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University of Manitoba Press




This is our agreement to publish your work, at print, distribute and sell this work, or to cause it to
present called      . We are pleased to have it on be published, printed, distributed or sold,
the publishing list of the University of Manitoba throughout the world, in all languages and in all
Press. forms, editions and formats. These rights extend
to all media or formats now or hereafter known,
This agreement specifies our responsibilities as including, without limitation, print, microform,
publisher of the work and yours as its author, electronic, digital, optical, magnetic, email or
editor, compiler or translator. In this respect we internet transmission, website posting or any type
recognize a dual responsibility: to you, as the of public display. Further, such rights extend to all
creator of the work, and to the public to whom it is versions and editions of the work, including
addressed. We shall do our best to publish it to original, condensed, translated, adapted, updated,
your satisfaction and ours, and to make it revised or abridged versions.
available to as many readers as possible.
You also grant permission for us to reproduce
We look forward to a continuing relationship with excerpts and selections from the work, in any
you. We do not ask for a contractual option on media or format, not exceeding 1000 words,
your future works, but we would like to know of without charge or royalty, for the purposes of
your plans and we hope you will want to offer promoting sales of the work.
further manuscripts to us.
You further grant us such other rights as may
1 Grant of rights appear in this agreement, including the right to use
You grant and assign to the Press, during the term your name and likeness or photograph for the
of copyright, the full and exclusive right to publish, purposes of promotion and advertising.

copyright in that material for its publication in
The following wording will be used for the the work by us in the contemplated edition and
copyright notice: Copyright ©      . in all subsequent editions. Alternatively, you
will reimburse us promptly for any fees paid by
2 Agreement to publish us for use of such copyright material.
We agree to publish the work at our own expense,
except as may be specifically provided elsewhere In the unlikely event of any claim, action or
in this agreement. We undertake to do so as soon proceeding based upon an alleged violation of any
as practical after receipt of the final and complete of these warranties, we shall have the right to
manuscript and its formal approval (if this has not defend the same through counsel of our own
yet been given) by our Editorial Board (a choosing. We shall notify you promptly and
committee of faculty members appointed by the consult with you on the course of action, although
University of Manitoba) or its delegates. all final determinations respecting the course of
action (including settlement) are ours. You agree
We shall publish your work in the form we think to pay all costs and damages (including solicitor
most suitable and shall promote and sell it to the and client costs) that, as a result of any such
best of our ability in such manner (including price, claim, action or proceeding, may be sustained by
title, date of publication, discounts, type of us or by any seller of the work or licensee of a
advertising, and number and distribution of free subsidiary right in the work. We may, pending a
copies) as we think best meets the requirements settlement, withhold payments of reasonable
of the market and potential readers. In so doing amounts due to you under this or any other
we undertake to consult with you. agreement between us. Your indemnity will not
apply to any matter not contained in your original
3 Warranties, undertakings and indemnities manuscript, or to any revisions to it which you
You warrant that you are the sole owner of all the have not personally written or approved.
rights granted by you in the work, and have the full
power to make this agreement and have not These warranties and indemnities shall survive the
previously assigned, licensed or otherwise granted termination of this agreement.
these rights.
4 Copyright
You undertake that the work: We agree to take all necessary steps to ensure
copyright protection for the work, and to print a
A / is original to you, except for any copyrighted copyright notice in each copy of the work which
material of others incorporated in the work, we publish as required to obtain protection under
and has not previously been published in any the Universal Copyright Convention. We may also
form; provide copyright protection for forms of
B / does not infringe the copyright or other publication other than print, including computer-
proprietary right of any other person; readable forms. If we sell rights of licences as
C / contains no libelous, defamatory or other provided under this agreement, we shall require
unlawful matter; the purchaser to make this same undertaking in
D / makes no improper invasion of the privacy or writing, so that your rights will be fully protected.
other personal rights of anyone.
If any right covered by this agreement is infringed,
You also undertake that: the first of us to learn of the infringement will
inform the other. You will have the right to join us
E / all statements in the work purporting to be in bringing suit, and will then share equally in the
facts are true and any formula, instruction or expenses of the action and in any sums recovered
recipe therein is correct and will not be from it. We shall not be required to bring suit,
injurious to the reader; however, nor shall you. If either of us declines to
F / you will advise us of any statements in the participate in a suit the other may proceed,
work that might be construed as libelous, bearing all expenses and retaining all sums
defamatory or otherwise unlawful; recovered.
G / you will advise us of any material, either text or
illustration, the rights for which are controlled 5 The manuscript
by others. Where necessary you will obtain, You agree to provide us with one copy of the
prior to publication and at your expense, finished manuscript, satisfactory in form and
permission in writing from the owner of content to us and to our Editorial Board. It is

