any BMPs.

608587 Resurfacing DEDHAM - Bridge Street Dedham 6 Greenman- John Osorio 9785702973 NOI 8662 FALSE Original 7/2/2018 Gyujong Yoo MA72-07 Charles River Impaired 0 53 Much of the project corridor along Ames Street
RECONSTRUCTION & (ROUTE 109), Pedersen, and Bridge Street (Route 109) is currently
RELATED WORK OF AMES STREET Inc. developed as Medium Density to High Density
BRIDGE STREET (ROUTE Residential and Commercial Properties. The
109) AND AMES STREET existing and proposed roadway generally extends
to the limits of the existing State Highway Layout.
The project corridor is also located adjacent to a
number of wetland resource areas hydrologically
associated witht the Charles River. The limited
availability of right-of-way as well as the proximity
to resource areas prevent the installation of
additional BMPs. Pre-development drainage
patterns and existing vegetation have been
retained to the maximum extent practicable;
disturbances to wetland resource areas have been

608646 Bridge BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, T- Monterey Road Tyringham 1 Collins Michael 7812510630 Bridge 0 TRUE Original 2/28/2019 Gyujong Yoo MA21-28 Hop Brook Not Impaired 0 0 The project is a footprint replacement of the
10-007, MONTEREY ROAD Engineers, Sullivan, P.E. Exempt existing bridge, within the existing right-of-way.
OVER HOP BROOK Inc. BVW areas abut the roadway closely from both
sides in the project area, which prevents
employment of BMPs.
608646 Bridge BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, T- Monterey Road Tyringham 1 Collins Michael 7812510630 Bridge 0 TRUE Original 2/28/2019 Hung Pham MA21-28 Hop Brook Not Impaired 0 0 The project is a footprint replacement of the
10-007, MONTEREY ROAD Engineers, Sullivan, P.E. Exempt existing bridge, within the existing right-of-way.
OVER HOP BROOK Inc. BVW areas abut the roadway closely from both
sides in the project area, which prevents
employment of BMPs.
608790 Intersection HOLYOKE - Main Street, Holyoke 2 WorldTech Kristopher 9789334800 233 None 0 FALSE Original 1/17/2018 Hung Pham MA34-05 Connecticut Impaired 0 4 This project is part of the Safe Routes to School
IMPROVEMENTS AT Appleton Street, Engineering, Surette River program associated with MassDOT. The project
KELLY COMMUNITY Crescent Street LLC consists of a mill and overlay of the existing
SCHOOL (SRTS) intersection, addition of bumpouts at crosswalk
locations, and a replacement of the existing signal
equipment. Deep sump catch basins are being
added adjacent to the bump out locations to
supplement the existing drainage system. Silt
sacks will be installed in all existing/proposed
basins or gutter inlets in the vicinity of the
intersection prior to construction activities.

608807 Highway Roadway Reconstruction Cypher Street Boston 6 Nitsch Jacqueline 8572068672 None 21250 FALSE Original 11/15/2019 Hung Pham MA70-02 Boston Inner Impaired 1 34 Deep sump catch basins are proposed. Soil
Reconstruction on Cypher Street Engineering Perkins Harbor erosion and sediment controls will be
implemented before the start of construction
operations and removed following construction
and site stabilization. A drainage swale is proposed
on the north side of the Cypher Street Extension
to mitigate surface runoff from adjacent buildings
and parking lots. Silt sacks will be installed at each
catch basin.
Project Number WBID BMP ID/Description Existing or Latitude Longitu BMP Impervious WS Pervious WS (sq. Total WS (sq. Type of BMP Installed
Proposed de Ownership (sq.ft.) ft.) ft.)
604996 MA71-01 Wetland A Proposed 42.52294 -71.148 Municipality 80404 16996 97400 Gravel Wetland
604996 MA71-01 Wetland B Proposed 42.52103 -71.1458 Municipality 21770 4802 26572 Gravel Wetland
606635 MA62-41 BMP #1 Proposed 41.86898 -71.0568 MassDOT 14611 2010 16621 Wet Pond/Swale
606635 MA62-41 BMP #2 Proposed 41.86687 -71.0474 MassDOT 20351 1476 21827 Wet Pond/Swale
606635 MA62-41 BMP #3 Proposed 41.86903 -71.0508 MassDOT 36685 1442 38127 Wet Pond/Swale
606635 MA62-41 BMP #4 Proposed 41.87048 -71.0547 MassDOT 35963 26383 62346 Wet Pond/Swale
606635 MA62-41 BMP #6 Proposed 41.87062 -71.0554 MassDOT 77208 14607 91815 Extended Detention Basin
606635 MA62-41 BMP #7 Proposed 41.87094 -71.0564 MassDOT 13446 14493 27939 Extended Detention Basin
606635 MA62-41 BMP #8 Proposed 41.87218 -71.0561 MassDOT 48857 0 48857 Wet Pond/Swale
606635 MA62-41 BMP #9 Proposed 41.87189 -71.0544 MassDOT 58666 13667 72333 Extended Detention Basin
606635 MA62-41 BMP #10 Proposed 41.87329 -71.0548 MassDOT 31639 0 31639 Infiltration Basin
606635 MA62-41 BMP #11 Proposed 41.87807 -71.0534 MassDOT 29561 4531 34092 Wet Pond/Swale
606635 MA62-41 BMP #12 Proposed 41.87837 -71.0541 MassDOT 82761 5685 88446 Wet Pond/Swale
606635 MA62-41 BMP #13 Proposed 41.88031 -71.0529 MassDOT 43297 9481 52778 Wet Pond/Swale
606635 MA62-41 BMP #14 Proposed 41.88178 -71.0525 MassDOT 9971 1256 11227 Wet Pond/Swale
606635 MA62-41 BMP #15 Proposed 41.88044 -71.0534 MassDOT 31801 0 31801 Wet Pond/Swale
606552 MA34-04 I-91 Bioretention Area Proposed 42.30645 -72.6237 MassDOT 113256 96703 209959 Bioretention Basin
606552 MA34-04 Route 5 Bioretention area Proposed 42.30638 -72.6231 MassDOT 26136 4356 30492 Bioretention Basin
607217 MA62-35 Sediment Forebay Proposed 42.03342 -71.1089 Municipality 43714 17856 61570 Other
607217 MA62-35 Sediment Forebay Proposed 42.03396 -71.1072 Municipality 15046 0 15046 Other
607217 MA62-35 Outlet Sediment Trap Proposed 42.03472 -71.103 Municipality 41707 8354 50061 Other
607217 MA62-35 Extended Dry Detention Basin Proposed 42.034 -71.1009 Municipality 38966 10626 49592 Extended Detention Basin
607328 MA11-03 Bioretention Planter Proposed 42.60959 -73.1289 Municipality 2417 3295 5712 Other
607328 MA11-03 Bioretention Planter Proposed 42.6095 -73.1286 Municipality 3869 478 4347 Other
607328 MA11-03 Bioretention Planter Proposed 42.60983 -73.1283 Municipality 2872 2416 5288 Other
607328 MA11-03 Bioretention Planter Proposed 42.60977 -73.1282 Municipality 5144 3629 8773 Other
607328 MA11-03 Bioretention Planter Proposed 42.60991 -73.1278 Municipality 2926 4560 7486 Other
607328 MA11-03 Bioretention Planter Proposed 42.61009 -73.1274 Municipality 2947 1403 4350 Other
607328 MA11-03 Bioretention Planter Proposed 42.61019 -73.1274 Municipality 1941 2236 4177 Other
607328 MA11-03 Bioretention Planter Proposed 42.6158 -73.1231 Municipality 10028 1068 11096 Other
607328 MA11-03 Bioretention Planter Proposed 42.61576 -73.123 Municipality 7017 10191 17208 Other
607328 MA11-03 Bioretention Planter Proposed 42.6163 -73.1228 Municipality 4660 5190 9850 Other
607328 MA11-03 Bioretention Planter Proposed 42.61625 -73.1226 Municipality 17109 390 17499 Other
607328 MA11-03 Bioretention Planter Proposed 42.61674 -73.1225 Municipality 4229 1673 5902 Other
607328 MA11-03 Bioretention Planter Proposed 42.61676 -73.1223 Municipality 3867 135 4002 Other
607328 MA11-03 Bioretention Planter Proposed 42.61696 -73.1222 Municipality 5920 288 6208 Other
607328 MA11-03 Bioretention Planter Proposed 42.61709 -73.1223 Municipality 4674 3641 8315 Other
607418 ma51039 Existing Infiltration Basin Existing 42.22213 -71.7424 MassDOT 102405 258452 360857 Infiltration Basin
607502 ma34-04 Rain Garden Area 1 Proposed 42.32384 -72.6325 Municipality 13000 3920 16920 Bioretention Basin
607502 ma34-04 Rain Garden Area 2 Proposed 42.32559 -72.6332 Municipality 7400 0 7400 Bioretention Basin
607556 MA51-16 Infiltration Basin Proposed 42.1852 -71.8543 MassDOT 0 8130 8130 Infiltration Basin
607674 MA33-02 Underground Infiltration System Proposed 42.61805 -72.7457 MassDOT 30492 0 30492 Underground Infiltration Structure/System
607888 MA72-11 water quality swale with filtration Proposed 42.34684 -71.7076 MassDOT 5520 8280 13800 Vegetated Filter Strip
608375 MA82A-10 Subsurface Detention System Proposed 42.58249 -71.3448 Municipality 24800 21400 46200 Underground Infiltration Structure/System
608467 MA82055 Drainage Channel Proposed 42.3518 -71.4872 MassDOT 5745 4664 10409 Other
608467 MA82055 Sediment Forbay Proposed 42.35167 -71.4867 MassDOT 14953 13675 28628 Other
608467 MA82055 Infiltration Basin Proposed 42.35174 -71.4864 MassDOT 14953 13675 28628 Infiltration Basin
608807 MA70-02 Drainage Swale Proposed 42.34048 -71.0466 MassDOT 0 350 350 Other
NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Appendix F: Design Public Hearings Table

