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Name: ____________________________ Period: _______ Date: _______________________

CHAPTERS 17 & 18
Directions: After reading the chapter, please answer the following questions thoughtfully and in
complete sentences.

1. What internal struggle does Justyce have when Quan tells him that Officer Tison was Officer
Castillo’s partner on the police force?

2. Why do you think Justyce gets frustrated with encountering people like Quan? How do
people like Quan indirectly impact Justcye and Manny’s lives?

3. How does Quan think Justyce should handle racism? Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
4. What story of white privilege made Quan give up and say, “Why try to do right if people will
always look at me and assume wrong?”

5. Who does Quan tell Justyce to get in touch with? Why?


The Fearless English Teacher Copyright @ 2020

6. Do you think Justyce with join the Black Jihad? Why or why not? Use a quote from the text to
support your answer. Don’t forget to cite!

7. How was Justyce’s morals and character manipulated by the media? What did the media want
people to think about Justyce? Why?

8. What does this chapter show us about how the media influences the public discourse,
especially with issues of race?

9. Put yourself in Justyce’s shoes. You know the truth, you lost your best friend, and the media is
trying to help the man who killed your best friend get away with it. What are you thinking? What
are you feeling?
10. Doc says that people who believe that Officer Tison did nothing wrong also believe it for their
own cowardly reasons – they identify with him and wouldn’t think a 20-year veteran cop would
never lose his temper and murder someone. What is problematic with the people who blindly
believe in respected positions of authority?

11. Do you think Jared has changed? If so, why would he? Explain your thoughts.
The Fearless English Teacher Copyright @ 2020

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