Presentation Aungkini Lake

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Good morning to my beloved teacher and my fellow friends. Have you ever wandered into a place
and felt wrong? Today we will jump into the account of a Canadian fur trapper who stumbled on the
village that vanished without a trace. Let’s find out what did the fur trapper Joe LaBelle stumble into
in the northern Canadian wilderness that scared him so much. Let’s find out.

The Angikuni lake is located in the Kivalliq Region of Nunavut, Canada. It is one of several lakes
located along the Kazan River. Specifically, the lake is found in a central part of the country, almost
1500 miles northwest of the capital Ottawa. The lake sits approximately 256 meters above sea level
and is spread across 191 square miles.

Hui Zhen
In 1930, a newsman in The Pas, Manitoba reported on a small Inuit village right off of Lake
Angikuni. The village had always welcomed the fur trappers who passed through occasionally. But
in 1930 Joe Labelle, a fur trapper well known in the village, found that all the villagers had gone. He
found unfinished shirts that still had needles in them and food hanging over fire pits and therefore
concluded that the villagers had left suddenly. Even more disturbing, he found seven sled dogs
dead from starvation and a grave that had been dug up. Labelle knew that an animal could not have
been responsible because the stones circling the grave were undisturbed. He reported this to the
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Kelleher refers to them using the anachronism North-West
Mounted Police), who conducted a search for the missing people; no one was ever found.

Anjikuni fastly became a home for the Inuit tribe; it developed soon into a colony and became
popular almost instantly on a cold November day in 1930. Joe Labelle, a Canadian fur trapper, was
more than an efficient individual who spent a lot of time doing outdoor activities. He was well
conversant with the area, as well; he knew that the people established a community. Joe was
acquainted with the Inuit stories of wood ghosts that were reportedly harmful, and this remote part
was soaked in the tales of the Wendigo. Not with standing the legends, the Inuit tribespeople was
very friendly, and they welcome. They have always welcomed travellers and proffered them shelter
for a night.

In the late 20 th  Century, numerous ufologists speculated that the residents of this
remote Canadian village might well have been the unsuspecting victims of one of the
largest mass alien abductions in history. This hypothesis is based on the observation of
the cylindrical, bullet-shaped object hurtling toward Anjikuni, as well as the bizarre blue
lights seen by the Mounties in the night sky above the village. Though the proof backing
this hypothesis is anecdotal at best, however, the assumption is equally exciting and dreadful at the
same time. Envisaging this theory of aliens diving down and escaping with the whole population of a
village is the matter from which nightmare is created.
Regardless of the vocal arguments all over the world, the mystery of Anjikuni Lake village
disappearance still exists, and though we may never find about what happened to those poor souls;
whether they were murdered or aliens really abducted them, we could all only anticipate that
wherever they are hoping for them to be in a better place. This is a big event of the  entire village

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