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Quoting vs. Paraphrasing.

1. “Technology can be our best friend, and technology can also be the biggest party
pooper of our lives. It interrupts our own story, interrupts our ability to have a
thought or a daydream, to imagine something wonderful, because we're too busy
bridging the walk from the cafeteria back to the office on the cell phone.”—Steven

Kennedy, Lisa. “Spielberg in the Twilight Zone.” Wired. 6 Jan. 2002. Accessed 18 Feb. 2018

2. “If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell 6
friends. If you make customers unhappy on the Internet, they can each tell 6,000
friends.”—Jeff Bezos
PLC. Sylvia Pencak, M.A. Accessed 18. Feb. 2018.

3. “Social networks are here to stay, and they're constantly evolving. Globally, more
than 2.8 billion people — or 37% of the world's population — use social media, but
the way those users interact with each other, and the platforms they adopt, vary

Gallagher, Kevin. “The Social Media Demographics Report: Differences in age, gender, and income at the
top platforms.” Business Insider. 4 Aug. 2017.
demographics-report-2017-8 Accessed 18 Feb. 2018.

4. “In a recent survey, 41% of millennials still use Facebook every day; however,
Facebook was found to be more popular with non-millennials. Every other
measured social media platform (YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, Twitter
and LinkedIn) was found to be more popular with millennials than non-

Friedman, Lauren. “4 Millennial Social Trends to Watch in 2017.” Forbes. 29 Dec. 2016.
watch-in-2017/#7272a3806e69 Accessed 18 Feb. 2018.

5. “A group of friends checking their smartphones while hanging out. Almost everyone
on the subway with their eyes fixed on their gadget’s screens. A couple laying
together in bed with their iPhones in their hands. People with their devices up in the
air taking pictures of a concert. And I could go on. Technology, and especially
smartphones, is ruining society, making us disconnected from others, interacting
with our devices instead of with each other. Except, f*ck that.”

Carral, Hector. “Stop Saying Technology is Causing Social Isolation.” The Huffington Post.
2 Nov. 2015.
social-isolation_b_8425688.html Accessed 18 Feb. 2018.
6. “The average time spent on social media was 61 minutes a day. People who spent
more than 121 minutes a day on social media had about twice the odds of feeling
isolated than those spending less than 30 minutes a day on these sites, the findings

Dotinga, Randy. “Feeling lonely? Social media might have something to do with it.” CBS News. 6 Mar.
with-it/ Accessed 18 Feb. 2018.

7. “It is time to reframe the debate over bullying. It is not just "mean girls" or "boys
being boys." It is the aggressive emotional abuse of a child, and we must all stand
against it. Lives depend on it.”

Hakes, Francey. “School Bullying’s Chilling New Front.” CNN. 5 Sept. 2013. Accessed 18 Feb. 2018.

8. “’Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?’ These are the questions Lucy

Alexander’s open letter implored people to ask themselves before posting anything
on social media. It was written after her son, Felix, killed himself, aged 17, after
suffering years of cyberbullying and online abuse.”

“The Observer View on Cyberbullying.” The Observer. 12 Nov. 2016.
Accessed 18 Feb. 2018.

9. “Seventy-three percent of survey respondents between the ages of 13 and 18 had an

Instagram account. Only 57 percent had a Facebook account.”

“Salinas, Sara. Zuckerberg's purchase of Instagram was the perfect 'teen and millennial hedge' for
Facebook.” CNBC. 11 Dec. 2017.
and-millennial-hedge-for-facebook-maheney.html Accessed 18 Feb. 2017.

10. “Like most relationships we plunge into with hearts aflutter, our love affair with
digital technology promised us the world: more friends, money and democracy! Free
music, news and same-day shipping of paper towels! A laugh a minute, and a
constant party at our fingertips.”

Sax, David. “Our Love Affair With Digital is Over.” New York Times. 18 Nov. 2017.
analog.html Accessed 18 Feb. 2018.

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