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FIN Act 4: Muslim Caliphates (632 – Present)

Caliphate(s) Inclusive Years Leader(s) Significant Contributions /Accomplishments

8 June 632 - Abu Bakr He held together the political structure created
Rashidun Caliphate 22 August 634 byMohammed at Modina, defeated separatist revolts, and
initiated the expansion of Islam into Syria and Iraq.
Hasan ibn All's Caliphate 661 - 750 Hasan ibn Ali Ali had apparently failed to nominate a successor before
he died; however, on several occasions, he reportedly
expressed his idea that "only the Prophet's Bayt were
entitled to rule the Community.
Umayyadd Caliphate 9 October 705 Al-Walid He reorganized and strengthened governmental
administration and throughout the empire, adopted
Arabic as the language of administration.

Abbasi Caliphate 10 June 754 - 6 Al-Mansur He is known for founding the 'Round City of Madinat
October 775 al-Salam which was to become the core of imperial
Baghdad. Modern historians regard Al-Mansur as the real
founder of the Abbasid Caliphate
Mamluk Abbasid dynasty 13 June 1261 - Al Mustansir Al Mustansir is particularly known for establishing
28 November Mustansirlya Madrasah, at that time taught many subjects
1261 including medicine, mathematics, literature, grammar and
Islamic religious studies
Ottoman Caliphate 24 April 1512 - Selim 1 Selirn's conquest of the Middle Eastern heartlands of the
22 September Muslim world, and particularly his assumption of the role
1520 of guardian of the pilgrimage routes to Mecca and
Medina, established the Ottoman Empire as the most
prestiglous of all Muslim states
Fatlmid Callphate November 900 Al-Mahdi Billah Al-Mahdi Billah the founder of the Isma'ili Fatimid
- 3 April 934 Caliphate, the only major Shi'a caliphate in Islamic history,
and the
eleventh imam of the Isma'ili faith
Almohad Caliphate 1133- 1163 Abd al-Mu’min The founder of the Almohad dynasty and creator of the
empire. As a leader of the Almohad movement he became
the first Caliph of the Almohad Empire in 1133

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