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The Development of a Diagnostic Approach
to Predicting the Probability of Road
Pavement Failure

Megan R. Schlotjes

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

The University of Auckland

School of Civil Engineering

University of Birmingham

A Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering, The University of Auckland
and Civil Engineering, University of Birmingham, 2013

The research reported in this thesis was jointly supervised by The University of Auckland and

the University of Birmingham under the Universitas 21 joint PhD scheme. The research,

undertaken between March 2009 and November 2012, was primarily carried out at The

University of Auckland. The University of Birmingham hosted the researcher for the period

between May 2010 and August 2011 and for a subsequent research visit in May 2012 to June


The contents of this thesis are the original work of the researcher, except where appropriately

acknowledged in the text, and no part of this thesis has been submitted for a degree at another


Megan Schlotjes


Road maintenance planning, an essential component of road asset management, preserves the

integrity of road networks. Current state of the art pavement management systems exercise

optimisation tools, pavement deterioration models, and intervention criteria to forecast the

future maintenance requirements of a road network. These tools have been utilised to forecast

future maintenance requirements of road networks; however, with this current approach to

pavement management, uncertainties associated with the failure of individual sections of road

may not always be accounted for explicitly, and therefore the susceptibility of a road network

to failure is unknown.

Predicting the probability of the end of life of a road pavement involves wholly

understanding possible modes of failure and utilising suitable computational techniques, so

that engineering knowledge can be well represented in data driven models. To this end, this

thesis describes the development of a diagnostic approach that infers engineering knowledge

into computational models, to quantify the probability of failure of road pavements and

identify the most likely causes of failure.

To do so, this research developed a number of failure charts that capture engineering

knowledge, such as citing influential failure factors of road pavements including the

influence from external environments and internal pavement attributes. Engineering

knowledge on road pavement failure was obtained from three sources: literature describing

the fundamentals of pavement design and common causes of road failure, expert knowledge

from the industry identifying relationships between failure mechanisms and causes, and a

data analysis to obtain site-specific causes such as road environments and material properties.

Each chart presents a possible failure path, detailing a set of factors contributing to failure.

A comparative study evaluated the performance of five classification modelling approaches

in order to determine the most suitable technique for this research. Based on performance and

user interpretability criteria, the study identified one based on support vector machines as the

most suitable.

The developed prototype system, consisting of a failure system for rutting, fatigue cracking,

and shear, performed well in both the development phase and network testing of the system

utilising data from the New Zealand Long-term Pavement Performance Programme. A case

study focussing on rural New Zealand roads was carried out, which demonstrated the use of

this tool in network and project level applications.


I, as the researcher, would like to sincerely thank my supervisors, Dr. Theunis F.P. Henning

(The University of Auckland) and Dr. Michael P.N. Burrow (University of Birmingham), for

whom without the success of this research would not have been possible. I am appreciative of

their time, inspiration and support through both the highs and lows of the PhD journey. I

further acknowledge the input from my co-supervisors, Dr. John St. George (The University

of Auckland) and Dr. Harry Evdorides (University of Birmingham).

To my family, I thank you for your support applauding encouragement, despite the

misconception over what exactly it is I do. To my Mum in particular, I thank you for your

constant support, reassurance and love over the years. Without you, the journey would not

have been enjoyable, nor as fulfilling as it has been.

The valuable input in various stages of the research from Noel Welsh, Fritz Jooste and Derek

Roux is gratefully acknowledged. Their invaluable knowledge and experience got me out of

some very sticky situations. I would also like to thank the asset managers from Southland

District Council, New Zealand, for their time and input in this research.

Finally, without the financial support from the New Zealand Transport Agency and The

University of Auckland, I would not have been fortunate to experience as many opportunities

as I did throughout my PhD journey.

“Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi Engari, he toa takitini”

“Success is not the work of one, but the work of many”

Maori Proverb

Table of Contents

Chapter One
INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 The Context of Predicting Road Failure .................................................................... 1
1.2 Problem Statement ..................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Aim, Objectives, and Scope of the Research ............................................................. 5
1.3.1 Aim of the Research ............................................................................................... 5
1.3.2 Objectives of the Research ..................................................................................... 5
1.3.3 Scope of the Research ............................................................................................ 6
1.4 Structure of the Thesis ............................................................................................... 8

Chapter Two
LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 11
2.2 Background to Road Pavement Failure in New Zealand ......................................... 12
2.2.1 Rutting Failure ..................................................................................................... 12
2.2.2 Cracking Failure................................................................................................... 14
2.2.3 Shear Failure ........................................................................................................ 17
2.2.4 Multiple Failures .................................................................................................. 19
2.3 Representation of Failure Knowledge ..................................................................... 19
2.4 Modelling Terminology ........................................................................................... 21
2.4.1 Deterministic versus Probabilistic ....................................................................... 22
2.4.2 Mechanistic versus Empirical .............................................................................. 23
2.4.3 Linear versus Non-Linear .................................................................................... 23
2.4.4 Classification versus Regression.......................................................................... 24
2.5 Performance Modelling of Infrastructure Assets ..................................................... 25
2.5.1 Deterioration Modelling Techniques ................................................................... 25
2.5.2 Predicting End of Life Probabilities .................................................................... 26
2.6 Application and Performance of Classification Methods ........................................ 28
2.6.1 Logistic Regression Studies ................................................................................. 29
2.6.2 Neural Networks Studies ..................................................................................... 31

Table of Contents

2.6.3 Support Vector Machines Studies ........................................................................ 33

2.6.4 Decision (Probability) Trees and Random Forests Studies ................................. 34
2.6.5 k-Nearest Neighbours Studies.............................................................................. 36
2.6.6 Alternative Generative Classifiers ....................................................................... 37
2.6.7 Improving the Performance of Classifiers with Hybrids, Boosting,
and Bagging ......................................................................................................... 39
2.6.8 Advantages versus Disadvantages of Classifiers ................................................. 40
2.7 Summary of the Literature Review .......................................................................... 43

Chapter Three
METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................ 45
3.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 45
3.1.1 Conceptual Design ............................................................................................... 45
3.1.2 Research Methodology ........................................................................................ 46
3.2 Research Modules .................................................................................................... 48
3.2.1 Expert Engineering Knowledge and Failure Understanding ............................... 48
3.2.2 Selecting Suitable Classification Techniques ...................................................... 49
3.2.3 Assessing the Performance of Binary Classifiers ................................................ 50
3.2.4 Prototype System Development ........................................................................... 51
3.2.5 System Testing and Applications......................................................................... 52
3.3 Research Datasets .................................................................................................... 53
3.3.1 State Highway LTPP Dataset ............................................................................... 54 Traffic Data................................................................................................. 54 Pavement Composition Data ...................................................................... 55 Pavement Strength Data ............................................................................. 56 Environmental Data .................................................................................... 57 Subgrade Sensitivity ................................................................................... 57 Condition Data............................................................................................ 57 Failure Data ................................................................................................ 59
3.3.2 Local Authority LTPP Dataset ............................................................................. 60
3.3.3 Summary of the LTPP Datasets ........................................................................... 60
3.4 Summary of the Methodology ................................................................................. 61

Table of Contents

Chapter Four
Complementing the Subject Knowledge .............................................................................. 63
4.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 63
4.1.1 Importance of Understanding Road Pavement Failure ........................................ 64
4.1.2 Methodology for Failure Knowledge and Charts ................................................ 65
4.2 Fault Tree Analysis .................................................................................................. 66
4.3 Generic Pavement Failure ........................................................................................ 66
4.3.1 Failure Factors ..................................................................................................... 69
4.4 Development of the Failure Knowledge and Charts ................................................ 70
4.4.1 Review of the Fundamental Failure Factors ........................................................ 70
4.4.2 Expert Knowledge from the Industry .................................................................. 73
4.4.3 Preliminary Data Analysis ................................................................................... 73 Data Analysis Methodology ....................................................................... 74 Rutting Relationships ................................................................................. 75 Cracking Relationships ............................................................................... 79 Shear Relationships .................................................................................... 80 Summary of Preliminary Data Analysis ..................................................... 81 Additional Notable Findings ...................................................................... 81
4.5 Developed Failure Charts ........................................................................................ 82
4.6 Future Use of the Understanding in this Research................................................... 90
4.7 Summary of Understanding Road Pavement Failure............................................... 91

Chapter Five
Which Technique is Best? ..................................................................................................... 93
5.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 93
5.1.1 Methodology for Selecting the Appropriate Technique ...................................... 94
5.1.2 Dataset for the Study ............................................................................................ 97 Data Manipulation ...................................................................................... 97
5.2 Selecting the Classification Techniques .................................................................. 99
5.3 Further Scrutiny of Classification Techniques Using Road Pavement Data ......... 102

Table of Contents

5.3.1 Review of the Selected Classification Techniques ............................................ 103 Logistic Regression .................................................................................. 103 Neural Networks ....................................................................................... 104 Support Vector Machines ......................................................................... 107 Decision (Probability) Trees ..................................................................... 110 Random Forests ........................................................................................ 112
5.3.2 Performance Measures ....................................................................................... 113 Performance (Confusion) Matrix.............................................................. 114 Accuracy and Misclassifications .............................................................. 116 F-Score...................................................................................................... 117 Phi Coefficient .......................................................................................... 118
5.3.3 Methodology for Evaluation of Techniques ...................................................... 118
5.3.4 Performance of the Classifiers ........................................................................... 121 Accuracy and Misclassifications .............................................................. 121 Distribution Plots ...................................................................................... 126 Density Plots ............................................................................................. 128 Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test ..................................................................... 131
5.4 Comparison of Classification Techniques ............................................................. 134
5.4.1 Selecting the Most Appropriate Technique ....................................................... 134
5.4.2 Discussion .......................................................................................................... 134
5.5 Summary of the Comparative Study ...................................................................... 137

Chapter Six
Predicting the Probability of Failure ................................................................................. 139
6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 139
6.1.1 Conceptual Framework ...................................................................................... 140
6.2 Development of the Prototype System .................................................................. 141
6.2.1 Summarising the Components of the System .................................................... 142
6.3 Dataset for the Development of the Prototype System .......................................... 146
6.4 Performance of the System .................................................................................... 147
6.4.1 Assessment of the System .................................................................................. 147

Table of Contents

6.5 Overall Failure Probability .................................................................................... 152

6.5.1 Terminology ....................................................................................................... 152
6.5.2 Overall Failure Probability Approaches ............................................................ 154 Maximum Failure Probability .................................................................. 155 Probabilistic Theory ................................................................................. 155 Computational Model ............................................................................... 156
6.5.3 Selection of the Most Suitable Approach .......................................................... 157
6.6 Analysis of the State Highway Road Network ...................................................... 158
6.6.1 Conservative Approach (Maximum Probability) ............................................... 158
6.6.2 Probability Theory Approach (Probability Equation)........................................ 159
6.6.3 Comparison of the Two Approaches ................................................................. 159
6.7 Summary of the Prototype System Development .................................................. 161

Chapter Seven
Practical Applications of the System .................................................................................. 165
7.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 165
7.1.1 Methodology for Case Study ............................................................................. 166
7.1.2 Local Authority LTPP Dataset ........................................................................... 167
7.1.3 Performance of the System ................................................................................ 169
7.2 Project Level Applications ..................................................................................... 170
7.2.1 Analysis of the Predictions ................................................................................ 171
7.3 How does the Rural Local Authority LTPP Sections Perform? ............................ 176
7.3.1 Profile of Likelihood of Failure ......................................................................... 176
7.3.2 Pavement Susceptibility to Failure Modes ........................................................ 179
7.3.3 Symptomatic Problems of the Network ............................................................. 180
7.4 Summary of the Case Study................................................................................... 184

Chapter Eight
A Review of the Research .................................................................................................... 187
8.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 187

Table of Contents

8.2 Defining the Research Task ................................................................................... 188

8.3 Summary of the Research ...................................................................................... 189
8.4 Critical Review of the Research ............................................................................ 192
8.4.1 Failure Knowledge ............................................................................................. 192
8.4.2 Comparative Study of Classification Techniques .............................................. 193 Missing Data Values ................................................................................. 194 Straight-Line Transformation ................................................................... 195 Removing Failure Biasness from the Dataset........................................... 197 Cross-Validation Approach ...................................................................... 197 Assuming Equal Cost of Incorrect Predictions......................................... 200
8.4.3 Prototype System Development ......................................................................... 201 Experimental Design and Human Knowledge ......................................... 201 Overall Failure Probability ....................................................................... 202
8.4.4 Practical Applications of the System ................................................................. 203
8.4.5 Data Issues ......................................................................................................... 204
8.5 Overall Performance of the System ....................................................................... 205
8.6 Value of the Research ............................................................................................ 206
8.7 Summary of the Discussion ................................................................................... 208

Chapter Nine
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................. 211
9.1 Accomplished Work and Main Findings ............................................................... 211
9.2 Recommendations for Implementing the Research ............................................... 214
9.3 Further Work .......................................................................................................... 215
9.3.1 Recommendations to Address the Limitations of the Research ........................ 215
9.3.2 Recommendations for Further Work ................................................................. 218
9.4 Lessons Learnt from this Research ........................................................................ 219

REFERENCE LIST ............................................................................................................. 221

APPENDICES ...................................................................................................................... 243

Appendix A: Southland District Council Site Visit Notes................................................. 243

Table of Contents

Appendix B: Preliminary Data Analysis............................................................................ 244

B.1 SDC Data Analysis ............................................................................................ 244
B.2 LTPP Data Analysis ........................................................................................... 244
Appendix C: Computational Model R Code for Each Classification Technique .............. 245
C.1 Logistic Regression ............................................................................................ 245
C.2 Neural Networks ................................................................................................ 246
C.3 Support Vector Machines .................................................................................. 247
C.4 Probability Trees ................................................................................................ 248
C.5 Random Forests ................................................................................................. 249
Appendix D: Result Tables for Performance Measures .................................................... 251
Appendix E: Failure Paths and Causes .............................................................................. 252
Appendix F: Performance Results of the Prototype System .............................................. 253
Appendix G: Case Study Testing ....................................................................................... 254

Table of Figures

Figure 1-1: Overview of pavement types................................................................................... 6

Figure 1-2: Flexible pavement road structure ............................................................................ 7
Figure 1-3: Overview of the thesis............................................................................................. 8
Figure 2-1: Rutting in the left-hand wheelpath ........................................................................ 13
Figure 2-2: Fatigue cracking on sealed pavements in New Zealand ....................................... 15
Figure 2-3: Cracking mechanisms ........................................................................................... 16
Figure 2-4: Shear failure near the edge of the pavement ......................................................... 18
Figure 2-5: Overview of modelling types ................................................................................ 22
Figure 3-1: Methodology for quantifying the probability of failure ........................................ 47
Figure 3-2: Understanding failure of road pavements ............................................................. 49
Figure 3-3: LTPP road pavement section layout ..................................................................... 54
Figure 4-1: Generic failure paths for road pavements ............................................................. 68
Figure 4-2: Outer zones of moisture variation below the pavement ...................................... 76
Figure 4-3: The influence of cracked surfaces on rutting depths, based on alligator cracking
only, for the State Highway LTPP road network ........................................................ 77
Figure 4-4: Aged pavements in the State Highway LTPP road network showing greater rut
progressions ................................................................................................................. 78
Figure 4-5: Greater rutting depths on thicker pavements in the State Highway LTPP road
network ........................................................................................................................ 78
Figure 4-6: Relationship between transverse cracking and surface age on pavements in the
Local Authority LTPP road network ........................................................................... 80
Figure 4-7: Failure chart of rutting failure ............................................................................... 85
Figure 4-8: Failure chart for cracking failure - part 1 .............................................................. 86
Figure 4-9: Failure chart for cracking failure - part 2 .............................................................. 87
Figure 4-10: Failure chart for cracking failure - part 3 ............................................................ 88
Figure 4-11: Failure chart for shear failure .............................................................................. 89
Figure 4-12: Employment of the understanding ...................................................................... 91
Figure 5-1: Methodology to select most suitable modelling technique ................................... 95
Figure 5-2: Multi-layer perceptron neural network ............................................................... 105
Figure 5-3: Transformed data using the support vector machines classifier ......................... 108

Table of Figures

Figure 5-4: Margins surrounding the decision boundary....................................................... 109

Figure 5-5: Confusion matrix................................................................................................. 114
Figure 5-6: Box and whisker plots of the performance measures ......................................... 127
Figure 5-7: Density plots for the accuracy performance measure for the rutting failure
mechanism ................................................................................................................. 129
Figure 5-8: Example of density plots for the misclassification error performance measure for
fatigue cracking failure .............................................................................................. 130
Figure 6-1: The development of the prototype system .......................................................... 140
Figure 6-2: Rutting failure paths ............................................................................................ 144
Figure 6-3: Fatigue cracking failure paths ............................................................................. 145
Figure 6-4: Shear failure paths ............................................................................................... 146
Figure 6-5: Exclusivity terminology ...................................................................................... 153
Figure 6-6: The effect of dependence .................................................................................... 153
Figure 6-7: Distribution of the overall failure probabilities, calculated using the maximum
probabilities, of the State Highway LTPP road network ........................................... 158
Figure 6-8: Distribution of the overall failure probabilities, calculated using the probability
equation, of the State Highway LTPP road network ................................................. 159
Figure 6-9: A comparison of the overall failure probability approaches ............................... 160
Figure 6-10: Confusion matrix of the results ......................................................................... 160
Figure 7-1: Critical failure path for site # 512 ....................................................................... 174
Figure 7-2: Critical failure path for site # 4962 ..................................................................... 175
Figure 7-3: Failure profile of the rural sites of the Local Authority LTPP dataset, using the
conservative (maximum probability) approach ......................................................... 177
Figure 7-4: Failure profile of the rural sites of the Local Authority LTPP dataset, using the
probability theory (probability equation) approach ................................................... 178
Figure 7-5: Predicted failure modes of the rural sites of the Local Authority LTPP dataset 180
Figure 7-6: Critical failure paths for predicted rutting failures.............................................. 181
Figure 7-7: Critical failure paths for predicted shear failures ................................................ 182
Figure 7-8: Critical failure paths for predicted fatigue cracking failure ................................ 183

List of Tables

Table 2-1: Summary of Results from Gil and Johnsson (2011) .............................................. 34
Table 2-2: Advantages and Disadvantages of Generative Classifiers ..................................... 38
Table 2-3: Advantages versus Disadvantages of the Classification Techniques ..................... 41
Table 3-1: Variables included in the LTPP Datasets ............................................................... 61
Table 4-1: Fundamental Factors Associated with Pavement Failure....................................... 69
Table 5-1: Evaluation of Modelling Approaches................................................................... 101
Table 5-2: Kernel Methods for Support Vector Machines .................................................... 108
Table 5-3: Factor Combinations of the Factor Groups .......................................................... 120
Table 5-4: Summary of the Accuracy and Misclassification Error Results for Rutting Failure
(Average of 10-Fold Cross-Validation) ..................................................................... 123
Table 5-5: Summary of the Accuracy and Misclassification Error Results for Fatigue
Cracking Failure (Average of 10-Fold Cross-Validation) ......................................... 124
Table 5-6: Summary of the Accuracy and Misclassification Error Results for Shear Failure
(Average of 10-Fold Cross-Validation) ..................................................................... 125
Table 5-7: Results from the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test for the Accuracy and
Misclassification Error Performance Measures, showing the Acceptance of the Null
Hypothesis (H0).......................................................................................................... 132
Table 5-8: Results from the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test for the F-Score and Phi Coefficient
Performance Measures, showing the Acceptance of the Null Hypothesis (H0) ........ 133
Table 5-9: Ranking of the Modelling Techniques ................................................................. 135
Table 5-10: Selection of the Most Appropriate Modelling Technique .................................. 136
Table 6-1: Successful Factor Combinations for the Support Vector Machines Technique ... 142
Table 6-2: Factor Combinations of the State Highway LTPP Dataset per Failure
Mechanism ................................................................................................................. 143
Table 6-3: Assessment of the Performance Measures for Rutting Failure
(Average of 10-Fold Cross-Validation) ..................................................................... 149
Table 6-4: Assessment of the Performance Measures for Shear Failure
(Average of 10-Fold Cross-Validation) ..................................................................... 150
Table 6-5: Assessment of the Performance Measures for Fatigue Cracking Failure
(Average of 10-Fold Cross-Validation) ..................................................................... 151

List of Tables

Table 6-6: Distribution of Failures in the State Highway LTPP Dataset .............................. 157
Table 6-7: Performance Measures for the Conservative and Probability Theory
Approaches ................................................................................................................ 161
Table 7-1: Distribution of Failures in the Local Authority LTPP Dataset ............................ 169
Table 7-2: Accuracy of Predictions, based on the Confusion Matrices ................................. 170
Table 7-3: Inferred Project Level Statistics from the Rural Local Authority LTPP
Dataset........................................................................................................................ 172
Table 7-4: Secondary Failure Predictions of the Rural Local Authority LTPP Dataset ........ 173
Table 8-1: Size of Evaluation Datasets from the Literature .................................................. 198
Table 8-2: Summary of the Factor Combinations included in the Prototype System ........... 205

Glossary of Terms

AADT Annual average daily traffic.

Basecourse layer The aggregate layer beneath the wearing surface, which

(base layer) dissipates the induced forces from traffic loadings prior to

reaching the subgrade.

Binary The state of an output which can only be either zero (0) or one


Bituminous layer The wearing course of the pavement, consisting of a bitumen

(surface layer) layer above the aggregate layer(s).

Chipseal (asphalt) A cost effective surface dressing, consisting of one or more

surface layers of asphalt and aggregates.

Classification A modelling approach where the output is categorical.

Confusion A matrix where the failure predictions are categorised against

(performance) the actual reported occurrence of failure in the dataset. These

matrix categories are further used in the calculations of the

performance measures and evaluations of techniques.

Critical (most The failure path associated with the maximum predicted

probable) failure path probability from the prototype system, as per failure

mechanism, if all failure paths and subsequently the causes of

failure are considered equally critical. The terms “critical” and

“most probable” are interchangeable.

Cross-validation A sampling method employed in performance evaluations of

computational models, when there is insufficient data provided

in the dataset for an independent evaluation dataset.

Cum_ESA Cumulative number of equivalent standard axles.

Glossary of Terms

CumRain_ifCracked A factor involved in the modelling phase of this research that

quantifies the cumulative amount of rainfall on a cracked

pavement, intimating the amount of water that easily reaches the

lower layers of the pavement through breaks in the surface.

Dependent variable(s) The output(s) from the model, such that the model is dependent

on the given input data.

ESA Equivalent standard axles which, as a traffic loading factor,

assesses the impacts from all traffic classes, including heavy


Excessive traffic Traffic loadings which exceeds that of the design, or an over-

loaded heavy vehicle.

Failure chart A collection of failure paths, presented in a tree-like form,

depicting the causes of failure.

Failure path A path identified on the developed failure charts, where a

combination of factors acts concurrently resulting in failure.

Fatigue cracking The analysis in this research uses the percentage of surface

failure cracked (by any crack type), rate of cracking, and number of

years continually cracked as the surface condition data in the

State Highway LTPP dataset relating to fatigue cracking.

Flexible pavements Pavements constructed with granular or asphalt materials.

FMEA Failure modes and effects analysis.

FTA Fault tree analysis.

FWD Falling weight deflectometer, where the strength of the

pavement can be inferred from the FWD measurements.

HCV Percentage of heavy commercial vehicles.

Glossary of Terms

Independent Input(s) of a model, such that these variables are used to

variable(s) calculate the output / result..

Input(s) Independent variables used in modelling equations to obtain the

desired output(s).

Local Authority road New Zealand roads which are managed by Local Authorities

network (road controlling authorities), such as local and district councils.

These roads are not included in the main trunk road network.

Low volume road Defined in this research as roads that carry a traffic loading of

less than 10,000 vehicles per day.

LTPP programme Long-term pavement performance programme.

NIWA National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, which is

a Crown Research Institute focussed around environmental

science and sustainable management in New Zealand.

NZTA New Zealand Transport Agency, who manages the State

Highway road network in New Zealand.

Output(s) Dependent variable(s) calculated by the model using established


PMSs Pavement management systems.

RAMM Road assessment and maintenance management database where

road controlling authorities retain road inventory and condition


RCAs Road controlling authorities, who manages the local roads in

New Zealand.

Rutting failure The analysis in this research uses the rutting depth and rate of

rutting as the surface condition data in the State Highway LTPP

dataset relating to rutting.

Glossary of Terms

Shear failure The analysis in this research uses pothole information, shoving,

structural patches, and mechanical damage as the surface

condition data in the State Highway LTPP dataset relating to


SNP Modified structural number.

State Highway road The main trunk road network of New Zealand that runs the

network length of the country facilitating the movement of people and

goods around the country. This network is managed by NZTA.

Sub-base layer An additional pavement layer of aggregates, which lies beneath

the basecourse layer. This sits above the subgrade.

Subgrade The underlying ground / soil / foundation of the pavement.

Successful factor The combinations of failure factors identified on the failure

combinations charts as possible failure paths.

Support vector A classification model which employs kernels to transform data

machines into a feature space for a simplified separation of data classes.

Graduate Centre
ClockTower – East Wing
22 Princes Street, Auckland
Co-Authorship Form Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 81321
Fax: +64 9 373 7610
Email: postgraduate@auckland.ac.nz

This form is to accompany the submission of any PhD that contains research reported in published or
unpublished co-authored work. Please include one copy of this form for each co-authored work.
Completed forms should be included in all copies of your thesis submitted for examination and library
deposit (including digital deposit), following your thesis Abstract.

Please indicate the chapter/section/pages of this thesis that are extracted from a co-authored work and give the title
and publication details or details of submission of the co-authored work.
"The risks associated with pavement failure in New Zealand"
Presented at the NZIHT and NZTA 10th Annual Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand in November 2009. Work from
Chapters 2 and 3 were delivered, as well as the results from the preliminary data analysis (Appendix B).
Nature of contribution
First author and researcher
by PhD candidate

Extent of contribution
by PhD candidate (%)

Name Nature of Contribution

Theunis F.P. Henning Provided a background to the management of pavement assets in New Zealand, and
revised the paper

John D. St George Revised the paper

Certification by Co-Authors
The undersigned hereby certify that:
 the above statement correctly reflects the nature and extent of the PhD candidate’s contribution to this
work, and the nature of the contribution of each of the co-authors; and
 in cases where the PhD candidate was the lead author of the work that the candidate wrote the text.

Name Signature Date

Theunis F.P. Henning 12/02/2013

John D. St. George 14/02/2013

Graduate Centre
ClockTower – East Wing
22 Princes Street, Auckland
Co-Authorship Form Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 81321
Fax: +64 9 373 7610
Email: postgraduate@auckland.ac.nz

This form is to accompany the submission of any PhD that contains research reported in published or
unpublished co-authored work. Please include one copy of this form for each co-authored work.
Completed forms should be included in all copies of your thesis submitted for examination and library
deposit (including digital deposit), following your thesis Abstract.

Please indicate the chapter/section/pages of this thesis that are extracted from a co-authored work and give the title
and publication details or details of submission of the co-authored work.
"Improved network understanding - a diagnostic approach to the risk of pavement failure"
This paper was presented at the 8th International Conference on Managing Pavement Assets (ICMPA) in November
2011. This paper documents work presented in Chapter 4 of this thesis.
Nature of contribution
First author and researcher
by PhD candidate

Extent of contribution
by PhD candidate (%)

Name Nature of Contribution

Theunis F.P. Henning Supervised the research and revised the paper

Michael P.N. Burrow Supervised the research and revised the paper

Certification by Co-Authors
The undersigned hereby certify that:
 the above statement correctly reflects the nature and extent of the PhD candidate’s contribution to this
work, and the nature of the contribution of each of the co-authors; and
 in cases where the PhD candidate was the lead author of the work that the candidate wrote the text.

Name Signature Date

Theunis F.P. Henning 12/02/2013

Michael P.N. Burrow 14/12/2012

Graduate Centre
ClockTower – East Wing
22 Princes Street, Auckland
Co-Authorship Form Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 81321
Fax: +64 9 373 7610
Email: postgraduate@auckland.ac.nz

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"Knowing your risk envelope - An enhanced understanding of the health of road networks"
Presented at the 25th Ingenium Annual Conference in June 2012, presenting the work from Chapter 7 in this thesis.
Nature of contribution
First author and researcher
by PhD candidate

Extent of contribution
by PhD candidate (%)

Name Nature of Contribution

Theunis F.P. Henning Provided a background to the road network and assisted in the analysis of the predictions

Certification by Co-Authors
The undersigned hereby certify that:
 the above statement correctly reflects the nature and extent of the PhD candidate’s contribution to this
work, and the nature of the contribution of each of the co-authors; and
 in cases where the PhD candidate was the lead author of the work that the candidate wrote the text.

Name Signature Date

Theunis F.P. Henning 12/02/2013

Graduate Centre
ClockTower – East Wing
22 Princes Street, Auckland
Co-Authorship Form Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 81321
Fax: +64 9 373 7610
Email: postgraduate@auckland.ac.nz

This form is to accompany the submission of any PhD that contains research reported in published or
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"The development of a diagnostic approach that predicts failure risk of flexible road pavements"
Presented at the 7th International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements and Tecnological
Control (MAIREPAV), Auckland, New Zealand in August 2012. Work from Chapter 6 was published.
Nature of contribution
First author and researcher
by PhD candidate

Extent of contribution
by PhD candidate (%)

Name Nature of Contribution

Theunis F.P. Henning Revised the paper

Michael P.N. Burrow Assisted in the development of the approach and methodology of the paper

Certification by Co-Authors
The undersigned hereby certify that:
 the above statement correctly reflects the nature and extent of the PhD candidate’s contribution to this
work, and the nature of the contribution of each of the co-authors; and
 in cases where the PhD candidate was the lead author of the work that the candidate wrote the text.

Name Signature Date

Theunis F.P. Henning 12/02/2013

Michael P.N. Burrow 14/12/2012

Graduate Centre
ClockTower – East Wing
22 Princes Street, Auckland
Co-Authorship Form Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 81321
Fax: +64 9 373 7610
Email: postgraduate@auckland.ac.nz

This form is to accompany the submission of any PhD that contains research reported in published or
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and publication details or details of submission of the co-authored work.
"Incorporating engineering knowledge to diagnose structural pavement failure"
This manuscript has been submitted for publication to the Road and Transport Research Journal (ARRB) in June
2012. Work from Chapter Four was presented in this paper.
Nature of contribution
First author and researcher
by PhD candidate

Extent of contribution
by PhD candidate (%)

Name Nature of Contribution

Theunis F.P. Henning Supervised the research and revised the paper

Michael P.N. Burrow Supervised the research and revised the paper

John D. St George Revised the final draft of the paper

Certification by Co-Authors
The undersigned hereby certify that:
 the above statement correctly reflects the nature and extent of the PhD candidate’s contribution to this
work, and the nature of the contribution of each of the co-authors; and
 in cases where the PhD candidate was the lead author of the work that the candidate wrote the text.

Name Signature Date

Theunis F.P. Henning 12/02/2013

Michael P.N. Burrow 14/12/2012

John D. St. George 14/02/2013

Graduate Centre
ClockTower – East Wing
22 Princes Street, Auckland
Co-Authorship Form Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 81321
Fax: +64 9 373 7610
Email: postgraduate@auckland.ac.nz

This form is to accompany the submission of any PhD that contains research reported in published or
unpublished co-authored work. Please include one copy of this form for each co-authored work.
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and publication details or details of submission of the co-authored work.
"A methodology to assess the causes and probability of road pavement structural failure"
This paper has been accepted to be presented at the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 92nd Annual Meeting in
January 2013. This paper documents work presented in Chapter 6 of this thesis.
Nature of contribution
First author and researcher
by PhD candidate

Extent of contribution
by PhD candidate (%)

Name Nature of Contribution

Michael P.N. Burrow Supervised the research and revised the paper

Harry T. Evdorides Revised the paper and methodology presented in the paper

Theunis F.P. Henning Supervised the research and revised the paper

Certification by Co-Authors
The undersigned hereby certify that:
 the above statement correctly reflects the nature and extent of the PhD candidate’s contribution to this
work, and the nature of the contribution of each of the co-authors; and
 in cases where the PhD candidate was the lead author of the work that the candidate wrote the text.

Name Signature Date

Michael P.N. Burrow 14/12/2012

Harry T. Evdorides 14/12/2012

Theunis F.P. Henning 12/02/2013

Graduate Centre
ClockTower – East Wing
22 Princes Street, Auckland
Co-Authorship Form Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 81321
Fax: +64 9 373 7610
Email: postgraduate@auckland.ac.nz

This form is to accompany the submission of any PhD that contains research reported in published or
unpublished co-authored work. Please include one copy of this form for each co-authored work.
Completed forms should be included in all copies of your thesis submitted for examination and library
deposit (including digital deposit), following your thesis Abstract.

Please indicate the chapter/section/pages of this thesis that are extracted from a co-authored work and give the title
and publication details or details of submission of the co-authored work.
"Using SVM to predict the probability of pavement failure"
This manuscript has been submitted to the Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE) Transport Journal in November 2012.
Nature of contribution
First author and researcher
by PhD candidate

Extent of contribution
by PhD candidate (%)

Name Nature of Contribution

Michael P.N. Burrow Supervised the research and revised the paper

Harry T. Evdorides Revised the paper and methodology presented in the paper

Theunis F.P. Henning Supervised the research

Certification by Co-Authors
The undersigned hereby certify that:
 the above statement correctly reflects the nature and extent of the PhD candidate’s contribution to this
work, and the nature of the contribution of each of the co-authors; and
 in cases where the PhD candidate was the lead author of the work that the candidate wrote the text.

Name Signature Date

Michael P.N. Burrow 14/12/2012

Harry T. Evdorides 14/12/2012

Theunis F.P. Henning 12/02/2013

Chapter One


1.1 The Context of Predicting Road Failure

Maintenance planning is imperative for preserving the integrity of any road network and

consequently an essential component of managing road pavements. Such planning relies

heavily on a collaboration of historical network trends and inventory data, current condition

reports and field inspections, predicted performance of road pavements, and sound

engineering judgment and first principles.

Predicting the likelihood of road pavement failure and the associated causes is an important

aspect of maintenance planning. However, the causes of pavement failure are often complex

in nature and can be attributed to a number of factors including traffic loadings and

environmental conditions exceeding design loading, deficiencies in pavement composition

and strength, a weak subgrade, and poor construction practices. Such combinations, because


of their complexity, are often overlooked in the diagnostic process despite the comprehensive

road reporting process. Furthermore, where road condition surveys rely on visual inspections

only, such as the case for many low volume roads that make up the majority of any country’s

road network, potential failures may not be recognised because, in these cases, visual

inspections commonly report only minor deterioration and disregard any obscured structural

problems. Although the data and knowledge associated with maintenance planning, is widely

available, its significance is often undervalued.

