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Environmental Engineering and Management Journal August 2012, Vol.11, No.

8, 1485-1491

“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania



Marius Sebastian Secula, Igor Creţescu, Stelian Petrescu

“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection,
73 Prof. Dr. Docent Dimitrie Mangeron, 700050 Iasi, Romania


An experimental study on the separation of sulfides from aqueous solution by electrocoagulation is described in this work. Two
types of anode materials, aluminum and mild steel, were investigated in relation to anodic dissolution, removal efficiency and
energy consumption. Experiments were carried out under galvanostatic regime at different values of current density. During the
experiments, the pH was monitored and adjusted in order to maintain near neutral pH values. By weighing the anodes before and
after electrocoagulation and based on Faraday’s law, electrochemical and chemical dissolved weights were determined. Specific
energetic consumptions related to sulfide ions and electrical operating costs were calculated. In comparison with aluminum, iron-
based anode provides higher removal efficiencies, lower energy requirements and electrical operating costs. The complete
removal of sulfide ions from the treated solution was achieved after 45 min of electrocoagulation at a current density of 65.79
Am-2 using mild steel as anode.

Key words: anodic dissolution, batch reactor, electrical operating cost, electrocoagulation, sulfide wastewater

Received: September, 2010; Revised final: September, 2011; Accepted: October, 2011

1. Introduction shown that electrocoagulation-generated flocs are

relatively bigger, have less water and are more stable
In the last few decades, electrocoagulation has than those obtained by the classic chemical method
regained the interest of scientists especially due to its of coagulation (Holt et al., 2002).
“green technology” characteristics and a more Leather and paper industries are known to
thorough understanding of the mechanisms standing produce heavily polluted wastewater containing
at the basis of electrocoagulation processes important loading of sulfide ions. The acute toxicity
(Bayramoglu et al., 2007; Dermentzis et al., 2011; of hydrogen sulfide and its effects on the respiratory,
Poulton et al., 2002) . cardiac and nervous systems have been stated (NRC
At present, the increase of electrocoagulation Canada, 1981).
efficiency by the substantial reduction of energy Hydrogen sulfide-polluted wastewaters are
consumptions has led to electrocoagulation processes generally treated by oxidation methods. With this
that are faster and more economical than the classical aim, several oxidants such as molecular oxygen
chemical coagulation process (Bayramoglu et al., (Tomar and Abdulah, 1994), hypochlorites, chlorine,
2007; Can et al., 2006; Canizares et al., 2007; potassium permanganate (Cadena and Peters, 1988)
SenthilKumar et al., 2010). Likewise, it has been and hydrogen peroxide (Millero et al., 1989) have

Authors to whom all correspondence should be addressed: E-mail:;; Phone: +40 - 232 278683;
Fax: +40 - 232 271311
Secula et al./Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 11 (2012), 8, 1485-1491

