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1.1. Methods and Techniques of Writing

In making this scientific writing, the writer uses methods and techniques of writing

consists of some steps as follows:

1. Appointment of Theme

This scientific writing has theme related to sociology, physychological. This

theme is determined by school. However, the writer tries to develop the theme on

this scientific writing.

2. Appointment of Title

The title of this scientific writing is “The Impact of Child Friendly Space in

Public Area”. This title is made by the writer based on the background which is

explained in chapter I.

3. Collecting Data

This scientific writing entitled “The Impact of Child Friendly Space in Public

Area”, the writer uses methods of library research, field research and internet

research. The writer has read some books which are connected on the title and

also looked for some sources through internet. Then the writer makes resumes of

important matters from the sources which can be used. The writer also does

interview with some expert that have related of the title.

4. Formation of Scientific Writing

From the sources which the writer has gotten, furthermore the writer

discusses the materials in chapter IV and explains some literatures in chapter II.

The writer hopes, all of the result of this scientific writing can be useful for us.

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