New Zealand, alike to many countries, faces financial shortfalls in road maintenance funding

and currently its rate of increase in shortfall is greater than the rate of network growth and

inflation (Schlotjes et al., 2009). Given the financial pressures faced by road controlling

authorities (RCAs), the attitude towards asset management is shifting to a ‘do more for less’

approach, whereby decreasing the investment levels results in a reduced level of service

across the network. Under such an approach, the maintenance of roads of lower importance

and hierarchy in the network are often disregarded from the forecasted maintenance schedule

through deferring required maintenance and ignoring unexpected failures (SATCC, 2003).

However, effective management of road networks requires an evaluation of the consequences

from deferring maintenance and of ignoring unexpected failures, such that the asset manager

can appreciate the associated risks resulting from these actions.

The case study, which forms much of the basis of this thesis, focuses on the greater New

Zealand road network, where the majority of the network consists of aged pavements

carrying low volumes of traffic (less than 10,000 vehicles per day). These pavements display

little visual deterioration over time, often failing unexpectedly (Arampamoorthy and Patrick,

2010; Bailey et al., 2006; Henning and Roux, 2008), and based on current practices, are


generally excluded from the forecasted maintenance schedules (Schlotjes and Henning,

2012). Changes in the road environments, such as increasing weight and axle allowances of

heavy vehicles, increase the potential occurrence of unexpected failures across the network

(Schlotjes and Henning, 2012). From a practical viewpoint, unexpected failures have the

following implications to the RCAs:

• Unplanned maintenance, excluding isolated events, is not cost effective, and

• An increase in the variability in the forecasted maintenance schedule and costs

leads to inefficiencies in the current reporting practice and maintenance planning.

Currently, the forecasted maintenance schedules advise what maintenance treatments are

required, where such maintenance is needed, and when it should be implemented. Such

schedules are determined using a combination of optimisation processes, predictions of the

future state, expert opinion(s), and intervention criteria (Henning, 2008; Schlotjes et al.,

2013a). However, current practices do not:

• Fully assess the impact of unexpected failures on the performance of road

networks with more accuracy and efficiency than current practices;

• Measure the shift in the failure probabilities and probability profiles over time;

• Quantify the consequential effects of maintenance deferral on the integrity of road

networks as network data analysis, particularly data trends, do not necessarily

assess this;

• Evaluate the vulnerability of networks to changes in loading and environmental

conditions, and

• Automate the process of identifying the causes of failure to assist in the

maintenance decision-making processes.


1.2 Problem Statement

A large amount of research has been carried out to develop models of road pavement

deterioration. Using these models, asset managers are able to forecast the expected life of

pavements and network maintenance requirements. However, a robust methodology for an

evaluation and assessment of the probability of road pavement failure, given its associated

environmental conditions, is lacking from pavement management systems (PMSs) (Salt et al.,


A number, and combination, of causes and physical attributes of pavements contribute to the

failure of road pavements. However, the interactions between these causes and environmental

conditions are lacking in the literature. These interactions are difficult to represent with a

computational model for the following reasons (Reigle, 2000):

• There are numerous factors affecting pavement failure;

• The uncertainty of the behaviour of pavements under loading and environmental

conditions, and

• Errors associated with condition monitoring and variation included in the current

reporting processes.

Such methodologies have been successfully established for predicting failure probabilities of

other infrastructure assets, including water networks. Therefore, this research proposes a

methodology to:

• Develop a prototype system to predict the probability (likelihood) of road

pavement failure;

• Infer engineering knowledge into the development of the computational model;


• Compare and contrast the effectiveness of several computational modelling

techniques for evaluating the probability of road pavement failure from road

datasets, and

• Identify the most probable causes of failure to facilitate appropriate road

maintenance recommendations.

1.3 Aim, Objectives, and Scope of the Research

1.3.1 Aim of the Research

The aim of this research is to develop a framework that develops a prototype system capable

of quantifying the probability (likelihood) of road pavement failure and diagnosing the most

probable causes of failure.

1.3.2 Objectives of the Research

To achieve the above aim, this research has the following objectives:

1. Understand the mechanisms of structural road pavement failure by capturing

engineering judgment in failure charts, and define the factors contributing to


2. Identify modelling techniques that can be used to predict the likelihood of failure

from road datasets and, from a comparative study, select the most appropriate for

the task at hand;

3. Develop a prototype system based on the outcomes from the previous objectives,

which will assess the likelihood of failure for a given road site, and

4. Demonstrate the effectiveness of the methodology and modelling technique on an

independent New Zealand road dataset.


1.3.3 Scope of the Research

This research seeks to develop a robust and universal methodology that can be used to assess

the probability of road pavement failure, which is applicable to other pavement types and

road networks. However, the case study for this research focuses on New Zealand roads and,

as a result, Figure 1-1 identifies the road types addressed in this research. At least 95 % of the

New Zealand road network consists of flexible unbound pavements (Hayward, 2006), as it is

uneconomical for New Zealand to construct stronger, rigid pavements. The majority of these

roads are thinly designed based on the layer composition shown in Figure 1-2. The typical

design life for these pavement types is 25 years (Bailey et al., 2006), although

Arampamoorthy and Patrick (2010) reported the actual life of such pavements can be

upwards of 180 % of the design life.

Figure 1-1: Overview of pavement types


Figure 1-2: Flexible pavement road structure

Managed by the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA), close to 100 % of the national

strategic road network of New Zealand, the State Highway network, is sealed. Only 61 % of

the local roads, managed by the Local Authorities, are sealed. Chipseal surfaces for this

research include single coat seals, two coat seals, void fill seals, slurry seals, racked in seals,

and texturising seals.

The geography of New Zealand has resulted in variable climatic conditions and road

environments, typically experiencing warm dry summer months and cold wet winters. The

variation in temperature between the seasons is not as severe as other countries, yet the

regions experience variable rainfall and temperatures over the seasons.

The case study of this research focuses on New Zealand road networks; therefore, the scope

of this research is as follows:

• Pavement types: Thin, flexible, unbound granular pavements, and / or lightly


• Surface types: Chipseal surfaces;

• Traffic volumes: Up to 10,000 vehicles per day, and

• Failure mechanisms: Rutting, cracking, and shear.


1.4 Structure of the Thesis

To achieve the objectives listed above, the thesis is structured as shown in Figure 1-3.

Figure 1-3: Overview of the thesis

1. Chapter Two reviews the predominant failure mechanisms on New Zealand

roads, modelling approaches previously used in deterioration modelling and

performance assessments of infrastructure assets including pavements, and further

possible classification modelling techniques used in a range of industries;

2. Chapter Three presents the framework followed in this research to develop the

prototype system. The generic nature of this chapter allows the transferability of

this work to other studies;

3. An understanding of road pavement failure is developed in Chapter Four, which

presents the causes of each failure mechanism with the use of failure charts. This

engineering knowledge is used in the computational models developed in

subsequent chapters;


4. Chapter Five presents a comparative study of a number of classification

modelling techniques identified in Chapter Two, and in conclusion, establishes the

most appropriate technique to further develop for the specificities of the research


5. The most appropriate modelling technique and developed failure charts are used

in the development of the prototype system, as presented in Chapter Six;

6. An independent road network is analysed using the developed prototype system in

Chapter Seven. The case study demonstrates the network and project level

applications of the developed pavement performance tool;

7. A critical review of the research including the methodology adopted, assumptions

of the research, and the effectiveness of the prototype system is presented in

Chapter Eight, and

8. Chapter Nine concludes the thesis by presenting the accomplished work, the

conclusions of the research, and recommendations for further work.

Chapter Two


2.1 Introduction

An outcome of this research, and consequently the research framework, is a computational

model that is capable of predicting the probability of road pavement failure from road

datasets. The computational model will make use of engineering knowledge of pavement

failure to ensure that correct model independent variables are chosen. Therefore, to facilitate

this research, this chapter reviews current knowledge in the following areas:

1. Failure mechanisms of interest to this research;

2. Methods of inferring failure knowledge into computational models;

3. Performance modelling of infrastructure assets, including pavement performance

modelling, and


4. Classification modelling techniques available to predict the probability of

pavement failure.

The pertinent information from the review is then utilised to develop a theoretical framework

of the proposed system.

2.2 Background to Road Pavement Failure in New Zealand

A large number of defects are associated with road pavement failure, depending on the

pavement types, the construction of road pavements, loading environments, and underlying

subgrade properties. However, since the New Zealand case study focuses on flexible,

unbound, granular pavements, this section reviews the predominant types of structural

failures prevalent on New Zealand road networks comprising of these pavement

compositions, namely rutting, cracking, and shear failure (Arampamoorthy and Patrick, 2010;

Creagh, 2005; Gribble and Patrick, 2008). Although roughness is an observed failure type, it

is predominantly regarded as a functional (and not structural) defect and, therefore, was not

considered further herein (Arampamoorthy and Patrick, 2010; Creagh, 2005; Robinson,

2008); instead Austroads (2007a) explains in detail the roughness failure mechanism, which

can be considered to be a measure of the combined effects of all of the other road surface

failure types, including rutting, cracking and shear failure types. While the subject of

optimising maintenance treatments is beyond the scope of this research, a comprehensive

treatment of the following failure types is given by Thom (2008).

2.2.1 Rutting Failure

Ruts appear in the wheelpaths of the pavement as longitudinal depressions resulting from

structural deformation of the layers below the wheel loadings (Papagiannakis and Masad,


2008). The occurrence of rutting can indicate the deterioration of the structural integrity of

the pavement and pavement deficiency. If the ruts are wide and evenly-shaped, the

depressions are caused by weakness in the lower layers of the pavement. If the ruts are

narrow and sharply defined, the upper pavement layers are deficient in dissipating the

induced traffic loadings through the pavement (CSRA, 1992). Austroads (2007b) defines ruts

with a length-to-width ratio of at least 4:1.

These depressions pose a safety hazard to the road user allowing water ponding to occur in

the surface ruts with the potential of aquaplaning and black ice1 hazards. Figure 2-1 shows

the appearance of rutting on a New Zealand road section. Recently, the noticeable increase in

accelerated rutting2 has become a problem on New Zealand roads (Henning et al., 2007).

Furthermore, the presence of fatigue cracking within the surface ruts is also noticeable on

New Zealand road networks, where it commonly occurs in pavements consisting of thin

bituminous layers (CSRA, 1992).

Figure 2-1: Rutting in the left-hand wheelpath

Transparent ice on the wearing surface of the road resulting in a slick road surface, which poses an
inconspicuous hazard to drivers.
Defined by Henning et al. (2007) as the rapid deterioration phase of rut progression towards the end of its
design life, often once failure has been initiated.


Rutting is accounted for in the Austroads pavement design using Equation 2-1 (Austroads,

2012), where the allowable number of Equivalent Standard Axles (ESA) loadings (N) is

calculated from the maximum compressive strain allowed at the top of the subgrade ().

Equation 2-1



Henning (2008) adapted the World Bank Highway Development and Management Model

(HDM-IV) to replicate the performance of New Zealand road pavements, focussing on the

progression of rutting. In this study, Henning (2008) identified in the proposed rut

progression model a period of accelerated rutting on pavements and suggested the

progression of rutting is swifter for thinner pavements than thicker pavements, under the

same traffic loadings conditions.

2.2.2 Cracking Failure

Cracking is defined as breaks in the integrity of the pavement surface indicating vertical

rupturing of the pavement, which may not necessarily extend through the entire thickness of

the surface or pavement layer(s) (Austroads, 2006). Different types of pavement cracking are

usually defined as follows (Henning, 2008; Thom, 2008):

• Fatigue (alligator) cracking, appearing in the wheelpaths of the pavement and

resembles the texture of ‘alligator skin’. As it is associated with excessive traffic

(wheel) loading, it is also often referred to as load associated cracking;

• Transverse cracking, is an environment associated phenomenon and is due to

settlement, freeze thaw, or shrinkage consequently resulting from stabilising the

lower pavement layers;


• Longitudinal cracking, occurs as a result of construction joints, settlement or

movement in the subgrades;

• Block cracking, appears as a block pattern anywhere on the pavement as a result

of shrinkage of the stabilised layer;

• Thermal cracking, resulting from cyclic temperatures;

• Edge cracking, is associated with the edge of the sealed pavement cracks, and

• Joint cracking, where the joints of different pavement subsections meet, and it

typically occurs in concrete (rigid) pavements.

Surface cracking permits the ingress of water into the lower layers of the pavement, which

further exacerbates its progression (Austroads, 2006). As surface cracking progresses, the

cracks become interlinked and the surface seal disintegrates under continual traffic loading.

Fatigue cracking, shown in Figure 2-2, is the predominant cracking type associated with

structural failure on New Zealand road pavements (Henning, 2008), and largely appears in

the wheelpaths, indicating the association of this defect with the induced loading and strain

repetitions (CSRA, 1992).

Figure 2-2: Fatigue cracking on sealed pavements in New Zealand


Two crack initiation mechanisms are common in New Zealand. Figure 2-3a presents cracking

caused by large tensile strains at the bottom of the base layer where the cracks initiate form

beneath the surface. In this case, the design (fatigue) life of the base layer has been exceeded

by the current traffic loadings, resulting in a vertical divide in the base layer as the crack

further develops and propagates to the surface. Cracking as a result of insufficient pavement

support from below the base layer is shown in Figure 2-3b. The subsidence of the lower

pavement layers cause cracks to form in the top of the base layer in the wheelpath as the

material compresses under the wheel load (Austroads, 2006; CSRA, 1992; Henning, 2008).

(a) Cracking due to base layer performance (b) Cracking due to inadequate pavement support
Figure 2-3: Cracking mechanisms (Henning, 2008)

Fatigue cracking of an (unstabilised) asphalt layer is designed for using Equation 2-2

(Austroads, 2012), taking into account the volume of binder in the asphalt mix (௕ ), elastic

(Young’s) modulus of asphalt (E) and the maximum allowable compressive strain at the top

of the subgrade () to calculate the design traffic loadings (N).

Equation 2-2
6918 ×
0.856 × ௕ + 1.08

଴.ଷ଺ × 

ℎ:  = 1 ( 

       95 %)


Henning (2008) investigated the initiation of cracking to be used as a detection point in the

forecasting of preventative road maintenance intervention for New Zealand. Henning (2008)

concluded that previously cracked pavements had a higher chance of cracking again, and

pavements with multiple surface layers were less stable than single surface layer pavements

due to significant flexing of the surface layers. The developed crack initiation model

identified the main drivers of cracking to be:

• Age of the pavement surface;

• Annual number of equivalent standard axles;

• Total surface thickness (including the number of surface layers), and

• Modified structural number.

2.2.3 Shear Failure

Shear failure appears as potholes or deformations on the surface of the pavement resulting

from insufficient support of the underlying pavement structure. It is common for this type of

failure to occur on or near the edge of the pavement where it is particularly susceptible to

weakness from the ingress of seasonal moisture (Emery, 1992; Schlotjes et al., 2009; Thom,

2008). However, shear failures can also be seen across the entire pavement surface as a result

of material shear between the surface and pavement layers. Figure 2-4 illustrates a shear

failure in the form of a shove near the edge of the pavement.

To the road user, the ride quality diminishes with the presence of potholes and shoves on the

pavement surface, as well as posing a safety hazard. These pavement defects allow water to

enter the lower layers of the pavement, further adding to the variation of the seasonal

moisture zones located under the shoulders and near the edge of the pavement (see Figure 4-

2). New Zealand road networks are not normally susceptible to shear failures in periods of


dry weather; however, after heavy periods of rainfall, it is common to see a large number of

newly formed potholes.

Figure 2-4: Shear failure near the edge of the pavement

There are limited design criteria surrounding shear failures due to the inherent behaviour of

material properties, the nature of the failure type, and poor performance in computational

models (Schlotjes et al., 2011; Schlotjes et al., 2012b). However, a number of recent studies

have been carried out to investigate the occurrence of shear failures on New Zealand roads.

Hussain et al. (2011) investigated the effect of varying moisture contents on common New

Zealand pavement aggregates, and concluded that the detrimental effect on the performance

of the pavement was a result of water ingress in the basecourse layer. Patrick (2009) reported

that shear failures were caused by the penetration of water through chipseal surfaces under

high traffic volumes. The study concluded that the permeability of the surface layer increases

especially in cases where water ponds on the surface after heavy rainfall periods, which

explains the increased number of reported potholes after heavy rainfall events.


2.2.4 Multiple Failures

Flexible pavements are conventionally designed to fail by one failure mechanism (Austroads,

2012); however, the manifestation of multiple failures is a common occurrence on New

Zealand road networks, which creates difficulties in determining the primary cause(s) of

failure. Multiple failures can result from:

• Two or more failure mechanisms occurring at the same time, or

• Secondary effects, where a secondary failure type is the result of the primary

failure mechanism, such that rutting can cause cracking and vice versa.

2.3 Representation of Failure Knowledge

Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) techniques are

widely used to recognise and understand the causes of future occurrences of failure of a

system (Isa et al., 2005; Lindhe et al., 2009; Patev et al., 2005; Pickard et al., 2005; Xiao et

al., 2011).

FMEA, first developed in the 1960’s, is an analytical tool utilised in reliability analysis

studies, such as the management of engineering systems, to assess the reliability and safety of

system processes (Seyed-Hosseini et al., 2006). As a result of the analysis, the possible

failure cause affecting the system’s functionality and the consequences of such failure are

identified to minimise or eliminate failure in systems. It aims to answer the questions of:

‘What might go wrong?’, ‘What could cause it to go wrong?’, and ‘What would the effect of it

be?’ (Seyed-Hosseini et al., 2006). The consideration of subjective and expert knowledge

results in a weighted ranking system that assigns a priority (risk) value to the possibility of a


failure event. From this, the overall impact of an event can be calculated using Equation 2-3


 =    ×  !

Equation 2-3

FMEA has been successfully employed in a number of fields to combine the effect of

multiple failure modes (Pickard et al., 2005; Xiao et al., 2011), prioritise failures based on an

adjusted risk priority number (Seyed-Hosseini et al., 2006), and with the use of functional

models automate the FMEA process of complex engineering systems (Hawkins and

Woollons, 1998). Further development of the approach includes using fuzzy logic, causal

reasoning, and Boolean representation of the inputs and outputs (Bell et al., 1992; Wang et

al., 1995; Xu et al., 2002) to improve the assessment of the known and unknown variables.

The causes of failure can be presented in a graphical manner using FTA, such that

concurrently occurring causes of failure can be subjectively included in the representation of

failure (Patev et al., 2005; Yuhua and Datao, 2005) and presented as failure paths. The

approach is utilised in safety and reliability assessments of engineering systems, in a similar

manner to that of FMEA. This approach includes logic AND gates and OR gates, allowing for

multiple causes of failure to be included in the binary assessment of the system and

increasing the number of scenarios the approach can replicate (Lindhe et al., 2009). However,

unlike the FMEA, no consequence of the event is included in the FTA approach. Despite this,

the benefit of this approach includes the representation of multiple causes, and the

interactions between such causes, of failure (Patev et al., 2005; Schlotjes et al., 2012b).

FTA has been adopted in manufacturing, chemical, and other engineering fields. Such studies

include using fault trees to estimate the failure probability of gas pipelines (Yuhua and Datao,


2005), building binary decision diagrams from fault trees to calculate event probability (Reay

and Andrews, 2002; Remenyte-Prescott and Andrews, 2008), and risk probabilities of

drinking water systems (Lindhe et al., 2009). Development work to improve the FTA

approach includes incorporating human logic into the system (Ortmeier and Schellhorn,

2007), modelling sequential failure logic in fault trees (Long et al., 2000), and using fuzzy

logic to account for imprecise data (Yuhua and Datao, 2005).

However, although there appears to be little information in the literature about the use of the

FMEA and FTA approaches in pavement performance modelling, the concepts of each of

these approaches are applicable to the analysis of road pavement failure. Consequently, their

application to assist with incorporating engineering knowledge in the development of the

computational model for predicting road pavement failure is explored further in Chapters

Four and Six.

2.4 Modelling Terminology

Generally, the approaches used to model pavement deterioration are deterministic or

probabilistic (Haas et al., 1994; Lytton, 1987; Martin, 2008). Figure 2-5 graphically defines

the different model types, which are further discussed below.


Figure 2-5: Overview of modelling types

2.4.1 Deterministic versus Probabilistic

Deterministic: The outputs of the model are determined through known statistical

relationships and model parameters, without the presence of random variation.

Randomness does not play a role in the future model predictions. Therefore, for a

given initial state, the model will always produce the same result, such that the exact

output is known once the system begins. Such models yield future values of the

forecasted parameters, which in practice have been used widely for both network and

project level applications (Austroads, 2009a).

Probabilistic: An element of chance is involved in a probabilistic (stochastic) model

where the model predicts the variability and probability of the dependent variable.

The outputs of the model are determined through variables described by probability

distributions as opposed to unique (discrete) values. Therefore, the model can predict

the likelihood of an event, but the timing or the occurrence of the event is unknown.

The mean of the probability distribution defines the most likely output estimate. As

these model types demand computing resources, they are predominantly used at a

network level (Austroads, 2009a).


2.4.2 Mechanistic versus Empirical

As per Figure 2-5, deterministic models may be mechanistic or empirical as described


Mechanistic: An understanding of the behaviour of the system is used to develop the

model. Fundamental knowledge, first principles and laws are referred to and used in

describing the model relationships.

Empirical: Data from observations or experiments is used to develop the model.

Statistical methods, such as regression analyses, are employed in obtaining the

relationships between the inputs and output(s) and defining the model parameters.

These methods are useful when the behaviour of pavement failure is not fully

understood. However, the transferability of the developed models outside of the data

domain is often not feasible (Martin, 2008).

Mechanistic-Empirical: A combination of the mechanical and empirical approaches

where the model development is based on theoretical hypotheses and is calibrated

using observational data. These models can be used outside of the data domain, only

with appropriate calibration and sound engineering knowledge.

2.4.3 Linear versus Non-Linear

Linear: A linear function takes the form of Equation 2-4, resulting in a straight-line

relationship between the dependent (output) and independent variables (inputs). This

function form satisfies both superposition (addition) and homogeneity (scalar

multiplication) properties (Bapat, 2000; Pruim, 2010), inferred by the constants c and

m in Equation 2-4. Given the complexity of pavement performance data (refer Section


1.2) (Reigle, 2000), linear model forms are not expected to be successful in accurately

modelling pavement performance.

 = "# + !
Equation 2-4

Non-Linear: In non-linear models, the output is not directly proportional to the

independent variables and further does not satisfy the associated properties of linear

functions above. Conventional pavement design typically follows a non-linear

approach design criteria.

2.4.4 Classification versus Regression

Model outputs can take the form of classification or regression, further explained


Classification: The model outputs take a discrete class label, such as a binary value

{0, 1}, or a group membership from a list of categorical expressions, such as material

types {rock, sand, clay}. Pavement failure is represented in this research as a binary

class label, where a failed pavement is assigned a one (1) and a sound pavement is

assigned a zero (0).

Regression: The values of the outputs take continuous values, opposed to discrete

values alike above, where the dependent variable of a regression model is numerical.

Early pavement deterioration models employed simple regression analyses; but now

regression analyses are commonly employed in calibration exercises of mechanistic-

empirical models (Austroads, 2009b).


2.5 Performance Modelling of Infrastructure Assets

Performance models play an integral part in the management of infrastructure assets where

forecasting future maintenance requirements heavily rely on the predictions from such

models. Numerous studies have employed both deterministic and probabilistic approaches in

the development of performance models, focussing on two phases of the asset’s life:

• Deterioration: How the asset deteriorates over time, and

• Asset failure: The end of life of the asset, when replacement, reactive or remedial

but not preventative, maintenance is applied.

2.5.1 Deterioration Modelling Techniques

The success in the development of deterioration curves has increased the popularity of

predictive methods for infrastructure assets, including bridges (Basheer et al., 1996; Lounis

and Madanat, 2002; Madanat et al., 1997; Pan et al., 2009), water, wastewater and

stormwater networks (Abraham et al., 1998; Ariaratnam et al., 2001; Baik et al., 2006;

Kleiner et al., 2001; Osman and Bainbridge, 2011; Wirahadikusumah et al., 2001; Younis and

Knight, 2010), and others (Morcous et al., 2002; Sharabah et al., 2006).

Both stochastic and deterministic approaches have been explored in pavement deterioration

studies, and include Markovian processes (Wang et al., 1994; Yang et al., 2005; Yang et al.,

2006), Bayesian probabilities (Amador-Jiménez and Mrawira, 2011; Gao et al., 2012), and

regression analysis to relate the independent and dependent variables (Arambula et al., 2011;

Ben-Akiva and Gopinath, 1995; Gupta et al., 1997; Isa et al., 2005; Manik et al., 2007;

Martin, 2008; Park et al., 2001; Prozzi and Madanat, 2002; Sadek et al., 1996). Markovian

processes exhibit stochastic behaviours often used in Markov chains, where the next state in


the chain is solely based on the current state and not the preceding events in the chain

(Austroads, 2009b; Wang et al., 1994). Bayesian probabilities enable reasoning to be inferred

in models mathematically through the use of probabilities and prior evidence (Amador-

Jiménez and Mrawira, 2011; Gao et al., 2012).

Henning (2008) investigated the use of the generic mechanistic-empirical HDM models for

New Zealand road pavements and identified limitations with the linear regression approach

taken in the development of these models. Henning (2008) found that the generic HDM

models were not able to accurately predict pavement deterioration and instead developed

logistic regression models (see Section 2.6.1) for predicting crack initiation and accelerated

rutting, using the development of the HDM models as a benchmark. The proposed logistic

regression models considered additional influential factors, such as pavement thickness when

calculating the probability of accelerated rutting, which was previously omitted from the

generic HDM models.

2.5.2 Predicting End of Life Probabilities

Although an important consideration in the management of infrastructure assets, literature

focussing on predicting failure is scarce compared to studies aimed on deterioration

modelling. However, failure models developed for other infrastructure assets were discussed

in the literature, such as for power systems (Halilčević et al., 2011; Hu et al., 2011; Rau et al.,

1977), water networks (Anghel, 2009; Zhong et al., 2011), mechanical engineering systems

(Pickard et al., 2005) and others (Cai, 1996). Previously, stochastic approaches were

employed to generate probabilities of failure, such as failure or fault trees, fuzzy logic, and

probability theory (Cai, 1996; Hu et al., 2011; Pickard et al., 2005). However, with the recent


advances in computation efficiency and performance, sophisticated computational methods

have become a popular choice in engineering fields.

Anghel (2009) investigated the performance of classification approaches to predict the failure

probability of pipelines. The predicted output was successfully calculated with a binary

support vector machine classifier. Included in the methodology was a definition of the failure

modes in the model inputs. An assessment of the performance of the independent variables

influenced the model parameters, including the choice of kernel transformation (see Section

2.6.3), such that industry knowledge is inferred in the computational model. The results from

this study were comparative to traditional stochastic methods used in predicting pipeline


A variety of complex factors, some uncertain, play a role in the failure of dams. Zhong et al.

(2011) employed stochastic methods to calculate the probability of dam failure risk, based on

the individual probabilities from the three selected failure types. Probability theory was

employed in combining these into an overall failure assessment, assuming the factors

contributing to dam failure were independent. To employ such theory, the authors discussed

the importance of identifying the factor relationships prior to calculating the overall failure


Cai (1996) defines failure in terms of a predetermined failure criterion; either the system has

failed or not, and represents the outcome in a binary format {0, 1} where failure is

represented by one (1) and zero (0) represents non-failure. This study investigated the use of

fuzzy logic in safety, reliability, and risk assessments of system failure to improve other

model formats, such as deterministic or probabilistic. Employing fuzzy logic in such models


(see Section 2.6.7) accounted for the fuzzy undefined states of variables in engineering


In the transportation sector, Arampamoorthy and Patrick (2010) based the predictions of

pavement failure probability solely on the historical trends of four road networks, using

regression analysis techniques, and deterministic design criteria. This simplified approach did

not identify the interactions between factors causing failure; instead the study included only

traffic as a determining factor in the predictive approach with no consideration of the

pavement strength, composition, or subgrade properties. A further limitation of this study was

the unsuccessful delivery of a robust computational model that could be geographically

transferred to other road networks and other road datasets.

2.6 Application and Performance of Classification Methods

Classification techniques, both discriminative and generative methods, have been employed

by other researchers to predict an event, such that the predicted output takes a discrete value.

Discriminative classification techniques aim to explicitly define the classification problem

and separate the classes of data using a decision boundary. On the other hand, generative

classifiers define an event from the observed data using a probabilistic distribution of each

variable. Therefore, the latter are employed to predict a classification from a probability

density function, as opposed to the former that predicts to which class the new observation

belongs (Rogers and Girolami, 2012).

The literature reports better performance from discriminative classifiers than generative

methods. However, excluding generative classifiers from the literature search preconceives


the notion that one technique is superior over another. Therefore, this section investigates

both classification methods, including the following discriminative classifiers:

• Logistic regression;

• Neural networks;

• Support vector machines;

• Decision (probability) trees and random forests, and

• k-nearest neighbours.

2.6.1 Logistic Regression Studies

Logistic regression separates the data into classes with the use of a linear decision boundary

(Eastaugh et al., 1997). The popularity of this technique is attributed to the transparency of

the learning algorithm and the identification of causal relationships within the data (Tu,

1996). Despite the apparent simplicity of the technique, logistic regression has performed

comparatively to other techniques using a range of datasets containing up to 60 input

variables; although this technique reported a better performance on smaller datasets (Lim et

al., 2000). The limited computational power required and quick training time makes this

technique attractive to researchers and practitioners; however, the linearity of the decision

boundary hinders the performance of this technique in solving complex classification

problems (Lim et al., 2000; Razi and Athappilly, 2005). However, logistic regression has

been applied to road pavement data, leading to the successful employment in the

development of deterioration models for New Zealand road networks as described earlier in

this chapter (Henning, 2008).

Perlich et al. (2003) investigated the performance of logistic regression models in classifying

binary outcomes on several datasets, ranging from 1000 to several million datapoints, in


various subject areas. As reported in this study, the logistic regression technique performed

well on smaller datasets; however, other techniques tested, such as decision trees,

outperformed logistic regression on larger datasets due to the clear class separations included

in the larger datasets. The authors were apprehensive on drawing conclusions on superior

algorithms, given the results differed significantly between datasets.

Peng et al. (2002) found logistic regression to be effective in predicting binary outcomes in

educational analysis, specifically determining if remedial reading is necessary for a child.

Furthermore, Dreiseitl and Ohno-Machado (2002) canvassed studies employing logistic

regression and reported on the success of the technique across a wide variety of datasets. In

comparison to decision trees and k-nearest neighbour approaches, logistic regression

generally outperformed when continuous data was used. Austin et al. (2010) also reported on

the superior performance of logistic regression, against decision trees, in predicting mortality

of hospitalised patients.

Many studies have compared the performance of logistic regression models to that of neural

networks in classification problems (Dreiseitl and Ohno-Machado, 2002; Eastaugh et al.,

1997; Eftekhar et al., 2005; Saghafi et al., 2009; Tu, 1996). In most cases, neural networks

outperformed logistic regression, as the latter employs a linear decision boundary (Eastaugh

et al., 1997). However, Eftekhar et al. (2005) reported a higher accuracy for logistic

regression, although the authors employed alternative performance measures given the

erroneous and bias performance assessments associated with accuracy (Ben-David, 2008;

Dreiseitl and Ohno-Machado, 2002; Parker, 2011).


2.6.2 Neural Networks Studies

Neural networks, also known as multi-layer perceptrons, have become popular in machine

learning applications, given their ability to determine non-linear relationships within the data,

even in the presence of noisy and incomplete data (Jagielska et al., 1999) or without knowing

the relationships between the independent and dependent variables (Razi and Athappilly,

2005). However, this technique is prone to over-fitting, requires greater computational

resources, and is described as a ‘black box’ approach (Tu, 1996). Neural networks are known

to locate local minima3, yet researchers are not adverse to employing neural networks given

the infinitesimal difference between the local minima and global minimum4 (Eastaugh et al.,

1997). The complexity, in particular the non-linear decision boundary, of this technique has

resulted in improved performance in comparison to other popular, yet simpler, classification

techniques (Dreiseitl and Ohno-Machado, 2002; Eastaugh et al., 1997; Saghafi et al., 2009;

Tu, 1996).

Kaseko and Ritchie (1993) employed neural networks to detect and classify pavement

cracking. Using images of the road pavement surface, neural networks were employed to

distinguish if the pavement was cracked and, furthermore, the type of cracking present on the

pavement surface. Initial results showed the multi-layer feed-forward neural network model

had difficulty (67 % accuracy) in distinguishing between two types of alligator cracking, yet

the model performed well for transverse, longitudinal, and block cracking. However, when

distinguishing only between the types of alligator cracking, the detection accuracy of the

neural network model increased to 86 %.

A possible solution to a mathematical problem, which is located in the neighbourhood of the exact minimum
solution, and is often referred to as a relative solution.
The unique solution to a mathematical problem that is associated with the smallest error, and is often referred
to as the absolute solution as there is only one optimal solution to the problem.


In a multi-class problem, Bhattacharya and Solomatine (2006) employed neural networks to

classify soil types using data from cone penetration tests. In the cases of binary classification,

the neural network model accurately classified sandy soil samples but, in the case of

classifying non-sandy soil types, was outperformed by other classification methods.

In the power industry, an index describing the transient stability (a binary output) of power

systems was developed using neural networks (Tso et al., 1998). Using a training dataset of

200 samples, including a range of fault locations and loading conditions, the model structure

included one hidden layer and employed 11 input variables. On testing the applicability of the

trained classifier, only 3 % of the test samples from an independent evaluation dataset were

misclassified. The authors recognised the transferability of the neural network model to other

power systems despite the varying complexity between these systems.

The medical industry has employed neural networks as an alternative classification method to

linear approaches such as logistic regression; although both of these techniques remain

popular (Dreiseitl and Ohno-Machado, 2002). Eastaugh et al. (1997) investigated the use of

neural networks in predicting high risk pregnancies. Although this study identified the

shortfall of neural networks converging to a local minimum, the results showed a slightly

higher accuracy from the neural network model than logistic regression. However, Dreiseitl

and Ohno-Machado (2002) reported on similarities in performance between the two

approaches when used in binary classification tasks and concluded no single algorithm

outperformed another. Instead, logistic regression has been popular in the medical industry

given its interpretability and user-friendliness, whereas the complexity from the non-linear

decision boundary has led to the successful employment and popularity of neural networks.


2.6.3 Support Vector Machines Studies

Recent advances in machine learning algorithms have resulted in the suitability of support

vector machines as a classifier (Cortes and Vapnik, 1995). Despite the similarities with neural

networks, support vector machines locate the global minimum and require less computational

resources than neural networks resulting in its increased popularity. With the addition of

kernel functions5, engineering knowledge can be inferred in these non-linear models (Noble,

2004) by an appropriate choice of the transformation function (for class separation), given the

knowledge of the data.