Design Public Hearing
Project Number Project Description Municipality Project Manager Meeting Type Scheduled Date
607688 QUABOAG RIVER Monson-Palmer Harry Adolphe Design Public Hearing July 9, 2019
608892 SOUTHBRIDGE- QUINEBAUG RIVER BANK STABILIZATION Southbridge Gautam Sen Design Public Hearing July 25, 2019
607822 NORTON- MANSFIELD- RAIL TRAIL EXTENSION (WORLD WAR II VETERANS TRAIL) Norton Filbert Yee Design Public Hearing August 15, 2019
608644 CHARLEMONT- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, C-05-008, TOWER ROAD OVER CHICKLEY RIVER Charlemont Stephen Soma Design Public Hearing August 15, 2019
605342 STOW- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, S-29-001, (ST 62) GLEASONDALE ROAD OVER THE ASSABET RIVER Stow John Fallon Design Public Hearing August 15, 2019
608267 RAYNHAM- RESURFACING AND RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 138 Raynham Muazzez G Reardon Design Public Hearing August 27, 2019
608645 NEW MARLBOROUGH- SUPERSTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT, N-08-006, CAMPBELL FALLS ROAD OVER WHITING RIVER New Marborough William Brown Design Public Hearing August 28, 2019
606156 HOLYOKE- RECONSTRUCTION OF I-91 INTERCHANGE 17 & ROUTE 141 Holoke Brian Chapman Design Public Hearing September 10, 2019
607773 TO HIGH STREET/MILL STREET INTERSECTION (PHASE II) Westfield Filbert Yee Design Public Hearing September 12, 2019
608717 SPRINGFIELD- RECONSTRUCTION OF SUMNER AVENUE AT DICKINSON STREET AND BELMONT AVENUE (THE "X") Springfield Shawn Holland Design Public Hearing September 17, 2019
608163 MILES) Wales Shawn Holland Design Public Hearing September 19, 2019
608791 WINCHESTER- IMPROVEMENTS AT VINSON-OWEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (SRTS) Winchester Filbert Yee Design Public Hearing September 19, 2019
607245 TO CLAYBROOK DRIVE Sunderland Kimberley Sloan Design Public Hearing September 23, 2019
608651 BRAINTREE- ADAPTIVE SIGNAL CONTROLS ON ROUTE 37 (GRANITE STREET) Braintree Ranjit Sivasubramaniam Design Public Hearing October 1, 2019
608227 BILLERICA- YANKEE DOODLE BIKE PATH CONSTRUCTION (PHASE I) Billerica Shawn Holland Design Public Hearing October 2, 2019
608889 FRAMINGHAM- TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION AT EDGELL ROAD AT CENTRAL STREET Framingham Muazzez G Reardon Design Public Hearing December 5, 2019
608707 QUINCY- RECONSTRUCTION OF SEA STREET Quincy Thomas Currier Design Public Hearing December 5, 2019
NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Appendix G: Active MassDOT Construction NOIs in Permit Year 17

NPDES ID Operator Name Project / Site Name Coverage Status
603778 - Lanesborough Bridge No. L-03-
MAR1000QP MassDOT Highway Department 024 Terminated
605799-Williamstown-Reconstruction of
MAR10017M MassDOT Highway Department Water Street (route 43) Terminated
Goshen(605150) - Resurfacing and
MAR1001EU MassDOT Highway Department Related Work on West Street Terminated
Shelburne - Bardwell Ferry Rd Bridge-
MAR1001HK MassDOT Highway Department 607548 Terminated
Chesterfield (607549) -Bridge
Replacement Ireland St over Bronson
Mar1001L3 MassDOT Highway Department Brook Terminated
North Adams (607429) - Intersection
MAR1001XW MassDOT Highway Department Improvements Route 2 @ Phelps Ave Active
MAR10020F MassDOT Highway Department 138 WASHINGTON AND UNION STREETS Active
MAR10021L MassDOT Highway Department 28 Active
MAR10022S J.H. Maxymillian, Inc. Walker Street Reconstruction Active
Lenox - Walker Street Reconstruction
MAR10025H MassDOT Highway Department (606462) Active
District 6 Maintenance and Salt shed
MAR100261 MassDOT Highway Department improvements Active
Improvements and related work at
MAR100262 MassDOT Highway Department Washington St and Walnut St 105652 Active
105939 Intersection improvements Sea St
MAR100263 MassDOT Highway Department and Quincy Shore Drive Active
MAR10027S MassDOT Highway Department ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION - RT 44 Active
Shefield - Berkshire School Road Bridge
MAR1002B5 MassDOT Highway Department (#608263) Active
MAR1002FI MassDOT Highway Department 79 Active
MAR1002G0 MassDOT Highway Department ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION - RT 495 Active
MAR1002IX MassDOT Highway Department ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION - RT 24 Active
MAR1002K0 MassDOT Highway Department HIGHWAY Active
MAR1002KS MassDOT Highway Department Worthington - Route 143 Active
MAR1002LE MassDOT Highway Department Charlemont-Route 2 Active
Greenfield MA 2 I-91 Bridge
MassDOT Highway Department Replacements over Pam Am RR lines Inactive
Intersection Improvements at Route 187
MassDOT Highway Department and 57 Agawam MA Inactive
Ware, MA - Inter Improve Main St, West
MassDOT Highway Department St, North St, South St, and Church St Active
Palmer-Ware Rte 32 Resurface & Related
MassDOT Highway Department Work Active
NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Appendix H: Removed – MassDOT is further developing its O&M program and will be
completing documentation over the next permit year
NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Appendix I: Public Well Supply Matrix and Salt Remediation Program


Property Owner/Town Address Date of Initial Complaint Last Data Point (mg/l) General Comment Section
September 2018
Andover Andover Chris Cronin, Director 2/22/2000 Raw: Na=51.5, Poly style storage was constructed in 2001 where there previously was no
Department of Public Works Finished: Na=60.0, outside storage from 1998 through 2001. Based on monthly sampling, the
Raw Cl =100 town requested a reduced salt zone along I-93 and I-495 and relocation of the
397 Lowell Street salt storage shed via July 2004 correspondence. A section of I-495 and I-93
Andover, Ma 01810-4416 Finished Cl=108
has been designated as a reduced salt zone (RSZ). The RSZ was first
Telephone (978) 623-8350 implemented in 2005-2006 winter season. A new salt shed at Andover River
*The city of Andover has
discontinued monthly data Road/I-93 was in use for the 2014/2015 winter season. I-93/I-495 has been
collection. decommissioned as an active depot. Since the 2015-2016 season, MassDOT
snow & ice ops eliminated the RSZ and is piloting 200 lb/lane mile
application rate in this area. Tailgate training for snow and ice personnel
working in this area occurred on 11/16/2019.
February 2020
Cambridge Cambridge Timothy MacDonald, Director Regular monitoring began Hobbs Brook (at intake), Cambridge Reservoir is adjacent to Route 128 in the Towns of Lexington,
Reservoir of Water Operations 1987 Na=130, Cl=219 Lincoln, Waltham, and Weston. There is a designated RSZ for this area
Cambridge Water Dept. Stoney Brook (at intake) covering 24.6 linear miles and 177.8 lane miles in the vicinity of the water
250 Fresh Pond Parkway Na =96, Cl= 186 supply covering sections of Routes 2, 2A and 128. Tailgate training for snow
Cambridge, MA 02138 Fresh Pond(at intake) and ice personnel occurred on 11/16/2019. In the 2017 Environmental Status
(671) 349-4773 Na=104, Cl=182 and Planning Report MassDOT agreed to update the 1985 Hobbs Brook
Reservoir Sodium Chloride Study, which is commenced in spring 2019.

Dedham/ Dedham/ Eileen Commane File alluded to 3/7/88 March 2020 Concern is over a municipal well located to the north of I-95/Route 128 near
Westwood Westwood correspondence from University Avenue. The well is located in the Fowl Meadow Aquifer that
Executive Director Dedham- DWWD requesting MHD Well #5, Na = 134 Cl = recharges to White Lodge Well No. 5. Correspondence written in March 2004
Westwood Water Dept. refrain from using salt 250 indicated that we would monitor salt application. MassDOT with UMass has
50 Elm Street along sections of Rt 128. installed monitoring wells and stormwater outfall monitors to evaluate NaCl
12/19/97 telecon b/w Sam sources to Fowl Meadow. MassDOT and UMass had been conducting
Dedham, MA 02027-9137 Pollock and Mark monthly sampling of the well network. The town contacted MassDOT
Telephone (781) 329-7090 Hollowell of Anderson- following completion of the study in 2010 to request a RSZ. The results of a
Nichols regarding DEP mass-balance study indicated that MassDOT’s contribution of NaCl was
req'd monthly monitoring 78%. On Dec 17, 2011 MassDOT held tailgate training at the Dedham depot,
and concerns for White identified an overlap, and committed equipment with closed-loop controllers
Lodge Well #5 to this section of I-95. MassDOT has implemented improved BMPs, new
technology and operational improvements in this watershed.By the end of
2017-2018 winter season all spreader vehicles in the DWWD are equipped
with GPS/AVL and we can better track material usage and make real time
adjustments if necessary. Tailgate training for snow and ice personnel
occurred on 11/9/2019.

