Operation and Maintenance of Diesel Elec-1

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pages from Changes l through 3.



Changes In force: C 1 through C 3

TM 55-202/T045A2-2-1-2


No. 3 Washington, D.C., 16 February 1973



TM 55-202/T045A2-2-1-2. 25 October 1965, is chang operating and safety rules are contained in TM
ed as follows: 55-200.
Page 195, paragraph 186d, Pending revision of
Page HI, paragraph 127, tine 25, is changed to DD Form 1336, title is changed to read: "Thirty
read: figure 74. Location of handholds and Day and Annual Locomotive Unit Inspection and
couplings of a foreign service type locomotive Repair Report."
are shown in figure 75. Page 195, paragraph 186d, as changed by Change
1, the following is added at end of paragraph:
Page 160, paragraph 134, General, is changed to A copy of the DD Form 1336, annual report,
read: will be forwarded to MECOM, ATTN: AMSME-
MMR, (for retention in their files), by all ITO and
134. Operation rail activities.
a. General Routine operation of a diesel-elec- Page 200, figure 93, heading of DD Form 1336 is
tric locomotive is controlled by the throttle, re changed to read: Annual Locomotive Unit 30
verse lever, and brake valves. Various instru Day Inspection and Repair Report.
ments, gages, protecting and regulating devices Page 200, figure 93, title of DD Form 1336 and
contribute to efficient, safe operation. Specific caption are changed to read: Annual/30 Day
information for individual types is best obtained Locomotive Unit Inspection and Repair Report.
from the operational manuals issued by the Page 237, paragraph 2-15cHl), is deleted.
respective manufacturers. Page 237, paragraph 215, subparagraph d is
changed to read:
b. Operator Qualification. A thorough general d. Marking Front. The letter "F" shall be legibly
knowledge of various types of locomotives and shown (4 inch characters) on each side of every
a careful observance of prescribed rules and locomotive unit near the end. which for identi
operating procedures are essential to efficient fication purposes, will be known as the front end.
operation. Locomotive operators (or enginemen) The unit number shall be legibly shown (4 inch
must possess an SF 46 (US Government Motor characters) on each side of every locomotive unit
Vehicle Operator's Identification Card). It will be and shall be shown on the specification card (re
annotated on the reverse side to indicate the port of inspection) displayed in the cab. The front
type of locomotive the individual is authorized to of a locomotive is the direction the engineman
operate, in accordance with paragraph 2o(5), AR faces looking forward, when he and the controls
600-58. The commander of the rail unit or other are on the right side.
activity to which locomotives are assigned is Page 270, paragraph 1, Army Regulations, AR
responsible for the selecting, training, testing, 600-58. "Mechanical Equipment Operator-Selec
and licensing of locomotive operators. Railway tion, Training. Testing, and Licensing" is added.
TM 55-2WT049A2-2-1-2

By Order of the Secretaries of the Army and the Air Form

Gentrol, Umttd 5talM Army
Official: CkUf of Stuff
Major General, United States Army
The Adjutant General


Director ofAdministration

To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-25D (qty rqr block no. 808). Operator require
ments for Rail Equipment, All.

Changes in force: C 1 and C 2

TM 55-202 TO 45A2-2-1-2
No. 2 WASHINGTON, D.C., n August 1971

TM 55-202/T045A2-2-1-2, 25 October 1965, is changed as follows:

Page 3. Paragraph Id, line 11, add: Procedures ature and Plans, Fort
for the maintenance of U. S. Army-owned Page 9. Paragraph 10a, line 19, change Cum-
diesel-electric locomotives performed by mings to Cummins.
foreign government railways in Germany, Page 12. Paragraph 12, lines 5-6, change to
Vietnam and Korea, are discussed in TM read: (figs. 2, 3, and 4).
55-205. Paragraph 14a, line 2, change to read: figures
Page 3. Paragraph 2, line 12, change to read:
Directorate of Doctrine Development, Liter- 5 and 6.

Add Figure 4.

Figure 4. V-type diesel engine, side view (Caterpillar D-397 model).

Page 14. Paragraph 14b, line 3, change to read: Page 20. Figure 10, change to read: Cylinder
(fig. 7). head components.
Paragraph 14c, line 1, delete (fig. 7) Paragraph 14;, lines 2-3, delete (fig. 11). ^*Jf
Page 15. Figure 4, redesignate, Figure 5. Figure, 11, change to read: Figure 11, Cam
Page 16. Figure 5, redesignate, Figure 6. shaft, EMD 567 engine.
Page 17. Figure 6, redesignate, Figure 7. Page 21. Paragraph 14fc, line 10, change to
Paragraph 14t, line 1, delete (fig. 10) and read: smoke. The three cams which regulate
change line 9 to read: * * * each cylinder fuel injection and exhaust are shown in figure
head is * * * 11. Figure 12 illustrates the firing order of
Page 18. Figure 7, delete in entirety. the ALCO 244 engine. The point * * * crank
Figure 8, change to read: Cylinder block, shaft.
ALCO-244-F engine. Page 22. Figure 12 is superseded as follows.


(m) (ER) (SR) (in) (JR) (SR)

,© ® ® ® ® ®

Figure 12. Firing order, ALCO 244 engine.

Page 25. Paragraph 18b, line 11, delete sen- Page 26. Figure 14, delete in entirety,
tence "A duplex fuel oil filter is shown in Page 27. Figure 15, Change to read: Typical
figure 14." fuel oil supply pump system. ">l
Paragraph 1M, line 7, delete (fig. 14) . »%• ff F^re f16' chan*e to read: ALCO
-F fuel injection pump.





Page 35. Figure 21, change to read: Typical Page 37. Figure 22, change to read: Typical oil
type of lubricatng oil filter. lubricating pump.


o .-i m to c- .5


05 5o o
) 0)
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ol "3
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Page 41. Figure 25 is superseded as follows: VOLUTE CASING NUTS






Figure 25. ALCO 244 water pump and drive.

Page 43. Figure 26, change to read: Schematic blower.

diagram of engine water temperature control Page 52. Figure 32, change to read: ALCO
system. turbo-supercharger, 244 engine, right side.
Page 50. Figure 30, change to read: Cross sec Page 53. Figure 33, change to read: ALCO
tion of EMD blower. * * *, left side.
Page 51. Figure 31, change to read: EMD
Page 92. Figure 54 is superseded as follows








Figure 54. ALCO 244-F reverser.

Page 102. Figure 58, change to read: Typical

control panel.
Page 128. Figure 69 is superseded as follows.
70 LBS


r.nfM f
, BOILER ON 1000


Figure 69. Typical air piping system diagram.

Page 134. Paragraph 120, add: subparagraph i. 68 Ib. The intercooler safety valve is set to lift
i. Safety Valve. Safety valves are installed at 60 Ib to protect the intercooler from exces
adjacent to the distributing valve, intercooler, sive pressure. The main reservoir safety valve
and the main reservoir to provide protection is set at 10 Ib above the air compressor gover
in case of air compressor governor failure. The nor setting.
distributing valve safety valve is usually set at Page 146. Figure 76© is superseded as follows:






Figure 76®. Four-wheel truck, BLH, D/E locomotive 60-ton 500-hp, 56Vzinch gage.

Add figure 76® after figure 76®.

P (2

1. Truck springs 16. Right-hand rail guard

2. Truck springs snubber 17. Left-hand rail guard
Truck stop pin 18. Left-hand rail guard bracket
Wear sleeve 19. Journal box
Motor bellows mounting flange 20. Wear plate
6. Bolster bellows mounting flange 21. Pedestal binder
Oilers 22 . Bushing
Center plate ring 23 . Traction motor bellows
9. Center plate sleeve 2U. Equalizer spring seat
10. Air duct mounting flange 2^. Motor truck suspension
11. Side bearing wear plate 26. Equalizer
12. Axle 27. Pedestal liner
13. Traction motor 28. Tie rod spacer
Hi. Wheel 29. Rail guard tie rod bracket
15. Right-hand rail guard bracket
Figure 76®. Four-wheel truck, blh, d/e locomotive 60-ton, SOO-hp, 56Vt-inck gage.

Page 147. Paragraph 130a, line 7, change to Paragraph 187a(3), line 1, delete quarterly,
read: (fig. 98). semiannual,
Page 164. Paragraph 145c(2), lines 2-3, change
to read: * * * on 44- and 45- ton (380 HP) Paragraph 187c(4), line 6, change center to
and 65- and 80-ton * * *.
Page 203. Paragraph 188, lines 3-4, delete * * *
Paragraph 145c (7), delete and substitute the which are required by TM 38-750, * * *.
following: Paragraph 188, line 18, Change Center to
(7) Inspect position and condition of jour
nal bearings, wedges and lubricator pads. Be Command.
certain that the journal repack date conforms Paragraph 188, lines 19-27, delete Equipment
to commercial (CONUS) or national (over * * * transferred.
seas) railroad requirements. Provide additional Page 206. Paragraph 1916, line 12, delete (AR
lubrication to all journal boxes. 750-5).
Page 165. Paragraph 145c(ll), delete and sub
stitute the following: Paragraph 192d, lines 11-12, change to read:
(11) Speed restrictions may be necessary. * * * are contained in technical manuals
Prior to initiation of action to ship a loco of the TM 55-2210-XXX-35P-series.
motive in CONUS, the U. S. Army Mobility Paragraph 192d, lines 12-17, delete DA * * *
Equipment Command, ATTN: AMSME-MMM- and 2240.
R, St. Louis, Mo. 63120, will be contacted. This Pargaraph 193, line 14, change (MWO) to
command will contact the railroads involved, read: (DAMWO).
and arrange shipping instructions to include Page 207. Paragraph 193, lines 2-3, change to
applicable speed restrictions. read: * * * in DA Form 2407.
Page 172. Paragraph 151^(8) line 2, change Page 226. Paragraph 205/, lines 4-7, delete * * *
brake to break. ampere hours. Change to read: for example,
Page 182. Paragraph 1670 line 11, change a 4-MS-420 battery has a capacity (at the
ligibly to legibly. 8-hour rate) of 420 amperes, or 525 amperes
Page 190. Paragraph 183, delete lines 15-23, It x 8 hours = 420 amperes.
will * * * 188). Change to read: Pending
Paragraph 205fe, add:
revision and republication of DD Forms 863,
864 and 865, by U S Army Materiel Com CAUTION
mand, forms illustrated may be reproduced U. S. Army ambulance, personnel,
locally and used. and other Medical Department cars
are equipped with nickel-alkaline bat
Paragraph 185, caption, delete (Not required
for Army Installations. teries. Under no circumstances will
these batteries be serviced with the
Page 193. Paragraph 186a, line 3, add: (This
same tools and equipment used for the
form will be retitled to read: * * * Loco
lead-acid batteries commonly used on
motives and Locomotive Cranes when
diesel-electric locomotives.
revised). Page 230. Paragraph 210a line 15, delete c,
Page 195. Paragraph 1866 and c, delete * and change to read: MIL-P-3321.
two footnotes at bottom of page. Page 231. Paragraph 212a, line 4, delete c,
Pages 196, 197, 198, and 199, Figs. 91, and 92 change to read: MIL-P-3321.
this form will be retitled to read: * * * and
Locomotive cranes when revised. Paragraph 213a, line 2, delete c, change to
Page 202. Paragraph 186e(4) delete last sen read: MIL-P-3321.
tence, Diesel * * * locomotives. Page 232. Paragraph 2146, line 4, delete c,
change to read: MIL-P-3321.
Paragraph 186/. add
/. DA Form 55 (-) Air Brake Test (To be Paragraph 215a, subparagraph a is superseded
developed) . as follows:
Page 202. Paragraph 187a(l), line 1, delete a. All letters, numbers, and insignia on loco- A
quarterly, semiannual, motives will be applied with white gloss enamel. Mtf

Two coats of yellow enamel will be used for all cient space must be allowed on bumpers for
safety markings. Bumpers and other surfaces application of markings when specified. Peri-
as shown on the applicable figure will be pheral stripes will run the full width of all
painted with 4-inch diagonal stripes alternating steps and running boards.
colors of yellow and black. The stripes will be Page 233. Figure 96, Change caption to read:
inclined at 46 degrees to the left and right of Typical letters * * *.
vertical to simulate an inverted V-pattern. Suffi-


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iii i
Page 239. Paragraph 217c (2) , lines 12-20, de ton, 0-4-4-0, Davenport-Besler Model 112-
lete: These * * * 192c. 5708.
Page 269. Paragraph 2496, line 2, change to:
* * * burning * * *. Paragraph 4, line 21, add TM 55-2038, Shop
Page 270. Appendix References, change to read: Maintenance, 2-cd, 2-b, and 2-cbd, Air Com
1. Army Regulations pressors.
AR 55-650 Military Railroads. Paragraph 4, line 22. add TM 55-2039, Shop
AR 108-6 Department of the Army Motion Maintenance, 3-cd, 3-cbd, and 3cdc Air
Picture/Television Production. Compressors.
2. DA Pamphlets
Paragraph 4, lines 20-21, TM 55-2210-216-35P,
DA Pam 310-5 Delete.
3. Field Manuals, Line 4, ADD: Delete.
FM 55-20 Army Rail Transport Operations. Paragraph 4, line 23, add TM 55-4018-1, Cum
FM 55-21 Delete. mins PT Fuel System.
FM 55-22 Delete. Paragraph 4, line 24, change to read: Cater
Paragraph 4, Technical Manuals, line 5, add pillar * * * 12362-2.
TM 55-205, Inspection and Maintenance of Page 271, Paragraph 4, line 25, add Technical
U. S. Army-owned Foreign Rail Equipment. manuals, all TM's of the TM 55-22 10-XXX-
XXX series.
Paragraph 4, line 16, TM 55-1268, Delete.
Paragraph 5, Lubrication orders, delete all LO's
Paragraph 4, line 21, add TM 55-1273, Loco listed on pages 271-272 and change to read:
motive, Diesel-Electric, (56V£-inch gage, 44- All LO's of the LO 55-2210-XXX-20 series.
and 45-ton) 42-inch gage, 47-ton) 0-4-4-0, Page 272, Paragraph 6, Misc. Publications, line
General Electric. 8, change to read: MIL-P-3321.
Page 271. Paragraph 4, lines 4-6, TM 55-1277,
Delete. Paragraph 6, line 14, add AAR Office Manual
of Interchange Rules. AAR Field Manual of
Paragarph 4, line 7, add TM 55-1279, Loco- Interchange Rules. DOT Laws, Rules, and
n»tive, Diesel-Electric, seV^-mch gage, 44- Instructions for Inspection and Testing of
ton, 0-4-4-0, 400-HP, Davenport-Besler. Locomotives Other Than Steam.
Paragraph 4, line 10, add TM 55-1280, Loco AAR Classification of Safety Appliance De
motive, Diesel-Electric, 561/2-inch gage, 80- fects. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR),
Title 49, Transportation, Parts 191-999.

By Order of the Secretaries of the Army and the Air Force:

General, United States Army,
Official: Chief of Staff.
Major General, United States Army,
The Adjutant General.


Official: Chief of Staff.
Director of Administration

To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-25 (qty rqr block No. 809) operator mainte-
requirements for Rail Equipment, All.
TM 55-202

WASHINGTON, D.C., 1 August 1968


TM 55-202, 25 October 1965, is changed as follows:

Page 180, paragraph 162, line 8. Change "12 (5) Independent brake valve.
months" to read 18 months. (6) Rotair valve.
Page 181, paragraph 164. Delete and substitute: (7) Relayair valve for
(a) Remote control of E-P valve.
164. Cleaning (b) Suppression of safety control.
a. The filtering devices or dirt collectors lo (c) Brake quick release.
cated in the main reservoir supply line to the (d) Transfer valve function.
airbrake system must be cleaned, repaired, or (8) Charging cutoff pilot valve.
replaced as often as conditions require to main (9) Reduction selector valve.
tain them properly in a safe and suitable condi
tion for service, and not less frequently than once (10) Selector valve.
each 6-montl >eriod. (11) Foot valve (safety control) .
b. Brake < under relay valve portions, main (12) Diaphragm cutoff valve.
reservoir safety valves, brake pipe vent valve (13) Magnet valve (for overspeed) .
portions, and feed and reducing valve portions (14) Double check valve (to direct air to
in the airbrake system (including related dirt the relay valve from either the automat
collectors and filters) must be cleaned, repaired, ic or independent brake valve) .
and tested as often as conditions require to main (15) Check valve (between Nos. 1 and 2 main
tain them properly in a safe and suitable condi reservoirs) .
tion for service, and not less frequently than once (16) Related dirt collectors or filters.
each 12-month period. (17) Suppression valve (in conjunction with
c. All other valves and valve portions in the train control) .
airbrake system (including related dirt collectors (18) Timing valve (pneumatic portion in con
and filters) must be cleaned, repaired, and tested junction with train control—not used on
as often as conditions require to maintain them Government-owned locomotives) .
properly in a safe and suitable condition for ser
(19) Any valve, however designated, which is
vice, and not less frequently than once each 24-
used in a non-steam locomotive to per
month period. This rule governs the following
form the same or substantially the same
valves and valve portions in the airbrake system:
function in the air brake system as that
(1) Distributing or control valve (all oper of any valve listed above, must likewise
ating portions) . be cleaned, tested, and repaired in ac
(2) Automatic brake valve (all operating cordance with this paragraph.
portions) . d. The date of testing or cleaning, and the
(3) Equalizing piston portion. initials of the shop or station at which the work
(4) Brake application valve (all operating is done, hall be legibly stenciled in a conspicuous
ft portions) . place on the parts, or placed on a card displayed
under transparent cover in the cab of each loco spection, and by the officer in charge (fig. 93) . A
motive unit. duplicate copy of this report shall be filed in the
Page 181, paragraph 167c. Delete and substi office of the mechanical officer having charge of
tute: the locomotive and for locomotives used in inter
change with CONUS commercial railroads within
c. Lost motion in drawbars and pins when 10 days after each inspection of such locomotives
used between units or trucks shall not exceed one copy shall be transmitted to the United States
one-half inch at each pin, and shall be checked District Inspector.
by tramming.
Page 202, paragraph 187a(4). Delete and sub
Page 182, paragraph 167d. Delete and substi stitute:
(4) Before the inspected locomotive is put
d. Lost motion in articulated connections into service a copy of the last inspection
when used between units or trucks shall not ex report shall be displayed under trans
ceed one-half inch at each pin, and shall be parent cover in a conspicuous place in
checked by tramming. the cab of each unit. This copy must be
Page 188, paragraph 177b. Delete and substi a duplicate in all ways of the report
tute: filed with the transportation group rail
b. Cable connections between units and jump way headquarters, the United States
ers that carry current having a potential of 600 Army Mobility Command, or in the case
volts or more shall be thoroughly cleaned, in of locomotives used in interchange ser
spected, and tested as often as conditions require vice, with the district inspector of the
to maintain them in safe and suitable condition Department of Transportation. This copy
for service, but not less frequently than every 3 need not be sworn to, and in the event it
months, by immersing the cable portion in water is destroyed or becomes lost or illegible
and subjecting each conductor with another, and it may be replaced by a conformed copy.
with the water to a difference in potential to not Page 203, paragraph 187d. Delete and substi
less than one and three-fourths times the normal tute:
working voltages for not less than 1 minute. Date d. Out-of-Service Reports.
and place of inspection and test shall be legibly
marked on the jumper or cable or on a tag se (1) When a locomotive is withheld from ser
curely attached thereto. vice for 30 or more consecutive days or
was out of service when it would other
Page 195, paragraph 186d. Delete and substi wise be due for inspection, an out-of-
tute: service report covering such locomotives
d. DD Form 1336 (Monthly Inspection and shall be made on the reverse side of
Repair Report of Locomotives and Locomotive DA Form 1336, (fig. 93). The out-of-
Cranes Other Than Steam). Not less than once service time shall be totaled and re
every 30 days a report shall be made, DD Form corded on the reverse of the form and
1336, covering each locomotive unit in use, which the interval prescribed for any particu
shall show the condition of the unit as determined lar test or inspection required by U.S.
by an inspection made in accordance with the Army regulations and directives or Fed
law and applicable rules and regulations. The eral Railroad Administration rules (loco
responsible activity may perform the inspection motives in CONUS used in interchange
required by this rule within the 5 days next fol service with commercial railroads are
lowing the expiration of the 30-day period, if governed by Department of Transpor
conditions beyond the control of the responsible tation, Federal Railroad Administration
officer render such additional time necessary; regulations) may then be extended by
and in that event proper notation shall be made the number of such consecutive out-of-
on the reverse of the report, DD Form 1336. This service days recorded since the date of
repart shall be made on a good grade of pale the last previous test or inspection, un
blue paper, size 6x9 inches, and subscribed and less otherwise provided herein. The re
sworn to before an officer authorized to admin port shall be made on each date on which
ister oaths, by the inspectors who made the in an inspection or test would have been
due except for the extension and shall new report prepared on DD Form 1336
show the name of the installation and/or before the locomotive is again returned
activity, the place where made, the ini to service (para 186d) .
tials and number of the locomotive, the Page 205, paragraph 189. Add subparagraph c.
place where unit is out of service, and
the reason for being out of service. c. The time for making inspections and tests
on units and boilers which are out of service for
(2) The out-of-service report, for locomo 30 or more consecutive days may be extended
tives used in interchange service, shall without application as hereinafter provided. Time
be transmitted to the United States Dis out of service shall be properly accounted for by
trict Inspector in charge within 10 days out-of-service reports and notations made on the
after the 30-day inspection period for back of each subsequent inspection report and
which it is to cover. One copy of the re cab card for time claimed out of service. Less
port will be retained in the office of the than 30 days out of service shall not be counted
mechanical officer having charge of the toward extensions.
locomotive. In other cases the responsi Page 234, paragraph 215a(3). Delete the first
ble officer will retain the original copy. three lines "the words "Transportation Corps"
The copy need not be sworn to, but must will be placed as shown."
be signed by the officer-in-charge of the Add: The letter "F" (7-inch letter, fig. 96)
locomotive. shall be legibly shown on each side of every loco
(3) When an out-of-service report has been motive unit near the end, which for identification
filed, an inspection must be made and purposes, will be known as the front end.
By Order of the Secretary of the Army:
General, United States Army,
Official: Chief of Staff.
Major General, United States Army,
The Adjutant General.

To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-25 (qty rqr block no. 809) operator requirements
for Rail, All.

*TM 55-202/TO 45A2-2-1-2
Technical Order WASHINGTON, D. C., U October 1966
No. 4SA2-2-1-2




T. GOVERNOR 85-37 41
Section L Elementary electricity 49-54 55
O. Principles of power equipment 5545 M
Section L Power transmission system. 66-78 85
n. Power control system 79-86
Section L Power system auxiliaries ....................... 87-100 107
n. .Battery system 101-104 114
m. Engine starting system ........................ 105-108 118
TV. Auxiliary equipment ......... 109-114 190
14. TRUCKS 139-133 145
Section L Brake equipment 160-166 179
n. Drawgear and running 167-168 181
ra. Wheele 169-171 184
TV. Cane, lights, whistles, bells, 179-174 186
v. Electrical equipment 175-180 188
VL Internal combustion equipment 181,183 189
vn. Report forms 183-188 190
vm. Boilers and heater oars 189,190 305
Section L Categories and echelons. 191,199 306
B. Locomotive maintenance 198-909 906
ra. Painting, lettering, and number!**; 210415 980
i TM 55-att/TO 4SA»l-t. 41
Paragraph PM*

1. Purpose and Scope

& This manual is published for the should be done. Rules and report forms
use of personnel engaged in the opera applying to maintenance work are also
tion, inspection, and maintenance of included. Appropriate intervals are
diesel-electrlc locomotives. It may be suggested in some instances, but it is
used as a general reference for beyond the scope of this manual to at
regulations, standards, and procedures tempt to set up maintenance schedules
governing such work. It describes the or give detailed discussion on how the
construction of a typical diesel-electric work is to be done.
locomotive and its components, the pro e. The material presented herein is
cedures to be followed in routine and applicable without modification to nuclear
emergency locomotive operation, and the and nonnuolear warfare.
requirements for adequate inspection and
maintenance of the locomotive. Because 2. Changes and Revisions
of the variety of makes and models of
Government-owned diesel-electric loco Users of this manual are encouraged
motives, it is not practical to present to submit recommended changes and com
specific details for all locomotives. At ments to improve the manual. These
times it will be necessary to refer to should be keyed to the specific page,
Department of the Army ooerating and paragraph, and line of the text. Reasons
maintenance instruction manuals covering should be provided for each comment
a specific locomotive for complete infor or recommended change to insure under
mation. The following items are among standing and complete evaluation. Com
those discussed in the various portions ments and recommended changes should
of the manual. be forwarded direct to Commandent, U.S.
b. Construction of the locomotive and Army Transportation School, ATTN:
its components includes the principles Director of Doctrine and Literature, Fort
of design and operation of generators, Eustis, Va. 23604.
transmission equipment, diesel engines,
fuel, lubricating and cooling systems, 3* Advantages of Diesel-Electric Locomotives
governors, superchargers, turbo charg
ers, air and oil filtration, compressors, & Diesel engines were long recognized
accessories, airbrakes and brake rigging, as desirable prime movers or sources
and standard and multiple-gage trucks. of power. Before it was practical to use
c. Operation covers normal locomotive them in railroad operations, engines were
movement in addition to inspections and so large and heavy that they were used
precautions to be observed before and mainly in stationary powerplants. Refine
after operation to avoid damage, and ments in design and other improvements
elementary maintenance as it pertains resulted in the first experimental use of
to engine crew responsibilities. diesel engines on railroads in rail cars.
d Maintenance portions of this manual Even in such small applications, it was
tell what to do. The discussion of facili soon apparent that the mechanical and
ties is a general guide on where the work hydraulic transmissions of that time were
not sufficient to meet all service require power has not reached a stage of develop
ments. The electric drive was then de ment for locomotives comparable to that
veloped. The operating characteristics of diesel-electric systems, while rail
of electric equipment (embracing various road electrification, which is comparable
relationships of torque, current, voltage, in service, requires a costly wire system
and speed) proved to be an excellent and correspondingly high traffic density to
solution to the problem. The application justify its use. More even weight dis
of diesel engines was then expanded from tribution over the rails is accomplished
rail cars to switching service, and then by use of diesel-electric locomotives,
to heavy through traffic in freight and c. Modern diesel-electric locomotives
passenger service. Diesel-electric loco are an assembly of many componentparts.
motives were available for service a Details vary considerably depending'on the
greater percentage of the time than steam make and model, but all types are generally
locomotives. This was due to reduced similar. The automatic operation of much
servicing requirements. Major compon of the equipment is designed for ease of
ents are often repaired on the replace control of the locomotive as a unit.
ment basis, reducing the time a loco The operation of a diesel-electric loco
motive is out of service for repairs. motive is very simple. The diesel engine
b. Greater flexibility in coupling units produces mechanical power which the
for various train assignments is possible generator converts to electric power to
by using multiple-unit controls, whereby drive the traction motors geared to the
one cab controls several units. This axles. To vary the output and speed
makes available a wide range of horse of the locomotive, the operator (engine-
power, plus a high degree of standardiza man) has only to move the throttle which
tion of repair parts for maintenance shops. controls both powerplants. Moving the
Electric traction, in general, has reached throttle lever upward from the first
its present extensive application because position permits more fuel to the diesel
of its superior operating characteristics; engines which speed up and deliver more
its economy in fuel and repairs; and its
cleanliness, simplicity, and reliability.
power to the generators and, thus, to the
traction motors.
Steam turboelectric and gas turboelectric


4* General (5) Compression ignition eliminates

a Description. A diesel engine is an the need for an ignition system.
internal combustion fuel oil burning engine (6) The engine is highly reliable under
employ ing. compression ignition. The a variety of weather conditions.
engine, frequently referred to as a prime c. Classification.
mover, converts heat energy into mechani (1) Diesel engines are classified by
cal energy. An internal combustion engine the following principal operating
is one which derives its power from the characteristics:
buring of a charge of fuel within a confined (a) Operating cycles. Two-stroke
space called a cylinder. (An external cycle or four-stroke cycle (para
combustion engine is operated by the 10).
expansion of gases which have received (b) Cylinder arrangement. Chief
energy from fuel burned in a separate ly in-line or V-type.
chamber, as in a steam engine.) Com (c) Piston action. Single-acting, op
pression ignition occurs when the fuel posed piston.
is ignited solely by the heat of com (d) Speeds. Trend is from medium
pression. This is caused by the fuel to high speed engines (partic
coming in contact with highly compressed, ularly on locomotives).
and hence highly heated, air in cylinders. (c) Method of fuel injection. Pre
6. Advantages. The advantages of dominantly mechanical injection
various types of prime movers, and even types are used in locomotives.
of various types of diesel engines, vary (2) Diesel-electric locomotives are
with their application; but diesel engines classified according to the type
as a group have certain advantages which of service they are designed to
should be known by those working with perform.
them. (a) Switchers.
(1) Fuel economy is the principal ad (b) Road switchers (freight, pas
vantage of the diesel engine. This senger, and yard service).
is due to the high compression (c) Passenger. (None of these in the
ratio and the proportionately military fleet).
higher expansion ratio and thermal
efficiency than that found in other 5. Principles of Operation
internal combustion engines. The a. Heat Energy and Mechanical Energy.
high percentage of Britishthermal The transformation of heat energy to
units (Btu's) that are converted to mechanical energy by the engine is based
useful work also exceeds that of on a fundamental law of physics which
steam engines. states that gas will expand upon appli
(2) The torque of a diesel engine is cation of heat. When the gas is confined
fairly constant throughout its speed with no outlet for expansion, the pressure
range and, therefore, the engine of the gas will increase when heat is
pulls well at low speeds. applied. This pressure acts against the
(3) The fire risk is low because the head of a piston and causes the piston
fuel is not as volatile as gasoline. to move away from the combustion
(4) The exhaust gas is not as dan chamber.
gerous as that of gasoline b. Reciprocating Motion to Rotary
engines (although poor combustion Motion. The downward movement of the
causes high concentration of car piston is transformed into rotary motion
ft bon monoxide fumes). through a connecting rod and crankshaft.
The cylinder is a hollow tube closed afr since the pump would not deliver the
the upper end by a cylinder head. The oil at high enough pressure to atomize
piston moves Inside the cylinder. The the oil as it entered the cylinder through
connecting rod is straight and its upper the spray nozzle. Since the pressure
end is attached to the bottom of the piston pump was unsatisfactory, an air blast
whose motion is reciprocating, or up was introduced which sprayed the oil
and down, whereas motion of the drive somewhat in the fashion of a perfume
shaft is rotary. The necessary trans atomizer. This air, at 900 pounds
formation is accomplished by the crank pressure, was supplied by a two- or three-
shaft, which is mounted on bearings at stage compressor. The air injection diesel
both ends so that it can revolve freely. has been superseded by the mechanical
On the crankshaft, there are offset parts injection or solid injection diesel. The
known as the "crank" or "throw" to which change has been due to the high cost of
the lower end of the connecting rod is the compressor (about 20 percent of the
fastened. As the piston is forced down by entire engine cost), operating difficulties
the expanding gas, the connecting rod with the compressor, and the better
moves down also, but it must follow the efficiency of the solid injection engine.
circular path described by the throw The ability of any solid injection diesel
of the crankshaft. Thus, the reciprocat to operate satisfactorily depends upon the
ing motion of the piston is transformed delivery of a finely atomized charge of
to rotary motion by the crankshaft. fuel, without leakage or afterdribble, and
c. Factors Necessary for Proper Func a distribution which brings all particles
tioning of Dtesel Engine. Four factors of fuel into contact with sufficient oxygen
are necessary for proper combustion in for complete combustion. Without a
a diesel engine — air, fuel, compression, reasonable degree of combustion effi
and ignition. Any discussion of engines ciency, the power developed for each
must be based on these factors and the gallon of fuel would be low, thereby £
methods for delivering fuel or timing eliminating the economic advantage ™
in the combustion chamber. The princi possessed by the theoretical diesel cycle.
pal difference between a diesel engine If the entire charge of fuel injected into
and a gasoline engine is in the method the engine cylinder is not completely
of Admitting and igniting fuel* Pure air burned, the unburned portion will settle
is compressed to a high temperature on the cylinder wall and piston leaving
before any fuel is delivered in a diesel a sticky mass of carbon. This carbon
engine, which differs from the air-fuel will fill the space between a piston ring
mixture delivered by carburetors in and its groove, finally binding the ring
gasoline engines. Fuel oil is then injected so that the ring no longer seals the
into the cylinder of the diesel in a finely piston against blowby. Other portions
divided spray and ignited by the hot air. of the carbon settle on the exhaust valve
Fuel is consumed by burning rather than seat and cause the valve to leak. This
by explosion, and injection and burning reduces compression to a point where
continue over an appreciable portion of the air temperature does not reach a
the stroke. A relatively constant pressure high enough value during compression to
is thereby maintained during thff entire ignite the next fuel charge.
power stroke of the piston. This charac
teristic of the diesel engine classifies it 7. Atomization
as a constant-pressure engine.
& Oxygen in the chamber contacts only
6. Combustion Principles
those carbon and hydrogen atoms that are
on the surface of a fuel oil particle.
In the first diesel engines, fuel oil The oxygen cannot penetrate into the
was injected into the cylinder by a simple interior of a fuel oil drop. To obtain
pressure pump. The result was poor the largest surface, the oil must be
divided into the greatest possible num is the "ignition lag" and it varies
ber of fine particles. To insure a spray with the kind of fuel, the com
which is equal to, or better than, the pression pressure, and other
atomizations obtainable with a perfume engine characteristics. Ignition
atomizer, the spray valve must be prop may start in any portion of the
erly designed. There must be proper fuel spray. The first flame may
correlation between the fuel oil pressure occur at a point removed from the
and the diameter of the orifice. Even spray nozzle or may occur
if the fuel particles are properly broken simultaneously at several places.
up, they must be completely diffused In a well designed engine, ignition
through the air charge. This may be occurs before the entire fuel
accomplished either by a nozzle that charge enters the cylinder and
spreads the fuel in a wide cone spray burns.
pattern or by some arrangement where (3) The third step in the combustion
by the air is diffused through the fuel process follows, with the fuel burn
charge. For diffusion of the fuel charge, ing as fast as it enters the cylinder.
the usual spray valve is supplied with
several openings in the tip. The fuel 8. Combustion Knock
Issues through the holes and forms an
equal number of cones of atomized fuel If the initial ignition Is delayed so long
which effectually fill the combustion space that the entire mass of fuel has entered
of the engine cylinder. With medium and the cylinder and has become vapor, the
large bore engine cylinders, the multi- primary ignition may be followed by a
hole orifice gives an ideal spray formation. rapid combustion (an explosion) of the
When the size of the engine cylinder entire fuel mass. This explosion may
decreases (high speed engines are, as set up a pressure wave which, traveling
a class, of small bore), the amount of at the speed of sound, strikes the metal
fuel injected into the engine cylinder is walls and thereby produces a sharp knock
very small. The diameter of each of the called "combustion knock." It is then
spray valve openings must then be exceed highly desirable to arrange the design
ingly small. so that the first part of the fuel charge
& After the spray enters and is diffused is ignited before the entire fuel charge
into the cylinder, a three-stage combustion enters the cylinder. The flame of the
process follows: first particles then insures a continuous
(1) The fuel particles must be heated ignition and combustion of the remainder
to a temperature high enough to of the fuel as fast as the fuel enters
permit self-ignition upon meeting the cylinder. To accomplish this, there
the oxygen. This heating is are various designs of combustion
necessary even if the fuel re chambers, all intended to prevent com
mains in the liquid state. Since bustion knock, but most designs fail in
the fuel actually vaporizes before their purpose. Combustion that takes place
ignition, it must be heated to the after injection has stopped is termed
firing temperature, or a range "afterburning." The rate of burning during
from about 7W-900* Fahrenheit. this period is slow and results in little
Vaporization starts as soon as the power increase. During this afterburning
first droplet of fuel enters the period, the combustion chamber contains
cylinder and continues until com a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon
bustion occurs. dioxide, steam, vaporized fuel, and prod
(2) The second step in the combustion ucts of partial combustion. The percentage
process is ignition of the fuel of inert gases is high because of the
charge. Ignition occurs shortly combustion that has been completed. As
after the first fuel particle enters a result, the mixing of the active gases
the cylinder. The time interval and their subsequent combustion takes
place slowly, extending to as late as 80 in the upper portion of the cylinder casting.
degrees of crank travel after top center. The portion of the spray valve in the com
This late burning has a low expansion bustion chamber is of greatest importance.
ratio and decreases the overall cycle If the fuel spray is not directed toward the
efficiency of ti^ gngint*, although &** throat connecting the chamber with th^
final combustion efficiency may be high. cylinder, combustion will not be complete
Difficulty in obtaining a mixture of fuel and the engine will not pull its rated load.
and flif and of securing efficient com The fuel spray must pass across the
bustion increases as engine speed fan- airstream. There is one operating diffi
creases. A four-cycle dlesel at 300 culty, however; if the engine has been
revolutions per minute (rpm) injects and stopped for some time the turbulence
burns the fuel charge in 30 degrees of chamber becomes cold. The air warmed
crank travel. Such an engine covers 1.800 in the cylinder by compression rushes
degrees of crank travel per second, so the into the turbulence chamber and loses
30 degrees of injection and combustion its heat by the cooling action of the cold
occur in approximately 0.017 second. metal of the throat. It is necessary to
A high speed dlesel turning at 1.800 rpm provide some device to add heat to the
will use the same 30 degrees of crank air. This device may be a coil heated
travel, but the actual time interval is by electricity from the starting battery.
about 0.003 second. e, Precombustioo Chamber. Aprecom-
bustion chamber is a feature of several
9. Methods of Mixing Air With Fad
high speed diesels. When the piston com
pletes its compression stroke, about 35
a. General The methods of moving air percent of the air charge is forced into
into the diesel engine cylinder so that the precomhustion chamber. The air
it flows across the fuel stream varies forced into the chamber is not enough
with different engines. Methods common to unite completely with the fuel charge
to the tunginfm found in locomotives of when the fuel sprays into the chamber.
the military fleet are described below. As a result, carbon monoxide gas is
b. Entrance Swirl Air flowing into the formed and some of the fuel vaporizes.
engine cylinder may follow a circular Pressure rise, due to the partial com
path, a whirling motion that will continue bustion, causes carbon monoxide gas and
during the compression stroke. When fuel vaproUed fuel to blow into the engine
is sprayed into the cylinder, the air cylinder where the gaseous mass mixes
circulating in the combustion space passes with hot air and combustion is completed.
through the fuel spray. This insures a One advantage of the precombustion
thorough mixture of air and fuel. system is that fuel may be injected early
c. Piston Swirl If the piston has aeon- enough to heat up and vaporize without
cave crown, the air between the cylinder danger of serious preignition. The limited
head and the high outer surface of the of aii- in ty» precumbustion cham
piston crown is forced into the concave ber holds the pressure rise to a reasonably
section when the piston approaches the low value. A disadvantage of the precom
end of its stroke. The air mixes with the bustion chamber is difficulty in starting
fuel sprayed toward the center of the because of the relative slowness of engine
d. Turbulence Chamber. In somediesel
engines, flif* Caterpillar for f>»q "iptf the
10. Operating Cycles
fuel spray is injected into the turbulence
and meets **M* entire maim of & General. To produce power through
air which has been given velocity by the an interval of time, an engine must
piston motion, and rotates inthe turbulence accomplish a definite series of opera
chamber at a high speed. The turbulence tions and perform them over and over
chamber is ^tfj*w in flM* cylinder again. This series is known as a cycle
in which suction, compression, ignition, dead center, the pressure created by the
expansion, and exhaust take place in the burning of the fuel forces the piston
order listed. If the engine requires four downwards which causes the crank to
strokes of the piston and two revolutions rotate, delivering power to the crank
of the crankshaft to complete a cycle, shaft. The oil continues to spray into
it is known as a four-cycle engine (1. the cylinder while the piston moves a
fig. 1), while an engine completing the short distance on the expansion stroke.
cycle in two strokes of the piston and The gases continue to exert force on
one revolution of the crankshaft is known the piston until it reaches bottom dead
as a two-stroke cycle engine (2. fig. 1). center. At this time, the exhaust cam
Diesel engines used to power locomotives opens the exhaust valve. The crankshaft
in the military fleet of American Loco h^n mnA» another half turn during this
motive Company (ALCO), Caterpillar, or stroke.
Cummings manufacture are four-cycle e, Four-Stroke Cycle Exhaust Stroke.
engines, while those manufactured by the As soon as the exhaust valve opens,
Electro-Motive Division of the General much of the burned gas rushes out of the
Motors Corporation (EMD) are two-cycle cylinder. The exhaust valve continues
engines. in the open position during the next up
b. Four-Stroke Cycle Suction Stroke. stroke of the piston, which permits com
This suction stroke begins with the piston plete removal of the exhaust gases. The
at top dead center. As the piston moves crankshaft hng made another half turn,
downward, a charge of fresh air is drawn completing two full revolutions during
into the cylinder through the inlet valve the four steps of the complete cycle,
which is held open by its cam. The air which is repeated again as long as the
passage is closed when the piston reaches engine is running.
the bottom of its stroke. The crank L Two-Stroke Cycle Compression
shaft has made half of a revolution during Stroke. The events of compression, in
this stroke. jection, and expansion take place in the
c. Four-Stroke Cycle Compression same order as they do in a four-stroke
Stroke. The piston reaches the bottom cycle. The upstroke of the piston com
of its stroke and the inlet valve is closed presses the air. Injection of the fuel
by its spring when the high point of the oil occurs when the piston nears the
cam rotates from under the push rod. top of the stroke. The hot gases expand
The bottom dead center has been passed against the piston forcing it downward
and the piston is being forced upward on the power stroke.
toward the cylinder head. The inlet and g. Two-Stroke Cycle Power Stroke.
exhaust valves are closed and the up When the piston nears the bottom of the
ward travel of the piston compresses power or expansion stroke, the exhaust
the air in the cylinder. When the end of valve in the top of the cylinder opens.
the compression stroke is reached, a The hot burned gases rush past the
charge of oil is injected through the valve. As the piston moves farther down
spray valve in the cylinder head. The ward, the air intake air ports in the
oil ignites spontaneously as soon as it cylinder wall near the lower end are
mixes with the air in the cylinder, for uncovered. Intake and exhaust take place
the piston has compressed the air to at the same time. Fresh air enters the
about 500 pounds per square inch, and lower end of the cylinder forcing the
this high compression raises the tempera remaining burned gases out of the ex
ture of the air to about 900* F., which haust valves at the top of the cylinder
is high enough to ignite the oil without and filling it with fresh air. The exhaust
a ^mrfc. The crankshaft *""* t"n*V> anr4hfT valves then close and the engine is ready
half turn during thin stroke. to start another cycle. The intake of fresh
d Four-Stroke Cycle Expansion Stroke. air and the exhaust of burned gases take
As soon as the crank moves past top place at the same time.







Figvri 1. Cyolt of «»«nt* in tnffint aylindtr.

10 i
11. Fuel Injection
*> Fuel Atomizatioa and Penetration. an even burning of fuel and give the
Fuel oil is forced into the combustion desired even downward pressure on the
area under extremely high pressure, 1,200 piston.
pal to tfa high aa 3,500 pal, dependingupon b. Function of Injection System. The
the design of the engine. Thia pressure function of an injection system is to meter
ia required to assure proper atomlzation the fuel accurately. It delivers equal
and mixing of fuel and air in the com- amounts of fuel to all cylinders at a
buation area. It must be remembered that pressure high enough to insure atomiza-
the compression pressure ia approxi tion and controls the start, rate, and
mately 500 pai; therefore, the injection duration of injection. The injectors are
pressure must be considerably higher. directly connected with the engine
The higher the pressure, the better atomi- governor; this assures maintaining power
cation and mixing of air and fuel. requirements with increases or decreases
Turbulence (para 9a and b) will assure in the load.


12. Power Requirements power unite on one underframe. Limited

Power ratings per locomotive unit in space on railway equipment is a great
general use vary from about 300 horse factor hi the design of a power unit. Each
power in light switching service to 5,000 power unit requires a fuel pump, water
horsepower in heavy road service. The pump, oil pump, radiator fans, and blowers
engines which supply this power (figs. 2 and which are directly related to the engine.
3) must supply power for all auxiliary Auxilary equipment such as an air com
equipment on the locomotive. Fans, blow pressor and auxiliary generator is also
ers, pumps, compressors, heaters, lights, necessary. These auxiliaries are powered
and similar equipment may increase the by the diesel engine. They supply the air
total power requirement by as much as 10 brake system, pneumatic controls, and the
percent above that required for moving low voltage light and power circuit. Sepa
the train. Two-stroke cycle or four-stroke rate engine starting equipment is generally
cycle engines of in-line, V-line, or eliminated by using the generator as a
opposed-piston cylinder arrangements are cranking motor. The construction of the
used. The lack of a stationary foundation main generator employs an additional field
and the limitations in allowable width and coil. This converts the generator into a
height had to be taken into account hi motor, when connected to a power source
designing the engine for railroad use. The such as a lead acid battery, thereby sup
engine speed is varied to accommodate plying power and a means of cranking the
main diesel engine.
the output of the powerplant to changes In
trailing tonnage, train speed, and grades.
Many railways operate where significant 14. Construction
changes In altitude and temperature occur & Genera/. Typical section views of an
in a comparatively short time. The power engine appear in figures 4 and 5. The brake
output decreases as the altitude or tem horsepower of an engine is the actual power
perature increases because the amount of measured at the end of the crankshaft by
air drawn into the engine decreases. This a dynamometer or Prony brake. Indicated
causes the fuel to burn slower. Decreased horsepower Is the formula computation of
air Intake is due to expansion of air when the total power developed within the cylin
heated, or to low pressure of high altitudes. ders. They differ by the power absorbed
Many combinations of engine power, gear by the mechanical losses within the engine.
ratio, and speeds are available in indi The horsepower ouput of an engine is
vidual locomotives; however, a multiple- based on three factors — the pressure on
unit control has been developed which the piston, the cylinder displacementwhich
enables one operator to control several is the product of the piston area and
similar power units on separate locomo stroke, and the number of power strokes
tives coupled together to act as a single in a given time. This is expressed as a
locomotive (paras 36, 86, and 147). formula- pxLxAxN
13. Power Unit 33,000
P is the mean effectivepressure inpounds
A complete engine generator set is called per square inch; L is the length of the
a power unit. Some locomotives have two piston stroke in feet; A is the cylinder
12 i

. ER



Figure S. V-type dieael engine, side view (EMD-567 model).




Figure 3. V-type diesel engine, front three-quarter view (ALCO-

area In square Inches, and N is the number (fig. 8) is the main structural part of the
of power strokes per minute. engine. It forms the upper part of the
Note. Since one horsepower is equal to 33,000 crankcase and also houses the cylinders.
foot-pounds per minute, P x L x A x N must result Engines differ in details, but usually water
in foot-pounds, and horsepower is derived by dividing Jackets and headers, or manifolds for
by 33,000. N is the number of cylinders times re
volutions per minute in a two-stroke cycle engine water and lubricating systems, are built
and is half this value in a four-stroke cycle en into or are attached to the cylinder block.
gine because only half the strokes are power e. Cylinder Liners. The cylinder liner
strokes. N x L gives the total feet through which is made of cast iron with an integral water
the pistons are working, and P x A gives the total jacket formed by a cored annular space
pounds at work. A typical engine specification of a between the inner and outer walls. The
four-stroke cycle, six-cylinder engine-
Pressure = 94 pounds P = 94 pounds liner is secured to the cylinder head by
Stroke = 15.6 inches L = 1.3 feet studs and nuts and the assembly is held in
Bore = 13 inches A = 132.7 square inches place in the engine by the cylinder head
Speed = 625 rpm N* 1,875 crab studs. A pilot stud locates the cylinder
Using the formula with these figures re liner in proper angular relation to the
sults in about 921 indicated horsepower. cylinder head and assures alinement with
Friction within the engine reduces this to the piston cooling pipe assembly. The
about 850 brake horsepower. Allowing 75 scavenging air inlet ports are located in
horsepower for auxiliaries, the approxi the wall of the liner Just above the top of
mate rated power to traction motor would the piston when it is at bottom center.
be 775 horsepower. Various portions of the £. Water Jacket. A water Jacket sur
engine are discussed below. rounding the cylinder liners is part of the
b. Main Frame. The lower supporting water circulating system. It may be formed
structure for the engine consists of abed- by a cored annular space between integral
plate (fig. 6) which is mounted on the loco inner and outer walls, or by a liner fitted
motive frame. This structure serves as a to the frame according to individual design.
housing for the crankshaft and as a Water circulates from an inlet header
reservoir for the engine lubricating oil, through the Jacket, then upward through
and is sometimes called an oil pan. In the cylinder head to an outlet header.
spection openings are provided in the base g. Piston. The piston (fig. 9) is cylin-
for access to the crankcase, oil pan, bear drically shaped and fits closely into the
ings, and other parts. cylinder liner. Piston rings seal the com
c. Crankshaft. The crankshaft (fig. 7) bustion chamber so energy from the burn
transmits the useful power developed by ing fuel has full effect on the piston without
the reciprocating action of pistons to the loss from leakage. The number of rings
rotary drive at the external engine cou on each piston varies with the engine's
pling. Main bearings support the crank design. The rings near the top of the piston
shaft between each pair of cranks. Cranks are called compression rings and are
are counterbalanced to offset centrifugal essential to effective combustion. The
force and are designed for a specific fir rings below the compression rings are
ing order in the cylinders to insure an called oil rings and are provided to dis
even distribution of forces through the tribute and wipe off excess lubricating oil
shaft. The bearings are usually pressure along the cylinder liner. Oil must lubri
lubricated through drilled passages. Oil cate the entire liner without carbonizing
flows from a header through individual or restricting the free action of the com
lines to each main bearing, then to con pression rings. The rings are usually made
necting rod bearings and piston pin bear of softer metal than the liner and piston,
ings. Proper clearances and alinement of so that they will absorb a large portion of
bearings and crankshaft are very impor the wear. Lubricating oil serves as a
tant. The manufacturer's instructions for cooling agent by circulating under pres
checking these parts should be followed. sure through drilled passages leading from
dL Cylinder Blocks. The cylinder block the connecting rod through the piston pin w,




Figure 4. Cross section of V-type diesel engine (EMD-567 model).

fl fl



Figvr* f. *ng\M.



Figure 6. Engine main frame.

bushing crown and eventually discharging ual cylinder heads (fig. 10) are fastened
by gravity to the sump. Generally, pistons to each cylinder in V-type or vertical
are made of light material, such as alumi inline engines. There are no cylinder
num or cast iron alloy to reduce weight. heads on opposed-piston engines. The
h. Connecting Rod. A connecting rod is head is cast with drilled water passages,
mounted between the piston and the crank which line up with those in the liner and
shaft to convert the up and down motion the water outlet header or manifold. On
of the piston to rotary motion of the crank four-stroke cycle engines, each head is
shaft (fig. 9). It is usually made of drop- provided with intake and exhaust valves,
forged, high-strength alloy steel, because a fuel injector opening, and occasionally
it is subject to forces in all directions. an indicator valve opening. There are no
Combined vertical and sideway forces tend intake valves on two-stroke cycle engines
to make a twisting force, which reverses because the air ports are in the liner.
direction frequently and abruptly. The Rocker arms are mounted on the cylinder
bearing at the crankshaft end is called the head to operate the valves. The rocker
connecting rod bearing. The bearing at the arms are actuated by the camshaft through
piston end is called the piston pin bear push rods and have adjusting screws and
ing. These bearings must be fitted locknuts to adjust the valve tappet clear-
accurately. mces and, in some models, the injectors.
ft L Cylinder Heads and Valves. Individ j. Camshaft and Drive. The camshaft



Figure 8. Cgttflcter btock.









Figure 9. Piston and connecting rod assembly, exploded view.

Figure 10. Cylinder Head, exploded view.

regulates and times the exhaust, intake, There is a shaft for each bank of cylinders
and fuel injection for each cylinder (fig. on a V-type engine.
11). It must be timed accurately with the k. Timing. It is necessary to time the
piston movement. It is driven by either a opening and closing of exhaust valves (and
gear train or chain drive, which main intake valves on four-stroke cycle engines)
tains this timing. On a two-stroke cycle at the start and finish of fuel injection.
engine, the intake valve cam is omitted. Improper timing may result in Incomplete
The shaft extends the length of the engine scavenging or exhaust, too little air in
and has a set of cams for each cylinder; take, and too early or too late fuel injec
therefore, when one cylinder is correctly tion which would cause incompleted fuel
timed, all cylinders are correctly timed. combustion and cause the engine to knock

Figure 11. Camshaft.

or smoke. The action of the three cams front end of the crankshaft, ft consists of
depicted on the camshaft in figure 11 is two couplings, laminated springs, pins,
i shown for each of the three functions in
the timing diagram (fig. 12). The point at
and a spring housing. The function of the
balancer is to dampen torsional vibration
which intake, exhaust, and injection take in the crankshaft.
place Is shown hi degrees before top dead m, Overapeacf Trip. Diesel engines in
center (tdo) and bottom dead center (bdo). locomotive service are provided with an
Adjustment of timing is seldom necessary overspeed trip mechanism which auto
except when major repairs or replace matically brings the engine to a stop if
ments are made to the fuel injection engine speed exceeds a safe limit. The
pumps, timing gears or chains, and oam- mechanism is tripped by centrifugal force
at a speed usually about 10 percent above
L Harmonic Balancer. Heavy vibra normal maximum speed. Under certain
tions occur if the frequency of a pulsating conditions, for instance a sudden loss of
torque, as produced by the pistons, equals load (if a protective relay such as awheel
the natural frequency of vibration of the slip or ground relay is functioning), the
crankshaft. This is called the critical governor may not be able to limit the
speed of an engine. The slightest devia engine to its maximum speed. The over-
tion from critical speed will cause any speed trip may function through electrical
such vibration to stop. A momentary connections to solenoid-operated gover
change in the throttle position would pro nors (para S6o), or through direct me
duce the necessary change hi speed. The chanical connection to the fuel control
harmonic balancer is used on 12- *»yil 16- shaft on the engine.
oylinder engines and is located on the

ft 21






Figure It. Camshaft timing diagrams.


15. General clean; otherwise fuel pump and injector

Fuel is pumped from a fuel tank through difficulties will occur. Fuel acts also as a
strainer filters and related fixtures to a cooling agent for the pump and injector
fuel oil manifold and header, then dis parts. Diesel fuel is heavier and more
charged under pressure to injection viscous than gasoline and will hold dirt
equipment at each cylinder (fig. 13). The in suspension for longer periods of time.
pump is usually driven by an electric motor Every precaution must be taken to keep
and is designated as a supply pump, fuel dirt out of the fuel system or to eliminate
transfer pump, or booster pump. It should it before it reaches the pumps. Water in
always be clearly distinguished from the diesel fuel will cause uneven operation
fuel injection pumps. Relief valves are and corrode the fuel system. Any corrosion
provided to protect the fuel pump and or erosion of the accurately machined
motor against excessive overload, and to surfaces in the injection equipment will
keep excess oil in the fuel oil header from cause it to become inoperative.
returning to the tank. A pressure gage in c. Viscosity. Viscosity is the resist
the cab tells whether adequate fuel oil ance offered by a fluid to change in shape
pressure is being maintained in the supply or motion. The higher the viscosity, the
line. The fuel tank is usually suspended greater the resistance to flow. When oil
beneath the underframe between trucks is hot, it will flow more rapidly than when
and can be filled from either side. Air it is cold. Oil should be thin (low viscosity)
comes through openings protected by a in cold weather and heavy, (high viscosity)
flame arrester. A fuel gage is provided in hot weather. The viscosity of a diesel
near the fill pipe to show fuel level. Some fuel must be sufficiently low to flow freely
locomotives also have a fuel gage in the at the lowest temperatures encountered.
cab. The fuel tank has a drain plug for It must also be high enough to properly
cleaning purposes and a condensation lubricate the closely fitted pump and
drain valve. Drain plugs in filter housings injector plungers. There must be suffi
or suction lines should be opened only cient viscosity to prevent leakage at the
when the engine is stopped, so the pump pump plungers and dribbling at the
does not draw air and lose its prime. It injectors. The viscosity determines the
is essential that sludge, water, and air size of the fuel spray droplets which, in
be kept out of the system. turn, govern the atomization and penetra
tion qualities of the spray. Viscosity, as
16. Fuel Oil Requirements measured by a viscosimeter, is indicated
by the number of seconds required for a
a General. Specific fuel oils are used given volume of liquid at a predetermined
to obtain high power at a low rate of con temperature to flow through an orifice.
sumption and minimize corrosion or other d. Cetane Ratings. Cetane ratings are
causes of excessive maintenance. High the measure of the ignition quality of the
heat content, as expressed in Btu's, is a fuel oil. These ratings are established by
major requirement. A standard fuel is laboratory tests which compare the com
usually provided for all locomotives in a bustion, pressure, and ignition lag of oil
given area and the crew will seldom find with a teat fuel of varying percentage of
it necessary to make a selection. Cleanli cetane. Pure cetane is graded 100. Better
ness, viscosity, and Ignition quality as quality fuels have high cetane ratings.
expressed in cetane ratings are the most Manufacturers' recommendations on
important properties of diesel fuel. cetane ratings of fuel should be followed.
b. Cleanliness. Diesel fuel must be Use of fuel with too high a cetane rating

usually causes preignition. A determina imperative that the engine system be
tion of cetane number is an involved protected from these abrasives.
laboratory procedure. a. Most diesel engine designs include
a. Miscellaneous Requirements. Fuel two or more filters in the fuel supply
oil should burn completely without leaving systems to protect the closely fittedparts
carbon residue; it should not clog the of pumps and nozzles. The primary
system or cause corrosion due to the (coarse) filter is usually located between
presence of sulphur. The flashpoint and the supply tank and the fuel supply pump.
pour point should occur at suitable The main (fine) filter is between the fuel
temperatures. Never fill the fuel tank supply pump and the injectionpump. Addi
near an open flame. tional fJ*tA^*ng *>i*>m*mta are frequently
installed between the injection pump and
17. Fuel Oil Purification the nozzle. A duplex fuel oil filter is shown
In order to deliver clean fuel to the in figure 14. A close watch must be made
engine, constant effort must be made to of the fuel pressure gage; if a pressure
prevent contamination at wayside supply drop occurs, it is an indication that a
stations and on the locomotive. E&oh time n needed
fuel oil is moved from one container to e. Diesel fuel oil fitters are referred to
another, it should be run through filters as full-flow fitters, because all the fuel
and strainers. The more filtering and must pass through the filters before
straining fuel oil receives, the less the reaching the injectionpumps. Fitters must
from dirt *M*d foreign be Inspected regularly and cleaned or
replaced if maximum efficiency is to be
particles. Natural settling is an effective maintain**!. All metal diskfilters and some
method of cleaning. Storage tanks have a cloth bag-type filter elements are clean-
drain cook and tap through which water able. Most cloth or fabric elements must
and sediment can be drained or flushed. be replacedwhen theybecome dirty. Diesel
To prevent accumulation of water, keep oil fitters usually incorporate an air vent
tanfca as full as possible to eliminate
condensation from moisture—laden air. to release air which might accumulate in
Any evidence of water at wayside storage the fitter during operation and a drain plug
facilities requires prompt inspection and in the bottom for removing sediment.
correction. Fuel should be delivered from d. Metal fitters are used as primary
the tank to the locomotive directlythrough fitters because the fine particles that may
a permanent pump installation. The use pass through them are not as injurious
of cans, funnels, and drums should be to the supply pump as they would be to the
avoided. After the fuel is delivered to the injection pump. A cleaning knife is often
locomotive tank, filters and strainers in provided to scrape deposits off the filtering
the fuel system further filter the fuel as disks (fig. 14). The solids falltothe bottom
described in paragraph 18. of the fitter housing where they can be
removed through the drain plughole. The
ball relief valve in the fitter cover enables
18. Fuel Oil Filters the oil to bypass the filter element if the
& Thorough and careful filtration of disks become clogged.
fuel oil is especially necessary to keep e. Fabric fitters, because of their
diesel engines efficient. Diesel fuels are greater filtering qualities, are usually
more viscous than gasoline. They contain used as main fitters to protect the fuel
more gums and more abrasive particles injection pump. A bag-type filter is
which may cause premature wear of in desirable because it can be cleaned. The
jection equipment. The abrasives consist fitter is made of anevenly woven, lintless,
of materials which are difficult to elimi acid-resisting textile material. The entire
nate during the refining process; others surface of the bag is available for fittering
may enter the fuel tank through careless purposes. The fuel to be filtered flows
refueling. Whatever the source, it Is from the filter inlet at the top through a
Figure 14. Fuel oil

spool and out the ports to the inside to the by an injection pump system or a unit
bag. The dirt, solids, abrasives, carbons, injection system. Unit injectors combine
etc., are caught in the bag, and the clean the injection pump and nozzle in one hom
fuel passes outward and to the filter outlet. ing.
The bag can be turned inside out to expel
the dirt and may be washed and reinstalled. 20. Fuel Injection Pump

19. Fuel Oil Supply Pump

Each cylinder in multiple-unit systems
has an individual injection pump (fig 16)
A motor-driven positive displacement which meters fuel and delivers it under
pump (fig. 15) is used to draw fuel oil high pressure to the spray nozzles leading
from the tank and pump it to the fuel oil into the combustion chambers. The pumps
header so that the injection pumps are are operated by a cam. The plunger strobe
supplied at all times. Injection pumps do remains constant at all loads. The plunger
not have enough suction ability of their own is turned axlally by a fuel control rack
to draw the oil. Cummins fuel pumps com connected to the governor. The angular
bine fuel injection pump and a suction position of the fuel pump plunger with
pump in one unit and therefore do not respect to the barrel ports determines the
require a separate suction pump. The fuel quantity of fuel injected per stroke. The
oil is discharged from the pump at a actual metering is done by a helical groove
pressure of about 35 to 40 pounds per cut into the plunger which alternately opens
square inch (psi). A relief valve on the and closes a port in the barrel (fig. 17). The
pressure side, set at about 75 psi, protects port on the left is an inlet port and the port
the pump in case a blocked fuel line on the right is a bypass port. A vertical
overloads the pump. Fuel delivered by the passage extends from the top of the helical
pump is then metered and timed (para 11) groove to the top face of the plunger, la

figure IS. Fuel oil supply pump.

the no-fuel position, the plunger is turned must be carefully avoided when any repair
•o the vertical groove connects the space work is done. The valve is opened when
immediately above the plunger with the fuel is delivered under sufficient pressure
bypass port throughout the entire stroke, to lift the valve against spring pressure.
and the pump exerts no pressure on the When it is open, fuel oil is delivered
line to the injector. At the point of maxi through the nozzle orifices to the combus
mum fuel delivery, the plunger is turned tion chamber. The injector shown in figure
axially so it completes almost a full stroke 18 is a unit injectionpump and nozzle com
before the helix uncovers the bypass port bined, which includes a helical metering
to release pressure. The plunger forces oil arrangement similar to the one described
to the injector nozzle as it moves. At any in paragraph 20 and performs the same
position between no-fuel and maximum fuel function as the injection pump and separate
delivery, the plunger assumes a corre nozzle. A simple injector nozzle, for use
sponding axial position; the helix uncovers with separate injection pumps, is similar
the bypass port at intermediate portions but less involved in design and operation.
of the stroke and a proportionate amount Some injectors have built-in filters to
of fuel is forced to the injector nozzle protect the working parts. The fuel
before the pressure is released. provides adequate lubrication of the
moving parts.
21. Fuel Injector Nozzlt
22* Emtrgtncy Fuel Cutoff Volvo
The injector nozzle directs the fuel into
the combustion chamber in a definite The emergency fuel cutoff valve fur
pattern designed to obtain the best mixture nishes a means of cutting off the flow of
for combustion. It contains a nozzle valve fuel from the tank to the diesel engine in
which is lap fitted to the nozzle body to case of emergency. The type used on ALCO
form a mated assembly. These parts must locomotives is illustrated in figure 19.
ft be kept paired at all times and interchange This valve is located in the suction line




Figurt 19. Full injection fvmf.

near the booster pump in the contactor tripped (closed), the fuel pressure
compartment. It can be closed from three should indicate zero pounds pressure. B
points on the locomotive lay pulling the is reset manually bypulling up on the valve
red knob at the engineman's position or at stem and resetting the orutoh which holds
either side of the locomotive above the the valve open.
center of the rear truck. When the valve is






Figure 17. Injection pump plunger passages.













Figure 18. Unit injector.



figure 1H. Emergency fuel cutoff valve.


3. General gasoline and kerosene. Lubricating oil is

a Mineral oil (from petroleum bases) one of the products of the heavy portions
.s used in most internal combustion en from which undesirable products such as
gines for lubrication purposes. Lubri wax. tar, and Impurities are removed.
cating oils are graded according to their The following factors are significant IB
viscosity by a series of Society of Auto classifying the various types and grades
motive Engineers (SAE) numbers. The of lubricating oil.
U. S. Army has standardized its engine b. Viscosity. See paragraph 16* for
Mis on three grades: SAE 10. SAE 30. definitions. Viscosity changes with tem
and SAE 50. The higher the SAE number. perature, which causes the oil to thin aa
Che more viscous or heavy the oil. This temperature increases. Viscosity of an
method of classifying oils' has no connec acceptable oil should be checked with a
tion with the quality of the oil. Engine viscosity gage at intervals while the oil
lubricating oils have four functions: to is used. Dilution from fuel oil leaking
prevent metal-to-metal contact in moving past the piston rings may result in ex
parts of mechanisms, thus reducing fric cessive carbon deposits, or insufficient
tion; to assist in carrying heat away from lubrication of vulnerable parts. The vis
the engine; to clean the engine parts as cosity is an important indication of the
they are lubricated; and to form a seal oil's ability to function effectively as an
between the piston rings and cylinder engine lubricant.
walls to prevent blowby of combustion c. Pour Point. Pour point is determined
gases. by the temperature at which the oil barely
b. The lubricating system supplies oil flows. It is important in cold weather \
to lubricate the moving parts of the en operation, because congealed oil has no
gine. An engine-driven pump draws oil lubricating value and offers excessive
from the engine base and circulates it resistance to motion.
through a series of filters, strainers, oL Flashpoint Flashpoint is that tem
etc., to the engine lubricating oil header perature at which oil vapor above the oil
(fig. 20). Lubrication of individual assem will ignite when exposed to flame. Although
blies is described under separate head- flashpoint gives some indication of *!***
Ings in paragraph 14. A bayonet gage is oil's volatility, it has little to do with
provided in the base of the engine to the oil's lubricating value, ft Is used
check the oil level. A filling hole or pipe primarily to determine the safety factor
is generally provided near this gage for in storing oil.
the addition of makeup oil. Handholes in e. Carbon Residue. Carbon deposits
the engine base should not be opened when are formed by the residue left after
the engine is running. Relief valves, or volatile matter in the oil has evaporated.
They should be kept at a minimumt be
pressure regulating valves, are installed
at appropriate places in the piping to cause accumulation of carbon causes
protect the pump, oil cooler, or similar leaky, sticky valves and rings and may
accessories. The settings of these valves score the cylinder liners.
vary with the normal oil pressure in the £ Oxidation. Every effort is madewhen
various parts of different systems. the oil is refined to remove materials
which have a tendency to oxidize. Deposits
24. Properties of Lubricating Oil from oxidization are objectionable for the
same reason as given in e above. The
a. General Crude oil is distilled to lubricant must resist oxidation when sub
obtain lighter volatile products such as jected to the fiqtng of combustion.


g. Emulsion. Oil in the crankcase of (1) Filters. Filters consist of a casing
an engine becomes emulsified when mixed containing removable elements or
with water. This condition comes about cartridges (fig. 21). The elements
through exhaust gases (which always con are generally a metal cage packed
tain some water) reaching the crankcase, with waste or similar loose fibrous
leaking head gaskets, damaged cylinder material. The elements should be
blocks, excessive condensation, etc. Oil renewed often enough to keep the
should be checked frequently and drained oil clean. The Interior of the casing
at regular intervals. is cleaned at the same time. Ele
h. Sulphur. Excessive sulphur may ments of a type which can be re
cause chemical reactions which promote packed are returned to the shop
corrosion and increase friction resistance for new packing. These elements
of wearing parts. can be repacked by maintenance
25. Purification of Oil (2) Strainers. Strainers consist of
a. General. Oil does not wear out but various arrangements of metal
it becomes contaminated soon after it is straining elements. A scraping
used within an engine. However, the lubri element in contact with the strain
cation properties are still effective if the ing element is provided for the
impurities are removed. This is often done frequent removal of accumulated
by gravity settling and passing oil through deposits. A handle extends through
filter beds, or by centrifuging the oil in a the casing and should be turned
rotary separator whose operation is based regularly for this purpose (turn in
on the relative specific gravity of the oil one direction only when so speci
and impurities. Proper maintenance can fied). The foreign matter that is
assist in preventing contamination. The scraped off drops to the bottom of
engine interior, cylinder heads, air boxes, the case. Strainers are removed
and crankcases should be cleaned when oil for cleaning when oil is changed
is changed if these locations are readily or at other suitable intervals.
accessible. When oil is changed without Specific directions for dismantling
first remedying the fault of contamination and replacement as well as suit
that is responsible for the poor condition able cleaning solutions appear in
of the oil, the same results can be expected the various manufacturers' bulle
to recur immediately after the change. tins. Strainers may give a good
The condition of the oil and its contents indication of the condition of main
are indicative of many troubles; by testing or connecting rod bearings, since
samples removed from the system, reme they trap the metallic particles
dial measures may be taken when the worn from the bearings before
results of the test are revealed. When all they reach the pump.
the items of tests made at frequent inter 26. Lubricating Oil Pump
vals have been fully correlated, the record
should show the extent of the fuel dilution, Lubricating oil pumps are driven by the
soot, water; wear of cylinder sleeve, engine by means of a gear train. Some oil
liners, and other parts; and oxidation of systems have two pumps, one for a scav
oil. enging system and the other for engine
b. Filters and Strainers. Dirt is a very pressure lubrication. The ALCO pump is
damaging element in an engine. Cleanli typical of those in general use. This pump
ness of the oil has a direct bearing on the consists of a pumping element of the helical
life and service of an engine. Even when gear type housed in a bronze casing assem
oil is supplied under ideal conditions, bly made in two sections. The casing
carbon deposits, sludge, tar, and gum may sections are Joined together in metal-to-
form and should be removed by filters or metal fits and the parts are held in
strainers (para 186). assembly by studs and ream bolts. The








Figure tl. Lubricating oil filter.

uppermost section of the pump Is provided (1) Low oil level.
with a flange by means of which the pump (2) Fuel dilution.
assembly is secured to the drive casing. (3) Leaks in lines or connections.
The upper end of the pump drive shaft (4) Faulty pump.
is machined to engage the spline coupling (5) Clogged filters or strainers.
which connects the pump shaft to the (6) Clogged cooler.
vertical shaft of the drive assembly. The (7) Defective relief valves.
pump has a capacity in excess of actual (8) Improper oil viscosity.
requirements, and the surplus is dis b. Valves. Relief valves are provided
charged to the sump through a built-in to bypass a filter or cooler if deposits
spring-loaded relief valve set at 75 psi. retard the flow of oil so that the pump
Component parts of a lubricating oil pump
are shown in figure 22. builds up excessive line pressure. Bypass
valves should be set at a reasonable pres
27. Lubricating Oil Cooler
sure above the normal pressure drop in
the equipment it protects. A system relief
The high engine temperature encoun valve at the outlet of the pump is set at a
tered by the lubricating oil in various considerably higher pressure and permits
engine passages (especially in the piston) oil to return to the sump if restricted flow
make it necessary to cool the oil by cir builds up sufficient pressure to trip this
culating it through radiators or coolers. valve.
Oil may be circulated through radiator c. Low Oil Pressure Protection. Oil
cores which are adjacent to, and similar pressure must be maintained when the en
to, the radiator cores in the engine cool gine is running. If oil pressure drops dan
ing system. Another type of cooler con gerously low, a switch (fig. 23) mounted
sists of a heat exchanger, also known as on the oil line trips to close an engine
a lube oil cooler, through which both water shutdown (or engine idling) circuit. En
and oil circulate. Heat is transferred from gines with an electrohydraulic governor or
the oil to the water through a large number pneumatic-hydraulic governor have the '
of thin-walled tubes designed to carry the low oil protection incorporated in the shut
flow of these fluids close to each other. It down circuit of the governor. With other
is generally necessary to clean the oil side types of governors, a separate magnet
of the cooler more frequently than the valve sounds an alarm and shows a warn
water side. ing light. Oil pressure depends on several
28. Accessories in Oil System
conditions such as engine temperature
and engine speed in addition to those listed
a. Gages. Pressure gages show whether in a above. No fixed operating pressures
normal oil pressure is being maintained can be tabulated. Pressure should build
in the engine lubricating system and in the up promptly when an engine is started. If
turbocharger when installed. The gages the engine is very cold, the pressure may
should be observed frequently, and any exceed the setting of the relief valve. Lu
deviation from the normal readings should bricating oil will congeal during a cold
be investigated. Deviations in oil pressure weather shutdown for any lengthy period
may be due to: of time.




