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The Third International Congress on Desert Economy - Dakhla.

Energy Economics between Deserts and Oceans.

October 20th – 21st, 2021, Dakhla, Morocco.
The National School of Business and Management, ENCG Dakhla.

E-mail: Tel: +212618086893

Table of Contents
1. Purpose and scope of The International Congress on Desert Economy – Dakhla, Morocco.
2. Organizing committee.
3. Argument by Dr. Elouali AAILAL.
4. Scientific committee.
5. Themes.
6. Call for Papers.
7. Author guidelines.
8. Publication.
9. PhD Workshop.
10. Sahara Desert Excursion.
11. About this Congress.
Purpose and scope of The International Congress on Desert Economy – Dakhla, Morocco.

The International Congress on Desert Economy – Dakhla (ICDED) is annually co-organized by the
National School of Business and Management (ENCG) of Dakhla - Morocco and the Regional
Council of Dakhla Oued Eddahab region. This third edition will be held in Dakhla - Morocco, on
October 20th and 21st, 2021.

The ultimate purpose of The International Congress on Desert Economy, is to be an

interdisciplinary scientific research platform on the desert, arid lands, and the Sahara (hot
drylands, hyperarid or semi-arid regions, oasis and rural remote areas) economy, management,
and development (rural development), in order to contribute effectively to the good governance and
in the sustainable development of arid lands worldwide, by attracting and promoting investment
opportunities in the Sahara and deserts, and by stimulating meetings between all stakeholders on a
global scale: Academics, Professionals, Policy-Makers, Civil society and NGOs..., with a view to
fostering cooperation and partnership, among desert countries: Africa and the Gulf States (the
MENA and the Sahel...), the United States of America, Australia, China, India..., with the aim of
valuing and promoting the desert knowledge and its related studies' and conferences' findings and
recommendations, and creating a conducive environment to the exchange of experiences, expertise,
trainings, educational practices and innovation, around themes related to the desert economy and to
the arid lands management, such as Tourism, travel industry and tourism economics; Agriculture,
aquaculture, and agricultural economics (rural economics); The Economics of Water; Renewable
energy, energy economics, and energy management; Mining and natural resource management;
Transportation and logistics; Fisheries, maritime, sea, and ocean economy; Technology and
innovation; Water sports and entertainment, sports economy and sports management; Cultural,
tangible and intangible heritage; Biodiversity, wetlands, environment, and nature conservation and
management...Thus, each year, an edition will be organized.

Besides the main theme of this third edition entitled “Energy Economics between Deserts and
Oceans,” it will also be devoted to addressing general issues on the desert (Sahara) economy
management and its sustainable development.

Note that this third edition of the International Congress on Desert Economy - Dakhla. was
supposed to be organized on the last April 21st and 22th , 2020, but due to the current situation
related to Covid-19 (Coronavirus), it's rescheduled to the next year on October 20th and 21st, 2021.
The National School of Business and Management, ENCG Dakhla, Dakhla, Morocco.
Organizing committee.

Dr. Elouali AAILAL: President and Coordinator of the International Congress on Desert Economy. Dakhla

President of the " Desert Action " Association, Dakhla. Morocco.


• Elouali Aailal. Research Professor at the ENCG of Dakhla.

• Aziz Sair. Director of the National School of Business and Management, ENCG Dakhla.

• Juan Manuel Benitez. Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Business, and Tourism.

University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.

• Kaoutar Roussi. Research Professor at the ENCG of Dakhla.

• Hassane Amaazoul. Research Professor at the ENCG of Dakhla.

• Hajar El Moukhi. Research Professor at the ENCG of Dakhla.

• Fadoua Lemsagued, Research Professor at the ENCG of Dakhla.

• Lamiae El Kahri, Research Professor at the ENCG of Dakhla.

• Lahoucine Assellam. Research Professor at the ENCG of Dakhla.

• Mehdi Boutaounte. Research Professor at the ENCG of Dakhla.

• Youssef Hanyf. Research Professor at the ENCG of Dakhla.

• Asmae El Hidani, Research Professor at the ENCG of Dakhla.

• Chahida El Idrissi. Research Professor at the ENCG of Dakhla.

Gradually we recognize the incredible benefits of inter-African collaboration (and the enormous cost of the
lack of inter-African cooperation) both for Africa itself and for the world.

Thanks to multilateral African and international cooperation, deserts and arid lands across the globe,
especially in Africa (The Sahara and the Sahel), with their vast and rich natural maritime seaboards and
coastlines, are an open workshop and a scene of substantial and Trans-Saharan megaprojects and
infrastructures: The DESERTEC Project (Clean and renewable energy), the Great Green Wall for the Sahara
and the Sahel Initiative (Greening the Sahara and combating the desertification), the Trans Africa Pipeline
Project (Water), the "Power Africa " Initiative, the "Desert to Power" Initiative...Such promising
Megaprojects and Initiatives, if fully executed, will undoubtedly contribute to rebirthing Africa into holding
its deserved high stature, and will play a pivotal role in keeping up with sustainable development and in
ensuring African food security, even more, they will provide abundance in the production for export.

The Possible Africa, where there are all ingredients: Diversity and younger population, richness in natural
resources, unique geographical configuration and morphology: Savannah, forests, mountains, lakes, vast
coasts, deserts, and the Great Sahara Desert.
The Sahara Desert, instead of being underexploited, it could be an exclusive competitive advantage and the
mythical and memorable brand image for Africa, and it may be the ideal place to boot a strong and long
term inter-African and international cooperation in the service of humankind.

The targeted sustainable development in arid lands, just like anywhere else, is governed by an environmental
transformation that will fundamentally change our lifestyle, as sustainability is its corn stone. Concepts like
the green economy or circular economy, the blue or ocean economy, and ecotourism (desert tourism) are all
plainly supposed to be renewable energy dependant. Thus, the environmental impact of any human activity,
such as, travel and tourism industry, land and maritime transport, shipping and logistics, agricultural and
fishing... is a major criterion that will tag the range of receptivity and continuity of these economic activities,
in the light of an increasingly environmentally-friendly legal arsenal, with a focus on green finance and

As a matter of fact, economic development worldwide is entirely dependent on the interactions between
energy and economy systems, where our dependence on clean and renewable energy becomes more and
more confirmed. Energy Economics could be defined as a branch of economic studies devoted to
quantitatively and qualitatively deciphering our well-being and prosperity in their interaction with energy

According to the International Renewable Energy Agency, by 2050, the overall total investment in the
energy system would need to reach USD 110 trillion (around 2% of average annual GDP over this
period), the level of extra investments required to set the world on a more climate-friendly path above
current plans and policies, is USD 15 trillion. The share of renewables in the world's total final energy
consumption has to increase six times faster to match up to agreed climate goals, precisely, the seventh
Sustainable Development Goal, which states for ensuring that everyone will be able to have access to
affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy. For that, international financial flows to developing
countries, in support of clean and renewable energy, reached USD 18.6 billion in 2016, almost doubling
from USD 9.9 billion in 2010. This trend is likely to increase due to the promising opportunities offered by a
steady decline in renewable energy production costs, leading to lower prices.
So far, in some countries, oceans and seas still the primary sources of conventional energy (oil, gas), despite
their richness in marine renewable energies (offshore energy): traditional marine renewable energies (ocean
wind energy and ocean solar energy), wave energy and tidal energy, as specific forms of marine (ocean)
power. Also, knowing that ocean-based renewable energy has not yet achieved the economies of scale
necessary for significant cost reductions, but, as oceans and seas cover more than 70 % of the Earth’s
surface, it's not surprising that a large share of future energy production will probably come from ocean-
based renewable energy. To show the potential energy glut, published studies have shown that the ocean
wind energy potential is so significant and large enough that it could, theoretically, be used to propel human

Morocco took up the challenge of increasing green renewable energy production from total renewable
energy to 52 % by 2030, initially set at 42 % by 2020. This specific achievement becomes a reality thanks to
the adoption of an ambitious energy strategy, including generating renewable energies in Moroccan deserts:
The Solar Complex (Noor) in Ouarzazate, the largest wind farm in Africa located in the coastal desert of the
city of Tarfaya, and last but not least, the project to be implemented in the Sahara of the Dakhla
region, aiming to generate renewable and clean energy, from wind, this wind energy will be used in mining
the cryptocurrencies based on Blockchain technology, such as the Bitcoin.

Dr. Elouali AAILAL. Founder and President of the International Congress on Desert Economy. Dakhla.


Scientific committee.
 Aziz Sair. Director of the National School of Business and Management, ENCG Dakhla. Morocco.
 Keith W. Martin. Founding member of The Sahara Spirit Foundation. Morocco. Member of the Rotary
International committee. USA.
 Sharon Megdal. President of the International Arid Lands Consortium. Director of the University of
Arizona Water Resources Research Center (WRRC). Arizona. USA.
 Paul Van Son. President & CEO of the DESERTEC Industrial Initiative. Desert Energy. Honorary
President of the European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET). Germany.
 Nasir El Bassam. Director of the International Renewable Energy Research Center. USA. Chairman of
the World Renewable Energy Council, Germany.
 Alan Gertler. Vice President of Research at the Desert Research Institute (DRI), Reno. Director of the
Clean Technologies and Renewable Energy Center. Nevada. USA.
 Ghaleb Alhadrami. Provost & Vice Chancellor of the United Arab Emirates University. UAE.
 Jean Luc Chotte. President of the French Scientific Committee on Desertification (CSFD). Research
Director at the Research Institute for Development, IRD. France.
 Juan Manuel Benitez. Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Business, and Tourism. University of Las
Palmas de Gran Canaria. Spain.
 James Smith. President-elect of the International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE). Southern
Methodist University. Texas. USA.
 Roderick Tennyson. Co-Founder and President of the Trans Africa Pipeline Inc (TAP). Institute for
Aerospace Studies, University of Toronto. Canada.
 Mustapha Taoumi. Clean Energy Key Expert at EU GCC, CETN III. UAE. Former regional officer for
MENA region at The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Morocco.
 Carmelo Rodriguez Torreblanca. President of the University of Almería. Spain.
 Hillard Huntington. Director of the Energy Modeling Forum. Stanford University. California. USA.
 Jimmy Cocking. Director of the Desert Knowledge Australia (DKA). CEO of the Arid Lands
Environment Center. Vice President of the Australian Conservation Foundation. Australia.
 Johan Hollander. World Maritime University (WMU), Global Ocean Institute, and International
Maritime Organization (IMO). Sweden.
 Mustapha Naimi. University Institute of Scientific Research, Rabat. Morocco.
 Ousmane Dramé. President of the Ahmed Baba University (UPAB). President of the Coalition for
Higher Education in Mali. Commissioner for the governance of the International Network of Higher
Education Institutions of the CAMES Area. Mali.
 Bernard Faye. Founder and the first President of The International Society of Camelid Research and
Development (ISOCARD). Camelologist at The French Agricultural Research Centre for International
Development (CIRAD). France.
 Mubarak Abdalla. Director of the Desertification and Desert Cultivation Studies Institute. Deputy Dean
of Agricultural and Veterinary Studies, University of Khartoum. Sudan.
 Poul Alberg Østergaard. Director of the Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Program.
Aalborg University. Denmark.
 Gabriel del Barrio. Experimental Station of Arid Zones, Almería. The Spanish National Research
Council (CSIC). Spain.
 Mahamat Saleh Daoussa Haggar. President of the University of N'Djaména. Chad.
 André Torre. Director at MSH Paris-Saclay University. Research Director at the National Institute for
Agronomic Research (INRA). President of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA). France.
 Sergio Moreno Gil. Co-Director of International Relations at UNESCO Chair in Tourism and
Sustainable Economic Development. University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Spain.
 Maureen McCarthy. Tahoe & Great Basin Research Director, University of Nevada. Research Faculty
at the Desert Research Institute (DRI), Reno. Nevada. USA.
 Christoph Lütge. Director of the Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence. Technical University of
Munich. Germany. Former Visiting Professor at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. USA.
 Najat El Mekkaoui. University Paris Dauphine. France. Board member of the Moroccan Central Bank
(Bank Al-Maghrib), Chairman of the Social Funds Steering Committee. Morocco.
 El Moustapha Sidi Mohamed. Director of the Higher Institute of Accounting and Business
Administration, ISCAE. Mauritania.
 Aykut Olcer. Head of Maritime Energy Management. World Maritime University. Sweden.
 Kader Kaneye. Founder and President of the African Development University. Niger.
 Romila Verma. Founder and Director of the Trans Africa Pipeline Inc (TAP). University of Toronto.
Canada. ISMARE Environmental. India.
 Niels Vestergaard. Director of the Centre for Fisheries and Aquaculture Management and Economics
(FAME). University of Southern Denmark. Denmark.
 Latifa Lankaoui. FSJES Souissi, Mohammed V University, Rabat. Member of the Board of Directors
of the “Forum des Rencontres et des Echanges Administrateurs Mondial”. Morocco.
 Nishanov Nariman. Economist at the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
(ICARDA). National Project Coordinator of FAO at the Central Asia Desert Initiative
(CADI). Uzbekistan.
 Heriberto Suárez. Institute of Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development, University of Las
Palmas de Gran Canaria. Spain.
 Jinlong Ma. University of Melbourne. Australia. Vice president at APEC Sustainable Energy Centre,
Tianjin University, China.
 Houcine Khatteli. General Director of the Institute of Arid Regions, Tunisia.
 Hassan Ramou. IEA, Rabat.
 Abdou Maisharou. General Director of the National Agency of the Great Green Wall for the Sahara
and the Sahel. Niger.
 Ole Kristian Sivertsen. CEO at Desert Control. Norway.
 Andreas Walmsley. Icelandic Tourism Research Centre, University of Iceland. Iceland. Coventry
University. United Kingdom.
 Khaled Sharbatly. “ Desert Technologies ”. Saudi Arabia.
 Juan Luis García. Director of the Atacama Desert Center. Faculty of History, Geography and Political
Science. Chile.
 Lhasan Elmrani. President of the Center for Studies and Development of Oasis and Desert Territories.
 Julius Gatune. The African Center for Economic Transformation. South Africa.
 Aicha Oujaa. National Institute of Sciences of Archeology and Heritage, Rabat.
 Hanaa Hachimi. President of the Moroccan Society of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Director
of the Systems Engineering Laboratory. Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Beni Mellal.
 Abdelbassat Elhajoui. Educational Program Director at the Sports Management School (SMS). Rabat.
 Celestin Christian Tsala Tsala. University of Yaoundé I. Cameroon.
 Ouafae Ouariti Zerouali. ENCG, Agadir.
 Fatima Arib. Director of ACISS, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech.
 Najat Ouaaline. FST, Hassan I University, Settat.
 Asmae Bouaouinate. FLSH, Mohammedia.
 Hamid Nechad. ENCG, Tangier.
 Oumhani Eddelani. FSJES, Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University, Fez.
 Jamila Saidi. FLSH, Mohammedia.
 Zakaria Ez-zarzari. FSJES, Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra.
 Mounir Jerry. FSJES, Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra.
 Aimad Elhajri. FSJES, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech.
 Ghita El Kasri. Co-Founder of Blockchain Embassy and Schoonect, EdTech for students’ engagement.
 Seedou Mukhtar Sonko. Assane Seck University of Ziguinchor. Senegal.
 Kaoutar Roussi. ENCG, Dakhla.
 Hassane Amaazoul. ENCG, Dakhla.
 Hajar El Moukhi. ENCG, Dakhla.
 Fadoua Lemsagued. ENCG, Dakhla.
 Lamiae El Kahri. ENCG, Dakhla.
 Lahoucine Assellam. ENCG, Dakhla.
 Mohammed El Amrani. ENCG, Dakhla.
 Asmae El Hidani. ENCG, Dakhla.
 Mehdi Boutaounte. ENCG, Dakhla.
 Youssef Hanyf. ENCG, Dakhla.
 Chahida El Idrissi. ENCG, Dakhla.
 Ouafae Bouchaf. ENCG, Dakhla.
 Sheikh Mohamed Maoulainine. Regional Director of the High Planning Commission, Dakhla.
 Bathily Diahara. University of Law and Political Science of Bamako. Mali.
 Abdellah El Boussadi. ENCG, Casablanca.
 Abdelkarim Asdiou. ENCG, Casablanca.
As the International Congress on Desert Economy - Dakhla, is an interdisciplinary scientific research
platform on the desert and arid regions, and due to the lack in economic and scientific literature on deserts,
arid zones, and the Sahara, there will be a variety of themes, and contributions will focus mainly on one of
the following (non-exhaustive) themes:

