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vec cera oat not GUIDE DOCUMENT PROCESS GUIDE ‘SubSection 4.1 Piping PART 4-SECTION 4 (CHAPTER It Siing otra forthe various types of ines [EQUIPMENT PROCESS GUIDE PART 4~ SECTION 4: EQUIPMENT SUB-SECTION 4.1 ~ PIPING CHAPTER I - SIZING CRITERIA FOR THE VARIOUS TYPES (OF LINES Pages made under his even 0 | arate | PORE emaran { cununenva er saan ma Technip cers aa noe Gude bocuMeNT PART4- SECTION 4 (CHAPTER I Sizing ertera for the various types oftines PROCESS GUIDE Sub-Sestion 4.1 - Piping EQUIPMENT ‘CONTENTS: 1. SIZING VALUES LA, Pressure drop: AP. 12. Fluid velocity: V 13. Kinetic energy: pV'72 2. PROCESS LINES Pomp suction and discharge ‘Suction and discharge of compressors (Column draw-off ‘Column head ‘Condenser outlet Reaetor inlet and outlet Fed and return ines attached t forced flow rebolers Fed and retura ines attached to natural circulation reboler Inlet and tlt nozzles of shell and tubes exchanger eed and outet lines ofa reboiing furnace Feed and owe lines of heating furnace Gravity ow lines ines connecting two vesels at different pressure values Release to atmosphere | 3. UIILITY LINES SA, Steam tines 32, Water and ful of nes | 33. Ale, ltrogen and ful gas lines 54. Steam condensate lines 4. LINESIN OFESITES 44. Pump sueton ines 42, Pump discharge lines 43. Connections between units and ofits, | FLARE: .—_LINES.TO BE CHECKED ON ISOMETRICS Techni etek) Cape Rae ie ce pz 4a oo GUIDE DocuMENT PROCESS GUIDE Sub-Section 41 - Piping PART 4~SECTION 4 (CHAPTER I~ Siang eriera forthe various types of ines BQUIPMENT L VALUES 11 Rresredrop AP 12 13 Itdirecly affects pump and compressor discharge pressre So, is optimization i esentl ia Ieinus be limited, citer for technological reasons concerning some pieces of equipment or fr speed of sound reasons (igh velocity flows), o for static electricity reasons. ‘Kinstc energy :pV92_ must be limited sine it isan indicator of stresses to be withstod by piping. Nose and vibrations reals related to the lid Kinetic energy. n prt, reference is made tthe pV" PROCESS LINES Pump suston and discharse ‘Suction and discharge lines can be quickly and simutancously sized using graph I. This graph shall ‘only be used for preliminary sizing: Checking at contact stage sallbe made on the basis of eriteria ‘developed hercar Beside velocity and pressure drop, NPSH i an ational sizing eriterion fr the pump suetion fine In the cave of ctntfigal pumps required NPSH increases when diferent pressure or flowrate increases. In the cate of revproating pumps more specially wien there ia single piston), pulses ‘make the NPSH problem more cia (snes i lso depends onthe length and ameter of the ston Tine), In this later case, it is necessary not to be too restive, and contract tage to transmit isometis ‘ofall suction ines of eiprocating pumps tothe Mechanical Department ‘Often accepted criteria st pump suction are the following 8) Liguids at bubble point or with dlssived gases Pressure drop Nomal 0.6 bart Maximum 09 bark ‘Maximum velo Line size upto 2” o6 mis Tine size fom 3°t0 10°09 mis ine size fom 12"to 18" 12s ine size higherthan 20" 1S mis sue vocument rRocess GUE Sub Seton 4. Ping PART 4- SECTION 4 (CHAPTER Il Sizing criteria fr the various types of fnes EQUIPMENT GRAPH IL1 - Pump section nd discharge — Quick szing ' 5 Dr, sa na cee g oe ese 2 oe hom. ue tat Catena Technip comm a (Guipe pocument PROCESS GUIDE, SubSection 4.1 = Piping PART. SECTION 4 (CHAPTER Il Sizing ritria fr the various types of ines EQUIPMENT: >) Liguids far from bubble point Pressure drop Noemal 23 bark Maximum 3s harkm Maximum xsosity Line size up t02 oom ine size fom 3"t0 6° 12mis ine size fom 81018" Sms ine size higher dan 20° rams 22 "sould be noted tht ithe liquid very hot (near 300°C or higher) it srecommended to remain ‘conservative to provide an aiioal safety margia to take into accourt pressure drops due to expansion loops Optimization of discharge lines is only the research of compromise between investment and ‘operating css, Operating costs