Figvrt tt. Lubricating oil


Figure S3. Low oil pressure switch.


29. General
The care and servicing of the cooling assembly. Copper fins and seamless tubes
system is an important maintenance mat are silver-soldered and the tube ends are
ter. The cooling system is designed to brazed to the tube sheets to form a rigid
.carry away and disperse the excess heat assembly. Air drawn through grills beside
generated in the engine. It usually con the radiators is exhausted upward through
sists of a water circulating pump, radia the roof. The radiator and fan openings in
tor, expansion tank, a heat exchanger, the roof and sides are usually covered by
lube oil cooler, fans, shutters, various shutters. Shutters are sometimes omitted
gages, valves and filling, venting, and in tropical service or insulated for very
drain connections (fig. 24). Waterlines of tight closing in very cold regions. Shut
the turbooharger and cab heaters are also ters may be opened or closed automatically
connected to the system. The pump is by connecting them to a temperature con
usually mounted on and driven by the trol system or they may be set manually.
engine. The fans may be mechanically 32. Temperature Control
driven or motor driven. The amount of
air forced through the radiator varies a. The efficiency of the diesel engine
with the speed of the fans, the number of depends a great deal on maintaining an
fans running, and the setting of the shut even water temperature in the cooling
ters (varying with the particular model). system. The thermostat controls coolant
temperature into the engine while the
30. Water Pump temperature gage in the cab tells the op
A water circulating pump of the centrif erator how hot the engine water is as it
ugal type (fig. 25) consists chiefly of an leaves the engine (approximately 10 de
Impeller and housing, drive shaft and grees difference at full load). If the engine
housing, bearings, and seal assemblies. is too cool, fuel combustion is retarded.
It is characteristic of some pumps to If the engine is too hot, there will be a
permit a small amount of water to drip breakdown of lubricating oil and possible
through the packing gland. This water serious damage to the engine. If an auto
serves to lubricate the packing and pre matic temperature control system is not
vent bearing seizure. If there is a drop of installed, the operator should set the shut
water every few seconds, the nut should ters manually to restrict the flow of air
not be tightened any further. Excessive when water temperature is too low, or to
leakage at the packing can be caused by a open the shutters when water temperature
worn shaft bushing, which can be recog is too high. If temperature is regulated
nized by a continual chattering of automatically, thermostatic controls open
the shaft. and close the shutters and change the
speed of the fans when they are motor
31. Radiators and Shutters
driven. Automatic systems can be regu
lated manually if the thermostatic controls
Radiators generally consist of two core fail.
units located on each side of the loco b. The designs of control systems vary
motive Just below the roof or on each widely. A complete automatic system con
front side. A core consists of several sists of a temperature control operating
bolted sections with a water header for a shutter control valve, a pneumatically
piping connections. Tubes of thin rectan operated shutter, contactors in the fan
gular cross sections are held by contin motor circuits, and an alarm and protec
uous fins extending across the core tive device. The electrical portion of the


system is described in the electrical the sight glass. If leaks in the water sys
section (para 90). Air for the pneumatic tem are suspected, the engineman must
portion is supplied from the main air endeavor to locate them while the engine
reservoir through reducing valves (fig. is warm and report such leaks on the
26). A thermoatatic air valve installed daily inspection worksheet, DD Form 862
in the engine waterline controls the flow (fig. 81).
of air to other pneumatic equipment. The b. FiJling the System. Most locomotives
temperature controller as shown in figure have a filler overflow pipe under each
26 is a group of pneumatic relays. These side of the platform to which a hose can
relays can be set to open and close elec be connected to supply water under pres
trical switches in a definite sequence, as sure. When the system is full, water flows
variations in temperature change the air from the other side. The filler pipe on the
pressure on the relays. The switches de roof is generally used for antifreeze solu
termine the setting of fan motor contac tions only. After refilling a system, the
tors, or of resistance in the eddy current engine should be operated a few minutes
clutch field, according to design. These to expel any trapped air and additional
settings determine the speed of motor- water should be supplied if necessary.
driven fans. The shutters are set by a Water should be added to the cooling sys
shutter operator which may be a simple tem only when the engine is cool. If nec
enclosed air piston or a grad-u-stat or essary to add water to a warm engine
grad-u-motor which has regulatory (above 120* F.)f use warm water or add
features. very slowly.
c. A simple air piston will probably c. Draining the System. To completely
have a shutter magnet valve in its air drain the cooling system, it is necessary
line (not shown in fig. 26). Such a valve is to open several drain cocks and drain
set by the temperature controller to close plugs. Be sure that the water can flow
the shutters if water temperature is quite freely from the engine block, radiator,
low (fans not running) and to open the turbocharger, oil cooler, heat exchanger,
shutters as temperature rises, especially water heater, and cab heaters. V
anytime that the fans are running. Ifthere d. Water Treatment. Engine cooling
is a manually set shutter valve on the lo water is treated to remove hardness, to
comotive, it is a simple open-shut valve minimize corrosion, and to remove sus
in the air line leading to the shutter oper pended impurities. The proper concentra
ator. All portions of the alarm and pro tion of water treatment compound must be
tective features are electrical, except the maintained at all times. Hardness is a
temperature element in the hot engine term to express the presence of scale-
switch. The electrical descriptions of this forming salts in raw water which, when
equipment are contained in chapter 11. heated to normal engine operating tem
Shutter limit switches, if installed, are peratures, would deposit sludge and form
set by mechanical linkage to the shutters scale. Scale and sludge restrict heat
and are arranged so that electrical cir transfer and circulation and are difficult
cuits are interlocked with the shutter to remove. The "hardness" can be re
position. Certain electrical equipment is moved by using a water softener. The
thereby prevented from operating unless manufacturer's Instructions on the use of
the shutters are set properly. commercial compounds approved by the
Department of the Army should be fol
33. Water Supply
lowed. Do not use boiler water treatment
compounds or oil. Avoid compounds that
a. Water Level. The water expansion will attack hose connections, cylinder
tank is located at the highest point in the head gaskets, or fitted Joints. Do not pour
system and is equipped with a sight level dry compounds into the radiator as they
glass and overflow pipe. Keep the cooling may clog the system. Treat the water in
system full. Water should always show in a separate container first and allow any

ft 41
solids to settle before drawing solution to it. from an
off for the engine. Improper or ineffective be admitted through the filler pipe (or a
treatment will result in ologged radiators special steam admission line when so
and water jackets or corroded cylinder equipped) or the water can be heated by
liners. separate ott or electric water heaters.
Cauffoe; Treatment compounds should Check the amount of water treatment la
not be allowed to come In contact with the water after heating with steam,
the *vw^ft body. Strong alkali may cause pause the solution will be weakened,
skin eruptions. Wash off promptly if so* ning the engine at idling speed during
oidentally spilled on the ptrtfln. reasonable periods of layover is an ac
ceptable method of preventing froaen
34. Cold Wtathtr Precautions water systems. Antifreese solutions
During layover periods In freezing should be used only when approved by
weather, the engine cooling water should competent authority and then with allow
be heated, drained, or antifreeze added able mixtures of Inhibitors.


35. General four essential portions which are similar,

The purpose of the governor is to regu namely — the oil supply, the speed control
late the speed of the engine in accordance column, the power piston, and a com
with the various throttle settings. As the pensating mechanism. Figure 29 is across
throttle is moved through its various section of a typical hydraulic governor and
positions, the governor adjusts to and is shown schematically.
maintains the engine speed in eachposition (1) The oil supply is a self-contained
regardless of load. The governor also system consisting of a storage
provides emergency engine shutdown pro tank, rotary gear pump, ball check
tection. Engine Speed in a diesel engine valves, and pressure equalizer
is regulated by the amount offuel injected, piston. The oil comprises the hy
which is controlled by the operation of the draulic medium of the governor and
fuel injection pumps. The engine is able to it also acts as a lubricant for the
deliver power in proportion to the amount moving parts.
of fuel introduced into the cylinders. When (2) The speed control column consists
the load decreases, the fuel injected is of ball head flyweights and a related
more than sufficient to deliver the needed pilot valve plunger whose position
power, and the engine will speed up until is determined by the rotating fly
the governor acts to reduce the fuel in weights. The plunger controls the
jection. When the load increases, there supply of oil which actuates the
is a tendency for the engine to slow down power piston.
until the governor permits an Increase in (3) The power piston supplies the force
fuel injection. The sensitivity of the gov to move the injector control racks
ernor is determined by the amount of (through injector linkage), thereby
speed change the governor is required to determining the amount of fuel
make to take corrective action. A injected into the cylinders.
governor that is too sensitive will hunt, (4) The compensating mechanism pre
which carries the governor beyond the vents the engine from racing or
proper position. This will result in an hunting by stopping the movement
alternate excess and deficiency in fuel of the power piston after it has
injection as the governor seeks the exact traveled a sufficient amount to
position for the existing load. Stability is bring the speed to normal for the
attained by a compensating system which specific throttle setting.
prevents hunting and minimizes speed & Speed control connections from elec
changes after the load changes. Two views tropneumatic and electrohydraulic
of governors appear in figures 27 and 28. governors extend from solenoids within
the governor through a cable and conduit
36. Types of Governors
to an electric throttle. From pneumatic-
type governors an air line is connected to
a Governors are usually controlled an actuator which responds to throttle
from the throttle by an electropneumatic, settings. In each case, the action of a
electrohydraulic, or pneumatic-hydraulic conventional flyball assembly, as in a(2)
mechanism. Some locomotives, especially above, is regulated by the changed com
small industrial locomotives which are pression of the speeder spring as the
not equipped for multiple-unit operation, solenoids, or the actuator shafts, respond
have a direct mechanical linkage between to throttle settings. The throttle does not
the throttle and the governor control shaft. at any time move the fuel control rack
Governors on all these in«t^ii^Mftnf have directly.




Figure £7. Electrohydraulic governor.

c. Engine stop control is built into a manual shutdown plunger which may be
electrically controlled governors by a pushed by hand to stop the engine.
solenoid whose pull, when energized, is d Oil pressure shutdown is built into
opposite to that of the other solenoids. the governor in some instances to protect
When this is the only solenoid that is against failure in maintaining oil pressure.
energized, the fuel control shaft is auto An oil line from the engine lubricating
matically moved to a position that shuts system to the shutdown mechanism of the
off the fuel supply. This particular governor normally transmits engine lubri
solenoid, in conjunction with the other cating oil pressure to the governor, which
solenoids in the governor, makes possible is then free to respond to the throttle in a
a large combination of speed settings as normal manner. If the engine oil pressure
the throttle is advanced, and functions as is too low, a shutdown piston in the gov
a shutdown solenoid only when it alone is ernor moves the power piston and fuel
energized in the STOP position of the control shaft to shut off fuel and stop the
throttle. Governors are also equipped with engine.





Figure 18. Pneumatic-hydraulic governor.

37. Operation
Governor linkages have many adjust supplied to the governor must be of the
ments which should be studied in specific proper weight and possess nonfoaming
governor bulletins when detailed infor qualities. Care must be taken when adding
mation is required. Oil should show in the oil to prevent the entrance of dirt or other
upper sight glass at all times. The oil foreign matter.













figure tS. Cross section view of governor.


38. General delivery of air when the engine is heavily

A diesel engine must have an adequate loaded and needs it most. Some blowers
supply of air In order to burn the fuel are used to provide additional air to the
completely. A full charge of fresh air is engine for forced scavenging purposes.
drawn into each cylinder during each Such a blower operates the same as a
cycle. If air enters the cylinders at at blower used for supercharging. However,
mospheric pressure, the engine is de at the time the compression stroke be
scribed as normally aspirated or non- gins, the air pressure in the cylinder is
supercharged. If air is supplied at a back to atmospheric pressure.
pressure greater than atmospheric
pressure and maintained until compres 41. Construction of Blowers
sion begins, the engine is said to be and Turbochargers
supercharged. This pressure increase & A blower consisting of a pair of two-
varies from 2 to 14 pounds. By forcing or three-lobed rotors revolving in a
more air into the cylinder, a corre closely fitted housing supplies a large
spondingly greater amount of fuel can be volume of air at low pressure (figs. 30
burned and an engine of a given size can and 31). The housing may be attached to
do more work. the engine box or it may deliver air
through a manifold. Large blowers of
39. Air Intake Filters this type are normally gear driven by the
A diesel engine must have clean air for engine; small ones may be belt driven.
efficient operation. Dust is an abrasive Each rotor is pressed on a tubular steel
and will cause excessive wear of liners, shaft. The engine ends of these shafts
rings, and other parts. Air that enters form Journals which turn in bearing
the engine air intake system passes blocks at the blower end plate. At the
through air filters to remove dust and other end, flanged hubs with a serrated
dirt. Although there are many types of bore are pressed on serrated shafts to
air filters, they are generally made of provide rugged structural relationship of
finely shredded metal or fine wire rotors and gears. These hubs serve as
screening which is kept coated with a bearing Journals. All bearings are pres
film of oil to collect the dust. Filters do sure lubricated through drilled passages
their work effectively only as long as they in the blower end plates. The rotor gears
can pass clean air freely to the engine. are lubricated by maintaining a reservoir
They must be carefully cleaned and oiled of oil which permits the teeth to dip into
at regular intervals as described in main oil as they turn. Oil seals are fitted in
tenance portions of this manual. the end plates to prevent leakage.
b. The turbocharger consists of a cen
40. Types of Superchargers trifugal blower driven by an exhaust gas
turbine (figs. 32 and 33). Both blower and
Superchargers may be positive- turbine are mounted on a common rotor
displacement blowers or centrifugal shaft and separated by a water-cooled
blowers. They may be mechanically driven diaphragm. The exhaust gases are con
by the engine, or they may be turbine veyed through multiple manifolds to the
driven by the energy from the exhaust turbocharger casing at the end of the en
gases of the engine. The latter type is gine. After passing through the turbine,
called a turbocharger. The speed of a they are discharged to the atmosphere.
turbocharger varies with the quantity of (1) The blower casing is divided at
I exhaust gas, which results in a maximum the centerline of the shaft into



Figure 30. Cross section of blower.

upper and lower halves. The casing from these passages into the im
is securely bolted to the other peller and is discharged from the
parts of the turbocharger housing. impeller to the diffuser. The blades
One of the two rotor shaft bearing? in the diffuser are shaped to de
is carried in a housing mounted crease the velocity of the air and
in the blower casing. The impel at the same time increase its
ler is housed in a suitably shaped pressure. The air discharged
space in the blower casing and the radially from the diffuser is col
outer rim of the impeller is sur lected in a spiral chamber and
rounded by the stationary bladed delivered to the air manifold of
diffuser. Axially converging en the engine through a connecting
trance passages surround the pipe. Some engines are fitted with
bearing housing. The air flows cover plates for the turbocharger


Figure 31. Blower.


air intake filters in order to block (3) The turbine consists of a forged-
off the outside air when, in colder steel, one-piece shaft mounted in
weather (below 40* F.) it is advan bearings at each end. The air
tageous to use the warmer engine- impeller, described in (1) above,
room air. is fitted near one end of the shaft.
(2) The central portion of the turbo- The turbine rotor is a large inte
charger is made up of two castings gral flange near the other end of
with the dividing line on the hori the shaft in which the turbine
zontal shaft centerline. The lower blades are fitted and locked. A
half has an integrally cast foot for lashing wire passes through a hole
mounting the entire assembly on in each blade and is silver sol
its foundation. A large opening in dered in place. The wire is made
the upper half provides the con in several lengths so that groups
nection to the exhaust stack. On of 3, 4, or 5 blades are indepen
the exhaust side, a nozzle ring is dent of adjacent groups. The tur
mounted on the exhaust casing bine nozzle ring is divided at the
which serves to direct the exhaust horizontal centerline and has a
gases against the turbine blades flange on the exhaust inlet casing
at the proper angle. The turbine side which fits into a counterbore
blades rotate within the rim of in the intermediate casing. There
the nozzle ring. Gas from the noz is a small clearance between this
zle ring flows across the blades flange and the exhaust casing.
and leaves the blades in an axial There are two separate nozzles in
direction. The collection and dis this assembly which are inde
charge chamber, which is part of pendently connected to the upper
this central portion, is provided and lower exhaust manifolds and
with water-cooled walls through extend into the passages in the
out. exhaust inlet casing. In each ofthe
Figure 3t. Twboch&rgtr.




Figwt 33. Crott notion vitw of turboohosgtr.

nozzle ports, there are eight oast- turbooharger oil line is installed
in-steel vanes. in the cab and should be observed
(4) The exhaust inlet casing is pro periodically as a check on normal
vided with suitable passages for operation.
conducting the exhaust gases from (6) Cooling is accomplished by circu
the manifolds to the nozzle ring. lating engine water through the
It is made of oast iron and is turbooharger casings. In this sec
water Jacketed. In assembly, the tional view of the turbocharger
casing halves are bolted together (fig. 33), water enters at the bot
at the horizontal oenterline and tom of the intermediate casing and
also to the intermediate casing. is discharged at the top. Water
The exhaust end shaft bearing is temperature rise through the tur
carried in a housing mounted in booharger should not exceed 30* F.
this casing. The rotor is carried The engine idling period for cool
at both ends by sleeve bearings. ing prior to shutdown is also
The bearing at the turbine end is essential for cooling the turbo-
a combined supporting and thrust charger. Drain plugs are located
bearing for fixing the axial posi at the bottom of the casing. One
tion of the shaft. The bearing at is in the cooling water system and
the blower end is arranged to should be opened whenever the
allow free expansion of the shaft engine cooling system is being
by heat. The Journals are hard drained. The other plug is in the
ened steel sleeves which may be turbine casing and provides a
readily replaced. Labyrinth glands means of draining oondensate or
are provided throughout to pre rain from the turbine casing. It
vent contamination by the gases. should be left open 'when the en
End bearings are machined in the gine is shut down for a longperiod.
form of a bushing, making re The noise created by air rushing
placement a simple matter. into the turbooharger is muffled
(5) Lubrication is supplied by the by an intake silencer constructed
engine lubricating oil system. Oil of baffles and sound-deadening
pressure varies with engine speed. material.
A pressure gage connected to the


42. General
limitations must be considered. In the
Electricity is a form of energy. It is diesel-electric locomotive, as the name
actually a movement of electrons through Implies, electrical energy is produced by
a conductor or, as it is most commonly a generator driven from the diesel engine.
called "a flow of current." This flow of b. Uses of Electrical Energy. Electri
current can be utilized to perform various cal energy may be used to supply heat,
tasks; it is discussed in following para as in welding equipment, domestic cooking,
graphs. Personnel who are required to and hot water heaters. It may be used to
operate or maintain diesel-electrlc supply light, to operate communication
locomotives must have a good under equipment, to energize magnets for small
standing of basic electrical principles. relays and control apparatus, in electro
The basic principles which govern the lytic processes such as the manufacture
flow of electricity and its related magnetic of aluminum, and for many other purposes.
effects are explained in this section. The But, the most familiar use of large
application of these principles in the con quantities of electric power is to drive
struction of locomotive equipment appears machinery by means of motors.
in paragraphs 55 through 65. Frequent
reference should also be made to the 44. Electrical Circuits
electrical terms contained in section II a. General. The ease with which elec
of the glossary. trical energy can be distributed in large
43. Electrical Energy
or small quantities over long or short
distances is one of the advantages of
a. Sources. In a previous chapter it was electrical systems. Since energy can
shown how the energy stored in fuels is seldom be harnessed at its source and
transformed into mechanical energy by mechanical transmissions are limited in
internal or external combustion engines. A size, extent, and flexibility, the transfer
hydroelectric plant uses the kinetic energy of electrical energy finds many applica
of falling water. Modern power systems tions. To visualize the transfer or
are chiefly concerned with the conversion distribution of anything, it is necessary
of such mechanical energy to electrical to know what is moved, over what path it
energy. Electricity may be obtained by is moved, and what moves it. Then, further
chemical action, as in a dry cell, but the questions naturally arise concerning how
quantity is small. Electricity from a much is moved, how big apath is required,
storage battery is not entirely chemical and what forces are Involved.
in origin since the battery is charged by fc. Comparisons. A few simple com
power from mechanically driven genera parisons with familiar items having a close
tors. The type of mechanical energy chosen resemblance to electricity will assist the
to drive a generator depends largely upon reader. The big difficulty is that electricity
the engine or prime mover. Such factors cannot be seen or gathered and the speed
as fuels, economic operation, and space at which the energy travels baffles the

imagination. The mystery may be largely design. As the pressure increases,
removed by recognizing the similarity an increased amount of energy can
between a hydraulic system and an electric be transferred within certain
system. Remember, electricity is defined limits. If too much pressure is
as a form of energy. An elementary trans applied, the pipe is overloaded and
fer of energy can be demonstrated by bursts. The proper size of pipe
applying enough energy longitudinally a must, therefore, be used for the
the end of a stick of wood to move it. Tht particular pump to be used.
other end moves at once and any work done (2) Resistance of the flow of liquid
at the far end is equal to the work done varies with the size of the pipe.
at the near end less the work done on the Even though an increased pressure
stick itself. This basic fact applies to the will increase the flow within the
system illustrated in figure 34. The path pipe, the working range of each
of the water system (pipe) is obvious .and size has limits beyond which
compares to the wires of an electrical another size of pipe should be used.
system. The path, or group of intercon (3) Quantity, or rate of flow, varies
nected paths, through which energy is with both pressure and resistance
transmitted in an electrical system, is (or size of pipe). It is measured in
called a circuit. The energy supplied by gallons per minute, or cubic feet
the pump and absorbed by the water turbine per second, or some similar com
compares with the energy supplied by the bination of volume and velocity,
generator (or any other electrical source) and any variation in either factor
and absorbed by the motor (or any other varies the amount of work, in a
electrical use). It is evident that water like manner.
moves in the hydraulic system but, like cL Units of Measure. The above factors
the stick mentioned previously, it does of pressure, resistance, and quantity in a
not move fast although the effect is quickly hydraulic circuit act in like manner in an
noticed throughout the system, In an elec electrical circuit where they are called
trical circuit, it has been demonstrated volts, ohms, and amperes, respectively.
that electrons, or charged particles, move Scientists spent much time studying
slowly (silver plating is a relatively slow elementary electricity before they arrived
process). However, the effect of the move at definite methods of measuring these
ment is quickly noticeable throughout the factors. It will suffice here to say that all
circuit. The arrangement of particles in basic elements of energy and work in
the path (the conductor) is different when other systems exist and are measured In
current is flowing than when no current a like manner in electrical systems. This
is flowing. Scientists have described it fact is of great significance when studying
as a haphazard versus an orderly arrange magnetic forces and electrical machinery
ment of molecules. A military man might later in this manual, because electrical
describe it as "at ease" versus "attention." energy is converted to. mechanical energy
The effect of a call to attention is quickly by a combination of electrical and magnetic
noticed throughout the ranks, although circuits.
call-off progresses less rapidly. e. Basic characteristics of electrical
c. Factors. Any attempt to describe the circuits frequently require the use and
hydraulic circuit in figure 34 would have measurement of resistances of a millionth
to be based on data giving the strength, of an ohm, or a million ohms. Heavy cables
size, and capacity of the system. The and much power apparatus have little
factors are reflected in working pressure, resistance, which Is measured in mil-
resistance to flow, and quantity trans llonths of an ohm. For convenience, a unit
ferred. Similar factors describe the called the microhm is used to denote small
electrical circuit. resistances. Very high resistances are
(1) The pressure supplied by the pump used In some electrical circuits, such as
varies with its speed, size, and radio, and, for convenience, a unit called








Figure 34- Similarity bttwten hydraulic and electric aystems.

the megohm is used to denote 1,000,000 45. Current

ohms. The series of commonly used An ampere is the rate (or intensity) of
prefixes denoting large and small units of flow of electric current. The magnetic
current, resistance, voltage, etc., are — field set up by a current flowing in a wire
Mego — denotes - - 1.000,000 at right angles to another magnetic field
Kilo— denotes - .... 1,000 (as at the end of a magnet) will create a
Centi— denotes - 1/100 force giving the wire a side thrust. The
Milli- denotes - ---1/1,000 relationship between current and force is
Micro — denotes 1/1,000,000 definite, but difficult to measure accu
rately. The measure agreed upon after circuit. In a hydraulic system, no fluid
many years of experiment is that an flows unless there is a pressure to move
ampere is that flow of unvarying current it. The same is true in an electrical
which will deposit a specific weight of system. An electrical generator or a
silver from a standard silver nitrate battery is the device which supplies the
solution under standard prescribed con pressure, which is often called the poten
ditions in one second. Standards of tial difference of emf. When there is no
instrumentation are based on such basic potential difference, no current will flow.
facts but the chief importance of the The potential drop through the circuit
ampere to the power electrician lies in the equals the emf applied to the circuit.
measure of power. When an electromotive Scientists have established a standard
force causes current to flow in any portion reference for a volt as the emf of a
of a simple series circuit, the same Weston cell (of standard construction and
current flows through all portions of the temperature), but the units of current and
circuit. In a parallel circuit of several resistance described above are more
branches, the sum of the current in all readily produced and maintained. In prac
branches equals the total current supplied tice, a volt is more readily defined as a
by the electromotive force (emf). "potential difference that will cause one
ampere to flow through a resistance of
46. Resistance one ohm."
Some materials carry electric current 48* Insulators
easily, while other materials offer much
more resistance to the flow of current. Materials which offer very great resis
Those which carry current easily are tance to the flow of current are called
called conductors. All conductors offer insulators. There is no perfect conductor
some resistance to the flow of electricity or perfect insulator, but there is a clear
similar to the resistance of friction which distinction between the two groups. In
restricts the flow of fluid in apipe system. general, metals and carbon are good con
The resistance depends on the material of ductors while organic and vitreous
which the conductor is made, the length of substances such as rubber, oil, glass,
conductor, its size or cross section area, and quartz are poor conductors. The
and several minor factors such as tem resistance of insulators is expressed in
perature. To measure the resistance, an megohms and is measured by an instru
electrical unit known as an ohm is used. ment called a megger. This instrument is
An ohm is a unit of resistance which allows used in routine shop inspections of loco
one ampere of current to flow when one motive circuits.
volt is applied to its terminals. Scientists
who must establish definite standards of 49. Ohm's Low
measurement for these Important units
have defined the ohm as "the resistance of Ohm's law is one of the most commonly
a column of mercury of a specified length, used fundamentals of electricity. It is
cross section, mass and temperature." essential to fully understand and remem
Resistance is a physical part of the circuit ber the relationship which it establishes
and is changed only by physical changes in between the voltage, resistance, and am
the circuit. Any increase in resistance perage of a direct current circuit. It was
decreases the current because the voltage discovered about 1827 by Georg Ohm, a
or pressure has greater obstacles to German physicist. It states that in a simple
overcome. Any decrease in resistance closed circuit of fixed resistance, the
increases the current. current in the circuit is equal to the
voltage divided by the resistance. (In
alternating current circuits, the same
47. Voltage factors exist, but must be studied in
Voltage has just been described as the combination with additional new factors.)
pressure that forces current through a
The cumbersome form of any written €
formula is simplified by adopting abbre is expressed as foot-pounds per second,
viation* or symbols to represent the or —
factors in a circuit. Resistance is repre »—,
***•*„„ " Distance x Force Work
-Time" Time-
sented by R (the first letter of the word),
voltage is represented by E (the first In estimating the capacity of early steam
letter of electromotive force), and current engines, they were rated about equal to
Is represented by I (the first letter of the horses they displaced. A strong horse
intensity of flow). could work for a short time at the rate of
Not*. Selection of symbols is naturally United 33,000 foot-pounds per minute. Machines
due to the use of certain letters for other factors of were then rated in horsepower on the
•ore complex circuits. The Isw as stated above basis of their work per minute divided by
can now be written— 33,000, or -
Horsepower Foot-pounds per minute
This formula can be expressed in three possible
arrangements, all of which conform to basic trans* Electrical power is the product of volts
formation in mathematics. They are— x amperes and the unit of power is known
as the watt. If the output of a motor is
or the current in the circuit equals the voltage measured by a Prony brake (absorption
divided by the resistance. dynamometer), the work done in one revo
lution is Distance (circumference of the
or the resistance of the circuit equals the voltage
brake x Force), anji the work done per
minute is Distance x Force x Revolutions
divided by the current. E - RI or the voltage ap
plied to the circuit equals the current multiplied
per minute. Since this can be readily
by the resistance. Any factor of the circuit oaa be expressed as horsepower, by the above
changed, so variations in statements of the law are formula, a definite relationship between
-for a fixed resistance, current varies directly as watts and horsepower has been estab
the voltage; for a fixed voltage, current varies in lished. The relative values, which should
versely as the resistance; for fixed current, voltage be remembered, are: 1 Horsepower = 746
varies directly as the resistance. A graphic aid in
memorizing Ohm's law appears in 1, figure 35. The watts; 1 kilowatt (1.000 watts) = 1.34
symbols are arranged as shown in the left-hand horsepower.
circle. If any symbol is covered, the relative posi & Power and work are often confused
tion of the other two symbols is identical with that and further simple illustrations are war
in the formula. Thus, if I is covered, the poaition- ranted to picture these units in the mind.
R The work done in raising 20 pounds of
completes the formula given above for I. If R is water 10 feet (in 1 and 2, fig. 36), is 200
covered, the position— foot-pounds. All work done on a body can
be accounted for by an increase in its
completes the formula for R. If E is covered, the
potential energy, an increase in its kinetic
position IR completes the formula for E. The same energy, or by the production of heat in
rule applies in using the power equation formula 2, opposing friction. Kinetic energy is the
figure 3S-P - Power, E - Voltage, I - Current. mechanical energy a body possesses be
cause of its motion. Potential energy is
50. Pewtr and Work
that possessed because of its position.
The potential energy of the water has in
& Power is the rate of doing work. creased by 200 foot-pounds. If. in 2,
When used to rate a -machine, it is the figure 36, the water is allowed to run
capacity for doing work. Force tends to down the pipe, its potential energy be
produce motion. Work is the result of an comes kinetic (energy in motion) which
applied force which results in motion. can be harnessed by using the pump as a
The amount of work is the product of a water wheel and the motor as a generator.
force times the distance along which it Of course, this is a poor way to get water
moves, or Work = Distance x Force. Work power. However, hydroelectric-power-
is expressed as foot-pounds, while power generating plants work on this principle.


Figvrt 36. Ohm'* lav and powtr tgvation.

If a 2-pound horizontal force moves 100 tain amount of power is employed. The
feet in a oart on a level road (3, fig. 36), tractive effort is the force; therefore, la
200 foot-pounds of work are done, but the second formula in a above, power
neither the potential energy nor the would read as —
kinetic energy of the water has changed Miles x Tractive Effort
and the work has all gone into heat of Hour
friction. If a 3-pound force is applied on But, • no information is given
a slant instead of a 2-pound force hori the distance traveled until power is mul
zontally, the friction is merely increased tiplied by time. It makes no difference
and the additional force is dissipated as whether the train moves 10 miles la a
heat. Heat is energy if it can be har half hour (a rate of 20 miles an hoar) or
nessed, but it is often wasted if it is in a quarter hour (a rate of 40 miles an
expended without performing work, hour). The amount of work done is the
whether the waste be muscular exertion same, but it takes more power to do it
or the exhaust from fuel combustion, tf a at the faster rate. To apply the same
train is driven at a constant speed on a reasoning to an electrical circuit, the
level track, neither the kinetic energy watt (or kilowatt) is a measure of power
nor potential energy changes and all the or the capacity for work. Electrical en
energy from the fuel is expended in over ergy is actually generated, used, sad paid
coming friction. A locomotive running at a for on the basis of work performed. To
rate of 20 miles per hour indicates aoer- measure this work, multiply power by
time and the result Is watt-hours, or for deaired heat, except in processes like a
convenience, kilowatt-hours. This is ex heater where power is put to work as heat.
pressed In symbols as P = El. This can In a motor, the power input is distributed
be transposed to show current — between mechanical work and heat losses.
Mechanical work is the product of voltage
and current where voltage is termed a
or voltage as — back-emf, and is almost equal to the ap
plied voltage. Heat loss can be expressed
A memory aid similar to that for Ohm's
by the power formula, but to separate it
clearly from the total power, the equiva
law appears in 2, figure 35. lent of E as expressed in Ohm's law is
c. Power loss in a circuit is due to the substituted in the power formula. P = El
resistance of the circuit and produces un- then becomes P = RII, or more familiarly,



Figure 36. Illustration of work.

l2R. The important fact in this formula pictured by the number of lines in a given
is that heating increases as the square of
the current. This characteristic should
area, is called flux density. If the con
ductor carrying the current is turned into
be clearly remembered in connection with a coil, the strength of the field increases
load limits and traction motor blowers as the number of turns increases. Energy
when they are discussed later. Another is necessary in setting up a field, bat
important loss from a generator to a after the field is established no energy is
motor is the line loss. Line loss not only required to maintain it at a constant
produces undesired heat but decreases strength. Additional current is needed to
the delivered voltage. These factors are increase the strength of the field. If the
the responsibility of the designer (in strength of the field is decreased, energy
contrast to motor overloads being the is released and delivered back to the cir
responsibility of the operator), but a cuit as electrical energy. Therefore,
knowledge of this factor is a part of basic changes in field produce a current. The
electrical fundamentals. The voltage drop change can take place by opening -a simple
in a line is E = RI where R is the resist circuit as just described or by any change
ance of a line, and I is the current. The in the position or strength of neighboring
power loss in a line is P = I2R. See 1 and fields which are not electrically connected
2, figure 37, for typical meter circuits. to the circuit and current being affected.
The motor and generators are built on
51. Magnetic Field this principle which is described in detail
in paragraphs 66 through 78.
a A conductor carrying current is sur 6. Field, current, and forces or motion,
rounded by magnetic forces set up by the therefore, constitute three related factors
current. The space affected by these whose fundamental relationship should be
forces is called a magnetic field. Thus, a clearly understood in order to understand
magnetic field is a region wherein mag power equipment. A coil with a current
netic forces act. A magnetic needle in a flowing through it in the direction shown
magnetic field takes a fixed position in in 1, figure 38, sets up a field in accord
line with these forces. The direction of with the principles stated in a above. When
the field can be traced by moving a com the field of a coil is at angles to the lines
pass through it because the compass of force in the field of an instrument, the
needle will continually point along the coil will tend to turn and, if freely pivoted,
lines of force. These lines form concen will turn. Several laws or visual aids will
tric circles around a freely suspended be helpful in remembering this fact and
wire. On 1, 2, and 3, figure 38, the direc determining the direction of motion.
tion of the magnetic field is indicated by (1) A conductor carrying current
the arrows on the lines of force. A simple across a magnetic field tends to
rule has been set up to find the direction move at right angles to both the
of the magnetic field when the direction direction of the field and the di
of the current is known. This rule is the rection of current.
right-hand rule for determining the di (2) Currents through conductors
rection of the magnetic field about a which make an angle with each
current-carrying conductor, and stated other produce fields which tend to
simply, is as follows: Grasp the con force the conductors into parallel
ductor in the right hand with the thumb paths with their currents flowing
pointing in the direction of the current in the same direction (4 and 5,
flow. The finger will point in the direc fig. 38).
tion of the magnetic field (para 556). (3) Two coils carrying current tend to
The strength of the field has been found place themselves so that they will
to increase as the current increases and embrace the largest possible num
to decrease as the distance from the ber of lines of force.
wire increases. These lines of force are (4) There is no such thing as two dif
also called flux and their strength, as ferent lines of force at a given








Figure 37. Typical meter circuits.

point because they merge into one strengthen and force the coil to
resultant force. The densities and turn in the direction indicated
directions of these lines at dif (T = torque). A conductor carry
ferent points around the movable ing current will always move from
coil may be likened to stretched a strong magnetic field to a weak
rubber bands, which tend to magnetic field. In 5, figure 38, is
I 63





Figure 38- Actions of a loop in a magnetic fitld.

shown the final position of a freely- Unless the meter has zero at the middle
suspended coil under these con of the dial which permits the pointer to
ditions. In an instrument, the coil swing in either direction, the positive and
turns against a spring until such negative terminals must be connected in
time as the force of the spring the corresponding directions in the cir
balances the turning torque of the cuit so the needle will not swing backward
coil. In a motor, the current re and be bent. The meter and its shunt have
verses as soon as it passes the very low resistance and any voltage con
neutral point shown in 5, figure 38 nected to it will result in a short circuit
(current flow out from X), and which burns out the instrument. Always
torque is in the direction shown in connect an ammeter in the circuit
6, figure 38. Another set of coils in series with the load. When this is done,
comes into the position shown in as shown in 2, figure 37, all the current
4, figure 38, and the process is through the load goes through the amme
repeated again and again, causing ter and nearly all the voltage from the
rotation. If the coil is moved by source is applied to the load because the
an outside force, as in a generator, resistance and voltage drop of the am
the same principles apply. meter are almost negligible.
c. Voltage is measured by a voltmeter.
52. Direct Current Measuring Instruments There is no difference in the principle of
the moving coil in a voltmeter or amme
& The principle on which most instru ter. However, it must have a very high
ments operate is that a coil may so be resistance in order to avoid short cir
placed in a magnetic field that the coil cuiting the voltage. Therefore, the coil is
will turn when a current flows in it. The connected in series with this resistance
principles of the magnetic field are dis and no shunt is permissible. This resist
cussed in paragraph 51, and must be thor ance is built into a voltmeter but it is
oughly understood in order to comprehend often impractical to have an ammeter
completely the construction of in shunt built into an ammeter. Voltmeters
struments, generators, motors, and other are connected across the line or across
electrical equipment. This paragraph is the load, which is distinctly different from
concerned mainly with the use of instru the connections for an ammeter. Since
ments. voltage has been likened to pressure, a
& Current is measured with an am voltmeter can be compared to a pressure
meter. Since it measures a quantity of gage. It should be noted that neither a
flow, it must be placed in the path, or voltmeter nor a pressure gage has any
circuit, like a watermeter. The total load thing to do with the main flow. A volt
current passes through it or its related meter must have its connections com
shunt. No ammeter is complete without pleted to the low voltage (pressure) side
a shunt. A shunt is a bypass which car of the line. A significant difference in
ries most of the current and it must be the appearance of voltmeters and amme
carefully designed to work with the am ters is that ammeters have heavier
meter so that there is a definite relation terminals to which the wires are con
between the current flowing through the nected. The proper positive and negative
shunt and the current flowing through the connections are designated on voltmeters
coil of the ammeter. If this were not done, as well as ammeters.
the turning effort of the coil would be an d. Power has been shown to be the
uncertain quantity. When it is so designed, product of volts x amperes. Some care is
a pointer can be attached to the coil which necessary in order to obtain true values
turns against a carefully designed spring of voltage and current. Meters connected
so that the deflection is proportional to as shown in 1, figure 37, measure true
the current. The dial over which the voltage on the load, but the ammeter
pointer swings can then be marked to read reads the sum of the current through the
amperes, or quantity of current flowing. load and through the voltmeter. Meters
connected as shown in 2, figure 37, Volts = Amperes x Ohms
measure true current through the load, = 0.218 x 0.17 = .037 Volt
but the voltmeter indicates the sum of The true line voltage is then the sum of
the voltage across the load and the am the voltage across the load plus the drop
meter. The percentage of error depends across the ammeter.
on the refinements of the instruments Line Volts = Load Volts + Drop across
and the nature of the load. The best con Ammeter
nection to use for large loads is 1, figure = 119.5 + 0.037 + 119.537 Volts
37, because the current diverted through It is often practical to read only to the
the voltmeter instead of the load is negli nearest half of a scale division which is
gible and has negligible effects on the 0.5 volt. Therefore, with the instruments
ammeter reading. However, if the am connected as shown in 2, figure 3T, and
meter reading is high, the voltage drop, if the same line voltage as in 1, figure 37,
included in the voltmeter connections, the voltmeter would still indicate a read
might be significant. The best connection ing of 119.5 volts. However, use the
to use for small loads is 2, figure 37, be calculated figure given above in order to
cause the current of the voltmeter may work out the error in this method of
be an appreciable percentage of the cur measurement. If the voltmeter is then
rent through the load, and the connection connected outside the ammeter, as shown
as shown gives an ammeter reading which in 2, figure 37, the ammeter will read
applies to the load only. However, because the true current passing through the lamp.
of the small current, the voltage drop in This current will be equal to the ammeter
the ammeter is negligible and the volt reading for 1, figure 37, less the current
meter reading is substantially the same passing through the voltmeter.
regardless of its point of connection. Voltmeter Volts
e. To further illustrate the possible Current = Ohms
error in careless connections, assume
that it is desired to measure the wattage 119.5
of a 25-watt incandescent lamp and that = 15,000 = 0.008 Ampere
the instruments are first connected as Current passing through the lamp is then —
shown in 1, figure 37. The instruments 0.218 - .008 = 0.210 Ampere
used are a 0.300-ampere ammeter having Apparent
a resistance of 0.17 ohm and a 150-volt Power = Volts x Amperes
voltmeter having a resistance of 15,000 = 119.537 x 0.210 = 25.102
ohms. The ammeter scale indicates 0.218 Since the true wattage is 25.10 watts —
Error = 25.102-25.10 = 0.002 Watt
ampere and the voltmeter scale indicates Percent 0.002
119.5 volts. The indications obtained from Error 25.10 x 100 = 0.008 Percent
1, figure 37, are —
Apparent The error is so small as to be negligible.
Power = Volts x Amperes When tests are made on larger loads re
= 119.5 x 0.218 = 26.05 Watts quiring several thousand watts, the loss
Voltmeter Volts x Volts in the voltmeter becomes so small in
Watts comparison to the amount of power meas
Ohms ured that it is negligible. However, the
119.5 x 119.5 0.95 Watts losses in the leads and connections be
15,000 tween the point where it is convenient to
True connect the ammeter and the load to be
Watts = 26.05 - 0.95 = 25.10 Watts measured become important factors which
Percent 0.95 must either be accounted for or elim
error = 25.10 x 100 = 3.78 Percent inated from the calculations altogether.
Since the ammeter has a resistance of The exact amount of losses in the leads
0.17 ohm and is carrying 0.218 ampere, and connections is difficult to determine,
the voltage drop across it is, by Ohm's since they consist of not only the ohmic
law — resistance of the conductors and shunt but
also include the losses due to contact re ing an electrical current is called elec
sistance wherever there are Joints. Be tromotive force; that sustaining a mag
cause contact resistance is variable and netic circuit is called magnetomotive
not easily measured, precautions should force. The restriction to the flow
be taken in testing to eliminate its effect of current is called resistance; the re
as much as possible. When small currents striction to the path of a field is called
are to be measured, the error due to reluctance. However, a current is closely
contact resistance is small and, when confined to its conductor, while a field
care is taken in making connections, will (or flux, as it is called) experiences con
have very little effect on the meter indi siderable leakage through the surrounding
cations. But, when the currents are large, medium. In order to get the greatest flux
the contact losses become an appreciable density at the desired points, materials
amount of the power to be measured and, with a low reluctance are used to carry
for accurate work, measurements must be as much of the flux as possible. For this
so taken as to eliminate this error. reason, a metallic core is used for most
L A wattmeter is an instrument in which coils in pole pieces, magnet valve relays,
the deflection of the moving coil is pro and similar equipment.
portional to both voltage and current. It,
therefore, has a second coil to create a 54. Kirchoff's Laws
field in which the moving coil turns in
stead of the simple magnet field in the a The study of complex circuits re
ammeter and voltmeter. It indicates watts quires more rules than those given by
(or kilowatts) at any instant and fluctuates Ohm's law. The application of Kirchoff's
with the current on any line having con laws is used in solving many problems.
stant voltage. However, if both the cur They are also applicable to magnetic
rent and voltage fluctuate, a wattmeter circuits by substituting magnetomotive
indicates the result of both components of force for voltage in the first law and flux
power. for current in the second law below.
g. A watt-hour meter is used to deter & Law 1 states that the algebraic sum
mine the total power delivered over a of the voltages around any closed path in
period of time. The second formula in a network is zero. For example, the volt
paragraph 50a can be transposed to read age of a generator (algebraically positive
Power x Time = Work. The watt-hour as a source of power) equals the voltage
meter is similar to the wattmeter except impressed on power lines and motors
that the coll is arranged to rotate at a (algebraically negative) which consume
rate dependent on the power delivered by power.
the circuit. It, thereby, accumulates the c. Law 2 states that the algebraic sum
total work obtainable from the power sup of the currents arriving at or leaving any
ply in much the same manner as figures Junction point is zero. Bridge circuits
on an odometer indicate the total mileage make extensive use of Kirchoff's laws and
traversed over a period of time at varying Ohm's law. They are widely used in instru
rates of speed. mentation where four resistances are con
nected in a diamond-shaped circuit with
53. Magnetic Circuit voltage applied at two opposite corners
(for example, second base and homeplate),
In studying lines of magnetic force, many and an instrument connected to the other
points of similarity to electrical circuits two corners (first base and third base).
appear and the path of these lines offorce When resistances or voltage drops in the
has become known as a magnetic circuit. network are balanced, no current flows
Their path forms a closed loop; there through the instrument. Bridge circuits
must be some source of force; and they have other applications, chief of which in
are more easily carried through certain locomotive circuits are the wheel slip
conducting materials, all of which is true relay connections in which the coil of the
of electrical circuits. The force sustain relay is connected as an Instrument and
the traction motors are arranged as the tions actuate the relay as described in
resistances (in a series-parallel motor paragraph 96.
circuit). Balanced or unbalanced condi


55. Dynamo b. The relation that exists between the

a. A dynamo is a machine that converts direction of the field, the direction of the
mechanical energy into electrical energy, motion, and the direction of current should
or electrical energy into mechanical be remembered. Any one of these can be
energy. When the output is electrical en determined if the direction of the other
ergy, it is called a generator and when the two is known. The determining method
output is mechanical, it is called a motor. for generators is Fleming's right-hand
A generator and motor have the same rule and for motors is Fleming's left-
basic construction and either may be hand rule (fig. 39). In each case, the
called a dynamo. Dynamos are reversible thumb, forefinger, and middle finger are
and capable of operation as either a gen held at right angles to each other. The
erator or a motor. In practice, there are thumb points in the direction of motion,
minor differences in design and adjustment the forefinger points in the direction of
for efficient performance, and they are, the field, and the middle finger points in
therefore, designated according to the direction of the flow of current. When
the service they perform. Dynamos have a force causes a conductor to move through
the following essential parts: the field, the current which flows is caused
(1) Magnetic field. by an induced emf or voltage and the ma
(2) Armature winding. chine is a generator. When an impressed
(3) Commutator or collecting rings voltage sets up fields which cause the
(except in certain induction conductor to move and do mechanical
motors). work, the machine is called a motor.
(4) Mechanical parts which support 56. Bosic Generators
the core and bearings. The rela
tion previously described between a. Since electromotive force (emf) is
fields, currents, and motion related to changes in field and motion, it
creates electromotive forces nec logically follows that the amount of emf
essary to convert mechanical and is related to the amount of change in field
electrical energy. It makes no dif and motion. The value of the emf depends
ference whether the relative mo upon the rapidity of the changes, which is
tion is obtained by stationary fields generally termed the rate at which lines
or moving fields. However, in lo of magnetic force are cut. The following
comotive applications, the fields three factors have the greatest effect on
are stationary and consist of mag the emf of a generator:
netic pole faces bolted to the (1) Changes in speed of rotation (or
frame. Coils wound around the revolutions per minute) of the
field poles are called field coils armature will cause a correspond
and the amount of current in these ing change in emf, other things
coils determines the strength of remaining unchanged.
the magnetic field. The magnetic (2) Changes in flux density will cause
field, or flux through the poles, is a corresponding change in emf,
called field excitation. The sta other things remaining unchanged.
tionary poles and frame are called Flux density is changed by changing
the stator. The rotating coils are the current flowing in a given field

called the armature or rotor and
carry the load current.
coil, or by changing the number of
turns of wire in the field coil (as i
when a manufacturer builds a new with the flux (tangent being "along" instead
design) . of "across" the flux). At 20°, 1 line has
(3) Changes in size of the field or the been cut. At 40°, 4 more lines have been
size and turns of the rotating coil out in the same period of time, since it
(a new design) will change the area takes as long to turn 20° at any part of the
of the flux path. circular path when speed of rotation re
fit. While the emf of a machine will vary mains constant. At 60°, 6 more lines have
in the manner outlined in a above, the been cut. At 100°, 7 more lines have been
emf in any single armature coil will vary cut. The emf varies with the number of
while the speed of rotation and flux density lines which have been cut and is zero at
remain constant. Figure 40 shows the 0° and a maximum at 90*. These values
position of the coil as it makes a half turn. can be plotted as a curve in which the
The discussion which follows is concerned circular path of one revolution is repre
with the length of wire which sweeps the sented as a straight line and the emf at any
pole face which extends perpendicularly point along the path is represented by the
Into the drawing. This is the wire along distance away from the line (1, fig. 41). At
which emf is induced in figure 38. At the 180° the emf is zero for the same reason
position shown, 0° in figure 40, no flux is as given above for 0*. A curve of the same
being cut because the coil moves tangent pattern is developed between 180* and 360°

- MAX.
Figure 40. Relation of electromotive SINE WAVE
faro* to speed.

which brings the coil back to zero position.

However, the emf is in the opposite direc
tion (Fleming's rule) and the curve is
drawn below the line. This curve follows
a mathematical sine waveform but
mathematics does not affect the present
o. When the alternating emf described
above is impressed on a complete circuit, COMMUTATED SINE WAVE
the flow of current will vary in the same
manner. Such a device constitutes a simple Figure 41. Sine waveform.
alternating current (ac) generator (fig.
42), and the ac power systems supplied in
this manner are one of the principal to change the direction of flow before it
classifications of power systems. In an enters the outside circuit. This can be done
ac machine, the ends of the rotating coils by using one split ring instead of the two
are connected to continuous metal rings, sliprings (fig. 43). Such a device is called
called sliprlngs, which are mounted on a commutator and it is essential that the
the axis (armature shaft) and are Insulated external connections be changed at the
from each other. Metal or carbon blocks, proper time. The commutator must, there
called brushes, ride on the rings to make fore, reverse the connections of the coil
contact with the external circuit. The with respect to the external circuit at the
number of complete waves or cycles gen instant when the emf reverses in the coil.
erated per second is called the frequency When this is done, the alternating current
and depends on the speed and design of shown in 1, figure 41, becomes a pulsating
the generator. Standard commercial power direct current as shown in 2, figure 41.
frequency is 60 cycles. The end connections of the coils to the
external circuit are called commutator
57. Basic Commutator segments.
There are many uses for a power system 58. Dirtct Current Generators
in which the current does not alternate.
When the current always flows in the same The direct current power supply de
direction it is termed direct current. A scribed in paragraph 57 is not practical
generator which supplies a direct current in commercial use, because the voltage
(do) system is called ado generator. Since reaches zero twice in each revolution of
the current in the armature is always the generator and the power output would
alternating, some means must be provided be small. A practical generator or motor I






Fiffurt 41. A fimplf ac generator.

must, therefore, have many coils. Each value represented by the solid line. The
ooil is connected to a pair of commutator ripple is smoothed out to a constant direct
•Si.iiMiii's Such a generator is built by current when more ooils are added. How
enlarging on the principles shown In figure ever, the dotted lines show that there is a
43. Three ooils develop three separate large proportion of inactive ooils and an
sets of emf designated A, B, and C, figure armature wound as shown in these dia
44. The dotted lines represent an unused grams is called an open-circuit winding.
emf since the brushes, as shown in figure If the coils are connected to each other
43, are not **w?M"f more than one pair to form a closed circuit, the emf repre
of commutator segments at a time. The sented by the dotted lines in figure 44 is
solid lines represent the time (or degrees) added to the line, and the resultant emf
at which the brushes ride on ooils A, B, is a do ripple shown in D, figure 44, in
and C successively. The contacts are made which total emf is the sum of the indi
when the greatest emf is being generated vidual emf's at any instant. The genera
in the ooils and the line voltage has a tor diagrams shown here have two poles.

Figure 43. Typical do generator.

but further improvements in construction ing at the brushes. Brushes are mounted
and operation are possible by building so they can be shifted to a leading or
machines with four, six, or more poles. lagging position to avoid this sparking.
The basic theory is unchanged in such However, a self-induced emf exists in a
machines. There are many types of cir coil at the neutral point, and the brushes
cuits by which coils are connected for are always in the fringes of flux between
closed windings. poles in such a manner that it is difficult
to obtain satisfactory commutation. The
59. Types of Direct Current Generators most satisfactory solution has been to
a. Generators are classified into three introduce a separate flux which will pro
general types depending on whether the duce a desired flux density in the neutral
fields are connected in series, shunt, or zone. This is done by small narrow poles
a combination of the two (fig. 45). A called interpoles or commutating poles
series-wound generator has its field located between the main poles.
winding in series with the armature. A b. Laminations. Field cores and arma
shunt-wound generator has its field in ture cores are built up of layers of sheet
parallel with the armature. A generator steel to reduce strap currents called eddy
that has both a series field and shunt currents. Since iron is almost as good a
field is called a compound-wound gen conductor of electricity as copper, elec
erator. A shunt field circuit must have trical currents tend to flow almost as
a comparatively high resistance in order readily in the iron as in the copper, but
not to take too great a proportion of the they lack an outside circuit. They, there
total armature current. A drop in voltage fore, circulate within the cores and gen
as load increases is characteristic of a erate excessive heat which represents lost
shunt-wound generator. This is avoided in power. These eddy currents are much less
a compound-wound generator by having in a laminated core than they would be in
the series field boost, or add to, the field a solid core. Armature laminations can
strength as the load current (and hence be keyed directly to the armature shaft
the series field current) increases. and they are punched to provide passages
b. A separately excited generator has through which air can circulate and carry
many important applications in regulating away heat.
output. It would be difficult to regulate the c. Self-Ventilation. The generator is
field strength and generator output by provided with a built-in blower on the
changing the currents in self-excited shaft which forces air through the ma
windings. A locomotive is very definitely chine when it operates. This air carries
in this category, and the description of away heat which, if accumulated, would
this special application is given later seriously limit the capacity of the gen
(paras 70 and 71). erator.
d. Winding. Generators and motors may
60. Construction of Direct Current Generators have only one set of brushes or as many
sets as there are poles. Coils occupy only
a. Merpoles. Paragraph 57 indicates a portion of the circumference of an arma
on first glance that the voltage induced ture, and the types of connections with
in a rotating coil would reverse itself each other are called lap windings and
halfway between the fields. Actually, the wave windings. Many elements of design
flux is distorted in the airgap and the determine the choice of windings but, in
zero emf in the coil occurs slightly off general, colls in a lap winding overlap
center. In a generator, this occurs in ad each other and are connected in parallel,
vance of the theoretical neutral point and while a wave winding proceeds in series
in motor, it occurs behind the neutral around the armature. The coil voltage is
point. If the brushes are not set at the lower than the line voltage on a wave
point of zero emf, a current is broken as winding, but the same current flows
the commutator turns and there is spark through all coils. Voltage is higher but

Figure 44. Composite commutotid toaviform*.


or w 10
CO 8



current is lower in lap-wound coils than When the field is weakened by shunting
in wave-wound coils. part of the field current, there is an im
mediate increase in motor current because
61. Direct Currant Motors the back-emf is lower. This results in an
& Since a motor is similar to a gen increased torque and power. This
erator, except for refinements in design, increased torque accelerates the locomo
detailed descriptions for the generator tive to a higher speed until anew balanced
will not be repeated here. However, it is condition is reached. Field shunting takes
well to understand why certain types are place when current reaches such a low
used in certain work. In general, voltage value that the product of voltage times
produces speed and current produces current no longer equals diesel engine
torque. Shunt motors are used where a power output and the new set of condi
substantially constant speed is desired. tions makes it possible to load the diesel
They are, therefore, suitable for driving engine to capacity throughout a broader
the fuel supply pump, fan motors, and operating range.
similar auxiliaries on the locomotive di 62. Overloads
rect current powerlines. The speed of
shunt motors varies only slightly with & An electrical circuit has previously
changes in load and they have a definite been defined as a conductor through which
no-load speed. This is in great contrast current flows. It has also been shown that
with the action of a series motor 'which conductors offer resistance to current
will speed up so fast that it will be flow (para 44c(2)). The combination of
seriously damaged. Series motors have current and resistance has been shown to
several operating advantages in traction produce heat and also voltage drop. Con
service, and it is fortunate that they are ductors, or wires, are kept small to keep
always connected to a load (unless wheels costs and space requirements low. In a
are derailed, which necessitates a special powerline or in a piece of equipment, the
caution given later in the operating in conductors are designed for their specific
structions). A locomotive requires high service. Because temporary heavy load
torque (and current) for starting and ac conditions often occur, wires are chosen
celeration, but when speed increases, less which can carry some load above normal.
torque and current are needed. Since Excessive loads will damage insulation
voltage is the significant factor with re and equipment and any current above the
spect to speed, a low voltage is sufficient practical limit is called an overload.
when starting and additional voltage is b. Overload protection is provided by
needed when speed increases. This power devices which break the circuit before
system constantly adjusts itself gradually equipment is damaged. A fuse is a metal
to the varying conditions of load. The alloy with low melting point which is con
power equation in paragraph 50 was ex nected directly into the circuit to carry
pressed as a product of voltage and cur the current. Excessive current causes
rent and the diesel engine was previously the metal to melt and open the circuit.
described as having a constant output. A burned-out fuse must be replaced to
Since the product of low voltage and high establish the circuit ^gM*», The fusible
current, when starting the series motor, element is mounted in a casing to confine
approximates the product of high voltage the arc which is produced when it melts.
and low current when running, the power Circuit breakers are switches which are
output to the driving wheels approximates opened or tripped by a magnet coil when
the constant output of the diesel engine, the current in the circuit reaches a pre
and the design of related load control determined limit at which the coil exerts
devices is simplified. enough force to open the breaker.
b. Field shunting of traction motors is Breakers are permanent fixtures in the
generally provided by connecting a re circuit and may be closed again when the
sistance shunt in parallel with the field. fault is corrected.
63. Locomotive Circuits emf and the power delivered by the loco
& The three basic types at circuits are motive decreases. The engine and genera
series circuits, parallel circuits, and tor can deliver more power if their speed
series-parallel circuits. In a series cir is increased by moving the throttle to a
cuit, the same current passes through higher position, which increases the fuel
each device and connection in completing supply as described in paragraphs 35
its path to the source of supply and the through 37. This increases generator
total resistance of the circuit is equal to voltage and amperage and locomotive
the sum of the resistance of all portions tractive effort. While the throttle remains
of the circuit. In a parallel circuit, the in this position, the current again de
current from the source divides through creases. The various positions of the
two or more parallel paths and the total throttle represent a continual adjustment
current from the source equals the sum of voltage, current, and tractive effort to
of the current in the parallel paths. The get from the engine the power which it is
resistance of a parallel circuit is always capable of delivering. The principal lim
lower than the resistance of any individual its are the electrical overload limitations
parallel path. A series-parallel circuit is and tendency of the driving wheels to slip
a combination of series and parallel cir or spin. When the throttle is advanced as
cuits. A string of Christmas tree lamps far as possible, the engine speed and gen
in which all lamps go out when any one erator voltage are at their maximum.
lamp burns out (opens the circuit) is a However, the locomotive speed continues
familiar example of a series circuit (1, to increase, the current decreases as be
fig. 46), and each lamp can stand only a fore, and power output (the product of
portion of the voltage from a house cir current times voltage) decreases. Under
cuit. The more expensive Christmas lights these conditions, the power which the
in which the other lamps continue to burn diesel engine can deliver is no longer
when one lamp burns out is a parallel being used. Fuel-power output can again
lamp circuit, and each lamp operates on be put into use if the current can be in
house voltage (2, fig. 46). If motors are creased. This can be done by changing
connected in the same manner as the the traction motor connections. In starting
lamps, the same circuit characteristics a train, the following requirements are
apply. The different operating charac encountered:
teristics of motors at different voltages (1) High pulling power (tractive
are a chief reason for the relatively effort).
greater number of methods used for con (2) High current (amperage is neces
necting traction motors. sary because the torque of a motor
b. The power from the main generator is proportional to the amperage).
on a locomotive is carried by electric (3) Low voltage is sufficient to pro
cables to the traction motors which are duce high current when the loco
geared to the driving axles. The main motive is standing still or traveling
power circuit is the path taken by the very slowly. The diesel engine and
current as it flows from the generator generator are turning at a low
through the cables and motors and back speed because the throttle is at a
to the generator. The circuit is opened low notch.
and closed by heavy duty power switches Or Contactors are magnetically oper
(para 72). The electric drive, in effect, ated switches used for opening and closing
is a variable transmission with an infinite circuits. They are energized by low voltage
number of gear ratios. While the throttle current from the battery circuit. Several
remains in the first notch, the current types are Installed on locomotives, each
(amperage) decreases rapidly after the suited to its particular application. How
initial surge of power, because the mo ever, the operation and maintenance of
tors which are also increasing speed all types are essentially the same. The
develop a greater oountervoltage or back- low voltage control circuit energizes an
Q. O O








46- Baaic *l*atrioal circuits.

electromagnet which brings a movable flexibility in installation makes it

contact into touch with a stationary con necessary to consult the proper wiring
tact in the main circuit. A spring moves diagram to determine the exact operating
it in the opposite direction when the circumstances for any contractor. Blow
electromagnet is deenergized. The low out colls adjacent to the contacts mini
voltage current may be fed through varied mize arcing and arc shields protect
interlocks, automatic controls, or hand- adjacent parts from burning by the arc.
operated switches and the consequent

d Interlocks are auxiliary switches
mounted on and controlled by another cides to connect electrical equipment
switch, contactor, valve, or similar equip in a certain way, he must put the in
ment. The controlling switch is operated formation in some form that conveys
by a cam or linkage which opens or closes the same information to anyone who wants
the contacts in a definite relationship to to build it or needs to repair it at some
the position of the main piece of equip future time. Pictures of the parts in a
ment. The purpose is to control the making circuit are sometimes used for training
or breaking of related circuits only when purposes in elementary work. For any
proper conditions exist. Interlocks are large circuit they would be difficult to
classed as "in" interlocks (closed when draw and to read. If the equipment is
main switch is closed) and "out" inter represented by simple sketches with
locks (closed when main switch is open). specific meanings, the circuit can be
Several interlocks may be mounted on a easily drawn and read. These sketches
piece of equipment in any required "in" are called symbols. Symbols most
and "out" combination. frequently used in locomotive circuits
e. A magnet valve consists of a magnet are shown in figure 47. There are so
coil and a core acting upon an air valve. many advantages gained in using them
The coil is in the low voltage control that universal standards are adopted so
circuit and connected through interlocks, they convey the same information. There
automatic controls, or manual controls are revisions or deviations from time
in the same manner as the coil on a to time, but familiarity with their normal
contactor. It usually returns to its usage will clarify many problems. The
deenergized position by spring action. symbols represent basic parts of
The valve and coil are used in such apparatus instead of a separate symbol
applications as shutter control, com for each piece of equipment. For example,
pressor synchronization, and sanding, as the coil of a ground relay, a wheel slip
well as in reversers and power switches relay, a field shunting relay, and others,
as a built-in portion of the equipment. are aways represented by the same
£ A relay is a small magnetic type symbol for an operating coil and the
electric switch which consists of a coil contacts are always represented by the
and several small contacts. The device same symbol for contacts. They always
changes connections in one part of a perform the same basic function. An
circuit in response to changes taking operating coil always magnetizes and
place elsewhere in the circuit. The coil moves a plunger which opens or closes
may be in either the high voltage or the contacts in electromagnetic equip
low voltage circuits of the locomotive. ment, or opens or closes a valve in
Relays operate in much the same manner electropneumatic equipment. The drawing
as contactors, but are not required to symbols are, therefore, supplemented by
carry heavy current, and are generally letters which are often an abbreviation
much smaller. They may be adjusted of the equipment, such as GR for ground
to open and close at various voltages to relay, or WS for wheel slip relay. These
respond to the various operating con letters tend to become standardized with
ditions. When the contacts of a relay in a given field, but a legend is so readily
close, they close the circuit to the supplied that it often appears on each
solenoid of a contactor or magnet valve drawing. The symbols for various parts
which is controlled by the relay. More of a piece of equipment are often
than one contactor in a magnet valve separated in a wiring diagram. For ex
can be controlled by a relay by building ample, a ground relay is used to pro
the relay with several sets of contacts. tect the high voltage power circuit and
its operating coil is in that circuit. The
64. Symbols response to a closed relay consists of
lights, bells, and idling controls, all of
When an electrician or designer de which are in the low voltage circuit.












Figure 47. Electrical symbols.

65. Schematic Diagrams tracing a circuit, it is well to assume a
a. A schematic wiring diagram is a starting point at the source of power.
sketch of a circuit in which the connec This is designated as the positive side
tions are shown in a different form than of the circuit in direct current systema,
the actual wiring, with the objective of which are used exclusively for diesel-
explaining the operation more clearly. electric locomotive power and power con
The circuit is generally drawn as a simple trol apparatus. The main power circuit
line diagram with as little turning, cross (fig. 49) is one of the easiest to trace.
ing, or "back tracking" of the lines as Recalling that current flows from positive
possible. The actual wiring diagram to negative, a glance at any motor circuit
corresponds more nearly to the actual in the diagram shows that current must
location of apparatus, conduit, and wire. pass through a power switch, the motor
A simple circuit as it would first be armature, one set of contacts on the
pictured in someone's mind is shown reverser, the motor fields, and another
in 1, figure 48, and it has little use set of contacts on the reverser to reach
except in elementary training programs. the negative side of the circuit leading
The schematic circuit which conveys the back to the generator. In tracing a con
principal functional or operational pur trol circuit, the positive side of the
poses of the parts of the circuit is shown auxiliary generator, or battery, is the
in 2, figure 48. source of power which establishes the
b. An actual wiring diagram is pre starting point. The engine starting cir
pared from the schematic diagram after cuits of all locomotives are fundamentally
the schematic has been studied enough alike. They extend from the battery, which
to assure the satisfactory operation of is the source of power, through the main
the circuit. Typical additions to the cir battery switch and starting contactors
cuit would be a generator to charge to the generator, which cranks the engine,
the battery; then a fuse or circuit and thence back to the negative side of
breaker to protect the circuit; then, in the battery. Likewise, all throttle con
the case of locomotives, an interlock trol circuits extend from the source
to guarantee that the circuit is open (battery) through the control stand, and
under certain operating conditions. The thence to the operating coll of various
involved nature of any form of diagram power control equipment to the negative
other ^h^p a schematic diagram is quite side of the control circuit.
apparent. The addition of only three d, A review of paragraph 64 will now
symbols in the existing line of the show the purpose of separate symbols
schematic diagram will clearly convey for the operating coil and the contacts.
the information. In the actual wiring The control circuit has just been com
diagram on a locomotive, the simple pletely traced through the operating coils
block of wires in the schematic diagram of such power control equipment as the
must be shown as running from the reverser and power switches, but the
auxiliary generator in the engineroom action of the contacts which these colls
to the battery beneath the frame, with operate take place in the main power
intermediate wiring to the battery circuit first traced. Protective inter
ammeter at the control panel and the locks and similar devices add other
battery charging resistor in the electri symbols to the diagram. Any study of
cal cabinet. This becomes so involved that circuits must be supplemented by
the diagram is broken up into several experience, and thorough training on a
parts which terminate at termainal boards specific circuit is necessary to fully
which are strategically located at key understand how to trace a circuit. This
points through a locomotive. is seldom necessary in locomotive opera
a Groups of wires between terminal tion but is extensively done in mainte
boards with no direct connection to nance work. Fundamentally, the replace
apparatus are called wiring harnesses. In ment of a fuse, the closing of a circuit





— Es 12 VOLTS


48. Diagram of a basic circuit.




VRI VR2.3 VR4,5,6
5 5A 5B COIL
Ml 6F i
L (i9IL -I
Jl -A/V


Figvrt 4§. Main fowfr circuit.

breaker, or alternate settings of a oat- set op for prevalent road trouble* BO
out switch for emergency operation are that the crew can attempt remedies by ]
the same as detailed sequence testing rule of thumb measures, whereas the *j
for maintenance and repair work; but shop electrician must make a more
the Indicating and control devices are thorough study of details.


66. Main Power Circuits electrical power for the operation of the
a. The main power circuits are those traction motors (fig. 50). It furnishes
carrying heavy current at high voltage direct current at varying voltages up to
from the main generator to the trac about 1,200 volts. It is mounted on and
tion motors through heavy-duty power driven by the diesel engine and the speed,
switches, reversers, field shunting con therefore, varies with engine speed be
tactors, and related equipment. If the tween approximately 350 and 1,800 rpm.
locomotive has no ac power system, It is self-ventilated by a fan mounted on
motor-driven engine cooling fans (when its shaft. The generator fields are espe
used) are operated in the main power cir cially designed to meet requirements
cuit. The circuit is remotely controlled by peculiar to diesel locomotives. The main
apparatus in the control circuit. Power field is supplied by a battery or an exciter
wiring diagrams are relatively easy to which is under the control of a load regu
trace. Many different circuits are used. lator. A differential field is wound to op
Figure 49 shows a basic series, series- pose the main field. It is in series with
parallel, and series-parallel-shunt motor the generator output and the strength ofthe
connection for a four-motor transistion- opposing field varies with generator out
type locomotive. Each motor circuit is put. The purpose is to vary the total field
independent of the others, except for the strength so that a constant kilowatt output
small wires in the wheel slip relay circuit. is obtained. There are other fields, such
as starting fields used when cranking and
b. Motor connections in other type loco commutating fields, which improve per
motives are permanently connected in formance.
series-parallel and no contactors are b. The main pole pieces are of lam
used. A tie between the motor circuits inated steel carefully riveted together and
exists when the unused portion of the held to the frame by tapbolts or studs
motor circuits is in series-parallel. When through the frame. The field coils are
the motors are in series connection, a impregnated and baked with insulating
contactor closes when the tying circuit is compounds to guard against movement and
in use and other contactors open the cir chafing within the coil and to permit free
cuit to and from the generator so that full flow of the internally developed heat to the
generator voltage is not applied to any one surfaces. The armature is built to with
motor circuit but is applied to the motors stand high speed and all of the vibrations
in series. The main power circuits operate (lateral and torsional) incurred in operat
at voltages ranging from 600 to 1,200 ing with a diesel engine. It is dynamically
volts, or more. The generator, motors, balanced both before and after winding to
and electrical equipment cabinet are the reduce vibration, and is supported at one
chief points of possible exposure. Person end by the antifriction bearing and at the
nel should keep clear of reversers, con other end by the engine crankshaft. Typical
tactors, generators, motors, and cables construction provides adequate ventilation
when locomotive is under load. Adequate without allowing pockets for the accumu
safety precautions must be observed. lation of dirt and moisture.
67. Main Generator 68. Traction Motors
a The main generator converts the The traction motors convert the electri
power output of the diesel engine into cal energy of the generator to mechanical

Figure SO. Main generator.

energy at the wheels in the form of trac type with waste-pack oil lubrication.
tive effort. They are series-wound direct Torque reaction is a greater load than
current motors (fig. 51). The motors are that due to the weight of the motor, and
mounted in the locomotive trucks and are lubrication of the bearing is a more diffi
geared to the locomotive axles. About half cult problem than the somewhat similar
of the weight of the motor is supported on packing and lubrication of Journal boxes.
the truck frame through a nose on the
motor frame and the other half is sup 69. Traction Motor Blowers
ported by bearings on the axle. They may
be connected electrically in permanent Blowers are provided in larger locomo
series-parallel connection or may be ar tives to force a large quantity of cooling
ranged for transmission from series to air through the traction motors. This
series-parallel connection. The armature forced ventilation of the motor is nec
turns on roller bearings in the motor essary to prevent it from overheating. A
housing. The axle bearing is a split-sleeve LOCOMOTIVE MUST NOT HAUL A

Figure 51. Traction motor.

