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PROVISIONAL REMEDIES b. incurring the obligation

i. upon which the action is
brought, or
I.A c. in the performance thereof;
Grounds for each Provisional Remedies:
(e) In an action against a party who:
PRELIMINARY ATTACHMENT: a. has removed or disposed of his
property, or
(a) In an action for the recovery of a specified b. is about to do so,
amount of money or damages: c. with intent to defraud his creditors; or
a. other than moral and exemplary
b. on a cause of action arising from law, (f) In an action against a party who:
contract, quasi-contract, delict or a. does not reside and
quasi-delict b. is not found in the Philippines, or
c. against a party: c. on whom summons may be served by
i. who is about to depart from publication.
the Philippines
ii. with intent to defraud his PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION:
A preliminary injunction may be GRANTED when it is
(b) In an action for money or property: established:
a. embezzled or (a) That:
b. fraudulently misapplied or a. the applicant is entitled to the relief
c. converted to his own use by [in the demanded, and
course of his employment as such]: b. the whole or part of such relief
i. a public officer, or consists:
ii. an officer of a corporation, or i. in restraining the
iii. an attorney, commission or
iv. factor, continuance of the act or
v. broker, acts complained of, or
vi. agent, or ii. in requiring the
vii. clerk, performance of an act or
viii. by any other person: acts either for a limited
1. in a fiduciary capacity, period or perpetually;
or (b) That the commission, continuance or non-
2. for a wilful violation of performance of the act or acts complained
duty; of [DURING THE LITIGATION] would
probably work injustice to the applicant;
(c) In an action to recover the possession of or
property: (c) That a party, court, agency or a person is:
a. unjustly or fraudulently taken, a. doing,
b. detained or b. threatening, or
c. converted, c. attempting to do, or
d. when the property, or any part thereof, d. procuring or
has been: e. suffering to be done some act or
i. concealed, acts probably
ii. removed, or i. in violation of the rights of
iii. disposed of the applicant respecting
iv. to prevent its being: the subject of the action or
1. found [by the applicant proceeding, and
or an authorized ii. tending to render the
person] or judgment ineffectual.
2. taken by the applicant
or an authorized RECEIVERSHIP:
Granted in the following cases:
(d) In an action against a party who has been (a) When it appears from:
guilty of a fraud: a. the verified application, and
a. in contracting the debt or
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b. such other proof as the court may a. is the owner of the property
require claimed
c. that: i. particularly describing it, or
i. the party applying for the b. is entitled to the possession
appointment of a receiver thereof;
has an interest in the
property or fund which is (b) That the property is wrongfully detained by
the subject of the action or the adverse party,
proceeding, and a. alleging the cause of detention
ii. such property or fund is in thereof according to the best of
danger of being lost, his knowledge, information, and
removed, or materially belief ;
injured unless a receiver
be appointed to administer (c) That the property has not been:
and preserve it; a. distrained or
b. taken for:
(b) When it appears: i. a tax assessment or
a. in an action by the mortgagee for ii. a fine pursuant to law or
the foreclosure of a mortgage c. seized under a writ of execution or
b. that: preliminary attachment, or
i. the property is in danger of d. otherwise placed under custodia
being wasted or dissipated legis, or
or materially injured, and e. if so seized, that it is exempt from
ii. its value is probably such seizure or custody; and
insufficient to discharge
the mortgage debt, or (d) The actual market value of the property.
iii. the parties have so
stipulated [value is SUPPORT PENDENTE LITE:
probably insufficient] in the
contract of mortgage; For as long the claiming party shows facts entitling
him of such support with grounds of such claim and
(c) AFTER JUDGMENT: the financial conditions of both parties were
a. to preserve the property during the established.
pendency of an appeal, or
b. to dispose of it according to the I.B
judgment, or Provisional Remedies requiring the
c. to aid execution when: posting of Bond:
i. the execution has been (Purpose of the bonds)
returned unsatisfied or
ii. the judgment obligor PRELIMINARY ATTACHMENT
refuses to apply his The bond shall be for:
property in satisfaction of  all the costs which may be adjudged to the
the judgment, or adverse party and
iii. otherwise to carry the  all damages which he may sustain by reason
judgment into effect; of the attachment