Property Owner/Town Address Date of Initial Complaint Last Data Point (mg/l) General Comment Section

North North Bruce J. Harper mid 1980s March 18, 2020 There is a RSZ in East and North Chelmsford for 153 lane miles consisting of
Chelmsford Chelmsford Superintendent North sections of Routes 3, 3A, 4 and Lowell Connector.
Chelmsford Water District WTP/POE
64 Washington Street PO Box High arch gambrel salt shed constructed in fall 2011.
655 North Chelmsford, MA Na 101.0, Cl 232.0
Tailgate training for snow and ice personnel occurred on 11/5/2019.
01863-0655 Telephone (978)

February 2020
Auburn Auburn Kenneth R. Smith, Supt Church 1 raw –Na= 210, Stream stage and conductivity data are being logged at six locations within
Cl 407 Dark Brook Watershed. Runoff discharge and conductivity data for I-90
Auburn Water District 7/2013 surface drainage outlet was logged as well due to a result of elevated sodium
Church 2 raw –Na=483,
P.O. Box 187 Cl 797 concentrations in their public water supply well. Tailgate training for snow
Church 3 raw Na= 204, Cl and ice personnel occurred on 11/6/2019.
Auburn, MA 01501

Middleboro Middleboro Joseph Silva, Water 8/15/1989 & 2/91 March 2020 A meeting on March 20, 2006 between District 5 and Environmental
Superintendent Personnel discussed town wells and operational improvements. A letter was
Dept. of Public Works Miller Na=47.6 Cl=81.8 forwarded on March 29, 2006 to water district.
48 Wareham Street Tispaquin Na=104,
Middleboro, MA Cl=176 MassDOT continues to implement RSZ in the area for 40 lane miles of
(508) 946-2482 East Grove Na=117, Routes 28 and 495.
A tailgate training session was held in Middleboro on November 21, 2013. A
meeting between the town and MassDOT Ops/Env to discuss operation in the
vicinity of the PWS wells held on January 24, 2014. Tailgate training for
snow and ice personnel occurred on 11/13/2019.

Property Owner/Town Address Date of Initial Complaint Last Data Point (mg/l) General Comment Section
Wilmington Wilmington Shelly Newhouse, R.S. 4/29/2005 & 10/19/2011 Wilmington applied for RSZ in 2005 but MassDOT was not the primary
Director of Public Health March 2020 source. The town reached out to MassDOT in 2011 with concerns regarding
12 Glen Road, Barrows (raw) elevated sodium in their PWS. MassDOT sent a letter to Wilmington in
Wilmington, MA 01887 December 2011 and explained that improved BMPs, new technology and
(978) 658-4298 Na=131, Cl=251 operational improvements, should lead to a significant reduction of NaCl
without a RSZ. Due to the highly developed area MassDOT expressed to the
town that they should explore BMPs to address NaCl concentrations. Tailgate
training in January discussed the BMPs. On March 15, 2012 a meeting was
held with the BOH, MassDOT, and MassDEP to discuss their concerns.
MassDOT agreed to improved BMPs and to a follow up meeting in the fall.
MassDEP expressed that BMPs seem appropriate and should be given an
opportunity to work. Despite MassDOT’s efforts, they submitted another
request for a RSZ. A meeting was held with the Wilmington and DEP on Nov
26, 2012 and MassDOT held tailgate training on December 8, 2012 to discuss
BMPs. Another meeting between the town, DEP and MassDOT was held on
November 19, 2013. Tailgate training for snow and ice personnel occurred
on 11/16/2019.
NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Appendix J: TMDL Review Table

Basin/TMDL Name Pollutant of WLA MassDOT If yes, what are the recommendations? How is MassDOT currently meeting these recommendations or how does MassDOT plan to
Concern Included relevant BMP meet them in the future?
Allen, Wychmere & Saquatucket Harbors Nitrogen Yes Yes TMDL states that runoff from impervious surfaces is a negligible source of MassDOT will continue to comply with its Stormwater Management Plan under the NPDES MS4
nitrogen load to the embayments when compared to other sources. The Permit.
TMDL suggests that compliance with MS4 permit requirements will
contribute to the goal of reducing the nitrogen load for Allen, Wychmere, and
Saquatucket Harbors watersheds.

Blackstone River/ Final TMDLs of Phosphorus for Phosphorus Yes Yes TMDL suggests that MassDOT implement the following: MassDOT’s Impaired Waters Program assessments include the review of the need for BMPs to address
Indian Lake 1. Reduce impervious surfaces, institute increased street sweeping the TMDL. MassDOT has received authorization from EPA to discharge stormwater under the
and catch basin cleaning; install detention basins, etc. general permit for discharges in this watershed.
2. Comply with a new Phase II Stormwater discharge permit. In
addition, the Regional DEP office in Worcester has submitted
a written request to the Regional office of MassDOT to give
the roads in the Mill Brook drainage area (including parts of
Indian Lake Watershed) priority for increased Best
Management Practices such as sweeping and catch basin
Blackstone River/ Final TMDLs of Phosphorus Phosphorus Yes Yes 1. MassDOT should begin the Storm Water Management Plans MassDOT has received authorization from EPA to discharge stormwater under the general permit for
for Lake Quinsigamond and Flint Pond required under Phase II to reduce discharge of pollutants to the discharges in this watershed.
"maximum extent practicable."
2. MassDOT will also be required to apply for the EPA Phase II
General Stormwater NPDES Permit by March 10 of 2003.
3. The regional office of MassDOT has offered to target high priority MassDOT’s Impaired Waters Program includes the review of the need for BMPs to address the
watersheds in the region of higher frequency of BMPs and TMDL. District 3 has agreed to increased maintenance schedule within this watershed
4. Visually inspect the roads monthly and sweep as needed. At a In a letter written to DEP and dated June 19, 2002, District 3 committed to an increased schedule of
minimum, roads must be swept at least twice a year as soon after inspection of catch basins every six months, with cleaning as determined necessary in inspections, and
snowmelt as possible or by April 1st of each year and again in the fall annual sweeping of roads in this watershed
5. Inspect catch basins at least twice a year and any other settling or
detention basins once a year to measure depth of solids. If solids are
one half or more of design volume for solids, then completely
remove all solids
6. Inspect and maintain all structural components of stormwater system
on a yearly basis
7. Develop methodology to calculate loadings from highways Projects are reviewed through MassDOT's Impaired Waters Program and the assessment methods have
been developed and reviewed with EPA.
8. Conduct pilot project to assess loadings and test BMPs on highways See response above (#7)
9. Initiate twice yearly sweeping and catch basin inspection and cleaning See response above (#4) regarding CBs. MassDOT’s Impaired Waters Program includes the review of
program along I-290 and other roadways. Install additional BMPs as the need for BMPs to address the TMDL.
needed to address pollutant loadings identified above.
Blackstone River/ Final TMDLs of Phosphorus for Phosphorus Yes Yes TMDL suggests that:
Leesville Pond 1. MassDOT should conduct loading study and develop USGS performed a loading study for MassDOT. The results have been used in the SELDM FHWA/
methodology to calculate loadings from highways USGS model. Projects are reviewed through MassDOT's Impaired Waters Program and the assessment
methods have been developed for the program and reviewed with the EPA.
2. MassDOT and towns of Auburn, Leicester, Paxton, and MassDOT District 3 has committed to an increased schedule of inspection of catch basins every six
Millbury and City of Worcester should initiate twice yearly months, with cleaning as determined necessary in inspections, and annual sweeping of roads in this
sweeping and catch basin inspection and cleaning program watershed. District 3 has committed to inspection and cleaning, if necessary, of all sumped drainage
along I-290 and other roadways and install additional BMPs structures twice a year and more often if necessary; inspection/ cleaning of drainage outlet locations
as needed to address pollutants loadings identified above. where sediment build up is evident; and inspection and repair of damaged and/or clogged drainage
conveyances. MassDOT’s Impaired Waters Program will include the review of the need for BMPs to
address the TMDL.
3. MassDOT and towns of Auburn, Leicester, Paxton and MassDOT has received authorization from EPA and DEP to discharge stormwater under the
Millbury should prepare Storm Water Management Plan for general permit for discharges in this watershed.
Phase II.
4. MassDOT and town or city Dept of Public Works should See response above (#2)
reduce impervious surfaces, institute street sweeping
program, catch basin cleaning, install detention basin, etc
Blackstone River/ TMDLs of Phosphorus for Phosphorus Yes Yes TMDL suggests that MassDOT should regulate road sanding, salting, regular MassDOT regulates road sanding and salting through its Snow and Ice Program and the procedures
Selected Northern Blackstone Lakes (BMP 7N) sweeping, and installation of BMPs (for these impaired waterbodies). approved in the GEIR. Roads are swept on an annual basis after winter deicing applications.
Basin/TMDL Name Pollutant of WLA MassDOT relevant BMP If yes, what are the recommendations? How is MassDOT currently meeting these recommendations or how does MassDOT
Concern Included recommendation plan to meet them in the future?
Blackstone River/ Final TMDLs of Phosphorus Phosphorus Yes Yes TMDL indicates that:
for Salisbury Pond 1. MassDOT should develop methodology to calculate USGS performed a loading study for MassDOT. The results were used in the SELDM
loadings from highways and conduct pilot projects to FHWA/ USGS model. Projects are reviewed through MassDOT's Impaired Waters Program
assess loadings and test BMPs on highways. and the assessment methods were developed for that program and reviewed with EPA.
MassDOT has committed to DEP in its January 23, 2002 letter that streets will be swept at
2. MassDOT and town or city Dept. Public Works should
least once a year (usually in spring) and more often if necessary. All sumped drainage structure
reduce impervious surfaces, institute more frequent street
sweeping and catch basin cleaning, install detention will be inspected and cleaned, if necessary, twice a year and more often if necessary.
basin, dredge and maintain stormwater detention basin, MassDOT will inspect/ clean drainage outlet locations where sediment build-up is evident.
etc. MassDOT will inspect and repair damaged and/ or clogged drainage conveyances.

