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Slave River delta: geomorphology, sedimentology, and Holocene reconstruction

Department of Geography, The University of Calgary, Calgary, Alta., Canada T2N IN4
Received November 13, 1987
Revision accepted February 22, 1988

The Holocene Slave River delta (8300 km2) is a long (170 km), narrow (42 km average width) alluvial sand body, which
extends north from the Slave River rapids at Fort Smith to Great Slave Lake, Northwest Temtories. The delta is.flanked by the
Talston and Tethul rivers and Canadian Shield to the east and by the Little Buffalo River to the west. Wave-associated
sedimentary structures in lithostratigraphic logs from river cutbanks indicate that the sandy delta was wave influenced. Most of
the logs (34) consist of three facies: basal laminated mud (unknown thickness), interbedded mud and sand (2.5 m), and planar-
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tabular ripple sets interbedded with cross-laminated to flat-bedded sand (3.0- 14.5 rn).
Eleven radiocarbon-dated wood samples from river cutbanks were used to reconstruct the delta paleoshoreface and to calcu-
late the rate of progradation, which averaged 20.7 mlyear from 8070 BP to the present. In the same period isostatic rebound of
the delta region relative to the Liard River delta averaged 12 cmlkm (a total rebound of 48 m). The data were calculated normal
to the retreating Laurentide ice front.
From the surface to depths of 59 m, the subaerial and subaqueous delta front exhibits bamer islands, lagoons, offshore bars
or sand waves, tensional cracks, slumps and pressure ridges. The bamers and offshore bars consist of medium grain-sized
sand, whereas the slumps and pressure ridges are interpreted as mud.

Le delta holocbne de la rivikre Slave (8300 km2) est une accumulation alluviale de sable, allongCe (170 km) et Ctroite
(largeur moyenne de 42 km), qui s'Ctend au nord des rapides de la rivibre Slave 2 Fort Smith jusqu'au Grand lac des Esclaves,
temtoires du Nord-Ouest. Le delta est bordt a l'est par les rivibres Talston et Tethul et le Bouclier canadien et a l'ouest par la
rivibre Little Buffalo. Les structures ~Cdimentairesproduites par les vagues observCes dans les coupes lithostratigraphiques des
berges CrodCes des rivibres indiquent que l'origine de ce delta de sable fut considCrablement influencee par 1'Cnergie des
vagues. Les coupes en gCnCral (34) exhibent trois facibs : boue laminte basale; boue et sable intercalks (2,s m); et sCries
planaires et tabulaires de rides interstratifikes avec des lits de sable avec laminations horizontales a laminations obliques
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(3,O- 14,s m).

L'Bge radiocarbone a CtC dCterminC sur 14 Cchantillons de morceaux de bois extraits des berges CrodCes des rivibres, et les
rCsultats ont servi 2 retracer la position du front du delta et le taux de progradation qui Ctait, entre 8070 Av.P. et aujourd'hui,
en moyenne 20,7 mla. Durant ce mCme intervalle de temps, le soulkvement isostatique de la rCgion du delta, par rapport au
delta de la rivibre Liard, Ctait en moyenne 12 cmlkm (soulbvement total de 48 m). Ce rksultat est estimC normal par rapport au
retrait du front de l'inlandsis laurentidien.
De la surface a des profondeurs de 59 m, les skdiments d'origine subakrienne et subaquatique du delta tCmoignent de l'exis-
tence de crCtes d'avant-plage CmergCes, lagunes, cordons littoraux ou dunes sous marines, fissures d'extension, slumps et
crCtes de pression. Les cretes d'avant-plage CmergCes et les cordons littoraux sont formCs de sable 2 grain moyen tandis que les
slumps et les crCtes de pression sont representCs par la boue.
[Traduit par la revue]

Can. 1. Earth Sci. 25, 1990-2004 (1988)

Introduction but a comprehensive study of the geomorphology and sedi-

The Slave River delta is a mud-supported sand body, up to mentology has never been undertaken. Cameron (1922) indi-
70 km wide by 170 km long, oriented north-northwest, extend- cated the potential for research when he suggested that the
ing from the Slave River rapids to the Great Slave Lake in the progradation rate of the delta could be determined. A soil
Northwest Territories (Fig. 1). The delta is flanked by the survey by Day (1972) was the first research of the entire delta,
Little Buffalo River to the west and the Talston and Tethul which included a thorough analysis of the soil types, vegeta-
rivers and the Canadian Shield to the east and has an area of tion, and climatic characteristics. His soil maps, interpreted
8300 krn2, a region larger than Banff National Park. Although from surface morphology and vegetation, allowed workers to
we realize that the delta begins closer to the former settlement infer deposition environments and sedimentology.
of Fitzgerald, located at the head of the rapids (Fig. I), most The most comprehensive study of the lower delta plain (a
measurements have been taken from Fort Smith, located at the 300 kmz area containing active distributary channels) was pro-
toe of the rapids. Over the 29 krn distance between the two vided by Mollard (1981). A major part of the study involved a
settlements the delta is 3 km wide. River cutbank exposures detailed airphoto analysis of the lower delta plain to assess the
flank 235 km of the 298 km river length downriver from Fort morphologic changes of the distributary channels and delta
Smith. Cutbanks are up to 35 m high in the vicinity of Fort front.
Smith, but downriver they average 8-9 m. The bottomlands A third investigation, the "Slave River Hydro Feasibility
between Fort Chipewyan and Fitzgerald are mantled with a Study" (Alberta Environment 1982), was primarily concerned
patchy, thin veneer of lacustrine mud over bedrock (Fig. 1). with the potential environmental impact of damming the Slave
Previous papers by McConnell (1890), Cameron (1922), River rapids. In that study and in the aforementioned one,
Taylor (1960), Craig (1960, 1965), Day (1972), Christiansen there was little discussion of the sedimentology, depositional
(1978), Mollard (1981), Neil1 et al. (1981), and Alberta history, age, progradation rate, and isostatic rebound of the
Environment (1982) discussed various aspects of the delta, delta.
Pnnted in Canada I ImpnmC au Canada
plain drops substantially, 43.3 m over a distance of 66 km.
Along the Slave River rapids between Fitzgerald and Fort
Smith the river drops 34 m over a distance of 29 km, where it
has incised the underlying Canadian Shield bedrock. From the
base of the rapids at Fort Smith (166.5 m) to the lake, the river
drops only 10.5 m over 170 km (straight-line distance) or
298 km (channel distance), yielding gentle gradients of 6.2
and 3.5 cmtkm, respectively.
The morphology of the Slave Delta is characterized by four
terrain units (Fig. 3): channel scroll bars (ridge and swales)
TUDY AREA from point-bar deposits: abandoned distributary channels;
several closely spaced strandlines (located between Fort Smith
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and Great Slave Lake); and a vast area that has no pattern. The
abandoned fan-like distributary channels increase in frequency
towards Great Slave Lake and are most prominent along the
eastern margin of the delta. Strandlines are most common
northeast of Fort Smith and on the lower delta plain.
During the eastward retreat of the Laurentide glacier, a large
proglacial lake filled the interconnected topographic basins
now occupied by Great Bear Lake, Great Slave Lake, Lake
Athabasca, and adjacent minor lakes and lowlands (Craig
1965; Day 1972; Smith, in preparation). This lake was named
Glacial Lake McConnell by Craig (1965), and radiocarbon
dates indicate that it was present between 10 500 and 8780 BP
(Prest 1966; Smith, in preparation). Drainage of Lake
McConnell via the Mackenzie Valley was blocked by a rem-
nant of Laurentide ice located northwest of Fort Simpson,
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between Camsell Bend and Fort Norman (Craig 1965; Day