TRAIN UNLESS THE TRACTION the floor of the locomotive and ducts
MOTORS ARE ADEQUATELY COOLED. carry the air through the under-
The heat generated by heavy currents frame to the motors. (On ALCO MRS
will damage the motors if it is not models, the rear blower is attached
carried away. Blowers are mounted on directly to the power takeoff gear unit of
the main generator.) Blowers may be me a load regulator in the generator excita
chanically driven by the engine or electri tion circuit automatically reduces the
cally driven. Protection against failure of power output of the generator by reducing
electric power is provided by a relay (para its field excitation and the diesel engine
111). Mechanically driven blowers should continues to run at normal speed. The load
be inspected periodically to guard against regulator is an automatically operated
failure. rheostat controlled by a pilot valve in
electrohydraullc governors or pneumatic-
70. Exciter hydraulic governors. Engine oil pressure
The exciter is mounted on the gearbox is used to move the rheostat, as directed
of the main generator and is gear driven by a pilot valve, loading the engine
by a shaft extension inside the gearbox. It according to the throttle setting hi the cab.
supplies the main generator field current. The only external wiring connections are
It is a small, specially wound generator two leads to the generator battery field
that maintains power output as nearly con circuit. The load regulator has two com
stant as possible. To avoid overloading ponents—
the engine, the strength of the main gen (1) The pilot valve.
erator field must be varied so that the (2) A self-contained unit consisting of
generator voltage is decreased as the cur a hydraulic vane-type motor at-
rent demand is increased. Its own field is tached to the commutator-type
supplied by several sets ofwindings which rheostat.
are Independent of each other in order to b. For the purpose of load regulation,
obtain the desired ouput characteristics the engine horsepower output is de
(fig. 52). One set of windings is the four- termined by the rate of fuel consumption,
pole field which is energized by the bat Thus, for each throttle position (as shown
tery, or auxiliary generator, at a strength on the governor) there is a definite fuel
determined by a load regulator which is consumption as indicated by the position
installed in the circuit. Another set of of the governor power piston, which con
windings is a two-pole field which is fed trols opening of the Injector racks. If the
by the exciter armature. A third set of load of the engine should be such that more
windings is a differential (reversed) field fuel (consequently, power) is demanded
that is energized by current from the main than the predetermined balance point (be
generator. When current from the main tween load and fuel consumption), the load
generator to the traction motors is high, regulator will automatically reduce the
the differential field opposes the other engine load by reducing the battery field
exciter fields which thereby reduces the strength. This reduces the fuel consump
exciter output to the main generator fields, tion and, correspondingly, power output.
and maintains a rnain generator output If the engine requires less fuel than the
which approximates the engine power predetermined setting, the load regulator
capacity throughout the speed range ofthe Increases the load on the engine by in
engine. creasing the battery field excitation ofthe
main generator. In this manner, battery
71. Load Regulator voltage, temperature changes In the gen
erator windings, or locomotive speeds do
a. Control of the power ouput ofthe main not cause overloading or underloading of
generator, so that the engine speed will the engine and a constant power output is
not fall below that called for by the throttle maintained for each throttle setting.
setting, is known as load control. As load
is Imposed on the engine, the governor 72. Main Power Switches
admits more fuel until the fuel limit for
that speed is reached. Any attempt to in The power contactors illustrated which
crease the load beyond this point will cause connect the traction motors to the main
the engine to slow down. At such time, generator are pneumatically operated, I

o J








oo Figure St. Eaoittr, circuit.

heavy-duty single-pole switches rated at parallel position, only the power con
approximately 1,200 volts and 800 amperes tactors in the series-parallel motor con
(fig. 53). They are located in the high volt nections are energized.
age electrical equipment cabinet. The
contactor (variously called a unit switch 73. Reverser
or pneumatic power switch) consists of
one fixed and one movable contact, a mag The reverser is an electropneumatic
net valve, an arcing horn, arc box, and switching device which reverses the con
blowout coil. The magnet valve is en nections of the traction motor field wind
ergized by the low voltage control circuit ings (figs. 54). The traction motors change
when the throttle is advanced to the first their direction of rotation when the fields
notch. This is usually accomplished are reversed, thereby changing the direc
through an intermediate power control tion of travel of the locomotive. A rotating
contactor in order to obtain proper inter cylinder, or drum, is the main switching
locking and avoid cumbersome wiring to element of the reverser. Copper segments
the throttle which would be necessary if on the surface of this drum are so arranged
all related equipment were connected that contact is made with different com
directly. An energized magnet valve ad binations of sliding-fingers as the drum
mits air to the cylinder, thereby moving rotates through a small angle. It is con
the piston and linkage to close the contacts. trolled by the reverse lever at the control
Spring action on the piston or linkage opens stand in the cab. When this lever is in the
the power contactor when the control cir forward or reverse position, the corre
cuit no longer energizes the magnet valve. sponding magnet valve on the reverse la
Even though circuits are designed so such energized and air is applied to the pneu
contactors normally open when traction matic operating mechanism (air engine)
motor current has dropped to a negligible to turn the drum and establish the proper
quantity, provision must be made for inter electrical connections (the actual turning
rupting heavy current when the contactors may occur only after other controls are i
occasionally open under load, as during set, depending on individual design). If the *
an emergency brake application. Standard coil of a magnet valve is burned out, the
construction for such conditions consists reverser may be thrown manually by de
of an arcing horn to carry the current and pressing a button (pin) on the magnet valve.
avoid pitting the main contact tips, an arc The shaft may also be turned manually if
box to confine the arc and prevent burning the air supply fails, by applying leverage
other parts of the contactor, and a blowout to a handle at the base of the drum. A neu
coil by which the magnetic field of the coil tral position is seldom desired but is
forces (or "blows") the arc away from the available on some types of reversers.
tips. As the path of the arc increases in When the engine is dead, the drum can be
length, the difficulty in jumping the gap turned by hand. Small cams are mounted
increases, the arc is ruptured and current on the drum to operate interlocks in the
ceases to flow. These contactors are also control circuit. The magnet valves on the
used to establish the various connections reverser are fed through interlocks on the
of the traction motors between each other main power switches (or related equip
during transition, in addition to the connec ment) so that the reverser will not turn
tions with the main generator. The coil of except when the power circuits are open.
the magnet valve of a contactor in the The reverser does not break any current,
transition circuits must be connected to and there should be no burning or pitting
the transition controls which determine of the main contacts.
when the contactors open or close. When 74. Traction Motor Field Shunting Equipment
the transition controls are in series posi
tion, only the power contactors in series Traction motor fields are provided with
motor connections are energized (closed); shunts which divert or bypass a portion
when the transition controls are in series- of the field current when the full power 4









Figure 53, Power switch.







Figure 64. Reveraer.

output of the diesel engine cannot be ab indicates the ******mum time tho locomo
sorbed by motors with full field strength tive may be operated at that load. Heavy
(para Bib). Field shunting takes place dur current flows at low speed and decreases
ing certain steps of manual transition and as speed increases (fig. 55). The greater
automatic transition, and on locomotives the current is, the greater the heating is,
which do not change their motor connec and a correspondingly shorter time limit
tions except for shunting. Some manufac is allowable before reducing the load to
turers use field-shunting contactors which continuous rating (in the white zone if
are pneumatically operated by magnet colored bands are used). The dial may
valves; others are operated by electric also indicate "series only" controller set
relays. A relay operation is one of the tings for transition type locomotives. An
easiest to understand. Relays are set to instruction plate below the ammeter gives
open and close at certain generator volt directions for the use of these short time
ages, which are reached at certain loco ratings.
motive speeds because of the definite Notf. If the ammeter ie In a circuit which ia
relationship of speed and voltage. The opened by the traction motor cutout switch, it will
relays then close the field-shunting not indicate any current, but proper transition and
contactors which permits some of the overloading limitations must be observed.
current to flow through the shunts, thus
weakening the fields. This is equivalent to 76. Load Limits
visual observation of the speedometer to
ascertain the proper time for manual a. Continuous Rating. A diesel-eleotrlo
field-shunting transition, plus the manual locomotive will overload Itself without
shifting of the transition lever to close stalling the engine. Therefore, it is nec
the field-shunting contactors. When the essary to provide the operator with
fields are shunted, the current increases limiting controls. The limitations cannot
about 200 amperes and is clearly indi be specified in detail for all conditions of
cated by the load ammeter. The motors loading, and much 'is left to the Judgment
are then absorbing a greater diesel engine of the operator, who should thoroughly
power output. The contactors are electro- understand the nature ofthese limitations.
magnetically operated, similarly to those The greatest damage is likely to come
described In paragraph 63o. In disas from overheating the traction motors.
sembling shunting contactors, care must The continuous rating of the motors is
be taken to never drop the piston, or the load at which the heat generated by
piston head, or cylinder head. These parts the current flowing through the motors
require accurate tolerances and a mar equals the rate at which the heat is dis
may ruin the machined surfaces. sipated and the temperature remains con
stant. If the motor starts cold, 1$ takes
75. Load Ammeter more than one Hour of operation ^at the
continuous rating to reach the constant
An ammeter connected to the main temperature. Motors must be carefully
power circuit is mounted near the control designed to be able to stand this tejnper-
stand where the operator can readily ob ature without melting solder, loosening
serve it. It is frequently connected in one connections, and roasting insulation so it
of the motor circuits, in which case other becomes brittle and fails to Insulate. The
motor circuits are carrying an equal constant temperature is also the approxi
amount of current and the main generator mate maximum safe temperature. Higher
current is the sum of all motor currents. temperature may cause a motor failure,
The scale of the ammeter may be divided either Immediately or in normal service
into colored zones which Indicate short in a comparatively short time after be
time ratings for overload operation. In ing damaged. The continuous rating des
addition to figures showing the current in ignated on the ammeter, as described in
amperes, it may be marked in minutes to paragraph 75, is determined by these
I the overloaded portion of the scale which heating factors.

b. Overloads. Any ammeter indication cut out), load limits on a judgment basis
greater than the continuous rating consti assume great significance for the re
tutes an overload. Electrical apparatus maining power in use. When Army per
will safely carry an overload for a lim sonnel find it necessary to operate in
ited time if maximum allowable tempera strange territory, the load limits must be
ture has not been reached. There are promptly ascertained from any available
many times when it is desirable and safe records or established by railway per
to use this overload capacity in a loco sonnel who thoroughly understand the
motive, but the greater the load, the various factors involved.
sooner the limit is reached. The loads
allowed under such conditions are called 77. Transition
short-time ratings. A 1 -hour rating means Transition is the act of changing trac
that, starting cold, the continuous temper tion motors from series connection to
ature will be reached in 1 hour. A 30- series-parallel or parallel connection, or
minute rating is permissible for 30 closing field shunting circuits to weaken
minutes, and a 10-minute rating for 10 the traction motor fields. Its purpose is
minutes, under similar circumstances. to change the flow of current to obtain a
The dial of the ammeter may be marked more effective use of power. Field shunt
in like manner; for example, 20 percent ing is relatively simple and can be done
greater current (load) for about 20 per in two or more stages if desired. Auto
cent less time than that required to reach matic shunting relays usually control the
maximum temperature at continuous rat changes. Transition of motor connections
ing, or 40 percent greater current for 40 is frequently done automatically, although
percent less time. Any overload which hand operated transition controls are in
begins when the motors are partly warm use. Transition occurs when the proper
should not be Imposed for as long a time circuit values prevail on either increas
as when starting cold, and any motor ing or decreasing locomotive speeds. It
which has been operating at the contin is normally called backward transition
uous rating for a long time does not have when original connections are made in
any overload capacity. Ifthe point remains the opposite sequence as speed decreases.
between two different overload ratings, When motors are connected in series, the
the operator can estimate an Intermediate same current flows through each motor
permissible time. If the load changes, the and the generator voltage is impressed on
operator is again confronted with a situa the entire group of motors, resulting in a
tion where Judgment must be exercised. comparatively low voltage for each motor.
For example, a train accelerates from a If the connections are changed to put mo
cold start with the locomotive ammeter tors in series-parallel or parallel with
at a 10-minute short-time rating, but in each other, higher voltage is impressed
10 minutes has reached a speed where it on each motor resulting in a corresponding
is working at the 30-minute short-time increase in current through each motor
rating. Even though the ammeter shows and a corresponding increase in power
danger, it is safe to continue the load for output of the generator. When the fields
10 more minutes. Assuming the locomotive of a series motor are shunted, only
enters an upgrade where it works at the a portion of the current continues to flow
20-minute short-time rating, and half the through the fields. This weakens the field
allowable overload (heat accumulation) and the countervoltage, or back-emf. This
has been consumed in the first 10 minutes is equivalent to lowering the resistance
of acceleration, there remains a 10-minute of the circuit and results in an increased
period in which the locomotive may climb flow of current. Increased current in every
the hill at the 20-minute short-time rat instance increases the torque, the tractive
ing. Trains in routine railroading are effort, and the power drawn from the gen
made up so that locomotives may suc erator, and a balanced condition for volt
cessfully negotiate the ruling grade. If age, current, and tractive effort is reached
part of the locomotive's power is lost (or at progressively higher speeds.
78. Dynamic Braking locked out of action on the locomotive to
Locomotives are often provided with prevent sliding the wheels. Dynamic brak
additional electrical equipment through ing necessarily bunches the train; there
which the energy of a train moving down fore, slack should always be adjusted
grade is converted to electrical energy gradually. Controls are simple, but
which is dissipated as heat in special re detailed instructions for each model
sistors. The speed of the train is kept should be obtained from the appropriate
down by the force required to generate instruction manual. The technique of grad
the electricity, and the feature is known uated release and application of brakes is
as dynamic braking. Its use, particularly simpler than with airbrakes, but the tech
on long grades, reduces wear on brake- nique of handling long trains in conjunction
shoes throughout the train, prevents with airbrakes should be carefully studied.
excessive heating of the wheels, and elim Individual relays and contactors are in
inates operating stops for cooling wheels. spected and maintained in the same
The traction motors act as generators manner as other relays and contactors.
driven by the axles during dynamic Maintenance and adjustment of an installa
braking. The motor connections are tion on the locomotive must follow individ
changed during braking, and the amount ual testing instructions on sequence, relay
of braking is regulated by changing the pickup, and loading. Operating instructions
field excitation of these motors. The must be obtained for each locomotive, but
controls are built into the throttle and a brief summary of typical operation is
reverse lever. This system is indepen given in the operating section. U. S. Army-
dent of the airbrake system which may be owned diesel-electric locomotives are not
used simultaneously on the train, although equipped with dynamic braking.
the airbrakes are automatically inter


79. Power Control Circuits

sists of manual controls, automatic
Control circuits are low voltage circuits controls, and interlocks which determine
that control through relays on contactors when the heavy switching equipment is
the heavy switching equipment necessary energized. Abbreviated illustrations of
for handling the high voltage power cir tracing a circuit are shown in figure 56.
cuits. The equipment is a typical control Except on small locomotives, a reverser
circuit (fig. 56) and is both manually and valve must be energized to throw the re
automatically operated. The principal verser. This requires that the control
manual controls are at the operator's switch be closed, the throttle be advanced
position shown in figure 57, but there are (the contactor symbol on the throttle
many automatic features in the circuit to "rides" the segment on the ON line when
insure a proper sequence in closing and the throttle is advanced from OFF), and
opening switches, thereby removing much the reverse lever be in FOR or REV (the
burden and responsibility from the en- contactor symbol on the reverse lever
gineman. Other apparatus is entirely "rides" the segment on the REV line
automatic such as the field shunting con when in the REV position). A pneumatic
trols. Power is generally fed through a throttle is shown. An electric throttle
master control switch from the source. functions similarly in the portion of the
The operating coils in the heavy switching circuit Just described, but is more com
equipment appear next to the negative re plicated, because it has eight "on" posi
turn line of the control circuit. The tions. In the diagram shown, interlocks
intermediate equipment between the con on the reverser close to complete the
trol switch and the operating coils con- circuit between the reverse lever and the
power cutout switch and engine control the power delivered to the traction motors.
switch. If circuit conditions are satis The throttle that functions through an
factory, the power control coil is ener electropneumatic governor or electro-
gized. The power control contactor then hydraulic governor is called an electric
closes, which (other interlocks permitting) throttle and must be connected electri
sets up the circuit to the coil of the power cally to the governor. A throttle that
switches. When these coils are energized, functions through the air system is called
the power switches close. The combined a pneumatic throttle and must set the
reverser and the power switch settings governor through a pneumatic actuator.
have not connected the traction motors to Some locomotives have a mechanical
the generator. It is fundamental that all linkage between the throttle and governor.
heavy-duty contacts of control apparatus (1) A typical electric throttle has
appear in the main power diagram and seven or eight running positions
the low-voltage operating coils appear in in addition to a stop position and
the control diagram. Diagrams for spe idle position. As the throttle lever
cific use in manufacturing and repairing is moved through its operating
the equipment carry wiring details showing range, various electrical connec
all coils, contacts, and interlocks in one tions are made between the low
assembly. Wires are identified by num voltage control lines and the
bers. For example, a detail of power solenoids in the governor. Fingers
switch PI would have coil connections making sliding contact with seg
identified as 52 and N (negative), inter ments on a rotating drum or
lock connections as 43 and 44 in accord cylinder in the throttle, thus deter
with the control circuit diagram, and main mine the fuel setting of the
contactor connection designated for proper governor. The drum may also have
wire connections to the number one motor auxiliary contacts to maintain
in accord with the power circuit diagram. proper sequence or interlocking
These numbers are generally painted on of other equipment, the most
the equipment and banded to the wires on typical of which is in the control
a stamped tag. circuit to the main power switches.
The throttle is also interlocked
80. Control Station mechanically with the reverser and
with the transition lever if
The operator's control station located transition is controlled manually.
in the cab includes a control stand, These features insure the opening
brake stand, control panel, Instrument of the main power switches when
panel, speed indicator or recorder, head necessary during various stopping
light switch, and all essential equipment and reversing operations.
for controlling locomotive movement (2) A pneumatic throttle is equivalent
(fig. 57). All locomotive movement is con to a pressure regulating valve.
trolled by four (or five) handles: the The pneumatic actuator responds
throttle, reverse lever, transition lever, to the pressure established by the
if installed, automatic brake valve handle, throttle to determine the fuel
and independent brake valve handle. Some setting of the governor. It has
locomotives have dual control stands in auxiliary contacts similar to the
the same cab, but they are interlocked electric throttle, for sequence and
so that the locomotive can be controlled interlocking features. Except for
from only one stand. Much of the notches at the ends of its arc
accessory equipment is not duplicated of travel, the throttle moves
in dual control installations. smoothly through an infinite num
ber of positions. Multiple-unit
81. Operating Instruments and Controls operation of locomotives with
pneumatic throttles requires an
& The throttle lever controls the speed air line at control reservoir
of the diesel engine and, consequently, pressure between the units.



Figure 66. Power control circuits.

Figure 67. Operator's controls.


b. The reverse lever controls magnet sition-type locomotives, and the
valves in the reverser, which is thereby transition lever (c below) is
turned to change the connections of the omitted.
traction motor fields. c. A transition lever (or selector lever)
(1) There are several types of reverse is provided on locomotives having
levers all of which are easily manually controlled transition. It may
handled, For any information or also be installed on locomotives having
modification, not clearly under automatic transition, principally for the
stood from the following typical purpose of controlling trainlined tran
descriptions, refer to the instruc sition circuits during multiple-unit op
tion manuals for the specific loco eration with locomotives having manual
motive. In its simplest form, the transition. It usually has five or six
reverse lever has three posi positions— OFF, 1, 2, 3, and 4, A braking
tions—FOR, REV, and OFF. In the position is sometimes provided for
OFF position, the main power con dynamic braking. The proper step of
tactors will not close when the transition is usually indicated on the
throttle is advanced. In the FOR dial of the load ammeter, or speed
position, the forward magnet valve ometer. The relationship between current
of the reverser is energized, which and speed is sufficiently definite to per
turns the drum and changes motor mit either instrument to be used as a
connections as described in para guide for transition. Transition should
graph 73. In the REV position, the be made when speed (or current) changes
reverse magnet valve is energized. to a different range, in both acceleration
This lever must not be moved when and deceleration. It should also be changed
the locomotive is moving, because when decelerating with throttle in the
circuits are likely to be short- idle position, even though no current is
circuited. It can be removed from registered on the ammeter, to avoid
the control stand when it is in the a subsequent advance of the throttle with
OFF position (and, depending on the traction motors improperly connected.
model, with throttle and tran Approximate appropriate speeds for the
sition lever in idle or offposition). various positions of the lever are position
It should be removed if the 2 between 17 and 23 mph, position 3
locomotive is unattended, even between 23 and 49 mph, and position 4
briefly, in order to interlock the above 49 mph. (This information is
controls in an inoperative position. descriptive and should be checked for
(2) A five-position reverse lever may any given locomotive.)
have dynamic braking forward and d. A transition forestalling switch on the
reverse positions added. The lever control panel is used to prevent undesired
is, of course, moved to the braking forward transition on automatic equip
position while moving, but should ment. An example of its usefulness is an
be moved between FOR, OFF, and upgrade operation with short intermediate
REV only at standstill, as directed dips which may result in frequent changes
above for the three-position re of speed (and current) into a different
verse lever. range and consequent excessive changes
<3) A seven-position reverse lever in motor connections if transition con
(possibly called controller by tinued automatically. In a typical installa
some manufacturers) has an off tion when the switch is in the up-auto
position, three forward positions, position, forward transition will take place
designated series, series-parallel, automatically at the proper time. When
and reduced-field, and three re forward transition is not desired, the
verse positions similarly desig switch is placed in the down-series
nated. Such a lever is used on position. Traction motor connections will
certain manually controlled tran then stay in series or series-parallel,

regardless of locomotive speed, genera- stalled) are those continually used in
tor voltage, or position of load arm. operating the locomotive. A road loco
The transition forestalling switch should motive usually has no other instruments
not be moved from the series to the in front of the operator, although water
auto position unless the throttle Is in the temperature gages and oil pressure gages
6th position, or lower. However, if the in the fuel, engine lubricating, and turbo-
speed of the locomotive is below the charger lubricating system should be
forward transition speed, it is per observed frequently, hi a switcher, these
missible to move the switch to the auto gages may be in front of the operator
position with full throttle operation. This because the cabinet on which they are
will prevent any possibility of forward mounted is part of the front cab wall.
transition taking place at an excessively On a road locomotive, they are found
high voltage. Movement of the switch on the rear cab wall or along an aisle
from the auto to the series position may of the engineroom. Also, if the locomo
be done at any time, as this will not tive has more than one power unit,
cause backward transition to take place. separate gages are installed for each
Backward transition is determined only unit. They are properly part of a con
by the operation of the backward tran- trol panel, and are best considered
siton relay, or by reducing the throttle separately, even though they are mounted
to the idle position. The operation of directly in front of the controller in some
the transition forestalling switch is not models.
trainlined. In multiple-unit operation, the />. The control station normally con
forestalling switch in each unit must be sists of instruments and manually operated
placed in the position in which it is de switches which are associated with a
sired to operate the locomotive. power unit. The engine control panel
e. The automatic brake valve controls houses the speed setting, engine shut
the operation of brakes on the locomotive down and signal relays controlling the
(M and on the cars when properly connected. diesel engine. It also contains the
The independent brake valve controls the resistors, rectifiers, capacitors, and
operation of brakes on the locomotive wiring, comprising portions of the speed
only. A separate portion of this manual control and alarm circuits. The diesel
describes the air system. engine is started at the control station.
/. A switch, usually designated as the The starting button, fuel pressure gage,
control switch, is mounted at the control fuel pump switch, and auxiliary generator
stand to connect the control circuits to field switch are part of the control station
their source of power. The locomotive (fig. 57). The battery charging ammeter,
lights can be lit and the engine starting the warning lights in alarm circuits, and
circuit will function (on some models) a few switches are on the control panel
without closing this switch. All other and instrument panel (fig. 58). hi general,
control equipment is normally fed through the control station is used in starting
this switch, or through Interlocks whose an engine or when special operating
setting is dependent on this switch. It problems arise such as isolating an engine
is, therefore, equivalent to a master and resetting the ground relay. The equip
switch for locomotive controls on the ment should be handier than the less
locomotive and on any trailing loco frequently used manual equipment inside
motive to which the controls are con the equipment cabinet, but need not be
nected in multiple. placed where the operator observes it
g. The instrument panel consists of constantly.
a load ammeter and two duplex air pres /. Miscellaneous controls such as the
sure gages showing pressure in the main horn, bell ringer, sander, and deadman
reservoir, equalizing reservoir, brake pedal are found at the control stand. These
pipe, and cylinder. These instruments items are used frequently as described
m together with the speedometer (if in in separate paragraphs. Various selector


0 0
Figure 68. Control panels.

cooks, doubleheading cocks, and similar 82. Electrical Equipment Cabinet

air system fixtures may be on the brake
pedestal, or may be under the floor. If a Most of the electrical equipment on
they are under the floor, they may be ac the locomotive is mounted in a centrally
cessible by trap door, or from an outside located cabinet which is the "nerve
door which is perfectlyfeasible since their center" of electrical circuits. Unless the
setting is changed only when standing still. apparatus does work on some mechanical
Control stand switches in circuits to var part, or has work done upon it, it is
ious lights, heaters, and accessories are usually mounted in such a cabinet. Some
clearly identified by nameplates. large locomotives may have a second
auxiliary cabinet, or some apparatus such 83. Traction Motor Cutout Switches
as a steam generator or winterization a A traction motor cutout switch Is
heater may have its own cabinet and panel. used to take the motors out of the circuit
A water temperature switch, or low oil if there is an electrical failure, such as a
pressure switch, is mounted where it re short circuit or ground, in the circuit.
sponds directly to temperature or There are three types of cutout switches —
pressure, and a shutter valve or radiator (1) A simple toggle switch in each
cooling control is mounted on the radiator motor circuit which has an open
bulkhead. Figure 59 shows typical equip position and closed position.
ment found in an equipment cabinet from (2) A multipole rotary switch which
which wires run to all parts of the loco controls all motor circuits ac
motive. For example, a wire runs from cording to designations on its
the positive side of the generator to the nameplate.
power switch in the cabinet. Another wire (3) Manually set contacts mounted on
runs from the power switch to the arma the reverser as on the MRS-I
ture of the traction motor. After the cir locomotive (electric motor driven
cuit passes through an armature, or two only).
or three armatures according to design, & Only one rotary switch is needed for
a wire returns to one side of thereverser. each unit. In installations of rotary or
From the reverser, a wire runs to the toggle-type cutout switches, the control
fields of the corresponding traction mo circuit to the main power switches passes
tors. The circuit then returns to another through the traction motor cutout switch.
set of contacts on the reverser. This When the cutout switch (para 72) is open,
apparent roundabout wiring is more than the main power switches are deenerglzed
offset by many amplifications. For exam (opened) and the corresponding motors
ple, one reverser serves all traction are disconnected from the generator. The
motors and any interlocks such as those switch setting should not be changed under
between reverser and sanders, or re heavy load because heavy currents are
I verser and power controls, are connected likely to arc and burn the contactors. Idle
by short wires to neighboring equipment
within the cabinet, and testing and trouble the engine by the throttle, or by an isolat
shooting can be done at a central point. ing switch, before opening a power circuit.
& Most of the equipment in the cabinet 84. Engine Shutdown Controls
functions automatically. Only qualified
personnel should attempt to make any ad There are so many methods of stopping
justments to the equipment. The manually a diesel engine that only general descrip
operated switches are operated at irregu tions can be given here. However, after
lar and infrequent intervals. The battery basic Information is acquired, the opera
switch, fan switch, auxiliary generator tion of various installations is more
switch, and motor cutout switches are readily understood. Operators should
typical of those found In the cabinet. They clearly recognize the difference between
are all in low voltage circuits, and are routine stopping and emergency stopping,
well encased, so there is no exposure. and familiarize themselves with the var
However, much neighboring equipment ious provisions thereof on different loco
operates at high voltage and hazards of motives. The fuel supply is shut off by
exposed wiring must be avoided. Separate the various stopping controls listed below,
paragraphs of this manual are devoted to but some act more promptly than others,
the various Items in the cabinet. and some act on an individual engine
Warning: High voltage is used on much only, while others stop all engines in
of the equipment in the electrical equip?- multiple-unit operation.
meat cabinets. Cabinet doors should be & Stop Position on Throttle. When a
kept closed as much as possible. When throttle is provided with a stop position,
doors are open, adequate safety rules the fuel control shaft on the engine is
I must be observed. turned to the no-fuel position, usually by


Figure 69. Typical electrical equipment cabinet.

a solenoid in the governor, or a related position. The stop position of the throttle
shutdown valve which is not built into the stops all engines in multiple.
governor, but aots on the fuel control b. Governor Shutdown Plunger. A
shaft in the same manner. The throttle plunger on the governor may be pressed
is provided with interlocking which pre by hand to shut down the engine. The fuel
vents unintentional movement to the stop control shaft is turned to the no-fuel posi
tioo by the governor, but only one engine returned to idle and brake pipe pressure
is affected. has been restored (para 151g).
c. Engine Stop Button. The engine may
be stopped by an engine stop button which 86. Multiple-Unit Equipment
closes the stop circuit in the same man
ner as the stop position on the throttle. In multiple-unit operation, all connected
The button may be installed at a strategic locomotives are controlled from one cab
point in the engine compartment and af (para 147). In addition to the conventional
fords quick shutdown from either leading coupling of drawbars and air lines, the
or trailing units. If the throttle does not electrical control circuits of the two
have a stop position, a stop button of the locomotives must be connected to each
adjacent control panel stops the engine other. A Jumper for this purpose con
routinely, or cuts out a single power unit tains a number of wires connected to a
if other units in multiple are kept in oper plug which is keyed so it can be inserted
ation. Buttons elsewhere are generally in end receptacles on the locomotives in
called emergency stop buttons and affect the correct position only (fig. 60). Con
all engines in multiple. trols are set in multiple-unit operation so
d. Automatic Controls. Any protective that the power and brakes on all units are
device may be connected to stop the engine controlled from only one cab. The loco
if desired. Low lubricating oil pressure motive from which operation is controlled
protection is universally incorporatedwith is called the leading unit, and all other con
stopping controls. Hot water protection nected units are called trailing units. As
and ground relay protection may be in a general operating policy, the locomotive
either a stopping circuit or an idling cir with the highest horsepower should be
cuit and are described in detail under used as the lead or control unit. (The
their respective headings. front unit usually happens to be the lead
e. Miscellaneous Fuel Supply Controls. ing unit in actual practice, but any unit
The engine will stop if fuel is shut off by can be the so-called leading unit regard
opening the fuel pump switch, opening the less of its position among several coupled
control switch, or tripping the emergency locomotives.) The engine on all trailing
fuel cutout valve operated by pull rings. units is started at the control panel on
These are seldom used as routine or each unit. The battery switch (and a few
emergency stopping methods and are listed other switches on some models) is kept
here for information only. closed. In all other respects, operation
is controlled from the leading cab in the
85. Pneumatic Control Switch same manner as a single unit. Locomo
tives must be of similar design to connect
Engine power output should be reduced them in multiple. A clear distinction
when there is any emergency brake ap should be noted between multiple-unit op
plication or penalty applications from eration and doubleheading operation.
safety control, overspeed control, train Operation when coupled to a steam loco
control, or similar devices. This is done motive, or a diesel locomotive which
automatically on many locomotives by a cannot be connected electrically, is termed
pneumatic control (PC) switch which is doubleheading. Power systems on units in
normally closed, but which trips open multiple remain independent of each other.
under certain brake pipe pressure reduc Typical control wires in the connecting
tions. Electrical connections differ on Jumper are as follows:
various models, but, in general, relays or & Control switch.
interlocks are brought into action which b. Forward-reverse control.
idle or stop the diesel engine, stop the
fuel pump (on some installations), and c. Throttle circuits.
turn on indicating lights. The switch auto d. Sanding circuits.
matically resets itself when the throttle is e. Alarm and indicating circuits.

£ Compressor valve (if compressor*
are synchronized).
£. Fuel pump motor (except on some
models, the closing of the control switch
accomplishes thf* ff^mA thing)*
h. Headlight control (if rear headlight
is controlled from leading cab).
L Emergency engine shutdown switches.

Figure 60. Multiple-unit end receptacle.



87. General Warning: Replace this fuse only after

The auxiliary power system includes all opening the auxiliary generator switch.
Most recent locomotives also have an
low voltage circuits (usually 64-74 volts) auxiliary generator field switch or
fed by the battery and auxiliarygenerator. breaker. If this switch Is open, the auxil
This includes control apparatus, engine iary generator will not supply the low volt
starting circuits, battery charging cir age system. On locomotives having both
cuits, lights, and electrical accessories. these switches, the field switch is usually
Some equipment operates partly in the on a panel in the cab and the auxiliary
main power circuit but is described here generator power switch is In the equip
in its entirety. Much of the equipment func ment cabinet. The field switch is opened
tions automatically. Details of the installa when the locomotive is shut down and kept
tions vary greatly between models. Oper open until after the engines are started
ators need little information beyond the again.
basic data given here. Maintenance men
must obtain pertinent data from unit 90. Temperature Controls
Water temperature in the engine cooling
88. Auxiliary Generator system is regulated automatically on
larger locomotives. As water temperature
An auxllary generator of about 10 kw changes, a thermostat operates tempera
capacity is used to provide auxiliary power ture switches which activate fan motor
to operate control equipment, charge the contactors in definite relationships to the
storage battery and to supply the low volt water temperature (para 956).
age circuits for lighting, fuelpump motor,
and field excitation. It may be belt driven 91. Fan Motors
or gear driven from the shaft of the engine
or main generator and is usually mounted Some engine cooling fans are motor
on the frame of the main generator. The driven and receive their power from an
regulated voltage is slightly above battery alternating current generator (alternator).
voltage, and the auxllary generator as Various combinations of fan contactors
sumes the load after the battery has sup provide for fan operation through an Inter
plied power for starting the engines. mediate tap in the traction motor circuit.
The fan contactors are energized through
89. Auxiliary Generator Switch the temperature controls described in
A two-pole auxiliary generator switch paragraph 90. A double-throw fan switch
disconnects the auxiliary generator when is usually provided in the control circuit.
opened. It may be a breaker-type switch If the automatic controls do not function,
which automatically gives protection continued operation may be assured by
against excessive current, or a simple throwing this switch. Refer to figure 61
double pole, single throw knife switch with for typical circuits.
protection against excessive current fur 92. Eddy Current Clutch
nished by a fuse. If this switch or fuse is
open, the battery must supply all low volt a General. An eddy current clutch
age requirements. is a magnetic clutch through which power


Figure 81. Fan motor circuits.

is transmitted to drive the cooling fans first, and a further increase in tempera
without any direct mechanical connection. ture closes the full-speed relay. As water
On the ALCO 244 engine, powering the temperature drops, the same series of
120-ton road switcher, the eddy current events takes place in reverse order.
clutch is installed on the drive end of
the radiator fan gear unit. The clutch 93. Shutter Valves
consists of the following three main parts:
(1) Brush holder housing (stationary When shutters are positioned auto
part) which is mounted on the matically they are operated by pneumatic
end of the gear unit. cylinders which are actuated by air
(2) Inner rotor installed on the supplied from the main reservoir through
horizontal shaft of the gear unit. magnet valves. In a typical installation,
(3) Outer rotor which is bolted onto the magnet valves are energized by the
a flange on the end of the drive shutter relays which, in turn, are op
shaft and supported on a double erated by the engine temperature con
row, self-alining bearing inside the trol switch. The control switch is
inner rotor. connected by a capillary tube with a
b. Operation. In operation, radiator fan temperature bulb located in the cooling
speed is varied by changing the excita system between the engine and the
tion of field coils on the inner rotor. The radiators. Current for the temperature
control diagram is shown in figure 62. control switch and the magnet valves
Thus, the amount of slip between the is taken from the low voltage system.
inner and outer rotor may be varied to When the engine temperature control
adjust fan speed with engine revolutions. switch of each engine closes, it energizes
The thermostat in the cooling system the corresponding shutter relay. Closing
gradually changes air pressure in the of the shutter relay energizes magnet
control lines so that as water temperature valves, which admit air to the operating
increases, the medium-speed relaycloses cylinders of the corresponding shutters,



Figure 6t. Eddy current clutch control diagram.

causing them to open. In each set of fed through the ground relay or related
shutters, a system of linkage operates interlooker. Typical connections are
both the right- and left-hand shutters. shown in figure 63. A holding coil keeps
The linkage is connected to a lever the ground relay closed after it is ener
which is latched to a notched quadrant. gized even though it was closed by a
The quadrant is moved by the action transient condition which has cleared up.
of the air cylinder, carrying the lever A ground relay reset button is provided
with it and thus operating the shutters. to release the relay in such instances. A
This construction permits manual oper ground relay cutout switch may be pro
ation of the shutters should any failure vided to make the relay entirely inopera
of the electropneumatic shutter control tive. A single ground from the power
system occur. During automatic opera circuit to the frame will not seriously
tion, the lever is left latched in the affect the unit, but only limited operation
closed notch of the quadrant. should be attempted because a break
through another point of weakness would
94. Water Temperature Switch be very serious. It is, therefore, possible
to move a locomotive, and a train if need
A water temperature switch is provided be, to a siding or terminal even though a
on some locomotives to close an alarm ground persists. However, judgment
circuit if the engine cooling water be should be exercised as to the urgency of
comes too hot. The switch may be con the movement, and any rules governing
nected (directly or through interlocks) to the use of the ground relay cutout switch
light an indicator lamp, ring a bell, and should be strictly observed. In multiple-
idle the engine. It can be connected to unit operation, the indicating light is the
stop the engine, but it is better to dissi only action usually extending to other
pate some heat at idling speed ifpossible. units.
Some locomotives have only the bell
alarm for hot engine trouble, and when
locomotives are used in multiple-unit 96. Wheel Slip Relay
operation, only the bell alarm fs train- A wheel slip indicating system is in
lined to other units. The switch is closed stalled on the larger diesel-electric
by a thermal element which responds to locomotives such as the 120-ton MRS-I
engine water temperature. The point of (fig. 97). Wheel slip relays, as shown,
closing is adjustable to temperatures are connected to resistors in the traction
ranging between about 160° and 200* F. motor circuit (fig. 64). Under normal op
The point of opening when water cools is eration, balanced voltage conditions in the
determined by a differential adjustment motor circuit do not result in a flow of
screw. current through this relay. When a pair
of wheels slip, unbalanced voltage condi
95. Ground Relay tions cause current to flow through the
A ground relay is installed in the main relay. When this relay is energized, the
power circuit to warn the enginemen if a contacts energize a governor solenoid
ground develops in this circuit. When con which reduces engine speed and operates
nected, as shown in figure 63, no current a buzzer warning and/or indicator light
will flow through the relay until some in the engineer's cab. Interlocks reduce
portion of the circuit is grounded. When a generator excitation at the same time.
grounded condition actuates or closes this When slipping stops, balanced voltage
relay, its contacts close circuits to an conditions exist and power is automatically
alarm bell or indicator light and, in most restored. The buzzer or light is train-
designs, idle the engine and disconnect lined to all units in multiple, but engine
the traction motors. This is accomplished speed is reduced only on the slipping unit.
through a throttle valve or corresponding The discussion of bridge circuits in para
solenoid on a governor whose circuits are graph 54 describes the fundamental





Figure 63. Ground relay circuit.

principles Involved. Various motor con of the relay for three motors on a truck
nections require modification of the is in the high voltage circuit in the upper
relay's connections, but the same general portion of figure 64. The corresponding
objective is obtained. The voltages at contacts in the low voltage control circuit
which the relay picks up and drops out in the lower portion of figure 64 are fed
are adjusted to avoid continual response by PC wire (hot wire from source of con
to minor fluctuations. The operating coil trol circuit). In the circuit shown, any

wheel slip relay (WSR) that closes ener time delay unit setting. The relay is used
gizes auxiliary relay (WSA) which has when it is necessary to delay an auto
three contacts. These contacts energize matic change in electrical connections
and deenergize coils in the governor con until any transient or residual effects have
trols and energize the warning devices in died down.
the indication (WS) circuit.
98. Sanding Magnet Valve
97. Miscellaneous Relays
Magnet valves in the equipment cabinet
Many relays are used for miscellaneous control the flow of sand through the sand
purposes and take a name derived tram. nozzles when sanding is controlled elec
the purpose they serve. They are essen trically. A forward sander valve controls
tially alike in operation and construction sanding in front of the wheels and a
except for the number of contacts desired reverse sander valve controls sanding
on one relay. Typical examples follow. in back of the wheels. The magnet valves
a The signal relay (sometimes called are energized through a sander switch
alarm relay) is generally connected to which may be manually operated in the
sound the alarm bells when any Indicator cab on some locomotives or pneumati
lights give warning of faulty conditions. cally operated by a control sand valve.
The various alarms actuate individual The circuit is interlocked through the
lights for each type of failure and, in reverser so that sand is automatically
multiple-unit service, actuate the faulty applied to leading wheels only (that is,
unit indicators only. However, the bells in the direction of travel). Sanders on all
ring on all units for all types of faults units connected for multiple-unit operation
for which a bell warning is desired. Flex are similarly operated from the con
ibility is, therefore, needed and the details trolling cab through a trainllned sanding
of wiring are more readily accomplished wire. The equipment is arranged to apply
by employing a separate relay. sand automatically during an emergency
& A time delay relay consists of a brake application. For sanding equipment
pneumatic time delay unit, magnet coil which has no electrical connection, see
assembly, and a snap switch. The relay paragraph 128f.
is located in the electrical cabinet. The
pneumatic time delay unit is mechanically 99. Overspeed Valve
actuated by a magnet coil assembly of Locomotive overspeed devices are of
plunger design. Time delay is dependent several types. An overspeed signal may
upon the transfer of air from the upper be given by a speed recorder, an axle
to the lower chamber of the pneumatic generator, or a governor in train control
unit through a regulated orifice. Rotation systems. In a simple form, an overspeed
of a knurled knob gives a wide range of magnet valve acts to sound a warning
timing adjustment. Air returns from the whistle In the cab and apply the brakes.
lower chamber to the upper chamber If the device is equipped with a recapture
through a clapper valve for instantaneous feature, a prompt brake pipe reduction
reset. The clapper valve is located in the will avoid a penalty application. After a
upper chamber and is normally closed. penalty application is initiated, the entire
The timing operation is initiated when recovery routine must be followed before
the force of the spring-loaded (magnet normal operation Is resumed. On some
coil) armature acting on the bakelite con models, an overspeed device functions
tact operating block is removed by ener through a pneumatic control switch instead
gizing the magnet coil. This allows the of through an overspeed valve.
operating block spring to apply force to
the block which is coupled to the dia 100. Fuel Supply Pump Motor
phragm through a bracket. The operating
block follows the magnet coil armature The fuel supply pump (transfer pump)
at a rate depending upon the pneumatic Is driven by a small motor normally


ER |(o)
^ 1 I



64. Whttl slip control tohtmatic.

connected to the control circuit. It operates centerpiece to prevent end thrust on the
at constant speed to maintain fuel oil pump shaft which, in turn, can damage
pressure at the fuel injection pump when the motor. Both single and dual pump
ever the engine is running or being started. units are equipped with a coupling, which
The pump is operated by a fuel pump should have a distance of 1/2 inch between
switch, the control switch, or through a the two coupling halves with the end play of
remotely controlled fuel pump contactor, the motor armature taken into considera
depending on model. Small motors should tion. There should be approximately 1/16-
be inspected often enough to prevent failure inch clearance between the composition
in service. Unless faults develop, pro centerpiece and the two die-cast coupling
perly maintained small motors should run halves with the pump bolted in place and
5 or 6 years before removal for general the motor armature pulled toward the pump
overhauling. When any replacement is shaft to its farthest position. It is a very
made, maintenance men should connect common error in assembling not to take
the pump and motor carefully according into consideration the end play of a motor
to manufacturer's instructions. For armature. These pumps are not designed
example, Bulletin 802 for maintenance of to take end thrust toward the pump cover,
MRS-1 locomotive states that proper and extreme care must be taken to prevent
clearance must be provided in the coupling thrust in this direction.
between the two coupling halves and the


101. Battery
a. General. The principal purpose of the b. Battery Switch. This is a manually
storage battery on a diesel locomotive is to operated double-pole single-throw knife
supply power for cranking the engine. It switch in the equipment cabinet or on a
also supplies the control and lighting nearby panel which connects the battery
circuits before the engine is started. The to the auxiliary generator and control
auxiliary generator normally supplies the circuits (fig. 65). Personnel must not work
control and lighting circuits after the on battery or in battery compartment
engine is running. The battery is made up without first opening the main battery
of 32 cells, furnishing 64 volts nominally, switch. All flames such as lighted matches,
depending upon the working schedule of cigarettes, or sparks must be kept away
the locomotive and seasonal temperature from batteries. Tools must not be laid
changes. It is located beneath the under- on top of cells.
frame, or beneath the cab floor and c. Battery Ammeter. The battery am
adjacent running board, or in the com meter indicates the rate of charge or
partment next to the cab. A battery consists discharge of the battery. It should indicate
of a group of positive plates meshed with zero or various charge readings when the
a group of negative plates with wood or engine is running, depending on the con
porous separators between them. The dition of the battery. Immediately after
plates are immersed in a solution of cranking an engine, the auxiliary generator
sulphuric acid and water, called the elec starts to restore the current and the
trolyte. In a fully charged battery, the ammeter should register a charging cur
acid is in the electrolyte and the specific rent until the battery is charged. An
gravity is at maximum. As the battery excessive charging period may be due to a
discharges, acid from the electrolyte poor condition of the battery or voltage
combines chemically with the plates to regulator. Continuous discharge will drain
form lead sulphate. When the battery is the battery. Both conditions require
being charged, the reverse action takes corrective maintenance.
place. d. Battery Charging. The battery is *
100 /







figure 66. Battery circuit.


charged by the auxiliary generator. The voltage circuit terminates between one c
voltage regulator maintains constant vol these large studs and one of the smalle
tage across the battery at all engine studs at the top. The two adjustable reals
speeds. The battery may also be charged tors at the top are In the voltage col
from shop circuits or terminal yard circuit. A hinge armature, with one nor
circuits through external charging re mally closed and one normally open
ceptacles. Be sure to connect with a interlock, makes contact with the station
properly rated circuit for this purpose, ary front and rear contact studs. Th*
and be sure to disconnect the external armature is held In the normally open
circuit before starting the engine (unless position by a return spring. The armature
the shop circuit is capable of furnishing yoke assembly consists of an upper anc
the heavy current involved). Approved or lower iron core bridge assembly. The
distilled water should be added once a upper core holds the voltage coll and the
month or before the level lowers to the lower core holds the current coil.
splash cover. Do not add higher than 1/8
inch below the bottom of the filling tube. 103. Battery Contactor (BC)
After adding any water, replace and se
curely tighten vent plugs. Written record The battery contactor opens and closes
should be kept of the amount of water the charging circuit in response to the
added each month. Harmful overcharging settings of the reverse current relay
is indicated if the monthly requirement is described above. It is a single-pole, heavy-
more than 1/2 inch per cell per month. duty, direct current contactor with
If less than 1/2 inch per cell per month Is conventional magnetic blowout coil to
required, undercharging is indicated. extinguish the arc. (Do not confuse this
These figures on water addition are based contactor with the battery field contactor
on the locomotive being In daily service. in the main generator fields circuits
Lesser amounts will be used in lighter during engine starting.)
service. 104. Voltage Regulation

102. Reverse Current Relay (RCR) & The correct voltage setting is one
which will maintain the specific gravity
& A reverse current relay opens a of the electrolyte at about its full charge
battery contactor between the auxiliary without generally exceeding the water loss
generator and the battery when the engine given in paragraph 101 tt The voltage
is shut down or if the auxiliary generator regulator setting to use is not a fixed
voltage drops too low to charge the battery. value, but depends on the working schedule
This prevents the battery from discharging of the locomotive and the seasonal tem
back into the auxiliary generator windings. perature which necessitates a slight
The relay is magnetically operated by a change in the voltage setting. The neces
voltage coil and a current coil. The com sity for a change in the regulator setting
bined field of both coils closes the relay can only be determined satisfactorily by
when the auxiliary voltage builds up to a maintaining continuous records of specific
charging value and while current flows In gravity readings, water additions, and
the right direction (that is, charging). When temperatures. If the specific gravity shows
the current flows In the opposite direction, a continued lowering or reads 10 to 20
the resulting field and spring action opens points below the full charge value, the
the relay. regulator is set too low for the locomo
b. The reverse current relay on the tive's work schedule and should be
MRS-I locomotive consists of an armature increased. If gravity checks continuously
yoke with a voltage coil and current coil at full charge value and the electrolyte
mounted on a common magnetic circuit. temperature is more than 15* F., above
The current coil circuit terminates at the the outside air, or the amount of water
two large studs at the bottom and the added each month exceeds the

(para lOld). the voltage regulator Is set tion, the torque motor armature will tend
too high and must be lowered. to change position with a change In voltage
A. Voltage regulation of the auxiliary of the auxiliary generator but is restrained
generator output IB maintained by changing by the main spring.
the strength of the auxiliary generator <L The torque motor and the main spring
field. If the speed of the auxiliary generator settings are adjusted at the factory so that
increases, the shunt field strength must be the same voltage is required to balance
decreased. A regulator may consist of a the armature against the countertorque of
small torque motor or of relays which are the main spring for any position. Thus, if
sensitive to changes In voltage. The move external conditions such as generator
ment of these elements changes the speed, load, or Internal shunt field re
resistance In the field circuit. Hunting sistance, due to temperature changes,
may be prevented by a dashpot assembly cause a change of torque on the torque
or by electrical resistors. The regulator motor armature, the armature will move
adjustment should not be changed except the sectors in such a direction as to cut
by personnel who are familiar with the in or out shunt field resistance and rees
various types. In a torque motor type of tablish the set voltage at a new position
regulator, windings are connected to the of the armature. For this reason the
mam leads of the auxiliary generator setting of the main spring must not be
being controlled. The shaft extends through altered from its factory setting unless it
the panel and operates the actuating shaft has been definitely determined that the
assembly In tandem. The actuating shaft armature does not balance at the same
assembly operates the air dashpot piston voltage for every position.
by means of the flexible recall spring e. Any change from this "flat" charac
coupling and also the main shaft assembly teristic of the armature will causo a cor
through a connecting link. The main shaft responding error in voltage at different
assembly operates the sectors which roll speeds and loads of the generator. A new
over the stationary commutator segments main spring should be used in preference
to cut resistance in and out of the auxiliary to changing the factory setting. As the
generator shunt field circuit as required actuating shaft assembly moves, the recall
to maintain constant voltage. By this spring causes movement of the dashpot
method a very small movement of the piston almost independently of the actuat
torque motor armature Is multiplied into ing shaft on the torque motor armature.
much greater movement of the contact Thus, for quick changes of field resistance,
sector, with consequent rapid changes in the sectors move to new position, and the
shunt field resistance. dashpot follows an interval later. This is
o. The operating principle ofthe voltage the antihunting feature of the regulator; it
regulator is that the voltage generated is makes the restraining effect on the
proportional to the shunt field strength. actuating shaft proportional to the error
If the speed of the auxiliary generator in voltage, and prevents over-travel of the
increases, the shunt field strength must sectors with resulting objectional varia
be decreased to maintain a constant tion of voltage, and at the same time,
voltage. The voltage regulator increases allows rapid restoration of the voltage
the resistance of the field, thereby re after a change occurs. The antihunting
ducing the flux or excitation. If the speed characteristic is adjusted by means of
of the auxiliary generator decreases, the the slides on the lever and the needle
shunt field strength must increase to valve on the dashpot. The travel of the
maintain a constant voltage. The voltage torque motor armature is limited by the
regulator will move its sectors to reduce pointer on the actuating shaft which oper
the resistance of the field and increase ates between the two stops.
the current flowing in the field. In opera


105. Starting Circuit

gized (closed) by a manually operated
The starting circuit transmits the power pushbutton switch on the control panel.
from the battery to the main generator This switch usually has a pair of normally
when cranking the engine. Basically, the closed contacts which open when the but
starting button closes the starting con ton is pressed and thereby deenerglze
tactors which are described inparagraphs certain excitation circuits. Excitation and
106 and 107. However, many automatic auxiliary generator circuits are opened
devices 'must be provided (fig. 66) and during starting in order to reduce the
these are best understood by describing dftmflnH^ on the battery to thf minimum
their general purpose without regard to possible mechanical cranking effort. This
the actual installation on any locomotive. switch usually bypasses the low oil pres
The fuel supply system must be function sure switch and is held in until normal
ing, and since lubricating oil pressure lubricating oil pressure is built up.
does not exist in a shutdown engine, the
starting switch or related connections 108. Enflin. R.lay (ER)
must be interlocked to prevent afuel shut
down until lubricating oil pressure builds & On a locomotive equipped with a
up. The main power controls must be Woodward eleotrohydraulio governor and
interlocked in an off position so that no an engine relay, the relay controls the
power flows when the engine fires. The current supply to the A, B> and C sole
voltage of the main generator is too high noids of the governor. Deenergizlng this
for the control circuit immediately after relay will stop the engine if the throttle
firing, and the starting circuit must, is in run 5 or 6 or bring the engine to
therefore, be opened automatically Instead idle in any other throttle position. This
of depending on the operator to release relay is in the electrical cabinet. For
the starting button when the engine fires. operation of the speed control in any one
unit, the ER must be energized and closed.
106. Starting Contactors
The relay has contacts which open when
the relay is deenergized and interrupt
The starting contactors are used to con the circuits supplying the A, B, and C
nect the storage battery to the main gen solenoids of the governor speed control.
erator for starting the diesel engine. It has no effect on the circuit to the D
These contactors are energized (closed) solenoid. Thus, deenergizing the ER will
when the start button (switch) is pressed out out the A, B, and C solenoid* and
after necessary battery and control cir bring the engine to idle speed if the throt
cuits are established. The contactors tle is in run 2, 3, 4, 7, or 8. Should the
consist of coil-operated main contacts ER become deenergized when the throttle
which carry the heavy starting current is in run 5 or run 6, the D solenoid will
and smaller auxiliary contacts which are remain energized and cause the engine to
used as interlocks. Contactors in the stop. The ER in each unit is energized
generator field circuit (or battery field by current received from the FPwirethat
contactors, depending on manufacturer) runs throughout the locomotive. The 16-
close first, followed by contactors in the ampere fuel pump circuit breaker on the
generator armature circuit. If this se control panel and the PCR interlock AB
quence was not established, the armature in the lead unit must be closed in order
would short circuit the battery when its to energize the FP wire; the PC switch,
contactors closed. Interlocks on the con the main battery and control knife
tactors control this sequence auto switches, and the SO-ampere control cir
matically when the start button is pressed. cuit breaker on the control panel must
also be closed. The ER in each unit will
107. Starting Pushbutton become deenergized from any of the fol- *
The engine starting contacts are ener- lowing causes: A



ftJ € LOAD -a i JULP-


-JU1P- •VWV,
>| _.. A AUX.GEN. SW.


«». Startup circuit.

(1) Isolation switch not fully In the to be energized in all units in which the
run position. isolation switch is in the run position;
(2) Failure of the ac supply, causing this causes the engine in those units to
the NVR relay to open. stop. A fifth solenoid (0 to ORS) is in
(3) Ground protective relay, GR, cluded in the governor which affects
tripped. engine loading only and does not change
(4) Fuel pump circuit breaker open. engine speed.
(5) Control circuit breaker open. c. On locomotives equipped with a safety
(6) PC switch tripped open, PCR de- relay, the relay is activated due to over-
energized. speed, engine stop button, and low oil
(7) Control switch open. pressure, and causes the clutch coil of
(8) Main battery switch open. the governor to be deenergized. Deener-
& When the throttle is moved to the gizlng the clutch coil moves the fuel rack
stop position, it will cause the D solenoid to shutdown position.


109. Lighting System

a. General. Locomotive lights (para b. Lights. Lights are designated as
173) are connected to the low voltage follows:
auxiliary power system. Most of them (1) Cab lights, usually in the cab cell
operate at battery voltage. Any lamp with ing, are to illuminate the cab.
a low voltage rating has a resistor in (2) Engineroom lights illuminate the
stalled in series with the lamp to drop engine compartment (called hood
the voltage at the same time to its proper lights on some models).
value. A few essential lamps, with their (3) Instrument (or gage) lights pro
individual switches, are connected directly vide dim lighting of indicating
to the battery. All other lamps will re instruments when cab lights are
ceive power only after the battery switch out.
is closed except when using standby cir (4) Cabinet lights are installed in the
cuits. Standby lighting is frequently pro equipment cabinet and should be
vided through a transfer switch, used whenever necessary to iden
transformer, and outside receptacle. The tify any manually controlled equip
transfer switch throws the lighting circuit ment in the cabinet.
from the locomotive supply lines to out (5) Running lights consist of number
side supply lines which are connected lights, classification lights,
through the outside receptacle. The marker lights, and track lights,
transformer reduces the voltage of outside which are installed according to
circuits to that used on the locomotive. It the operating conditions for which
is essential that the rating on the primary the locomotive was originally
side of the transformer match that of the built. Red and green lenses are
outside power supply. Lighting switches provided for each classification
which are not adjacent to the light have light and can be moved into a po
nameplates designating their circuit. sition between the bulb and the
Modern switches are small circuit bull's-eye. To accomplish this, a
breakers which protect the circuit from locking pin is removed, the de
faults "or overloads. Earlier switches of sired lens is swung into place, and
the toggle or pushbutton types required the locking pin is replaced. The
fuses in the line for protection. Some colored lenses are accessible from
circuits have dimming rheostats which the outside of the hood since the
may be part of the switch or be mounted classification lights are mounted
separately. on a hinged portion of the hood.
When both red and green lenses contains the 3-phase output winding and
are out of position, the permanent the fields are wound on the rotor. The
bull's-eye lens will show a white field current is supplied by the auxiliary
ligh, thus making three colors generator. A no-voltage relay is con
avaiL ole. nected in the output circuit to give pro
(6) Headlights are usually provided at tection against failure of alternating
each end. Each light has its sep current power. A fuse or circuit breaker
arate switch in the cab and can be is in the line supplying the alternator
set to bright, dim, or offpositions. fields, and if this circuit is open, there is
These two switches may be incor no ac power output. The alternator is at
porated into one 5-position switch tached to the main generator frame and is
(headlight dimming switch) which driven at engine speed by the main gen
can be set to rear-full, rear- erator shaft. The voltage and frequency of
medium, dim (front and rear), the alternator output, therefore, varies
front-full, or front-medium with the engine speed. The speed of mo
position (1, fig. 67). Headlight cir tors fed by the alternator varies with the
cuits for locomotives used frequency of their power supply which
in multiple-unit operation may be varies with the engine speed.
run through the end jumpers to a & Other types of auxiliary power may
special selector switch (remote be installed on a locomotive but have
headlight switch) in the controlling nothing to do with the locomotive as a
cab. The nameplate on the switch unit of motive power. There may be such
gives instructions for using this equipment in a separate utility car in
switch (2, fig. 67). some operations. Army personnel are not
likely to encounter such equipment. These
110. Cab Heaters and Defrosters systems vary in voltage and frequency
according to purpose. They can be used to
Cab heaters are installed on most loco supply train lighting, train communica
motives to keep the enginemen comfortable tions, train control which requires
in cold weather. The hot water type is constant specially regulated power, or
connected to the engine water system special loads in trailing cars, mostly in
which supplies the heat. A small electric passenger trains.
fan is built into the heater to circulate
air over the water coils and into the cab. 112. Steam Generator
The heater switch in the cab connects the & A steam generator is installed on
fan to the auxiliary powerlines. Fan speed locomotives used for passenger trains and
can be varied by a rheostat which is in ambulance trains to provide steam heat
corporated with the switch. Cocks are for the cars in cold weather. It is an inde
provided for shutting off the flow of water pendent oil-fired heating unit which oper
and for draining the heaters. An all- ates automatically after being started.
electric heater is essentially the same as Full operating steam pressure is reached
the hot water heater except that the heat within a few minutes. The steam generat
ing element is an electric coil. Defrosters ing part of the unit consists of three sets
work on the same principle and have a of coiled water tubing, nested and
separate control switch. Another method connected in series to form a single tube
consists of ducts through which air from several hundred feet long. Feed water,
the engine radiators is forced to the cab after passing through the heat exchanger,
and cab windows. goes through the economizer coil and
111. Auxiliary Power Systems
from there to the main coils of the steam
generator. As the water progresses
a. An alternator is provided on some through the coils it is converted into
locomotives to supply alternating current steam. Heat is furnished by the combus
power to fans and blowers. The stator tion of the diesel fuel oil which is sprayed



97. HtadligfU control

by compressed air through the atomizing of the independent unit, and details cover
nozzle in the fuel spray bead into the ing operation, maintenance, and trouble
firepot above the coils. Here the fine oil shooting should be obtained by referring
spray mixes with air supplied by a blower to the instruction manual for the specific
and is ignited by a continuous electric equipment.
spark. The hot gases flow, first down a Various safety controls are built into
ward, then up and outward throughthe nest the steam generator wiring system. If the
of ooils, finally flowing out the stack. The fire fails to light, the low temperature
supply of fuel is regulated to evaporate contacts in the stack switch remain open
90 to 95 percent of the water pumped and, after a 43 to 47 second time delay,
through the ooils. The excess water the outfire relay contacts open, energizing
flushes scale and sludge from the coils the a/arm pilot relay and deenerglzing
and is carried over with the steam into a the line relay. The alarm rings and the
steam separator where the water and generator shuts down. The stack switch
sludge are removed before the steam high temperature contacts open when the
flows into the tralnllne. The excess water temperature of the exhaust gases exceeds
collects in the bottom of the steam sep 900* F., energizing the alarm relays and
arator. Water above the level of the re deenerglzing the line relay. The contacts
turn outlet flows out through a steam trap must be manually reset after the stack
and through the heat exchanger where it temperature is reduced. The air switch
gives up its heat to the incoming feed contacts are held closed by the pressure
water. From the heat exchanger, the re in the atomising air line. When the air
turn water passes through return water pressure drops below 40 pounds, spring
flow indicator back to the water supply tension opens the contacts and breaks the
tank. One do motor drives the converter, circuit through the fuel solenoid valve,
the blower, water pump, and fuel pump at cutting off the supply of fuel to the spray
a constant speed. head. The fire goes out immediately. The
b. The water bypass regulator automat motor converter continues in operation
ically controls steam generator output by until the line relay coil circuit is broken.
regulating the amount of water fed to the Atomizing air pressure must be stored
colls. Before entering the coils, the water and the control switch turned to "off" or
passes through servo-fuel control which "fill" to reset the outfire relay, before
admits fuel to the spray nozzle in direct the unit can be started again. The coil
proportions to the amount of water enter blowdown valve switch is manually oper
ing the ooils. The servo-fuel control also ated to break the line relay coil circuit
adjusts the damper to admit the proper when it is open. With the control switch
amount of air for efficient combustion of turned to "fill" or "run," the alarm rings
the fuel. The trainline steam pressure is and the motor converter will not operate.
regulated by adjusting the setting of the Under overload conditions, the excessive
water bypass regulator. The length of current passing through the motor into
train and weather conditions determine the the motor overload relay coil will open
setting. A remote-control panel is usually the relay contacts and break the line re
Installed on a cab partition. It may con lay circuit, the alarm rings and the unit
tain a master switch, a separator blow- shuts* down. The control switch must be
down valve button (to open separator turned off to stop the alarm. After the
blowdown valves on all units in multiple), overload condition is corrected, theorem
a trainline shutoff valve button, and pos load contacts must be manually reset
sibly some shutdown indicators. Power before the unit can be started. A short in
for the steam generator motors and the control circuit will blow a control
controls is obtained from the locomo fuse, a short in the ignition circuit will
tive's low voltage system through proper blow an ignition fuse, and a short in the
tfuae or circuit breaker protection. All motor converter circuit will blow a fuse
other equipment for the generator is part in the locomotive main control panel The
field adjusting resistor is placed ID the heat through a hot water piping system,
motor field circuit to permit compensa or an exhaust gas system, to the power-
tion for a maximum of two volts drop in plant «JM! essential auxiliary equipment.
line voltage because of resistance in the An electric motor which obtains its power
locomotive wiring. It should be adjusted from the locomotive's auxiliary power-
for zero resistance and not used unless lines drives a fuel pump, water circulat
necessary. If adjustment is required, run ing pump, and blower fan. The fuel oil is
the motor at full line voltage under load ignited in the firepot by a continuous
conditions until it has reached normal electric spark. The equipment does not
operating temperature. Then, increase the eliminate the need of draining the cooling
resistance until motor speed is approxi system or keeping it filled with an ade
mately 1,800 rpm. The wiring diagram is quate antifreeze solution when the loco
shown in figure 68. motive is shut down. It is also necessary
to keep the battery fully charged. Only
113. Fir* Alarm one attempt can be made to preheat and
start the engine, ft is, therefore, highly
A fire detecting system consists of important to be familiar with the equip
electric thermostats mounted at appro ment and follow the sequence of opera
priate remote points in the locomotive tions exactly as directed in operating
which operate a fire alarm. Excessive Instructions for the specific type of
temperature closes the circuit through
the thermostat, thereby energizing (clos & Power for the motor and heater con
ing) the relay which operates the fire trol circuits is obtained from the battery
alarm Hght and bell. Bnglnemen should and locomotive auxiliary power system.
be familiar with the location and use of Heater circuits may be protected by fuses
fire extinguishers, fuel cutoff, and engine or circuit breakers or both. Thermo-
stop devices, all of which are manually statio controls regulate the circulation of
operated. Carbon dioxide is a noncon water and possibly the setting of radiator •
ductor of electricity which makes It a shutters. When the temperature in any
desirable agency for combating electrical compartment heated by exhaust gasps
fires. Because of lack of oxygen, personnel rises enough to actuate the thermostats
must be sure they have access to air to in those Anira *m
avoid being overcome. will close the circuit to a solenoid regu
lated damper which permits the exhaust
114. Oil -Fired Engine Htortrs gases to discharge to the outside atmos
a. Oil-fired engine heaters are provided phere.
for operation in severe cold weather, ft is a Structural changes Involved In proper
necessary to warm the cooling, lubricat wlnteiizatlon include removal plates over
ing, and fuel oil systems and batteries engine compartment louvers properly
before starting the engine if prolonged hinged for snow removal, additional air
layover has resulted in congealed fuel oil filters, weather-stripped doors and
or lubricating oil. Continued operation of hatches fiberglass cab ifisiilnti**1. nttf
the heaters is often necessary after the double-glass cab windows.
engine is started. Special insulation of d The operation of the model DH-4915
oil lines, tanks, and compartments is part hot water heater is completely automatic
of such an installation which is often called after it has been started. The motor runs
a winterization system. The heaters use continuously while the burner cycles on
fuel from the main locomotive fuel oil and off. The heater part of the unit con
system, but a small tank at the heater is sists of two water Jackets connected in
automatically kept full, ft may even be series. Water is pumped into the outer
necessary to heat this reserve supply of water Jacket and then through the inner
fuel before starting the heaters. After water Jacket. Heat is furnished by the
the heaters are operating, they supply combustion of diesel fuel oil which is m
lOOfl C • O
AC IS AMP ina.

« _ nn *! **» - ^»*_

°ulfff „» FIELD

10S.A40 lOfl.SIS

7-1 08 • ••* tamttm


•^•M ——. /5J F«^ **^1_ F>V ACt

T- 101 r ~ 1 ~ ~ lossa* " ~ io»»n |
RE LAY CONT S.W. ,w. •W. |

CS CSI _. 7-T100

«"l-U —• 7.|OflSM

^ ^ SM _*•* _

7-C-109.114 10S.I 0__p«^*QU»»T*T


D a
I* 1
« l^^l i tf H 6•
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TfllaA 7-IO»!sfl7r'Jll>MPI1" CM
H*-io».aoo ~ Mt cM-40»o-Ma ~ •1

1 1 >SOIS

'* ^
»">•• LAMP

700V.SO „ T'-0"
eoNT> ""LAV -5-^5-,
At- I A>-
"ti7.sots' '

m I
• p


ISO* C » D
1§AMP 00

ISOS 0 » • 1


*> ' fa?

ScAernottc wiring diagram of ateam generator.

sprayed through the fuel spray head into revolution clockwise. Press the start but
the firepot. Here the fine oil spray mixes ton. This puts the control circuit in
with air supplied by the blower and is operation. The fire will start unless the
ignited by a continuous electric spark. The water temperature is over the range for
hot gases flow past the inner surface of which the aquastat is adjusted. If the
the inner water Jacket, and then around to beater should fail to fire, the outfire con
pass over the outer surface of the inner trol will shut the burner down in approxi
water jacket and the inner surface of the mately 45 seconds. Wait 2 minutes and
outside water Jacket. A single electric depress the start button again. If unit
motor drives the blower fan, fuel pump, still fails to fire, check the troubleshoot
and water circulating pump. An immersion ing section of the appropriate operating
thermostat keeps the temperature ofwater instructions. On the DH type unit, if the
returning to the heater within its control fire fails, to light, it is possible to check
range of 110* to 130° F. The output rating the operation by holding the test button
of the heater is 150,000 Btu's per hour. down; this overrides the immersion ther
The fuel consumption is 1.65 gallons per mostat and the unit will fire. To stop,
hour at maximum output. Do not start place the main switch in the off position.
heater unless system is completely filled a In the caterpillar D-397 diesel
with water. To start, place main switch engines, used on the Baldwin-Lima-
in burner (up) position. (The motor will Hamilton 60-ton, 500 hp switchers, the
start and circulate the water and the com No. 1 heater, which supplies heat to the
bustion air. The fuel will be bypassed back engine cooling system, is fully automatic
to the supply tank through the fuel pump in operation; but the No. 2 heater, which
by the action of the fuel solenoid valve.) supplies heat to the auxiliaries, is semi
Rotate the fuel filter handle at least one automatic in its operation.