1. Trans-Saharan Megaprojects and Initiatives (Trans-African):

 The DESERTEC Project;

 The Great Green Wall for the Sahara and the Sahel Initiative;
 The Trans Africa Pipeline Project (Water);
 The " Power Africa " Initiative;
 The " Desert to Power " Initiative;
 The Morocco - Nigeria Gas Pipeline and the Trans Sahara Gas Pipeline (TSGO);
 The " Prosper Africa " Initiative;
 The MENA and China’s Belt and Road Initiative (China's new silk road).

2. Regional and Inter-African Economic Cooperation and Partnerships in the Sahara and the
3. International Cooperation on Arid Lands R&D (on deserts and the Sahara).
4. Business, Entrepreneurship, and Investments in Arid Lands (Deserts, Sahara) and Remote
Rural Areas.
5. Energy Business, Entrepreneurship in Energy, and Energy Management.
6. Energy, Desertification, Climate Change (Resilience and Adaptation), and Environment.
7. Renewable Energy and Energy Transition.
8. Offshore Renewable Energy, Marine Wind Energy and Marine Solar Energy (Ocean Power).
9. Wave Energy and Tidal Energy.
10. Low Carbon Energy: Power-to-X and Green Hydrogen (economic, social, and environmental
11. Deserts (Arid lands, Sahara) and Global Economic Transformation.
12. The Economics of Water, Energy, and Hydraulic Resources Management.
13. Energy Supply and Demand.
14. Energy Crisis Management, Energy Risk Management, and the Impacts of Coronavirus Crisis
on Energy Sector (Pre-crisis, during, and Post Covid-19 crisis).
15. Access to Energy and Energy Security.
16. Conventional Energy Resources: Oil, Gas, and Coal.
17. Energy in Tourism, Travel, and Hospitality Industry.
18. Energy in Agribusiness, Aquabusiness (aquaculture), and Fisheries Business (Halieutic).
19. Energy and Food Security in Drylands, Arid Agriculture (Desert Agriculture) and Biosaline
Agriculture (economic, social and environmental aspects).
20. Livestock Economics, Management, and Production (Camels, Sheep, Cows…).
21. Agricultural Economics (rural economics).
22. Sustainable Mobility (Ecomobility), Transportation, and Logistics.
23. Energy Economics Modeling.
24. Energy Policy, Law, and Regulation.
25. New Technologies (Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain...) and Energy Efficiency (economic,
social and environmental aspects).
26. Sustainable Off-Grid Electricity for Rural and Remote Areas, and Poverty Reduction.
27. Economic Geology and Economic Geography.
28. Arid Lands (Deserts and the Sahara) Tourism (Ecotourism, Nature Tourism, Sustainable
Tourism), Travel, and Hospitality Industry.
29. Ocean Economy, Sea Economy (Maritime), and Blue Economy.
30. Economics and Management of Fisheries and Aquaculture.
31. Tourism, Travel, and Hospitality Industry (Tourism Economics).
32. Sports Economy, Water (nautical) Sports Management, and Recreation Economy.
33. Cultural Entrepreneurship and Management of Tangible and Intangible Heritage (Arts,
Creative Industries, Traditional Crafts, and Artisans.)
34. Green Economy, Circular Economy, and Sustainable Development.
35. Social and Solidarity Economy, and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
36. Public Policy (Planning and Spatial Development), Regional Development (Territorial
Development) and Rural Development (Rural Entrepreneurship).
37. Public/Private Investment and Business Climate.
38. International Collaboration and Trade Logistics.
39. Migrations and SDGs.
40. Management, Governance, and Sustainability Issues.
41. Entrepreneurship, Marketing, and Innovation.
42. Knowledge Economy and Human Capital.
43. Finance and Financial System.
44. Digital Economy.
45. Economic Intelligence.

Call for Papers.

Note that this third edition was supposed to be organized on the last April 21st and 22nd, 2020, but due to the current
pandemic situation related to Covid-19 (Coronavirus), it's rescheduled to the next year on October 20th and 21st, 2021, and
the call for papers is reopened until January 31, 2021.

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to submit an abstract for presentations, as oral
communication, through the congress website: , within the
framework of one of the themes of the congress, before December 6, 2020. Proposals must meet the
scientific standards required in the Author guidelines section.

The participation in the Congress is free of charge. However, for a better organization, preliminary online
registration is mandatory before January 31, 2021.

For PhD students, please bring your student ID card or your registration certificate.

After evaluation by the Scientific Committee of the abstracts of communication projects, authors will be
informed of the results, no later than December 13, 2020.

Full versions of the research papers must reach the Scientific Committee before January 10, 2021.

Both, the two collective lunches and the collective dinner, as well as coffee breaks, during the days of the
Congress, are offered in honor of the participants. Supplies and documentation such as satchels, notepads…
are also available. The airport shuttle will be provided by the ENCG of Dakhla, for participants coming from
Further information about the Congress, including information on Dakhla city, about cheaper hotels, will be
available on our website encg-dakhla : . For more information,
please contact: E-mail: or Tel: +212618086893

Author guidelines.
In order to submit an abstract, please follow these steps:

1. Create an account by selecting "Registration" on our website:

2. Submit your abstract by selecting "Submit" before December 6, 2020.

3. If you receive a notification of acceptance, "Submit" and send the full version before January 10,

Please submit the abstract of your proposal for oral communication via the submission system on our
website (copy and paste your abstract in the space provided in the form).

Abstracts should not exceed 600 words and should include:

1. The header:

 The title of the communication;

 The first name and the last name ;
 Function and institutional affiliation;
 Keywords (3-5).

2. The abstract text:

1. The problem;
2. The objectives;
3. The methodological framework;
4. Preliminary results (if possible).

Oral communications.
Oral interventions will be in English, Arabic, French and Spanish, for a period of 15 minutes, followed by a
discussion of 5 minutes.

Final versions.

The full versions, is to be submitted, first via the website, then to send another version, no later than
January 10, 2021, as an attached file in Microsoft Word format to the following e-mail address: A template of the accepted full versions is available on the website
It is planned to publish the accepted and presented papers during the congress, in a collective work (in the
Proceedings of the Congress).

Best selected papers will also be published in The International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning
and Management (IJSEPM) and / or in The International Journal of Economics and Management
Research (IJEMARE).

The languages of the Congress are: English, Arabic, French and Spanish.

PhD Workshop.
A PhD workshop will be organized as part of the third International Congress on Desert Economy, Dakhla.
The challenge is to allow PhD students to make a short oral presentation (6 min at most) on their theses
work at various stages of advancement. This doctoral workshop is organized in the context of the
importance given by our School to young researchers. We are committed to fostering their integration into
the scientific community. PhD students in various disciplines (Economics, Management, Geography,
Environment, Culture ...), are invited to submit the summary of the most important points of their theses.

Further information about this PhD Workshop is available in the section “PhD Workshop”, on our website:
Sahara Desert Excursion
(Combine pleasure, business and science)
The Desert Action association, organize on Thursday, February 25, 2021, an excursion to the desert of
Sbita (160km from Dakhla). This excursion is part of the post-congress program of the Third International
Congress on Desert Economy. This is an opportunity to savor the beauty of this region.

Further information about this Excursion is available in the section “Sahara Desert Excursion”, on our

The Desert Action Association, Dakhla, Morocco
The Sbita Desert:
In the middle of nowhere, to combine business with pleasure.

The most peaceful and joyful moments in the middle of nowhere, "The Sbita Desert ", with its sandy
horizons, adorned by the most amazing desert tree: the Acacia (raddiana), under its refreshing shadows,
while listening to some classic tones of the Desert (Hassani music), you will attend a "desert barbecue" and
you will taste the traditional dish of southern provinces: "Rice with camel meat". Of course, this time of
entertainment is interrupted by three ritual and special moments, those of the presentation of the famous
three cups of "Saharan Tea", prepared under a tent of the desert.

This moment of relaxation and contemplation, is not a moment of inactivity, but also an opportunity to
combine business with pleasure: Times of exploration, curiosity and popular science. The light will be put
on certain phenomena that take place in the desert: Meteorological (precipitation and plants of the desert),
geological (formation of dunes), archaeological...

Also this will be an opportunity raise awareness for students and high school pupils of astronomy and space
field experimentation and simulation in desert, and it will also be a suitable moment to underscore the
economic potential of Space industry, the economics of space, and all space related economic activities that
takes place in Deserts, Sahara, and Arid lands.

And above all, the central desert place around the world and its promising economic potential: desert
tourism (Sahara), sport and adventure tourism, renewable energies, agriculture, raw materials and minerals,
oceanic economy (blue), desert technology, tangible and intangible heritage (cultural) ... etc

Departure from Dakhla: Thursday February 25, 2021 at 09:00 H.

Return to Dakhla: In the evening around 19:00 H.

The menu:
Beet salad (Barba salad)

Tomato salad

Pasta salad

Cucumber salad

Nicoise salad

Rice with camel meat (the traditional dish in the southern provinces)

Grilled chicken

Grilled sheep

Grilled kebabs



Saharan tea.
About this Congress.
The idea of the International Congress on Desert Economy, arose for the first time in the framework
of the "Desert Action" association , in Dakhla, the first Moroccan and African association
specialized in Arid Lands, Desert, and Sahara economy development (rural development),
business, and management, then, thanks to an official convention between the National School of
Business and Management (ENCG) of Dakhla and the Regional Council of the Dakhla Oued Eddahab
Region, this agreement provides for the annual co-organization of this Congress.

