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What is Steganography?

Steganography is the art and science of embedding secret messages in a cover message in
such a way that no one, apart from the sender and intended recipient, suspects the
existence of the message

The diagram below depicts a basic steganographic model.

As the image depicts, both cover file(X) and secret message(M) are fed into steganographic
encoder as input. Steganographic Encoder function, f(X,M,K) embeds the secret message
into a cover file. Resulting Stego Object looks very similar to your cover file, with no
visible changes. This completes encoding. To retrieve the secret message, Stego Object is
fed into Steganographic Decoder.

Steganography Tutorial: Historical Background

Steganography is the practice of concealing a secret message behind a normal message. It

stems from two Greek words, which are steganos, means covered and graphia, means
writing. Steganography is an ancient practice, being practiced in various forms for
thousands of years to keep communications private. For Example:

 The first use of steganography can be traced back to 440 BC when ancient Greece,
people wrote messages on wood and covered it with wax, that acted as a covering
 Romans used various forms of Invisible Inks, to decipher those hidden messages
light or heat were used
 During World War II the Germans introduced microdots, which were complete
documents, pictures, and plans reduced in size to the size of a dot and were attached
to normal paperwork
 Null Ciphers were also used to hide unencrypted secret messages in an innocent
looking normal message

Now, we have a lot of modern steganographic techniques and tools to make sure that
knows our data remains secret. Now you might be wondering if steganography is same as
cryptography. No, they are two different concepts and this steganography tutorial presents
you the main differences between them.
So, in other words, steganography is more discreet than cryptography when we want to
send confidential information. The downside being, the hidden message is easier to extract
if the presence of secret is discovered. For the remainder of this steganography tutorial, we
will learn about different steganography techniques and tools.

Steganography Techniques

Depending on the nature of the cover object(actual object in which secret data is
embedded), steganography can be divided into five types:

1. Text Steganography
2. Image Steganography
3. Video Steganography
4. Audio Steganography
5. Network Steganography

Let’s explore each of them in detail.

Text Steganography

Text Steganography is hiding information inside the text files. It involves things like
changing the format of existing text, changing words within a text, generating random
character sequences or using context-free grammars to generate readable texts. Various
techniques used to hide the data in the text are:

 Format Based Method

 Random and Statistical Generation
 Linguistic Method

Image Steganography

Hiding the data by taking the cover object as the image is known as image steganography. 
In digital steganography, images are widely used cover source because there are a huge
number of bits present in the digital representation of an image. There are a lot of ways to
hide information inside an image. Common approaches include:

 Least Significant Bit Insertion

 Masking and Filtering
 Redundant Pattern Encoding
 Encrypt and Scatter
 Coding and Cosine Transformation
Audio Steganography

In audio steganography, the secret message is embedded into an audio signal which alters
the binary sequence of the corresponding audio file. Hiding secret messages in digital
sound is a much more difficult process when compared to others, such as Image
Steganography. Different methods of audio steganography include:

 Least Significant Bit Encoding

 Parity Encoding
 Phase Coding
 Spread Spectrum

This method hides the data in WAV, AU, and even MP3 sound files.

Video Steganography

In Video Steganography you can hide kind of data into digital video format. The advantage
of this type is a large amount of data can be hidden inside and the fact that it is a moving
stream of images and sounds. You can think of this as the combination of Image
Steganography and Audio Steganography. Two main classes of Video Steganography

 Embedding data in uncompressed raw video and compressing it later

 Embedding data directly into the compressed data stream

Network Steganography (Protocol Steganography)

It is the technique of embedding information within network control protocols used in data
transmission such TCP, UDP, ICMP etc. You can use steganography in some covert
channels that you can find in the OSI model. For Example, you can hide information in the
header of a TCP/IP packet in some fields that are either optional.

In today’s digitalized world, various software tools are available for Steganography. In the
remainder of this Steganography Tutorial, we will explore some of the popular
steganographic tools and their capabilities. 

Best Tools to Perform Steganography

There are many software available that offer steganography. Some offer normal
steganography, but a few offer encryption before hiding the data. These are the
steganography tools which are available for free:
 Stegosuite is a free steganography tool which is written in Java. With Stegosuite
you can easily hide confidential information in image files.
 Steghide is an open source Steganography software that lets you hide a secret file in
image or audio file.
 Xiao Steganography is a free software that can be used to hide data in BMP images
or in WAV files.
 SSuite Picsel is another free portable application to hide text inside an image file
but it takes a different approach when compared to other tools.
 OpenPuff is a professional steganographic tool where you can store files in image,
audio, video or flash files

Well, these are few tools to perform steganography. There are many other different tools
with different capabilities. However, you will get the desired results from these tools.
How is Steganography different from Cryptography?

At their core, both of them have almost the same goal, which is protecting a message or
information from the third parties. However, they use a totally different mechanism to
protect the information. 

Cryptography changes the information to cipher text which cannot be understood without
a decryption key. So, if someone were to intercept this encrypted message, they could
easily see that some form of encryption had been applied. On the other hand,
steganography does not change the format of the information but it conceals the existence
of the message. 


Definitio It is a technique to hide the It’s a technique to convert data

n existence of communication into an incomprehensible form

Purpose Keep communication secure Provide data protection

Never Always

Doesn’t alter the overall structure of Alters the overall structure of
data data

Optional, but offers more security if

Key Necessary requirement

Failure Once the presence of a secret If you possess the decryption

key, then you can figure out
message is discovered, anyone can
original message from the
use the secret data

How steganography is used in audio system?

The basic model of Audio steganography consists of Carrier (Audio file), Message and
Password. Carrier is also known as a cover-file, which conceals the secret information.
Basically, the model for steganography is shown in Fig 3. Message is the data that the
sender wishes to remain it confidential. Message can be plain text, image, audio or any
type of file. Password is known as a stego-key, which ensures that only the recipient who
knows the corresponding decoding key will be able to extract the message from a cover-
file. The cover-file with the secret information is known as a stego-file.