115. Air Supply System of the filter, and proper oiling and cleaning
should be regularly performed.
Compressed air is used to operate the c. The two air Intake strainers, one for
airbrake system; reverser; electropneu- each of the low pressure cylinders, are of
matic contactors; sanders; window wipers; the "cartridge" type which permits re
bell; and on some designs a shutter valve, moval of the strainer element without the
throttle valve, pneumatic control switch, necessity of dismounting or disconnecting
and similar equipment. The main res from the air compressor. Air passing
ervoir is kept at a pressure of 125 to 140 through the strainer unit enters the com
pounds. Air is supplied to the brake system pressor intake. The strainer element
from the main reservoir through a feed should be cleaned in an alkali-free hydro
valve. A 70- to 90-pound control air system carbon solvent, dried, and then dipped and
is supplied by the main compressor given a lubricating oil bath. After the oil
through reducing valves, control air res has been drained off, it is ready to be put
ervoirs, suitable strainers, and check back into service. Dirt deposited on the
valves (fig. 69). The system includes metal wire mesh cover may be dislodged
necessary cutout cocks and gages. If air by Jarring the strainer and by using dry
pressure is too low, the reverser and compressed air.
electropneumatic contactors will not oper
ate and the locomotive will not move.
117. Compressors
116. Air Filters
a. General. The air supply is provided
a. A large supply of clean air is required by air compressors which may be engine -
for air compressors. Dirt, grit, or any driven either directly by belts or through
foreign matter taken into the equipment a flexible coupling to the shaft of the main
with the air causes wear and equipment generator (fig. 71). Independent motor -
failures. Service is improved and mainte driven Installations are found on some
nance is reduced by good air filters (fig. locomotives. The major features of
70). The principal requirements in a good various compressors are similar to each
air filter are — other (see para 233 for maintenance pro
(1) Small resistance to the passage of cedures). A description of a typical
air. compressor follows.
(2) High dust-retaining capacity. b. Construction. A typical compressor
(3) Ease of cleaning. consists of two low-pressure cylinders
(4) Ability to operate a long time and one high-pressure cylinder. The two
without cleaning or attention. low-pressure cylinders are the ones at
(5) Small and compact. either side and can readily be distinguished
(6) Moderate first costs. from the high-pressure one because of
(7) Low operating expense. their larger diameter. The three automo
& The oil impingement type filter con tive type connecting rods are of forged
sists of layers of wire mesh, coated with steel and are identical. They are applied
oil which collects the dust and dirt while to a common throw of the crankshaft. Each
the air passes through. Filters may be rod has its individual bearing on the shaft.
flat or cylindrical in shape. As dirt collects Lubrication for the crankshaft end of the
on the mesh, the filter either becomes connecting rod is by pressure feed through
clogged or the oil is absorbed, dries out, the drilled crankshaft. The connecting rod
or otherwise loses its adhesive properties. is rifle drilled to the wristpin which also
All these factors lower the effectiveness is supplied with lubricant underpressure.
The cast iron pistons are fitted with four They are of the double-washer type and all
piston rings, two compression rings, and are located in the compressor head. The
one oil ring above the wristpin and one oil compressor crankcase is vented by means
ring below the wristpin. All piston rings of a breather with cap. It has a quantity of
should be applied so that the scraping edge copper mesh supported between suitable
is toward the crankcase. Piston wristpins screens, retained in place by means of a
are of the full-floating type and are sup snap ring. The breather is also fitted with
ported in the connecting rods by bronze a check valve so arranged that any pres
bushings. The wristpins are prevented sure in the crankcase will be relieved to
from having excessive end movement by atmosphere, but any tendency for air to
retaining rings which snap in a recess in flow from the outside of the compressor
the piston and thus prevent the wristpins into the crankcase is prevented. This check
working out against the cylinder wall. The valve is felt-sealed for quiet operation.
main bearings are the radial ball type, one c. Intake Strainers. The two air intake
at each end of the crankshaft. They are strainers, one for each of the low-pres
lubricated by throwoff from the connecting sure cylinders, are of the cartridge type
rod bearings. An oil seal is provided at which permit removal of the strainer
each end of the crankshaft to prevent oil element without the necessity of dismount
leakage and also to guard against entrance ing or disconnecting from the air
of dirt. There are two inlet valves and one compressor. Air passing through the
exhaust valve for each of the low-pressure strainer unit enters the compressor in
cylinders and the high-pressure cylinder. take.



Figure 70. Oil impingement type air filter.





Figure 71. Air compressor.

d. Intercooler. A compressor of the The low-pressure discharge air enters

compound type is fitted with an intercooler the intercooler through a side header
through which the discharge air from each leading to the top or upper header where
low-pressure cylinder passes to the intake it is directed down through part of the
of the high-pressure cylinder. The use tubes in half of the intercooler and back
of an intercooler reduces the temperature up through the remaining tubes in that
of the discharge air and improves the half. In this way, the air from each low-
volumetric and power efficiency of the pressure cylinder is so directed through
compressor. The intercooler is of the its half of the intercooler that, in passing
radiator type, employing finned copper to the high-pressure cylinder, the air has
tubing mounted between cast iron headers. traveled approximately twice the length
The intercooler is divided in two halves, of the intercooler tube. Suitable baffles
one for each of the low-pressure cylinders. are employed to insure that the air follows I
the path desired. After passing the tubes, always pumping air) whenever the engine
the air enters a common passage leading is running. This requires a load and unload
to the Intel-cooler safety valves and to the type of control for maintaining reservoir
inlet side of the high-pressure cylinder. pressure within the desired limits. The
One -or two safety valves are employed inlet valves of the two low-pressure and
to protect the intercooler against ex of the one high-pressure cylinders are
cessive pressure. These safety valves are equipped with unloaders which are con
set to open at 60 psi (relief valves on the trolled by a governor. They are so ar
MRS-I intercooler are set at 55 psi). ranged that when the compressor has
a. Lubrication. The compressor has its restored the pressure in the reservoir
own pressure lubrication system. Oil is system to the desired point, the com
carried in the base which is equipped with pressor will unload and cease to deliver
a gage, filler and drain connections, filter, air to the main reservoirs. The tapped
and breather. The oiling system is ar opening in the capnut of each of these
ranged so that oil, under pressure, is unloader cylinders connects to a copper
circulated by an oil pump. The oil pump pipe header which leads to the compressor
is driven by an eccentric at one end of governor. When the compressor has built
the crankshaft. This pump combines a up the desired pressure in the main res
piston and check valve operating in an oil ervoir, the governor admits main res
pump body and is so arranged as to de ervoir air through this tapped opening In
liver the lubricating oil under pressure to the capnut onto the face of the unloader
drilled openings in the crankshaft. The valve. This pressure immediately moves
oil supplied to the pump is first filtered. the unloader valve in towards the cylinder,
The filter consists of a housing, incorpo carrying with it the Intercooler pressure
rating a fine screen strainer of large area, seal valve. This, in turn, acts through the
through which the oil is drawn on its way unloader plunger which has a part of the
to the oil pump body. The screen strainer plunger, a head with fingers or prongs on
is held in place by a screen retainer which its lower side. These prongs extend
must be removed before the screen can through openings in the -inlet valve seat.
be removed. The oil gage should show With the pressure admitted as described
approximately 15 psi at 500 rpm and should above, these fingers will push the inlet
show some pressure at idling speed. An valves off the seat and the compressor is
oil pressure relief valve, mounted in the then 'unloaded as no compression takes
crankshaft throw toward the intercooler, place as long as the inlet valves are thus
is provided to protect the oil pump and held open. Complete movement of the
associated parts against excessive oil unloader valve on which the main reservoir
pressure. pressure first acted results in its seating
and preventing leakage of main reservoir
118. Compressor Control
air through the unloader assembly to the
atmospheric vent. When the pressure in
a. A motor-driven compressor is con the main reservoir has dropped to the
trolled through a master governor which point where it is desired to cause the
operates the line switch in the power compressor to operate, the governor as
circuit. The power circuit is closed and sumes the cut-in position which vents main
the compressor runs when pressure drops reservoir air from the face of the unloader
to a predetermined minimum. The circuit valve. The return and unloader springs
is opened, stopping the compressor, when then move the unloader valve outward,
pressure is raised to a predetermined carrying with it the unloader plunger and
maximum. This type of compressor is the fingers (prongs) which unseated the
used on electric locomotives. inlet valves. The inlet valves are seated
ft. Because each compressor is directly then by the valve springs, and the com
connected to the engine, the compressor pressor resumes delivery of air to the
is in continuous operation (although not main reservoir.

a The air compressor governor, type crews must be able to make required
NS16, is of the pneumatic double-safety- brake tests to insure that the system
valve type and consists of two distinct remains in operating order and operate
portions, the operating portion and the the brakes to secure the best results
pipe bracket. Pipe connections to the com under different conditions existing on the
pressor and to the main reservoir are track, locomotive, and train. Maintenance
provided for in the pipe bracket so that men are more concerned with the internal
the operating portion may be removed for construction of the equipment. Many im
repairs or replacement without breaking provements have been made in designs in
any pipe Joints. The operating portion order to meet various modern needs, and
casting is marked HP and LP. The ad- reference to appropriate manufacturers'
Justing screw in the HP section is used to instruction manuals is necessary for
regulate the point of air compressor adequate understanding of any specific
cutout or unloading point while the ad- installation. The information which follows
Justing screw in the LP section is used gives a general basic understanding which
to regulate the point of air compressor has many broad applications. A clear
cut-in or loading point. Therefore, it is distinction must be made between the
necessary to set two pressures when following principal types of airbrake
adjusting the governor — the high pres systems.
sure, where the governor unloads the b. Automatic Airbrake System. The
compressor, and the low pressure, where automatic airbrake system controls both
the governor loads the compressor. If locomotive and train brakes, and consists
all compressors on multiple-unit locomo chiefly of a compressor to supply air, a
tives load and unload simultaneously, the reservoir for storing an adequate supply
governor functions with an air-operated of air, a governor to control compressor
switch which controls a magnet valve in pumping, duplex pressure gages, brake
each locomotive. The magnet valve con cylinders whose pistons apply the brakes
trols the flow of main reservoir pressure through mechanical linkage called brake
to the air compressor unloader valves in rigging, distributing valve and automatic
its unit. The control circuit to the magnet and independent brake valves to control
valve is trainlined to all units connected the flow of air from the reservoir to the
in multiple so that when the pressure Is brake pipe. Pressure is maintained in
sufficiently low on any unit to load its the brake pipe the entire time the train
compressor, all compressors are loaded is operating, and a reduction in pressure
at the same time. All compressors are applies the brakes while an increase in
thereby required to share the load. pressure releases the brakes. Brakes on
the rear cars of long trains respond much
119. Airbrake System sooner with Improved automatic equipment
than in a straight airbrake system, and
a. General. Without sturdy, quick-act there is positive protection against a leak
ing, remote-controlled braking equipment, ing brake pipe or broken hose connection.
it would be impossible to operate modern Additional equipment on each car in the
trains. Air has been used to operate the train consists of an auxiliary reservoir
brakes on trains for such a long time, and which holds the air for use in the brake
with such a good record of performance, cylinders and a trip valve which responds
that the importance ofproper maintenance to the changes in train brake pipe pres
and operation is not initially apparent. sure in a manner which admits air
However, it is absolutely essential for promptly from the auxiliary reservoirs
personnel who have anything to do with to the brake cylinders.
train handling, either directly or in c. Straight Airbrake System. The
directly, to have a thorough understanding straight airbrake system utilizes the air
of the basic principles of this highly compressor and reservoir on the locomo
important part of train control. Engine tive to supply air pressure to the brake

cylinders of each car in the train. The 120. Airbrake Equipment
system is necessarily slow in action In addition to the compressor, governor,
compared to the automatic system because reservoirs, and brake valves previously
pressure must be built up by a passage mentioned, personnel should be familiar
of air from the locomotive reservoir to with many other parts of the system. Each
the last car in the train. part of the system must be Individually
d. Independent Airbrake System. The studied, and only typical examples are
independent airbrake system controls the given below.
locomotive brakes only by means of a a Codes. The use of the various cutout
separate valve on the brake pedestal. A cocks is best understood by the study of
decrease in brake pipe pressure applies actual piping diagrams (or in some in
the brakes, and an increase in brake pipe stances schematic diagrams). In multiple-
pressure releases the brakes. The system unit operation, the brakes of the trailing
is not satisfactory for trains of more than unit or units are fully operative, but con
a few cars in length, as in shifting cars in trols are cut out, and the brakes are oper
industrial plants or work trains, because ated by the engtneman on the leading unit
the car brakes are inoperative which by use of the automatic brake valve.
causes rough operation and slow stops. Double-heading or pushing operation is
e. Independent and Automatic Systems. much like multiple-unit operation, but the
Locomotives have both independent and locomotives need not be coupled to each
automatic systems Installed on them to other and the engineman of the subordinate
attain greater flexibility in control. They locomotive may find it necessary to re
have two brake valves at the operator's lease brakes to keep the wheels from
position called the independent and the overheating when the lead locomotive is
automatic brake valves. The independent applying train brakes. In
brake valve controls locomotive brakes operations, the locomotive brakes act like
only and the automatic brake valve controls the brakes of a train.
the locomotive and train brakes. Locomo b. Gages. Duplex air gages have two
tive brakes may be applied or released pipe connections and two dial indications.
independently of the train brakes or in Equalizing reservoir pressure and main
conjunction with the train brakes. It is not reservoir pressure are indicated on one
necessary to use more than one brake valve gage and brake pipe pressure and loco
at a time. motive brake cylinder pressure are indi
cated by the other gage.
£ Vacuum Brake System. MRS road c. Equalizing Reservoir. An equalizing
switchers (fig. 97) and other diesel- reservoir adds volume to the space above
electrlc locomotives In the military fleet the equalizing piston in the brake valve
which are designed for foreign service are so that reductions in brake pipe pressure
equipped (or can be equipped) with vacuum may be properly made during service ap
brake valves in order to handle trains in plications of the brakes.
oversea areas where all the rolling stock
Is equipped with vacuum brake systems. dL Distributing Valve. A distributing
In train vacuum brake operation, the com valve, when actuated by the brake valves,
pressed airbrake pipe is cut out and the permits air to flow to the locomotive
vacuum brake valve connected. The loco brake cylinders, maintains brake cylinder
motive and train automatic brakes are pressure against leakage when brakes are
then controlled by the vacuum brake valve held in applied position, or permits air
and the independent brake by the to exhaust from brake cylinders to atmos
Independent brake valve handle (com phere when releasing brakes.
pressed air). Details of the method of e. Feed Valve. A feed valve automat
operation of vacuum brakes on such ically maintains a predetermined air
locomotives are contained in TM 55-2040. pressure in the brake pipe.
t Reducing Valve. A reducing valve enable the engineman to secure the de
reduces main reservoir pressure for sired braking effect. The brake valve
straight air operation or for air signal handle is kept in release position during
system. movement of the locomotive. Type 6-BL
g. Quick Release Valve. A quick re equipment has six positions of the auto
lease valve provides a rapid release of matic brake valve —
brake cylinder pressure during the re (1) Release position. The purpose of
lease operation. this position is to provide a large
h. Emergency Brake Valve. This valve, and direct passage from the main
found on some locomotives, is connected reservoir to the brake pipe. Ik is
to the brake pipe air line. It provides a used under some circumstances
means of quickly venting the brake pipe to speed up the release of train
pressure through the discharge opening brakes. However, its value is lim
to the atmosphere. It operates like the ited and many railroads have
conductor's emergency valve found in ca abandoned its use entirely. If the
booses. A pull cord attached to the oper handle were allowed to remain in
ating lever is located in the cab above the this position for any length of time,
fireman's position (left side). When the the brake system would be charged
cord is pulled, the operating lever trips, to main reservoir pressure. To
opening the valve, obtaining an emergency avoid this, the handle must be
brake valve application. When the cord is moved to running position. To pre
released, the valve will reset, preventing vent the engineman from forgetting
further loss of brake pipe air. This valve this, a small port discharges main
should be used only In emergencies where reservoir air to the atmosphere
an emergency brake application cannot be in release position with sufficient
quickly obtained from the automatic brake noise to attract attention to the
valve. handle position.
121. Airbrake Operation
(2) Running position. This is the
proper position of the handle for
a. Charging the System. An adequate charging the brake pipe and re
supply of air is necessary to operate the leasing the train brakes. In this
brake system. Under some conditions, it position, a large direct passage
may take from 5 to 10 minutes to build connects the feed valve pipe to
air pressure up to normal in the brake the brake pipe so that the latter
pipe of a long train and, if a long train charges up under feed valve con
has been made up of cars with a depleted trol and cannot attain a pressure
air system, it may take 30 minutes to above that for which the feed valve
charge the entire system. By placing the is adjusted. The equalizing reser
reverse lever in the OFF position and voir charges uniformly with the
advancing the throttle ("rev up" the en brake pipe, keeping the pressure
gines), air may be pumped at a fast rate on the two sides of the equalizing
to reduce the time necessary to charge piston equal. The distributing
the system. This can be done while a valve release pipe releases air
train is coasting as well as at standstill. into the atmosphere.
b. Independent and Automatic Brake (3) Service position. This position
Valve Positions. The independent brake gives a gradual reduction of brake
valve controls the locomotive brakes in pipe pressure to cause a service
dependently of the train brakes. It is of application.
the self-lapping type. The independent (4) Lap position. This position is used
brake valve has two positions, release while loading the brakes applied
and brake or service application. The after a service application until it
latter spans an operating range which will is desired either to make a further
brake pipe reduction or to release recharge the system. If there is a
them. All ports are closed. probable need of another applica
(5) Holding position. This position is tion, be sure there Is enough pres
so named because the locomotive sure to enable the compressor to
brakes are held applied while the charge the line before the brakes
train brakes are being released are needed. A train may overshoot
and their auxiliary reservoirs re a stop signal or run away on a
charged to feed valve pressure. mountain If charging requirements
(6) Emergency position. This position are not carefully observed.
is useg when the most prompt and (4) If, when releasing, it is desired to
heavy application of the brakes is hold the locomotive brake applied
required. A large and direct com after the train brakes release,
munication is made between the move the handle to holding instead
brake pipe and atmosphere. This of running position, then release
direct passage makes a sudden the locomotive brake by moving
and heavy discharge of brake pipe the handle to running position and
air, causing the oar brake valves leaving it there or graduating It
and distributing valve to move to off, as circumstances require, by
emergency position and give max short successive movements be
imum braking force in the shortest tween holding and running po
possible time. In this position, sitions.
locomotive brake cylinder pres (5) To'apply the brakes in emergency,
sure is maintained against leakage move the handle of the automatic
and main reservoir pressure is brake valve quickly to emergency
permitted to flow intothe sand pipe position and leave it there until
in case air sanders are connected the train stops.
to the brake valve or to the emer (6) When using the independent brake
gency relay valve. only, the handle of the automatic
c. Operating Practices. The following brake valve should be carried in
general methods of handling brakes do not running position. The independent
apply rigidly for all conditions but are application may be released by
included here to broaden the scope of moving the Independent brake valve
general information for basic study. handle to release position. When all
(1) When not in use, carry the auto brakes are applied automatically,
matic brake valve in running the locomotive brake can be grad
position and the independent brake uated off or released by depressing
valve in release position. the independent brake valve handle
(2) To apply the brakes in service, In release position. The red hand
move the handle of the automatic of one air gage will show, at all
brake valve to the service posi times, the pressure in the loco
tion, making the required brake motive brake cylinders; this hand
pipe reduction, then back to lap should be watched in brake manip
position, which is used for holding ulation. Depressing the Independ
all the brakes applied. ent brake valve handle when in
(3) It is, as a rule, safest to come release position will quickly
to a- stop before releasing the release the locomotive brake under
brakes on a freight train, espe any and all conditions. This brake
cially a long one, rather than at valve has no slow application posi
tempt to release at low speed. tion, and care should be taken to
However, if conditions permit the prevent harsh slack action when
release while In motion, the brake handling a long string of oars.
valve handle should be moved to (7) The train brakes should invariably
running position to release and be applied before detaching the
locomotive, holding the train with To determine adjustment of the
handbrakes where necessary. Set safety valve, move the automatic
ting the handbrakes is especially brake valve handle to emergency
important on a grade. position. After the safety valve
(8) The automatic brake should never opens, return the brake valve
be used to hold a locomotive or a handle to lap position and note the
train while standing even where pressure at which the safety valve
the locomotive is not detached for closes. The safety valve should be
longer than 10 minutes, and not at adjusted to 68 pounds. It is as
all if the grade is very steep or sumed that this test will always
the condition of the brake is not be made on the locomotive alone,
good. The safest method is to hold that is, before the brake pipe is
with handbrakes only and keep the connected to the train.
auxiliary reservoirs fully charged (12) When two locomotives are coupled
so as to guard against a start from together, the brake pipe hose must
brakes leaking off, and to be ready be coupled between the two loco
to obtain any part of full braking motives and their angle cocks
force immediately on starting. should be opened. Where there are
(9) The independent brake is a very two or more locomotives in a
important safety feature in this train, the instructions already
connection, as it will hold a loco given remain unchanged so far as
motive or a heavy train on a fairly the leading locomotive or the lo
steep grade if, as the automatic comotive from which the brakes
brakes are released, the slack is are being operated is concerned.
prevented from running in or out On the second locomotive, close
(depending on the tendency of the the brake pipe by setting the cut
grade) and giving the locomotive a out cook to the desired trailing
start. position and place the handles of
(10) When leaving the locomotive, while the automatic brake valve in run
doing work about it or when it is ning position and the independent
standing, always leave the inde brake valve in release position.
pendent brake valve handle in ap The brake of the second locomotive
plication position. can then be operated from the first
(11) After an emergency application of locomotive the same as those in
the brakes while running over the the train. But, if the engineman on
road due to any oaus6 other than the second locomotive finds it nec
intended by the operating engine- essary, he can prevent the appli
man, move the automatic brake cation of the brake on the second
valve handle to the lap position to locomotive by depressing the in
prevent loss of main reservoir dependent brake valve handle in
pressure. After the train stops, release position. Also, ifthe brake
the cause of the application should on the second locomotive is applied
be located and remedied before and there' is danger of overheating
proceeding. Before leaving the wheels, or if the wheels should
roundhouse, the englneman should slide, the brake can be released
try the brakes with both brake by depressing the independent
valves and see that no serious brake valve handle in release po
leaks exist. The pipes between the sition. The brake can be reapplled
distributing valve and the brake later by using the independent
valve should be absolutely tight. brake valve handle in the usual
The safety valve operation and ad way, provided the handles on the
justment should be tested at this Independent and automatic brake

time and on arrival at terminal. valve on the second locomotive
. as before, left in release and force. It safeguards against the incapaci-
running positions, respectively, tation or negligence of the operator. A
after the operation. This does not release of the deadman pedal (or cor
in any way interfere withthe brake responding manual control) causes a
on the second locomotive. The warning whistle to sound for approxi
pressure in the brake cylinders on mately 4 seconds after which the brakes
the second locomotive should never are automatically applied. A brake appli
be thus reduced, except where ab cation can be avoided if the deadman
solutely necessary. pedal is depressed again within the
warning period. Individual installations
122. Safety (Deadman) Control vary in braking (emergency or service
Deadman control is a safety device application) and in power interruption. The
usually a foot valve which must be de engine may be returned to idle automat
pressed at all times when the locomotive ically by a safety control application or
is in operation unless a service applica it may be necessary for the operator to
tion of the airbrake (approximately 20- idle it by the usual movement of the
pound brake pipe reduction) is already in throttle.


123. General Description freight service, but speeds are higher and
a. A diesel-eleotrio locomotive Is pri auxiliary, services, such as steam heat,
marily a powerplant mounted on wheels, are furnished by the locomotive. Various
with controls whereby the power can be requirements are met by changes in gear
used In the propulsion of railroad ve ratio, truck construction, and accessory
hicles. Electrical equipment has been equipment.
found to be the most satisfactory method 124. Mechanical Considerations
of transmitting power from large internal
combustion engines to the driving wheels. a. In order to have good tracking char
The principal task of the electrical trans acteristics, a locomotive must be able to
mission system is to receive mechanical negotiate sharp yard curves without de
energy from the engine, convert it into railing or spreading the track and must
electrical energy, and transmit it to trac not gallop, nose, or wear the flange and
tion motors which convert the energy back rail excessively on main line service.
into mechanical energy at the wheels. In general, long locomotives are more
There are several advantages to this stable at high speed than short locomo
double conversion of energy, such as the tives but give more trouble on sharp
ease of transmitting the energy, the pre curves. Swivel trucks decrease the rigid \-
cision of the controls, and the flexibility wheelbase. Swing bolsters and long center
in meeting the power demands. pin spacing Improve the riding qualities.
b. Typical diesel-eleotrio locomotives b. The weight of locomotives in common
are shown in figures 72 and 73. The center use varies from about 44 tons to 175 tons.
cab arrangement is normally used when Smaller locomotives are usually classed
there are two power units on one frame. as industrial locomotives. Axle loadings
A power unit consists of a complete en up to 60,000 pounds are standard prac
gine, generator, and motor system. Each tice. Axle loading may be kept low by
power unit has its own cooling system specifying an increased number of axles
and air compressor and operates inde when the locomotive is under construction.
pendently, except for the master controller The weight on the driving wheels varies
and battery which functionwith units. Many with the total locomotive weight and the
features of braking, sanding, and similar number of wheels.
auxiliaries are similar on all types of lo c. Wheel arrangement varies from
comotives. While locomotives are fre four-wheel rigid trucks on small indus
quently used interchangeably between trial locomotives to two swivel trucks of
several types of service, they are built to four wheels or six wheels each. Swivel
meet prevailing requirements in three trucks are commonly used on locomotives.
distinct types of service. Switching serv Each axle has its own traction motor as a
ice requires high tractive effort and good rule. Principal exceptions are the mount
acceleration in the frequent start, atop, ing of a single motor on a four-wheel
and reversing movements. Freight serv truck with side rod connections between
ice requires sustained tractive effort at the two pairs of wheels and the
moderate speeds. Passenger service of only two motors on a six-wheel truck
generally involves less tonnage than which leaves two wheels as idling wheels.

tu 22



cL Horsepower varies from about 300 127. Arrangement of Equipment
hp to 2,400 hp per locomotive unit. When The location of equipment is determined
units are connected semipermanently, by basic design requirements, operating
units with a controlling cab are called requirements, servicing require
A units, and units without a controlling ments, and repair requirements. Radia
cab are called B units. The power sys tors and shutters are usually built into
tems of A and B units are identical, and the outside walls or roof section for max
the operation is equivalent to multiple- imum cooling. Locomotive controls are
unit operation. grouped at the operator's position. Power
unit controls are grouped together and are
mounted in the cab near the locomotive
125. Gear Ratios controls but may be in the engineroom of
Gear ratio is expressed by two num larger locomotives. For adequate servic
bers, one being the number of teeth on ing, fills and drains for fuel, water and
the axle-mounted gear and the other be supplies are readily accessible on both
ing the number of teeth on the traction sides of the locomotive. Removal for re
motor pinion. Gear ratio is selected on pairs requires working clearance which
the basis of the service which the loco will permit a maximum of neighboring
motive is to perform. A ratio which keeps equipment to remain undisturbed. Many
motor speed relatively low is used for engine parts may be lifted by cranes
high speed service. Tractive effort at through roof hatches. Jacking or lifting
continuous rating and at specified short- lugs are provided for supporting the under-
time ratings changes as gear ratio frame when it is necessary to remove the
changes. A ratio that requires many revo entire body from the trucks. Typical loca
lutions of the motor for comparatively tions of major items of equipment on a
little movement of the locomotive is used locomotive are shown in figure 74. Opera
for heavy-duty service where power is tors should be familiar with all fillers and
more important than speed. Intermediate drains. Typical locations are shown in
ratios are used for general all-purpose figure 75.
service. The pinion is usually heated and a. Water fills, for the engine cooling
shrunk on the armature shaft. It may be system, generally supply all cab heaters,
milled and keyed into the shaft on some turbochargers, and heat exchanger cool
models. The axle gear is pressed on the ing lines. Add water slowly.
axle in the same manner as the wheel. b. Water fills for steam generators for
Pinions and gears should be scrapped if train heating or auxiliary engine heating
a tooth is broken or if the working sur (arctic service) are on the steam gen
face is severely damaged by pitting or erator or auxiliary water tanks underneath
spelling (splintering). the locomotive.
c. Water drains are located at many
points. When draining to prevent freezing,
126. Speed Limitations
search for separate drains on engine radi
ator, cab heaters, steam generator, turbo-
Maximum locomotive speeds are estab charger, and heat exchanger, as well as
lished by the manufacturers on the basis low spots where condensed water may be
of tracking qualities of the truck or on drained from air compressors, air reser
the basis of allowable peripheral speed voirs, turbocharger, etc.
at which motor armatures can operate dL Lubricating oil drains and fills are
without loosening or damaging the coils provided in the diesel engine.
and are, therefore, dependent on the gear e. Fuel oil fills are usually adjacent to,
ratio. Speed limitations are. therefore, or above, the tank. The tank may be sus
applicable when coasting downgrade or pended from the underframe between
when deadheading as well as when oper trucks or mounted on the wheel frame at
ating under power. the end of the locomotive.
v mr

II ll


/. Sandboxes are generally located in the •dry window as dirt on the glass or blade
superstructure above the sand traps, and will scratch the glass.
sand flows Into the trap by gravity. /. Sanding System. The sanding system
is used to deliver sand, when required, at
128. Locomotive Accessories
the contact between the tread of the wheel
and the rail. Sand is stored in sandboxes
a. Handbrake. The handbrake is mounted located above the sand trap and flows into
on the front or rear of the engineroom the sand trap by gravity. Air pressure
hood or in the cab and should always be moves the sand from the sand trap, through
released before moving the locomotive, ft the sand delivery pipe, to the rail. There
is a holding brake, applied only at stand are three major units to a sanding sys
still, and is not intended for use in stop tem — the operating device, the control
ping. The handbrake is applied by turning valve, and the sand trap. The operating;
the handwheel clockwise as far as it will device can be an independent sander oper
go. To release the handbrake, rotate the ating valve or a sanding valve which Is
wheel counterclockwise against the fric incorporated In the automatic brake valve
tion locks. The handbrake is connected to handle when brake is used in emergency.
one brake cylinder lever only. Apply the Both of these devices can actuate the con
handbrake whenever the locomotive is to trol valve directly or, where electropneu-
left standing by itself for any period of matic sanding is used, they actuate a
time. Remove the reverse lever from the magnet valve which, In turn, actuates the
controller and apply this brake whenever control valve. The valve is either marked
anyone Is working around the locomotive. for forward and reverse direction or, in
b. Horn. Horns are operated by air the case of electropneumatic sanding, a
valves. The air chime horn on the MRS-I 2-position on-off control energizes magnet
locomotive is mounted on top of the cab valves which are interlocked for direction.
just forward of the rear headlights. Two One control valve supplies air to all sand
pull cords located above the control stand traps. It Is acutated by air supplied from
operate the double stem air valve which the Independent operating valve or the
allows a full or soft tone to be emitted by magnet valve. Sand always covers the air
the horn. The front pull cord gives the soft nozzle in the sand trap, and the air moving
tone while the rear pull cord gives the against this sand delivers a uniform flow
full tone. The horn shutoff cock Is located to the rail.
in the horn valve air line slightly above g. Fire Extinguisher. Portable fire ex
the floor in front of the controller. tinguishers are provided in the cab and in
c. Bell. The locomotive signal bell is the engineroom. Sometimes a bulltin sys
usually under the locomotive floor behind tem in installed in which case the nozzle
the pilot or switchman's footboards on the can be used anywhere within range of the
right side of front end of locomotive. The hose, about 50 feet. Everyone should be
bell is stationary with a movable clapper familiar with the operating instructions
operated by an air valve located at the posted at each extinguisher.
engineman's station. h. Sandproofing. Ordinary air filters
d. Speed Recorder. The speed recorder, are not adequate for desert operations
located in front of the control stand, is a where sandstorms are encountered. Cabs
hydraulically operated speed indicator and engine compartments for locomotives
with a speed recording tape and an in such services are built for tight sealing,
odometer. It is driven from an axle through and all air for engines, compressors,
a flexible cable. A speedometer is similar, blowers, and crew is received through a
except for the omission of a tape. rugged sand precipitator. Atypical cleaner
e. Window Wipers. Windshield wipers is motor operated and removes air by
are controlled by valves over the cab win centrifugal force. The crew must keep the
dows on each side of the cab. The wipers seals tight and be familiar with switches,
are operated by air from the compressed fuses, or breakers in the powerline to the
air system and function independently of cleaner. All regular air filters are re- 4
each other. They should not be run on a talned In service.

129. Conventional Trucks is in the journal boxes. Single coil springs

a. Swivel Trucks. Swivel trucks are rest in pockets inside the pedestal jaws.
used on all but the smallest types of Additional support is provided by a spring
diesel-electric locomotives (fig. 76). Each (typically semielliptical) under the side
truck has a center plate which supports frame which rests on hangers between
the superstructure and allows the truck equalizing bars extending between the
to swivel freely on curves. Small loco journals. All wheels are drivers, but some
motives on a short wheelbase, usually small locomotives have only one motor,
of only two axles, may be built with a in which case the motor is geared to one
running gear that is rigid with the cab axle and side rods connect the two pairs
frame. A truck must carry the weight of wheels.
of the superstructure vertically, must c. Four-Wheel Swiag Bolster Trucks.
absorb the lateral thrusts, must support The principal difference between a swing
the tilting tendency of the locomotive, bolster truck and a rigid bolster truck
must traverse uneven track without dis is the independent suspension permitting
tortion or excessive stress in any of its lateral motion of the bolster with re
members, must carry the brake rigging, spect to the truck frame. Riding qualities
and must carry the motors on electrically are improved because the bolster absorbs
driven locomotives. Many different types some of the lateral blows between the
of trucks have been designed to meet a truck and body. They are better suited
| great variety of conditions. The principal to heavy road service. Triple -coil springs
" types of trucks in locomotives larger and sets of elliptical springs are often
than 40 tons are four-wheel rigid trucks, used.
four-wheel swing bolster trucks, and six- d. Six-Wheel Swing Bolster Trucks.
wheel swing bolster trucks. In all types, Six-wheel trucks distribute the locomotive
a truck bolster with a center bearing weight more evenly along the rail than do
having a renewable plate, mates with the four-wheel trucks. Most of the wheels are
body bolster to carry the superstructure. driving wheels in large locomotives, but
Side bearings with renewable wear plates some medium-sized locomotives for light
are mounted between the underframe and track can obtain enough tractive effort
the truck frame to limit the tilt of the from four driving wheels, in which case
superstructure. The guides extending from the extra pair constitutes idling wheels. A
the frame to hold the journal boxes are truck with idling wheels is smaller than
called pedestals. Pedestal liners, or wear one with six drivers, since one motor
plates, are renewable to compensate for mounting is eliminated. Adjustable brake
wear. They should be kept lubricated to rigging is provided to take up slack caused
reduce wear. Some locomotives have by wear of brakeshoes. Compensation for
safety chains attached to a corner of the brakeshoe wear and turned wheels is ac
truck and the underframe to limit the complished by either adjusting a hand
swing of the truck in case of derailment. slack adjuster or changing pins from one
If the swing is otherwise limited, the hole in the brake levers to another, or
linkage iscalledanantislewingorantisway both. Brake cylinder piston travel is
device. Other details differ as described measured with the locomotive airbrakes
below. set (3-5 in. allowable). Generally, minor
b. Four-Wheel Rigid Trucks. The bol brake adjustment on locomotives using the
ster and frame are cast together in rigid hand slack adjuster may be made while
trucks. The only lateral motion provision the airbrakes are set. This is done by

closing a cutout cock in the application with a three way cut-out cock lo
lines to the brake cylinder, thus releasing cated under the body over each
the brakes on the cylinder or truck being truck.
worked on. e. Wheel Set. An assembly of two
(1) The hand slack adjuster is used to wheels on an axle is generally considered
take up slack in the brake rigging a "wheel set" in railroad parlance. For
caused by brakeshoe wear and to diesel-electric locomotives, an axle gear
keep the brake cylinder piston is also mounted on the axle, except in
travel constant. Brake cylinder "idler" wheel sets used in six-wheel
piston travel should be adjusted at trucks. The idler wheel is so designated
the maintenance point by replacing because it mounts no traction motor; its
worn shoes or changing brake lever purpose is to help equalize the weight
pin positions if necessary. Leave distribution of the locomotive.
the hand slack adjuster as near /. Axles. Axles are usually solid car
full travel as possible. Any pos bon steel forgings. There are many axle
sible adjustment that may have to specifications for various services. Where
be made en route can then be made the journal boxes are friction type, pro
with the hand slack adjuster, with vision is made to take lateral thrust by a
out the necessity of changing pins collar on each end of the axle. Roller
on the road. Hand slack adjusters bearing type axles have no collar at end
with 8-inch travel have enough ad of the journal. Axles are manufactured
justment to wear a brakeshoe down in six classifications, based on journal
completely to its condemning limit sizes, designated A to F, or 3-3/4 x 7
and still maintain the 2 -inch piston inches to 6-1/2 x 12 Inches. Only the
travel if the pins and bushings are larger sizes are found in diesel-electric
not badly worn. locomotive trucks.
(2) The automatic slack adjuster is
used in addition to the hand slack 130. Multigage Trucks
adjuster on the six-wheel truck a. General. Multigage trucks are des
passenger locomotive. The func ignated to permit adjustment of wheel
tion of this device is to take up spacing to accommodate diversified use
automatically any slack in the of the locomotive on different track gages.
brake rigging, due to brakeshoe The Military Railway Switcher (MRS)
wear, while the locomotive is en multiple-gage diesel-electric locomotive
route on long sustained high speed (fig. 97) has two six-wheel trucks with a
and long distance runs with sub traction motor on each axle. Since this
sequent heavy braking, and also to truck was designed primarily for military
maintain a constant piston travel use in various parts of the world, it had
throughout the trip. to be adaptable for track gages of 4' 8"
(3) Brake adjustment on all locomo (standard), 51 0", 51 3", and 5' 6". To ac
tives should be made when main commodate the widest wheel gage, the
reservoir air pressure is pumped frame is constructed wider than for any
up. When making adjustments to other truck used under locomotives. For
the brake rigging, release the field operation, wheel sets already as
handbrake and set the independent sembled will be available for the different
brake- valve in application position, gages. Where facilities for wheelworkare
setting locomotive brakes. There available, the standard spacing wheel set
is no necessity to apply or release can be repressed to the gage required. A
the brakes while adjustments are change of wheel gage necessitates a change
being made. For safety reasons in the brake rigging and sand pipes to

I brake adjustments are made after

cutting out the applicable truck
conform to wheel spacing. These compo
nents are so designed that they can be

readily changed. The steps necessary to each edge of the bolster casting, which
make these changes are discussed below. rides over the transoms in notched out
b. Frame, The frame, figure 77, is a so that it fits over the lateral shock
steel casting having two side frames con absorbers in each transom to take up the
nected near the center by two transoms lateral or sidewise motion of the car body.
or crossmembers. The transoms have Wear plates are provided at these points.
four spring pockets cast on top near the d. Equalizers. Four pairs of equalizers
Junction with the side frames and spring- are used to connect the journal boxes on
loaded wear and stabilizer plates as up the inside and outside of the pedestals. A
right projections at these points. Six spring seat is bolted between each pair
brake hanger bosses are cast integrally of equalizers near the outer pedestals.
with the transoms, two on each end of Each of these four seats carries two single
one transom, and one on each end of the coil springs upon which the frame rides.
other transom. A pocket for a lateral e. Coil Springs. Four heavy-duty dual
shock absorber is centrally located on coil springs, called bolster springs, are
top of each transom. Each side frame has used to transfer the weight of the locomo
three pairs of pedestal jaws and two tive between the bolster and the frame.
spring pockets cast integrally. The spring Four pairs of single coil springs carry
pockets are underneath the side frame the frame and ride on spring seats boated
between the pedestals. between equalizers.
c. Bolster. The bolster (fig. 78) is an /. Journal Box. The journal box (fig.
"H" type casting with center casting on 79) is a plain pedestal-type box, consisting
top and spring pockets underneath at the of a cast steel housing with a dustproof,
four corners. The spring pockets rest on spring-closed lid, 6-1/2- x 12-inch journal
the bolster coil springs which suspend the bearing. A general discussion of friction
bolster and car body on the truck. A steel bearing journal boxes is contained in
wear bushing is pressed into the center paragraph 131.
casting. Wear plates are mounted at the g. Axles. The axle (fig. 80) is tubular
four corners of the bolster. The center of and extra long so that it can be used for

Figwe 77. Truck frame.

Figure 78. Truck bolster.

wheel spacings of 53-3/8-inch, 56-7/8- side of the truck frame and attached
inch, 59-7/8-inch, and 62-7/8-inch. The to two horizontal cylinder levers.
wheel seats are the portions of the axle The inner ends of these cylinder
that have been increased in length to allow levers are attached, by means of
the wheels to be pressed onto the different a flexible clevis, to the top of the
gage widths. Since the journal boxes are two end truck levers. The two
friction type, provision is made to take horizontal cylinder levers are con
lateral thrust by a collar on each end of nected between the ends to an
the axle. Spacers (fig. 80) are used when intermediate horizontal lever by
a wheel set is changed to a wider gage. means of two pull rods, with the
Normally, the three spacers are on the necessary pins. This intermediate
outside of the wheel for standard gage. horizontal lever is provided with
The spacers have three threaded holes a fulcrum point between its ends,
which are used to pull the spacers before and its inner end is attached by
wheel and axle gear removal. The inner means of a flexible clevis to the
spacer is not threaded all the way through, top end of the middle truck lever.
and it also has a polished surface which (2) The brake cylinders, the horizontal
must be next to the motor journal bearing cylinder levers, the intermediate
when this spacer (or spacers, depending horizontal lever, and the necessary
upon gage) is placed on the inside of the lever guides are mounted on two
wheel. To mount spacers, heat in hot oil detachable brake cradles. These
(350° F.) and shrink in place. As indicated cradles are secured to the truck
above, the spacers can be removed by frame by three 1-inch bolts and are
using a puller. kept in position on the frame by a
h. Brake Rigging. shear lug on the frame at each end
(1) The brake rigging on the multigage of the cradle. These cradles each
truck consists of two 10- x 8-inch have twelve 1-1/16-inch holes
brake cylinders mounted on each spaced as shown in figure 81 for

Figure 79. Fricton-type journal box.

the front cradle, and figure 82 for lower ends of the truck levers are
the rear cradle. These holes are attached the brakeheads which hold
designated A, B, C, and D, as shown the brakeshoes. On 4' 8-1/2" gage,
figures 81 and 82. That portion of nut and spring holding brakeshoe
the frame which supports each of to brake lever are on the "outside."
the cradles is providedwith 6 holes For wider gages, nut and spring
tapped to take 1-inch bolts, and is must be on the "inside." At a point
arranged as shown in figure 83 for between the ends, these truck
the frame under the rear cradle. levers are attached to the truck
These tapped holes are designated frame by means of a 3/4-inch
1 and 2, as shown in figures 83 and diameter pin, designated "U" in
84. figure 85. This pin is secured by
(3) The three truck levers on each side a 1/2-inch keeper bolt, designated
of the truck are, as previously "V" in figure 85. The truck lever
mentioned, connected at their top is spaced laterally by four spacers,
ends to the horizontal levers by designated "W," "X," "Y," and"Z"
means of a flexible clevis. To the in the same figure, which are 2,



I isi
Figure 81. Front cradle

66 0
66 6°
Figure St. Rear cradle

83. From* at front oradlt.

Figure 84. Frame at rear credit.

1-1/4, 1, and 1/2-inch thick, re block. To the upper end of this pipe is
spectively. The inner end of the fastened a flexible rubber hose which
3-inch pin is supplied with a 3/4- leads upward to the senders on the car
inch tapped hole into which a body. The lower end of this pipe is sus
3/4-inch eyebolt may be inserted pended directly over the rail in front of
to facilitate removal of the pin. the wheel and, with new wheels, is 3 inches
/. Wheel and Axle Assemblies. The above the top of the rail. The sandpipe,
standard dimension between wheels, back- designated as "A" in figure 86, is held
to-back on locomotives designed to operate in place on a bracket mounted on the truck
on 4' 8-1/2" gage track is 53-3/8-inches. frame by two bolts ("E," fig. 86). Three
(For other gages, see Specification Table, spacers, designated as "B," "C," and "D"
table 1.) It has been customary to provide are also provided at the sandpipe bracket.
a machined surface on the inside hub of Additional boltholes ("F," fig. 86) are
the wheel to be used as a seat for the dust provided so that the sandpipe may be
seals in the gearcase and the traction raised after the wheels are turned or
motor bearings. Since it is intended to use smaller wheels applied.
the same traction motors and gearcases on
all gages, it is necessary that spacers be k. Pallguard. When the MRS locomotive
employed between the wheels in order to (fig. 98) is operated in CONUS, it will be
obtain a seat for the dust seals. Hence, in equipped with footboards or a pilot mounted
order to convert awheel and axle assembly on the end plate, as is customary in this
from 4' 8-1/2" gage to a wider gage, it country. When used in European countries,
requires the removal of the wheels from however, the coupling arrangement will not
the axle, the mounting of suitable spacers, permit the use of a conventional pilot.
and the reapplication of the wheels to the Hence, when so used, the pilot will be re
axle. Where the equipment for making moved and replaced with a railguard ar
such a change would not be available in rangement somewhat similar to that used
the field, it will be necessary to prepare on European locomotives. Provision has
a separate wheel and axle assembly, com been made for bolting a railguard support,
plete with gears and suitable spacers for designated as "G," figure 86 above, on the
each gage. Wheel and axle assembly part sander brackets withistwo bolts, shown as
numbers are indicated in table 1. •'H."r This support provided with two
j. Sanders. The sander arrangement on slots, "L" and "M," made to fit the rail-
the MRS truck consists of a short piece guard "J." The railguard is held in place
of 1-inch pipe welded to an oblong steel by two bolts, "K." The railguard is not

1 i

30"- 4' 8- 1/2' GA.

X 2
+ %

Figvn 86. Truck i*««r ^M.

made straight but is offset 1-1/2 inches, below most be performed while the motors
as shown in figure 86, as a provision for are out of the truck.
wider gage. Extra holes ("N." fig. 86) an
also provided so that the rallguard may m. To Ffom 4> *-!/?" to 5» 0"
be raised when the wheels are tuned or
renewed withwheels of smaller diameters. (1) Remove pedestal tie bars.
/. Gage Changing Procedures. The (2) Disconnect traction motor lead
steps indicated below outline, in sequence, wires.
the procedures for changing gages on (I) Disconnect flexible clevis top of
multigage trucks. In all cases. "IN" means truck levers.
toward the center-line of the locomotive; (4) Remove wheel and axle assembly
'•OUT" means away from the centerllne. with traction motor still in place
Procedures in /n(8), (9), (10). and (11) on axle. If a drop pit is available,
I 155
this may be accomplished by sup- outside slot "M" in railguard sup
porting truck frame and equalisers port. Offset in railguard should be
while motor and wheel and axle turned inward. Reapply bolts "K."
assembly is lowered out of the (18) Reconnect traction motor leads.
truck. If no drop pit is available, n. To Change From 4' 8-1/3" Gstfe to
then it will be necessary to remove 5» 3" Gale.
trucks from locomotive, provide (1) Same as ai(l).
suitable supports for the motors (2) Same as ai(2).
and equalizers, and lift the, truck (8) Same as /n(3).
frame off of the wheel and axle (4) Sameaso>(4).
assemblies. (5) Same as m(5).
(5) Place wheel and axle assembly in (6) Remove end wheel aw
a suitable fixture to hold motor and sembly No. 8175160 or
remove axle caps and bearings. wheel/axle assembly No. 8162972
(6) Remove end wheel and axle as from motor and replace with end
sembly No. 8175160 or center wheel and axle assembly No.
wheel and axle assembly No. 8175152 or center wheel and axle
8182772 from motor and replace assembly No. 8182779.
with end wheel and axle assembly (7) Same as /n(7).
No. 8175151 or center wheel and (8) Same as JOT (8).
axle assembly No. 8182774. (9) Same asm (9).
(7) Replace bearings and bearing caps. (10) Place spacers "W" and "X." figure
(8) Remove brake pin keeper bolt "V," 85, on the inside ofbrake lever and
figure 85, at each truck lever. spacers "Y" and "Z" on outside of
(9) Remove brake pin "U," figure 85. brake levers.
(10) Place spacers "X" and "Z," figure (11) Same as /n(ll).
85, on the inside of the brake lever (12) Same as m(12).
and spacers "W" and "Y" on the (13) Same as «(13).
outside fo the brake lever. (14) Remove 1-inch bolts in front and
(11) Replace pin "U," figure 86, and rear cradles. Remove two bolts
keeper bolt "V." from brake cylinder pipe clamp
(12) Replace wheel and axle assembly, bracket. Push cradles out until
with motor, in truck. holes "C," figures 81 and 82 in
(13) Reapply pedestal tie bars. cradles line up with topped boles
(14) Remove 1-inch bolts in front and 1, figures 83 and 84, in frame.
rear cradles. Remove two bolts Reapply bolts in cradles andbrake
from brake cylinder pipe *i"*p cylinder pipe clamp bracket.
bracket. Push cradles out until (15) Same as m(16).
holes (B, figures 81 and 82) in (16) Remove bolts "E." figure 86, in
cradles line up with topped holes sander brackets and place spacers
(2, figures 83 and 84) in frame. »B» and "C" inside sander pipe
Reapply bolts in cradle* andbrake block. Leave spacer 'Won outside
cylinder pipe clamp bracket of sander pipe block. Reinstall
(15) Connect flexible clevis between bolts "E."
truck levers and horizontal levers. (17) Remove railguard bolts "K," figure
(16) Remove bolts "E," figure 86, in 66, and turn railguard "J" so that
sander brackets and place spacer offset is outward. Replace In slot
"B" inside sander pipe block. "L." Reapply bolts "K."
Leave spacers "C" and "D" on (18) Same as «(18).
outside of sander pipe block, Rein a To Change from 4' 9-1/i Gstfe to
stall bolts "E."
(17) Remove railguard bolts "K," figure (1) Same as
86, and move railguard "J» to (2) Same as m(2).
(3) Same as m(3). cradles line up with tapped holes
(4) Same as /n(4). 2, figures 83 and 84, in frame.
I (5) Same as m(5). Reapply bolts in cradles and brake
(6) Remove end wheel and axle assem cylinder pipe clamp bracket.
bly No. 8175150 or center wheel (15) Same as/n(15).
and axle assembly No. 8182772 (16) Remove the bolts "E," figure 86,
from motor and replace with end in the sander brackets and place
wheel and axle assembly No. the spacers "B," "C," and "D,"
8175153 or center wheel and axle figure 36, on the inside of the
assembly No. 8182778. sander pipe block. Reinstall bolts
(7) Same as m(7). "E."
(8) Same as m(8). (17) Remove railguard bolts "K," fig
(9) Same as m(9). ure 86, and move railguard "J" to
(10) Place spacers "W," "X," "Y," and slot "M." Offset in railguard should
"Z," figure 85, on inside of brake be turned outward. Reapply bolts
lever. "K."
(11) Same as jn(ll). (18) Same a.am(18).
(12) Same as /n(12).
(13) Same as /n(13). p. Specification Table. The table illus
(14) Remove 1-inch bolts in front and trated (table 1) is presented herein as a
rear cradles. Remove two bolts summary of the positions the various
from brake cylinder pipe clamp parts should be in for operation of the
bracket. Push cradles out until MRS locomotive (truck) on the various
holes "D," figures 81 and 82, in gages.
Table 1. Specification Table

Cradle Truck lever Wheel and axle Sander*

Wheel Hole In Hole in Spacers Spaoere aiaembly Spacer* Spacer* Rail guard
Gage spacing cradle frame Inside outlade (end) (center) Inside outlade Slot Offset

4'8tfin. 53-3/8 in. A 1 None WXYZ 8175150 8182772 None B,C,D L IN

5*0 in. 56-7/8 in. B 2 X,Z W,Y 8175151 8182774 B C,D M IN
5'3in. 59-7/8 in. C 1 w,x Y,Z 8175152 8182779 B,C D L OUT
5'6 in. 62-7/8 in. D 2 WXYZ None 8175153 8182778 B.C.D None M OUT

131. Journal Box (Friction Bearing)

A Journal box consists of a oast steel between the box and the bearing. It has a
housing with a dustproof spring-closed smooth finish and is easily installed or
lid, wedge, journal bearing, thrust bear removed.
ing, dust guard, and spring packingwaste, b. The Journal bearing is a bronze-
in addition to gaskets, lock wire, and backed, babbitt, solid type bearing. It
bolts. In special cases, a thrust bearing rides on the top side of the axle journal
lateral spring pack is added (fig. 79). with tfte radius toward the wheel. The
a Channels on each side of the Journal thrust bearing, or thrust block as it is
box fit over the truck pedestals, holding sometimes called, is a steel casting with
the journal box in place in the truck a bronze face. It is located in the front
frame. A tie bar is bolted across the two part of the journal box and contacts the
lower ends of the pedestals. This serves end of the axle if lateral thrust is exerted.
as a reinforcement for the pedestals and It also houses a lateral spring and the
also prevents the journal box from drop snubber lateral springs. An oil passage
ping out of the pedestal in case of derail is bored in the recess of the thrust bear
ment. The wedge affords a solid contact ing housing to the bearing surface for
lubrication which is supplied by oil- ment ring. The lower portion of the
soaked cotton or wool waste, or mechan housing forms the oil reservoir and sump.
ical lubrication devices. The pedestal ways on the sides of the
c. The dust guard fits in a slot in the housing are lined with renewable wear
back end of the journal box. When the plates welded in place. The top of the
journal box is assembled on the axle housing forms a seat for the subequalizer.
journal, the felt dust guard fits on Depressions in the housings are provided
the shoulder of the axle next to the wheel for the application of heat indicator.
to prevent oil from leaking out of the box b. The outer retainment ring is an iron
and also to prevent dust and water from casting, the outside of which is turned to
entering the box. Oil-soaked spring pack fit the inner bore of the housing. It fits
ing waste or a lubricating device is between the end of the outer race and a
placed between the bottom of the housing shoulder at the end of the housing bore
and the axle journal. Oil-soaked cotton and is prevented from turning by the en
or wool waste is also placed in the recess gagement of the oil pour spout with bosses
of the thrust bearing to provide lubrica cast into the inside of the housing. Grooves
tion between the thrust bearing and the in the retainment ring conduct the lubri
end face of the axle. cant from the roller bearing operating
cavity to the thrust block. The thrust
block is cast from hard bronze and is
132. Journal Box (Roller Bearing) mounted on the inner side of the front
Roller bearings consist of heavy cylin cover. The thrust block is designed for a
drical inner and outer races and two rows lateral clearance between its face and the
of large diameter solid rollers retained end of the axle to allow the axle to float
in heavy bronze cages. The bearing rollers laterally within the truck. Shim adjust
and races are fabricated from hardened ment is provided to maintain any desired
alloy steel. The inner race is shrunk on lateral clearance between the end of the
the axle journal. The wheels may be re axle and the thrust block. The thrust
moved without disturbing the inner race. block receives the entire lateral thrust of
The rollers are cylindrical with flat ends the axle.
and are retained in one-piece cast bronze c. An oil seal bushing is pressed into
cages. Each bearing contains two rows of the inner end of the housing and provides
rollers which are spaced longitudinally by the oil seal and the inner retainment sur
a floating spacer ring which contacts the face for the roller assemblies. It does not
ends of the rollers. The outer race is touch the axle; therefore, no wear will
driven into the journal box housing. The occur. An inwardly extending flange
rollers are retained in the proper longi surrounds the inner race with small
tudinal position by hardened surfaces clearance. Oil which passes this flange
on the retainment rings. These retain- is flung outwardly by centrifugal force.
ment surfaces come in contact with the An annular space is provided in the oil
ends of the rollers only. seal bushing to catch this oil and drain it
a. The journal boxes may be fitted with back into the oil reservoir. This pre
plain or combination front covers. The vents any oil from collecting at the under
plain covers have no provision for auxil side of the axle. A baffle interrupts any
iary attachments; whereas, the combina upward surge of oil from the reservoirs
tion covers are fitted for the attachment at the rear of the housing. The inside
of speed indicator drives, braking speed diameter of the oil seal bushing shrouds
generators, overspeed control attach the dust guard diameter of the axle with
ments, or similar devices. The journal a close clearance.
box housing is a steel casting bored to
receive the outer bearing race, retain 133. Flange Oiler
ment ring, and oil seal bushing (if used), Flange oilers are provided on some
and to center the front cover and retain- equipment operating over numerous sharp
curves. Oiling the flange reduces the wear motive. Those on the locomotive are
on both the flange and the rail and re- mounted on the truck. Lubricant of a
duces the tendency of a wheel to ride up specified grade should be fed in limited
or override the rail. Flange oilers can quantity. The feed stick should ride the
be installed in the track or on the loco- correct part of the flange.


134. General
Routine operation of a diesel-electric subsequent check under such con
locomotive is controlled by the throttle, ditions Is also advisable.
reverse lever, and brake valves. Various (5) For multiple-unit operation, be
instruments, protective devices, and sure that all trainline Jumpers and
regulating devices contribute to efficient brake pipes are connected prop-
routine operation. A thorough general perly.
knowledge of various types of locomotives (6) Make certain that rags or tools are
and a careful observance of prescribed not left carelessly near the loco
operating procedures are essential to the motive, the diesel engine, genera
best operation. Rugged construction will tor, or other equipment.
not eliminate the effects of ignorance and (7) Check for loose or draggingparts,
abuse. Specific information for individual worn or missing brakeshoes.
types is best obtained from the respective (8) Inspect for visible wheel defects.
operational manuals issued by the manu (9) Check proper operation of coupler
facturer. knuckles at both ends of locomo
135. Preparation for Service (10) If engine has not run for a prolonged
period, test 'for accumulation of
a. General. It is necessary to Inspect water in the cylinders. Open all
the locomotive at maintenance terminals cylinder testvalves and turn engine
as well as at intermediate points following a complete revolution with an
layovers or crew changes. Such an inspec engine turning Jack.
tion acquaints the operator with the & Starting Diesel Engine. Each engine
condition of the equipment and supplies. and its relatedpower unit, being controlled
The following procedures are taken before from an individual control panel, must be
starting the engine: operating before using locomotive con
(1) Check supply of fuel oil, lubricating trols. Take the following actions:
oil in engine and air compressor, (1) Be sure outside battery charging
oil in engine governor, engine cool receptacle is not connected to
ing water, and sand. For prepara outside powerlines.
tion under extreme cold weather (2) See that locomotive controls are in
conditions, see paragraph 114. a neutral, or off, position (throttle,
(2) Check all lights. (Switches are reverse lever, etc.).
identified by nameplates.) (3) Close the battery cutout switch in
(3) Make certain all manually operated the cabinet and the main control
valves and electrical switches are switch at the control stand; also
in their correct positions. The close the fuel pump switch if the
handle of duplex fuel oil filters, motor is not supplied through the
when Installed, must be in proper control switch.
position (para 186). (4) The auxiliary generator switch is
(4) Check for oil leaks or water leaks. generally open to avoid the load
Leaks are more probable on a of turning it through an energized
warm engine under pressure, and field while cranking. Other
switches, such as fan, ground re 137. Inspections During Operation
lay, and motor cutout, should be in
their normal positions as directed Operators will inspect the following
in instruction manuals for individ equipment before moving the locomotive
ual models. and at appropriate intervals thereafter to
(6) Press the start button firmly. insure proper operation.
Press No. 2 start button to start & Fuel oil pressure gage.
No. 2 engine on locomotives so & Lubricating oil pressure gage.
equipped. Do not hold in for pro c. Turbocharger oil pressure gage.
longed intervals if engine does not d Engine water temperature gage.
fire, because continued cranking e. Main and control air system pressure
will discharge the battery. Lubri gages.
cating oil pressure should be £ Horn, bell ringer, sander, and window
normal before releasing the start wipers.
button, or the low lubricating g. Radiator fans, automotive and man
oil pressure shutdown device, ually operated radiator shutters.
which is bypassed during starting, h. Traction motor blowers (a locomotive
will stop the engine. must not move a train unless the traction
(6) After starting the engine, close motors are adequately cooled).
the auxiliary generator switch. /. Battery ammeter (should not show
Check the battery for proper discharge).
charging by observing battery am j. Water level gage.
meter. Idle the engine until engine k. Engine lubricating oil level.
water reaches normal operating /. Handle of metal edge lubricating oil
temperature. strainers.
136. Brake System Inspections
138. Moving Locomotive Without Train

I a. While engine is running, the brake

system should be checked to make sure
that —
a. General. Movement of a locomotive
without a train (light locomotive) involves
certain elementary procedures whichwar
(1) Brake cylinders and linkages rant discussion and separate consideration
operate properly. from procedures used when moving with a
(2) Air compressor is providing ade train. The following sequence should be
quate supply of air. followed by englnemen or operators:
(3) Pressure is regulated properly (1) Test airbrakes and release hand
by compressor governor.
(4) Independent and automatic brake brake.
valves operate properly. (2) Place the reverser lever in
(5) Condensate is drained from res forward or reverse position, de
ervoirs. pending upon desired direction.
(6) Piston travel is properly adjusted. (3) Place foot on foot lever on "dead-
man control" (para 122), if so
& Pump air at a high rate by placing equipped, and release airbrakes.
the reverse lever in the OFF position (4) Advance throttle slowly. The first
and advancing the throttle until the de few seconds are consumed by the
sired pumping rate is reached. This should automatic closing of power cir
be done at standstill when making up a cuits, following which the load
train, or when coasting downgrade to ammeter should register a flow
recharge the line. With the reverse lever of current. The throttle may be
off, an advanced throttle "revs up" the advanced rapidly for further ac
engine without applying power, and the celeration. If starting on an
compressor speed increases as engine upgrade,, do not release brakes
speed Increases. until the throttle has been opened

sufficiently to prevent the loco current has dropped. This prevents open
motive from drifting backward ing the power circuits while heavy current
(para 141). is flowing; Then move the throttle to an
(5) As speed is increased, manually idle or off position (not a stop position on
operated transition equipment controllers which stop the dlesel engine
should be handled as directed in in this position). Transition should take
operating instruction manuals for place when slowing down as well as when
that specific type of locomotive. accelerating. The brakes may be applied
(6) Retard throttle as required to concurrently with power reduction, but
reduce power for slowing down or power should be entirely shut off before
stopping, then apply brakes. the stop is completed (see para 1570).
b. Precautions. Locomotive should Do not use the Independent brake to stop
never be moved until englneman or opera a heavy train. Release deadman pedal
tor has assured himself that it is safe to after the brakes have been applied.
do so, and that no one is in a position to
be injured by the movement. Locomotives b. Emergency Stop. Move the automatic
should never be operated at speeds faster brake valye to emergency position. Power
than those speed limits posted In the cab. should be shut off. On some locomotives,
This restriction applies whether the this is done automatically, but In any event,
locomotive is operating on its own power, it is necessary to move the throttle to
coasting, or being deadheaded or towed, idle or off position before resuming
because the speed of rotation of the trac service.
tion motors (which are geared directly to c. Layover. After stopping, if engine-
the axles) is limited. Excessive speed will men leave the cab while dlesel engines are
loosen armature coils and banding, reduce running, precautions against unauthorized
airgap, and cause rubbing which injures or accidental movements must be taken.
insulation and causes circuits to become The principal precaution consists of re
defective. moving the reverse lever. The auxiliary
generator field switch may be opened, If
139. Moving Locomotive With Train desired, thus removing all excitation.
Many additional factors are involved Engines may be run at idling speed during
In handling trains properly (para 149). layover to avoid too frequent use of the
Routine procedures, In addition to those battery for engine starting or to keep
in paragraph 138, are summarized below: engine water and lubricating oil warm in
a. Couple to the train and connect brake cold weather.
b. Pump air to charge the tramline. 141. Reversing Locomotive
a When starting, take slack gradually.
d. Avoid slipping (spinning) the wheels a. Make a service stop. Come to a com
if possible. Temporary slipping corrects plete stop before attempting to reverse.
itself. Persistent slipping should be cor Do not move the reverse lever while the
rected by retarding the throttle slightly. locomotive is still In motion. Do not drift
In one direction with the reverse lever
Note. Do not apply sand while wheels are slip set In the opposite direction. Electrical
ping. A sudden grabbing of driving wheels may equipment may be seriously damaged if
cause surges of current, flashovers, etc. Sand is
used to prevent wheel slip; use it sparingly. this rule is disregarded, because the
motors will short circuit the generator
due to the lack of a back-emf.
140. Stopping Locomotive b. Change the reverse lever to the
a. Service Stop. Move the throttle to opposite direction.
first running position and hold it there c. Release the brakes and advance
until the load ammeter indicates that the throttle in the normal manner.
specific locomotive. Care must be exer
142. Cutting Out Traction Motor cised to avoid stopping the engine
If an electrical failure such as short immediately after a hard run as thewater
circuit or ground occurs in a traction circulating pumps will also stop and the
motor, disconnect it by means of the water will boil. Idle the engine until the
traction motor, disconnect it by means of water temperature drops to about 140* F.
the traction motor cutout switch. before stopping it.
a Idle the engine. Do not cut out motors b. Normal Stop. Cool the engine at
under load. If several power units are idling speed and then shut off the fuel
moving in multiple, it is not necessary supply. An engine control switch, stop
to retard the throttle. An isolating switch, switch, or a stop position on the throttle
or engine control switch, is usually pro will shut off fuel by actratlng the engine
vided to idle an engine while throttle is shutdown valve or governor in certain
advanced. installations. Open the fuel pump switch
b, Open by turning the traction motor if its power circuit was not opened by the
cutout switch. See paragraph 83 for types stop switch. Open the auxiliary generator
of switches. switch.
e. A load ammeter in the general circuit
will then read half normal value and load a Cutout Stop. Certain procedures
limits must be adjusted to reflect this 50 under a above may shut down all engines
percent reduction in current. A load in multiple-unit connection. If only one
ammeter in one leg of the motor circuit engine is to be stopped, use an individual
will read full normal value if it is in an control switch or governor stop button.
unaffected circuit or zero if it is in a cL Emergency Stop. A locomotive with
cutout circuit. out a stop position on the throttle usually
has an emergency engine stop switch on
143. Cutting Out ond Restoring Power Unit the control stand which, when closed, will
a A faulty power unit may be out out if operate all engine shutdown valves. On
it can no longer deliver power for traction some locomotives, opening the main con
but can operate to pump air, charge trol switch on the control stand will stop
batteries, and keep the engine water the engine, (hi the rare event that power
system functioning in cold weather. Idle to the motors is not shut offwhen a throttle
the diesel engine by setting the isolation is retarded to idle, stop the engine.) The
switch or engine control switch, whichever fuel cutout pull rings, which are described
is provided. A unit in multiple may be later, are not used for quick engine stop
isolated while other units are operating ping.
under advanced throttle. It is usually pos e. Shutting Down Locomotive. Engine-
sible to continue multiple-unit operation men will take the following actions:
from an Isolated unit, because control (1) Stop the engine in the normal
circuits continue to function. manner.
& An isolated unit may be put back into (2) Remove reverse lever.
service by merely returning the isolating (3) Set handbrake and release air
switch or engine control switch to its brake. Block wheels.
normal position. (4) Open battery switch,
(5) In cold weather, take necessary
144. Stopping Diesel Engines precautions to prevent engine
a General Diesel engines are stopped freezeup.
by shutting off the fuel supply (para 84). 145. Deadheading Locomotives
The method of doing this varies with the
Individual design of the engine. Operators a General. The proceduresforpre-
must be familiar with these methods and paring diesel-eleotric locomotives out of
follow the procedure applicable to the service for shipment between various
Army areas, activities, installations, and/ side of the hypoid gear unit hous
or commercial repair facilities follow: ing. Maintain proper lubricating
b. On Flatcars. Prepare all 23-, 25-, oil level. MRS 120-ton locomotives
and 45-ton (300 horsepower) locomotives should be placed at rear of train
for shipment loaded on commercial with traction motor brushes and
flatcars, as follows: pinion gears in place and reverser
(1) Close or seal all ventilators and drum centered and locked in posi
cover exhaust stacks. tion.
(2) Close and lock all doors and (4) Maintain required lubricating oil
windows. level in the traction motor support
(3) In freezing weather conditions, bearings. Check for proper con
drain entire engine cooling system dition and position of wick
and steam generator (if so equip lubricators.
ped) if antifreeze protection has (5) Provide adequate lubrication to
not been provided. reduction gearcase.
(4) Remove the two end battery con (6) Lubricate all mechanical moving
nection leads. Tape and secure the parts, such as brake pins, levers,
loose ends of these leads. etc. Check condition of brakeshoes
(5) Place all applicable manuals, and airhoses; renew as required.
accessories, inspection record (7) Inspect position and condition of
forms, and data record sheets In Journal bearings, wedges, and
the locomotive cab toolbox. In packing. Tuck In all loose ends or
addition, place the applicable parts strands of packing. Be certain
and tools listed as initial issue journal repack date conforms to
items shown in the appropriate Army requirements. Provide ad
manual in the toolbox. ditional lubricatidn to all Journal
(6) Lock locomotive cab toolbox. For boxes.
ward keys to the receiving activity. (8) Remove the brushes from all trac
c. On Own Wheels. Prepare locomo tion motors.
tives other than those indicated in b above (9) Generally, prepare all airbrake
to be shipped dead on own wheels as systems on diesel-electric loco
follows: motives being hauled dead on own
(1) In addition to the first six items wheels as follows:
listed in b above, block reverser (a) Reduce the adjustment of the
in neutral and the throttle lever safety valve on the distributing
in "idle" position. Open battery valve to 23 pounds.
and traction motor cutout switches (b) Place the automatic brake valve
and all other manually operated handle in running position and
electrical switches. the independent brake valve in
(2) Remove pinion gears and apply release position. For additional
loose fit dummy bearing spacers protection, either clamp or wire
on 44-, 45-. and 47-ton (380 hp) the handles.
and 64-ton diesel-electric loco (c) Close the doubleheading cock
motives with single or double (when equipped) and open the
reduction axle drive. dead engine cock to "dead" posi
(3) On 80-ton diesel-electric locomo tion.
tives equipped with hypoid gears, (d) Set each airbrake cylinder piston
disengage the intermediate shaft travel at 5 Inches.
gear from traction motor pinion (e) Open both angle cocks.
gear by shifting the intermediate (10) Procedure for setting "dead
gear shafting, and relocate the engine" on 6-SL brake systems
shaft spacer collar to the opposite equipped with doubleheading fea
tures in as follows:

(a) Couple together the brake pipe by the leading locomotive only. However,
hose; open the brake pipe hose the independent brake valve can be used
angle cocks. so that the noncontrolling locomotive can
(b) Place handles of both brake release its own brakes only to avoid
valves in running position. sliding or overheating its wheels. See
(o) Set the N-l-A brake application instructions for individual types of brake
valve K-3 rotair valve in dead equipment for correct settings of rotair
position. valves, dead engine cock, and double-
(d) Open the dead engine cock on heading cock. Doubleheading differs from
the 6-DKR distributing valve. multiple-unit operation In that the loco
(e) Plug the equalizing discharge motives 'need not be of the same type and
valve vent. This will require each locomotive has its own operator.
the removal of the equalizing
discharge fitting and use of a 147. Connecting Units in Multiple
plug in its place. The locomotive Multiple-unit equipment previously dis
brake will then operate like that cussed in paragraph 86 is provided for
of a car in the train. the purpose of operating two or more
(f) When a locomotive has been in coupled locomotives as one locomotive
use as a "live" engine prior to from one cab. Not all locomotives with
being set up as a dead engine, multiple-unit equipment (fig. 60) can be
the main reservoir pressure connected In multiple. Individual operating
should be reduced to 20 pounds instructions for specific locomotives
below brake pipe pressure. should be strictly observed in this respect.
(g) When it is desirable to keep the Only the general objectives can be dis
maximum braking power of a cussed here. Controls for the throttle,
locomotive lower than standard, transition, and brakes must be similar
J reduce the adjustment of the
safety valve on the distributing
valve as indicated in (9) (a) above.
(11) Speed restrictions should be held
on connected locomotives. The reverse
lever is removed from trailing units in
order to deactivate the electrical con
troller. The control switch is opened in
to 35 miles per hour. MRS 120-ton trailing units because the electrical
locomotives may be towed at 50 Jumpers between units connect the related
miles per hour. circuits. The doubleheading cock on the
(12) When locomotives are prepared as brake pedestal is placed in trailing posi
previously outlined, messenger tion. The air system is otherwise kept
service is not required on the fully operative, and the battery switch Is
locomotive or locomotives being kept closed In trailing units. If engine is
shipped as freight on their own not running, it must be started at its own
wheels. If available and desired, control panel. If both engines are running
sulfur heat pad or stink bombs when locomotives are coupled, there is
may be placed on the Journal an Interval when some circuits may be
bearing and/or traction motor connected to two power sources (depending
support bearings In order to Indi on Individual designs). Undesirable cur
cate hotspots or hotboxes. The rents may flow during this interval until
train crew should be advised when the control switch of the trailing unit Is
these safety items have been ap opened, but it is usually practical to
plied. connect units in this manner without stop
146. Operating as Pusher or Doubleheader ping the engine on the trailing unit during
the coupling operations.
In pusher or doubleheader service,
power is controlled on each locomotive 148. Changing Operating Ends
independently by a separate operator,
but service brake applications are made When an operator moves controls to
another cab. control of both the power by a trip shaft or fuel control shaft ex-
system and air Bystem mustbe established tending the length of the engine to outt off
(out In) at the new station and cut out at the fuel injectors, and others by dropping
the station being deactivated. In general, out a clutch in the governor. The alarm
a service application is made on the brake bell and indicator lights come on when the
system, the reverse lever handle is re engine is stopped. The device is usually
moved, cooks are set as directed in at one end of the camshaft and is tripped
airbrake instructions, all control stand by the centrifugal force offlyweights acting
switches are opened, and the opposite against a spring which holds the tripping
action is taken at the new station. To avoid lever. It must be reset by hand, using a
stopping the diesel engine during the lever which Is either mounted on the hous
changeover, it may be practical to delay ing (fig. 87) or is inserted in a reset slot.
opening the control switch (and perhaps Some types use a reset button. The reset
the fuel pump switch) at the old station ting procedure should be apparent on sight.
until the circuits have been established (Control switches related to engine start
through the new station. ing should be set at the same time as
directed in the operating Instructions for
the specific locomotive.)
149. Miscellaneous e. Recovery After Emergency or Pen
a. Running Through Water. Under ab alty Brake Application. Following an
solutely no circumstances should a emergency brake application, there is a
locomotive pass through water which is loss of air pressure and frequently an
deep enough to touch the bottom of the interlocking of electrical controls. The
traction motors. If it is necessary to brake system must recover and interlock
run through water of less depth, proceed ing must be disengaged. The procedure
at very slow speed (2 or 3 miles per hour) for most installations is —
to avoid splashing the motors. (1) Place automatic brake valve in
o. Crossing Other Tracks. When lap position.
crossing other tracks, reduce the throttle (2) Return throttle to idle position.
to the fifth notch or equivalent to avoid (3) Place foot on safety control (dead-
excessive Jarring which, under a heavy man) pedal, if installed.
load, may ouase pitting of the commu (4) Allow application pipe to build up.
tators. Keep the throttle at this position In about 12 seconds, an audible
until the locomotive and all trailing units release of the application portion
have traversed the crossing. indicates that the line is charged.
c. Retailing Locomotive. Do not apply On locomotives having an indicator
power to derailed driving wheels. A trac light connected to a pneumatic
tion motor, or any series motor, will be control switch or power cutoff
seriously damaged if power is applied switch, the light goes out when the
when unloaded, which is the condition equipment has reset.
existing when derailed wheels spin freely. (5) Return brake valve to running po
It is best to move the derailed locomotive sition.
with another pusher. However, if power L Handling Long Trains. The three
can be kept off the derailed wheels by main factors in handling a long train are
opening the proper traction motor cutout throttle, braking, and slack action plus a
switch, or by isolating a power unit on knowledge of the route over which it is
two-unit locomotives, power may be ap operating. Improper handling can readily
plied to the motors remaining in service result in a broken coupler. Complete in
in an attempt to rerall the locomotive. formation must be obtained locally from
d. Resetting Engine Overapeed Trip. printed regulations, verbal information,
Normally, an overspeed trip mechanism or actual experience. Only a few typical
is provided as a safety feature to stop circumstances can be given here to em-
the diesel engine when its speed becomes phaalze the importance of a thorough
excessive. All types shut offthe fuel, some knowledge of such matters.


