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Do the following tasks by modifying “Consultation Request.docx” document, then save
your work in .docx format named OB3.1_NIM_NAMA.docx
☐ 1. Table to Text Convert the table to text
Table below the “Consultation fee Schedule” heading
 Separate text with tabs

☐ 2. List Create a bulleted list

The text “Overall room design……..Textile selection”
below the “Consultation Type” heading
 Bullet Chraracter: Schedule.png
 Indent bullet position: 0,40” (1,016 cm)
 Number of columns: 2
 Line spacing: 1,5 lines

☐ 3. List Create a list

Text “Jo Berry …….Melanie White” located below the
“Avialable Consultants” heading
 Type: Multilevel list
 Number style: 1., 1.1., 1.1.1., etc
 Level 1: “Jo Berry; Andy Ruth; Carlos Carvallo”
 Level 2: “Assitant: Marco Devandien; Assistant:
Angelie Adina; Assitant: Melanie White”
 Level 1 text format: Bold
 Level 2 text format: Italic

☐ 4. Text to Table Convert text to a table and modify the table

All tabbed text from “No……$20.00” below the”In-Home
Trip Charge” heading
 Autofit to contents
 Separate text at Tabs
 Table Style: Grid table 4 – Accent 2
 Remove row 6
 Change value text from “$20.00” to “$22.00” at
column 3
 Insert text under “No” in Column 1: “1, 2, ...5”
 Table dimension should be 6 rows x 3 columns

☐ 5. Modify Table Modify the table

Table converted from text
 Center align data in the “fee” column
 Change table Style: Grid Table 5 Dark – Accent 3
 Sort by: Distance, Descending
 Make sure the text under “No” Column 1, also
starting from “1, 2,…5”
☐ 6. Properties Add a document property
Consultation Request.docx
 Author: Your Name

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