The web page of the last edition of the International Congress on Desert Economy – Dakhla 2019:

The web page of the first edition of the International Congress on Desert Economy –Dakhla 2018:
Le Troisième Congrès International sur l'Économie du Désert.

" Économie de l'Énergie entre Déserts et Océans."

Les 20 et 21 Octobre 2021, ENCG Dakhla.

l'École Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion, ENCG Dakhla, Maroc.

Think globally, act locally.
E-mail: Phone: +212618086893

Note that this third edition of the International Congress on Desert Economy - Dakhla. was supposed
to be organized on the last April 21st and 22nd, 2020, but due to the current pandemic situation
related to Covid-19 (Coronavirus), it's rescheduled to the next year on October 20th and 21st, 2021.

.‫ المغرب‬.‫المؤتمر الدولي الثالث حول اقتصاديات الصحراء ـ الداخلة‬

.‫اقتصاديات الطاقة بين الصحراء والمحيط‬

.‫ جهة الداخلة واد الذهب‬.‫المدرسة الوطنية للتجارة والتسيير‬

#Indus try #ma nufactu re #ScientificRes ea rch #proj ect #U SA #U S #N ASA #SpaceIndus t ry #Economics OfSpace #company #fi rm #co rpora tion #h ous e #es tablis hment #ag ency #office #en terp ris e #s ociety #Sahara #econo mics #U SEmbas s yMorocco #Dakhla #Regio nalDevelo pmen t #Spatial Developmen t #A ridLands #Ter rito rialDevelop ment # Agricul turalEcon omics #Laborato ry #ecos ys tems #res ilience #des ert #Ad apta tion #land #de grada tion , #Lives tock, #pas to ralis m , #nomadis m , #lives tock , #b reeding , #cat tle , #rais ing , #camel , #milk , #chees e , #mea t , #pro duction , #s heep , # hus bandry , #goa t , #co w , #beef , #chicken , #egg , #petrole um , #gas , #oil , #coal , #cold , #gold ,#N uclearEne rgy , #ur anium #nuclea r, #Iran , # Turkey , #India , #K orea , #J apan , #B raz il , #Paleont ology #tou ris m , #Fos s ils Touris m , #fos s ils , #hunting , #pre his toric , # Medical , #H ealthEconomics , #H ealthMa nagemen t , #H ealthBus ines s , #Medicine , #Pha rmaceu tical , #clinic , #hos pital , #Space , #U nivers e , #G alaxy , #N ASA , #Mars , #Explora tion , #M oon , #SpaceTou ris m , #s atellite , #s pacecraf t , #rocket , # Advent ureTo uris m , #Adve ntu re , #Des er tEcono myClub , #Encg Dakhla , #Touris m Comple menta rity , # Dakhla , #CanaryIs lands , #Las Palmas , #Laayoune , #Sahara , #Des ertLabo rat ory
#AridLands Labora tory #Labo #SaharaLabo rato ry #experim ent #des er t #experi ence #univers ity #ins ti tute #c rafts mans hip # mas ter #Faculty # Res earch #A rts #Crea tiveIndus t ries , #Traditi onalCra fts , #A rtis ans , #Craf ts #Traditi onal #craf ts men , #craf ts mans hip , #Tou ris me , #Moha medSalemB oudija , #A rtis anat , # Dakhla #Tou ris m , #Club Des Dirigea nts , #CD D #M aroc , #CG EM , #C onfédé rationG énér aleDes Ent repris es Du Maroc , #R oi_Moh ammed_ VI , #Is rael , # Maroc , # Morocco , #Roi Moha mmedVI , Rachid Benchrifa, Abdel fattah BARH DA DI , Dris s Zejli, Iz eddine Zorka ni, #AN SOLE, African N etwo rk of Sola r Energy, AN SOLE, Moroccan Society of Renewable ene rgies , #RenewableEn ergyU nivers ityN etwo rk , #REU N ET , Renewable Ene rgy U nivers ity N etwork , Scienti fic Publis hing , Academic pu blis hing , #Scientific Publis hing, #Acade micPublis hing ,#Publicati on #M oroccan #N etwo rk #G lobalEnergyN etwo rkInt erna tional , G lobal Energy N etwo rk Inte rna tional , #G EN I #League #Education #C ultu re #Science #Organiz ation # Scienti ficRes earch #De part ment # RenewableEn ergies #Rural Develop ment # Des er tSocieties #Studies #N omadSocieties #Societies #TheIn terna tionalEne rgyAgency, #IEA , T he Inte rnatio nal Energy Agency,
#TheInte rnational RenewableEne rgyAgency #IREN A ,T heInte rnati onalRenewa bleEnergy Agency , #CSR , Co rpo rate Social Res pons ibility , CS R . #SSE , Social and Solidarity Econo my ,SSE . #RSE, La res pons abilité s ociétale des ent repris es , RSE . #ESS Économie s ociale et s olidaire ,ESS CR I Dakhla Oued- Eddahab R egion , G halla Bahiya , CRU I Dakhla, #G halla_Ba hiya , #Crui Dakhla , #CRU I, # Dakhla , #campaign , #des e rt , #Co unt rys ide , #lands cape, #province, #Dak hla , #CRU I_Dakhla , #G hallaBa hiya , #CRIDakhla, Cent re Regional D'inves tis s ement Dakhla Oued Eddaha b, #Az iz Akhannouch, # RN I Parti Ras s emb lement N ational d es Indépendan ts , Az iz Akhannouch, # Az iz _Akhannouch , Dakhl a Oued Eddaha, Le Pa rti de l'Is tiqlal , #PI ,# AIFor Climate , # AL , #Forum , # Cere mony, #A ridLands Res earch , # Drylands Res earch , #W o rks hop , #H ealthSciences , #travel , #Ai rTrans po rt , #U M 6P , #Inte rnati onalW ater Res earchIns tit ute , #IW RI , #Laayoune , # Moha mmed VIPolytechnicU nivers ity , #B engueri r, #U M6P , #U nive rs itéMoh ammed VIPolytechni que , #BenG ué rir , #Ib nZohrU nive rs ity , #U IZ , #U nivers itéIbnZoh r , #Agadir , #H ous s ineSous s i , #MohammedEl Am rani , #H as s aneAmaaz oul , #LahoucineAs s ellam , #Me h di Boutao unte , , #EN CG _Dakhla , #EN CG Dakhla , #EN CG _D, #EN CG , #Dakhla ,
#Es tDakhla , #Es tLaayoune , #In terna tionalU rba nForu m , #Laayoune , #FpdSma ra , #FacultéPoly dis ciplinaireSmara , #Smara , # Polydis ciplinaryFacultySma ra , #Cent reD eRecherches Et DEt udes SurLes Mé tiers DeLaN atu reEt Du Développe ment Dura ble, #As s a , #Zag , #Métie rs DeLaN atur e , #N ature Prof es s ions , #Sahara , #CamelRes earch , # CamelValo riz ation , #Techn opoleFou mElOued , #Phos bo ucraaFounda tion , #Techn opark , #Laayoune , #OCP , # Technopole , #N ativePla nts , #W ater Manageme nt , # Des ert , #Plan ts , #W ater , # Des ertU SA , # DakhlaCon ference # Confe renceDakhla , # DakhlaFo rum , #Fo ru mDakhla , #Dak hlaFes tival , #Fes tivalDakhla , #Dakhla Even t , #Event Dakhla , # DakhlaConce rt , #Co ncert Dakhla , #Dakhla Mus ic , #DakhlaPa rty, #Pa rtyDak hla , #Mus icDakhla , # DakhlaDes er t , #D es ert Dakhla , #DakhlaTo uris m , #Tou ris mDakhla , # DakhlaTravel , #T ravelDakhla , , # DakhlaFis h , #Fis hDakhla , , #DakhlaO cean , #Ocean Dakhla , , #DakhlaSea , #Sea Dakhla , #Dakhla Agricult ure , #Ag ricultu reDakhla , # DakhlaSpo rts , #Spo rts Dakhla , , # DakhlaBeach , #Beach Dakhla , #Dakhla Por t , #Por tDakhla , # DakhlaAi rPo rt , #Ai rPo rt Dakhla , #DakhlaIn ter national , #U nivers ity Dakhla , #SaharaU nive rs ity , #U nivers itySahara , #DakhlaU nive rs ity , #Inte rnatio nalDakhla , #U nivers ity ,
#Des ertU nivers ity , #U nive rs ityDes er t , #DakhlaIns ti tute , #I ns titu teDakhla , #Saha raIns tit ute , #Ins ti tuteSaha ra , , #Des e rtIns ti tute , #I ns titut eDes er t , #DakhlaExp o , #DakhlaExpos itio n , #DakhlaExhibi tion , # DakhlaShow , #Show Dakhla , #DakhlaFai r , #Fair Dakhla , #DakhlaSpec tacle , #SpectacleDakhla , , # DakhlaTrade , #T rade Dakhla , #DakhlaEcon omy , #Econo myDakhla , # DakhlaEconomics , #Economics Dak hla , # Dakhla Developmen t, # Developmen tDakhla # Dis neyland , #Pa rk , #Dis neyland Dakhla #Dis neylandPa rk , #Dis neylandPa rkDak hla , #U S_VP P_Dakhla , #U s Vir tualPr es encePos tDakhla , # W e s ternSahara , #U s Cons ulate Dakhla , #M orocco , #U S_Cons ulat e_Dakhla , # Dakhla , #Sahrao uiya , #Saharaouia , #Sah raouia , #W ome n , #Solidari ty , #Raid , #race , #ma ratho n , #run ning , #athle tics , #s ports , #IMO , #Inte rnati onalMa ritim eOrganiz ation , #Ocean Decade , #N OAA , #OceanCons ervancy , #Oceana , #SeaSheph erdC ons ervatio nSoci ety , #G reenPeace , #Envi ronme ntal Defens eFund , #Ocean DecadeAlliance , #OD A , #OceanicPres ervatio nSociety , #OceanExper t , #W orldOceanN etwo rk , #BlueOcean , #OceanG overnance , #OceanMa nagemen t , #OceanDevelop ment , #OceanBus ines s , #OceanEconomics , #OceanEconomy , #OceanEntrep reneu rdhip ,
#BlueOceanEntre prene urs hip , #Blu eOceanStrat egy , #OceanProgra ms , #FAO , #FoodAn dAgricul tureO rganiz ation , #U N , #U nitedN ations , #Eu ropeche , #Fis her men , #G lobalOceanograp hicData Archaeologyan dRes cue , #G ODAR , # U nOceans , #Inte rgovern mentalOceanog raphicCo mmis s ionofth eU nitedN ations Educa tional Scientifi an dCult uralOrganiz ati on , #U N ESCO , #Sus tainableDevelop ment , # AcademicRes earch , # Academic , #OECD , #O rganis ationfo rEcono micCoope rationa ndDevel opmen t , #Rainwat erH arves ting , #FogH arves ting , #W ate rH arves ting , #Ra inwa ter, # Clouds H arves ting , #rain, # Ifn i , #DarSiH mad ,Dis neylan d Park , U .S. Vir tual Pres ence Pos t for W es te rn Sahara U .S. Cons ula te , Dakhla Sah raouiya Sahara ouia Sahrao uia W omen Solida rity Raid race mara thon running at hletics s ports , exhibiti on s how s pectacle expos ition expo fai r tra de fair wo rld fai r , U N ESCO , FAO , IMO , Interna tional Mariti me Organiz ation I MO Ocean Decade N OAA Ocean Co ns ervancy Oceana Sea Shepherd C ons ervatio n Society G reen Peace The Envi ronme ntal Defens e Fund. Th e Ocean Decade Alliance Oceanic Pres erva tion Society Ocean Exper t W orld Ocean N etwo rk Blue Ocean Ocean G overnance Ocean Managemen t Ocean Develop ment Ocean Bus ines s Ocean Economics Ocean