(d) Whenever in other cases it appears that PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION

the appointment of a receiver is:  applicant will pay to such party or person all
a. the most convenient and damages which he may sustain by reason of
b. feasible means of: the injunction or temporary restraining order if
i. preserving, the court should finally decide that the
ii. administering, or applicant was not entitled thereto.
iii. disposing of the property
in litigation. RECEIVERSHIP
 Applicant’s: the applicant will pay such party
REPLEVIN: all damages he may sustain by reason of the
appointment of such receiver in case the
(a) That the applicant: applicant shall have procured such
appointment without sufficient cause.
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II.A & II.B no full merit answer
 Receiver’s: to make sure he will faithfully *The topic was under Support
discharge his duties in the action or proceeding
and obey the orders of the court. What are the main actions where you can claim
support pendente lite?
The bond shall be: The main action where support pendente lite may be
 for the return of the property to the adverse claimed are as follows:
party if such return be adjudged, and
 for the payment to the adverse party of such 1. Action for support
sum as he may recover from the applicant in 2. Acknowledgement of the child
the action. 3. Declaration of nullity of marriage
4. Annulment of Marriage
5. Legal Separation
I.C 6. Rape when it results in an offspring
COUNTERBONDS available to the adverse party is 7. VAWC cases
each provisional remedy: 8. Action for custody
9. Compel recognition of an illegitimate child
In Preliminary Attachment
 The counterbond may be filed BEFORE/ Who is entitled to legal support?
AFTER/even AFTER issuance or
enforcement of the writ. Article 195 of the Family Code provides for the list of
 It shall be liable as security of judgment if who is entitled to legal support as follows:
attaching party is really entitled thereto.
Article 195. Subject to the provisions of the
In Preliminary Injuction succeeding articles, the following are obliged to
 The counterbond may be filed in an amount support each other to the whole extent set forth in the
fixed by the court, preceding article:
 if it appears after hearing that although the
applicant is entitled to the injunction or (1) The spouses;
restraining order, the issuance or continuance (2) Legitimate ascendants and descendants;
thereof, as the case may be, would cause (3) Parents and their legitimate children and the
irreparable damage to the party or person legitimate and illegitimate children of the latter;
enjoined while the applicant can be fully (4) Parents and their illegitimate children and the
compensated for such damages as he may legitimate and illegitimate children of the latter;
suffer. and
(5) Legitimate brothers and sisters, whether of full
In Receivership or half-blood.
 The counterbond may be filed in an amount
fixed by the court for the denial of the
What is the basis for granting support?
 to the effect that such (adverse) party will pay
Article 203 of the Family Code: The obligation to give
the applicant all damages he may suffer by
support shall be demandable from the time the person
reason of the acts, omissions, or other matters
who has a right to receive the same needs it for
specified in the application as ground for such
maintenance, but it shall not be paid except from the
date of judicial or extra-judicial demand.
In Replevin
Support pendente lite may be claimed in accordance
 The counterbond may be filed for the return of with the Rules of Court.
property at any time before the delivery of
property to the applicant Payment shall be made within the first five days of each
 Amount of counterbond shall be double the corresponding month or when the recipient dies, his
value of the property as stated in the heirs shall not be obliged to return what he has
applicant’s affidavit received in advance.
 The counterbond shall be for the payment of
such sum, to the applicant as may be In determining whether to grant the application for
recovered against the (him) adverse party. support pendente lite, what factors must the court

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dissipated or martially injured. Further, Adelfa
The pertinent facts and the sufficiency of the possessed the property.
evidence presented. It must show a clear and
satisfactory proof that the applicant is entitled for Here, what was in danger is their share over the profits
support pendente lite. which is only the fruit of the property.

In a hearing for support pendete lite, the parties must Hence, the appointment of receivership is not proper.
submit and present evidence to prove the grounds
which they anchor their claims on. III.B
No. Granting that receivership is proper, Daisy should
E.g. Support on the ground of marriage. If the not be made a receiver.
defendant negates the claim, the petitioner must
prove the fact of marriage. A receiver must be indifferent to the parties,
disinterested to the case and impartial in his duty. As a
It is after the presentation of evidence that the court rule, the receiver must not be any of the parties.
will determine the facts of the case which shall be the
basis of its decision with regard to the question Daisy is one of the plaintiff, hence she should not be a
whether or not support pendete lite should be granted receiver.

In determining the amount of support pendente IV.A

lite, what should the court consider? What are Yes, there is a ground but only against GREY CORP.
the factors? excluding the sureties.

1. The necessities of the applicant One of the grounds in Preliminary Attachment is that
2. The resources or means of the adverse party the main action is against the party who is guilty of
3. The terms of payment or mode for providing the fraud on contracting debt or incurring obligations or in
support the performance thereof.

