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SEMESTER 2 2020/2021

Title: Application of Hydrology in Water Resources

Groups need to carried out the comprehensive review related to current techniques/methods
based on topic given. The chosen paper/report must be published within year 2010 - 2021 in
order to ensure the paper’s content is still valid to cite.

Group members:
5 - 6 students in a group

Topics & Group

G1 - Analysis precipitation – Trend (Cumulative)
G2 - Areal mean precipitation
G3 - Estimating evaporation methods
G4 - Estimating evapotranspiration methods
G5 - Infiltration measurement
G6 - River flow – Manning equation
G7 - Runoff estimation – Rational method
G8 - Hydrograph methods
G9 - River flow routing – Muskingum method
G10 - Measurement groundwater flow method

The project report:
(a) Report- technical paper
(b) Format: 12pt, Times New Roman, 1.5-line spacing,
(c) Attach at least 2 minute of meeting to show the collaboration within members.
(d) List of references at least 20 - only from text books, journal, and conference paper.
(e) Structure of report
*Comprehensive review

In video form (5-6 minutes), please show the participation of all member of group in the video.
No copy-paste materials from the Youtube/internet.

The report project will be assessed using project’s rubric as attached.

Due date:
End of week 14 (via author)

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