3. MassDOT will also be required to apply for the EPA MassDOT has received authorization from EPA and DEP to discharge
Phase II General Stormwater NPDES Permit by March
10 of 2003.
Boston Harbor/ Final TMDLs of Bacteria for Bacteria Yes Yes Regulated municipalities should prepare Storm Water Management Plans MassDOT has received full authorization to discharge under the general permit and continues to
Neponset River Basin and Boston Inner Harbor for Phase II. respond to EPA suggestions in finalizing their Storm Water Management Plans.
Addendum: Final TMDL of Bacteria for Bacteria Yes No -- --
Neponset River Basin (CN 121.5)
Buzzards Bay/Final TMDL of Total Phosphorus Phosphorus Yes No -- --
for White Island Pond
Cape Cod/ Final Lagoon Pond TMDLs for Total Yes No -- --
Total Nitrogen Nitrogen
Cape Cod/ Final Nutrient TMDL for Centerville Total Yes No -- --
River/East Bay Nitrogen
Cape Cod /Final Nitrogen TMDL for Little Total Yes No -- --
Pond Nitrogen
Cape Cod/ Final Nitrogen TMDL for Oyster Total Yes No -- --
Pond Nitrogen
Cape Cod/ Final Nitrogen TMDL for Phinneys Total Yes No -- --
Harbor Nitrogen
Cape Cod/Final Nitrogen TMDL for Pleasant Total Yes No -- --
Bay System Nitrogen
Cape Cod/Final Nitrogen TMDL Report for Total Yes No -- --
Five Sub-Embayments of Popponesset Bay Nitrogen
Cape Cod/Final Nitrogen TMDL Report for the Total Yes No -- --
Quashnet River, Hamblin Pond, Little River, Nitrogen
Jehu Pond, and Great River in the Waquoit Bay
Cape Cod/Final Pathogen TMDL for the Three Pathogens Yes Yes The Massachusetts Highway Department should determine the Route 28 MassDOT has completed the statewide review of TMDL watersheds for the need for additional
Bays Watershed roadway drainage area discharging to the Marstons Mills River and BMPs to meet the TMDL recommendations. If additional BMPs were identified, they have been
install best management structures and/or operational practices to the or will be included in future construction projects.
maximum extent practicable and at a minimum, be designed to meet the
water quality standard for bacteria in SA waters. Given this is a
waterway with an approved TMDL, the MHD must meet the
requirements of EPA’s NPDES General Permit for Stormwater
Discharges from Small MS4s (Phase II0, Part ID(1-4), as it pertains to
approved TMDLs.

Infiltration structures and devices that have been installed to control the MassDOT has completed the statewide review of TMDL watersheds for MassDOT has
road runoff from Route 28 into the Martsons Mills River should be completed the statewide review of TMDL watersheds for additional BMPs were identified, they
inspected to determine their performance and condition. MassDOT have been or will be included in future construction projects.
should also continue to identify and implement to the maximum extent
practicable best management practices so that the water quality standard
for bacteria in SA waters is met.
Basin/TMDL Name Pollutant of WLA MassDOT relevant BMP If yes, what are the recommendations? How is MassDOT currently meeting these recommendations or how does MassDOT
Concern Included recommendation plan to meet them in the future?
Cape Cod/Final Pathogen TMDL Report for the Pathogens Yes No 1. Development of comprehensive stormwater management programs, MassDOT has completed the statewide review of TMDL watersheds for the need for
Cape Cod Watershed particulary in close proximity to each embayment, inlcuding additional BMPs to meet the TMDL recommendations. If additional BMPs were identified,
identification and implementation of BMPs they have been or will be included in future construction projects.
2. Illicit discharge detection and elimination (where applicable). MassDOT has reviewed outfalls for potential illicit discharges and found that the linear nature
of their roads leads to minimal chances for illicit connections. MassDOT has focused on
education of staff and following up on potential illicit connections and focusing reviews on
sensitive receiving waters. MassDOT is currently prioritizing watersheds for focused illicit
discharge review.
Remaining potential pollution sources to Oyster Pond are believed to be several large stormwater
discharges discharging into the east end of the pond. These stormwater discharges drain from
Route 28, and Main St. MassDOT has plans to fix the problems coming off Route 28, and the
Town of Chatham has performed engineering projects to eliminate/treat the stormwater
components coming off Main St.
Approval of the Pathogen TMDL Addendum Bacteria Yes No -- --
for the Cape Cod Watershed
Cape Cod Final Nitrogen TMDL Report for the Total Yes No -- --
Three Bays System Nitrogen
Cape Cod/Final Nitrogen TMDL for West Total Yes No -- --
Falmouth Harbor Nitrogen
Cape Cod/Final Nitrogen TMDL Report for Total Yes No -- --
Five Chatham Embayments (Stage Harbor, Nitrogen
Sulphur Springs, Taylors Pond, Bassing Harbor
and Muddy Creek)
Cape Cod /Final TMDL Report of Bacteria for Bacteria Yes Yes The Massachusetts Highway Department should determine the Route 28 MassDOT has completed the statewide review of TMDL watersheds for the need for additional
Frost Fish Creek, Chatham roadway drainage discharging to Frost Fish Creek and install best BMPs to meet the TMDL recommendations. If additional BMPs were identified, they have been
management structures and/or operational practices to the maximum extent or will be included in future construction projects.
practicable with a goal of meeting the water quality standard for bacteria
in SA waters. Given this is a waterway with an approved TMDL,
MassDOT must meet the requirements of EPA's NPDES General Permit
for Stormwater Discharges from small MS4s (Phase II), Part i D(1-4), as it
pertains to approved TMDLs." MassDEP has not deferred to the Route 28
reconstruction project since we do not have any information about the
extent or the time schedule for it. MassDEP also suggests that the
MassDOT Dept. work with the Town of Chatham to work out a
reasonable schedule for these activities.
Cape Cod/Final TMDLs of Nitrogen for Great, Total Yes No -- --
Green, and Bournes Pond Embayment Systems Nitrogen
Cape Cod/ Final TMDL Report of Bacteria for Bacteria Yes Yes The Massachusetts Highway Department should determine the Route 28 MassDOT has completed the statewide review of TMDL watersheds for the need for
Muddy Creek, Chatham roadway drainage discharging to Muddy Creek and install best additional BMPs to meet the TMDL recommendations. If additional BMPs were
management structures and/or operational practices to the maximum identified, they have been or will be included in future construction projects.
extent practicable with a goal of meeting the water quality standard for
bacteria in SA waters. Given this is a waterway with an approved TMDL,
the MHD must meet the requirements of EPA's NPDES General Permit
for Stormwater Discharges from small MS4s (Phase II), Part i D(1-4), as
it pertains to approved TMDLs." MassDEP has not deferred to the Route The Route 28 culvert over the Muddy Creek has been replaced through a project funded my
28 reconstruction project since we do not have any information about the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Restoration. The new roadway crossing eliminated
extent or the time schedule for it. MassDEP also suggests that the the tidal restriction and included leaching basins to treat stormwater discharge before entering
MassDOT Dept. work with the Town of Chatham to work out a Muddy Creek. This project has implemented all improvements feasible to improve water quality
reasonable schedule for these activities. of Muddy Creek as it relates to Route 28.
Charles River/Final Phosphorus TMDL Report Total Yes Yes TMDL suggests MassDOT:
for the Lower Charles River Basin Phosphorus 1. Collect source monitoring data and additional drainage area information MassDOT’s Impaired Waters Program includes the review of the need for BMPs to address the
to better target source areas for controls and evaluate the effectiveness of TMDL.
on-going control practices.
2. Enhance existing stormwater management programs to optimize
reductions in nutrient loadings with initial emphasis on source controls and
pollution prevention practices.
Charles River/ Final Pathogen TMDL Reports Pathogens Yes Yes -- --
for the Charles River Watershed
Basin/TMDL Name Pollutant of WLA MassDOT relevant BMP If yes, what are the recommendations? How is MassDOT currently meeting these recommendations or how does MassDOT
Concern Included recommendation plan to meet them in the future?
Charles River/ TMDL for Nutrients in the Phosphorus Yes Yes TMDL suggests MassDOT: MassDOT’s Impaired Waters Program assessments includes the review of the need for BMPs
Upper/Middle Charles River 1. Collect source monitoring data and additional drainage area to address the TMDL.
information to better target source areas for controls and evaluate
the effectiveness of on-going control practices.
2. Enhance existing stormwater management programs to
optimize reductions in nutrient loadings with initial emphasis
on source controls and pollution prevention practices.