What are the possible defenses that can be Here, the one who is guilty of fraud in the performance
invoked in an application for support pendete of obligation is only Grey Corp. excluding its sureties.
lite? That facts that they:
1. Denial of Paternity i. Failed to turn over the goods
2. Non-existence of marriage ii. remit the proceeds thereof
3. Death of Recipient
4. Improper conduct of the person seeking were committed during the performance of the
support obligation.

What is the quantum of proof required in Hence, there is a ground.

applications for support pendete lite?
When a denial has been made by the defendant, the IV.B
quantum of proof is clear and satisfactory proof. The following are the BASIC REQUISITES for the
However, if no denial was made and there is issuance of the attachment writ:
admission, there is no need to present evidence.
1. Affidavit stating that:
III.A  There is sufficient cause of action
No. The application for appointment of a receiver is not  The case is among those mentioned
proper. under Section 1 of Rule 57
 No other sufficient property to satisfy
For receivership to prosper, applicant must show: the claim
a. That he has interest over the property  The amount due or value of property to
b. That the property is in danger of being wasted, recover is as much as that in the order
dissipated or materially injured. granted , above all legal claims;
c. That the property is neither in the possession
of the parties. 2. Ex parte hearing in some cases particularly
Sec. 1 (f) of Rule 57, where order is issued, a
In this case, the claim of Daisy and Rosa is over the bond is posted and the writ is issued, followed
portion of land allowed by them for Adelfa to stay but with contemporaneous service of summons,
there is no allegation that such land is in danger of BUT
being wasted (in fact it was used for planting),
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3. If NOT EX PARTE, there must be prior or no jurisdiction to issue such. Hence, no proper
contemporaneous service of summons issuance and implementation of the writ.
4. Summary hearing after service of affidavit or The forklift shall be returned to Gen X.
Upon dismissal of the main case, the ancillary remedy
5. Issuance of order of attachment fixing the bond of the writ of replevin is dissolved and is automatically
vacated since it is merely an ancillary remedy which
cannot stand by itself or is dependent in the main
6. Posting of bond
7. Issuance of the writ of attachment Hence, the forklift should be properly returned to the
original possessor thereof. The writ becomes functus
V.A officio and of no effect.
No. MTCC is NOT correct in issuing the writ.
Writ of Replevin is an ancillary writ and is dependent TERCERIA is a remedy available to a third party
on the main action. The dismissal of the main action is claimant of a property to be attached or replevied.
a ground for the discharge or denial of then writ.
It is made by executing an affidavit of his right or
MTCC’s jurisdiction is only for P300, 000 and below for ownership thereof, serving it to the sheriff
claim of damages. implementing the writ and to the applicant.
Hence, it has no jurisdiction to decide the main case. It This in effect would have the sheriff not bound to keep
follows that the writ should not be issued. the property or deliver it to the applicant UNLESS:
 a bond is filed by the applicant in an amount
not less than the value of the property.
Yes. The RTC should issue the writ of preliminary
Terceria is available in a preliminary attachment, for
as long as the property is in custodial egis, and in
For the writ to be issued, the applicant must show his
replevin, in which case, terceria is available withon 5
RIGHT IN ESSE founded on law or enforceable right
days from actual seizure of the property.
as a matter of law and will suffer great and irreparable
injury before matters are heard on notice.
The requirement of bond does not apply to the
Republic or duly authorized representative and in case
Millennial as owner of the car may terminate the lease
the sheriff shall be held liable, it shall be national
per month since the term of payment is by moth.
treasury who shall pay and he will be represented by
Having terminated it, Gen X no longer has the right to
the Solicitor General.
lease the property. Further non-payment of rentals and
continuous possession of Gen X of the property, in
The claim against the bond by the 3rd party claimant is
effect is an irreparable damage to Millennial.
only available within 120 days from filing of such.
Hence, mandatory injunction is proper.
Further, prohibitory injunction should also be issued
particularly applied in preliminary injunction, since the
considering that MTCC has no jurisdiction to try the
latter is jurisdictional.
What is the doctrine of non-jurisdiction?
 As far as those acts committed outside its
The remedies available to Gen X are:
jurisdiction, the court has no jurisdiction to
issue a writ of preliminary injunction. Ergo, it
a. object the sufficiency of the bond
cannot issue or restrain acts beyond its
b. file a counterbond
territorial jurisdiction.
c. motion to dissolve for improper
implementation of the writ (as held in Rivera
vs. Vargas)

The last remedy is the most applicable

considering that the court issuing the same has

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EXCEPTIONS to Doctrine Of Non-Jurisdiction

a. Decano vs Edu
When the decision was issued by the head of
a government agency or administrative body
and the act to be enjoined is outside of the
territorial jurisdiction of the court where the
head office is located.

b. Dagupan vs Pano
Private corporations where the acts to be
enjoined are outside of the court’s territorial
jurisdiction. Determine the principal place of
business because that is where the directive of
the performance of those acts emanate.