1966; Smith, in preparation). The highest stage of Lake
McConnell (stage 1) was about 10 000 BP (Smith, in prepara-
FIG. 1. Location of the Slave River delta study area in the southern tion). This stage is recorded at approximately 300 m (present
Northwest Temtories, between the Alberta border and Great elevation at the east margin of Great Bear Lake and the west
Slave Lake. end of Lake Athabasca) and at 180 m (present elevation of the
Liard River delta near Fort Simpson). The difference in eleva-
tion is due to isostatic rebound. The main evidence for this
As part of an ongoing study of northern lakes and river deltas stage is the presence of raised beaches, wave-cut escarpments,
by D. G. Smith, the Slave Delta provided a unique research and high-level deltaic deposits at the mouths of the Liard, Hay,
opportunity. The research objectives included the following: Peace, and Athabasca rivers in the Great Bear Lake, Great
(i) characterize the three-dimensional sedimentology of the Slave Lake, and Lake Athabasca regions (Smith, in prepara-
Slave River delta; (ii) provide a depositional interpretation of tion). The initial outlet of Lake McConnell was the Hare
the Slave River delta that would be compared with existing Indian Channel (Smith Arm, west side of Great Bear Lake),
sedimentary and geomorphic models of deltas; (iii) determine now a 120 m deep by 1800 m wide spillway valley occupied by
the time of deposition and progradation rate of the deltaic sand an underfit stream.
body; (iv) examine the subaqueous delta processes; (v) esti- Glacial Lake McConnell (stage 2) occupied only the Great
mate the rate of relative isostatic rebound in the region; and Slave Lake and Lake Athabasca basins between 10000 and
(vi) contribute to the existing knowledge and understanding of 8780 BP (Smith in preparation). Lake water from stage 2 dis-
deltaic sedimentation. charged northward from Great Slave Lake through a low bed-
rock pass just east of Sarah and Mazenod lakes, located
Regional setting between Great Bear Lake and Great Slave Lake (Craig 1965;
The Slave River delta occupies a former southward-extend- Smith, in preparation). Meanwhile the Mackenzie River con-
ing arm of Great Slave Lake (Cameron 1922). A similar arm tinued to be blocked by sediment of the Liard River delta in the
(North Arm) on the north shore of the lake provides a modem Fort Simpson area. Continued isostatic rebound raised the
analogue of the Slave Delta receiving basin as it was prior to stage 2 outlet above the Liard River delta, causing Lake
sediment infilling (Fig. 1). The lithologic contact of Devonian McConnell to overflow and rapidly incise the deltaic sediment
sedimentary rocks and Canadian Shield crystalline rocks and Mackenzie River valley. Lake drainage ultimately led to
underlies both the North Arm and the Holocene Slave deltaic the separation of Great Slave Lake from Lake Athabasca
sediments (Craig 1965; Day 1972). (Fig. 1) at about 8780 BP (Smith, in preparation). As water
Two longitudinal profiles of the delta surface and river levels continued to drop, the southernmost arm of Great Slave
between Fitzgerald and Great Slave Lake were constructed Lake began to infill with lacustrine and deltaic sediments
from topographic maps and altimeter recordings (Fig. 2). The (McConnell 1890; Cameron 1922; Craig 1965).
surface of the delta drops from 204 m as1 at Fort Smith to
156 m as1 at Great Slave Lake; over the 170 km distance the Field and laboratory methods
gradient averages 28.2 cmlkm. The altitude of the upper delta Prominent cutbank exposures caused by channel incision
CAN. J. EARTH SCI. VOL. 2 5 , 1988

---- Delta Surface

- Slave River Surface
Bank Height at ' 4 C Date Locations
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FIG. 2. Longitudinal profile of the Slave River and delta surfaces between Fitzgerald and Great Slave Lake.