Figure 87. Resetting overspeed trip.

g. Starting Train. Starting a train de the train has been stretched. Sometimes
pends not only on the class of locomotive it is advisable to reduce the throttle a
being used but also on the type, length, notch the moment the locomotive begins
weight, and the amount of slack (free play to move in order to prevent stretching the
at couplings) in the train in addition to slack too quickly. The engineman must be
grade and weather conditions. It is im the Judge of the acceleration and the con
portant that the airbrakes be completely ditions under which the train is being
released before attempting to start the started. When the locomotive has moved
train. On a 100-car train having average far enough to completely stretch the train,
uniformly distributed leakage, as much as the throttle may be advanced, but should
9 minutes may be needed to completely not be advanced so quickly that slipping
release the brakes. It requires approxi results. It is never necessary to move
mately 3D minutes (with 130 pounds main the throttle hastily except in an emer
reservoir pressure) to completely charge gency. The throttle should be opened with
a depleted air system on a similar 100- a steady motion but gradually enough to
car train. Although it will generally be move the load without slipping the wheels.
unnecessary to bunch slack in starting, h. Slack Action. Avoid quick runout of
there will be oases where it is wise to do the head end to avoid breaking a coupler.
so. A tonnage train should be started in Quick runout can be caused by releasing
as low a throttle position as possible, the head end to free rolling while the rear
bearing In mind that the speed of the lo is still braking. This is especially -likely
comotive must be kept at a minimum until if the independent brake has been used. If
a rear end helper cuts off from the train released before the speed of the
at the top of a grade without stopping the train has been reduced to less M
train, care is necessary to avoid rough than 10 mph. ^
slack adjustment. Always adjust slack (2) Retainers will hold the train while
gradually whether in or out. When not ad charging.
justing slack, keep the train stretched, (3) Cars are equipped with a type AB
except when deliberately bunching for a control valve which is sensitive to
stop or other special circumstances. quick pressure changes in the
L Terminal Brake Test A terminal brake pipe, even at low brake pipe
brake test consists of a thorough inspec pressures, which will respond to
tion of brakes on newly made up trains an emergency application if brakes
after brake pipe has been charged. Make are needed before normal pres
a continuous service reduction of brake sure is built up.
pipe pressure of about 15 pounds and hold (4) Brakes are kept applied on amov
(lap). Brake pipe pressure gage should ing freight until stopped when —
show that leakage will not exceed 5 pounds (a) Forward end is on downgrade
per minute. If this condition is satisfac and rear end on level or ascend
tory, make an additional reduction to a ing grade.
total of 20 pounds. The crew then walks (b) There is a curve on the rear end
the length of the train to see that all acting as a brake.
brakes are applied (all cocks must be set (c) Loaded cars are on front and
so that all reservoirs charge and hence empty cars on rear of train.
all brake cylinders respond). Piston travel (d) Excessive brake pipe leakage
is also checked visually for each cylinder. has developed en route. All of
Signal is then given to release the brakes these conditions are equivalent
from the locomotive, and the crew walks to extra braking on the rear end,
the length of the train to see that all brakes and a release would probably
release, all retainers are down (that is, permit a quick runout of the •
not holding brakes) and all handbrakes are head end of sufficient force to
released. The train is now ready to oper part the train.
ate, but running brake tests are made by
slight application and release en route L Retainers. It may be necessary to
immediately after leaving terminal. Run release brakes while running if brake
ning brake test is also made prior to pipe leakage causes too great a trainline
certain downgrade operations. reduction; or if an intermediate level
grade or upgrade on a long mountain
j. Brake Pipe Pressure. The feed valve descent would cause the train to stop if
may be set to give various brake pipe brakes were not released; or to recharge
pressures desired for freight or passenger the auxiliary reservoirs so they do not
service. Regulations sometimes specify fall below predetermined pressures for
that normal pressure for smooth braking that run. Retaining valves are provided
over rolling terrain will be increased for on oars to retain braking effort while
additional braking on certain downgrades. charging. They are set on certain cars to
When locomotives are interchanged be keep the brakes applied on these cars and
tween freight and passenger service, re prevent the train from running away while
set the feed valves to give standard brake the trainline is being recharged (it is
pipe pressure for the service in which necessary to release in order to recharge) .
they are operating. The number of cars on which the retainers
k. Brake Pipe Charging. See paragraph are set varies with the grade and the ton
136 for quick pumping, The train should nage of the train. Information must be
not be stopped on a grade unless — obtained from local operating rules gov
(1) It is certain the trainline can be erning movements on a specific grade.
fully charged and all brakes fully Some retainers provide for a gradual

lease as well as an absolute holding 150. Operating Difficulties
action. a General. When faults develop which
m. Braking With Power. If braking require departure from routine operation,
while power Is applied, remember that for the crew should determine whether they
any given throttle position the drawbar oan continue to operate and whether they
pull rapidly increases as the train speed oan correct the trouble (as discussed In
decreases. This pull might become great o below). A thorough understanding of this
enough to part the train unless the throt manual should enable the crew to check
tle is reduced as the train speed drops. equipment without further Instructions, but
The pull of the locomotive is indicated by many faults occur so seldom that the fol
the- amperage on the load meter. The en lowing summary of special procedures
gineman oan maintain a constant pull on may be useful.
the train during a slowdown by maintain
ing a steady amperage on the load meter. b. Low Oil Pressure Alarm. Low oil
This is accomplished by reducing the pressure indication is given on all engine
throttle a notch whenever the amperage shutdowns and it is, therefore, necessary
starts to increase. The independent brakes to determine whether there is any other
should be kept fully released duringpower reason for an engine shutdown. Since the
braking, and the throttle must be In the same alarm bell rings for all alarm indi
idle position before coming to a stop. cators (except wheel slip), the crew should
n. Brake Pipe Reductions Prior to first observe indicator lights to determine
Release. After stopping a long train, whether another device, such as a water
trainline air pressure may vary suffi temperature switch or ground relay, has
ciently to lack the required differential to stopped the engine. If several units are
release the brakes on the rear ofthe train. connected for multiple-unit operation, the
It is, therefore, advisable to make a 15- bells ring on all units, but the indicator
pound reduction on an 80-oar train, a lights come on only for the faulty unit.
20-pound reduction on a 120-oar train, Low oil pressure on a single unit must
and a 25-pound reduction on longer trains be corrected in order to operate. When
in order to Insure subsequent release of units are connected in multiple, the op
the rear end brakes. A broken coupler erating unit may continue to operate after
may be caused by brakes holding the the faulty unit is isolated, provided load
rear. limits as described In paragraph 76 are
a Defective Brake Cufotrf. Defective observed.
train brakes may be cut out, if necessary, o. Water Temperature Alarm. The crew
on not more than one oar in seven. On must know whether the protective system
freight oars, olose the cutout cook In the (para 94) stops an engine, idles an engine,
brake pipe branch pipe and drain the res or merely gives an alarm. If several units
ervoirs on the oar. On passenger oars, are connected for multiple-unit operation,
olose the cutout cook In bom the brake the bells ring on all units, but the indi
pipe branch pipe and the brake cylinder cator lights come on only for the faulty
Pipe. unit. If the locomotive has a means of
A Mixed Train Restrictions. Mixed setting the shutters manually, or if the
trains of both freight and passenger oars automatic regulation of fan motors can be
are usually restricted to freight train bypassed (usually by a so-called manual
speed and freight train brake pipe pres position of a fan and shutter switch) oper
sure. Passenger equipment is generally ation maybe resumed. Water temperature,
placed next to the locomotive if heat and under such circumstances, may not be in
water raising equipment is kept operating. the usual operating range but may be
The graduated release feature should be within a safe operating range. If the crew
set for direct release. Some freight oars cannot bring water temperature down to
are equipped for passenger service with a safe operating range, the unit must be
out any adjustments. shut down or isolated.

d Ground Alarm. Press the ground re & Engine Does Not Turn Over.
lay reset button at the lit ground indicator (1) Battery and control switches
light to attempt to resume service if the be open; close them.
ground was a temporary condition. If the (2) Battery or control fuses may be
ground indication persists and it is nec blown.
essary to use the unit, open the ground (3) Battery may be down; recharge.
relay cutout switch. Such operation is for (4) Electric connections may be poor.
emergency use only, and the information (5) Engine start switch may be defec
in paragraph 95 should be followed exactly tive.
when this situation arises. If the ground (6) Engine heat may be too low for
is thought to be in a traction motor, out starting (start hot water heater*).
the motor out of the circuit (para 83). o. Engine Turns Over But Does Not Fire.
e. Wheel Slip Indication. Power is au (1) Check fuel supply.
tomatically decreased when wheels slip (2) Fuel lines may be broken or
and then restored when slipping stops. It clogged; governor may be inoper
is not necessary to reduce the throttle ative.
because of momentary wheel slipping. (3) Fuel lines may be airbound. If so,
Repeated slipping under poor rail condi prime them.
tions requires a reduced throttle. The (4) Fuel filter may be plugged. If so.
proper use of sand will minimize wheel clean it.
slippage. Sand should be used to prevent (5) Emergency fuel shut off may be
but not to overcome, wheel slippage. closed.
(6) Fuel pump not running; check cir
151. Troubleshooting cuit.
(7) Water may be in fuel.
a. General. Operating difficulties which d. Locomotive Does Not Move With En
cannot be offset by alternative operating gine Running and Throttle Open.
methods described in paragraph 150 re (1) Brakes may not be released.
quire further observation of trouble (2) Battery and control switches may
symptoms to determine whether minor be open (close).
remedies will make it possible to oper (3) Electric connections may be poor.
ate. The most prevalent troubles are open (4) Reverse lever may be in neutral
circuit breakers, burned out fuses, dirty (move to proper position).
or clogged oil or air lines, leaks, defec e. Locomotive Moves Very Slowhr.
tive interlocks, and loose or broken elec (1) Drag may be too heavy; out offcars.
trical connections. For methods of (2) Brakes may not be fully released.
correcting operating difficulties, refer to (Bleed line.)
specific troubleshooting directions appli (3) Main generators may not be
cable to respective models of locomotives. delivering full power.
Some failures which develop during £ Locomotive Remains in Low Speed.
operation, including difficulties in start (1) The traction motor is not making
ing, are caused by careless departure transition.
from operating routine instead ofdefective (2) All traction motors are not operat
equipment. The following list includes ing.
those failures most common on diesel- g. Locomotive Moved With Throttle Off.
electrio locomotives. The usual causes Throttle valve is stuck open. Close by hand
of these failures are also indicated. The or open control switch and apply brakes.
list can be used only as a general guide, h. Engine Stops.
since specifications for each piece of (1) Fuel supply is exhausted; refill
equipment vary. The operation or mainte tank.
nance manual which applies to the equip (2) Fuel line is broken or fouled; re
ment in question should be referred to place.
before taking corrective action. (3) Fuel filter is plugged.
(4) Low lubricating oil pressure. (2) Faulty feed valve; replace.
(5) Bar engine over to see that it is not p. Brakes Hold After Release Applica
blocked by an obstruction. tion. Brake pipe undercharged or faulty
(6) There is a faulty governor or distributing valve.
throttle linkage. q. Low Braking Power.
(7) Governor is inoperative; check fuel (1) Too much brake cylinder piston
racks. travel; adjust.
/. Engine Overspeeds. (2) Faulty piston.
(1) There is a faulty governor. (3) Worn brakeshoes; replace.
(2) Improper fuel pump rack setting. (4) Low brake cylinder pressure.
(3) Low overspeed trip setting. (5) Broken brake cylinder pipe; renew.
j. Engine Overheats. r. Brake Cylinder Pressure Too High.
(1) Water is low. Check for leaks and Feed valve stuck or distributing valve
refill faulty water pump; replace. sticks,
(2) Radiator is plugged or dirty. s. Sander Does Not Operate.
(3) Lubricating oil not cooling prop (1) Wet or dirty sand. Clean out trap
erly. and refill box with clean, dry sand.
(4) Fan belts are slipping; renew. (2) Kinked hose or pockets in hose.
(5) Heat exchanger (lubricating oil Clean out and straighten hose.
cooler) is plugged. (3) Blocked sandpipe. Clean out pipe.
(6) Shutters closed or not functioning; (4) Broken sander; replace.
check operation. t. Broken Brake Pipes. Many brake
(7) Engine overloaded. pipe troubles are similar on all types of
(8) Water hose collapsed; replace. brakes, but reference must be made to in
k. Engine Paces Before Picking Up Load. dividual diagrams for full servicing work.
Main generator field is defective. Excita Typical description for 6-BL brakes fol
tion fails to build up properly. lows:
/. Battery Does Not Charge. (1) Main reservoir pipes. If the main
(1) Blown battery or charging genera reservoir pipe breaks between the
tor fuse; renew. reservoir and the brake valve ped
(2) Faulty electric circuits. estal in such a way that it cannot
(3) Generator brushes faulty; clean. be repaired, the locomotive brake
m. Air Pressure Does Not Build Up. cannot be applied by either brake
(1) Main reservoir drain valve open; valve.
close. (2) Main reservoir branch pipes. If the
(2) Brake pipe angle cock open; close. the branch pipe from the main res
(3) Pilot valve stuck open; close. ervoir pipe to the distributing valve
(4) Unloader valve stuck open. breaks between the main reservoir
(5) Compressor belts slip or are pipe and the cutout cock, plug the
broken; replace. main reservoir side of the break
(6) Faulty compressor; repair. and close the branch pipe cutout
n. Air Pressure Builds Up Slowly. cock. The locomotive brake is then
(1) Long train requires longer time to inoperative. The train brakes can
charge. be operated in the usual manner.
(2) Compressor belts are slipping. (3) Brake pipe. If the brake pipe
(3) Unloader valve stuck open; close. branch to the distributing valve is
(4) Broken pipe or loose fittings. broken, plug the end leading from
(5) Faulty governor. the brake pipe. The train brakes
a Brakes Reapply After Regular Re may then be operated in the usual
lease. manner, but the locomotive brake
(1) Brake pipe is overcharged. Make cannot be operated by the automa
partial brake application and tic brake halve. The locomotive
return handle to running position. brake can be operated by the inde

pendent brake valve inthe ordinary valve unless the opening from the
way except that the Independent distributing valve side ofthe brake
brake valve must be depressed, In is closed. Closing of this break
release, to release it. If the break should not be done except possibly
is ahead of the branch pipe to the in switching service where the in
distributing valve and the branch dependent brake valve is mostly
pipe to the brake valve, the branch used. Then, it is necessary to keep
pipe side of the break may be the independent brake valve handle
plugged without affectingbrake op in release position at all times
eration. If the break occurs be when it is desired to release the
tween the branch pipe to the distri locomotive brake. On road loco
buting valve and the branch to the motives, the distributing valve side
automatic brake valve, plug the of the brake should be left open and
distributing valve side of the pipe the brakes controlled by the auto
and close the brake pipe cutout matic brake valve until repairs can
cock. It will be. Impossible to apply be made.
and release the brakes by the auto (7) Equalizing reservoirpipe. In case
matic brake valve, but they may be of breakage of the equalizing res
applied and released by the In ervoir pipe, plug this pipe at the
dependent brake valve. brake valve and alsoplug the brake
(4) Brake cylind-er pipe. A broken pipe service exhaust. Then, to ap
brake cylinder pipe permits main ply the brakes, move the handle of
reservoir air to escape when the the automatic brake valve grad
brake is applied. This may cause ually toward emergency position,
the release of one or more of the making the desired brake pipe
locomotive brake cylinders, de service reduction gradual and di-
pending upon where the break ect. Then return the handle grad
occurs. If the break cannot be re ually to lap position.
paired, close the cutout cook in the (8) Safety control pipe. In case of a
pipe leading to the broken pipe. If brake between the safety control
the break occurs next to the distri cutout cock and the N-l-A brake
buting valve reservoir, close the application valve, and there is no
cutout cock of the main reservoir overspeed control or train control
supply pipe to the distributing on the locomotive, move the cook
valve. The locomotive brakes can on the application portion cover to
not be applied, but the train brakes OUT position. Otherwise, plug the
can be operated normally. break on the application valve side.
(5) Application cylinder pipe. If the The brakes may be operated nor
application cylinder pipe breaks, mally, but safety control is nulli
plug the pipe on the distributing fied.
valve side of the break. The loco (9) Application pipe (No. 10). If the
motive brake cannot be applied with break occurs on the branch to the
the independent brake valve, and safety control volume reservoir,
the emergency maintaining feature plug the break on the application
is lost; the locomotive brake can, pipe side. In this case, only the
however, be applied as usual by the safety control warning time period
automatic brake valve and released is lost. If the break occurs else
by that valve in running position. where, the cook on the application
(6) Distributing valve release pipe. If portion cover of the N-l-A brake
the release pipe breaks, the holding application valve may be moved to
feature is lost and It is impossible out position. This nullifies all con
to keep the locomotive brake fully trol applications.
applied with the Independent brake (10) No. 8pipe. If this pipe breaks, plug
the broken pipe on the application rangement only). If this pipe breaks
valve side. The brakes may be between the main reservoir and the
i operated normally, but the feature
that requires lapping of the auto
No. 15 connection of the three-
position brake pipe cutout cock or
matic brake valve handle to release N-l-A brake application valve, the
the brakes after a control applica break must be repaired. Other
tion is lost. Also, during a safety wise, there will be no pressure to
control application, the application keep either type of brake pipe cut
valve will cycle. out cook seated. If It breaks in any
(11) Equalizing pipe. Regardless of the other location on a unit between the
location of the break, plug the break the end connection cutout cocks,
on the distributing valve side, set plug the main reservoir side of
the transfer valve operating cook the break and close all main res
on any units operated in multiple- ervoir end connection cutout cooks.
unit control to lead position, and If the break occurs on an end con
close all equalizing pipe end con nection between units, close all end
nection cocks. The brakes will connection cutout cocks. If it is
operate normally except that inde necessary to close any of these
pendent brake valve control of a cutout cocks on units equipped with
trailing unit will be lost. compressor governor synchroni
(12) Transfer valve operating pipe. zation, the governor system must
If this pipe breaks, turn the trans be set to permit the governor on
fer valve operating cook to lead each unit to control its compressor
position or leave it inthat position. independently. This is imperative
The brakes will operate normally to avoid excessive main reservoir
except that, if the locomotive is pressure on the trailing unit. The
operated as a trailing unit, inde brakes will operate normally, but
pendent brake valve control of the main reservoir supply of air
brakes on that unit will be lost. for train braking will be limited to
(13) Main reservoir equalising pipe that of the lead unit system.
(trainlined on multiple-unit


152. Application Problems

The selection of the proper type and handle about 500 pounds of axle load (2
size of locomotive for a particular opera wheels) per pound of rail weight (that is.
tion, or group of operations, requires about 30,000-pound axle loading for 60-
detailed study of many variable factors pound rail, 25,000-pound axle loading for
involved in train movements. These 50-pound rail). As rails become heavier,
factors are briefly described here for the allowable axle loading increases to
general information. A thorough under an approximate value of 700 pounds per
standing of them is needed by experienced pound of rail for 90-pound rails (that is,
personnel who are responsible for re 63,000 pounds).
lated decisions. Many days of calculation c. Condition. The spacing of ties, the
by experienced transportation men are type of ballast, standards of maintenance,
required to determine power requirements general condition of tie plates, rail joints,
or make tonnage ratings for specific and other items affecting rail ailnement
motive power. In Army operation where are factors to be considered in applying
capacity movements, schedules, and oper engineering data to locomotive applica
ating routines are uncertain and often tions.
governed by expediency, approximate
ratings may be made temporarily in 154. Operating Limitations
shorter time. However, heavy tonnage a. Bridges. If standard operating prac
which would load a locomotive beyond its tices are not known, information should
short-time ratings must be avoided in be obtained from Corps of Engineers re
making up trains or in operating trains connaissance or other reliable sources
when faulty equipment requires cutting concerning the limitations in capacity and
out en route part of the locomotive's power speed with which trains may be safely
equipment. Significant factors affectingthe operated over a bridge. In oversea areas,
application problem are discussed sepa considerable reinforcement and strength
rately in paragraphs 153 through 159. ening of bridge members may be required
Some factors are normally uniform in the before the heavier Army locomotives can
United States but must necessarily be in be used.
cluded in any study of universal applica b. Clearances. The overall height and
tions. width of locomotives and overhand at
153. Track
curves should be determined if there is
any question about tunnels or other fixed
a. Gages. The need for proper matching structures constituting an obstruction to
of wheel spacing to track gage should not the movement of trains. U. S. built motive
be overlooked. In foreign countries, many power and rolling stock will generally
different track gages exist. The multi- require wider clearances than that found
gage truck is provided for such situations, in oversea areas.
but changing locomotive gage requires c. Curvature. Curved track offers more
time and shop facilities. A multigage loco resistance to train movement than straight
motive is depicted in figure 97. track. Resistance increases with the de
b. Weight of Rails. Allowable axle gree of curvature and must be taken into
loading varies with the weight of rail, consideration in studying power require
speed of operation, and other factors. Rails ments. Sharp curves may also cause de
weighing 60 pounds per yard or less will railments or damage to couplers if the

I wrong type of locomotive is dispatched.
A 1 -degree curve is one in which 100 feet
of track is 1/360 of a complete circle.
Curve resistance varies with trucks, bank
section is expressed as the percent grade.
Any traffic movement upgrade naturally
requires extra power which must be con
sidered when determining locomotive
ing of track, etc. A value of 1 pound per applications. The grade which limits the
ton of train weight per degree of curva size of train that can be moved by a given
ture is used in calculating train move locomotive is called the ruling grade of
ments. a section or division. The actual grade
d. Speed Limits. Many conditions of is the rate of uniform rise or fall of a
track and traffic impose speed limitations track and is calculated by dividing the
below the maximum capabilities of the difference in elevation between two points
locomotive. The characteristics of the by the distance between the points. It is
load and its duration affect the study of expressed in percent. A 2-percent grade
motive power applications. For example, means there is a difference of 2 feet
a speed limit approaching an upgrade (due elevation in a 100-foot length of track. If
to a sharp curve) will create a load for a the actual grade varies slightly in adjacent
locomotive on the grade which differs sections, an average grade for all sec
considerably from the load for the same tions may be used in studying train move
train on a corresponding grade approached ment. The selection of points between
at higher speed. Speed limitations apply which the average grade is suitable for
while any portion of the train is in the use in train calculations is a matter of
restricted zone, even though the loco Judgment and experience.
motive has reached a straight, unre b. Grade resistance is calculated at 20
stricted section of track. pounds per ton for each percent of grade.
e. Types of Couplers. Couplers in the A ton (2,000 pounds) must be raised Ifoot
United States are standard AAR types, for each 100 feet traveled on a 1-percent
34-1/2 inches high, with springs in the grade. If the grade is 2 percent, the train
draft gear to absorb some of the shocks. is raised 2 feet and the grade resistance
They swing enough to permit free move is 40 pounds per ton. If the grade is 0.50
ment around curves. Couplers in most percent, the train is raised 1/2 foot and
foreign countries differ greatly from the the grade resistance is 10 pounds per ton.
American couplers. Locomotives must On a downgrade, gravity helps move the
have couplers which conform to the roll train and a corresponding negative figure
ing stock utilized. All U. S. Army foreign is used in the calculations. When the nega
service type diesel-electric locomotives tive downgrade resistance balances the
are designed to use Willison (41 inch other forces retarding the train, it will
height) couplers. coast at constant speed without power.
/. Types of Brakes. Vacuum brake sys When the negative downgrade resistance
tems are used in some foreign countries. exceeds the other forces retarding the
A proper exhauster and brake applica train, it will coast at increasing speed and
tion valve must be part of locomotive require an application of brakes when
equipment in such service. Compressed maximum allowable speed is reached.
air systems are described in paragraph
119. 156. Types of Service

155. Profile There are three types of railway train

service; passenger, freight, and switching.
a. The profile gives the elevation of Passenger service, such as ambulance
the track at all points, from which can trains, may require a steam generator on
be obtained the rise or fall between the locomotive for train heating. High gear
points. Portions of track having a con ratio is preferable in passenger service,
sistent general trend of rise or fall are and the braking system should have a
grouped for analysis, and the slope of any rotair valve for adjusting braking power

to the type and length of train. In light operation where costs and competitive
switching service, track conditions may schedules are important. The elementary
require a light locomotive and low gear analysis in paragraph 158, plus observa
ratio with high starting tractive effort. tions from experience, will serve most of
Independent brake applications are often the requirements in the Army.
sufficient if only a few cars are being
moved, and it is impractical to connect 158. Train Acceleration
airhose. Long trains should not be stopped a. The power required to accelerate a
with the independent brake. Road freight
service generally uses equipment designed train at a rate of 1 mile per hour per sec
for intermediate speed. Helper service and ond is about 100 pounds per ton. Freight
humping service are special applications trains usually accelerate at about 0.1 to
of the above three groups of service. 0.2 mile per hour per second, and a power
Structural changes are required in insu requirement of 10 pounds to 20 pounds per
lation for operation in severely cold ter ton of train weight is a reasonable value.
ritory, in filtering during operation in b. Accelerating rates are often confus
extremely dusty surroundings in mines ing. If a passenger train increases its
and mills, and in desert operations. The speed from standstill to 20 miles per hour
many basic similarities between different in 20 seconds, it increases its speed 1
designs permit interchangeable use of lo mile per hour during each second of time.
comotives, but when a locomotive is as In 30 seconds, it would be traveling 30
signed to a different service, it must be miles per hour. If a freight train requires
operated under restrictions described 80 seconds to reach 20 miles per hour, its
elsewhere in this manual, or it must be accelerating rate is 1/4 mile per hour per
modified in gearing, braking, etc., in the second. It is essential to express acceler
shops. ation as a change in speed per unit of time
(feet per second per second or miles per
hour per second).
157. Train Resistance c. The adhesion, or coefficient of fric
Train resistance is the sum of the forces tion, between the driving wheels and the
which oppose the motion of a train at con rails determines the maximum tractive
stant speed on straight level track in still effort that can be exerted without slipping
air. It is made up of rolling friction, Journal the wheels. If two surfaces are pressed
friction, and normal air resistance. Many together, it requires force to slide one
formulas have been devised for calculating along the other. There is usually a definite
the resistance values of different types relationship between the sliding force re
of trains. Resistance value varies with the quired and the pressing force existing be
speed of the train, the type of bearings, tween two surfaces. The ratio of sliding
and the axle loading. Extremely cold force over pressing force is called the
weather increases Journal friction. The coefficient of friction or adhesion. Various
Davis formulas are most widely used and tests have been made to determine the
can be found in numerous railroad text coefficient of friction between train wheels
books. However, the entire family of and steel rails, the force pressing the two
curves derived from these formulas nar together being the weight on the points of
rows down to an approximate value of 5 contact. A consistent set of tests of awide
pounds per ton of train weight for speeds variety of electric locomotives, over a
below 30 miles per hour. Above 30 miles long period of years, show starting adhe
per hour, the resistance will vary from 6 sive values varying from 48 percent down
to 12, and even more, pounds per ton of ward. It has been found that on a clean
train weight. It is a significant factor in dry rail, a factor of 30 percent is usually
the speed which a given locomotive can obtainable at start and a factor of 20 to
attain with a given train. These factors 25 percent is normal on a wet rail if sand
are studied in detail in regular railroad Is used. However, as the train speed rises,

various factors tend to reduce the weight c. The net tractive effort available for
on drivers momentarily and thereby allow acceleration is greatest at low speeds —
driving wheels to slip. The maximum use column 8.
ful adhesive value decreases as the train d. The train reaches a balancing speed
speed increases. (constant speed) at line 3a where all avail
able tractive effort is used to overcome
159. Train Movement the various resistances to train movement.
Train movements require power to e. The train resistance is a greater
overcome grade resistance (para 155), percentage of the total as speed increases.
curve resistance (para 154c), and train If at line 3b the grade is assumed to
resistance (para 157), plus the power re change from 0.3 percent to 0.15 percent,
quired to accelerate the train from stand a tractive effort of 5175 becomes available
still or from intermediate slowdowns en for further acceleration. The average rate
route. After it has been determined what of acceleration is then shown to be 0.14
size train can be started on the ruling mph per second, and in line 5, the balanc
grade by a given locomotive, it must be ing speed is again reached for the new
established whether the locomotive will conditions. On level track or straight
be traveling at a speed within the continu track, a still higher balancing speed would
ous load rating after the short-time ratings be reached. Any subsequent increase In
have been used up to the available over grade or curvature will reduce the train
load capacity. It is also necessary to know speed. It can be seen that train movement
what other grades are encountered and is a constant adjustment to a balance be
the time spent on these grades. A detailed tween many continually varying forces.
study called a speed-time-distance calcu The use of speed-time-distance calcula
lation is required. The complete calcula tions for steam locomotives is largely a
tion is very involved. Table 2 shows typical study of schedule performance and an
I selected entries from such a calculation,
the purpose here being to convey an idea
assurance against stalling on heavy
grades. The study for diesel-electric loco
of the relative importance of grade resist motives takes on an additional significant
ance, curve resistance, train resistance, factor with respect to the extent and dura
and acceleration at various speeds. The tion of overloads. If it is necessary to
time spent and the distance traversed at study locomotive application by test oper
each stop are not shown. The values that ations, most satisfactory results and
are shown are for a given speed, and the regulations are obtained if the basic fac
time and distance calculations must apply tors of an engineering calculation are
from one speed to another speed. The understood. (Additional columns in table 2
various steps of speed must be assumed would be the average acceleration between
at intervals sufficiently close so that the any two lines, the time spent in acceler
various tractive effort and resistance ating between the selected speed values
values remain approximately constant in column 2, and the distance traversed
during that step. The significant facts in that interval. These figures actually
shown in table 2 are— occupy an intermediate, or In-between,
a The tractive effort of the locomotive line in the calculation. If tables are seen
decreases as speed increases (as shown with all entries made on a straight line
in any locomotive tractive effort curve) — for sake of convenience, the analysis is,
column 3. nevertheless, understood to apply to the
& The train resistance Increases as respective blocks as Just described.)
speed increases — column 6.

Table t. Typical Data for Sf«ed'Tim»-Diatance Calculations for a Train of I,7t6 Ton*
O.tX grade to line Sa. 0.18X grade after line Sa, one degree curve
t a a 4 8 6 T s •
Speed Total Tractive Rate of
(mllee trao- Orade Reeletanoe effort acceleration
hour) effort tanoe Curve Train Total acceleration aeoond)

1 6 62,500 10,350 1,725 8,070 20,145 42,355 .246

2 17.5 27,000 10,350 1,725 8,880 20,955 6,045 .037
3a 21.5 21,625 10,350 1,725 9.550 21,625 0 0
3b 21.5 21,625 5,175 1.725 9,550 16,450 •5,175
4 23 19,000 5,175 1,725 9,700 16,600 2,400 .014
5 24.5 16,890 5,175 1,725 9,990 16,890 0 0

Column 6 ie column 8 minus column T.

Column 9 la column 8 divided by train tonnage, divided by 100 (par* 168a).
•Available at the Inatant the grade ohangea. The approximate average tractive effort and rate of acceleration be
tween 21.5 mpb and 34.8 mph le shown In line 4.



160. Central that will stop and start the air com
Before starting each trip, enginemen pressor within 5 pounds above or below
will ascertain that the locomotive brakes the pressure fixed.
are in safe and suitable condition for c. The compressor governor, when used
service, the air compressor or com in connection with the automatice air
pressors are in condition to provide an brake system, will be so adjusted that
ample supply of air for the service in the compressor will start when the main
which the locomotive is placed, the de reservoir pressure is not less than 15
vices for regulating all pressures are pounds above the maximum brake pipe
properly performing their functions, the pressure fixed by the railway equipment
brake valves work properly in all posi superintendent of the theater. It will not
tions, and the water has been drained stop the compressor until the reservoir
from the airbrake system. pressure has Increased not less than
10 pounds.
161. Safety Volvts d. Compressor or compressors must
be tested for capacity by orifice test
& The main reservoir system of each as often as conditions require and not
unit will be equipped with at least one less frequently than once each 3-month
safety valve, the capacity of which will period.
be sufficient to prevent accumulation of (1) The diameter of orifice, speed
more than 10 pounds pressure psi above of compressors, and minimum
the maximum working air pressure fixed main reservoir air pressures to
by the chief officer of the unit operating be maintained during test of com
the locomotive. pressors in common use are shown
b. A suitable governor will be provided in table 3.
Table 3. Mechanically Operated Air Compressors

Compressor (o) Diameter Minimum main

or motor (•) of t««t reservoir
Type • peed orlfloe air pressure
compressor <rp»> (Inch**) (pounds)

ABE 600 fo) 13/64
ADX 600 fcl 13/64
WXE 600 (c) 1/4 74
WXO 600 fo) 9/32 74
WXG 600 fo) 23/64 74
ADS 900 (c) 1/8 96
ABO 600 (o) 13/64 72
ABX 600 (c) 13/64 57
ADR-9001 500 (c) ft 9 drill 59
ACM-1000. .............. 500 (o) 3/32 60

Table 3. Mechanically Operated Air Compressors -Continued.

Compre»or (o) Diameter Minimum main

or motor (m) of t»»t reservoir
Type •peed orifice air pnaaur*
compressor (rpm) (lnoh««) (pound*)

General Electric:
200 (0) 9/32 64
CP-35 1,000 (m) 15/64 107
1.450 (m) #41 drill 65
CP-130 1.470 (m) #24 drill 65
360 (c) 13/64 115
360 (o) 13/64 115
CP-36 235 (o) #28 drill 104
CP-39-A '• . . . 313 (c) 15/64 118
7CPA39A1 258 fc) 15/64 95
400 (o) 17/64 77
400 (c) 17/64 53
2-CDA 400 (c) #12 drill 77
D-2-F 200 (c) #36 drill 86
DH-20 273 (c) #41 drill 86
200 (c) #36 drill 86
XQ-27 100 (c) #34 drill 86

(2) Consult manufacturer's specifica (7) Self-lapping portion for electro-

tions for orifice tests of air com pneumatic brake (minimum full
pressors not listed in table 3. application pressure), 65 pounds.
(3) Test specifications indicated above (8) Self-lapping portion for inde
must be used for altitudes to and pendent airbrake (full application
including 1,000 feet. For altitudes pressure), 30 to 50 pounds.
over 1,000 feet, amount of air (9) Reducing valve for air signal,
pressure shown may be reduced 40 to 60 pounds.
4 percent for each 1,000 feet (10) Reducing valve for high speed
increase in altitude, brake (minimum), 50 pounds.
e. The minimum capacity of any com
pressor permitted in service will be 162. Hydrostatic Test of Main Reservoirs
approximately 80 percent of the capacity
of the compressor when new. Every main reservoir will be subjected
/. Air pressure regulating devices must to hydrostatic pressure of not less than
be adjusted for the following pressures: 25 percent above fixed maximum working
(1) Minimum brake pipe air pressure, pressure. A report will be made on DD
70 pounds. Form 1336 (Monthly Inspection and Repair
(2) Minimum differential between Report of Locomotives and Locomotive
brake pipe and main reservoir Cranes Other Than Steam) (fig. 93) at
air pressures, with brake valve in least once every 12 months. The entire
running position, 15 pounds. surface of each main reservoir will be
(3) Safety valve for straight airbrake,
hammer tested each time the locomotive
40 to 55 pounds. is shopped for general repairs. This must
(4) Safety valve for LT, ET, No. 8 -EL,
be done at least once every 18 months, and
No. 14-EL, No. 6-DS, No. 6-BL, a report made on DD Form 1336. This
and No. 6-SL equipment, 40 to 68 test will be made while the reservoir
pounds. is empty.
(5) Safety valve for HSC and No. 24-RL
163. Air Gages
equipment, 40 to 75 pounds.
(6) Reducing valve for independent or Air gages will be so located that they
straight airbrake, 30 to 50 pounds. may be read conveniently by the engine
man from his customary position in the split keys, or nuts. Brakeshoes will be
oab. Air gages will be tested at .least properly fastened in place and kept
once every 3 months or whenever any approximately in line with the tread of
irregularity is reported. They will be the wheel.
with an accurate deadweight b. Piston Travel. Minimum brake cyl
tester or test gage constructed for the inder piston travel will be sufficient to
purpose of testing gages. Air gages found provide brakeshoe clearance when the
incorrect will be repaired before they brakes are released. Maximum brake cyl
are returned to service. inder piston travel, when locomotive Is
standing, must not exceed the following:
164. Cltoning (1) Driving wheel brake, 6 Inches.
Distributing or control valves, reducing (2) Swivel type truck brake with brakes
valves, triple valves, transfer valves, on more than one truck operated
straight-air doublecheck valves, brake by one brake cylinder, 7 inches.
pipe vent valves, and dirt collectors will (3) Swivel type truck brake equipped
with one brake cylinder, 8 inches.
be cleaned and maintained as often as (4) Swivel type truck brake equipped
conditions require. This should be done with two or more brake cylinders,
at least once every 6 months. The date 6 inches.
of testing or cleaning and the initials
of the shop or station at which the work 166. Main Reservoir Leakage
is done will be stenciled legibly in a
conspicuous place on the parts or placed Leakage from main air reservoir and
on a card displayed under glass in the related piping must not exceed an average
oab of each locomotive. of 3 pounds per minute in a teat of 3
minutes duration, made after the pressure
165. Foundation Brake Gear is reduced 40 percent below the maximum
pressure. Brake pipe leakage must not
a General. The foundation brake gear exceed 5 pounds per minute. With a full
will be maintained to the standard for service application from maximum brake
the locomotive. Levers, rods, brake pipe pressure and with communication
beams, hangers, and pins will be of to the brake cylinders closed, the brakes
ample strength and will not be fouled must remain applied not less then 5
in any way which will affect the proper minutes.
operation of the brake. All pins will be
properly secured in place with cotters,


167. Drawgoar and Connections

c. Drawbars and pins, when used be
& Drawgear between units of any loco tween units of any locomotive, will be
motive and connections between trucks removed as often as conditions may re
will be of ample strength and will be quire or at least once every 6 months.
maintained in a safe and suitable condi When used between trucks, they will be
tion for service. removed each time the locomotive is
b. Provisions will be made for securing shopped for general or echelon repairs
drawbar pins and pins of articulated or at least once every 18 months. When
connection. A plate or stirrup will be drawbars and pins are removed, they
provided under the lower end of all and their connections will be Inspected
drawbar pins and articulated connection carefully for defects. Date of the last
pins which will prevent the pin from inspection will be stamped legibly on
falling out of place in case of breakage. the heads of the pins and drawbars.
dL Lost motion Is articulated connec A. Draft gear and attachments of loco
tions will be kept to a minimum and will motives will be of ample strength, securely
not exceed 1/4 inch at each pin. Pins attached, and maintained in a safe and
of articulated connections between units suitable condition for service including
of any locomotive will be removed at couplers and all operating gear. Standard
least once every 6 months and pins of couplers measuring 5-1/8 niches or more
articulated connections between trucks between point of knuckle and guard arm
will be removed at least once every 18 will not be continued in service.
months. When articulated connection pins
are removed, they will be inspected care 168* Running Gear
fully for defects. Date of last removal a Axles. Driving and truck axles with
and inspection will be stamped legibly any of the following defects will be con
on the heads of the pins. tinued in service:
e. When drawbars are used between (1) Cracked or bent axles, or out
units of any locomotive, chafing irons journals that cannot be made to
or spring buffers that permit proper run cool without turning.
curving will be properly attached to each (2) Seamy Journals in steel axles.
unit. They will be maintained in condi (3) Transverse seams in iron axles
tion to permit free movement laterally or any seams in iron axles
and vertically. Lost motion between causing Journals to run hot.
chafing irons will be kept to a minimum (4) Driving and truck axles unsafe
but must not exceed 1/2 inch. Buffer on account of usage, accident, or
springs will be applied with not less derailment.
than 3/4 inch compression and will at (5) Driving or truck axles more than
all times be under sufficient compression 1/2 inch under original diameter.
to keep the chafing faces in proper & Gear Guards.
alinement and contact; nhafing irons or (1) Exposed gears will be provided
spring buffers will not be required for with safe and suitable guards.
drawbars designed and constructed for (2) Gears or pinions with any of the
the purpose of taking buffing stresses. following defects will not be con
When such drawbars are used, the lost tinued in service:
motion will be kept to a minimum and (a) Gears or pinions loose on shaft.
will not exceed 1/4 inch at either end. (b) Gears or pinons broken, cracked,
/. Drawgear between units of any loco or with badly worn teeth.
motive consisting of automatic couplers (c) Broken or defective rim fasten
with friction or spring draft gear will ings.
be maintained in such condition that the (d) Gears or pinions out of alinement
lost motion in each draft gear assem or improperly meshed.
blage not absorbed by the springs or (e) Split gears with loose or missing
friction devices will not exceed 1/2 inch. bolts.
g. Drawgear between units of any loco c. Lateral Motion. The total lateral
motive, consisting of automatic couplers motion between the hubs of the wheels and
without friction or spring draft gear, will boxes on any pair of wheels will not ex
have lost motion kept to a minimum and ceed the following limits:
lost motion between coupler and coupler (1) Truck wheels, 1 inch.
pocket will not exceed 1/4 inch in each (2) Driving wheels (more than one pair
assemblage. If the couplers are attached of wheels), 3/4 inch,
by means of pivot pins, the pins will (3) The lateral motion will in all in
be removed and inspected at least once stances be kept within such limits
every 6 months. The date of the last that the driving wheels, rods,
inspection of pins will be stamped ligibly crankpins, or armatures will not
on the heads of pins and all prior dates interfere with other parts of the
obliterated. locomotive.

<L Frames and Parts. Frames, deck at each corner of all four-wheel
plates, tailpieces, pedestals, and braces and six-wheel trucks, except where
will be maintained in safe and suitable construction prevents truck sluing
condition for service and will be cleaned in case of derailment.
and inspected -thoroughly each time the (4) All parts of trucks will have suf
locomotive is in shop for general or eche ficient clearance to prevent them
lon repairs. from seriously interfering with any
e. Spring Rigging. other part of the locomotive.
(1) Springs and equalizers will be ar (6) Truck bolsters will be maintained
ranged to Insure the proper distri approximately level.
bution of weight and to cushion (6) Suitable means for securing radius
shocks to the various wheels. They bar pins in place will be provided.
will be maintained approximately Inverted radius bar pins will be
level. held in place by plate or stirrup.
(2) Springs or spring rigging with any (7) Trucks with any of the following
of the following defects will be re defects will not be continued in
newed or repaired properly: service:
(a) Top leaf broken, or two leaves in (a) Cracked arch bar.
top half, or any three leaves in (b) Loose column, pedestal, or jour
spring broken. (The long side of nal box bolt.
spring is considered the top.) (c) Cracked or broken frame, unless
(b) Springs with leaves working in properly repaired.
band. (d) Loose tie bar.
(c) Broken coll springs. (e) Broken or defective motor sus
(d) Broken, cracked, or badly worn pension lug, spring, bar, or bolt.
driving-box saddle equalizer, (f) Broken or cracked center cast
hanger, bolt, gib, or pin. ing.
I £ Trucks.
(1) Truck center plates will fit prop
erly, and the male center plate will
extend into the female center plate
(g) Cracked or broken equalizer,
hanger, gib, or pin.
(8) Motor suspension lugs or bars will
be of ample strength and provi
not less than 3/4 inch, except on sions made to prevent nose-sup
motor trucks constructed to trans ported motors from falling Incase
mit tractive effort through center of failure of motor supports.
plate or center pin. The male cen g. Side Bearings.
ter plate must extend into the (1) Side bearings will be fastened se
female center plate not less than curely in place. Friction side
Ll/2 inches and the center plates bearings with springs designed to
will be fastened and maintained carry weight will not be continued
securely. When trucks are re in service with more than 25 per
moved for any reason, female cen cent of the springs broken in any
ter plates will be cleaned of any one nest.
accumulated scale and lubricated (2) Friction side bearings unless de
with lard stick grease before re signed to carry weight will not be
placing trucks. run In contact. Maximum clearance
(2) Center pins with substantial head, of side bearIngs will not exceed 1/4
key, or nut at each end, or other inch on each side or a total of 1/2
suitable means that will bold the inch on both sides. When more than
carrying bolster on the truck will two side bearings are used under
be provided. All centering -* /ieos» the same rigid superstructure, the
will be maintained proper.. clearance on one pair of side bear
(3) A suitable safety chain of minimu. ings will not exceed 1/4 inch on
I consistent length will be provided each side or a total of 1/2 inch on
both sides. The other side bearings creased in proportion. Side bear
under the same rigid superstruc ing clearances may be modified if
ture may have 1/2 inch clearance investigation shows that operating
on each side or a total of 1 inch on conditions and construction war
both sides. These clearances apply rant such modification.
where the spread of the side bear h. Clearance Above Top ofRail. No part
ings is 50 inches or less. Where or appliance of locomotive, except the
the spread is greater, the side wheels, will be less than 2-1/2 inches
bearing clearance may be in above the top of rail.


169. Wheels Tight on Axle

a Wheels will be pressed securely on tires or 5/8-inch flanges are used on front
axles, except wheels and axles of special or rear drivers, trucks will be provided
design and construction where other for safely guiding the locomotive (fig.
proper and safe means are .provided for 880).
holding the wheels on the axles. Wheel f. The maximum taper for tread of driv
mounting pressures are listed in table 4, ing wheels from throat of flange to outside
(para 229). Prick-punching, shimming of wheel for locomotives used in road
wheel fit, or driving pins in ends of axles service will be 1/4 inch. On locomotives
will not be permitted. used in switching service, the taper will
b. When wheels or tires are applied or be 5/16 inch. The maximum taper for tread
turned, the diameter of the wheels on the of truck wheels from throat of flange to
same axle will not vary more than 3/32 outside of wheel will be 5/16 inch.
inch. When all wheels or tires are turned g. The minimum width of wheels for
or new wheels applied in rod-connected driving and truck wheels of standard gage
driving-wheelbases, the diameter of such locomotives will be 5-1/2 Inches for flanged
wheels will be within 3/32 inch of the tires and 6 inches for plain tires. The
average diameter of the other wheels in minimum width of tires for driving and
the same driving-wheelbase. truck wheels for narrow gage locomotives
c. Wheels used on standard gage track will be 5 inches for flanged tires and 5-1/2
will be out of gage if the inside gage of inches for plain tires.
flanges, measured on base line, is less h. The limits prescribed in c, e, and g
than 53 inches or more than 53-1/2 inches. above may be modified if, upon application
d. Counterbalance, when used, will be to the commanding officer, investigation
maintained in safe and suitable condition shows that conditions warrant such modi
for service. fication.
e. On locomotives used in road service, 170. Wheel Defects
the minimum height of flange measured
from tread will be 1 inch. On switching Wheels with any of the following defects
locomotives, the minimum height will be will not be continued in service. (Defects
7/8 inch, except where construction does listed are in accordance with provisions
not permit the full height of flange on all of the Association of American Railroads
driving wheels in any rigid wheelbase. In Wheel and Axle Manual, the standard rail
such exceptions, the height of flange on at way reference on this subject.)
least two pairs of drivers will be not less a Slid flat, when the flat spot Is 24/2
than 1 inch for road locomotives and not inches or over in length or if there are
less than 7/8 inch for switching locomo two or more adjoining spots each 2 inches
tives. The others may have flanges with or over in length.
minimum height of 5/8 inch. Where plain b. Broken or chipped flange, if the chip K



figure 88. Method of gaging wheels.

I 185
exceeds 1-1/2 inches In length and 1/2 Inch /. Loose, broken, or defective retaining
in width. rings, tires, or bolts.
c. Broken rim, If the tread measured /". Flanges more than 1 1/2 inches from
from the flange at a point 5/8 inch above tread .to top of flange.
the tread is less than 3-3/4 inches in width, k. Thickness of tires less than that
d. Wheels with defective treads on ac shown in paragraph 17la
count of cracks, or shelled-out spots 2-1/2 /. Wheels or tires out of gage.
inches or over, or so numerous as to en m. Rolled steel wheels 13/8 inches or
danger the safety of the wheel. less in thickness through throat of flange
e. Any seam running lengthwise and or 1 inch or less in thickness at rim when
within the limit of 3-3/4 -inches from the used in road service; or 1 1/8 inches or
flange. less in thickness through throat of flange
/. Wheels with flanges having a flat ver or 3/4 inch or less in thickness at rim
tical surface extending 1 inch or more when used in switching service (fig. 88(2)).
from the tread or flanges 15/16 inch thick a. The limits shown in m above may be
or less, gaged at a point 3/8 inch above modified if, upon application to the com
the tread, will not be continued in service. manding officer, Investigation shows that
Cast iron or cast steel wheels on axles conditions warrant such modifications.
with journals 5 by 9 inches or over will
not be continued in service with flanges 171. Minimum Tirt Thickness
having flat vertical surfaces extending 7/8
inch or more from the tread or flange 1 a. Minimum thickness for driving wheel
inch thick or less gaged atapolnt3/8 inch tires on standard and narrow gage loco
above tread. motives is 1 inch when used in road serv
g. Wheels with tread worn hollow 5/16 ice and 3/4 inch when used in yard service.
inch on locomotives used in road service Wheels will not be reapplied to axle when
or 3/8 inch on locomotives used in switch tire thickness, after turning, is less than
ing service. 1/4 inch above minimum (fig. 88(2)).
h. Wheel cracked outward from the & The thickness of tires may be modi-
wheel fit, cracked tread, cracked plate, fled if the commanding officer approves
one or more cracked brackets, or wheel and investigation shows that conditions
loose on axle. warrant such modifications.


172. Cabs an appliance that will clean the outside of

a. The word "cab" as used in these the windows over sufficient space to pro
rules and instructions means that portion vide a clear view of track and signals
of the superstructure utilized for housing ahead. They may be equippedwith awindow
the enginemen and parts of the locomotive which is hinged at the top and is so placed
and through which a passageway is pro in the glass of each of the doors or win
vided for the use of the enginemen. dows that it can be closed or opened and
b. Cabs and superstructures will be at fastened in desired position in the cab.
tached securely and braced. Cab windows Hinged windows will be 5 inches high, and
will be located and maintained so that the the lower edge will be without obstruction
enginemen will have a clear view of track and as nearly as possible in line with the
and signals from their usual and proper engineman's vision when he is seated in
positions in the cab. the cab.
c. Front cab doors or windows which are d Deck plates and floors of cab pas
in line of enginemen's vision when they sageways and compartments will be kept
look ahead from their usual and proper free from accumulations of oil, waste, or
positions in the cab will be equipped with any obstructions that create unnecessary
hazards. Deck plates and metal floors will located in front of the locomotive
be roughened properly or other provisions and one on the rear. Each head
made to afford secure footing. light will be of sufficient power to
e. Floors of enginemen's compartments enable a person in the cab of
will be constructed of, or covered with, the locomotive, under the condi
heat-insulating zr, ferial. tions set forth in (1) above, to
f. Enginemon's compartments will be see a dark object such as there
provided with heating arrangements that described for a distance of at
will maintain therein a temperature ofnot least 300 feet ahead and in front
less than 50* F. Temperature will be taken of such a headlight. Such head
at substantially the center ofthe compart lights will be maintained in good
ment under normal winter weather condi condition.
tions, under the running conditions of the o. Classification or Marker Lights.
locomotive, and with doors and windows Each locomotive will be provided with
closed. such classification and marker lamps
g. Aprons or cover plates, when used as may be required. When such lamps
between units or compartments, will be of are used, they will be maintained in good
proper length and width to insure safety. working order; classification lights will
They will be hinged or fastened securely
and roughened, or other provisions will be be lighted electrically.
made to afford secure footing. c. Cab Lights.
173. Lights (1) Each locomotive unit will have
cab lights which will provide
& Headlights. sufficient illumination of the con
(1) Each locomotive in road service trol instruments, meters, and
between sunset and sunrise will be gages to enable the enginemen
equipped with a headlight of suffi to make accurate readings from
cient illumination to permit aper their usual and proper positions
son In the cab of the locomotive to in the cab. These lights will be
see, In a clear atmosphere, a dark located, constructed, and main
man-sized object at least 800 feet tained so that light will shine
in front of the headlight. Such a only on those parts requiring
headlight will be maintained ingood illumination. A light will be con
condition. veniently located to enable the
(2) Each locomotive which regularly personnel operating the locomo
is required to run backward for tive to read the train orders and
portions of its trip will be timetables easily. It will be so
equipped with a rear headlight constructed that it may be quickly
which meets the requirements of shielded or extinguished.
(1) above. (2) Cab passageways and compart
(3) Such a headlight, as described in ments will have adequate illumina
(1) and (2) above, will be pro tion. When persons are required to
vided with a device whereby the pass from one cab to another, the
light may be dimmed at stations platform or passageway between
and in yards or when meeting them will be illuminated.
trains. (3) Lights will be located, constructed,
(4) When two or more looomotiveo or shielded so that the light will not
are used in the same train, the interfere with enginemen's vision
leading locomotive only will be of track and signrls.
required to display a headlight. (4) All lights may be supplied entirely
(5) Each locomotive used in yard from storage batteries if desired.
service between sunset and sun Where lights are not supplied from
rise will have two lights, one storage batteries, there will be two
or more lighting olroutU arranged to deliver the sand on
riding Illumination required Uy (1), rails in front of the wheel contact. I
(2), and (3) above* Battery con will be tested before each trip.
tainers will be properly ^rented. o. Headlights, Sandboxes, Bella, and
d. Blackout Operations. When oper Whistles. Headlights, sandboxes, balls,
ating under tactical condition* or in pre and whistles, will be located la sals and
scribed blackout areas, alt looomoHte accessible places. Where locomotives are
lights will be hooded or disconnected. equipped with overheadcurrentcollectors.
as directed by local commanders. hsamighti and sandboxes will be located,
constructed, and arranged so that they
174. Whistles, Btlls, Sandtrs MO* Tralrt Sifts) nay be given the necessary repairs and
attention without requiring a person to
a Whistle. Bach locomotive will be mount the roof or become exposed to
provided with a suitable whistle or its •ossaot with parts carrying high-tension
equivalent, located so that It may be •leotrio current.
operated conveniently by the d Train Air-Signal System. The train
from his customary petition in alr~signal system will be tested before
& Sanders. Bach locomotive unit will •ash trip and maintained in safe and
be equipped with propersandinfappatftta*. suitable condition for service.
Sandpipes must be fastened securely and


175. Gtnerol . • ; "..
a. Current-Carrying Parts. AH cabinet or properly covered and be
rent-carrying parts connected to circuits operative from the outside; means will
with potential of more than 160 volt* will be provided also to show whether switches
be Isolated, insulated, or guarded against are open or closed. Switches which may
accidental contact. not be operated while under load will
b. Doors and Cover Plates Marked be guarded against accidental contact
Danger. All doors and cover plate* guard and kept plainly marked win the words
ing high-tension equipment will be "must not be operated under load** and
securely fastened in place and kept state the voltage carried.
marked with the word DANGER and will b. Circuit breakers, contactors, and
state the normal voltage carried by the fuses will be maintained in safe and
parts so protected. suitable condition for service and will
a Rheostats and Grid Am/stars. All be so located or guarded that persons
rheostats and grid resistors will be main may not be injured by their operation.
tained free of accumulations of dirt or o. Oil-type circuit breakers will be
extraneous matter. maintained in safe and suitable condition.
d. Insulation Inspection. A careful in*
speotion of all visible insulation and 177. Jumpers
electrical connections will be made not a, Jumpers or cable connections be-
less than once every month and all defects tween locomotives or units will not be
repaired. allowed to hang with one end free. Chains
176. Hand-Optra ttd Switches
or hooks for fastening loose ends will
be provided.
a. All hand-operated swltche* whldh 6. Cable connections between units and
may be operated while under load, all Jumpers will be cleaned, inspected,
carrying currents with a potential ofmore and tested as often as conditions
than 150 volts, will be Inclosed In a to maintain them in a safe and suitable
condition for service, but not less than armature coil bands or wedges; and
once every 3 months. Each Jumper carry short-circuited armature or field coil.
ing current having a potential of 600 volts
or more will be tested by immersing 179. Voltmeters and Ammeters
the cable portion in water and subjecting All voltmeters and ammeters on units
each conductor with another and with the receiving power from an outside source
water, to a difference in potential of not will be tested whenever any irregularity
less than 1-3/4 times the normal working is reported and at least once every 6
voltage and for not less than 1 minute. months. Voltmeters and ammeters on
Date and place of inspection and test will units driven from power generated within
be stenciled legibly on the Jumper or the unit will be tested whenever any
stamped on a metal tag attached securely irregularity is reported and at least once
to jumper. every 12 months. Meter readings more
e. Cable connections between units and than 5 percent in error will be corrected.
Jumpers with any of the following defects
will not be continued in service: broken
or badly chafed insulations; broken or 180. Insulation Dielectric Ttst
defective plugs, receptacles, or ter An Insulation dielectric test of not less
minals; broken or protruding strands of than 1 minute duration will be applied
wire; and jumpers of improper length. not less than once every year to all
circuits and parts carrying current with
178* Motors and Generators potential of more than 150 volts. The
Motors and generators will be fastened voltage applied to circuits other than
securely in place. Axle collars will be motor or generator windings will be not
maintained tight on the axle. Axle bearing less than 75 percent above the normal
and armature bearing caps will be bolted working voltage; the voltage applied to
securely in place. Motors or generators windings will be not less than 50 percent
with any of the following defects will not above the normal working voltage. A
be continued in service: broken and loose careful examination will be made of any
or excessively worn bearings; excessive weakness indicated; all defects will be
sparking or flashing over a commutator; remedied before the locomotive is
defective collector ring, brush holder, returned to service.
yoke, or insulator; loose or broken


181. Fuel Tanks and Piping between the rails. A gage which will
a General. Fuel tanks and related indicate properly the level of fuel in
piping will be maintained free of leaks. fuel reservoirs will be provided for each
When fuel is fed from tank by gravity reservoir or series of reservoirs con
or pressure, a safety cutout valve will nected and filled from a common source;
be provided in the fuel line adjacent gages will be located so that they are
to the supply tank. This valve will close visible to the person filling the reservoir
automatically when tripped and can be or reservoirs.
operated by hand from inside and outside 182. Exhaust Costs
the cab. Fuel tanks and related piping
will be grounded electrically. Exhaust gases will be released entirely
. & Filling and Venting. Fuel reservoirs outside of cab or other compartments.
will be arranged so they can be filled Pipes carrying hot gases and exposed
and vented only from outside the cab moving parts of mechanism liable to
or other compartments. Vent pipes will cause personal injury will be isolated or
not discharge on the roof nor on or guarded against personal contact.

183. General 185. DD Form 865 (Daily Assignment

The officer in charge of locomotive Worksheet for Locomotives and
maintenance shops or facilities is re Locomotive Cranes) (Not required
sponsible for maintaining all daily, for Army Installations)
monthly, semiannual, and annual report This form (fig. 89) will be completed
forms. He checks to see if they are by the individual in charge of main
properly completed, signed, and certi taining the equipment and will be re
fied to, as applicable, and posted or tained on file at the installation where
filed as required. Appropriate forms will the equipment is operated. In order that
be requisitioned through normal supply the mechanical record of the equipment
channels from Adjutant General publica be accessible at all times, completed
tion centers by installations within and forms will be clipped at the left edge
outside CONUS (see AR 310-1 and DA in a file folder. This record will accompany
Pam 310-2). Samples of certain forms the equipment if it is transferred to
are illustrated and discussed in following another installation or sent to a depot
paragraphs. It will be noted that certain maintenance shop for repairs. Attention
of these forms, DD Forms 863, 864 and is especially directed to the reverse
865, are no longer required for Army side of DD Form 865. Only such data
use. The required information, taken from as the date repairs are made, Job order
inspection checklists in the manuals number, and a brief description of repairs
applicable to the particular locomotive, will be recorded here. The job order
will be recorded on DA Forms of the 2400 and parts requisitions will be kept as
series in accordance with TM 38-750 (see a permanent record and may be referred
para 188). to if a more complete description of the
parts and nature of repairs is necessary. I
Standard applicable service Job order
184. Accident Reports forms will be used in connection with
If an accident causing serious injury the repair of the .equipment.
or death results from failure from any 186. Inspection Worksheets
cause of a locomotive or unit or any
of its parts, or from contact with an a. DD Form 862 (Dally Inspection
electrically energized part of an Worksheet for Diesel-Electric Locomo
appurtenance of such part, the unit which tives). This form (fig. 90) will be com
operates such a locomotive will trans pleted by the operator and maintenance
mit report of such accident immediately personnel of the using unit.
to the transportation railway group head (1) Each locomotive will be inspected
quarters in the theater of operations or by the operator after each day's
to the appropriate Army headquarters In work. If any defects are found,
the continental United States. This re they will be reported on this form.
port will give specific information as (2) This form will show the number
to the nature of the accident, the place of the locomotive, hours in op
where the accident occurred, and the eration, date and place of inspec
location where the locomotive or unit tion, and the signature of the
may be inspected. DA Form 285 road Inspector and/or operator.
(Accident Report) (not shown herein), (3) The form is then given to the
letter, or electrical means will be used maintainer who checks all the
as appropriate. items listed on his section of


I 191
s, xm





fort Jfuatia, Virginia
Mecktilcil diftci ttcin ticoiil«r*d d«rii| oper«tio« Item* wktck art lot mpplicabl* to ti* eq«ipn»«t
•111 bt recorded by eqilpmtit Operator, ti tke 'A - ii«p»ct«d (koild b. marktd *N/f. Ii tb. mark colua
Operator* Report* portioi of torn. Tke renaliiaf iteM •it«r additioial vork or otktr qualifriil data, aick
•ill bt completed by qi«lified naliteiaace peraoiitl. a»: Repairs r*qiir*d bcfoid tk* acopt of or|atliatlot
Ckeck eack Iten *OI* or "Defective". M»i»t»iier Itl- r*at« tuaic*. For details li repair*, •aiitmaaee aad
tial* aid d»te« to tke ri|kt of item narked "Defec- iiapecUoi, i*e tie applicable maiial* for eack model
ti*** to •ifiifr ••c»i»»rr repair* «tr« acconplicktd. aid iyp» of •*,*lp*eat.

REPAIRS DEEDED f »«»»r».d ky teW lxifmci*r er o»«r.(«r)

Left front windshield wiper does not operate

Locomotive doea not make transition automatioally

35 Charge 800 I

4 NOT 64
ITEMS DEFEC fM.cfi.nie' • ITEM'S DEFEC (Hmtktmlt' I
TIVE fn'llaf) TIVE Int-limlt














\J U I »UG ll

Figure 90. DD Form 86£ (Daily Inspection Worksheet for Diesel-Electric Locomotives).
TIVE Imlllml) OK TIVE 1*1 1 1 ml)



:::::!"::";:"!•::;;;;;" RESERVOIRS* INTERCOOURS







Figurt 90-Continvid.

the form as to whether they were (6) Section F requires the inspection
reported good, fair, or bad. of fire extinguishers and lubrica
(4) The mechanic receives the form tion system and a test run of the
and makes the necessary repairs locomotive.
on those items checked as de c. *DD Form 864 (Annual Inspection
fective. When each item has been Worksheet for Diesel-Electric Locomo
repaired, he puts his initials in tives). The annual inspection will be per
the space provided to show that formed by qualified and authorized main
the correction has been 'made. tenance personnel. The form (fig. 92) for
(5) If it has been found impossible annual inspections is similar to, that
to make the needed repairs on described in b above. The locomotive and
an item, or any qualifying data all of its accessories are given detailed
is desired, this is written in the and thorough inspections. All gages are
section titled "additional work or tested and calibrated, and all fuel injectors
other qualifying data." cleaned and tested. Measurements are
(6) Space is provided for the signa taken of the crankshaft thrust clearance,
ture of the inspector or foreman coupler heights, and footboard heights.
authenticating the report. d. DD Form 1336 (Monthly Inspection
b. *DD Form 863 (Month ly and Semi and Repair Report of Locomotives and
annual Inspection Worksheet for Diesel- Locomotive Cranes Other Than Steam).
Electric Locomotives). The monthly and The monthly inspection and repair report
semiannual inspections will be performed (fig. 93) will be performed by qualified
by the most technically qualified mainte and authorized personnel and certified to
nance personnel of using organizations. by thft officer in charge ofthe maintenance
The form (fig. 91) for these inspections facility. The form indicates an inspection
is divided into six sections from A to F of all parts and appurtenances of the unit;
denoting the specific items to be checked. repairs made, if any; and defects not prop
(1) Section A, mechanical, requires erly repaired, if any. Spaces are provided
inspection of wheels and truck for the signatures of four inspectors in
details, couplers and draft gear, that several branches of a maintenance
and the condition of the horn, bell, shop are represented in the inspection. The
window wiper, sander, heater, reverse side of the form is for noting any
handbrakes, fan, and fan drive, etc. defects not properly repaired, a dateline
(2) Section B, engine, requires a indicating length of time unit was out of
complete inspection of engine service, and a deposition sworn before an
lubricating oil, fuel oil intake, and adjutant or notary public in which the in
cooling systems in conjunction with spectors certify to the accuracy of the in
all bearings, piston assemblies, spection and tests conducted by them.
and governor and throttle linkage.
(3) Section C, airbrakes, requires a e. DA Form 1335-Series (Depot Main
complete inspection of the com tenance aspection Worksheets forDiesel-
pressor and its operation, air Electric Locomotives). These forms are
gages, brake details, and air to be used by the depot maintenance shops
reservoirs. (Rail) in performance of depot mainte
(4) Section D, electrical, requires a nance. The above worksheet is subdivided
complete inspection of the lighting as follows, to cover the various types of
system, battery, rotating elec work performed:
trical equipment, and control (1) DA Form 1325 (Depot Maintenance
circuits. Inspection Worksheets for Diesel-
(5) Section E consists of a thorough Electric Locomotives—Section A—
check of the steam generator. Engine and Details).
•Not required for Army Installation*. •Not required for Array Installation*.

Ck«k Mck Urn •«• w *D*«MiiT**. lUiiulitr iil- KUf col»i Mt*r i«4ttlM*l »rk ui otli.r iitlltf-
tUli «•• teiM to it* ri|kt of ik* ti«M Mrk*4 '0»- lt| l*i> »ck u: l>r«ir> r*tilr« k*f«< if* acof*
focllr**, Mi oliiifj IKMMIT nwlri wro iec»» • ( OriuluilM N«i.i«tMc«. for dtt.iu It r«»*ln,
flltkW. I MM (kick «• Ml UfllulU I* Ik* **»tf- •*llt*IHCt Mi lll*)MtlM, ••• IkO «F»UC«Ht BMHU
•Ml Mill llir*ct*i >knU k* MftW I/I'. Il '»- 01 MCk ITf* Mi >Bitl of •fllfBMU


ITCW )tFtC- IIFCC- '•»>. ••< ITCNS OIPIC OtFtC- !*»• wi
on Tl«t M TI«I I«IH.J) Oil n«i on Tl«l tmlHml)

A - *IC»L 1. CUC>CMIIM»T» UVCI :•.:•.: '.'.':.'. ..''''.' i::::!::::::::!;

i. IMI u ••« men KT> in
!••:•! •:::::::«:
. X
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joun»«i rucBiit, UTII TIMTIIIIT X
»• iiiiusi run
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i. CMPICII ««o D««ft ecu :;•!!:::::::
C. ill IITMC rilTlKI
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X 10. CICCI FJtllUJti
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furriim, (re. X X
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*' FUCK Flltl TMU X X
1 Mj III , CltAI AH
1. IIIFICT FOI IC*«I: ::::::::::: l«T»«t FIITIII X

u. cmo conFiciio* OPH.
». IUH iitrm X
e. COOlll* J'SIKl
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• irucit 1* F0» 11, 1 ocr M, mi ro«n 11. 1 iff « • •0
JD i AM u8o3 M FMI 1), 1 OCT •«) IKICK »C OIIOKTI.