possible that we or the Editorial Board may require You agree to provide, within two months of receipt
substantive revision of the manuscript (for from us of the final copy-edited manuscript, the
example, to meet recognized scholarly criteria, or final text of the work in machine-readable form,
to avoid including material that infringes rights or compatible with our systems and prepared to
may be libelous or otherwise unlawful). Should specifications determined in agreement with our
you be unwilling or fail to make any such revisions, technical staff. It is understood that this final form
we shall have the right to terminate this agreement will incorporate any editorial revisions that we may
by notice in writing. suggest and that you have approved, together
with any changes in the work required for
FORM: The finished manuscript will be typed, conformity to our preferred style in spelling,
double spaced throughout (including extracts, capitalization, punctuation and similar matters.
tables, notes, bibliography and other matter), on You undertake further that you will not make any
standard-sized paper of good quality, with ample changes in the text of this final form which we
margins, and easily legible. Notes will be typed at have not previously approved. You will also
the end of the manuscript separately. We are not provide a double-spaced printout of this final form
liable for the loss or damage to any draft or to the so that we may indicate on it typographic
finished manuscript, and therefore we recommend instructions to the typesetter.
that you retain a duplicate copy of such materials.
We recommend that you retain a backup copy, on
ILLUSTRATIONS: Photographs, maps, charts, disc or tape, of the final machine-readable form in
drawings and other illustrative material should be case of loss or damage to the copy sent to us.
in a form suitable for reproduction, prepared
according to specifications on which we have Following receipt of the work in machine-readable
agreed. form, the provisions for proofreading, changes in
proof and preparation of the index set out below
If you cannot or are unable to provide the maps pertain.
we have agreed to include in your book, we will
commission these maps to be prepared and 8 Damage and insurance
charge the costs incurred against your future We agree to take the same care of any
royalties. manuscript, illustration, or other material that you
place in our hands as we would of our own
REVISION: If in our opinion the finished property. You must retain a duplicate copy of the
manuscript needs to be revised or retyped, or manuscript for your own protection. We shall
illustrations redrawn or otherwise adapted, you will recognize responsibility only for the cost of
have the option of revising the material or retyping a manuscript or replacing photographic
commissioning us to have it revised. If the second prints.
course is followed, unless agreement is reached to
the contrary any costs incurred in the revision will Unless you specifically request their return, we
be charged against your future royalties. may, after publication of the work, dispose of the
original manuscript and proofs.
DESCRIPTION: The manuscript as submitted to
us will consist of approximately      text pages. In 9 Editing
any revision which may be undertaken before the We reserve the right to make such editorial
work goes into production, you agree not to add to revisions as in our opinion may be necessary to
the length of the manuscript or the number of make the work suitable for publication. These may
illustrations without our agreement. include revisions for the sake of consistency of
style, correction of grammar or spelling, or greater
6 Delivery readability.
You agree to deliver the manuscript, complete for
editing by      . You also agree to provide then STYLE: Unless we agree to a specific request
written evidence of any permission required to from you as to spelling, capitalization, punctuation
include text or illustrations, the copyrights of which and typographic style, and unless your manuscript
are controlled by others. consistently follows that preference in style, we
are authorized to make the manuscript conform to
      the style in these matters that we feel is most
appropriate. (We normally follow the principles of
7 Optional forms of manuscript preparation