been used. Nevertheless, removal of sulfide ions The solution pH was monitored by means of a
from seawater was found to be adequate by using glass pH electrode connected to a pH-meter. Also,
Fe(III) oxides (Poulton et al., 2002). the pH was adjusted continuously during
In literature, a very limited number of papers electrocoagulation. The electrical circuit consists in a
approaching the study of sulfide-polluted wastewater STR 404 voltage regulator supply, an ammeter and
treatment by electrochemical methods have been the electrical cell in series with a high value resistor
reported so far. Among these, a category is based on (2.5 kOhm) in order to maintain a current of constant
the anodic oxidation of sulfide ion to sulfate ion intensity. All of the runs were carried out at room
(Waterson et al., 2007), since the environmental temperature.
regulation are more restrictive as regards sulfides,
and a second category is related to the
electrocoagulation of tannery wastewaters (Apaydin
et al., 2009; Feng et al., 2007; Murugananthan et al.,
According to our knowledge, there has not
been reported yet any study approaching the sulfide
removal by electrocoagulation processes conducted
under controlled optimal pH conditions. Moreover,
though the electrical energy consumption is a
fundamental economical parameter in
electrocoagulation processes, only a single work
(Apaydin et al., 2009) reported the specific energy
consumptions for sulfide removal by
electrocoagulation using iron-based electrodes.
In the present work, an experimental study Fig. 1. Experimental set-up
approaching the electrocoagulation of sulfide
wastewater in batch reactor using aluminum or iron- The electrocoagulation cell consisted in a
based anodic electrodes, operated under galvanostatic glass recipe having a length of 0.11 m, a width of
regime, is presented. The main purpose of this study 0.10 m, and a height of 0.19 m. A stainless steel plan
is to point out the influence of electrode material and plate was used as cathode. The anode was either an
current density on the removal efficiencies, specific aluminum plan plate or a mild steel plan plate with
energy consumption and electrical operating costs of an effective surface of 7.586103 m2. The distance
this electrocoagulation process. between electrodes was of 7 mm for all tests. The
electrodes were thoroughly cleaned before each
2. Experimental experiment.
In order to estimate the sulfide (S2−) content,
The 4.4 mM S2- aqueous solutions were the spectrophotometric method was used (SR ISO
prepared by dissolving sodium sulfide (A.R. Fluka, 10530, 1997).
Buchs, Switzerland.) in ultrapurified water. This was The pH measurements of treated solutions
obtained by means of a Barnstead Easypure II were performed by means of a CONSORT C831
Thermo Scientific water purifier. The pH of the Multi-parameter analyzer. Gravimetric measurements
synthetic sulfide wastewater was adjusted by means of electrodes were performed with a Precisa XT 22A
of 0.1 N H2SO4 and NaOH solutions. To improve the digital balance (0.1 mg accuracy) before and after
conductivity, NaCl (A.R. Lach-Ner, Neratovice, electrocoagulation tests.
Czech Republic) was dissolved into sulfide synthetic Equipment and method used to determine the
solutions. polarization curves was described in detail in our
Preliminary tests performed to determine the previous work (Petrescu et al., 2009).
optimal concentration of the support electrolyte lead
to the conclusion that 3.42 mM NaCl represent the 3. Results and discussion
minimum optimal concentration in relation to the
conductivity conditions. Though higher Polarization curves obtained at aluminum and
concentrations might lead further to the enhancement iron dissolution respectively in aqueous solutions of
in conductivity, one has to take also into account the sodium chloride and sulfide solutions are shown in
final chloride load of the treated solution. Fig. 2. Compred to aluminum anode, the increase of
The investigations were carried out with the current density is accelerated especially at higher
experimental set-up described in Fig. 1. values of overpotential in case of iron dissolution.
The experimental set-up consists in an This is due to the formation of a passivating film on
electrolytic cell composed of two electrodes the aluminum anode at overpotential values higher
connected to a DC STR 404 power supply, able to than approximately 3 V. However, the investigations
provide an adjustable voltage in the range of 040 V. discussed herein further were carried out at
The solution homogeneity was ensured using a overpotential values lower than 0.5 V so that the two
magnetic stirrer.

Electrocoagulation treatment of sulfide wastewater in a batch reactor

anode materials to be compared within the range of cell voltage was adjusted from a starting value of
similar polarization behavior. 4.85 to 3.8 V near the end of process.
Leading to a reduction of the cell voltage, the
increase in conductivity is partly explained by the
i, A m metal anodic dissolution process and by the addition
Fe of sulfate ions for the pH control.
Fig. 4 shows the evolution of removal
efficiency related to sulfide ion by electrocoagulation
using aluminum anode.


0 1 2 3 4 5 , V

Fig. 2. Variation of current density with anodic

overpotential at iron and aluminum dissolution respectively
in aqueous solution of 3.42 mM NaCl and 4.4 mM S2- at
neutral pH

3.1. Aluminum anode and stainless steel cathode

electrode configuration

Using this electrode configuration, several

experiments were carried out at three different values Fig. 4. Variation of removal efficiency at the
of current density (9.31, 26.37 and 65.79 A.m-2). electrocoagulation of sulfide synthetic solution, 3.42 mM
NaCl, aluminum electrode, at different current densities
Taking into consideration that the generation of
Al(OH)3 is favored within the pH range from 6 to 8.5,
it was aimed at maintaining the pH value near the An enhanced increase of the removal
neutral value. This parameter increases during efficiency of sulfide ion with current density can be
electrocoagulation process. Therefore, the pH value noticed. After 60 min, the removal efficiencies are
was adjusted by adding appropriate volumes of 0.1 N 15.66 % for a density current value of 9.21 Am-2,
H2SO4 solution during each run. In Fig. 3 is shown 28.86 % for 26.37 Am-2, and 49.71 % in case of
the variation of pH and cell voltage during 65.79 Am-2.
electrocoagulation using an aluminum anode under At the aluminum dissolution in neutral
the specified conditions. medium, it was observed the formation of white
flocs. This is in agreement with the chemical
mechanism described in literature (Murugananthan et
al., 2004). At a density current of 9.21 A m-2, the
formed white flocs are separated by sedimentation,
while at 26.37 A m-2, the resulted flocs separate in a
considerable ratio by flotation. When a 65.79 Am-2
density current was applied, it was noticed that the
flotation became the main separation process of the
generated flocs.