Figure 91. DD Form 883 (Monthly and Semiannual Inspection Worksheet

for Diesel-Electric Locomotives).
ITEM W fine-
icrcc- *•!• m*4 irtM ICPCC- •CFCC- '••«• ••*
nit on TI«C Imlllml) on Tl« M TIII Imlllfl)
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. Clftl HIT COllfC- l]l M>C»CI
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fimutF57 0
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I Figure 91 -Continued.



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I i


II tk
(2) DA Form 1325-1 (Depot Mainte in charge certifies to the correct
nance Inspection Worksheets for ness of the reports. An affidavit
Diesel-Electric Locomotives- need not be executed on the reports
Section B—Platform, Cab, and filed with the officer in charge of
Hood Details). the shop in either the continental
(3) DA Form 1325-2 (Depot Mainte United States or theater of opera
nance Inspection Worksheets for tions.
D i e s e 1-E leotric Locomotives- (4) Before the Inspected locomotive is
Section C—Electrical Details). put into service, a copy of a monthly
(4) DA Form 1325-3 (Depot Mainte or annual report form will be
nance Inspection Worksheets for placed in a suitable location in the
Diesel-Electric Locomotives— cab of the locomotive. The using
Section D—Truck Details). installation will retain a file copy
Diesel-electric locomotive Inspection of the report. These reports need
worksheets, so far as practical, will be not be sworn to, but must in all
used for gasoline-mechanical locomo other ways be a duplicate ofthe an
tives. nual report filed with the transpor
tation group railway headquarters
187. Instructions Applicable to Both
or the United States Army Mobility
Monthly and Annual Reports
Equipment Center, St. Louis, Mo.
b. Preparation of Reports. In filling out
a Certification of Reports. reports, responsible personnel will —
(1) Monthly, quarterly, semiannaul, (1) Use typewriter, ink, or rubber
and annual reports will be signed stamp.
and certified by one or more in (2) Make sure that reports are sworn
spectors. If one inspector has to immediately after proper
personal knowledge that all the repairs are completed.
work shown on the report is per (3) Make notation, "corrected report,"
formed, he may so certify; other on top of any report which is sub
wise, each inspector will sign and stituted for an incorrect one pre
indicate before his signature the viously filed; corrected report will
numbers of the items to which he be forwarded to the chief mechani
is certifying (fig. 91). cal officer.
(2) The officer in charge must have (4) Do not use such words as "safe"
personal knowledge that the work and "O.K." in answering the items
is done properly. If the foreman listed in these reports; instead,
has such knowledge, reports signed explain the exact condition found.
by him will be accepted; otherwise, (5) Answer "good," "fair," or "bad"
they must be signed by the officer where the questions require the
in charge who has personal knowl condition to be shown. Apply the
edge that it is performed properly. following definitions to these
When certificates are required as terms:
to work performed at outlying (a) Good. That the part or parts have
points where the officer is unable no defects of consequence which
to be present, the person who per could be discovered by a reason
forms the work and is responsible able inspection.
for its proper performance may (b) Fair. That the part or parts have
sign as officer in charge. defects, but are in safe and suit
(3) Monthly, quarterly, semiannual, able condition and are not in vio
and annual reports will be sworn to lation of the regulations.
before a notary public or adjutant (c) Bad. That the part or parts are
by the inspector or inspectors not in a safe or suitable condition
making the inspection. The officer or are in violation of regulations. •
c. Time of Filing. report will be placed in the cab
(1) No monthly report will be required cardholder on the locomotive.
for the month in which an annual (3) When an out-of-service report is
report is made. filed, an inspection will be made
(2) The monthly inspection will be and a report filed before the loco
made every calendar month and the motive U again returned to
period between inspections will not service.
materially exceed 30 days. Where (4) Out-of-service reports will not be
an inspection is made on the first filed until the end of the month
of a month having 31 days, another wherein the duration of nonservice
Inspection is not required until the occurred.
first day of the immediately follow (5) Out-of-service reports need not be
ing month. sworn to but will be signed by the
officer in charge of the shop.
(3) All reports in theaters of opera (6) The time out of service will be
tions will be filed with the trans properly covered by out-of-service
portation group railway head reports, and a notation as to the
quarters within 15 days after day months out of service will be made
of inspection. on the back of inspection reports
(4) In the continental United States, and cab cards.
reports will be filed within 15 days
after date of inspection. The annual 188. Other Maintenance Records
and monthly reports will be for There are other records pertinent to
warded to Headquarters, U. S. the operation and maintenance of diesel-
Army Mobility Equipment Center, electric locomotives which are required
St. Louis, Mo. by TM 38-750. applicable to all Army

I d. Out-of-Service Reports.
(1) The number of days that a locomo
tive is out of service will be noted
on annual report form.forex-
equipment listed therein. DA Form 2407
(Maintenance Request) illustrated in figure
94, will be used in reporting manufactur
ing, design, or operation defects in
ample, the notation "locomotive equipment, and will be completed in
out of service undergoing repairs triplicate by the person in charge of
from 10 September to 25 Septem maintaining the equipment. One copy will
ber" would inform all concerned as be retained on file by the using or service
to the reason for the extension of organization, and two copies for the use
the dates between inspections. No of the supply service will be forwarded
postponement, however, is per to the transportation group railway head
mitted on the next inspection date. quarters in theaters of operations, or to
An inspection will be made and a CG, U. S. Army Mobility Equipment
report filed for each calendar Center. St. Louis, Mo., in the continental
month that a locomotive is in serv United States. Equipment log books are
ice. maintained on DA Forms 2408 and 2408-1
(2) Out-of-service reports may be to 2408-18. applicable to the item of
filed for locomotives which are out equipment involved. Entries will be made
of service for an entire calendar in accordance with chapter 4, TM 38-750.
month or are out of service when The equipment logbook will be with the
due for inspection and remain out item of equipment to which it pertains
of service for the balance of the when the equipment is operated, serv
month. A copy of the out-of-service iced, repaired, modified, or transferred.

ctau> lettmi,
SICTION i QD«'» fT71'»»ut >«IQ»ITY
' **'OUIONATO« coot

774th Trana.Qrp (Itr) Fort awstia, Va.
987-654-321 AB-1
7. ITdAC

1 III Vf>l iJljlNO nrriT.. 110 I N/A I K/A I M/A

NOIIV |_LU2How pturomiANCt OTMt*

Probable natiaa. vibration. Jfcnf»m..rw1 Installation of rubb»" g.«lr«t on both aidaa of

1 a* triad of on* •!<*» only*

- S A M F LC-

man n UIINO ma rout MAD CAftruLir TH* trtr-»r-»T*r imnvcnom in TH «» »•»



•r • frmp ol .tall.r Mm* >kk a. ..-. PIN Tku iMftoi. -k.« II .. Ill .. .
iKm Tku ton* «U1 k. «M< tor.
••ft «frf/f>f Mrvt

« t«bfBkjf*M «f BfJ«tP«JiMI iBpfAVMBml &••••• «ffj4f,B*M pf»»t»tal I itiimi


!•*• »oik M4/«r Mf>M. •< ...Ik.r OfM

i w M • klfjkv


m CMKOINCT «l«'. »• k< 111! Hill to M 4«f(f»M D«MirBMW •! Hw An., xnvy kt MMIftoll I
III will M MkoHIMJ ••» ». >M*Mt< •••Wf U4K«MI M nn .1 1». ..r,.ll.. m.rk. to IM«k ••
• UHOtNT lir. «« k« «fc^»lrW to *t ttmmun O^ummt *l MM An»> M""»l CkMk -Urinf* to lwto> III.
r IIOUTINt II n pnp*n< w • MBirato Mtoti •• ioj«lf> »<f •*«••! •••tot w •» NUP e*»p I to fk» imlfiilit e^mnmml W CM Amf i

R. Howard J. Gray

319& 3232
2*. NOHMAi MI- KXCIft/ftftof •<•# >l HICOHXINOATIONX^m wu ftt^mrll 11» OfMAMIIAriOM/ACTIVITT •.OHO/ACT ID I NT eODfl

Iti«.77..th p. (Mr) "8330


Jfor 8•
l*B*t H**dliwp Shatter* during looawtir* oiwnttoo.

.a A M f L «-

DA .'£rM 2407
94. DA Form 1407 (Mainttnanot Request).
189. Boilers and Htattr Cars b. Injectors for keeping sufficient water
a. A heater oar is sometimes utilized in the boiler for steam evaporation, gage
in cold weather when it is necessary to cooks, water glasses, and steam gage
operate passenger or ambulance trains must be applied to all boilers for safe and
with a die se1 locomotive not equipped with efficient operation.
steam generator. This oar is a converted
box or passenger oar in which a coal- or 190. Operation and Maintenance
oil-fired boiler has been installed to
furnish the steam necessary to heat the The rules and regulations pertaining
train, either when running or at terminal to the operation and maintenance of steam
stops. The boiler may be either the up boilers authorized in TM 55-201 will be
right or horizontal type. followed when heater oars are used.



191. General ing, adjusting, and replacing minor parts

such as fuel injectors and subassemblies.
a. Maintenance is the work that must b. Direct support maintenance— That
be performed by every man in the Army maintenance performed by designated
to keep his equipment in first class opera maintenance activities in direct support
ting condition. In its simplest form, of the using organization. It consists
maintenance consists of — primarily of repair of end items and
(1) Cleaning. replacement of unserviceable parts, sub-
(2) Lubrication. assemblies, or assemblies. Repaired
(3) Repair. items are usually returned to the using
(4) Preservation. organization.
ft, The failure due to improper mainte c. General support maintenance —That
nance of one small part in a locomotive maintenance authorized and performed by
may cause hundreds of lives to be lost designated TOE and TD organizations in
because of an accident or the lack of support of the Army Supply System.
delivery of vital materiel. The Army
maintenance system is based on experi d Depot maintenance — That mainte
ence and has proved practical in operation. nance which through overhaul of econom
This system is so constituted that the ically repairable material, augments the
responsibility of each maintenance group Army procurement program in satisfying
is definitely established by categories and overall Army requirements and provides
echelons. There are four established for repair of material beyond the capa
categories of maintenance (AR 750-5) bility of general support maintenance
organizational, direct support, general activities. Equipment rebuilt is usually
support, and depot— which are discussed returned to depot stocks for reissue.
below. Depot maintenance repair parts and
special tool lists are contained in TM
192. Categories of Maintenance 55-2210-216-35P. DA Supply Catalog
2200-IL contains Identification data for
a. Organizational maintenance— That locomotives and locomotive accessory
maintenance performed by the organiza items authorized for issue and for local
tion using the equipment. It consists of procurement in Federal Supply Classi
inspecting, cleaning, servicing, lubricat fications 2210 and 2240.


193. General
Maintenance of diesel-eleotrio locomo what to do, where to do it, and when to do
tives involves a greater variety of it as pertains to maintenance. Reference
equipment necessary for repairs than is to the pertinent manual or lubrication
usually found in one unit. For this reason, order will provide detailed instructions
satisfactory operation of a locomotive for repair and lubrication procedures.
demands strict adherence to the mainte Any modifications made in compliance
nance schedule. This section will discuss with DA Modification Work Orders (MWO)

will be recorded and reported in accord guishers are used, do not breathe the
ance with procedure prescribed in TM resultant fumes —they are toxic.
38-750. (1) Avoid overexposure to fire extin
guisher fumes.
194. General Safety Precautions (2) The entire train crew should know
the location of all fire extin
a. Never use gasoline to clean the diesel guishers, first aid kits, and tele
engine. Use a good grade of flushing oil, phone callboxes which might be
fuel oil, or kerosene. used in the event of an emergency.
b. The use of waste 'should never be /. Locomotive sump drains under
permitted in or around the engineroom or engines and generators should be opened
any part of the locomotive. Small particles frequently to drain any accumulations of
of waste might get into the lubricating oil dirt, water, and oil.
lines and clog them. ;". If steam is supplied to the cooling
c. Use only clean, lintless, bound-edge system from an external source or steam
cloths to wipe any equipment such as generator during a layover period in cold
engines, filters, bearings, and other Weather, be sure that the G valve (if used)
mechanical or electrical equipment. is open to prevent freezing of condensate
d. Do not leave any loose cloths or rags in the radiators and related piping.
around the engineroom. There is danger k. When maintenance work has been
of these pieces being picked up by air performed on the locomotive, the shop
currents and carried to the air filters, forces should inspect'the locomotive to see
traction motors, or generator blowers, that no tools have been carelessly left
fhey also create a fire hazard. lying around electrical equipment or ro
e. When replacing engine air filter ele tating equipment where they might cause
ments, always inspect the screen at the personal injury or damage to equipment.
bottom of the blower adapter to make L The locomotive crews and shop main
certain that it is not broken. When working tenance forces should familiarize
around blowers, tools or materials should themselves with the operation and loca
not be laid on the screen as there is a tions of the emergency fuel cutoff pull
possibility that some object might fall rings. The fuel cutoff valve and pull rings
through the screen into the blower rotors. should be inspected and tested periodically
/. It is essential that the engineroom, to make certain they work satisfactorily.
cab, catwalks, steps, and grab irons be In case of fire on the locomotive, any one
kept clean and free of oil, grease, rags, of the three pull rings should be pulled to
and dirt at all times. Sweep floors fre shut off the supply of fuel oil, thus pre
quently. Do not rest feet upon any valve venting the fire from entering the fuel
or handle as a valve may accidentally be oil tank. The fuel oil pump should also
opened or closed, which may cause serious be shut off.
damage to the equipment or personnel. m. The air box handhold covers should
g. If checking lubricating oil level before not be removed while the engine is running.
the engine has cooled, do not wipe oil If a cover should work loose, it may be
from bayonet gage with fingers as the oil adjusted and tightened while the engine is
will burn the skin. running. If for any reason a cover has to
h. If fire extinguishers are used, they be removed, the engine should be shut
should be promptly and properly refilled. down.
Pressure-type fire extinguishers should n. When an engine is being rotated with
have the proper specified pressure in the turning bar or engine turning jack, be
them at all times, and the liquid level sure that the fuel pump switch is in OFF
should be at the center of the inspection position, the starting fuse is removed or
glass. Pump-type fire extinguishers the starting contactors blocked open, and
should be full and available for use at all the cylinder test valves are backed out
times. If carbon tetrachloride extin two or three turns. Be sure to remove
blocks from starting contactors and re trical equipment could cause a
place starting fuse before attempting to severe burn.
start engine. (2) Metal-cased flashlights should
a Before starting the engine, after the never be used near electrical
engine turning bar or turning jack has equipment. If a metal-case flash
been used, be positive that it (whichever light is placed on the equipment, a
one was used) has been removed from the short circuit will result which
flywheel before the start button is pressed. might cause a severe burn. Hard
p. If an engine is to be rotated with the rubber or any nonmetallic case
generator, the cylinder test valves must flashlight should be used,
not be opened more than two or three u If for any reason the traction motors
turns, as there is a possibility that the or any equipment under the locomotive
high compression might force the valve have to be checked while the engines are
out of the valve body, causing injury to running, the generator field switch should
someone. The fuel pump must be off and be pulled out and the independent airbrake
the lay shaft manual-control lever held and handbrakes set. The reverse lever
in the no-fuel position. It is very important should be removed from the controller and
that no one stands in line with any of the taken with the person making the in
open test valves as small particles of spection. This is to be done for his own
carbon are sometimes blown out of the test safety in event someone might attempt to
valves with force enough to penetrate the move the locomotive.
skin. Such particles of carbon are poi v. When the locomotive has been stand
sonous when they come in contact with ing inoperative for some time and the air
raw flesh. pressure is down, do not move the locomo
q. Before starting an engine, check tive until the air pressure has been pumped
lubricating oil, water, and fuel supplies. up to the specified minimum pressure.
Be sure that the throttle is in idle posi w. If the locomotive is to be left standing
tion and that the generator switch is out. alone for any length of time with the engine
On locomotives equipped with electro- shut down, the handbrake should be set and
pneumatic or electrohydraulic governor chains or blocks placed at the wheels. The
control, the isolation switch must be in throttle should be placed in idle, the
start position. reverse lever removed from the con
r. Before a broken valve spring is troller, and all switches on the control
removed, rotate crankshaft until piston pushbutton switchbox, low voltage panels,
of that cylinder is on top dead center to and distribution panel should be out or
prevent the valve from dropping inside open.
the cylinder. x. Normally, the side panels on road
s. When the cooling system Is drained locomotives are made of metal sheets
in freezing weather, open all drain valves backed by plywood. Do not use a torch or
in cooling system, open G valve (if used) any hot flame against these panels.
and remove pipe plugs from water pump y. When working on an engine, the
housings so that no water is trapped In the electrical equipment, or any of the rotating
lowest points of the system. equipment, the starting fuse should be
t. Do not work on any switches, con removed and the starting contactors
tactors, or other high voltage equipment blocked open.
without first stopping the engine and (1) All tools that belong with the
opening the control switch and main battery locomotive must be in their proper
switch. On road locomotives, the isolation place and in good condition.
switch must be in START position. (2) None but authorized persons should
(1) Personnel should not wear rings or be permitted intheengineroomand
wrist watches when working on cab.
electrical equipment. Either of (3) Anyone getting off the locomotive
these coming in contact with elec should make certain that there are
no objects along the right-of-way authority for the performance of lubrica
or that locomotive is not on a bridge tion services. Lubrication intervals shown
or culvert. on lubrication orders are based on normal
(4) Before starting actual operation, operation, and may be either reduced or
move the locomotive slowly over a increased to compensate for a correspond
short distance, close the throttle, ing change in locomotive use from the
and apply the air to make a test of normal. A typical lubrication order is
the airbrake equipment. shown in figure 95. Particular attention
(5) Try the horns, bellringers, san- should be given to the part of the lubri
ders, and windshield wipers. cation order containing the notes. Special
z. Complete railway safety rules are instructions concerning lubricating points
contained in DA Pam 55-1. requiring specialized treatment are
covered here.
195. Lubricants b. Lubrication standards involved in
setting up any lubrication order include —
a. Engine Lubricating Oil. The lubri (1) Accumulated mileage periods
cating oils suitable for use in diesel should be high enough to prevent
engines are OE 10, OE 30, OE 50, and failure but low enough to keep
OES (oil, engine subzero). These oils costs down.
are standard and are used according to (2) Competent trained workmen.
the temperatures which are to be expected. (3) Adequate tools and facilities.
For example, the oil in the main engine (4) Short mileage exceptions for re
crankcase at temperatures above 32° F. built assemblies which have been
would be OE 50. If the expected tempera installed on a locomotive and need
tures were 40° to -10* F., the oil to use a run-in or shakedown check.
would be OE 10, while if the temperatures (5) Time intervals on locomotives
expected were 0° F. to -65* F., then which do not accumulate such
OES would be used. The foregoing is mileage, especially for items
only given as an example. For actual which are more likely to need
lubricating oil requirements, the pertinent attention on some basis other than
lubrication order or manual should be wear, such as dried out packing
consulted. in brake cylinders, valves, and
b. Lubricating Greases. Greases are pumps.
used in applications where the use of oil c. A typical list of items which are not
is not practical. However, grease is related to the engine lubricating system
subject to the same temperature con illustrates the importance of proper lubri
siderations that are given to oil. For cation of other parts of the locomotive
example, grease, lubricating, general pur and the obvious need of various grades of
pose (CG) is furnished in three grades — grease and oil. These items are listed
CGI, above 32» F.; CGO. 40* to -10' F.; here without any implications of frequency
CGOO, 0* to -65* F. or standards.
Note. In addition to the oil and greaae described (1) The air compressor has its own
above, there are many different petroleum products crankcase, pressure gage, and oil
manufactured for use in specialized lubrication re circulation system.
quirements. Some of these applications include
preservative oils, hydraulic oils, instrument oils, (2) Traction motors require grease
waterproof greases, and other similar lubricants. at the pinion, car oil and packing
at the traction motor axle bearings,
196. Locomotive Lubrication
and a ballbearing grease at the
traction motor armature bearings.
& Lubrication performed on a locomo (3) Journals are packed; pedestal
tive is done in accordance with the liners are oiled; center plates and
lubrication order for the particular loco side bearings are greased or oiled;
motive. This lubrication order is the slack adjusters, handbrake, and
other brake rigging are greased unit in oil. If visual inspection indicates
or oiled; brake cylinders are oiled. that the swab would not have full contact
(4) Governor uses an oil which must with the cylinder wall, as will be the case
be kept at proper level in sight if the felt does not extend above the holder,
glass. the swab should be adjusted to provide
(5) All small motors (pumps, fans, proper contact.
blowers, heaters, steam genera d. The release spring must be inspected.
tors, etc.) should be maintained in If necessary, clean the spring to remove
accordance with manufacturer 's any rust or dirt which might later find
instructions. its way to the cylinder walls. If the spring
(6) Flexible couplings, shutter link shows any rust spots, it should be given
ages, governor, fuel shaft linkages a coating of approved rust preventive after
and bearings, fan and blower shaft cleaning.
bearings, speed recorder and e. The strainer can be removed from the
cable, draft gear, reverser drum inside of the nonpressure head by removing
bearings, and controller notching the snapring holding it in place. The felt
segments all require attention. swab must be inspected and if necessary
a new one applied. It can be removed by
197. Lubricating Brake Equipment removing the nonpressured head. The
a. Brake cylinders should be dismantled hollow rod packing felt should be re
for cleaning, repairs, and relubrication conditioned by soaking it in solvent to
at regular intervals. Each piston and dissolve the grease. Brush the felt to
nonpressure head assembly should be remove the surface dirt. If damaged or
removed from its cylinder and taken to v/orn so that the spring guide cannot close
a shop properly equipped for handling firmly on the hollow piston pipe, install
this portion. When it is returned for a new one. Soak the seal in oil and hang
reinstallation on a locomotive, it should it up to drain off excess oil. |
be adequately protected against dirt or /. Completely coat the hollow piston rod
other foreign matter. with a standard brake cylinder lubricant
b. The piston and nonpressure head and apply the release spring, felt lubri
assembly should be dismantled in the cator, and nonpressure head, using the
shop and parts cleaned. Cleaning should same holding fixture as for dismantling.
be done with a hydrocarbon cleaning fluid Before applying the reconditioned piston
unless otherwise specified. The piston and nonpressure head to the cylinder, clean
packing cup must be carefully inspected. the cylinder walls to remove all dirt and
If there are any cuts or deep scratches old lubricant. Lubricate the cylinder walls
on the packing cup bearing surface, or the with a good grade of brake cylinder lubri
packing cup is worn so that it does nor cant. If the nonpressure head gasket is in
hold a proper bearing surface on the good condition, do not remove it; simply
cylinder wall, it should be replaced with clean the gasket face. Otherwise, replace
one in good condition. When applying the with a new gasket.
packing cup to the piston, one side should g. Valvular parts of the equipment
be held slightly away from contact with should be cleaned, repaired, and relubri
the piston to allow air to escape from cated at regular intervals. Valvular parts
under the packing before it is finally should not be dismantled on the locomotive.
snapped into place. This prevents an air Valves or valve portions should be re
pocket from forming between the packing moved from the locomotive and taken to
and the pistonhead, which might cause a a shop equipped for proper cleaning, re
poor fit of the packing on the piston. pairing, and testing. When valves or
c. Before the packing cup is replaced portions are returned to the locomotive
or reapplied, the felt swab of the piston for reinstallation, they should be protected ,.
lubricator should be carefully cleaned by adequately against dirt and other foreign J
brushing and relubricated by soaking the matter. W


25 AUGUST 1961 (»»••«•»; to M-IMUM. »>»HIIW)
1C 45A2-2-14-1
M V2, «0. «3. * «6 MCH OAOfS,
•OTON.SOOHP, 0-4-4-0 WH«.

OC lrv«k
(I Ml Wrtl »«> •" «"f <• *T

Figurt 96. Typical lubrication order.

oc o


<MI» 4
1 rrflll

01 0

All M«t< rilMr O*

MOT 4 W..J. In. WIM.) QbpUti

(0-1- 4 nNI M .OTKI I


IUMNCANTS CAMOTT A.OVI •» 32" f + 37°F fa-KlM MtOW 10*7 MniVAtS
Qj - OH. INOINI, H^., 0^ D-o.il,
-JO— Of 10


LO - lUMCATINO OH, 0«».l to To
A- OMA« . A.ll.lll«. -J AHIlUr, OAA OAA OAA
JO -1- GUAM. CO-I 00 -1
Ol - (MfAU. Alr.Ml Ol 01 Cl

t. TIACIION MOtOt OIAI 1HTH-MmMr Im^i <o«H«i «f MMk *ra^ ^.

> OH. CAN rOINTt-MMMr luklcm ill .,...,» k.^-. l..d— , fta, tl.-W-.
-i* (Ol) «il . •

. SHUTTII MKHANISM-MMMr •"W'r '•- **» K*> ••' ~ »'". 10. f WL INACTION PUW HOUllNO-Cfc.il. ••», m J
•« «««» .i. crllndu «nm.>U, il«« 4 l.-b. .0.1. wl* (Cl) « ". ' ' i" i' i .1 . In! n( .ril. fc-
. OVII lUMCATIOM-OMr ffmtrf U • htnrfiil • » ,r .Ilk (Ol ) III Mill M« >«ll.p -.

>. PAN ANOll DIIVI-VIMUr ikMt «W oIlMn l(~.l wl* IM) «ll H Illl <«. *-*— ~r '* *•• " n •[• j i'|i. I* nit > •mil..
ll .1 >»^llr *»U jl«« CTM -Wl «ll ll So. »sa r.l.ll
«. INGINt CIANKAJI, Ullltl AND iTIAINin-Ai •!! r»»i«, <M« «^ «l~" will mnlnwMi *w .
fllun, itf»i««n, iMwlAy. tw^ pv« Md Intarlw W ci«i*t»t -I* Mtvwtf (SO) «Ml MIMfMwt dl (W.B'KII^ I
!! ui*l
(Ol). CkMk «|iiii niM. "wl.. »«.. t, Orw» .< Ik. W IS. fc-r •-) *. Air F«c«:
Cwnwrwl. (MOW SMWJI Aiw».
7. wtvma AND coNTta.ni HUCMANBM M«.*ir *M >*- *»» (101 «ii AilW .< SMM.
R. V. Lf (.
«w,wf Owainl, (MfW Si*. i Ar»r.
iO 55-2210-10.1-20 1)157 RJ«U1 ION: Arnv« Army: IX'SI.DC (1): T«ch -
Sl(. DA (2) Ciccpl CafT (A): Amiy Mllill HJ (]); USCONAKC ('J); OS CURTIS I. LIHAY
M«, Conid(J). MOW (2); Ainiiri (7), USATSOI (5): Uuh CENDEF(5): CMwf . I few*. UWM4 S. «. . A I . rVc..
OSA (3): USATMC (IS); Tllnl XE Connl (5i). MAAC (I); Unlll »t| ..J.PUON.
andcf hi T06 55-242 (2): M-MO (CP) (-'). NO: No.i. USA*: None. C.I.-.I, u«»w SNMI Air c«m
Pof cipUlutloti of ih' rcMttioni uwd. ttc AR 320-50. ™tlr. Swlc.i.

Figure 96-Continutd.

h. Parts of the dismantled valves and noticeable on cylinder heads in the crank-
portions should be cleaned with a hydro case and air boxes.
carbon cleaning fluid and blown dry with (1) It is not necessary to flush the
air or dried with a clean cloth. Felt system when —
lubricator parts should be soaked (a) Draining oil and replacing it with
thoroughly in standard triple valve oil fresh oil of the same brand and
and hung up to drain off excess oil. All type.
gaskets and other rubber parts should (b) Replacing a straight mineral oil
be examined carefully for wear, cracking, with one of a different brand.
flatness of beads, and other damage; and (c) Replacing a detergent type of
those found defective should be replaced. used oil with a straight mineral
Metal parts should be repaired or replaced oil.
as necessary. In reassembling, slide (d) Replacing an oil which has be
valves, slide valve seats, piston bushings, come contaminated with diesel
piston rings, and other friction surfaces, fuel.
except rotary valves, should be lubricated (2) It may be necessary to flush the
sparingly with standard triple valve oil. system when —
Care should be taken to spread the lubri (a) Replacing a detergent oil with
cant over all the surfaces involved. another type or brand of deter
/. The KM vent valve is equipped with a gent.
self-lubricating piston. After cleaning the (b) Replacing a straight mineral oil
piston, the plug in its center must be with a detergent type oil in a
removed and the felt wick saturated with relatively clean engine.
standard triple valve oil. (3) It will be necessary to drain and
]. Rotary valves and rotary valve seats flush the lubricating i.-.I system
should be lubricated with an oil or grease when any of the following conditions
of high surface tension characteristics. have existed:
The rotary valve of the automatic brake (a) A part has failed and metal
valve can be lubricated between the particles have been distributed
periodic cleanings without removing the throughout the oil system.
portion. (b) Excessive water dilution has oc
k. Plugs in the oil ports in the independ curred.
ent brake valve self-lapping portion which (c) The engine is badly Iroquered
lead to the felt expander should be removed and dirty after detergent type of
and the passages filled with standard triple lubricating oil has been used.
valve oil at regular intervals. The plugs b. The oil to be used for flushing may
should then be securely replaced. be the regular OE used in the orankcase
if used at a temperature of 150° F. to
198* Flushing Engine Lubricating Systtm 200* F., or it might be a light grade oil
a The engine lubricating system is (OE 10) comparable to the regular oil
discussed in chapter 5. Under normal used in the engine. When using an oil as
operating conditions when oil change and light as OE 10, the engine must not be
filter replacement periods as specified loaded, nor should it be idled above a
by the pertinent lubrication order or speed of 425 rpm.
inspection worksheet are observed, it is c. The use of flushing compounds or
not considered necessary to flush the extra strong solvent flushing oils is not
lubricating oil system as a routine main recommended as the sludge and varnish
tenance procedure. However, all two-cycle may be removed so rapidly from metal
diesel engines, opposed-piston engines, surfaces that it will clog small oil pas
and larger four-cycle diesel engines sages before it can be removed from the
should be internally washed down annually engine.
at the nearest oil change period, especially d. Flushing the system is necessary
when heavy black carbon oil film is after excessive water contamination and
should be done as soon as the condition harmful to moving parts. Such residue
is noted. Remove water-oil emulsions may not affect in any way the oil respon
from engine filters, coolers, and piping sible for the deposits, but may be very
by draining, kerosene spray* and external detrimental to the new oil to be used. The
pumping. Where water dilution is severe, lubricating oil cooler is the part of the
the main bearings should be inspected system to which special attention must be
before running the engine. The condition given. Two conditions may exist in the oil
of the main bearings should indicate the cooler as follows:
necessity of connecting rod bearing in (1) If it is partially plugged from the
spection. After inspection, the engine first lubricating oil, it must be
should not be run less than 30 minutes cleaned.
on flushing oil. Bearing inspection after (2) If it is clean after the flushing, the
flushing is not necessary unless some second oil may pick up deposits
irregularity in engine operation has been from other parts of the engine and
noted. After flushing for water emulsions, redeposlt them very quickly in the
oil coolers should be inspected and oil cooler. For this reason, the
cleaned if necessary. oil cooler must be inspected a
e. After a part failure, particles should second time before changeover
be removed as completely as possible precautions may be considered
by kerosene spray and external pumping completed.
of flushing oil with main bearing upper h. Low oil pressure suction alarms are
shells removed. After reinstalling bear extremely significant during oil change
ings, the engine should be run at least over periods as they indicate partial
30 minutes on flushing oil, after which plugging of the oil strainer and starvation
the main bearings are again inspected of the engine for lubricating oil. An
for chip scoring. Rod bearings should engine should never be operated after
also be ' n. vected at this time. such an alarm has occurred without first
/. External pumping of flushing oil is cleaning the suction strainers. Suction
accomplished as follows: strainers are a telltale of the internal
(1) Pressure not exceeding 60 pounds condition of a diesel engine. Metal deposits
should be applied simultaneously of variable sites are trapped in the
to the blower lines and to the strainer, depending on the type of metal
accessory end oil manifold. (lead or copper, etc.) and may reveal a
(2) Pressure is applied to the blower bearing scrape or bushing wear. There
end of the engine to prevent forc fore, strainers should be checked
ing metal particles from the main periodically.
bearing manifold Into the rear
gear train. Oil is applied to the 199. Maintaining Fuel Oil System
accessory ecd because of the & Maintenance of the fuel system of a
large passages which permit in diesel locomotive discussed in chapter 4
creased flow. After flushing in requires regular and systematic inspec
this manner, oil should be pumped tions of the various parts of the system
into the blower end only to re such as tanks, lines, pumps, strainers, and
move any dirt in the rear oil filters. Fuel must be clean before it is
lines. put into the locomotive tank. Tanks that
g. Lubricating oil ohangeovers some are kept well filled will afford less op
times become necessary because of supply portunity for water vapor condensation
problems and other factors. This change and subsequent trouble.
over to a different oil warrants extra care 6. Fuel tanks must be drained of water
even though the oil system was thoroughly and sludge accumulations regularly. This
flushed prior to the oil changeover. The is best done when the locomotive has been
residue which should possibly remain allowed to stand still for some time and
from the previously used oil might prove the impurities have thus had a chance to
settle out into the tank sump. Drain enough in these systems eliminates frequent
fuel out of the tank to insure removal of cleaning and flushing, and in addition pre
all water and dirt in the sump. vents serious part failures caused by cor
c. Fuel lines must be inspected regu rosive action of untreated water.
larly for leaks, apparent damage, and for & Water Treatment This is the first
tightness of fittings at connecting points. step in the maintenance of cooling systems.
Plugged lines can sometimes be cleared When ordinary hard water is heated to
by the application of compressed air (with normal diesel engine operating tempera
both ends of the line disconnected). tures, the minerals in solution In that
d. Fuel filters and strainers must be water are caused to precipitate out of solu
inspected at regular inspection intervals tion onto the various surfaces of the cooling
as provided for by the inspection work system, causing the formation of scale and
sheet. This inspection provides the means sludge which cannot be easily removed
of determining if cleaning is required. from the engine. In general, these forma
Strainers may be washed in solvent or tions are of an alkaline nature and in order
diesel fuel, while filters may require to remove them, an acid solution must be
replacement of filter elements (if of the used to flush the system.
replaceable cartridge type), or by washing c. Flushing Procedures. Flushing a
In solvent (if of the permanent element badly scaled cooling system usually in
type). Use care in handling the permanent volves six steps. Generally, an external
type strainer to avoid damage to the pump is used in place of the engine's water
element. Most filters are fitted with drain pump and the radiator is processed separ
plugs in the bottom of the filter body to ately from the block. This avoids clogging
allow water to be drained off. When radiator passages with deposits removed
servicing fuel filters, check all relief from the engine. In most cases, scale re
valves for proper operation before rein moval is done with the engine cold and with
stalling elements. After service, filters thermostats and temperature gages
must be filled with fuel by opening the removed to avoid damage by strong chemi
I air bleeder petcock or plug on the top cals. The procedure would follow these
of the filter housing. general lines—
e. Fuel injector maintenance consists (1) Flush with clear water until water
of testing the injector to determine if. runs clean.
fuel is being delivered properly to the (2)' Flush with strong alkaline solution
combustion chamber. Observation of to remove oil, grease, dirt, etc.
engine performance generally will Indicate (3) Rinse with clear water.
the need of attention to the fuel injectors. (4) Flush with scale remover until ap
As fuel injectors are not all of the same pearance of solution indicates
type, reference must be made to the complete scale removal.
appropriate manual or manufacturer's (5) Rinse with clear water.
instructions for the procedure to be fol (6) Neutralize with weak alkaline solu
lowed in testing and cleaning the injector. tion.
d. Treating Water. Treated water should
200. Maintaining Cooling System
be prepared properly in separate con
tainers before Introducing It into a cooling
a. General. All parts of the cooling sys system. Mineral free water such as re
tem on diesel locomotives (oh. 6) must be quired by diesel engines may be obtained
periodically Inspected and maintained for by distilling, or produced by modern
trouble-free operation. In addition to chemical processes. Water treated In this
proper lubrication of all movingparts such manner is called deminerallzed or
as fans and pumps, regular Inspection of deionlzed water and will not cause scale
hoses, connections, belting, etc., will do deposits. It will have a corrosive action
much to prevent failure of any part of the against metal. To prevent this, a suitable
system. The use of properly treated water corrosion Inhibitor must be added. Testing

the water in a cooling system must be done ing valves, improper valve seating,
regularly to maintain proper concentra or sticking rings.
tions of treatment compounds. (7) Engine out of timing.
c. Engine Fails To Start at Temperature
201. Engine Maintenance Below Freezing (32 'F.). Cold weather
Diesel engine maintenance requires starting aids needed.
strict adherence to lubrication schedules d. Uneven Running and Excessive Vibra
and to cleanliness. A clean engine (inside tion.
and out), correctly operated and properly (1) Faulty injector timing or rack
lubricated, is usually immune to unex setting.
pected part failures. Excessive dilution of (2) Insufficient fuel supply.
the lubrication oil is one of the frequent (3) Hunting governor. Remove all the
causes of engine failures. This condition bind from injector control rack op
can exist to a critical extent without being erating shaft mechanism.
readily apparent to the personnel charged (4) Cooling water temperature too low.
with maintenance. There are several in Check thermostats.
struments available for the express pur (5) Valves in bad condition. Check
pose of measuring lube oil viscosity, one compression pressures.
of these being a viscosimeter. This (6) High exhaust backpressure. Check
instrument has disadvantages in that it is exhaust pressure at exhaust mani
extremely susceptible to breakage and is fold.
costly to replace. Its use is discussed In (7) One or more cylinders cutting out.
paragraph 16 c. Determine which cylinder or cyl
inders are cutting out, check valve
202. Irregular Engine Operation
springs for bad cylinder, and
replace injector with a new one.
a. General. The satisfactory perform Check cylinder compression.
ance of a dlesel engine depends on the (8) Water in fuel system.
presence of sufficiently high compression e. Engine Stalls Frequently.
pressure and the injection of the proper (1) Idling speed too low.
amount of fuel at the right time. The first (2) Cooling water temperature too low.
condition depends almost entirely on pis (3) Too sudden application of load at
tons, piston rings, and valves with their low speeds.
operating mechanism; the second condition (4) One or more cylinders cutting out.
depends on the injectors and their operat (5) Hunting governor. Bind from injec
ing mechanism. Lack of engine power, un tor control rack operating shaft
even running, excessive vibration, and a mechanism should be removed.
tendency to stall when idling may be caused (6) Choked fuel oil filters.
by a compression loss or by faulty injector (7) Unsatisfactory injectors. Replace
action. The following troubles, causes, and with reconditioned injectors.
remedies are listed to assist the mechanic (8) Improper governor adjustment and
in diagnosing trouble and correcting It. For governor linkage incorrectly set.
other troubleshooting information, see (9) Air in fuel system. Inspect system
paragraph 151. for leaks.
b. Engine Fails To Start at Temperature f. Loss of Power.
Above Freezing (32 *F.). (1) Injector racks not properly posi
(1) Throttle not in starting position. tioned.
(2) Fuel shutoff cock closed. (2) Faulty injector timing.
(3) Fuel tank empty or Insufficient (3) One or more cylinders cutting out.
supply of fuel. (4) Air filters choked.
(4) Blower rotors not revolving. (5) Insufficient fuel supply.
(5) Battery not sufficiently charged. (6) Choked fuel oil filter.
(6) Lack of compression due to stick (7) Air in fuel system.

(8) Unsatisfactory injectors. knocks. If a hard metallic knock
(9) Improper governor adjustment. indicates detonation in one or more
(10) Loss of compression. cylinders, the engine should be im
I g. Engine Will Not Shut Off. mediately stopped to prevent
(1) Gradual development of the condi serious damage due to the exces
tion in normal operation is usually sive pressures accompanying det
caused by misalinement of exter onation. Detonation is caused by the
nal control linkage. When a stop is presence of fuel oil or lubricating
attempted, the engine continues to oil in the air charge ofthe cylinders
run somewhat below idle. during the compression stroke.
(2) Diluted oil in air boxes and hot en The engine should be checked for—
gine. (a) Leaky injectors.
h. High Cooling Water Temperature. (b) Leaking fuel connections in cyl
(1) Water pump worn. inder head.
(2) Fan not operating properly. (c) Crankcase dilution due to fuel
(3) Thermostat stuck. leaks.
(4) Radiator air passages clogged. (d) Leaky blower housing gasket.
(5) Circulation of cooling water re (e) Leaky blower oil seals.
stricted. (f) Control rack improperly ad
(6) Shutters closed. justed.
/. High Lubricating Oil Temperature. (g) Hydraulic valve lash adjusters
(1) High cooling water temperature. sticking.
(2) Clogged oil cooler. (2) Mechanical knocks may be caused
(3) Oil cooler bypass not operating. by loose or worn pistons, piston
j. Smoky Exhaust. Two types of smoke pins, bearings, blowby, or loose
may be observed coming from the exhaust flywheel. In a two-cycle engine,
stack. These are classified according to knocking will not be heard from a
their color. loose connecting rod bearing be
(1) Black smoke. cause there is a downward
(a) Poor grade of fuel. pressure on the piston both on the
(b) Injector timing late. upstroke (compression) and on the
(c) Unsatisfactory injector. downstroke (combustion). To iso
(d) Air ports in cylinder liner late connecting rod knocks, hold
choked. down on the injector plunger,
(e) Obstruction in blower air Intake. cutting out inject!on on the cylinder
(f) High exhaust back pressure. suspected; then, any loose bearing
(g) Low compression. will be heard.
(2) Blue smoke. 1. Lack of Lubricating Oil Pressure.
(a) Injectors not properly equalized. (1) Oil supply in crankcase low.
(b) Cylinder cutting out. (2) Crankcase oil diluted.
(c) Lubricating oil entering combus (3) Wear on crankshaft or connecting
tion chambers. rod bearings.
k. Engine Knocks (Detonates). (4) Lubricating oil pump relief valve
(I) Due to its high compression, the sticking.
characteristic sound of a diesel is (5) Oil cooler choked.
sometimes mistaken for knocking. (6) Oil pump screen choked.
True knocking can be detected by (7) Oil pump drive inoperative.
placing a screwdriver or bar (8) Oil lines choked, improperly
against the engine with the other tightened, or leaking.
end to the ear, and listening to en
203. Turbocharger
gine sounds at various positions.
Hammering in a diesel can be due a General. The turbocharger (fig. 32)
either to fuel knocks or mechanical is a closely fitted unit. Its operation is
discussed in paragraph 416. Great care 204. Electrical Equipment Maintenance
must be used in maintaining clearances
and seals. Blowers may be maintained as & General. Maintenance requirements
directed in applicable unit instructions. for cable and electrical equipment in
Turbochargers are generally maintained stalled on diesel-electric locomotives
on a unit exchange basis, except for consists of inspection, cleaning, lubrica
routine cleaning and checking the speed tion, and adjustment. Cleaning of electrical
at which it operates. Typical routine work equipment must be done with extreme
is as follows: care. Parts of the rotating machinery such
(1) Check the blower speed. (The as the armature are insulated with mate
maximum allowable speed is rials that are easily damaged by solvents,
marked on the turbocharger name- water, detergents, etc. Cleaning is ac
plate.) complished by blowing dust and dirt out
(2) Clean the sections of the air intake of the equipment with clean, dry, com
filter every week or as needed. pressed air. This must be done often
(3) Check air pressure at full load for enough to avoid large accumulations of
the proper temperatures, pres foreign matter which may become caked,
sures, and speeds. causing difficult removal. Compressed
air should be used at reasonably low
b. Checking Rotor. The free running pressures. In cases where there are
time of the rotor, after stopping the diesel heavy deposits of grease or dirt which
engine, should be checked from time to cannot be removed with air, they may
time. This is an indication of the condition be wiped with clean, dry cloths, brushed
of the bearings. The free running time with a stiff fiber brush, or scraped with
from 2,200 rpm (engine idling) to a stand soft wood. In severe cases, it may be
still is approximately 2.8 to 3.00 minutes. necessary to dampen a cloth in solvent to
If the blower speed or the charging air remove oxidized grease or oil. Every
pressure drops under the normal values, precaution must be taken to keep the
or if the temperature of the inlet exhaust cleaner off the commutator and copper
gases at normal load with pressure charg parts. Cleaners should be used only when
ing exceeds the maximum allowable other methods will not remove the foreign
temperature for continuous running, im matter.
mediately reduce the engine speed and b. Motors and Generators. Motors and
determine the cause of the trouble. This generators are subject to dust and dirt,
may be due to — oil fumes or smoke, and changes in
(1) Failure of the fuel injection system temperature of the surrounding air. High
or other trouble with the diesel temperature from electrical loading and
engine; that is, leaky exhaust severe mechanical conditions may be
valves, excessive piston blowby, present. The main generator (para 70) is
etc. connected directly to the diesel engine
(2) Losses from leaky Joints in air and a main generator failure is serious
delivery piping. in that it causes a complete breakdown
(3) Losses in the exhaust gas piping of a single powerplant. In multiple power-
between the diesel engine and the plant locomotives such failure causes a
turbine. substantial reduction in capacity and may
(4) Excessive restriction in the air damage the engine Itself. Under these
filter. conditions, satisfactory main generator
(5) Troubles with the blower as performance is assured only by close
sembly. (Bearing troubles, rubbing attention to service and adequate mainte
of packing gland or turbine wheels, nance. The amount of maintenance work
etc.) Also look for a poor con done at one time varies between switching
nection in the generator field and road locomotives and in both cases,
resistance, or slipping of exciter depends on the severity of service. For
belts. switching locomotives, a program of
thorough cleaning of armature and field, a knife, but do not bevel the edges. Clean
checking of field coil and brush holder out the slots to remove all loose mica
connections with necessary retaping and and copper chips. Commutator segments
painting, detailed Inspection of brush must be kept as tight as possible. Ad
holders and brushes with necessary re justments to correct a loose commutator
pairs or replacements, general inspection require great care and should be attempted
and stoning of commutator, and checking only by experienced men who are familiar
and testing of bus bars or leads can be with the manufacturer's specifications.
adapted to alternate with heavier repair Do not apply lubricant to the commutator
work. All of this- work can be done without because it is detrimental to successful
removing the generator from the engine. operation. The brushes contain sufficient
Brushes and brush holders must be in graphite to maintain proper lubrication.
spected periodically as required by the If the commutator is not kept clean and
inspection worksheet. Brushes should free of grease and oil, carbon dust will
move freely in the holders and the holders collect in the grooves between the seg
and Insulator must be clean. Lift the ments and will tend to cause a short
springs and raise and lower the brushes circuit.
In the holders in order to release any d. Field Coils. Examine the connec
dirt that may have accumulated. Care tions and leads to the coils to determine
must be taken not to snap the spring as if they are mechanically and electrically
this may chip the brush. Replace brushes satisfactory. 'Field colls, leads, and cable
that have been chipped or show excessive connections must be secured and all taping
wear with the same grade of brush. This made intact. Whenever examination re
is especially necessary when only apartial veals charred insulations, the cause should
replacement is made, as two different be determined and the trouble corrected.
kinds of brushes on the same generator a. Inspection of Overloaded Traction
are likely to be detrimental to its suc Motors. The leads from the armature
cessful operation. Do not use emery cloth windings are soldered into the ends (necks)
or emery paper when sanding brushes of the commutator bars; these bars should
(£(3) below). Check brush spring tension be carefully inspected when examining
and adjust as required. the armature. If the armature has been
c. Commutator. The commutator should overheated by the overloading and solder
present a polished surface entirely free has been thrown out, the motor should
of pitting. If the commutator becomes be removed and replaced. Heavy over
pitted, it should be cleaned with a fine loading for traction motors may result
commutator stone. Never use carbor in-
undum or emery cloth on a commutator. (1) Loosening of the armature bands.
When cleaning the commutator with a (2) Shrinking of insulation and slot
stone, extreme caution must be taken to wedges, which permits vibration
keep copper dust from the windings. The of armature windings and which
air openings in the end frame on the fan may ultimately cause an electrical
end should be covered to prevent the fan breakdown.
from drawing dust into the windings. Airer (3) Persistent overloads may cause
stoning the commutator, blow out winding the pinion end band wire to throw
carefully with clean, dry, compressed air solder and yet leave the com
at reduced pressure. If the commutator mutator end band wire and the
has high and low spots or signs of burning, commutator soldering intact. (The
the armature should be placed in a lathe pinion end winding will be hottest
and the commutator turned Just enough to because it Is insulated and covered
give it a uniform surface. After the com by a band, and is ventilated by the
mutator has been turned, undercut the hottest air.)
mica. Remove the sharp edges of the (4) When overloads are such that all
commutator bars with a hand scraper or parts of the armature reach a
high temperature, all bands may volume of air at reasonably low pressure
unsolder as well as commutator should be used. If a high pressure from a
risers. These can be easily de nozzle is used, there is danger of loosening
tected through the commutator tape and cutting the protective coating of
opening at maintenance Inspection. the various parts. Some parts, such mm
The motor should be removed and brush holders and contacts, should be
replaced when there are signs of wiped with a clean, dry cloth. In cases
loose band wire or throwing of where there are heavy deposits of grease
solder. or dirt which cannot be removed with air
/. Burned Spots on Commutator. and dry cloths, a stiff brush, soft wood,
Burned spots on the commutator may or fiber scrapers may be required. M
result when locomotive power and brakes severe oases, it may be necessary to
are applied simultaneously. Burned edges dampen a cloth in cleaner to remove
of one or a number of commutator seg oxidized grease or oil. Every precaution
ments about the length of the number of should be taken to keep the cleaner off
brushes in the brush holder may Indicate the commutator as unsatisfactory brush
a winding or cross connection open in the performance may result. Cleaners should
armature. Blackening of the commutator be used only when other methods will not
may be caused by oil or grease from the remove the foreign matter.
bearings on the commutator or brushes, (1) Creepage surface. Refer to In
or by surges of load- current from im structions on creepage surface
proper operation of locomotive and frozen care and maintenance ofgenerator
or stuck brushes. Flat spots on the com commutators.
mutator may result from the following: (2) Lubrication. In some instances,
(1) A mechanically unbalanced arma the ball bearings are the double-
ture. shielded type and are packed at
(2) Commutator may be out of round. the factory with a lubricant
(3) High or low commutator bars. (ANDOK C) which does not become
(4) Driving wheels of locomotive may fluid except at temperatures higher
be worn too much on one side. than those reached under normal
(5) Flat spots on the wheels. operation. Since the bearings are
g. Auxiliary Generator. It is essential sealed on both sides, they do not
that the auxiliary generator (para 88) be require additional lubrication.
kept clean at all times. It should be blown However, on overhaul, the bearings
out with clean, dry, compressed air. Ap should be removed and replaced
proximately every year, the insulation on with new factory packed bearings.
the commutator cap should be cleaned Other types of bearings are lubri
and, when dry, painted with air-drying cated at lubrication fitting.
insulating varnish. The brush holder ring (3) Brushes and brush holders. In
insulator should be wiped clean. Any spection and cleaning procedures
accumulations of oil and dirt should be for brushes and brush holders are
removed. The electrical equipment must covered in b above. When the new
not be sprayed or cleaned with a liquid brushes are Installed, they should
of any kind. Attempting to clean the coll be sanded-In one at a time, by
and windings with a liquid cleaner will placing a piece of No. 00 grade
destroy the protective coating, causing It sandpaper under the brushwiththe
to peel or crack. All that is necessary sand side contacting the brush and
is to blow out the dust and dirt with clean moving the sandpaper in the di
air periodically. This should.be done often rection of rotation. Lift the brush
enough to prevent any accumulations. If when moving the paper back and
deposits of dirt are allowed to collect, keep the 'paper close to the com
they sometimes become caked, making mutator to avoid rounding the edges
them more difficult to remove. A large of the brush. Proper brush pres
sure should be maintained as Armature bands and coil wedges
specified under maintenance data should be tight and secure. Solder
in paragraph 245. Unequal brush ing on band should be intact. If
pressure may cause unequal cur solder has been thrown off, the
rent distribution to the brushes. cause should be determined, cor
Maintain 1/8 inch clearance rected, and bands replaced. The
between the bottom of each brush coil insulation should be free of
holder and the commutator. The blisters, flakes, or cracked
brush holder assembly is arranged insulating varnish surface.
in such a way that the brush holder /. Armature Bearings.
may be moved toward the com (1) The following precautions should
mutator by loosening the checknut be observed to prevent bearing
and the setscrew on the brush arm. failures:
Brush holders should be rigidly (a) When removing sheaves or fans,
bolted in place. The carbon brush use a puller that does not apply
shunts should be so arranged that a load on the bearings.
they will clear the parts of the (b) Sheaves or fans must be pressed
frame that are at ground potential. on the shaft In such a way that the
Note. Do not use emery cloth or emery forces are not transmitted
paper for sanding-in brushes. through the bearings.
b. Small Motors. (c) Care must be exercised in han
(1) Cleaning, brush maintenance, dling the auxiliary generator to
armature maintenance, and com prevent bumping of shaft, which
mutator maintenance are the same is likely to damage the bearings.
as for generators. Inspection pro (d) Avoid excessive belt tension.
cedures for motors should follow (e) Bearings which have been re
moved from the shaft at any time
I the same procedures as outlined
for generators. If trouble is
experienced in motor operation,
make sure —
should not be used again but
replaced with new factory-
packed bearings.
(a) The bearings are in good condi (2) These bearings are subjected to
tion. unusually severe operating con
(b) There is no mechanical obstruc ditions and must be maintained
tion to prevent rotation. Shaft very carefully. When lubricating
should turn freely. and installing bearings, use par
(c) All bolts and nuts are tightened ticular care to prevent dirt from
securely. getting into the lubricant or on
(a) Correct voltage is actually avail the bearings. The bearing assem
able at the motor terminals. blies are equipped with an elab
Voltage drop must not be more orate arrangement of labyrinths
than 10 percent of rated voltage. to prevent dirt from entering the
(e) Fuses are good and connections bearing while in service. The
are tight. armature bearings may usually be
(f) The brushes make contact with inspected without removing the
the commutator and do not bind armature. To inspect the bearing
in brush holder. at the commutator end, remove
(g) Armature or frame is not the bearing oapnuts and the bearing
grounded; check with a megohm- cap. To inspect the pinion end
meter. bearing, remove the pinion, bear
(2) Armature should be closely In ing seal, and bearing cap. Remove
spected for condition of bands, and replace bearings which show
wedges, coils, insulation, com any observable wear. Bearings
I mutator, and the general assembly. may become noisy and should be
removed before excessive wear 1. Relays. Performperiodic inspections
occurs. as required by inspection worksheets and
/. Controllers. Clean all contact sur check the following items:
faces, carefully removing all of the old (1) Contacts for burns and discolora
lubricant and accumulated dirt. Lubri tion of contact arms; clean con
cate the segments by wiping them with tacts as required and inspect for
clean cloth greased with the proper lu wear. Replace contacts when worn
bricant. Only a very thin coating of 1/8 inch on each contact.
lubricant should be used. Contact tips (2) Current coil connections for
must ride squarely on drum surfaces. All tightness.
screws, bolts, and nuts which secure elec (3) Electrical connections for tight
trical connections should be kept tight to ness and electrical contact.
insure good contact. If the contact sur (4) Colls and resistors for burns and
faces of the cylinder segments, or finger discoloration. Adjustments should
tips, become roughened or pitted, they not be attempted unless detailed
should be smoothed with a fine mill file instructions for the type of relay
or replaced. When filing the fingertips, In use are. available. Some relays
preserve the contour of the tip and file in have a seal wire to guard against
such a manner that contact will be along tampering. Check that the seal is
a lobe instead of a point. Each finger of undisturbed.
the controller is provided with an adjust m. Voltage Regulators.
ing screw to compensate for finger wear. (1) Voltage regulators found on loco
Some tips, are reversible to obtain better motives are two types: those of
wear. The tip should bear firmly on the the motor-operated type (torque
segment. Replace spring if pressure is motor) and the relay type. The
light. voltage regulating relay controls
k. Engine Starting Contactors. The con the auxiliary generator output
tactor should be inspected and cleaned in which furnishes auxiliary power
accordance with the inspection worksheet. for battery charging, control, etc.
Accumulations of dust should be removed Auxiliary generator voltage must
with a brush and the bearings lubricated be maintained constantly regard
with a drop of oil. In no case should oil less of engine speed. Inspection
be applied to contact tips. Braided copper and routine maintenance for the
shunts which carry current from the mov latter type will be similar to /
ing contact to the contactor terminal above. Inspection and cleaning of
should, if broken or badly worn, be re the torque motor type are as
placed with a new assembly. During In follows:
spections the contactor should be operated (a) If discoloration or sparking de
by hand (open the main battery switch or velops on the regulator commu
remove the fuse) to detect any excessive tator, the regulator should be
resistance to movement. The contact tips, cleaned as soon as possible.
gap, and wipe should be checked at this Thorough cleaning requires the
time. Silver contacts may become black removal of the sector from the
ened through normal operation, but this regulator. Refer to the specific
should not interfere with their efficiency. instructions for proper proce
Silver oxide is a good conductor of elec dures.
tricity and no attempt should be made to (b) Inspect sector and carbon rim
remove such discoloration. Do not use assemblies; replace if burned,
abrasives when cleaning contacts unless broken, or worn.
precautions are taken to keep metal parti (c) Check piston in dashpot for free
cles away from contact surfaces and mov dom of movement. Ifpiston sticks
ing parts. Such repair should be done with at any point, the dashpot must be
contacts removed from the contactor. removed and overhauled.

(d) Sector bearings should be lubri oil through the pilot valve to or from the
cated according to the pertinent load regulator. The rate of motion of the
i lubrication order or manual. Use
oil sparingly to avoid accumu
lations of dust.
load regulator is controlled to secure
satisfactory locomotive starting, to im
prove transition loading and unloading
(2) The voltage regulator should be characteristics, and to permit stable op
set to the manufacturer's speci eration under all load conditions.
fications. Check these required a Magnet Valves. Inspection of valve
settings to see if the regulator is operation and valve wear and a limited
operating properly. Before making amount of cleaning of the valve parts may
adjustments, study the appropriate be done with the valve unit assembled on
instructions thoroughly to gain an its apparatus. If a valve sticks or leaks,
understanding of the working parts. it may be due to a deposit of gummy oil
Poor regulation may be the result and dirt on the seating surfaces or on a
of the following: valve stem. Satisfactory operation pos
(a) Dirt in the dashpot. sibly may be restored by washing the
(b) Worn or dirty actuating shaft parts with a cleaner. The valve seats and
bearings. clearance holes for the valve stems may
(c) Dirty commutators and sectors. be flushed out by pouring cleaner fluid
(d) Dirt in the main shaft bearings. through the magnet core. The cleaner
D. Load Regulator. Essentially, the load recommended is trichloroethylene HI or
regulator is a vane-type automatic rheo petroleum spirits. Take necessary pre
stat in series with the main generator cautions against the hazards involved in
battery field. The commutator-type regu using either cleaner. It may be neces
lator is simple in construction and has sary to grind-in the valve and its seat to
few wearing parts; consequently, mini make them tight. Make sure all grinding
mum maintenance is required. Piping compound is removed with dry, com
connections should be kept tight to pre pressed air and a thorough washing with
vent oil leaks and entry of air into the the cleaner. At intervals, depending on
system. At intervals, the commutator the number of operations and the amount
cover should be removed and the commu of foreign matter in the air system, the
tator assembly cleaned. Insulation sur valve unit should be removed from its
faces should be wiped with a clean cloth manifold and disassembled sufficiently to
and dirt removed from the commutator permit cleaning, checking, and replacing
and slipring, using canvas or crocus worn valve parts. To disassemble the
cloth. Do not use sandpaper or cleaning magnet valve, first remove the cover.
solvent. Clean diagonal slots in slipring. The pole plate may be lifted off and the
Brushes should move freely in the brush valve stem pulled. Taking off the large
holder. Release the springs and raise and nut at the bottom allows the removal of
lower the brushes in the carbonways to the needle valve and spring. Dirt may
remove any dirt that has accumulated. be removed by flushing with a cleaner
Wipe off any dirt on the exposed sides of such as mineral spirits.
the brushes. If face of brush is grooved (1) If magnet valve leaks because the
or embedded with copper or If new seats are scored, it is necessary
brushes are applied, they should be to grind the valves. Fine grinding
sanded to fit the commutator or slipring. compound is used. When replace
The resistor assembly should be blown ments are made, a complete new
out with clean, dry, compressed air at assembly should be Installed in
low pressure. Oil lines to the operating order to be sure the valve stem
cylinder or motor shaft should be has the correct length with rela
inspected. Replace the seal if there is tion to the pole plate position. If
any leakage. Load regulator timing is it becomes necessary to grind the
accomplished by controlling the flow of seats, remove parts as stated

above. To grind the upper seat, (a) Dirt on valve seat.
coat the end of valve stem with (b) A weak battery of low voltage
grinding compound. Replace the applied to the coil will some
valve stem in the magnet valve times give a sufficient pull to
housing, insert screwdriver in the unseat the lower valve but not
slot of the adjusting screw on the enough to close the exhaust.
valve stem, and rotate back and (c) Dirt under the pole plate.
forth. To grind the lower seat, (d) Valve stem worn down so that
insert the needle valve after coat pole plate strikes the core be
ing it with valve grinding com fore the valve seats. This rarely
pound. Leave the valve stem in occurs until after the equipment
the magnet valve housing to act as has been in service for several
a guide for the needle valve, then years. If the stem is found to
insert a screwdriver in the slot be too short, it can be slightly
and rotate back and forth. After stretched by peening the shank.
both the upper and the lower seats However, it is recommended that
have been ground, the magnet valve a new assembly be installed.
housing, valve stem, and the needle p. Reversers. Reversers should be re
valve should be thoroughly cleaned. moved for dismantling, cleaning, lubri
Make certain that there are no cation, and repairs (para 73). Piston
particles of foreign matter in the packing should be renewed, pinions and
housing, then reassemble the mag racks examined for wear, and magnet
net valve and connect it to 90 psi valves cleaned and tested. Contact seg
air pressure. ments should be renewed or built up and
(2) To test the lower valve seat, cover remachined. Stationary contacts, shunts,
the air ports in the side of the and springs should be inspected for
magnet valve housing with soapy overheating or wear and replaced as nec
water. If bubbles form, the lower essary. Contact tension should be checked
seat must be reground. To test the and adjusted and interlocks inspected.
upper valve seat, press down the q. Main Power Switches. Main power
button on the cover of the magnet switches should be inspected for free
valve housing. This has the same movement of all moving parts and checked
effect as though the magnet coil for excessive play or clearance. Replace
were energized. While holding the any movable parts worn sufficiently to
button down, again cover the air cause excessive play. Inspect for burning
ports with soapy water. If bubbles or pitting of contact tips. Dress with
appear, the upper seat must be medium or fine mill file if necessary.
reground. If bubbles do not appear Inspect for correct alinement, wiping ac
while making the above test, both tion wear, and pressure of all contacts.
seats fit properly. If, after con When the main contact is properly closed,
siderable grinding, either seat the contact tips are heeled. Inspect for
still leaks, the valve seat is so tightness of all electrical connections and
damaged that a new needle valve, contactor mounting. Do not lubricate the
stem, and seat assembly are nec main contact tips. Grease or oil of any
essary. Check both the needle type around the contactor will collect
valve and the valve stem for dirt which causes the deterioration of
damage. If a valve blows through insulation. Inspect the interlock fingers
the exhaust port when the coil is and bars for wear, sharp edges, burrs,
energized, it is an indication that alinement, and burned and pitted areas.
the valve stem is not seating prop Maintain magnet valves as in o above.
erly. This may be due to any one r. Instruments. Voltmeters, ammeters,
of the following causes listed in or load indicators should be removed for
the order of the probability of testing and calibration. This applies also
occurrence. to engine or locomotive speed indicators
of either the mechanical or electrical battery compartment must be well
types. ventilated. A free flow of air over and
s. Summary. There are many items of around the battery dissipates heat and
electrical equipment installed on diesel prolongs battery life. Openings should
locomotives. Most of these items can be be screened to keep out dirt. Suitable
inspected and serviced in the same man drain openings should be provided in the
ner as similar items discussed in the bottom of the battery compartment to al
foregoing paragraphs. Reference should low washing solution and rinse water to
always be made to the appropriate publi drain away from the locomotive and not
cation for any special procedures for mar the paint or superstructure.
particular pieces of electrical equipment. b. The battery should be well blocked
t. Safety Precautions. to prevent excessive movement. Do not
(1) Do not work on electrical equip wedge. Cables should not be subject to
ment without first isolating the crushing or rubbing which may destroy
equipment from the power source insulation and result in grounds. Keep all
by stopping the engine and opening connections clean and tight.
control and battery switches or by c. Maintain the battery in a healthy
removing fuses where applicable. state of charge by keeping voltage regu
(2) Do not perform work while wear lator properly adjusted. An ideal setting
ing rings or wrist watches; remove will maintain the specific gravity of the
them. electrolyte without using an excessive
(3) When traction motors or under- amount of water or heating up the bat
locomotive equipment must be tery. Too high a setting increases water
inspected while the engine is run consumption and heat. Too low a setting
ning, the generator field switch will result in progressively lower spe
must be opened and the independ cific gravity readings and negligible water
ent airbrakes and handbrakes set. consumption.
The reverse lever must be cf. Add approved or distilled water at
removed from the controller and regular intervals. In cold weather, add
carried with the person making water just before the locomotive goes into
such an Inspection. service in order to mix it with the elec
(4) Do not use metallic-cased flash trolyte. If left standing without mixing,
lights around electrical equipment. the water will freeze and damage the
(5) Adjustments that must be made on battery.
equipment while actually operat e. Keep the battery and its surroundings
ing should be done with the person clean and dry. Vent plugs must be kept in
making the adjustment standing on place. If covers and trays are neutralized
dry insulating material, news with soda, do not allow any of the solu
paper, etc., with one hand in his tion to get into the cells or the cells will
pocket. Another person should be be neutralized. Keep continuous records
standing by to render assistance, of the condition of the battery. The spe
if necessary. cific gravity lowers on discharge and
(6) Never use volatile cleaning sol rises again on charge. Hydrometer read
vents in inclosed spaces and never ings vary from 1,280 when charged to
use them anywhere without ade 1,160 when discharged. Electrolyte from
quate fire extinguisher apparatus the battery is drawn into the barrel of a
at hand. syringe which contains the hydrometer.
The hydrometer will not sink as far in a
205. Battery solution with a high specific gravity as it
a. Proper maintenance of batteries is will in a solution with a low specific
essential in order to obtain long, depend gravity. The stem of the hydrometer is
able battery performance. The mainte graduated accordingly.
nance procedures are not difficult. The /. The capacity of a storage battery is
measured in units of ampere hours, which Change the oil periodically as
is the product of the electrical current in specified in maintenance sched
amperes multiplied by the time in hours. ules. When the oil is changed,
For example, an MVMT-13 battery has a clean out the crankcase with a
capacity at the 6 hour rate of 204 ampere regular flushing oil. Do not use
hours, or 6 hours x 34 amperes = 204 gasoline, kerosene, or other flam
ampere hours. Although current may be mable agents in cleaning the crank-
obtained after the end of this time, the case. If the oil pressure is abnor
voltage of the battery has dropped to a mally high or low, check the
point where it is inadequate. Little, if any, operation of the oil relief valve
permanent harm will result if the battery and oil pump and the condition of
is discharged to the limit of its capacity, the oil filters.
provided it is recharged promptly. The (2) Clean and oil the elements in the
ampere hours which may be obtained from air filter periodically. Direct dry,
a battery are greater for a long low rate compressed air along, not against,
or intermittent rate discharge, in the outer surface of the filter, or
amperes, than for a short high rate. This clean with an alkali-free hydro
is because the voltage drops faster at carbon solvent; dry, dip in an oil
the higher discharge rates. High dis bath, and drain.
charge rates should not be confused with (3) Drain condensate from the inter-
overdischarge. cooler, keep the intercooler core
g. Practice the following safety rules sections clean to permit free pas
and cautions: sage of cooling air, and check the
(1) Do not work on the battery without intercooler safety valve by hand
opening the main battery switch. to be sure it is not stuck. If
(2) Keep all flames away from the intercooler pressure is unusually
battery. high, check the operation of the
(3) Do not lay tools on top of the bat high-pressure suction -and' dis
tery. charge valves. If the pressure is
(4) Do not permit oil to drip on the unusually low, check the operation
battery. of the low-pressure suction and
discharge valves. About the only
206. Air System attention the intercooler should
& The air system discussed in chapter need is draining to insure removal
12 must be kept clean and well lubricated. of moisture. Drain the intercooler
Faulty operation is most frequently caused every time the main reservoirs
by wear and corrosion of moving parts are drained. A drain cock is lo
and dirty, sluggish, dry and deteriorated cated in the bottom header of each
filters, pistons, and diaphragms. Many bank of intercooler tubes. When
filters, cocks, and fittings are provided handling the intercooler, care
for running maintenance of this equip should be exercised to avoid dam
ment, but the high standards of cleanli age to the finned tubing and also
ness involved require that many operations to see that undue strains are not
of a maintenance nature, such as lubrica placed on the header assembly.
tion, be done in a shop after removing The top header is one piece while
the assembly from the locomotive. Infor the bottom header is in two pieces
mation in paragraphs 197 and 209 should to accommodate expansion due to
be used for both maintenance and repair temperature change. The lower
work, according to the circumstances. headers are tied together with a
b. Lubricate, clean, and test the com bottom tie strap and capsorews;
pressor and its components as follows: upon their removal, the inter
(1) Maintain the oil in the compressor cooler may be lifted vertically.
crankcase at the proper level. When handling, replace the strap
to prevent distortion of the (6) Inspect pedestal liners.
assembly. b. Brake rigging must be Inspected
(4) An orifice test shows whether a thoroughly at each daily inspection. Brake
compressor can maintain a speci lever pins, bushings, and clevises must
fied reservoir pressure while be maintained in good condition. Wear or
reservoir air is escaping through damage must be corrected Immediately or,
a specified orifice. This pressure if inspecting personnel are unable to cor
varies with the dimensions of the rect the trouble at once, a report to the
orifice and the speed of the com next higher authority must be made. When
pressor. A condemning limit is levers, pins, and bushings have worn until
usually set at approximately 80 brake travel can no longer be taken up by
percent of the capacity of a new turnbuckle adjustment, the brake pull rod
compressor. If the air escapes may be shortened by moving the pin to the
from the orifice faster than the second hole in the rod. When it becomes
compressor can pump, the com necessary to move the pin to the third
pressor should be reconditioned. hold to maintain piston travel, all parts
(5) The governor needs very little should be replaced. Brake adjustments
attention after being properly ad should be done at a time when main
justed, except periodic cleaning reservoir air pressure is pumped up.
and oiling. A few drops of good oil When making adjustments, release the
should be placed on the working handbrake and set locomotive brakes by
surface of cutting-in and cutting- applying the independent brake valve con
out valves. The exhaust opening trol. Brake cylinder piston travel should be
must be free of dirt and gum and set in accordance with standard operating
the strainer must be clean. practice. Adjustments usually are neces
sary when travel exceeds 2 inches for each
207. Trucks and Brake Rigging piston.
a. Trucks are not subject to routine c. When making adjustments on brake
maintenance other than inspection, rigging or when inspecting underparts of a
periodic cleaning, and lubrication as re locomotive, it is always good practice to
quired by inspection worksheet schedules block the wheels of the locomotive to pre
and lubrication orders. Badly worn wear vent any possible movement.
plates on Journal boxes and pedestals can 208". Bearings
be renewed without removing the wheel
and axle assembly, but a better job can a. Hot Bearings. A hot traction motor
be done if the assembly is removed, thus axle bearing or journal bearing gives off
allowing wear plates to be clamped tightly smoke and/or odor. In switching service,
into place. notify the nearest maintenance facility, In
(1) Inspect for apparent damage to road service, remove the waste, discard
main castings such as cracks in charred portions, and repack the bearings,
the transom, bolster, etc. being sure the waste is against the axle.
(2) Inspect all bolts, nuts, and other Add plenty of oil, pouring some directly
fittings for tightness. on the waste. After running several miles,
(3) Inspect center plates and side inspect the bearing again. Repeat as re
bearings for excessive wear. If quired to reach a terminal.
the clearance between the frame b. Maintaining Bearings. Typical axle
and the side bearings is low, the bearing maintenance involves inspection
center plate is worn and may need at regular intervals to check the oil depth
replacing or shimming. (1-3/4-in. minimum, 3-1/2-in. maximum,
(4) Inspect springs for indications of measured on slant). Clean off all dirt
weakness, cracks, or broken around the waste pocket and oil well
leaves. covers. Lift covers and examine waste.
(5) Check swing hangers for excessive Change any glazed waste. Make sure that
wear at upper and lower ends. waste is packed tightly against window and
the bearing lining flanges are being prop (1) Remove waste or lubricator pads
erly lubricated. Use a suction pump to take from the journal box.
a sample of oil from the bottom of the oil (2) Jack journal box high enough so the
chamber to check for water. If water is weight of the locomotive is not
found, it should be withdrawn and the bear resting on the Journal bearing.
ing repacked with fresh waste. Bearings (3) Remove spring caps and gaskets.
normally require repacking after 25,000 (4) Remove the nine lateral springs
to 30,000 miles of service or every 6 and two snubber lateral springs.
months, whichever occurs first. Remove one spring with apin punch
c. Packing Axle Bearings. To pack axle or driftpin. The other may be re
bearings, empty and clean outwaste cham moved by hand. Note that the outer
ber. Be careful that no dirt drops into it. snubber spring camber is bowed
The axle caps are fitted with a spring waste away from axle. Inner snubber
pusher. A thin wood or fiber wedge should spring has chamfered edge.
be inserted between the pusher and the axle (5) Hold thrust bearing while remov
to keep the spring compressed while the ing springs so it does not fall and
bearing is packed. If the wedge is inserted mar the thrust face.
in the center of the waste openings, the (6) Remove wedge from top of journal
waste can be packed on both sides of it. bearing.
The wedges should be removed after pack (7) Insert bolt in hole in front side of
ing. Long fiber wool waste should be used bearing and pull out. Be very care
as packing. All the waste to be used should ful not to scratch bearing surface
be thoroughly saturated with warm oil for on collar of axle when removing.
24 hours and allowed to drain for 12 hours (8) Repack housing with clean oil
(temperature approximately 85* F.). soaked spring packing waste or new
(1) Make several wicks or skeins by lubricator pad, as applicable.
twisting the long strands together (9) After parts have been inspected,
once or twice. reassemble by reversing the above
(2) Place the wicks in the window side procedure.
of the waste chamber so that they t. Journal Box Parts. All parts of the
extend from the bottom to about 6 journal box are interchangeable when new.
inches above the top and force them This has led to the practice of interchang
firmly against the shaft by packing ing journal boxes from one axle to another,
more waste behind them. particularly at wheel changes. Experience
(3) Fold the top of the wicks back over has shown, however, that after bearing
the packing and fill the remaining parts have operated together for a con
space with a wad of waste well siderable period of time, they will wear-in
saturated with oil to exclude dirt. in a complementary and individual manner.
(4) Replace cover on waste chamber. For this reason, it is recommended that
d Oiling Axle Bearings. Fill the bear- each journal box and bearing be treated as
Ing with lubricating oil conforming to a unit and be used only on the journal to
specifications applicable. Unless the which it belongs. When parts which belong
climate Is very uniform throughout the together are kept together, the maximum
year, two grades of oil are required, one possible life will be realized from each
for summer and a lighter grade for winter. part.
Open the oil well cover and gage the depth
of the oil by inserting a clean rod or stick 209. Miscellaneous
into the auxiliary oil well. If the bearing a. V-Be/fs. Correct tension should be
is not sufficiently full, pour oil into the maintained on V -belts. If the V-belt is too
auxiliary oil well until the proper depth of loose, it will slip and cause both the sheave
oil is reached (3-1/2-ln. maximum meas and the belt to wear and the engine to over
ured on slant). Close oil well cover. heat. If the V-belt is too tight, bearings
e. Journal Bearings. To remove Journal are subjected to a very great overload and
bearing and thrust bearing— will wear rapidly. Belt tension may be
checked roughly by depressing the V-belt Diameter of driven
in the center, halfway between the two pulley = 6 inches
sheaves. The amount of this deflectionwill Required speed of driven pulley
vary somewhat due to the variation in drive 18 inches x 800 rpm
center distances, but usually the deflection + 6 Inches = 2,400 rpm
will run 1/2 inch to 1 inch. The pressure (calculated speed of driven
exerted at the center of the belt to check pulley)
this deflection should be the normal pres (2) The same formula is used for flat
sure possible to exert with one finger belts as for V -belts. Use outside
without straining. Whenever any matched diameter of pulleys.
set of belts is applied, whether new or b. Cleaning Procedures. The first step
used, the center distance of the drive must involves the selection of the type of cleaner
be reduced so that the belts can be placed best adapted to the equipment, assembly,
over the sheaves freely. If this were not or part to be cleaned and the kind of de
done, it would be necessary to force the posits to be removed. There is no one
belts into the sheave grooves, causing ply cleaner that will perform all cleaning op
breakage and cover damage and resulting erations. Because of the strong chemical
in shortened service life for the belts. action necessary to remove carbon, lac
Check pulley allnement after belt tension quer, etc., these cleaners often attack non-
is adjusted, since movement of the equip ferrous metals. Others have disagreeable
ment, and consequently the pulley sheave or harmful fumes and some Irritate the
movement, will cause undue wear and skin. Some cleaners are flammable and
strain on new belts. After a set of V -belts must be used with extreme caution. In
has been applied and drawn up fairly tight, making up cleaner baths, or making sub
the drive should be run for at least 15 sequent additions with any solid type
minutes. This will allow the belts to stretch cleaner, care should be exercised to insure
and become well seated in the grooves and complete solution of the cleaner. This can
equalized on both sides of the drive before be accomplished by adding the cleaner
checking for tension and any possible mis in small portions at different points in the
matching of belts. After the belts have tank, or by the use of fine mesh baskets
made this preliminary run, check the belt hung from the sides of the tank. The action
deflection. It should be about 1 inch at of a cleaner may be considerably accel
mldspan. Run the drive at top speed, erated by agitation and controlled heating
checking the driven pulley speed with a of the solution. Agitation may be mechan
hand tachometer. If the driven pulley speed ical or by bubbling air or steam through
falls within 5 percent of calcualted speed, the solution. Steam is very satisfactory
the belts should be tight enough. If not, and accomplishes a dual operation by both
tighten the belts a small amount and check heating and agitating the solution. Since
the speed again. If the driven pulley speed dilution will be experienced in using steam,
cannot be brought up to rating, check the the concentration of the solution will re
wear condition of the sheaves. Sheaves that quire more frequent checking. Mechanical
are badly worn may not deliver the proper agitation is the most effective and requires
speed. less time. Mechanically agitated tanks
(1) To find the speed of the driven pul which are constructed in a variety of sizes
ley, multiply the diameter of the to economically handle any cleaning en
driving pulley by its speed in revo countered are available. Since some
lutions per minute and divide the cleaners decompose at higher tempera
product by the diameter of the tures and some are not effective unless
driven pulley. held at a determined temperature, the
Example: manufacturer's recommended solution
Speed of driving temperature must be maintained to obtain
pulley = 800 rpm effective parts cleaning. In most cleaning
Diameter of driving operations, the quality of work obtained
pulley = 18 inches Is determined, to a large degree, by the
rinsing operations following the cleaning. nozzle either farther into, or out of, the
Rinsing can be accomplished by spraying sand trap. The sand control valve should
the part with hot water, steam Jet, or by be checked and cleaned annually or as
dipping in a rinse water tank. To tempo conditions require. Inspect cup washer
rarily prevent rusting, 1 to 3 ounces of 0-ring and composition rubber valve. Re
water-soluble oil per gallon of water can place if necessary. Inspect sanding Jets.
be added to the rinse tank. The use of soft Make certain they are not plugged. Ex
grit blasting has proven very successful amine vent port at bottom of actuating
and economical in some types of cleaning. cylinder. Make certain it is not plugged.
The abrasive agent used with this equip Check spring. Replace if weak. Clean all
ment is either crushed corncobs or hard parts thoroughly and place a small amount
wood sawdust. Sand or metallic abrasive of airbrake oil on the cup washer, 0 -ring,
blasting is not recommended. and composition rubber valve before as
c. Flow of Sand. The flow of sand can sembly.
be adjusted by a nut which moves an air


