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English 9


1. What sound device is used by the speaker to suggest actions, movements and

” The door banged;

the wind wheezed;
the rain dropped”
a. alliteration c. consonance
b. assonance d. onomatopoeia

2. Using the line “The crows in boughs throws endless brawls” in a poem , the
poem becomes musical. What do you call to this device?
a. rhythm c. internal rhyme
b. end rhyme d. repetition

3. It is the central part of poetry that adds to the enjoyment of a poem .What
element of poetry is defined?

a. repetition c. alliteration
b. rhythm d. rhyme

4. There are different types of poetry. Which one expresses the writer’s personal
feelings and emotions?
a. Epic c. Lyric
b. Narrative d. Ballad

5. Who wrote the following quotation? “ Life is a big sea, full of fish. I let down my
nets and pull.”
a. William Wordsworth c. William Shakespeare
b. Edgar Allan Poe d. Langston Huges

6. _____________gives the reader unbiased facts about a topic. It provides the

readers with details on a given topic and is not an argumentative article that tries
to persuade the reader to one side or the other.

What kind of article is defined?

a. informative article c. Journalistic article

b. News article d. Narrative article

7. __________ refers to the prominence given to a syllable or word which makes

the word or syllable stand out above the adjacent syllable or word. What word is
defined in the sentence?
a. intonation c. pitch
b. stress d. tempo

8. This feature of speech also known as inflection,is the movement of the voice
up or down, along the line of sound. What familiar term is defined?

a. intonation c. tempo
b. stress d. pitch

9. In a speech choir presentation, which of the following is not a part of a criteria?

a. Delivery c. Gestures/ Facial Expressions

b. Voice quality d. Photography

10. What word is being defined?

A ___________ is a meaningful musical expression of significant human

experiences where powerful words are used to signify the beauty and grandeur of

a. narrative c. story
b. poem d. poetry

11. The following are pointers in preparing for a speech choir presentation. Which
is not important?

a. Have a copy of the poem and use it as a working script where you’ll underline
the parts you find most dramatic like words, phrases, images, etc.
b. Understand the text thoroughly before you memorize it.
c. Prepare a camera to shoot the development of every practice.
d. Decide on and be creative in your choice of props, costumes, scenery,
Sound effects or other forms of musical background.

12. If the word minute is stressed on the last syllable, what does it mean?

a. tiny c. second
b. record d. moment

13. Which of the following sentences used dash correctly?

a. “My country’s problem is a basic one—food. “, the speaker exclaimed.

b. His virtues are tact—tact resourcefulness, and a sunny disposition.
c. The big news which impressed the employees—of course, but depressed
me was that Luis Munoz—would get the manager’s job.
d. The gas was two—thirds full.

14. A hyphen is a connecting mark used between words or part of words. Which
of the following phrases does not need to use hyphen?

a. a three- fifths turnout to break even.

b. Twenty- peso bills in the
c. World- War veteran
d. Fresh- baked bread

15. The following are uses of quotations marks except one. Which is not?

a. Quotation marks are used to enclose the exact words of a speaker.

b. Quotation marks are used to enclose any direct quotation from another
c. Quotation marks are generally used to enclose titles of chapters of books,
magazines, articles, essays, short stories, poems and songs.
d. Quotation marks are used to exclude unnecessary words of the sentence.
16. Ellipsis is a punctuation mark of three spaced dots used to show an omission
in writing or printing or it can used to show that a statement is left unfinished. One
of the following does not need to use ellipsis. Which one of these?

a. The beginning writer must understand that slang… is effective only when
used with sophistication.
b. For help…with your income tax, Mr. Catacutan is the person to see.
c. A dictionary, then, is a record of existence… Future historians will learn
form dictionaries a great deal about twentieth-century life.
d. Why should we trust him? As you know, where there is smoke…

17 . Which of the sentences uses the correct use of contraction?

a. Do you know that shell’ be coming home and that they’re preparing for her
b. Don’t cry out loud, the baby might be awakened.
c. He’ll try not to be affected by your harsh words for he has a strong will to win
the race.
d. It’s doesn’t mean that you will win the race.

18. Which of the following sentences contains sequence signal?

a. First, the milk is received at the milk plant where the different operations are
performed; grading, weighing, and sampling the milk.
b. The milk flows to a classifier which removes foreign material and sediment.
c. The classified milk may be homogenized to prevent cream formation.
d. The pasteurized milk is cooled to 50%F or below

19. Which is the best summary of the statement?

”As we move toward the 21st, humanity is faced with seven major issues which
must be confronted if we are to survived.”

a. As we move toward the 21st century humanity is faced with seven major issues
b. Humanity is faced with seven major issues.
c. Humanity of the 21st century are faced with seven major issues.
d. Seven major issues are faced by the humanity of 21 stcentury.

20. One way to enrich your vocabulary is to build a Word Bank. Entries in a word
bank are done through reading text.
What word is synonymous to the underlined word?

