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Integrating Science^ Mathematics^ and Technology in Middle

School Technology-Rich Environments: A Study of

Implementation and Change
Robert K. James and Charles E. Lamb Daniel JL Householder
Texas A&M University Iowa State University of Science and Technology

Melynda A. Bailey
Texas A&M University

The GTECH project, funded through a grant from the GTE Foundation, prepared school teams of
science, mathematics and technology teachers and an administrator to set goals for their local schools
regarding implementation of electronic technology and integration of content across curricular areas.
A variety of teacher-centered staff development strategies were used to enable participants to achieve
local school objectives, model and encourage active learning environments involving technology,
develop integrated curriculum and provide training to their peers. GTECH staff provided workshops
and summer institutes based on teacher feedback and classroom observations. Data from the Stages
of Concerns Questionnaire assisted the staff in designing effective staff development activities. Over
the 2-year period, teacher teams developed and implemented integrated instructional materials and
developed skills in using HyperStudio, PowerPoint, telecommunications applications, and instruc-
tional resources from the Internet. They also linked instruction to new state and national standards in
science, mathematics, and technology. GTECH teachers reported that their students have expanded
their knowledge and skill in problem solving, teamwork, technical expertise, and creativity.

Much emphasis has been placed on two improve- 1998). This is true in spite of recent research showing
ment strategies in middle schools increased use of that purposeful use of computers in classroom instruc-
instructional technology and content integrated across tion can indeed enhance student outcomes (Archer,
the curriculum. Perhaps this is a response to new 1998, Milheim, 1995).
national and state science, mathematics, and technol- Helping students make connections across the
ogy standards (International Society for Technology curriculum has also been recognized as an impor-
in Education, 1999; National Council of Teachers of tant learning outcome, especially in middle schools
Mathematics [NCTM], 1989; National Research Coun- (NRC, 1996). Integration of content is believed to
cil [NRC], 1996). In response to these new standards, be essential for enabling students to develop situ-
schools have reallocated their resources. In 1995 an ated knowledge and a broader understanding of
estimated 5.8 million computers were earmarked for concepts. In this article, integration is used to refer
use in instruction (US Congress, 1995). In fiscal 1998, to, for example, activities used by teachers and
all but eight states reported designating more ftinds for students that show interaction among mathemat-
educational technology, for a combined total expen- ics, science, and technology.
diture of $1.7 billion (Zehr, 1998). Well planned and executed lessons involving
Craig (1998) reported that schools average one teachers from all three areas can accomplish this in
computer for every six students nationwide and that such a way that students will see many connections
78% of those computers are wired to the Internet. Yet, and obtain deeper understanding of concepts and
many middle level science, mathematics, and technol- skills. It also helps students retain and transfer
ogy teachers reported making scant use of technology knowledge. However, studies of middle level student
in classroom learning activities beyond word process- achievement show that students often fail to make
ing, grade books, and games (Hammer, 1998; Reis, these connections, and teachers often fail to design

