Gantt Chart: Life and Work Balance of Elementary Teachers During The Pandemic

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December January February March April
Activity Status
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Submission of the Research Proposal
to the research adviser for a review
Submitting Research Proposal to the
panelists for approval
Filling up HAU IRB forms
(Registration and Application Form,
Protocol Assessment Form, and Completed
Informed Consent Assessment
Submitting the Research Proposal
with the completed HAU IRB forms Completed
to the Research Facilitator
Waiting for the approval the
panelists with the HAU IRB forms
Distribution of informed consent
forms to the research participants
Data Collection Completed
Data Analysis Completed
Polishing of manuscript Completed
Thesis Defense In Progress
Finalization of Thesis Manuscript Pending
Submission of the final manuscript
to the School of Education (SED)

For the month of DECEMBER

A week of revision after the Title Defense, the Research Proposal was submitted to the
research adviser for a thorough review. With comments and few modifications, the group was
given a “go signal” to contact other panelists for their sign of approval for the revised
manuscript. Two out of three panelists have already approved it. One panelist, however, wasn’t
satisfied with the interview questions for the research. They asked for a revision with the
questions as according to them, it was not related to the research questions. As a result, the
group, with the assistance of the research adviser, formulated a new set of interview questions to
get the panelist’s approval. This caused another week of revision of the manuscript, which was
worked on during the last week of December to the first week of January.

For the month of JANUARY

During the first week of January, a revised set of interview questions was given to the
panelist. After a few days of checking the newly revised questions, they were finally satisfied
with it and they too have given their sign of approval. The group had contacted the other
panelists for the modification on interview questions. Once the three panelists have given their
approval for the manuscript, the principal investigator filled out HAU IRB forms. This includes
the Registration and Application Form, Protocol Assessment Form, and Informed Consent
Assessment Form. As it was accomplished, the principal investigator emailed the research
professor with a file containing the research manuscript and the HAU IRB forms. Till the end of
the month, the group was waiting for a response and approval from the Instructional Review
Board office.

For the month of FEBRUARY

It was announced that there was a change of plans in approving the research manuscripts.
Groups shall be submitting their final manuscript to their research advisers. The adviser will then
have to meet with the panelists, who together will review the group’s manuscript so they can
issue a certification that the proposal is compliant with ethical standards. Our adviser informed
us that they will be meeting with our panelists by the end of the preliminary week in
consideration of their busy schedules. During this time, we are at the stage of waiting for our
adviser to meet up with other research panelists. It is anticipated that we get a response by the
last week of February till the first week of March. Once the panelists issue a certification, it is
planned that our adviser will then submit the certification and approved manuscript to the
research professor.
During the last week of February, the principal investigator produced a consent letter to
the principal of the school as permission that the group will be interviewing some of the teachers.
The letter for the principal was approved by the Dean of School of Education and the Research
Adviser by February 25, 2021.

For the month of MARCH

From the last week of February to the first week of March, the researchers distributed
informed consent forms to the research participants before conducting an interview. The form
that was given contained a certificate of consent, along with background information about the
research, procedures of the interview, possible risks, confidentiality note, benefits of
participation, a note about voluntary participation, and contact information of the researchers and
the HAU IRB office. After the data collection has been completed, the researchers allotted the
whole month of March for the analysis of data and polishing of the manuscript in preparation for
the scheduled defense in April.

Prepared by:

Czarmin Jill A. Hernandez

Principal Investigator

Noted by:

Dr. Nestor C. De Guzman

Research Adviser

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