into the Slave River delta extend for approximately 235 km Depositional processes and morphology of the active
downriver from Fort Smith. A total of 36 lithostratigraphic Slave River delta
logs were recorded from the cutbanks between Fort Smith and
Great Slave Lake. Sedimentologic information recorded Channel morphology
includes sediment grain size, presence and type of sedimentary The active lower delta plain located northeast of Fort
structures, orientation of cross-bedding, presence of organic Resolution is a muddy area with distributary channels (Fig. 3).
material, and bioturbation. The grain size of sand was deter- The Resdelta distributary channel dominates, discharging 86 %
mined by visual comparison using a StratICan grain size chart of the annual river flow (Mollard 1981). Over 31 years
and a 30-power field microscope. Direction of cross-bedding (1946- 1977), aerial photographs indicate that the average
dips was measured with a compass. Distinct facies and beds width of the Resdelta Channel mouth increased from 240 m to
within each profile were photographed. Two hundred sediment 480 m (Fig. 4). The remaining distributary channels, the East,
samples were collected for laboratory analysis (sieving and Middle, Old Steamboat, and Nagle, have partially infilled with
hydrometer) to verify grain-size determinations in the field. sediments (Fig. 5). Progradation of the delta front was most
Well-preserved, in situ, uncontaminated wood samples were pronounced near the mouth of Resdelta Channel, where the
collected for radiocarbon dating. Eleven of the 20 wood shoreline advanced 527 m, averaging 17 mlyear during the 3 1
samples collected between Fort Smith and Nagle Channel were year period. The remaining delta front retreated at an average
14Cdated by the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC), Ottawa, rate of 19 mlyear. Such advance and retreat conditions are
and by Teledyne Isotopes, New Jersey, U.S.A. Locations of common to wave-influenced deltas (Elliott 1978).
stratigraphic logs and of wood samples and bank heights were To determine the potential geometries of distributary-
recorded on river navigation charts provided by the Canadian channel fills, seven cross-sectional profiles were made of the
Hydrographic Service (1975). lower Slave and Resdelta channels (Fig. 5). Channel widths
A geophysical bottom profiler was used to obtain cross- and depths of profiles 1 and 2 are 790 and 800 m and 13 and
sectional profiles of the distributary channels and the delta 16 m, respectively; widthldepth (WID) ratios are 61 and 50.
front. Transect lines followed compass bearings, and an instant Downriver (profiles 3 and 4) width of Resdelta Channel
readout current meter was used to maintain constant boat speed decreases to 400 m, and WID ratios vary from 33 to 11. A
and determine horizontal distance. Eight bottom profiles from maximum depth of 24 m was recorded on profile 3 at the junc-
the lower Slave distributaries and two profiles from the off- tion of the Middle and Resdelta channels, where flow direction
shore delta front were recorded. abruptly changes 6.5" to a northward course (Fig. 4).
In order to emphasize the dynamics of the lower delta plain, Longitudinal profile 1 (LP I), a 330 m long transect (Fig. 5)
riverbank and shoreline changes were mapped using aerial shows major bedforms 0.5 - 1.2 m high and averaging 30 m in
photography from 1946 and 1977. Both sets of photographs wavelength. We interpret the features as sand waves, based on
were taken in July and have a scale of 1 : 25 000. heights, wavelengths, steep slip face, and repetitive form. The

I O S h o r e l i n e and Channel Erosion

:' rmsll, nphamerol

' dlslrlbutary channala
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Canadian Shlsld
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FIG.3. Morphological features of the Slave River delta. The unpat-

temed areas exhibit no morphological patterns.

FIG. 4. Shoreline erosion and deposition of the Slave River delta

morphology and dimensions fall within the sand-wave bed- shoreline in the vicinity of the Resdelta distributary-channel mouth,
form classification (Southard 1975). interpreted from aerial photographs taken between 1946 and 1977.

Barrier islands
Seven long and narrow (1.8 km by 0.2 km), arcuate, low- Slave Lake (Fig. 7). The slope of the profile is subdivided into
elevation (0.5 m) barrier islands parallel the shoreline of the four segments (Fig. 7). The initial 3.57 km segment is rela-
Slave Delta (Figs. 3 and 6). Both sets of aerial photographs tively smooth except for two small, graben-like depressions
(1946 and 1977) indicate the presence of barriers, except that and (or) sand waves 3 krn offshore. Over the 3 km distance the
locations have shifted accordingly with shore advance and depth drops to 8 m, creating a slope of 2.6 mlkm. Between
retreat. The barriers consist of well-sorted fine sand with 3.57 and 4.25 km offshore, the depth drops from 8 m to 34 m
sparse vegetation (mostly willows) and many beached logs. along a series of step-like features up to 5 m high, resulting in
Augering penetrated only 10 cm of unfrozen sand in early an average slope of 2.19" or 25.3 mlkm. From 4.25 km to
spring, 1986. Three processes are necessary for the develop- 5.55 km, the depth drops from 34 m to 52 m, forming a large
ment of barrier islands: a large volume of available sediment, a bulge over a slope of 0.79" or 13.8 m/km. Two long, wave-
low offshore gradient, and a modest wave energy (King 1972). like ridges are present in the final segment of the profile
All conditions are present on the Slave Delta front. Barriers between 5.55 and 6.45 km. No bottom sediment was sampled
1 have not been reported from other lacustrine deltas. along the transect.
Offshore subaqueous features
Transects 86-1 and 86-2 (Fig. 7) represent the morphology Major lithofacies: description and interpretation
of the delta slope. Transect 86-1 extends west (270") from the Sediments in 36 stratigraphic logs have been grouped into
beach of Moose Deer Island to 2.03 km, where it was termi- four lithofacies (Fig. 8): (i) facies A, basal laminated mud at
nated because of lake ice. Water depth increases from 0.8 m to the river level of most measured vertical sections; (ii) facies B,
12.0 m, giving a slope of 5.5 m/km. The profile was generally a transitional interbedded sand and silt deposit with flat bed-
featureless except for a bar 800 m offshore at 3.0 m depth. The ding and ripples; (iii) facies C, an upper thick sand with cross-
much more complex transect 86-2, beginning north of the Res- laminated to flat bedding and planar-tabular ripple sets; and
delta Channel mouth and barrier island and following a north- (iv) facies D, a thick, interbedded rippled sand and lami-
west compass bearing (315"), extends 6.45 km into Great nated mud.
CAN. I, EARTH SCI. VOL. 25, 1988

(1) D i s l a n e e (m)
Lett Bank Right Bank
0 100- ZOO 300
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(LP Distance (m)

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(5) Distance (m)

Lett Bank Rlght Bank

I,,\ 0 100 -200 300

\ L I O C
Left Bank Distance (in) Right Bank
0 200 400 600 800
F O . . - - . - v - . * - . . . - .