Chicopee River/Final TMDLs of Phosphorus Total Yes es The TMDL suggests that MassDOT:
for Quaboag and Quacumquasit Ponds Phosphorus 1. Regulate road sanding, salting, regular sweeping, and installation MassDOT regulates road sanding and salting through its Snow and Ice Program and the
of BMPs. procedures approved in the GEIR. Roads are swept on an annual basis after winter deicing
applications. MassDOT’s Impaired Waters Program will include the review of the need for
BMPs to address the TMDL.
2. Perform roadway sweeping and catch basin inspection/cleaning MassDOT has proposed a catch basin inspection and maintenance record system in its SWMP
twice a year. (BMP 6C-4). MassDOT has very limited maintenance budgets and staff, therefore we feel that
the cost-effectiveness, and necessity of cleaning catch basins twice per year should be closely
evaluated rather than arbitrarily set.
MassDOT has proposed a catch basin inspection and maintenance record system in its SWMP
3. MH along with the town of Spencer, control nonpoint source
(BMP 6C-4). MassDOT has very limited maintenance budgets and staff, therefore we feel that
pollution targeting for State Routes 9, 31 and 49 by requiring the cost-effectiveness, and necessity of cleaning catch basins twice per year should be closely
roadway sweeping and catch basin inspection/cleaning twice a year evaluated rather than arbitrarily set.
or other approved BMPs.
4. MH and the town of Spencer must maintain or improve all MassDOT’s Impaired Waters Program assessments include the review of the need for BMPs to
existing BMPs or the permittee may install infiltration or other address the TMDL.
BMPs and document a total reduction of 29% of the total
phosphorus loading to receiving waters to control the stormwater
discharges within the watershed. To do this, MH and the town of
Spencer must either conduct roadway sweeping in the spring and
fall combined with annual catch basin inspection and cleanout to
restore 80% or more of the solids storage volume anytime the
available solids storage volume is less than 50%.
Chicopee River /Final TMDLs of Phosphorus Yes No TMDL suggests MassDOT should regulate road sanding, salting, regular MassDOT regulates road sanding and salting through its Snow and Ice Program and the
Phosphorus for Selected Chicopee Basin sweeping, and installation of BMPs for these ponds. procedures approved in the GEIR. Roads are swept on an annual basis after winter deicing
Lakes applications. MassDOT’s Impaired Waters Program will include the review of the need for
BMPs to address the TMDL.
Connecticut River/ Final TMDLs of Phosphorus Yes No TMDL suggests MassDOT and towns should develop Storm Water MassDOT regulates road sanding and salting through its Snow and Ice Program and the
Phosphorus for Selected Connecticut Basin Management Plans for Phase II NPDES and initiate additional BMPs in procedures approved in the GEIR. Roads are swept on an annual basis after winter deicing
Lakes critical areas. MassDOT should regulate road sanding, salting, regular applications. MassDOT' s Impaired Waters Program will include the review of the need for
sweeping, and installation of BMPs BMPs to address the TMDL
Edgartown Great Pond Total Nitrogen Yes No -- --
Farm Pond Estuarine System Total Nitrogen Yes No -- --
Final Pathogen TMDL for the Buzzards Bay Pathogens Yes Yes Development of comprehensive storm water management programs MassDOT has completed the statewide review of TMDL watersheds for the need for
Watershed including identification and implementation of BMPs. additional BMPs to meet the TMDL recommendations. If additional BMPs were identified,
they have been or will be included in future construction projects.
Bacteria Source Tracking: TMDL identifies potential sources of bacteria MassDOT has reviewed outfalls for potential illicit discharges and found that the linear nature of
as illicit sewer connections and stormwater runoff, among others. their roads leads to minimal chances for illicit connections. MassDOT has focused on education
Recommendations are to prioritize dry weather bacteria source tracking. of staff and following up on potential illicit connections and focusing reviews on sensitive
Further recommendations include evaluating impaired waterbody segments receiving waters. MassDOT is currently prioritizing watersheds for focused illicit discharge
for BMPs starting with intensive application of less costly non- structural review.
practices such as street sweeping and monitoring of their success.
Final Pathogen TMDL for the North Coastal Bacteria Yes No -- --
Final Pathogen TMDL for the Taunton River Bacteria Yes No -- --
Basin/TMDL Name Pollutant of WLA MassDOT relevant BMP If yes, what are the recommendations? How is MassDOT currently meeting these recommendations or how does MassDOT
Concern Included recommendation plan to meet them in the future?
French River/ Final TMDLs of Phosphorus for Phosphorus Yes Yes TMDL suggests:
Selected French Basin Lakes 1. MassDOT conduct loading study and develop USGS performed a loading study for MassDOT. The results will be used in the FHWA/
methodology to calculate loadings from highways. USGS model when updated. Projects will be reviewed through MassDOT's Impaired Waters
Program and the assessment methods developed for that program and reviewed with EPA.
2. MassDOT and local towns should initiate twice MassDOT has proposed a catch basin inspection and maintenance record system in its
yearly sweeping and catch basin inspection and SWMP (BMP 6C-4). MassDOT has very limited maintenance budgets and staff, therefore
cleaning program along MassDOT I-395, and we feel that the cost-effectiveness, and necessity of cleaning catch basins twice per year should
other roadways. be closely evaluated rather than arbitrarily set. A summary of maintenance activities across
the state is included as Appendix E of the annual report.

3. MS4s should install additional BMPs as needed to MassDOT’s Impaired Waters Program includes the review of the need for BMPs to address
address pollutant loadings identified above. the TMDL. MassDOT’s Impaired Waters Program has initiated Designs with Consultants for
the French River along Interstate-90 in Oxford. Funding for the construction of the BMP to be

4. MassDOT and the towns of Charlton, Leicester MassDOT has received full authorization to discharge under the general permit and
and Oxford should prepare Storm Water continues to respond to EPA suggestions in finalizing their Storm Water Management
Management Plans for Phase II. (implementation Plans.
activity specific to these impaired waterbodies)

5. MassDOT should regulate road sanding, salting, MassDOT regulates road sanding and salting through its Snow and Ice Program and the
regular sweeping, and installation of BMPs procedures approved in the GEIR. Roads are swept on an annual basis after winter deicing
(implementation activity specific to these impaired applications. MassDOT will review projects within this watershed for opportunities to include
waterbodies). additional BMPs within proposed projects if MassDOT determines they will help address the
pollutant loading issue. MassDOT believes that the most cost-effective approach to improving
stormwater quality is to focus on source control measures, rather than end-of-pipe BMPs. Two
important examples include reducing winter road sand application rates, and stabilizing shoulder
areas that erode onto road surfaces. Source reduction measures are described in this NPDES
Stormwater Management Plan.
Herring River Nitrogen Yes Yes TMDL states that runoff from impervious surfaces is a negligible source of MassDOT will continue to comply with its Stormwater Management Plan under the NPDES
nitrogen load to the river when compared to other sources. The TMDL MS4 Permit. MassDOT has designed and is planning to construct a stormwater BMP (water
suggests that compliance with MS4 permit requirements will contribute to quality swale) to treat direct discharges to the Herring River from Route 6 at the Route 6/Herring
the goal of reducing the nitrogen load for the Herring River Estuarine River crossing. Construction is scheduled to begin in the Fall of 2017.
Lewis Bay and Halls Creek System Total Nitrogen Yes No -- --
Madaket Harbor and Long Pond Estuarine Total Nitrogen Yes No -- --
Millers River/Final TMDLs of Phosphorus for Phosphorus Yes Yes TMDL suggests that MassDOT should better manage road sanding, salting, MassDOT’s Impaired Waters Program includes the review of the need for BMPs to address the
Selected Millers River Basin Lake (BMP 7M) regular sweeping, and installation of BMPs (specific to these impaired TMDL.
Multi-State /Final Bacteria and Total Bacteria, Yes Yes MassDOT will need to comply with MS4 regulations. Phase II Stormwater MassDOT has received full authorization to discharge under the general permit. The NOI
Phosphorus TMDL Report for the Kickemuit Phosphorus Management Plans submitted and general permits as required which submitted with the application for coverage includes many educational programs on pollution
River (Rhode Island-Massachusetts) include six minimum measures and prioritization of outfalls for BMP prevention and good housekeeping practices. MassDOT and EPA continue to work together to
construction. MassDOT needs educational programs on pollution finalize the programs included in the Storm Water Management Plan.
prevention and good housekeeping practices.
Multi-State/ Northeast Regional Mercury Total Mercury Yes No -- --
Maximum Daily Load
Approval of the Northeast Regional Mercury Yes No -- --
Mercury TMDL: Addendum for
Nantucket Harbor Nitrogen Yes No -- --
Narragansett Bay/ Final Bacteria TMDL for Bacteria Yes No -- --
Palmer River Basin
Narragansett Bay/Final Pathogen TMDL for Pathogen Yes No Segments that remain impaired during wet weather should be evaluated MassDOT's Impaired Waters Program includes the review of the need for BMPs to address
the Narragansett/Mt. Hope Bay Watershed for stormwater BMP implementation opportunities starting with less impaired waters potentially impacted by MassDOT urban area roads.
costly non-structural practices first (such as street sweeping, and/or
managerial approaches using local regulatory controls), and lastly, more
expensive structural measures. Structural stormwater BMP
implementation may require additional study to identify cost efficient and
effective technology.
Basin/TMDL Name Pollutant of WLA MassDOT relevant BMP If yes, what are the recommendations? How is MassDOT currently meeting these recommendations or how does MassDOT
Concern Included recommendation plan to meet them in the future?
Nashua River/ Final TMDL for Bare Hill Pond Nuisance Yes No -- --

Basin/TMDL Name Pollutant of WLA MassDOT relevant BMP If yes, what are the recommendations? How is MassDOT currently meeting these recommendations or how does MassDOT
Concern Included recommendation plan to meet them in the future?
Sengekontacket Pond Estuarine System Total Nitrogen Yes No -- --
Shawsheen River/Final TMDLs of Bacteria for Bacteria Yes No -- --
Shawsheen River Basin
South Coastal/ Final Pathogen TMDL for the Pathogens Yes Development of comprehensive storm water management programs MassDOT has received full authorization to discharge under EPA's NPDES MS4 general
South Coastal Watershed including public education and participation, illicit discharge detection permit. MassDOT's Storm Water Management Program (SWMP) includes comprehensive
and elimination, construction and post construction runoff control, and measures for each of the six minimum control measures. MassDOT's Impaired Waters
pollution prevention/good housekeeping. MassDOT is not specifically Program includes the review of the need for BMPs to address impaired waters potentially
identified and the focus is instead on the municipalities within the impacted by MassDOT urban area roads.
South Coastal/ Final TMDLs of Bacteria for Fecal Coliform Yes No -- --
Little Harbor, Cohasset
SuAsCo/Assabet River TMDL for Total Phosphorus Yes No -- --
SuAsCo/ Final TMDLs of Phosphorus for Lake Phosphorus Yes No -- --
Boon (Boons Pond)
NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Appendix K: - Environmental Compliance Audit Checklist


Facility Information

Facility Name: Facility Representative:

Address: Title:

City, State, Zip: Telephone:


Auditing Information Regulated Activities

Date of Audit: Vehicle Fueling

Auditor: Vehicle Washing

Signature:_______________________________________________________ Wastewater Recycling System