Gualtieri et al. (1999) reported the early success of support vector machines as a binary

classifier, while the algorithm was in the early stages of development, and suggested the

transferability of this technique to other classification problems. However, as with neural

networks, this technique is less transparent than linear models but is more interpretable than

neural networks. Support vector machines require fewer input variables and a less complex

network structure than neural networks, for generally better classification capabilities (Pal,


Bhattacharya and Solomatine (2006) reported that support vector machines outperformed

neural networks in classifying non-sandy soil types, yet the overall accuracy of the two

techniques differed by only 0.2 %. Pal (2006) further recommended support vector machines

utilising the radial basis function kernel (see Table 5-2) instead of neural networks for soil

classification, given the more accurate results produced and less training time required. The

generalisation capabilities of this technique and the transferability of the technique to other

Functions that transform the data into a higher level space where a simpler classification separation is capable.
Knowledge of the data can be included in the model, based on the choice of kernel transformation.


datasets were discussed by Pal (2006), given the improved performance of the developed

support vector machines model when tested with a dataset unfamiliar to the model.

The similar nature of support vector machines to neural networks has seen these models

developed for the medical industry. For example, Gil and Johnsson (2011) reported

accuracies greater than 90 % (see Table 2-1) in diagnosing medical dysfunctions using

support vector machines with a five-fold cross-validation sampling method applied. The low

precision of the results for the urological database was attributed to the quality of the data in

comparison to the other two studies. The authors discussed the complications with binary

classification, particularly when the data reflects skewed distributions, which could be

reflected in the results; such distributions are evident in road pavement data.

Table 2-1: Summary of Results from Gil and Johnsson (2011)

Database Training Dataset Testing Dataset Accuracy (%)

Breast Cancer 565 113 98
Parkinson 195 39 92
Urological 380 76 84

2.6.4 Decision (Probability) Trees and Random Forests Studies

Decision (probability) trees, described as a discriminative classifier, do not in fact construct a

decision boundary; instead the algorithm splits the data optimally at each node, accordingly

to the classes of the data (Dreiseitl and Ohno-Machado, 2002), and is a favoured choice for

easily separable classes (Perlich et al., 2003). The interpretability of decision trees lends itself

to studies in various research domains despite the performance of the technique lacking

competitiveness against other modelling approaches (Chen et al., 2004). This technique has


performed adequately with smaller datasets and models developed using this algorithm are

readily scalable to large problems (Razi and Athappilly, 2005).

Chen et al. (2004) presented an automated system for the failure diagnosis of internet faults.

This study employed decision trees to diagnose the cause of identified faults achieving a

success rate of 93 %. Although the authors recognise the availability of other classifiers,

generally with better failure prediction performance, they found that the interpretability and

transparency of decision trees to the user exceeds that of alternative classifiers.

Bhattacharya and Solomatine (2006) reported comparative results for decision trees against

more sophisticated models, such as neural networks and support vector machines. In fact, in

this study the overall performance of the decision trees was similar to that of neural networks

in classifying soil types. Razi and Athappilly (2005) compared the performance of decision

trees to neural networks and linear regression models, such as logistic regression, in

predicting the health of an individual. This study concluded that decision trees performed

well against neural networks and both of these techniques were in fact substantially better

performers than linear regression techniques. This was further supported by additional studies

carried out, such that Perlich et al. (2003) reported a superior performance of decision trees

against logistic regression on larger datasets.

A number of decision trees can be collated to create random forests through the method of

bagging, where equal weightings are assigned to individual decision trees assuming each tree

is equally important to the overall result (Roiger and Geatz, 2003). Through this process, the

benefits and attributes of decision trees are inherited and furthermore, as a result of bagging,

random forests improve on the stability of individual tree models. As an alternative classifier,

random forests are becoming popular given the model simplicity, inherited from decision


trees, in comparison to support vector machines and neural networks (Verikas et al., 2011),

although the interpretability of decision trees is not conveyed in random forests. Random

feature selection is also employed throughout the creation of a random forest (Prinzie and

Van den Poel, 2008).

Chandra et al. (2009) reported on a comparative study between random forests, decision

trees, support vector machines, a feed-forward neural network, and logistic regression models

in predicting the failure of internet (dotcom) companies, given historical data. In this study,

random forests outperformed the other four methods; however, the authors found that using

two or more techniques to produce a series of classifiers exceeded the performance of any

individual model.

Verikas et al. (2011) also investigated the performance of random forests against the

performance of other popular techniques, such as support vector machines, neural networks,

and decision trees. A variety of datasets were used to evaluate the classification accuracy of

the methods, ranging in a number of classes, including binary, and sizes. Although this

technique demonstrated superiority on large scale comparisons over the other trialled

techniques, no statistically significant results were reported.

2.6.5 k-Nearest Neighbours Studies

The popularity of k-nearest neighbours is attributed to the simplicity, resulting from

transparent modelling processes, of the technique (Rogers and Girolami, 2012). Only one

parameter (k) is adjusted in the model, opposed to neural networks, for example, which

requires the user to define many model parameters. However, the simplicity of the technique

often leads to performance deficiency and inappropriate use in complex problems. On larger

datasets, this technique can take a long time to train and becomes computationally expensive.


As the user defines the distance between the nearest neighbours, this model can misrepresent

the problem when the relationships between the data are unknown or difficult to define

(Dreiseitl and Ohno-Machado, 2002).

In comparative studies, Caruana and Niculescu-Mizil (2006) reported a better performance

from this technique than decision trees, logistic regression, and naïve Bayes. However, other

discriminative classifiers, such as neural networks and support vector machines, were found

to outperform this technique. Dreiseitl and Ohno-Machado (2002) reported on the poor

performance of k-nearest neighbours favouring neural networks and logistic regression over

this technique, especially on high-dimensional data, despite the simple and easy model

creation. However, Wu et al. (2002) introduced methodology, such as incorporating data

patterns and relative importance criteria of dimensional data into the model, to improve the

training time and classification efficiency.

2.6.6 Alternative Generative Classifiers

Despite the reported success of discriminative classifiers over generative approaches (Long et

al., 2007), it was necessary herein to investigate the following generative classifiers:

• Linear discriminant analysis;

• Naïve Bayes;

• Bayesian networks, and

• Hidden Markov model.

Table 2-2 summarises the advantages and disadvantages of the above techniques.


Table 2-2: Advantages and Disadvantages of Generative Classifiers

Method Advantages Disadvantages Studies

• Only linear
relationships can be
represented in this Verikas et al. (2011) reported
Linear model. poor results from linear
• A very simple
discriminant • This technique discriminant analysis model in
analysis assumes the comparison to other
independent variables techniques.
are normally
This technique is optimal for
binary classification, based on
two binary independent
• This technique assumes
variables and equal
strong independence in
covariances between the two
the model.
classes (Kuncheva, 2006).
• A simple probabilistic • As a classifier, this
Naïve Bayes classifier. technique is a poor
Caruana and Niculescu-Mizil
performer, with limited (2006) reported naïve Bayes
successes reported in
as the worst performer in an
classification studies.
empirical study of eight
techniques, both
discriminative and generative.
• This technique can
• The model can become
handle incomplete Baesens et al. (2004) reported
subjective given the
datasets. Bayesian networks performed
inclusion of prior
• A combination of better than naïve Bayes, linear
information and
expert knowledge and discriminant analysis, and
Bayesian knowledge.
data can be facilitated decision trees, although the
networks • It heavily exploits
in this model. accuracy of this model
• The technique remained low (75 %). This
resources, especially
identifies causal study was outside of the
with a large number of
relationships in the engineering industry.
• This technique requires This technique poorly
a large amount of data performs as a lone model and
to train the model. consequently is often used as
Hidden • A non-linear modelling
• A stochastic approach, part of a hybrid, resulting in
Markov approach.
the descriptive strengths
which ultimately can
models • Is easy to understand.
lead to large unfounded attributed with this technique
assumptions about the included in the model (Bicego
data. et al., 2009).


2.6.7 Improving the Performance of Classifiers with Hybrids,

Boosting, and Bagging

The performance of individual classification techniques can be improved with hybrids,

boosting, and bagging methods. While such approaches were considered to be beyond the

scope of this research, a brief description of each is given below for completeness.

Rough sets, fuzzy logic, and genetic algorithms, are often used to enhance the performance of

the above discriminative classifier techniques in hybrid6 approaches to classification

problems (Hu, 2010; Jagielska et al., 1999; Örkcü and Bal, 2011). Rough sets can account for

uncertainty based on exact rules and definitions of the upper and lower boundaries attaining

to the specific data (Jagielska et al., 1999). Fuzzy logic accounts for uncertainty and

imprecisions in the data, based on approximation reasoning, and characterises the ‘grey’ area

between data classes (Pan et al., 2011; Yuhua and Datao, 2005). Studies employ genetic

algorithms to solve engineering optimisation problems (Bernard et al., 1998; Morcous and

Lounis, 2005).

Boosting refers to the methodology of compounding a stronger model from a set of weaker

performing classifiers, in a successive order, based on the results from the individual

antecedent models. The later models concentrate on correctly classifying the datapoints that

have been incorrectly classified in the earlier phases of the model sequence. On completion

of the training phase, a weighting factor is assigned to each model in the sequence, based on

the performance of the individual model on the training data (Roiger and Geatz, 2003).

Bagging, a simpler approach to compounding methods, assigns equal weightings to the

models involved assuming equal importance of each model to the overall result (Roiger and

A collection of different techniques used concurrently as one model.


Geatz, 2003). Random forests are an example of this methodology and, since only multiple

decision trees (one model type) are combined, are considered in this research (refer Section

2.6.4 above). Composite bagging methods compound various and assorted modelling

techniques and, therefore, were beyond the scope of this research.

2.6.8 Advantages versus Disadvantages of Classifiers

Table 2-3 summarises the key points from the literature review on classification techniques.


Table 2-3: Advantages versus Disadvantages of the Classification Techniques

Technique Advantages Disadvantages

• Quick to train and run.
• A linear decision boundary easily • Weaker performance in comparison
understood by the user. to neural networks and support
• Better than decision trees, k-nearest vector machines.
neighbours, and linear methods.
• Non-linear decision boundary so
complex problems can be solved. • Can be computationally exhaustive,
• Reported to perform well. associated with long running times.
• Can handle large datasets and many • A ‘black box’ approach, which is not
Networks inputs. very transparent and interpretable
• Transferable to other classification for the user.
• More interpretable than neural networks.
• Faster to train and run than neural
Support • Less interpretable than decision trees
and logistic regression, and still
Vector • Proven to be a good performer.
considered slightly a ‘black box’
Machines • Kernels provide an element of human
knowledge incorporated into the model.
• Transferable to other domains.
• Very interpretable. • Works well on easily separable
• Good results from smaller datasets. classes.
• Comparable against neural networks. • Less successful on complex
Trees • A better classifier than linear methods. problems.
• Good performer against neural networks.
• Improved results on single decision trees.
Random • Less interpretable than decision
• Handles a variety of dataset sizes.
Forests trees.
• More interpretable than neural networks
or support vector machines.
• Deficient in complex problems.
• A very simple and user-friendly • With larger datasets, takes a long
technique, with little model building. time to train and is computationally
• Generally better than the linear exhaustive.
Neighbour classification methods, generative • Poor performer in comparison to
classifiers and decision trees. neural networks and support vector
• Linear discriminant analysis has
very limited scope.
• Strong assumptions are associated
with naïve Bayes, resulting in poor
• Linear discriminant analysis is a very performance against discriminative
simple model. classifiers.
• Naïve Bayes is a simple probabilistic • Bayesian networks are a subjective
Generative classifier. approach to classification.
Methods • Bayesian networks facilitates human • Unfounded assumptions
knowledge in the model development. accompanying the stochastic nature
• Hidden Markov models are easy to of hidden Markov models. More
understand. suited as a hybrid, as opposed to a
lone modelling technique.
• Generally, these models perform
poorly against the discriminative


In addition to the above, key elements from the literature utilising these binary classifiers are

summarised below:

• There is not one superior technique for all domains and datasets (Perlich et al.,

2003). The performance of the classifier greatly depends on the specific dataset;

therefore, an assessment of the classifiers against each other using the research

dataset will be required to identify the classifier most suitable for the task at hand;

• Accuracy is not an adequate measure of the performance of a classifier. Instead,

other performance measures should be used to account for the biasness associated

with accuracy. Alternative performance measures employed in the studies

included phi coefficient, receiver operating characteristic curve, and Cohen’s

kappa curve (Ben-David, 2008; Dreiseitl and Ohno-Machado, 2002; Parker,


• Poor quality and incomplete datasets result in low precision and accuracy of the

classifier performance, thus addressing missing data in the research methodology

will improve the comparative results of the classifiers;

• When the data class distributions are unequal, problems with binary classification

occur. During the training phase, a model will always try to minimise the overall

error rate when trained on an unbalanced dataset, which results in a developed

model that will always predict the larger of the two binary classes (Prinzie and

Van den Poel, 2008). Given that unequal class distributions are a reality in

network datasets7, a weighting factor should be applied in the training phase of the

Road failure, as a result of preventative maintenance, is less frequent on the network than the number of sound
pavements. Therefore, this is reported and represented in the data.


models to ensure equal preconception of the two classes (failure and non-failure)

by the modelling technique;

• Using cross-validation sampling methods is a sufficient approach to ensure the

variability in the predictions are accounted for in the assessment of the

performance of the classifiers (Gil and Johnnson, 2011);

• The majority of the studies, across all classification techniques, tested the model

on a reserved (unfamiliar) portion of the dataset. This portion varied from 10 % to

one-third of the entire dataset. Larger training datasets will result in a better

generalisation of the model, whereas a larger testing dataset will present a better

error estimate of the technique (Dreiseitl and Ohno-Machado, 2002), and

• Son et al. (2012) identified the importance of identifying relationships, both linear

and non-linear, prior to modelling in large datasets to reduce the number of

predictive factors included in the model.

2.7 Summary of the Literature Review

This chapter has reviewed literature associated with:

• Road pavement failure in New Zealand;

• Methodologies for representing failure knowledge in computational models;

• Performance modelling studies, including deterioration models and failure models

of infrastructure assets, and

• The performance of binary classifiers for various datasets.

Through the review of the literature, the approaches considered by other researchers were

scrutinised. Firstly, from a fundamental perspective, FMEA and FTA have been used to


represent knowledge of failure in computational models. FTA has the ability to represent

failure as a binary outcome and can represent multiple causes of failure and interactions

between failure factors. Therefore, this research adopted the FTA approach to infer

engineering knowledge into the computational model, further described in Chapter Four.

Researchers have developed deterioration models for road pavements using a variety of

methods, including both deterministic and stochastic approaches. Deterioration models have

also been employed in the management of other infrastructure assets.

Although limited studies focussed on predicting the probability of pavement failure, other

industries have successfully developed methodologies to address such aims. One study

employed a binary classifier to calculate the failure probability of water pipelines.

Comparative studies identified the advantages and disadvantages of classification techniques,

as listed in Table 2-3. Classification techniques have been used successfully in a number of

areas, ranging from medical diagnosis, power systems, geomechanics, and other engineering

fields. From the literature, neural networks and logistic regression emerged as popular

choices of binary classifiers; however, Table 2-3 describes the benefits for the employment of

the other classification techniques. Since the performance of these techniques was shown to

be greatly dependent on the datasets used in the studies, a comparative study (see Chapter

Five) further investigates the appropriateness and effectiveness of the classification

techniques identified in this chapter for the task of predicting the failure of road pavements

from road datasets.

Chapter Three


3.1 Introduction

The literature review demonstrated there has been little research to develop robust

computational models, which integrate engineering knowledge, to predict the failure

probability of road pavements. To address this, this chapter presents the systematic approach

followed to quantify the probability of pavement failure, addressing the aim of the research.

Although this research concentrates on the structural failure of chipsealed flexible road

pavements, the approach outlined can be adapted for other road pavement types and failure


3.1.1 Conceptual Design

The conceptual design of the system consists of two integral items:

Chapter Three: METHODOLOGY

1. A knowledge based approach to aid in diagnosing the cause(s) of failure from

road datasets, and

2. A computational model to calculate the probability of failure.

Failure charts for each of the three failure mechanisms, outlined in the scope of this thesis

(refer Section 1.3.3), were developed to form the diagnostic element of the system and were a

direct output from the first research objective. The computational model formed the

probability element of the system and was developed using a technique selected from an

analysis, using objective criteria, of a number of techniques described in the literature. With

this and the failure charts, the system can determine the probability of failure and identify the

most probable failure path, deemed to be the critical failure path in this research.

3.1.2 Research Methodology

The research methodology, shown in Figure 3-1, consisted of the following:

• Understanding the failure mechanisms, capturing engineering knowledge

associated with road pavement failure, and utilising this to develop failure charts;

• Selecting a number of classification techniques, from the literature, to evaluate for

the task at hand;

• Investigating the performance of the selected techniques to accept one as the most

appropriate technique for further development;

• Developing and testing of the system using research data, and

• Testing of the prototype model on an independent road dataset.

Chapter Three: METHODOLOGY

Asset Literature Review

Expert Knowledge

Understanding Road FAILURE
Data Exploration – Descriptive Pavement Failure
Road Condition Statistics of
Datasets Parameters

Criteria for
Selecting Model
Literature Review
Techniques) TRIAL MODEL
Select Model(s):
Identify Models for Further

Develop the
Prototypes of

Model Prototype
Criteria for “Best”

“Best” Model

Understanding Road
Pavement Failure


Prototype System PROTOTYPE
Literature Review
(Probability Theory)

Testing Test the TESTING THE

Dataset Developed PROTOTYPE
(Independent) Prototype System MODEL

Evaluation of

Figure 3-1: Methodology for quantifying the probability of failure

Chapter Three: METHODOLOGY

3.2 Research Modules

3.2.1 Expert Engineering Knowledge and Failure Understanding

Consultation with experts in conjunction with a preliminary analysis of road network

datasets, comprising of descriptive statistics and correlation analyses of the available road

datasets including a typical RCA network dataset, and a review of the literature identified the

most important factors that contribute to road pavement failure. Incorporating engineering

knowledge into the modelling process resulted in a more accurate and knowledgeable model

(Schlotjes et al., 2011; Schlotjes et al., 2012a). In order to facilitate the conceptual design of

the research and infer engineering knowledge within the computational model, failure charts

were used to present the key factors and combinations contributing to road pavement failure.

The approach to the development of the failure charts was based on FTA (refer Chapter

Two), which recognises the importance of identifying the causes of failure and understanding

the interactions between the possible failure causes (Patev et al., 2005). The graphical format

of the failure charts was found to be a convenient method of presenting the complex

interaction between factors and identifies the failure paths.

Figure 3-2 outlines the process of developing the failure charts. The first task was to define

failure for each of the failure mechanisms (e.g. rutting, cracking, and shear). The definition of

failure for each mechanism assisted in identifying the causes of failure, as well as the

interactions between these causes. From this, the combinations of multiple failure causes

represent the failure paths for each failure mechanism. Chapter Four further describes how

the failure charts were developed using information from the literature and expert opinion,

together with specific methodology for the development of an understanding for flexible

pavement failure.

Chapter Three: METHODOLOGY

Figure 3-2: Understanding failure of road pavements

3.2.2 Selecting Suitable Classification Techniques

Chapter Two has reviewed the use of computational techniques in a number of fields,

including the transportation sector, which may be suitable for modelling road pavement

performance. As pavement failure is defined in the research dataset as a binary output {0, 1}

(see Section, the research problem becomes a binary classification problem. Table 2-

3 identified a number of classification techniques for further consideration and the suitable

classification techniques were selected using the following criteria:

1. The performance of the modelling technique must be adequately demonstrated in

the literature;

2. Road pavement datasets are potentially extensive and may consist of large

amounts of data relating to many variables, thus the modelling technique needs to

be able to handle such data;

3. Complex interactions exist between the independent and dependent variables of

road pavement data (Reigle, 2000). Complex problems are better represented with

non-linear model functions, therefore non-linear techniques should be favoured in

this study, with the provision of using linear methods with caution;

4. The time required to run the selected model should be kept to a minimum to

improve computational efficiency;

5. The training phase of the model should be simple, easily inferred, and based on

the occurrences in the data;

Chapter Three: METHODOLOGY

6. The overall process should be simple and easily understood by asset managers and

pavement engineers for successful implementation in the current road reporting

processes, and

7. The model can infer engineering (human) knowledge.

The detailed investigation of the suitability of the techniques is discussed in Chapter Five.

3.2.3 Assessing the Performance of Binary Classifiers

The selected techniques were compared using a research dataset (see Section 3.3) to select

the most appropriate technique for the development of the prototype system, as the literature

reviewed in Chapter Two concluded there is not one superior technique for all domains and

datasets. This was achieved by assessing the output from each technique according to four

performance measures (accuracy, misclassification error, F-score, and phi coefficient), as

accuracy alone is not acceptable as an assessment of the model performance (Ben-David,

2007; Parker, 2011). However, this research extended the assessment criteria to include

interpretative qualities and usability characteristics of the techniques in reference to the future

implementation of the computational technique in the industry. Therefore, the following

criteria were adopted:

1. The performance of the model;

2. The speed of the model, simplicity of use, and the overall process is easily

interpreted, and

3. The generalisation of the model, such that over-fitting is avoided.

Chapter Five further describes and discusses the performance assessment of the five trialled

modelling techniques.

Chapter Three: METHODOLOGY

3.2.4 Prototype System Development

As described earlier in Section 3.1.1, the conceptual design of the system consisted of two


1. Failure charts, from the knowledge of failure, to diagnose the cause(s) of failure,


2. A computational model to calculate the probability of failure.

Therefore, the development of such a system consisted of failure charts and a computational

model, as described in Sections 3.2.1, 3.2.2, and 3.2.3. The prototype system was developed

from the failure paths presented in the failure charts, with each path being modelled by the

computational technique. The resultant system predicted the probability of failure of a road

section for each failure mechanism, which was calculated as the maximum (most probable)

probability of each failure path, per failure mechanism. The statistical package R8 (Everitt

and Hothorn, 2006) constructed the prototype system, as well as the classification techniques

trialled in the comparative study; although the purpose of this research was not to assess this

statistical package.

Two approaches were considered to determine the overall probability of failure of a

pavement section taking into account all failure types. The first was a simple approach that

assumed that each failure mechanism acts independently, following the approach adopted in

conventional pavement design (Austroads, 2012):

ி஺ூ௅௎ோா = "# $
% , 
& , … , ()'
Equation 3-1

ℎ:  =   
 ,  =   
 ,   =   

A number of packages are readily available to be used for the task at hand; however, given the access to a large
library of model files, R is capable of modelling each of the techniques outlined in Chapter Two.

Chapter Three: METHODOLOGY

However, a more complex model considered to be more realistic was also developed that

considered the interdependence of each failure type using the ‘Additive Law of Probability’

(probability unions), by which multiple failure mechanisms can be combined (Ayyub and

McCuen, 2003; Mendenhall and Beaver, 1991) as follows:

Equation 3-2
 ∪  ∪  =  +  +  −  ∩  −  ∩  −  ∩  + ( ∩  ∩ )

ℎ:  ∩  =  × 

 ,  =   
 ,  =   

     =  +  +  −  ×  −  ×  −  ×  + ()

× () × ()

(ℎ: 0 ≤ 
 ∪  ∪  ≤ 1

 ,  =   
 ,  =   

Equation 3-2 calculates the probability of either failure mechanism occurring using the

maximum probabilities from each failure mechanism, as described previously (refer Section

3.2.4). The description of the development of the system and interactions between the failure

mechanisms is given in Chapter Six, as well as an assessment of the performance of the

prototype system.

3.2.5 System Testing and Applications

The prototype system was tested using an independent dataset which had not been used to

train the computational model. The test consisted of comparing the probabilities of failure

computed using the prototype system with the number of actual failed sections in the dataset.

The practical application of the system includes:

• The probability of failure of a road section for each failure mechanism;

Chapter Three: METHODOLOGY

• An overall failure probability for a given road section, and

• The performance of the road network, based on the system’s predictions.

Chapter Seven presents a detailed analysis of the prototype system testing, along with a

discussion on the practical applications of the system.

3.3 Research Datasets

The New Zealand Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) programme was established in

2000 and consists of a number of sites where data is gathered from New Zealand road

networks. This research used two datasets compiled from the LTPP database; one of the road

sites on the State Highway network, and the other from sites across the Local Authority road

networks. The primary difference between the two datasets is the external environment of the

road pavement sections.

The benefit of the LTPP programme is the frequency of data collection and the high level of

detail of the data, which has resulted in a sufficient amount of data that may be considered

appropriate for such research studies. Traffic data, inventory data, condition data, detailed site

inspections, and maintenance reports are included in the LTPP programme database (Henning

et al., 2004). Each site is surveyed annually to record the condition of the pavement using

highly accurate instruments and detailed road profile equipment.

Figure 3-3 illustrates the layout of a typical LTPP inspection site. Data is collected from the

first 300 metres of each site with the length of the site divided into six 50 metre sub-sections.

Chapter Three: METHODOLOGY

Figure 3-3: LTPP road pavement section layout

3.3.1 State Highway LTPP Dataset

From the State Highway LTPP dataset the following data types were obtained:

• Traffic;

• Pavement composition;

• Pavement strength;

• Environment;

• Subgrade sensitivity;

• Surface condition, and

• Failure data. Traffic Data

The dataset contains the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) and Percentage of Heavy

Commercial Vehicles (HCV). However, it was felt necessary to convert these into an

alternative measure of traffic, the Cumulative Number of Equivalent Standard Axles

Chapter Three: METHODOLOGY

(Cum_ESA), which takes into account the impact of heavy vehicles on road pavements over

time. This was achieved using Equation 3-3 (Austroads, 2012) as follows:

Equation 3-3
 "_ )% = * ா × +ி × 365

%%,- ×  × , × .
=* × +ி × 365

ℎ:  =       


 = !  "#
 ℎ  !!  ℎ 

 =         ℎ           =
!  $

%& =    ℎ  !!  ℎ 

1 + 0.01
' = ' ℎ ݂ܽܿ‫= ݎ݋ݐ‬

 =       ℎ

 = !   (  ℎ  ,  = 1)

The State Highway LTPP dataset used historical traffic data to calculate the annual traffic

growth rate r and the breakdown of the HCV classes to calculate the ESA per heavy vehicle.

Furthermore, the dataset obtained two Cum_ESA parameters from using both the ages of the

surface layer and the base layer in the calculation of cumulative number of ESAs. Pavement Composition Data

Road Assessment and Maintenance Management (RAMM) databases provided the

composition data of the LTPP pavements. The information available included the material

properties of the pavement layers (surface layer, base layer, and sub-base layer, if applicable),

Chapter Three: METHODOLOGY

the layer ages, layer thicknesses, number of lanes, and pavement widths; however, some of

this data was limited and incomplete for all sites. Pavement Strength Data

The State Highway LTPP dataset contained four factors associated with the strength of a road

pavement section. The modified structural number (SNP) is back-analysed from deflection

readings and its average value, along with a binary strength parameter which indicates

whether the pavement is weak or strong, was utilised in this research dataset. A pavement

was considered strong in this research if (i) SNP ≥ 2.5, or (ii) the thickness of a single layer

exceeded 250 mm. Individual deflections from the falling weight deflectometer (FWD) were

available, from which the following parameters were calculated for comparative measures of

strength (Horak, 2008; Thom, 2008):

Equation 3-4

/      =

2 × ,଴ × 11 − 2, 3

& 0 4/#

&04 = ,଴ − ,ଷ଴଴
Equation 3-5

5// 0 4/#

504 = ,ଷ଴଴ − ,଺଴଴
Equation 3-6

0( 0 4/#

004 = ,଺଴଴ − ,ଽ଴଴
Equation 3-7

ℎ: $ = 200!!   (

 = )* !!    


 =    ! 200!!  !


 ,, =    !    +  1 


+  2      , +  3 (   )

Chapter Three: METHODOLOGY

Finally, a concurrent New Zealand study developed structural indices algorithms which, by

definition, measure the pavement’s ability to withstand failure in relation to a particular

failure mode (rutting, flexure, shear, and roughness) (Salt et al., 2010). Each LTPP site was

analysed using the structural indices and were included in the State Highway LTPP dataset. Environmental Data

The LTPP programme obtains rainfall data from the National Institute of Water and

Atmospheric Research (NIWA) and, accordingly, the State Highway LTPP dataset contains

the annual rainfall values (in millimetres). Water entering the pavement once the surface seal

has cracked is a key factor in the deterioration of the pavement structure, which is not a factor

included in the LTPP programme. Therefore, it was felt to develop a new variable that is a

measure of the cumulative rainfall once the pavement is cracked (CumRain_ifCracked), using

the rainfall data in conjunction with site condition reports. Subgrade Sensitivity

A design matrix included in the LTPP analysis (Henning, 2008) categorises the pavement

sites into sensitivity classes based on the properties of the underlying subgrades. This

accounts for the subgrade material types, drainage, and environmental conditions. This factor

classifies the sites into low, medium, and high sensitivity zones. Condition Data

This research defined three failure mechanisms that have been found to be prevalent on low

volume roads in New Zealand, namely rutting, cracking, and shear (Arampamoorthy and

Patrick, 2010; Creagh, 2005; Gribble and Patrick, 2008).

Chapter Three: METHODOLOGY

Rutting Data:

The rutting depths on the LTPP pavement sites were evaluated using a transverse profile

beam. For each wheelpath, the rutting depth (in millimetres) is calculated by averaging two

measurements taken at the same point on the road surface. Following this, the method is

repeated every 10 metres from the start (0) point, resulting in an average rut depth for each

wheelpath every 10 metres. Along each 50 metre subsection (1 through to 6) (refer Figure 3-

3), the rut depths are further averaged for a resultant rut depth per wheelpath per subsection.

A combination of the results from the two wheelpaths provides an overall estimate of the rut

depth for the lane as a whole. For completion, the State Highway LTPP dataset included the

rut depths for the both of the wheelpaths and the lane (increasing or decreasing). Further

manipulation of the rut depths produced a rut rate (per year) for each subsection.

Cracking Data:

The total amount of cracking was included in the dataset in terms of a percentage of the

subsection area. A number of cracking types were defined in Chapter Two and, although

structural failure is largely associated with alligator cracking, all information regarding

cracking types (e.g. alligator, transverse, longitudinal, and parabolic cracks) reported in the

State Highway LTPP database were included in the research dataset. Further manipulation of

the total cracking produced a crack rate (per year) for each subsection, as well as the number

of years of continual cracking (i.e. years with no natural closure of the cracks or maintenance

to remedy the cracks).

Shear Data:

Shear failure often manifests in the form of shoving on the pavement surface or, secondarily,

by potholes (refer Chapter Two). Therefore, pothole information (number, depth, and

Chapter Three: METHODOLOGY

diameter), shoving data, structural patches, and mechanical damage were obtained from the

State Highway LTPP database. To ensure an unbiased comparison, the latter three data

elements were converted into a percentage of the total subsection area. Pothole depth and

diameter remained in millimetres and the number of potholes remained as a number, as this

condition data type is more meaningful in the raw data format, as per the LTPP programme

collection process. Failure Data

In practice, pavement failure is defined by:

• Fundamental limits and definitions, defining failure as the design thresholds of

conventional pavement design practices. For rutting, this was defined as a rut

depth ≥ 20 mm and for cracking, an affected surface area ≥ 15 % or a crack width

≥ 5 mm (Austroads, 2006; Austroads, 2007b), and

• Opinions of practitioners, where the timing of maintenance intervention defines


The objective of the LTPP programme restricts the use of maintenance until such time that

the pavement becomes unsafe and intervention is necessary to ensure the functionality and

safety of the road pavement. As a result of this, this research defined failure in the State

Highway LTPP dataset as the time of maintenance intervention. Maintenance records and

inspection reports provided the information to establish the type of failure, the year of failure,

and the maintenance treatment applied to the pavement. In the State Highway LTPP dataset,

binary classifiers represent the failure condition of the road pavement sections, with zero (0)

indicating a sound pavement (a positive outcome) and one (1) indicating a failure (a negative

Chapter Three: METHODOLOGY

outcome). Given the information available, this dataset defined failed sections for each of the

rutting, cracking, and shear failure mechanisms.

3.3.2 Local Authority LTPP Dataset

Much like the State Highway network, the LTPP programme includes sites on the New

Zealand Local Authority network. A total of 82 sites in rural and urban areas of the network

have been monitored since 2003. The data available in the database is identical to that of the

State Highway LTPP network, meaning the format of the data is much the same to the State

Highway dataset. However, Local Authorities manage these sites and consequently the

inventory records are less complete and reliable compared to those included in the State

Highway dataset.

This dataset was utilised in the final module of the methodology (testing the prototype

system) because of the similarities in the presentation and format of the data to that of the

State Highway dataset, meaning the transferability of the computational model to an

independent dataset was simplified. However, some factors included in the prototype system

were absent in this dataset because of the differences in the road structure. For example, the

road pavements in the Local Authority dataset lack a sub-base layer because the traffic

demand is much less than that of the State Highway network. These differences were

considered minor so to not affect the verification and testing of the prototype system.

3.3.3 Summary of the LTPP Datasets

Based on the descriptions of the LTPP data presented above, Table 3-1 summarises the

variables included in the computational models for each of the three failure modes. The data

Chapter Three: METHODOLOGY

available on material properties was considered to be incomplete and therefore was not

included in this research dataset.

Table 3-1: Variables included in the LTPP Datasets

Factor Group Variables from the Research Dataset

• Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT)a,b,c
• Total percentage of heavy vehiclesa,b,c
• Cumulative number of Equivalent Standard Axles (ESA), given the base
layer agea,b,c
• Cumulative number of Equivalent Standard Axles (ESA), given the surface
layer ageb
• Base layer agea,b,c
• Subbase layer agea,b,c
• Surface ageb
Composition • Total pavement thickness, excluding surface thicknessa,b,c
• Total pavement thickness, including surface thicknessb
• Pavement widtha,b,c
• Number of lanesa,b,c
• Strength of pavement (weak or strong)a,b,c
• Structural number (SNP)a,b,c
Strength • Structural indices (SI) for rutting, flexure, shear and roughnessa,b,c
• Falling weight deflectometer (FWD) parameters (Radius of Curvature,
Base Layer Index, Middle Layer Index, Lower Layer Index)a,b,c
Environment • Cumulative rainfall once the pavement is crackeda,b,c
Subgrade Sensitivity • Sensitivity of pavement (low, medium, or high)a,b,c
• Rut depths for left-hand wheelpath, right-hand wheelpath, and lanea,c
• Rut rate for left-hand wheelpath, right-hand wheelpath, and lanea
• Total cracking (all cracking types)b
• Crack rateb
Surface Condition • Number of years of continual crackingb
• Mechanical damagec
• Structural patchc
• Pothole diameter, depth, and numberc
• Shovingc
Included in the rutting datasets; b Included in the fatigue cracking datasets; c Included in the shear datasets

3.4 Summary of the Methodology

In order to quantify the probability of road pavement failure, the development of the

prototype system comprised of three elements; engineering knowledge was incorporated

into a computational model, and probability theory was referenced to combine the

individual failure probabilities into one overall assessment of the failure probability. To

Chapter Three: METHODOLOGY

achieve the research aim, this chapter has described a systematic approach comprising of five

stages. These sequential modules were required to produce knowledge of road pavement

failure and failure charts, explore and assess a number of modelling techniques in order to

select an appropriate technique, further develop the overall system, and test the prototype

system on an independent dataset. While a large number of techniques are available to

represent road pavement failure, it was necessary to assess the performance of each and the

requirements of the overall system in order to select the most appropriate technique. The

research dataset from the LTPP programme was used in developing the prototype system

(Chapters Four to Six), with the testing of the system using an independent LTPP dataset

(Chapter Seven). Detailed descriptions of each module are presented in Chapters Four to


Chapter Four

Complementing the Subject

4.1 Introduction

This chapter addresses the first objective of the research by developing a comprehensive

understanding of road pavement failure that will form the foundation of the model

development (as detailed in Chapter Five). The knowledge obtained will improve the success

of the computational model, as it will ensure the model reflects the knowledge of road failure

as opposed to coincidental relationships in the data that may result from statistical processes

(see Section 4.1.1). Furthermore, it establishes the relationship between the factors involved

in each failure mechanism and determines the causes of failure, thereby facilitating the

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

identification of the most probable (critical) failure path assuming all failure paths are

considered equally critical in the analysis.