Volume 100(1), January 2000

Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Technology

classroom activities to facilitate such learning (Archer, 3. Active learning environments involving tech-
1998; Seminerio, 1998). nology. Classrooms in cooperating schools provided
active learning environments, including capabilities
Purpose in hypermedia, computer software, interactive video-
disk, CD-ROM, print media, telecommunications,
Project GTECH (funded by the GTE Foundation, manipulatives, and graphing calculators, which are
a philanthropic organization of the GTE Corporation) endorsed by the state of Texas for middle school
is based on the premise that an integrated approach to mathematics. Teachers were encouraged to facilitate
instruction can improve understanding in the content discovery learning and problem solving with students
areas, increase problem solving capabilities, enhance as they worked with small groups and individuals.
creative thinking skills, and improve attitudes toward HyperStudio 3.0 (1995) was selected as the multi-
science, mathematics, and technology. The research media authoring system for the instructional units.
described in this paper was conducted to assess progress Teachers developed introductory experiences in
of Project GTECH toward its objectives to accom- HyperStudio for their students in a variety of formats
plish the following: including (a) tutorials, (b) partially completed units
1. Develop or adapt multimedia instructional units amenable to student collaboration for further devel-
that integrate concepts of science, mathematics, and opment, (c) simulations, (d) games, and (e) interactive
technology. computer-assisted instruction.
2. Involve teachers and students in the develop- 4. Locally developed integrated curriculum. Par-
ment and modification of instructional materials, tu- ticipating teams were asked to develop and field test
torials, activities, and approaches. integrated units in their classrooms. The titles of 16 of
3. Field test and revise the materials and activities. these units were as follows:
To accomplish these goals, coprinciple investiga- 1. Rainforest Environment.
tors (co-PIs) instituted a GTECH planning team that 2. Underwater Habitat.
included themselves, a project coordinator, and a staff 3. Space Station.
assistant. Nine school-based teams of mathematics, 4. Mission to Mars.
science, and technology teachers and one administra- 5. Classroom Zoo.
tor were recruited. The planning team set out a care- 6. Genetics.
fully designed and comprehensive set of staff 7. Volcanoes.
development strategies focusing on development and 8. Home Energy Management.
implementation. 9. Environmental Studies.
10. Marine Environment.
GTECH Strategies 11. Reduce, Revise and Recycle.
12. Life of a Cornfield Reaping What We Sow.

1. Teams of teachers and administrators. A team 13. Scale Modeling.

ofthree teachers one each in mathematics, science, 14. Groovin’ in the Sixties.
and technology and a school administrator were 15. Fore Designing a Golf Course.

recruited from nine schools in districts in east-central 16. Dynamic Earth.

and south Texas to participate in a multiyear effort. Appendix A provides a brief overview of 10 ofthe
Teams were selected as the unit of change, because it units deemed most easily transferred to other class-
was believed that teachers recruited in teams tend to room settings and for which appropriate documenta-
support each other as they implement changes. Teacher tion was available. A variety of mathematical skills
teams would also do a better job of reaching out to (calculating, graphing, measuring, estimating, and
nonteam peers. interpreting) are identified. The use/integration of
2. Focus on local school objectives. Programs or technology included the use of specific software,
materials were not specified in terms of content or manipulation of data in various formats, multimedia
methodology. The teams were required only to use development, and use of the Internet.
instructional technology andintegrate content. The teams 5. Workshop and institute design. The work-
were encouraged to develop approaches meeting the shops were comprised of three staff development
specific needs of their students and the objectives of their days spread out over the school year. They were
local schools. This strategy recognized that sustained aimed at developing and reporting progress toward
change efforts must be supported at the local level. project goals. The day-long workshops consisted

