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Wireless Power





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Wireless Energy Transfer: The Future of Power Distribution

Portable electronics, wireless networks, and resonant electromagnetic states with

Bluetooth devices have all revolutionized localized slowly-evanescent field patterns
our day-to-day activities by freeing us from can be used to transfer energy efficiently
the confines of space and allowing a degree over non-negligible distances, even in the
of portability never before experienced. presence of extraneous environmental
Contemporary consumer electronics objects. It is known that electromagnetic
companies such as Sony, Apple, and energy also associated with the propagation
Research In Motion (the Canadian company of the electromagnetic waves. We can use
behind the BlackBerry) have all proudly theoretically all electromagnetic waves for a
released products which require fewer and wireless power transmission (WPT).
fewer wires to function and operate; Scientific minds have been questioning
however, behind every beautiful Sony some of the fundamental laws of physics
plasma television or attached to every which has driven WiTricity since the early
charging laptop or cell phone is a plethora of 19th century. Space Solar Power (SSP),
ugly wires all tangling their way towards a combined with Wireless Power
power supply. No matter how sophisticated Transmission (WPT), offers the far-term
and robust wireless technology becomes, potential to solve major energy problems on
there appears to be no way of cutting the Earth. Wireless transmission is ideal in cases
power cord. However, this is beginning to where instantaneous or continuous energy
change. The aim of this paper is to transfer is needed, but interconnecting wires
introduce a new system of transmitting the are inconvenient, hazardous, or impossible.
power which is called wireless electricity or The tangle of cables and plugs needed to
witricity. Witricity is based upon to transfer recharge today's electronic gadgets could
electrical energy without wires. The system soon be a thing of the past. The concept
consists of a Witricity transmitter (any exploits century-old physics and could work
power source likely to be from a sun to over distances of many metres. Consumers
any other minor sources), and devices desire a simple universal solution that frees
which act as receivers (electrical load) It is them from the hassles of plug-in chargers
based on the principle of resonant coupling and adaptors. "Wireless power technology
and microwave energy transfers. The action has the potential to deliver on all of these
of an electrical transformer is the simplest needs." However, transferring the power is
instance of wireless energy transfer. There the important part of the solution.
are mainly two types of transfers
i.e. short range and long range transmission.
The short range are of 2-3metres where as
the long range are of few kilometers. We
investigate whether, and to what extent, the
physical phenomenon of long-lifetime

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