Vertical Exaggeration-lox

(31 L a l t Bank Distance (m) Right Bank

0 800
Distance (m)
(6) Left Bank Right Bank

0' 1s
Vertical Exaggeration.2Ox
I O Vertical ~xa~~eration=20x
15 I
(4 1 Distance (in) Distance (m) Bank
Left Bank Right Bank (7) Lett Bank

Vertical Exaggeration=ZOx

FIG. 5. Cross-sectional and longitudinal profiles of the lower Slave and Resdelta channels.

Facies A, basal laminated mud (lacustrine) facies consists of thin, 1-2 cm thick laminations of clay with
Basal laminated mud (silt and clay) deposits, up to 3.5 m occasional silt lenses; no additional sedimentary structures are
thick, are located at or near river level and most probably present. Bioturbation is absent in all of the deposits. Contacts
extend much deeper to glacial till or bedrock (Fig. 8). The between facies A and the overlying facies B are erosional, flat,
- - - ---fl.=.L: =. -- -. -
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FIG.6. Series of banier islands along arcuate shoreline of the Slave River delta. The bamer islands trend from northeast to northwest (upper
left to lower right of the photograph).

and sharp. At the contact between facies A and B in log 2 there ripple sets (McCubbin 1982a). The hydraulically light density
are several pebbles up to 8.5 cm long (a axis), probably ice particles such as mica flakes and organic litter, commonly
rafted. present in the transitional environment of the delta, are indica-
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The laminated clays and fine silts are interpreted as repre- tive of rapid vertical accretion (Howard 1972).
senting the basal or prodelta lacustrine mud. The same trend Facies C, sand beds (lower and upper shoreface and beach
has been reported by Coleman and Prior (1982a) and Rhine deposits)
and Smith (1988). The pebbles located at the boundary Stratified sand accounts for 70% of the exposed sediment
between facies A and B are interpreted as ice-rafted drop- logged along the Slave River. Thicknesses range from 3 to
stones. 14.5 m (Figs. 8 and 10). In all stratigraphic profiles, facies C
Facies B, interbedded mud and sand (lacustrine - delta overlies both facies A and B and is recognized as a laterally
shoreface transition) extensive sand body.
Most facies exhibit a coarsening-upwardsequence beginning
A transitional zone of horizontally interbedded mud and fine
with well-sorted fine sands and ending with medium sand. The
sand, up to 3.2 m thick, overlies the basal mud (Fig. 8 and 9).
dominant sedimentary structures are planar-tabular ripple sets
The facies exhibits 1-5 cm laminated silts interbedded with
with dips oriented basinward at 4 - 8" (Fig. 10). Mud chips
moderately sorted, fine-grained, mica-rich, occasionally rip-
1 - 3 cm in thickness and 3 -4 cm in length and discontinuous
pled sand. The silt laminations are often wavy and sometimes
mud beds up to 10 cm long are infrequent. The majority of the
contain 10-20 cm thick, ball and pillow, soft-sediment defor-
mation structures at the contact with overlying sand deposits. wood samples collected for 14C dating were located near the
base of facies C.
Some sedimentary structures in the sand beds are gently dip-
At the surface a poorly developed, cryoturbated regosol up
ping (3-5 "), horizontal to cross-laminated, and ripple cross-
to 2 m thick is buried by very fine grained sand mixed with fine
bedded. Occasional mud chips, discontinuous mud lenses,
organic litter. The contacts between facies B and C are sharp
organic liner, and wood fragments are present in the sand.
and planar except where soft-sediment deformation is present
Contacts between the interbedded sand and silt beds and the
in the underlying silt layers.
underlying lacustrine mud are wavy and sharp. Towards the
base of the facies grain size decreases and sand beds become The environment of deposition in facies C is interpreted as
less frequent. lower and upper shoreface and as beach. The planar-tabular
ripple sets are a result of the interaction of waves, backwash,
Facies B is interpreted as representing a transitional zone
and subaqueous distributary-channel currents. Similar facies
between the underlying lacustrine mud and the overlying del-
taic lower shoreface. The facies represents the first sub- consisting of seaward-dipping planar-tabular ripple sets of
medium to fine sands have been described in the Gallup Sand-
aqueous, coarser deltaic sediments entering the lake basin. stone Formation, New Mexico (McCubbin 1982b). Although
Similar deposits characterized by low-angle and planar-tabular
rarely preserved in ancient deltaic deposits (Weiss 1980), such
ripple sets that genedly dip basinward have been repofled by
structures are well preserved in the Holocene Slave River
McCubbin (1982a). Sediment transported to the delta front by delta. Flat and cross-laminated bedding is interpreted as upper
fluvial processes, then reworked by storm waves and cumnts
shoreface and beach deposits formed by waves.
and redistributed as offshore ban, has been described by
Howard and Reineck (1979). Waves and wave-induced cur- Facies D, alternating sand-mud beds (distributary-channel-
rents interacting with the lower shoreface and basin floor fill deposits)
create the flow conditions necessary to form planar-tabular Although stratigraphically equivalent to facies C, facies D is
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km from North Barrbr Island ot Readella Channel

FIG. 7. Subaqueous delta-front morphology with interpreted processes, recording June 1986.