3.2. Mid steel anode and stainless steel cathode

electrode configuration

In Fig. 5 are shown the variations of pH and

cell voltage at different values of current density
during the electrocoagulation of 4.4 mM S2- solution
using mild steel anode.
Fig. 3. Evolution of pH and cell voltage during As shown in Fig. 5a, the pH of synthetic
electrocoagulation using aluminum anode
sulfide solution was adjusted during
(i = 26.37 Am-2)
electrocoagulation in order to maintain the pH values
in the range of 5 and 7 where the precipitation of FeS
The voltage of electrochemical cell decreases
is favored. However, in selecting the optimal range
during the process. Thus, for maintaining the current
of the pH parameter, the potential development of
in order to apply a current density of 26.37 Am-2, the hydrogen sulfide at acid values of pH was also

Secula et al./Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 11 (2012), 8, 1485-1491

considered. Thus, in the experimental runs the pH Compared to electrocoagulation using

value was adjusted to near neutral values. aluminum anode, higher values of removal efficiency
related to sulfide ion were obtained in case of mild
steel anode. Thus, applying currents of 9.21 and
26.37 Am-2 removal efficiencies of 42.85 and 59.49
respectively were achieved. The highest removal
efficiency of 100 % was obtained after approximately
45 min for a current density of 65.79 Am-2.
Iron dissolution in sulfide aqueous solutions
results mainly in iron sulfide that precipitates in the
pH range of 5-7 (Zaharia, 2006). Before
sedimentation, it was noticed that the treated
solutions with mild steel anode are black colored due
to the FeS formed.

3.3. Electrochemical vs. chemical dissolution of

(a) anodes

The mass of metal dissolved through

electrochemical mechanism can be calculated
according to Farraday’s law by means of Eq. (1):

w  I  t  M / n  F  (1)

where: w is the weight of metal dissolved through

electrochemical mechanism, g; I - current intensity,
A, t – time, s; M – relative molar mass of electrode
material, gmol-1; n – number of electrons involved in
oxidation/reduction reaction; F – Faraday’s constant,
(b) Cmol-1.
Taking into account that the values of anode-
Fig. 5. Evolution in time of pH (a) and cell voltage (b) for mass dissolved were found to be considerable higher
iron dissolution in aqueous sulfide solution, at different than those predicted by Faraday’s law (Table 1), the
current densities
mass difference was assigned to chemical dissolution
process (Donini et al., 1994). These super-faradaic
Similar to the case of aluminum anodes, the
efficiencies have already been reported in the
cell voltage decreased during iron dissolution in
literature (Canizares et al., 2005) and explained in
sulfide solution (Fig. 5b). The higher the current
terms of chemical dissolution.
applied, the steeper the decrease of cell voltage. Fig.
However, especially at high current densities,
6 shows the removal efficiencies of sulfide ions in
the electrochemically dissolved mass is lower than
solution by electrocoagulation based on mild steel
that calculated by means of Faraday’s law due to an
important part of the measured current is consumed
in water electrolysis leading to the development of
oxygen bubbles. Hence, the contribution of the
chemically dissolved mass might be slightly higher
than the values presented in Table 1. The ratio of
electrochemical dissolution, f, was considered in
order to approximate the total consumption of
electrode material during electrocoagulation.

3.4. Energy consumption and electrical operating


The energy consumption related to the amount

of removed sulfide, named herein further as unit
energy demand (UED), was determined. Since the
current intensity was kept constant and cell voltage
Fig. 6. Variation of removal efficiency during varied during electrocoagulation process, the
electrocoagulation of sulfide synthetic solution, using mild following relationship was used (Eq. 2):
steel anode, for different values of current density

Electrocoagulation treatment of sulfide wastewater in a batch reactor

Table 1. Electrochemical and chemical mass dissolved after 60 min of electrocoagulation of 4.mM sulfide and 3.42 mM NaCl

Total dissolve Electrochemical Chemical

Run Anode Mean i
mass dissolved mass dissolved mass f
No. material pH
Am2 g g % g %
1 6.8 9.21 0.146 0.073 50 0.073 50 0.50
2 Mild steel 6.4 26.37 0.240 0.208 87 0.032 13 0.87
3 6.4 65.79 0.623 0.521 84 0.102 16 0.84
4 6.7 9.21 0.028 0.023 82 0.005 18 0.82
5 Aluminum 6.8 26.37 0.085 0.067 79 0.018 21 0.79
6 6.5 65.79 0.199 0.168 84 0.031 16 0.84

(a) (b)

Fig. 7. Evolution of UED during electrocoagulation of sulfide solutions using mild steel (a) or aluminum (b) anode, at different
current densities, CNaCl = 3.42 mM