The exception applies:

1. When decision was issued by the head of a

government agency or administrative body

2. the act to be enjoined is outside of the

territorial jurisdiction of the court where the
head office is located.

Reason for the exception

The rationale for the exception is equity and
practicality. The exception allows access to courts by
litigants who cannot afford to go to Manila to question
decisions of the heads of the government. The person
affected by the decision of the administrative heads
can question it and have it enjoin it by seeking a writ of
preliminary injunction within his own judicial region.


The second exception applies when private

corporations where the acts to be enjoined are outside
of the court’s territorial jurisdiction.

This involves private corporations as oppose to

administrative heads in the first exception.

1. Corporations with principal place of

businesses in one place and
2. they will be implementing decisions
somewhere else.

Reason For The Second Exception

The reason for that because it is in the principal
place of business where the business of the
corporation is being managed by the board of directors.
Therefore you don’t have to go to the act where it is to
be implemented but you go to the place of business.
Because it could be that the implementation of the act
would be nationwide. Don’t tell me you will file for
injunction to every place where it is to be implemented?
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I.A The writ shall be issued upon:
What is a PROVISIONAL REMEDY?  verified application showing facts entitling the
applicant to the relief demanded and
Provisional Remedy is writ and process that is  the whole or part of such relief consists in
available during the pendency of the action. A litigant 1.
restraining the commission or continuance of
may avail of provisional remedies to preserve and the act or acts complained of, or requiring
protect certain rights and interests pending the the performance of an act or acts either for a
issuance of the final judgment in the case. limited period or perpetually
 must be one of the grounds provided under
These remedies are provisional because they are Rule 58, Section 3.
temporary measures availed of during the pendency of  Notice with prior or contemporaneous service
the action; they are ancillary because they are mere of summons.
incidents in and are dependent on the result of the main  Filing of proper and sufficient bond
action.  Summary hearing
The ancillary nature of provisional remedies means RECEIVERSHIP
that they are adjunct to the main suit. The
distinguishing factor between the resolution of the This shall be availed of when it is necessary to
provisional remedy and the main case lies in the preserve/administer the property in danger of loss,
temporary character of the ruling on the provisional dissipation, damage or material injury.
relief, thus, the term "provisional”.
It shall be issued upon:
 verified application
 presence of one of the grounds as provided
What are the REQUISITES for the issuance of each
under Rule 59.
provisional remedy?
 Notice and hearing
PRELIMINARY ATTACHMENT:  Execution of bonds (receivership and receiver)
 Such receiver shall be sworn to his duty
This shall be availed of by the plaintiff, or other party
may, at the commencement of the action or at any time, REPLEVIN:
thereafter, have the property of the adverse party taken
into the custody of the court as security for the This is filed for the recovery of possession of personal
satisfaction of a judgment that may be recovered. property, the applicant may,
 at the commencement of the action or
 For the writ to be issued, there must be:  at any time before answer,
verified affidavit of the applicant, or some other apply for an order for the delivery of such property to
person who personally knows the facts him.
 sufficient cause of action exists
 the case is one of those mentioned in Rule 57, For the writ to be issued, there must be:
Sec. 1
 that there is no other sufficient security for the  An affidavit stating his title or right to
claim sought to be enforced by the action, and possession and description of property;
 that the amount due to the applicant, or the  Proper and sufficient bond executed against
value of the property the possession of which the adverse party, the amount of which is
he is entitled to recover, is as much as the sum double the actual market value of the property
for which the order is granted above all legal sought to be recovered;
counterclaims  Showing that:
 the proper and sufficient bond has been filed (a) That the applicant is the owner of the
property claimed, particularly describing it, or is
PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION: entitled to the possession thereof;

This shall be availed by the applicant requiring a party (b) That the property is wrongfully detained by
or a court, agency or a person to refrain from a the adverse party, alleging the cause of
particular act or acts (preliminary prohibitory detention thereof according to the best of his
injunction). It may also require the performance of a knowledge, information, and belief;
particular act or acts, in which case it shall be known
as a preliminary mandatory injunction. (c) That the property has not been distrained or
taken for a tax assessment or a fine pursuant

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to law, or seized under a writ of execution or
preliminary attachment, or otherwise placed II.C no full merit answer
*Sheriff’s duty under attachment
under custodia legis, or if so seized, that it is
exempt from such seizure or custody; and
(d) The actual market value of the property. PROPERTY ATTACHED, RETURN OF SHERIFF

SUPPORT PENDENTE LITE: When will there be a satisfaction of judgment?

