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Reproductive BioMedicine Online 20 Suppl.

3 (2010) S44–S45

Ovulation Induction
106 Aromatase inhibitors are promising new drugs for the induction of
AROMATASE INHIBITOR FOR OVULATION INDUCTION ovulation and superovulation. After 4 decades of CC treatment,
M. Abou Abdallah. Middle East Fertility Center, Egypt a new era of ovulation induction has finally arrived.

Aromatase is a member of the cytochrome P450 hemoprotein 107

containing enzyme complex super family. It catalyzes the rate- CHOICE OF OVULATION INDUCTION PROTOCOL IN IVF
limiting final step in estrogen (E) production, the hydroxylation PATIENTS WITH ADENOMYOSIS
of androstenedione to estrone and of T to E2. Its activity can M.A. Gubanova, I.N. Lukoshkina, A.V. Semenov, A.M. Karpenko.
be demonstrated in the ovaries, adipose tissue, placenta, brain, Embryo Clinic, Krasnodar, Russia
muscle, fibroblasts, osteoblasts, liver, and breast.
For many years, aromatase inhibitors have been used as an
Comparing effectiveness of ultralong ovulation induction proto-
adjunct treatment for breast cancer. They could be steroidal
cols with intranasal Busereline and Gosereline Depot in IVF for
or nonsteroidal inhibitors. Steroidal inhibitors are derivatives of
adenomyosis patients.
androstenedione that act as false substrates, binding irreversibly
to the androgen-binding site. Materials and Methods:
The third-generation aromatase inhibitors include two nons- The study included 70 patients (mean age 32.8±5.1 years)
teroidal inhibitors, anastrozole and letrozole, and a steroidal with history of unsuccessful IVF attempts. Forty-four (62.9%)
agent, exemestane. Anastrozole and letrozole are selective women had tubal infertility, 26 (37.1%) stages I II of
aromatase inhibitors. They are reversible and highly potent. endometriosis (with no fertility restoration after surgery and
Letrozole and anastrazole are completely absorbed after oral hormone therapy). Mean duration of infertility period was
administration, with a mean half-life of approximately 45 hours 5.8±2.1 years. All patients were diagnosed with adenomyosis
(range, 30 60 hours). during the hysteroscopy which took place on Days 5 7 of the
Estrogen exerts a negative feedback on the hypothalamic- menstrual cycle.
pituitary axis and decreases the release of FSH from the pituitary The patients were divided into two groups. Group 1 comprised
gland. Blocking E production by inhibiting aromatization, would 36 IVF patients who used 0.2% Busereline acetate solution as
release the hypothalamic-pituitary axis from estrogenic negative a nasal spray in dose 900 mg daily starting from Day 2 of the
feedback. As a result, FSH secretion increases, stimulating the menstrual cycle. Ovulation induction was started on Day 45 of
development of ovarian follicles. Because aromatase inhibitors Busereline use; the latter continued until the day of ovulation
block high levels of E from androgen conversion, the effects trigger administration. Group 2 consisted of 34 patients who used
in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are more Gosereline Depot 3.6 mg (two s. c. injections, interval 28 days).
prominent. In addition, androgens that normally converted to Ovulation induction was initiated on Day 12 after the second
estrogens accumulate in the ovary, and these androgens increase injection. In both groups, recombinant human FSH (rhFSH) was
follicular sensitivity to FSH. Unlike CC, aromatase inhibitor used for controlled ovarian hyperstimulation. Oocyte retrieval,
does not deplete E receptors or produce a negative effect on fertilization and embryo cultivation were standard. Two good-
the endometrium. Clomiphene citrate, on the other hand, has quality embryos were replaced in the uterus on Days 3 5 post-
a longer half-life (2 weeks) that results in prolonged central oocyte retrieval.
E receptor depletion. Results:
Aromatase inhibitors are a new group of drugs to join the The comparison of two protocols has shown that the duration
arsenal of fertility treatments. They are orally administered, of gonadotrophimn therapy was longer when using Gosereline
easy to use, and relatively inexpensive, with minor side effects. Depot (mean duration 11 days); for Busereline, it reached
Anastrazole and letrozole are third-generation aromatase 9 days. Starting dose of rhFSH was higher in Group 2 (250
inhibitors that have been used for ovulatory disorders and for 300 IU/d) compared with Group 1 (150 200 IU/d). Total rhFSH
superovulation. dose in Group 1 patients was between 1050 and 1850 IU (mean
The data on letrozole suggest that it can be used to replace dose 1600 IU), which was less than in Group 2 (2050 2500 IU,
CC as the first-line treatment for women with ovulatory mean 2300 IU). There were no statistically significant differences
disorders. Compared with CC, its use is associated with thicker between the groups in terms of folliculogenesis, oogenesis and
endometrium. For superovulation, there is a trend for higher early embryogenesis. Sixteen (44.5%) Group 1 patients and 13
pregnancy rates with letrozole than with CC. When letrozole is (38.2%) Group 2 patients became pregnant.
added to gonadotropin regimens, it leads to less gonadotropin Conclusion:
requirement and a pregnancy rate that is comparable to that Intranasal Busereline use in ultralong protocol in adenomyosis IVF
with gonadotropin-only treatment. patients leads to less pronounced suppression of hypothalamic-
It seems that the dose of 5 mg daily for 5 days is the most pituitary-ovarian axis in the desensitization period compared
effective. with Gosereline Depot use. It allows for adequate folliculogenesis

