Dynamic Force Analysis

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Dynamic Force Analysis

Simple Pendulum
A simple pendulum, in its simplest form, consists of heavy bob suspended at the end of a light
inextensible and flexible string. The other end of the string is fixed at O, as shown in Fig.
Let L = Length of the string, m = Mass of
the bob in kg,
W = Weight of the bob in newtons
= m.g, and
θ = Angle through which the string is displaced.

Periodic time,

Frequency of oscillation,
Compound Pendulum

When a rigid body is suspended vertically, and it oscillates with a small amplitude under the action
of the force of gravity, the body is known as compound pendulum, as shown in Fig.

Let m = Mass of the pendulum in kg,

W = Weight of the pendulum in newtons = m.g ,
k = Radius of gyration about axis thru center of gravity G,
h = OG.
Compound Pendulum
If the pendulum is given a small angular displacement θ, then the couple tending to
restore the pendulum to the equilibrium position OA

Since θ is very small

mass moment of inertia about the axis of suspension O,

∴ Angular acceleration of the pendulum,

angular acceleration is directly proportional to angular displacement, therefore the pendulum

executes simple harmonic motion.
We know that the periodic time
Compound Pendulum
A small flywheel of mass 85 kg is suspended in a vertical plane as a compound pendulum.
The distance of centre of gravity from the knife edge support is 100 mm and the flywheel
makes 100 oscillations in 145 seconds. Find the moment of inertia of the flywheel through
the centre of gravity.
Given : m = 85 kg ; h = 100 mm = 0.1 m
Since the flywheel makes 100 oscillations in 145 seconds, therefore frequency ofoscillation,
n = 100/145 = 0.69 Hz

Frequency of oscillation,

kG= 0.2061 m
I =3.6 kg-m2
Equivalent length of simple pendulum
Equations of periodic time of simple pendulum and compound pendulum are given
Periodic time of simple pedulum,

Periodic time of compound pendulum

By comparing above equation we see that the equivalent length of a simple pendulum,
which gives the same frequency as compound pendulum, is
Bifilar Suspension
The moment of inertia of a body may be determined experimentally by bifilar suspension.
When the body is twisted through a small angle θ about a vertical axis through the centre of
gravity G, it will vibrate with simple harmonic motion in a horizontal plane.
• Let m = Mass of the body,
• W = Weight of the body in newtons = m.g,
• kG = Radius of gyration about an axis through the centre of gravity,
• I = Mass moment of inertia of the body about a vertical axis through G,
• l =Length of each string,
• x = Distance of A from G (i.e. AG),
y = Distance of B from G (i.e. BG),
 = Small angular displacement of the body from the equilibrium
position in the horizontal plane,
• φA and φB = Corresponding angular displacements of the strings, and
• α = Angular acceleration towards the equilibrium position.
Bifilar Suspension

When the body is stationary, the tension in the strings are given by

When the body is displaced from its equilibrium position in a horizontal

plane through a small angle θ, then the angular displacements of the
strings are given by

Component of tension TA and TB in the horizontal plane

Bifilar Suspension
Net couple or torque applied

Accelerating torque

for equilibrium condition,

Restoring torque = accelerating torque. Hence.
9 small connecting rod of mass 1.5 kg is suspended in a horizontal plane by two wires 1.25
m long. The wires are attached to the rod at points 120 mm on either side of the centre of
gravity. If the rod makes 20 oscillations in 40 seconds, find the radius of gyration and the
mass moment of inertia of the rod about a vertical axis through the centre of gravity.
Given : m = 1.5 kg ; l = 1.25 m ; x = y = 120 mm = 0.12 m
Since the rod makes 20 oscillations in 40 s, therefore frequency ofoscillation ,
n = 20/40 = 0.5 Hz
Analytical Method for Velocity and
10 Acceleration of the Piston
Velocity of the piston
From the geometry

From triangles CPQ and CQO, CQ = l sin φ = r sin θ or l / r = n = sin θ/sin φ; or sin φ = sin θ/n
Analytical Method for Velocity and
Acceleration of the Piston
Velocity of the piston

Expanding the above expression by binomial theorem, we get

Substituting the value of (1 – cos φ) in equation

Analytical Method for Velocity and
Acceleration of the Piston
Velocity of the piston

Differentiating equation (iv) with respect to θ,

∴ Velocity of the piston P,

Substituting the value of dx/dθ from equation

Velocity of the piston

Analytical Method for Velocity and
Acceleration of the Piston
Acceleration of the piston

Velocity of the piston

Acceleration of the piston

Analytical Method for Velocity and
Acceleration of the Piston
Acceleration of the piston

Acceleration of the piston

Analytical Method for Velocity and
Acceleration of the Piston

Displacement of the piston

Velocity of the piston

Acceleration of the piston

Analytical Method for Velocity and
Acceleration of the connecting rod

Angular displacement of connecting rod

Angular velocity of connecting rod

Angular acceleration of connecting rod

Formulae to be remember

Displacement of the piston

Velocity of the piston

Acceleration of the piston

Angular displacement of connecting rod

Angular velocity of connecting rod

Angular acceleration of connecting rod

Dynamic force analysis of reciprocating
engine mechanism
Reciprocating engine mechanism
Reciprocating engine mechanism
Reciprocating engine mechanism
Why flywheel?
 Flywheel reduces speed fluctuations during a cycle for a constant load, but
flywheel does not control the mean speed of the engine if the load changes

 The four stroke engine running at lower speed needs

heavier fly wheel.
Dynamic force analysis of reciprocating
engine mechanism
Piston effort

Force acting along the connecting rod

Thrust on sides of cylinder

Dynamic force analysis of reciprocating
engine mechanism
Crank effort

Thrust on crank shaft bearings

Crank effort or turning moment or torque on the crank shaft:

Dynamic force analysis of reciprocating
engine mechanism
Equivalent Dynamical System

Why: To determine the motion of a rigid body conveniently.