This chapter addresses Objective One of this research by:

• Developing a methodology to enable knowledge to be captured in a format that

can be used to aid in and inform the development of the computation model;

• Identifying the factor which contribute to failure, and

• Developing comprehensive failure charts for flexible pavement failure.

4.1.1 Importance of Understanding Road Pavement Failure

The conceptual design (refer Section 3.1.1) of the proposed system includes a diagnostic

element, provided by engineering knowledge that is inferred into computational models.

Since this element is fundamental in the development of the prototype system, understanding

the failure mechanisms was seen as a major part of the research. As road failure is

complicated and difficult to artificially replicate with computational models (Reigle, 2000),

understanding the mechanisms surrounding road pavement failure is imperative in developing

such models.

In practice, diagnosing road failure is challenging for asset managers due to the variable

behaviour of road pavements, the complex interactions of factors that can contribute towards

failure, and the occurrence of multiple failure modes. An incorrect failure diagnosis leads to

ill-chosen and ill-timed maintenance decisions, as well as variable outcomes of the forecasted

maintenance programme and budget. However, a better understanding of the causes and the

identification of failure paths, associated with the underlying causes of failure, can facilitate

the application of appropriate maintenance. Therefore, the diagnostic framework not only

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

contributes towards the outcome of this research, but also has a direct practical application

(see Chapter Seven). Accordingly, the importance of developing a comprehensive

understanding of pavement failure can:

• Assist in identifying the cause of failure and subsequently the failure


• Provide information that can aid in making informed decisions regarding the

forecasting of maintenance, including the treatments;

• Inform the computational modelling process by assisting with the choice of

appropriate variables to be included in the development of such models;

• Assist with the interpretation of the results from the computational model, and

• Validate the outputs of the statistical (data driven) computational model based on

the relationships included in the model.

4.1.2 Methodology for Failure Knowledge and Charts

Developing such an understanding for the three failure mechanisms (refer Section 1.3.3) of

this research utilised three sources of knowledge:

• A literature review identifying the first principles and fundamental factors of


• Expert knowledge from the industry, and

• A preliminary analysis of road datasets to identify causal relationships between

failure and it’s causes.

The knowledge obtained from these sources was presented in the form of failure charts as

described below. Initially, from first principles surrounding pavement design, a generic

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

pavement failure chart was developed and, based on five factor groups identified by experts,

additional failure charts were developed for each of the three failure mechanisms.

4.2 Fault Tree Analysis

The development of the failure charts was based on the FTA approach, whereby a tree-like

chart is used to represent the multiple causes of failure and failure paths are used to show the

collection of factors contributing to failure (Yuhua and Datao, 2005). The breakdown of each

failure mechanism in this way enables the model definition to represent concurrently

occurring failure factors, competently and effortlessly (Lindhe et al., 2009; Patev et al. 2005;

Remenyte-Prescott and Andrews, 2008). The FTA method recognises the importance of

identifying the causes of failure to accurately classify model predictions.

Among other applications, FTA is commonly used in research studies as a diagnostic tool

(Volkanovski et al., 2009) to identify the causes of a specified event. Because of its

prioritisation attributes in the design of fault trees, the placement of highly influencing factors

earlier in the tree gives these factors more control on the outcome (Ortmeier and Schellhorn,

2007). The use of combinatorial logic, such as AND and OR functions, enables the

interactions between the factors to be easily represented (Contini and Matuzas, 2011; Lindhe

et al., 2009) and, as a result, the model can represent a number of scenarios (Remenyte-

Prescott and Andrews, 2008; Yuhua and Datao, 2005). The development of such fault trees

for the research reported here is described further below.

4.3 Generic Pavement Failure

The development of a generic failure chart provided:

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

1. An understanding, derived from first principles, of pavement failure which aided

in identifying the mechanisms of failure;

2. Five factor groups contributing to failure to assist in developing specific failure

understanding charts for the pavement types (thin, flexible, unbound, granular

road pavements) considered in this research, and

3. A methodology for other researchers to develop failure paths and understanding of

other pavement structures and types.

From engineering fundamental design principles, pavement failure can occur through either

the failure of the structure to support the design load (bearing capacity) and / or because the

environmental and traffic load exceeds the design loading (loading demand). Figure 4-1

presents the failure chart developed for any pavement structure, based on the FTA approach

described above. As pavement failure can be attributed to either a single factor or a

concession of factors, such as excessive traffic loadings alone or combined failure of

excessive traffic loadings on a poorly designed pavement, the FTA approach accounts for

both of these failure situations. Table 4-1 lists five main groups of factors, which are

considered to contribute towards failure, that were obtained through engineering knowledge

and the use of Figure 4-1. This table successfully summarises the numerous independent

factors presented in Figure 4-1.

The failure chart presented in Figure 4-1 demonstrates the causative nature of the factors

contributing to generic pavement failure. The chart is presented in such a way that the causes

contributing to the failure are sequential; for example, a pavement with insufficient layer

thickness results in a poor pavement composition, which in turn negatively impacts on the

design of the structure and results in a bearing capacity failure.

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

Figure 4-1: Generic failure paths for road pavements

The loading demand branch in Figure 4-1 consists of two paths; one associated with traffic

and the other with environmental loading. In the case of the traffic branch, solely traffic

exceeding the design loading can cause failure. Alternatively, failure can be caused by a

combination of excessive traffic and poor pavement design. The environmental loading

branch shows that excessive environmental loading can be caused by cyclic temperatures,

precipitation, or poor drainage.

Bearing capacity failure is a result of poor design, the overall quality of the construction of

the pavement, climate or environment factors, or issues associated with the properties of the

subgrade. These causes can be further broken down into contributing causes as presented in

Figure 4-1, for example poor pavement design occurs because of inadequate strength, poor

pavement composition, insufficient geometry layout, and / or poor choice of materials.

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

4.3.1 Failure Factors

Table 4-1 describes the contributing role each of the five identified failure factors (from

Figure 4-1) has on pavement failure. Furthermore, surface condition, although primarily

considered a measure of failure and not a contributing factor, may also be in fact associated

with the occurrence of a particular defect that can induce the development of another defect.

For example, severe rutting can also induce pavement surface cracking, yet the primary cause

of failure in this case would be rutting (Henning, 2008; Martin, 2008); or vice versa.

Therefore, it was considered appropriate to include this factor in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1: Fundamental Factors Associated with Pavement Failure

Factor Groups Description

Pavements are designed and constructed to withstand traffic loadings for a
predetermined period of life (design life), such that the pavement dissipates
Traffic the forces from the induced traffic loadings. However, overloading exceeding
that of the design contributes to early failure.
As part of the design process, the composition of a road pavement is designed
to carry an expected traffic loading for the design life. However, under-
designed pavements, thin pavements, older pavements, and those that have
Composition exceeded their design life fail to dissipate the induced forces prior to reaching
the subgrade, thus possibly resulting in failure. Furthermore, narrow
pavements and number of lanes contributes to failure.
The bearing strength of the pavement is an important measure of road
pavement performance. A weak pavement will perform insufficiently if
Strength under-designed for the given traffic loadings. It can also become susceptible
to early failure and environmental changes.
The climate can damage a pavement significantly. Precipitation, weathering,
and temperature have detrimental effects on the performance of the pavement.
Water entering the pavement compromises the structural integrity of the
Environment lower layers of the pavement. High temperatures affect the performance of
the bituminous layer(s) and low temperatures can result in freeze-thaw. The
change in the temperature gradient reduces the sealant function of the
bituminous layer (e.g. providing a water-tight layer).
Since pavement design aims to minimise the impact of traffic loadings on the
subgrade, the susceptibility of the subgrade to deform under either traffic or
Subgrade Sensitivity environmental loadings is a factor involved in the failure of pavements. Such
susceptibility is influenced by the strength, stiffness, moisture content, and
subsoil drainage of the subgrade.
The current condition of the pavement surface can give an indication on the
type of failure, how advanced the failure is, and the rate of progression of the
failure; therefore, surface condition is encompassed in previous pavement
Surface Condition performance models. However, there are some cases where the condition data
is a secondary defect to the primary cause of failure, such as severe rutting
can also result in pavement surface cracking, or vice versa, yet the primary
cause of failure in the former case is the rutting.

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

4.4 Development of the Failure Knowledge and Charts

From hereon, using the concepts of the generic pavement failure chart demonstrated above,

the remainder of this chapter focuses on three predominant failure mechanisms seen on New

Zealand roads networks, which consist of predominantly flexible, unbound, granular,

chipsealed pavements. Accordingly, in order to develop the associated failure charts, the

following was carried out (refer Section 4.1.2):

• A literature review of the predominant types of pavement failure on New Zealand

roads, namely rutting, cracking, and shear failure;

• The canvassing of expert opinions to identify the causes of multiple failures and

interacting factors, and

• An analysis of New Zealand network datasets.

4.4.1 Review of the Fundamental Failure Factors

Rutting Failure:

Rutting is an indication of the deterioration of the structural integrity of the pavement; in

other words, the pavement is no longer able to dissipate the forces induced by the traffic

adequately. Rutting appears on pavements as depressions in the wheelpaths. There are two

main types of rutting; one related to the surface layer and one related to the structural layers

of the pavement. This research focuses on the latter, where the pavement presents wide

shallow ruts (CSRA, 1992). The impact from traffic loadings causes the lower layers of the

pavement to compact under the wheel loads (Papagiannakis and Masad, 2008), although

rutting can also be attributed to poor pavement support (CSRA, 1992). Several problems with

the underlying pavement layers, drainage, and aggregates contribute to poor pavement

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

support and densification of the materials. Therefore, excessive traffic loadings or problems

with the underlying layers of the pavement are the main causes of rutting failure.

Cracking Failure:

There are a number of different types of cracking (refer Section 2.2.2). However, the main

concern structurally for flexible pavements with all types of cracking is that the formation of

cracks permits the ingress of water into the lower layers of the pavement. Further concerns

include the impact on road user costs given the disintegration of the pavement surface,

resulting from interconnected cracking, which brings about an increase in the roughness

profile of the pavement.

Fatigue cracking is the prevalent type of cracking on New Zealand roads, and is caused by

excessive traffic loadings (CSRA, 1992), but it can also be a result of unbalanced pavement

layers (e.g. the stiffness of the individual pavement layers is unbalanced9 across the

pavement), poor pavement support, and / or the use of brittle surface materials (e.g. asphalt

which has aged excessively) (Henning et al., 2006; Martin, 2008). Narrow carriageways or

those without shoulders, common in rural areas of New Zealand, are also prone to edge

cracking, resulting from a lack of edge or shoulder support from the pavement, given the

shoulder is generally designed weaker than the pavement itself (Thom, 2008).

Joint or imbalanced cracking does not often occur on the roads in New Zealand; however,

most of this type of cracking is caused by a stiff upper layer (Henning, 2008), and usually

occurs in stabilised pavements. Other causes include a brittle surface material, thermal cycles,

and moisture changes.

Where there is an excessive accumulation of stress between successive pavement layers.

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

Thermal cracking results from temperature changes in the environment but can also be

caused by surface shrinkage, reflective cracks originating beneath the surface, and top down

cracking (Thom, 2008).

The other common type of cracking in New Zealand is longitudinal, transverse, or block

cracking. The causes of this type of cracking is similar to other types of cracking, such as top

down cracking, brittle materials, reflective cracking from underlying layers, and shrinkage. In

addition, longitudinal segregation and construction techniques, such as joints or widening

projects, can cause longitudinal, transverse, or block cracking (Henning, 2008).

Shear Failure:

Shear failure commonly manifests itself on the pavement surface as potholes or deformations

and, unlike rutting, can occur anywhere on the pavement section. Generally, as a result of

seasonally changing zones of moisture in the base layers, shear failures are prevalent on or

near the edge of the pavement (Emery, 1992; Schlotjes et al., 2009; Thom, 2008) (see Figure

4-2 below). Like cracking, such defects can allow water to enter the pavement.

A weak basecourse or underlying layers cause shear failures, due to layer compression,

causing depressions throughout the pavement. Inadequate material properties, insufficient

shoulder support, and material shear can also cause shear failures (Schlotjes et al., 2011).

This type of failure is usually not a direct result of excessive traffic on low volume roads

(Schlotjes et al., 2011); however, traffic loadings can further exacerbate it. Insufficient

shoulder support permits shoulder failure and subsequently results in failure near the edge of

the pavement.

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

4.4.2 Expert Knowledge from the Industry

Canvassing the opinions of experts provided this study with additional knowledge of road

pavement failure. Asset managers from New Zealand RCAs and a pavement specialist highly

regarded in the industry were consulted in this stage to assist with defining the interactions

between factors, infrequent and site-specific failure causes, the occurrence of multiple failure

mechanisms, and maintenance treatments. It is common for multiple factors and / or failure

mechanisms to occur simultaneously, thus making the correct failure mechanism(s) difficult

to diagnose (Schlotjes et al., 2011). Consulting with experts allowed such elements of failure

to be better understood and defined, and therefore the knowledge from the experts was

incorporated into the failure charts (Figures 4-7 to 4-11).

4.4.3 Preliminary Data Analysis

This section summarises the results of the preliminary data analysis (see Appendix B). The

objectives of the preliminary data analysis were:

• To identify the additional relationships between failure and potential causes of

road pavement failure;

• To identify apparent trends on New Zealand road networks, and

• To identify site-specific factors.

The above relationships, trends, and factors were not immediately identifiable in the

literature. However, the results of the descriptive data analysis (see Appendix B) suggest the

importance of defining such associations. Given the variation in the geography and

environments of New Zealand, the inclusion of site-specific factors and apparent trends on

New Zealand road networks ensured this research produced comprehensive failure charts,

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

including the factors influencing pavement failure and their associated interactions for

flexible pavement failure. Data Analysis Methodology

The data analysis used simple descriptive statistical tools, included in the R statistical

package (Everitt and Hothorn, 2006), to assess the relationships between the variables in the

datasets considered (refer Table 3-1). Smoothing the trend line when examining the

relationships between the variables was required to remove the noise associated with some

variables and provide clarity to the exercise. In these cases, to avoid confusion, the smoothed

trend line is presented in the figures below as a red line, unless otherwise stated.

Two independent datasets were analysed:

• Southland District Council (SDC) road network data, and

• Long-term Pavement Performance (LTPP) programme data.

The SDC is a local authority at the southern base of the South Island, New Zealand. As the

RCA for the Southland district, the SDC manages a network of approximately

6,450 kilometres of pavements with 2,770 kilometres of these pavements being sealed (Land

Transport New Zealand, 2008). These roads are typical of network hierarchical level and

omit any State Highway roads located in the Southland District. The SDC dataset includes

network data typical of all RCAs in New Zealand and, although the data was not as detailed

in comparison to the research-based LTPP datasets, the SDC dataset is one of New Zealand’s

more suitable local authority datasets, with a completeness of inspection data and an

extensive and inclusive history of maintenance and inspections. The available RAMM data

was able to be collated and manipulated accordingly to obtain variables similar to those

described in Table 3-1 and included in the LTPP datasets.

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

Unfortunately, the SDC dataset lacked information required to determine advanced

relationships, such as those involving detailed pavement inventory data. Therefore, the LTPP

datasets, described in Section 3.3, were analysed to ensure such detailed relationships were

included in the development of the failure charts. The two LTPP datasets (State Highway and

Local Authority) were analysed separately. Rutting Relationships

Strong correlations emerged between traffic loadings and the base layer properties of the

pavement with rutting failure respectively, such as greater rut depths were reported as the

traffic (AADT and HCV) increased and on older pavements. Although the SDC dataset

showed less robust relationships between rutting and traffic than the LTPP dataset (see

Appendix B), traffic loadings and base layer properties were concluded as predominant

factors in the rutting failure mechanism.

However, negative straight-line correlations were found to exist between high speed rutting

condition data and pavement width in the LTPP dataset, particularly concerning the left-hand

wheelpaths. This suggests the width of the pavement influences the rut depths on the

pavement, as narrower pavements concentrate the traffic into distinct wheelpaths resulting in

less traffic wander across the pavement and a greater amount of deterioration in the

wheelpaths. In addition, the State Highway sites showed greater rutting deterioration than the

Local Authority sites, which is understandable, considering the difference in design life,

traffic loadings, and compositions between these two networks. Conclusive relationships

concerning rutting in the right-hand wheelpath were evident in this analysis, in comparison to

the left-hand wheelpath, although it should be noted that the reported rutting depths were

greater in the left-hand wheelpath. Figure 4-2 demonstrates how the seasonal variation in

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

moisture directly underneath the left-hand wheelpath impacts on the robustness of the

correlations relating to rutting in the left-hand wheelpath (Emery, 1992).

Figure 4-2: Outer zones of moisture variation below the pavement

(adapted from Emery, 1992)

Furthermore, by visual inspection of the smoothed relationship (refer red line in Figure 4-3),

pavements with cracked surfaces, predominantly alligator cracking, showed greater rut depths

than those without cracked surfaces; however when other cracking types were explored, there

was no distinct differences in rutting depths between these two surface conditions. From this,

alligator cracking can be seen to aggravate the progression of rutting, most probably as a

result of water ingress into the lower pavement layers further deteriorating the pavement’s

structural integrity (Thom, 2008).

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

Given : Crack Status


Not Cracked

0 2000 6000 10000

Rutting Depth in Left-hand Wheelpath (mm)


Given : Pavement Surface Age (years)




0 2000 6000 10000

Figure 4-3: The influence of cracked surfaces on rutting depths, based on alligator cracking only,
for the State Highway LTPP road network

From correlation plots, greater rut depths were visible on older pavements compared to

younger pavements, and a rapid increase (shown by the red trend line associated with the

positive rut progressions in Figure 4-4) in the rut depths were observed as older pavements

aged further. The blue trend line in Figure 4-4 presented little information on the relationship

between negative rut progressions and the age of the pavement. However, on young, weak

pavements that carried increased traffic volumes, the pavement was found to be more

susceptible to rapid rutting deterioration, yet older pavements did not. Interestingly and

unexpectedly, thicker pavements (100 – 1000 mm deep) in the LTPP datasets displayed

greater rut depths than thin pavements (0 – 100 mm thick) (see the smoothed red trend lines

in Figure 4-5), although this may be a direct result of the pavement design. Capturing this

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

anomaly in the failure charts poses difficulty; instead, this research included pavement layer

thickness as an influential rutting failure factor.

Mean Rut Progression in Left-hand Wheelpath vs Base Layer Age


Positive Rut Progressions (mm/yr)
Negative Rut Progressions (mm/yr)
Mean Rut Progression (mm / yr)


20 40 60 80 100

Age of Base Layer (years)

Figure 4-4: Aged pavements in the State Highway LTPP road network showing greater rut progressions

Given : Base Layer Depth Given : Base Layer Depth

Thick Thick

Thin Thin
Rutting Depth in the Right Wheelpath (mm)
Rutting Depth in the Left Wheelpath (mm)

0 2000 6000 10000 0 2000 6000 10000






0 2000 6000 10000 0 2000 6000 10000


(a) Left-hand wheelpath rutting (b) Right-hand wheelpath rutting

Figure 4-5: Greater rutting depths on thicker pavements in the State Highway LTPP road network

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

From the above, it may be seen that the following factors influence rutting failure:

• Pavement width;

• Traffic volumes and vehicle classifications;

• Seasonal moisture zones which occur below the left-hand wheelpath;

• Cracked surfaces;

• Water ingress due to breaks (cracks) in the pavement surfaces, and

• Base layer properties, namely the age and thickness of this layer. Cracking Relationships

The correlation plots from the analysis on the SDC dataset suggested that the cracking

reported on the pavement was predominantly caused by traffic related factors, including

traffic loadings. The SDC dataset provided limited information on the different types of

surface cracking; however, a visually apparent relationship was shown between transverse

cracking and the age of the pavement surface in the LTPP dataset, as shown in Figure 4-6.

The analysis of the LTPP data did not show all of the typical relationships expected between

the occurrence of alligator cracking and the factors that the literature suggested may cause

such defects. For example, no conclusive relationship could be found between the age of the

pavement’s surface layer and alligator (fatigue) cracking. Furthermore, alligator cracking was

observed to be more severe across the whole pavement than that observed to occur

specifically in the wheelpaths, which contradicts the expectation that repetitive traffic

loadings can cause alligator cracking. Therefore, it may be concluded that in low volume

roads the predominant causes of alligator cracking is environmental loading or the properties

of the binder of the bituminous layer.

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

Pavement Surface Age vs Transverse Cracking

Fraction of Pavement Cracking is Displayed


5 10 15 20

Pavement Surface Age

Figure 4-6: Relationship between transverse cracking and surface age on pavements in the Local
Authority LTPP road network Shear Relationships

Conclusive relationships were difficult to establish between the manifestations of shear

failure and parameters that the literature would suggest are influential, due to a lack of

categorical material properties in the datasets, such as information on aggregates used in

construction of the road pavement. However, the SDC data confirmed that the narrower

pavements reported a greater percentage of shoving and number of potholes on pavements,

which further substantiated the literature detailing the relationship between shear failures and

pavement width (Emery, 1992; Thom 2008).

Complementing the Subject Knowledge Summary of Preliminary Data Analysis

The findings from the preliminary analysis reported above were used in the development of

the failure charts and are summarised below:

• Traffic factors (loading volumes and vehicle classes) were main contributors to

rutting and cracking failure;

• Pavement width influenced both rutting and shear failures;

• Clear and conclusive relationships concerning rutting in the right-hand

wheelpaths, as a result of less variation in the data, were presented, suggesting a

cause of rutting in the left-hand wheelpath is moisture ingression from

surrounding soils and seasonal variations in the moisture zones;

• Cracked surfaces permitted water ingress and resulted in greater rut depths;

• The age and thickness of the base layer impacted on the depth and progression of

rutting, and

• Cracking was not directly related with the age of the pavement, yet showed

potential correlations with the surface age (refer Figure 4-6). Additional Notable Findings

Other notable findings from the analysis of the datasets are summarised below:

• State Highway pavements in the LTPP data were of a higher strength than the

Local Authority pavements, which was expected given the higher traffic volumes

on the State Highway network (see Appendix B), and

• The design of the State Highway and Local Authority pavements differed as a

result of the diverse road environments and traffic loadings of these pavements.

Given this, opposing correlations were drawn from the analysis of the two LTPP

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

(State Highway and Local Authority) datasets. Although, in these cases, this

created difficulties in defining conclusive relationships between failure and their

respective causes, the research datasets provided valuable knowledge to the failure

charts, particularly relationships involving pavement composition, traffic, and

environmental (water ingress) factors.

4.5 Developed Failure Charts

The failure charts presented in Figures 4-7 to 4-11 have been developed, following the

principles of typical FTA10 (Lazzaroni et al., 2011) for creating fault trees, for rutting,

cracking, and shear failure using the engineering knowledge ascertained from the above

analysis, as per Section 4.4, and included:

• Common causes of failure reported in the literature;

• Opinions from pavement experts, and

• The results from the analysis of the LTPP datasets and SDC dataset, where

additional causes of failure were established.

The presentation of the failure charts follows that of Figure 4-1 (refer Section 4.3) where the

factors involved in pavement failure are sequential, based on their causative nature. Figures

4-8 to 4-10 show the five predominant types of cracking (fatigue, edge, joint or imbalanced,

thermal, longitudinal or transverse or block cracking). Based on the FTA approach (refer

Section 4.2), the failure charts present a combination of factors, indicating that failure is not

always a result of a single factor as shown through the use of multiple and successive

Such principles for the development of fault trees include defining the problem, setting rules for the
constituents of the failure on whether the causes of failure can occur simultaneously or distinctly, and event

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

branches. These combinations represent the failure paths, which in turn identifies the

predominant causes of failure. The individual failure paths consider the interactions between

the failure factors, such that the interdependent nature of the factors involved in pavement

failure can be represented in the computational model (see further Section 4.6).

For example, in Figure 4-7, rutting failure can be solely attributed to excessive traffic

loadings, or attributed to a larger number of factors stemming from poor pavement support

under the induced (design) traffic loadings. However, poor pavement support is a product of a

weak basecourse, arising from water ingress as a result of inadequate drainage for example.

Therefore, the cause of rutting in this case is inadequate drainage which, defined by the

critical failure path, is a result of water ingress weakening the basecourse and ultimately

resulting in rutting.

Examples of rutting not directly caused by traffic loadings are shown under the deformation

branch in Figure 4-7, which can be further split into defects contained in the structural layers

of the pavement. These defects can either be associated with the base layer or the subgrade.

The base layer problems result from inadequate pavement design, quality of the construction

and materials, excessive traffic loadings, or narrow carriageways. The problems with the

subgrade result from inadequate pavement design, the design life of the pavement above the

subgrade has been exceeded, excessive traffic loadings directly affecting the subgrade, or

excessive moisture content in the subgrade to cause deformations to the pavement. These

defects are further defined, as shown in Figure 4-7. Similar approaches to failure for cracking

and shear failure are presented in Figures 4-8 to 4-11.

It is recognised that failure could occur with failure modes occurring simultaneously (for

example rutting could occur at the same time as cracking). Such interdependencies have not

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

been represented directly on the failure charts to preserve the clarity of the two-dimensional

failure paths. Nevertheless, the developed computational model is capable of dealing with

such interdependencies, as discussed in Section 6.5.

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

Figure 4-7: Failure chart of rutting failure

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

Figure 4-8: Failure chart for cracking failure - part 1

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

Figure 4-9: Failure chart for cracking failure - part 2

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

Figure 4-10: Failure chart for cracking failure - part 3

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

Figure 4-11: Failure chart for shear failure

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

4.6 Future Use of the Understanding in this Research

Figure 4-12 illustrates conceptually how the three sources of knowledge captured in the form

of failure charts is used in this research to diagnose the cause of pavement failure and

subsequently to assist in determining the probability (likelihood) of failure. Given that the

five failure factors (traffic, composition, strength, environment, and subgrade sensitivity) are

embedded in each failure chart, the combinations of these factor groups are presented as the

failure paths involved in each failure mechanism, per failure chart, and therefore represent the

interactions between the causes of failure for each failure mechanism. Each of these factor

combinations will be modelled (see Chapter Five), and the successful factor combinations

will be compared against the failure charts to ensure the inference of engineering knowledge

in the computational model (refer Section 3.1.1). Only the successful factor combinations

associated with the respective failure mechanism will be included in the development of the

prototype system (see Chapter Six). With this approach, the combinations taken forward in

this research will represent each failure path presented in the developed failure charts,

dependent on the data present in the research dataset(s).

As the most probable failure path is predicted by the system (refer Section 3.3.4 and further

Section 6.2.1), the knowledge captured in the failure charts is used to further diagnose the

causes of failure. This process is further discussed in Chapter Seven.

Complementing the Subject Knowledge



Model Outputs DIAGNOSIS Failure Factors


Figure 4-12: Employment of the understanding

4.7 Summary of Understanding Road Pavement Failure

This chapter discussed the importance of, and the process associated with, fully

understanding road pavement failure. To this end, this research developed a methodology of

collating engineering knowledge to predict the likelihood of pavement failure. Such

knowledge was obtained:

• From the literature;

• Through canvassing the opinions of experts, and

• Via a preliminary analysis of two road datasets.

Five groups of factors were identified in this chapter that influence pavement failure, which

could be considered generic for sealed road pavements. This chart was then expanded and

further developed using the FTA approach to describe rutting, cracking, and shear failures

(Figures 4-7 to 4-11). This process was further informed by the analysis of two datasets

obtained on New Zealand roads, ensuring that site-specific failure knowledge was captured in

the failure charts.

Although the focus of these charts is on flexible pavement failure, the methodology

developed (Section 4.1.2) can be followed for other pavement types.

Complementing the Subject Knowledge

The failure charts developed, and the engineering knowledge which they capture, will be

used to inform the development of the computational model which will ultimately be used to

determine the probability of pavement failure from road datasets. The choice and

development of these models is the focus of the remainder of this thesis.

Chapter Five

Which Technique is Best?

5.1 Introduction

To address Objective Two of the research, this chapter presents a comparative study of a

number of classification techniques suitable for the prototype system together with an

objective process for selecting the most appropriate modelling technique for the prototype

system. The literature review (Chapter Two) identified a number of modelling techniques that

have been previously used in pavement performance studies primarily in deterioration

modelling. However, given the definition of failure in the research dataset (refer Section

Which Technique is Best?, a range of studies successfully employed classification techniques to solve binary

problems, and these studies were considered in the development of this chapter.

The purpose of the comparative study is therefore to comparatively assess the performance of

the classification modelling techniques identified in Section 2.6. To do so, objective-based

criteria, which included interpretability, inference of engineering knowledge, and

performance elements, are used to select a number of suitable classification techniques for the

task at hand from the methods reviewed in Section 2.6. These techniques are discussed in

detail and their performance using the research dataset is evaluated.

Utilising a second criteria, the techniques are ranked based on their performance,

interpretability and usability, and model generalisation to determine the most appropriate

method for use in the prototype system described in Chapter Six.

5.1.1 Methodology for Selecting the Appropriate Technique

The methodology presented in this chapter was divided into three sections, as shown in

Figure 5-1:

1. Select modelling techniques from the available techniques identified in the

literature review using the first criteria, which may be considered initially suitable

for the use in the prototype system;

2. Evaluate the performance of each technique using appropriate performance

measures, and

3. Rank each technique, using an additional set of criteria, to determine the most

appropriate modelling technique to further develop.

Which Technique is Best?

Figure 5-1: Methodology to select most suitable modelling technique

The first criteria referenced the advantages and disadvantages of each classification technique

reviewed in Section 2.6 (refer Table 2-3). The criteria included the performance of the

technique, user interpretability, short running time, and specific criteria to meet the needs of

Which Technique is Best?

road network asset managers, such as the inference of engineering knowledge into the model,

non-linearity properties, the use of the model with a large number of input variables, and non-

stochastic model properties.

To evaluate the performance of each technique, performance measures were employed.

Accuracy may be seen as a logical measure of the performance of a modelling technique;

however, it is often characterised as a poor performance measure when used alone, due to its

biasness towards the results (Ben-David, 2008; Parker, 2011). Much of the literature still used

accuracy to evaluate the techniques, given its simple calculations, often alongside other

performance measures. Therefore, this research employed accuracy alongside other point

performance measures, which are further described in Section 5.3.2, and listed below:

• Accuracy;

• Misclassification error;

• F-score, and

• Phi coefficient.

The second criteria ranked each of the suitable techniques according to their performance in

three categories:

• Model performance based on the research dataset;

• The speed, usability and interpretability of the technique, and

• Generalisation of the model to ensure the technique is not overly complex to the

detriment of the predictions and does not over-fit.

Which Technique is Best?

This criterion above is weighted based on the importance of each category to the

implementation of the overall prototype system in the asset management industry of road


R statistical software (Everitt and Hothorn, 2006), previously used in Chapter Four, was

employed to construct each classification model.

5.1.2 Dataset for the Study

The State Highway LTPP dataset described in Section 3.3.1 was used in this chapter.

Forecasting the future probability states of the LTPP sites was not addressed in this study;

instead, to increase the amount of data available to train the modelling technique with, the

historical data collected in the LTPP programme was used inherently as single entries

resulting in a total of 4512 datapoints in the research dataset. Table 3-1 presented earlier

details the variables from the State Highway LTPP dataset to be included in each of the

models, per factor group identified in Chapter Four (refer Table 4-1). It should be further

noted that the comparative study herein focuses only on the rutting, fatigue cracking, and

shear failure mechanisms. Data Manipulation

For success in modelling and to remove any discrepancies in the research dataset, the State

Highway LTPP dataset was manipulated consistently across all variable fields prior to the

assessment, using the following approaches:

1. Missing Values: Where missing values occurred in the dataset, a nominal value

of zero (0) was assumed. This represents the worst possible scenario for the road

pavement consistently across the majority of the missing fields in the State

Which Technique is Best?

Highway LTPP dataset. For this study, this assumption was considered sufficient;

however, other methods of assigning values to missing fields are discussed in

Chapter Eight (see Section;

2. Normalisation: The maximum and minimum values of the independent variables

in the dataset differ significantly. For example, the traffic data ranges from

between 100 and 10,000 vehicles per day, while the pavement age variable has

values which are seldom above 100. Therefore, to avoid biasness between the

independent variables and minimise data redundancy within the model, each

independent variable was normalised using a straight-line transformation.

Adopting this assumption often carries concerns given road pavement data seldom

follows a normal distribution (further discussed in Section; however, the

preliminary analysis of the State Highway LTPP dataset did not indicate a

distortion in the distributions of the independent variables (see Appendix B) and,

therefore, this assumption will not impact negatively on the purpose of this

comparative study, and

3. Weighting Factor: Failure is avoided on road networks by the implementation of

proactive maintenance strategies to maintain the integrity of the network. As a

result, data representing sound road sections in road network datasets occur far

more commonly than data representing failed sections, resulting in limited failure

data with which to train a computational model. To address the issue of imbalance

between reported failures and sound pavement sites, this research applied a

weighting factor based on a ratio of the occurrence of failures to non-failures in

Which Technique is Best?

the State Highway LTPP dataset. This is further discussed in Chapter Eight (see


5.2 Selecting the Classification Techniques

For the comparative study, suitable classification techniques were selected using the first

criteria, based on the merits and limitations of both discriminative and generative techniques

(refer Table 2-3). Section 2.6 reviewed the literature where these techniques have been used

as a binary classifier. The first criteria inferred non-technical aspects of the methods with the

reported performance of each, as follows:

1. The overall prototype system must accurately classify the occurrence of failure for

road pavement data. The performance of the technique is subsequently involved in

the choice of the most suitable technique for further development and, therefore,

this comparative study aims to trial the better performing classification

techniques. Thus the success and performance of the classification technique in

binary studies must be well documented in the literature despite the research


2. A number of factors can be involved in the failure of road pavements and, as a

result, an extensive amount of data is associated with road networks. The size of

the dataset is greatly influenced by the size of the road network; thus the

modelling technique must be able to cope with all sizes of datasets with an

extensive number of external variables;

3. Chapter Four discussed the complexity of road pavement failure, particularly the

complex interactions between failure factors (Reigle, 2000) and the difficulty of

replicating such interactions with computational models. It is not expected a linear

Which Technique is Best?

model function will accurately replicate such behaviour, thus pavement failure

will be better represented with non-linear model forms. Non-linear modelling

techniques should be favoured in this study; however, if required, the use of linear

techniques should be with caution;

4. The computational efficiency of the model is imperative for the implementation in

RCAs. The time required for the modelling technique to output predictions should

be minimal (e.g. quick to run);

5. Furthermore, the training process of the model should be simple, as well as easily

inferred and based on the occurrences in the data (e.g. no randomness in the

model) to ensure accurate replication of pavement performance. Therefore, the

modelling technique should avoid randomness in the predictions, ‘black box’

approaches, and stochastic processes in the model, as well as being simple and

easily inferred;

6. The overall process of this model, from training and application, should be easily

understood and interpretable by road asset managers, and

7. The novelty of this research infers engineering knowledge into the model

development and, therefore, the modelling technique should be able to make use

of human input (engineering knowledge).