210. When to Paint (2) Preparations containing benzol

a. General. The painting and stenciling will not be applied by spraying
of all railway equipment, including loco (inhaling benzol fumes is ex
motives, is governed by AR 746-5. Loco tremely injurious to health).
motives, normally, will be repainted com (3) Cover lugs of pressure feed paint
pletely during the performance of depot tank will not be loosened unless it
maintenance. At other times, when the is certain that pressure in the con
painted surface has deteriorated to such tainer has been released. M
an extent that rusting or peeling is evident, (4) Pressure feed paint tank safety *
equipment should be spot painted to pre valves will be tested regularly.
vent further deterioration and to provide (5) Rubber gloves should be worn when
a presentable appearance. It is the handling sealer or acid solvents.
responsibility of the paint foreman to de b. Causes and Prevention of Fire.
termine whether to paint over old paint or (1) Rags and waste are soaked with
to remove old coatings. Military Specifi paint and oil are fire hazards and
cation, MIL-P-3321C governs painting will be placed in standard, self-
locomotives. closing metal cans having legs at
b. Inspection. During monthly inspection least 4 inches high to provide space
of locomotives, condition of paint will be for air circulation. Cans will be
noted carefully and recorded. Records emptied at the end of each working
will include specific reference to any sur day and contents removed to a safe
faces on which paint may have blistered, place and destroyed. Trash and
peeled, or otherwise deteriorated. By rubbish will be placed in covered
maintaining inspection records, it is pos metal containers which will be
sible to use a system of periodic spot emptied daily and contents de
painting which insures the retention of stroyed or stored in an isolated
suitable protective coating on wood and vault.
metal surfaces and often avoids completely (2) Main stock of solvents, paints, and
repainting a piece of equipment. other flammable materials will be
211. Safety
stored outside the paint shop in a
separate inclosure. Cans contain
a. Safety Precautions. ing paints, thinners, and other paint
(1) Respirators will be worn during all materials will be covered tightly M
spray painting operations. before being stored or put away for I,
the night. The precautions outlined approved for use on Army railroad equip
in Army regulations for the storage ment, also contains complete instructions
of gasoline will also be followed for selecting approved materials, prepar
for paint, thinners, etc. ing (mixing), and applying paint to properly
(3) Empty drums or other containers prepared surfaces of diesel-electrlc loco
in .which solvents, thinners, and motives. This specification is to be used
similar materials have been as a guide by personnel engaged in painting
shipped are potential hazards, the above equipment. Paint will be applied
since they often contain enough with care and under competent super
vaporized material of aflammable vision. For the protection of the surface,
nature to cause an explosion. Heat the first or priming coat is of the greatest
or flame, such as used in welding importance, since corrosion or rot may
or soldering operations, must spread rapidly under the paint film if the
never be applied to such drums or primer is improperly applied. All surfaces
cans unless they are first steamed will be cleaned of loose paint, dirt, scale,
out thoroughly, filled with water, grease, and rust before painting.
and inspected to Insure that all & Steel surfaces, other than welded or
traces of the odor ofpaint material hot-riveted surfaces, which are inacces
are removed. sible after assembly will be given one coat
of red lead before assembly. Wood sur
212. Preparation faces which are inaccessible after
& Surface Preparation. Surfaces re- assembly will be given one coat of synthetic
primer prior to assembly.
quiring repainting must be prepared in c. Wood or steel sills, braces, posts,
accordance with instructions contained stringers, etc., which are exposed during
in MIL-P-3321C. Competent supervision repairs to equipment, will be brush painted
and inspection of this phase is mandatory or sprayed with one coat of synthetic
since paint will not adhere uniformly to primer.
surfaces which are dirty or otherwise ct Paint applied to trucks and component
loorly prepared for applying paint. Im parts will be thinned out sufficiently so
mediately prior to painting, all surfaces that detection of cracks or other flaws is
will be clean, dry, and conducive to the not prevented. Parts contained in Journal
best adhesion of the materials to be box will not be painted
applied. Grease, oil, and other foreign e. Surfaces painted with red lead or zinc
matter will be removed. Extreme caution dust primer will not be primed with
will be exercised when sandblasting loco synthetic primer.
motives to insure that sand does not enter £ If engine or generator housings have
bearings or contact surfaces to which it been removed from the locomotive, they
may be detrimental. Parts to be sand may be spray painted; if they are in
blasted will ordinarily be removed from stalled in the locomotive, they will be
locomotive. Old paint will not be stripped brush painted.
except where essential. (1) Engine assemblies should be
b. Masking. Glass surfaces, rubber painted only after repair or re
components, valves, pressure gages, building operations are completed
throttle and reverse levers, upholstered and cylinder heads and crankcase
surfaces, dynamos, airpumps, packing, or oil pan are assembled to the
piston rods,, valve rods, etc., will be cylinder block.
masked or otherwise protected during (2) Mask all intake openings, filler
spray painting. pipes, and generator grilling if
213. Pointing Procedures
paint is to be sprayed. Exercise
extreme care to prevent paint
a. Military Specification, MIL-P- entering the openings or grilling
3321C, a complete list of materiel if brush painting is done.

(3) Hose of adequate inside diameter equipment used by the Department of
must be used with paint spray the Army. Marking arrangements, there
equipment. In a great many in fore, must be flexible to fit all type*.
stances, malfunction of the spray On some equipment, it will be impossible
gun is due to an Insufficient supply to adhere strictly to size, arrangement,
of air at the gun. This condition and location of markings; good Judgement
is usually caused by the use of will be exercised in locating the elements
improper size hose. A drop in to suit the construction of the equipment.
pressure occurs whenever com e. Information on the drawings will be
pressed air is transmitted. shown in its entirety on the equipment In
all cases. Information not shown on the
214. Lettering Requirements drawings will not be added unless specifi
a General The primary purpose of cally authorized by the U. S. Army
lettering and numbering is to Identify Materiel Command.
and classify equipment. Marking will be £ Marking on motive power equipment
in clear-cut, properly located figures and will have the position of its elements
will reflect the same high quality of defined as related to the front and back
workmanship comparable to that in the ends, while markings on rolling stockwill
equipment Itself. Distinction can be lent be arranged so as to present the same
to an engineering design with letters and view when the car is seen from either
numbers of neatness and quality that con side.
tribute to the general appearance of the
equipment. Even the roughest freight 215. Lettering Procedures
equipment will be given the highest pos a All letters, numbers, and insignia on
sible degree of perfection in the balance, locomotives will be applied with white
proportion, and design of its markings. gloss enamel. One coat of yellow enamel
Because in many instances letters and will be used for safety markings which will
numbers are copied from the equipment be an alternate 4-inch black and yellow
by yard or train personnel at night and diagonal stripe as indicated in drawings.
while the equipment is in motion, it is This stripe around the periphery on the
extremely important that letters and num bedplate will be no less than 2 Inches in
bers be legible and correctly placed. width. Safety markings will not be used
& Lettering and numbering of Depart in theaters of operations.
ment of the Army railroad equipment will & When necessary, due to the presence
comply with requirements of AR 746-5 of louvers, vents, doors, etc., the size,
and MIL-P-3321C and in accordance with arrangement, and location of markings
allocation of numbers for continental may be revised to suit the construction
United States or theaters of operations. of the equipment. However, deviations
Letters and numbers will be in accordance from figures 99 and 100 will be kept to
with illustrations in this manual of the a
various types of equipment. c. Diesel-electric locomotives will be
c. Letters and numbers illustrated in marked in accordance with figures 99 and
figure 96 are authorized for all railroad 100.
equipment and will insure uniformity in (1) The locomotive number, in 7-inch
identification and classification labels. figures, will be spaced properly
Style and proportion have been analyzed and located centrally on right and
mathematically and geometrically in the left sides of cab.
drawings. Lettering and numbering on a (2) Locomotive number,, in 7 -inch fig
locomotive are illustrated in figure 98. ures, will be shown on front and
The Air Force insigne (fig, 97) will be of back ends of dlesel-electric loco
the dimensions given in paragraph 215. motives.
d Illustrations In this manual are pre (3) On equipment owned and operated
sented as typical of the various types of by the Department of the Army, I


Figvrt 97. Air Forot iniign*.

the words "Transportation Corps" spaced to suit grill openings inside

in 3-lnch letters will be placed as plates.
shown. The words "United States (4) Shop initials, type of repair (cate
Army" will be In 7-inch letters on gory of maintenance), and date out
right and left sides of motor hous of shop, in 1-inch characters, will
ing; on locomotives with center be indicated on main air reservoirs
cab, this lettering will be to the according to the following con
rear of the cab; on other types, ditions: When reservoirs are
forward of the cab. This lettering supported in a longitudinal posi
may be raised or lowered and tion, the information will be shown
Figure 98. MRS-I, dies el- electric locomotive.

on left main air reservoir only, information will be applied near

near the forward end; when reser rear ends; when reservoirs are
voirs are supported in a lateral supported in a lateral position,
position, the Information will be the information will be applied to
shown on rear reservoir, near its reservoirs near left ends where
left end, where the data can be it can be readily seen from left
readily seen from left side of side of locomotive.
locomotive. Example:
Example: Tested 190 pounds
M.S. B-l-6-65 M.S. 1-6-65
In theaters of operations, shop initials In theaters of operations, shop initials
will not be shown. will not be shown.
(5) Test pressure in pounds per square (6) Shop initials, HT (hammer test),
inch on top line, shop initials and and date of hammer test, in 1-
date of hydrostatic test on second inch characters, will be applied
line, in 1-inch characters with to each main air reservoir below
1-inch space between lines, will be the two elements required in (5)
applied to each main air reservoir above.
according to the following con Example:
ditions: When reservoirs are sup M.S. HT-7-6-64
ported in longitudinal position, the
I 1


ARMY 9999





figure 99. Markings for dieael-electric locomotive with cab in center. CONUS and theaters of operations.


CAB .7


Figure 100. Markings for dieael-electric locomotive with cab to nor of center,
CON US and theaters of operationa.
In theaters of operations, shop initials sill 'near the end of diesel-electric
will not be shown. locomotive which, for identifica
(7) The letter "F" in 4-inch charac tion purposes, is designated as
ters will be shown on each side the front end.


216. Classes of Work and serial number of the mechani

a. General. Two classes of work are cal unit for which the part or as
performed at diesel-electric locomotive sembly is being ordered, such as
shops. One is routine servicing and regu engine, generator, compressor,
lar inspection; the other is maintenance fan motor, traction motor, etc.
and repair. The principal types of work (4) Specify part numbers and part
and facilities are discussed below. names exactly as listed in parts
b. Routine Servicing and Regular In book and/or DA supply bulletins.
spection. Routine servicing includes fuel Part numbers vary for different
ing; watering; sanding; addition of lubri equipment. Do not order by ref
cating oil; and daily inspection and general erence numbers on plates and be
check of condition of diesel engine or sure that the correct parts book
engines, electrical equipment, mechanical is referred to. Failure to do this
parts, airbrakes, and safety appliances, frequently causes errors in sup
all of which are necessary to release the plying desired part, with conse
locomotive for its next run in road service quent delay in shipment.
or tour of duty in switching service. (5) Specify exactly the quantity
c. Maintenance andRepair. Maintenance required. Do not order parts in
and repair includes inspection, lubrica sets. Assemblies of parts will be
tion, and all repairs or replacement of listed in parts book or the supply
parts required as the result of continued manual with correct part number
operation or failures in service. Diesel for assembly and name. The pub
motive power, except under special oper lication used will state specifically
ating conditions, is maintained on a of what parts the assembly is
progressive or preventive basis rather comprised.
than on a periodic basis of heavy over (6) When in doubt as to the part num
haul characteristic of steam locomotive ber and name, supply a sketch of
repairs. the item required. Such a sketch
should Include general dimensions
217. Supplies and a full description of the part.
If a used or damaged part is sup
a. General. To expedite movement of plied as a sample, it should be
repair parts and prevent serious motive tagged "Sample of Part Ordered"
power delays, the following information stating on tag the name and ad
should be included when requisitioning or dress of sender and, when possi
ordering parts for locomotive equipment: ble, the order or requisition
(1) Military identification, type num number.
ber of locomotive. (7) State on order whether it is —
(2) The locomotive builder's name, (a) Confirmation of telegraphed or
model, and serial number. This telephoned order.
usually is found on the brass (b) Emergency order to be rushed.
nameplate located toward the front (c) Unit exchange service.
on each side of locomotive. (d) Stores' stock.
(3) The manufacturer's type or model (e) Major repairs.
b. Checking Shipment. As notice of Fuel pump and Throttle control
shortages, errors, etc., must be given motor assembly switch
within 1O days after receipt of shipment, Fuel pump motor Compressor unloader
Automatic chain pilot
the shipments received direct from the takeup assembly Supercharger
manufacturer or supply activity should be Load control unit
checked immediately. (2) The instructions re gar ding the
c. Unit Exchange Service. correct method of ordering parts
(1) Owing to the impracticability of apply in using this service and the
making repairs to certain units words "Unit Exchange Service"
because of their mechanical na should appear conspicuously on the
ture, some manufacturers main requisition. Requisitions are sub
tain a unit exchange service mitted in accordance with AR 725-
whereby a used and faulty unit may 50 to the applicable supply source
be exchanged for a new or rebuilt in conformance with current in
unit. The following list contains structions of the managing activity
some of the unit exchange items: responsible for each item. These
Main generator Bosch pump activities, with identity codes,
Main generator Bosch spray nozzle supply status codes, etc., and are
armature Scavenging blower
Exciter and auxil- Cylinder liner listed in DA Supply Catalog SC
iary generator Fan motor 2200-ML, Management Data List.
Traction motor Fan motor armature Locomotive accessories and com
Starting motor Air compressor ponents are classified FSC Class
Starting motor motor armature 2240, irrespective of the managing
armature Air compressor activity. See paragraph 192c.
Engine governor governor


218. General
the equipment, this course should be fol
a. The repairs ordinarily made on the lowed. If more extensive repairs should
diesel engine of a locomotive are those be required, the procedures outlined in
repairs required to keep the equipment depot maintenance instructions should be
in operating condition without the neces followed.
sity of a major overhaul. Whenever the
nature of the required repair necessitates 220. Run-in and Test of Repaired Engines
considerable disassembly of the engine,
all parts made accessible by such disas a. Each repaired diesel engine should
sembly should be inspected and repaired be run in adequately before it is released
or replaced. for service. Time, fuel, and labor spent
b. The burden of preventive maintenance "breaking in" the engine will result in
is placed with the using organization. greater longevity and efficiency of the
c. Direct support maintenance is per unit. A check is made of compression
formed by maintenance activities in direct pressures in each cylinder; exhaust gas
support of the using organization. It con temperature for each cylinder at various
sists primarily of repair and replacement engine speeds, lubricating oil pressures
of unserviceable parts, subassemblies, and temperatures, cooling water temper
or assemblies. atures, supercharger or blower pres
d. The best detailed procedure to follow sures, and horsepower output under vary
for any particular make of diesel-electric ing conditions of current and voltage, as
locomotive is governed by the applicable indicated by the main generator charac
manual or the manufacturer's instruction teristic curve; individual throttle position
book. speeds and loading; color and quality of
e. A stock of complete repair units of exhaust gases; general sound and action
diesel engine equipment is maintained at of the engine under load and acceleration;
depot maintenance repair shops to replace and other indications of proper and im
similar units removed from an engine for proper operation.
repairs and reconditioning. This inter b. A "liquid rheostat" or '*water box" is
change of units in reassembly of an en a convenient testing device. It consists of
gine prevents delay caused by waiting two sets of plates in a tank, one set being
for repairs to be completed on individual stationary and the other arranged to be
parts and allows the different classes of lifted out of the tank gradually. The tank
repairs to be segregated and handled by is then filled with water. By connecting
specialized groups in the shop. Quantity the diesel-electric generator to the rheo
production methods can, therefore, be stat, current may be passed from one set
employed in depot engine repairs. of plates to the other. The amount of cur
rent depends on what portion of the mov
219. General Repair Procedures
able plates is immersed, thus varying the
load imposed upon the engine. Other
A given type of repair may be handled facilities for this work include a cylinder
all at once, at extended intervals, or pro pressure indicator, either of the maximum
gressively during such intervals, depend instantaneous pressure or the curve draw
ing on the amount of time available for the ing type, pyrometer and thermocouples,
repair and the tactical situation. For voltmeter and ammeter with shunt and the
example, If the part in need of repair can usual complement of pressure gages, and
be replaced as a unit without deactivating thermometers and temperature indicators

which are a part of the regular engine (a) Cast aluminum pistons normally
equipment. at 75,000 miles.
(b) Forged aluminum pistons nor
221. Load Testing of Diesel Motive Power mally at 85,000 miles.
a. In addition to the run-in test of re (2) Pistons and connecting rod assem
paired engines, periodic inspections are blies of diesel engines used in
necessary to keep the engine in condition switching locomotives should be
to produce its rated power. By measuring removed for inspection and repairs
the electrical output delivered to a "water in accordance with special instruc
box," the engine loading and capabilities tions covering each particular type
may be determined accurately. The elec of diesel engine, or whenever any
trical characteristics of generators and defective condition is reported.
motors do not change with age or use. b. Maintenance of Pistons.
b. The following precautions and proce (1) Whenever a piston and connecting
dures are to be complied with when "load rod assembly is removed from a
testing'1 locomotive powerplants. Since cylinder for repair, the first and
generator characteristics or "load second compression rings should
setting" values are not the same for all be replaced with new rings.
locomotives, a separate generator loading (2) Pistons should be cleaned and in
curve sheet is used for each group of lo spected thoroughly for defects
comotives which have generators of simi such as cracks in body of piston,
lar characteristics. To determine what broken ring lands, worn ring
the loading values should be for any grooves, carbon in ring grooves,
locomotive, refer to the loading curve burned pistonhead, scored piston
sheet corresponding to the type or model skirt, or any other defective con
of powerplant being tested. There are so dition.
many different wiring combinations of the (3) Piston pin and piston pin bearing
many locomotives now in service that it should be removed and examined
would not be practical to refer to each for wear, cracks, and chipped con
locomotive. Use the proper locomotive dition of hardened surface; any
wiring diagram to determine the neces defect found should be corrected.
sary physical connection of meters and (4) Wear plate which fits over end of
load cable connection. Safety of personnel pin into piston must be oil pressure
and equipment cannot be overemphasized. tight.
After ammeters and voltmeters are prop (5) Before pulling piston, remove any
erly connected, as directed in individual ridge on the liner with special
locomotive testing instructions, readings reamer. When reamer is used,
are taken at each throttle position for caution must be taken to prevent
engine speed, field amperage, main gen any chips from falling into the
erator amperage, main generator volts, crankcase of the engine. Chips can
auxiliary generator volts, pertinent read be caught by inserting a cup in
ings of temperature and pressure gages the cylinder, such as one made
in the oil and water systems, and related from a brake cylinder piston
data. leather. The crankcase should be
inspected after the piston is re
moved and any chips cleaned out.
222. Piston and Connecting Rod
(6) All cylinders and pistons must be
& Interval of Inspection. measured to insure that proper
(1) Pistons and connecting rod assem size pistons and rings are being
blies should be removed from installed. For this reason, it is
diesel engines for inspection and best to measure gaps of rings
repairs as follows: while holding them horizontally in

place in the liner instead of using rod assembly; this is done by
ring gages at the bench. blocking the piston in the top posi
c. Connecting Rods.
tion, removing the lower half of the
(1) Oil passages through connecting piston rod bearing, and backing the
rod should be checked to make shaft away from the shell.
certain that they are open. (4) When connecting rod assemblies
(2) Connecting rods should be cleaned are removed, the face and fillets
and inspected for .cracks. Any rods of the crankshaft Journal should
that are cracked, bent, twisted, or be inspected for scored condition.
that have eye of- rod worn so that If the crankshaft journal is found
bearings are a loose fit, should be scored in the bearing area, smooth
replaced. off all irregularities by stoning
(3) Connecting rod studs, bolts, and with a fine grit stone. Do not stone
nuts should be examined for de lengthwise or use a file. Check to
fects. Replace studs, bolts, and see that the crankshaft is not out
nuts which have defective threads of round, then clean all parts care
and replace nuts with bured slots. fully.
If piston seizure is experienced (5) Connecting rod bearings, whenever
prior to removal of connecting rod removed, should be examined for
stud or bolt nuts, remove cotter any defective condition, such as a
pins and check tightness of nuts distorted shell; cracked, scored,
to ascertain whether or not bolts or shelled bearing metal; or un
have been stretched. If nuts are even wear. Uneven wear is usually
loose, new studs or bolts should an indication of a mlsalined bear
be applied. Piston seizures may ing and the cause should be
cause the stressing of bolts or determined and corrected. The
studs beyond the elastic limits, bearing surface should be free of
in which case the bolts and studs any dirt or grit. The two bearing
are not safe for further operation. halves must fit squarely and
tightly together in order to pre
d. Connecting Pod Bearings. vent working in the rod and oil
(1) The upper and lower halves of the leakage through the Joints. Bent
connecting rod bearing should be or damaged bearing shells should
given special attention; if there is be scrapped.
any indication of pitting, shelling, (6) If new bearings are to be installed,
flaking, scoring, excessive wear, make certain that the oilholes and
or any other defect, the bearing grooves are properly located with
should be replaced. respect to the oil feed hole in the
(2) In removing bearing shells, ham connecting rod and the oil feed
mering or forcing should be hole in the crankshaft. When con
avoided. The bearing face must not necting rod bearings are in place,
become scratched or the shell dis they should have proper clearance
torted; never strike or pry on the on the crankshaft journal. Their
back of the shell as the contour clearance should be 0.001 per inch
may be distorted. The identifica of crankshaft diameter unless
tion mark on the shell should be otherwise specified, and their
noted so that the shell can be thrust must be parallel with re
replaced correctly, particular at spect to the crank cheek or adjoin
tention being given to lining up the ing bearing and be free to move
oilholes. laterally with the crankshaft in
(3) Periodic inspection of connecting any angular position. Connecting
rod bearings can be made without rod bolts should be tightened to the
removing the piston and connecting required torque specified by the
manufacturer or to proper bolt cock connection. Provide a pres
elongation or stretch. sure gage on the cylinder head side
(7) A bearing fitted in the above man of the T. Lock flywheel from turn
ner should give no appreciable ing and maintain air pressure in
break-in trouble, but in all cases the cylinder at 125 pounds or more
after assembly, it is advisable to by regulating the valves located
make a running test before releas on the inlet side of the T. Measure
ing for service. Idle the engine for distance between gage points on
5 minutes and therf stop and crank cheeks with micrometer or
examine the bearings for any in strain gage.
crease in temperature; feel the (2) Locate crankpin at lower dead
bearing shell directly. There center and again force the shaft
should be no appreciable heat in into the bearings as above. Meas
the bearing shell after 5 minutes ure distance between the same gage
of running, but if there is, the points.
bearing should be removed and (3) Measure distance between gage
the high spots relieved, then re points for the two opposite hori
peat the test. When inspection zontal positions; do not use air
shows the bearings to be free of pressure in the cylinder.
excessive heating, the engine can
be placed in service under full (4) When the bearings are in line, all
load. measurements will be the same.
If the measurement test 1 is larger
than test 2, bearing on one side of
223. Crankshaft and Bearings the crank is low.
a. General. Performance of the crank (5) Apply same inspection method to
shaft depends upon proper maintenance of adjacent cylinders. Comparison of
main and connecting rod bearings. Under measurements will indicate which
normal conditions, bearings receive ample bearings are out of line; alinement
lubrication by means of the forced lubri should be corrected.
cation system built into the engine; proper (6) When assembling main bearings
alinement normally is assured by the rigid and whenever parts removal
engine frame and method of mounting conditions permit, examine all
bearings. However, misalinement may grooves and oilholes in connections
occur if one or more bearings are per through frame and crankshaft in
mitted to wear unduly. order to make sure these passages
b. Alinement It is important that the are clean and free of obstructions.
main crankshaft bearings be maintained c. Removal and Inspection.
in perfect alinement. If one or more of (1) In most diesel engines, the top
the bearings become low, the span be bearing shell is removable with
tween the bearings actually supporting the top cap and the lower shell is
the shaft will be increased and this will rolled out of or into position by
introduce heavy stresses in the crank- the crankshaft. Unless bearings
pins; if this condition is permitted to are at opposite ends of the engine,
continue, it will result in a main crank they should be removed one at a
shaft bearing failure. There are several time in order that the crankshaft
ways of checking the bearings. One method may be held in position. The shell
follows: should be rolled out of and into
(1) Locate crankpin at upper dead position with the same directional
center and force the shaft down to rotation of the crankshaft; mark
a firm seat in the bearings. Re the bearing when removed in order
move the valve levers and connect that there will be no mistake as to
an airhose to a T at the indicator its original position.

(2) The face and fillets of a crankshaft or damaged bearing shells should
bearing Journal should always be be scrapped. Bearings showing
inspected for scored condition excessive wear, whether the result
when the bearing is removed. If of natural wear or from an ab
any of the shaft Journals in the normal condition, should be
bearing areas are scored, all ir checked and renewed if the wear
regularities should be smoothed limit has been reached. When
out by stoning with a fine grit stone checking thp wear on a
around the periphery ofthe Journal; the shell thickness should be meas
do not stone lengthwise or use a ured with a micrometer at both
file. All parts should be cleaned sides and the bottom and at any
carefully. other points showing wear. Limits
(3) Main crankshaft bearing failures are established also for thrust
often are caused by crankshaft bearings and they should be
misalinement or flexing; this, in checked accordingly. If any num
turn, can be traced to a low or ber less than a complete set of
misalined bearing resulting from a bearings is renewed, the shells
loose or distorted bearing support applied must be scraped to within
or a cracked engine frame. Bearing 0.001 inch of the same thickness
supports should be tight and in as the adjoining bearings or of
perfect allnement before a shell the old shell, provided the old
is installed. If inspection shows shell was removed because of fail
that the bearing support strap has ure. Before attempting to roll a
closed or is out of line, then it shell into place, remove any sharp
should be removed for correction edges on the shell back with a fine
or replacement. The engine frame mill file.
should be inspected carefully for d Application.
cracks and the support strap studs (1) After the new shell is sized prop
for fractures or looseness in the erly, it should roll into place
frame. If the support stud is frac freely. If difficulty is experienced,
tured, it and the remaining ones the shell should not be applied
at that bearing should be removed until the cause Is determined and
and replaced with new studs. The corrected.
studs removed should be given a (2) When installing a complete set of
magnetic test to determine their main bearings, a shell should be
exact condition. Before installing rolled out from one end of the
a stud, make certain that the engine and a new one installed,
threads at both ends are in good after which the shell at the oppo
condition. site end of the engine should be
(4) Whenever a bearing is removed, removed and replaced with a new
it should be inspected carefully shell. In this manner, the crank
for any defective condition such shaft is kept in place while
as a distorted shell; cracked, intermediate bearings are being
scored, or shelled bearing surface; changed; less force is thus neces
and for uneven wear. Uneven wear, sary in rolling in the shells. When
normally, is an indication of mis an intermediate bearing is rolled
alinement and the cause must be into place, there should be proper
determined and corrected. The clearance on either side of the
position of the excessive wear will Journal with no clearance between
indicate whether it is out of line the support and the shell back.
vertically due to a low bearing or (3) The upper shell should extend out
horizontally due to a loose or of the cap 0.002 to 0.003 inch,
closed bearing support strap. Bent thus allowing draw when the cap
and bearings are applied. With the compression ignition in each cylinder is
cap tightened into place, it should governed by the injection of the fuel into
I be possible to get a 0.001- to the combustion chamber. To insure the
0.002-inch feeler gage between the proper timing of the injection, the plunger
cap and the lower support; this follower of each injector has to be adjusted
will prevent the bottom shell from to a certain position in relation to the
working in the support. The Jacks injector body. An injector may be timed
or oap bolts should be made tight, as follows:
but excessive pressure avoided as (1) Set the throttle in the OFF posi
this may distort the cap and shell. tion.
Connecting rod bolts should be (2) Jack the engine over by hand or
tightened to the required torque by air in the direction of rotation
specified by the manufacturer or until the exhaust valves of the
to proper bolt elongation or cylinder to be timed are fully
stretch. open.
(4) With all the shells in place and (3) Place the injector timing gage
the caps tight, the shaft should be in the timing gage hose on the top
rotated by hand to make sure that face of the injector body.
it is free. The engine then is re (4) Rotate the timing gage to deter
assembled, after which it Is idled mine the lowest surface of the
under its own load for a few min head that will just pass over the
utes in order to locate any indi upper surface of the plunger fol
cation of localized friction. The lower guide.
engine then is stopped and one (5) Adjust the Injector rocker arm
shell removed at a time and by means of the screw ud^atment
scraped if necessary. This oper on the upper end of the push rod
ation is continued until all shells until the lowest surface of the
I show a good bearing. Be certain timing gage head is just passing
that each shell is carrying its over the top face of the plunger
share of the load. follower guide. Tighten the lock-
(5) After the bearing or bearings are nut on the rocker arm shaft nuts.
fitted properly, subject them to Recheck with the timing gage.
the same test used for connecting b. The amount of fuel Injected into
rod bearings (para 222c/(7». In each combustion chamber is governed
addition, after the bearing is re by the control rack position of the fuel
fitted and given a proper idling injector. The maximum amount of fuel
test, further tests of 5-, 10-, and is injected when the rack is all the way
15-minutes duration should be in. No fuel is injected when the rack is
made. An application of electrical all the way out. Bearing in mind that
load against the engine also should the injector racks must be completely
be made. in for maximum fuel injection, obviously,
(6) If a diesel engine is used on a each rack should be initially adjusted
switching locomotive, an additional as near as possible to this position.
test should be made consisting of Each individual rack may be adjusted
light switching duty for the first in or out relative to the other racks by
8 hours followed by an inspection the two adjusting screws on the rack
of the bearings at the end of the operating levers.
224. Timing Unit Injectors 225. Fuel Pump Timing Adjustment
& After the installation of injectors, a. When each cylinder has an individual
they must always be checked and read pump, the pump is timed. All fuel pump
justed before the engine is run, since the timing adjustments are made at the factory

for the initial assembly. Under normal position of pump suction support for the
operating conditions, it seldom should individual pump. This alters the starting
be necessary to make any changes in time relationship of that pump as compared
fuel pump adjustments. Changes in indi to the other pumps.
vidual fuel pump timing adjustments should d. If the above procedure has not cor
not be made until proper inspection has rected the trouble, the plunger and barrel
been made and it is determined definitely or the complete pump assembly should
that the injector and such parts as fuel be replaced. To do this, the engine should
pump discharge valve, discharge valve be barred over alowly until mark on sleeve
spring, and plunger are in good working for the pump on which work is to be done
order, and fuel flow conditions are normal. alines exactly with mark on window port
Unsatisfactory operating conditions in the in the pump body. Make replacements
individual cylinders are usually traceable without changing position of pump cam
to the defects in the above parts. When shaft. After the new parts are installed,
these are corrected, operating conditions the mark on sleeve should aline exactly
return to normal. with the mark on window port in the pump
b. The engine should be operated at no body. If they do not so aline, adjust
load until it is warmed up to normal run thickness of shims or reset cam following
ning conditions. Compression pressures, adjustment so that alinement is obtained.
maximum cylinder pressures, and exhaust The engine then is turned two full revolu
temperatures for all cylinders should be tions as a final check for this setting, after
substantially the same under conditions of which the engine again is barred over
constant load speed, fixed timing, and slowly so that the mark on moving sleeve
constant water jacket temperatures. These for all positions of plunger travel is
conditions are the same for all cylinders, visible through the window port in the pump
but exhaust gas temperatures at about full body.
load ve~~ tore than 50° F. The injector e. If individual pump timings are cor
nozzles should be inspected carefully and rect, equalization of load distribution
reconditioned as required. After it is between cylinders may be made by altering
established that these injector nozzles settings of pump rack adjustment screws.
are in proper operating condition, the
condition and performance of fuel pump
discharge valve and spring assembly 226. Maintenance of Bosch Injection Nozzles
should be checked. This valve must func & Checking Nozzles.
tion easily and seat tightly. (I) Serious engine failures can be
c. If the above procedure has not indi caused by fuel leaking into the
cated the cause of the trouble, the fuel crankcase. Caution must be used
pump timing adjustment should be checked. in tightening the following nozzle
If this adjustment is correct, the distance parts and inspecting and checking
between the horizontal mark on sleeve and them for fuel leakage.
horizontal mark on window port in the (a) If the nozzle holding nut is not
pump body will the the same for all pumps tight, it will leak large amounts
when each plunger is at the bottom of its of fuel into the combustion cham
stroke. As the engine is barred slowly ber. This raw fuel will flow down
over in the direction of rotation, the mark past the piston Into the crankcase
on the moving sleeve in all of the pumps lubricating oil.
should be visible through the window port (b) The spring guide holding nut and
in the pump body for all positions of the locknut must be tight. If they are
total plunger travel. If the fuel pump not, the fuel will seep out onto
timing adjustment is not correct, the the cylinder head and drain back
correction should be made by adjusting to the crankcase.
the thickness of the shims. Variation in (c) The fuel leak-off stud must be
shim thickness raises or lowers the tight and also the nuts holdingthe

injection and overflow pipes to new setting tested. Proceed in this
the holder. These two nuts should manner until the correct setting
not Jam against the nipples be is reached.
fore they tighten their respective (2) After the nozzle assembly is set
pipes; if they do so, the nuts must at the proper opening pressure,
be ground off. set the fuel pump rack at the limit
(2) When installing fuel pipes, the of its travel, or approximately
pipes should not be sprung to catch 50-mm, and operate the test rig
the nuts. If the fuel pipes do not to see if the nozzle operates pro
line up with their connections, they perly. Also check to see if there
must be bent slightly. However, the is any afterdribble. If any faults
pipes should not be bent enough to are detected, inspect the nozzle
weaken them. The fuel pipes must and remedy the defect.
be securely clamped to prevent 227. Fuel Pump Calibration
any vibration or chafing.
(3) Nozzles on switching locomotives a. The fuel injector nozzle spray pattern
should be tested and checked once should be checked after cleaning any type
each year. of fuel injector to determine that spray
(4) Smoky exhaust and engine pounding outlets have been properly cleaned and
will occur if a nozzle valve sticks that spray angles are correct and uniform.
in the nozzle. The defective nozzle A calibrating stand enables maintenance
can be located by cutting out cylin personnel to test the efficiency and adjust
ders in rotation; it should be the calibration of used and overhauled
changed as soon as it is isolated. fuel injection pumps with greater ac
(5) The opening pressure of injection curacy. A reversible constant speed
nozzles may be checked by a nozzle electric motor is used to operate the
I testing device (fig. 101) which uti
lizes a spare pump to develop the
injection pressure as follows:
(a) Attach spare pump securely to
equipment. The cam in this test stand (fig.
102) has two distinct profiles. When
operated in the forward direction, its
actuating profile is the same as the cam
the injection tube on the test rack. in the production engine. This direction
Set the fuel pump rack at 20-mm provides fuel injection characteristics of
travel. full fuel conditions at maximum rpm. When
(b) Test the nozzle by pumping the the cam motion is reversed, the actuating
lever steadily until fuel dis profile which normally was used for de
charges, and note the pressure celeration on production engines has been
indicated on the gage. The maxi altered so that the cam will give the fuel
mum pressure noted on the gage pump the same injection characteristics
at each stroke is the opening as at idle speed. To conduct the flow of
pressure of the nozzle. Do not fuel under pressure from the injection
operate the lever quickly as this pump, a standard injection tube is used
will cause extremely high pres together with a special calibrating nozzle
sure to be built up, giving an and holder. After the oil is discharged
unreliable gage reading. from the nozzle into the discharge cham
Checking Pressure. ber, it flows into a tube from which it
(1) Check the pressure against the can be directed either into a graduated
manufacturer's pressure specifi beaker or returned to the storage tank

cation and readjust the nozzle if by means of a three-way valve (TM 55-
'' necessary. The adjustment is made 1277).
by turning the pressure adjusting b. To measure the flow of fuel, it is
screw on top of the nozzle holder; necessary to know the number of pump
this screw should be turned slightly strokes as well as the quantity of fuel for
in the necessary direction and the the position desired. A direct revolution




Figure 101. Injection nozzle testing device.


Figure JOS. Fuel pump calibration stand.

counter is provided to measure the num oil in accordance with specifica
ber of strokes in either the forward or tions. ^
reverse direction. To indicate the position (3) Make sure graduated beaker is •
of the fuel rack, an adjusting screw with level under discharge pipe.
a ball socket end to correct for alinement (4) Rotate cam by hand until cam roller
is provided. It is mounted in a sleeve which is riding on the base circle of the
is notched in such a manner that the fixed cam. Turn adjusting screw until the
positions of the rack, namely: idle, full top of the screw is the specified
fuel, and off, are maintained in their proper distance below the top of the pump
relationship. After any of these positions mounting surface and secure lock-
are adjusted by the adjusting screw, the nut.
screw is locked to the sleeve and the sleeve (5) Place fuel pump to be tested on cam
and screw then move as a unit known as housing; place fuel rack between
the control sleeve unit. The other parts of compression spring and adjusting
the equipment function to provide for screw and tighten down.
proper support, filtering, and return of fuel (6) With pump timing window exposed,
oil to enable continuous operation. The en rotate camshaft by hand to be sure
tire assembly is self-contained and the timing mark does not go out of
supported on a specially constructed table sight of the exposed area.
approximately 3 feet high and 3 feet long. (7) After removing caps or dustproof
The top of the stand has a welded pan to bags, connect the flexible hose and
catch excess leakage while a lower shelf high-pressure tubing to the pump
serves as a support for the motor. A re and from pump to nozzle.
versible pump draws the fuel from the (8) Set control sleeve unit at full fuel
storage tank through a filter mounted on position.
the stand. Filtered fuel is delivered to the (9) Set injection pump by adjusting
injection pump through a flexible hose, screw in control sleeve unit and
relatively constant fuel pressure being lock with wingnut. *
maintained by a pressure relief valve (35- (10) Move control sleeve unit to idle ^
40 psi). Fuel bypassed by the relief valve position; fuel pump pointer should
is returned to the fuel storage tank. A read 11 -mm.
special calibrated pump and nozzle is (11) Move 3-way valve so fuel will flow
available for checking the operation of a into fuel storage tank (vertical po
new calibrating stand. This pump and noz sition).
zle should be cared for as a master gage (12) Open valve to fuel injection pump.
and used only when doubtful of correct (13) Place control sleeve unit in OFF
calibration figures. Apply caps or dust- position and start electric motor
proof bags to the open connections on both (forward button) .
the pump and nozzle; cleanliness cannot (14) Check for leaks.
be overemphasized. (15) Move control sleeve unit to FULL
c. A suggested calibration procedure FUEL position.
is as follows: (16) Operate test stand for several min
utes to insure a steady flow of oil
(1) Remove fill plug on cam housing from the nozzle chamber into the
and check quantity of lubricating fuel tank. It is important that the
oil. The supply should be such that temperature of the calibrating oil
oil will run from this hole. The reach 100° to 110° F. (as indicated
same grade of lubricating oil is by the thermometer in the fuel
used as in the diesel engine. storage tank) before any tests are
(2) Check quantity of calibrating oil in performed.
storage tank maintaining level (17) Place the graduated beaker in po
above low level mark indicated on sition, note count on the counter,
tank level gage. Use only clean fuel and pull 3-way valve handle with a

snap (toward operator—horizontal (27) If the calibration limits are not ob
position) so that the flow starts into tained, it is then necessary to dis
the beater. mantle the pump and renew the
(18) After 300 strokes have elapsed as delivery valve assembly, the
determined by the counter.push the plunger and barrel, or possibly the
3-way valve handle to the extreme pump rack and its bushings. Any
back position so as to interrupt the of these items or any combination
flow to the beaker. This may take may provide the needed correction.
several attempts before the oper This correction may be determined
ator can perform this operation by observation or by experiment
with accuracy. with the items noted above in the
(19) Accurately read and record fuel order named. After this work has
in beaker. been done, the pump must be recal
(20) Stop motor and place control sleeve ibrated.
unit in IDLE position. (28) After the pump has been calibrated
(21) When motor has stopped turning, and the shims have been changed
start motor in reverse direction at the pointer, place pump on cali
(reverse button) and repeat items brating rack gage to correct for
17, 18, and 19. It is important to the change of the rack length. Apply
run IDLE FUEL test Immediately gage pin in pump rack clevis.
after FULL FUEL test as any great (29) If the reading at the pointer is not
variation of calibrating oil temper proper, adjust the rack length by
ature will affect test, results. first unlocking and removing the
(22) If a pump fails to come within the rack sleeve at the clevis end.
specified calibration limits, the Loosen the locknut and turn adjust
motor should be stopped, the con ing nut until a reading is indicated
trol sleeve unit moved to FULL by the pointer. Reapply sleeve and
I FUEL position, and the motor
started again in forward motion.
relock. Do not change shims at
pointer to obtain this setting.
(23) The adjusting screw is turned (30) On the machined surface of pump
either in or out to obtain more or rack boss, opposite the clevis end,
less fuel and make a test run with stamp the total thickness of the
the wingnut tight until the required shims used in back of the pointer,
amount of oil measured in the grad deleting all remaining figures. For
uated beaker is within the limits. example, a stamping of 0.092 will
(24) When the limits are reached, the indicate that the thickness of shims
fuel pump pointer must be shimmed beneath the pointer is 0.092 inch.
to read 24-mm. (31) When the calibrating stand is not
(25) Rerun the IDLE position and check in use, fasten cover to oil storage
Idling limits. Sometimes it maybe tank securely in place, protect ex
necessary to shim the pointer at the posed ends of flexible hose and
FULL FUEL position either on the high-pressure tubing by caps or
high or low side in order to bring dustproof bags, empty graduated
the IDLE position within the idling beakers and hang on rack in an in
limits. verted position to drain, and close
(26) Move the control sleeve unit to OFF globe valve and 3-way valve. Cover
position and pull the 3-way valve to the entire stand with a canvas or
the horizontal position. No fuel hood to protect it from dust and
should flow at this position with the dirt.
stand operating. This is an as
surance test to make sure the pump 228. Lubricating Oil Pump Drive Assembly
will not deliver oil when in the OFF & General. The lubricating oil pump
position. drive transmits rotary motion from the

crankshaft to the lubricating oil pump. play of 0.008 inch. (The latter
This rotary motion is transmitted to the clearance is obtained by scraping
pump in the following manner: The head the end faces of the bushing.)
of the drive pin which serves as a crank (2) The case-hardened collar la then
is positioned between two hardened steel to be fitted to the shaft, dowelled
buttons which are fitted to a pair of lugs and secured in place by the look-
on the face of the crankshaft bearing ring. washer and locknut.
As the crankshaft revolves, the head ofthe (3) Install the gear shaft and bearing
drive pin is carried with It causing the assembly In the casing and secure
horizontal shaft of the drive assembly to in place by means of the look screw.
rotate. The drive gear which Is meshed (4) Install the horizontal drive shaft
with the gear on the vertical shaft causes end bushing.
this shaft to turn. A spline coupling con (5) Scrape the horizontal drive abaft
nects the vertical shaft to the pump drive bearing until a 0.003-inch feeler
shaft. can be Inserted between the bear
b. Mounting the Assembly. When the ing and shaft.
drive and pump assemblies are completed (6) Fit the drive gear key In the key-
and ready for mounting on the end cover way provided in the horizontal
of the main base, gaskets are fitted to the shaft.
mounting flange of the drive assembly and (7) Place the drive gear in the bearing
to the distance piece located between the and press the horizontal shaft in the
pump suction flange and the end cover. gear until the latter is hard up
This distance piece is ground to suit each against the boss.
installation and must not be interchanged (8) Check the thrust of the horizontal
with those of other units. When mounting shaft which should be a minimum
the completed assembly on the end cover, of 0.0015 inch.
the mechanism should be tested for free (9) Fit the bearing flange tooth housing
dom as the bolts are tightened. This can and secure it with the bolts pro
be done by Inserting the hand through the vided.
inspection ports provided in the drive cas (10) Check the backlash of the gears
ing. which should be about 0.006 inch.
(11) Remove the bearing and drive shaft
c. Lubricating Oil Supply. Lubricating as a unit from the housing and by
oil is supplied to the drive assembly by a means of the lockwasher and look-
tube leading from the main lubricating oil nut provided for this purpose; se
header ofthe engine. This tube is connected cure the gear in place on the drive
to a passage in the casing which communi shaft.
cates with a circumferential groove ma (12) Install the drive pin in its tapered
chined in the outer diameter of the upper and dowelled fit in the head of the
section of the vertical shaft bushing. From drive shaft and secure it by means
this groove drilled passages in the bush of the drive pin nut.
ings, shafts and casings conduct the oil to (13) Reinstall the completed drive shaft
the bearing surfaces. and bearing assembly in the casing
d. Inspection and Reassembly. All parts and secure by means of the bolts
of the oil pump drive assembly may be in provided. Lock the nuts by wiring
spected and the various clearances them together with soft iron wire.
checked through the openings provided in (14) Check the assembly shafts for
the casing. If the drive must be disassem freedom.
bled for any reason, the following will (15) Slip the spline coupling on the vert
serve as a guide in reassembly of the parts: ical shaft and pin it in place with a
(1) Fit the vertical gear to the gear cotter key.
shaft bushing with a diametrical (16) With the pump cover flange gasket
clearance of 0.003 inch and an end In place, bolt the pump to the drive
casing and cheok the shafts for (18) Check the shafts for freedom as the
freedom. mounting flange bolts are taken up.
(17) With the large drive casing flange (19) Install the lubricating oil lines and
gasket in place.positionthe spacer the inspection port covers, corn-
between the pump and cover and pleting the assembly,
mount the assembly.


229. General Repair Procedure

wheels are removed. Motor mounting and
a Other mechanical repairs include all axle bearings and caps should be given
nonelectrical work not previously de necessary repairs and axle gear should be
scribed in this manual in the chapters on inspected. Brake cylinders should be
running maintenance and diesel engine cleaned and lubricated in accordance with
repairs. Such items of auxiliary equipment standard practice and slack adjusters
as the traction motor blower, belts, feed should be checked. The complete airbrake
water pump, fuel pumps, and the various equipment of the locomotive should be in—
control switches, relays, and protective spected and repaired. Wheel mounting
devices should be removed for cleaning, pressures referred to in table 4 must be
calibration, or adjustment or replaced with used when pressing wheels on axles.
completely reconditioned units. Fuel, e. Sanders will be checked before each
water, and steam lines should be cleaned trip to see that they operate properly. The
and all valves inspected and repaired. sand control valve should be checked and
b. Repairs to the air compressor consist cleaned annually or as conditions require.
principally of thorough cleaning, reringing Inspect cup washer, 0-ring, and composi
of high- and low-pressure pistons, renewal tion rubber valve. Replace if necessary.
of valves including unloader valves, and Inspect sanding jets. Make certain sanding
other needed corrections or renewal of jets are not plugged. Examine vent port at
defective parts. The bearings of the air bottom of actuating cylinder. Make certain
compressor crankshaft should be in it is not plugged. Check spring and replace
spected and replaced if necessary; unless if weak. Clean all parts thoroughly and
bearing trouble was experienced, the place a small amount of airbrake oil on the
crankshaft will require little or no atten cup washer, 0-ring, and composition rub
tion for extended periods. ber valve before assembly.
c. Trucks should be removed and dis /. If the locomotive is equipped with a
mantled completely. Truck frames, brake train-heating boiler (steam generator), it
rigging, equalizers, and other mechanical should be replaced with a reconditioned
parts should be inspected and cleaned; unit or be repaired for the next period of
equalizers should be tested with the mag operation. Maintenance will consist of re
netic tester. Pins and bushings should be moval of coils for cleaning, testing, and
renewed if necessary and wear plates built replacement if necessary; removal and
up or replaced. Journal boxes should be reconditioning of the burner element; re
dismantled and cleaned. Roller bearings moval of firebox section; and cleaning the
should be checked and cleaned or renewed. steam separator and water treatment tank.
d. Wheels and axles should be inspected g. The cab, including safety appliances,
and turned or renewed if necessary. If the warning devices, windows, window wipers,
wheels are to be renewed, the axles should seats, armrests, and doors should be
be tested by the magnetic method after the inspected and repaired.
Table 4- Wheel Mounting Pressures in Tons
Minimum and maximum pressure limits are absolute — no tolerance permitted

Class wheel Cast Iron wheels Steel wheela
axle size diameter Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
A 33/4x7 5 1/8 in. 30 55 50 70
B 41/4x8 5 3/4 in. 35 60 55 80

Table 1+. Wheel Mounting Pressures in Tons— Continued.

Haas wheel Cast Iron wheels Steel wheels

axla size diameter Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum

C 5x9 6 1/2 in. 40 65 70 100

D 5 1/2 x 10 7 in. . 45 70 75 110
E 6x11 7 5/8 in. 50 75 80 120
F 6 1/2 x 12 8 1/3 in. .... .... 85 130
8 3/4 in. 90 140

230. Packing Journal Boxes

poured over the top of the packing. Stored
a. General. Locomotive Journal boxes packing, awaiting use, must be kept in con
may be packed with conventional waste as tainers with tight-fitting lids to prevent
described and illustrated herein, or by use contamination.
of AAR conditionally approved mechanical c. Inspection of Journal Boxes. Before
journal lubricating devices. The proce packing a journal box, the interior must
dures applicable to all Department of De- be cleaned of all dirt, sand, scale, and
iense railroad equipment and the names grit, and the front of the box as well as the
and Federal stock numbers of journal lu inside of the lid must be wiped off. Remove
bricators applicable to the several journal water if present. The same treatment must
sizes are contained in DA Technical Bulle be given new or replaced boxes, including
tin 55-2200-205-25/1. New waste should be the dust guard wells; and close fitting dust
treated prior to use to remove excess lint guards, dust guard plugs, and box lids
and any foreign matter prior to saturation. complying with specifications must be in
Waste Journal packing may be made from stalled. Boxes must be inspected for
all new, all renovated, or a mixture of new cracks which might cause oil leakage.
and renovated waste and oil. New waste Journal boxes are described in paragraph
should be mixed with old waste, on a 50- 126.
50 basis, prior to saturating. Practices d. Application of Packing. Apply suffi
prescribed herein are based on current cient packing in one piece (B), or in rolls
AAR lubrication manual procedures, cited (A and C), as shown in figure 103, to firmly
in the above technical bulletin. fill the space under the journal so as to
b. Preparation of Packing. The waste prevent settling away; taking care to have
must be loosened thoroughly, placed in a packing bear evenly along the full length
saturating vat, and kept completely sub of the lower side of journal. Free oil must
merged in the oil at a temperature of not be added to boxes that do not contain suffi
less than 70° F., for a period of at least cient oil after repacking. Mechanical jour
48 hours to insure proper saturation. Then, nal lubricators will be applied in ac
it must be drained to remove excess oil cordance with manufacturer's instructions
and leave the packing in a resilient or furnished with each lubricator shipping
elastic condition. Oil should not drip from container.
drained packing when lifted from drain e. Handling of Remove d Packing. All
rack, but oil should flow from it when reclaimable packing removed from journal
squeezed in the hand. Any process of sat boxes must be placed in containers, avoid
uration that will accomplish the equivalent ing any possible contamination, and
result may be used. Packing being cur shipped to the reclaiming plant. Such pack
rently used from vats or other containers ing must not be reused until it is renovated.
must be turned over at least once every 5 /. Cleaning and Installing Bearings.
hours (more frequently if necessary), or Care must be taken to thoroughly clean all
the oil which is accumulated in the bottom parts of the bearing and the journal before
of the container must be drawn off and installation (para 1266). A drycleaning




figure 103. Packing journal boxes.

solvent should be used followed by a wipe- condemning limit but the axle and axle gear
down with a clean, dry cloth. When neces are free of cracks or defects and the gear
sary to remove metal from the bearing to is not to the condemning limits , new wheels
obtain the proper fit to the Journal, be sure may be applied; however, this practice is
to use the proper tools. Do not use sand not recommended except when necessary.
paper, emery paper, or emery cloth as the If axles are not magnafluxed at eachwheel
abrasive particles will embed themselves removal, the axle should be scrapped after
into the soft bearing metal and will cause two pairs of wheels have been worn to con
excessive wear. The bearing should be demning limits. The axle gear, if not mag
scraped. It is always good practice to coat nafluxed, should not be used beyond the life
the bearing surfaces with the prescribed of two axles.
lubricating oil when the Installation c. When a pair of new wheels is to be
is made. mounted on an axle, the wheels must be
g. Wedge. The wedge must conform to carefully mated with a maximum variation
the specified dimensions. The wedge must of 1/16 inch in circumference, or 0.020
be properly seated on the crown of the inch in diameter. If new wheels are not
bearing, so as not to pinch the side of bear available within these limits or variations,
ing or rest on the lugs. or if old wheels are to be used, they should
be matched as closely as possible and
231. Wheel and Axle Repairs turned or ground after mounting. The al
lowable pressure range for wheel applica
& Wheels and axles "are inspected after tions, using new or old wheels or axles, is
each trip as part of the daily routine in 70 tons low limit and 140 tons high limit
spection. Wheels are also checked for (see table 4, para 229). A permanent rec
wear, sharp flanges, shelling, cracks, and ord should be kept as to the pressure re
flat spots. Wheel sets may be removed quired to mount the wheels. Wheels on idler
f while the truck is under the locomotive or axles will require the same pressures as
the truck itself may be removed and taken are used on power axles.
to a truck overhaul shop. Jacking pads are
provided on the body of the locomotive to 232. Air Compressor Repairs
support the locomotive frame when raising Disassembly and overhaul the air com
it from a truck. To remove a wheel and pressor periodically. Drain the oil from
axle assembly without removing the truck, compressor crankcase. Disconnect and
it is necessary to use a drop table. The remove the compressor coupling from the
ends of the axles are bearing surfaces and shaft to prevent damaging the compressor
should be protected when Journal boxes are bearings. Clean the exterior of the com
removed. pressor thoroughly before disassembly.
fc. The service life of axles and gears Mark the parts as necessary in order that
will vary with the type of locomotive serv they can be reassembled in the same rela
ice. Because of the dangers resulting from tive positions. When removing the crank
axle cracks, axles should be given a mag- shaft, a coupling device must be attached
naglo or magnaflux test whenever a wheel to the crankshaft end for lifting. Such a
is removed. Magnaglo is more effective for device should be .made by welding a stand
this inspection and should be used each ard crankshaft nut to a U-shaped steel rod
time a wheel is changed regardless of or strap to form a loop of sufficient size
length of service. Danger of axle fatigue to permit the insertion of the hook of the
can be determined by a deposit of red metal lifting equipment. Lift the shaft slowly,
dust on wheel seat, Indicating the wheel rooking the upper end of the shaft slightly
has worn loose and moisture has entered if necessary. Make certain that the lifting
and rusted the metal. Crack Indications on force is in line with the crankshaft; other
an axle in the transverse plane are danger wise, bearing damage might occur.
ous and the axle should be scrapped. After a. Cylinder liners and pistons are re
the second pair of wheels is worn to its moved and inspected. Hone all cylinders
retained in service. After honing, check b. Radial Misalinement Radial mis-
the clearance between each piston and alinement occurs when the centers of the
cylinder with piston rings removed. Also, two shafts do not coincide. The displace
make certain that cylinder flange face is ment causes excessive vibration and wear
perpendicular to the cylinder bore. within the coupling due to radial movement
b. The crankshaft must be examined to of the two halves of the coupling with re
see if it is bent or cracked or if the bearing spect to each other. This displacement also
seats are worn excessively. If such condi causes pulsating loads on the bearings,
tions exist, replace the shaft. thus shortening their life; the magnitude
c. Valves should be checked for lift and of this pulsating load will depend on the
wear limit. resistance of the coupling to radial move
d. Intercooler tubes should be cleaned ment.
inside and outside. Check whether any c. Angular Misalinement. Angular mis-
tubes must be replaced. alinement is present when the two shafts
e. Main bearings should be examined for come together at a slight angle. In addition
general condition and proper end clear to setting up vibration, angular misaline-
ance. ment. causes bending stresses to be set up
/. The oil pump on pressure lubrication in the shafts and additional bearing loads.
system should be checked and oil pump The more flexible the coupling, the less
strainer screen replaced. will be the load on the bearing and the
g. The compressor governor should be stress set up in the misalined shaft.
disassembled, cleaned, and oiled approxi
mately once a year. Clean or replace 234. Locomotive Test Run
strainer element. When the foregoing maintenance atten
tion and repairs are completed (also the
233. Alining Flexible Coupling electrical work described in ch. 22), the
a. General. If two or more rotating locomotive should be given a test run to
shafts are coupled, proper aline ment make a final check of its operating adjust
should be provided in order to eliminate ments and conditions before it enters
vibration and bending of the shafts. The regular service. Although many operating
method of securing satisfactory alinement conditions can be determined on the sta
will vary with the number of bearings on tionary loading tests at the shop, such
each shaft and the type of coupling used. If items as running gear performance, brak
shafts with single bearings are alined ing, journal bearing heating, and other
properly, there will be no radial displace characteristics can be checked more ef
ment between the coupled ends of angular fectively on an actual run. A test run should
displacement of shafts. If each shaft to be verify that traction motor connections re
coupled has more than one bearing, a type sult in proper direction of rotation, that
of coupling must be used which will permit sanding occurs during an emergency brake
a small amount of angular or radial dis application (if so provided in the original
placement, since it is not always possible design) , and that circuits through multiple
to achieve absolute alinement between two units function properly.
shafts carried in separate housings.