increase vey fas when differential pressure rises, The following tra ar saute considered at pump discharge Pressure dp ‘Nom! 35 barn Maximum jo barian Maxim sslsiy RO mle (1.5 mien cate of igh Howrey ‘Suction and discharge of compressors Regarding sution and discharge of compressors, kinetic energy san importa sizing erterion, ‘Velocity mus be fimited to remain within aeceptable vibration ranges see Graph I-2). Incase of low suction pressure, the acceptable pressure drop may be rosbsiv, and thus fix the ston ine diameter “The use of pulsation dampers shoul allow lw pulses ofa reciprocating compressor tobe lowered to sn acoeplable evel sizing by the equipment Vendor) ing the bypass of «reciprocating compressor to alow stating ata “The engine must not overlook very low compression rate. ue eke carat age Technip ce ree an (Guide pocumeNT PROCESS GUIDE. Sub-Soston 4.1 = Piping PART4- SECTION 4 CHAPTER I~ Sizing criteria forthe raion types of tines EQUIPMENT GRAPH 2 [FoR UNES ATTACHED TO COMPRESSORS} Ny I | I ] | | Ewe Pa arcane nla eae dyer 2 Technip oe kOe? Pe ce Pu 4a, OT GUIDE DocuMENT PROCESS GUIDE Sub-Section 41 «Piping PART 4- SECTION 4 (CHAPTER It ~ Sizing eitera for the various types of ines EQUIPMENT 23 Column deaw-oft a raw-off flows either towards a pump suction or towards another vessel by grvity In te fist case, liquid is pumped at its bubble point (se paragraph 2.1). Inthe second case, for ‘ravi flow sizing rteron soe paragraph 212. ‘Curent seeped xtra fr draw-of towards pump suction are the fellowirg Pssure drop ‘Nonna! 06 bark Maximum 09 barn Nelo, ‘Avett dowapipe sal be insaed as close as posible to the tower, immeciately after the nozzle. It Shall be at east 3 1m long, with the same diameter a the nozale. Velocity is this dowapipe shall be Tiedt 0.6 ms for piping up 2” and wo 0.9 ms or those 3 and age. ‘The diameter may then be reduced, velocity fitria being then those ace fr liquids fr from thsi bubble pont, provide that pressure drop erteria defined above are complied With ‘Column head Graph 3 gives the allowable pressure deop 252 funeton ofthe column Servite presse It is also necessry t avoid vibrations for columns opemting at high presure with high density ‘overhead vapors, Sis necesary to chack thatthe pV snot oo high (15000 Pa), The velocity in ‘acum distillation overead fine wil be limited 90 mls, and the Tne aresure drop Timid 12 Sng maximum. GRAPH Allowable differential prose Technip Soret Chapa Pe PROCESS GUIDE, PART 4. SECTION 4 or yn ads eet ‘GUIDE DocumENT EQUIPMENT 25 26 a7 28 Condenser outlet the eluent is toally Hui, arviy flow eitria ar usod (se paragraph 2.12) the ofient gas guid mist, experience demonstrates that using the same erteion as for condenser ine, with average density methods stsitry, Reactor inlet and outlet If the reactor is operating in liquid phase, it ie then part of the pump discharge system (sce paragraph 2.) ‘Very often, reactors operate in vapor phase (HDT, reforming for instance, o in mixed phase (HDS, Inyrosracking te) In this cae reactor inet ot line sal be sized on ‘he basi of tho pressure drop allocate othe eaeton loop of, onthe basis ofa pV" eiterin, ema be wohl to verify hat flow modes of Hii as phases are continous eed and return lines attached to forced lw rboilers Feuding of «forced flow rebsile i simultaneously « pump dscharge (see paragraph 21) and an ‘exchanger inlet paragraph 29), So, the design shall be based oa the most irgent consis For return fine, whether mite phase of vapour pas, it isthe pV tat Fxesthe piping diameter (ee paragraph 2.9) with nthe case of mixed phase the additonal constant w havea continuous flow ‘eime (ennui o dispersed ia most ass). ‘Heed and return ne attached to natural creation reboller “The whole system mus be sized o thatthe difeence of hydrostatic presurebetveen inlet nd outlet should balance the pressure drops “The pressure drop in lines only an clement ofa more global auton thats described in detail in the exchanger design ide to which one shoud refer for further dels (Fart 4 Section 2- Sub- Section 