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 Siti Maslichah (D05212032)

 Lilis Rahmawati (D05212041)

 Novita Eka Amalia (D05212042)
 Siti Munawaroh (D05212043)
 Tika Intan Pamuji (D05212044)


Video1_ bilingual primary_classroom observation

1. Classroom layout
In this video the teacher use a kind of island to classroom layout. This layout it
means great for a group working because each student can closely interact with others.
But, in this lesson there are no group work. So in our opinion island layout is not
appropriate to use in this class because, some students cannot see easily to the teacher and
to the whiteboard. The teacher only focus on the same place when say something or
explain something, never move backward or close with the behind student.
We think this classroom layout is fine because it seems the students enjoy during
learning process, but in this sense the student who sit down in front of whiteboard is not
easy to see and read the text in whiteboard, he should move his body to see the teacher.
According to us, this is like not fair with all of student. Teacher can use this layout but,
the front line should be away from the whiteboard.
2. Teacher talking time
According to our opinion in this video TTT is quite high and teacher also has high
control the learning process. We think it is good, because suitable with the level of the
students. However, teacher talking time will give a little of their ideas. As a teacher we
can do another activity which less of TTT but can explore student’s ideas.
In this video TTT has very important point while explanation because TTT has
explanation about adjective and verb itself, teacher explains and describes it until they
understand. It means, even though TTT in this video quite high but it is very useful for
beginner level.
3. Giving instruction
Seen since the beginning of the opening of eliciting, teacher use the techniques
"giving instructions to lower-level classes" which is also adjusted with the background
knowledge of the student and the student level. All arranged with teachers made plans
already use the time table of the structure of complete sentences. Starting from the
vocabulary that learners below the current level in each column in the time table that was
prepared with several columns such as (adjective, noun, verb, adverb, and preposition).
Tried to speak very slowly and clearly, and gave pause for thought processes students in
understanding what the purpose instruction teacher.
Teacher also had difficulties in giving instruction in activity makes full sentences.
where the teacher finally provide clarity by using the first language to students and not
too long to make disciples confused, activity goes back as planned teacher. There are
many ways in which the teacher in this video, where the use of clapping hands, knocking
the whiteboard to follow the student attentions. In this video the teacher uses two pattern
 Teacher to whole class. In this instruction the teacher deliver a lesson to lure
their understanding step by step through the time table of the adjective, noun,
verb, adverb, and preposition. To support the level of understanding of students,
teachers are also asked to express any vocabulary that is given as well as the
view of the surrounding grade.
 Teacher to whole class - white board. Here the teacher discussed step by step
from complete sentence with the time table by the teacher. The conclusion of
activity could eventually make a full sentence. This had previously been given
by the example of his teacher.
4. Eliciting (Wait a bit)
In this video, in warming up process, the teacher ask the student about the
sentence English and Spanish and the teacher gives opportunity for a student to answer
it, The teacher gives time to one student to think the answer and wait him to answer the
question. In learning process the teacher do the same way specifically in matching
suitable adjective with noun although it need long time. In this stage, we think is good for
the teacher and the students. For the teacher, wait a bit is very important to gives
opportunity for students to answer the question based on their own mind without teacher
helping to answer it. In the video, the teacher gives time for the student to think the
answer although need long time to answer it. For students, wait a bit is also needed to
create the critical thinking to answer the question. So the student will try to answer the
question depend on their mind. In the video, there is a student feel not confident to
answer the question, but with wait a bit, the student tries to answer the question although
he or she feels difficult to answer it. In brief, Wait a bit is really needed to create original
answer from students.
5. Variety Task
After we watched this video, in our opinion there is one task only in the end of the
lesson. That is teacher asks to the students to make three sentences which consist of
adjective, noun, adverb, and preposition phrase, and the students cannot use more than
two adjective. After make three sentences, the teacher ask the students to illustrate those
sentences become a picture, drawing and coloring it, not all of the sentences but at least
one of the sentences. This task is an individual work. The students do that task
individually in the middle of their book. And the teacher walk around the students, she
guides them and help them as a facilitator if there is any questions from her students
about the task that given by her. This activity was set up until the end of the lesson. The
purpose of giving that task to the students is maybe the teacher wants to check the
students’ understanding about how to make complete sentence correctly which is consist
of adjective, noun, adverb, and preposition phrase. And also maybe the teacher wants to
the students to practice and to apply what they have learned at that time and in the
previous meeting.
6. Whole class work (encouraging student to speak)
In this video we think that the teacher encourage student to speak successfully.
The teacher did a “creating condition for speaking” by asking ex “What does it probably
do?” “What adjective match with this animal?” etc. She success make an atmosphere that
make the student feel free to speak up their idea, she also listen carefully when her
student speak up then give a feed back or write the student idea in the board. So, the
student feel enjoy, interested and comfortable to speak because they get a good support
from the teacher. For example when a student speak not loud enough for the whole class,
the teacher help to repeat what the student said with a louder voice. It not only means to
make the word clear but also to make the student feel more confident with their self
especially their idea. And it will make the student become braver to speak up in other

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