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W3 Lesson 2: Reconciliation - March 23/21

Teacher Ana Ferzacca Grade Level 5/6

Subject Language Arts Unit Reconciliation

Time 2:15-3:15 Overarching How is the meaning of

Question reconciliation different for
different people?

Description and Rationale

In this lesson I am having a guest speaker come in to talk about reconciliation from a
Blackfoot perspective. She will also be talking to the students about how she is teaching
reconciliation on the reserve.

GLOs General Outcome 1

Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences

SLOs 1.2 Clarify and extend: Consider the ideas of others

Seek the viewpoints of others to build on personal responses and

Learning 1. Students will be able to consider different viewpoints on reconciliation

Objectives and ask questions to further their understanding.

Learning Objectives Driving Questions

1. What did you learn from Ms. Little Mustache today?

What about her ideas about reconciliation is different from your idea
of reconciliation?

Pre-Lesson Preparation

Material/Equipment/Resources Teacher Tasks

Zoom link for Taylor Contact Taylor

Laptop or webcam so that she can see the Set up meeting time
classroom Get students to prepare questions for Taylor
Take notes

Body Time(mins)

Activity 1 Introduce Taylor 5

● Taylor is a member of the Blackfoot first nations
● She is also a teacher
● She teaches in a school on the reserve

Activity 2 Taylors talk - Taylor will be talking about what reconciliation means 30
to her and why she feels it is important to teach reconciliation in

Activity 3 Questions - Students will prepare some questions for Taylor in the 15
class before this one.

Closure Ask them what they learned 10

● What did you think of Taylor’s presentation?
● Did you learn anything new about reconciliation?
○ If there is time get them to come up with something
in pairs and then go around and share
● Did your ideas about reconciliation change after listening to


Formative: listening to their discussion and their questions for Taylor


What Worked Having Taylor come talk was very interesting. I think it was important for
the students to hear a different perspective on reconciliation and to hear
from a Blackfoot person during this unit. The students seemed engaged
for the most part and interested in asking questions afterwards.

What Didn’t It took us a bit to figure out the technology, and some students were not
Work being respectful for the entire presentation. I had students prepare
questions the day before, but we could have spent more time on these.

What I Would I would have a better introduction to the lesson, talk a bit about who
Change Taylor is and what they should be paying attention to during her
presentation. I took notes in order to have some things to talk about
afterwards but there wasn’t enough time at the end so we will discuss it
tomorrow. I also could have prepared the students better, set up
expectations about being respectful ahead of time.

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