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Coconut water, found inside the green coconut, is a boon of nature to the human kind.

It is a
rich source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, carbohydrates, antioxidants, enzymes and
other phytonutrients. In is a great source of almost all the nutrients needed for our well
being. It has no side effects and is a quick cure to many health problems. It is one if the best
skin care products, specially for oily skin. Lets look at some ways to use coconut water for
skin care -

Coconut Water Skin Care -

1. It contains cytokinins, which regulates ageing of the skin. Regular application of it with
lime juice on the skin enhances the elasticity of the skin and prevents it from sagging.

2.Drinking it everyday, enhances blood circulation, which retains the glow of your skin and
removes signs of stress and tiredness.

3.It can help you get rid of scars. Wash the scars everyday with the water and let it dry on
your skin. Repeat it for three to four times and then wash it off with cold water. You can
apply it four times a day for best results. This can even cure acne scars.

4.It is also helpful in getting rid of sun tan. Apply a pack of multani meeti with this water
everyday. This scrubs your dry skin and the water rejuvenates your skin.

5.Mix it with your bath water. This helps you to prevent your body from fungal infections
specially in winters and monsoon.

6.Mix it with your soap or body lotion. This is moisturise your skin and keep them radiant all
throughout the day.

Coconut water skin care treatment unlike other natural ingredients shows results almost
immediately. One can both apply and consume it everyday.

Coconut water therapy can work wonders, say Malaysian Indian doctors

Two Malaysian Indian doctors claimed that coconut water is the answer to the dreaded
chikungunya, and many other diseases. Although coconut water could not cure diseases, it
would help patients recover faster, they said.

Natural science expert Dilip Kumar and Jagdev Singh, president of the Malaysian Dietary
Supplement Association, said coconut water is good for several ailments like cholera,
dysentery and typhoid.

Indians have long praised the virtues of coconut oil, which has been medically proven to
have anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal components.

'One can make the safe assumption that coconut water, too, would have anti-viral
components,' said Kumar.
The New Sunday Times newspaper reported that Chinese physicians were advising those
afflicted with chikungunya to drink coconut water, herbal or water chestnut drinks.

Confirming the Chinese prescription, the ethnic Indian duo pointed out that there is no
vaccine against the virus that causes chikungunya, which has symptoms similar to that of
dengue - fever, joint pain, fatigue and mouth ulcers.

Jagdev Singh said coconut water helped those down with chikungunya because it was
extremely good in detoxifying the liver, an organ which helps to control body temperature.

He said the virus develops in the liver over a period of time. Since this is the organ that
benefits from coconut water, the virus is thus suppressed by its presence.

'There was no such thing as a cure. Once in the system, the virus will be there. It will come
out when the time is right. So it comes down to controlling it. Coconut water will help in
controlling or suppressing the virus,' he was quoted as saying Monday in the New Straits

Dr Dilip Kumar said coconut water was high in potassium and various other minerals.

It helps against diseases such as cholera, dysentery and typhoid among others, he added.

'Coconut water should be drunk everyday if possible. It is a good food substitute,' the duo

Coconut water is the liquid that is taken from unripe coconuts. If coconuts get ripe the liquid
that is inside will harden and become a part of the white flesh of the coconut, which is used
to make coconut milk. So, picking the coconut while it is unripe will ensure that the body
gets all the benefits of coconut water.

1. Coconut Water Hydrates the Body

2. Coconut water is an isotonic solution which replaces the fluids and minerals that the body
loses during physical activities. For this reason, many athletes and persons who work out
regularly are encouraged to drink coconut water to replace all the minerals and fluid that they
lose while working out. Even the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
attest to the benefits of drinking coconut water when it fought for a patent in 2000 to market
coconut water as the next big sports drinks.

3. Coconut Water Relieves Urinary Problems

4. If you consume coconut water on a regular basis it can reduce urinary problems. People
who suffer from strangury, polyutra and other urinary ailments drink coconut water to
relieve their symptoms.

5. Coconut Water Kills Intestinal Worms

6. Drinking coconut water with one teaspoon of olive oil for three days will kill intestinal
worms and clear the stomach of worms, which makes for better digestion.

7. Coconut Water Breaks up Kidney Stones

People who have kidney problems and are plagued by kidney stones should drink coconut
water in addition to taking their medication. Drinking coconut water regularly helps to break
up kidney stones making them easier to push out.

8. Coconut Water is Used in Blood Transfusion

9. Coconut water is almost identical to blood plasma and this makes it easy to use for blood
transfusion. In cases of emergency coconut water has been used as an intravenous hydration
fluid instead of the standard IV fluid. During World War II many wounded soldiers were
saved in the Pacific because of emergency transfusion using coconut water as plasma.

