Designer Endosymbionts

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ScienceDirect Systems Biology

Designer endosymbionts: Converting free-living

bacteria into organelles
Rebecca S. Meaney, Samir Hamadachea,
Maximillian P. M. Soltysiaka and Bogumil J. Karas

Abstract between two or more species. The endosymbiotic theory

An emerging frontier in synthetic biology involves the engi- is the widely accepted model for explaining the origins of
neering of interspecies relationships, one of which could result mitochondria and chloroplasts [2]. According to this
in the development of novel organelles. The endosymbiotic theory, these organelles descend from free-living bacteria
theory is the most widely accepted model for the evolutionary that took up residence within other cells and formed
origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts, asserting that these symbiotic relationships with their hosts over evolutionary
organelles descended from free-living bacteria. Imitating this time [3,4]. By imitating this evolutionary mechanism, a
process experimentally, which we refer to herein as directed technique that can be called directed endosymbiosis, it
endosymbiosis, could enable the development of an entirely could be possible to generate novel or synthetic organ-
new class of organisms with synthetic organelles. In this elles. Not only does this provide an opportunity to
review, we discuss principles and strategies for directed improve existing types of organelles, but there is also the
endosymbiosis and highlight current developments. We also potential to equip cells with entirely new classes of or-
describe several bacterial species as candidates for converting ganelles [5]. While this review focuses on the develop-
into organelles that would have interesting applications. ment of bacterial species for endosymbiosis within yeast
hosts, directed endosymbiosis will not be limited to
Addresses these organisms. The rapid growth rate, genetic tracta-
Department of Biochemistry, Schulich School of Medicine and
bility, and availability of yeast strain collections will ease
Dentistry, The University of Western Ontario, London, N6A 5C1,
Ontario, Canada the process of establishing effective methods for
directed endosymbiosis; however, we foresee a broad
Corresponding author: Karas, Bogumil J ( range of hosts, including multicellular organisms such as
Co-second authors. plants and animals, being adapted in the future.

Current Opinion in Systems Biology 2020, 24:41–50

Although modification of existing organelles such as
chloroplasts and mitochondria could lead to the devel-
This review comes from a themed issue on Synthetic Biology (2020)
opment of synthetic organelles, methods for cloning,
Edited by Matteo Barberis and Tom Ellis engineering, and delivery are still being developed [6e
For complete overview of the section, please refer the article collection - 8]. Instead, the strategy we discuss here involves
Synthetic Biology (2020) introducing bacteria (candidate endosymbionts) into
Available online 28 September 2020 eukaryotic cells (hosts) to produce stable symbiotic chimeras. Toward such a goal, Agapakis et al. [9] aimed
2452-3100/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an to create artificial chloroplasts. They demonstrated that
open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons. the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus could be taken
org/licenses/by/4.0/). up and propagated by zebrafish embryos, hamster ovary
cells, or mouse macrophages with no apparent effect on
Keywords their viability [9]. More recently, Mehta et al. (2018)
Synthetic biology, Directed endosymbiosis, Novel organelle, Nitrogen- [10] transferred and maintained auxotrophic Escherichia
fixing organelle, Mycoplasma, Cyanobacteria, Rhizobia. coli within respiration-deficient Saccharomyces cerevisiae in
an effort to mimic the evolution of mitochondria. In this
study, thiamin-deficient E. coli exported ATP through a
Introduction transgenic translocase for the S. cerevisiae Dcox2 host in
Synthetic biology is the rapidly evolving practice of exchange for thiamin. Chimeras were then able to grow
designing and creating novel biological systems. This on nonfermentable media, showing a partially rescued
highly interdisciplinary field is made possible by tech- respiration-competent phenotype [10]. To further
nological advances in the reading, writing, and editing of simulate organelle evolution, the group created multi-
genomes [1]. A largely unexplored realm involves the auxotrophic strains and removed up to 46 kb from the
engineering of novel endosymbiotic relationships E. coli genome, imitating genome reduction that Current Opinion in Systems Biology 2020, 24:41–50

