La Cultura Inglesa en Ingles

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» What's Up! Blog » 10 things you didn't know about English culture

Each culture has its unique peculiarities, and part of the grace of studying
languages is being able to immerse yourself in the reality of each country. If
you set out to study or work for a while in the UK, British customs will surely
surprise you. Today we tell you 10 curiosities about English culture ... how
many of them did you already know?
1. Surely you have ever heard that in the UK people drive on the left, just
the opposite way than us. But what you may not know is that to avoid
confusion among tourists, pedestrian crossings in London indicate on
the ground which side to look at. A most useful anti-accident measure!
2. The British adore animals . 24% of English households have a dog (in
total, 9 million pets) and 18%, a cat (7.9 million in total). His insanity
reaches such an extent that one of the best-known talent shows in the
country has been won by a dog… on more than one occasion.
3. Another great British hobby is tea : it is estimated that 165 million cups
are drunk! in the country every day.
4. When it comes to food , they love sausages (of which they consume 5
million every day) and baked beans (their consumption is double that
of any other citizen of the European Union.
5. And speaking of food, English supermarkets can also be quite
surprising in the eyes of a Spaniard: in many cases the variety of
chocolates and prepared products is impressive. It seems that the
British today do not like cooking too much: so much so that one of
their most famous chefs, Jaime Oliver, launched a campaign for his
fellow citizens to return to the kitchen and eat healthier.
6. English floors are famous for having carpets everywhere. Some even in
the bathroom.
7. England has a rich colonial past that endures through
the Commonwealth . One of the consequences is that English is the
official language in many countries of the world; another, that the
Queen of England is the legal owner of no less than one sixth of the
planet's surface!
8. Another curiosity about the queen , a true institution in the United
Kingdom: if a citizen of this country reaches one hundred years of age,
he receives a personalized letter from Her Majesty in person.
9. Not only London does the English student live: there are many
other cities that offer an interesting cultural life and lots of language
schools without the hassles of the big city. But wherever you travel in
the UK, you can never be more than 70 miles from the sea.
10.And if you ignore the previous point and start studying English outside
of London, keep in mind that it is calculated that accents change
approximately every 25 miles (40 kilometers). If in doubt, traveling
around the UK is a great way to improve your listening .

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