up to 8.5 m thick and consists of horizontally bedded, alternat- distribution of sediments in the vertical profile up section is
ing sand beds 20-60 cm thick and mud beds 10-25 cm thick virtually the same as the lake to landward changes in sediment,
(Fig. 8, logs 15 and 28). Occasional mud chips are present in a trend from fine to coarser sediment (Scruton 1960;
the sand. Current ripples indicate paleocurrent directions of Maldonado 1975). Most (34 of 36) of the vertical profiles
350-355", almost due north (based on six measurements). logged from cutback exposures in the Slave Delta show a
Facies D extends from the river surface up section to a con- coarsening-upward grain-size trend from clay-rich mud to
tinuous fine sand 2.5 m thick at the surface. medium sand (Figs. 8 and 11). Two of the exposures (logs 15
There is no surface expression of facies D on soil maps (Day and 28, Fig. 8) consist of alternating sand and mud, which we
1972) and existing aerial photography, which excludes low- interpret as distributary-channel fills rather than shore and
energy fluvial point-bar deposits (Smith 1987). The vertical beach-face depositional environments.
tend of the facies does not suggest either deltaic shoreface or a Wind conditions, the position of lake ice, and shifting ice
point bar. The absence of morphology suggests that the sedi- flows limited bottom profiling and sediment sampling off-
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ments must be depositionally contemperaneous with the orig- shore. A sediment sample collected 1.0 km offshore of Moose
inal delta front. Deer Island in 6 m water depth (transect 86-1) was fine sand
The alternating sand and mud sequence implies a dramatic (3.5 - 2 3 ) . Because sediment was not sampled from transect
fluctuation of high- and low-energy conditions. Typically, 86-2, offshore sediments were interpreted from morpholog-
sand is deposited from bedload during high-energy flow condi- ically associated features (i.e., offshore bars = sand) and
tions, and mud is deposited from suspended load during low- acoustic reflectance. Approximately 3.57 km offshore at 8 m
energy conditions. Fluctuating flow conditions are common in depth there is a break in slope between the subaqueous delta
oxbow-lake fills, distributary-channels fills, and the lower platform and the slump-interpreted deposits. This platform
shoreface-lacustrine transition. Because of the stratigraphic depth (0-8 m) correlates well with the 0-7.5 m depth of
position of facies D, the deposits cannot be lower shoreface shoreface sands interpreted in the majority of the cutbank
transition, and the absence of channel morphology precludes exposures along the Slave River.
an oxbow-lake fill. Therefore, we conclude facies D is a dis- The marine Rhone, Ebro, and Nile deltas have been classi-
tributary-channel fill. fied as fluvial -wave interaction deltas (Elliott 1978). These
If facies D is indeed a distributary-channel fill, then we deltas are characterized by moderate wave activity on the
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suggest that such vertical sequences occur as horizontal, shoreline, minimal tidal influence with a dominant coarsening-
heterolithic sand -mud couplets that deposit by vertical accre- upward sediment grain-size trend, and progradation that is
tion. If the largest measured cross-sectional geometry of the greatest at the mouth of a dominant distributary channel
active Resdelta Channel is taken into account, then distrib- (Elliott 1978; Oomkens 1967; Maldonado 1975). The main
utary-channel fills could be up to 800 m wide by 16 m thick, criterion differentiating a wave-influenced delta from other
extending stratigraphically well below the base of any other delta types is that progradation occurs only in areas near major
sand-associated facies (Fig. 8). distributary mouths, whereas shore retreat occurs elsewhere;
both result in an arcuate shoreline. Aerial photography from
Interpretation and discussion 1946 to 1977 indicates simultaneous progradation and retreat
of the Slave Delta front. At the mouth of Resdelta Channel
Wave-influenced delta interpretation progradation averaged 17.03 m/year. However, nearby por-
The sedimentary structures commonly associated with wave- tions of the beachface retreated at an average rate of 19.87 m/
influenced deltas include sandy planar-tabular ripple sets, flat year over the 3 1 year time period (Fig. 4).
bedding, and cross-laminated bedding (Oomkens 1967;
Maldonado 1975; Matthews 1984). These structures are Processes in deep-water lacustrine deposits
formed in the shoreface by waves and wave-induced bottom Along transect 86-2, between the beach face and 3.57 krn
and longshore currents. During storms, sediment is eroded offshore (0 - 8 m depth), the shelf-like topography is inter-
from the beach face and deposited in the shoreface; in fair preted as a sandy shoreface depositionally equivalent to facies
weather, sand is redeposited on the beach face (Sonu and Van C, though this was not verified by grab samples or cores
Beek 1971). (Fig. 11). Beyond 8 m depth, mud deposits are interpreted as
The sandy planar-tabular ripples sets in the Slave Delta dip dominating the deep-water (8-52 m) sediments. A sand to
lakeward at 2-10". They are interpreted as deposits from mud transition m a i be interpreted from the original bottom-
northward-moving currents in the shoreface zone. Cross- profile printout of transect 86-2: a change in the acoustic
laminated and horizontal bedding, which are less frequent, are reflectance from a weak sand-scattered signal to a strong return
commonly deposited by wave wash and backwash during signal for mud was recorded.
storms. A recording buoy in 20 m of water depth offshore of Lakeward of the Resdelta distributary channel and shoreface
the nearby Hay River delta (Fig. 1) recorded large waves up to zone (3.57 km) along bottom-profile transect 86-2, several
4 m high and with periods of 8 s between June 18 and interesting morpholo$c features are interpreted in lacustrine
September 30, 1975 (Environment Canada 1975). If similar mud. Two small, graben-like collapse features are present at
wind conditions occur on the present Slave Delta front, then 3.5 km offshore at 6 m water depth (Fig. 7). We interpret the
waves up to 2.5 m high with periods of 6.25 s are possible, features as tensional cracks associated with the failure of the
according to the conversion charts of Komar (1976). The offshore delta slope rather than as ice-scour marks. Similar
reduced wave size and periodicity are due to a shorter fetch features have been described on the Mississippi Delta by
(75 km) and shallower water depth (50 m). Galloway and Hobday (1983). We cannot interpret these
A coarsening-upward trend of sediment grain size is one of features as longshore bars or sand waves because the side
the most common and frequently observed sedimentologic slopes of the features are too steep and abrupt (Fig. 7).
characteristics of a delta (Scruton 1960; Matthews 1984). The The next segment of transect 86-2 (Fig. 7), 3.57 -4.25 km
1998 CAN. 1. EARTH SCI. VOL. 2 5 , 1988