Environmental Compliance Coordinator: Industrial Wastewater Discharge

Persons Interviewed: Oil Water Separator

Industrial Wastewater Holding Tank

Waste Oil Generation

RCRA Hazardous Waste Generation

Inaccessible Areas: Universal Waste Generation

Hazardous Materials Use/Storage

General Comments: Solid Waste Accumulation

On-Site Sewage Disposal

On-Site Drinking Water Well

Natural Resources: wetlands

Riverfront Area


MCP Site

Existing Clean State Matters



Facility Operations

Vehicle/Equipment Maintenance

Highway Maintenance Support / Staging

Snow/Ice Operations


District Offices


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SECTION 1: HAZARDOUS WASTE (310 CMR 30.000 and SOP ENV-03) Citation

YES NO N/A Verification of Generator Status (310 CMR 30.060 and 30.303)

Has the facility registered as a Generator of Hazardous Waste and/or Waste Oil? Generator ID No: _________________ 30.303(1)

Facility Hazardous Waste Generator Status: VSQG SQG SQG 30.351(1)

VSQG 30.353(1)
Facility Waste Oil Generator Status: VSQG SQG Waste Oil 30.253(5)

Is the registered generator status appropriate? VSQG <100 kg/month (~25 gal/month) or SQG <1000 kg/month (~250 SQG 30.351(1)(a)
gal/month). Review manifests for confirmation. VSQG 30.353(1)(a)

Have appropriate hazardous waste determinations been made for wastes generated at the facility? 30.302

Verification of the Accumulation Limits

If the facility is a VSQG, is the facility within its accumulation limit (<1,000 kg or approximately 250 gallons) of 30.353(1)(b)
hazardous waste/waste oil?
If the facility is an SQG, are there fewer than twenty-seven 55-gallon drums (6,000 kg or approximately 1,500 gallons) 30.351(1)(b)
of hazardous waste/waste oil at the facility?
IF the facility has DUAL STATUS (e.g. VSQG of hazardous waste and SQG of waste oil), are the quantities of 30.253(5)
hazardous waste and waste oil stored at the facility below the maximum allowed for each status?
(e.g. < 4 drums of hazardous waste and < 27 drums of waste oil)

Waste Container Management (310 CMR 30.253; 30.351; 30.353)

Are all hazardous waste containers in good condition? (Note any dents, rust, or damage) SQG: 30.351(8)(b)
VSQG: 30.353(6)(g)

Are all hazardous waste containers tightly closed (bungs sealed, and bolt ring secured, except when adding/removing SQG: 30.351(8)(b)
waste)? VSQG: 30.353(6)(g)

Are all hazardous waste containers labeled with the words “Hazardous Waste”? SQG: 30.351(8)(a)
VSQG: 30.353(6)(g)

Do the labels identify the waste (acetone, toluene, etc.)? SQG: 351(8)(a)
VSQG: 30.353(6)(g)

Is the waste hazard type (toxic, ignitable, corrosive, and/or reactive) included on each label? SQG: 30.351(8)(a)
VSQG: 30.353(6)(g)

If the facility is a Small Quantity Generator (SQG), is the date when accumulation began clearly marked on the container 30.351(5)
Is the accumulation time within regulatory limits? (180-days for SQGs) 30.351(5) and (6)

Are containers compatible with the waste being accumulated? SQG: 30.351(8)(b)
VSQG: 30.353(6)(g)

Are containers of hazardous waste stored in the designated accumulation area? SQG: 30.351(8)(a)
VSQG: 30.353(6)(h)

Hazardous Waste Accumulation Areas (310 CMR 30.253; 30.351; 30.353)

If the facility maintains a Hazardous Waste Accumulation Area:

Is the accumulation area secured to prevent unauthorized entry? SQG: 30.351(8)(a)

VSQG: 30.353(6)(h)

Is the accumulation area adequately demarcated? (e.g., visible line on floor and only hazardous waste stored therein)? SQG: 30.351(8)(a)
VSQG: 30.353(6)(h)

Is the accumulation area located on a surface free of cracks/gaps and is impervious to the hazardous wastes being stored, SQG: 30.351(8)(b)
or is secondary containment in use? VSQG: 30.353(6)(h)

Is the accumulation area labeled as “HAZARDOUS WASTE” with lettering at least 1-inch high? SQG: 30.351(8)(a)
VSQG: 30.353(6)(h)

Is Emergency Information/Contact List posted at the facility phone? SQG: 30.351(9)(c)(6)

Is emergency equipment (spill, fire, etc.) located nearby? SQG: 30.351(9)(c)(3)

Is secondary containment in use where required (e.g., if located outside)? SQG: 30.351(8)(b)
VSQG; 30.353(6)(h)

Is the accumulation area in good order (e.g minor spills cleaned up, waste oil drip pans & buckets emptied into waste oil SQG: 30.351(8)(b)
drum)? VSQG; 30.353(6)(h)

Does the accumulation area have adequate aisle space between drums to allow for inspections of the containers? Does SQG: 30.351(8)(b)
aisle spacing for ignitable or reactive waste meet NFPA requirements?
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YES NO N/A If the facility does NOT maintain a Hazardous Waste Accumulation Area:
Is the waste transported to a designated facility on the day of generation or within 3 days of filling a container? VSQG: 30.353(6)(i)

Hazardous Waste Satellite Accumulation Areas (310 CMR 30.253; 30.351; 30.353):
If the facility maintains a Satellite Hazardous Waste Accumulation Area: SQG: 30.351(4)
VSQG: 30.353(6)(i)

Is there only one drum/container for each waste type? (limit one container up to 55-gallons) See above

Is the satellite accumulation area at or near the waste’s point of generation? See above

Is the satellite accumulation area managed by the person responsible for the area/operations generating the waste? See above

Are container labels complete? (e.g. “Hazardous Waste,” type of waste, & hazard associated with waste) See above

Are wastes moved to the accumulation area or shipped within 3 days of the satellite container becoming filled? See above

Are containers compatible with the waste? See above

Are containers closed when not adding/removing waste? See above

Is secondary containment in use where required/warranted? (e.g., if located outside) See above

Are containers in good condition? See above

If the facility is an SQG, are weekly inspections conducted and any problems fixed? See above

Hazardous Waste Recordkeeping (310 CMR 30.253; 30.351; 30.353; 30.310; 30.330; 30.750)
All Hazardous Waste Generators:
If SQG, are weekly inspection records of the hazardous waste and satellite accumulation areas maintained? (One Year) 30.351(8)(b)

If the facility is a VSQG and self-transports hazardous waste:

Is a receipt received from the destination facility and on file? 30.353(7)

If the facility does NOT self-transport hazardous waste (VSQG, SQG):

Are hazardous waste manifests used when shipping hazardous wastes? 30.311(1)

Are manifest records maintained for three years? 30.331(1)

Has the facility received all return copies of manifests from receiving facilities and maintained for 3 years? 30.331(1)

Is the hazardous waste generator ID number properly written on each manifest? 30.311(1)

If the facility has not received a return copy of a manifest from the disposal facility in 45 days, has the facility filed an 30.333(1) and (2)
Exception Report and are these Exception Reports maintained for 3 years? 30.331(3)(b)

Are copies of Land Ban Certifications completed and maintained for 3 years? 40 CFR 268.7

Did the manifests reviewed demonstrate that the facility is appropriately disposing of all waste to only licensed facilities 30.311(2) and (3)
via licensed transporters?
If SQG of Hazardous Waste or Waste Oil:
Has the facility made an attempt to notify the police department, fire department, local board of health, and emergency 30.351(9)(j) and (k)
response teams as to the facility layout, the hazards associated with the wastes, location of the hazards, and possible
emergency evacuation routes? (e.g., with a signed and dated letter)
Are applicable employees trained as to their duties related to hazardous waste handling? 30.351(9)(g)

Universal & Special Waste (310 CMR 30.1000 and ENV-07)

Universal Waste Batteries (skip subsection if not generated)

Are universal waste batteries stored in a container or other manner suitable for preventing/containing possible leakage? 30.1034(1)
(This is only required if there is evidence of leakage, spillage, or damage that could cause leakage.)
Is battery container labeled with “Universal Waste – Batteries”? 30.1034(1)(d)

Is battery container labeled with accumulation start date? 30.1034(6)(c)

Is the accumulation date no more than one year old? 30.1034(6)(a)

Universal Waste Mercury Containing Lamps and/or Devices (skip subsection if not generated)

Are devices stored in a container or other manner suitable for preventing/containing possible breakage? (This is only 30.1034(4) and (5)
required if the device or lamp is leaking or broken)
Is storage container labeled with “Universal Waste-Mercury Containing Devices” or “Universal Waste-Mercury 30.1034(4)(d)
Containing Lamps” for fluorescent bulbs? 30.1034(5)(e)

Are containers labeled with the start date of accumulation? 30.1034(6)(c)

Is the accumulation date no more than one year old? 30.1034(6)(a)

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YES NO N/A Lead Acid Batteries (310 CMR 30.280, SOP ENV-05)

Are used lead acid batteries appropriately stored and not open or leaking? Leaking batteries must be handled as a 310 CMR 30.280(2)
hazardous waste.
In addition to the specific compliance areas above, is the facility in compliance with the following SOPs:
Hazardous Waste Management at MassDOT Highway Facilities? ENV-01-03

Used Vehicle Battery Disposal at MassDOT Highway Division Facilities? ENV-01-05

Universal Waste Management at MassDOT Highway Division Facilities? ENV-01-07

Roadside Unknown Waste Handling? ENV-01-25

Used Oil Fired Space Heaters (310 CMR 30.200, 527 CMR 4.03, 310 CMR 7.04(9), and SOP -37)
Does the facility have a DEP Class A Recycling Permit that was issued by February 27, 2004? 30.222(5)(b)

If not, was a one-time Class A Recycling Notification Form submitted to the DEP? 30.222(5)(b)

Does the facility have approval to operate a waste oil burner from the local fire department? 527 CMR 4.03(1)

Can the facility demonstrate that no speculative accumulation has occurred? 30.205(14)

Are all Used Oil FUEL containers properly labeled? 30.205(19)

(Burner Tank: Regulated Recyclable Material, USED OIL FUEL, Toxic; Drums: Regulated Recyclable Material, USED
OIL FUEL, Toxic, and labeled with the accumulation start date.)
Is the space heater operated only between September 15th and June 15th? (7.04(9)(d)4.) 7.04(9)(d)4.