If you want to convince people of your cause, you must take a resolute stand for
your convictions.

a. wavering b. bendable c. determined d. yielding

21. At the beginning of the semester, Daniella was diffident, but now she is one of
the most poised speakers in the class.

a. Confident b. shy c. obtrusive d. extrovert

22. Ironically, movie stars idolized by young people are the ones who popularize
illicit relationships.
a. Lawful c. draw out
b. Prohibited d. legitimate

23. Guillermo Tolentino’s hands were swift and agile…His eyes were sharp. What
word is the opposite of the underlined word?

a. pointed c. abrupt
b. keen d. Dull

24 . Everyone is endowed with some natural or inborn talent., or gift, which varies
in kind and in degree from individual or another. Some
may find it easy to learn subjects like History, Mathematics, and English. These
people possess academic aptitude. They are the
ones who become academicians and scholars.

What type of text is this?

a. Journalistic c. technical
b. informative d. narrative

25. Here is how sardines are canned. First of all, the sardines are caught in the
deep sea. Then they are brought ashore and taken to the factory for processing.
At the factory there are several stages in the process.______, the head is
removed and each fish is cleaned and gutted. _____ the fish is placed in an
enormous pressure cooker to which soya oil, spices, salt and artificial flavoring are
added. ______ cooking, the sardines are place into cans. Carrots and pickled
cucumber are mixed before the cans are sealed to keep the contents
contamination –free. ______, the cans are labeled, packed in boxes, and
dispatched to the shops.

What words will you use to fill in the blanks to show proper sequence of ideas in
the paragraph?

a. Now, Afterwards, Then, Lastly

b. First, then, after, finally
c. Now, Then, Afterwards, Lastly
d. First, Next, Then, Finally

26. How do you arrange the words in the sentence without changing the idea?
A colorful lantern was hanging from the ceiling.

a. A colorful lantern was from the hanging ceiling.

b. A ceiling was hanging from a colorful lantern.
c. Hanging from the ceiling was a colorful lantern.
d. Hanging was a colorful lantern from the ceiling

27. What best conclusion can be drawn from this statement.

After Mary’s interview with the personnel manager, she was told to go back the
next day.

a. The interview was too short.

b. The manager did not have much time for the interview.
c. Mary was considered for the job.
d. She needed to submit her resume
.28. Which of the following sentences is the best conclusion?

.“Nanet told me that all the old letters I sent her are well kept in her hope chest.”

a. She feels lazy to read the letters.

b. She treasures our friendship by preserving tokens, like letters.
c. She has ignored the letters for a long while.
d. She has decided to keep the letters for the meantime because she is busy

29. In the sentence “ I beg your pardon “Where will you put the stress if you
intend to express disagreement.

a. I c. your
b. beg d. pardon

30. A word may have several meanings. From the list, which of the following
meanings of the italicized word would best fit the text?

The principal will brief the students on the new policy.

a. give information
b. summarize
c. short in time
d. condense in expression

31. Which of the sentences illustrates the use of the underlined words
“It may be that sunshine floods the green world still.”
a. Be still for the enemies might find us here.
b. You are still the leader of the group.
c. Those who take the greatest care still make mistakes.
d. There is still more difficult problem.


. “I have learned your lessons, bird of dappled wing,

Listening to your music with its lilt of spring.

a. They fetch water from a spring.

b. The spring of the door was destroyed.
c. Flowers begin to bloom in spring.
d. Don’t spring from the board

33.The following are lines from the song” Father and Son”. What
mood does the father have while he’s talking with his son?

“It’s not time to make a change

Just relax take it easy.
You’re still young, that’s your fault.
There’s so much you have to know”

a. passive c. easy
b. serious d. conniving
34. The quoted phrase is explained. Which is the best explanation?
“Man’s cavalier attitude toward his responsibilities and
obligations to Mother Earth”

a. Man does not seriously consider maintaining the ecological

b. Man guards and therefore helps preserve our natural resources
c. Man regards God’s creation with great respect and admiration.
d. Man looks at nature like a cavalry officer exploiting the men under

35. Poems, songs, and essays are literary works that are used as a
means of expressing one’s ideas or feelings. Just like the song of Bob
Dylan “Blowin in the Wind” He expressed his feelings about what he

“Yes, how many years can a mountain exist

Before it is washed to the sea?
How many years can some people exist,
Before they’re allowed to be free?
Yes, And how many times can a man turn his head,
And pretend that he just doesn’t see?
The answer my friend is blowin’ in the wind.

Why does the singer sing this song?

a to simply ask questions

b. to express satisfaction and contentment
c. to express grief and dissatisfaction
d. to express happiness

36. What is the best paraphrase of the lines form the poem “Barter”?

“ Life has loveliness to sell

All beautiful and splendid things.”

a. There are things that life is selling.

b. There are beautiful things in life
that people ignored them.
c. There are many beautiful and splendid things
that life offers us.
d. There are many gifts for all of us that we take for granted.