The Chicago Manual of Style and the preferred request, and we agree to, further changes that
spelling of The Gage Canadian Dictionary.) vary from the edited manuscript (which you will
have approved before typesetting begins) the cost
CONTENT: We undertake that no changes of making them will be borne by you, and may be
affecting content will be made without your charged directly to you or to your royalties.
express approval, provided that you will not
unreasonably withhold approval of changes made 12 Index
to avoid the possibility of infringing copyrights or If we feel that an index is required, you agree to
violating laws relating to libel, obscenity, invasion prepare one and to deliver the copy for it when
of privacy or other applicable law. You will be returning page proofs for correction. The index will
shown the copy-edited manuscript before be provided electronically on disk.
typesetting begins, and undertake to make any
changes then rather than later. If you do not return If we feel that an index is required but you choose
the copy-edited manuscript within an agreed or not to prepare the index yourself, we shall be free
reasonable time, we shall have the right to cancel to have an index prepared at your expense; any
this agreement by notice in writing and charge you such expenses will be charged against your future
for costs incurred to that point. Should you wish to royalty payments.
undertake what we consider substantial revision of
the manuscript at this point, you will be      
responsible for retyping and proofreading the
revised manuscript and for any costs incurred in 13 Complimentary copies
re-editing a substantially revised manuscript. It is On publication, we shall supply you with      
understood that in returning the copy-edited complimentary copies of your work in the regular
manuscript you approve it for setting except for hardcover edition and       copies of any
any suggested changes in content which you may paperback edition, whether published
specifically reject. simultaneously or subsequently. (If the book is
published only in paperback, we shall send you
10 Proofs       copies of that edition.) These copies are for
We agree to submit galley or page proofs to you, your personal use.
and shall do our best to provide them according to
a schedule determined in advance and agreeable In addition, we shall send complimentary copies to
to you. You will be responsible for full and careful individuals who, in our judgement, will aid the sale
proofreading. You agree to return the proofs as of the work. We shall supply the statutory number
scheduled, with typographical errors clearly of copies to the National Library, Ottawa. We shall
marked. We undertake to send the proofs to you also provide the requisite complimentary copies to
by the speediest and safest manner that is any institution or organization providing financial
economically practical, and will pay for their return assistance towards publication of the work.
by the same means. If you do not return corrected
proofs within thirty days after we have sent them You may purchase additional copies of the work at
to you, or within an alternative agreed schedule, a 40 percent discount from our suggested retail
we shall be free to proceed with the manufacture price, plus postage or shipping charges. As a
and publication of the work without waiting for you courtesy, we are pleased to offer you all other
to return them, making only such corrections as books published by the University of Manitoba
we consider necessary. If because of delay on Press at the same 40 percent discount from the
your part we decide that the proofs must be read suggested retail price, plus postage or shipping
and corrected by someone else, the expense charges. Books purchased at these special
incurred will be charged directly to you or to your discounts are for your own use only, however, and
royalties. not for resale to students or others. Such orders
must be addressed to the marketing manager at
11 Alterations in proof our offices with a specific request for an author's
No changes or additions will be made in proof 40 percent discount; otherwise they are likely to
except to correct errors made by the typesetter or be processed with regular orders and billed at the
by mutual agreement of both parties. We normal price.
recognize that it may sometimes be necessary to
make further changes at this point, and will pay 14 Basic royalties
the first $100 of costs of any such changes In return for the rights you have granted us, we
requested by you and agreed to by us. If you agree to pay you or your duly authorized