42 Synthetic biology (2020)

occurred in the lineage leading to mitochondria. They the ability to observe and compare quantitative changes
confirmed that the bacteria-containing hosts were stable in the metabolism and genetic content that may occur in
for at least 40 generations with survival assays and visual either symbiont over evolutionary time [22]. Aside from
imaging [10,11]. Furthermore, after establishing a identifying compounds for syntrophic exchange, it is
method for the transfer of whole bacterial genomes to critical to ensure the successful transport of these
yeast, Karas et al. proposed [12] and later observed [13] compounds from one organism to another [4]. Such
that synthetic mycoplasma cells are transiently suppor- transporters could be installed in the endosymbiont as
ted within S. cerevisiae. In this review, we highlight the needed [10].
current techniques and methodologies used in
pioneering studies for the development of novel endo- For endosymbionts to withstand the host’s intracellular
symbionts. Discussion focuses on symbiont engineering, environment, an extra level of engineering to defend
methods to deliver endosymbionts, as well as candidate from autophagy- or lysosomal-mediated degradation is
bacteria and their potential advantages as novel required [9,10]. When Karas et al. (2013, 2019) [12, 13]
organelles. used synthetic mycoplasma cells in fusion/engulfment
experiments with yeast, the bacterial genomes were
Designing endosymbioses transferred to the nucleus rather than whole bacterial
There are two conditions that aid in the initiation of cells surviving within the yeast cytoplasm [12]. Genome
symbiosis: syntrophy and tolerance. Syntrophy requires survival was enabled by inserting a yeast centromere,
that neither partner can survive without the other, each selection marker, and autonomous replicating sequences
providing a necessary compound that the other cannot into the mycoplasma genomes. However, without addi-
synthesize or obtain on its own in a specific environment tional engineering to prevent bacterial cell degradation,
[2]. By engineering syntrophy into the endosymbiotic the bacterial cells were only transiently observed
relationship, selection pressures favor chimeras over immediately after the cell engulfment events [13]. To
their free-living precursors and ensure a stable rela- circumvent cellular digestion, both Agapakis et al. and
tionship over evolutionary timescales [14,15]. Tolerance Mehta et al. installed genes derived from pathogenic
refers to the symbionts having either negligible or bacteria that encode proteins that have evolved specif-
manageable adverse effects on the survival and fitness of ically to manipulate the host’s machinery. Agapakis et al.
their symbiotic counterparts. In the case of endosym- (2011) [9] used a cytolysin from Listeria monocytogenes,
biosis, tolerance means that the host does not digest the called Listeriolysin O. This pore-forming toxin disrupts
endosymbiont, whose presence in the cytoplasm is endosomal membranes, allowing escape from phag-
nontoxic to the host [16]. osomes after bacterial invasion of eukaryotic cells [23].
Alternatively, Mehta et al. (2018) [10] demonstrated
So far, a straightforward empirical strategy has been that soluble N-ethylmaleimideesensitive factor
implemented to promote syntrophic relationships be- attachment receptor (SNARE)elike proteins from
tween symbionts. As demonstrated by Mehta et al. Chlamydia trachomatis (Ctr_incA and CT_813) and Chla-
(2019) [10,11], the viability of auxotrophic bacterial mydia caviae (Cca_incA) could function synergistically to
endosymbiont variants can be evaluated based on the effectively preserve E. coli symbionts over several rounds
permissive growth of chimeras in selective media. of plating. These bacterial SNARE-like proteins contain
However, to rationally engineer syntrophy, a holistic a coiled-coil motif that is structurally analogous to
understanding of the unique metabolic systems from eukaryotic SNARE proteins [24]. This cross-species
each symbiont is required [16,17]. Existing metabolic proteineprotein interaction inhibits lysosomal fusion
systems biology and computational-based pipelines, and proteosomal digestion [10,25]. Provided the endo-
including genome-scale metabolic reconstruction tools symbiont has escaped the host defense mechanisms,
and constraint-based reconstruction analyses, have been ensuring that its presence is not detrimental to the
traditionally designed for modeling individual microbial host’s survival is a crucial step to sustaining the symbi-
strains [18e20]. These models have proven to be otic relationship. Relative rates of cell division, the
important in many studies for enabling accurate pre- export of cytotoxins from the endosymbiont, or deple-
dictions of phenotypes, distributions and variability in tion of host metabolites are all potential concerns in
metabolic flux, and changes in relative expression levels directed endosymbiosis [15].
[18,21]. However, new algorithms could be written to
integrate data from both symbionts into a single hybrid Based on the designs developed in these foundational
model [5,19]. Simulations of syntrophic systems could studies, we propose that candidate endosymbionts can
allow for more reliable experimental designs within a be engineered with components for symbiosis and for
defined set of conditions, as well as aid in tuning existing genome transfer and maintenance (Figure 1a). If Design
or novel organelles for optimal function by identifying 1 does not produce a successful symbiosis, the additional
metabolic targets for upregulation or downregulation modifications in Design 2 can serve as a control for
[20,21]. Another benefit of using a systems approach is bacterial cell engulfment, without the need for micro-
scopy. To distinguish between two different outcomes in
Current Opinion in Systems Biology 2020, 24:41–50
Converting free-living bacteria into organelles Meaney et al. 43

