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Indentifikasi Variabel

Perancangan Proyek Akhir

Concepts & Variables
The program is effective
This product is not doing well

◼ In everyday life, we make a lot jugdments

What is the basis To provide a sound basis on which to proclaim a
of such judgment ? judgment → need a measuring mechanism

◼ Conceps : mental images or percetions and therefore their meanings vary markedly
from individual to individual → subjective
◼ Variable: an image, perception or concept that is capable of measurement – hence
capable of taking on different values
◼ Or, variable is a concept that can be measured
Concepts Variables
Effectiveness Gender (male/female)
Sustainability Age
Satisfaction Weight
Rich Height

◼ It is important for the concepts to be converted into variables as they can be

subjected to measurement eventhough the degree of precision with which they can
be measured varies from scale to scale.
Converting concepts into variables
Types of Variables
◼ A variable can be classified according to :
◼ The causal relationship
◼ The design of the study
◼ The unit of measurent
1. From the viewpoint of causation
→ for studies that attempt to investigate a causal relationship or association
a. Change variables : responsibles for bringing
about change in a phenomenon
→ independent variable
b. Outcome variable : effect of a change
→ dependent variable
c. Variable that affect the link betwen cause
& effect variables
→ extragenous variables
d. Connecting or linking varibles : necessary
to complete relationship between cause &
effect variables
→ intervening variable
Contoh 1

Contoh 2
Contoh 3
Types of Variables (cont.)
2. From the viewpoint of the study design; in controlled experiment
◼ Active variables - those variables that can be manipulated, changed or
◼ Attributed variables – those variables that cannot be manipulated, changed or
controlled, and that reflect the characteristics of the study population.
Types of Variables (cont.)
3. From the viewpoint of the unit of measurement
◼ Categorical (nominal & ordinal) vs Continous (interval & ratio scale)
◼ Qualitative (nominal & ordinal) vs Quantitative (interval & ratio scale)
4 kategori skala pengukuran:
◼ Nominal/classificatory
◼ Ordinal/ranking
◼ Interval
◼ Ratio

4 kategori skala pengukuran:
Nominal / klasifikasi
Ordinal / peringkat
Membangun Hipotesis

Perancangan Proyek Akhir

• Hipotesis didasarkan pada salah satunya
studi sebelumnya atau kami sendiri atau beberapa
Hipotesis observasi lain
• Karakteristik hipotesis:
Sebuah. Ini adalah proporsi tentatif
b. Validitasnya tidak diketahui
• Hypothesis : arise from a set of c. Dalam kebanyakan kasus, ini menentukan hubungan
antara dua atau lebih variabel
‘hunches’ tested through a study, that
may prove true, partially true or false
• The function of hypothesis: The process of testing a hypothesis
a. Provide a study with focus
b. Telling us what data to collect & what not to
c. Enhancing objectivity in a study
d. Enabling us to add to the formulation of

• Hypothesis are based upon either Hipotesis: muncul dari sekumpulan

previsious studies or our own or some'Firasat' diuji melalui sebuah penelitian, itu
mungkin terbukti benar, sebagian benar atau salah
else’s observation • Fungsi hipotesis:
Sebuah. Berikan studi dengan fokus
• Characteristics of hypothesis: b. Memberi tahu kami data apa yang harus dikumpulkan
a. It is tentative proportion & apa yang tidak boleh
b. Its validity is unknown mengumpulkan
c. Meningkatkan objektivitas dalam sebuah penelitian
c. In most cases, it specifies a relationship
d. Memungkinkan kami untuk menambah formulasi
between two or more variables teori
Pertimbangan dalam membangun

• Should be simple, specific and conceptually clear

→ See these comparison:
‘The avarage of the male in this class is higher than
that of the female students’

‘Suicide rates vary inversely with social cohesion’

• Should be capable of verification

• Should be related to the existing body of knowledge
• Should be operationalisable Harus sederhana, spesifik dan jelas secara konseptual
→ Lihat perbandingan ini:
• Harus mampu melakukan verifikasi
• Harus terkait dengan tubuh pengetahuan yang ada
• Harus dapat dioperasionalkan
1. Null hypotesis (Ho) : no difference
Tipe Hipotesis between two outcome
‘There is no significant difference in the
proportion of male and female smokers
in the population’
2. Hypothesis of differences : there is
difference but doesn’t specify its
‘A gretaer proportion of female than
males are smokers in the population’
3. Hypothesis of point-prevalence :
speculate exact prevalence of
‘A total of 60% of female & 30% of male
in the population are smokers
4. Hypothesis of association :
speculate the relationship between
the prevalence of the outcome
‘There are twice as many as female
smokers as male smokers in the
Tipe eror dalam hipotesis

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