Lithology: Sedimentary Structures

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Sand and Wood Locations:

horizontal to c r o s s -
Clay laminated stratification

and planar-tabular

ripple sets
Size Scale: Grain
discontinuous sand lens

discontinuous mud lens

cl = c l a y wyw mud chips

s r silt
vfl = v e r y fine lower sand deformation
v f u = rr rr uDDer
.. sand
fl = fine l o w e r sand
organic b e d s
f u = n upper s a n d
m l = medium l o w e r sand Xrooting
For personal use only.

mu= n upper s a n d

Paleocurrent Data: * w o o d sample l o c a t i o n s

t paleoflow direction
(inferred from
current ripples) -2ripple m a r k s

FIG.8. (a)Locations of the 36 lithostratigraphic logs taken from river cutbanks of the Slave River delta. (b) Legend for the longitudinal profile
of the logs shown in (c) (foldout).

offshore, exhibits a series of 10 step-like features up to 5 m in 6.45 krn and dominate the otherwise smooth topography. They
height in water depths between 8 and 34 m. The displacement are interpreted as pressure ridges caused by gravitational
of the features increases lakeward and is most pronounced at downslope movement and the weight of the mud bulge. Pres-
30 m depth. The average slope is 2.2". These step-like features sure ridges are also common at the foot of other subaqueous
are interpreted as underwater back-rotational slumps, similar delta fronts (D. B. Prior, personal communication, 1987).
to examples offshore of the Mississippi Delta (Coleman and
Prior 1980, 1982b; Prior and Coleman 1978; Prior and Progradation rates of the Holocene Slave River delta
Suhayada 1979). The slump scarps identified on the Missis- Progradation rates, determined for the Slave Delta between
sippi Delta front are 3 - 8 m high in depths of 15 to 40 m, on the proximal upper delta plain at Fort Smith and Great Slave
slopes of 0.5 - 1S o . Subaqueous slumps are composed pre- Lake, are based on 11 14C-dated wood samples (Table 1)
dominantly of silt- and clay-sized sediments and begin on the found in cutbanks (Fig. 12). Some discrepancy may result
delta-front slope in the vicinity of the main distributary- from the depth of the buried wood in relationship to the shore-
channel mouths (Coleman and Prior 1 9 8 2 ~Prior
; and Coleman line position at the time of deposition. Because of relatively
1978). Slumping is caused by an oversteepened delta-front steep (2.6 mlkm) shoreface slope of the active delta (Fig. 7),
slope combined with saturated, unstable lacustrine sediments, the deepest buried wood samples would probably be deposited
degassing, and storm surge (Coleman and Prior 1980). within 1-4 km of the shoreline to be located in the sandy part
Because of the morphologic similarity of the Slave Delta of the delta. Therefore, the position of the wood samples
slumps and those of the Mississsippi, it is reasonable to assume closely approximates the delta front position in the shoreface
that the sediments are similar. and beach face. Another discrepancy may result from the
At the base of the subaqueous slump-like zone, a bulge-like difference in dating methods at the two laboratories (GSC and
protrusion (Fig. 7) extends from 34 m to 52 m depth. We inter- Teledyne Isotopes). Only two wood samples yielded 14Cdates
pret the bulge as being caused by the lateral movement of mud, (8180 and 5860 BP) slightly out of sequence in the expected
like ogives at the base of a glacier icefall. Below the gravity trend of decreasing delta age towards Great Slave Lake; how-
mud bulge are two wave-like features 2 -3 m high at 52 m lake ever, these dates were within several hundred years of the
depth. These features extend lakeward between 5.55 and expected ages.
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FIG.9. Facies B, transitional lacustrine to delta, consisting of inter- FIG. 10. Planar-tabular ripples dipping basinward (north) charac-
bedded mud and sand. Scale is 1 m. terize the upper shoreface. They dominate the Slave River exposures
and account for over 70% of the structure in facies A. Scale is 1 m.

Wood samples 1 and 10 provide the most proximal and distal

dates for the Slave Delta; wood sample 10 was also located on 1988), then decreased to 9.96 mlyear from 1180 BP to the
the active portion of the Slave Delta in the lower delta plain. present. However, a reduction in progradation rate is clearly
Wood sample 9 was split into two portions (9a and 9b) and evident from 7610 to 6380 BP. A topographic low at the delta-
analyzed by two different dating laboratories (GSC and Tele- front receiving basin at that time may have contributed to the
dyne Isotopes) to allow comparison of accuracy (Table 1). The reduced progradation rate. Vertical and lateral accretion of
7.2% variation in radiocarbon age determined for samples 9a lacustrine mud would have occurred in order to overcome this
and 9b is attributed to the difference in the two laboratoly tech- depression. Also, 175 km downriver from Fort Smith several
niques. The minor variation reinforces the credibility of the small (300 mZ)gravel deposits along the Slave River suggest a
remaining 14Cdates. variable topography in the delta receiving basin. As the depth
Between 8070 BP and the present there has been approx- of the receiving basin decreased progradation probably
imately 167.5 krn of progradation, averaging 20.76 mlyear increased.
(Fig. 12). Similar progradation rates of 31 mlyear have been Fluctuations in sediment supply may also help explain the
calculated for the Rhone Delta in France (Oomkens 1970). The reduction in progradation rates between 7610 and 6380 BP.
average 14Cdates of samples 1 and 2, 6, and 7, and 9a and 9b Incision by the Peace River of the Late Pleistocene deltaic and
(Table 1) were used to reconstruct the sequential infilling of valley-fill deposits would have initially increased the volume
the former south arm of Great Slave Lake during the Holocene of sediment supplied to the Slave River delta. Similar river
time (Fig. 13). valley incision has been observed in the North Saskatchewan
An expected trend of decreasing progradation rate was River by B. Rains (personal communication, 1987) and in the
observed from the proximal to distal positions of the delta. It nearby Athabasca River delta and valley by Rhine and Smith
appears that progradation was initially rapid (51.0 mlyear), (1988). Formation of the Holocene Peace River delta southeast
perhaps caused by a paraglacial influence (Rhine and Smith of Fort Chipewyan, Alberta, may also have affected the
2000 CAN, J. EARTH SCI. VOL. 25, 1988