 Y  it can be noted that the highest values of UED were
UED  I   U  dt
1000  V  C0  t  recorded for the cell configuration using aluminum
 100 
0 anode. After 60 min of electrocoagulation applying a
where: UED is the unit energy demand, kWhkg-1; I – current density of 26.37 Am-2, UED values of 10.35
U –cell voltage, V, I - current intensity, A, t – time, kWhkg-1 for Fe and 32.05 kWhkg-1 for Al anode
h, C0 – the initial concentration of sulfide, kgm-3, V – were obtained.
volume of treated solution, m-3; Yt – removal The operational cost of any effluent treatment
efficiency at time t, %. method is an important criterion to evaluate its
Fig. 7a describes the influence of current applicability at industrial scale. The electrical
density over the unit energy demand when iron-based operating costs of the electrocoagulation of synthetic
anode is employed. sulfide wastewater can be calculated by considering
Energy consumption related to sulfide the amount of energy consumption and anode
removed increases with the increase of current material consumed (Eq. 3). Material consumed can
density. However, at 65.79 Am-2, UED presents a be estimated by means of Eq. (4).
minimum value of 23.36 kWhkg-1 that corresponds
to a removal efficiency of approximately 95 % after EOC  EEC  MC  UED  EEP  MC (3)
40 min of electrolysis.
Apaydin et al. (2009) reported recently a UED where: EOC is the electrical operating cost, $kg-1 of
value of 108.75 kWhkg-1, after 30 min at the sulfide removed; EEC –electrical energy
electrocoagulation of a tannery wastewater consumption, $kg-1 of sulfide; EEP – electrical
containing 440 mgL-1 of sulfides with a removal energy price, $kWh-1.
efficiency of 97 %. The considerable improvement of
UED value reported in the present work might be MC  I  t  A  AMP  f  n  F  V  C0  Yt 100  (4)
attributed to the distance between the electrodes. In
this study, the interelectrode distance was of 0.7 cm where: MC is the cost of anode material consumed
compared to that of 6 cm reported in the study of
during electrocoagulation, ($kg-1 of sulfide
Apaydin et al. (2009).
removed); AMP – anode material price, $g-1, f – ratio
Fig. 7b pinpoints an important increase of
of electrochemical dissolution.
UED value with the increase in current density. Also,

Secula et al./Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 11 (2012), 8, 1485-1491

Table 2. Electrical operating costs of sulfide removal by electrocoagulation after 60 min

Run Anode Mean i Y EEC MC EOC

No. material pH Am2 % $kg-1 $kg-1 $kg-1
1 Mild steel 6.8 9.21 42.85 0.43 7.48 7.91
2 6.4 26.37 59.49 1.04 8.65 9.69
3 6.4 65.79 100.00 3.16 18.69 21.84
4 Aluminum 6.7 9.21 15.67 0.58 12.56 13.13
5 6.8 26.37 28.86 3.20 14.24 17.45
6 6.5 65.79 49.71 8.51 21.32 29.83

Electrical operating costs can also be min of electrolysis which corresponds to EEC = 0.34
expressed in relation to the volume of wastewater $m-3, MC = 0.76 $m-3, EOC = 1.10 $m-3.
treated by removing C0  Yt 100 term in the
expressions of UED (2) and MC (4). 4. Conclusions
In order to determine these electrical
operational costs, economical data were gathered An experimental study on sulfide wastewater
from the EU market in 2011. Thus the electrical treatment by electrocoagulation in a batch reactor
energy price for industrial use is averaged to 0.1 was presented. The influences of anodic materials on
$kWh, while mild steel and aluminum were the removal efficiency, energy and material
estimated at 1.0 $kg-1 and 2.0 $kg-1 respectively. consumptions, and electrical operating costs were
Values of the electrochemical dissolution investigated for the separation of sulfide ion from
ratio, f, were considered from Table 1. aqueous solutions under neutral pH and galvanostatic
Data of electrical operational costs for sulfide conditions, at several current densities.
removal by electrocoagulation for 60 min for The maximum removal efficiency (100 %)
aluminum or iron dissolution are presented in Table related to sulfide ion was achieved after 45 min of
2. It can be noticed that electrical energy cost is much electrocoagulation using mild steel anode, for a
higher in case of aluminum anode material compared density current of 65.79 Am-2.
to mild steel material. The cost of electrode material It was pointed out that iron-based anode
dissolved during the process is significantly higher provides higher removal efficiencies, and presents
than electrical energy cost. As shown, electrical lower values of specific energy consumption and
energy costs related to the amount of sulfide removed electrical operating costs compared to aluminum
are relatively lower in case of iron-based anode anode.
material. The removal of sulfide ions from aqueous
In Fig. 8 is illustrated the evolution in time of solution by means of electrocoagulation using iron-
removal efficiency and EOC expressed in relation to based anode, under the optimal pH conditions,
the volume of wastewater treated under the specified proved to be an efficient and cheap technology.
experimental conditions.
This work was supported by CNCSIS-UEFISCSU, project
number PN II-RU 52/2010, COD 44.


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