School Science and Mathematics

Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Technology

of instruction, sharing, and planning. Most were Monitoring the Project

held on the university campus, although one was held
at a retreat center, and one was held at one school site In view of the fact that Project GTECH was prima-
where implementation was exemplary. Teams were rily developmental in nature, the emphasis on project
provided full support for travel, food, and substitute evaluation activities was centered upon formative
teacher expense. Programmatic elements of those assessments. These included continuing assessments
sessions featured awareness (aimed at providing an of (a) the stages of concern of participating teachers
overview) and training (featuring skill development and (b) the assessment of the effectiveness of work-
mastery) sessions on new software, state standards, shops/institutes conducted for project personnel and
and team reports and displays of progress. A careful teachers. The team also regularly gathered evaluation
effort was made to plan each session according to the data through survey instruments administered to school
needs reflected in feedback from the teacher teams. teams and administrators, as well as through work-
Wherever possible, team members were asked to lead shop observations and school visits. The goal was to
the awareness or training sessions. A 2- to 3- week involve all parties in the assessment as fully as possible.
summer institute was included each summer. The The theory base for the implementation assess-
institutes were aimed at deepening conceptual under- ment came from the Concerns Based Adoption Model
standing and technical skills. Staff and co-PIs main- (Hall, 1979). Hall recognized the importance of moni-
tained an aggressive school site visitation program toring the affective response of teachers to educa-
aimed at local problem solving. tional change. His work built on that of Fuller (1969),
6. The GTECH planning team. The co-PIs agreed who hypothesized that these affective responses (called
that the opportunity to work on the planning team in concerns) were developmental in nature. Hall ex-
a cross-departmental project in a collaborative plan- panded Fuller’s three stages (self, task, impact) to
ning mode was a unique and vital part of GTECH. It seven stages (awareness, informational, personal,
consisted of three or four co-PIs (university faculty management, consequence, collaboration, and refo-
members), one graduate student, and a staff assistant. cusing) and developed a 35-item questionnaire with
The group met regularlysometimes weekly, but seven subscales to access data for the seven stages. His
more often twice per month. Regular planning team work showed that these seven stages were develop-
meetings made full collaboration among the faculty mental in nature. Teachers considering first use of an
possible. Though the make-up of the planning team innovation have most intense concerns in the informa-
varied from time to time, it has represented the disci- tional and personal area, new users typically have
plines of science, technology, and mathematics edu- most intense concerns in management, and experi-
cation and provided most of the technical expertise enced users have most intense concerns in conse-
required by GTECH. As needed, consultants with quence, collaboration, and refocusing. Further, Hall
special expertise were brought in to supplement plan- demonstrated that this instrument was useful in aiding
ning team skills for the project. Rotating responsibili- change facilitators to design interventions enabling
ties for leadership among the co-PIs provided for a teachers to resolve earlier concerns and mature to
rich mix of leadership styles, knowledge, and skills. higher stages. Since the GTECH Project involved
Each team member stayed current on trends and exposing teachers to change in the manner in which
innovations, providing a rich mix of possible activi- they used educational technology and integrated cur-
ties and programs. riculum, the Stages of Concerns Questionnaire (SoCQ)
7. School and classroom site visits. GTECH staff (Hall, George, & Rutherford 1979) was deemed useful
provided support by visiting administrators and teacher in assisting GTECH staff in designing staff develop-
classrooms. During the 2nd year, one of the co-PIs ment activities that movedparticipants into and through
invested considerable time in site visits to the schools. the implementation process.
Each school had recently been provided a copy of During the 1st year of the project, fall and spring
HyperStudio, and the co-PI discovered that teachers workshops were designed to provide the teams of
were not making much use of that softwarein fact teachers and administrators with the information
many sites had not even loaded the software on their needed to begin the project. This included an exami-
computers. There were also mismatches between soft- nation of project goals of increasing use of educa-
ware and hardware. These troubleshooting visits be- tional technology and integration of mathematics,
came a regular part of the project. science, and technology. Teams were asked to design

Volume 100(1), January 2000

Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Technology

curriculum units then conduct pilot tests of the units. (solid line) show that the most intense concerns were
Staff development interventions were aimed at pro- personal, informational, and management, with a sec-
viding examples, models, and training in the use of ondary peak on collaboration. This suggests that most
software and hardware. Particular decisions regarding teachers had not actually begun using GTECH mate-
the selection of appropriate staff development activi- rials and/or ideas in their classrooms. This finding was
ties were based in part on teacher requests and sugges- corroborated throughinformal observations during class-
tions. In the spring of Year 1, the SoCQ (Hall, et al., room visits. They appeared to be defining the project
1979) was administered to GTECH teachers. Hall et (informational concerns) and assessing what impact it
al., provided reliability and validity data for this would have on them (personal concerns). Concerns
instrument. Calculations of alpha coefficients of in- theory suggests that if teachers had already begun use,
ternal reliability for the seven subscales ranged from their most intense concerns would be on managing
0.64 to 0.83, based on a study of 830 teachers and GTECH implementation. The peak on collaboration
professors who had completed the instrument. They is common when one is working within a defined
further reported several studies of the validity of the group of teachers in workshops and/or institutes. It
instrument, noting the difficulty of establishing validity, appears to be related to the group feeling and to the
since there were no similar measures of concerns with sharing of ideas that was occurring.
which to compare. Though space does not allow for a These results suggested that the GTECH staff
complete review of these studies, this series of validity development activities for the first summer should
studies provided increased confidence that the SoCQ continue to focus on information about educational
measured the hypothesized Stages of Concerns. technology and its application in their classrooms.
Figure 1 presents the Years 1 and 2 concerns Conceptually, the focus was on space and environ-
profiles for the GTECH teachers. The Year 1 results mental education, with technical skill development in

Figure 1. Mean stages of concern for GTECH for Years 1 and 2.