-aeolian cover (31, vfu sand

- cryoturbated silty regosol

- fu to ml sand
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- delta shoreface and beach:

- planar-tabular ripple sets;
cross-laminated and
horizontal sand

-vfu to f l sand
.wood ~ a r n p I e 1 ~date
~ C locations
--delta-front posltlona
For personal use only.

- lacustrine-delta transition

- laminated lacustrine silty mud

FIG.12. Approximate Slave River delta-front positions determined

FIG. 1I. Idealized lithofacies vertical profile of the Slave River from 11 wood sample locations and radiocarbon ages from 8 180 BP to
delta, based on 34 of 36 lithostratigraphic logs (Fig. 8). Width of log the present.
does not follow the scale in Fig. 8.

many locations is "locked into position." As a consequence,

TABLE1. Age, identification, and taxa of the 11 dated wood sediment supply to the Slave Delta should continue to diminish
samples collected from the Slave River cutbank exposures over time, particularly since the Bennett Dam, constructed in
1968 on the upper Peace River in British Columbia, regulates
Sample Age flow and reduces flood magnitude, sediment supply, and
No. Lab. ID NO. (years BP) Taxa transport.
In the future, greater amounts of sedimentation must accum-
1 TDI-14, 569 8070k 140 * ulate for there to be any significant basinward progradation.
2 TDI-14, 568 8180k140 * Presently, the delta extends 16 km farther into the main water
3 TDI-14, 580 7610k 130 *
4 GSC-4121 6960k70 salix body 'of Great Slave Lake than a northeast - southwest-trend-
5 GSC-4106 6380+70 picea ing regional bedrock shoreline. Lake depths exceed 70 and
6 GSC-4 118 5860+70 populas 103 m at distances of 9.0 and 12.0 krn offshore, respectively
7 TDI-14, 512 6030+ 110 * (spot soundings, Canadian Hydrographic Service 1975). With
8 TDI-14, 513 5020+ 100 * deeper water and increased wave and longshore-current activ-
9a GSC-4197 3370+60 picea ity, the delta-front progradation will decrease with time. Pro-
9b TDI-14, 579 3600k 100 * gradation at present is localized at the mouth of the main
10 TDI-14, 552 1180+80 * distributaly channel, the Resdelta channel, but in the period
NOTES: TDI, Teledyne Isotopes Dating Laboratory, New Jersey. between 1946 and 1977 the shoreline in other areas of the delta
GSC, Geological Survey of Canada Dating Laboratory, Ottawa. retreated up to 616 m (Fig. 4).
*Unidentified taxa. During the early Holocene progradation of the Slave Delta,
400 km of fetch from the north-northwest and deeper water
would have allowed greater wave energy to be generated by
availability of sediment. The combination of continued valley northern winds than at present. However, during the middle
incision, changes in receiving-basin morphology, and sedi- Holocene, low hills to the west would have somewhat pro-
ment-supply reductions may have affected the progradation tected the delta front from westerly waves. At present, the
rates. Presently, the Peace River has incised bedrock and in Slave Delta is no longer protected from the wind and experi-
Can. J. Earth Sci. Downloaded from by CONCORDIA UNIV on 12/08/14
For personal use only.

FIG. 13. Reconstruction of sediment infilling in the former south arm of Great Slave Lake caused by the Slave River delta from 8180 BP to the
present. The reconstruction is based on 11 C-dated wood samples and locations.

ences greater wave erosion than at any previous time. Now (1969), indicate that rebound would have occurred over a dis-
fetch to the north-northwest is 152 km, and to the west it is tance of 400 krn normal to the retreating ice front. Therefore,
113 krn. rebound of the Slave Delta relative to the Liard Delta over the
400 km distance is 48 m (Fig. 15), which averages 12 cmlkm
Isostatic rebound or 0.5 cmlyear over the last 8780 years. Greater rebound rates
In the vicinity of the Slave Delta, isostatic rebound was of 37.5 and 47.5 cmlkm were estimated by Craig (1965) from
determined by comparing present elevations of other deltas elevations of McConnell stage 1 beach lines (Smith, in
formed in former Glacial Lake McConnell stage 2 (Fig. 14). preparation) for the Great Bear Lake and Great Slave Lake
Evidence of an extensive, stable paleoshoreline of McConnell basins from about 10 500 BP to the present.
stage 2 includes the Late Pleistocene Peace-Athabasca delta Presently, an elevational difference of 72 m exists between
surfaces (228 m) and the Liard Delta surface (180 m) located the Late Pleistocene Peace- Athabasca delta surfaces (228 m)
further to the west (Fig. 14) (Smith, in preparation). A date of and the present level of Great Slave Lake (156 m). A total
approximately 8780 BP has been proposed for the age of the rebound of 48 m for the past 8780 years having already been
Late Pleistocene Peace -Athabasca deltas (Smith, in prepara- determined, the remaining 24 m of elevation difference is
tion). If it is assumed that both deltas were at equivalent eleva- explained by incision of an outlet in the Liard Delta by water
tions at 8780 BP, then differential isostatic rebound must from Lake McConnell stage 2. This assumption is supported
account for the present 48 m difference in elevation. The posi- by the 24 m elevation difference between the Liard Delta sur-
tions of the retreating Laurentide ice front, delineated by Prest face and Great Slave Lake (Fig. 15).
CAN. J. EARTH SCI. VOL. 25. 1988
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,6 Lines of Equal Postglacial Uplift With Numbered lsobases
At 100 km Intervals

--....:' Limit of Lake McConnell (Craig 1965)

@ Locations of Western Outlet and Peace-Athabasca Delta Surface

FIG. 14. Extent of Glacial Lake McConnell (after Craig 1965) and rebound isobases between the Liard and Slave deltas. Rebound estimates are
relative to the Liard Delta at Fort Simpson between 8780 BP and the present. North of Great Slave Lake the isobases are speculative.