Design 2 (Figure 1b), yeast cells need to be plated on macrophages to engulf S. elongatus cells expressing
the appropriate media, in accordance with the yeast invasin. In both cases, the S. elongatus cells also
selection marker, and screened with appropriate mo- expressed Listeriolysin O to escape lysosomal degrada-
lecular biology techniques. If the symbiosis is success- tion. The researchers also applied microinjection to
ful, continued propagation, along with consecutive deliver live S. elongatus cells directly into zebrafish em-
rounds of whole-genome sequencing of the recovered bryos [9]. Other mechanical approaches that have the
chimeras, may reveal acquired mutations and horizontal potential to enable greater precision and efficiency of
gene transfer events. Over time the symbiotic relation- the engulfment process include micro-
ship between both organisms may evolve to optimize electromechanical systems and microfluidics [28].
their syntrophy, tolerance, and overall fitness.
The use of polyethylene glycol (PEG) is an established
Installing endosymbionts chemical method for transforming DNA and fusing
Methods for installing endosymbionts in host cells can mammalian cells to create hybridomas [29]. In 1989,
be categorized into biological, mechanical, or chemical Sulo et al. [30] demonstrated that PEG could be used to
techniques. Biological methods involve genetically introduce isolated mitochondria into respiration-
based systems which either allow bacteria to invade cells deficient yeast protoplasts. A method was established
of other species or, conversely, enable cells to internalize much later by Karas et al. (2013, 2014) [12, 31] for the
bacteria from their surroundings. In 2011, Agapakis et al. transfer of whole bacterial genomes to yeast sphero-
[9] demonstrated three approaches: two biological and plasts as a means to prevent genome shearing. It was
one mechanical. The first biological strategy equipped hypothesized that PEG-mediated direct genome trans-
S. elongatus with recombinant invasin to invade fer from bacteria to yeast could happen via one of three
mammalian endothelial cells. Originating from the ways: (1) the release of bacterial genomes into solution
pathogen Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, invasin is an outer and uptake of the whole genome during yeast trans-
membrane protein that exploits mammalian b1- formation, (2) fusion between yeast and bacteria cell
integrins to invade host cells [27]. The other biolog- membranes, or (3) whole cell engulfment [12]. The
ical approach harnessed the phagocytic activity of third outcome was supported by follow-up research

