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LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Practicum Fall 2020 St.


Grade: 5/6 Lesson Title: Cause and Effect Lesson Duration: 1 hr 15 minutes

Overview of lesson. Write a clear and concise overview that indicates the following: What the lesson is, the purpose/goal of the lesson what
students will do/learn and how the lesson will conclude.

This lesson is about the literary element cause and effect. The purpose of this lesson is for students to understand that
the stories have many different causes and effects throughout a story. Students will be demonstrating their
understanding through worksheets with questions asking the students about what they think about cause and effect in
the story.
BC Curriculum

Big Ideas Curricular Competencies

- Language and text can be a source of - Comprehend and connect: recognize and appreciate how
creativity and joy. different features, form and genres of texts reflect various
- Exploring stories and other texts helps us purposes, audiences, and messages.
understand ourselves and make connections - Understand how literary elements, techniques, and devices
to others and to the world. enhance and shape meaning.
- Recognize and appreciate the role of story, narrative, and
oral tradition in expressing First Nations Peoples
perspectives, values, beliefs, and points of view
- Create and communicate (writing, speaking, representing):
assess and refine texts to improve their clarity,
effectiveness, and impact according to purpose, audience
and message.

Content: literary elements

Learning Objectives. Translate the SLO's into learning objectives. Using Stem, directing verb and what is to be learned language. Use Blooms
Taxonomy directing words
Students will…
Students will understand what cause and effect means.
Students will be able to identify what the cause of a story is.
Students will be able to identify what the effect is caused by the cause.
Students will understand how stories have a variety of causes and effects throughout a story.
Students will understand how the cause of a stories is the driving force in the story and is always followed by an
Lesson Guiding Questions: Use Bloom's Taxonomy, directing verbs in the areas of: apply, analysis contrast, express, appreciate. Be clear on what type of
knowledge/skill/attitudes that students are develop and expecting them to do. This informs the types of questions you develop. Guiding questions must support this and
provoke student thinking and help them understand what they are learning, why they are learning, what they have learned, what they still need to learn etc..
What is a cause in a story?
What is an effect in a story?
Does the effect come before or after the cause?
Do all stories have a cause and effect to them?

Annotated Learning Resources List These must be relevant and age appropriate and from a reliable source. If it is on online resource provide an active link.
If it a book, cite the book and author. Provide 1-2 sentences (annotated) to indicate what the resource is and how it support your lesson/ student learning? *you may
have more or less than three resources. It depends on your lesson.

Resource #1: A guide to cause and effect for students and teachers. — Literacy Ideas
LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Practicum Fall 2020 St. Georges
This resource will help me throughout my lesson to scaffold my teaching about cause and effect in literacy and to help refresh my mind about what
cause and effect does in a story.
Resource #2: Gitksan Stories by Edith Gawa
This resource will help me through my lessons and to tell stories from a different culture and my culture. This allows me to integrate First nations
Stories into my teaching practice.
Resource #3:
Material and Equipment: List: Art supplies, manipulatives, smartboard, online white board etc…What you will use AND, therefore what you will
organize ahead of time prior to your lesson

Computer board
Gitxsan Stories
Yellow Duotangs

Lesson Procedures

Introduction (__min.): Description of Hook/Attention Grabber; Expectations for Learning and Behavior; Transition to Body.
Indicate the timing for each section. This can be written in point form

I am going to introduce to you a literary element called cause and effect. Has anyone heard of the literary of cause and effect?

Body (_1hr 15 _min.): This is the largest part of your lesson. Write clearly and concisely. Writing must be descriptive and clearly organized. Specify
activities and transitions in lesson. Indicate timing of each section. Identify teaching strategies, include any questions that you will use, organization of class etc. How
and when are you using formative assessment in your lesson? Indicate differentiation within the body of your lesson.

