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Dear Fellow Students,

After reading the module and additional material as well as watching videos in session1 , please
answer these Questions :

1. What is a Business Cycle?

business cycle refers to economy-wide fluctuations in production, trade, and general economic activity.
From a conceptual perspective, the business cycle is the upward and downward movements of levels of
GDP (gross domestic product) and refers to the period of expansions and contractions in the level of
economic activities (business fluctuations) around a long-term growth trend.

So I can summarize the business cycle as the economic cycle or the trade cycle. In simple terms, the
business cycle can be interpreted as a series of economic conditions that occur repeatedly, constantly, and
regularly in a certain period. Although repetitive, the length of the business cycle cannot be predicted or
determined with certainty.

2. What benefits can a business have when he knows the business cycle of his business? 

the benefit of the business cycle are :

- business cycle is a useful tool for analyzing the economy,
- business cycle can also helped Him make better financial decisions,
- he also can knows about increase his profit and overcome his loss.

3. What month of the year is the best to open a business in your opinion? 

Actually I don't know that opening a new business should see a good day, but there are some filled in
where to be successful the business is opened in a month, according to which there are many good days,
those days have different characters.

According to my business experience, around June or more precisely during Ramadan and Eid is a pretty
good month to start a business. However, the month for the celebration of Ramadan is not always in June.
And December is the right month because it coincides with Christmas and New Years.

But in my personal opinion, this is a good month to start a business in a month that has holidays such as
Ramadan, Christmas, or New Year, it's a good day to start a business, especially in the food sector,
because when on that celebration day we gather. with family and need a lot of food to eat. celebrate this

Source by: BMP MODUL ADBI4201 Bahasa Inggris Niaga.
Reading Material : Bussiness Cycle (inisiasi 1)

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