Table 5-1 evaluates each of the techniques identified in the literature review, based on the

criteria outlined above.

Which Technique is Best?

Table 5-1: Evaluation of Modelling Approaches


Learning phase


Extensive data

Short running

Human Input

of the model

of the model
and inputs

Modelling Approaches
Bayesian networks NO YES YES NO NO1 YES YES2 4
Decision (probability) trees YES YES YES YES YES YES YES 7
3 4
Hidden Markov model NO YES YES YES NO YES NO 4
k-nearest neighbours NO NO YES NO NO YES YES 3
Linear discriminant analysis NO NO NO YES YES YES NO 3
Logistic regression YES NO NO YES YES YES NO 4
6 7 8 9
Neural Networks YES YES YES NO NO NO YES 4
Random Forests YES YES YES NO YES NO YES 5
Support Vector Machines YES YES YES NO YES NO YES 5
1 7
Probabilistic or stochastic processes involved He et al. (2012)
2 8
Subjective approach Probabilistic or stochastic processes involved
3 9
Requires a large amount of training data Strong independence in the model
4 10
Unfounded assumptions included in the model Supervised learning
5 11
User defines the distances between neighbours Through the use of kernels
Inferred from Bayesian networks

From the results above, the following five techniques with the highest score were selected to

further evaluate:

• Decision (probability) trees, the best performer across all criteria;

• Random forests, second equal performer;

• Support vector machines, second equal performer;

• Logistic regression, out of all the techniques with a score = 4, the performance

criteria dominated, and

• Neural networks, out of all the techniques with a score = 4, the performance

criteria dominated.

Which Technique is Best?

To summarise, logistic regression is the simplest discriminative, linear classifier (Eastaugh et

al., 1997). However, the nature of road pavement data is not always linearly separable;

therefore, to address this, non-linear techniques were considered. Support vector machines

met five out of seven criteria above and neural networks was reported a good performer in the

literature. Both methods infer human knowledge into the model and are non-linear; however,

neural networks are less interpretable than support vector machines, although the way in

which both of these techniques work can be difficult to understand (refer Table 2-3).

Decision (probability) trees outperformed the other classifiers across all the criteria, yet the

simple format of this modelling technique suggests a limited performance, through a simple

model curve (decision boundary), associated with the optimal solution. However, random

forests are more expressive but very difficult to interpret visually in comparison to trees.

5.3 Further Scrutiny of Classification Techniques Using Road

Pavement Data

As previous comparative studies have focussed on the performance of classifiers given data

outside of the transportation sector, the five selected techniques are further scrutinised using

road pavement data, including:

• A review of the model formulation and definition;

• Definitions of the performance measures used in the assessment of the techniques,


• Evaluation of the performance of each technique in the transportation sector.

Which Technique is Best?

5.3.1 Review of the Selected Classification Techniques

The previous section selected five techniques for further investigation from those identified in

the literature review. This section reviews each of these five techniques with respect to the

model formulation and definition. Logistic Regression

Logistic regression is a linear classifier and notably reported as one of the simplest classifiers,

where a dichotomous11 dependent variable can be predicted as a probability (Menard, 2010;

Tu, 1996). Linear relationships between the independent and dependent variables are easily

explained with this method; however, given the general non-linearity of road pavement data

(refer Chapter Four), transforming the data by a natural logarithm of the odds, or logit of the

dependent variable (Equation 5-1), can illustrate non-linear relationships (Everitt and

Hothorn, 2006; Menard, 2010; Peng et al., 2002).

Equation 5-1
7 = ln
// = ln = 9 + :ଵ ;ଵ + ⋯ + :௡ ;௡

The outputs of the logit(Y) would be of a natural logarithm and therefore it is possible to

convert the predicted outputs into a feasible solution, the odds, by the use of exponentials

(Menard, 2010; Peng et al., 2002), shown below:

Equation 5-2
//(7) =  ୪୬ଵିగ =

ఈାఉ ௑ ା⋯ାఉ ௑

Where the variable can be divided into two parts or classes. Binary variables are characterised by dichotomy.

Which Technique is Best?

Converting the output for odds (Equation 5-2) into practical probabilities, Equation 5-3 is

used (Everitt and Hothorn, 2006; Menard, 2002):

Equation 5-3

7 = 
7 = 1 =
ఈାఉ ௑ ା⋯ାఉ ௑

1 + //(7) 1 +  ఈାఉ ௑ ା⋯ାఉ௑


Equations 5-1, 5-2, and 5-3 express the exact same logistic regression output in three

different formats, depending on what is desirable by the user (Menard, 2010). The easiest

method to analyse a binary dependent variable, given the non-linearity, is using the logit form

of the probability. Mathematically, the logit format allows the output to be ± ∞ which, given

the theory surrounding probabilities, is unattainable for a probability (Menard, 2010).

However, the transformation given in Equation 5-3 ensures the predicted probabilities adhere

to probability theory (0 ≤ (; = 1) ≤ 1).

The optimal model curve (the computational solution to the mathematical problem) is found

by an iterative process, which revises the initial provisional solution until the errors of the

model are no longer improving or are negligible. The parameters associated with the

converged (best) solution characterise the trained logistic regression model (Menard, 2010). Neural Networks

Neural networks are a non-linear classifier that have performed well in solving classification

and prediction problems, yet they notably locate local minima as opposed to the global

minimum (Eastaugh et al., 1997; Faraway, 2006). Unfortunately, neural networks can be

difficult to interpret and are considered a ‘black box’, particularly as the connections from the

inputs to the outputs through the hidden layer(s) are unknown to the user (Tu, 1996). Despite

the limitations of this method, it is a valuable computational tool and is popular for solving

resource intensive complex problems (Saghafi et al., 2009).

Which Technique is Best?

A neural network model typically comprises of three parameters:

1. The layout of the network;

2. The learning process of the network for updating the weights, and

3. The activation function for converting the weighted input into the predicted


Neural networks, often referred to as feed-forward multi-layer perceptrons, consist of a

minimum of three layers; input(s), output, and at least one hidden layer. Each node in one

layer is connected to every node in the succeeding layer by a weight, as shown in Figure 5-2.

With similarities to the human brain, the inputs are processed through a series of nodes

arranged through hidden layers, organising themselves unbeknown to the user in such a way

that the desired output is predicted. Although the presence of a hidden layer infers a ‘black

box’ approach, the inclusion of this layer allows a neural network to model non-linear

relationships (Tu, 1996). Multiple hidden layers are possible in neural networks; however,

overly complicated and large networks may result in over-fitting of the data, such that there is

no advantage of having more than one hidden layer (Tu, 1996), or more than 10 nodes in one

hidden layer.

Figure 5-2: Multi-layer perceptron neural network

(adapted from Tu, 1996)

Which Technique is Best?

The training of this network is done by the backpropagation learning process, popular with

neural network applications to converge the best solution. Initially, the network error  is fed

backwards through the network (from output to input) to adjust the weights of each

connection line between the nodes (Aitkin and Foxall, 2003; Tu, 1996).The network error 

(Equation 5-4) is calculated at the output node j by:

Equation 5-4

 = * ௝ ଶ

ℎ:   ℎ     ℎ   


This error is then sent back through the network and each hidden node (towards the input

node i) to adjust the connection weights < (Tu, 1996), using a gradient descent (Equation 5-

5), where = defines the learning rate (always positive) to ensure the convergence of the

results (Gupta and Lam, 1998; Reed and Marks II, 1999).

Equation 5-5

Δ<௝௜ = −=

,- ,-
ℎ: − = /′(. ) 0 − 1
,. ,.

The desired output of a node is defined by the activation function (?). A linear activation

function would remove the hidden layer of the network resulting in a linear system, thus such

networks employ non-linear activation functions to solve non-linear classification problems.

A number of functions are possible for neural networks; however, for this type of multilayer

perceptron network the sigmoid activation function is appropriate (Equation 5-6) and can be

represented as a hyperbolic tangent with the range -1 to 1, or as a logistic function with a

range of 0 to 1, respectively (Eastaugh et al., 1997; Faraway, 2006; Tu, 1996):

Which Technique is Best?

? = tanh
@௜ / ? =
1 +  ିజ ିଵ
Equation 5-6

ℎ: .  ℎ  ℎ !  ℎ 


The normalisation and differentiable rules associated around Equation 5-5 are directly

transferable to the activation function; the sigmoid function satisfies these rules and is

therefore applied to all the nodes (Aitkin and Foxwall, 2003). After the error (Equation 5-4)

converges, the resulting neural network model is defined by the connection weights (shown

in Figure 5-2). Support Vector Machines

A large number of studies have employed support vector machines as a non-linear classifier

(Rogers and Girolami, 2012) since they were first developed by Cortes and Vapnik (1995)

and may be considered to be similar to neural networks. Unlike logistic regression, the

outputs are non-probabilistic; however, a distribution can be fitted around the outputs to

obtain probabilities by employing scaling methods (Karatzoglou et al., 2006). Support vector

machines create a non-linear decision boundary to separate the data with minimal errors.

To do so, the method uses a higher dimensional feature space to map the input vector, defined

by the input variables, and it is hoped that in this feature space the transformed data can be

linearly separated, such as in Figure 5-3. To transform the input data into the higher

dimensional space, kernels are employed. Table 5-2 presents the kernels available and their

associated decision boundary shape. A linear kernel will produce a linear separator and a

polynomial kernel will result in a curved decision boundary; thus confirming the polynomial,

radial basis function, and sigmoid kernel are more flexible than the linear kernel. Each of

these requires additional input parameters that are set by the user, thus inferring human

Analogous to the human brain, where the synapses are the junctions and connections between the nodes.

Which Technique is Best?

knowledge into the computational model. The radial basis function is a popular kernel to use

because the decision boundary associated with this kernel is easily manipulated through the

transformed data, opposed to the others. When used, although not popular with support vector

machines, the sigmoid kernel replicates a multilayer perceptron neural network (Rogers and

Girolami, 2012).

Figure 5-3: Transformed data using the support vector machines classifier
(adapted from Van Looy et al., 2007)

Table 5-2: Kernel Methods for Support Vector Machines

(adapted from Kecman, 2005; Rogers and Girolami, 2012)

Kernel Method Equation
Linear Straight line, through the data 23 , 3  = 3 3
Polynomial (of degree d) Curve, through the data 23 , 3  = (1 + 3 3 )
Radial Basis Function (or Circular, surrounding part of
23 , 3  =  ೙ ೘ 
೅ (  )
೙ ೘
Gaussian) the data
Sigmoid S-curve, through the data 23 , 3  = tanh(4 3 3 + )

The decision boundary is used to classify the data and, as a linear separator, can be defined as

(Kecman, 2005):

# = ±
A # + 
Equation 5-7

Which Technique is Best?

The ± sign references the data either side of the decision boundary and A and  are

calculated from the data in the learning task of the model. The parameters relate to the

optimal model where the margin (γ) defined in Figure 5-4 is greatest, or the loss is


Figure 5-4: Margins surrounding the decision boundary

(adapted from Rogers and Girolami, 2012)

The decision boundary is optimally placed to maximise the margin between the closest points

either side to the boundary. This margin is calculated as the perpendicular distance from the

decision boundary to the closest points on either side (Gil and Johnsson, 2011). A smaller

margin would allow for a greater error (loss) of the model with a smaller confidence between

class separators. Therefore, with reference to Figure 5-4, the margin can be written

mathematically as (Rogers and Girolami, 2012):

Equation 5-8

B= A்
Dଵ − Dଶ

ℎ: 3  3  ℎ       ℎ     

Which Technique is Best?

Since Equation 5-7 can be rewritten as

A் # +  = ± 1, Equation 5-8 becomes (Rogers and

Girolami, 2012):

Equation 5-9

Dଵ − Dଶ
2B =

A் Dଵ − A் Dଶ

(A் Dଵ + ) − (A் Dଶ + )

1 + 1


Therefore, to solve the classification problem, Equation 5-9 must be maximised. Since D૚ and

D૛ are the closest points to the decision boundary, these are known as the support vectors and

define the decision boundary; thus they can be seen as the model definition. To predict a new

observation, instead of the model using the entire dataset to relate the new observation in the

feature space as some techniques do, support vector machines use only the known support

vectors to define the boundary (Rogers and Girolami, 2012). The new observation is plotted

with just this information, making this technique more computer efficient and faster than

others. Decision (Probability) Trees

Decision trees, referred to in the remainder of the thesis as probability trees, are a hierarchical

classification method to solve both classification and regression problems. This technique is

very interpretable and easily understood, yet their performance is expected to be inferior to

the previous techniques, given the limited expressiveness of the model format and associated

Which Technique is Best?

decision boundary in comparison to the other methods. However, given the advantage of

yielding human-interpretable results, the inferior competitiveness regarding the model

performance of this technique can be overlooked (Chen et al., 2004).

A sequence of questions is answered at each ‘node’ and when there are no longer any

questions to ask, the tree ends with a terminal node or ‘leaf’. Foote (1994) described the three

parts involved in the construction of a probability tree as:

1. Splitting rule, which determines the decision threshold of the node (in other

words, how the nodular question is answered);

2. Stopping rule, to determine when the recursion ends (when the tree no longer

expands and a node becomes a terminal node), and

3. Labelling rule, assigning a class label to each terminal node.

The data is partitioned between each node by answering each nodular question; however, the

possible positions of these partitions are endless. An optimal partition may not be attainable

and instead the position of the partition is constrained by the use of hyperplanes. The learning

phase of the model involves establishing this data separation and, subsequently, the optimal

position of the hyperplanes. Like most other methods, the splits are chosen to minimise the

loss of the model, or in other words maximise the gain (Foote, 1994), defined by Chen et al.

(2004) as the change in information entropy between the original .

 and predicted

#௜ ,  states given the inferred information from the model, such that:

#௜ ,  = .
 − .(#௜ , )
Equation 5-10

The tree continues to grow until no further split is possible or the node contains only one

class. To avoid over-fitting, some branches with low gain or contribution to the overall model

Which Technique is Best?

can be pruned (Everitt and Hothorn, 2006). This may mean that some internal nodes are

converted to terminal nodes, ignoring any subsequent splits beyond that node. As a result, an

optimum solution to the classification problem can be delivered.

On completion of the learning phase, nodes are assigned a respective class label and the

statistics associated with each terminal node, such as probabilities, are computed (Everitt and

Hothorn, 2006). For a new prediction, the constructed tree assigns the new observation with

the statistics associated with the predicted terminal node, once the observation has passed

through the tree. Random Forests

Random forests are an ensemble13 technique, analogous to bagging14 except this technique

compounds only the same type of classification model, where a collection of decision

(probability) trees are constructed to create a forest. Since they are constructed from

probability trees, the concepts of trees and recursive partitioning are applicable to random

forests to the extent that the learning mechanism of random forests is that of probability trees.

Although random forests are computationally effective given their substantial expressiveness

(Robnik-Šikonja, 2004), the complication of constructing a forest results in the model

becoming less interpretable than probability trees and difficult for the user to understand.

A number of specific rules are followed to construct a forest in addition to the learning phase

of decision (probability) trees. In the learning process, some randomness is introduced into

the splitting rule for each individual tree by growing each tree on a random subsample of the

data (Robnik-Šikonja, 2004). The collation of the trees aims for minimal repetition of the data

Several computational models are used together, often one after another, to improve on the overall
performance of the individual techniques.
Equal weights are given to each model, in this case each tree developed, to create an overall compounded
modelling system of individual trees.

Which Technique is Best?

classes and information at each terminal node. To achieve this, weighted voting is used to

combine the outputs of the individual trees, where new predictions are determined by the

highest number of class votes from all trees in the forest (Sirikulviriya and Sinthupinyo,


5.3.2 Performance Measures

The definition of the performance of a model is multi-dimensional, such that the assessment

methods of some performance measures are nonchalant and obscured. Logically, accuracy or

misclassification error measures would be employed to evaluate the performance of

modelling techniques. However, the accuracy of a model is not acceptable as a performance

measure alone as the bias results do not allow for random successes (Ben-David, 2008;

Dreiseitl and Ohno-Machado, 2002; Parker, 2011). To ensure this comparative study

sufficiently assessed the performance of the classification techniques, other performance

measures were explored, categorised as follows (Parker, 2011):

• Point Measures: These measures estimate the performance of the model at a specific

threshold and ignore all other threshold points. These types of estimates assume that

false positives and false negatives are equally undesirable (Parker, 2011). Examples

of such measures are the F-score and phi coefficient, and

• Integrated Measures: These measures evaluate model performance as the threshold

changes, such that the consequences with all incorrect predictions are considered in

the evaluation. Performance curves, such as the receiver operating characteristic

curve and Cohen’s kappa curve, are calculated by plotting such constituents (e.g.

sensitivity, false positive rate, and Cohen’s kappa) against each other across various

thresholds. Integrating the curve with the associated cost function evaluates the

Which Technique is Best?

performance of the technique using such measures as area under the receiver

operating characteristic curve, the area under the Cohen’s kappa curve, and the H-

measure (Fawcett, 2006; Parker, 2011; Rogers and Girolami, 2012).

With the changes in output demand of classification techniques, integrated measures are now

favoured for assessing the performance of modelling techniques as opposed to point measures

(Parker, 2011). Ideally integrated measures would be used for this research; however,

because of limitations in the data, the costs (consequences) associated with false positives and

false negatives were assumed to be equal, such that it is equally undesirable (e.g. an equal

cost function) to have an incorrect prediction of failure, whether that be a false positive or

false negative prediction. However, Parker (2011) reported that the phi coefficient was a

satisfactory alternative to integrated measures in addition to the comparative performance of

the F-score. Therefore, the F-score and phi coefficient, in conjunction with accuracy and

misclassification error, were used to assess the classification techniques using a failure

threshold of 0.5 (
; ≥ 0.5 = 1). These techniques are described further below. Performance (Confusion) Matrix

Figure 5-5 defines the elements of the confusion matrix, each used in the subsequent

performance measures.

0 1

0 True Positives False Positives
Number of predicted
1 False Negatives True Negatives
Number of predicted
N3 N4 NTotal
Number of non-failed Number of failed Total number of sites
sites sites (or predictions)
Figure 5-5: Confusion matrix (Fawcett, 2006; Sokolova and Lapalme, 2009)

Which Technique is Best?

For this research, sound pavements were assigned a zero (0) class, therefore correctly

predicted sound pavements were represented by true positives and sites predicted to fail but

were in fact sound were defined as false negatives. Failed pavements were assigned a one (1)

class and, therefore, true negatives were correctly predicted failures and sites predicted to be

sound but in fact had failed were false positives.

Direct relationships from the confusion matrix include:

Precision (positive predictive value): The proportion of predicted non-failures

correctly predicted (what proportion of the predicted sound pavements were in fact

sound?). A higher precision value indicates a higher level of confidence surrounding

the predicted sound pavements (Fawcett, 2006; Powers, 2011; Sokolova and Lapalme,


Equation 5-11

! =
-௉ + ௉

ℎ:        ℎ   ! * (   5 − 5)

Recall (sensitivity, true positive rate): The proportion of sound road pavement

sections correctly predicted (how many sound pavements were predicted as sound?).

The result indicates the ability of the technique to correctly identify sound pavements

(Fawcett, 2006; Powers, 2011; Rogers and Girolami, 2012; Sokolova and Lapalme,


Equation 5-12

! =
-௉ + ே

ℎ:        ℎ   ! * (   5 − 5)

Which Technique is Best?

Negative predictive value: Opposite to the positive predictive value, the proportion

of the predicted failed sites that are correctly predicted (what proportion of the

predicted failures had in fact failed?). A high percentage results in a strong

confidence regarding the predicted failures (Powers, 2011).

Equation 5-13

6 E/!   =

ே + -ே

ℎ:        ℎ   ! * (   5 − 5)

Specificity (true negative rate): The proportion of correctly predicted failures given

the total number of failed sections in the data (how many failed pavements were

predicted as failed?), where a high specificity indicates a strong ability of the

technique to identify failed pavements (Fawcett, 2006; Powers, 2011; Rogers and

Girolami, 2012; Sokolova and Lapalme, 2009).

Equation 5-14

)E!! =
௉ + -ே

ℎ:        ℎ   ! * (   5 − 5)

The performance assessment of the techniques should not be solely based on the direct

relationships from the confusion matrix as the above tests rarely conclude the practicality and

effectiveness of classification methods. Accuracy and Misclassifications

Both the accuracy and misclassification error measures calculate the percentages of

incorrectly predicted pavement sections, as shown below in Equations 5-15 and 5-16

(Powers, 2011; Rogers and Girolami, 2012; Sokolova and Lapalme, 2009). Ideally, a higher

accuracy, associated with a low misclassification error, is desirable to determine the

Which Technique is Best?

percentages of correctly and incorrectly predicted sound and failed pavement sites. However,

as stated above, the results from these calculations should not be used alone in assessing the

performance of classification techniques.

-௉ + -ே
Equation 5-15

%!! ! =
× 100 %

∑|௉௥௘ௗ௜௖௧௘ௗ − ஺௖௧௨௔௟ | ∑
௉ + ே
Equation 5-16

5!!  =
்௢௧௔௟ ்௢௧௔௟
× 100 % = × 100 %

ℎ :  ,  =            (    5 − 5)

 ,  =          (    5 − 5)

 =    , F-Score

The F-score measures the performance of the binary classifier on a scale of zero (0) to one

(1), where the closer the value is to 1, the more accurate the method is regarded (Parker,

2011; Sokolova and Lapalme, 2009). It is a weighted average of the precision and recall

values (the predictive power of the model to sound pavements); however, it neglects the

number of correctly predicted failures (e.g. the true negative rate). It is a preferred measure of

performance over accuracy calculations given its inclusion of incorrect predictions, and is

calculated by (Sokolova and Lapalme, 2009):

Equation 5-17

_)! =


Which Technique is Best? Phi Coefficient

The phi coefficient, also known as Matthews Correlation Coefficient, measures the

agreement between the inputs and the output and, therefore, how well the selected technique

predicted failed and sound pavements. A negative agreement, equal to -1, suggests the

majority of the results are incorrectly predicted, and a positive agreement of +1 would

demonstrate that the method is accurate in predicting road pavement failure (Powers, 2011).

A value of zero (0) indicates no relationship between the predictions and input variables.

The phi coefficient is often favoured above the F-score (Parker, 2011) because it takes into

account negative values (or failed pavement predictions), unlike the F-score which fails to

use the predictions of true negatives (failed pavements). It is calculated using the following

(Parker, 2011; Powers, 2011):

-௉ × -ே − ௉ × ே
Equation 5-18

Hଵ × ଶ × ଷ × ସ

where: T , T = Number of true positive and true negative predictions (refer Figure 5 − 5)

F , F = Number of false positive and false negative predictions (refer Figure 5 − 5)

     ℎ    ℎ      ℎ     (    5 − 5)

5.3.3 Methodology for Evaluation of Techniques

Using the R functions described in Appendix C, each classification model type was

constructed and tested using a reserved portion of the State Highway LTPP dataset. Given the

size of the research dataset, only a limited number of datapoints were able to be reserved

from this dataset for testing purposes; therefore, to ensure variability of the predictions is

accounted for in the results, a 10-fold cross-validation sampling method was employed

(Rogers and Girolami, 2012). This approach divided the dataset into 10 subsamples of equal

Which Technique is Best?

size, randomly selected, reserving one subsample for testing at all times. Therefore, over the

10 repetitions, 90 % of the dataset was used in the training phase of the model and the

remaining 10 % was reserved for testing. An average of these 10 repetitions, including each

calculated performance measure, was used to evaluate the performance of the classifiers.

With the randomness of this method, the testing sample does not guarantee to include an

equal number of failed and non-failed pavement observations.

Each of the factor combinations, comprising of the factor groups discussed in Chapter Four

(refer Section 4.6), shown in Table 5-3, were modelled individually to:

• Determine the correlation between the factor groups and failure mechanism to

validate the statistical computational model, and

• Establish the overall performance of the classification technique.

To do so, the accuracy of each model constructed was reported. An investigation of the

distributions of the four performance measures used box and whisker plots (Ayyub and

McCuen, 2003) to establish the overall performance of the technique. Density distribution

plots explored the performance of each factor combination per failure mechanism, against

each technique, to further add to the accuracy results. Finally, the Wilcoxon Signed Rank

Test (R Core Team, 2011) analysed the statistical significance between the means of the

performance measures. For this comparative study, the performance evaluation remained

impartial between the failure mechanisms.

Which Technique is Best?
Table 5-3: Factor Combinations of the Factor Groups












1 x 33 x x x
2 x 34 x x x
3 x 35 x x x
4 x 36 x x x
5 x 37 x x x
6 x 38 x x x
7 x x 39 x x x
8 x x 40 x x x
9 x x 41 x x x
10 x x 42 x x x x
11 x x 43 x x x x
12 x x 44 x x x x
13 x x 45 x x x x
14 x x 46 x x x x
15 x x 47 x x x x
16 x x 48 x x x x
17 x x 49 x x x x
18 x x 50 x x x x
19 x x 51 x x x x
20 x x 52 x x x x
21 x x 53 x x x x
22 x x x 54 x x x x
23 x x x 55 x x x x
24 x x x 56 x x x x
25 x x x 57 x x x x x
26 x x x 58 x x x x x
27 x x x 59 x x x x x
28 x x x 60 x x x x x
29 x x x 61 x x x x x
30 x x x 62 x x x x x
31 x x x 63 x x x x x x
32 x x x

Which Technique is Best?

5.3.4 Performance of the Classifiers

Based on the predicted probability of failure, the assessment of each classification technique

used the performance measures described in Section 5.3.2 to assist in determining the

suitability of each technique to the aim of this research. Accuracy and Misclassifications

Tables 5-4, 5-5, and 5-6 present the accuracy and misclassification error percentages based

on Equations 5-15 and 5-16, for each failure mechanism, and report the successful factor

combinations that failure can be correctly predicted from, given a successful accuracy

threshold of 100 % (and 90 % in the case of shear failure). In addition, the factor

combinations that performed the poorest for each technique are identified. The accuracy and

misclassification error percentages for all factor combinations trialled can be found in

Appendix D.

It is difficult from these results to determine the most accurate modelling technique; instead,

the technique(s) with the smallest misclassification error across the three failure mechanisms


• Rutting: Support vector machines and random forests (Table 5-4);

• Fatigue Cracking: Support vector machines and random forests (Table 5-5), and

• Shear: Support vector machines (Table 5-6).

Table 5-6 shows the performance of all modelling techniques are considerably less accurate

in predicting shear failures than that of the other two failure mechanisms. In addition to the

considerably higher misclassification error percentages, a greater number of factor

combinations were considered ‘worst trials’ for the shear failure mechanism, compared to the

Which Technique is Best?

rutting and fatigue cracking analysis. The inherent behaviour of shear failures and the lack of

material information in the State Highway LTPP dataset could be reason for this observation.

The successful factor combinations identified by the support vector machines and logistic

regression techniques correlated well with the respective failure charts in Chapter Four, such

that combinations containing strength, traffic and composition factors, for example, were

associated with predicting rutting failure. However, with the large number of successful

factor combinations reported for neural networks and random forests, the correlation may be

considered coincidental in some cases. Despite this, the surface condition factor group was

only evident in successful fatigue cracking combinations, which suggests forecasting failure

and basing maintenance decisions on the surface condition alone is erroneous.

Which Technique is Best?

Table 5-4: Summary of the Accuracy and Misclassification Error Results for Rutting Failure
(Average of 10-Fold Cross-Validation)

Modelling Factor Combinations Misclassification

Accuracy (%)
Technique Numbers Error (%)
Logistic Regression
12, 18, 22, 32, 33, 34, 39, 40, 42,
43, 44, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 100 0
62, 63
Worst Trial(s)
4 38 62
(< 50 %)
Neural Networks
1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
Best 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37,
100 0
Trial(s) 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,
57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63
Worst Trial(s)
5, 6, 20 64, 61, 60 36, 39, 40
(< 65 %)
Support Vector Machines
Best 3, 7, 8, 12, 16, 18, 22, 25, 26, 28,
100 0
Trial(s) 32, 34, 39, 42, 44, 46, 49, 53, 58
Worst Trial(s)
4, 6, 20 85 15
(< 85 %)
Probability Trees
8, 12, 22, 26, 27, 32, 33, 34, 42,
43, 44, 48, 52, 53, 54, 57, 58, 59, 100 0
62, 63
Worst Trial(s)
6, 20 28, 59 72, 41
(<60 %)
Random Forests
1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
Best 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36,
100 0
Trial(s) 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 57, 58, 59, 62,
Worst Trial(s)
5, 6, 19, 20 84, 85, 84, 85 15, 15, 13, 15
(< 85 %)

Which Technique is Best?

Table 5-5: Summary of the Accuracy and Misclassification Error Results for Fatigue Cracking Failure
(Average of 10-Fold Cross-Validation)

Modelling Factor Combinations Misclassification

Accuracy (%)
Technique Numbers Error (%)
Logistic Regression
7, 8, 22, 23, 24ab, 25, 26, 27ab,
28, 32, 33ab, 42, 43ab, 44, 45ab,
46, 47ab, 48ab, 49, 50a, 52ab, 100 0
57ab, 58, 59ab, 60ab, 61ab, 62ab,
Worst Trial(s)
6 47 54
(< 50 %)
Neural Networks
1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10ab, 11, 12, 13,
14ab, 15, 16, 17ab, 18, 22, 23,
24ab, 25, 26, 27ab, 28, 30, 31ab,
Best 32, 33ab, 34, 35ab, 36, 37ab, 38ab,
100 0
Trial(s) 39, 40ab, 42, 43ab, 44, 45ab, 46,
47ab, 48ab, 49, 50ab, 51ab, 52ab,
53, 54ab, 55ab, 56ab, 57ab, 58,
59ab, 60ab, 61ab, 62ab, 63ab
Worst Trial(s)
6 48 52
(< 65 %)
Support Vector Machines
3, 7, 8, 12, 18, 22, 23, 24b, 25, 26,
Best 28, 32, 33ab, 34, 42, 43a, 44, 46,
100 0
Trial(s) 47b, 49, 50ab,52ab, 53, 54ab,
57ab, 58, 59ab, 62ab, 63ab
Worst Trial(s) 84, 84, 84, 85,
5ab, 6, 21ab 16, 16, 16, 15, 16
(< 85 %) 84
Probability Trees
1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10ab, 11, 16, 17ab,
18, 22, 23, 24ab, 25, 26, 27ab, 28,
Best 29ab, 30, 31ab, 38ab, 39, 40ab, 42,
100 0
Trial(s) 43ab, 44, 45ab, 46, 47ab, 48ab, 49,
50ab, 51ab, 56ab, 57ab, 58, 59ab,
60ab, 61ab, 63ab
Worst Trial(s)
6 43 57
(< 60 %)
Random Forests
1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10ab, 11, 12, 13,
15, 16, 17ab, 18, 22, 23, 24ab, 25,
26, 27ab, 28, 29b, 30, 31ab, 32,
Best 33ab, 34, 36, 38ab, 39, 40ab, 42,
100 0
Trial(s) 43ab, 44, 45ab, 46, 47ab, 48ab, 49,
50ab, 51ab, 52ab, 53, 54ab, 56ab,
57ab, 58, 59ab, 60ab, 61ab, 62ab,
Worst Trial(s) 84, 84, 84, 85,
5ab, 6, 21ab 15, 15, 16, 15, 15
(< 85 %) 85

Which Technique is Best?

Table 5-6: Summary of the Accuracy and Misclassification Error Results for Shear Failure
(Average of 10-Fold Cross-Validation)

Modelling Factor Combinations Misclassification

Accuracy (%)
Technique Numbers Error (%)
Logistic Regression
44, 58, 59, 63 100 0
Worst Trial(s)
4, 6 39, 49 61, 51
(< 50 %)
Neural Networks
2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 15, 16, 18, 22, 23,
Best 25, 26, 28, 32, 33, 34, 39, 42, 43,
100 0
Trial(s) 44, 46, 49, 50, 52, 53, 57, 58, 59,
60, 61, 62, 63
Worst Trial(s) 40, 54, 49, 58, 60, 46, 51, 42, 48,
4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 21, 41
(< 65 %) 52, 61, 65 39, 35
Support Vector Machines
Best 7, 12, 18, 22, 25, 28, 32, 34, 42,
90 10
Trial(s) 44, 49, 53, 58
84, 82, 61, 61,
16, 18, 39, 39, 41,
59, 79, 75, 84,
1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 25, 16, 20, 21,
Worst Trial(s) 80, 79, 85, 65,
19, 20, 21, 29, 30, 31, 35, 36, 37, 15, 35, 38, 36, 25,
(< 85 %) 62, 64, 75, 84,
38, 41, 51, 55 16, 18, 21, 16, 18,
82, 79, 84, 82,
15, 35, 18, 18
85, 65, 82, 82
Probability Trees
8, 26, 27, 28, 48, 49, 50, 61 100 0
Worst Trial(s) 39, 50, 49, 50, 61, 50, 51, 50, 49,
4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 21, 41
(< 60 %) 51, 52, 58 48, 42
Random Forests
2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18,
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 33,
34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 100 0
45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54,
55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63
Worst Trial(s) 67, 59, 61, 64, 33, 32, 39, 30, 35,
4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 21, 41
(< 85 %) 65, 65, 69 30, 29

Strong conclusions on the performance of each technique cannot be inferred from the results;

however, from the above tables, the successful factor combinations can be further used in the

development of the prototype system (see Chapter Six).

Which Technique is Best? Distribution Plots

Figure 5-6 compares each technique based on the distributions of the four performance

measures. The low phi coefficient indicated a weak relationship between the input variables

and predicted outputs for shear failure. As this was evident across all five techniques, it was

suggested that the available dataset does not contain enough information, such as pavement

material properties, to predict shear failure with certainty.