School Science and Mathematics

Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Technology

HyperStudio, Tributary, Internet and TENET (the participants and helping teachers begin to focus on
then-current state educational technology network.) the consequences of using GTECH its impact on
One of the workshops featured the success that two students.
teams were having in implementing two of the inte- The summer institute in Year 2 was designed to
grated units in their classrooms and gave the partici- increase team use of the units and to focus teacher
pants enough training to consider implementing these attention on a growing staff concern about the teams’
units. Fifteen team members participated in the six failure to integrate mathematics into the units and into
different workshops (HyperStudio, Tributary, Space classroom practice. In response, the staff designed the
Science, Environmental Studies, Internet, and TE- second summer institute with a primary focus on
NET) of the first summer institute. The size of the integration of mathematics into the GTECH units and
workshop facilitated the inclusion of hands-on com- GTECH related instructional activities. To that end,
puter work in each of the workshop sessions. Partici- time was devoted to planning, developing, and creat-
pants developed several curriculum packages that ing materials and units to be used in individual class-
they could implement in their classrooms during the rooms, as well as to be shared with colleagues involved
2nd year of GTECH. in and outside of GTECH. At the end of the summer,
During the fall of Year 2, interventions also in- the materials were compiled into a notebook, and
cluded GTECH staff visits to all classrooms to ascer- copies were made available to all participants. While
tain whether HyperStudio was loaded and operational the institutes emphasized NCTM standards, teachers
in their computers. Extensive coaching, technical were encouraged to design/select activities according
assistance, and trouble shooting was provided by one to their perceptions of what their students needed. The
of the co-PIs. The fall workshop centered on school 1995 NCTM Yearbook, Connecting Mathematics
teams sharing curriculum products developed as part Across the Curriculum, (House, 1995), was used as
of GTECH. At the winter workshop in the 2nd year, the textbook. Though the 3-week, three-credit insti-
the proposed new state standards, the Texas Essential tute was effective for those who attended, only a few
Knowledge and Skills, were linked to GTECH goals GTECH teachers elected this activity. Those who did
and products. To support the integrating of mathemat- made progress toward the integration goal, but their
ics, science, and technology, a web model for curricu- small numbers failed to provide broad impact on the
lum integration was presented and illustrated (Stuessy, problem of integration into mathematics classrooms.
Payne, Collins, Carnahan, & Malone, 1994). In comparing the changes in the concerns of
The second administration of the SoCQ was done teachers across Years 1 and 2, the partial resolution of
in the spring of the 2nd year. The results of that informational, personal, and management concerns
administration are also presented in Figure 1 (dashed suggests that GTECH goals were being met in the
line). While the overall profile remains that of a group three areas. However, informational and personal
of nonusers with high informational and personal concerns remained high and needed further interven-
concerns, it shows some resolution of informational, tion. Consequence and collaboration concerns were
personal, and management concerns when compared almost unchanged, while refocusing concerns were
with Year 1 data. In classroom visits with the teach- higher in Year 2. The increase in the refocusing
ers, it was observed that some were using GTECH concerns suggests that teachers were thinking about
materials and concepts. When GTECH staff exam- alternatives to GTECH or different ways to configure it.
ined individual profiles, they found that about a third Workshops were conducted for the participating
of the teachers exhibited the expected profile of a new teachers and administrators each academic year and
user one in which management concerns are most summer session. While participation was voluntary, it
intense. That only a third of the teachers might be was highly enthusiastic. Workshop assessments were
users should not be a discouragement, because the conducted at the end ofeach session. The primary goal
primary focus has been on getting GTECH activity of these assessments was to gain insight into how the
going in each school not necessarily in every teachers had reacted to the training sessions. They
participant’s classroom. School visits further revealed provided "happiness quotients," showing consider-
that often only one member of the team (usually the able teacher satisfaction. The teachers appreciated
science teacher) was actually using the ideas devel- both the content and the process of each workshop.
oped by the other team members at that site. This They especially liked the hands-on activities and the
suggested that subsequent staff development activi- opportunity to share what they were doing. These
ties should be aimed at increasing use by all team assessments also provided input to future programs