Economy Ocean Entre prene urdhi p Blue Ocean Ent repre neurs hip Blue Ocean Stra tegy Ocean Progra ms FOOD AN D AG RICU LTU RE ORG AN IZATION U N ITED N ATION S Europeche fis he rmen G lobal Oceanograp hic Data Archaeology an d Res cue (G ODAR ) U N -Oceans Intergovern mental Oceanog raphic Co mmis s ion of the U ni ted N ations Educatio nal, Scientific and C ultural O rganiz ation (IO C -U N ESCO), Sus tainable developm ent , Acade mic Res earch , Po rtal, po rtail de l'inves tis s ement de la region dak hla oued edda hab inves tme nt po rtal of the dakhla o ued eddaha b region , C ount rys ide , lands cape, province, ca mpaign , ht tps :/ / company/ le-centre -régio nal-d-inves tis s emen t-dakhla- oued-e ddahab/ , Fecebook EN CG Dakhla , ht tps :/ / encgd , ht tps :/ / company/ ecole-nati onale-de -comme rce-et -de-ges tio n-dakhla , h ttps :/ / Cen tre -Regional- Dinves tis s ement -Dakhla -Oued-Edda hab-105 192551335 484 , facebook region dakhla o ued eddaha b, ht tps :/ / pg/ , The Eu ropean N etw ork fo r Ru ral Develo pmen t , EN RD , #Re newableEne rgy , #SolarEne rgy , #W indEnergy , #E nergyEcono mics , #AridLands , #devel opme nt , #D ryLands #AridZ ones , #Sus tainable Develop ment , # Des er t , #Energy ,
#managemen t, #Des er tec , #Travel , # Dakhla , #To uris m , #Saha ra , # Morocco , # Agricultu re , #A quacultu re , #Fis hing, #Ocean, #OceanEconomy, #Blue Eco nomy, #Sea , #B us ines s , #Africa, #economy, #T ouris tic , #to uris ts , #N atural Res ource Managemen t , #des er tification , #d rough t , #W ater , #I CAR DA , #I REN A , #N RM , #N atural Res ources , #Powe rAf rica , #Af DB , # Des ertT oPower , #BIR D, #worl d , #bank , #Senegal , # Mali , #Bu rkinaFas o , #N iger , #N igeria , #C had , #Sudan , #E thiopia , #E ritrea , # Djibou ti , #G MVSS , #Sahel , #G MV, #OSS , #N ouakchott , # Algeria , #Mau ritania , #Saha ra , #M orocco, #W es ternSahara , #P olis ario, #EloualiAailal , #Sp orts , # DakhlaA ttitu de , #W ate rSpor ts , #Kites urf , # Kiteboa rding , # MAScIR , #I RES , #BenG ueri r , #U M6P, #OC P , #M ASEN , #IRESEN , #A DEREE , #ON H YM , #mi ning , #Es tLaayoune, #Ph os phate , #Ph os boucraa , #Laayoune , # Maroc, #Encg Dakhla, #Mo unirH oua ri #Cri Dakhla, #Inves tme nts , #Vis itDak hla , #Crans Monta na, #for um , # DakhlaConnec t , #Fis heries , #Smara, #Se mara , # G uelmim , # As s a , #Tantan , #bouj dour , # Aous s erd , #R ural , #R uralTou ris m , #MEN A , #U AE , #Expo2020 , # Dubai , #TheU ni tedA rabEmi rates , #SaudiA rabia , #ne om , #QSA , #Qatar, #kuwait , #C hina , #Inves tme nts , #U nitedA rabEmi rates , #Xlinks ,
#Solona , #Dakhla , #U nite d States , #A merica , #Cons ula te , #U SA , #embas s y, #Rus s ia , #Spain , #Paris , #France , #G erma ny , #U K , #London , #U nited Kingdom , # Meeti ng , #Inte rnatio nal , #Conf erence , #unive rs ity , #ulpgc , #Las Palmas , #Agadir , #Raba t , #Tange r , #Cas ablanca , #Fes , #Mar rakech, #Ouarz az ate , #MH amidElG hiz lane , # MH amid , #Zagora , #a rfoud , #e rfo ud , #Er rachidia , #Toua reg , #fes tival , #no mad , #mus ic , #adventu re , #carnaval , #camel , #Eco tou ris m , #oas is , #mountain , #Pla nts , #animals , #fauna , #fl ora , #na ture , #co ns ervation , #bi odivers ity, #a rcheology, #he ritage , #Te rrito rialDevel opmen t , #Ter rito rial , #Ter rito ry , #oas es , #Bay, #dajla , #Lagoon , #wetlands , #Film , #Ci nema , #Egypt , #T unis , #Libya , #Jorda n , #s un , #s and , #dunes , #acacia , #tree , #Cli mateCh ange , #coro navirus , #covid-19 , # AriehLigh ts tone , #Is rael , #J ewis h , #Jos ephBiden , # JoeBid en , #Ada mBoehle r , #U SInte rnatio nalDevelop mentFina nceCor pora tion , #A dam_Boe hler , #P ros per_ Africa , #U SDFC , #W as hingt onD C , #ThinkThank , #Inves t ment , #Ins ti tute , # DRI , # Des ert Res earchIns ti tute , # Des ert Res earch , #TheJacob Blaus teinIns ti tutes f or Des ertRes ea rch , #BID R , #BenG u rionU nivers ity , # N egevDes ert , #AailalElo uali , , #EloualiAailal
#ÉcoleN ationaleDeC omme rceEt DeG es tionDakhla , #EN CG Dak hla , #Az iz _Sair , #École_N ationale_ De_Co mmerce_E t_D e_G es tion_Dakhla , # Az iz Sair , #SairAz iz , #Dris s G uerrao ui , #Mas te r , #D ris s _G uerraoui , #In telligenceEconomi queEtP ros pective Des Terri toires , #IEPT , # Az iz _Sair , #Intelligence_Economique _Et_P ros pective_Des _Ter ritoires , #G uer raoui Dris s , #Elouali_Aailal , # Aailal_Elouali , #SaïdM ouline , #Ba drIkken , #Rgui biIdris s i , #ESTLaayoune , #EST_Laayoune , #Rguibi _Idris s i , #Badr_Ikken , # Az iz H antem , #Az iz _H antem , #H an temAz iz , #mari ne , #mari time, # MoroccanSaha ra , #R ASD, #C riLa ayoune , #Ma roc , #EN CG D , #A rtificialIn telligence , #Dee p_Learning , # Machine_Lear ning , #King_ Moham med_VI , #T heKingdo mOfMo rocco , #Ma roc , #Mo hamme d_VI , #École_N ational e_De_ Comme rce_Et_ De_G es tion_ Dakhla , #Repo rt , #Oxfor dBus ines s G roup , #OBG , #Arti ficialIntelligence , #Dee pLearning , # MachineLearni ng , #KingM ohamme dVI , #s emina r , #s ympos ium , #colloq uy , #colloquium # CRI_ Dakhla , #Region alInves tment Cente r , #CRI Dakhla , #D akhlaOuedEddaha bRegion , #G ue rguera t , #Com pany, #Blockchain , #Jo urnal , #con ference , #In terna tionalJ ournal , # Pros per Af rica , #Congres s , #Library , #pr oceedings , #book , #Al AkhawaynU nivers ity ,
#PhDStu dent , #S tudy , #Ph D , #U nivers ity , #Stu dent , # Docto rate , #Lear ning , #Tradi tionalH andicraf t , #H andicraf t , #Inte rnati onalU nivers ityRaba t , #Academic , #Scienti ficRes earch , #Inte rnati onal , #Ins titu teOf Des ert AndSeaP rofes s ions , #Des er tPro fes s ions , #FacultyOfDes ert And MarineSciences , #Ins titu te , #Sou thern Agency, #Phos bo ucraa , #N ational_Office_ o f_Phos pha tes , #OCP , #OCPG roup , # Moha mmed VIPolytechnicU nivers ity , #U M6P, #OCP_SA , #Facul tyOfDes er tSciences , #Science , #s cientific , #AtlanticP ort Dakhla , #Events , #wwwDakhla Connect .com , #wwwdakhlaA tti tude Ma , #Dakhla H os pitalityG roup , #SaharaEven t , #Saha raEvent Ma , #Dak hlaTouris me Ma , #C rt Dakhla , #RegionalC ouncilOfTouris m DakhlaOuedEd dahab , #Regio nalCouncil DakhlaOuedEddaha b , #DakhlaOuedE ddahabR egion , #wwwEncgDakhla AcMa , #N ationalScho olOfBus ines s AndMa nagemen tDakhla , #EN CG Dakhla , #EN CG _ Dakhla , #N ational_School_Of_ Bus ines s _And_Ma nagemen t_Dakhla , #EST Dakhla , #EST_ Dakhla , #Ins titu t_ s pecialis e_ de_ l’hôtelle rie _et_ du _ tou ris me_Dakhla , #ISH T_ Dakhla , #OFPPT , #DakhlaLea rningCe nte r , #DLC , # Dakhla_Learni ng_Cen ter , #Ins ti tut_ S pécialis é_ de_ Technologie_ Ap pliquée_ Dakhla , #IST ADakhla , #IST A_Dakhla ,
#RegionalDi recto rateOfAg ricultu reDakhla , # Delegati onOfSeaFis hingDakhla , #Regi onalDelega teOfTou ris mDakhlaOuedE ddahab , # DakhlaRegionalT ouris m Delegatio n, #DRT Dakhla , # DakhlaRegionalH andicra fts Delega tion , # DakhlaN ationalIns ti tuteOfFis heries Res ea rch , #IN RH , #TheN ationalAgencyFo rTheD evelopmen tOfOas is Zones AndTheA rganTr ee , #AN DZOA , # DakhlaCha mberOf Agricul ture , #concou rs , #EN CG Dakhla, #TAFE M, #CN AE M, #TAFSE M L'H acienda dakhla, Omar El Alaoui Bal rhiti , Dakhla, W eekends de pr os pection des opp ort unités d’inves tis s ement, as s ociation N o rd Sud Acti on, Dakhla I nves tment op por tunities p ros pecting weekends CRI , Ze nith Dakhla Kite res ort , DakhlaCon , Dunes de Dakhla H otel, D AKH LA SU RF H OTELS, Othmane Senous s i, Laila OU ACH I , DAKH LA ATTITU DE , D ris s Senous s i, Dakhla Club , DA KH LA H OSPITALITY G ROU P, indus try manufact ure s pace, indus t ry economics economics of s pace company fi rm corp ora tion hous e es tablis hme nt agency of fice enter pris e s ociety ecos ys tems res ilience des ert Adap tatio n land degr adatio n , Touris me , Mohamed Sale m Boudija , Ar tis anat, tou ris m, C DD- Club D es Dirigean ts , CD D Ma roc, CG EM, Con fédéra tion G énérale des Entrep ris es Du Mar oc, Is rael , Mo rocco, le Roi Moha mmed V I , Ma roc , Oumnia
Boualam ,OBG , Oxford B us ines s G roup, , Lives tock, pas toralis m, nomadis m, lives tock , breeding , cat tle, rais ing , camels , milk , chees e , meat , pr oduction , s heep , hus band ry , goa t , cow , beef , chicken , egg , petroleu m, gas ,oil , coal, cold, gold , nuclear ene rgy ura nium nuclear, I ran , Tu rkey India, Kore a, Japan , Braz il , Paleon tology to uris m , fos s ils touris m , fos s ils , hunting , prehis t oric , Medical , H ealth Econ omics , H ealth Managem ent , H ealth B us ines s , Medicine , Pharmaceu ti cal , clinic , hos pital , Space, U nivers e , G alaxy , N ASA , Mars , Exploration , Moo n , Space Touris m , s atellite , s pacecraf t , roc ket , Advent ure t ouris m , Des ert Econ omy Club , EN CG D AKH LA , Touris m C omplem enta rity , Dakhla , Ca nary Is lands , Las Palmas , Laayoune , Sahara Minis te r of Mi nis try Foreig n Affai rs and Inte rnati onal Coop erati on , Am bas s ador , ru ral ent repre neurs hip , OEC D, Organis ation for Econ omic Co- opera tion and Develop ment , Rai nwater harves ting, Fog ha rves ting , wate r harves ting , Rai nwater, Clouds H arves ting, rai, If ni , Da r Si H mad , #LH acienda #dakhla #LH acienda #OmarElAlaouiBal rhiti # Dakhla #W eekends DeP ros pection Des Oppor tuni tés DInves tis s ement, # As s ociationN ordSu dAction # Dakhla #Inv es tmentOppo rtu nities Pros pec tingW eekends #CRI #Zenit hDakhlaKi teres o rt ,