Steps and Procedures: Lessons are divided into portions. Lesson body there should be a least two Formative Assessments Type/Name:
activities and one transition. You may have 3 activities and 2 transitions. An activity can be reading - transition - partner
dialogue (as an example). * Style of writing is descriptive and concise. (NOT POINT FORM) As Well you are not
Where Assessment Occurs:
narrating, rather you are describing the activity, the learning, critical information to carry out the lesson. Any questions
you have developed to use during the learning, to facilitate discussion for instance are to be written directly into the
lesson description. Check-ins: This form of assessment will allow me
to see what students are reading about and what
Activity #1: Introduce Cause and Effect [Direct instruction] (10 they think about how they are doing, how they
minutes) are enjoying the books they are reading and
I will be teaching the students about cause and effect today. Explain to asking how they are finding the material.
students that cause is the driving force in the text. It is the reason
that things happen. Worksheets: Worksheets show me how the
Effect refers to what results. It is the what happened next in the students are understanding the question and the
text that results from a preceding cause. topic of literary elements and how they are
understanding what they learned.
I will give examples of situations for students to understand cause
and effect. Discussions: This allows students to voice or share
understandings and experiences with each other
Share a few stories to show students what I mean by cause and effect. and with the teacher. It allows students to share
and hear their opinions.
Ask the students if they understand through asking them to show me
a thumbs up. Word Work: This assessments allow the students
Transition: You may go to your rotations. to guide their own learning and to be accountable
for their learning about what different words and
Activity#2: Rotations: 45 minutes how to use certain words. Word work is
Students will be in three groups and rotating through word work, read comprised spelling and versatiles. This allows the
to self, and listen to read. Each group of students will do each of the students to learn new words and learn how to
spell and use them in sentences. There are

LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Practicum Fall 2020 St. Georges
stations for 15 minutes. At listen to read, students will listen to a versatile tiles that come with tiles and pages that
story on Epic or Storytime Story Online on the topic of a literary device students can use and choose what they would
(theme). To go along with listen to read, students answer two like to work on.
questions to identify what the theme was in the book, and what it
taught the characters. The next station is read to self, where students
read a book of their choice and read silently to themselves. The last Differentiation: Indicate in brief sentence areas
station is word work, where the students are practicing their spelling of differentiation.
words, finishing their worksheet from the full class activity at the
beginning of class, and/or they are using versitiles, where they get to EA- there is a EA in the classroom throughout the
practice identifying and using different types of grammar, such as whole day to help students when needed and to
nouns, verbs, different grammar devices used in English language. take students out to assess or help them with
their reading skills.
Transition: Class, class-yes, yes. Pause and wait.
Students choice: Students are able to choose
Activity #3: The Loons and the Lynx [Direct instruction] Time 10 what they would like to read and which book to
minutes do for versitiles (different kinds of grammar) and
I will be reading to the students a story from the Gitksan Stories by for read-to-self (choosing a book of the student’s
Edith Gawa. Once I read the students the story, I will ask the students choice)
to engage into a discussion about what the cause was and what the
effect is in the story from the cause. Ask students to finish their
worksheet in Word Work. And remind students to at least have 4
points written with information if possible.

Transition: Alright class… Pause and wait. Then continue.

Activity #4: Rotations

Students will be in three groups and rotating through word work, read
to self, and listen to read. Each group of students will do each of the
stations for 15 minutes. At listen to read, students will listen to a story
on Epic or Storytime Story Online on the topic of a literary device
(theme). To go along with listen to read, students answer two
questions to identify what the theme was in the book, and what it
taught the characters. The next station is read to self, where students
read a book of their choice and read silently to themselves. The last
station is word work, where the students are practicing their spelling
words, finishing their worksheet from the full class activity at the
beginning of class, and/or they are using versitiles, where they get to
practice identifying and using different types of grammar, such as
nouns, verbs, different grammar devices used in English language.

Transition: Class, class- yes, yes. Pause and wait.

Consolidating ( 5 ) mins In this part of your planning you are providing time for ensuring that students learned and understood what was intended in the lesson. If they haven't you
will need to revisit your lesson plan or re-teach (if necessary). Here you could provide an exit slip or walk through a guided whole group and/or small group discussion. This part of the lesson can act
also as a transition from lesson body into cleanup and getting ready for the next class. Don't forget to time this and to indicate very clearly how you will facilitate consolidation and closure. Provide
clear steps and indicate process. To consolidate, clean up and get students ready for transition can take up to 10 depending on the lesson
Turn to your neighbour and discuss the literary element that we are looking at today and what they think to cause and effect are
in the story we looked at today.
Clean up (5 ) mins
Alright class, I need your duo tangs away, desks cleared and ready for lunch, and any versitiles and word work activities need to be put

Reflection (after the lesson respond to these questions in brief. It is important that this reflective process is done after each lesson. These become points of extended reflection and conversation in post
LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Practicum Fall 2020 St. Georges
conference with TA and UC)

How the students responded to the lesson as planned and taught:

Specific strengths of the lesson plan and delivery:
Specific weaknesses in the lesson plan and delivery:
What must be addressed to improve this plan?
How I have grown from this teaching experience:

Other Notes

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