Figure 1

Genome engineering strategies for directed endosymbiosis using bacteria and yeast as partners. (a) Design 1 includes the necessary elements that need
to be added to the bacterial genome to facilitate syntrophy and tolerance. This can include genes such as a membrane protein for transferring the
syntrophic product into the yeast cytosol and SNARE-like proteins to manipulate the host’s lysosomal machinery to avoid degradation (square) [10].
Design 2 includes the features of design 1 along with a yeast centromere sequence and yeast selection marker (circle). Note that yeast autonomous
replication sequences (star) must be inserted approximately every 100 kb if the G + C content of the bacterial genome is greater than 40% [26]. (b)
Potential outcomes using the two designs described in (a). When bacteria with genome design 1 are engulfed by yeast, the cell survive processing by
lysosomal vesicles, allowing the bacteria and yeast to exchange cytosolic metabolites and promote a symbiotic relationship. Using design 2 two outcomes
are possible. In 2i, engineering of the candidate endosymbiont fails to protect the cell from host degradation, but the bacterial genome is translocated to
the yeast nucleus for propagation. This demonstrates that the endosymbiont was successfully engulfed by yeast, but additional engineering will be
required for cell survival. Meanwhile 2ii, indicates a functional symbiotic relationship as is with design 1. SNARE, soluble N-ethylmaleimide–sensitive
factor attachment receptor Current Opinion in Systems Biology 2020, 24:41–50

