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An Analysis of Communication Strategies Perceived by Students in

Relation to Improve Speaking Ability During Pandemic COVID-19

at 2nd Grade of SMAN 3 Bukittinggi


In Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for Undergraduate Program in English


The Strata One (SI) Degree

Submitted By :







1444 H/2021 M


A. Research Background

During pandemic spread broadly in Indonesia, schools and colleges should be shut.
Therefore, this phenomenon has step by step set off instruction professionals and
instructors to set up their web based learning framework. Instruction has changed
drastically where educating is embraced distantly and on computerized stages. With this
unexpected move away from the home room, some puzzled over whether the selection of
internet learning will proceed and what it would mean for our schooling framework.1

Since the public authority choose to apply this framework into the instructive area,
instructors are compelled to be imaginative, responsive, and become well-high innovation
clients. Based on the Ministry of Education regulation range 36962/MPK.A/HK/2020
regarding on-line learning and work from place preventing coronavirus Diseases, it states
that in the COVID-19 all establishments ought to enforce online learning from home for
college students (points four (a)). Supported this regulation, teacher should use online
learning platforms to facilitate students resembling Zoom Cloud Meeting, Google Meet,
Google classroom.

The present study tries to work the effectiveness of communication strategies in

teaching speaking as informal interaction a sit sometimes this lesson is practiced directly
in the classroom. though the coronavirus pandemic occurred, the educational method of
speaking for informal interaction ought to be conducted effectively, it's not simply for the
request of curriculum completion however is additionally for the continual improvement
of students’ speaking skill because it has been notable that speaking talent is one of the
foremost necessary language skill. Therefore, it should be regularly learned by the
students to be able to communicate effectively in English.

In the genuine condition, it is as yet hard for Indonesian students to rehearse their
English capacity in daily conversation despite the fact that they have been reading

Eva Solina Gultom, “Strategies to Teaching Speaking Online (A Case Study at University of Halu Oleo
Kendari)”, UHAMKA International Conference on ELT and CALL (UICELL), 2020
English for a very long time in conventional junior secondary school, senior secondary
school and college because of they may get a decent score of English in their report card
however they can't communicate in English smoothly yet (Musthafa, 2001). The reality
numerous English as a Foreign Language (EFL) educators complain about their speaking
classes in which a considerable number of students are not reacting effectively in talking
works out (Abadi, 2015).2

Speaking may be a highly complicated interactive ability that has the else complexity
of being very anxiety-provoking for learners of another language (Woodrow2006).
Thornbury (2012) points out that there's the very obvious gap for L2 learners of restricted
information of grammar, vocabulary and phonology. In addition, speaking is extremely
dynamic as learners should be ready rto turn out language ‘on the fly’ while not the good
thing about the design and reflection associated with different skills, significantly reading
and writing. In addition to learning the linguistic options of the language, speakers should
manage a combination of accuracy, fluency and complexness so they will meet the heavy
process demands of spontaneous talk.3
Whereas students’ have restricted time to find out English in class, and that
they still don't have enough encouragement to apply English outside the category to
induce acquainted with English. The most goal of teaching speaking is communicative
efficiency. Teaching speaking suggests that serving learners develop their ability to act
with success within the target language. 4

To develop speaking competence moreover during this pandemic,

learners should acquire information of the language systems and the genres of discourse,
the core skills of utterance, and communication strategies that alter them to manage and 
negotiate fast communication. Besides, speakers should recognize culturally
and physically flowered streams of discourse that facilitate them to anticipate the types
of speech events they're coping with so on produce significant exchanges with others.
Ikrar Genidal Riadil, “A Study’s Perception: Identfying EFL Learner’s Problems in Speaking Skill”, International
Journal of Education, Languange and Religion, vol 2, No 1, 2020, 31-38
Anne burns and Joseph Siegel, International Perspective on Teaching The Four Skill in ELT, (Australia: Springer
Nature: 2018), pp5-6
Dr. Ahmed Maher mahmoud Al Nakhalah, “problems and Difficulties of Speaking That Encounter English
Languange Students at Al Quds Open University”, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science
Invention, Vol 5, No 12, 2016, 96-101
They also ought to savvy to use speech pragmatically and inter culturally so that they
will respond in applicable ways in which and have interaction effectively in encounters
with speakers across completely different cultures, data that has become progressively
vital in an interconnected and globalized world where English could be a
language (Seidlhofer 2011).

In response to the previous explanation, so as to surmount students’ issues in oral

communication, they should have communicative competence. This coincides with
Cravotta (2004, p. 2) who states that communicative competence is critical in order to
have effective English communication since English is one of the international languages.
In alternative words, communicative competence is what speakers ought to know in order
to be communicatively competent in an exceeding speech community. Canale and the
young man (1980) states that communicative competence includes four components:
grammatical competence, discourse competence, sociolinguistic competence, and
strategic competence, which reflects the utilization of the linguistic system and the
functional aspects of communication respectively.5

B. Focus on the Study

This study focused on the Communication Strategies Perceived by Students in

Relation to Improve Speaking Ability During Pandemic COVID-19 at 2 nd Grade of
SMAN 3 Bukittinggi.

C. The Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background mentioned, the problem research is to know the

Communication Strategies Perceived by Students in Relation to Improve Speaking
Ability During Pandemic COVID-19 at 2nd Grade of SMAN 3 Bukittinggi. Thus, the
writer thinks the problem is: “How ‘s the communication strategy perceived by students
in relation to improve speaking ability during pandemic Covid-19 at 2 nd grade of SMAN
3 Bukittinggi”.

1, Yusparizal, Enny Irawati and Mirjam Anugerahwati, “Communication Strategies Used by ELT Students Across
Genders”, Jurnal Pendidikan Humaniora Volume 6, Number 1, March 2018, pp. 24–47
D. The Purpose of The Study

a. To know whether students perceived during the communication strategy in improving

speaking skills.
b. To help students improve the Speaking skill..
c. As a requirement for the writer to get receive bachelor degree title One (S1) on Tadris
majors (English language) UIN Imam Bonjol Padang.
E. The Significant of the Study

The result of this research is expected to give a contribution to researcher, teachers,

students, and other researchers. The significance of the studies are:

a. For the researcher, the researcher will get one solution to evaluate by using this
strategy. The researcher will know what the effect of communication strategy that will be
used in improving speaking skill of SMAN 3 Bukittinggi’s student. And next time, the
researcher will choose this Strategies as one of the solutions to evaluate.

b. For the English Teacher, the result of the study can evaluate clearly the effect of
communication strategy that will be used in improving speaking skill of SMAN 3
Bukittinggi’s student During Covid-19 Pandemic. This research can be given to the
teacher as a variation in teaching the English language.

c. For the student, This research as a presence to increase students' interest in learning the
English language with enjoyable and can be used to broaden and develop.

F. Defenition of Key Terms

1. English Speaking Skill

Speaking is that the active use of language to specific meaning, and for young
learners, the spoken languange is the medium through that a replacement language is
encountered, understood, practiced, and learnt. instead of oral skills being merely one
facet of learning language, the spoken kind within the young learner’s room acts because
the prime supply of acquisition. However, speaking issues are often major challenges to
effective foreign language learning and communication.

2. Communication Strategy

Communication strategy is one in all the cognitive psychology processes within

the inter languange and it is accustomed handle learners’ speaking problems. addressing
the employment of communication strategies in inter language, Ellis (1994: 396) states
that in theory, inter language covers 5 psycholinguistic processes that may have an effect
on the inter language construction and among them communication strategies are thought
to be one of the five processes which might be used by learners to handle their
communication problems.

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