YES NO N/A Hazardous Materials Management (454 CMR 21.00, 40 CFR 355, and SOPs ENV-02, -06, -08, 09, -11)
Are hazardous material containers labeled with the name of their contents? MGL 111F Chapter 7(a)

Are storage tanks/dispensers and containers having capacities greater than 5 gallons labeled with an NFPA label? MGL 111F Chapter 7(a)

Does the Facility have any Extremely Hazardous Substances equal to or greater than the Threshold Planning Quantity? 40 CFR 355

If Yes, has there been a release above and RQ? 40 CFR 355

If Yes was the SERC or LEPC notified? 40 CFR 355

Are SDS maintained at the Facility or available upon request? MGL 111F Chapter 11

Has a list of hazardous materials been filed with DEP? (e.g., with a signed and dated letter) MGL Ch 111F(16)

In addition to the specific compliance areas above, is the facility in compliance with the following SOPs:
Handling, Storage, and Disposal of Compressed Gas Cylinders at MassDOT Highway Division Facilities? ENV-01-06

Management of Sand and Deicing Chemicals at MassDOT Highway Division Facilities? ENV-01-08

Hazardous Materials Management at MassDOT Highway Division Facilities? ENV-01-11


YES NO N/A Solid Waste Management (310 CMR 16.00 & 19.000 and SOPs ENV-10 and -12)
Are the solid wastes and/or recyclable materials present at the facility separated by type and/or stored in designated
accumulation areas and trash stored in a covered dumpster? ENV-01-12

Are street sweepings stored in accordance with requirements of DEP Policy? DEP Policy #BWP-94-

Is there any evidence of restricted/banned materials in the trash dumpster (batteries, lamps, waste oil, metal, whole tires, 310 CMR 19.017
recyclable paper/cardboard, yard waste, etc.)?
Are cathode ray tubes (CRTs) collected, stored, handle and transported in a manner that prevents and minimizes 310 CMR 19.017(3)(c)
breakage and stored/segregated from other solid waste?
Is there an active or inactive landfill or dumping ground at the Facility?
If yes, has the landfill/dumping ground been approved or closed or is it being closed in accordance with a DEP 310 CMR 19
approved plan?
If the landfill/dumping ground has been closed, is it in compliance with the post-closure requirements? 310 CMR 19.142

In addition to the specific compliance areas above, is the facility in compliance with the following SOPs:
Disposal of Animal Carcasses? ENV-01-10

Temporary Storage of Solid Waste and Recyclable Materials at MassDOT Highway Division Facilities? ENV-01-12
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YES NO N/A Storage Tank Management (310 CMR 80 and SOPs ENV-01-28 and -38)
Underground Storage Tanks (310 CMR 80)
Is a sign indicating what steps to follow in the event of a UST system emergency, including but not limited to the name 310 CMR 80.25
and phone number of the person or person to contact in the event of an emergency, posted and readable from 10 feet
Are the USTs equipped with secondary containment, spill and overflow protection, and leak detection? 310 CMR 80

Are steel USTs/underground piping equipped with cathodic protection? 80.22

Are cathodic protection systems tested and calibrated every annually or triennially, as applicable? 80.29(2)

Are leak detection systems tested annually in accordance with manufacturer recommendations? 80.26(3)(d)

Is leak detection equipment maintained in operating condition? 80.26(2)

Has the tank been inspected by a third party within the past three years? 80.49

Have spill buckets been appropriately maintained, inspected, and tested? (by 1/2/17) 80.28

Has overfill prevention equipment been appropriately inspected and tested? 80.28(3)

Is the UST system’s compliance certification up to date? 80.34

Is the UST system inspected monthly? 80.35

Are all required records being kept (may be on-site or easily accessible off-site)? 80.36

If the UST system is inoperable or a testing or functional failure has occurred:

Has the facility taken steps to initiate repair of the system? 80.26, 80.33

If the Facility Dispenses Gasoline (310 CMR 7.24) and is equipped with a Stage I vapor recovery system:
Is the gasoline dispensing operation equipped with a Stage I vapor recovery system? 7.24(3)(b)

Is the Stage I system inspected weekly and results recorded on an inspection checklist? 7.24(3)(d)

Is a Stage I Annual In-use Compliance Certification submitted to MassDEP yearly? 7.24(3)(e)

Are all of the Stage I inspection checklists, training records, compliance testing results, and maintenance records for the 7.24(3)(d)
last twelve months and the Stage I system’s most recent In-use Compliance Certification or Installation/Substantial
Modification Certification retained on-site in either hard copy or electronic format?
All Tanks (310 CMR 80)
Are there any abandoned tanks at the facility? 80.44

If yes, describe out of service date(s) and status of any DEP notification and/or closure/removal:

Spill Prevention (40 CFR 112)

Does the facility store oil in aboveground tanks or drums in quantities equal to or greater than 1,320 gallons? 40 CFR 112.1(d)(2)(ii)

If Yes, does the facility have an up-to-date and P.E.-certified SPCC Plan? 40 CFR 112.3(d)

If Yes, is the facility implementing the SPCC Plan? 40 CFR 112.3

In addition to the specific compliance areas above, is the facility in compliance with the following SOP:
Inspection And Repair Of Stage I And Stage II Recovery Systems Associated With Underground Storage Tanks? ENV-01-28
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YES NO N/A Drinking Water Supply (310 CMR 22.22)
What is the Facility’s water supply source?  Private Well  Municipal Public Water Supply  Other:
If the facility is supplied with municipal water answer backflow devices questions below.
Does the facility have backflow prevention devices on threaded hose connections? 22.22(2)(b)

Have applicable devices been registered with the Public Water Supplier? 22.22(2), 22.22(7)(b)

Septic Systems (310 CMR 15.000, SOP ENV-17)

Does the facility discharge to a subsurface sewage disposal system (septic system)?
If present and installed on or after 3/31/95, has the facility received a certificate of compliance (COC) for the septic 310 CMR 15.021
If present, is only sanitary wastewater discharged to the septic system (i.e., no process water/chemicals)? 310 CMR 15.004

Drainage Systems (314 CMR 1-15)

Does the facility have a floor drain(s)?  Yes  No
If yes, where do they discharge to:  POTW  Surface Water  Ground  Holding Tank  Other

If floor drains are located in an area of hazardous material storage or maintenance areas, do the drains discharge to a
sanitary sewer or to an industrial wastewater holding tank?
If the facility discharges process wastewater to a municipal sewer system, has the facility notified the POTW of the 314 CMR 7.00
discharge to determine whether a permit is required?
If floor drains, have been sealed, did the facility file a WS-1 form with the DEP? (NA for drains connected to sanitary 310 CMR 27.10
If floor drains discharged to the ground, did facility close underground structure(s) and file UIC Notification Form with 310 CMR 27.10
Are there any oil/water separators on-site?
If present, are oil/water separators inspected and serviced periodically (as required in some areas, such as MWRA)? MWRA: 360 CMR
If a permit has been issued, are the facility oil/water separators in compliance with permit requirements? 10.016(4) or permit

Stormwater Discharges (310 CMR 27.00; 314 CMR 3.00; 314 CMR 5.00, SOP ENV-19)
Are there stormwater catch basins on the property?
If Yes, where do the catch basins discharge?  POTW  Surface Water  Ground  Other,
If present, have leaching catch basins located within process areas been registered with the DEP (Class V Injection 310 CMR 27.08
Well Registration)?
Vehicle Washing (310 CMR 1-15; 40 CFR 122, SOP ENV-22)
If facility is a Designated Vehicle Washing Facility:
Are vehicles washed only indoors?
Is the facility equipped with floor drains connected to either the municipal sewer or wash water recycling system, or
Is the facility equipped with an approved holding tank?
If facility is NOT a Designated Vehicle Washing Facility:
Are vehicles only rinsed onsite (no detergents or heated water/steam)?
If the facility has an Industrial Wastewater Holding Tank: (Existing Permits; 314 CMR 18.00)
If the tank was installed before November15, 2002, does the facility have a DEP Industrial Wastewater Holding Tank 314 CMR 18.00
plan approval?
For applicable holding tanks, has the Facility submitted a one-time compliance certification to DEP (due by February 15, 18.10(1)
2003, or within 60 days for new tanks)? (Not required if the Facility has a DEP-issued plan approval for the holding
Does the Facility maintain holding tank construction and installation records (until tank is decommissioned) and records 18.09(1)
on pumping and wastewater shipments/disposal (three years)?
If an existing holding tank was not installed in accordance with PE Certified Plans, has the holding tank undergone an 18.08(2)
integrity assessment (due by November 15, 2003)?
Is the Holding Tank labeled as “Non-Hazardous Industrial Wastewater?” (required for underground and aboveground 18.07(6)
Is the Holding Tank equipped with a high level alarm? 18.07 or 18.08
If yes, is the alarm functioning properly?
If the tank was installed on or after November 15, 2002, is the holding tank inspected for leakage weekly? 18.08(3)(c)

Is the alarm system tested by an electrician on a semi-annual basis? ENV-01-18

In addition to the specific compliance areas above, is the facility in compliance with the following SOPs:
Groundwater Monitoring Well Maintenance at MassDOT Highway Division Facilities? ENV-01-16
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Maintenance of Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems at MassDOT Highway Division Facilities? ENV-01-17