#DakhlaConn , # Dunes De DakhlaH otel, # DakhlaSur fH otels , #OthmaneSe nous s i #DakhlaAt titu de , #D ris s Senous s i, #DakhlaClub , #DakhlaH os pitali tyG roup, #LailaOuachi , #OBG , #Mo rocco , #OxfordBus ines s G roup , #OumniaB oualam , # RuralEn trep reneu rs hip , #Ru ral , #Social , #Ent repre neurs hip , #SocialEn trep reneu rs hip , #TheEu ropeanN e tworkFo rRural Develop ment , #EN R D , #Eu rope , # Morocco , #dipl omacy , #M AE , #ME M , #MEN , #Eu ropa , #Social , #Ma roc , #Ru ralTouris m , # MRE , # Marocains DuMo nde , #Ma rket , #G re enTech , #CleanTech , #G ree nH ydrogen , #Saha ra #Minis te r # Minis try #Foreign Affai rs #Inte rnatio nalCoope ratio n , #Ambas s ado r Ariz ona ,T ucs on , Phoenix , Reno , N evada , Las Vegas , Théodo re Mo nod , P rix Théodo re Mo nod , Sahara , Dés ert , Des er t , Priz e , Théod ore Monod Award , Des ert P riz e , Des er t Awar d , Ari d Lands Award , Arid Lands Coo perati on , A rid Lands , Inter national , Pa rtn ers hips , Af rica , Conventi on , Des er t Coo perati on , Space Touris m , Space In dus try , Su mmit , Space Econo my , s eminar , A rid Lands Sympos ium , Arid Lands Con fere nce , Arid Lands For um , D es ert Co nfer ence , Des er t Foru m , Des er t Cong res s , Arid Lands Mee ting , Sahara C onfe rence , Sahara Fo rum , Saha ra Congr es s , Sahara Meeting , Colloquiu m, Des er t ,
Colloquy , Bitcoin , Sym pos ium , Ben -G urion U nivers ity o f the N egev (BG U ) , Kub uqi Inte rnati onal Des e rt For um , China Kubuqi Des ert Res earch Ins titu te , M ongolia , Chines e , G ans u Des er t Con trol Res earch Ins titu te , G ans u , Des er tification, Land Degra dation , Dro ught , N or the rn Af rica , Algeria, Egyp t, Libya, Mo rocco, Sudan, Tunis ia, W es tern Saha ra , Mali, Mau ritania, N iger, E ritrea , Chad, As ia , Rus s ia ,Aus t ralia , Iraq, J ordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qata r, Saudi A rabia, t he U nited A rab Emi rates , Yeme n , China, Mongolia, B ots wana, N amibia, and Sou th A frica, Sout h Ame rica, Arge ntina , J ordan, Sy ria, U nited S tates , Mexico, N or thern Ame rica, Euras ia, Turkm enis tan, Kaz akhs tan, U z bekis tan , Ethiopia, S omalia, India , Pakis tan, Angola, N amibia, A fghanis tan, C hile, Peru, Djibou ti, Kenya, Ira n, Senegal, An tarctica , Saha ra, Rus s ian Arctic, A us tralian Des ert, Arabia n Des er t, G obi Des er t, Kalahari Des ert , Patagonian Des er t, Syrian D es ert, G rea t Bas in, Chihuah uan Des er t, Karak um Des e rt, Col orado Pla teau, Sono ran Des ert, Kyz ylkum Des ert, Taklamaka n Des er t, Ogaden Des er t, Tha r Des er t, Pun tland Des e rt, U s tyur t Plateau, G uban Des ert , N amib Des er t, Das ht -e Ma rgo, Regis tan Des ert, Atacama Des ert, Danakil Des ert, Mojave Des e rt, Chalbi Des er t, Colum bia Bas in, Das ht -e Kavir, Ferl o
Des ert, Das ht-e Lu t, Bear G rylls , U nderwa ter C ultu ral H eritage, ICU CH , U nderwa ter , U nite d N ations Conven tion to Comba t Des er tificatio n, U N CCD , Cul tural H eri tage, Mo nique Ba rbut, I brahi m Thiaw, W orld Bus ines s Council fo r Sus tainable Developm ent, W BCS D, M orocco, MIN U RSO, POLISARIO, Sahara, RASD , Sahara and Sahel Obs erva tory, In ter national Fun d fo r Agricul tural Developme nt, IFA D, IU CN , Inte rnatio nal U nion fo r Cons erva tion of N at ure, U nited N a tions Environ ment P rogra m, U N EP, U N Environment , W orld Res ou rces Ins titute, W RI, W o rld Bank, W B, W orl d W ide Fund fo r N ature , W W F, Dr one, W ar, Milita ry, Peace, U N , Special Envoy, W es tern Sahara, Pe rs onal Envoy, M orocco, dis cus s ions , negotiations , r ound ta ble, rou ndtable , talks , dis cus s ions , referendu m, s elf-dete rmina tion, inde pendence, Auto nomy, Saha ra, Elections , Polling, Tr eaty, Ce remony, N atio nal School O f Com merce A nd Ma nagemen t, Dakhla, Maldives , Bahamas , Mal ta, Ireland , Cyprus , Pue rto Rico, N ew Zealand, Mau ritius , Ma urice, Mall orca, Me norca, Ibiz a, An d Forme nte ra, Balearic Is lands , H awaiian Is lands , OCP G roup, Phos phate , Fertiliz ers , Eng rais , Des ert, Advent ure To uris m, Tou r Opera tor, Dakhla, Salon Ag ricultu re, Dakhla Agricul ture, Agricult ure Dakhla, Mo hamed Lamine H o rmatall ah, Region,
Dakhla RN I, Sidi Sloh El Jou mani, Yanja El Kha ttat, Pres ident , Region Dakhla-Oued-E ddahab, Regi on, W indgur u Dakhla, W indgu ru, Vol Dakhla, Cas ablanca Dakhla, Mar rakech Dakhla, Dakhla Las s arga, Dakhla Kites u rf, W es tpoin t Dakhla, H otel Dakhla Club, La C rique Dakhla, Pk25 Dakhla, Saha ra Zoo m, W indguru Dakhla , Dakhla now, Oumlabo uir, H otel La Cri que Dakhla, Agadir2 4, Map Dakhla, Trip Advis or Dakhla, Trip Advis or Des e rt, Tri p Advis or, Mor occo Des ert Challenge, MDC , Rally , Mar oc, Raid, Ma ratho n Des S ables , M DS, Ma ratho n Of The Sands , Mo rocco , Sahara Mara thon, EN CG Dakhla , The N ati o nal School of Bus ines s and Manage ment Dakhla , Inte rnati onal Conf erence on T ouris m and S us tainable Devel opmen t, Des ti nations and To uris m Pr oducts Co mpeti tivenes s and Innovation , Dakhla , In terna tional Con fere nce on Ent repr eneurs hip , Dakhla , Inte rnati onal Cong res s on Entre prene urs hip , Encg Dak hla , EN CG Dakhla, Des er t Spor ts , Advent ure , W ate r Spor ts , Dakhla , Sahara Develop ment , Des ert I nves tmen t , Inves ting Des e rt , Inves tme nt Saha ra , Inves ting Sahara , Inves t ment Dakhla , Inves ting Dakhla , Inte rnatio nal Conf erence Mathe matics , Mathe matics , EN CG Dakhla, Club, Enact us EN CG D, Enactus Club, EN CG D, Enact us , Des ert Econ omy Club, DEC, # Ariz ona ,
#Tucs on , #Phoenix , #Reno , # N evada , #Las Vegas , #Théodo reM onod , #P rixThéodo re Monod , #Saha ra , #Dés e rt , # Des ert, #P riz e , #Théodo reM onod Award , # Des ert Priz e , #Des er tAwa rd , #A ridLands Awar d , #Coop erati on , #A ridLands , #Inte rnatio nal , #Par tners hips , #A frica , #Conven tion , # Des ert Coope ration , #S paceTouris m , #SpaceInd us try , #Sum mit , #SpaceEcono my , #Semina r , #Ari dLands Sympos ium , #A ridLands Con ference , # AridLands For um , # Des ertC onfe rence , #Des er tFor um , #D es ertC ongres s , #AridLan ds Meeting , #Sa haraCo nfere nce , #SaharaFo rum , #Saha raCong res s , #SaharaMee t ing , #Colloquium , # Des er t , #Colloq uy , #Bitcoin , #Symp os ium , #BenG uri onU nivers ityOfTheN egev , #BG U , #Is rael , #Kubu qiInte rnatio nalDes er tFor um , #China , # K ubuqi Des ert Res earchIns tit ute , # Mongolia , #C hines e , #G ans uDes ertC ont rolRes earchI ns titut e , #G ans u , #Des erti fication, #Land Degrada tion , # Dro ught , #N or the rnAf rica , #Alg eria, #Egy pt, #Libya, #M orocco, #Sudan, #Tunis ia, #W es ternSaha ra , #Mali, # Mauri tania, #N iger, # Eri trea , # Chad, #As ia , #Rus s ia , #Aus t ralia , #Iraq, # Jor dan, #Kuwait, #O man, #Qatar, #SaudiA rabia, #U nited ArabE mirat es , #U AE, #Yemen , #C hina, #Mo ngolia, #Bo ts wana, #N amibia, #South Africa, #Sou thA merica, #A rgen tina , #Syria,
#U nitedStates , # Mexico, #N orthe rnA merica, #Eu ras ia, #Turkme nis tan, #Kaz akhs tan, #U z bekis tan , #Ethio pia, #Somalia, #India , #Pakis tan, #Angola, # Afghanis tan, #Chile, #Pe ru, #Dji bouti, # Kenya, #Iran, # Se negal, #An tarctica , #Sahara, # Rus s ianArctic, # Aus tralian Des ert , #Ara bianDes e rt, #G obi Des ert, #Kalaha riDes e rt, #Pa tagonian Des ert, #Sy rianDes er t, #G reat Bas in, #Chihuah uanDes e rt, #Ka rakum Des ert, #C olorad oPlateau, #S onora nDes er t, #Kyz yl kumDes er t, #Taklamakan Des ert, #Ogade nDes er t, #Thar Des er t, #Pun tland Des ert, #U s tyur tPlatea u, #G ubanDes e rt, #N amib Des ert, # Das htE Margo, # Reg is tanDes ert, # Atacama Des ert , #Danakil Des ert, # Mojave Des ert, #C halbiDes e rt, #Col umbiaBas in, # Das htEKavir, #Fe rlo Des ert, # Das htELut, # BearG rylls , #U nderwa terC ultu ralH eritage, #ICU CH , #U nderwa ter , #U ni tedN ations Co nventionT oCom bat Des ertificati on, #U N CCD , #C ultu ralH eritage, # Moniqu eBarb ut, #Ib rahimThiaw, #W o rldBus ines s CouncilFo rSus tainable Developme nt, #W BCS D, #Mo rocco, #MIN U RSO, #POLISARIO, #Sahara , #RAS D, #Sahara AndSahelObs erva tory, #SSO, #OSS, #Inte rnatio nalFundFo rAgricul tural Developm ent, #IF AD, #IU CN , #Int erna tionalU nionFo rCons erva tionOfN atu re, #U nitedN a tions Environ mentP rogra m, #U N EP, #U N Environmen t,
#W orldRes ources Ins tit ute, #W RI, #W o rldBank, #W B, #W o rldW ideFundFo rN ature, #W W F, #D rone, #W a r, #Milita ry, #Peace, #U N , #SpecialEnvoy, #W es ternSaha ra, #Pers onalEnvoy, # Mo rocco, #Dis cus s ions , #N egotiations , #Roun dTable, #Ro undta ble, #Talks , #Dis cus s ions , #Referendu m, #SelfD eter minatio n, #Indep endence, #A uton omy, #Sahara, , #Elections , #Polling, #T reaty, #Ce remo ny, #N ationalSchoolOfC omme rceAnd Managem ent, # Dakhla, #Mal dives , #Bahamas , #Mal ta, #Ireland , #Cyprus , #Pu ert oRico, #N ewZealand, # Mauri tius , #Mau rice, #Mallo rca, #Meno rca, #Ibiz a, #Forme nte ra, #BalearicIs lan ds , #H awaiianIs lands , #OCPG roup, #Phos phate, #Fe rtiliz ers , #Engrais , # Des ert, # Advent ureTou ris m, #Tou rOpera tor, # Dakhla, #Salon Agricult ure, # DakhlaAg riculture , #Agricul ture Dakhla, # Mohame dLamineH orma tallah, #Regio n, #Dakhla #RN I, #SidiSlo hElJou mani, #ElJou mani , #YanjaElKha tta t, #Pres iden t , #Region # DakhlaOuedE ddahab, #Regi on, #W indgur uDakhla, #W indgu ru, # VolDakhla, # Cas ablancaDakhla, #Ma rrakech Dakhla, # Dakhla #Las s arga, #DakhlaKites ur f, #W es tpoin tDakhla, #W es tpoi nt , #H otel DakhlaClub, #LaC rique Dakhla, #Pk25 Dakhla, #SaharaZo om, #W indgu ru #Dakhla , # Dakhlanow, #O umlabouir, #H otelLaCriqu e #Dakhla, # Agadir24, # Map Dakhla,