235. Main Generator Repairs

haul consists of careful inspection of the
a General. Heavy repairs to the gener stator field assembly, armature assembly,
ator require its removal from the engine brush holder assembly, and bearing
and its complete dismantling. This heavy assembly, especially with respect to de
repair program includes the following: fects or necessary repairs; also ap
(1) Rebandlng the armature, if neces plication of required tests, checks, clean
sary, and turning the commutator. ing, and varnish treatment. The auxiliary
(2) Inspecting roller bearings, clean generator should be overhauled as follows:
ing, and repacking. (1) Remove the armature.
(3) Inspecting the bearing housing in (2) Remove and discard (scrap) ball
the end frame. bearings.
(4) Thoroughly cleaning both armature (3) Clean and repaint field colls and
and field windings. All traces of leads.
solvent, if used, should be carefully (4) Clean, dip, and bake armatures.
removed with compressed air. (5) Turn and undercut the commutator
& Insulation should be dipped and baked, if necessary.
if necessary, but it may need only a light (6) Replace string band if necessary.
spray coating of Insulating varnish or, in (7) Assemble, using new double-
the case of the armature, a "rolling" in shielded bearings. Make certain
such varnish. Needless dipping and baking that bearing retainer nut Is locked
adds useless material to the windings with washer provided for that pur
f which will decrease heat transfer and re pose.
duce the area of ventilating air passages. b. The following precautions should be
To determine whether dipping and baking observed to prevent bearing failures;
are needed, a detailed Inspection in con (1) When removing coupling flange or
junction with megger readings is all that blower fan wheel assembly, use a
is required. Complete rewinding of puller that does not apply a load
generators and renewal of commutators in on the bearings.
the absence of fires, major insulation fail (2) Coupling flange or blower fan must
ures, bad flashovers, or mechanical dam be pressed on the shaft in such a
age, is seldom necessary. way that the forces are not trans
c. High-potential testing of insulation mitted through the bearings.
and dielectric strength to ground is essen (3) Care must be exercised in handling
tial to proper maintenance of main genera the auxiliary generator to prevent
tors on diesel-electrlc locomotives. Under bumping of shaft—this can damage
the effects of heat, dirt, or moisture, or a the bearings.
combination of these, insulation deterior (4) Bearings which have been removed
ates in service and presents a twofold from the shaft at any time should
problem. One part of this problem is not be used again, but should be re
testing before repairs are made to deter placed with new factory packed
mine if any special work is necessary or bearings.
if there are any weaknesses present. The
other part is testing after repairs to make 237. Traction Motor Repairs
sure the generator is in suitable condition a It is necessary to recognize a dis
for the normal period of service. tinction between traction motors used in
• 236. Auxiliary Generator Repairs switching locomotives and those used in
road locomotives. This tends to involve
a Genera/. Auxiliary generator over different periods, or time intervals, rather
than different maintenance procedures. years should be dipped and baked as a pre
For example, the work done by a motor on ventive maintenance measure. Some coils
a road locomotive over a given period is such as field coils are dipped before
greater than the work done by a motor on mounting on. their core. In the case of
a switching locomotive. More frequent and armatures, the entire assembly is sus
active attention is required to motors on pended with the axis in a vertical position
road locomotives than on switching loco and the commutator on the upper end and
motives. The kind of repair attention, how lowered into the compound up to, but not
ever, is generally similar. including, the commutator. The varnish or
b. Three important factors governing impregnating compounds is hot, and the
traction motor repairs are cleanliness, coils or armature are cleaned and pre
roller bearings, and commutators. The heated in an oven before dipping. Dip for
maintenance program must take these into 5 or 10 minutes, drain for 5 minutes, and
account to prevent trouble which might then place in oven for about 6 hours at about
develop from any or all of them. 300* F. When an armature is rewound, it
is baked before banding and again after
238. Growler Test
The most common method of testing for 240. Cables and Wiring
short circuits in field coils is the growler It is extremely important that cables and
test, and many repair shops are equipped wiring be thoroughly inspected whenever
with a transformer or growler for this a suitable opportunity presents Itself. This
purpose. The growler test is a very simple Includes insulated bus bars as well as
and effective method, since no accurate wires and it applies, of course, only to ex
electrical measurements are required. posed sections. In the latter case, reliance
Apply pressure to the field coil when it is as to condition must be placed in the results
being tested, in order to approximate ac of megger and high potential tests. Clean
tual conditions when it is clamped in the ing should be done by wiping with rags 01
frame. If pressure is not applied, the using a suitable solvent; if a solvent is
coil may show no defect on test but may used, as mentioned in connection with re
give trouble from short-circuited turns pairs to main generators and traction
when clamped between the pole tips and motors, all traces must be removed. When
the inside surface of the frame. With the the cleaning is completed, it is good prac
test in operation, after adjusting the knife tice to paint accessible sections, particu
switches for the desired number of turns larly those exposed to dirt, with a good
on the transformer, place the removable grade of insulating paint which should add
portion of the core in place but without the to the moisture-resisting and flame-
field coil. Note the deflection of the amme retarding properties of the insulation. If
ter, which indicates the value of primary any section of wiring is found to have de
current. Open the line switch and place the teriorated excessively because of heat,
coil in position around the transformer consider relocating the wire to reduce
core; close the switch to reapply voltage such exposure.
to the transformer. If the ammeter shows
the same deflection as before, the coil is 241. Sequence Testing
free of short-circuited turns; if there is a
short circuit, a much heavier current a. General. Electrical testing Instruc
would flow in the primary coil of the tions are issued by the manufacturer for
transformer and would be indicated by a each group of locomotives. These tests
greater deflection of the ammeter. must be followed accurately, and no
attempt should be made to adapt approxi
mate substitutions. The following discus
239. Dipping and Baking
sion of typical testing procedures merely
Coils which have been in operation 4 or 5 tells, as a matter of general information

what is usually done and why it is done. 242. Insulation Testing
Operating sequence of shutdown control a. General Description.
circuits is tested at battery voltage by (1) Insulation should be tested period
manually moving interlocks and controls, ically at voltages in excess of the
after disconnecting generator so that it will normal operating voltage in order
not crank the engine or produce power to detect any weakness which may
voltage. The following is a partial list to cause a breakdown in service. Any
be used when testing. defects must be remedied before
(1) Starting circuit interlocks must failure occurs en route. Two types
prevent the armature contactors of insulation tests are —
from closing until the field contac fa) Resistance tests which indicate
tors have closed. the presence of moisture,
(2) Fuel pump must operate and proper grease, carbon, or other dirt
pressure show on fuel gage. Shut which would cause grounds, false
down valve in fuel line must func indications, or miscellaneous
tion with any safety devices, such failures which are not due to a
as low oil pressure switch, or high breakdown of the insulation.
water temperature switch, accord (b) Dielectric tests in which a volt
ing to the wiring in each individual age above normal is applied to the
case. circuit to determine whether it
(3) Interlocks between the throttle and can withstand voltage stresses
reverser, as well as any direc which may occur during normal
tional auxiliary equipment such as or abnormal operating condi
sanders, must insure proper tions. Such tests are confined to
operation. the main power circuits. The
(4) Interlocks in fan motor circuits and recommended test voltage is
shutter control circuits must func 1,200 volts to ground.
tion properly. (2) An annual dielectric test of 1-
I (5) Traction motor field shunting and minute duration at voltages at least
transition must occur at the proper 50 percent to 75 percent above nor
time and sequence. mal working voltage is set forth in
(6) Wheel slip relays, ground relays, Department of the Army directives.
etc., must give proper protection The damage which may result from
and turn on the alarm and indicator insulation failure during a properly
lights. applied dielectric test is likely to
be small compared to the loss
(7) Any replaced traction motor must caused by a breakdown while ap
be checked for proper direction of paratus is carrying a heavy load.
rotation and direction of field con Reference should be made to the
nections. testing instructions for each indi
b. Drying With Internal Heat. If vidual locomotive for information
equipment has been flooded, coils may be on terminals, connections, or
dried by circulating current through the specific conditions for testing.
windings to develop internal heat. The volt b. Resistance Test s. Resistance tests
age is low and will not harm the insulation are adequate for the low voltage control
but the heat is not quickly dissipated and circuits which operate at about 75 volts.
must be regulated by experienced person Department of the Army directives do not
nel. Steam or gas pressure within the require dielectric tests for circuits which
winding may also damage the insulation. operate below 150 volts. However, it is
The exact procedure depends on the type always desirable to keep the control cir
of equipment to be dried and the facilities cuits free from grounds. Although high in
available. sulation resistance does not necessarily

indicate high dielectric strength, low in equipment, the megger reading
sulation resistance does indicate low should be taken over a 30-second
dielectric strength. Control circuits of new period or longer. If the reading is
locomotives should have a resistance of 1 constant or rises steadilywith con
megohm, and should not fall to less than tinual application of the megger
one-half of this value on locomotives in voltage, it is considered that the
service. An important feature of these insulation is sound and can be safely
tests is the comparison of readings taken tested. If the reading is unsteady
under similar conditions at various times. and rises and falls excessively with
If wide variations appear in successive steady application of megger volt
readings made under approximately the age. it is likely that leakage paths
same conditions of temperature and dry- may be present due to presence of
ness, the cause should be determined. In dirt or moisture. In the latter case,
sulation resistance on rotating apparatus it may not be safe to "hi-pot" the
is useful in indicating the condition of the machine without further cleaning
insulation, particularly before applying a and drying.
high potential test. The recommended min (2) The test leads be securely con
imum megger readingfor the power circuit nected to the circuit before power
of either a main generator armature plus is applied to the test box (to avoid
commutation field, or a traction motor, to surges from poor connections).
remain in service on the locomotive is 1 (3) The voltage from the test box be
megohm at 77° F. If the windings or parts varied smoothly, both when in
of the windings are oil or water soaked, creasing and decreasing the set
the damaged parts should be removed re ting, in order to avoid surges.
gardless of the megger reading. Insulation d. Test Boxes. Sudden application or
resistance of the windings varies greatly removal of test potentials may result in
with humidity and temperature. As an ap surges as much as 100 percent over the
proximation, the Insulation resistance for intended test voltage. Excessively burned
dc motors halves for every 22* F., rise in contacts or contact tips on the test box may
temperature. Because winding tempera result in undesirable fluctuations in test
tures, except those at known room temper voltage. Test boxes that have fixed, definite
atures, cannot be measured accurately in secondary steps- of voltage are certain to
shops, it is recommended that the appara produce surging if the primary voltage
tus be permitted to level off to the known cannot be smoothly controlled from zeroto
room temperature before insulation resis The most effective and inex
tance is measured. pensive modification for test boxes of 1/2
c. Dielectric Testa. Dielectric tests of to 5 kv.-a. capacity can be accomplished
not less than 1 -minute duration should be by adding a Varlao to the primary winding.
made on the main power circuits annually, Varlaos have the abilityto vary the voltage
or whenever the insulation of apparatus has smoothly without steps and, as a result,
been repaired. It is important that: there is practically no surging of voltage.
(1) The equipment be clean and dry and The V 10 H Variao may be used with 1/2,
be checked with a megger before 1. and 1-1/2 kv.-a. test boxes; the V 20
making test. High voltage should HM Variao with 2 and 3 kv.-a. boxes, and
not be applied unless the insulation two V 20 HM Variaos in series for 4 and
resistance measures at least 1 5 kv.-a. boxes. These Variacs may be used
megohm when the motors and gen on 115 or 230 volts ac supply. To use a
erators are clean, dry, and cool Variao, connect the test leads to the ma
(about 77* F.). It is considered good chine or circuit being tested before apply
practice to insist on 1 megohm or ing power to the test box, then raise the
above before applying insulation voltage to the test value with the Varlac,
tests to any electrical machinery. hold for the prescribed time, and then
In the case of diesel-eleotrio lower the voltage to zero with the Variao
before removing power and disconnecting provided in one fan blade. The indicator
the test leads. Maximum test voltages on is attached to this support so that the
the main power circuits should be 1,200 indicator plunger rides against the face
volts to ground. If working voltage values of the generator fan. The dial of the
higher than 600 volts are established as indicator should be set at zero at the
normal for any locomotive, corresponding top position and readings taken 90* apart.
higher test voltage should be applied. An allowance of plus or minus 0.010
inch at the bottom and plus or minus
243. Lining Up Generator With Engine
0.005 on each side will result in satis
a. General. The proper operation of a factory alinement if the coupling is con
generator set requires that the armature centric with the crankshaft and armature
shaft and frame be in line with the shaft.
engine crankshaft and that the airgap be d. Final Operations. Since any move
equally spaced. The eccentricity at the ment of the generator frame affects both
Coupling Should be held tO a minimum the coupling alinement and airgap, read
as this directly affects balance and brush ings must be repeated for both after
and bearing wear. The airgap of the setting. Experience will indicate the
generator must be uniform within plus proper shim thickness to bring the read
or minus 10 percent from average under ings within the limits specified. Only
each main pole as well as under each full length shims should be used under
commutating pole, and also from front each generator mounting pad. Not more
to rear, so that the generator will have than three shims should be used under
the proper electrical characteristics. each mounting pad with one shim not
Since the generator has only one bearing, to exceed 0.060 inch in thickness; the
the recommended method for alining the thickest shim should be tapered if
airgap and coupling is at the engine end necessary so that the airgap and coupling
of the generator. will conform to the specified limits.
& Alining Airgap. Where the generator After the generator is coupled to the
installation permits, the airgap should be engine, the generator frame should be
measured under each pole at the coupling placed so that the single bearing at the
end. This should be done with a long commutator end is located axially to
feeler gage inserted through from the avoid thrust. load in either direction. The
commutator end. Since the generator has generator has a float of approximately
a nonuniform airgap under the main poles, 3/16 inch between the outer race of the
measurements must be made under the bearing and the housing, and must be
tip of the pole piece. As an alternative, coupled to the engine with no clearance
the radical clearance between the edge between the bearing outer race and the
of the fan and the generator frame may engine side of the housing. When the
be used if one point on the fan is used crankshaft is forced toward the generator,
for reference and the fan is rotated so the generator frame must be as far
that measurements can be made between away from the engine as possible without
this point and the frame at the top, putting an end thrust on the coupling;
bottom, and each side. If the difference this arrangement provides the mftyimiim
in these measurements 180* apart is amount of clearance required by expansion
less than 0.020 inch, the airgap may be of the generator shaft and engine crank
considered satisfactory. Under no circum shaft as they heat up. The armature shaft
stances should an attempt be made to should be forced toward the coupling
use the end of the generator frame to end of the generator before coupling
aline the airgap. to the engine.
c. Alining Coupling. The coupling is
alined by means of a dial type Indicator 244. Bearings
fastened to a support extending out radially & The term "antifriction bearings" is
from the armature flange through a hole applied to all ball or roller bearings

to distinguish the rolling type of bearing safety solvent, or other petroleum
from the common sleeve type bearing. cleaner. After cleaning, wipe
There are many styles and types of housing dry. Dip flingers and
these roller and ball bearings — single adjacent parts in SAE-10 mineral
row ball, double row ball, self-alining oil, heated to 203° F., and drain.
ball, single row roller, double row Store parts in a dry, clean place.
roller, self-alining roller, tapered roller, & On any shaft having two bearings, one
and further modifications of inner is suitable for taking end thrust and
and outer races of each type. The types normally is clamped rigidly to take this
found suitable for diesel-electric ap thrust; the other bearing must be free
paratus are limited to a few standard to allow end movement which results
designs. If properly applied and lu from expansion or contraction of the
bricated, ball or roller bear ings need shaft when temperatures change.
much less attention than sleeve bearings. (1) For ball bearings in which balls
They are in general use for main gen normally roll in grooves in the
erators, armature bearings of traction inner and outer races, it is
motors, belt driven auxiliary generators necessary to allow a free fit be
and exciters, blower motors, and nearly tween the outer race of the bear
all electrical rotating apparatus of a ing and the supporting housing.
diesel locomotive. Each time a motor This fit should be loose enough
is overhauled, clean, inspect, and repack to allow the outer race to move
the roller bearings. horizontally with the shaft;
(1) Clean bearing parts with kerosene sufficient clearance should be pro
or other petroleum cleaner. Do vided in the housing to permit
not allow them to lie around with this longitudinal movement.
old grease in them. Do not use (2) For the roller bearings, it is
compressed air on a bearing; it frequently the practice to provide
may contain moisture which would one of the races with a grooved
cause corrosion of races or path for the rollers while the
rollers. Do not take cages apart. other race is cylindrical, thus
(2) Inspect bearing parts for wear allowing longitudinal movement of
or defects. Examine inner race one race with respect to the other.
under a good light. Look at the c. Since one end of the armature shaft
roller path and examine it for of a single-bearing generator is unsup
flaking or cracks. Examine for ported prior to application, the armature
pitting, signs of excessive wear, usually rests on the pole pieces with the
and any excessive amount of dirt. result that the armature shaft is not
Examine side surfaces and bore perfectly alined with the bearing housing.
of inner race for evidence of For this reason sufficient clearance must
rubbing or turning ^on the shaft. be allowed between the balls or rollers
On commutator end bearing (trac and their races to permit this slight
tion motor), look for smearing on angularity of the shaft, or else, a self-
flange and thrust collar. Examine alining type of bearing must be used.
outer race and rollers (or balls). d. Since locomotives are subject to a
Examine cages for wear. wide range of operating conditions, such
(3) To prevent corrosion, immediately generator parts as shafts, bearings, and
after cleaning and inspection, dip balls or rollers may be subjected to
bearing in light mineral oil high temperatures which cause ex
(SAE-10), heated to 203° F. pansion of the metal. For this reason,
(4) Drain bearing and wrap it in waxed the clearances normally allowed for in
paper to keep it clean. dustrial antifriction bearings are not
(5) Clean bearing housings, flingers, sufficient for diesel-electric generators
and adjacent parts with kerosene, or traction motors and special "free
fit" bearings should always be used. These the use of a fine finishing stone
clearances are measured under the rollers lightly applied may be required;
or balls after the bearing is assembled this will permit the operator to
on the shaft and in the housing at normal touch up commutator lightly and
room temperatures. thus maintain true surface on the
e. It is customary to insure a tight commutator.
fit of the inner race of a ball or roller b. Stoning.
bearing on its shaft by heating the race (1) A commutator having a smooth
in oil at a temperature of 212° to 257° F., glaze of chestnut color is in satis
and allowing the bearing to remain in factory condition. Slight burning
the hot oil for about 1 hour before apply often occurs at the edges of every
ing it to the shaft. The fit of the outer few bars, due to the method of
race in the housing, however, differs winding to get high electrical
for the different types of bearings. efficiency. No maintenance atten
f. For ball bearings where longitudinal tion is required for this type of
movement of a shaft means that the outer defect. However, if such spots
race must also move, the outer race are deep enough to cause a brush
should be of such fit that it can be pushed to leave the commutator, or if
into the housing by hand; this also applies commutator is dirty or smudgy,
to spherical "self-alining" roller bear it may be necessary to smooth
ings. For the larger bearings, it is the surface and bring the commu
customary to limit the housing bore to tator back to concentricity by
0.002 inch greater than the outside means of a grinding stone.
diameter of the outer race. For the smaller Eccentricity may be ascertained
bearings, adherence to this tolerance may by clamping a dial gage on the
be less rigid. For roller bearings which frame of the generator or motor
have one cylindrical race, the outer race and rotating the armature by hand,
is usually larger than the housing bore one commutator bar distance at
by 0.001 inch to give a tight fit. In replac a time. The dial gage measures,
ing bearings after equipment has been in in thousandths of an inch, vari
service, however, it is always well to ations in commutator radius. An
check both the bearing and the housings eccentricity of 0.001 inch, within
to insure a good fit. a distance less than the brush
spacing around the commutator,
245. Commutators may indicate the necessity of
stoning. For bad burns and extreme
a. Regular Maintenance. eccentricity, it may be necessary
(1) Proper maintenance and care of to turn the commutator on a lathe.
commutators eliminates exces (2) For motors or generators having
sive stoning. Each time a road roller or ball bearings, a satis
locomotive comes into a mainte factory stoning Job is done as
nance point where diesel loco follows;
motives are maintained, the (a) Use a grinding rig which can
commutator should be touched up be clamped firmly to the frame
with a canvas-covered block to of the machine, with two direc
prevent excessive formation of tions of feed for the stone.
oil scum and the development of (b) Operate the motor or generator
a condition requiring a heavy at slow, or idling, speed. Operate
stoning. On switching locomotives, a traction motor by jacking the
this work should be done at the wheels off the rails and connec
time of monthly inspection. ting the motor to a welding
(2) If excessive formations of scum generator as a source of power.
cannot be removed with canvas, Remove all pulsating torques,

such as compressor drives, when parallel to the commutator and that they A
turning a generator commutator. are fastened and braced securely. Use "
(c) Take extremely light cuts at a side -cutting tool with point ground to
first until the commutator about 1/16-inch radius. The cutting side
approaches a true condition. of the point should be given more rake
Avoid heavy cuts as these cause than is customary for working iron and
some deflection of the rig and steel. The tool should be sharp enough to
may not produce concentricity. make a clean, smooth cut, without dragging
Take the final cut with a fine copper over the mica. While turning the
grained stone. commutator, it should be run at a
(d) Check trued commutator with peripheral speed of approximately 300 feet
the dial indicator. per minute, which is about as fast as the
(e) Clean out the undercut slots tool will cut without burning. With a
between bars to a minimum of file, round off the ends of the commutator
3/64 inch, leaving no mica at bars to at least 1/16-inch radius, while
the sides; use rotating saw or the commutator is still in the lathe.
clean by hand with pieces of After the commutator has been turned,
hacksaw blade. Chamfer edges undercut the mica in the same manner
of bars slightly at the slots with as when stoning.
fine sandpaper (not emery cloth). 246. Traction Motor Pinion Gears
(f) Use sandpaper laid on the
commutator under each brush a General Pules. Care must be taken
to sand the face of each brush to avoid bumping pinion gear or pinion
to the commutator contour. end of armature shaft in shipping,
c. Brush Pressure. In the operation handling prior to application, applying,
of commutators, the brush grade and and removing traction motors from
pressure should be as recommended by trucks. If the pinion gear end of armature JL
the manufacturer. To measure brush shaft is bumped against a heavy object, *
pressure, a stirrup attached to a spring the commutator end bearing should be
balance should be slipped under the brush examined for damage to the thrust portion
hammer at the middle of the brush and the or ends of the bearing race. Extreme care
pressure determined by pulling the should be used in handling traction motors
hammer away from the brush in the direc to avoid damage which will result in
tion of hammer movement. This pressure failure of motor due to armature shaft
should be determined on the basis of a locking.
half-worn brush, not a new one. (1) Pinions on traction motors inroad
d. Turning. If the commutator is badly service should be pulled at inter
worn or burned, remove the armature from vals of about 250,000 miles and
the machine and turn the commutator in armature shaft magnafluxed for
a lathe. Remove only enough copper to defects.
give a uniform surface, after which the (2) Whenever pinions are pulled for
side mica between segments should be any reason, armature shafts should
recut and the commutator surface polished be magnafluxed and placed in per
and cleaned. Whenever possible, turn the fect condition before pinions are
commutator by supporting the armature again applied.
in its own bearings. If the armature is b. Removal Procedure. In removing
held on lathe centers, be sure that these traction motor pinion gears, use a suit
centers are true with respect to the able gear puller. Never heat gear before
bearing seats. Before turning a commu pulling and never use wedges between
tator, make a suitable covering to keep gear and bearing cap. To prevent damage
the chips and dust from working into to antifriction bearing, remove the
the armature. Make sure that the turning armature from the motor frame and
post is so set that the ways are absolutely place in suitable V-shaped supports; then V

pull off pinion gear. Never strike pinion is reinstalled in the locomotive. If bear
| gear or gear puller with sledge or any ing shows sign of cutting, scrape it down
* heavy object while armature is in place to a new surface; if too badly worn,
in motor frame. replace with a new one. Before instal
c. Mounting Procedure. In replacing ling bearing, examine journal for rough
traction motor pinion gears, clean the ness or cutting.
armature shaft and the bore of the pinion b. Hot bearings will occur occasionally
gear thoroughly. Remove any scoring on and are usually the result of one of the
either surface and spot cold pinion gear following causes:
on the shaft by hand until at least 85 (1) Insufficient amount of oil.
percent fit is obtained. After checking (2) Dirt working into the bearing.
fit between the armature shaft and pinion (3) Improperly packed waste.
gear, mount the pinion cold on the shaft (4) Excessive end play in truck axles.
by hand. Record the position of gear (5) New bearings with insufficient
on shaft with respect to end of shaft. clearance.
Make measurements using (preferably) (6) Traction motor nose clamped in
a micrometer depth gage set in a suitable truck frame.
frame (fig. 104). Mark the points of c. If bearings are hot, use the following
measurement and the end of the shaft checklist:
so that the pinion can be mounted in (1) First check oil level in the oil
exactly the same manner after heating. cavity.
Heat the pinion gear in an oven or in (2) Examine waste packing to make
oil until it has reached a uniform sure it has not fallen away from
temperature and is the required number journal.
of degrees above the shaft temperature. (3) If bearing has been recently
Check shaft and pinion gear temperature installed, check clearance as it
• with a hand pyrometer. Never permit might have been set up too tightly.
the temperature of the pinion gear to
exceed 375° F. Be sure maximum advance 248. Traction Motor Axle and Pinion Gears
is obtained, using a dummy pinion nut a. The service life of railway gearing
which has loose threads to permit quick depends very largely upon the type of
tightening. Use a suitable spanner wrench service in which it is used and the quality
for prompt tightening of nut before the of maintenance and lubrication which it
pinion gear cools. After pinion gear has receives. Gears in highspeed road service
cooled, remove dummy pinion nut and should be maintained to more rigid
check pinion gear carefully by measure standards than is necessary for gears
ment for proper advance. If the mounting in switcher duty. Gears become unsuitable
is satisfactory, apply and tighten the for further service for a variety of reasons
regular lockwasher and nut. the most common of which is wear.
b. When a wheel set is removed from
247. Traction Motor Axle Bearings a truck for any reason, the gears should
a. Tolerances on traction motor axle be thoroughly inspected. The condemning
bearings vary slightly depending on the limits for axle and pinion gears are
manufacturer of the locomotive and if given in the inspecting procedure as
it is to be used in road or switcher follows:
service. The appropriate manufacturer's (1) Visually inspect or magnaflux for
maintenance bulletins or appropriate broken, chipped, spalled, or pitted
technical manuals should be followed when teeth. Pinion and axle gears should
bearings are to be repaired or renewed. be condemned when more than 20
Whenever a traction motor is removed percent of total working surface
from a locomotive, the bearing aline- of teeth are spalled or pitted.
ment should be checked before the motor Axle gears should be scrapped

Figure 104- Method of using pinion gear advance gage.

when either one of the working in ultimate destruction of the teeth.

surfaces is worn to a point where The heat generated as a result of
a step 1/32 -inch deep exists in this condition may cause damage
the root of the gear tooth where to the armature bearings.
contact with the pinion ends.
(2) Check for wear limits determined c. When gears with a hump at the pitch
by dimensions across tip of tooth line or steps at root of tooth are disturbed
The minimum allowable dimen by application of new axle linings or
sions at this point is 3/32 inch mated with other gearing, they will operate
for axle gears and 1/32 inch for with interference stresses and torsional
pinions. vibration until battered in a new mating
(3) Light scuffing is characterized by fit. Operation under this abnormal condi
vertical, root-to-tip lines and is tion may lead to fatigue failure of gear
an indication of faulty lubrication teeth and shorten the life of armature
which, if not corrected, may result windings. I

249. General If time permits and a sufficiently heavy

a. Destruction of a locomotive, when implement is available, smash the engine
subject to capture or abandonment in the block and cylinder heads.
combat zone, will be accomplished only
when in the Judgment of the unit commander 251. Destruction by Burning
concerned, such action is necessary in a. Remove the drain plug from the fuel
accordance with orders of or policy estab tank, or puncture the tank as near the
lished by the Army commander. bottom as possible, collecting diesel fuel
b. In general, destruction of vital parts for use as outlined in paragraph c below.
followed by burning with usually be suf b. Pack explosive ammunition, if avail
ficient to render the locomotive useless. able, on or about the locomotive so it will
However, selection of the particular be fully exposed to the fire and in such
method of destruction depends on the locations that the greatest damage will
facilities at hand under the existing condi result from its detonation.
tions. Time is usually a critical factor c. Pour fuel oil, or preferably gasoline,
to be considered. over the entire locomotive. Ignite by any
c. If destruction is directed, due con appropriate means; if available, use an
sideration must be given to: incendiary grenade fired from a safe
(1) Selection of a point of destruction distance, a burst from a flamethrower,
that will cause greatest obstruction
I to enemy movement and also pre
or a combustible train of suitable length.
vent hazard to friendly troops 252. Destruction by Gunfire
from fragments or ricocheting
projectiles which may occur inci Fire on the locomotive with the heaviest
dental to the destruction by gunfire. weapons available, aiming at the engine
(2) Observance of appropriate safety traction motors, generators, and controls.
precautions. Although one well-placed direct hit may
d. Where time does not permit firing make the equipment inoperative, several
or complete hand destruction, the same hits may be required for complete
key part or assembly on each locomotive destruction of all components.
abandoned will be destroyed to prevent
possible cannibalization by the enemy. 253. Destruction by Demolition Explosives

250. Destruction by Mechanical Means

Place as many charges as the situa
tion will permit and detonate them
Using an ax, pick, mattock, sledge, or simultaneously. Use a TNT block or
any other heavy implement, smash all its equivalent per charge. Complete
vital elements such as controls, water details on the use of demolition,
and fuel pumps, air compressor, materials and methods of priming and
generators , switches , and traction motors . detonating are found in FM 5-25.

I 269

1. Army Regulations
AR 55-650 Railroads
AR 108-6 Motion Picture Production
AR 320-5 Dictionary of United States Army Terms
AR 320-50 Authorized Abbreviations and Brevity Codes
AR 345-200 Program Policies and Procedures
AR 345-215 TOE Units of Active Army and the Army Reserve
AR 746-5 Color and Marking of Army Materiel
AR 750-5 Organization, Policies, and Responsibilities for Maintenance
AR 385-10 Army Safety Program
2. Department of the Amy Pamphlets
DA Pam 55-1 Transportation Railway Service Safety Rules
DA Pam 310-5 Index of Graphic Training Aids and Devices
3. Field Manuals
FM 5-25 Explosives and Demolitions
FM 21-5 Military Training Management
FM 21-30 Military Symbols
FM 55-21 Transportation Railway Supervisory Units
FM 55-22 Transportation Railway Battalion
4. Technical Manuals
TM 38-750 Army Equipment Record Procedures
TM 55-200 Railway Operating Rules
TM 55-201 Operation, Inspection, and Maintenance of Steam Locomo
tives and Locomotive Cranes
TM 55-1260 General Instructions for Baldwin Diesel-Electric Switching
Locomotive, F-2-43
TM 55-1263 Locomotive, Diesel-Electric, 56-1/2-inch Gage, 65-ton,
0-4-4-0, 400-hp. General Electric, Cummins, Engine
Model HBE3-600
TM 55-1264-1 Locomotive, Diesel-Electric, 80-ton, 500-hp, General Elec
tric, Model B-B 160/160-4, GHM833
TM 55-1264-2 Engine, Diesel, Cummins Models K, KO, and L Series
TM 55-1265 Operation and Service Manual, Diesel-Electric 56-1/2 inch
Gage, 0-4-4-0 American Locomotive Co, 100-ton, 660-hp
and 115-ton, 1,000-hp
TM 55-1268 Locomotive, Diesel-Electric, 56-1/2-inch Gage, General
Electric, 23- and 25-ton, 0-4-0, 150-hp. Class B-46/46-1
GE733 and Class B-50/50-1 GE733
TM 55-1271-1 Locomotive, Diesel-Electric, 56-1/2-inch, 60-inch, 63-inch,
66-inch Gages, 120-ton, 0-6-6-0, 1,600-hp, Electro-Motive
Models MRS-L SW8, GP7L
TM 55-1271-2 Engine Maintenance Manual No. 252B for Model 567B
Engines, Electro-Motive Division, General Motors
TM 55-1275-3 Brake Equipment, Air Locomotive, NYABCO No. 6BL
TM 55-1276-1 Locomotive, Diesel-Electric, 56-1/2-inch Gage, 120/123-
ton, 0-4-4-0, 1,200-hp, Fairbanks-Morse Model H12-44
TM 55-1277 Locomotive, Diesel-Electric, 56-1/2-inch, 60-inch, 63-inch,
and 66-inch Gages, 120-ton, 0-6-6-0, 1,600-hp, General
Electric Model 19B238G1 and G2
TM 55-1278 Locomotive, Diesel-Electric, 56-1/2-inch Gage, 80-ton,
0-4-4-0, 470-hp, General Electric Cummins Engine Model
TM 55-2021 Brake Equipment, No. 14-EL for Diesel- Electric Switching
Locomotive (Westinghouse Airbrake)
TM 55-2026 Brake Equipment, Air, Railway Locomotive, NYABCO No.
TM 55-2029 Brake Equipment 6-SL for Diesel-Electric Yard Switching
Locomotives (Westinghouse Airbrake Pamphlet 5046-15)
TM 55-2034 Air Compressor, 4-YC and Z for Diesel-Electric Locomo
tives, Westinghouse
TM 55-2040 Combined Vacuum and Airbrake Equipment for Diesel-
Electric Locomotives
TM 55-2210-216-35P Field and Depot Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tool
TM 55-4021 Caterpillar Diesel Engines (D397. D386, D375, D364) Indus
trial, Electrical Set, Locomotive, Marine, Caterpillar
Tractor Form 13262-2
5. Lubrication Orders
LO 55-2210-201-20 Locomotive, Diesel-Electric, 56-1/2-, 60-, 63-, 66-inch
I Gage, 120-ton, Electro-Motive MRS-1 (Domestic and
Foreign Service)
LO 55-2210-204-20 Locomotive, Diesel-Electric (General Electric 44-ton BB
88/88, 45-ton BB 90/90, 47-ton BB 94/94, 380-hp, 4GE-
733) (Caterpillar D17000)
LO 55-2210-205-20 Locomotive, Diesel-Electric (GE 45-ton BB 90/90, 300-hp,
2GE-733) (Cummins HBI-600)
LO 55-2210-206-20 Locomotive, Diesel-Electric (Electro-Motive, Model GP7L,
120-ton, 1,500-hp)
LO 55-2210-207-20 Locomotive, Diesel-Electric (General Electric, 56-1/2-
Gage, 65-ton Engine, Cummins Model HBIS-600)
LO 55-2210-208-20 Locomotive, Diesel-Electric, 56-1/2-inch Gage, 80-ton,
0-4-4-0, Davenport Besler Model 112-5708
LO 55-2210-209-20 Locomotive, Diesel-Electric (GE Models B-B-160/160-4
GHM 833 and B-B-160/160-4 GE 747, 80-ton) (Cummins
Engine Models LI-600 and NHBIS-600)
LO 55-2210-211-20 Locomotive, Diesel-Electric, 127-131-ton, 1,000-hp, Std
Gage (American Locomotive Model RDSW)
LO 55-2210-212-20 Locomotive, Diesel-Electric (120-ton, Baldwin, 1,000-hp)
LO 55-2210-213-20 Locomotive, Diesel-Electric (ALCO, 100-ton, 660-hp)
(ALCO, 115-ton, 1,000-hp)
LO 55-2210-214-20 Locomotive, Diesel-Electric, 56-1/2-inch Gage, 44-ton,
0-4-4-0, 380-hp, Davenport Besler
LO 55-2210-216-20 Locomotive, Diesel-Electric, 56-1/2-inch, 60-inch, 63-inch,
and 66-inch Gages, 120-ton, 0-6-6-0, 1,600-hp, GE Model
GE 19B238G1 and G2
I 271
LO 55-2210-217-20 Locomotive, Diesel-Electric, 56-1/2-inch Gage, 120-ton, A
0-4-4-0, 1,200-hp, Fairbanks-Morse Model H12-44 ^
LO 55-2210-218-20 Locomotive, Diesel-Electric, 56-1/2-inch Gage, 23- and
25-ton, 0-4-0 150-hp, Cummins HBI-600 (General Electric
6. Miscellaneous Publications
MIL-B-121 Barrier Material, Greaseproofed, Flexible (Waterproofed)
MIL-B-131C Barrier Material; Water Vaporproof, Flexible
MIL-C-16173 Corrosion Preventive, Solvent Cutback, Cold Application
MIL-D-3464A Desiccants Activated (in Bags) for Static Dehuraidification
and Packaging
MIL-D-3716(2) Desiccants (Activated) for Dynamic Dehymidification
MIL-P-116C Preservation, Methods of
MIL-P-3321B Painting, Railway Motive Power and Work Equipment
TB 55-2200-205-25/1 Installation and Servicing of Journal Lubricating Devices
DASC 2200-IL, FSG Group 22 Railway Equipment
AAR Lubrication Manual
AAR Wheel and Axle Manual
Management Data List, DASC 2200-ML


The following glossary Includes terms burns quickly and easily in a diesel.
and names used In this manual and en Alpha Methyl Naphthalene is one which
countered by those personnel whose duties has very poor ignition qualities. A blend
cover the operation and maintenance of of the two can be made which has the
diesel-electric locomotives. same ignitibility as almost any com
Atmospheric pressure — The pressure of mercial fuel, and the percentage of
the atmosphere measured from absolute cetane which this blend contains is known
zero pressure. At sea level, atmospheric as the cetane number of the fuel with
pressure is about 14. 7 pounds per square which it is being compared. A high cetane
inch, decreasing as the altitude in number indicates a diesel fuel that will
creases. fire or ignite easily.
Axle — A shaft of wrought iron or steel to Clearance — Space that is provided be
which a pair of wheels is attached by tween working parts and/or fixed parts
pressing on with a hydraulic wheel press. of objects.
Babbitt metal — An alloy, consisting Clearance volume — The volume of air
mainly of tin and copper — largely used space remaining in the cylinder when
for Journal box bearings; so called after the piston has reached the end of its up
its inventor, Isaac Babbitt. The term is ward, or compression stroke.
commonly applied to any white alloy Combustion — Burning or combustion is
for bearings, as distinguished from the the result of the combination of a com
metals or brasses, in which copper bustible with oxygen and heat.
predominates. Compression — Pressure produced within
Burning— Commonly substituted for com the cylinder as the piston moves from
bustion, as late burning meaning late or bottom to top center with all valves
slow combustion. closed.
Bushing— A lining for a hole. Usually a Compress ion-ignition —Ignition of a fuel
metal cylindrical ring which forms a charge by the heat generated by com
bearing for some other object as a shaft, pression of the air in the cylinder.
valve, etc., which is inserted into the Compressor governor — A device used to
hole. Often contracted to bush. regulate the point at which an air com
Bypass — A form of valve manually or au pressor cuts in (loading point) and when
tomatically controlled which, when open, it cuts off (unloading point).
permits a fluid to pass around some part Crankcase — Lower part of the engine
of a mechanism. structure in which the crankshaft is
Cam— A wheel-like disk attached to a mounted.
shaft. Only a portion is circular, the Crankpin — That part of the crankshaft
remainder protruding beyond the circle. that is offset to carry the connecting rod.
From the irregularity or the contour of Crankshaft — The shaft that extends
the cam, corresponding motion is im through the length of the engine to which
parted to a valve by means of a lifter, is attached the connecting rods and which
push rod, and rocker arm. gathers the power and delivers it to the
Camshaft —The shaft which carries the flywheel.
various cams required for the operation Crocus cloth — An abrasive cloth in which
of air inlet and exhaust valves. jewelers rouge (Garnet stone) is em
Cetane number — Cetane number is a bedded. It is normally used for polish
specification used for diesel oils which ing metal.
may be compared with octane number in Cycle — The complete series of events
gasoline. Cetane is a hydrocarbon which which occur until the original positions
of all moving parts are restored and distance of one foot or of moving an ob
recurrence starts. In the four-cycle or ject one foot against a resistance of one
four-stroke cycle engine, this requires pound.
four strokes of the piston, hence the Four-stroke cycle — An engine in which
designation; in the two-cycle engine, the intake, compression, power and
only two strokes are needed to complete exhaust events are completed with four
the cycle. strokes of the piston. In a normal
Cylinder — The cylindrical part of the en engine, this is accomplished within two
gine in which the piston moves. revolutions of the crankshaft.
Cylinder cock — A small cock screwed Fulcrum — In mechanics, that by which a
into a cylinder to allow any accumulation lever is sustained or the point on which
of water in the cylinder to escape. it moves.
Cylinder head — The part which covers Governor — On engines, the governor is a
and seals the end of the cylinder and device whereby the speed is held ap
usually contains the valves. proximately constant regardless of the
Deckplate — A plate used to form a floor load or is kept from exceeding a set
or deck over an open space. predetermined speed within the limits of
Delivery stroke — The stroke of a pump the engine. This is brought about by the
during which the fluid in the pump is governor altering the amount of fuel
forced out of the cylinder. Introduced into the cylinder.
Engine — A mechanism for converting the Heat balance — A tabulation showing the
energy in steam, air, or other gas under percentage of the heat developed by
pressure into mechanical energy in the combustion in the engine cylinder, that
form of motion. Usually restricted to is: delivered in the form of power at the
reciprocating engines having a cylinder, crankshaft; lost in friction; lost to the
reciprocating piston, and means for cooling water; lost in the exhaust gases
causing the gas under pressure to expand and radiation.
alternately on each side of the piston, Horsepower — The rate of doing work ex
moving it back and forth in the cylinder. pressed in terms of 33,000 foot-pounds
Frequently used as meaning the entire per minute. This means if a weight of
locomotive. 33,000 pounds was moved one foot in 1
Equalizer— A beam connected at each end minute, there would have been one
to a driving or truck spring, or to the horsepower of work done, or if one pound
end of another similar beam, for the was moved 33,000 feet in 1 minute, it
purpose of distributing the weight of an would also be one horsepower.
engine to two or more axles, and to pre Inertia — Resistance of the body to motion
vent an excessive load being thrown or change in velocity.
upon one axle by reason of inequalities Injection pump — A pump used to inject
of the track or roadbed. Also known as fuel into the injector.
equalizing lever or beam or equal beam. Journal — As referred to a crankshaft,
Exh aust pyrometer — An instrument to that part which rests in the main bear
measure temperature of the exhaust by ing shells.
the electrical energy developed at the Journal bearing — A block of metal, usu
junction of two dissimilar metals when ally of brass or bronze, which is in con
exposed to heat. tact with a journal on which the load
Expansion period — The portion of the rests. In locomotive building the term,
power stroke during which the combus when unqualified, means an engine or
tion gases exert pressure on the moving truck axle journal bearing.
piston and expand while the pressure Journal box— A cast of malleable iron, or
falls. cast steel box or case which encloses
Foot-pounds(ft-lbs)- Units in which the journal of a truck axle, the journal
work is measured; is equivalent to the bearing and .key, and which holds the
work of raising one pound vertically a packing for lubricating the journal. Also

called axle box, grease box, bousing box, ally partly filled with mercury, employed
oil box, and pedestal box, or simply box. to measure pressure or vacuum.
Key— A square or rectangular piece of Mean effective pressure (mep) —The
steel straight or tapering from one end "mean" Is another way of saying average.
to the other used to secure a. collar or The mep of any engine is the average
flywheel to a shaft. pressure in the cylinder during the power
Keyway— A machined slot in a shaft or stroke.
hub of a wheel to take a steel key. Mechanical efficiency— The ratio of use
Knuckle — (AAR couplers) —The rotating ful work performed by a machine to the
coupling hook by means of which coupling energy expended in producing this work.
is effected when the knuckle is locked by Mechanical injection — Same as airless
the catch or lock. It must conform to injection. Another way of referring to an
certain contour lines adopted by the Injection system of a diesel engine that
AAR. does not use air as a means of carrying
Knuckle lock — The device which locks the the fuel into the combustion chamber.
knuckle and prevents it from being re Muffler — Sometimes referred to as si
leased when a coupling has been made. lencer—used to diminish noise either
Knuckle pin — A pivot on which the knuckle of the intake or exhaust.
of the coupler turns. Needle valve — A rod consisting of a long
Lands —The portions of the piston be fine point to its spindle, the point just
tween the grooves carrying the piston fitting into a hole which its motion opens
rings. or closes. Needle valves are designed
Lanova system — A modern form of diesel for standard working pressures to con
combustion process in which rapid and trol air, gas, gasoline, or other liquids
complete burning of fuel is attained requiring close regulation.
through the controlled turbulence of Nitrogen — A gas that makes up approxi
great intensity. mately four-fifths of the atmospheric
Lateral motion — A movement sidewise, air. Nitrogen will unite with certain sub
more particularly meaning, as generally stances, but it does not give off heat In
used, a side or swing motion of the so doing.
bolster of a swing motion truck, as op Nozzle — A device containing one or more
posed to the end play of an axle under small openings through which liquids or
the journal. gases are ejected under pressure.
Liner— The inner removable part of the Outboard bearing — A bearing located at
cylinder in contact with the piston. the end of a shaft.
Load — A term used to indicate the output Oxygen — An odorless, colorless, taste
of the engine. less gas which comprises 20 percent of
Locomotive — A self-propelled vehicle the atmosphere and is necessary to sup
running on rails and generating or con port life and combustion.
verting energy into motion for the pur Packing — A material used to seal a joint
pose of hauling cars. A locomotive has against leakage or as a method to apply
no space for a revenue load. It may be lubricant to a bearing or bearings.
operated by steam, electricity, gas from Piston— A. cylindrical part of an engine
volatile oils, or compressed air. which reciprocates in the cylinder bore
Lubrication — Term applied to the use of and transmits the force exerted upon its
oil, grease, or other substance between crown to the connecting rod and crank.
moving parts of machinery for reducing Piston crown— The top of the piston.
friction, resistance, and heating caused Piston pin— A pin which rests in two
by motion of the parts in contact. bored holes in the piston and passes
Lubricator — Any device, as an oilcup or through the eye of the connecting rod
grease cup, for holding a lubricant and to join the two together flexibly.
supplying it to wearing surfaces. Piston pin bearing — The bearing either in
Manometer— A U-shaped glass tube, usu the eye of the connecting rod or in the

bored bosses of the piston In which the of pure water at 62* F.; (2) Weight of a.
piston pin oscillates. gas as compared with equal volume of
Piston rings — Rings of cast iron, which air under the same condition.
float in grooves of the piston, to seal Steam generator— A small boiler used to
against gas leakage between the piston convert water to low-pressure steam.
and cylinder barrel. for heating purposes.
Plunger— The piston of a pump, such as Steel— A. compound of iron usually with
a fuel injection pump. small quantities of silicon and manga
Preignttion — In a gas engine, ignition of nese and containing between one-half
the charge before the ignition arc or and three percent of carbon. Steel, un
spark occurs. It is usually caused by a like wrought iron, can be tempered and
carbon deposit in the cylinder which re retains magnetism. Its malleability de
tained enough heat from the previous creases and fusibility increases with an
power stroke to ignite the fuel charge. Increase in carbon.
Pronybrake—A mechanical device for Stroke— The distance that the piston
measuring the torque exerted by an moves from one end of its path to the
engine for the purpose of calculating other end is called the piston stroke.
its brake horsepower. Supercharging, or pressure charging —
Relief valve— A valve, similar to a safety This is the supplying of combustion air
valve, that opens at a predetermined to an engine at higher than atmospheric
pressure. pressure; usually 3 to 5 pounds per
Ring grooves — Grooves cut in the piston square inch gage but as high as 30 pounds
to hold the piston rings. in some type engines.
Rocker arm— A. lever, usually mounted Tachometer — An instrument for indicat
on a shaft on the cylinder head, which ing rotative speed in terms of revolu
has one end resting on the valve stain tions per minute.
top and the other on a push rod whose Thermal efficiency — The ratio of heat
motion lifts the rocker arm which. In transformed into work to the total heat
turn, pushes the valve open. supplied.
Rod, connecting — A rod which transmits Thermocouple — Strips of dissimilar met
the reciprocating motion of the piston als Joined (usually welded) at one end.
the circular motion of the crank. When heated at the Joint, a small amount
Rpm — Revolutions per minute. of electrical energy is generated in pro
Sandbox— A receptacle for carrying sand portion to the temperature, and these
to be used to prevent slipping of the currents, when measured by a millivolt-
driving wheels. It is operated by apneu meter with its scale graduated in de
matic sander which allows sand to run grees, indicate temperature.
through the sandplpes to the rail in front Thermostat — A control mechanism whose
of the drivers. The sandbox is located operation Is dependent upon the expan
beneath the running boards or under the sion of heated metal or fluid which is
engine hood. converted into movement and force.
Seal — Any method used to prevent leak This, in turn, actuates devices that<
age. trol electric circuits, valves, etc., and
Shaft — A moving member of the engine, can be set to operate at definite tem
supported by bearings and intended to peratures.
transmit rotary motion. Throttle — A mechanism used on adiesel-
Skirt, piston — The lower cylindrical por eleotric locomotive In conjunction with
tion of the piston. the governor which determines the
Sludge -A tar-like formation in oil re unt of fuel injected into the cylinders
sulting from mixing of oxidized oil with and the power and speed developed.
water and dirt. Top dead center (Me)- This is the far
Specific gravity- (1) Weight of solid or thest point reached by the piston In Its
liquid as compared with equal volume upward movement. A
Torque — Usually expressed in foot part of the scavenging and all of the
I pounds, torque is the twisting or turn
ing force developed by the rotating shaft
of an engine or motor. The pressure or
oompressic i phases; the other, expan
sion, exhaust, and the early part of
scavenging period.
twisting force of a wrench on a nut is Valve, spray— A valve which sprays the
also called torque and is expressed in fuel charge injected into the engine cyl
foot-pounds. inder.
Traction motor — An electric motor that Vanes — Baffles employed to deflect cur
drives an individual axle of a locomo rents of air of gas.
tive. Viscosity— Resistance to flow, measured
Transfer pump — Any pump employed to by a number of systems (Saybolt-Furol,
transfer liquid from one area to another. Saybolt-Universal, Engler, Redwood-
Truck— A metal frame carrying Journal Admirality, etc.) and rated by the num
boxes and supported on one or more ber of seconds required for a definite
pairs of wheels with their axles mounted quantity to flow through a standard ori
under a locomotive, and carrying part fice under stated test conditions.
of the weight of the locomotive. Withthe Viscosity index—>A. number given to a
exception of a few designs of rigid certain lubricating oil to indicate the
trailing trucks, all trucks are made to oil's performance under certain tem
turn about a central pivot or to allow perature variations.
for side displacement to enable the lo Water Jacket —An outer metallic casting
comotive to round sharp curves. forming a space around the cylinder
Turbulence— A. high-velocity swirling of liners to permit the passage of water
air-fuel vapor or a mixture of both for cooling purposes.
within the combustion chamber or cyl Wheel — A. circular disk, mounted on an
inder. axle, serving to support a moving
Two cycle (properly two-stroke cycle) — vehicle. Wheels used on railroad equip
An engine operating method utilizing a ment are sometimes made of chilled
regularly repeated series, or cycle, of cast iron but are more commonly of
events, each cycle completed in two wrought stoeel.
strokes of the piston, providing a power Wheel flange — The projecting edge or rim
impulse per cylinder for each shaft of the periphery of a wheel for keeping
revolution. One stroke Includes the last it on the rail.


(Some of these terms are used in con tric arc formed when contactors or
nection with dlesel-electric transmis switches open an electric circuit.
sion.) Arc horn —A horn-shaped extension at
Afrgap — An air-filled gap in a magnetic tached to a circuit-making contact of a
or electric circuit in a dynamo or motor; contactor or switch for the purpose of
the space between the field magnetic elongating and extinguishing the arc
poles and the armature. formed when opening an electric circuit.
Ampere — A unit which indicates the rate Ar/nafore — This term is usually applied
of flow of electric current. to mean the rotating part of a direct cur
Arc — An electrical arc is the visible flow rent generator or motor, but is also ap
of electrical current between conducting plied to mean that part of a contactor or
pieces separated by air or other gases. relay which is caused to move by magne
Arc chutes — Usually a box-like structure tic force.
made of insulating and heat-resisting Auxiliary generator — A generator of elec
materials to confine and direct an elec tric power which is to be used for driving
the auxiliary equipment of diesel motive closely as possible and separated by an
power. insulator, have the characteristic of an
Bands— A wrapping of high tensile electric reservoir and are capable of ab
strength wire around the armature of a sorbing and holding considerable energy.
generator or motor to hold the coils or A device built especially for this purpose
other parts in place against the centrifu is called a condenser and usually con
gal forces of rotation. sists of large areas of sheets of metal
Blowout coil— A ooil inserted below the foil separated by an Insulating medium
reversing drum for blowing out the elec such as mica or paper and rolled into a
tric arc between the contact fingers and small space.
the drum strips whenever the circuit is Conductor— Any device, wire, bar, or any
broken. material which readily conducts electri
Brush —A device used for pressing against cal current.
a rotating part of a generator or motor Contactor — A device for making or break
in order topass ourrent from the station ing an electrical circuit and usually ac
ary to the rotatingportions or vice versa. tuated by the pull of magnetism. In its
These brushes are usually made of car usual form, it consists of a stationary
bon or graphite. ooil surrounding a steel core and an
Carbon — One of the nonmetallio elements. armature moved by magnetism of the
In a prepared form, it may be a brush core whenever an electric current flows
or electrode. through the coil. The armature carries
Carbon pile —A group of carbon disks so a moving contact piece which strikes and
arranged that by compressing a stack of completes an electrical circuit through
these disks the electrical resistance a stationary contact piece. While a relay
from one end of the stack to the other is may accomplish this same function in a
reduced. When the pressure on the stack similar manner, the term contactor is
is reduced, the resistance rises. This usually applied where the currents pass
is one means of obtaining a variable re ing through the contact pieces are of
sistance. appreciable values.
Circuit — The course followed by an elec Control generator —A small generator
tric current passing from its source driven by the main diesel engine speed
through a succession of conductors and and, thus, to actuate the control system
then returning again to its place of origin. to increase or decrease the electrical
Coil — Successive turns of insulated wire load correspondingly.
which create a magnetic field when an Controller— A device, usually manually
electric current passes through. operated, by means of which the operator
Commutating field— An auxiliary flux de of the locomotive or rail car can increase
veloped at the point where the armature or decrease the applied power, make
coils are short circuited by the brush. transition, and determine direction.
It is used to eliminate excessive sparking Cumulative field winding —On a single
by helping reverse the current in each magnetic circuit encircled by series,
short-circuited ooil. shunt, and/or separately excited coils;
Commutating pole — A steel pole piece if all coils tend to magnetize the circuit
with a coil for producing a oommutating in the same direction, the windings are
magnetic field. said to be cumulative.
Commutator— A device used to reverse Current— The flow of electrical energy in
the direction of electric currents in any a circuit. See ampere, the unit of cur
circuit. rent.
Compound field winding —A combination Differential control —A system of control
of series, shunt, and/or separately ex whereby the loading of the diesel engine
cited field coils for magnetizing a field is regulated by means of a differential
pole. field winding applied tothe main genera
Condensei— Two electrical conductors, tor or to the exciter of the main genera
when placed parallel to each other as tor.
Differential fleW winding — In a combina plied to a contactor or switch for the
tion of series, shunt, and/or separately purpose of altering the control circuits
excited field coils, an arrangement such depending upon whether the s ., i t o h it,
as one tending to magnetize the field pole open or closed.
in a direction opposite to the magnetiza Zhterpo/e — Commutating pole.
tion of the others. Jumper — A. removable electrical connec
Direct current —An electrical power sys tor usually used for bypassing a portion
tem in which the electrical' current flow of an electrical circuit. Also a device
is continuously in the same direction. used between units of a train for coupling
Drawbar pull — The actual pulling power of or uncoupling electrical circuits carried
a locomotive, less the effort necessary from unit to unit.
to move the locomotive. Kilowatt— A. unit of power. 1,000 watts.
Drum —A cylindrical device carrying con 1.34 horsepower.
tact plates and so arranged that by its Knife switch— A. switch consisting of one
rotation circuit changes are made. or more bare hinged blades, making con
Eddy current — Local circulating current tact edgewise with stationary jaws.
generated in conductors or machine Lead— A. conductor leading current to or
structures, usually serving no useful from an electrical device. Usually
purposes. applied to flexible wire, cable, etc.
Eod windings — That portion of the arma Load control — A system of control where
ture coils of a generator or motor which by the loading of the d i e s e 1 engine is
extends beyond the armature iron at regulated by the speed of the engine it
either end. self, this speed reflecting the load condi
Energize — To apply electrical voltage to tions of the engine.
a circuit, coil, or other device. Magnetic blowout — Provision of a magne
Excite — To pass current through a coil for tic field surrounding the contact jaws of
the purpose of creating a magnetic field. a contactor or switch so that the arc
» Exciter— A generator especially designed which forms when a circuit is opened is
to produce the electric current required stretched and extinguished. See blowout
for exciting another generator. coil.
Field — The region where magnetic forces Magnetic field — Normally means the
act—also known as the magnetic field. region where magnetic forces are acting.
Flashover — An arc occurring between two Magnetic flux — The average field intensity
points not supposed to be directly con of a magnet, multiplied by its area.
nected, such as from one brush holder Magnetic line of force — Indicating the di
to the next brush holder of a motor or rection of action of magnetic forces.
generator, or across an insulator separ Meggei— An instrument used for the
ating one conductor from another or from measurement of insulation resistance.
ground. Since such resistance to the passage of
Fuse— A fusible link connected in a circuit electrical current is generally in the
so that when an excessive current flows, range of millions of ohms (megohms) the
the link will melt and will break the elec instrument derives its name therefrom.
trical circuit. Megohm— A. large unit of resistance— a
Generator —A general term given to a ma million ohms.
chine that transforms mechanical energy Motoi— An electrical machine having
into electrical energy. electrical conductors rotating past mag
Ground— A. connection from an electrical netic poles so that electrical energy may
circuit to a grounded part. be converted into mechanical energy.
Insulation — Material which does not read Multiple —As pertaining to electricity,
ily pass electric current. An assembly designating a circuit having a number of
of materials and devices for insulating conductors in parallel. As applied to en
a circuit. gines, the operation of more than one
~ Interlock— A secondary electrical contact- motive power unit simultaneously by one
• making or contact-breaking device ap operator.
Negative — Usually considered as the point title Usually being indicative of their
toward which electrical current flows. functions, such as voltage relay, reverse
Neutral — That zone on the commutator of current relay, transition relay, ovei
a generator or motor where the voltage load relay, regulating relay, etc.
between bars is at minimum. This zone Residual magnetism — When a. piece of
is normally stationary in respect to the iron or steel is magnetized and then
field poles even though the commutator the magnetizing force is removed, some
is rotating. magnetic effect is still retained by the
Ohm — The unit of electrical resistance. metal. This known as its residual mag
An electrical conductor is said to have netism.
a resistance of one ohm if a current of Resistance — The property of a conductor
one ampere flows when one volt is im or material which opposes the flow of
pressed across the conductor. current when voltage is applied and
Oft/37' s law— Volts = Amperes x Ohms. which converts electrical energy into
Parallel — Side by side. A method of con heat. The unit of resistance is the
necting an electrical system in which ohm.
all of the positive poles or terminals Resistor — An assembly of conductors
are connected to one conductor and all having relatively high resistance char
of the negative poles to another con acteristics built to connect in a circuit
ductor. as desired to limit or control the current
Pigtail —A flexible conductor of short now.
length attached to a contact brush for Reverser— A control device used for
conducting electricity to or from the altering the electrical connections of
device. traction motors to obtain reverse move
Pole —Usually a projection of steel ment of a motive power unit. This is
provided with a coil for producing usually of the drum type.
magnetism in a motor or generator. Rheostat— A resistor arranged for con
A conductor or lead or a circuit acted venient variation of the resistance
upon by a switch.
Pole piece — The steel portion of a mag
Saturation — The total amount of magnetic
netic pole. force that may be permanently imparted
Positive pole — Usually considered as the to the core of a magnet.
point of source from which electrical Season — To alternately heat and cool and
current originates or flows. tighten a commutator assembly so that
Receptacle — Usually a stationary device actual heating and cooling of service
housing electrical terminals so arranged cycles will not allow the assembly to
that electrical connections may be made loosen or distort and thus change its
to these terminals by inserting a plug cylindrical shape.
or Jumper head. Normally used for Series circuit— The connection of two or
connecting external circuits to a loco more pieces of electrical apparatus in
motive or rail car for battery charging succession so that the flow of current is
or for multiple operation of motive first through one and then through the
power units. Also the base for electric others in turn. For instance, if two
lamp bulbs. motors are connected in series with a
Regulator— An automatic or hand-oper source of power, current first flows
ated device whose function is to regulate through No. 1 motor and then through No.
the voltage of a circuit, the output of a 2 motor before returning to its source.
given machine, or to maintain other con Series field —A field winding connected in
ditions within prescribed limits. series with the armature of the machine
Relay— An electrical device which itself or in series with the armature of
operates under one set of predetermined a main generator.
electrical conditions in other parts of Series motoi— A type of motor in which
the circuit or other electrical circuits. the field coils are connected in series
Relays may be of various types, the with the motor armature. This motor is
self-protecting to some extent since a armature assembly, also for a com
rise in current through the armature is mutator assembly, so that the alinement
accompanied by the same rise in the of insulation and windings need not be
field. Since motor torque depends upon disturbed in replacing an armature shaft.
armature current and field strength, a Split pole control —A system of differen-
relatively small rise in current results ertial field control which follows the
in a large increase in torque. principles embodied in all differential
Short circuit— To short a circuit means to control exciters except that two rows of
introduce a relatively low resistance field poles are required to accomplish
path in place of the normal higher re the results obtained by the single row
sistance path. A short circuit usually of poles in the machine.
refers to an accidental and possibly a Switch — A device for opening and closing
damaging bypassing of such normal an electrical circuit. The name usually
circuit resistance. describes the construction or purpose,
Short field — An arrangement of a traction such as knife switch, toggle switch,
motor field whereby the number of turns pneumatic switch, magnetic switch,
connected in the circuit may be re battery switch, cutout switch, selector
duced to weaken the field strength. switch, etc.
This tends to increase the motor speed. Torque control— The first system of load
Shunt — (1) A device for diverting a portion control, wherein the engine is loaded
of the current from a part of anelectrical to its full permissible torque by gaging
circuit. the rise or fall in engine speed. A con
(2) A piece of electrical apparatus trol generator reflects engine speed and
used in connection with a meter or in causes a load regulator to operate to
strument so that the main current passes increase the electrical load if the engine
through the shunt with only a small speed is high and vice versa.
portion passing through the meter or Traction motor— An electric motor that
instrument. drives an individual axle of a locomotive.
(3) To shunt a portion of an electrical Tractive effort— The torque in pounds
circuit means to connect a shunt around developed at the rim of the wheels
it. This is usually applied to the field divided by the total train weight in tons.
of a traction motor. It depends upon the rate of acceleration,
Note. Perhaps no electrical term is used with grade, car friction, and air resistance.
as many meanings as the word shunt. Many elec Tractive force — The force exerted at the
trical men often refer to any field winding of low rims of the driving wheels of a motive-
ampere capacity and many turns as a shunt field
even though it may be separately excited. Then power unit for propulsion.
there are field shunt (not shunt field), brush shunt, Tractive power — The power developed at
switch shunt, shunt transition, and many other the rims of the drivers of a motive-
uses too numerous to mention or define.
power unit. Very frequently misused to
Shunt field — The field of a motor or mean tractive force. Tractive power
generator which is energized by being involves both traction and speed, where
connected directly between the positive as tractive force may be independent of
and the negative terminals. of the speed.
machine. Trainline — Electrical circuits passing
Shunted field — A field around which a from one vehicle to another of a train.
shunt has been connected to divert a Transition —A. change from one system of
portion of the current normally passing electrical connections to another.
through the field. This is usually for Usually applied to the change from
the purpose of increasing tract!on motor series connection of traction motors to
speed. parallel connections.
Solenoid— An electric coil, usually of Unit switch —A term describing pneumat
many turns, used for the generation of ically-operated switches for use in the
a magnetic flux. main power circuits of railway vehicles.
Spldei— A permanent support for an Unloading point— Diesel engines may be
kept fully loaded over a wide range of tractive force is applied to the rims of
train speeds by an electrical trans the drivers for moving a locomotive or
mission system. However, when the rail car, the resultant forces tend to lift
generator reaches its maximum voltage, weight from the forward drivers and
there is a tendency for the engine to increase the weight on the rear ones.
become slightly unloaded as the train This is called weight transfer. Since the
speed increases unless alterations are maximum tractive force which may be
made in the motor connections. This is exerted by a motive power unit is limited
called the unloading point or unloading by the slipping point of the wheels on the
speed. rails, it follows that if all traction motors
Volt — The unit of electrical pressure. A develop the same tractive force, the total
term used in place of electromotive is limited by the most lightly weighted
force. pair of drivers. By weakening the fields
Waff —This is the unit of electrical power of the forward traction motors and
and equals one volt multiplied by one passing increased current through the
ampere. To determine the power of a rear motors, the differential in weight
circuit, multiply the volts across the is sometimes compensated for. This is
circuit by the amperes flowing (in direct called weight transfer compensation.
current circuits). 746 watts equals 1 Winding — The system of electrical con
horsepower. ductors within a given machine or piec
Weight transfer compensation —When of apparatus.

Paragraph Pmf» Paragraph Pas*
Airbrakes: Controls 118 131
Air supply system — 115-119 1X7-132 Repairs - 232 257
Filter 116 127 57 70
Compressors — 117 127 uoce —— — 2040, /, 219,220
Equipment ------- 120 133 246 266
Deadman control -— 122 137 Contactors:
206 226 Engine starting 29 39
Air intake: 204* 222
38 49 Controllers:
Filters 89 49 Maintenance 204/ 222
Supercharger —-—.—— 40 49 Controls, operating ———— 81 97
Construction ——————— 41 49 Switch, pneumatic control- 96 105
Ammeters: Temperature 99 107
Load 76-179 93-189 Starting pushbutton • 107 118
Application problems 152 174 Compressor — 118 131
Track 153 174 Cooling system:
Operating limitations 154 174 Water- 29 99
Profile 156 178 Pomp, radiators and
Auxiliary power system 87-111 107-121 shutters 91 99
Axles: Temperature control 99 99
Conventional truck ———— 129 146 Water supply —— 33 49
Multlgage truck 130* 148 200 215
Bearing maintenance ——- 208 c 228 Coupling, flexible:
231 267 Alining 233 258
Traction motor ~ — 247.248 267 Crankshaft 223 243
Batteries 101 114 Defrosters:
Contractor _——— 103 116 Cab •'---'•-"------ 110 121
Maintenance -—-_------—— 206 226 Demolition and destruction of
Bearings, maintenance ———————— 208,223 227,243 locomotives to prevent use
Cleaning and installing 230/ 266 oy enemy «™~»«™»"«— ™~«™™ ••_••• « 249-263 269
Inspection and 244 263 Dlan*an Mchematic:
Traction motor wumg _. - -~ . ———
WltHncr ._. ,-_-, 65 91
maintenance -------- 247 267 Diesel-electric locomotives 3a 3
Bell- 1280 144 Electrical circuits 63.123. 77.138
174b 188 124
Blackout operations 173d 188 GOT ri^tioat ™"™M""'"""**-'-'»""*'-"—•*'•"' 125 141
Brake equipment: Speed limitation.* 126 141
Inspection and testing 160-166 179-181 128 144
Rigging 207ft 227 Operational instructions 134.136 160
Braking, dynamic ————— 78 96 Inspections during
Brushes, generator: 137 161
Maintenance —— 204£(3) 220 Tt.ftn.t1r* — . -- ., _ ,i ..jj,- - 217 238
Repair supplies 218 240
Cables, electrical: 41 49
Inspection 240 260 Principles of operation 8.6,7 8.6,6
Cabs 172 186 8 7
Circuits, electrical: 9 9
Main power
—— 63 n OVfllM —- 1_ M M«l_l_
19 9
99 68 VSi.»1 inlsinflnn «*..__ _ « «. 11 11
Starting 106 118 Power retmireiHeBts *—••••••— 19 19
Current carrying parts 175 a 188 irnlffl •--«,, i-r rr, - . - , „
13 19
Circuit breakers 1766,0 188 Dor><powpr formula * • • » • •- 14a 19
Cleaning procedures: 14 19
Equipment 209 228 14a IS
Clutch: Ba^ln frame •> «-————--••^•^-«- 14o 14
Eddy current ——— 99 107 Crankahaft .__._.___ 14c 14
Coils, electrical: rSrtlitHor M<w«ka _ ____ 14d 14
Field ma lntfnatw>a —— 204d 219 Cylinder liners --——- 14e 14
Dipping *"-^ ha-"l"g ——— 239 260 Water Jacket 14/ 14
Compressors 117 127 Platnn - , —,_ - — .— 14.<f tA
Paragraph P_g« P.r_gr»ph

Connecting rod 14A 17 Flexible coupling:

Cylinder leads and valves - 14/ 17 Alinement ----------—-— 233 258
Camshaft and drive — UJ IT Forms:
Timing ——————— 20 DA 2400 Series ------- 183 190
Harmonic balancer 147 Si Accident Report, DA 285 --- 184
Overspeed truck 14ai SI DD 865 -------------- 185 19>O
Fuel supply system —— 15 Si 186a ISO
General ——— 16 23 DD 863 ------------ 1866 19S
Maintenance ——— 201 216 DD864 ------------ 186c 19S
Irregular operation ——— -202,218, 216, DD 1336 --------------- 186d 195
219 240 DA 1325 Series --------- 186e 195
220 240 Fuel oil ---------------- 16 23
Load tests ———— 221 241 Cleanliness ------______ 166 23
Timing unit injectors 224 245 Viscosity ------------ 16c 23
Fuel pump timing 225 245 Cetane rating --------- 23
Repairs —• 218 240 Miscellaneous require
Procedures 219 ments ---------------— 16e 25
Run-in and tests 220 240 Purification —_——__-— 17 25
Load testing ——__—_. 221 241 Filters -------------- 18 25
Piston 21 J connecting Supply pump —————— 19 26
rod, Inspection and System maintenance ------- 199 214
maintenance ---------- 222 241 Fuel supply pump ------------- 100 112
Crankshaft and bearings, Timing adjustment ------ 225 245
inspection and M«ln»—n«r>/»a of
223 243 Injection nozzles 226 246
Deadheading 145 163 Fuel pump calibration 227 247
Pushing, doubleheadlng 146 165 Lubricating drive assembly- 228 251
Changing operating ends — 148 165 Fuel tanks 181 189
Miscellaneous _— 149,150 166,169
Troubleshooting 151 170 Gage changing (table 1) 1301-p 154-157
Drawgear: Generators:
Inspection and testing— 167-168 181-182 Basic 56 68
Dynamo ——— 55 68 DC 58,59 70,73
Construction 60 73
Electrical system: Main on diesel engine — 67 85
Equipment — — 175 188 Exciters —— 70 88
Hand-operated switches 176 188 Fastening 178 189
Maintenance ----------- 204 218 2046,* 218,220
Repairs and maintenance — 235-248 259-267 Main generator repairs - 235 289
Electricity, fundamental — 42,43 55 Auxiliary — ——-— 236 259
Circuits 44«- c 55,56 Lining up with engine — 243,2 263,3
Units of measure ———— 44d 56 Governor 35 45
Current ___- 46 57 Types _———_— 36 45
Resistance —— 46 58 Operation ____— 17 47
Voltage 47 58 Grease:
Insulators — 48 58 Lubricant 195ft 209
Ohm's law —— 49 58 Ground relay 95 110
Power and work —— 50 59 Growler test —__—_—- 238 260
Magnetic field 81 62
Handbrake _—___- 128a 144
DC instruments ——— 52 86
Heaters, cab — 110 121
Magnetic circuit —— 53 67
Engine, oil-fired —— 114 124
Exciter 70 88
Car 189 205
Exhaust gases ———-——— 182 189
Horn 1286 144
Filters: Injection pump 20 26
Oil It 25
Air intake 89 49 Injector nozzle — 21 27
Fire: Emergency cutoff valve 22 27
Alarm 113 124 Inspection and testing:
Extinguisher 1281 144 Brake equipment 160-166 179-181
Prevention during painting 211 230 Drawgear 167,168 181,182
Flange oiler —— 133 158 Wheels on axle 169 184
Fleming's rules: Wheels 170,171 184,186
Electrical 55 68 Motors and generators - 178 189

raragraph Pag» Paragraph

2040 219 Carbon residue ——- 24e 88

Overloaded traction motors— 24/ 38
s: Oxidation ——
Emulsion —————— 24* 34
locomotive without 24/j 34
138 161
139 162 Purification 25 34
With train Filters and strainers 25 6 34
Stopping —-——— 140 162
162 195 a 209
Reversing 141
Cutting out traction motor- 142 163 Overloads:
62 760 76 95
Cutting out and restoring
power unit ————— 143 163 210 230
Stopping —————— 144 163 Power control:
Instruments, operating: 79 96
204* 22S Pump, oil supply, fuel,
tabulation : injection 19 26
Dielectric test 180 189 •gt 34
i testing 242 261 Water cooling system 30 39
ircooler 117 d 130 Drive assembly 228 251
Pushbutton, starting 107 118
Friction bearing —— 1314-0 157-158 95 110
Roller bearing- 132fl-o 158 Wheel slip 96 110
Bearings »««<n*^w"*> • 208e 228 Miscellaneous 97 112
Box parts 208/ 228 Reverse current (RCR) 102 116
Packing Journal boxes - 230 265 2047 222
Jumpers —-— 177 188 Regulator, load, maintenance 204r 224
Kircboff's laws- 67 Repairs:
Classes 216 238
Lettering -210,214, 230,232 Supplies —— — — —-~- 217 238
215 232 Diesel engine 218 240
Lighting system — 109.173 120,187 229 254
Loads, electric: Generator 235,236 259
Regulator Tl 88 Traction motor - ~~ 237 259
Load limits ——— 7o 93 Repairs, general mechanical
Lubricating systems 23 32 229 254
Compressor ———-------T« 117e 131 Wheel and axle 231 257
Locomotives ——— 196 209 Air compressor — 232 257
Brake equipment 197 210 Reports, instructions for 187 202
Flushing engine system —— 198 213 Reverser ——— 73 90
Maintaining auxiliary Maintenance of—————— 204p 224
generators 204K2) 220
Oil pump drive assembly — 228 251 Safety:
Controls, steam generator
Maintenance: 112 C 123
Records 203 Deadman control ——— 122 137
Categories and echelons 206 General precautions 194 207
Locomotive 206 Maintenance, electrical
Electrical equipment 218 equipment ——————— 204f 225
Trucks and brake rigging 227 Battery maintenance — 205 225
V -belts ma 228 211 230
Main power switches 88 215 232
Motors, electric: Hfnding system————— 128/ 144
ft Multigage trucks 130>- 153-
Traction 85 174C 188
107 Flow control 209C 230
Fuel supply pump 112 128/1 144
Maintenance ----- 221 Sequence testing:
Multiple-unit equipment 105 Electrical 241 260
-210,214, 230,232 -Shutter valves — —- - — 93 108
Numbering—- Speed recorder——————— 128d 144
215 232
Starting system:
Ohm'a law —— 49 68 105 118
OQ lubricating — 24 32 Contactors ——————— 106 118
Vlicoilty 24ft as 107 118
Pour point — 24c 81 112 121
Fluhpolnt- 244 88
Paragraph Pag*
Paragraph Pf
Superchargers: Temperature (water) (switch)
Types 40 40 Trucks, locomotive 96 U
Construction of blowers conventional
and superchargers ——— 41 129 145
48 Multigage trucks 130
Switches, main power —— —— 72 88 147
Traction motor cutout —— 88 103 Valves, magnet:
Switch auxiliary generator - 89 107 2040 225
Water temperature ——— 94 110 Valves, shutter 93 108
Maintenance of —______ 204? 224 Overspeed 99 112
Symbols, electrical 64 79 Airbrake distributing 120d
Feed 133
Traction motors 68 120e 133
85 Reducing 120/
Blowers 89 88 Quick-release 134
Field shunting equipment — 74 90 Emergency —_ 134
Cutout switches 120/1 134
83 103 V-belt maintenance --———.——
Overloaded, Inspection of — 204e 209a 228
219 Voltage regulation 104
Repairs 237 259 Maintenance of regulators 116
Inspection and maintenance 204m 222
Voltmeters 179
of pinion gears 246 266 189
Train air signal system 173 187 Water supply 33 41
Trains: Wheel axle repairs 231 257
Types of service 156 175 Wheel slip relay 96 110
Resistance — — 157 176 Whistle 174a 188
Acceleration 158 176 Window wipers 128e 144
Movement — 159 177 Wiring, electrical inspection 240 260

By Order of the Secretaries of the Army and the Air Force:
General, United States Army,
Official: Chief of Staff.

Major General, United States Army,
The Adjutant General.

General, United States Air Force,
Official: Chief of Staff.

Colonel, United States Air Force,
Director of Administrative Services.

DCSLOG (2) Armies (5)
COA (1) Instl (1)
CRD (1) TOAD (2)
ACSI(l) USATC Mbl Shop Tins (2)
ACSFOR (2) Units org under fol TOE:
55-201 (2)
t CNGB (1)
CofEngrs (2) 55-202 (2)
CofSptS (2) 55-203 (2)
USCONARC (10) 55-225 (2)
USAMC (2) 55-226 (2)
U8ACDCTA (2) 55-228 (10)
LOGCOMD (2) 55-247 (10)
NG: None.
USAK: None.
For explanation of abbreviations used, see AR 320-50.

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PIN: 019742-000

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