10. Coconut Water is an Antibacterial

11. Coconut water contains monolaurin, an antiviral, antibacterial and antiprozoal

monoglyceride that is used to kill lipid-coated viruses such as HIV, Herpes,
cytomegalovirus, flu and various pathogenic bacteria.

12. Coconut Water Controls Vomiting

13. Coconut water is great at reducing vomiting. People who have typhoid, malaria, fevers or
other ailments that are known to induce vomiting drink coconut water to settle the stomach.
As such, coconut water is also a good thing to drink during a hangover.

14. Keep the body cool and at the proper temperature.

15. Orally re-hydrate your body, it is an all natural isotonic beverage.

Carry nutrients and oxygen to cells.

16. Naturally replenish your body's fluids after exercising.

17. Raise your metabolism.

18. Promote weight loss.

19. Boost your immune system.

20. Detoxify and fight viruses.

21. Cleanse your digestive tract.

22. Control diabetes.

23. Aid your body in fighting viruses that cause the flu, herpes, and AIDS.

24. Balance your PH and reduce risk of cancer.

25. Treat kidney and urethral stones.

26. Boost poor circulation.

Coconut water has been used for re-hydration and as a health and beauty aide in tropical
regions around the world for centuries.
Coconut water is low in fat and calories, has no cholesterol, and has a natural balance of
sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium- making it a healthy electrolyte drink. It has
even been used intravenously to stabilize electrolytes.
Many people know of the healing benefits of coconut oil. Coconut water now joins the
pantry’s medicine cabinet. Coconuts are anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-microbial. The lauric
acid in coconuts is also used to heal digestive tract disorders such as Leaky Gut Syndrome.
According to ayurvedic belief, coconut is carminative: meaning that it helps to prevent
intestinal gas, aids in removing toxins and increases the digestive tract’s ability to absorb
nutrients. Coconut balances acid levels and flushes toxins out. Ayurveda considers coconut a
natural stress-buster.
The calming, cooling benefits of coconut water relieves burning sensations and hot flashes
and “restores emotional stability in menopausal women”. This property of coconut water
also makes it an excellent choice for liver problems, hepatitis or inflammation.
Since it regulates the functioning of the intestine, the coconut water propitiates to the user a
smoother and pretty skin.
Beyond ingested, the coconut water can also be used directly on the face, for skin hydration.
Around the world women have used coconut products on their hair and skin as well as
consuming it. It is a common ingredient in beauty products.

For your health, Coconut Water is:

Low in Carbohydrates
Low in Fat 99% Fat Free
Low in natural occurring sugar
Keeps the body cool and at the proper temperature
Contains organic compounds possessing growth promoting properties
Cures malnourishment
Effective in the treatment of kidney and urethral stones
Natural drink for feeding infants suffering from intestinal disturbances
Excellent oral re-hydration medium, an all natural isotonic for all ages
Re-hydrate naturally, free of added sugars or chemicals
Lower arterial pressure
Relieve spasms and stomach pain
Ease burns
Natural diuretic
Presence of saline and albumen makes it an excellent drink in cholera cases
Maintains the human body’s natural fluid levels
Can be injected intravenously in emergency cases
Found as a blood plasma substitute because it is sterile, does not produce heat, and does not
destroy red blood cells and is readily accepted by the body
Helps in carrying nutrients and oxygen to cells
Excellent all natural water to drink while Relaxing, Meditating, Driving, Eating, Running,
Aerobics, Working, Skiing, Mountain Biking, Exercising, Body Building, Surfing, Fishing,
Snow Boarding, Working Out, Surfing, Physical Activities, or Exertion of any kind
Eliminate swelling in hands and feet
Normalize the intestinal function and raise metabolism
Heal damage induced by antibiotics and toxins in the digestive tract
Boost poor circulation
It is truly a life giving fluid. Our special harvesting and processing procedures allow us to
package and pasteurize our natural Coconut Waters that are biologically pure, with no need
for adding any preservatives. Exquisitely tasting and full of all the natural fluids, vitamins,
nutrients, sugars, minerals and salts demanded and needed by everyone of all age groups.
Coconut Water has no Cholesterol, is fat free and is naturally low in Calories!
Everyone should drink this fine all natural coconut water EVERY DAY, it is a Natural
isotonic beverage for all ages.

Health Benefits of Coconut Water

Boost Your Immune System Naturally

Coconut water is a natural isotonic beverage filled with immune boosting vitamins and
nutrients. This healthy electrolyte drink has potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

When a coconut ripens the water inside hardens and forms the white flesh of the coconut.
Coconut water is the liquid from young unripe coconuts before this process begins. For
centuries locals in tropical regions have been drinking coconut water to boost their immune
systems and gain vitality.

