7c Costa Alyanna Kate F

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Science and Technology Unit
Academic Year 2020-2021
“Spark Hope: Communion in Mission Through Living Jesus in our Hearts”


SURNAME: Costa FIRST NAME: Alyanna Kate

GRADE LEVEL: Grade 7 COURSE: Science (Earth Science)
SECTION: Caravan TEACHER: Ms. Juliana Corpuz and Ms. Pearl Villaflor


The students will demonstrate understanding of the characteristics of comets, meteors and
CONTENT STANDARD: asteroids, the occurrence of eclipses, and the relationship between the visible
constellations in the sky and Earth’s position along its orbit.
PERFORMANCE The students will be able to create a research-based investigation reflective of beneficial
technologies and recent discoveries and breakthroughs resulting from space explorations
STANDARD: (from DepEd).

WEEK/S: 2 SPECIFIC DATES: February 8-12 TOPIC/S: Our Solar System

🕮 What You Will Learn This Week

The Solar System consists of the Sun and those celestial objects bound to it by gravity, all of which formed from the
collapse of a giant molecular cloud approximately 4.6 billion years ago.

• The four smaller inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) also called the terrestrial planets, are primarily
composed of rock and metal.
• The four outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) also called the gas giants, are composed largely of
hydrogen and helium and are far more massive than the terrestrials.

At the end of the week, you are expected to be able to do the following:
1. Describe the sun and its importance to life on Earth
2. Identify and describe each of the four terrestrial planets
3. Identify and describe each of the four gas giants

🗐 Online Activities to Accomplish

Put a check ✔ once you have performed the said task.

✔ 1. Study PPT: Our Solar System

2. Watch the following recommended videos:
● Birth of the Solar System | Naked Science: Birth of the Solar System
● Space School - Solar System
✔ ● Sun 101 | National Geographic
● Space School – Earth
● Signs of Life on Mars


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✍ Written Activities to Answer
Answer what is asked. Make sure you answer BASED ON YOUR UNDERSTANDING of the lesson.

I. Planet Factsheet. Choose your favorite planet among the planets in our solar system and fill in the details

Planet’s Name: Jupiter

Distance from the Sun: 778.5 million km

Length of Day: 0d 9h 56m

Length of Year: 12 years

Number of Moons: 79

An interesting fact about Jupiter is that it has a pertinacious high-pressure region in its
atmosphere, an anticyclonic storm that is bigger than Earth which is called the Great
An interesting fact:
Red Spot. I am amazed about this storm and based on what I have research it has
lasted for about 340 years now which is awesome and I wish people live that long.

II. The Solar System. Fill in the blanks with the words below.

Neptune solar Mercury gas giants Mars Jupiter

water Earth astronomers Pluto eight temperature

Saturn Venus terrestrial Uranus orbit

The Solar System

The _solar_ system is a group of planets that _orbit_ our Sun. There are _eight_ known planets in our Solar System. We

used to say that there were nine planets, but now _astronomers_ think that _Pluto_ is too small to be called as a planet.

The Terrestrial Planets

Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are called _terrestrial_ planets because they have rocky surfaces. _Earth_, of course, is

the planet we live on. _Mercury_ is the closest planet to the Sun. _Venus_, which is also called the Evening Star, has a

_temperature_ of 500 degrees Celsius and clouds of sulfuric acid. _Mars_ is known as the red planet. Recently, frozen

_water_ was discovered there.

The Gaseous Planets

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are called the _gas giants_ because they are big and made mostly of gas. _Jupiter_

is the largest planet in the Solar System. _Saturn_ is famous for its rings. _Uranus_ also has rings but is not as famous as

Saturn. _Neptune_ is named after the god of the sea.


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🖂 Reflective Journal Log
Put a check ✔ once you have performed the said task.

✔ ● What interesting fact have you learned in this week’s lesson?

I have learned a lot from this week’s lesson but what really intrigued me is that Mars is not able to have liquid water
because of its low atmospheric pressure and that it is actually cold there, I thought the reason it was red was because it
was like the sun and it’s really hot .

🗹 Self-Check
Were you able to finish all activities for the week? If yes, give yourselves a pat on the back.

If not, let the teacher know your struggles by sending an email at pearl.hilapo@dlszobel.edu.ph

Accomplish the following table to get a glimpse of your learning this week. Put a check ✔ in the cell that matches your


I am able to do this I am able to do I am not able to do
LEARNING TARGETS on my own. some of this alone, this. I am confused
but I need help in and do not
doing the others. understand this.
I can describe the sun and its importance to life on ✔
I can identify and describe each of the four ✔
terrestrial planets.
I can identify and describe each of the four gas ✔

Are all your learnings SUNNY? If not, review your previous activities. If yes, you may proceed to the application.

📂 Checking on Your Application

You may self-assess by grading your own work based on this rubric:

5 points Response thoroughly answers all the questions. Explanations show a very clear understanding of the concepts. More
than two key concepts about the topic are appropriately cited and explained. Generalization is very evident in the
answer. Additional examples are given to support the answer.
4 points Response answers all the questions. Explanations show clear understanding of the concepts. Two key concepts about
the topic are appropriately cited and explained. Generalization is evident enough in the answer.
3 points Response answers most of the questions. Explanations show quite clear understanding of the concepts. One key
concept about the topic is appropriately cited and explained. Generalization is quite evident in the answer.
2 points Response answers some of the questions. Explanations show quite unclear understanding of the concepts. One
concept about the topic is cited but not quite relevant. Generalization is not evident in the answer.
1 point Response is incomplete. Explanation is unclear. No key concepts are cited. No generalization is provided.
0 No answer or wrong answer.

How will you rate your work this week? __3__

☺ How Did You Find This Week’s Lesson?

because I have learned quite a lot from out lesson about the solar system that wasn’t taught to us before in
elementary school. Happy Valentine’s Day po, miss! <3



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