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Name DAYANA DAMS Date 07/04/2021 Code 2205681

15_interview _sue.m

Listen to the conversation then check if it isTRUE or FALSE

1.The girl has been doing nothing this week FALSE

2. They will have exams next week. TRUE
3.She plays two sports and she has gone to basketball practice and volleyball practice. TRUE
4. They had a basketball game that they just lost. FALSE
5.They had to travel about forty-five minutes to play the other team. FALSE
6. Playing two sports takes a lot of time. TRUE
7. She usually has 5 hours of basketball practice every day. FALSE
8. She is studying Pre-calculus, Spanish 3 and Physics. And she is also taking humanities, which is like history and
English combined. TRUE
9. Her mother is sick. She has a fever and can’t walk well. FALSE
10. Her message to kids in other countries is that… (she hopes) they have a great year, do well, and study hard. TRUE


This section assesses the correct use of your grammar and your ability to understand meaning from context.
Choose the option you consider is correct, a, b, c or d.

1. A: Can you go to the movies with us?

B: I’m sorry. I ______to work.

a. can b. have c. going d. can’t

2. A: ______ is the meeting? B: It’s at 10:00.

a. What b. Where c. When d. How

3. A: What’s the matter with Margaret? B: _______ fever.

a. She is b. She has c. She have d. I have

4. A: My father’s cooking dinner. B: That’s strange. He _____ cooks dinner.

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a. sometimes b. always c. usually d. never

5. A: _____ is Mary going to the doctor?

B: She’s going to the doctor because she’s sick.
a. How b. When c. Why d. Where

6. Martha usually _______ to school at 6:30.

a. goes b. go c. does d. is

7. We washed our shoes, because they ______ dirty.

a. was b. are c. were d. doesn´t be

8. Jenny _______ that book last week.

a. is reading b. reads c. was reading d. will read

9. Nancy is going to visit me ___________.

a. tomorrow b. yesterday c. last night d. two days ago

10. Can you do your homework by ____ ?

a. myself b. yourself c. yourselfs d. ourselves

11. Susan _______ when the light went out.

a. reads b. read. c. is reading d. was reading

12. There _____ a huge elephant near here.

a. are b. be c. is d. will

13. My aunt hurt her leg while she _______ tennis.

a. played b. plays c. was playing d. will play

14. There ______ some people eating fatty food in that restaurant yesterday.

a. is b. was c. are d. were

15. Joseph _____ go to work yesterday because he was sick.

a. haven’t b. hadn’t c. didn’t d. aren’t

16. By the time the TV program ended, I ____ asleep!

a. have falle b. had fallen c. had been fallen d. had fell

17. I`ve been writing letters all day. I have already ______ fifteen.

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a. been writing b. wrote c. written d. have wrote

18. please give me ____ orange, an apple and ____ pear.

a. a /an b. an/a c. two/a d. some /an

19. _________ run! The flor is wet and you may fall

a. not b. aren´t c. don´t d. isn´t

20.Let´s_____ the street now. The coast is clear. I mean, there are no cars coming!

a. crossed b. cross c. crossing d. don´t cross


Read and listen to the conversation then answer the questions

Stuart: Amy. So, how are you doing?

Amy: Oh, hi Stuart. School is so crazy these days, and when I’m not at school, I’m at work.

Stuart: Hey, listen. I’m getting together with Sara and Paul tonight, and a few of our other friends are
going to join us. [Oh.] And, we’re . . . well, we’re going out to eat and then catch a movie. Why don’t
you come with us?

Amy: Hey, I’d love to, but I have to cram for a test tomorrow.

Stuart: Ah, come on. We’re planning on having dinner around 6:30 and then seeing a movie at 7:30.
We should be home by 10:30 . . . 11:30 at the latest. I mean you’re always saying that you don’t
have any friends . . . and that your love life . . . well, that you don’t have one. Come on!

Amy: I . . . I don’t think I’d better. I haven’t been feeling well lately.

Stuart: Yeah, because you study too much. Well, we’ll have a blast. Come on! Relax. [Well . . .] And
it’s Sara’s birthday, too. And we’re throwing her a small birthday party after the movie. Come on.
Best friends always stick together.

Amy: Oh. Okay.

Stuart: Great. I’ll pick you up at 6:00.

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Amy: Okay. See you then, but I have to be back by 10:30.

Stuart: Ah, 10:30 . . . Midnight. It’s all the same. See you at 6:00.

Vocabulary and Sample Sentences

● catch a movie (verb): watch 

– Let’s catch a movie this afternoon after school is over.
● cram (verb): study hard 
– I had to cram all night for the final text in my biology class.
● blast (noun): fun time 
– Thanks for inviting me to the party yesterday. It was a real blast.
● throw a party (verb): have
– My parents are throwing a big party for my brother who just got married.
● midnight (adverb): 12 o’clock at night, the middle of the night
– I have to be back home by midnight. It’s a family rule.


Stuart is going to ______ with his friends.

watch a football game
see a movie and have dinner
go for a drive and have 6a picnic

Why can't Amy go with her friends?

She already has plans to attend a party.
She doesn't have any spending money.
She has to study for an exam.

At then end of the evening, the friends are going to ____.

play some games
watch a video
have a party

How is Amy getting to the activity?

Stuart is giving her a ride.
She's taking the bus.
She's taking the bus.
Amy wants to be home at ____.
10:30 p.m.
11:30 p.m.

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