How: To replace the rigid body by two masses placed at a fixed distance apart.
Result: Center of mass has same linear and angular acceleration under external force.

Consider a rigid body, having its centre of gravity at G,

m = Mass of the body,
kG = Radius of gyration about its centre of gravity G,
m1 and m2 = Two masses which form a dynamical equivalent system,
l1 = Distance of mass m1 from G,
l2 = Distance of mass m2 from G,
L = Total distance between the masses m1 and m2.
Equivalent Dynamical System

1. the sum of their masses is equal to the total mass of the body ;

2. the location of center of gravity remains same;

3. net mass moment of inertia about the centre of gravity are equal.

When these three conditions are satisfied, then it is said to be an equivalent dynamical system.
Equivalent Dynamical System

From equations (i) and (ii),

Substituting the value of m1 and m2 in equation (iii), we have

One distance (either l1 or l2) is arbitrary chosen. Other one is obtained from above equation.
Center of percussion (or sweet spot)

For equivalent Dynamical System

Equivalent length of a simple pendulum, if the rigid

body is suspended from the point A.

Point B is center of oscillation or percussion.

Center of percussion (or sweet spot)
The connecting rod of a gasoline engine is 300 mm long between its centres. It has a
mass of 15 kg and mass moment of inertia of 7000 kg-mm2. Its centre of gravity is at 200
mm from its small end centre. Determine the dynamical equivalent system.
Given: l = 300 mm; m = 15 kg; I = 7000 kg-mm2; l1 = 200 mm
Correction Couple

Consider two masses, one at A and the other at D be placed arbitrarily, as shown in Fig.
We know,
T=I.α = m(k)2α
I = Mass moment of inertia of a dynamically equivalent system;
m = mass of rigid body;
k = Radius of gyration of a dynamically equivalent system.

Similarly, the torque required to accelerate the two-mass system placed arbitrarily,
T1=I1.α = m(k1)2α
I1=New mass moment of inertia of the two masses;
k1=New radius of gyration;
α=Angular acceleration of the body;

∴Difference between the torques required to accelerate the two-mass system and the torque
required to accelerate the rigid body,
T'=T1–T = m(k1)2α – m(k)2α = m[(k1)2 – (k)2]α...(iv)

The difference of the torques T' is known as correction couple.

This couple must be applied, when the masses are placed arbitrarily to make the system
dynamical equivalent.
Turning moment diagram

Why: To store energy when available and deliver it in need.

How: Absorbs mechanical energy by increasing its angular
velocity and delivers the stored energy by decreasing its velocity.
When: If the source or load is of fluctuating in nature.
Result: Smooth speed.

Cause of speed variation:

(a) Variable torque is supplied where demand is a constant torque
Ex: An internal combustion engine or a steam engine which is used as a prime mover to drive generators,
centrifugal pumps, etc.
(b) Demand is variable torque whereas constant torque is supplied.
Ex: A punching machine which is driven by a prime mover like electric motor.
Four stroke internal combustion engine
Single Cylinder Double Acting Steam Engines
Multiple Cylinder Steam Engines
Fluctuation of energy about Tmean
Area above mean torque line of the diagram
= Energy added to the flywheel
Area below the mean torque line of the diagram
= Energy taken from the flywheel

Net surplus or deficiency in energy about Tmean is zero. So, net change in Tmean value over complete cycle is zero.
Important terms

 Maximum fluctuation of energy, e = Emax – Emin

 Coefficient of fluctuation of energy, Ke = e/Enet

 Enet denotes net work done per cycle (Area under

the T- curve w.r.t. zero torque line)

 Coefficient of fluctuation of speed, K

Relationship between e, K and E
Dimension of Flywheel rim

 Inertia due to hub and spokes is neglected.

Dimension of Flywheel rim

Equations to be used in numerical:

 Calculate velocity from:
 =  . v2

 Calculate diameter from:

 Calculate mass from:

 Calculate width or thickness from:


 Calculate velocity from:

 =  . v2

 Calculate diameter from:

 Calculate mass from:

 Calculate width or thickness from:

Riveting or Punching Operation
S = stroke length
b = thickness of the plate
tc = Time required in complete cycle (one crank rotation)
tr = Time required in each riveting or punching operation
Er = Energy required in each riveting or punching operation
Pm = Motor power
Energy supplied by motor in one cycle (during tc time) = Pm . tc
Maximum energy utilized during punching (during tr time) = Er = Pm . tc
Minimum energy produced by motor during punching (during tr time) = Pm . tr
Energy supplied by flywheel = Pm . tc – Pm . tr =

Fluctuation of energy = e = Pm . tc – Pm . tr

Number of rivet closed or hole punched in time t


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