Volume 100(1), January 2000

Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Technology

whether they wanted deeper content in an area that software, because students would teach other students
had just been presented or whether some new topic and eventually the teachers. And it worked! Teachers
should be added to the next workshop or institute. The credit GTECH with developing student skills in
staff relied heavily on these assessments for program problem solving, teamwork, technical expertise, and
planning. creativity. Finally, there has to be some consideration
The usual format for these assessments was to list given to the knowledge and insights investigators were
workshop activities with a rating scale of 1 to 10 in able to glean while working and observing these teachers
which 1 was the lowest rating and 10 was the highest and their students at work.
possible rating. Participants’ ratings were high. Use- The first phases of the work with Project GTECH
fulness ratings ranged from a mean of 7.7 for a training have indicated the value of involving teachers and
activity on an electronic bulletin board to an overall their students in the creation of the learning experi-
mean rating of 9.9 for the entire workshop. Effectiveness ences. The outcomes of the project led GTECH staff
ratings ranged from a mean of 8.0 for one session to an to adopt a much more teacher-centered approach to
overall mean rating of 9.8 for the entire workshop. In the staff development as the project has evolved. The
general, comments about the workshop, as well as use of multimedia authoring and mindmapping soft-
written evaluations, showed participants were enthusi- ware have been especially effective in empowering
astic about what they had been doing. During the second middle school students and their teachers to become
summer workshop, participant assessments paralleled active designers of learning experiences. Participants
those obtained from the first summer workshop. in the GTECH workshops have developed their capa-
bilities in organizing and delivering a wide array of
experiences for their students. More importantly,
Reflections Project GTECH teams have demonstrated the value of
working together in instructional planning and teaching.
The GTECH Project was funded to develop a Each year over 40 teachers participated in GTECH
strategy for helping middle school science, technol- workshops. With 100 students each, they have im-
ogy, and mathematics teachers implement integrated pacted about 4,000 students annually and 8,000 over
curriculum in the three disciplines and to utilize the first 2 years. Project schools are using significantly
electronic educational technology. Seven GTECH more technology. Because of the demand by students,
teacher teams have developed 16 integrated units, several schools have developed elective courses they
developed skills using HyperStudio 3.0 and Microsoft call "GTECH courses," in which their students can
PowerPoint software to design instruction, and spend more time utilizing technology in their learn-
developed awareness of the potential for telecommu- ing. In addition, there has been notable improvement
nications. They also designed new courses in which on the part of the teams, as they have learned to work
they can implement GTECH materials and constructs, together in their own buildings and with other schools
identified instructional resources on the Internet, linked in the Project.
instruction to state standards, and focused teacher On the down side of this otherwise glowing re-
attention on the need to give equal emphasis to the port, the problem of integrating mathematics into the
integration of mathematics in integrated units. curriculum remained unresolved. The teacher teams
However, these accomplishments do not ad- simply were not giving equal emphasis to mathemat-
equately reflect changes that the teacher teams have ics integration, as compared to science or technology.
achieved in terms of their personal and professional The staff tried various ways to overcome the problem,
growth in utilizing integrated curriculum and imple- but none was particularly successful. The content of
menting electronic technology in their classrooms. mathematics in Texas middle school standards and
Many teachers, who started by learning how to turn textbooks is very structured. Mathematics team mem-
the computer on, are now utilizing computer and bers appeared to believe that their curriculum did not
telecommunications technology weekly in their class- allow for the integration of science and technology
rooms, and one has become the educational technol- into mathematics classrooms. They believed that there
ogy director for her school. was neither space nor time. The state testing program
Neither does the above list of accomplishments and the "school report card" place high priority on
reflect the lessons learned nor the skills developed by school-by-school test scores. There is much less em-
their students. One school started out by stating that phasis on testing in science. Hence curriculum imple-
they wanted their students trained to use certain mentation occurred mostly in the classrooms of the