22), “The Heat Exchangers Department is responsible fr the sizing of lines aud determination of the relative postion of the bole and th column, A il checking is made wih lines isometric Technip em wT Tt ‘Guibe pocumeNT PROCESS GUIDE ‘Sub-Secton 4.1 -Piping PART 4. SECTION 4 (CHAPTER I Sing ritra forthe various types of ines EQUIPMENT 2 For mited phase ret line, empirical formulae enable to estimate the optim:m diameter and pressure op Optimum diameter = a7370,°* (& ] oP = 1410" pV? LD (to be compared to the sverage demity metod, ‘Captr ti paragraph 13.1) Optimum diameter Ininces o ‘Vapor vue flowin fs apo density ini fa “Ligui density ina’ x ‘Weight vaporized faction ar Presse drop in bar fe “Average density ofthe mine phase ink? Mn “Aveag velit ofthe mised phase in ms L Ping nat ino» D Pipe diameter iam Lange capacity units sal be the subjst of the umost care I ecesary to provide at projet nal “sage either a substantial column elevation (about 6 71m) or to adopt a coun botom arrangement providing substatal hydrostatic head (preferential circulation, onee-through, fed fom chimney fin, The parpose i fo have a suicln allowable pressure dop in the sytem. Indeed, the stable ‘ype of flow (annular or dispersed) is generally atached to a substantial specie pressure dop 0.5 © D8 barr according othe average density method, Actua allowable pressure drop inthe return ine ofa natralcrelation rebile is approximately 0.20 ‘oW.a0 bark For kettle type rebole, velocity in fed tne sh ‘apour ole! ine shal Be Between 0.2 and 0.4 bark, be limited to 0.6 sand the presse drop in Inlet and outlet nosis of shell and tubes exchanger ‘Because of erosion and vibrations, pV in inlet and outlet nozzes of shell end tubes exchangers, fubeside as well se shllie, sall be limited to 6000 (4000 in Britsh unis) This limit Is ‘recommended by TEMA (seo paragraph 4.62. in TEMA, 1999 issue, at shel or bundle entrance. “Theres no requirement fo tubeside inthe TEMA. However, foe the purposes of proper distribution of fluid in es, the ste iit shal be considered fr tubeside nozzles {In case of revamping some latitude then exists regarding thi init (to be arsed withthe Clie). “The dixmeter of ile and outlet lines can be Tower than nozzles diameter, but the reverse sition sould not oscur, as rule Technip cepa woe euine DocumeNT PROCESS GUIDE Sub-Seston 4.1 = Piping PART4- SECTION 4 (CHAPTER I Sizing eres for the various types of ies [EQUIPMENT 210 Fee and outlet ines of a reboling furnace [As the funice fe bys pump, sizing criteria tached to pump discharge wl be applied forthe fed fine (ee paragraph 21) The stesun aout ein mixed phase. I is kineis ener, ie. pV, which wl fix the maximum velocity and consequent the piping diameter. ‘BesLand opted ins of a heating furnace “This case dies ffom he previous ane in thatthe outlet stream can bo aso fll Higuid or fully vapour he outlet stream is vapour, iti aways the maxima pV that will gover. the outetstream is guid, it ste pump discharge conditions hat remain spplicable In the case of a mixed phase stream at outlet, there are very fequent examples met in refining ‘industry: atmospheric or Yacuum transfer ies Experience gives presse drop (AP) vals for transfer lines. As example, for an atmosphere transfer lin, the recommended values are Small units Caton sel 3 bah Alloy see S107 bark arse units Alloy soe 203 bark | large capacity units, the transfer fine reaches substantial length (an approximately $0 long straight section). The pressare drop inthis ine must be limited in oder to ‘void erackng inthe force in ease of svete operating conditions with cracking sensitive crude ol, In this cas, the total pressure drop inthe transfer ine is limited to 0. bar for atmosphere distillation And 0 35 bar for vac disilaton Its not easy to comely size the vacuum transfer ine since the vaporzatin eae i very seasiie to pressure drop. Cakulton must be erative pe sections. [Allowable velocity may reach 80% of sound velocity necessny to check thi the diameter chosen is consistent withthe typeof flow, ether annular or