Test Bank Services Marketing 7th Edition Lovelock

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The Test Item File for Lovelock/Wirtz’s Services Marketing, 7th edition was designed
with the student and instructor in mind. Questions in this manual are derived directly
from the master text. Instructors and students can be confident that questions reinforce
learning and challenge students to think and perform at a high level.

Each chapter in the Test Item File is broken down into two areas: General Content and
Application. These areas reflect the multifunctional nature of each chapter. General
Content questions cover main points throughout the chapter, while Application questions
take students beyond the basic concepts and ask them to think more deeply about service
marketing. Each area is further broken down into four types of questions, as follows:

General Content
10 Multiple choice
10 True/False
5 Short Answer
2 Essay

Application Content
5 Multiple choice
5 True/False
5 Short answer
3 Essay

Each question contains a question number, the question itself, potential answers, the
correct answer, a difficulty scale, and the page where the question and answer may be
found in the textbook. The page number indicates where the answer begins, not
necessarily where it ends. Questions will often cover multiple pages of material.
Questions are listed in order from the front of the chapter to the end of the chapter.
Questions include material from the entire chapter, including the opening vignettes,
charts, graphs, and service perspectives.

Degree of Difficulty

The degree of difficulty scale is designed to provide instructors with a wide range of
questions on which to test student knowledge. Easy questions are those that students
should be able to answer with a fairly basic understanding of the material beyond simply
skimming the chapter. These questions typically represent key terms and concepts that
stand out in bold. Moderate questions reflect more specific detail than easy questions
and require a deeper understanding of the material. These questions indicate a reasonable
level of comprehension has been achieved. Challenging questions are designed to
separate the strong students from the rest. These questions require a solid comprehension
of the material and also the ability to think and respond more deeply to services
marketing content in general.
Full file at http://testbank360.eu/test-bank-services-marketing-7th-edition-lovelock

Answers to essay and short-answer questions are provided for the instructor’s
convenience. Essay answers are meant as a guide that indicates the key concepts that
should be discussed within the essay. Short-answer questions often indicate multiple
possible answers. In this case, additional correct answers are provided within brackets
{}. Students should understand that a “best answer” will always be available to a

Good luck preparing your course, instructing your students, and examining student
knowledge. I hope you find this manual helpful in conducting a successful learning
experience for your students. Please feel free to contact me if you have any difficulty or
questions with the Test Item File. Thank you for choosing the Lovelock/Wirtz 7th edition

Gavin L. Fox
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Rawls College of Business
Texas Tech University
(806) 742-3432 (office)
gavin.fox@ttu.edu (e-mail)

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