School Science and Mathematics

Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Technology

science team members. Obviously, this will continue Eugene, OR. National Educational Technology
to be a focus for future work. Standards Project.
As the GTECH Project continues, the staff will Milheim, W. D. (1995). Interactivity and com-
monitor and react to the needs and concerns of the puter-based instruction. Journal of Educational Tech-
school personnel involved. In addition, participant nology Systems, 24(3), 225-233.
input will be solicited as to the nature of future work- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
shops and summer programs. Programs such as GTECH (1989). Curriculum and evaluation standards for
give teachers the resources and confidence necessary to school mathematics. Reston, VA: Author.
change the ways in which science, mathematics, and National Research Council (1996). National
technology can be taught in an integrated fashion. science education standards. Washington, DC:
The outcomes of GTECH merit dissemination. It National Academy Press.
should be noted that GTECH is likely to be a multi- Reis, F. (1998). Project T.E.A.C.H.: Technology
step, long-term project. After initial funding expires, enrichment and curriculum help. T^H^E Journal,
the GTE Foundation will be approached for a continu- 26(3), 70-72.
ation of funding in order to refine and complete the Seminerio, M. (1998). Classroom computers may
model. State and federal finds will be sought to not help. [On-line]. Available: http://
disseminate the results of GTECH more broadly across
the state and nation. Stuessy, C., Payne, B., Collins, J., Carnahan, P. &
Malone, V. (1994). Coordinated thematic science II
References (CTSII) staff development program developed/or the
Texas education agency, Dwight D. Eisenhov^er
Archer, J. (1998). The link to higher test scores, Science Staff Development Project No. 33690410.
Education Week 75(5), 10-21 U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment,
Craig J. (1998). By the numbers. Education Week (1995). Chapter 3: Technology access and instructional
75(5), 102-105. use in schools today. In Teacher and technology:
Fuller, F. F. (1969). Concern of teachers: A Making the connection [On-line]. Available: fttp://
developmental conceptualization. American
Educational Research Journal, 6(2), 207-226. Zehr, M. A. (1998) The state of the states.
Hall, G. E. (1979). The concerns-based approach Education Week 75(5), 68-101.
to facilitating change. Educational Horizons, 57(4),
Hall, R. E., George, A. A., & Rutherford, W. L.
(1979). Measuring stages of concern about the
innovation: A manual for the use ofSOC questionnaire. Editor’s Note: Robert K. James, Charles E. Lamb,
Austin, TX: Research and Development Center for and Melynda A. Bailey, Department of Educational
Teacher Education, University of Texas at Austin. Curriculum and Instruction, Texas A&M University;
Hammer, M. (1998). [Telephone survey ofthe use of Daniel L. Householder, Department of Industrial Edu-
technology in the classroom]. Unpublished raw data. cation and Technology, Iowa State University of
House, P. (1995). Connecting mathematics across Science and Technology.
the curriculum. Reston, VA: National Council of The support of the GTE Foundation for the GTECH
Teachers of Mathematics. Project is gratefully acknowledged.
HyperStudio (Version 3.0) (1995). [Computer Correspondence concerning this article should
software]. El Cajon, California: Roger Wagner be addressed to Robert K. James, Department of
Publishing, Inc. Educational Curriculum and Instruction, Texas A&M
International Society for Technology in Education University, College Station, Texas 77843-4232.
(1999). National educational technology standards Electronic mail may be sent via Internet to
for students Connecting curriculum and technology.