Aispersed. Technip fener set chpnet ee ee ce ps2 aa GUIDE pocuMENT PROCESS GUIDE ‘SubSection 4.1 - Piping PART 4- SECTION 4 (CHAPTER I~ Siing otra forthe various types ofines [EQUIPMENT 22 Gravity ow aad a “Tho pressure drop i usually ited to 0.45 hak, ‘Normal velocity: 06 ms ins connecting two vessels af different pressre values “The maximum allowable pressure drop is direct piven bythe difereace between the two pressure vals ; maximum velocity will be dedoced from th limitation of the p\* due to vibeaton risks {15 000 Pa fr a vapor or @ mixed phase). For gases and steam, it may be allowed to exceed this Tinie when conditions allow i (sex le-down satis for instance) or require i (revamping for instance). Homever, 25000 Pe isthe value not to be exceeded. Release to atmosphere In case of proces release to atmosphero(regoneaton effluent rom rectors, er instance, the same criterias hone nated for Mare nes shal be used see paragraph 5). “UTILITY LINES Sing of wily lines is within the duties ofthe Process Deparment ‘These diameters shall be estimated using fast estimation graphs ‘Steam ines The following rcommenautons stall be compli! with ‘oases Dap Steam Pressure (carn) | Neral Masimum Tear Tong Tine" O12 C24 Stor ine ous tse Dieser — Phong 35 to Sar ine ie 230, War | one ti 035 (oe Stone hie 20 (0) “hee may op a ft al | Technip muerte Cor rr GUIDE DocuMeNT PROCESS GUIDE Sub-Secton 4.1 = Piping PART SECTION 4 [CHAPTER II -Sizng eres for the various types of ines EQUIPMENT | Maximum velocity (m/s) Line diameter Saturated steam | Superheated steam 0 5 sos" 30 0 210" 0 0 “The pV? shal be limited to 15 000 Pa as general rule. When there & an important available presse drop (in pressure le-down station for instance, higher presue drops may be allowed And the pV" limit canbe extended to 25 000 Pa Pressure drop in log laes feding turbines hall be subjected to pes care inorder to deliver (od extract) seam under condions speci for these machines. Technip Guive Document PROCESS GUIDE PART4--SECTION 4 [EQUIPMENT 32 Water and fuel ol nes ce Pa Sub-Section 4.1 - Piping (CHAPTER Sizing ertria forthe various types of ines ‘The following recommendations shall be fellowed. oe cata 0) 9) Use gaph 34 Steam condensate ines ‘sexvce [ autowascepressune | ALLOWABLE veLoctTY REMARKS | DROP a) (os) oun ATER | ‘orate esis op be ‘meds accurate ea + Man pater totic 1s 1503 ‘pea came tm pun | pmargsain aunts | Son cv ts amt | ge ie ay be alowed | enw, be wo se eng. ten rage Sermon, es tints 15 (otemaiieg | 15 wz ‘Sra dares used tr | Ertngines | 2 ae, coal fresh espe 2swas frshatinee | 25 oe ‘stb cnn send st 5 fer andnter ect el stage ince Nore day, proved ch | ser, fen ten onan spies. SEAWATER SYSTEMS 25035 Notas nan 2m oper | futon of se, se an | herons. Pronesplow ten sida | 351045 308 1 Presson tenstter | 78 5e8 FUELOL a5io4s | 33 fel gas ines | pseu steam trap, the ine shall have the same dsmetr asthe exchanger outlet nozzle ‘Downstream steam tap, ns shal be sized the bass of pressure drop of 2 t 0.3 barkm, So Technip ce ore ta eo ‘GUIDE DocuMENT PROCESS GUIDE Sub-Sestion 4.1 - Piping PARTA- SECTION 4 CHAPTER Il Sizing criteria forth various types of lines EQUIPMENT: Pree b= vapours ltr enon sot om lovable preemie opi ari ni eee tet chet ee Technip ee GUIDE DocuMENT PROCESS GUIDE Sub Section 4.1 - Piping PART SECTION 4 (CHAPTER II Siting ritria forthe various types of fines EQUIPMENT: 4 LINES IN ovEsrrEs 4a 42 In oie, the length of tins isthe major clement tring from the lines in units. The piping cst rato shall be higher than in units. This is Why an economic balance Will favour smaller lines and csi pumps. Pump suction tines In the case of «storage tank feeding the pump witha significant head of quid, sing extra for @ Tigi fr from its bubble point wil be sleted. Ie shouldbe note that some clients impose velocity limits in hie general spctications. In case of storage tank fod the pump with low head of liquid the main eterion tobe considered is the pump NPSH. A pariculny crcl line the suction ine ofthe pump feeding the crue