representative the following royalties on copies of interests and concerns in mind, and as appropriate
the work we sell, subject to the provisions of may consult with you. On occasion we may
succeeding paragraphs of this agreement. publish, or permit others to publish, excerpts from
the work without charge, if in our opinion this will
      encourage sales. If rights are licensed or
permission granted for a fee or royalty, we shall
Unless it is otherwise specifically stipulated, all pay you a percentage of the net proceeds as set
royalties will be calculated as percentages of the out below. (The ‘net proceeds’ on which payment
list price: will be calculated are the total cash we receive
less all reasonable expenses we may incur in
A / On all hardcover copies sold (except for the pursuit of, or in connection with, the sale or
special cases listed below):      percent of list licence, including any commissions payable to an
price; agent.
B / On all paperback copies sold (except for the
special cases listed below):      percent of list A / If the sale or licence concerns the right to
price; publish (that is, to reproduce and distribute)
C / On bound copies or unbound sheet stock sold the work or any portion of it, which may be by
by us to another publisher or a book club at a agreement with another publisher or a book
discount of 50 percent or more from the club which chooses to buy rights rather than
suggested retail price: 5 percent of net bound volumes or unbound sheets, or by
proceeds; agreement with another person or firm which
D / On overstock or other copies sold by us at a wishes to use the full text or excerpts in a
special discount of 51 percent or more from periodical, newspaper, book, compilation,
the suggested retail price: one-half the normal anthology or omnibus volume:      per cent of
royalty, except that no royalties will be paid on net proceeds.
copies sold at or below manufacturing cost. B / If the sale or licence concerns the right to
E / On all electronic copies sold (including those publish the work in translation:      per cent of
distributed on disk, memory card, CD, DVD, net proceeds. Further, if you request it in
by email, internet, or other similar media):       writing, we shall stipulate that the translation
percent of net price; and be approved by you, on the understanding
F / On all print-on-demand copies sold:       that you will not withhold or delay your
percent of net proceeds. approval unreasonably.
C / If the sale or licence concerns the right to
Both regular sales and sales at special discounts perform the work, or to adapt it for dramatic,
will be counted in the totals in calculating royalties. motion picture, sound recording, radio or
television performance, or for performance in
      any other media now or hereafter known, or
for publication in an audiovisual form:      per
15 Royalty-free copies cent of net proceeds.
We shall distribute free copies of the work for D / If the sale or licence concerns any other form
review and promotional purposes as well as for of derivative publication or use of the work,
statutory deposit in national libraries and in including abridgment, condensation,
acknowledgement of any financial assistance to syndication, photocopying, micrographic
publication. No royalties will be paid on such reproduction, Braille transcriptions, electronic
copies, or on any furnished to you without charge, storage, transfer and retrieval, and public
or on copies accidentally damaged or destroyed, display: 50 percent of net proceeds.
or on copies returned by buyers to us, or on
copies sold at or below manufacturing cost. We shall have the right to license any or all of
these rights.
16 Royalties from sale or licence of rights
In exercising the rights in the work you have 17 Royalty statements and payments
granted to us by virtue of Clause 1, we shall have We shall provide you with annual statements of
the full and exclusive right to sell or license royalties earned during each year the work
publication of the work, in whole or in part, by remains in print. Our royalty year ends on 31
others. We shall also have the exclusive right to March, and we shall mail the statement to you by
grant permission to use material in the work. In the next 31 August. At that time we shall make all
exercising these rights we shall keep your payments due to you from sale of copies, rights or