#TripAdvis or Dakhla, #T ripAdvis or Des er t, #Trip Advis or, # Morocco Des ert Challenge, # MDC ,# Rally , #Ma roc, #Raid, # Marat hon Des Sables , #MDS, # Mara thon, #In terna tionalC onfe renceOnTouris m AndSus taina bleDevelo pmen t , #Des tina tions And Touris mP roduc ts Compe titivenes s AndIn novation , # Dakhla , #In terna tionalCo nfer enceOnEnt repre neurs hip Dakhla , #Dakhla , #I nte rnatio nalConfe renceOnEn trep reneu rs hip, #Inte rnati onalCong res s OnEntrep reneu rs hip , #EncgDakhla , #EN CG _Dak hla , #Des er tSpor ts , #Adven ture , #W ate rSpo rts , #Dakhla , #Saha raDevel opmen t , #Des e rtInves tm ent , #Inves ting Des ert , #Inves tm entSaha ra , #Inves tingSaha ra , #Inves tmen tDakhla , #I nves tingDakhla , #In ter nationalC onfe renceMa thema tics , #Mathe matics , #Inter national Congres s Ma thema tics , #EN CG Dakhla, #Club, #Enactus EN CG D, #Enac tus Club, #EN CG D, #Enac tus , #Des er tEconomyCl ub, #EN CG Dakhla , # DEC, #Renewa bleEnergy, #e nergyecono mics #aridlands #des erti fication #s ahara # des ert # morocco #dakhla # Mar oc #laayounne #encgdakhla #ocean # energy #Re newableEne rgies #encg #encgd #africa #s ea #aquacultu re #t ravel #to uris m #agricul ture # fis hing #economy #b us ines s #development #con ference #ki t es urf #inte rnatio nalconfe rence #economics #webina r #water # power # drylands
#moroccans ahara #CS MD #ires #mas en #OCP # MAScIR #U M6P #camel #vaccine #coronavir us #covid19 #dri #nevada #a riz ona #ires #Expo20 20 #Du bai #U AE #qata r #toua reg #kuwait #s audia rabia #neo m #ks a #Dakhla #M orocco #Saha ra #Ma roc #Laayoune #des er t #ene rgy #renewablee nergy #ene rgyeconomics #IREN A # Africa #a ridlands #des erti fication # Des ertec # travel #t ouris m #ag ricultur e #aquacultu re #fis hing #ocean #OceanEcono my #BlueEcon omy #s ea #marin e #mari time #bus ines s #economy #N atu ralRes ou rceManage ment #N R M #dr ought #I CAR DA #wa ter #U SA #s po rts #kites ur fing #phos ph ate #O CP #U M6P # MASEN #IRESEN #A MEE #IRES #EN CG Dakhla #EN CG D #Laayou ne #des ert #s aha ra #dakhla #mo rocco #to uris m #t ravel #ene rgy #energyecono mics #interna tional #conf erence #fis h #kites u rf #agricul ture #c rans mon tanafo rum #laayou ne #U M6p #ocppolicycente r #phos bouc raa #onhym # ocp #ires #mas en #ires en #a mee #iaee #oil #gas #hydroca rbons #mini ng #drilling #is las canarias #madrid # barcelona #pa ris #univers ity #expo2 020 #D ubai #neo m #oas es #dry #arid # remo teareas #oceanecon omy #dri #N eva da # tucs on #Ariz ona #calif ornia #d rlc #s odn #des er tres earch # renewable energy #DK Aconnect #s po rtecon omy #ird #cn rs t #cgem #pn ud , #H andicraf ts ,
#CG EM Renewable E nergy , Ene rgy Economics , A rid Lands , developm ent, Des ert, En ergy, manage ment, Des er tec, Travel, Dakhla, T ouris m, Saha ra, Mo rocco, Agricul ture , Aquacul ture, Fis hing, Ocean, Ocean Economy, Blue Econo my, Sea, Bus ines s , Africa, econo my, N atural Res ource Managemen t , des er tification, d rough t, W ater, I CAR DA, I REN A, N RM, N atu ral Res ou rce Managem ent, Powe r A frica, Sus tainable developm ent, A fD B, Des er t to Powe r, BIR D, world, bank, Senegal, Mali, B urkina Fas o, N iger, N igeria, Cha d, Sudan, Et hiopia, Eri trea, Djibou ti, G MVSS, Sahel , G M V, OSS, N ouakchott, Algeria, Ma ur itania, Sahara, Morocco, W es ter n Sahara, P olis ario, Elouali Aailal, Spor ts , Dakhla A tti tude, W ate r Spor ts , Kites ur f, Kiteb oarding, MAScIR, I RES, Ben G ue rir, U M6P, OC P, MASEN , IRESEN , A DEREE, ON H YM, mini ng, Es t Laayoune, Ph os phate, Ph os boucraa, Laayoune, Maroc, Encg Dakhla, C ri Dakhla, Vis it Dakhla, C rans M ontana, foru m, Dakhla Connect , Dry Lan ds , Fis heries , s mara, s amara, G uelmim , as s a , Tantan , bo ujdou r, Aous s erd , Rural T ouris m, MEN A, Expo2020, Dubai, Sau di A rabia, neom, qs a , qatar, kuwai t, China, Solo na, Dakhla,U nite d States cons ulate, U SA, e mbas s y, U S , Rus s ia, Spain, Paris , France, G ermany, U K, London, U nited Ki ngdom, Meeting, I nte rnatio nal,
Confere nce, univers ity, ulpgc, Las Palmas , Agadir, Rabat,Tang er, Cas ablanca, Fes , Mar rakech, Ouarz az ate, MH amid El G hiz lane, MH amid, Zago ra, arf oud, er foud, E rrachidia, To uareg, fes tival, n omad, m us ic, adventure, ca rnaval, camel, Ecotou ris m, oas is , moun tain, Plants , animals , fau na, flora, natu re, cons ervatio n, biodivers ity, a rcheology, he ritage, Te rrit orial Developme nt, Te rrit orial, Ru ral, Bay, dajla, Lagoon, we tlands , Film, Cine ma, Egypt, Tunis , Libya, Jo rdan, s un, s and, du ne, acacia, tree, cor onavirus , covid-19, Arie h Lights tone , J ew , Is rael, Jewis h, Jos eph Bi den , Joe Biden, A dam Boe hler , U .S. Inte rn ational Develo pmen t Finance Cor pora tion. W as hington DC. The Jacob Blaus tein I ns titu tes for Des ert Res ea rch, BID R , Ben-G u rion U nivers ity, N egev des ert i n Is rael , Elouali Aailal , Aailal Elo uali , l'École N ationale de Co mme rce et de G es tion EN CG Dakhla Maroc, Az iz Sair , Sair Az iz , Dris s G uerraoui , G uer raoui Dris s , Saïd Mouline , Badr Ikken, Rg uibi Idris s i, H amid, Az iz H antem , H antem Az iz , marine, ma ritime, Mor occan Sahara , R ASD , Re por t , Oxford Bus ines s G roup , Mou nir H ouari , C ri Laayoune , EN CG D , A rtificial In telligence , Deep Lea rning , Machi ne Learning , King Moham med VI , s emi nar , s ym pos ium , colloquy , colloquiu m , Dakhla Regi onal Inves tmen t Cente r, CRI Dakhla
Oued Eddahab , Blockchain , Dakhla Oued Eddaha b Region , El G uerg uara t , Al Akhawayn U nive rs ity , The atlan tic port dakhla , Regional Co uncil of Tou ris m (C.R.T ) Dakhla Oued E ddahab , t raditi onal handicra ft , Ins ti tute o f Des er t and Sea p rofes s ions , Des er t pro fes s ions , Faculty of Des ert a nd Ma rine Sciences and Ins titu tes , Faculty of Des e rt Sciences , Southe rn Agency, Ph os boucraa , Co mpany, N ational Office o f Phos pha tes , Dakhla Ins titu te of Specializ ed Technicians in Ag ricultur e, Regional Directo rate o f Ag riculture Dakhla, Delegation o f s ea fis hing in Dakhla, The regional delega te of To uris m of Dakh la-Oued Eddahab Dakhla, Regional To uris m D elegation, D.R.T. Dakhla, Dakhla Regional H andicraf ts Delegatio n, dakhla natio nal ins titu te of fis he ries res earch , IN RH ,The N ational Age ncy for t he Develo pmen t of Oas is Zones and the A rgan Tree , AN DZOA. Dakhla Chambe r of Agricult ure P ros pective Ter rito ries , Mas ter i n Economic In telligence and Ter rito ry Pros pective, the P res ident of the Open U nivers ity o f Dakhla, Dris s G uerrao ui, Economic Int elligence and Pr os pective Terri tories ,t he Pres iden t of the Ibn Zoh r U nivers ity of Agadir, Abdelaz iz Bendou an d the Direct or of the Dakhla N ational School of Bus ines s and Managemen t, EN CG Dakhla, Az iz Sair. Philippe Cle rc, Pres iden t of t he
Interna tional Fra ncophone As s ociation of Econo mic Intelligence. Alio une Sall, Executive Di recto r of A frican Fut urs Ins titu te, Sou th Af rica. The For um of African B us ines s Intelligence As s ociations FAAIE #Az iz Sair #Sair Az iz #Dris s G uerraoui #G ue rraoui Dris s #EloualiAa ilal # AailalElouali #Az iz H antem #H antemAz iz Mas te r Inte rnati onal , Mas te r en intelligence écono mique et p ros pective des terri toires . le prés iden t de l'U nivers ité ouverte de Dakhla , Dris s G uerraoui, In telligence Economique, P ros pective, Veille s tra tégique, Te rritoi res , Sécurité économiq ue, Influence, Inf orma tion, G ouvern ance des terri toires , Pôl es de compétitivité. Planifica tion s tra tégique. Mohame d BEN ABI D, Mo una EL H AD DAN I, MOH A MED Ou rdedine, M ounir ROCH DI, Ama th SOU MARE, Dris s G uerrao ui, Prés ident d u Cons eil de la Concur rence , Ins titu t des Techniciens Spécialis és en Agriculture de Dakhla. Direction régional de l' Agricult ure D akhla Déléga tion de la pêche ma riti me à Dakhla, Le délégué régional du T ouris me de Dakhla-Oued Edd ahab , La Déléga tion Régi onale du Tou ris me de Dakhla, D.R.T. Dakhla , Délégatio n Régionale de l'A rtis ana t Dakhla , L'Agence N ationale pou r le Développe ment des Zones Oas iennes et de l'Arganie r AN DZ OA, Chambre d'agricultu re D akhla , ins titu t nation al des recherc he halieuti que ,
dakhla, concours , EN CG Dakhla, TAFE M , CN AEM , T AFSEM #ElOualiAailal #Elo ualiAailal #Elouali_ Aailal #El_Ouali_Aailal #Az iz _SAIR # Az iz SAIR, #Dir ector #EN CG Dakhla, #TheN ational SchoolOf Bus ines s AndMa nagemen tDakhla, #EN CG #Dakhla, #I nte rnati o nalConfe renceOnEn trep reneu rs hipCrea tivityAn dManage rialInnova tion , #ESCPa u , #Crea tivityAn dInnovati onInTimes OfC ris is , #TheRegionalCou ncilOfDakhlaOuedEd dahab, #CN RST, #Yo us s efERRA MI , #ESCPau, # Bus ines s School , #EN CG D, #Bus ines s , #School, #Pau, #France, #Pa ris , #School, #U IZ, #Abdelaz iz BEN DOU , #Pres ident #U nive rs ityOfIbnZoh r, #Ag adir, #U nivers ityIbnZo hr #M orocco, #Ib nZohrU nive rs ity #CallForPape rs , #CFP , #ICECI M, #ICE CIM202 1, #ht tps icecim2021s ciences conforg , #Ins tit utSupé rieu rDeC omme rceInte rnatio nal #Côt eDOpale , #ISCI DCO, #D unkerq ue, #G roupe ESCCler mont , #ESCCler mon tFerra nd, #ESCCle rmon tBus ines s School, #Cler montFe rra nd, #s cholars hip, #gra nt, #exchange, # trainees hip, #T raining, #in terns hip, # Dakhla, #Sous s iH ous s ine, #Trans avia, #Binte r, #Canarias , #Bin ter, # Air Arabia, # RoyalAir Mar oc, #RA M, #Ma roc, #M orocco, #Sahara , #EcoleN ationale DeCom merceEt DeG es tion # Dakhla, #LeCons eilD eLa RégionDak hl aOuedEddahab, #EcoleN ational eDeC omme rceEt DeG es tionDakhla,