For the other two failure types, Figure 5-6 concluded that neural networks and random forests

perform better than the other three classifiers across all four measures. Probability trees

performed marginally better than support vector machines given the accuracy,

misclassification error and phi coefficient assessments, but ignoring the shear failure

mechanisms the two techniques exhibited equal performance in the F-score. The logistic

regression performance was least successful across all four performance measures, with the

range present for each performance measure and failure mechanism exceeding that of the

other four techniques. The raw data used to construct Figure 5-6 can be found in Appendix D.

Which Technique is Best?

Figure 5-6: Box and whisker plots of the performance measures

Which Technique is Best?

From this, the classification techniques are ranked in the following order, given the

performance evaluation of each in the above analysis and Figure 5-6:

1. Neural Networks and Random Forests

2. Probability Trees

3. Support Vector Machines

4. Logistic Regression Density Plots

Figures 5-7 and 5-8 present the density distribution plot per factor combination for rutting

and fatigue cracking failure mechanisms to compare the performance of each classification

technique, given the input variables. Largely, the results reporting on the comparative

performance of each technique were inconclusive. The full collection of density plots are

presented in Appendix D and are summarised below.


In general, the density distribution plots for the rutting failure mechanism show little

difference in the distributions between each of the classification techniques over the four

performance measures. However, the plots focussed on the accuracy and misclassification

error percentages showed that overall the performance distribution of the neural network

technique differs from the other four classifiers, across the majority of the factor

combinations. The plots detailing the F-score and phi coefficient have few factor

combinations where the distributions of each modelling technique differ. Generally, the

accuracy, and the associated misclassification error, density distribution plots for neural

networks differ to the other four modelling techniques (see Figure 5-7), suggesting the

Which Technique is Best?

performance of neural networks is significantly different to the others for predicting rutting


Figure 5-7: Density plots for the accuracy performance measure for the rutting failure mechanism

Which Technique is Best?

Fatigue Cracking:

The density distribution plots exploring the misclassification error for fatigue cracking shows

a distinct difference between logistic regression and the other four techniques. The centre of

the distribution curve for logistic regression tends to be greater than that of the other four

techniques (see Figure 5-8), suggesting a higher misclassification error associated with

logistic regression. Only approximately 10 factor combinations (out of 95 including all a and

b trials) showed some variance between the modelling techniques for each performance


Figure 5-8: Example of density plots for the misclassification error performance measure for fatigue
cracking failure


The results of the density plots further supported the conclusions from Section, in

regards to shear failure, where the weak relationships presented in the box and whisker plots

were accounted for. Although many of the plots showed a difference in the distributions,

Section concluded poor correlations between the input variables and predicted output;

therefore, the variation in the distribution plots may be a result of this poor relationship and

considered inconclusive for this study.

Which Technique is Best? Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test

To determine the statistical difference, if any, in the reported performance of the five

modelling techniques, hypothesis testing was employed to establish, statistically, the

difference between the distributions of each performance measure. Specifically, the Wilcoxon

Signed Rank test (R Core Team, 2011) is a non-parametric statistical hypothesis test used on

both small and large samples, which assumes:

1. The data is paired,

2. Each pair is chosen randomly and independent, and

3. The data is measured on an interval scale but does not need to be normal.

Therefore, a paired two-sided test compared the population means of each of the four

performance measures with a desired confidence interval for this hypothesis test of 95 %.

Given the nature of hypothesis testing, the following is defined:

Null hypothesis = H0 = difference between the techniques is equal to 0

Alternative hypothesis = H1 = difference between the techniques is NOT equal to 0

The null hypothesis is accepted if the p-value from the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test is greater

than 0.05 (i.e. = 1 – 0.95), otherwise it is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted

(p-value < 0.05).

Tables 5-7 and 5-8 show there is no statistical difference between the performance of support

vector machines and probability trees as H0 is accepted across all four of the performance

measures for the rutting and fatigue cracking failure mechanisms. There is also no statistical

difference in the phi coefficient results between the random forests and neural networks,

across the three failure mechanisms.

Which Technique is Best?

For the shear failure mechanism, there is a difference between each classification technique

for accuracy, misclassification error and F-score measures; however, there is no statistical

difference between the performances of the techniques based on the phi coefficient.

Table 5-7: Results from the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test for the Accuracy and Misclassification Error
Performance Measures, showing the Acceptance of the Null Hypothesis (H0)

Modelling Techniques
Logistic Neural Probability Random
Regression Networks Trees Forests

Support Vector
H0 H0
H0 H0
Misclassification Error
R – Rutting; C – Fatigue Cracking; S – Shear

Which Technique is Best?

Table 5-8: Results from the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test for the F-Score and Phi Coefficient Performance
Measures, showing the Acceptance of the Null Hypothesis (H0)

Modelling Techniques
Logistic Neural Probability Random
Regression Networks Trees Forests

Support Vector
H0 H0 H0 H0
H0 H0 H0 H0 H0
H0 H0 H0 H0 H0 H0
Phi Coefficient
R – Rutting; C – Fatigue Cracking; S – Shear

The Wilcoxon Signed Rank test results conclude that, for both the rutting and fatigue

cracking failure mechanism, there is no difference between support vector machines and

probability trees. In addition, there is no difference between the distributions of the phi

coefficients for neural networks and random forests. Based on this, the techniques can be

ranked as followed, given the previous rankings in Section

1. Neural Networks and Random Forests

2. Probability Trees and Support Vector Machines

3. Logistic Regression

Which Technique is Best?

5.4 Comparison of Classification Techniques

5.4.1 Selecting the Most Appropriate Technique

The previous section assessed the performance of each of the five classification techniques.

This section further builds on those results and bases the choice of the most appropriate

technique for further development on three criteria, as follows:

1. The performance of the technique based on the assessment of the four

performance measures (accuracy, misclassification error, F-score, and phi

coefficient) (Section 5.3.2);

2. The technique must be quick to run, simple to use, and the overall process should

be easily understood by the asset manager, enabling the processes involved in

predicting failure to be known, and

3. The model generalisation should be adequate so to avoid over-fitting of the model,

ensure the performance of the model is not compromised when transferring the

prototype system to other road datasets, and ensure the model does not require

large amounts of data for new predictions (e.g. avoid data hungry models).

Based on the criteria above, the most appropriate classification technique for this research is

not necessarily the one that outperforms the others; instead, the needs of the road

management industry have also been accounted for in the criteria for the successful

implementation of the system.

5.4.2 Discussion

Table 5-9 lists the five techniques accordingly to the criteria above (refer Section 5.4.1),

based on the results from the literature search (refer Table 2-3) and the performance results

Which Technique is Best?

from Section 5.3.4. Logistic regression satisfied four of the five categories, which was

expected given its linearity and simplicity, suggesting its appropriateness to the problem

domain. However, the linearity of this technique resulted in a comparatively poor

performance against the other techniques. To avoid selecting a technique that satisfied the

interpretability criteria over performance, weightings emphasised the importance of each

criterion to the overall system aim. Criterion #1 was assigned the largest weighting of 5, to

ensure a poor performing technique was not chosen. The remaining two criterions were

assigned smaller weightings to reflect their importance of the usability and interpretability of

the system. Criterion #2 was sub-divided so the individual elements of the criteria (run time,

usability and interpretability) were independently assessed.

Table 5-9: Ranking of the Modelling Techniques

Running Avoid Over-

Performance Ease of Use Interpretability
Speed fitting

Criterion #1 Criterion #2 Criterion #2 Criterion #2 Criterion #3

Logistic Logistic Logistic Logistic
1 Networks and
Regression Regression Regression Regression
Random Forests
Probability Probability
Trees and Trees and Support Vector Support Vector
2 Probability Trees
Support Vector Support Vector Machines Machines
Machines Machines
Random Forests
Logistic Random Probability Probability
3 and Support
Regression Forests Trees Trees
Vector Machines
Neural Forests and Random
4 Neural Networks
Networks Neural Forests

Which Technique is Best?

From Table 5-10 below, it may be concluded that the most appropriate modelling techniques

were both support vector machines and probability trees. This finding is analogous to the

accuracy results presented in Section The techniques disregarded include logistic

regression due to its poor performance attributed to the linearity of the model function, neural

networks because of the associated long running times and lack of user interpretability

despite its performance, and random forests due to their somewhat complicated model

structure and long running time.

Table 5-10: Selection of the Most Appropriate Modelling Technique

#1 #2 #3

Ease of Use


Weightings 5 3 1 1 2 Total Rank
Logistic 25+3+1
5 1 1 1 1 3
Regression +1+2= 32
Neural 5+15+5
1 5 4 5 5 5
Networks +4+10= 39
Vector 3 2 3 3 2 1
4= 31
Probability 15+6+2+2+
3 2 2 2 3 1
Trees 6= 31
Random 5+12+3+4+
1 4 4 3 4 3
Forests 8= 32

Although probability trees could be easily constructed to follow the developed failure charts

(refer Chapter Four), this research selected support vector machines to develop further.

Which Technique is Best?

5.5 Summary of the Comparative Study

This chapter presented a methodology to establish the most appropriate classification

technique to further develop in the prototype system. Within this methodology, criteria were

developed to select five classification techniques from the various approaches identified in

the literature review (Chapter Two). A comparative evaluation of the performance of each

technique, used in conjunction with objective criteria, selected support vector machines as the

most appropriate technique for this research.

A framework consisting of seven criterions selected five techniques to trial to ensure the

suitability of each technique to the research. The elements of the conceptual design (inferring

engineering knowledge and predicting the probability of failure) were evident in the criteria

and model construction. The selected modelling techniques to trial were logistic regression,

neural networks, support vector machines, probability trees and random forests.

Four performance measures assessed the suitability of each of these techniques further,

including the percentage of correctly classified sites (accuracy), percentage of misclassified

sites (misclassification error), F-score and phi coefficient. As accuracy is a poor measure of a

model’s performance, other measures were explored to ensure a thorough and appropriate

evaluation of the techniques, through the use of box and whisker plots, density distributions,

and hypothesis testing. From this analysis, the performance of neural networks and random

forests exceeded that of the other techniques and the accuracy results identified the successful

factor combinations for each failure mechanism, which correlated well with the developed

failure charts.

The second set of criteria in addition to the performance of the modelling technique further

included an assessment of the running speed, interpretability and ease of use of the model,

Which Technique is Best?

and generalisation properties of the technique to avoid over-fitting and promote

transferability of the trained model to other road network datasets. From this analysis, support

vector machines and probability trees outperformed the other classifiers.

Despite the simplicity and interpretability of probability trees, this chapter selected the

support vector machines approach for the prototype system. In particular, the comparative

study concluded this classification technique to be the most suitable and successful for

modelling the road pavement data included in the State Highway LTPP dataset. The

development of the system using the chosen modelling techniques is the focus of the

subsequent chapter.

Chapter Six

Predicting the Probability of

6.1 Introduction

The aim of this research is to produce a diagnostic tool capable of quantifying the probability

(likelihood) of road pavement failure. To this end, Chapter Three presented the conceptual

design of the system, and Chapters Four and Five described the development of the

components of the system, as summarised in Figure 6-1. This chapter therefore presents the

development of a fully working prototype system to address Objective Three, based on the

Predicting the Probability of Failure

conceptual design, incorporating the outputs and models developed in Chapters Four and


Failure Charts Computational Model

(Engineering Knowledge) (Support Vector Machines)


Figure 6-1: The development of the prototype system

6.1.1 Conceptual Framework

The framework of the prototype system includes:

1. Failure charts to diagnose the cause of failure (refer Chapter Four), and

2. A computational model to calculate the probability of road pavement failure (refer

Chapter Five).

Failure Charts:

Failure charts (developed in Chapter Four) represent the diagnostic element of the model

design. These charts identify the possible failure paths of the failure mechanisms of interest

to this research and are based on the inclusion of the five failure factor groups described in

Section 4.3. They are utilised in the prototype system to help determine the most probable

(critical) failure path and the causes of failure. The predominant failure mechanisms are

included in the prototype system herein, namely rutting, fatigue cracking, and shear.

Predicting the Probability of Failure

Computational Model:

The support vector machines modelling technique was selected from those investigated in

Chapter Five as the most suitable for predicting the likelihood of road pavement failure from

the available datasets.

6.2 Development of the Prototype System

Four processes are used to determine the likelihood of pavement failure from road datasets.

These are:

1. Determine the failure factors contributing to failure (refer Chapter Four);

2. Model each combination of the failure factors, as per Table 5-4, to determine the

successful factor combinations. Each successful combination (refer Chapter Five)

represents a different failure path on the developed failure charts;

3. Calculate the probability of each failure mechanism using a computational model

to identify from the available research dataset the combinations of factors which

could cause failure, based on an accuracy percentage of 100 % for rutting and

fatigue cracking failures and 90 % for shear failure. The probability (PFailure) for

rutting, fatigue cracking, and shear failure is calculated using Equation 6-1,

assuming the most probable failure path, and

ி௔௜௟௨௥௘ = "#$
% , 
& , … , 
Equation 6-1

ℎ  =  
ℎ ,  =  
ℎ ,   =  

4. Assess the interactions between the failure mechanisms to calculate the overall

failure probability. For example, these calculations may take into account multiple

Predicting the Probability of Failure

failure mechanisms occurring simultaneously on the pavement section or

independence between the failure mechanisms (see Section 6.5.2).

6.2.1 Summarising the Components of the System

Chapter Four identified the five failure factor groups contributing to failure as traffic,

composition, strength, environment, and subgrade sensitivity, which were considered in the

computational models. Surface condition was also included in the models.

Chapter Five identified the successful factor combinations using the support vector machines

technique, as shown in Table 6-1. Each combination was superimposed on the developed

failure charts, as shown in Figures 6-2, 6-3, and 6-4, to represent each possible failure path as

identified by Table 5-3. From herein, the term ‘failure path’ refers to these combinations. The

combinations marked with an asterisk in Table 6-2 do not feature on the charts presented here

as they may be either a combination of other failure paths or are not significant causal factors.

A detailed description of failure causes and path can be found in Appendix E.

Table 6-1: Successful Factor Combinations for the Support Vector Machines Technique

Factor Accuracy Misclassification Total Number of

Combinations (%) Error (%) Combinations
3, 7, 8, 12, 16, 18, 22,
Rutting 25, 26, 28, 32, 34, 39, 100 0 19
42, 44, 46, 49, 53, 58
3, 7, 8, 12, 18, 22, 23,
24b, 25, 26, 28, 32,
Fatigue 33ab, 34, 42, 43ab,
100 0 38
Cracking 44, 46, 47b, 49, 50ab,
52ab, 53, 54ab, 57ab,
58, 59ab, 62ab, 63ab
7, 12, 18, 22, 25, 28,
Shear 32, 34, 42, 44, 49, 53, 90 10 13

Predicting the Probability of Failure

Table 6-2: Factor Combinations of the State Highway LTPP Dataset per Failure Mechanism

Trial Combinations of Factors Rutting Shear
3 Strength *Yes *Yes -
7 Traffic + Composition Yes Yes Yes
8 Traffic + Strength Yes Yes -
12 Composition + Strength Yes Yes Yes
16 Strength + Environment *Yes - -
18 Strength + Subgrade Sensitivity Yes Yes Yes
22 Traffic + Composition + Strength Yes Yes Yes
23 Traffic + Composition + Environment - Yes -
24 Traffic + Composition + Surface Condition - Yes -
25 Traffic + Composition + Subgrade Sensitivity Yes Yes Yes
26 Traffic + Strength + Environment Yes Yes -
28 Traffic + Strength + Subgrade Sensitivity Yes Yes Yes
32 Composition + Strength + Environment Yes Yes Yes
33 Composition + Strength + Surface Condition - Yes -
34 Composition + Strength + Subgrade Sensitivity Yes Yes Yes
39 Strength + Environment + Subgrade Sensitivity Yes - -
42 Traffic + Composition + Strength + Environment Yes Yes Yes
43 Traffic + Composition + Strength + Surface Condition - Yes -
44 Traffic + Composition + Strength + Subgrade Sensitivity Yes Yes *Yes
46 Traffic + Composition + Environment + Subgrade Sensitivity Yes Yes -
Traffic + Composition + Surface Condition + Subgrade
47 - Yes -
49 Traffic + Strength + Environment + Subgrade Sensitivity Yes Yes Yes
50 Traffic + Strength + Surface Condition + Subgrade Sensitivity - Yes -
52 Composition + Strength + Environment + Surface Condition - Yes -
53 Composition + Strength + Environment + Subgrade Sensitivity Yes Yes Yes
Composition + Strength + Surface Condition + Subgrade
54 - Yes -
Traffic + Composition + Strength + Environment + Surface
57 - Yes -
Traffic + Composition + Strength + Environment + Subgrade
58 *Yes *Yes *Yes
Traffic + Composition + Strength + Surface Condition +
59 - Yes -
Subgrade Sensitivity
Composition + Strength + Environment + Surface Condition +
62 - Yes -
Subgrade Sensitivity
Traffic + Composition + Strength + Environment + Surface
63 - *Yes -
Condition + Subgrade Sensitivity
TOTAL 19 38 13
- Not applicable
* Not shown on the failure charts

Predicting the Probability of Failure

Figure 6-2: Rutting failure paths

Predicting the Probability of Failure

Figure 6-3: Fatigue cracking failure paths

Predicting the Probability of Failure

Figure 6-4: Shear failure paths

6.3 Dataset for the Development of the Prototype System

Data from the State Highway LTPP road network (refer Section 3.3.1) was used to further

develop and demonstrate the performance of the prototype system. The support vector

machines computational model was trained using 90 % of the data, via a 10-fold cross-

validation approach (refer Section 5.3.3) (Rogers and Girolami, 2012). Accordingly, the

calculations of the performance measures of the prototype system (see Section 6.4) used the

predictions (new observations) from the remaining 10 % of the dataset. However, the analysis

Predicting the Probability of Failure

of the overall failure probability of the State Highway LTPP road network was based on the

entire dataset (see Section 6.6).

6.4 Performance of the System

The prototype system was evaluated using the performance measures discussed in Chapter

Five (refer Section 5.3.2). To this end, the trained models were evaluated by comparing the

failed sites predicted by the support vector machines technique against the number recorded

to have failed in the dataset. This was carried out on a failure path basis and the results are

shown in Tables 6-3, 6-4, and 6-5. For example, it may be seen from Table 6-3 below that the

trained model reported an accuracy of 98 % in predicting rutting failure based on failure path

7. As the system modelled each failure path separately, the performance of the system is

based on the results from each factor combination.

6.4.1 Assessment of the System

Tables 6-3, 6-4, and 6-5 show the results the performance analysis of the system in terms of

the four measures used. From the results, it may be seen that the system is able to predict the

occurrence of rutting and fatigue cracking to a high degree of accuracy (with an average of

approximately 98 % in both cases), but less so shear failure (94 %), similar to the poor results

presented in Chapter Five for predicting shear failure. This suggests the independent

variables do not correlate well with the predictions, such that the dataset does not contain

appropriate information for predicting shear failures. The F-Score (99 % for both rutting and

fatigue cracking, and 97 % for shear) indicated the superior accuracy and effectiveness of the

system to predicting failure. Overall, the results show consistency for each of the factor

combinations in terms of the accuracy, misclassification error, and F-score measures, which

Predicting the Probability of Failure

demonstrates the success of informing the model with the engineering knowledge captured in

the failure charts. However, the phi coefficient (average of 0.17, 0.28, and 0.13 for rutting,

fatigue cracking, and shear respectively) indicated a weak correlation between the inputs of

the system and the predicted failure probabilities, despite the success of the support vector

machines technique reported in Figure 5-6. However, in each table, a number of failure paths

improve on this average, suggesting that the fatigue cracking and rutting systems in particular

sufficiently model the behaviour of pavement failure. The poor result of the shear failure

system, similar to that reported earlier in Figure 5-6, further substantiates the reported

influence of the aggregate behaviour on shear failures in the literature, as material types were

excluded in the research dataset. A phi coefficient equal to zero (0) indicates no correlation

between the inputs and predicted output. Although this result can also occur when one of the

binary classes is not predicted in any of the 10 cross-validation tests, resulting in the sum of a

predicted class is equal to zero (0), the results reported in the tables below list the phi

coefficients which were unable to be calculated with a ‘-’ to avoid any confusion.

The coefficient of variation was calculated using Equation 6-2 (Madsen, 2011) allowing a

direct comparison between populations with different means; therefore, the four performance

measures across the three failure mechanisms can be compared. In the tables below, the

accuracy and F-score measures are less dispersed than the misclassification error measure.

)// , I
Equation 6-2

!   =
× 100 = × 100

Predicting the Probability of Failure

Table 6-3: Assessment of the Performance Measures for Rutting Failure

(Average of 10-Fold Cross-Validation)

Failure Misclassification
Accuracy (%) F-Score Phi Coefficient
Paths Error (%)
3 97.651 2.349 0.988 -
7 97.865 2.135 0.989 0.341
8 97.651 2.349 0.988 -
12 97.794 2.206 0.989 0.301
16 97.669 2.331 0.988 0.114
18 97.651 2.349 0.988 -
22 97.794 2.206 0.989 0.301
25 97.794 2.206 0.989 0.301
26 97.669 2.331 0.988 0.128
28 97.651 2.349 0.988 -
32 97.633 2.367 0.988 0.163
34 97.794 2.206 0.989 0.301
39 97.705 2.295 0.988 0.153
42 97.651 2.349 0.988 0.168
44 97.794 2.206 0.989 0.301
46 97.633 2.367 0.988 0.210
49 97.722 2.278 0.988 0.181
53 97.616 2.384 0.988 0.158
58 97.633 2.367 0.988 0.163
Minimum 97.616 2.135 0.988 0.114
Average 97.704 2.296 0.988 0.219
Maximum 97.865 2.384 0.989 0.341
0.5 20.1 0.3 15.71
of Variation
– Calculated with the ‘-ʼ omitted

Predicting the Probability of Failure

Table 6-4: Assessment of the Performance Measures for Shear Failure

(Average of 10-Fold Cross-Validation)

Failure Misclassification
Accuracy (%) F-Score Phi Coefficient
Paths Error (%)
7 94.520 5.480 0.972 0.186
12 94.431 5.569 0.971 0.149
18 94.448 5.552 0.971 -
22 94.555 5.445 0.972 0.196
25 94.626 5.374 0.972 0.202
28 94.448 5.552 0.971 -
32 94.520 5.480 0.972 0.138
34 94.591 5.409 0.972 0.188
42 94.502 5.498 0.972 0.133
44 94.662 5.338 0.972 0.214
49 94.413 5.587 0.971 0.053
53 94.520 5.480 0.972 0.133
58 94.520 5.480 0.972 0.138
Minimum 94.413 5.338 0.971 0.053
Average 94.520 5.480 0.972 0.157
Maximum 94.662 5.587 0.972 0.214
0.5 7.9 0.2 -1
of Variation
– Cannot be calculated due to a negative standard deviation (see Appendix F)

Predicting the Probability of Failure

Table 6-5: Assessment of the Performance Measures for Fatigue Cracking Failure
(Average of 10-Fold Cross-Validation)
Failure Paths Accuracy (%) Misclassification Error (%) F-Score Phi Coefficient
3 98.078 1.922 0.990 -
7 98.274 1.726 0.991 0.373
8 98.078 1.922 0.990 -
12 98.274 1.726 0.991 0.373
18 98.078 1.922 0.990 -
22 98.220 1.779 0.991 0.358
23 98.292 1.708 0.991 0.363
24b 98.149 1.851 0.991 0.261
25 98.220 1.779 0.991 0.358
26 98.007 1.993 0.990 0.063
28 98.078 1.922 0.990 -
32 98.381 1.619 0.992 0.406
33a 98.185 1.815 0.991 0.275
33b 98.149 1.851 0.991 0.261
34 98.274 1.726 0.991 0.373
42 98.381 1.619 0.992 0.417
43a 98.221 1.779 0.991 0.296
43b 98.185 1.815 0.991 0.282
44 98.221 1.779 0.991 0.383
46 98.292 1.708 0.991 0.374
47b 98.167 1.833 0.991 0.275
49 98.007 1.993 0.990 0.063
50a 98.185 1.815 0.991 0.267
50b 98.149 1.851 0.991 0.253
52a 98.221 1.779 0.991 0.303
52b 98.256 1.744 0.992 0.334
53 98.452 1.548 0.992 0.447
54a 98.149 1.851 0.991 0.253
54b 98.149 1.851 0.991 0.261
57a 98.221 1.779 0.991 0.303
57b 98.274 1.726 0.991 0.346
58 98.381 1.619 0.992 0.417
59a 98.221 1.779 0.991 0.296
59b 98.167 1.833 0.991 0.275
62a 98.203 1.797 0.991 0.296
62b 98.238 1.762 0.991 0.328
63a 98.221 1.779 0.991 0.303
63b 98.256 1.744 0.991 0.334
Minimum 98.007 1.548 0.990 0.063
Average 98.209 1.791 0.991 0.311
Maximum 98.452 1.993 0.992 0.447
Coefficient of
0.6 35.5 0.3 1.01
– Calculated with the ‘-ʼ omitted

Predicting the Probability of Failure

6.5 Overall Failure Probability

The development of the computational model described above and in Chapter Five has

assumed that each of the three failure mechanisms act independently. However, in practice,

pavement failure can occur simultaneously as another failure or as a secondary effect of

another occurrence of failure. For example, rutting can act alone on the pavement or it can

cause a secondary effect of cracking in the wheelpaths. Alternatively, cracked pavements

permit water into the lower layers of the pavement resulting in rutting. To address this

phenomenon in the computational model, this research explored probability theory to account

for the interactions between the failure mechanisms.

6.5.1 Terminology

A number of terms are used to describe inter and independence of events in probability

theory (Mendenhall and Beaver, 1991). Definitions of interest to the problem described above


Mutually Exclusive: A mutually exclusive event is one in which two events cannot

happen at the same time (Ayyub and McCuen, 2003; Mendenhall and Beaver, 1991),

as shown in Figure 6-5. The fact that any of the three defects considered herein can be

present on a road section with any of the other defects means that their occurrence is

not mutually exclusive.

Predicting the Probability of Failure

Figure 6-5: Exclusivity terminology

Independence: The occurrence of one event has no influence on another, and

provides no further information on the occurrence of another event (Ayyub and

McCuen, 2003; Mendenhall and Beaver, 1991). For example, cracking occurring as a

secondary effect of rutting would indicate these events are dependent (not

independent). An example of dependence is shown in Figure 6-6.

Figure 6-6: The effect of dependence

Probability Unions: The ‘Additive Law of Probability’ (Ayyub and McCuen, 2003;

Mendenhall and Beaver, 1991) defines the probability of the occurrence of two events


(% ∪ &) = 
% + 
& − 
% ∩ &
Equation 6-3

Predicting the Probability of Failure

If the definition of events A and B is mutually exclusive, 

% ∩ & = 0, therefore

Equation 6-3 therefore becomes (Mendenhall and Beaver, 1991):

(% ∪ &) = 
% + 
Equation 6-4

If events are defined as independent, Equation 6-3 becomes (Ayyub and McCuen,

2003; Mendenhall and Beaver, 1991):

% ∪ & = 
% + 
& − 
% ∩ &
Equation 6-5

% + 
& − $
% × (&)'

6.5.2 Overall Failure Probability Approaches

Given the complexity of the problem of calculating the overall failure probability, three

approaches were investigated as follows:

1. Conservative Approach: Where the overall failure probability is calculated from

the maximum probability of each of the three failure mechanisms (refer Equation


2. Probabilistic Equation: The overall failure probability is calculated using

Equation 6-3, assuming the failure mechanisms are independent of each other

(refer Equation 3-2), and

3. Modelling Joint Failure: A computational model is trained using the available

data, including combined failures, to calculate the overall failure probability.

Predicting the Probability of Failure Maximum Failure Probability

With this conservative approach, the maximum of the probabilities from three individual

failure mechanisms is taken as the overall failure probability (PFailure) of the road section

under consideration, as per Equation 6-6:

Equation 6-6
ி௔௜௟௨௥௘ = "#Jோ௨௧௧௜௡௚ , ஼௥௔௖௞௜௡௚ , ௌ௛௘௔௥ K

Advantages: This approach follows that of conventional pavement design in which the

design of the pavement structure focuses on the critical failure mechanism(s), whether that is

for example to prevent rutting or cracking (Austroads, 2012). This approach treats each

failure criterion as independent.

Limitations: This approach assumes that each failure mechanism is independent of the others

and, therefore, evidence of the likelihood of two or more failure mechanisms on a road

section does not increase the probability of failure of the section. Probabilistic Theory

The laws of addition of probabilities can be used to calculate the probability of failure by any

one, two or three of the failure mechanisms acting concurrently. (refer Section 3.2.4). The

law can be written using ‘set’ notation as follows (Ayyub and McCuen, 2003; Mendenhall

and Beaver, 1991):

ி௔௜௟௨௥௘ = 
% + 
& + 
% ∩ & − 
% ∩  − 
& ∩  + 
% ∩ & ∩ 
Equation 6-7

= ோ௨௧௧௜௡௚ + ஼௥௔௖௞௜௡௚ + ௌ௛௘௔௥ − 

 6 ∩ !6

 6 ∩ )ℎ − 
!6 ∩ )ℎ

 6 ∩ !6 ∩ )ℎ

Predicting the Probability of Failure

Note if one failure mode is considered not to influence the occurrence of the other (e.g. the

failure mechanisms are independent), then 

% ∩ & = (%) × (&) and Equation 6-7 can

be written as:

Equation 6-8
ி௔௜௟௨௥௘ = ோ௨௧௧௜௡௚ + ஼௥௔௖௞௜௡௚ + ௌ௛௘௔௥ − Jோ௨௧௧௜௡௚ × ஼௥௔௖௞௜௡௚ K − Jோ௨௧௧௜௡௚ × ௌ௛௘௔௥ K

− J஼௥௔௖௞௜௡௚ × ௌ௛௘௔௥ K + Jோ௨௧௧௜௡௚ × ஼௥௔௖௞௜௡௚ × ௌ௛௘௔௥ K

Advantages: This approach takes into account the possibility of multiple failures occurring.

Limitations: Although this approach accounts for multiple failures in the calculations, there

is not enough information in the dataset to determine the timings of failure. More specifically,

it is not possible to determine from the dataset whether the failure modes that occurred

simultaneously were in fact secondary effects of each other (e.g. one mode influenced the

occurrence of another failure mode). Computational Model

The overall failure probability could be determined using a modelling approach to predict the

occurrence of combined failures. To achieve this, individual models would be developed for

each combined failure occurrence, much like the individual failure paths in the failure charts

(refer the methodology presented in Section 6.4). The model outputs would then predict the

individual probabilities for each failure type and combined failures, as shown in Equation 6-


ோ௨௧௧௜௡௚ , ஼௥௔௖௞௜௡௚ , ௌ௛௘௔௥ , ோ௨௧௧௜௡௚ା஼௥௔௖௞௜௡௚ , ோ௨௧௧௜௡௚ାௌ௛௘௔௥ ,

Equation 6-9

ி௔௜௟௨௥௘ = 
஼௥௔௖௞௜௡௚ାௌ௛௘௔௥ , ோ௨௧௧௜௡௚ା஼௥௔௖௞௜௡௚ାௌ௛௘௔௥

Advantages: This approach presents a superior method of calculating the overall failure


Predicting the Probability of Failure

Limitations: In order to replicate pavement failure accurately, sufficient data is required to

train the computational model. As the State Highway LTPP dataset contains only a small

number of multiple failure occurrences (see Table 6-6) and limited information on the

occurrences of multiple failure modes, it was not possible to develop such a process in this


Table 6-6: Distribution of Failures in the State Highway LTPP Dataset

Occurrences in the Dataset

Failure Mechanism Number Percentage
Rutting 132 2.35
Fatigue Cracking 108 1.92
Shear 312 5.54
Rutting and Fatigue Cracking 36 0.64
Rutting and Shear 108 1.92
Fatigue Cracking and Shear 84 1.49
Rutting and Fatigue Cracking and Shear 24 0.43

6.5.3 Selection of the Most Suitable Approach

The above section explored three approaches to determine an overall failure probability for a

road section. The third approach was found to be difficult to achieve using the available

dataset and therefore will not be considered further. For the purposes of the prototype system,

it was assumed the failure mechanisms were independent, such that one mode of failure has

no influence on the occurrence of another. For a more accurate assessment, the dataset would

need to include more information regarding the timing of failure types and the independence

between failure mechanisms. Consequently, approaches one and two described above were

further explored using the State Highway LTPP dataset, as described below.

Predicting the Probability of Failure

6.6 Analysis of the State Highway Road Network

In order to compare the results obtained from the two approaches described above,

distribution plots of the overall failure probabilities across the State Highway LTPP road

network were generated and compared. The performance measures, defined in Section 5.3.2,

were also used to assist this process.

6.6.1 Conservative Approach (Maximum Probability)

Figure 6-7 presents the failure probability distribution of the network using the conservative

(maximum probability) approach to calculate the overall failure. By inspection, the actual

failure data, where the failure variable was converted to an estimate of the probability density

function, of this network indicated a similar failure distribution, as shown by the black

density curve in Figure 6-7. A large number of sites in the State Highway LTPP dataset have

not failed, hence the majority of the distribution has a failure probability of less than 20 %.

Figure 6-7: Distribution of the overall failure probabilities, calculated using the maximum probabilities,
of the State Highway LTPP road network

Predicting the Probability of Failure

6.6.2 Probability Theory Approach (Probability Equation)

Figure 6-8 presents the distribution of failure probabilities determined using the second

(probability theory) approach. In comparison to Figure 6-7, although the peak of the

distribution is smaller than obtained by the first approach, the shape of the distribution

remains the same with a slight shift to the right suggesting that more sites have a higher

likelihood of failure. This result could be expected given the addition of the individual failure

probabilities in the equation (refer Equations 6-7 and 6-8).

Figure 6-8: Distribution of the overall failure probabilities, calculated using the probability equation, of
the State Highway LTPP road network

6.6.3 Comparison of the Two Approaches

Figure 6-9 directly compares the distributions of the two approaches, where the differences in

the distributions, such that the overall failure probability calculated using the probability

theory (probability equation) approach would always exceed that of the conservative

(maximum probability) approach, is apparent.

Predicting the Probability of Failure

Figure 6-9: A comparison of the overall failure probability approaches

To further compare the results from the two approaches, confusion matrices (refer Chapter

Five) were generated, as shown in Figure 6-10, based on the outputs using a failure threshold

; ≥ 0.5 = 1. The results for the two approaches are very similar, with the only

difference being the very small increase (0.107 %) in the number of misclassified non-

failures from the second (probability equation) approach (Figure 6-10b).




0 1 0 1

0 5226 271 5497 0 5220 271 5491

1 54 77 131 1 60 77 137
5280 348 5628 5280 348 5628
(a) from the Conservative Approach (b) from the Probability Theory Approach
(Maximum Probability) (Probability Equation)
Figure 6-10: Confusion matrix of the results

Predicting the Probability of Failure

The data in Figure 6-10 was further analysed; the results from the performance measures for

each approach is summarised in Table 6-7. The results of these analyses show that in terms of

the performance measures considered there is an insignificant difference between the two

approaches and that either approach may be suitable for the dataset considered.