Volume 100(1), January 2000

Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Technology

Appendix A
Table of Knowledge, Skills, and Integration of Units

Unit Name Unit Abstract Knowledge Use/Skill Development Integration of Mathematics,

Technology and Science
Space Station Students work in Using problem-solving skills, students » Converting scale measurement and
groups to design utilize science knowledge to create and developing overall area space
various design various sections of the station design, students use computer
components of a that will support life. software and hardware to gather,
space station. Students use computer software and analyze, and synthesize data in the
hardware to gather, analyze and planning stages of the project.
synthesis data in the planning stages of
the project.
This unit fosters team building and
leadership skills development.
Mission to Using a problem Students use science process skills to > Students work with proportional
Mars based approach; explain and investigate objects, relationships, tables, graphs,
students work in organisms, systems, and their multiple algebraic equations, and
teams to properties, as well as how living and geometry/three dimensional
complete a non-living systems interact with each figures.
simulated other. > Students acquire, evaluate, and
mission to Mars. Students learn interviewing and group utilize information from a variety
dynamic skills as they interview for of electronic formats. And are able
various positions within the project and to manipulate and deliver this data
learn to work within their teams. in a variety of formats.

Classroom This interactive > Students will explore the world of Students calculate grid and graph
|Zoo program was science, especially entomology in the data on various aspects of animal
designed as an insect’s portion of the "classroom zoo." habitats and their systems.
approach for The program was created using
study of animals HyperStudio 3.0 and works as a
and the creation hypertext presentation
of a "classroom
Marine Using Hyperlink > Science skills are explored through the Students examine data provided
nvironment software, exploration of the marine environment, and expand given calculations to a
students look at specifically, ocean life, waves, broader scale.
and analyze aquariums, currents, and tides. The entire lesson is presented as a
different aspects HyperStudio 3.0, an interactive
of the Marine hyperlink, presentation.

E educe,
evise, and
Students will
examine how to
conserve and
preserve their
» Students will analyze multiple uses for
water in the home, the environment,
and industry. They will study natural
resources and their connection to them.
Students take mathematical
measurements, estimate and
compare, and make basic
calculations using collected
resource data.
through Students then assemble this
reducing, information into a multimedia
reusing\, and presentation.
recyclling and
exploire ^why this
important for
is imp
the future

School Science and Mathematics

Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Technology

Appendix A continued

Unit Name Unit Abstract Knowledge Use/Skill Integration of Mathematics,

Development Technology and Science
Life in a Working within Students observe plants growing in Students plot the growth cycles of
Cornfield - a closed fields and explore the problems plants growing in observation
Reaping environment, associated with irrigation, fertilization, fields.
What We students will and harvesting and growing seasons. Students calculate the area of the
Sow explore and Students decide how fields should be land used.
analyze cycles of planted. Students graphically represent
a cornfield. Students choose the most appropriate simple statistical data accumulated
means to share their finding with a throughout the project.
larger group.

Scale Working in small Students will transform data into scale Students take measurements on the
Modeling cooperative drawings using calculations and layout and physical setting of their
groups, students drafting paper. campus and school buildings.
will actively Once the drawings are completed, the All of these activities can be
engage in students will use these to build scale enhanced through Computer Aided
activities to models of their buildings. Drawing tools (CAD)
improve their
understanding of
concepts and
mathematics in
more realistic
Groovin’ in Exploring > Using these standards of measurement, Students develop a working
the Sixties historical students will calculate differences and, knowledge of different standards of
comparison, after analyzing the results, make measurement.
students will suggestions as to cause and predict
make future trends.
comparisons > Students will then present their findings

between 1960 in an appropriate manner.

and present
Fore- Over the span of » Using electronic media, students will Students read and interpret
Designing a a semester, investigate issues relating to golf topographical maps and aerial
Golf Course students work in courses, such as xeriscaping and turf photos of the terrain located at the
teams to design a management. The final project should chosen site.
nine-hole golf result in a multimedia presentation Students calculate green sizes, hole
course, complete about the course, complete with a placement, and fairway lengths in
with clubhouse model. laying out their courses, as well as
and other scale a working model of their
amenities. course.
Blooming Student teams Using science, students gather local Calculations are made when
Spirit work to design a environmental data to assist in choosing defining utilization space, space
campus plants that will grow and flourish in management, and mixing chemicals
beautification their particular area. such as fertilizer, soil, etc.
project. Using the Internet, students
research plant types, soil types, and
weather data._____
Volume 100(1), January 2000

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