37 .Korina Sanchez is one of the most popular Filipino broadcasters in the news
media today. She has won Broadcasting Award in 2008. She got her start in
journalism as an editor at the Manila times. When the newspaper went out of a
business, a colleague persuaded her to enter the field of broadcasting. She
moved to Manila to begin a master’s degree in broadcast journalism at University
of the Philippines. Following her graduation, she was able to begin her career as a
local newscaster with RPN 9, and rapidly moved to national television. Noted for
her quick wit and trenchant commentary, her name has since become
synonymous with Good Day, Philippines! Accepting the award at the National
Convention of Broadcast Journalism held in Manila, Korina Sanchez remarked, “ I
am so honored by this award that I’m at a total loss for words.” Who would ever
have believed it?

What is the purpose of the announcement?

a. To invite people to the National Convention of Broadcast Journalism

b. To encourage college students to study broadcasting
c. To recognize Ms. Sanchez’ accomplishments
d. To advertise a job opening at the Manila county times

38. What does the expression “ to become synonymous with “ mean.

a. To be same as
b. To be the opposite of
a. To be in sympathy with
b. To be discharged from

39. “I have learned your lesson bird of dappled wing,

Listening to your music with its lilt of spring
When the storm- cloud darken, then’s the time to sing.”

Based on the lines, what lesson did the speaker learn from the bird?

a. When problem comes, don’t be sad. Rather face it with a cheerful heart to make
it easier to bear.
b. Problems come naturally; they naturally go.
c. You could do nothing but to face all the problems.
d. When problems come, sing many songs. You will forget them.

40.“The eye was wide open; I grew furious as I gazed at it. I saw it clearly. It’s
dull .”blue color chilled me to the bones

What did the speaker feel while he was telling it?

a. annoyed c. scared
b. angry d. happy

41. What feeling is reflected in the following line?

“There is nothing anyone can that will help me.”

a. hopelessness c. amazement
b. happiness d. anger

42. The collector was looking at the new antique statue. He said, “It’s mine, all
mine!. What a beauty! What life! The dream of what a soul!”
What feeling is expressed by the speaker?
a. rejoice. sarcastic
b. inspired d. irritated
43. In what sense does the following selection appeal?

Slowly, the town folk came out of their houses to see the strange visitors. The people
were humanoid, under five feet tall, and just as amazingly thin and bald as he who led the
party from the spaceship.

a. touch c. hearing
b. sight d. smelling

44. What does the line mean? “Don’t hide the light on the bushel”?

a. One should not hide his eyes on a shade.

b. One should not keep light inside the bus.
c. One should exhort the talents he has to help others.
d. One should not keep good words but expose.

45. What mode or tone is used by the speaker?

“You foolish children, You leave the safety of my walls . and come back to this
dangerous shore, as your father did before you! The big wave will return and
sweep you into the sea.”

a. anger c. encouragement
b. discouragement d. serious

46. What is the message of the poem?

Have love. Not love alone for one

But man as man thy brother call,
And scatter like a circling sun
Thy charities on all.

a. To love is not only intended for one but for two or more.
b. To truly love your neighbor is to give charity.
c. Treat your fellowmen as your brother so we can be loved
d. Treating your neighbor is a charity.

47. Which of the following is the closest meaning of the poem

. I Shall Not Live in Vain

If I can stop one heart from breaking

I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life from aching
Or cool one’ s pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again
I shall not live in vain.

a. The poem tells us that we must live with a purpose, set goal and direction; so,
we can make our life meaningful.
b. It means that we can never live in misery if we just know how know paint a robin
with nest.
c. The poem expresses a message that we were born in this world to live only to
d. To live in this world is not easy, that’s why we must not hurt other’s heart.

48. In the poem “Crossroads”, What does the author ask these questions?

“ Shall I follow the stream

Or cross the sea?
Strive for a dream
Or let life be?”

a. to express that he is asking for information

b. to express that he can follow the stream and cross the sea. express that he is asking for help.
d. to express that in life we encounter two directions or choices that we need to
choose or to follow.

49. Seagull family believed that they were born to eat and stay alive as long as
they can.Jonathan Livingston was a seagull different from the other gulls. He
loves flying better than eating. Because of what he did, he was centered for
shame and it meant he would be cast out of the society.
“Jonathan, you shall learn that irresponsibility does not pay.”
Jonathan raised his voice “Irresponsibility? My brothers! He cried. “Who is more
responsible than a gull that finds and follows the meaning, a higher purpose for
life? For a thousand years, we have scrabbled after fish heads, but now we have a
reason to live—to learn, to discover, to be free. Give me a chance to show what
I’ve found…”

What mood is reflected in the lines of Jonathan Livingston Seagull?

a. light c. playful
b. sarcastic d. serious/outspoken

50. At thirteen, Edward a science-fiction Keller had been devotee for four years.
He bubbled with galactic enthusiasm. Aunt Clara who brought him up. It appalled
her to watch him so immersed in fantasy.
“Face reality, Eddie,” she would say angrily.
He would nod, but would go on ,” And I dreamed Martians were chasing me”
Aunt Clara would say severely, Now. Eddie one of these nights you won’t be able
to wake up out of your dream. You’ll be trapped!.”Then what?”

If Eddie had a dream, what might it had been?

a. He would continue dreaming, anyway, he an atomic power.
b. He was trapped by Martians
c. He woke up; otherwise he would have been trapped.
d. He asked for help from others who had special powers.



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