44 Synthetic biology (2020)

[13]. Mehta et al. (2018) [10] used a similar method to them difficult to work with in academic and industrial
deliver E. coli endosymbionts into S. cerevisiae host cells research facilities. In these cases, Mesoplasma florum
during their pursuit to model mitochondrial evolution. could be used instead because it is a fast-growing
This work provides evidence to suggest that PEG- mollicute that naturally lacks pathogenic activity and
mediated cell engulfment will be an effective method has several established genetic tools [40e42]. Alterna-
for inducing directed endosymbiosis, especially if auto- tively, the mollicute Acholeplasma laidlawii could also be
mated like other protoplast transformation systems developed as a candidate endosymbiont as it too has a
[32]. While the molecular mechanisms of PEG- biosafety level 1 classification and a small 1.5-Mb
mediated cell engulfment are not yet fully understood, genome. Unlike M. mycoides and M. florum, A. laidlawii
controls can be implemented to distinguish endosym- uses the standard genetic code. Some synthetic biology
biotic events from other results (Figure 1b). tools have been developed for A. laidlawii [43]. See
Supplementary File S1 for an extensive list of genetic
Candidate endosymbionts tools developed for the candidate endosymbionts.
Bacteria in the class Mollicutes are the simplest self- Cyanobacteria
replicating organisms and are established as model sys- Cyanobacteria are an essential group of phototrophic
tems for investigating the minimal genetic re- bacteria. Their ancestors are theorized to be responsible
quirements for life [33,34]. These bacteria are well for the initial oxygenation of Earth’s atmosphere and the
known for their parasitic behaviors, absent cell wall, low origin of eukaryotic chloroplasts [17,44]. As photosyn-
genomic G þ C content (25e40%), and very small ge- thetic organisms, cyanobacteria are desirable models for
nomes (0.6e2.2 Mb) due to reductive evolution [34]. biomanufacturing applications in terms of economic and
Given their natural proclivity for intracellular life, environmental benefits. Consequently, these bacteria
Mollicutes are an attractive foundation for developing are being explored for the production of valuable com-
specialized organelles in a low genetic background; or in pounds, including native secondary metabolites (e.g.
other words, an endosymbiotic chassis. They may also be pigments, vitamins) and heterologous metabolites (e.g.
useful for studying organelle genome evolution because alcohols, fatty acids, hydrocarbons) [17,21,45]. In addi-
of their tendency to leave mutations unrepaired [35]. tion, cyanobacteria can be grown in large-scale, open
Mollicutes have a significantly reduced metabolic ca- bioreactors without occupying arable land or consuming
pacity and are required to outsource nearly all of their potable water, promoting environmentally sustainable
essential nutrients from host organisms [36]. In some manufacturing technologies [46,47]. For the interest of
Mollicutes, the UGA codon translates to tryptophan developing novel photosynthetic organelles, we will
rather than stop [34]. In directed endosymbiosis, it focus the discussion around S. elongatus.
could be advantageous to use a bacterium with a
nonstandard genetic code to ensure that only the Until recently, the leading model strain of Synechococcus
endosymbiont is responsible for producing the syntro- was S. elongatus sp. PCC 7942; however, S. elongatus sp.
phic metabolite for a host that uses the standard genetic UTEX 2973 has been favored since its discovery owing
code, regardless of horizontal gene transfer. to its rapid 1.9-h doubling time. Both strains harbor
2.7 Mb (55% G þ C) genomes along with an endogenous
Much of the pioneering research in synthetic biology plasmid and are 99.8% genetically identical; however,
using Mollicutes was completed at the J. Craig Venter UTEX 2973 has a growth rate that is roughly 2.5-fold
Institute (JCVI) and focused around developing tools greater [48]. Mutations to only three genes are
for genetic manipulation of fast-growing Mycoplasma thought to have caused this dramatic change in growth
mycoides cells. After demonstrating that the M. mycoides rate [48], as well as an increased tolerance to high light
subsp. capri LC GM12 genome could be transplanted intensity and temperature [49]. These are properties
into another bacterium [37], the authors chemically that could substantially enhance the potential for
synthesized and assembled the entire 1.08 Mb (24% commercial-scale bioproduction in cyanobacteria [50].
G þ C) to create the first cell with a fully synthetic Several synthetic biology toolboxes [44,51,52] have
genome, JCVI-syn1.0 [38]. Further work eliminated 428 been developed for these strains, including standardized
genes, resulting in the self-replicating organism with the methods for modular cloning, assembly and delivery
smallest set of genes, called JCVI-syn3.0 [33]. Recently [53], and genome editing techniques. These tools will
this strain, now called JCVI-syn3A, was upgraded to aid with the engineering of S. elongatus endosymbionts.
improve growth rate, and a comprehensive metabolic
reconstruction was also completed [39]. There are some notable engineering challenges inherent
to using light-dependent metabolic systems, such as
One disadvantage of using synthetic cells based upon those from cyanobacteria, in synthetic organelles. Pre-
the M. mycoides genome is that they are classified as a vious studies have demonstrated that characterized ge-
biosafety level 3 organism in some countries, making netic parts from more established hosts, such as E. coli