Table 6-7: Performance Measures for the Conservative and Probability Theory Approaches

Misclassification F- Phi
Error Score Coefficient
Conservative Approach
94.23 % 5.77 % 0.97 0.34
(Maximum Probability)
Probability Theory Approach
94.12 % 5.88 % 0.97 0.33
(Probability Equation)

6.7 Summary of the Prototype System Development

This chapter has presented a prototype system which includes failure charts (developed in

Chapter Four) and a computational model (selected in Chapter Five). The system comprises

of the following four sequential steps:

• Determining the failure factor groups;

• Modelling each possible combination of the factor groups to select the successful


• Using these combinations to calculate the probability of each failure mechanism;


• Assessing the approaches to determine the overall failure probability using the

predicted probability outputs from the prototype system for each failure


Predicting the Probability of Failure

Chapter Five identified the successful factor combinations and this chapter presented them on

the developed failure charts (from Chapter Four). Each combination represents a failure path

for each failure mechanism. Not all the same combinations are present on each failure chart,

as the mechanisms associated with each failure are different. However, the successful factor

combinations demonstrate the key factor groups and failure paths appropriately for each

failure mechanism.

To calculate the failure probabilities of each failure mechanism, the probability associated

with the most probable failure path (e.g. the maximum probability for the failure mechanism)

was selected. With this approach, the factor combination associated with the greatest

probability becomes the critical failure path. Identifying this path and combination of factors

on the failure paths indicates the most likely causes of the failure.

This chapter assessed the performance of the prototype system based on the four performance

measures introduced in Chapter Five, from which it was found that the performance of the

support vector machine models was satisfactory.

To calculate the overall failure probability, three approaches were investigated and, of these,

two were selected for further analysis. The dataset did not contain information on the timings

of failure, in order to determine if failure of two or more mechanisms influenced the

occurrence of another, which inhibited the implementation of the computational modelling


The two approaches selected were used to produce the distributions of the overall failure

probabilities for the State Highway LTPP dataset. The first (conservative) approach selected

the maximum probability from the three failure mechanisms as the overall failure probability.

The second approach used the principles of probability unions to develop an equation to

Predicting the Probability of Failure

combine the individual probabilities. A comparison of the two approaches failed to

demonstrate a significant difference between them in terms of the failure probability

distributions of the road sections analysed.

The following chapter further assesses the performance of the developed system, given both

approaches, as well as discussing the practical applications of the research outcomes.

Chapter Seven


Practical Applications of the

7.1 Introduction

To demonstrate the effectiveness of the prototype system and the practical applications of this

research outcome, as stated in Objective Four, this chapter presents the results of the analysis

of an independent dataset from the New Zealand LTPP programme. This case study aims to

use the developed prototype system to:

• Calculate the probability of failure for road sections in the dataset, and determine

the most probable failure mechanism(s);

• Identify the critical failure path and causes of failure;

Practical Applications of the System

• Identify the symptomatic problems across the pavement sites included the dataset

and road network, and

• Critically analyse the shifts in the probability distributions to quantify the effect

the changes in the environment have on the road network, such as an increase in

traffic loadings acting alone or coupled with abnormal weather.

The above includes both project and network level applications of the prototype system. With

such an analysis, asset managers can make informed decisions on the future maintenance

demands of their network, and identify potential failures. This chapter discusses the results

from the analysis illustrating the performance of the sites included in the Local Authority

LTPP road dataset.

7.1.1 Methodology for Case Study

To demonstrate the use of the system, the case study followed the methodology below.

1. Normalise the testing dataset using the assumption of a straight-line

transformation (refer Chapter Five);

2. Process the data using the support vector machines models developed in Chapter

Six (note: the models were not retrained using the testing dataset; instead the

existing models from Chapter Six are used);

3. Calculate the individual failure probabilities per failure mechanism using

Equation 6-1 (refer Chapter Six);

4. Assess the accuracy of the predictions from the system using the predicted failure

probabilities per failure mechanism, and

5. Compare the overall failure probability using the two approaches discussed in

Chapter Six (Equations 6-5 and 6-6, respectively).

Practical Applications of the System

Statistical plots, such as histograms, barplots, and pie charts, were used to gain an

understanding of the network performance from the predicted probabilities.

7.1.2 Local Authority LTPP Dataset

The Local Authority LTPP dataset (refer Section 3.3.2) was processed using the prototype

system developed in Chapter Six to further test the performance of the system on an

independent dataset, one which was not used to develop and refine the prototype system, and

evaluate the transferability of the system to other road networks. The similar data collection

methods employed under the LTPP programme (refer Section 3.3) consequently led to

similar variables included in the Local Authority LTPP dataset as those included in the State

Highway LTPP dataset, and subsequently the successful implementation of the prototype

system to another dataset. Alternative data collection methods are implemented by RCAs on

typical local authority road networks, such as the network analysed in Schlotjes and Henning

(2012), resulting in distinct differences in the variables included in the datasets and databases

in comparison to the research dataset. Thus, evaluating the performance of the prototype

system on such a network would vary the predictions for the pavements and ultimately

mislead and falsify the performance results, given the expected high percentage of missing

data from RCA road networks.

Testing of the system to real-life data, such as New Zealand RCA road networks, requires

manipulation of the network data to maximise the amount of data available for the prototype

system. Deng and Henning (2012) and Schlotjes and Henning (2012) tested the system with

network data from a number of local New Zealand road networks.

Table 7-1 summarises the failure distribution of the Local Authority LTPP dataset by

geographical region. Similar percentages of failure were seen on the State Highway LTPP

Practical Applications of the System

road network (refer Table 6-6), although the discernible difference is a reduction of 1 % from

the State Highway LTPP dataset in rutting failures, and an increase of 1.1 % for the Local

Authority LTPP dataset in fatigue cracking failures. The majority of the road sites in the State

Highway LTPP dataset, which was employed in the development of the prototype system,

were located in rural environments. Therefore, to ensure consistent and indicative results

from the system testing, this case study disregarded any urban sites included in the Local

Authority LTPP dataset as the probabilities of these sites were not able to be appropriately

predicted by the prototype system. Although the case study only concerned the rural LTPP

sites and, as a result, reduced the number of datapoints included in the independent testing

dataset, the rural sites provided 4136 datapoints for the testing dataset. The size of this testing

dataset was similar to the size of the development dataset (State Highway LTPP dataset),

which contained 4512 datapoints, and therefore can be considered sufficient for the purpose

of this research.

The rural sites included in the LTPP programme are situated in several geographical regions

of New Zealand. Generally, the traffic loadings on these sites is much less than the demand

on the State Highway road network, resulting in a thinner pavement design and often lacking

a sub-base layer. Despite this, a number of less popular State Highway routes are similar in

design, construction, traffic and environmental conditions, and regional locations as the Local

Authority road pavements, resulting in the verification of the prototype system using this

dataset feasible.

Practical Applications of the System

Table 7-1: Distribution of Failures in the Local Authority LTPP Dataset

Occurrences in the Dataset

Failure Urban Sites (2340) Rural Sites (4136) ALL SITES (6476)
Mechanism Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage
Rutting 36 1.54 48 1.16 84 1.30
96 4.10 100 2.42 196 3.03
Shear 180 7.69 204 4.93 384 5.93

7.1.3 Performance of the System

Table 7-2 presents a comparison between the recorded failures given in the rural Local

Authority LTPP dataset and those predicted by the prototype system. Overall, the system was

less accurate at predicting failure for the rural Local Authority LTPP dataset than that used

for the development of the prototype system in Chapter Six. This was expected as using the

system to analyse another road dataset, although of the same detail and including similar

pavement types, was expected to bring about a reduction in performance as it is common for

computational models to lose their predictive power and robustness through validation of the

model with an independent dataset (Austroads, 2009b). To address this in practice, it is

suggested further refinement of the system is required, which may include adequately

redefining the developed failure charts when the system is used on other datasets and

pavement types.

Unlike the results reported in Chapter Six, Table 7-2 shows a similarity between the accuracy

of the rutting and shear failure systems. This result was unexpected and suggests that the

failure mechanisms described in Figure 4-7, and subsequently the prototype system, may not

include all methods of rutting failure included in this particular testing dataset. This also

demonstrates the need to adequately redefine the developed failure charts when the system is

Practical Applications of the System

used on other datasets. Furthermore, it suggests the performance of the rutting system is

compromised, more so than the other two, when transferring the developed support vector

machines models to other road datasets. Despite this, the performance of the prototype

system, and subsequently the failure probability predictions, were considered adequate for the

testing dataset, such that the transferability of the prototype system to another road dataset

was successful.

Table 7-2: Accuracy of Predictions, based on the Confusion Matrices

Failure Modes Accuracy (%) Misclassification Error (%)

Rutting 79.25 20.75
Fatigue Cracking 85.76 14.24
Shear 78.32 21.68

7.2 Project Level Applications

The project level applications of the proposed system include the ability to:

• Quantify the probability of road pavement failure per road section;

• Identify the most probable failure mode, and

• Recognise the causes of failure.

Using these outputs in conjunction with the failure charts developed in Chapter Four

facilitates an appropriate diagnosis of the cause(s) of failure and the selection of suitable

maintenance treatment(s) for a road section. These aspects are discussed further in

subsequent sections of this chapter.

Practical Applications of the System

7.2.1 Analysis of the Predictions

In order to demonstrate the project level applications of the prototype system, 12 sites were

selected at random15 from the entire rural Local Authority LTPP dataset, as presented in

Table 7-3. The predicted failure state of each road section was predicted using the developed

prototype system and Equation 6-6. Sections which have been predicted to have failed are

indicated with a 1 in the ‘Failure’ column. Then, for the purpose of this case study, the

overall probability of failure was calculated using the conservative (maximum probability)

approach (refer Section The most probable failure mode and, subsequently, the

associated most probable failure path are also presented in Table 7-3. In the instances where

failure was not predicted to occur, the identified failure mode indicates the mechanism by

which the road site is likely to fail in the future.

Site numbers were randomly generated by the random number generator sample function in R.
random_sites <- sample ( 1 : 4136 , 12 , replace = F )

Practical Applications of the System

Table 7-3: Inferred Project Level Statistics from the Rural Local Authority LTPP Dataset

Site Primary Failure Predictions

Actual Failure Probability Failure Failure
No.16 Failure Factors
of Failure Mode Path
Traffic + Composition +
512 Rutting 1 0.875 Rutting 22
Traffic + Composition +
1855 Shear 1 0.742 Shear 22
Strength + Subgrade
3286 None 0 0.081 Shear 18
Traffic + Composition +
4493 None 0 0.105 Shear 58 Strength + Environment +
Subgrade Sensitivity
Traffic + Composition +
4494 None 0 0.111 Rutting 44 Strength + Subgrade
Traffic + Composition +
4962 Shear 1 0.506 Shear 42
Strength + Environment
Fatigue Cracking Fatigue
5204 1 0.808 7 Traffic + Composition
+ Shear Cracking
Fatigue Cracking Fatigue
5396 1 0.821 7 Traffic + Composition
+ Shear Cracking
Strength + Subgrade
6473 None 0 0.083 Shear 18
1608 None 1 0.668 Rutting 7 Traffic + Composition
5434 None 1 0.571 7 Traffic + Composition
Traffic + Strength +
5571 None 1 0.554 Shear 49 Environment + Subgrade

To further demonstrate the use of the system, Table 7-4 presents some additional information

on secondary failure predictions for the 12 sites, which has been determined using the second

greatest predicted probability of the three failure mechanisms.

Despite the site numbers exceeding 4136, the sites reported in Table 7-3 are rural sites only. The urban sites
are removed from the dataset yet the original site numbers remain from the entire Local Authority LTPP dataset.

Practical Applications of the System

Table 7-4: Secondary Failure Predictions of the Rural Local Authority LTPP Dataset

Primary Failure Predictions Secondary Failure Predictions

Actual Failure Primary Probability Failure Probability Failure Failure
Failure of Failure Mode of Failure Mode Path
512 Rutting 1 0.875 Rutting 0.733 Shear 25
1855 Shear 1 0.742 Shear 0.086 Rutting 7
3286 None 0 0.081 Shear 0.037 Shear 7
4493 None 0 0.105 Shear 0.104 Rutting 44
4494 None 0 0.111 Rutting 0.109 Shear 58
4962 Shear 1 0.506 Shear 0.347 Rutting 49
Fatigue Cracking Fatigue
5204 1 0.808 0.265 Rutting 22
+ Shear Cracking
Fatigue Cracking Fatigue
5396 1 0.821 0.254 Rutting 26
+ Shear Cracking
6473 None 0 0.083 Shear 0.054 Rutting 25
1608 None 1 0.668 Rutting 0.171 Shear 22
5434 None 1 0.571 0.255 Rutting 26
5571 None 1 0.554 Shear 0.224 Rutting 49

Two sites are further explained to demonstrate the project level applications. Site # 512, as an

example, is likely to fail in rutting with a probability of 0.875, which correlates well with the

raw data. The predicted critical failure path for this site is # 22 (refer Table 7-3), indicating

that a combination of the traffic, poor composition, and weak pavement strength are the

contributing factors to the rutting failure. Figure 7-1 shows the use of the failure charts for

this task, and with reference to the developed rutting failure chart presented in Chapter Four

(Figure 4-7) and again in Chapter Six (Figure 6-2), failure path # 22 is defined as:

“Excessive Strain → Poor Pavement Support → Strength → Basecourse

→Thin Pavement Layers OR Poor Materials”

Practical Applications of the System

Figure 7-1: Critical failure path for site # 512

Possible causes of failure in this case could be an under-designed pavement structure,

resulting in pavement layers that are too thin, or the use of poor aggregates, which are unable

to spread the traffic load sufficiently to the underlying layers. A suitable maintenance

treatment could be considered to be a granular structural overlay of suitable thickness to

reduce the strains adequately in the underlying layers for the traffic loadings, thus preventing

rutting from occurring in the future. The required thickness could be calculated using an

appropriate overlay design procedure.

Site # 4962 failed in shear, and the prototype system predicted shear failure as the most

probable failure mode with an associated probability of 0.506 and a predicted secondary

failure of rutting with a probability of 0.347 (refer Table 7-4). The system identified the

critical (shear) failure path as # 42 (refer Figures 4-11 and 6-4) and Figure 7-2 identifies the

failure path as:

Practical Applications of the System

“Material Shear → Traffic Loadings → Basecourse Shear → Weak

Materials → Environment”

Figure 7-2: Critical failure path for site # 4962

Failure path # 42 includes the environmental factor group indicating this shear failure can be

attributed to water ingress in the structural layers of the pavement, which in turn weakens the

materials. Under repetitive traffic loads, the pavement results in material shear of the

basecourse layer. Cracks in the surface layer or a sub-terrain drainage problem are the likely

causes of the water ingress in this pavement. Therefore, the appropriate maintenance

treatment would be to seal the cracks with a resealing exercise and / or remedy the drainage

problem, the latter being a more extensive and expensive task.

Furthermore, it is suggested to investigate the possible causes of rutting (relating to the

failure path # 49) to prevent the occurrence of the predicted secondary failure. Based on

Figure 6-2, secondary rutting is likely to occur due to a weakened subgrade as a result of

water ingress, which coincides with the above problem resulting in shear failure. Therefore,

Practical Applications of the System

addressing the ingress of water into this pavement structure will likely prevent both primary

and secondary failures.

7.3 How does the Rural Local Authority LTPP Sections


At a network level, the developed prototype system can assess the performance of the road

network based on the following outputs:

• The distribution of the failure probabilities, indicating the likelihood of failure

profile of the network;

• The proportion of the network susceptible to failure and the distribution of the

failure modes of the predicted failed sections, and

• The distribution of the most probable causes of failure (critical failure paths) of

the predicted failed road sections, identifying any symptomatic network-wide


7.3.1 Profile of Likelihood of Failure

Figure 7-3 presents the distribution of the overall failure probabilities, based on the

conservative (maximum probability) approach (refer Section Overall, the

distribution of the predicted probabilities is similar to that of the actual failure distribution

(see Figure 7-3) where the peaks of the distribution curve occur in similar probability ranges

of the failure spectrum, despite the peak at the lower end of the probability scale having

shifted slightly to the right. Approximately one-third of the rural sites included in the rural

Local Authority LTPP dataset are predicted to fail, given sites with a predicted probability of

overall failure greater than 0.5. However, shifting the failure threshold to a higher value (0.8)

Practical Applications of the System

resulted in approximately 20 % of the sites being predicted to fail. Although the predicted

failure curve has shifted to the right of the actual failure density curve, the predicted failure

distribution presents a large proportion of road sections with low probability of failure

(probability less than 0.2) and a secondary peak with a higher failure probability (greater than


Local Authority LTPP Rural Road Network

Overall Failure Probability Distribution - Maximum Probability

Non-Failure Failure
Number of Predicted Non-Failures = 2961 Number of Predicted Failures = 1175

Non-Failure Failure
Number of Predicted Non-Failures = 3291 Number of Predicted Failures = 845

Density Curves





0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Failure Probability

Figure 7-3: Failure profile of the rural sites of the Local Authority LTPP dataset, using the conservative
(maximum probability) approach

The second approach to calculating the overall failure probability, using additive probability

theory (refer Section, also assessed the performance of the rural Local Authority

LTPP dataset. Again, Figure 7-4 reported similarities between the predicted and actual failure

distributions; however, the peak centred around 0.15 is noticeably greater than that previously

reported in Figure 7-3. With this approach, a higher percentage (36 %) of the road sections

Practical Applications of the System

are predicted to fail (see Figure 7-4), reducing to 22 % when the failure threshold is increased

to 0.8.

Local Authority LTPP Rural Road Network

Overall Failure Probability Distribution - Probability Equation

Non-Failure Failure
Number of Predicted Non-Failures = 2634 Number of Predicted Failures = 1502

Non-Failure Failure
Number of Predicted Non-Failures = 3233 Number of Predicted Failures = 903

Density Curves





0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Failure Probability

Figure 7-4: Failure profile of the rural sites of the Local Authority LTPP dataset, using the probability
theory (probability equation) approach

Although the differences and shifts between Figures 7-3 and 7-4 are a result of two methods

of calculating the overall failure probability, the figures provide an example of identifying the

changes in the failure profiles. For example, given a change in the road network’s

environment, such as an increase in traffic loadings coupled with environmental changes and

/ or increased rainfall, the data for the modified (increased traffic) scenario can be used in the

prototype system. The predicted probabilities for both the original and modified scenario can

then be analysed visually to attain the shifts in the distribution profiles, similar to the above

Figures 7-3 and 7-4, providing valuable information to the asset manager. An application of

this approach would be useful in cases for example where a re-routing exercise increases the

Practical Applications of the System

traffic loadings on a less strategic road, which typically had not been designed to carry the

increased traffic loading levels. Schlotjes and Henning (2012) reported on this application of

the developed prototype system using a typical road network in New Zealand, which recently

experienced an increase in traffic loading.

7.3.2 Pavement Susceptibility to Failure Modes

The most probable failure modes predicted by the prototype system were used to determine

the susceptibility of the rural Local Authority LTPP road pavements to specific failure types.

The two approaches, to calculate the overall failure probability described in Chapter Six,

were used to determine the susceptibility of the network to failure types comparatively, as

shown in Figure 7-5. From the distribution of failure modes associated with the predicted

failed road sections, the majority of the network is predicted to fail in rutting, as expected.

However, fewer sites are predicted to fail in rutting using the probability theory (probability

equation) approach (refer Section and a different failure mode distribution is


When the failure threshold is increased from 0.5 to 0.8 for both approaches, the proportion of

rutting failures also increased, suggesting a susceptibility of this network to rutting. The

fatigue cracking proportions remain unchanged, yet the shear failures at the higher end of

failure probability distribution decreased, in some cases by half. The apparent difference

between the two approaches is not evident in Figure 7-5.

Practical Applications of the System

Figure 7-5: Predicted failure modes of the rural sites of the Local Authority LTPP dataset

7.3.3 Symptomatic Problems of the Network

Analysing the predicted critical failure paths identifies the symptomatic problems across the

network, usually as a result of site-specific environments or maintenance practices. The rural

Local Authority LTPP dataset includes a range of environments. To demonstrate this

application, Figures 7-6, 7-7, and 7-8 present the frequencies of occurrence of the critical

failure paths for the pavements included in the dataset.

Figure 7-6 shows little difference between the two approaches used to determine the

probability of failure, for the predicted failure paths of rutting failures. The predominant

causes of network-wide rutting were traffic loadings, pavement composition and pavement

strength (failure path # 22). From Figure 7-8, weaknesses in the pavement composition

Practical Applications of the System

coupled with traffic loadings (failure path # 7) caused the majority (44 % and 34 %) of

network-wide fatigue cracking, given the respective approaches of calculating the overall

failure. However, two distinct failure paths were identified in Figure 7-7; therefore, the

predominant causes of shear include traffic loadings, pavement composition, and pavement

strength (failure path # 22), and the above (failure path # 22) in conjunction with subgrade

sensitivity (failure path # 44).

Figure 7-6: Critical failure paths for predicted rutting failures

Practical Applications of the System

Figure 7-7: Critical failure paths for predicted shear failures

Practical Applications of the System

Figure 7-8: Critical failure paths for predicted fatigue cracking failure

Practical Applications of the System

7.4 Summary of the Case Study

This chapter analysed the rural Local Authority LTPP dataset to demonstrate the practical

applications, both at project level and network level, of the developed prototype system and

evaluate the performance of the system on an independent dataset. The system performed

adequately on the independent testing dataset; however, the performance of the rutting

system in comparison to Chapter Six was inferior. This may be attributable to the system not

recognising or including all methods of rutting failure, which were present in the Local

Authority LTPP dataset (testing dataset), and suggests the need to refine the rutting system


From the network dataset, 12 sites were selected at random to demonstrate the use of the

system. For each, the probability of failure was reported and the most probable causes of

failure were identified. This information can assist the asset manager in maintenance


At a network level, Figures 7-3 and 7-4 showed the distributions of the predicted failure

probabilities followed that of the actual failures presented in the rural Local Authority LTPP

dataset and a large portion of the network were not predicted to fail ((; < 0.5)). The

primary failure mode of the rural Local Authority LTPP road pavements was rutting. Such

information can be used as a measure of the overall performance of the network.

Overall, the developed prototype system can be employed in the management of road

networks to:

• Determine the overall failure probability of a road pavement section;

• Identify the most probable causes of failure to streamline maintenance;

Practical Applications of the System

• Identify the symptomatic problems across the network, and

• Evaluate the vulnerability of networks to the effect of changes in the environment,

such as an increase in traffic or the predicted effects of climate change.

The results of the prototype system may be regarded as promising for the potential of an

effective non-destructive diagnostic tool. However, further testing of the developed failure

system is both desired and necessary before it can be considered to be fully developed. This

should include further testing of the performance of the system on network data. The

following chapter summarises the reported research and reviews the methodology and

approaches taken to the research.

Chapter Eight


A Review of the Research

8.1 Introduction

The development of a prototype system that predicts the probability and diagnoses road

pavement failure is a novel approach to supplement the current PMS and road reporting

processes. Current practices fail to present a robust methodology for predicting the failure

probability of road pavements for further use in network assessments of failure risk. To

address this, the framework developed in this research provides a means to predict the

probability of failure of road sections and to identify the most probable causes of failure.

The purpose of this chapter is to provide a critical review of the methodology followed in this

research. The research objectives outlined in Chapter One were accomplished by:

A Review of the Research

• Developing a comprehensive knowledge of flexible road pavement failure and

identifying the factors contributing to failure;

• Assessing the performance of a number of classification methods for road failure

prediction using the State Highway LTPP road network;

• Developing a prototype system based on incorporating the engineering (failure)

knowledge with the computational model, and

• Assessing the effectiveness of the developed prototype system and methodology

using the Local Authority LTPP road network.

8.2 Defining the Research Task

The research aim, defined in Chapter One, was to predict the probability of road pavement

failure. In the LTPP datasets, failure was represented with a binary class label, such that a

road section was defined either as a failed site or a sound site; thus, mathematically defining

the research task as a binary classification problem, focussing on the end of life state of the

pavement as opposed to the gradual deterioration of pavements over time. Although other

modelling approaches have been successful in predicting pavement performance, namely

deterioration models, the definition of the research task limited the modelling approaches

considered in this research to classification techniques. Chapter Two discussed the

performance of several classification techniques, which were specifically evaluated in

Chapter Five using the research dataset.

A Review of the Research

8.3 Summary of the Research

This research developed a generic framework to predict the probability of road

pavement failure by inferring engineering knowledge into computational models.

Based on the findings in the literature review (Chapter Two), a methodology was proposed to

develop a classification model, selected through the comparative study, which quantified the

probability of road pavement failure. Through the analysis of the system, it was concluded

that the methodology followed in this research successfully inferred engineering knowledge

into the design of a pavement performance model.

To achieve this, the objectives of this research were to:

1. Develop charts for rutting, cracking, and shear failures that supplements the

current knowledge base and identifies the factors contributing to failure and

interactions between these causes;

2. Comparatively assess the performance of suitable classification techniques, using

the State Highway LTPP dataset, based on a developed selection criteria process

and a review of suitable classification techniques. This study aimed to evaluate the

performance and effectiveness of the classification techniques, such that one

technique could be further developed in the remaining research;

3. Develop a prototype system to predict the probability of road pavement failure

while inferring engineering knowledge into the computational system. The

predicted outputs from the system included a probability of road pavement failure

for each failure mechanism, a predicted overall failure probability, and a

suggested prediction of the most probable causes of failure, and

A Review of the Research

4. Evaluate the developed prototype system with an independent road dataset to

demonstrate the effectiveness of the system and methodology.

Failure charts illustrating the causes of rutting, cracking, and shear failures were


Chapter Four reviewed the fundamental knowledge of each failure mechanism, canvassed

expert opinion on road pavement failure, and explored potential relationships in two New

Zealand road datasets. The developed failure charts captured this engineering knowledge of

pavement failure by presenting the possible causes and illustrated the failure paths associated

with each failure mechanism. Five failure factor groups were inferred from the developed

failure charts for further use in modelling processes, as described in Chapter Five. The charts

were revisited in Chapter Seven and used to identify the most probable cause(s) of failure.

In addition to the application demonstrated in this thesis, the failure charts can provide asset

managers, civil engineers, and RCAs a comprehensive background to the causes of rutting,

cracking, and shear failure in the field.

A comparative study evaluated the performance and effectiveness of five classification


The reviewed literature revealed several classification techniques that performed well in the

respective study domains. Five of these were selected to assess their suitability for the use

with road pavement data using a number of criteria, including the advantages and limitations

of each approach. Four point performance measures evaluated the performance of each

modelling technique. Hypothesis testing was employed to determine if the difference between

the results of the performance measures, for each modelling technique, was statistically

A Review of the Research

significant or not, and to conclude whether one modelling technique outperformed the others.

Based on a further set of criteria including model performance, user interpretability, and

computer efficiency, the performance and effectiveness of the five classification techniques

were evaluated. This demonstrated that the support vector machines technique was most

suitable for the task at hand and accordingly it was selected to develop further into a

prototype system.

Through this research, a prototype system was developed successfully integrating

engineering knowledge into the support vector machine classification models.

Chapter Six demonstrated a methodology to infer engineering knowledge captured in the

failure charts into computational models. Each failure mechanism was modelled individually

and the resulting failure probability for each mode of failure was assumed to be the maximum

probability across all failure paths modelled. Three approaches were considered to calculate

the overall failure probability; however, the analysis failed to conclude on one superior

approach. Only two approaches were pertinent to this research, namely the conservative

(maximum probability) approach (refer Section and an approach based on probability

theory (refer Section The proposed computational modelling approach (refer Section was thought to be the best calculation of the overall failure probability; however,

given the few occurrences of multiple failures in the research dataset, the implementation of

this approach was excluded in this research.

The effectiveness of the prototype system was demonstrated using the Local Authority

LTPP dataset.

Chapter Seven presented the results from the system testing on an independent New Zealand

road network. The accuracy of the system was found to be sufficient and demonstrated the

A Review of the Research

transferability of the system to a new dataset. The chapter further discussed the practical

project and network level applications of the system including:

• Predicting the probability of road pavement failure for both overall and the

individual failure modes;

• Identifying the critical failure path and causes of failure;

• Identifying any symptomatic problems on the network, and

• Assessing the impact of changes in the road environment and evaluating the

susceptibility of the network to failure types.

8.4 Critical Review of the Research

The methodology adopted for the development of a system, which quantifies the probability

of pavement failure, focussed on the end of life probability state of the pavement as opposed

to the life-cycle performance of the pavement. In hindsight, alternative approaches to the

methodologies adopted in this research could have been followed, which are explored and

discussed below under the following headings:

1. Failure knowledge;

2. Comparative study of classification techniques;

3. Development of the prototype system;

4. Practical application of the system, and

5. Data issues.

8.4.1 Failure Knowledge

The developed failure charts made use of expert opinion, the literature, and knowledge

obtained from scrutinising road datasets in presenting the causes of rutting, cracking, and

A Review of the Research

shear failures of flexible road pavements. Adopting the robust methodology resulted in a

comprehensive understanding of road pavement failure obtained from the three sources of

knowledge. However, the causes included in these charts were site-specific to New Zealand

road environments; thus, for other road environments, amendments to the failure charts may

be required to include additional or alternative causes of failure.

Inferring such engineering knowledge into the computational model identified the limitation

of assuming independence between the failure mechanisms in the development of the failure

charts, such that the support vector machines computational models developed for each

failure mechanism did not recognise the interactions between rutting, fatigue cracking, and

shear failures in the probability calculations. Rather, this aspect was addressed by using

probability theory (refer Chapter Six). To address this aspect, it is recommended that any

future work, which further refines the system developed herein, should focus on further

developing the failure charts so that they are able to depict possible interactions between

failure mechanisms.

8.4.2 Comparative Study of Classification Techniques

Chapter Five presented a comparative study of five classification techniques using road

pavement data, as the performance of a classifier is highly dependent on the particulars of the

research dataset, thus the direct transfer of a single algorithm to another research domain is

uncertain (Dreiseitl and Ohno-Machado, 2002; Perlich et al., 2003). Other comparative

studies adopted techniques based on the popularity of the technique in the respective study

fields. This research developed objective-based criteria to select the techniques most suitable

for the research dataset, based on the performance of the techniques, user interpretability, and

computational inefficiencies faced in the practical implementation of such approaches.

A Review of the Research

However, the exclusion of other techniques at this stage of the research was reliant on the

published results from other studies and data.

A number of assumptions were adopted for the comparative study (Chapter Five) as

described below:

1. Replacing missing data values with a nominal value;

2. Straight-line transformation to normalise the research dataset;

3. Applying a weighting factor to account for unequal portions of failures versus


4. Employing a 10-fold cross-validation sampling method, and

5. Assuming a uniform cost impact (consequence) of incorrect predictions, such that

this research assumed it was equally undesirable for both incorrect predicted

failures and non-failures. Missing Data Values

It is inevitable for road network data to include missing values, as a result of financial,

equipment, and time restrictions imposed on the RCAs, such that inventory data in the

network databases is limited. For the State Highway LTPP dataset, missing values were

assigned a nominal value of zero (0) (refer Section, opposed to omitting such road

sections which would ultimately reduce the available data significantly. In many of the input

fields, this assumption was considered acceptable where it resulted in the worst possible

scenario of pavement composition and strength. For example, much of the State Highway

LTPP dataset failed to provide evidence of a sub-base layer and, in these cases, the thickness

and age of this layer was assigned a zero (0), indicating a thinner pavement. With this

approach, the predictions will be based off a pavement more susceptible to failure; this could

A Review of the Research

in turn distort the predictions of the new observations. For example, the model may assume a

thin pavement is sound, based on the data, but in fact it is a thicker pavement with an

unknown thickness of one of the layers that is sound. To address this, the data needs to be

verified to ensure completeness and accuracy of the composition information. Furthermore,

assuming a zero (0) traffic loading represents the best possible scenario suggesting the

pavement’s deterioration is wholly attributed to environmental loading. Perlich et al. (2003)

suggested adjusting the missing values using the mean of the input variables. For the State

Highway LTPP dataset, this approach would distort the representative sample of the network,

indicating the pavements were thicker and stronger than in reality, although for the

environment, traffic loadings, and condition data, the averages would represent the pavement

conditions realistically.

By adopting this assumption, the majority of the network assumed the worst possible

scenario, as the State Highway LTPP datasets included complete records of traffic loadings

and condition data. In the case of rainfall, incomplete data was cross-referenced to external

sources for completion. However, for road pavements, adopting this approach is recognised

to be misrepresentative of the data, and it is suggested to either adopt a mean nominal value

per input variable or a known default value appropriate for the respective network. Further

testing of the prototype system employed the latter to network datasets (Deng and Henning,

2012), who reported sufficient results from the road networks applicable to the scope of this

research. Straight-Line Transformation

Normalisation of the research dataset eliminates any preference from the model towards one

input variable over another, such that the amount of data considered by the model is

maximised. The performance of classifiers is improved when the input values range between

A Review of the Research

zero (0) and one (1) (Roiger and Geatz, 2003), typically achieved by the following

normalisation processes:

• Decimal scaling: Where scaling of the variables by a nominal power of 10;

• Min-max normalisation: Variable scaling using the maximum and minimum

values as follows in Equation 8-1;

6   − "" "  

Equation 7-1

(   =
"#" "   − "" "  

• Normalisation using straight-line transformation: Where statistical parameters

of the variable, such as the mean and standard deviation, are used to compute the

new value, following Equation 8-2, and

6   − "

Equation 7-2

(   =
// /

• Logarithmic normalisation: Replacing the variable values with their logarithms.

Although road pavement data seldom follows a normal distribution, the straight-line

normalisation methodology adopted consistently across all independent variables was

assumed sufficient for this study, given the properties of the research dataset. As discussed in

Section, the uncertainty of the pavement behaviour and variability in road network

data distorts the distributions of the variables (Reigle, 2000), such that the distributions of the

variables are heavily dependent on the contents of the research dataset(s). For future adoption

of the framework, this research suggests investigating the distributions of the possible model

inputs to understand the nature of the variables and, subsequently, establish the appropriate

normalisation method applied consistently across all inputs.

A Review of the Research Removing Failure Biasness from the Dataset

Classifiers perform best with a balanced dataset that has equal representation of classes, in

order for the model to assume the equal possibility of predicting a class for the new

observations. With unbalanced data classes, the trained model will always attempt to

minimise the error, thus the majority of the new predictions will belong to the larger of the

two classes (Prinzie and Van den Poel, 2008). Failure on road pavements is avoided with the

implementation of proactive maintenance and, therefore, the reality of road pavement data

results in an unbalanced dataset. To offset this imbalance, and subsequently remove any

biasness from the predictions of the trained model, a weighting factor was applied to the data.