licences as of the end of the royalty year just      
ended. Payment will be in Canadian funds, and
sales in US funds will be considered at par with 21 Special sales
sales in Canadian funds. Should sales of the work decline to a point where
we wish to dispose of all remaining copies by
Our books of account (in so far as they relate to offering them for sale at a discount of 75 percent
the sales and subsidiary rights of the work) shall, or more from the current suggested retail price, we
upon your request and upon reasonable written shall notify you promptly. You will have the right to
notice, be open for periodic inspection at our office purchase within sixty days of notification any such
(not exceeding once per annum) by a remaining copies at a discount of 75 percent from
professionally qualified accountant on your behalf the current suggested retail price.
at all reasonable times during business hours for
the purpose of verifying the accuracy of our 22 Out of print
payments to you under this agreement. If, three years or longer after first publication, we
decide that sales do not warrant continued
18 Revised editions publication of the work, we may declare it out of
If you and we agree that a revised edition is print and will so advise you in writing to your last
needed, you will supply us with the new material known address. At that time, you may terminate
required to keep the work current and to meet the this agreement and require us, in writing, to return
needs of its principal readership. Such new to you all rights granted to us under this
material will be covered by all provisions of this agreement, with the exceptions noted below. You
agreement as if it were the same work. If, may also so terminate the agreement if we fail to
however, the revision (including abridgement or keep the work in print and if we do not, within
expansion) requires new composition amounting three months of receiving a written request from
to 20 percent or more of the original work, the you, undertake to issue a new printing within a
revision will be considered a new work and this further nine months or to license a new printing to
agreement will be automatically renewed on the appear in that time. (The work will be considered
same terms as for the original edition. “in print” as long as copies are available from us or
our licensee for sale through normal retail and
If we cannot agree as to the need for a revised wholesale channels in a hardback, paperback, or
edition or if for any reason you cannot or choose electronic version.)
not to prepare such a revision, or to complete it
within a reasonable time, we shall be free to have On termination of this agreement, all rights to the
it prepared by some other competent person and work will revert to you, except that we shall have
to clear any necessary permissions, charging such the right to sell any bound copies or sheets
editorial costs of revision against royalties you remaining in our hands. Also, any licences
earn from sales of the revised edition, either by a previously granted by us will continue in effect and
flat fee or by a division of royalties. The work of royalties from them will continue to be collected by
that person will be recognized in the revised us and shared with you in accordance with the
edition. You will be given an opportunity to review terms of this agreement.
all revisions and new materials before publication.
You will have the right, within 60 days of
19 Competing works termination of this agreement, to purchase at one-
You agree that you will not, without our written third of the actual cost (including composition) any
consent, write, edit or collaborate in any abridged existing type, negatives or plates for the work, and
or other edition of this work or any work of a to purchase at manufacturing cost any bound
similar character which might interfere with the copies and/or unbound sheets remaining in our
sale of the work covered by this agreement. We in hands. If you do not exercise this option within 60
turn undertake that such consent will not be days, we shall have the right to destroy or dispose
withheld unreasonably. of any such type, negatives, plates, bound copies
or unbound sheets in any way we see fit without
20 Subsidization payment of royalty.
This agreement may be based on an
understanding that financial subsidy will be 23 Notices
available to support publication of the work. If this All notices and statements provided for in this
is the case, details are listed immediately below. agreement shall be in writing. All notices given or
made by us to you shall be sent by personal

delivery, registered mail, facsimile transmission, or
by prepaid courier, to the address at the head of Date
this letter; statements and payments may be sent
by regular first-class mail, postage prepaid. All
notices from you to us shall be given by personal
delivery, registered mail, facsimile transmission, or Accepted and agreed to:
by prepaid courier, to the Director, University of
Manitoba Press, University of Manitoba, 301 St.
John’s College ,Winnipeg, Canada R3T 2M5.
Either you or we may hereafter, by notice in
writing, designate other addresses to which
notices, statements and payments may be sent.
Mailed notices shall be deemed to have been
effectively given five days after the date of their
deposit in a regular operating mail depository,
properly addressed and with postage prepaid.
24 Governing law
This agreement shall be governed by the laws of
Canada and the Province of Manitoba, in Canada,
as applied to transactions taking place entirely
within Manitoba between Manitoba residents. Any
action taken relating to this agreement shall be
commenced in the Court of Queen's Bench
(Winnipeg Centre) of Manitoba.

25 Heirs and assigns

This agreement shall be binding upon you and
your legal representatives, executors, heirs and
assigns, and upon us and our successors and

It is agreed between us that no transfer of this

agreement will be binding upon either of us
without the advance written consent of the other.

26 Completion
This agreement shall be deemed completed only
when two copies (or more if required by the nature
of the agreement) have been duly completed by
you and by us, and we have received one
completed copy at our editorial or administrative

We will accept delivery of this signed agreement

by facsimile or electronic transmission.

This agreement has been signed on behalf of the

University of Manitoba by an authorized signing
officer. If the agreement is satisfactory to you,
please sign all copies and return one to us.

For the University of Manitoba

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