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The enlightenment song

By Jagadish

Enlightenment is the state I would always wish to have as insight

Learning from the past is always dream of knowing things as discernment

Connecting to the present generation through past is wisdom of judgment

The best way to learn is to be silent

With increased energy, higher productivity and satisfying rapport

One can easily have personal universe of his own nature contact

A person can easily reason out with the world planet

Through which he can put his case and get enlightened through superintendent

The best way to learn self is not through writing or saying with argument

But to know things practically by applied science of attainment

Reason out through following the fact

Come to the conclusion through wisdom of intellect

Doubt everything which comes to your path as intersect

Through your own experience you get enlightenment

Try to know things through self instead of told by others fragment

Believing in others would never give you strong spirit

But by making yourself enroll in the path of dust

You can attain salvation and wisdom of spiritual refinement

Direct experience is best way to attain correct accomplishment

Hence to be of use to self and to others ways of contact

One should be

Enlightened being !!!!! enlightened soul @@@@@enlightend human being

Leaders are not those who hold office or hold titles

They can be anyone say artisans or painters

They act as leaders as they have shown the way how to be employers

They know things as they know how to do the tasks themselves

They are not dependent but are independent in their duties

They learnt it themselves and have got proficient in earning commissions

Patience is the keyword through which they learnt not to have tensions

Desire to fast forward to learn things in advance would only create ruins

Learning to heal the wounds by themselves

Through patience and silently bearing the brunt would give you experiences

By making wounds heal through nature you would give yourself opportunities

Through these great opportunities one can do great things without having fears

When the time is ripe these fears would be wiped out and received with convictions

Impatience gives you fear , discouragement but patience gives you confident to save lives

When one is inspired great things can be accomplished having consciousness

It grows many folds and liberation happens with divine guidance as impetus

When the student is ready the teacher would arrive with inspiration to give suggestions

You would automatically know what to do in the planet or how to serve human beings

Hence to have inspired living and motto to be conscious one should have
Enlightenment is the state I would always wish to have as insight

Learning from the past is always dream of knowing things as discernment

Connecting to the present generation through past is wisdom of judgment

The best way to learn is to be silent

With increased energy, higher productivity and satisfying rapport

One can easily have personal universe of his own nature contact

A person can easily reason out with the world planet

Through which he can put his case and get enlightened through superintendent

The best way to learn self is not through writing or saying with argument

But to know things practically by applied science of attainment

Reason out through following the fact

Come to the conclusion through wisdom of intellect

Doubt everything which comes to your path as intersect

Through your own experience you get enlightenment

Try to know things through self instead of told by others fragment

Believing in others would never give you strong spirit

But by making yourself enroll in the path of dust

You can attain salvation and wisdom of spiritual refinement

Direct experience is best way to attain correct accomplishment

Hence to be of use to self and to others ways of contact

One should be

Enlightened being !!!!! enlightened soul @@@@@enlightend human being

Dominating over the weak would never give you solace

Tendency to worry on what which cannot be changed is mistake

What others think of us and what you want them to think is gaffe

Neglecting mind and not reading enough culminates to demise

Hence to come out of world of lapse

One should be good at ethical code

Trying to judge everything through crime is failure

Hence to be of some use one should have wisdom of learning curve

Through which if you impose authority over subjects of people

It would only lead to civil war of culture

For historians to be inquisitive

If you want to win warfare of jealousy, hatred and hearts act like juvenile

A young person acts only on two impulse

Either he moves towards pleasure

Or he makes decision to leave pain of ache

When decision of taking up task is thought about for hope

Criticism or failure is not end result of knowledge

Mindset who is balanced never think about detachment or attachment towards life

He is mathematical towards things meditative towards self and musical towards people

Failure of life as per observation is keeping aim too low or less

Those who keep aims high and aspire for it from their hearts with love

They are the ones who keep humans alive

Showing mercy on others lifestyle

Building up fortress of grit with determination as escape

You would have huge solace and god like feeling towards globe
Thus to understand life closely with full vigor and passion seeing people with care

Enlightenment is the state I would always wish to have as insight

Learning from the past is always dream of knowing things as discernment

Connecting to the present generation through past is wisdom of judgment

The best way to learn is to be silent

With increased energy, higher productivity and satisfying rapport

One can easily have personal universe of his own nature contact

A person can easily reason out with the world planet

Through which he can put his case and get enlightened through superintendent

The best way to learn self is not through writing or saying with argument

But to know things practically by applied science of attainment

Reason out through following the fact

Come to the conclusion through wisdom of intellect

Doubt everything which comes to your path as intersect

Through your own experience you get enlightenment

Try to know things through self instead of told by others fragment

Believing in others would never give you strong spirit

But by making yourself enroll in the path of dust

You can attain salvation and wisdom of spiritual refinement

Direct experience is best way to attain correct accomplishment

Hence to be of use to self and to others ways of contact

one should be

Enlightened being !!!!! enlightened soul @@@@@enlightend human being

Being of use to mankind is biggest treat a human being can give to himself as virtue

