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1.1. The Background of The Study

Children is the next generation that must be guarded, payed and

ominously the growth and the development. Moreover, childhood is time to

knows, to find and time to interaction with friends of the same age and also

interaction in surrounding environment. So, children have needs that must

be fulfilled in order to support the process of the growth and the

development of children, that is child friendly space in public area.

In UU No. 23 tahun 2002 about child protection, which reads that

every children have right to rest, to utilizing spare time, to associate with

friend of the same age, to play and to creative in accordance with their

talents and interest to self-development. 1 Seto Mulyadi also said that, the

children not just need play in room but also in out room because in out room

can give intelligence impulse of children, as physic intelligence or

kinesthetic skills, social and cognitive.2

PDF/Penerapan konsep child friendly space paada ruang public kampong


Badran Yogyakarta/Ani Farida/2014/Hal.1

PDF/Penerapan konsep child friendly space paada ruang public kampong
Badran Yogyakarta/Ani Farida/2014/Hal.1

So, from the statement above, children need play facility of the form

of playground that can develop their self-potential. Moreover, this time

children shortages of places to play facilities.

So, children need public area to play and to interaction with friend of

the same age. Moreover, now the technology more advanced. Children more

like play in cyberspace. As a result children now more closed and less to

interaction with friend of the same age. Although, when children interaction

in outdoor environment can give positive effect to the growth, the

development and to psychology of children. So, children must have public

room to interaction with well because from interaction children can develop

a senses of togetherness, respect in differential and can cooperation when

face the problem. So, from that condition, children require need a public

area to facilities play that comfort and friendly environment.

So, from description above. Friendly children space in public can

give advantages to the children. So, the writer write the scientific writing

about “The Positive Impact Of Children friendly Space In Public Area”.

1.2. The Statements of The Problem

After knowing the background above, the writer would like to

discuss some of problem, they are as follows :

1. What the positive effect that appear from public area to the psychology?

2. What the positive effect that appear from public area to the development

of the children?

3. What the benefits that appear from public area to the children?

1.3. The Objectives of The Study

The objectives of problem they are as follows :

1. To know what the positive effect that appear from public area to the


2. To know what the positive effect that appear from public area to the

development of the children.

3. To know the benefits that appear from public area to the children.

1.4. The Limitation of The Study

In this scientific writing, the writer explains the positive impact that

appear from friendly children space in public area for the development and

the psychological of children.

1.5. The Significance of The Study

The discussion in this scientific writing will give more information

about the effect of the friendly children space in public area to the

development and the psychological of the children. The study is expected to

be useful for :

1. The Writer

The writer can explain her opinion and idea about the impact of friendly

children space in public area to the development and the psychological

of children.

2. The Parents

This scientific writing will give the information to the parents that public

for the children is very important, because from public area can give

positive impact for the children.

3. The society

The scientific writing will give information to the society about the

positive impact of public area to their children.

4. The government

From this scientific writing the writer hope that the government more

increase the friendly children in public area and increase the quality of

public area. So, children can utilizing the public area to develop their

communication with others, to interaction and to their kinesthetic skills.



2.1. The Definition of Positive Impact

According in KBBI, impact is bumps, influence that bring

consequence include positive or negative. In simple, impact can meaning

as influence or result. The impact is desire to persuade, convince,

influence or give impression to all people, with the purpose to enable

them to attend or support their want. While, positive is the condition of

someone’s soul that maintained from the efforts that already happened to

not leading into negative.

So, positive impact is desire to persuade, convince, influence or give

impression to all of people, with the purpose to enable them to attend or

support their want where the good result or influence that get from many

events that already happened.

2.2. The Definition of Child Friendly Space

Child friendly space is space that already designed for children to do

many activities with free, to get happiness, funny and also a facilities to

developing their skill of cognitive, social, physic, and also to their

emotional skill.

Where child friendly space can discovered public area and also child

friendly space can access by everybody and from many background and


Child friendly space is programming approach of children right that

provide to children welfare in emergency condition (UNICEF. Org. 2011).

Child friendly space already use from 1999 to protect the children with

provides space that safety and become as supervision to all of many


In A Parctical Guide to Developing Child Friendly Spaces, Unicef

said :

“Child friendly spaces can be defined as places designed and operated in

a participatory manner, where children affected by natural disaster or

armed conflict can be provide with a safe environment, where integrated

programming including play, recreation, education, health and

psychosocial support can be delivered and/or information about

services/support provided” 3

According in A Parctical to Developing Child Friendly Spaces, there

is six principle of child friendly spaces that use to planning, developing

and operation of child friendly spaces.

