MusicDeptTimetable2010 11

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Department of Music Timetable Semester I 2010-11

10.30-12.30 12.30-1.30 1.30-3.30 3.30-5.30

Techniques of Composition Ia (GW) SDR Writing about Music (AF)
Year 1 SDR
Musical Analysis IIa (BV)
MON Year 2 Seminar Room
Philosophy & Psychology of Music Perception
Year 3 (DLW) Seminar Room

Aural Training (PB, GW)
Year 1 Blackwell Room, SDR
Free Composition (RK) Stockhausen (MF) Seminar Techniques IIa (GW)
Year 2 SDR Room Lecture Room
TUE Advanced Performance Studies (DT, PB) Dissertation (tbc)
Year 3 SDR, Lecture Room Seminar Room
Beethoven's Late Works (MF) George Benjamin lectures -
MMus Seminar Room dates tba

Year 1
Year 2
WED Wonderful Song (CE)
Year 3 Lecture Room
21st Century Bach (BV) Issues in Historiography and Criticism (AF) Seminar
MMus Seminar Room Room 2-4pm
Issues and Topics in Music History Ib (RP) SDR
Year 1
Introduction to Medieval Music II (DLW) The Symphony from Berlioz to Mahler (JD)
Year 2 Seminar Room SDR
Mozart in Vienna (CE)
Year 3 Lecture Room
Theories of Modernism and the Avant-Garde (JD)
MMus Seminar Room

FRI No classes

Term Dates: 27 September - 17 December *dates of George Benjamin Lectures TBC – titles to be announced
Reading week:

Teaching Staff Teaching Rooms

GB George Benjamin DLW Dan Leech-Wilkinson Blackwell Room – 12 SWB

JD John Deathridge DT David Trendell Lecture Room – 18 SWB
MF Michael Fend PB Paul Brough Seminar Room – 20 SWB
AF Andy Fry GW Gareth Wilson SDR – St Davids Room (opposite Chapel)
MH Matthew Head BV Bettina Varwig
RK Rob Keeley CE Cliff Eisen

Department of Music Timetable Semester II 2010-11
10.30-12.30 12.30-1.30 1.30-3.30 3.30-5.30
Issues and Topics in Music History Ia (BV) SDR
Year 1

Year 2
The Jazz Tradition: fact or fiction? (AF) The Beethoven Myth (MF)
Year 3 Lecture Room Lecture Room
Performance, Gesture and Meaning (DLW) Seminar
MMus Room
Aural Training (GW,PB)
Year 1 SDR, Blackwell Room
Free Composition I (RK) Techniques IIb (GW)
TUE Year 2 SDR Lecture Room
Music and Worship (DT) Advanced Performance Studies (DT, PB)
Year 3 Lecture Room SDR, Lecture Room
Issues in Biography and Criticism: Mozart (CE) George Benjamin lectures -
MMus Seminar Room dates tba

Year 1 Techniques Ib (MH) SDR

Year 2
WED Performance Practice (CE)
Year 3 Lecture Room
Post-Tonal Music and Composition Studies (AW) Advanced Opera Studies (RP)
MMus Seminar Room Seminar Room 2-4pm
Musical Analysis I (RK)
Year 1 SDR
Gender and Sexuality in Indian Music (KB) Keyboard Music from Bach to Beethoven (MH)
Year 2 Seminar Room Seminar Room
Year 3

FRI No classes

Term Dates: 10 January - 1 April *dates of George Benjamin Lectures TBC – titles to be announced
Reading week:

Teaching Staff Teaching Rooms

GB George Benjamin BV Bettina Varwig Blackwell Room – 12 SWB

JD John Deathridge DT David Trendell Lecture Room – 18 SWB
MF Michael Fend PB Paul Brough Seminar Room – 20 SWB
AF Andy Fry GW Gareth Wilson SDR – St Davids Room (opposite Chapel)
MH Matthew Head KB Katherine Brown
RK Rob Keeley CE Cliff Eisen
DLW Dan Leech-Wilkinson AW Arnold Whittall


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