It is laws prescribed in the society which has burnt away desire

If you are living in this world you have made adjustments in life

Through this understanding biography is drafted for people to see commonsense

It is not what you suffer in life , it is what with which you make adjustment with strife

The best gift to self is understanding of wisdom of penance

Judging sanity and insanity is your own interpretation of having repentance

Being clean, ugly , godly , unhygienic is getting connected with nature

Being truthful to self is the only thing one should learn in globe

Once you have command over it nobody can destroy your confidence

You would gain passion and would connect to higher dimension of universe

In this world everyone has done great works but rewarded posthumously when alive

Serene things were done when they were living and after dead became active

Commonsense was to reward the person when alive but after dead were given fortune

Earth recorded poverty in their lives but people know them as wise

They communicated anger, frustration hatred and goodness when awake

Making their lives meaning to present generation of ignorance

Only to see that they were not appreciated when they were aware

But in present tense and not past tense when they were operative

The society if it is communicative

Would appreciate their discomfort and have a learning curve

It is their intention which if was expressed more vividly in essence

People would do more degrees in their life than before

Always be different if you aspire for riches in abundance

It is what you differentiate yourself from the rest of teenage lifestyle

You would end up in the world of truthfulness where the route is self awareness passage
Through which you can protect yourself from being with nature circle

And mind mapping with intellectuals both present and past with substance

Hence to be of use to people always inculcate in you enlightenment of past with present telling

Enlightenment is the state I would always wish to have as insight

Learning from the past is always dream of knowing things as discernment

Connecting to the present generation through past is wisdom of judgment

The best way to learn is to be silent

With increased energy, higher productivity and satisfying rapport

One can easily have personal universe of his own nature contact

A person can easily reason out with the world planet

Through which he can put his case and get enlightened through superintendent

The best way to learn self is not through writing or saying with argument

But to know things practically by applied science of attainment

Reason out through following the fact

Come to the conclusion through wisdom of intellect

Doubt everything which comes to your path as intersect

Through your own experience you get enlightenment

Try to know things through self instead of told by others fragment

Believing in others would never give you strong spirit

But by making yourself enroll in the path of dust

You can attain salvation and wisdom of spiritual refinement

Direct experience is best way to attain correct accomplishment

Hence to be of use to self and to others ways of contact

One should be

Enlightened being !!!!! enlightened soul @@@@@enlightend human being

Thoughts are the base on which mind rests upon thinking lines

What you really ask you get it as rewards

What you really wish for you get it as boons

What you really intend to you get it as gains

It is your progress in life which is the key to success

Through enthusiasm one knows how to do labor work to bring happiness

It nourishes successful life and gains excitement through sharing joys

Excitement should never get converted to violence of roughness

It should age on to dust giving considerable insight to near ones

You should never badge them with courage to die in warfare's

But take care of them in times of teaching them cooperation in times of struggles

Never ever teach an individual competition as it would lead them to battles

A country should have politicians who should have habit of postponing contests

Such type of country becomes what politicians groom it us either peace or combat zones

Kindness when taught to children in place of conflicts

World would be a peaceful place of heaven and not a place of demons

Service channels should use media as attentive line of posts

Trying to do justification of ending as less as possible lives

Trying not to embrace wars but to delete it at all costs

Hence an enlightened being is one who embraces peace and reduces hostilities has agenda of
Enlightenment is the state I would always wish to have as insight

Learning from the past is always dream of knowing things as discernment

Connecting to the present generation through past is wisdom of judgment

The best way to learn is to be silent

With increased energy, higher productivity and satisfying rapport

One can easily have personal universe of his own nature contact

A person can easily reason out with the world planet

Through which he can put his case and get enlightened through superintendent

The best way to learn self is not through writing or saying with argument

But to know things practically by applied science of attainment

Reason out through following the fact

Come to the conclusion through wisdom of intellect

Doubt everything which comes to your path as intersect

Through your own experience you get enlightenment

Try to know things through self instead of told by others fragment

Believing in others would never give you strong spirit

But by making yourself enroll in the path of dust

You can attain salvation and wisdom of spiritual refinement

Direct experience is best way to attain correct accomplishment

Hence to be of use to self and to others ways of contact

One should be

Enlightened being !!!!! enlightened soul @@@@@enlightend human being


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