This nutrient rich beverage includes organic compounds with beneficial growth properties
that can dramatically improve your health. Coconut water contains vitamins which help stop
fatigue, chloride, cytokinins, and lauric acid. Completely free of chemicals it is safe to give
to children and babies. Some pregnant women prefer drinking coconut water as a natural aid
to help ease digestion problems during pregnancy. The lauric acid found in coconut water is
the same as human breast milk.

Regular consumption of coconut water can naturally improve immunity, increase

metabolism, alter HDL, and detoxify the body. Consistently drinking coconut water can help
regulate intestinal function which is known to provide a myriad of health benefits including a
clearer complexion. The monolaurin in coconut water which acts as an antiviral
monoglyceride has the ability to kill an assortment of viruses and bacteria in the body.

Coconut Water Re-hydrates and Revives

In many third world countries it’s used as a blood plasma alternative method known as the
Coconut IV. Wounded soldiers in wars were revived using coconut water. The nutrients and
hydration simulates the plasma which contributes to 55% of human blood. As an isotonic
and natural electrolyte beverage coconut water is a great alternative to sugary energy drinks.
Abundant in calcium this drink serves as a nutritious cholesterol free boost after workouts.
Coconut water has less calories and sodium than most soft drinks or juices in the

Coconut water is high in potassium. According to the Journal of Clinical Hypertension,

individuals with high blood pressure often suffer from low levels of potassium in their diet.
Drinking coconut water regularly can significantly reduce your risk of hypertension.
Cultures throughout the world that use coconut in various forms such as a beverage or health
tonic have fewer diseases and ailments.

Health Benefits of Drinking Coconut Water Regularly

• Naturally Boost Immune System

• Improves Intestinal Health
• Increases Metabolism & Weight Loss
• Balances Body PH
• Detoxify & Fight Viruses
• Stops Fatigue
• Prevents Hypertension
• Controls Diabetes
• Aids in Circulation
• Reduces Cancer Risk
• Treats Kidney Stones
• Eases Stomach Pain & Vomiting

If an individual does not have access to young coconuts where they live there are a few
alternatives. Ready-to-drink organic coconut beverages are convenient and equally healthy.
Popular brands to consider include Vita Coco, Zico Pure, and O.N.E. They all provide fresh
coconut water in tetra packaging to preserve nutrients.

Health Benefits of Coconut Milk Include Boosting Immune System

The popularity of coconut milk is on the rise as people learn about the health and beauty
benefits of this island fruit.

It tastes and smells of the tropics, with a wide-range of health benefits. Coconut milk
contains essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that supply a host of benefits to the
human body. The popularity of coconut milk is on the upswing.

Coconut Milk, Once Vilified, is now Appreciated

Coconut milk has gotten a bad rap in mainstream medicine because of its saturated fat
content. It was vilified as clogging arteries during a mass campaign against all saturated fats.
Today, many health advantages of coconut milk are now becoming widely understood.
In fact, the saturated fat in question, lauric acid, is easily metabolized by the body. It also
promotes strong bones and healthy brain development. Researchers have found it is anti-
carcinogenic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-microbial.

Coconut Milk Contains Many Vitamins and Antioxidants

Coconut milk contains calcium, potassium, chloride, vitamin A and E. Some researchers say
it helps to reduce blood pressure, stabilize blood sugar, and improve bone and dental health.

There are also several kinds of antioxidants found in coconut milk. Antioxidants help the
body scavenge dangerous free radicals that can degenerate cells. Antioxidants help to
prevent cancer and ward off degenerative diseases such as premature aging, sagging skin,
wrinkling, and bone problems, just to name a few.

Coconut Milk Battles Bad Bacteria, Boosts Immune System

Because coconut milk has the health benefit of boosting the immune system and fighting off
bacteria and germs, it's no surprise that it's gaining in popularity. It’s believed coconut milk
can help to strengthen the immune system by getting rid of stomach bacteria, the flu, colds,
sore throat and a range of other illnesses.

Coconut milk can also aid in digestion, according to researchers. Scientists and nutrition
experts have found that coconut milk contains beneficial substances that allow the stomach
to digest food properly. Because coconut milk is anti-bacterial, it kills off bad bacteria in the

Coconut Milk Great for Hair and Skin

Coconut milk plays an important role in the pharmaceutical industry. It is often one of the
ingredients in products that relate to skin and hair care. Products that contain coconut milk
are usually intended for moisturizing, repairing and healing of skin and hair.

It is important to state that one can use coconut milk as a homemade remedy for dry hair and

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