Current Opinion in Systems Biology 2020, 24:41–50

Converting free-living bacteria into organelles Meaney et al. 45

and S. cerevisiae, do not always have robust functions host, posing another engineering opportunity to create
when installed in cyanobacteria and consequently specialized organelles for bioremediation [65].
require debugging for reliable use [54]. In addition,
S. elongatus has been shown to have poor photosynthetic The model species, Sinorhizobium meliloti, is naturally
efficiency, utilizing approximately 10% of solar energy found in three distinct environments; bulk soil, the
[47]. Synthetic biology approaches to widen photo- rhizosphere, and in root nodules of alfalfa (Medicago
system absorption spectra or optimize the electron sativa) [66]. S. meliloti 1021 is the representative strain
transport chain could significantly improve energy uti- and harbors a multipartite genome composed of a pri-
lization and, in turn, production capacity [17,47]. The mary chromosome (3.6 Mb), a megaplasmid for symbi-
high ploidy of Synechococcus strains is another restricting otic nitrogen fixation called pSymA (1.4 Mb) and an
factor that can result in laborious procedures for the essential chromid called pSymB (1.7 Mb) [66,67]. With
identification of fully segregated mutants. For example, a doubling time as short as 2 h, S. meliloti has a growth
PCC 7942 can carry w5e7 genome copies per cell [48]. rate comparable to yeast, making it suitable for rapid and
Prochlorococcus marinus, the most abundant photosyn- high-throughput screening protocols for research and
thetic organism on Earth, could be used as an alternative biotechnological applications [68]. Several
because it has a small (1.7 Mb) single-copy genome that recombination-based cloning and editing strategies [69]
can be cloned in yeast [55]. However, with a doubling have been established in S. meliloti along with many
time of 24 h and very few established genetic tools, genetic parts (promoters, terminators, ribosome binding
further research will be required before P. marinus could site (RBSs), selectable markers, origins of replication,
be converted into endosymbionts [56]. etc.) that have been characterized [19,57,70,71].
Another feature of S. meliloti is its abundance of diverse
Rhizobia inducible solute-binding transporters, a trait for adapt-
Rhizobia are a diverse group of diazotrophic proteobac- ing to various ecological settings, that may simplify en-
teria known best for their interactions with legumes. gineering syntrophic metabolite transfer between the
Symbiotic rhizobia species can infect and colonize root host and proto-endosymbiont [72].
nodules from the soil, where they can effectively fix and
supply biologically active ammonia for the plant cell in The natural propensity to form symbiotic relationships
exchange for C4-dicarboxylates [57,58]. While native with alfalfa is a strong indication that S. meliloti could be
rhizobiaeplant interactions contribute more than 65% genetically tractable as a synthetic organelle. However,
of biologically fixed nitrogen in crops, the continued it is likely that initiating and controlling nitrogen fixa-
increase in the global population has resulted in the tion may be challenging because rhizobiaelegume
mass use of nitrogen fertilizers to maximize crop yield symbioses are mediated through a highly regulated
[58,59]. The manufacture and application of these cascade of cell signaling interactions that result in dif-
products, often in excess, has resulted in significant ferentiation of both symbionts [19,58,62,73]. A newly
production of greenhouse gases, aquatic eutrophication, identified strain, Bradyrhizobium sp. DOA9, may serve as
and billions of dollars in costs annually [57,60]. Several a promising secondary candidate as it can fix atmo-
strategies to address the nitrogen problem have been spheric nitrogen in both symbiotic and free-living states
researched, revolving primarily around the installation of [74]. The presence of two structurally distinct activator
transgenes into nonlegume hosts; however, an intriguing proteins of the nifHDK structural genes, encoded on
alternative would involve converting rhizobia into syn- the chromosome (nifAc) and plasmid (nifAp), in DOA9
thetic nitrogen-fixing organelles [61]. Similar to bacte- were shown to exhibit redundant transcriptional initia-
roids [19,58], which are differentiated endosymbiotic tion during symbiosis but not independent growth.
rhizobia, nitrogen-fixing organelles could reside within Upon further investigation, it was confirmed that nifAp
plant cells and provide a subcellular compartment to is dispensable for nitrogen fixation in free-living condi-
house the native nitrogen-fixation genes and regulation tions, whereas nifAc is not, suggesting that this intrinsic
system (nif and fix, respectively) while modulating regulation system may be easier to induce for the crea-
oxygen concentration and generating adequate cellular tion of nitrogen-fixing organelles [75].
power [60,62]. Rhizobia endosymbionts could mitigate
many of the current challenges associated with adapting Relevance of synthetic organelles
highly complex and sensitive biological nitrogen-fixation After a detailed discussion surrounding specific strate-
systems, as seen in recent studies implementing Kleb- gies and species for developing synthetic organelles, a
siella and Azotobacter nitrogenase systems in eukaryotic broader perspective on their importance in the scientific
hosts [63,64]. Furthermore, some species of rhizobia and general community should also be touched upon.
have the capability to share their natural tolerance for Directed endosymbiosis can be applied in several
heavy metals, increased salinity, and drought with their different areas of study, including eukaryotic evolution, Current Opinion in Systems Biology 2020, 24:41–50