Child_Friendly_Spaces_UNICEF (1). Pdf (Download on Sunday 7 August 2 7
August 2016)

a. Child Friendly Space are secure and “safe“ environment for children

Children very need place that can safe and care them from

danger. So, safety must become as the important factor in a physic

area and operation of children friendly space.

b. Children Friendly Space provide a stimulating and supportive

environment for children

Important in Children Friendly Space to provides environment

that can provide the children. Environment that can provide children’s

growth have three the key of elements :

1) Must have activities and program that can provide the children’s


2) There is physic environment to facility the activities and the


3) There is staff that can encourage, provide and sensitive in the

activities and the program.

c. Children Friendly Space are inclusive and non-discrimination

Child friendly space should not be there a discrimination. All

of the children must apart from social class, gender, skills, religion,

language, ethnic, sexual orientation that same. There is no

differentiation between them.

This is the characteristic of children friendly space are :

1. Ensure the safety, security, and health of children to playing in

public area.

2. Create the comfortable and easiness to all of children, well it has

physical limitation or mentality. So, all of children can feel the

comfortable and easiness to all of section.

3. Create the harmony aesthetic visual with the characteristic of areas in

surrounding. Children friendly space can be developed as facilities in

public area. So, when create the children friendly space must

adjusted with the characteristic in surrounding area.

4. Give explanation about the function of game equipment and strength


So, children friendly space must have element in safety, health,

comfortable, easiness, security and the beautiful.

2.3. The Definition of Public

Said public area by lync in indiyanto (2012:212) is nodes and laud

mark that become a tool of navigation in city. After that, idea public space

more develop when appearance of society civil. Jurgen Habermas seen as

the initiator of the appearance of the public space idea (Siahan.2011 : 1)

and Jurgen Habermas introduce public space in the book that the title is

“The Structural Transformation of the Public sphere ; an Inquire Into

Category of Bourjuis society” that published around 1989.

Public space is open area for all of people. Many activities can do in

public area and everybody can speak free and can associate what they want.

Said Kuntowijaya in Aswindi (2006:8). Generally, public area can seen as a

garden, place to play, street or open area. So, public area can meaning as a

area where society can do many functional activities, include privacy

activities or in community.

So, public area is an open area that become one of area to

communication, interaction, and to do many functional activities. Like said

by Stephen Carr(1992) that public area is container space of social

activities that serve and also influence society city life. Public area also

public container from functional activities or ritual activities that unite

many group of society in normal routines of daily life or in periodic


Public area, characterized by three important point. That is

responsive, democratic, and meaningful.

1. Responsive means that public area can use to do many activities.

2. Democratic means that public area can use for all of general society

without differentiation.

3. Meaningful means that public area have important meaning for people

space, large word and social context

Because of that, it is said public area when already create three the

important point. So, not all of open public is public area. Example mall.

Mall indeed open area, public place to communication with other people.

But, mall never can become as perfect public area. Because, almost mall

just to certain circles that have level high economic.

Although, public area give to all circles, such as circles that have

less economic or high economic and people can free to enter or out without


Said James Siahan (2011:7) public have characteristic, it is :

1. Image and Identity

Based on history, public area is center of society activities and

indirectly public area become as an identity or characteristic of


2. Attraction and Destination

Public area must have attractiveness. Where the letter society

can interested and after that public become as a one of the

destination to society. Example, like rest , statue and etc.

3. Amenities

Public area must have a calmness. Where the letter people

can feel comfort and public area can reach to all age from children

until old people.

4. Flexible Design

Public area must have flexible design. Because public area

use to all time. Like morning, afternoon or night. So, public area

must provide many tools or infrastructure that can support in each

condition that can easy to adapt with the time.

5. Seasonal Strategy

Public area must have season strategy. Where the design

from public area not just one, but have looking or design that can

to changes from one season to another season.

6. Access

Public area must have proximity and stability, easy to reach

like with either walking or driving, and located in center city.

So, public space is establish have purpose. Like said by Carr

dkk, (1992) it is :

a. Society welfare

Welfare become as a motivation to create and develop

of public area. Where the public area become as a

infrastructure of society to communication with free and


b. Visual Enhancement

From there is public area in a city can increase the

visual of city. Where the city can become more beautiful,

harmonious and humane.

c. Environment Enhancement

When in public area do a restoration, from that

restoration have a value of esthetic and become as lungs of

the city that can give health air in the midst of pollution.



1.1. Methods and Techniques of Writing

In making this scientific writing, the writer uses methods and

techniques of writing consists of some steps as follows:

1. Appointment of Theme

This scientific writing has theme related to sociology,

psychological. This theme is determined by school. However, the

writer tries to develop the theme on this scientific writing.

2. Appointment of Title

The title of this scientific writing is “The Positive Impact of

Child Friendly Space in Public Area”. This title is made by the

writer based on the background which is explained in chapter I.