Maintenance of Wastewater Holding Tanks and Proper Disposal of Accumulated Wastewater at MassDOT ENV-01-18
Highway Division Facilities?
Inspection and Maintenance of Stormwater Catch Basins at MassDOT Highway Facilities? ENV-01-19

Vehicle Washing at MassDOT Highway Facilities? ENV-01-22

Inspection and Maintenance of Oil/Water Separators (OWS) at MassDOT Highway Division Facilities? ENV-01-27


YES NO N/A Wetlands, Buffer Zones, and Riverfront Zones (310 CMR 9.00 & 10.00, SOP ENV-15)
Are there any Natural Resource Areas (wetland, buffer zone, or riverfront zone) at the property? 10.02(1) and 10.03
(If NO, go to next section)
Is the facility conducting work in a Natural Resource Area (e.g. removing, filling, dredging, or altering)? 9.05

If the facility is conducting work in a Resource Area, was a Request for Determination of applicability, or NOI submitted 10.05(4), 10.05(9)
to and approved by the local Conservation Commission, and was a Certificate of Compliance received upon work
If issued, is the facility is compliance with wetlands Order of Conditions or enforcement order? 310 CMR 10.02-05

In addition to the specific compliance areas above, is the facility in compliance with the following SOPs:
Protection of Wetland Resource Areas at MassDOT Highway Facilities? ENV-01-15


YES NO N/A Spills/Releases (310 CMR 40.0000; 40 CFR 300; 40 CFR 355, SOPs ENV-03, -07, -11, and -20.)
Is there an indication of a release or threat of release of oil and/or hazardous material at the facility? 310 CMR 40.0000

If yes, describe event(s) and actions taken, including notifications made.

Is there an MCP site at the facility in which a permanent solution has not been achieved? 310 CMR 40.0000

If yes, have MCP/Clean State timelines been met?

Describe status and conditions:

Is there an AUL at the facility? 310 CMR 40.0000

Is the facility in compliance with the terms of the AUL?

Asbestos (310 CMR 7.09 & 7.15; 453 CMR 6.00)
Has the facility conducted building renovations/demolitions or asbestos abatement projects? 453 CMR 6.01 - .02

If yes, was an asbestos survey conducted prior to renovation/demolition? 310 CMR 7.15(4)

Prior to renovation/demolition, was DEP properly notified using ANF 001 Form? 310 CMR 7.09 and 7.15
453 CMR 6.12

If an asbestos abatement project was conducted, were licensed contractors used? 453 CMR 6.03

If an asbestos abatement project was conducted, was asbestos containerized for offsite disposal at a licensed 453 CMR 6.13(2)(b)
facility? 453 CMR 6.14(4)(h)

Outdoor Operation/Maintenance Equipment Storage at MassDOT Highway Facilities? ENV-01-20

Management of Asbestos Containing Materials at MassDOT Highway Division Facilities? ENV-01-29

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YES NO N/A Air Emissions, Permits & Recordkeeping (310 CMR 7.00)
Parts Cleaners
Is a solvent parts cleaner used? 310 CMR 7.18(8)

If yes, is the unit a sink-like work area with a remote solvent reservoir with an open drain area less than 100 square cm? 310 CMR 7.18(8)

If this is not the case, is the unit equipped with a functioning cover, which is kept closed when not in use? 310 CMR 7.18(8)

Refrigerant Management
Does the facility conduct vehicle refrigeration maintenance? 40 CFR 82

If yes, are personnel who perform refrigerant work certified by EPA? 40 CFR 82.34(a)(2)

Is refrigerant recovery equipment EPA-certified? 40 CFR 82.34(a)(1)

Has the facility submitted a Notification Form with EPA for use of the refrigeration equipment? 40 CFR 82.42(a)

YES NO N/A Training Records
Does the facility have the following training records on file, where applicable:
Hazardous Waste Management training? SQG: 30.351(9)(g)

Universal Waste Management Training? 30.1035

Stage I Vapor Recovery System training? 7.24(6)(b)2.

Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan training? 40 CFR 112.7(f)

UST Class A/B/C Operator Training? 310 CMR 80.37

Other (list)?


YES NO N/A Clean State Program Management
Are there any existing Clean State Matters for the facility? Policy ENF-05-001

If Yes, list and describe status:

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Additional notes/Comments:
NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Appendix L: Litter Program Summary

MassDOT Litter Program Summary: Permit Year 17

Litter Collection Summary

District* Inmate Litter Adopt-a-Highway Private Contracted
Program Program Assistance
1 3,412 bags collected 91 bags collected 3,503 bags collected
2 2,275 bags collected 325 bags collected 975 bags collected 3,575 bags collected
4 4,180 bags collected 2,781 bags collected 6,961 bags collected
5 7,049 bags collected 720 bags collected 25,294 bags collected 33,063 bags collected
Total 16,916 bags collected 3,917 bags collected 26,269 bags collected 47,102 bags collected
*Note: No values reported by District 3 and 6. However litter collection is occurring in all districts

Litter Collection Details

District 1
Inmate Litter Program, PY17:
• 3,412 total bags collected
Adopt-a-Highway Program:
• 91 total bags collected

District 2
Inmate Litter Program for PY17: 2,275 bags total
Adopt-a-Highway Program for PY17:
• 325 total bags collected
*In addition, MassDOT District 2 Litter Picking Crew picked up 975 bags of litter

District 4
Inmate Litter Program: 4,180 bags total
• Essex County: 3271 bags
• Suffolk County: 909 bags
Adopt-a-Highway Program for 2019 Season:
• 2,781 total bags collected
• 2,236 total participants
Month Bags
April 405
May 350
June 355
July 330
August 368
September 301
October 321
November 351
Totals 2,781
District 5

Inmate Litter Program, PY17: 7,049 bags total

• Bristol County: 3,563 bags
• Barnstable County: 2,764 bags
• Dukes County: 722 bags

Adopt-a-Highway Program for PY17:

• 720 total bags collected

Private Contracted Assistance:

• 25,294 bags collected

NPDES Storm Water Management Plan
Annual Report – Permit Year 17

Appendix M: Baystate Roads Trainings

Baystate Roads Trainings from April 2019 - March 2020
Workshop Municipality Date # Registered
Best Management Practices for Beaver Control Bellingham 4/17/2019 22
Gravel Roads: When the Dust Settles Otis 4/23/2019 16
Massachusetts Project Intake Tool (MaPIT) Springfield 5/7/2019 14
Snow and Ice Operations Eastham 5/13/2019 30
Best Management Practices for Beaver Control Whatley 5/14/2019 23
Massachusetts Project Intake Tool (MaPIT) Barnstable 5/14/2019 13
Complete Street 201: Designing Your Streets for People Greenfield 5/15/2019 24
Complete Street 201: Designing Your Streets for People Pittsfield/Lenox 5/16/2019 7
Massachusetts Project Intake Tool (MaPIT) Worcester 5/21/2019 20
Best Management Practices for Beaver Control Becket 5/24/2019 20
Best Management Practices for Beaver Control Wenham 5/29/2019 19
Massachusetts Project Intake Tool (MaPIT) Brockton 5/30/2019 17
Massachusetts Project Intake Tool (MaPIT) Pittsfield 6/3/2019 23
Massachusetts Project Intake Tool (MaPIT) Boston 6/5/2019 25
Best Management Practices for Beaver Control Natick 6/6/2019 22
Massachusetts Project Intake Tool (MaPIT) Andover 6/11/2019 24
Best Management Practices for Beaver Control Lowell 6/12/2019 18
Massachusetts Project Intake Tool (MaPIT) Leominster 6/18/2019 19
Municipal Culvert Assessment Berlin 6/20/2019 8
Gravel Roads: When the Dust Settles Dalton 6/25/2019 19
Highway/Construction Surveying Wellesley 9/23/2019 14
Highway/Construction Surveying Westford 9/25/2019 13

Highway/Construction Surveying New Marlborough 10/8/2019 12

Snow and Ice Operations Sturbirdge 10/9/2019 27
Snow and Ice Operations Barnstable 10/28/2019 36
Pavement Management Boot Camp Holden 10/30/219 14
Spreader Calibration Westfield 10/30/2019 27
Pavement Preservation Right road, Right treatment, Right
time Middleborough 11/5/2019 19
Pavement Preservation Right road, Right treatment, Right
time Hatfield 11/6/2019 19
Snow and Ice Operations Lanesborough 11/7/2019 50
Snow and Ice Operations Hamilton 11/12/2019 27
Rivers and Roads Tier 2A Workshop Middleborough 11/13/2019 19
Rivers and Roads Tier 2A Workshop Westford 11/14/2019 29
Spreader Calibration Templeton 11/14/2019 26
Rivers and Roads Tier 2A Workshop Westborough 11/19/2019 45
Snow and Ice Operations Newton 11/19/2019 20
Rivers and Roads Tier 2A Workshop Westfield 11/20/2019 21
Spreader Calibration Dalton 11/20/2019 20
Rivers and Roads Tier 2A Workshop Lanesborough 11/21/2019 19
Snow and Ice Operations Marlborough 11/21/2019 40
Snow and Ice Operations Westfield 11/26/2019 27
All About Liquid Deicers Dalton 12/5/2019 18
Spreader Calibration Bellingham 12/10/2019 17

Complete Street 201: Designing Your Streets for People Hamilton-Wenham 12/11/2019 18
All About Liquid Deicers Bellingham 12/19/2019 33
Complete Street 201: Designing Your Streets for People Hopkinton 1/9/2020 53
All About Liquid Deicers Andover 1/30/2020 37
Spreader Calibration Rehoboth 2/3/2020 12
Trenching and Excavating Safety: Competent Person Harvard 2/4/2020 26
Lunch and Learn Webinar - Beaver Management 2/12/2020 97
Pavement Preservation Right road, Right treatment, Right
time Lexington 3/10/2020 28

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