Rebound was quite rapid immediately following deglacia- 1.8 cmlyear (Fig. 16). Between 6960 BP and the present there
tion and was greatest where thicker ice was formerly present has been a total of 14 m of rebound, a rate of 0.2 cmlyear
and last retreated and where lake water was deeper. A topo- (Fig. 16). These data correlate well with the hypothesis that
graphic longitudinal profile constructed between Fitzgerald isostatic rebound was initially rapid following deglaciation and
and Great Slave Lake indicates two interesting trends (Fig. 2): that rebound has steadily decreased to the present (Andrews
(i) a rapid drop in delta-surface elevation between Fitzgerald 1970). J. D. Mollard (personal communication, 1987) has sug-
and a position 63 km downriver, a total elevation decrease of gested that rebound was a "jerky" process, based on several
43.3 m (14C date of 6960 BP in associated sediments); and sets of beach ridges (Fig. 3) in proximal to distal locations on
(ii) (a subsequent break of slope and relatively gradual 14 m the delta. However, the beach-ridge sets could be accounted
drop in the delta surface to Great Slave Lake (142 km) over for by other factors, such as severe storms and ice push.
6690 years. If it is assumed that channel incision of the Liard
Delta was complete by 6960 BP and rebound accounts for all Conclusions
of the 14 m drop of delta surface between 6960 BP and the (1) Three major lithofacies have been recognized in 34 of the
present (Fig. 2), then 34 m of rebound must have occurred 36 vertical profiles logged from river cutbank exposures in the
between 8780 and 6960 BP (1820 years), an average rate of Holocene Slave River delta: (facies A, laminated clay with

@elevations determined from topographic maps and altlmeter

- -- -- -- -- - - - - -- -- - - -- -- -----
1 I
Drop of Lake Level

2 0 4 Ft.Smlth

Liard River Delta

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------ 156 SlaveDelta

' Outlet (Ft-Provldence) (Present)

N4present Long. Profileof Mockenzie R

km from western outlet

FIG. 15. Lake McConnell stage 2 diagram, showing the former water levels in the Great Slave Lake region taking rebound into account. See
Fig. 14 for locations of the Liard and Peace- Athabasca deltas.

For personal use only.

Lake McConneIl 226

ward-extending arm of Great Slave Lake. This long embay-
Stage 2 (2281
216 ment would have had a longer fetch and allowed a subsequent
higher impact of wave energy on the shoreface in early and
middle Holocene time.
(5) From 11 14Cdates obtained from buried wood samples, it
can be determined that progradation of the Slave River delta
between 8070 BP and the present over a distance of 167.5 km
Slope Break averaged 24.3 m/year. Initially, progradation was greater,
averaging 51.0 m/year. Since 1180 BP progradation has
Great Slave
Lake 9000 7000 5000 3000 1000 o
decreased, averaging 9.96 mlyear.
Time (14cyears BP) (6) There has been 48 m of isostatic rebound in the Slave
River delta region relative to the Liard Delta near Fort
FIG. 16. Graph portraying the variation of isostatic rebound rates Simpson between 8780 BP and the present, averaging 12 cm/
between 8780 BP and the present. Notice the reduction in the rate
beginning at 6960 BP. km or 0.5 cmlyear. Between 8780 and 6960 BP rebound at the
Slave Delta averaged 1.8 cmlyear. The rate decreased substan-
tially to 0.2 cm/year from 6960 BP to the present.

occasional silt lenses; facies B, a transition of interbedded silt Acknowledgments

and sand; and facies C, an extensive, vertically coarsening-
We would like to thank Bill and Roberta Halase, who pro-
upward sand with cross-laminated bedding and planar-tabular
vided field assistance; Dabbs Environmental Consultants and
ripple sets, dipping basinward. The sequence of facies is inter-
Wood Buffalo National Park for aerial photography; the
preted as lacustrine, prodelta transition, and lower and upper
McDonald family at the Salt River Settlement, who provided a
shoreface and beach environments of a river delta.
permanent base camp; and Roger Wheate for photographic
(2) The sand body is interpreted as a wave-influenced delta, services. Field equipment was supplied by the Department of
based on the following criteria: (i) a predominance of shore-
Geography, The University of Calgary. Support from the
face and beach-associated sedimentary structures; (ii) a
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
coarsening-upward trend of sediment grain size; (iii) the Canada, the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs (north-
morphology of the present delta (an arcuate shoreline with low em science training grant), and the Radiocarbon Dating
barrier islands); and (iv) localized progradation at the mouth of
Laboratory of the Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, is
the active distributary channel while nearby the beach face is in
gratefully acknowledged. The manuscript was reviewed by
retreat. J. Coleman and J. Mollard.
(3) Morphologic features of the subaqueous delta and lacus-
trine deposits offshore of Resdelta Channel mouth are inter- ALBERTA
1982. Slave River hydro feasibility study.
preted as shoreface tensional cracks, slump scarps, gravity Final report. Project design. Appendix D. Site information.
mud bulge, and pressure ridges. Edmonton, Alta.
(4) The Slave River delta now occupies a former, south- ANDREWS, J. T. 1970. A geomorphological study of post-glacial
2004 CAN. J . EARTH SCI. VOL. 25, 1988

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