3. Collecting Data

This scientific writing entitled “The Positive Impact of Child

Friendly Space in Public Area”, the writer uses methods of library

research, field research and internet research. The writer has read

some books which are connected on the title and also looked for

some sources through internet.

Then the writer makes resumes of important matters from the

sources which can be used.

4. Formation of Scientific Writing

From the sources which the writer has gotten, furthermore the

writer discusses the materials in chapter IV and explains some

literatures in chapter II.



4.1. The Positive Effect that Appear from Public Area to The Psychological
of The Children

Children Friendly Spaces in public area give many positive effect to the

psychological of the children:

1. Increasing the interaction of the children

When children in public area, children meet many people. Children

interaction with friends in same age. Because in children friendly

spaces, of course in there able many people. so, the interaction of

children increase. Such as interaction with communication or with

playing game.

2. Increasing the socialization of the children

Because when children do activity in public area. Of course

children meet many people. So, when in pubic area children do activity

with the friends in the same age well with communication or playing.

So, the socialization of children increase and children avoid from the

individualism. Because, in public area free to all people.

3. Increasing the cognitive ability, social, physic and the emotional of


4. Increasing the character of tolerance, respect and sympathy of children

Where in public area all children become one without looking

from the status or have limitation. So, children can respect the

differentiation between people.

5. Children can adapt with people or the environment.

6. Increasing the intelligence impulse of children, as physic intelligence

or kinesthetic skills, social and cognitive.

Because in children friendly spaces, children already get facility,

one of that is place to playing. So, from playing children can increase

their intelligence.

7. Increasing the negotiation, communication, thinking and feeling of the


Because children meet many people from many circles. So, from

that create the communication, feeling, negotiation with friends in the

same age well pass from playing and increasing the thinking in

children, because meet many thing that can’t found in their usually

environment and study many thing.

4.2. The positive effect that appear from public area to the development of


Children friendly space in public area also give positive effect to the

development of children:

1. Increasing the development personal awareness

Because children in public area where all people can free to enter

without differentiation. So, children aware that their self same with

another people and children also not have attitude and thinking that

their self is more good than another people.

2. Increasing the development of emotional

When children do activity or interaction with playing or

communication in children friendly spaces in public area, children can

grow the sympathy, believing, and respect because in public area, all

people become one and free to entering that place. So, the

emotional's feeling of children appear automatically.

3. Increasing the development of language skill

Because when children in children friendly space in public area,

children meet many people. So, they are interaction with free and use

communication in interaction and in public area children can speaking

with friends in the same age, show their opinion and etc. So, happen

communication with friends in same age or another people. So, the

skills of children in language can increase.

4.3. The benefits that appear from public to the children

1. Ensuring the safety of children

Because one of the principle in to making public area is safety.

So, when in public area children can avoid from risk of accident

when do activities such us playing or etc.

2. Ensuring the right of children to playing

When in public area, of course in there able facility to playing.

So, the right of children can full, moreover playing is one of the

element that must full in the developing of children.

3. Children easy to do activities especially playing

Because there is room that can ensure the safety, and the

comfortable. So, children easy to do activity agree with their want,

well children healthy or have physical limitation or mentality.

4. Appearing the equity right of children

Because the opportunity of all children, well children that have

high status or not or children with physical limitation or mentality

to flexible playing in public area.

5. Help overall the development of children

Because when able public area, of course in there able playing.

From playing, children not just influence the intelligence of

children but also influence the cognitive, emotional and etc.

6. Can reduce the negative done by the children.

Because in public area already provided the good facility that

already be adapted with the principle to make the public area. So,

children can do activities that already provided by government.



5.1. Conclusion

Based on the result of the data and real information which has been

discussed in the previous chapter, it can be concluded as follows:

1. Children friendly space give positive impact to the psychological of

children, that is increasing the interaction, the socialization, the

cognitive of ability, physic, emotional, character of tolerance, respect,

sympathy, communication and the intelligence impulse, well physic

intelligence or kinesthetic skills of children.

2. Children friendly space in public area give positive impact to the

development of children, that is increasing the developing of personal

awareness, emotional and developing of language skills of children.

3. From public area also give many benefits to the children, that is

children can ensuring the safety, right, and children also can easy to

do many activities that they want. Not just that, public area also give

the equity, right and help overall to the developing of children.

5.2. Suggestion

After knowing about the positive impact of public area. So, the

writer hopefully will give the suggestion to:

1. The government to build children friendly space in public area not

just in big city, but also in small city/village. So, the children have

many to playing or do many activities that they want.

2. The parents can build children friendly space in public area

personally. So, parents can oversee their children directly.


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