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RFC company manufactures two types of lamps: special lamp and regular lamp.

special lamp requires 4 pounds of brass and each regular lamp requires 8 pounds of
brass. During each production period, the company's brass supply is limited to 640
pounds. Each special lamp requires 6 hours of milling time in the machines and each
regular lamp requires 2 hours of milling time in the machines. The company's machines
are available only for 360 hours in each production period. Each special lamp requires 5
light bulbs that must be imported from Hongkong. The importation of these bulbs is
limited to 200 units. The contribution to profit of each special lamp is $400 and $360 on
the regular lamp. How many units of the special lamp and regular lamp should be
produced per production period in order to maximize the profit.

This is a linear programming problem.

First, define variables and let x be number of special lamps,
Y to be number of regular lamps.
x= special lamps
Y=regular lamps

Second, state objective function i.e

M = 400x + 360y 

Next constraints i.e
Find x<=200/5

Find points by algebra and substitute into the equation M = 400x + 360y 
The points are (0,0), (40,60), (40,0), (0,80) and by substituting we get:

(0, 0) = $0 
(0, 80) = $28,000
(40, 60) = $37,000 
(40, 0) = $16,000 

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