92b42 3rd Grade Spelling HW II Partial

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Escuela Evangélica Bilingüe “Virginia Sapp”

Spelling HW 10% - II Partial
Third grade Section: _______
Name: ______________________________________ Date: __________________________

A. Complete the following sentences with the correct word from the list. (0.5%
each, 2.5% total)
1. Miss Puerto always says, ¨don’t _______________ garbage on the floor ¨.

2. Ana and Luz always __________________ when they listen the bell ringing.

3. Mario is a _________________ boy, because he exercises a lot in the GYM.

4. My guitar ___________________ is broken, I have to change it.

5. We don’t have to talk to ___________________ people, it´s dangerous.

B. Label the following pictures. (0.5% each, 2.5% total)


1___________________ 2___________________ 3___________________

4_____________________ 5____________________
C.Write letters in column ¨b¨ according to the clues in column ¨a¨. (0.5% each,
2% total)


1. scrape ______ a small piece or amount of something.

2. scrap ______a strong feeling of excitement and pleasure.

3. thrill ______ to move or climb quickly but with difficulty.

4. scramble ______ to remove something from a surface using

a sharp edge.

D. Write complete sentences with the following words. (1% each, 3% total)

1. Strange: ______________________________________________________________

2. Three: ________________________________________________________________

3. Think: _________________________________________________________________

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