Following Equation 8-3, the weighting factor of a datapoint is based on the ratio of non-

failures to failures across the dataset:

 − ∑௡௜ୀଵ
Equation 7-3

(௜ = − 1 × #௜ + 1

ℎ: ௜ =  ℎ       

*௜ =      0  1

 = ! Cross-Validation Approach

It is good practice to reserve a portion of the entire dataset for testing (Gil and Johnnson,

2011), if possible, although researchers have assorted viewpoints on the size of the evaluation

datasets required for binary classifiers (see Table 8-1).

A Review of the Research

Table 7-5: Size of Evaluation Datasets from the Literature

Percentage of dataset Sampling Method

reserved for testing (if applicable)
Austin et al. (2010) - 1000 bootstrapping
Bhattacharya and Solomatine (2006) 35 - 39 -
Caruana and Niculescu-Mizil (2006) 47 - 88 -
Chandra et al. (2009) 10 10-fold cross-validation
Eftekhar et al. (2005) 33 -
Gil and Johnnson (2011) 20 5-fold cross-validation
Jagielska et al. (1999) 33 -
Kaseko and Ritchie (1993) 48 -
Pal (2006) 31 - 32 -
Perlich et al. (2003) 25 - 33 -
Prinzie and Van den Poel (2008) 50 -
Saghafi et al. (2009) 20 -
Tso et al. (1998) 33 -
Verikas et al. (2011) 10 10-fold cross-validation
Wu et al. (2002) 17 -
- Not applicable

The datasets for the majority of the studies listed in Table 8-1 were sufficient in size to

reserve an adequately sized evaluation dataset to assess the performance of the models. In

some instances, the evaluation dataset was in excess of 30,000 samples (Caruana and

Niculescu-Mizil, 2006; Prinzie and Van den Poel, 2008). The studies with smaller testing sets

employed sampling methods, such as bootstrapping or cross-validation, due to the

insufficient amount of data available for the study. Alternative sampling techniques are

available (Raudys, 2001; Roiger and Geatz, 2003) if the ideal volume of data is not available:

• N-fold cross-validation: The dataset is divided into n random subsamples. One

subsample is reserved for testing, and the remaining dataset (n - 1 subsamples) is

used in training the model. The training of the model and testing is repeated n

A Review of the Research

times, once on each test subsample, and the results are averaged over the number

of repetitions;

• Bootstrapping: The training set is sampled with replacement from the complete

dataset. Mathematically, bootstrapping a dataset containing n instances n times

will result in a training dataset of two-third n instances and a testing dataset of

one-third n instances, and

• Leave-one-out cross-validation: In extreme cases, only one datapoint is used for

testing and the remainder of the dataset is used for training. This method will be

repeated n times, where n = number of datapoints in the complete dataset.

The State Highway LTPP research dataset did not contain sufficient datapoints for separate

training and evaluation datasets, unlike the studies in alternative research domains identified

in Chapter Two and Table 8-1 above. The need for training computational models on small

datasets is a requirement for road pavement data. However, this research dataset was of

adequate size to disregard the leave-one-out cross-validation method. Although Dreiseitl and

Ohno-Machado (2002) reported the superiority of bootstrapping over cross-validation, this

method is often overly optimistic despite its simplicity. Therefore, a 10-fold cross-validation

sampling method was adopted in this research to ensure validity of the results of the

performance assessment of the techniques. To achieve this, the entire dataset was randomly

divided into 10 subsamples, with each 10 % subsample reserved once for testing the model

that had been trained on the remaining 90 % of the data. However, extensive run time was

required to repeat the training and testing of the model, resulting in n-times the single

computation time to evaluate the method. The randomness of the sampling method did not

guarantee the same testing dataset was used for each technique; however, the outcome of the

A Review of the Research

comparative study was not negatively influenced by this given the method of hypothesis

testing employed. Assuming Equal Cost of Incorrect Predictions

Point and integrated performance measures were identified in the literature review to evaluate

the performance of the classification techniques, in conjunction with the model accuracy.

Since accuracy is greatly influenced by the class distribution of the dataset, sole reliance on

this performance measure results in a bias assessment of the technique’s predictive power

(Ben-David, 2008; Dreiseitl and Ohno-Machado, 2002; Parker, 2011). Thus, alternative

performance measures were included in the comparative study, specifically point measures

with an assumed failure threshold of 0.5 (i.e. 

; ≥ 0.5 = 1).

Integrated measures have provided superior assessments of the performance of modelling

techniques (Parker, 2011), as these calculate the predictive power of the model over all

possible thresholds. To report on such measures, such as the popular area under the receiver

operating characteristic curve (e.g. integration functions), the user requires a cost function

(Dreiseitl and Ohno-Machado, 2002). This research assumed the cost to be uniform between

the predictions that incorrectly predicted failed and sound pavements, such that it is equally

undesirable for false negatives and false positives; therefore, calculating such measures

measure would add no additional value to the results. The consequence of failure varies

depending on the required maintenance treatment. For example, the costs, both financial and

social, of a full rehabilitation are much more extensive than a resealing exercise. Without this

information, the assumption adopted in this research was considered to be adequate, given the

available data. For a more accurate representation of the performance of the classifier,

A Review of the Research

collation of this information would be required to make well-educated judgments on incorrect

predictions and included in an appropriate cost analysis of the model performance.

8.4.3 Prototype System Development

Chapter Six presented the development of the prototype system, which, by following the

conceptual design of the research, successfully inferred engineering knowledge through the

use of failure charts (developed in Chapter Four) into the computational model (selected in

Chapter Five). The discussion of this methodology focuses on the following:

1. Experimental design for inferring human knowledge, and

2. Methods for calculating the overall failure probability. Experimental Design and Human Knowledge

The conceptual design of this research focussed on inferring engineering knowledge into the

design of the computational system, such that the development of the support vector

machines models were informed by the developed failure charts. Modelling each successful

factor combination individually, selected by 100 % accuracy (and 90 % in the case of shear

failure), represented a possible failure path on the developed failure charts. Although these

factor combinations correlated well with the failure charts, the use of computational outputs

identifying the failure paths has the potential of excluding critical failure paths, especially if

the factor combinations are not well represented in the data. This hinders the transferability of

the developed prototype system to other road networks; however, the resulting failure paths

included in the system were considered appropriate for the State Highway LTPP dataset.

As each failure path (factor combination) is modelled separately, the computational model

excluded possible interactions between the failure paths, assuming the critical failure path

A Review of the Research

was solely responsible for failure. The failure charts account for the interactions between the

causes of failure, as shown per failure path; however, there was no provision included in the

system for interactions between the failure paths of each failure mechanism (refer Section

8.4.1). Overall Failure Probability

Chapter Six demonstrated the difficulties of representing real-life pavement failures with

mathematical equations. The occurrence of two or more failure mechanisms was dealt with

using two approaches, as follows:

1. Assumed the probability of overall failure did not increase with the occurrence of

multiple failures (conservative approach), and

2. Assumed independence between the failure mechanisms, such that the overall

failure probability accounted for multiple failures but secondary effects were not

considered (probability theory approach).

The limitations of each approach were discussed in Section 6.5.2. Although these two

approaches were considered sufficient given the available data, a third approach was

proposed, which was proposed to determine the probabilities of multiple failures using

computational models. To do so adequately, the research dataset would require a greater

number of observations where multiple failure modes were apparent and detailed information

regarding the timing of these failure(s), in order to differentiate between secondary effects

and combined (or multiple) failures. Such data and information on these types of failure is

seldom included in road network data, not to say such failures do not occur on the networks.

In most cases, a secondary defect is often masked by the occurrence of primary failure, or so

determined by the site inspection, and subsequently the maintenance fails to address the

A Review of the Research

secondary failure causes. This research however used alternative approaches to compute the

probability of multiple failures.

Notwithstanding, the expected differences between the two approaches adopted in this

research were apparent in the results in Section 6.6; naturally greater probabilities were

yielded by the probability theory (probability equation) approach, due to the addition of the

individual probabilities, compared to the conservative (maximum probability) approach. The

comparison of the two approaches failed to conclude a superior approach, based on the

performance measures, although Figures 6-5, 6-6 and 6-7 showed a discernible difference in

the probability distributions. Integrated performance measures would assess this difference

sufficiently if the consequences of incorrect predictions were known and, therefore, provide a

conclusive evaluation of the system.

8.4.4 Practical Applications of the System

Chapter Seven demonstrated the use of the developed prototype system and evaluated the

effectiveness of the system given an independent testing dataset. The Local Authority LTPP

dataset included identical parameters to the research dataset enabling it to be analysed by the

prototype system. However, typical road network datasets lack the sophistication and detail

included in the LTPP datasets and, therefore, it should not be assumed that the results in

Chapter Seven are equivalent to a network test. Such differences in the datasets were evident

in the preliminary data analysis of the Southland District Council road network and the LTPP

networks (refer Section 4.4.3 and see Appendix A).

The applications demonstrated in Chapter Seven rely heavily on the predictions from the

system. However, if data needed for the implementation of the prototype system is absent, as

a result of discernible differences between data collection methods and collation of the

A Review of the Research

research dataset and RCAs, it is expected that the performance of the prototype system would

further decrease. Consequently, the information obtained from the analysis and manipulation

of the raw probabilities will be ambiguous to the user. To address this, the system could be

retrained on the available data, yet the performance of the new computational models would

need to be evaluated.

8.4.5 Data Issues

The previous sections of this chapter have discussed the issues with the available research

data, such as:

• Missing data values (refer Section;

• Unbalanced representation of failure data in the datasets (refer Section;

• Restriction of testing methods given the size of the research dataset (refer Section, and

• Restricted use of performance measures given unavailable information (refer


Furthermore, this research chose to exclude various data items from the study given the

categorical nature17 of the information and / or the high level of incompleteness. The failure

charts (Figures 4-7 to 4-11) developed in Chapter Four included causes of failure that, due to

the lack of corresponding data, were unable to be included in the classification models. This

included aggregate properties, surfacing material types, construction quality, horizontal

gradient, and inadequate compaction. The LTPP datasets listed material types as categorical

data with many possibilities, if the information was available. Given the subjective nature of

construction quality, including compaction characteristics and asphalt contents, collating

Data items listed as categories or classes, such as material types, as opposed to numerical data.

A Review of the Research

information on such data items poses difficult with current data collection methods and

therefore was not available for this research. As a result, the computational models ignored

any irrelevant, unavailable, or categorical data. This research suggests the development of a

robust methodology for the collection of subjective causes of failure for further consideration

in the pavement performance models.

As stated previously (refer Section 8.4.4), the differences between the research dataset and

network data are discernible. Chapter Four identified the failure factors involved in road

pavement failure. Further to this, Chapter Six concluded on the successful factor

combinations from the comparative study presented in Chapter Five. As Table 8-2 shows,

this research concluded strength, composition, and traffic factors were the influential in

predicting the probability of each pavement failure mechanism. These factors should be

collected robustly from road networks, for the success of the prototype system in road

network management, and to be considered in future pavement performance studies.

Table 7-6: Summary of the Factor Combinations included in the Prototype System

Failure Factors Rutting Fatigue Cracking Shear

Traffic 11 19 8
Composition 11 22 10
Strength 16 23 11
Environment 9 12 5
Subgrade Sensitivity 10 14 8
Surface Condition 0 11 0

8.5 Overall Performance of the System

The performance of the developed prototype system for analysing the failure probabilities of

the State Highway LTPP road network was discussed in Chapter Six. As reported, the

A Review of the Research

performance of the shear support vector machines system was surpassed by the other two

failure mechanisms. This was a direct result from excluding the information about material

compositions from the research dataset. Further to the above, such information is required for

the performance of the prototype system to improve.

Despite the reported success of the support vector machines technique in the comparative

study, the weak results from the phi coefficient suggested little correlation between the input

variables and predicted outputs. The inferred knowledge from the failure paths, although

successful for rutting and fatigue cracking, was not as successful in the shear failure system.

However, given the other reported performance measures, the developed system could be

considered to have performed adequately overall, with respect to predicting rutting and

fatigue cracking.

8.6 Value of the Research

The value of the research was demonstrated by:

• Developing comprehensive failure charts;

• A comparative study of the performance of classification techniques given road

pavement data;

• Inferring engineering knowledge into computational models, and

• Predicting the probability of road pavement failure with support vector machines.

Failure Charts:

Representing knowledge of road pavement failure in the form of failure charts was not

evident in the literature review. By presenting the causes of failure on failure charts, the

causes, including the combinations of causes, are easily identified for future reference and

A Review of the Research

added a diagnostic element to the computational model. This research based the development

of the failure charts for rutting, cracking, and shear road failure mechanisms on approaches

previously employed for other infrastructure assets. This work has been submitted to the

Australian Road Research Board Road and Transport Research journal for publication

(Schlotjes et al., 2012b).

Comparative Study:

The literature identified one study (Chandra et al., 2009) that had compared the classification

techniques considered for the prototype system in Chapter Five; however, the focus of this

study was outside of the transportation sector. Comparative studies of classification methods

were not evident in the literature within the transportation sector and, more specifically, for

predicting the end of life probability of an infrastructure asset. Methodologies from the

reviewed studies using classification techniques acknowledged a number of considerations

for the future use of classifiers. The performance of the suitable classification techniques was

reported in Chapter Five and this research concluded the appropriateness of classifiers when

using pavement data.

Inference of Engineering Knowledge:

The preceding two elements of the design were used as the foundation of the prototype

system. Although literature on mechanistic-empirical models detailed a similar conceptual

design, the inference of engineering knowledge in this research, such that the development of

the computational model is informed by the failure charts, is a new approach to modelling

pavement performance and the probability of pavement failure. In doing so, this research

recognised data factors that played an important role in the prediction of pavement failure,

which further identified the importance of strength, composition, and traffic data in predicting

pavement performance and the future management of road networks.

A Review of the Research

Support Vector Machines:

Using support vector machines to predict the probability of road pavement failure is a novel

approach in the transportation sector. The majority of the literature on pavement performance

modelling focussed on pavement deterioration modelling opposed to the probability of the

end of asset life failure. Schlotjes et al. (2013a) presented the appropriateness of using

support vector machines in the transportation industry and the work was further submitted to

the Institution of Civil Engineers Transport journal (Schlotjes et al., 2013b).

8.7 Summary of the Discussion

This chapter has critically reviewed the research methodology adopted in the development of

a prototype system for predicting the probability of road pavement failure. In particular, the

effectiveness of the system and assumptions made throughout the research were discussed

and, where appropriate, suggestions have been offered to facilitate future developmental

work and improvements to the system.

The inference of engineering knowledge into the computational model was achieved through

the use of failure charts. Although the overall system performed well, the assumptions made

in this research affected the ability of shear failures to be predicted with as great an accuracy

to the other two modes of failure considered. The developed failure charts informed the

development of the computational models, such that there was a parallel association between

the failure charts and model. However, the exclusion of categorical and unattainable data

from the modelling process resulted in a number of the possible failure paths having to be


A Review of the Research

Furthermore, suggestions for further development of the system included evaluating the

interactions between the failure mechanisms with the use of computational techniques on

sufficient road pavement data, evaluating the modelling technique with integrated

performance measures, and improvements to the current data collection processes for such


Further testing on typical road network datasets is recommended. The study concluded that

strength, composition, and traffic failure factors are essential in obtaining sufficient

predictions with the prototype system. Therefore, for the implementation of the developed

prototype system to other road network datasets, it is imperative that RCAs employ robust

data collection and collation processes in order to attain the input variables required for the


The value of this research, focussing on predicting the end of life probability for road

pavements, was discussed with reference to the literature. As studies in this topic area were

not evident, the use of support vector machines in predicting the probability of pavements is a

new approach to pavement performance modelling.

Conclusions from the research together with recommendations for future work are presented

in the following chapter.

Chapter Nine


9.1 Accomplished Work and Main Findings

As discussed in the previous chapter, this research has demonstrated the objectives outlined

in Chapter One by:

1. Developing failure charts for rutting, cracking, and shear road pavement failure

based on a thorough understanding of the mechanisms associated with each failure

type. These failure charts enable this knowledge to be utilised in the

computational models developed to predict the likelihood of road pavement


2. Evaluating the performance of classification techniques using the research dataset

to establish the most appropriate technique for this research task;


3. Developing a prototype system based on the outcomes from the above two

objectives, which quantifies the probability of road pavement failure, and

4. Assessing the effectiveness of the system on an independent dataset.

The research described above concluded:

• A number of computational methods are available to model pavement

performance. However, Chapter Two reported that investigating the applicability

of each technique is imperative to the successful performance of such methods in

practice. To do so, the performance of each technique based on the research

dataset should be compared. The methodology presented in Chapter Three offers

a framework that could be used in future comparative studies. It was found to be

particularly useful in evaluating the methods for both the performance and the

implementation of the techniques for the given research dataset, despite the

reported success of each technique in the literature;

• A variety of causes contribute to road pavement failure, as discussed in Chapter

Four. Furthermore, failure is not always attributed to a sole cause; instead, it is

common on road pavements for failure mechanisms to act jointly with or as

secondary effects of others. This research not only yielded results that confirmed

the practical knowledge but it also explored approaches to quantify this;

• Classification methods are appropriate for modelling the performance of road

pavements, as demonstrated in Chapters Six and Seven. Chapter Five concluded

that support vector machines, from those methods considered, was the most

appropriate classification technique for this research, although probability trees

also appeared to have a number of merits. However, support vector machines


proved to be more suitable because of its superior model format and decision

boundary versus the limited expressiveness and simplicity of the model format

for, and subsequently the predictions from, probability trees;

• The developed prototype system was effective in predicting probabilities of failure

for the independent testing dataset, as shown in Chapter Seven. However, using

the prototype system without proper calibration on other road datasets can

compromise the performance of the system. For the dataset tested in this research,

this was found to be particularly the case for rutting;

• Furthermore, the developed prototype system can be used as a network

management tool to determine the failure distribution across the network, the

susceptibility to specific failure modes, and any symptomatic problems on the

network, as shown in Chapter Seven. The failure charts developed in Chapter

Four add a diagnostic element to the predictions enabling the most probable

causes of failure to be identified;

• Chapter Eight discussed the importance of strength, composition, and traffic

failure factors in predicting the probability of road pavement failure. Therefore,

the collection and use of such information is recommended in order to improve

the accuracy of predicting pavement performance;

• The inference of engineering knowledge into the development of the

computational models improves the results in predicting pavement performance as

presented in Schlotjes et al. (2011). Purely data driven processes are successful in

situations where large amounts of unbiased data is available; however, the results

will undoubtedly be resultant on the trends and relationships within the data. On

the other hand, mechanistic techniques rely on the fundamental knowledge


available, often overlooking site-specific causes of failure. To address this, the

methodology incorporated engineering knowledge into the computational models

trained on the research data, and

• The success of any computational model depends greatly on the quality of the data

available to train the model with. The inputs included in the prototype system

reflect the data collected in the LTPP programme and, given the detail included in

the research dataset, may not always be available in practice.

9.2 Recommendations for Implementing the Research

While the results presented in Chapter Seven have demonstrated the promise of the system, it

is recommended that in order for the developed support vector models to be implemented in

New Zealand, the model needs to be calibrated and tested on a wide variety of different road

networks following the procedure described in Chapter Seven. At the time of submission of

this research, such testing was being facilitated on a variety of New Zealand road networks,

with funding from the NZTA.

To further develop and improve the accessibility of the prototype system to practitioners, it is

recommended that a computer language, appropriate for the software packages typically

employed in the industry, be developed to call in the support vector machines model files

(currently in a .txt file format in R language) for the direct implementation of the developed

system. For the implementation of the system in a domain similar to that reported in this

thesis, such as a network containing pavements of similar composition to the development of

the prototype system, the network dataset can be passed through the uploaded model files,

providing the inputs from the network dataset correspond to those of the system. However,

for alternative road networks comprising of pavement compositions and traffic volumes other


than those considered in this research, it is recommended that new support vector machines

model files are developed, specific for the new dataset, following the methodology adopted

throughout this thesis.

The methodology adopted in this research can be transferred to other road pavement types for

the development of similar pavement performance systems; however, the assumptions of this

research may not be suitable to other pavement domains. Internationally, pavement types and

construction practices differ, such that alternative causes are responsible for failure of other

pavement types than the knowledge inferred in this research, which captured the causes of

flexible road pavement failure. Therefore, it is suggested to reconsider the causes included in

the failure charts for true replication of alternative pavement failure. Although this research

concluded support vector machines were the most appropriate classification technique for this

case study, the performance of this technique may not be reproduced when using alternative

road pavement datasets. Therefore, this research further recommends adopting the

methodology of Chapter Five to evaluate the performance of alternative classification

techniques, given the respective pavement data.

9.3 Further Work

A summary of the recommendations for the improvement of the prototype system are listed

in the following sections, namely addressing the limitations of the research and for further


9.3.1 Recommendations to Address the Limitations of the Research

Chapter Eight discussed the limitations of the research; therefore, the following

recommendations are suggested to address the issues identified.


Developed failure charts:

Despite the comprehensive methodology followed in Chapter Four, additional causes of

failure may not have been represented in the failure charts. The methodology included site-

specific failure causes; however, an analysis of a greater number of New Zealand road

networks may further identify regional causes of failure. Furthermore, it is recommended to

take into account the interactions between the failure mechanisms in the failure charts.

Comparative study:

To improve the comparative study, this research recommends evaluating the classification

techniques using integrated performance measures and alternative sampling methods, in

addition to the reported results. To do so, it is important that the research dataset includes

information regarding the cost functions of incorrect predictions for the evaluation of the

classification techniques using integrated performance measures, and larger amounts of

failure data for the implementation of alternative sampling methods.

It is also recommended a cost effective analysis is undertaken, such as reported in (Levin and

McEwan, 2001), to determine the overall effectiveness of the system.

Design of the prototype system:

In the design of the prototype system, basing the selection of successful factor combinations

on 100 % accuracy threshold (or 90 % for the case of the shear models) may have excluded

possible failure paths from the resultant system. For example, the factor combination(s)

presenting an accuracy of 99 % were omitted from the remainder of the study, despite the

minute difference between the accuracy and the target threshold. Reviewing this approach, it

is suggested to cross-reference the excluded failure paths with the failure charts to ensure the


omitted failure paths are not in fact possible for the respective failure mechanism. One

method to address this would be to reduce the accuracy threshold, for example.

Multiple failure events should also be modelled with the support vector machines technique

providing the data is forthcoming.

Prototype system testing:

This research tested the developed prototype system on an independent dataset in Chapter

Seven; however, this testing dataset is atypical of network data. Although the results in

Chapter Seven suggested that the developed rutting system is compromised when used with

an independent dataset, further network testing is advised to determine the effectiveness of

the system on typical road networks. It is suggested that the network datasets involved in the

further testing of the system include as many input variables possible. Those associated with

the strength of the pavement and its composition, as well as reliable traffic data, were shown

to be particularly important in maximising the accuracy of the results.

Improvements to the data:

Possible improvements to the research dataset include information on the costs of failures for

the implementation of integrated performance measures, information relating to the timings

of multiple failures, processes to collate and quantify subjective and categorical data, and

greater amounts of data representing multiple failures to use in modelling such failure types.


9.3.2 Recommendations for Further Work

The following recommendations are suggested to improve the developed prototype system:

Other classification techniques:

Chapter Two reviewed the advantages and disadvantages of a list of discriminative and

generative classifiers, yet the comparative study in Chapter Five investigated the performance

of only five methods. The selection of these methods was based on objective criteria,

assessing the applicability and suitability of each of these methods to the study. However, the

exclusion of the other methods (refer Section 2.6) resulted in the unknown performance of

these to the research dataset. Therefore, this research suggests evaluating the excluded

classification methods based on the research dataset.

Alternative failure mechanisms:

The scope of this research limited the development of the prototype system to three

predominant structural failure mechanisms on New Zealand road networks. Other failure

modes, generally associated with the surfacing layers, impede the function and integrity of

road pavements. For a complete failure system, the framework of this research should be

replicated focussing on predicting the probability of other failure types.

Forecasting of the predictions:

Employing pavement deterioration models to forecast the future condition state of the

pavement has positively impacted on forecasting maintenance. As this research complements

the current PMS practices and failure knowledge base, this research should be further

developed so to include forecasting capabilities in the design of the prototype system; so over

time, a measurable shift in network failure probabilities can be used in future maintenance




Comparisons of the research dataset and RCA network datasets identified a number of

inconsistencies. The limited resources and funding available to RCAs restricts the data

collected in road inspections, the collection methods employed, and the timings of road

inspections. Further research is proposed to evaluate the confidence around the predicted

probabilities by incorporating an uncertainty element into the system, taking into account:

• Missing data records resulting from uncollected information;

• Unreliable and inconsistent collection methods;

• Human error, and

• Subjective model inputs.

9.4 Lessons Learnt from this Research

This research has proposed a novel approach to predicting the probability of road pavement

failure, contributing to the existing knowledge base of pavement performance models. The

most significant lessons learnt, based on the findings of this research, include:

• Purely empirical modelling approaches lack the inference of human knowledge

and purely mechanistic modelling approaches lack the sophisticated technology

offered by computational models. The successful factor combinations

highlighted in Chapter Five, and revisited in Chapter Six, correlated well with the

developed failure charts from Chapter Four, since the model foundations were

based on the failure paths. The combination of the two elements resulted in a well

performing and accurate system;


• A number of modelling techniques are available, given current computer

efficiency and power. However, no single algorithm can be assumed superior,

without a robust comparison of the techniques using the same data;

• Classification methods are appropriate for implementation in modelling road

pavement performance, and

• Improvements in the current pavement data are required for effective and

accurate modelling of multiple failure incidents. Current methods can only

estimate the occurrence of such failures; however, it is expected computational

models will be able to model these phenomena effectively.


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Appendix A: Southland District Council Site Visit Notes

A research site visit to the Southland District, New Zealand, was completed between the

dates of 20th April 2009 and 23rd April 2009. The purpose of this site visit was to:

• Become familiar with this road network;

• Gain sufficient background information into the appearance and properties of

typical New Zealand pavement failures, and

• Gain experience with characteristic RCA road data specifically data from the

RAMM database.

The information from this site visit aided the development of the failure charts. Appendix A

presents the site visit notes from each road section.


Appendix B: Preliminary Data Analysis

B.1 SDC Data Analysis

Appendix B.1 provides the results from the preliminary data analysis using the Southland

District Council road dataset. The data included in this dataset was obtained primarily from

the RAMM database, and provides this research with data characteristically typical of RCA

databases. This analysis aided in the development of the specific failure charts for rutting,

cracking, and shear failures.

B.2 LTPP Data Analysis

Data from the LTPP programme established two datasets for this research. Appendix B.2

presents the results from the preliminary data analysis using both the Local Authority (LA)

and State Highway (SH) LTPP datasets. This analysis aided in the development of the failure

charts in Chapter Four and furthermore the State Highway LTPP analysis was used as a

reference in Chapter Five.


Appendix C: Computational Model R Code for Each

Classification Technique

The computational code employed in the R statistical programme throughout this research is

presented below. The source files for each modelling technique are included in the Appendix

folder (on the CD-rom):

• source_file_log_reg.r: for logistic regression;

• source_file_neural_networks.r: for neural networks;

• source_file_prob_tree.r: for probability trees;

• source_file_random_forest.r: for random forests, and

• source_file_svm.r: for support vector machines.

Further to the above, the following (Appendices C.1 to C.5) detail the individual code for

each classification technique explored in Chapter Five.

C.1 Logistic Regression

The glm() function (Davies and Ihaka, 2010) was used to construct a logistic regression

model in R, and a number of the arguments used in this function remained as the default

arguments. The following shows the non-default arguments defined in this research:

Model = glm(formula, family = binomial(link = 'logit'), data, weights = wgts)

formula = variable description of the model to be fit
data = dataset used to train the model, which contains all the variables included in the
‘formula’ argument
weights = weighting vector to account for the imbalance of the failures versus non-failures of
the research dataset


The family argument described the error distribution and link function used in the model

where, within this function, the binomial family was chosen as this permits the function for

generating a logistic regression model (Pruim, 2010).

The predict() function below was used to predict the probability of failure; the type argument

of “response” was selected to ensure the output is a probability.

predict(model, test_data, type="response")

model= the trained logistic regression model, from above
test_data= the testing dataset to assess the modelling technique, and contains all the
variables included in the model training

C.2 Neural Networks

The nnet package in R (Ripley, 2012) was used to construct a feed-forward neural network

with a single hidden layer, as below:

Model = nnet(formula, size=size, decay=0.001, skip=T, Hess=T, maxit=1000, entropy=T,

data=data, weights=wgts)

formula = variable description of the model to be fit
data = dataset used to train the model, which contains all the variables included in the
‘formula’ argument
weights = weighting vector to account for the imbalance of the failures versus non-failures of
the research dataset

The size argument defined the number of hidden units (nodes) in the hidden layer and, in this

research, a range of 1 to 10 nodes inclusive were trialled. An arbitrary value for decay was

selected to lower the magnitude of the weights, resulting in a more optimal solution. The skip

argument was set to TRUE to allow the network to skip a layer, if necessary, so the optimal

solution can connect straight from the input nodes to the output layer. Hess was also set to


TRUE so the measure of fit at the best set of weights found was returned in the output

summary. The maximum number of iterations for the training of the model was set to 1000,

using maxit, and entropy was set to TRUE to fit maximum conditional likelihood and provide

probabilistic outputs.

The predict() function was used in the same manner as the logistic regression technique

previously, with the type argument omitted, as the probability output was already defined in

the model nnet() function.

predict(model, test_data)

model= the trained neural network model, from above
test_data= the testing dataset to assess the modelling technique, and contains all the
variables included in the model training

C.3 Support Vector Machines

The svm() function within the e1071 package (Dimitriadou et al., 2011) in R was used to

construct the support vector machines model. The research chose the radial basis function

kernel, defined by the kernel argument, because of its ability to handle non-linear attributes

and class relationships (Gil and Johnsson, 2011). The type argument was set to “C” to

indicate a classification type of model, and the inclusion of the probability argument applies

the maximum conditional likelihood concept, alike neural networks, to the decision values.

The remaining arguments remained as the default values.

Model = svm(formula, kernel="radial", type="C", data, weights=wgts, probability=TRUE)

formula = variable description of the model to be fit
data = dataset used to train the model, which contains all the variables included in the
‘formula’ argument
weights = weighting vector to account for the imbalance of the failures versus non-failures of
the research dataset


Like the previous methods, the predict() function was used to establish the predictions of the

testing data and included in the arguments were probability=TRUE and

decision.values=TRUE to ensure the new predictions were presented as probabilities.

predict(model, test_data, probability=TRUE, decision.values=TRUE)

model= the trained support vector machines model, from above
test_data= the testing dataset to assess the modelling technique, and contains all the
variables included in the model training

C.4 Probability Trees

In R, the rpart package and rpart() function (Themeau and Atkinson, 2012) was used to

construct a probability tree model . The method argument of this function defined the

classification nature of the probability tree (i.e. the splitting rule).

Model = rpart(formula, data=data, weights=wgts, method="class")

formula = variable description of the model to be fit
data = dataset used to train the model, which contains all the variables included in the
‘formula’ argument
weights = weighting vector to account for the imbalance of the failures versus non-failures of
the research dataset

Pruning unnecessary branches optimised the model output; therefore, in the same package,

the prune() function was applied to the model tree. This research selected the complexity

parameter (cp) (i.e. the complexity of the tree) that was associated with the smallest cross-

validated error, ensuring the optimal tree was delivered.

Pruned_Model=prune(model, cp=model$cptable[which.min(model$cptable[,”xerror”]), “CP”])

The predict() function was used to establish the predictions for the testing dataset and the

type argument defined the output as a probability.


predict(model, test_data, type=”prob”)

model= the trained probability tree model, from above
test_data= the testing dataset to assess the modelling technique, and contains all the
variables included in the model training

C.5 Random Forests

The randomForest() function, from the package of the same name (Liaw and Wiener, 2012),

in R was used to construct a random forest ensemble.

Model = randomForest(formula, data=data, weights=wgts, xtest=NULL,

importance=TRUE, keep.forest=TRUE)

formula = variable description of the model to be fit
data = dataset used to train the model, which contains all the variables included in the
‘formula’ argument
weights = weighting vector to account for the imbalance of the failures versus non-failures of
the research dataset

The xtest was not needed in this research, thus this argument was set as NULL. Throughout

the construction of the forest, the importance of the predictors was assessed, defined by

‘importance = TRUE’. The argument keep.forest=TRUE ensured the forest information was

retained in the output object for future reference. The remainder of the model arguments

remained as their default parameters.

Identical to probability trees, the predict() function used the type argument to define the

output as a probability.

predict(model, test_data, type=”prob”)

model= the trained random forest model, from above


test_data= the testing dataset to assess the modelling technique, and contains all the variables

included in the model training


Appendix D: Result Tables for Performance Measures

The results tables are published in Appendix D, which includes individual tables for each of

the cross-validation tests (10 in total for each factor combination), which are then averaged to

provide a single mean value and associated standard deviation for each performance measure

per factor combination, per failure mechanism. In addition to the individual results tables, a

summary table of the averaged cross-validation tests (for each factor combination per failure

mechanism) is presented in this appendix. It is the data from these summary tables that are

used in the density plots and box and whisker plots, also included in this appendix.

The following discusses the difference between the three datasets used in this analysis. This

thesis reports on the results from the NAs=0 State Highway LTPP dataset (as detailed


• Full: The full State Highway LTPP dataset includes all the datapoints from the

LTPP database. As part of the modelling process, missing values (such as NAs)

are removed from the computational models, reducing the number of datapoints

used in the training of the classification models;

• Limited: This dataset includes only the sites which have failed, and the data from

the year prior to failure, and

• NAs=0: A full dataset from the State Highway LTPP database where the missing

values were assigned a default value of zero (0) (as per Chapter Five) to ensure a

greater number of datapoints available in the training of classification models.


Appendix E: Failure Paths and Causes

A table of successful factor combinations for each failure mechanism (rutting, fatigue

cracking, and shear) is presented in this appendix. These combinations were based on the

success of each, given the success threshold of 100 % accuracy for rutting and fatigue

cracking failure, and 90 % for shear failure. Included in the table is a detailed description of

the factor groups (from Table 4-1) for each combination, and the causes associated with such

failure paths.


Appendix F: Performance Results of the Prototype System

This appendix includes:

• The raw predictions from the State Highway LTPP dataset (please note that

additional data was collected between the years of 2010 – 2011 and added to the

research dataset);

• Tables reporting on the performance measures for each failure mechanism

(rutting, fatigue cracking, and shear), and box and whisker plots for each, and

• The raw data tables and plots for the sensitivity analysis, for each failure

mechanism to test the robustness of the prototype system. These results show how

the results of the output can be apportioned to the independent variables.


Appendix G: Case Study Testing

Appendix G contains the result tables from the case study described in Chapter Seven,


• The raw predictions from the prototype system evaluating the probability of

failure for the Local Authority LTPP rural dataset;

• Tables recording the performance measures for each failure mechanism (rutting,

fatigue cracking, and shear), and

• The calculation table for the overall failure probabilities for the Local Authority

LTPP rural dataset, based on the two calculation methods discussed in Chapter



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