#EN CG _Dakhla #Congrès In terna tionalSu rlEnt repre neuria tLaCréa tivitéEtLInn ovation Managé riale, #EcoleN ationale DeCom merceE tDeG es tion DeDakhla, # Créa tivitéEtI nnovatio nEnTemps DeCris es , , #Az iz SAIR, # Directeu r #EN CG Dakhla # Des ert Boots # Des ert Meaning # Des ertFo od #Des e rtPlan ts #Des er tH otSprings # Des ertSu n #W hatIs AD es ert # Des ertN ea rMe # Ariz ona Des ert # Des ertIs land Dis cs #Des ertSafa ri #Ris ing #BlackDes er tM obile #H udaDes er tD us k #H udaBeauty Des ert Dus k #Duca ti Des ertSle d #Des er tD us kPalette # DucatiScram bler Des ertSled # Des er tZoneW ars #Yeez yDes er tRat #Y eez yDes ert Boot # De s ertFlippers #BlackDes e rt MobileA pk #Des er tZoneW ars Code #Des er tFinancialCre ditU nion # Des ertFina ncial #BlackDes ert Bos s Timer #BlackDes e rtXbox # Des ert Dus k #Traxxas U nlimited Des ert Racer #BlackDes e rtXb oxOne #Des er tRos eDis pens ary #K eto Des ert # Des er tTripTickets #BlackDes e rt MobileClas s es #BlackDes ertPs 4 # Des ertN ear Me #W indgu ruDak hla #W indguru # Mar ocDakhla # Maroc #Dak hlaH otel #Dakhla Mete o #Me teo Dakhla #Dakhla N ews #Agadi rDakhla # DakhlaLas arga #Agadir # Dakhla24 # VolDakhla # Cas ablancaDakhla #Cas ablanca #A ttit ude Dakhla #DakhlaLas s arga #Dakhl a Mor occo #W indgur uDakhlaLas arga #DakhlaLaSarga # Mar rakechDakhla # Mar rakech
#DakhlaKites u rf #Dakhla Kite #W indgu ruDakhlaLas s arga #Ris ing #W es tPoin tDakhla #W es tpoin tDak hla #H otelDakhla Club #LaCriq ueDakhla #Pk2 5Dakhla #Saha raZoom #H o telW es tPoint Dakhla #W indgu ruDakhla1 11 #W indgur uDakhlaOmB er # Dakhlanow #W wwW indguru DakhlaOumlab ouir #H ot elLaCrique Dakhla #W es tpoin tDakhlaH ot el #W indguru DakhlaOumBi r #Agadi r24 #W indgu ruBo ujdou r #Cheb MidouLila Dakhla #H ebergeme nt Dakhla #DakhlaLas s arga #W indgur uDakhlaLas s arga #DakhlaLaSa rga #W indgu ru #Pa ris Dakhla #Des e rtSaha ra #Des er t #TheSaha ra #Jeep #Saha raJee p #SaharaRe por ters #W ra nglerSahara # JeepW rangle r #JeepW ra nglerSaha ra #SaharaN ews #TheSahara Des er t #SaharaIn dia #SaharaLas Vegas #ElSahara #Saha raH otel #Sahara Movie #Saha raRepo rte rs N ews #Africa #SaharaFlas h #W es ternSaha ra #SaharaOcciden tal #SaharaRay #Saha raDus t #Sahara201 7 #Sahara Mall #Ris ing #JeepSaha ra2018 #Sa rahah #Jee pSahara201 9 #JeepW ra nglerSaha ra2018 #Je epSahara2 020 #SaharaFlas h2018 #Sa hara Dus t2020 #Saha ra2017 #20 17JeepW ra nglerSaha ra #Polvo DelSahara20 20 #Polvo DelSaharaEn Mexico #SaharaTe hnika #Tum Jais eChutiyoKaSaha raH aiDos toLy rics #DylanSaharaPelako r #Sahara Flas hN ons top #QueEs ElPolvoDelSahara #Qu eEs ElPolvoDeSaha ra
#SaharaJewelCol orSt reet #Saha raD us tCloud #Sa haraFlas hN ewN ons top #Sahara Dus tS tor m #SaharaBeach Aquapa rkRes or t #SaharaFlas h # Dyl anSahara #Saha raDea rbo rn #M oroccoTime # Mo roccoVs #Mar rakech #Ma rrakech Mor occo #W eather Mor occo #Mo roccoCas ablanca #Cas ablanca #Map Mor occo #Spain #Mo roccoSpain #TimeI nMo rocco #Po rtugal #Po rtugal Mo roc co #Mo roccoTravel # Moroccan # Mor occoFlights #Maroc # Mor occoAf rica #Mor occoH olidays #Flights ToMorocco # Africa # Morocco Vis a #W e atherIn Mor occo #Mo roccoCity #A rganOilMo rocco #Ris ing #M oroccoCo ronavir us #Mo roccoVs Ira n #Mor occoLoveInTimes OfW ar #Por tugalVs Ira n #Co ronavirus In Mor occo #Covid19 Mor occo #SomadM orocco #Egypt Vs U ruguay #M oroccoVs Po rtugal # Mor occoVs IranP rediction #S omad MoroccoK redit # Mo roccoMu rders Vi deo #M orocco Des ertC hallenge #M oroccoLoveInTimes OfW arSeas on2 # Por tugalVs Mo roccoPr ediction #C ovid-19 Mor occo #Covid19 #Covid 19Mo rocco #M oroccoLoveInTimes OfW arCas t # Mo roccoBls SpainVis a #Mo rocco2026 #Cas tOfMo roccoLoveInTimes OfW ar #Ch ris Mo roccoW ife #Mo roccoVs Spain # MoroccoVs Ca mero on #Egypt Vs Mor occo #Argen tinaVs Morocco # Air Maroc #Royal M aroc #RoyalAi rMa roc #LeMar oc #Mete oMa roc #G oogleMa roc #Ma rocAnn once
#AvitoMa roc #Avi to #Ma rocTelecom # MarocC oronavi rus #Algerie # Mar ocAlgerie #H eu reMa roc #Yout ubeMa roc #Ma rocCa rte #Radi oMa roc #H es pres s Maroc #H es pres s #Kooora #Lo toMa roc #Koo ora Maroc # Match Maroc #Aga dirMa roc #Es pagne Maroc #Ris ing #Ma rocCo ronavir us #CovidMa roc #Covid19 Mar oc #Coro navirus Au Mar oc #Confine ment Mar oc #Coro navirus France #Shein Mar oc #Cor onaMa roc #Ramada n2018 Maroc # MarocVs I ran #Jou rs Fériés Ma roc2022 #J ours Fériés Maroc #Jo urs Fériés #De facto Maroc #Lot oMa roc2019 #Tuifly #N e tflixMa roc #Ouvertu reFr ontie reMa roc #YallaShoot é#Qui p eDuMa rocDeF ootball # MarocI ran #Indee dMa roc #Aliexp res s Maroc #Alyaou m24 Maroc #So recMar oc #Mahakim Mar oc #LcW aikikiMaroc #H olidays #PublicH olidays #Vacations #Les Vacances #Vacances #Covid19Maroc #Mar ocCovid19 #Sum mer #lé té #LaayouneMa roc #Laayoune Meteo #Avito # AvitoLaayoune #W in dguruLaayou ne #W indguru # AgadirLaayou ne #Dakhla #Laay ou neDakhla #LaayouneSa hara #Laayoune Mo rocco #LaayouneTv #Laayoune24 # Dis tanceLaayoune Dakhla #Es tLaayoune #P riereLaayoune # Ram #H es pres s #Airp ort #Fligh t #Booking #Ticke t #Ret urnTicket #OneW ayTicket #Bus #Tax i #Trans port #Laayou neMa roc #Ma rocLaayoune # MoroccoLaayoune
#LaayouneMo rocco #DakhlaSaha ra #Sahara Dakhla #Dakhla Mar oc #Mar ocDakhla # Morocco Dakhla #Dakhla Mor occo #Sahara Maroc # MarocSahara # Mo roccoSahara #Saha raMo rocco #Las Palmas Laayoune #LaayouneLas Palmas #DakhlaLas Palmas #Las Palmas Dakhla #Cas aBlancaLaa youne #LaayouneCas aBlanca #Dak hlaCas aBlanca #Cas aBlancaDakhla # Mar rakechLaayoune #Laayoune Mar rakech #Dakhla Mar rakech #Mar rakechDakhla # Vol #Bille t #Aller # Reto ur #Rés e rvation # Aérop ort #Billet AllerSimple # Bus #Taxi #Trans por t #Billet Aller Retou r #Dis ta nceAgadirLaayou ne #Avit oVoit ureLaayoune # Akhba ro na #W es ternSahara #Laayoun eSahara #Saha raLaayoune #LaayounePlage # RoyalAir Ma roc #Saharadia rio #Me teoBe niMellal #Saha raZoom #LcW aikikiLaayoune #SaniLaayoune #Yves Rocher #W indg uruTan tan #W indgu ruLaayouneEl Mars a #Snr tLive #Ahda tLaayoune2016 # Dis tanceLaayoune Dakhla #Avit oVoi tureLaayoun e #LaayouneMe teo #Ra m #Avit oLaayoune #Avit o #W indgur u #Dis tance AgadirLaayoune # Akhba rona #Dak hla #LaayouneDakhla #Laayou ne #W indgur uLaayoune #Prie reLaayoune #Es tLaayou ne #Ma rrakechH otel # Mar rakechMe teo #Ma roc #Riad Mar rakech #LeMa rrakech #Ma rrakech Mo ro cco #Morocco #Ma rrakechW eat her # VolMa rrakech # Mar rakechDuRi re
#Cas ablanca #Res tauran tMa rrakech #Aga dir #Pa ris Mar rakech #SpaMa rrakech #Avi to #Avi toMa rrakech #Flights # Maroc Mar rakech #VillaMa rrakech #B ooking #Fs jes Mar rakech #Mar rakes h #Booking Mar rakech #Me dinaMa rrakech #Ris ing # Mar rakechDuRi re2019 # Mar rakechD uRire20 18 #Ma rrakech DuRi re2017 #A hmedSylla #Ibe ros tar ClubPalme raie Marrakech # Ahme dSyllaMar rakechDu Rire # Mar rakechDu Rire2020 # BeLiveCollection Mar rakech #Ines Reg Marrakech DuRi re2019 #Pac teDe Mar rakech #Ma rrakech DuRi re2019Re play #Mar rakechPact #Fair mon tMa rrakech #Fair mont RoyalPalm Mar rakech #Cop 22Mar rakech #OnaMa rrakechRyads &Spa #H otelRacine Mar rakech #RiadBe Mar rakech #Da rSoukkar Mar rakech #M ov enpickMar rakech #Tuifly #Tls Con tactMa rrakech #I beros ta rMa rrakech #H otel Ayoub Mar rakech #W akyMar rakech #Flight #Ma rrakech # Mor occo #F lightMa rrakech #Fligh tMo rocco #Ma rrakech Maroc # Morocco Mar rakech #W hatIs RenewableE nergy #Ren ewableEnergySo urces #EnergySou rces #RenewableSola rEnergy #W ha tIs Energy #SolarE nergy #Sola r #N onRenewable #N on RenewableE nergy #Ene rgyRes ources #Renewa bleEnergyRes o urc es #RenewableR es ources #W indEnergy #Sou rces OfEnergy #RenewableW indE nergy #Re newableSou rces OfEnergy
#RenewableEne rgySource #Re newableRes ou rces OfEnergy #N uclear #N uclearEne rgy #RenewableS ourceOfEne rgy #RenewableE nergyIndia # RenewableEne rgyDe finitio n #Energy Defini tion #Is SolarEne rgyRenewable #Siemens G ames aRenewableEne rgy #Siemens G ames a #H cs RenewableEnergy #Ren ewableEnergy Buyers Alli ance #P rimo ris RenewableEne rgy #Bes tRe newableEne rgyStocks #G eRenewableEnergy # Corp orate RenewableEn ergyPr ocurem ent #Re newableEne rgyStocks #RenewableEne rgyEtf # Bro okfieldRenewa bleStock #Renewa bleEnergyS tock #RenewableEne rgyG roupS tock #Bes tRe newableEne r gyCompanies #PinnacleRen ewableEnergy #I nves tInRenewa bleEnergy # Mano rRenewableE nergy #Ren ewableEnergyI nves tmen tFunds #RenewableE nergy Meaning #Bul bRenewableE nergy # MeaningOfRen ewableEnergy # Bigges tRenewableE nergyCo mpanies #Renewa bleEnergySup plier #G ree nhous eG as es #RenewableSourceOfEne rgy #EncgCas a #EncgSetta t #EncgKenit ra #EncgIns cripti on #EncgTanger # EncgMar oc #EncgAgadir #E ncg2019 #EncgMa rrakech #EncgFes #EncgOujda #EncgCas ablanca #EncgConcou rs #EncgJadida #SeuilEncg #EncgTafe m #EncgElJadida #Ta fem #Tafe mEncg #Res ulta tEncg #Ens a #Es t #Tawjihnet #EncgRaba t #LicenceProfes s ionnelle #Encg