1472-6483/$ - see front matter © 2010, Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ovulation Induction S45

in response to subsequent gonadotrophic stimulation and Interventions:

decrease the total dose of gonadotrophins owing to reduction Patients were randomly divided in to two groups and treated
of ovulation induction duration and lower starting doses of with either 5 mg/day (30 patients) or 7/5 mg/day (37 patients)
gonadotrophins. letrozole for 5 days starting from day 3 of the menstrual cycle.
When the leading follicle reached 18 mm in diameter, ovulation
108 was triggered by an injection of HCG and timed intercourse was
R. Homburg. Barzili Medical Center, Ashkelon, Israel and Main outcome measures:
Homerton University Hospital, London, UK The number of follicles, endometrial thickness, day 7 testos-
terone level, ovulation and pregnancy rates.
Clomiphene citrate (CC), has been the medication of choice
for the first-line treatment for anovulatory PCOS for 50 years.
The mean age, BMI, duration of infertility and basal hormone
It induces ovulation in about 75%, pregnancy in 35%, 20%
levels in both groups were similar. There was no significant
miscarriages and 8 10% multiple pregnancies, so that 25% of CC difference in the endometrial thickness, total number of
starters will have a singleton live birth. Ultrasound monitored follicles, the number of intermediate and mature follicles
CC-treated cycles produce better pregnancy rates compared on day 12 14 between the two groups. The days to reach
with non-monitored cycles. The discrepancy between ovulation mature follicle were similar in both groups. Also there was
and pregnancy rates is mostly explained by the anti-estrogen no significant difference in the day 7 testosterone level and
effects of CC on endometrium. A serious alternative to CC day 21 progesterone level between the two. Ovulation occurred
is letrozole, an aromatase inhibitor which causes a sharp in 27 out of 30 patients (90%) in 5 mg group and 33 out
discharge of endogenous FSH by inducing an efficient block of of 37 patients (89.2%) in 7.5 mg group without a statistically
estrogen production, does not affect estrogen receptors in the significant difference. The pregnancy rate per first ovulatory
endometrium or hypothalamus and has a shorter half-life than cycle was 25.8% (7/27) in 5 mg arm and 21.2% (7/33) in 7.5 mg
CC. These theoretical advantages over CC have been borne out arm without significant difference between groups. Miscarriage
by reports of superior pregnancy rates induced by letrozole. Early and multiple pregnancy rates were similar between them. No
suspicion of possible teratogenic effects of letrozole have not OHSS was observed in either groups.
been substantiated.
As a result of several well-conducted trials, the use of insulin-
The results of this study did not show any advantage to the use
sensitisers such as metformin is not recommended for first-
of 7.5 mg/day over 5 mg/day dose of letrozole as the first line
line treatment in preference to CC although it may be useful
treatment for induction of ovulation in women with PCOS.
additively in CC-resistance.
Failure to ovulate with CC or failure to conceive in six ovulatory 110
cycles is usually followed by direct gonadotrophin stimulation COMPARISON OF HIGHLY PURIFIED URINARY VERSUS
of the ovaries using a chronic low-dose protocol. This “low and RECOMBINANT FSH: EFFECT ON ART OUTCOMES IN
slow” protocol, starting with 25 75IU of FSH, without changing POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME
the dose for 14 days and using only small incremental dose rises F. Sohrabvand, S.H. Sheikhhassani, M. Bagheri, F. Hagollahi.
where necessary, almost completely eliminates the danger of Vali-e-Asr Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
OHSS and keeps the multiple pregnancy rate below 6% while Infertility Department, Tehran, Iran
maintaining good pregnancy rates. This is achieved by steadily
reaching, but not overstepping, the threshold for a response to
Polycystic ovary syndrome is a common cause of ovulatory
FSH. If a dose increase is required, it should not be more than
disorders and infertility with high LH to FSH ratio. in order to
half the starting dose. prevent further increase of LH and folliclar atresia, different
A study examining the feasibility of low-dose FSH for first-line regimens for ovulation induction have been recommended using
treatment showed a clear superiority of FSH over CC. Pregnancies FSH alone. This study was performed in PCOS patients to compare
and live-births were achieved more effectively and faster with ART outcomes in cycles induced by FSH alone, using either
low-dose FSH than with CC, thus entertaining the possibility recombinant or urinary products.
that it could be used as efficient first-line treatment, cost
Materials and Methods:
In a randomized trial, from 623 patients who underwent down
regulation with GnRH analogue in a long protocol, 160 PCOS
109 patients were randomly divided into two groups of 80. Group A
A RANDOMIZED TRIAL OF OVULATION INDUCTION WITH TWO received 150 IU/d recombinant FSH (Gonal-F) and group B
F. Ramezan Zadeh1 , M.M. Aghsa1 , R. Nasiri2 . 1 Vali-E-Asr Results:
Reproductive Health Research Center, Iran, 2 Department of 33 cases (41.2%) in group A and 36 (45%) in group B
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Arya Hospital, India achieved clinical pregnancy, which was not significantly different
Objective: (p = 0.67). Total number of oocytes retrieved (13.03±5.56
To compare the effects of either a 5 mg or 7/5 mg daily dose vs 14.17±4.89, p = 0.17), quality and number of embryos
of letrozole in PCOS women undergoing ovulation induction and (7.42±3.35 vs 7.63±3.28, p = 0.68)and OHSS rate were similar
timed intercourse. in group A compared to group B. Endometrial thickness, which
was 9.66±1.67 mm in group A and 10.36±1.35 mm in group B,
Design: showed a significant difference (p = 0.004).
Prospective randomized trial.
Setting: It seems that in PCOS patients, both pure FSH products used for
Academic infertility care center. controlled ovarian hyperstimulation have similar effects on ART
Patients: outcome and can be used according to availability and patient
Sixty-Seven PCOS patients with infertility. acceptance without significant difference.

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