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5 principles (10 commandments)

1. “Work 6, Rest 1” this is the basis of the 4 th commandment. We must all rest in Sabbath day
because that is God’s day of rest too.
2. “Harm no one” this is coming from the 7 th commandment. We must not kill anyone because it is
unforgivable and against the 10 commandments
3. “if it’s not yours, don’t take it.” It is an example principle from the 8 th commandment. We shall
not steal anything from anyone.
4. “Always tell the truth.” Of course, the bible says that thou shall not lie. We must always be
truthful to everyone. it is an essential. If god is being truthful, we should too.
5. “don’t be jealous of other people’s things” we shall not covet other neighbor’s wife. We must be
contented on what we have and work hard to receive some more better. It is also based on the
10th commandment.


1. This is an important rule when it comes to criminal cases especially when it’s being investigated.
We must not touch anything inside the crime scene. Because in the investigation, everything
may be a clue. Even the smallest, non attractive details may be a clue itself. It needs to be
photographed for more detailed documents.
2. The only thing that is the same and can be compared between the two is, both are resulted in
arresting one or more criminal. But in contrast, an arrest with a warrant clearly has a solid proof
that a warrant was assigned by a judge or any official. They may arrest the criminal immediately.
On the other hand, an arrest without warrant is an arrest when a criminal was caught in the act
doing the crime. No need to wait for a warrant.

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