46 Synthetic biology (2020)

biotechnology, cell compartmentalization, and medicine composition, it may be possible to achieve further
(Figure 2). The mechanisms, microenvironment, and optimized genetic networks to improve cellular pro-
duration in which the mitochondria and chloroplast cesses that occur in organelles, including oxidative
arose have been highly debated over time [14]; however, phosphorylation or carbon fixation, during respiration
this experimental strategy may now offer a platform to and photosynthesis, respectively [47]. These improve-
put such hypotheses to the test [76]. Aside from ments could result in traits such as the increased growth
modeling the conception of current organelles, evolu- rate and biomass, allowing microbe and plant species to
tionary biology techniques could also be used for be exploited to their full bioindustrial potential. In
directed evolution with either random or targeted addition, directed endosymbiosis can be used to solve
mutagenesis [77]. other biotechnologically relevant issues including
cellular containment or fine-tuning environmental con-
Natural organelles have evolved unique sets of charac- ditions because organelles are, by definition, isolated
teristics to survive and reproduce under particular from the rest of the cell [78].
environmental conditions [14]. With a thorough
knowledge of an organism’s biochemical and metabolic

Figure 2

Potential applications of synthetic organelles in various areas of research. Left: superior organelles could be created based on naturally occurring
mitochondria and chloroplasts (improved or custom phenotypes). Top: synthetic organelles could be used as models for researching diseases implicating
mitochondria. In principle, engineered organelles could then be used therapeutically to replace or repopulate defective mitochondria in patients. Right:
organelles compartmentalize biochemical networks. Synthetic organelles can provide unique environmental conditions necessary to enable or optimize
highly specific or sensitive biological processes, such as nitrogen fixation. Bottom: directed endosymbiosis could be used as an experimental tool for
studying evolutionary biology and presents the opportunity to elucidate more information regarding the origin of the eukaryotic lineage and the role of
symbiogenesis in speciation.

Current Opinion in Systems Biology 2020, 24:41–50

Converting free-living bacteria into organelles Meaney et al. 47

Lastly, synthetic organelles could have significance in photosynthetic animals for extraterrestrial ecosystems
medicine for the study and treatment of organelle- [81]. Thus, directed endosymbiosis has the potential
related diseases. For example, in mammals, mitochon- to gain significant experimental tractability in many
dria have pivotal cellular roles in energetics, cell cycle fields of study in the near future.
regulation, and apoptosis, and when such mechanisms
are disrupted or deregulated it can lead to conditions Author contribution
including, cancer, diabetes, muscular degenerative and R.S.M. and S.H. wrote the first draft manuscript, and all
neurodegenerative diseases [79]. Using a mammalian authors edited the final version. R.S.M. and S.H. created
host model for directed endosymbiosis, it may be draft figures, and all authors edited the final versions.
possible to develop therapeutic strategies, similar to M.P.M.S wrote the supplementary file. Graphical ab-
artificial organelles developed by Einfalt et al. [80], that stract and Figure 1 were created with
could allow for the repair or replacement of impaired
mitochondria with synthetic counterparts.
Conflict of interest statement
Nothing declared.
Directed endosymbiosis is a developing field that will Acknowledgements
contribute new opportunities for the study of symbio- This work was supported by the Government of Canada’s New Frontiers in
genesis and the development of improved or original Research Fund (NFRF), [NFRFE-2018-01124]. In addition, research in
B.J.K. is also supported by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
organelles. The systems and synthetic biology methods Council of Canada (NSERC), [RGPIN-2018-06172].
examined in this review provide a set of principles for
the design, construction, and analysis of endosymbiotic
systems following cell engulfment events. Such strate- Appendix A. Supplementary data
gies for implementing syntrophy and tolerance will Supplementary data to this article can be found online
likely be expanded and improved upon with additional at
experimental research. To aid in the evaluation of future
systems and to confirm that endosymbionts have been References
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