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Simulation and Modeling (CE-409) SSUET/QR/114



Hold and Signal Module

Objective: To analyze the Hold and Signal module.

Hold module:


This module will hold an entity in a queue to wait for a signal, wait for a specified condition
to become true (scan), or be held infinitely (to be removed later with the
Remove module).If the entity is holding for a signal, the Signal module is used elsewhere
in the model to allow the entity to move on to the next module. If the entity is holding for
a given condition to be true, the entity will remain at the module (either in a defined or
internal queue) until the condition(s) becomes true. When the entity is in an infinite hold,
the Remove module is used elsewhere in the model to allow the entity to continue

 Waiting for a traffic light to turn green

 Holding a part for authorization
 Checking the status of a machine or operator to continue a process


Prompt Description:

Name: Unique module identifier displayed on the module shape.

Type: Indicates the reasoning for holding the entity within a specified or internal queue.
Wait for Signal will hold the entity until a signal of the same value is received. Scan for
Condition will hold the entity until the specified condition becomes true. Infinite Hold will
hold the entity until it is removed from the queue by a Remove module.

Wait for Value: Signal code for the waiting entity. Applies only when Type is Wait
for Signal.

Limit: Maximum number of waiting entities that will be released upon receipt of a signal.
Applies only when Type is Wait for Signal.

Condition: Specifies the condition that will be evaluated to hold the entity at the module.If
the condition is evaluated to true, the entity leaves the module immediately. If the

Simulation and Modeling (CE-409) SSUET/QR/114

condition is false, the entity will wait in the associated queue until the condition becomes
true. Applies only when Type is Scan for Condition.

Queue Type: Determines the type of queue used to hold the entities. If Queue is selected,
the queue name is specified. If Set is selected, the queue set and member in the set are
specified. If Internal is selected, an internal queue is used to hold all waiting entities.
Attribute and Expression are additional methods for defining the queue to be used.

Queue Name: This field is visible only if Queue Type is Queue, and it defines the
symbol name of the queue.

Set Name: This field is visible only if Queue Type is Set, and it defines the queue
set that contains the queue being referenced.

Example 1—Wait for Signal

Prompt Entry
Name Hold for Approval
Type Wait for Signal
Wait for Value 10
Limit 1
Queue Type Queue
Queue Name Approval.Queue

In this example, the Hold for Approval module will hold entities in the Approval.Queue
until a signal is received from another entity in the module. The entities entering this
module will wait for the signal 10. When a signal is received, only one (1) entity will be
released from the queue.

Example 2—Scan for Condition

Prompt Entry
Name Wait to Proceed
Type Scan for Condition
Condition State(Payroll Worker)
== Idle
Queue Type Queue
Queue Name Wait.Queue

Entities wait in the Wait.Queue until the state of resource Payroll Worker is IDLE. When
this scan condition is true, an entity is released from the queue and sent to the next

Example 3—Infinite Hold

Simulation and Modeling (CE-409) SSUET/QR/114

Prompt Entry
Name Emergency Room
Type Infinite Hold
Queue Type Queue Set
Set Name ER Set
Set Index Patient Type

In this example, incoming entities are placed into one of the queues in the ER Set, based
on their Patient Type. Patient Type is an attribute assigned to each entity earlier in the
model. Entities will wait in the Emergency Room module in queue until they are removed
from the queue by an entity from a Remove module

Signal module:


The Signal module sends a signal value to each Hold module in the model set to Wait for
Signal and releases the maximum specified number of entities.When an entity arrives at
a Signal module, the signal is evaluated and the signal code sent. At this time, entities at
Hold modules that are waiting for the same signal are removed from their queues. The
entity sending the signal continues processing until it encounters a delay, enters a queue,
or is disposed.


 Analyzing traffic patterns at an intersection (signal when the light turns green)

 Signaling an operator to complete an order that was waiting for a component part.


Prompt Description:

Name—Unique module identifier. This name is displayed on the module shape.

Signal Value—Value of the signal to be sent to entities in Hold modules.

Limit—Maximum number of entities that are to be released from any Hold modules when
the signal is received.

Example 1—Basic Use

Prompt Entry
Name Send Signal
Signal Value 10

Simulation and Modeling (CE-409) SSUET/QR/114


In this example, the signal code 10 to all the Hold modules in the model. All entities waiting
for the signal 10 will be released unless the individual Hold modules limit the number of
entities being released.

Example 2—Attribute Signal

Prompt Entry
Name Go Ahead
Signal Value Entity.SerialNumber
Limit 1

In this example, the entity will send a signal based on the value of its attribute
Entity.SerialNumber. Entities waiting in Hold modules for the same signal value will be
released when the signal is sent. There is a limit on the signal, meaning that only one
entity may be released from a Hold module, should multiple entities be waiting for the
sent signal. The entity waiting the longest will be released.


Simulation and Modeling (CE-409) SSUET/QR/114


1(a) Create a lab scenario in which 150 students are arrived for the test .All students take
2 mints apply delay of 2 mints, between students to complete the test.
(b) Repeat scenario no 1 with delay distribution of max 5 and min 2 mints.
2.(a) Create a bus stop scenario in which 5 person come to bus stop every min. bus take
delay of 25mins. The capacity of bus is 20 (space).Use hold and signal module the wait
the value is 1, write the queue time and process time.
(b) Hold type change wait to infinite and run the scenario
(c) Repeat the scenario with the replication of 5 and run 1000, write queue time and
process time.


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