2004 05 Dalcroze Activity LP

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Lesson Plan for Leading a Dalcroze Activity

Teacher Name: Miss. Kinsey Volk Target Grade Level: Kindergarten

Standard Being Addressed:

 MU:Pr4.2.Ka With guidance, explore and demonstrate awareness of music contrasts
(such as high/low, loud/soft, same/different) in a variety of music selected for
 MU:Re8.1.Ka With guidance, demonstrate awareness of expressive qualities (such as
dynamics and tempo) that reflect creators’/performers’ expressive intent.

Materials of Instruction:
 Piano

Lesson Sequence (lessons may have more or less activities as appropriate):

Entry Activity/Transition: “Hello class! I hope everyone is doing good! Today we are going to
take a small walk around an orchard. Do you know what an orchard is? An orchard is a piece of
land that grows fruit trees.

Activity #1 Objective: Students will be able to understand and respond to the difference
between a high and low sound on the piano.

1. “For today, I want you to imagine we are going for a walk in Mr. Appleseed’s orchard. If
you hear a high sound on the piano like this (play an interval in the high register of the
piano), reach up high and pick a bright red apple. If you hear a low sound, like this (a low
sound), pick one off the ground. Should we give it a try? Show me you are ready with
your imaginary baskets for your apples!”
2. T improvises a walking tempo (not too fast) with quarter notes in one hand and reach
with the other.
a. T plays high sound: “Did you reach up high or did you grab an apple off of the
ground?” S: Reach up high
b. T continues to plays and plays a low sound: “Did you reach up high or did you
grab an apple off of the ground?” S: Grab an apple off the ground
3. T: “Now that you got the hang of it lets try some more!” (improvise on the piano while
scattering high and low sounds throughout”

Assessment: Can all students hear the difference between high and low sounds? The teacher can
evaluate through their movements of reaching up high or down low.

Closure: “Did you have fun picking apples today? I think we picked a lot of them! Maybe next
time we can find even more!”

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