*at the commencement of the proper action or 1. If judgment be recovered by the attaching party and
proceeding, or at 2. execution issue thereon
*any time prior to the judgment or final order,
 a verified application for support pendente How will the sheriff may cause the judgment to be
lite may be filed by any party satisfied out of the property attached?
 stating the grounds for the claim and
 the financial conditions of both parties, and 1. By paying to the judgment obligee the
 accompanied by affidavits, depositions or proceeds of all sales of perishable or other property
other authentic documents in support sold in pursuance of the order of the court, or so much
thereof. as shall be necessary to satisfy the judgment;
 No bond is required
2. If any balance remains due, by selling so much
I.C of the property, real or personal, as may be necessary
The remedies for the wrongful issuance or to satisfy the balance, if enough for that purpose
implementation of each of these provisional remedies remain in the sheriff's hands, or in those the clerk of the
are: court;

1. Move for the discharge or dissolution of the 3. By collecting from all persons having in their
writ; and possession credits belonging to the judgment obligor,
2. File an application for damages pursuant to the or owing debts to the latter at the time of the attachment
procedure in Rule 57, Section 20, upon notice of such credits or debts, the amount of such credits and
and hearing; but the award for damages shall debts as determined by the court in the action, and
be included in the final judgment of the main stated in the judgment, and paying the proceeds of
case. It is enforced against the applicant’s such collection over to the judgment obligee.
What is the obligation of the sheriff after the
II.A no full merit answer satisfaction of judgment?

CHECK GROUNDS FOR 1. make a return in writing to the court of his

PRELIMINARY ATTACHMENT proceedings under this section and

*on fraud 2. furnish the parties with copies thereof

*leaving the country
*the need for specific amount II.D
No, the release of proceeds to Mr. Young is NOT
II.B proper.
No, the writ was not properly implemented because
there was no service of summons. The amount deposited by the party against whom the
attachment was issued must not be released to the
There must be prior or contemporaneous service of attaching party until after there is final adjudication that
summons. the latter is entitled to it to satisfy the judgment in his
There must be prior of contemporaneous service of
summons, together with: Moreover, even if it could be released, there must first
 the copy of complaint be a hearing, which was not present in this case.
 application for the writ
 affidavit and bond of the applicant, and
 order of the writ of attachment
for there to be a proper enforcement of the writ.

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III.A no full merit answer III.B
*under Support Pendente Lite

What supporting documents should be attached in Since it is NOT a final order subject to an appeal, the
a petition for support pendente lite? remedy of Ben is to file an action for CERTIORARI;
alleging grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
•A verified application for support pendente lite o excess of jurisdiction against the judge; or
stating the grounds for
▪the claim and the financial conditions of both parties, He can also comply with the order, subject to
and reimbursement/RESTITUTION of the paid amounts
•accompanied by with legal interest should it be adjudged in the action
 affidavits, that Ara is not entitled to support from him.
 depositions or
 other authentic documents in support thereof. III.C

After the application is made, will the court grant it Ara may file a MOTION TO MOVE FOR EXECUTION
ex-parte? against Ben to satisfy the order of support pendent lite,
and to have him cited in CONTEMPT OF COURT for
No. The adverse party shall be served a copy of the unjust refusal to comply with court order.
application and have the opportunity to comment. A
hearing will also take place. IV.A

Section 2. Comment. — A copy of the application and *DOCTRINE OF NON-JURISDICTION

all supporting documents shall be served upon the
adverse party, who shall have five (5) days to comment
thereon unless a different period is fixed by the court IV.B
upon his motion. The comment shall be verified and
shall be accompanied by affidavits, depositions or *TERCERIA
other authentic documents in support thereof.
Form of the Comment: No, Mr. Tuso is not correct.