#Ins criptionEncg2021 #I ns criptionE ncg2022 #EncgIns cripti on #EncgRes ulta t #Ins criptio nEncg #SeuilEncg #EncgRes ultat #Se uilEncg #Concou rs Encg #Concours #TawjihiEncg #SeuilE ncg #Tawjihi #SeuilEncg #TafemEncg #Tafe mEncg2021 #Taf emEncg #Tafe m #Lis teEncg #Pres electionEncg #EncgSeuil20 21 #EncgSeuil #Seuil #Res ulta ts Encg #TawjihiMaEncg #Tawjihi MaEncg #EncgAgadir Ins cription # Moo dleEncgMa rrakech # MoodleEncgFes #Lis tePrincipaleEncg #Encg Dakhla #EN CG D #G uelmimOue dN oun #OuedN oun #EN CG G uelmim # Moo dle #Ins criptio n #Examen #Co ntr ôle #Con tinu #Stage # Mas ter #Doct or at #Ar ticle #Bac calauréat #Licence #Exam #In terns hip # Mas ter # Doct orat e #Ar ticle #Baccalaureate #Licens e #A quacultu reFis h #Fis heries #W hatIs Aquacult ure #Fis heries A ndAq uacultu re #Aquacul tureFa rming # Aquacultu reSys tem # Aquacult ure Definiti on #Ma rineA quacultu re #Aq uacultu reJobs #A quacultu rePr oduction #Aquacul ture Res earch #Aq uacultur ePdf # Agricultu re #A quacultu reFarm #Aquacul ture Meaning # Aquacul t ureJ ournal #Sh rimp Aquacult ure # Aqua #Co okeAquacul ture #Sal monA quacultu re #Aq uacultu reInIndia #Fis hFar ming #Aq uacultur eFeed #Aq uacultu reFis hFarming # Aquacultu reSys tem s #Ris ing #ApAquacultu reIn for mationSys tem # Apollo Aquacult ureG ro up
#Aps acAquacultu re #Aq uacultu reDe f #Des s Aquacul ture # Aquacult ureC onfe rence2019 #Cha os Aquacult ure #Yu mbahA quacultu re #Oys terA quacultu reSupplies # Des s Aquacultu reS hipping # Aquacultu reA merica2020 # Aquacul ture Ame rica2017 #Aquacul ture Euro pe2019 # ApAquacul tureG is #Mee bhoo mi #Aquan omicAq uacultur eLogin #Aquacul tureTa nks Prices #Aquacultu reA merica2018 # Aquacult ure AndPis ciculture Dif ference # Aquacultu reInf orma tionSys tem # Aqua cul ture MeaningInH indi #Sea AndRee fAq uacultur e #Aquacul ture Meaning # Aquacult ureSys tem #Pis cicultu re #Ag ricultu reDepa rt ment #W ha tIs Agricultu re #Ag ricultu reU nivers ity #De part mentOf Agricult ure # Agricultu ral #D bt # Dbt Agricultu re #Ag ricultu reInIndia # Agricul tureC ollege #Ag ricultur eJobs #Ag ricultu reLand #Bs cAgricul ture # Bihar Agricultu re #U pAg ricultu re #Agricul ture Meaning # Agricult ure Defini tion #U nivers ityOfAg ricultu re #Jo bs InAgricul ture #In dianAg ricultu re #Agricul tureT echnology #Ag ricultu reMinis t ry #Ag ricultur eJob # Minis tryOf Agricult ure # Agricultu reInd us try #Sus tainable Agricult ure #Ris ing # Dbt Bihar Agricultu re # Dbt # Dbt Agricult ure #P mKis a n #Db tAg riculture BiharG ov #Ag ricultu reRes ult2 019 #D btAg ricultu reRegis tra tion # D btBihar Agricul tureG ovIn # Dbt Agricult ureBi harG ovt #Sa lon Agricult ure20 19
#Agricultu reBill2020 # Db tAgricul ture Depa rtme nt # Mys ticalAgricultu re #Pf ms #Agricul tureR ecruit ment2 021 #SalonAg ricultu re2020 #W ww DbtAg ricultu reBiha rN ic #U pAgricultu re81 #Salon DeLAg riculture 2019 #Ag ricultu reBoa rdExam2019 Res ult # DbtBi harAg ricultu reDe part ment # Db tAgricul ture Bihar.G ov.In # Dvt Agricultu re #Pmkis an # Agricultu reJo bs N earMe # Des ertT rip #Oldchella #Des e rtTri pTickets #Des er tTripC oncert # Des er tConce rt # Des ertT rip2016 #Th eDes er tTrip # Des er tTrip201 7 #Coachella # Des ertT ripFes tival #Des er tTrip Coachella #Des e rtTri pLineup # Des ertT ripRoge rW aters #Rolli ngStones Des ertTri p #PaulMccar tneyD es ertT rip #Oldchella2016 # Des ertT ripSetlis t # Des ertT rip2018 #N eilYo ungDes e rtTri p #OldChella #Coachella20 16 #Bob Dylan #D es ertT rip2 #OldchellaLineup #Oldchella #D es ertT ripTickets #Des er tTrip Concer t #Des er tConce rt # Des ertT rip2016 # Des er tTrip20 17 #Coachella # Des ertT ripFes tival #Des er tTrip Coachella #Des e rtTri pLineup # Des ertT ripRoge rW aters #Rolli ngStones D es ertT rip #Paul Mccartney Des ertT rip #Oldchella2016 # Des ertT ripSetlis t # Des er tTrip20 18 #N eilYoungD es ertT rip #OldChella #Coachella2 016 #Bob Dylan # Des ertT rip2 #OldchellaLineup #S tubhub Des er tTrip # Des er tTrip Mus icFes tival #Des ertT ripReview #H olidayInn #Th eH oliday
#H olidayExpres s #H olidayInnExpres s #BankH oliday #H olidayH otel #H olidayPark #H olidays #PublicH oliday #H oliday2023 #H oliday2022 #H oliday2021 #H otelH olidayInn #SchoolH oliday #H olidayCot tages #H olidaySeas on #H olidayToday #H olidayH omes #H olidayH ome #CheapH oliday #H olidayVillage #H olidayClub #H olidayH ous e #H olidayN earMe #H olidayPackages #H oliday2021 #H oliday #BankH oliday2022 #PublicH oliday2024 #Ba nkH oliday #PublicH oliday2023 #BankH oliday #PublicH oliday #H olidayLis t2022 #H olidayLis t2021 #2021H olidayCalen dar #202 2H olidayCalendar #H olidayCale ndar #P ublicH oliday2022 #BankH oliday2021 #2019H olidayCale ndar # MayBankH oliday2022 #Scho olH oliday #Augus tBankH oliday #Singap oreH oliday2021 # MayBankH oliday #Singapo reH oliday #Malays iaPublicH oliday #H oliday2021 #Aug us tBankH oliday #BankH oliday #PublicH oliday #G randH o tel #Booking #H ot elParis #Ibis H otel #H otelN ear Me #Tripa dvis or #Trivago #T rivagoH otel # Marri ottH o tel #H otelLas Vegas #G ranH otel #VillageH otel #H otel Califor nia #Ams te rdamH o tel #H otelTra ns ylvania #H otelBarcelona # Mercu reH otel #H otelR oma #Singapo reH otel #Pa radis eH otel #Shera tonH otel # ExpediaH otel #Renais s anceH otel #H ardRockH otel #Ra madaH otel #Ris ing #H az binH otel #H otelTra ns ylvania3
#OyoH otel #H otelDelLuna #H otelN ea rMe #H otel Rigopiano #H o telTerdeka t #H otels N earMe #H o telVillaH onegg #H otelCecil #H otel Art emis #H otelTonigh t #FletcherH o tel #H otelChocola t #M odH otel #Res ta uran ts #Res tauran tN ear Me #Chines eRes ta uran t #MexicanRes tau rant #ItalianRes ta uran t #IndianR es tauran t #ThaiRes ta uran t #Japanes eRes ta uran t #Res tau rants N ear Me #Res tau rantW eek #Chi naRes tau rant #FamilyR es tauran t #Sur Res taura nt #Res ta uran tDep ot #Ko reanRes ta uran t #Tripadvis o rRes tau rant #T ripadvis or #G reekR es tauran t #MexicanRes tauran tN ear Me #Res tau rantC hinois #Chines eRes tau r antN earMe #I ndianRes ta uran tN earMe # Bes tRes tau rantN ea rMe #H ome Res taura nt #TicketRes tauran t #Ris ing #MexicanRes ta uran tN earby #Vega nRes tau rantN ear Me #Bes t Res tauran tN ear Me #H alalRes tauran tN ear Me #Kor eanRes tau rantN ea rMe # Delivero oRes tau rantH ub #Res ta uran tN earM e #Res tau rant ÃProximi tã© #I talianRes tau rantN ea rMe #Pakis tani Res taura ntN ear Me #Fas tFood Res tauran tN ear Me #Seafoo dRes tau rantN ear Me # MexicanRes tauran tN ear Me #H aitianRes tau rantN ea rMe # Japanes eRes tau rantN ea rMe #Seaf oodN ear Me #Ja maicanRes taura ntN ear Me #G reekRes ta uran tN earMe #I ndian Res tauran tN earMe # Colom bianRes tau rantN ear Me
#Vietnames eRes tauran tN earM e #Lebanes eRes tau rantN ear Me #ThaiR es tauran tN ear Me #Res tau rantIn De rN ã¤H e #Res tauran ts N earMe #IndiaT ouris m #T ravelAndT ouris m #W hat Is Touris m #Tou ris mIndus t ry #Tou ris mInIndia #To uris mMa nagemen t #H os pitality #Tou ris mAndH os pitali ty #Touris m Jobs #KeralaT ouris m #To uris mA us tralia #A us tralia #India nTouris m # Dubai # DubaiTo uris m #Tou ris mN ews #Thailand #ThailandTo uris m #Tou ris mMalays ia #MedicalTo uris m #Tou ris mDe finition # Malays ia #DelhiTo uris m #Singapo re #G oa #Ris ing #Cou ntries OpenFo rTou ris m #Tou ris m4all #U ccTouris mServices PvtLtd #U ccTouris m #IndianRailwayCate ringA ndTou ris mCor pora tion #Rajas tha nTouris mSo ng #W orldTo uris mDay #T ouris mFo rAll #Ag roTo uris m #OmanTo uris mCollege #N ati onalTou ris mDay #Ts Tou ris m #Odis haTouris m #A uliTouris m #Tela nganaTou ris mPlaces #DarkTou ris m #Tou ris mMinis te rOfIndia #Telanga naTouris m # Ar meniaTou ris m #G eorgiaTou ris m #H aryanaTou ris m #Az erbaijanT ouris m # MeghalayaTou ris m #Tou ris mAndH os pitality # BaliTouris m #T ravelIns urance #Ti meTravel #T ravelAgency #TravelRes trictions #G oogleT ravel #TravelBag #In terna tionalT ravel #TravelAge nt #G oTravel #T ravelBan #T ravelR epublic #Cos tcoTravel #T ravelN ews #TravelMoney #OneT ravel #TravelFre e
#TravelTrailers #T ravelAgents #T ravelClub #ToG oT ravel #TravelAdvis o ry #TravelExpres s #TravelPas s #PriceTravel #T ravelDeals #Ris ing #Tr umpT ravelBan #H awaiiTravelRes t rictions #N ewYorkT ravelRes tricti ons #MaineT ravelRes tricti ons #TravelCo rrid ors #JumiaT ravel #TravelR es trictions #Ca nadaTravelRes t rictions #Travel Ban #Travel AgentN ear Me #T ravelBanFo rU s Citiz ens #ItalyTravelAdvis ory #T ravelH as htags #TravelAgents N ear Me #Flybuys Travel #Loves TravelSto p #Cos tcoTravel Canada #2goT ravelSchedule #G oogleFlights #CdcT ravel #TravelA dvis oryCanada # Debenha ms Trave lM oney #Tots ToT ravel #Tra velAdvis ory #FcoTravelAdvice #SkySpo rts #Spor ts Direc t #JdSpo rts #Jd #S por ts N ews #LiveSports #FoxSports #Aca demy # AcademySpo rts #SkySpor ts N ews #SkyN ews #BbcSports #Cbs Sports #Cbs #SkySpor ts Football #Sta rSpor ts #Spor ts Bar #Spo rts Car # BeinSpo rts #Spo rts Shoes #YahooSpo rts #Spo rts W orld #Sp orts Clips #Ci tySpor ts #Sports B ra #Ris ing #Selã§U kSports #Bei nSpor ts 1Canlä±Iz l e #Beä±N Spor ts #G hdSpor ts #KayoSpor ts #N bcSports G old #Rojadi rectatvTv DirectvSp orts En Vivo #Spor ts ShopN ear Me #BeinSp orts H d1Canlä± Iz le #Sports DirectN ear Me #U rba nSpor ts Club #BeinSp or ts 1 #H uluLiveSports #A cademySports N ear Me #Tu rtleboySp orts #Spo rts Clips N ear Me
#Sports Ba rN earMe #F oxSports P remiu m #BetwaySp orts #Smas hI tSpor ts #Sports Tg #TycSpo rts Play #Spor ts StoreN ea rMe #FoxSpo rts Flameng o #ElevenSpor ts #BeinSpo rts #Bein # Maroc # MarocP olis ario #SaharaP olis ario #Sahara # Algerie #P olis arioAlge rie #Fren tePolis ario #F ront Polis ario #LePolis ario # Alg erie Maroc # MarocAlge riePolis ar

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