The information hiding process consists of following two steps [9, 10]. i.
Identification of redundant bits in a cover-file. Redundant bits are those bits that can
he modified without corrupting the quality or destroying the integrity of the cover-file.
Message Stego key Embedding Module Stego file Carrier (Audio file)
The International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications (IJMA) Vol.3, No.3,
August 2011 89 ii. To embed the secret information in the cover file, the redundant
bits in the cover file is replaced by the bits of the secret information.


There have been many techniques for hiding information or messages in audio in
such a manner that the alterations made to the audio file are perceptually
indiscemible. Common approaches include


A very popular methodology is the LSB (Least Significant Bit) algorithm,

which replaces the least significant bit in some bytes of the cover file to hide
a sequence of bytes containing the hidden data. That's usually an effective
technique in cases where the LSB substitution doesn't cause significant quality
degradation, such as in 24-bit bitmaps.

In computing, the least significant bit (LSB) is the bit position in a binary integer
giving the units value, that is, determining whether the number is even or odd.
The LSB is sometimes referred to as the right-most bit, due to the convention in
positional notation of writing less significant digit further to the right. It is
analogous to the least significant digit of a decimal integer, which is the digit in
the ones (right-most) position.

Figure: Binary representation of decimal 149

The binary representation of decimal 149, with the LSB highlighted. The MSB in
an 8-bit binary number represents a value of 128 decimal. The LSB represents a
value of 1. For example, to hide the letter "a" (ASCII code 97, which is
01100001) inside eight bytes of a cover, you can set the LSB of each byte like


The application decoding the cover reads the eight Least Significant Bits of
those bytes to re- create the hidden byte—that is 0110001—the letter "a." As
you may realize, using this technique let you hide a byte every eight bytes of the
cover. Note that there's a fifty percent chance that the bit you're replacing is the
same as its replacement, in other words, half the time, the bit doesn't change,
which helps to minimize quality degradation.
Fig 5 illustrates how the message 'HEY' is encoded in a 16-bit CD quality sample
using the LSB method. Here the secret information is ‘HEY’ and the cover file
is audio file. HEY is to be embedded inside the audio file. First the secret
information ‘HEY’ and the audio file are converted into bit stream. The least
significant column of the audio file is replaced by the bit stream of sectet
information ‘HEY’. The resulting file after embedding secret information ‘HEY’
is called Stego-file.

Figure 5. LSB coding example


Parity coding is one of the robust audio steganographic technique. Instead of

breaking a signal into individual samples, this method breaks a signal into
separate samples and embeds each bit of the secret message from a parity bit. If
the parity bit of a selected region does not match the secret bit to be encoded, the
process inverts the LSB of one of the samples in the region. Thus, the sender
has more of a choice in encoding the secret bit. Figure 6, shows the parity
coding procedure.

Figure 6. Parity coding


The phase coding technique works by replacing the phase of an initial audio
segment with a reference phase that represents the secret information. The remaining
segments phase is adjusted in order to preserve the relative phase between segments. In
terms of signal to noise ratio, Phase coding is one of the most effective coding methods.
When there is a drastic change in the phase relation between each frequency
component, noticeable phase dispersion will occur. However, as long as the
modification of the phase is sufficiently small, an inaudible coding can be achieved [4,
19]. This method relies on the fact that the phase components of sound are not as
perceptible to the human ear as noise is.

Phase coding is explained in the following


a. Divide an original sound signal into smaller segments such that lengths are of the
same size as the size of the message to be encoded.

b. Matrix of the phases is created by applying Discrete Fourier Transform

(DFT). c. Calculate the Phase differences between adjacent segments.

d. Phase shifts between adjacent segments are easily detectable. It means, we can
change the absolute phases of the segments but the relative phase differences
between adjacent segments must be preserved. So the secret information is inserted
only in the phase vector of the first signal segment as follows:

e. Using the new phase of the first segment a new phase matrix is created and the
original phase differences.

f. The sound signal is reconstructed by applying the inverse Discrete Fourier

Transform using the new phase matrix and original magnitude matrix and then
concatenating the sound segments back together.

The receiver must know the segment length to extract the secret information from the
sound file. Then the receiver can use the DFT to get the phases and extract the secret
information (consider Figure 4 for phase coding procedure) [20].

Figure 7. Phase coding


In audio steganography, the basic spread spectrum (SS) method attempts to

spread secret information across the frequency spectrum of the audio signal. This is
similar to a system which uses an implementation of the LSB that spreads the message
bits randomly over the entire sound file. However, unlike LSB coding, the Spread
Spectrum method spreads the secret information over the frequency spectrum of the
sound file using a code which is independent of the actual signal . As a result, the
final signal occupies a bandwidth which is more than what is actually required for

The Spread Spectrum method is capable of contributing a better performance in

some areas compared to LSB coding, phase coding, and parity coding techniques
that it offers a moderate data transmission rate and high level of robustness against
removal techniques. However, the Spread Spectrum method has one main
disadvantage that it can introduce noise into a sound file . The Spread Spectrum steps
are shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8. Spread Spectrum (SS)


Echo hiding technique embeds secret information in a sound file by introducing an echo
into the discrete signal. Echo hiding has advantages of providing a high data
transmission rate and superior robustness when compared to other methods. Only one
bit of secret information could be encoded if only one echo was produced from the
original signal. Hence, before the encoding process begins the original signal is
broken down into blocks. Once the encoding process is done, the blocks are
concatenated back together to create the final signal . Echo Hiding is shown in Figure

Figure 9. Echo hiding


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