cil atmospheric dsilation ‘nit Siing the diameter of thislin requires the following elements tobe taun ito conskeation. ‘True vapor pressure (RVP «> TVP correlation calculated for maximam punping temperature 1 Crude oil heting in in (for long lines in hot elinat counties) ‘Pump rquled NPSH (high for igh duty pumps) * Paafin deposit th ine ths quires safety margin to be considered [Note : In some cases, the suction tine may be under vacuum. Some regulations probit vacuum ‘onions when the Reais measured by a meter rk oa inake). amp discharge ines ‘Seleton ofthe diameter results rom the fllowing itera Sizing recommendations stout in paragraph 2.1 Beanie balance ‘Surge pressure water hammer) Pam standardization Technip ce rst ak noe Gung pocument PROCESS GUIDE Sub-Section 4.1 = Piping PART 4-SECTION 4 (CHAPTER Il Sizing criteria for the various types ofines [EQUIPMENT 43 Connections hetncen units and offites In most design studies, pressure availabe a batey limits is feed a prior Knowledge of the line routing eables to determine the actual pressure drop. Conventional pressures at hater) Tims ae a Fallows + Gasoline 4 berg * Keron, je fuel 4 bare * Gasol 4 bare Distilaes| $7 bore + Resides 57 bore Blumen /Furfralextacts 10 bare Waxes fom dewaxing unit 7 bare. Lube oil bases 1 bare ‘These values ususly prove conservative with diameters calculated within unis batery limits. Velocity limi i identical with hat of pump discharge ines REMARKS “Limit vlosty for kerosene fue In the case of lines ous units battery Hii, tis required nt to exceed a 3 mis velocity (with an shorage of 2 mis) A tank inlet (piping sections ia tank ded area) or at loading station inlet (over 50 100m long piping section), velocity sal be Limited to 1 mis ELARE LINE. Discharge lines of safety reli valves, flare headers and sub-eaders shall be sized according to three ‘Smulteneous etera 1 Pressure drop + Flid velocity * Kinetic energy ofthe Mid Pressure op sl be limite by maximum allowable back pressure allowed et elie valve discharge, ‘Velocity shal be limited o 0.3 1005 times the crt velocity ofthe Mud, which canbe ealeulted sng the fllotng formu, based on ideal as bypethess Ve: inmis em Y ‘Tsentropic expansion coefficient (itis equal to specifi heat rato, aT PM (Cpr, incase of ideal gs) R ¢Kdeal gas constant 8313 J°Kkmoles Ty 1 Fluid femperatre upstream pessure rei valve in"K PM: Fluid molecular weight in kkmoes Technip eke Oct ae ce p20 4a HF Ceuine pocuMeNT PROCESS GUIDE Sub-Section 41 - Piping PART SECTION 4 (CHAPTER It ~ Sing eitera for the various types of ines [EQUIPMENT Pipe tings generte turbulence the impact of whichis the rducton ofthe efetve flow area and the increase of velocity, with the isk of flowrate limitation if snd velocity s reached Flare systern sizing isthe subject of a speific design guide and of a dedicated computer program, *TORCHE” these tole 6 LINES TO BE CHECKED ON IsOMETRICS ope epeaton of ne iment mayen be ned if pene dos insone nes ae opty chee ‘During detail enginoering it is necessary to porform a check, as detailed as possible, ofthese eit pressure drops on isometries. This mainly concerns the following lines + Satin lines of emtifugal pumps + Saction lines of volumetric pumps : inthis case, the NPSH problem is complex and much depends ‘on the typeof pump (reipreatng, Suction tines of ow pressure compressor. + Rooyoing ins around rector (hyrtreatment,referming) the otal pressure opin ines and in ‘equipment determines the diferetapressre ofthe compressor. Expetiease has demonstrated that Sich enlnltion is required. The compressor is specified and ordered at contract inal tae. If pressure drop in Hines proves higher han expected, iis easier tO modify the diameter of lines and Tryout if neessry, tha to modify the compressor + Relief valves upstream tines when they are not acated directly on the equipment item to be protected. * Lins attached to natural culation reboilers. ‘+ Fractionation column overhead lines as wall as deav-off lines Far syst ines.

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