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DURATION 60 minutes


1.0 Introduction.

Centrifugal pumps are rotodynamic pumps and operate normally primed. They are in
widespread use, and are deployed primarily in the pumping of water. Their applications
include use in shipbuilding, the process industries and in water supply systems. They are
compact and relatively simple in design. The water is conveyed by centrifugal force
generated by the rotation of the pump impeller. Standard pumps are – as the term suggests
- standard items. As a result they are relatively inexpensive to purchase and maintain. In the
lifecycle of a pump, maintenance and repair work is usually required as in many cases
pumps are not considered as pure replacement items.

This practical task enables a typical standard centrifugal pump to be assembled and
maintained. Students become familiar with all the pump components and their modes of
operation. Systematic assembly and disassembly of a pump is practiced.

2.0 Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:-

1. Apply the concept of mechanical components to solve related problems. (C3, PLO1)

2. Organize appropriately experiments in groups according to Standard Operating

Procedure (P4, PLO5)

3. Perform the troubleshooting on mechanical component failure and damage. (P4,


3.0 Laboratory objective

Assembling and disassembling the centrifugal pump.

4.0 Safety Precautions

4.1 Make sure the student follows the laboratory or workshop safety regulators.

4.2 Practical task or experiment must be conduct by lecturers or experience lab assistance

5.0 Equipment

MT 180 GUNT Centrifugal Pump Training Kit.

6.0 Instructions.
6.1 Assembling the centrifugal pump.
6.2 Dissembling the centrifugal pump.
6.3 Record observation for preventive maintenance.

Assembling the centrifugal pump

- Drive the radial ball bearing with the jig 1 and the soft
hammer onto the rearsent shaft.
- The bearing is attached with the hexagon head
screws to the front bearing seat in the bearing block.

- Drive the shaft with the jig 1 and the soft hammer
from the rear into the bearing block and the front part
of the bearing.

- The corrugated spring is attached against the rear

- The bearing cover is attached with the hexagon head
screws to the rear bearing seat into the bearing block.
- The splash ring is pushed onto the front part of the
- Inserting the feather key into the rear keyway of the
- The shaft protective sleeve is pushed onto the front
part of the shaft.
- Push the assembly unit 1 - packing gland with full of
care over the shaft and against the assembly unit 2
( bearing block ).
- Also push the O-ring over the shaft against the shaft
- The washer is pushed over the shaft against the O-
ring and the shaft sleeve.
- The feather key is inserted into the key way of the
- The spiral housing is attached with the hexagonal nut
at assembly unit 2 ( bearing block ).

- Lastly, fit the four sealing plugs with the flat seals,
into the tapped hole of the spiral housing.
Dissembling the centrifugal pump

- First thing first, unscrew the four sealing plugs

from the tap hole of the spiral housing.
- Secondly, unscrew the hexagonal nut from the
stud bolts from the spiral housing.
- Thirdly, detach the spiral housing from the
assembly unit 2 (bearing block).
- The flat seal is removed from assembly unit 1
(packing gland).
- Detach the hexagonal cap nut and spring ring
from the shaft using the socket wrench. Brace the
impeller with the screwdriver.

- Next, detach the impeller from the shaft.

- The feather key is removed from the key way of
the shaft.
- The washer is detached from the shaft.
- Release and remove carefully the O-Ring from
the shaft sleeve with a screwdriver.
- The feather key is removed from the rear key
way of the shaft.
- The splash ring is detached, from the shaft.
- The hexagon head screws is detached from the
rear bearing seat in the bearing block and
remove the bearing cover.
- The corrugated spring is detached from the rear
- The puller is placed over the radial ball bearing.
- The hexagon head screws is detached from the
front bearing seat in the bearing block. The
bearing cover is removed.
- Drive the shaft carefully, together with the front
radial bearing out of the bearing block towards
the front using the soft hammer.
- Lastly, drive the radial ball bearing out of the
shaft using the jig 2 and the soft hammer.

7.0 Result/Data

Centrifugal pumps are rotodynamic pumps and operate normally primed. They are in
widespread use, and are deployed primarily in the pumping water.
8.0 Discussion

8.1 Based on your observation, explain the basic concept and the application of
centrifugal pump in real application.

 The basic concept of a Centrifugal Pump is that when a certain mass of liquid is made to
rotate by an external force. It is thrown away from the central axis of rotation and a
centrifugal head is developed which enables it to rise to higher levels may be ensured.
The fluid enters the pump impeller along or near to the rotating axis and is accelerated
by the impeller, flowing radially outward into the diffuser or volute chamber (casing),
from which it exits.
 The application of Centrifugal Pump are the most popular and commonly used type of
pump for the transfer of fluids. In simple words, it is a pump that uses a rotating impeller
to move water or other fluids by using centrifugal force. These are the undisputed pump
choice especially for delivering liquid from one location to another in numerous
industries including agriculture, municipal (water and wastewater plants), industrial,
power generation plants, petroleum, mining, chemical, pharmaceutical, and many

8.2 Develop maintenance procedures for the centrifugal pump.

 Clean bearing bracket from any oil if found

 Check oil drain plug
 Lubricate the bearings
 Inspect suction and discharge flanges for any leak.
 Inspect pump casing for any unusual damage signs.
 Inspect the seal
 If the pump is offline check the coupling and its shims for any damage.
 Make sure that the coupling guard is well tightened to pump base plate.
 Check that motor alignment bolts are all in place.

9.0 Conclusion

- After completing this report we conclude that the experiment is a success. This is done with
the aid of the lecturer. Centrifugal Pump is a kind of machinery used for pumping water
through the centrifugal movement.
10.0 Reference


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