The comment shall: ABC Corp. has not lost its capacity to bring an action
•be verified and by itself by virtue of appointment of a rehabilitation
•shall be accompanied by receiver.
 affidavits,
All that is required in this case is that the rehabilitation
 depositions or
receiver be INFORMED of such action and its
 other authentic documents in support thereof. proceedings.
Section 3. Hearing. — After the comment is filed, or V.B
after the expiration of the period for its filing, the A receiver may be appointed on the following grounds:
application shall be set for hearing not more than three
(3) days thereafter. The facts in issue shall be proved 1. When it appears from the verified application,
in the same manner as is provided for evidence on and such other proof as the court may require, that the
motions. party applying for the appointment of a receiver has an
interest in the property or fund which is the subject of
Date of the Hearing: the action or proceeding, and that such property or
 Not more than three (3) days: fund is in danger of being lost, removed, or materially
injured unless a receiver be appointed to administer
•After the comment is filed, or and preserve it;
•after the expiration of the period for its filing
2. When it appears in an action by the mortgagee
What are the possible defenses that can be for the foreclosure of a mortgage that the property is in
invoked in an application for support pendete lite? danger of being wasted or dissipated or materially
1. Denial of Paternity injured, and that its value is probably insufficient to
2. Non-existence of marriage discharge the mortgage debt, or that the parties have
3. Death of Recipient so stipulated in the contract of mortgage;
4. Improper conduct of the person seeking support

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3. After judgment, to preserve the property during VI.B
the pendency of an appeal, or to dispose of it according
to the judgment, or to aid execution when the execution RETURN OF PROPERTY | OPPOSING
has been returned unsatisfied or the judgment obligor THE REPLEVIN
refuses to apply his property in satisfaction of the
judgment, or otherwise to carry the judgment into In what instances can the adverse party demand
effect; the return of the properties?

4. Whenever in other cases it appears that the 1. If the adverse party objects to the sufficiency of
appointment of a receiver is the most convenient and the applicant's bond, or of the surety or sureties
feasible means of preserving, administering, or thereon
disposing of the property in litigation.
2. At any time before the delivery of the property
5. During the pendency of an appeal, the to the applicant, require the return thereof if the delivery
appellate court may allow an application for the be adjudged.
appointment of a receiver to be filed in and decided by
the court of origin and the receiver appointed to be How shall the adverse party require the return of
subject to the control of said court. the properties?

1. By filing with the court where the action is

V.C pending a bond executed to the applicant

1. RECEIVERSHIP BOND- for the grant of the 2. Serving a copy of the bond to the applicant
How much is the bond?
2. RECEIVER’S BOND- for the issuance of the
appointment to the receiver himself or herself, there Double the value of the property as stated in the
must be a bond. applicant's affidavit

No receivership bond, effect What is the condition/purpose of such bond?

 If there is no receivership bond, there is no
receivership. There will be a denial of the For the payment of such sum, to the applicant as may
application for receivership. be recovered against the adverse party.

No receiver’s bond, effect When shall the sheriff deliver the property to the
 If there is no receiver’s bond, it will discharge applicant?
the receiver but not the remedy of receivership.
The remedy is to look for another qualified 1. if within five (5) days after the taking of the property
receiver. There is still that necessity of by the sheriff, the adverse party does not object to the
protecting the property. The remedy is not to sufficiency of the bond, or of the surety or sureties
discharge the receivership but to get another thereon;
person who will qualify as receiver.
2. if the adverse party so objects and the court affirms
VI.A its approval of the applicant's bond or approves a new
A defendant has 2 alternative remedies against
replevin: 3. if the adverse party requires the return of the
property but his bond is objected to and found
 To oppose the replevin on the ground of insufficient and he does not forthwith file an approved
insufficiency bond
 To file a counterbond in the amount double the
value stated in the application. When must the sheriff return the property to the
adverse party, despite the instances above?

If for any reason the property is not delivered to the



Lifted and edited from Ceballos and Altiso
| Tau MU
Under whose control is the RECEIVER?
 The court in which the action or proceeding is


1. to bring and defend, in such capacity, actions in his

own name;

2. to take and keep possession of the property in


3. to receive rents;

4. to collect debts due to himself as receiver or to the

fund, property, estate, person, or corporation of which
he is the receiver;

5. to compound for and compromise the same; to make


6. to pay outstanding debts;

7. to divide the money and other property that shall

remain among the persons legally entitled to receive
the same; and

8. generally to do such acts respecting the property as

the court may authorize.

Can the receiver invest the funds under his hands?

What are the requirements?

1. only by order of the court

2. upon the written consent of all the parties to the

What is the requisite before filing a case against a

 Leave of the court which appointed him

Lifted and edited from Ceballos and Altiso

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