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Active Learn Instructions – 7J

Follow the instructions below to get onto the site:

1. Click on this link to get onto the log in

page: type into google: ‘Active
Learn’ and then click on Pearson Active Learn
2. Find your username and password in the list below. The password is the same for
everybody, do not change it. Only use your own account details.
3. If you want to do extra work you can always click on: Your Viva book icon, exercises.
This way you can do extra work!

LastName FirstName Username Password

Aleeza Naz NazAleeza Greatfields21
Alex Haastrup HaastrupAlex Greatfields21
Alisha Zaheer ZaheerAlisha Greatfields21
Ariz Haider HaiderAriz Greatfields21
Ayoub Alhizour AlhizourAyoub Greatfields21
C.J WILSON WILSONC.J Greatfields21
Claris Arapi ArapiClaris Greatfields21
Daniel Akinola AkinolaDaniel Greatfields21
Daria Marin MarinDaria Greatfields21
Hanad Mohamed MohamedHanad Greatfields21
Harrini Kulendran KulendranHarrini Greatfields21
Heri Sibasa SibasaHeri Greatfields21
Ida Maldarasanu MaldarasanuIda Greatfields21
Ismail Mohamud MohamudIsmail Greatfields21
Izabela Stoica StoicaIzabela Greatfields21
Jumai Mumuni MumuniJumai Greatfields21
Mahdi Abdullah AbdullahMahdi Greatfields21
Muhammad Ahmad AhmadMuhammad-ALS Greatfields21
Naomi Malaolu MalaoluNaomi Greatfields21
Sahra Ibrahim IbrahimSahra Greatfields21
Sayma Ahasan AhasanSayma Greatfields21
Siam Ahasan AhasanSiam Greatfields21
Simon Shukullanji ShukullanjiSimon Greatfields21
Zahin Anis AnisZahin Greatfields21
Abdullah Mahdi2 AbdullahMahdi2 ChangeMe165
Moni Zarif2 MoniZarif2 ChangeMe165
Fage Adriela2 FageAdriela2 ChangeMe165
Nenartaviciute Guste2 NenartaviciuteGuste2 ChangeMe165
Bou-Abbache Adlane2 Bou-AbbacheAdlane2 ChangeMe165
Malaolu Naomi2 MalaoluNaomi2 ChangeMe165
Rahman Mousumi2 RahmanMousumi2 ChangeMe165

 Type quizlet into google.
 Click on the top link.
 You do not need to create a log in but you can if you like. (If you don’t
want to click on the ‘x’.
 Type in MissDarwin (without spaces)
 Click on ‘Classes’
 Greatfields Y7/8/9/10 (which ever year group you are)
 The Viva module you are currently on.

Spanish Dict:
 Type Spanish dict into Google and click on the top link.
 You can choose from the tables at the top to look vocabulary, grammar etc.
 For example: Grammar: you could type in ‘present tense’. This will give you an
explanation and the option to do a quiz to test yourself at the end!

 Type Memrise into Google and click on the top link.
 For this you will need to create an account.

 You can download this app on any Android or iPhone.
 This app is really fun and you can set it to make sure you do eg. 30 minutes a
 Once you have downloaded the app, choose to learn Spanish and go in at :
Y7: Beginner
Y8: Intermediate
Y9: Intermediate
Y10: Intermediate
If your level feels too easy, you can do lots of sessions in one day and go up a level.

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